Block Rotation and Rope Stability PDF

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Block rotation:

Block rotation aand rope

very stabilityproblem.

Also called cabling, block rotation occurs when HOW TO HELP REDUCE BLOCK ROTATION.
multi-part reeving twists together at a certain height, There are at least seven different operating practices
entangling the parts of rope between the traveling you can use to minimize block rotation on your crane.
block and boomtip. It can happen with little warning,
making it virtually impossible to lift or lower a CHANGE THE RIGGING GEOMETRY.
suspended load. Twisted hoist lines can bring a This includes the following operating practices:
project to a sudden halt, resulting in downtime.
– Use larger diameter traveling block sheaves to
But the good news is this. You can minimize block increase the rope spacing. As the diameter of the
rotation through proper installation and handling, as traveling block sheave increases, the chances for
well as take corrective measures. block rotation are reduced.

TWIST-FREE INSTALLATION. – Use the outer (farthest apart) sheaves – traveling

Normal spooling and handling block and boom.
can induce twist in a rope. If twist
becomes trapped in the rope it can – Dead-end the rope at the boomtip to increase the
cause spooling problems or a kink spread between the wire rope parts.
resulting in permanent damage
and/or operational problems with USE THE SHORTEST FALL LENGTH POSSIBLE.
spooling or block rotation. The length of fall, or the distance from the pick point
to the point sheaves, is critical. Longer fall lengths
Two factors are key to proper are less stable and more likely to lead to block
installation no matter what type of rotation.
equipment, or which wire rope is
being used: making sure the rope is AVOID ODD-PART REEVING.
free of twist and assuring that the An even number of parts is more stable.
rope is tightly spooled on the drum.
THE KEY IS UNDERSTANDING TORQUE. Attach a tagline to restrain the load block and keep
Every wire rope – regardless of type, the load from rotating.
classification, grade or manufacturer – will develop
Standard 6-strand ropes do not provide any rotation
Torque is normal and natural, caused by the way resistance. There are different levels of rotation
wire ropes are made. Wires are first laid together in resistance that can be obtained from specialty ropes.
a spiral to form strands, then several strands are laid For maximum block stability use Starlift Xtra or
together in a spiral to form the rope. When loaded, XLT4. Both XLT4 and Starlift Xtra ropes are also used
wires and strands try to straighten out, thus creating in single part hoisting.
There are other specialty ropes that provide some
Another source of torque is any change in the rope rotation resistance. Our Flex-X 19 and 19 x 7 ropes
lay length. This is normally caused by “milking” or are Category 2 rotation-resistant ropes. Flex-X
rotation at the end of the rope. 19 is very resistant to crushing in multiple layer
spooling and is frequently used in multi-part hoisting
Torque in a rope affects the tendency of the traveling applications.
block to rotate. Thus, it’s important to minimize any
Block rotation and rope stability

Category 1 ropes and specially designed low-torque Ropes that provide load stability can often provide
ropes (XLT4), due to their special design, may be the best and most economical service in specific
used with a swivel. Other wire ropes should not be applications when you choose, handle and use them
used with a swivel. properly.

With standard, non-rotation-resistant rope, Category Contra-helically laid, rotation-resistant ropes are
2 rotation-resistant rope and Category 3 rotation- different from standard, non-rotation-resistant
resistant rope, a swivel in an end termination will ropes because they’re designed to reduce rope
allow rotation in a direction that unlays the outer torque. Modes of failure and wear for rotation-
strands when the rope is loaded. This can cause a resistant ropes can differ from those for standard
reduction in rope strength, unbalance in the rope rope constructions. The very nature of these ropes
and spooling problems. requires special handling, selection and usage not
encountered with standard constructions.
While the rope rotation only occurs between the
swivel and the first sheave, the unlaid rope travels These ropes are more susceptible to kinking, crushing
over the sheave as the load is lifted and introduces and unbalancing in the form of “core pops” and
unlaying to the section of the rope beyond the “birdcages” if used or handled improperly. Use care to
sheave. This unlaying becomes trapped and will not avoid operational practices that can possibly lead to
come out of the rope when the load is removed. these conditions.

The trapped unlaying causes twist in the rope, There are different types of rotation-resistant ropes,
which leads to block rotation, erratic spooling, categorized by their resistance to rotation. Category
unbalancing and decreased rope service. Remove 1 rotation-resistant rope has at least 15 outer strands,
the swivel from the rope termination and follow has three or more layers of strands (over a center)
steps to remove twist from the rope to optimize and has little or no tendency to rotate, or, if guided,
rope service. transmits little or no torque. It can be used with a
swivel. Because Category 1 rotation resistant ropes
CHECK SHEAVE ALIGNMENT AND GROOVE SIZE. are manufactured with little or no preforming, it is
Improper sheave alignment or groove size can critical to not remove the welded ends. If the welded
“milk” the lay in a rope and cause torque. ends are removed the rope can become unbalanced.
Category 2 rotation-resistant rope has 10 or more
outer strands, has two or more layers of strands (over
a center) and has a significant resistance to rotation.
Category 3 rotation-resistant rope has no more than
9 outer strands, has two layers of strands (over a
center) and has limited resistance to rotation. For best
performance, Category 2 and 3 rotation-resistant ropes
should not be used with a swivel.
Block rotation and rope stability

Industry testing has been conducted to help you Four independent variables are used in pairs to locate a
assess the block stability of your rigging configuration reference point on the graph that indicates the stability of the
and rope selection. The bands on this graph lift being made. The ratios used include:
approximate the block stability for four types of wire L/S = Length of fall (ft.) ÷ Spacing of the rope (ft.).
ropes in multi-part systems: L = Length of fall measured from the centerline of the point sheave to
the centerline of the traveling block sheave as shown in the diagram.
– 6-strand, right regular lay, IWRC
S = Average diagonal spacing of the rope at the boom point and the
– Category 3 (limited resistance) traveling block sheaves as shown in the diagram.
– Category 2 (significant resistance)
D/d = (D) Average pitch diameter of point and block sheaves (in.) ÷ (d)
– Category 1 (little to no rotation)
nominal rope diameter (in.).

The band for Category 1

rotation-resistant ropes is
based on torque values.
The bands for 6-strand,
Category 2 and Category L
3 rotation-resistant
ropes were developed
in field research jointly
conducted by Wire Rope
Technical Board and the
Power Crane and Shovel D

For 2-part reeving, S = average pitch diameter of point and block

For 3-part reeving, S = 2/3 of 2-part
For 4-part reeving, S = diagonal distance of rope parts
For 5-part reeving, S = 4/5 of 4-part
For 6-part reeving, S = diagonal distance of rope parts
For 7-part reeving, S = 6/7 of six-part system
Some graphs were developed in field research jointly conducted
by Wire Rope Technical Board and the Power Crane and Shovel
When the reference point on the graph lies above the
Loaded Loaded
appropriate band, block rotation will probably occur. If the
Block Rotates Block Doesn’t Rotate
reference point lies below the band, then the lift will probably be
Unloaded Probably stable without block rotation. If the point lies within the band,
Twist in Rope
Block Rotates Geometry block rotation is uncertain.
Unloaded Unstable
No Problem!
Block Doesn’t Rotate Geometry

Form No. 1181

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