Extemporaneous Speech

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Extemporaneous Speech

 Lesson6 chapters
 Questions

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 explain an extemporaneous speech;

 distinguish it from the other types of speeches according to delivery;
 follow tips on how to effectively deliver an extemporaneous speech; and
 deliver an extemporaneous speech successfully.

What are the types of speeches according to delivery? How do they differ from one another?

Let’s Review!
Let us recall the three types of speeches according to delivery that you have learned so far:

 A manuscript speech or reading from a manuscript is done when a speaker reads to the
audience a prepared text or manuscript, which may be prepared by someone else or by the
speaker himself or herself.
 A memorized speech is given by committing every word of the speech to memory and then
delivering it in front of an audience.
 An impromptu speech is made with no advance planning. It is delivered with very little or no

In this lesson, you will learn the last type of speech according to delivery: extemporaneous speech.

earn about it!

Extemporaneous Speech
Extemporaneous speaking is the most preferred method of delivery among many public speakers
because it is a middle ground between a manuscript speech and a memorized speech. An
extemporaneous speech is given from notes or a speech outline. A speaker does not read a
manuscript word for word nor does he memorize every word. In this type of speech, the speaker
uses his or her prepared notes or outline as guide and elaborates it using his or her own words.

Here are other characteristics of an extemporaneous speech:

 It sounds natural. It uses a conversational tone because the speech is not read verbatim or
committed to memory.
 Its exact wording is chosen at the time the speech is being given. The speaker is not tied to
specific wording.
 It allows the speaker to practice in advance the flow of the speech using the prepared notes
or outline.
 It enables the speaker to engage the audience more and freely interact with them.
 It is flexible. It gives the speaker more room to adapt to the situation, and it allows for
elaboration, explanation, or restatement of ideas if the audience seem to be confused.

Although extemporaneous speaking is the most popular method of delivery, it may not be
appropriate in some very formal occasions where precise wording is required such as in an
inaugural ceremony and other political addresses. However, in many speech situations such as
meetings, oral presentations, lectures, and business proposals or presentations, extemporaneous
speaking is recommended.
Try it!
Practice extemporaneous speaking using the given tips. Choose one topic from the list below.
Deliver your speech in front of classmates or friends and solicit feedback. The speech should run for
4 – 7 minutes only.

 The local TV program that should be promoted (or banned)

 The major environmental issue in the Philippines
 Three key areas the government should focus on
 Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines?
 How can the government address traffic woes in Metro Manila?

What was the feedback of your audience? Are there things you should improve on? What should
you do to effectively deliver the speech next time?

There are four types of speeches according to delivery: manuscript (or reading from a manuscript),
impromptu, memorized, and extemporaneous. An extemporaneous speech is given from notes or a
speech outline. In this type of speech, the speaker uses his or her prepared notes or outline as guide
and elaborates it using his or her own words. To deliver an effective extemporaneous speech,
prepare the notes or outline, rehearse the speech using the notes, speak in a conversational
manner, and pay attention to the audience’s feedback. It is also important to have a captivating
introduction, an organized body, and a strong conclusion.

When a speaker gives a speech using prepared notes or outline, he or she is delivering a/an _ speech.

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A/An _ lists the main points and subpoints that support the thesis or the central idea of the speech.

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The following speech situations are appropriate for an extemporaneous speech except _.

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Good extemporaneous speakers must do the following except _.

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Which of the following is not true about an extemporaneous speech?

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Which ways can an extemporaneous speaker do when he or she notices that some of the audience members look co
nfused about what was said?

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While attending his best friend’s wedding, Daryl hears the audience chanting "Daryl, Daryl! Speech . . . Speech!" Wha
t type of speech delivery will Daryl be giving?

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The president will be delivering a State of the Nation Address tomorrow. What is the best type of speech delivery to u
se in this situation?

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Among the four types of speech delivery, why is extemporaneous speaking the most recommended method?

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Identify the most appropriate method of speech delivery for each of the given speech situations.

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