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UNIT‐1 Antenna Basics

Introduction: Antennas have become important part in our day-to-day life. They are
everywhere: at our homes and work places, on our cars and air craft, while our ships, Satellites
and Space Crafts. Even as pedestrians, we carry them.

Antennas may be of infinite varieties. But all operate according to the same basic
principle of electromagnetic. Antennas are our electronic eyes and ears on the world. They are
an essential and integral part of our civilization.

Basic radiation equation: Antenna may be defined as a structure associated with a region of
transition between a guided wave and free space wave or vice-versa. Antennas convert
electrons to photons or vice-versa. Regardless of antenna type, all involve the same basic
principle that radiation is produced by accelerated charge. The basic equation of radiation may
be expressed simply as

IL = Basic radiation equation


I˙ = time changing current, As


L= Length of current element, m

Q= Charge, C
r˙= time changing velocity equals the acceleration of the charge, ms
Thus, time changing current radiates and accelerated charge also radiates. The radiation is
perpendicular to the square ofIL or Qr˙.

Two wire Transmission line as an Antenna:

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The two wire transmission line in figure (a) is connected to a radio frequency generator or
transmitter. Along the uniform part of the line, energy is guided as a plane transverse
electromagnetic mode (TEM) wave with little loss. The spacing between wires is assumed to be
small fraction of a wave length. Further on the transmission line opens out in a tapered
transition. As the separation approaches the order of wavelength or more, the wave tends to be
radiated so that the opened out line acts like an antenna which launches a free space wave. The
currents on the transmission line flow out on the antenna and end there, but the fields
associated with them keep on going.

The transmitting antenna in figure (a) is a region of transition from a guided wave on a
transmission line to a free space wave. The receiving antenna in figure (b) is a region of
transition from a free space wave to guided wave on a transmission line. Thus an antenna is a
transition device, or transducer, between a guided wave and free space wave or vice-versa. The
antenna is a device which interfaces a circuit and space.

From the circuit point of view, the antennas appear to the transmission line as a
resistance Rr, called the radiation resistance. It is not related to any resistance in the antenna
itself. But is a resistance coupled from space to the antenna terminals.

Patterns: The radiation resistance is the variation of field or power (proportional to the field
squared) as a function of the spherical coordinates θ and φ. So radiation patterns are 3-
dimensional quantities.

To completely specify the radiation pattern with respect to the field intensity and
polarization requires three patterns. They are

(1). The θ component of the electric field as a function of the angles θ and φ or Eθ(θ,φ)
. in vm

(2). The φ component of the electric field as a function of the angles θ and φ or Eφ (θ,φ)
. in vm

(3). The phases of these fields as a function of the angles θ and φ or δθ(θ,φ) and δφ (θ,φ)
measured in radians or degrees.
Any field pattern can be represented in 3-dimensional spherical coordinates as shown in above
figure which shows the 3-dimensional field pattern with pattern radius, r (from origin to pattern
boundary at the dot) proportional to the field intensity in the direction θ and φ. The pattern has
its main lobe (beam) or maximum radiation in the z-direction (θ=0) with minor lobes (side and
back) in other directions.

Normalized field and power patterns: Dividing a field component by its maximum value, we
obtain a normalized or relative field pattern which is a dimension less number with maximum
value of unity. Thus the normalized pattern for the electric field is given by

Normalized field pattern= Eθ(θ,φ)n=Eθ(θ,φ)/ Eθ(θ,φ)max. (Dimension less)

Patterns may also be expressed in terms of the power per unit area (or pointing vector
S(θ,φ)).Normalizing this power with maximum value of unity. Thus the normalized power pattern
is given by

Normalized power pattern= Pn(θ,φ)n=S(θ,φ)/ S(θ,φ)max. (Dimension less)

2 2 -2
Where : S(θ,φ)=Poynting vector = [Eθ (θ,φ)+ Eφ (θ,φ)]/Z0 Wm
S(θ,φ)max.= maximum value of S(θ,φ) Wm

Z0= intrinsic impedance of free space = 377Ω.

HPBW and FNBW: Any field pattern can be represented in 3-dimensional spherical coordinates
as shown in the above figure or by plane cuts through the main lobe axis. Two such cuts at right
angles called the principal plane patterns in xz and yz planes may be required but if the pattern
is symmetrical around the z-axis, one cut is sufficient. The below figures (a) and (b) are the
principal plane field and power patterns in polar coordinates.
The angular beam width at the half power level or half power beam width (HPBW) or 3-
Db beam width and the beam width between first nulls (FNBW) are also shown in figures. These
two are important pattern parameters.

Beam area or beam solid angle (ΩA): In polar two dimensional coordinates an incremental
area dA on the surface of a sphere is the product of the length rdθ in the θ direction and rsinθdφ
in the φ direction as shown in below figure.

From the figure dA= (rdθ) (rsinθdφ) = r dΩ

Where dΩ= sinθdθdφ=solid angle subtended by the area dA ( in steradians or square degrees).

The area of the strip of width rdθ extending around the sphere at a constant angle θ is
given by (2πrsinθdθ) (rdθ). Integrating this for θ values from 0 to π yields the area of the sphere.
2 2 2 2
Area of the sphere=2πr sinθdθ=2πr [-cosθ] = 2πr [-(1)-(-1)] = 4πr

where 4π = solid angle subtended by a sphere, Sr. Thus one steradian=(solid angle of
2 2 2
sphere)/4πor 1 rad =(180/π) (deg) =3282.8064 sq. degrees = solid angle in sphere.

The beam area or beam solid angle or ΩA of an antenna is given by the integral of the
normalized power pattern over a sphere (4πSr). That is ΩA= Pn(θ,φ) sinθdθdφ or

ΩA= Pn(θ,φ) dΩ (Sr). The beam area of an antenna can often be described approximately in
terms of the angles subtended by the half power points of the main lobe. Thus
Beam area~ ΩA ~ ΘHP φHP (Sr) where ΘHP and φHP are the half power beam widths along θ
and φ directions respectively.

Radiation Intensity: The power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called the
radiation intensity, U (θ,φ) measured in watts per steradian or watts per square degrees. The
normalized power pattern can be expressed in terms of U (θ,φ) as P n(θ,φ) = U (θ,φ)/ U (θ,φ)max.
Hence the pointing vector, S depends on the distance from the antenna but, the radiation
intensity U is independent of the distance.

Beam efficiency: The total beam area ΩA consists of the main beam area ΩM plus the minor lobe
area Ωm.i.e. ΩA= ΩM+ Ωm.

The ratio of the main beam area to the total beam area is called the beam efficiency, cM. Thus

Beam efficiency = cM = ΩM/ ΩA.(dimension less)

The ratio of minor lobe area (Ωm) to the total beam area is called the stray factor (cm) i.e. cM = Ωm/
ΩA. It follows that cM +cm=1.

Directivity, D and gain, G: The directivity of an antenna is equal to the ratio of the maximum
power density over a sphere P(θ,φ)max. to it’s average value over a sphere. Thus

D = P(θ,φ)max./ P(θ,φ)ave.

The directivity is a dimensionless ratio greater than or equal to 1always. The average
power over a sphere is given by
Smaller the beam area, The larger is the directivity D.

The gain G of an antenna is an actual or realized quantity which is less than the directivity
D due to ohmic losses in the antenna. The ratio of gain to directivity is the antenna efficiency
factor. Thus G= k D Where k is the efficiency factor (between 0 and1) and is dimension less.

Directivity and resolution (N): The resolution of an antenna may be defined as equal to half
the beam width between first nulls i.e. (FNBW)/2. Half the beam width between first nulls is
approximately equal to the half power beam width i.e. (FNBW)/2 ~ HPBW. Thus the product of
the (FNBW)/2 in the two principal planes of the antenna pattern is a measure of the antenna
beam area i.e.

Then the resolution (equal to directivity) N is given by N=4π/ ΩA. i.e. we may conclude that
ideally the number of point sources an antenna can resolve is numerically equal to the directivity
of the antenna i.e. D =N.

Antenna apertures: Consider a receiving antenna which is a rectangular electromagnetic horn

immersed in the field of a uniform plane waves as shown in below figure.

Let the pointing vector or power density of the plane wave be S watts per square meter
and the area or physical aperture of the horn be A p square meters. If the horn extracts all the
power from the wave over it’s entire physical aperture, then the total power P absorbed from the
wave is P=(E /Z)Ap = S Ap (watts).

But the field response of the horn is not uniform across the aperture A because E at the
side walls must equals zero. Thus the effective aperture A e of the horn is less than physical
aperture Ap as given by cap =Ae/Ap where cap is the aperture efficiency.

Consider now an antenna with an effective aperture Ae, which radiates all of its power in
a conical pattern of beam area ΩA as shown in below figure.
Assuming a uniform field Ea over the aperture, the power radiated is P= (E a2 /Z0) Ae (watts)
where Z0 is insintric impedance of medium (377Ω for free space). Assuming a uniform field Er at
a distance r, the power radiated is also given by P=(E2r /Z0) 2r ΩA (watts). Equating the above two
2 2 2
equations yields (Ea /Z0) Ae =(Er /Z0) r ΩA
2 2 2
Er r ΩA =2Ea Ae 2
Er =( Ea Ae)/ (r ΩA)
Er=( Ea√ Ae)/ (r√ΩA)
Er=( EaAe)/ (r√ AeΩA)
Er= EaAe/ (rλ)
Where λ = √ AeΩA
λ = AeΩA
Thus if Ae is known, we can determine ΩA at given wave length. From this relation we can write the
2 2
directivity D as D=4π/ ΩA=4π/ (λ /Ae) = 4π Ae /λ .

Directivity at glance: The different formulas from different parameters of antenna are given by

Effective Height: The effective height (he) may be defined as the ratio of the induced voltage to
the incident field i.e. he=v/E (m). The effective height can also be defined from the current
distribution. In this case it is defined as the average value of current distribution multiplied by its
physical height. For example if a dipole antenna of height l=λ/2 is having a sinusoidal current
distribution, then its effective height is given by he=0.64l. Where 0.64 is the average value of the
sinusoidal current distribution as shown in below figure (a)
Similarly if another dipole antenna of physical length l= λ/10 is having a triangular current
distribution as shown in figure (b). Then the effective length or height is given by le (or he)= 0.5l.
where 0.5 is the average value of the triangular current distribution. The another way of defining
effective height is to consider the transmitting antenna case and equating the effective height to
the physical height multiplied by the average current i.e.

Fields from Oscillating Dipole: Consider a dipole antenna which has two equal charges of
opposite sign oscillating up and down in harmonic motion as shown in below figure.

Here we are concentrating on how the electric field is produced. For clarity in understanding we
are drawing a single electric field line. At time t=0, the charges are at maximum separation and
undergo acceleration as shown in figure (a). At 1/8 period later, the charges are moving towards
each other and electric field line will be as shown in figure(b). And at a ¼ period they pass at the
midpoint as shown in figure(c). As this happens the field lines detach and new ones of opposite
sign are formed. As time progresses to a ½ period the field lines continue to move as shown in
figure (d) and (e). An oscillating dipole with more field lines is shown in below figure.
Antenna field Zones: The fields around an antenna may be divided into two regions or zones.
One near the antenna called the near field or Fresnel zone and one at a larger distance called
the far field or Fraunhofer zone. The boundary between the two may be arbitrarily taken to be a
radius R= 2L /λ (meters). Where L is length of antenna and λ is wavelength.

In the far or Fraunhofer region, the measurable field components are perpendicular
(transverse) to the radial direction from the antenna and all power flow is directed radially
outward. In the far field the shape of field pattern is independent of distance. In near or Fresnel
region, The longitudinal component of the electric field may be significant and power flows is not
entirely radial. In the near field, the shape of the field pattern depends on the distance as shown
in below figures.
Shape-Impedance Considerations: It is possible in many cases to deduce the qualitative
behavior of an antenna from its shape. It is explained in below figures. Starting with the opened
out two conductor transmission line of figure (a).

In figure (b) curved conductors are straightened into regular cones and in figure (c) the cones
are aligned collinearly forming a bi conical antenna. In figure (d) the cones degenerate into
straight wires. In figure (e) the two conductors are curved more sharply and in opposite
directions resulting in spiral antenna. Going from figures (a) to (e) in (a) and (b) the field will be
unidirectional and in figures (c) and (d) the field will be bidirectional whereas in (e) the field is
omnidirectional i.e. the field will radiate in all directions.

Radiation Resistance (Rr): It is a part of antennas feed point resistance that is caused by the
radiation of electromagnetic waves from the antenna. Physically it is not available so it is virtual
resistance represented as Rr. So the radiation resistance of an antenna is a good indicator of the
strength of the electromagnetic field radiated by a transmitting antenna or being received by a
receiving antenna.

Antenna Temperature (TA): Every object with a physical temperature above absolute zero
radiates energy. The amount of energy radiated is usually represented by an equivalent
temperature TB known as brightness temperature which is defined as

TB (θ,φ) =c(θ,φ)Tm. where TB is brightness temperature (0deg.Kelvin), c is emissivity

(dimensionless) and Tm is molecular(physical) temperature (0 deg Kelvin).


The brightness temperature emitted by the different sources is intercepted by antennas
and it appears at the terminals as antenna temperature. That is considering the gain of the
antenna into account the antenna temperature is defined as:

Where TA= antenna temperature (Kelvin)

G(θ,φ) = gain of the antenna.

Front-to-Back ratio (FBR): The ratio of the signal strength transmitted in a forward direction to
that transmitted in a back ward direction is called the Front-to-Back ratio (FBR) of the antenna. It
is also defined as the gain in a specified direction to the gain in a direction 180 deg. And it is
usually expressed in dB (decibels).

Antenna Theorems: Four theorems can be applicable to antenna and field theory. They are 1.
Reciprocity Theorem.

2. Equality of directional patterns.

3. Equality of effective lengths.

4. Equality of impedances.

Reciprocity Theorem:

Statement: If an e.m.f. or voltage is applied to the terminals of an antenna1 and the current
measured at the terminals of another antenna 2, then same amount of current will be obtained
at the terminals of antenna 1 if same e.m.f. or voltage is applied to the terminals of antenna 2.


If a current I1 at the terminals of antenna 1 includes an e.m.f. E 21 at the open terminals of antenna
2 and a current I2 at the terminals of antenna 2 induces an e.m.f. E12 at the open terminals of
antenna 1then E12=E21 provided I1=I2.

Proof: To prove the reciprocity theorem assume the medium between two antennas is linear,
passive and isotropic so that it can be replaced by a four terminal network as shown in below


Where Z11, Z22 are the self impedances of antennas 1 and 2., Zm is mutual impedance
between two antennas. Applying KVL to figure (a) of mesh 2 , we get

(Z22+Zm) I2 –ZmI1 = 0

I2 =ZmI1/ (Z22+Zm) ……………………..(1)

From mesh 1 we get

(Z11+Zm) I1 –ZmI2 = E12

(Z11+Zm) I1 –Zm I21/(Z22+Zm) = E12

I1[(Z11+Zm) (Z22+Zm) –Zm ]2 / (Z22+Zm) = E12

2 2
I1[Z11 Z22+ Z11Zm + Z22Zm+ Zm –Zm ] / (Z22+Zm) = E12

I1 = E12(Z22+Zm) /[ Z11 Z22 + Zm (Z11+Z22)]……………………(2)

Substituting equation (2) into (1), we get

I2 = Zm E12(Z22+Zm) /[ Z11 Z22 + Zm (Z11+Z22)( Z22+Zm)

I2 = Zm E12/[ Z11 Z22 + Zm (Z11+Z22)]

Similarly the current I1 can be obtained from figure (b). By symmetry suffix 2 may be replaced
by 1 vice-versa, we get

I1 = Zm E21/[ Z22 Z11 + Zm (Z22+Z11)]…….(3)

According to reciprocity theorem I1=I2. i.e. equating equations 2 and 3 we get

Zm E12/[ Z11 Z22 + Zm (Z11+Z22)] = Zm E21/[ Z22 Z11 + Zm (Z22+Z11)]

Therefore E12= E21 Hence proved.

Equality of directional patterns:

Statement: The directional patterns of transmitting and receiving antennas are same if all the
media are linear, passive, isotropic and reciprocity theorem holds good.

Proof: Consider two antennas 1 and 2. Let antenna 1 as transmitting antenna (Test antenna)
and antenna 2 as receiving antenna (Subject antenna). Keeping the antenna 1 at the center of
the observation circle, the receiving antenna 2 is moved along the surface of the observation
circle as shown in the figure.


Now if a voltage E is applied at transmitting antenna and the
resulting current I at the terminals of receiving antenna is measured.
If the process is reversed i.e. the same voltage E is applied to
antenna 2 and resulting current I is measured at antenna 1.
According to reciprocity theorem, for every position of antennas the
ratio E/I is same. Thus it is proved radiation pattern or directional
patterns of the antennas are same.

Equality of effective Lengths:

For transmitting antenna: Effective length of a transmitting antenna is defined as the length of a
linear antenna that has a current I(c) at all points along its length and that radiates the electric
field as shown in below figure.

From the figure,

I(c)let= I(z) dz

0r let = [1/ I(c)] I (z) dz

Where let is effective length of transmitting antenna

and I is Actual or physical length of antenna.

If an e.m.f. or voltage E is applied at the center point then

I(c) =E/Zt where Zt is transmitting antenna impedance.

Applying reciprocity theorem then E=E12 and I(z)=I2.

For receiving antenna: The effective length of receiving antenna may be defined as the ratio of
open circuit voltage developed at the terminals of antenna and received
field strength i.e. ler =v/E. Now consider the same transmitting antenna for
receiving case also but with center terminals shorted as shown in figure.

Let an electromagnetic field strength Ezi is incident on the antenna which

causes a voltage Ezi dz to induce in the element dz. Now applying
reciprocity theorem we can write

Ezidz =E21 and dIsc =I1

i.e. ( E12/I2 ) = ( E21/I1 ) or [E/ I(z)] =(Ezi dz)/dIsc

or dIsc = Ezi dz I(z)/E


dIsc = Ezidz I(z)/E

for the entire length of antenna Ezi = Ez

Therefore ler = let

Equality of Impedances:

Statement: If an antenna is used either transmitting or receiving antenna its impedance will be
the same.

Proof: We can prove this physically. Since the antenna is the same circuit irrespective of mode
of excitation and hence the impedance of an antenna remains same whether transmitting or
receiving. Let there are two antennas with a wide separation in between. If antenna 2 is quite
away from antenna 1so that the mutual impedance between the two is neglected. Thus the self
impedance of antenna 1 is given by E1=Z11I1+Z12 I2 =Z11I1+(0)I2 =E1/I1 = self impedance of
1. But this assumption not true when antenna 1 is receiving because during reception it is the
mutual impedance (Z12) between the two antennas which provides coupling. If an equivalent
antenna 1 is drawn under load (Z L) then Z12I2 acts as a voltage generator as shown in below

Under open circuit condition E= Z11I1+Z12I2

EOC=Z11(0)+Z12I2(Since I1=0)


Under short circuit condition E=Z11I1+Z12I2

0=Z11ISC+Z12I2 (Since E=0 and I1=ISC)

ISC= - Z12I2/Z11.

Radiation: It is possible in theory to obtain expressions for the electric and magnetic field
strengths E and H directly in terms of charge and current densities ρ and J. It is possible if we
first set up potentials in terms of the charge and current densities and then to obtain the electric
and magnetic fields from these potentials. There are 3 methods of determining the suitable
potentials for the electromagnetic field. They are

1. Heuristic Approach.

2. Maxwell’s equations Approach.

3. Solving of differential equations.

1. Heuristic Approach: In this method we will use the potentials already developed for static
fields and we modify them suitable for time-varying fields as follows: In electrostatics a scalar
potential v was set up related to the electric charge distribution as
V ( r) =1/4πc ρ(r’)/R dv’

From this the electric field was obtained through E= - v

Similarly in steady magnetic fields the vector potential A was set up and related to the current
density as

A ( r) =µ/4π
J(r’)/R dv’

From this magnetic potential the magnetic field was obtained through µH= XA

The sources of the electromagnetic field are current and charge distributions that vary with time,
so for time variations the potentials can be guessed as

A ( r,t )
=µ/4π J(r’,t)/R dv’

V (r,t) =1/4πc
ρ(r’,t)/R dv’

Where R= r - r’

But according to time varying theory (wave theory) there must be some finite propagation time
for electromagnetic waves. The propagation delay for time varying fields is R/v seconds.
Including this propagation delay the potentials are given as
A ( r,t-R/v ) =µ/4π
J(r’,t-R/v)/R dv’
V (r,t-R/v)
ρ(r’,t-R/v)/R dv’

The above potentials have been delayed or retarded by an amount R/v so these potentials can
also be called as Retarded or Delayed potentials. From these potentials we can find H and E
using the equations

µH= XA

E= - v


2. Maxwell’s equations Approach: In this method we start with Maxwell’s equations and from
these we derive differential equations that the potentials must satisfy as follows

Maxwell’s equations in time-varying differential form are given by

+J…………………. (1)

………………………. (2)

…………………………... (3)

……………………………. (4)

Where J and ρ are the current and charge densities respectively and they are related by equation
of continuity

……………………. (5)

Equation 4 is satisfied if H is represented as the curl of some vector. This leads to

µH= XA………………………... (6)

Substitution of equation 6 into 2 gives

………………. (7)

Equation 7 is satisfied if the inside the brackets is represented as the gradient of a scalar. i.e.

…………………… (8)

Substitution of 6 and 8 into 1 gives

The vector identity

Can be used here. By doing so we get.

……………….. (9)

It is one of the required differential equation. The second one may be obtained by substituting 8
into 3

………………………………………. (10)

Equations 9 and 10 do not yield a unique solution for the potentials. Why because both
equations contain the unknown A and v. So these equations are called as coupled equations.
The reason for not getting the unique solution can be explained with the help of “Helmholtz
Theorem”. i.e. any vector field due to a finite source is specified uniquely if both the curl and
divergence of the field are specified.

Examining the equations 9 and 10 shows that if the divergence of vector A is set equal to
, these equations become uncoupled and reduces to standard wave equations as

Hence the choice used is called the “Lorentz gauge Condition”.

All about antennas: Different parameters studied under antenna basics can be divided into 3
regions of quantities as shown in the below figure.
UNIT‐2 Thin Linear Wire Antennas
Alternating Current Element or Oscillating electric dipole: A current element Idl refers to a
filamentary current I flowing along an elemental length dl. This is approximated when a current I
flows in a very short length of thin wire, If the length dl considered is so short that the current is
essentially constant along the length. Although an isolated current element may appear to be a
very unreal concept, any physical circuit or Antenna carrying current may be considered to
consists of a large number of such elements joined end-to-end. Therefore the current element is
a basic building block for any type of practically existing antennas.

The below figure shows an alternating current element Idl cosωt located at the origin of a
spherical coordinate system. The problem is to calculate the electromagnetic field at an arbitrary
point P.

To solve this problem, the first step is to obtain the vector potential A at p. Assuming
that the wave travelling at the distant point in the positive z-direction. Hence from Heuristic
approach we can write

The component of vector potential AZ can be obtained by integrating the current density J
over the volume. This includes integration over the cross section area of the current element
and integration along its length. Buy the integration of current density J over a cross section
area yields current I. Now this current is assumed to be constant along the length dl. Thus
Here R=r because the current element is placed at the origin itself. From this the magnetic
field strength H can be obtained using the relation
The curl of A in spherical coordinates gives the component of H in terms of Ar, Aθ and Aφ.

From the above figure we get


Now note that Aφ.=0 and because of no variation along ࣐ direction.
Thus first two terms in above equation can be neglected being zero.

Putting value of Aθ=-Az Sinθ and Ar= Az Sinθ. We get


Hence the magnetic field H is given by
Significance of Field Components: Consider the expression for the component Hφ given by

We can note the following observations.

1. The first term varies inversely with distance r. This term is called radiation or distant field.
2. The second term varies inversely with square of distance, r. This term is called the
induction field. When r is small, the points are very close to the current element and the
induction field term is dominating. But when the points are far away from the current
element, then induction field term is negligible as compared to the radiation field.
3. The condition at which the amplitudes of both radiation and induction fields are equal is
given by

4. The induction field term is similar to the expression for the magnetic field strength due to
the current element derived from Biot-Savart’s law, extended for alternating current
5. For steady currents the radiation field term is absent.
6. The radiation field term indicates flow of energy away from the current element. While the
induction field term indicates the energy stored in the field during one-quarter of the cycle
which is returned back during next cycle.

Now consider the expressions of the components Er and Eθ we can note the following

1. The component Eθ has both the induction and radiation terms along with a term which
varies inversely with the cube of the distance, r.
2. The component Er has only induction term along with a term which varies inversely with
the cube of the distance, r.
3. In both the field component expressions the term which varies inversely with the cube of
the distance, r is called electrostatic field or simply electric field.

Relation between a current element and electric dipole: The alternating current element
and electric dipole can be approximately equated using the equation

In order to obtain a physical approximation of an isolated current element, we

can terminate the current element in two small spheres or disks on which the
charge could accumulate. If the wire is very thin compared with the radius of the
spheres, the current in the wire will be uniform. In addition, the radii of the
spheres should be small compared with dl and in turn dl should be very much
shorter than a wavelength. By satisfying these conditions the alternating current
element can be used as an electric dipole.

Power radiated by current element: The power flow per unit area at any point,p will be given
by the pointing vector at that point. For the current element placed along the positive z-direction
and at the origin of the spherical coordinates can have P θ,Pr and Pφ . The components of
pointing vector are given by

Out of these three, Pφ will be zero due to symmetry. The θ component of power from the
pointing vector can be found as where
Consider the middle term inside the second square bracket,

The average value of sin2ωt’ or cos ωt’ over a complete cycle is zero. Therfore for any value of r,
the average of Pθ over complete cycle is zero. Pθ represents only back and forth of power in θ
direction without any net or average flow. The radial pointing vector is given by

The average value of radial pointing vector over a cycle will be due to part of the final term
only and is
Now the total power radiated by the current element can be calculated by integrating the
radial pointing vector over a spherical surface. The differential area on the spherical shell will
be taken as the strip da=2πr sinθ dθ. Then the total power radiated is calculated by
integrating average radial power over the spherical surface as
The power represented in the above equation is in terms of maximum or peak current. We
know that

The coefficient of I effhas the dimensions of resistance and is called the radiation resistance (Rr ) of
the current element. Therefore for the current element is

Rr =

Radiation resistance of Short Dipoles and Short Monopoles: The radiation resistance
obtained for the current element can be applied to dipoles of short length up to λ/4 and for
monopoles up to λ/8 only.. Because up to these lengths the dipoles and monopoles can be
equal to the current element. For longer lengths of dipoles i.e. greater thanλ/4 and longer
lengths of monopoles i.e. greater than λ/8, the current element phenomenon will be not applied.
Therefore the radiation resistance of practical short dipole is one-quarter that of the current
element of the same length. That is

Similarly the radiation resistance of a practical

short monopole is one-eighth that of current element of the same length or it is half of that of
the dipole. That is

Radiation from a quarter-wave Monopole or Half-wave dipole:

As shown in the above figure the distribution of current for a λ/2 dipole or λ/4 monopole can be
assumed as sinusoidal. Then

Where Im is the maximum or peak current. The expression for the vector potential at a point p
due to the current element Idz will be

Where R is the distance from the current element to the point p. The total vector potential at p
due to all the current elements will be

For a large distance at P, R=r in the denominator. But this approximation cannot be used in
numerator because it is the phase factor which is important. Then the expression for Az becomes
We can find the integral function value by using Simpson’s or trapezoidal rule as

0deg. 5deg 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
deg deg deg deg deg deg deg deg






θ 50deg 55 deg 60 deg 65 deg 70 deg 75 deg 80 deg 85 deg 90 deg









ƒ n/2 cos2((n) cos8)/sin8= (π/2)(1/8)[(1.00+0)/2+ 85 cos2((n ) cos8)/sin8]
0 2 ∑0 2


Loop antennas: A loop antenna can be formed by joining the two ends of a long straight wire or
conductor. Thus the loop can be of any shape like square (rectangle), circle, triangle etc… as
shown below.

Generally square loop will be considered for the analysis purpose. Any circle, triangle or any
other shaped loop can be converted into a square loop of having the same area. For example a
2 2
circle of radius, r can be converted into a square loop of side,’ a’ such that a =πr .The small
horizontal loop
antenna shown below may be regarded as the magnetic counter part of the short dipole. Both
loop and dipole have identical field patterns but with electric and magnetic fields interchanged.
The horizontal loop is horizontally polarized and the vertical loop is vertically polarized. Both
small loop and small dipole have the same directivity. To qualify as a small loop or short dipole,
the dimensions should be λ/10 or less.
It is assumed that the loop dimensions are small compared to the wavelength, it will be shown
that the far field patterns of circular and square loops of the same area are the same.

Comparison of far fields of a small loop and a small dipole: If the loop is placed at the origin
of a spherical coordinate system as shown in the below figure its far field can be calculated by
treating this loop as a combination of 4 short dipoles 1,2,3 and 4.

By doing so the comparison is made as shown in the below table.

Field Electric Dipole Loop

E0 = J60M I dl sin8 L E࣐ = 120M2 I dl sin8 A
Electric ( ) ( )
r fi r fi2
H࣐ = J I dl sin8 L H0 = MI dl sin8 A
Magnetic ( ) ( )
2r fi r fi2
Where L is the length of the short dipole and A is the area of the small square loop. The
presence of the operator j in the dipole expressions and its absence in the loop equations
indicate that the fields of dipole and loop are in quadrature time-phase. The current I being in the
same phase in both the dipole and loop.

Radiation resistance of Small Loops: The radiation resistance of small loop antennas can be
found similar to the small dipoles i.e. the pointing vector is integrated over a sphere yielding the
total power Pt radiated. This power is then equated to the square of the effective current on the
loop times the radiation resistance, Rr. By doing so it is given by

Where A is the area of the loop and C λ=2πr/λ.(r is the radius of the circular loop).This is the
radiation resistance of a small single-turn loop antenna, Circular or square with uniform in phase
current. The radiation resistance of a small loop of one or more turns is given by

Where n=no. of turns. The radiation resistance of a large loop can also be found as


2.1). How much power will an antenna having a radiation resistance of 50Ω radiate when it is fed
by 20A of current?

Sol: Given data: I=20A

Rr = 50 Ω

Required data: Pt=?

2 2
We know that Radiated power, Pt=I Rr. = (20) 50=20000 watts.

2.2). What is the radiation resistance of an antenna which radiates 5KW when it draws 15A of

Sol: Given data: Pt =5KW


Required data: Rr =?
2 2
We know that Radiated power, Pt=I Rr. or Rr = Pt /I =5000/(15X15)=22.2 Ω.
2.3). An antenna having radiation resistance of 75 Ω is radiating 10KW of power. How much
current will flows into the antenna?

Sol: Given data: Rr =75 Ω

Pt =10KW

Required data: I=?

2 2
We know that Radiated power, Pt=I Rr. or I = Pt / Rr or I=11.547A.

2.4). Calculate the radiation resistance of a current element whose overall length is λ/50?

Sol: Given data: dl= λ/50

Required Rr =?
We know that
Rr =

2 2
= 80π (λ / 50λ) =0.315Ω.

2.5). Calculate the radiation resistance and efficiency of a current element whose overall length is
λ/50 and loss resistance is 1.5Ω?

Sol: Given data: dl=



Required data: =?

We know that =Rr/( Rr +Rl)

Rr =

2 2
= 80π (λ / 50λ) =0.315Ω.

= 0.315/ (0.315+1.5)=0.173=17.3%

2.6). At what distance in terms of wave lengths is the radiation component of magnetic field
three times the induction component. At what distance is it 50 times?

Sol: Given data: (a) 3 times of induction field=radiation field.

(b) 50 times of induction field=radiation field.


Required data: (a) r (3 times) =?

(b) r (50 times) =?
(a)We know that

I d1 sin8 cosmtr I d1 sin8 –msinmtr

It gives that 3[ 4n ( r2 )] =[ 4n ( rr )]

3 m

3/r =ω/v =2πf/fλ =2π/λ


r =3λ/2π=0.477 λ.
(b) Similarly 50/r =ω/rv

50/r= ω/v=2πf/fλ

50 λ=2πr

r =50 λ=2π=7.96λ.

2.7). The radiation resistance of an antenna is 80 Ω. And loss resistance is 10 Ω. Find its
directivity if power gain is 20?

Sol: Given data: Rr = 80 Ω


G =20

Required data: D=?

We know that η=G/D= =80/(80+10)=0.89

D=G/ η=20/0.89=22.47

2.8). An antenna has a loss resistance of 10 Ω. Power gain of 20 and directivity 22.Calculate
radiation resistance?

Sol: Given data: D = 22


G =20

Required data: Rr=?

We know that η=G/D=

2 Rr=200

Rr=100 Ω.

2.9). Calculate the directivity of an isotropic antenna?

Sol: Given data: Isotropic antenna(which radiates energy in all the directions

uniformly) Required data: D(isotropic)=?

We know that D=4π/ ΩA

ΩA of isotropic antenna is 4π because the radiation pattern of isotropic antenna is a sphere

and in a sphere there will be 4π steradians (solid angle).

i.e. D (isotropic)= 4π/ ΩA=4π/4π=1.

2.10). Calculate maximum effective aperture of an antenna which is operating at wave length of 5
meters and has a directivity of 75?

Sol: Given data: λ = 5 meters.


Required data: Ae=?

We know that: Ae=D λ /4π=(75X5X5)/ 4π=149.28 Square meters.

2.11). A plane electromagnetic wave having a frequency of 20MHz has an average Poynting
vector of 10W/m . If the medium is lossless with relative permeability of 4 and relative
permittivity of 5. Find (i) velocity of propagation (ii) wave length (iii) Impedance of the medium?

Sol: Given data: f=20MHz

P = 10W/m

µr= 4 and cr =5

Required data: (i) v=? (ii) λ=? And (iii) η=?

We know that: (i) v=1/√μc =1/ƒμrcrμ0c0 = 1/√μrcr 1/ƒμ0c0 =c/1/√μrcr

8 8
= (3x10 )/√4x5 =0.67x10 m/s.
8 6
(ii) v = f λ, λ =v/f =(0.67x10 )/(20x10 ) = 3.35m
(iii) η or z0= 1/cc = 1/c0cr(0.67x10 ) = 476.63Ω.



Introduction: Antenna array is one of the common methods of combining the radiations from a
group or array of similar antennas or elements. The total field produced by an antenna array is
the vector sum of the fields produced by the individual antennas of the array system.

An antenna array is said to be linear, if the individual antennas of the array are equally
spaced along the straight line. A uniform linear array is one in which the elements are fed with a
current of equal amplitude with uniform progressive phases along the line.

Point sources: A point source can be defined as a minimum volume element ideally zero
volume and capable of radiating the energy to a distant point. An isotropic point source is one
which is able to radiate the energy in all the directions uniformly. That is the radiation pattern of
isotropic point source is spherical.

Array of two isotropic point sources: Let us consider two isotropic point sources are along a
straight line. In order to see the radiation at a distant point, P there exists 5 different cases. They

1. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and same phase.

2. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and opposite phase.

3. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and quadrature phase.

4. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and any phase (General case).

5. Two isotropic point sources of any amplitude and any phase ( Most General case).

1. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and same phase: Let the two point
sources 1 and 2 be separated by a distance, d and located symmetrically with respect to the
origin of the coordinate system as shown in the below figure (a).


The angle φ is measured counter clock wise from the positive x-axis. The origin of the
coordinates is taken as the reference for phase. Then at a distant point, P in the φ direction,
the field from dr cos࣐ dr cos࣐
source 1 is retarded by . While the field from source 2 is advanced by . Where d is the
2 2
distance between the sources expressed in radians. That is dr = =βd. The total field at a large
distance, r in the φ direction is then E=E 0 e–jW/2+E0 ejW/2 Where Ψ= drcosφ and E0 is the
amplitude. The first term in the above equation is the field component due to source 1 and
second term is the field component due to source 2. This equation can also be written as

E= 2E0 ejT/2+e—jT/2

E= 2E0 cos (Ψ/2)

E= 2E0 cos ( dr


This result can also be obtained from vector diagram shown in figure(c). For the particular
case take 2E0 =1 and d=λ/2 i.e. dr = = π. Putting these conditions in the above equation gives

E = cos ( cos ߮).

This field pattern of E verses φ as expressed in this equation is represented in figure (b). This
pattern is a bidirectional figure-of-eight with maximum along Y-axis. The space pattern is
doughnut shaped, being a figure of revolution of this pattern around X-axis.

The same pattern can also be obtained by locating source 1 at the origin of the
coordinates and source 2 at a distance, d along the positive X-axis as shown in below figure (a).
The vector diagram of the fields is shown in figure (b).

2. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and opposite phase: This case is
identical with the first case except that the two sources are in opposite phase. Let the sources
be located as in above figure (a) of first case, then the total field in the direction φ at a large
distance r is
dr cos ఝ
given by E=E0 e–jW/2- E0 ejW/2 = 2jE0 sin (Ψ/2) = 2jE0 sin ( ). Putting 2jE0 =1 and


considering the particular case of d=λ/2. The above equation becomes as
E = sin ( cos ߮).


n n
The directions φmax. Of maximum field are obtained by setting the cos ߮max = ±(2k + 1) .
2 2
0 0
Where k=0, 1, 2, …. For k=0, cos ߮max =±1 and φmax.= 0 &180
n 0
The null directions φ0 are given by cos ߮0 = ±kn . For k=0, φ0 =±90 .
The half power directions are given by cos ߮ n
2 HP
= ±(2k + 1) . For k=0, φHP =±600, ±1200.
Finally the field pattern for the equation E = sin ( cos ߮). will be as shown in the below figure.

The pattern is relatively figure of eight with the maximum field in the same direction as the line
joining the sources (X-axis). The space pattern is a figure of revolution of this pattern around the
X-axis. The two sources in this case may be described as end-fire array. Whereas in case has
maximum field normal to the line joining the sources may be described as the broad side array.

3. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and quadrature phase: Let the two point
sources be located as in figure (a) of case 1. Taking the origin of the coordinates as the
0 0
reference for phase, Let source 1 be retarded by 45 and source 2 advanced by 45 . Then the
total field in φ
jT u jT u
–( + ) ( + ) n W
direction at a large distance, r is given by E=E0 e 2 4 +E0 e 2 4 =2E0 cos ( + ). Putting 2E0=1
n n 4 2
and d=λ/2 we get E = cos ( + cosφ). The field pattern given by above equation is represented in
4 2
the below figure. The space pattern is a figure-of-revolution of this pattern around X-axis. Most of
nd rd
the radiation is in 2 and 3 quadrants. n n The directions φmax. Of
maximum field are obtained by setting + cosφ =kπ. Where k=0, 1,
n –n 4 2
2……For k=0, cosφ max = and φ max.=1200 and 2400. If the spacing
2 4 n n
between the sources is reduced to λ/4 then E = cos ( + cosφ).The
4 4
field pattern for this case is shown in below figure. It is a cardiod-
shaped unidirectional pattern with maximum field in the negative X-
direction. The space pattern is a figure-of-revolution of this pattern
around the X-axis. In this case the Directivity
is increasing in the negative X-direction and
case may be described as increased end-fire array or “Hansen-
Woodyard” array after the names of the Scientists who worked for the
description of this array.

Similarly if d is increased between the sources as d = λ and d = 2λ

the field patterns will be as shown below.
4. Two isotropic point sources of same amplitude and any phase (General case): Let us
consider the case of two isotropic point sources of equal amplitude but of any phase difference
ð. Now the total phase difference, Ψ between the fields from source 1 and source 2 at a distant
point in φ direction is given by Ψ = dr cosφ +ð. Taking the source 1 as reference for phase, the
positive sign in this equation indicates that the source 2 is advanced in phase by the angle ð. A
minus sign would be used to indicate a phase retardation. If instead of referring the phase to
source 1, it is referred to the center point of the array, The phase of the field from source 1 is
given by –Ψ/2 and that from source 2 by +Ψ/2. The total field is then E=E0 e–jW/2+E0 ejW/2= 2E0
cos (Ψ/2).Putting 2E0
0 0
=1, E= cos (Ψ/2). Where Ψ = d r cosφ+ð.In this if ð=0 it is nothing but case 1, if ð=180 it is case 2
and if ð=90 it is case 3.

5. Two isotropic point sources of any amplitude and any phase (Most General case):

Let the sources be situated as shown in above figure (a) with source 1 at the origin.
Assume that source 1 has the larger amplitude E0 and source 2 of amplitudeaE0 (0Ç aÇ1) at
large distance, r. Then from vector diagram of above figure (b), the magnitude of total field E is
given by
a sinW
E= E0 ƒa(1 + a cosT)2 + (a sinT)2 and its phase is tan–1( ).Where Ψ = dr cosφ+ð.
1+a cosW

Principle of Multiplication of patterns: Multiplication of patterns or simply pattern

multiplication is stated as follows:” The total field pattern of an array of non-isotropic but similar
sources is the multiplication of the individual source pattern and the pattern of array of isotropic
point sources (group pattern) each located at the phase center of individual source and having
the relative amplitude and phase. Whereas the phase pattern is the sum of the phase patterns
of individual source and that of the array of isotropic point sources”. That is mathematically
Radiation pattern of 4-isotropic elements fed in phase and spaced λ/2 apart: Let 4-isotropic
point sources are placed as shown in below figure. To find the total field pattern of this array we
can use the principle of Multiplication of patterns.
From the figure the individual or source or unit
pattern is the pattern of two isotropic point
sources spaced λ/2 apart whose pattern is given
by broad side array pattern as shown in below
figure (a). And the group pattern is an array of
two isotropic point sources separated by a
distance of λ apart. Whose pattern is given by
below figure (b). Multiplication of these two
patterns is given by in figure (c).

Radiation pattern of 8-isotropic elements fed in phase and spaced λ/2 apart: Let 8-isotropic
point sources are placed as shown in below
figure. To find the total field pattern of this
array we can use the principle of
Multiplication of patterns. From the figure the
individual or source or unit pattern is the
pattern of 4 isotropic point sources spaced
λ/2 apart and Field pattern of this source
array is shown in below figure (a). (i.e. figure
(c) of previous case). And the group pattern
is an array of two isotropic point sources
separated by a distance of 2λ apart. Whose
pattern is given by below figure (b).
Multiplication of these two patterns is given
by in figure (c).
Linear array of n-isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing: Let n no. of
isotropic point sources are placed along the X-axis with equal spacing, d as shown in below

Now we have to calculate the pattern of this linear array of n isotropic point sources of spacing,
d and amplitude, E0. The total far field at a distant point, P is obtained by adding vectorally the
fields of individual sources as Et= E0+E0ejW+E0ej2W+E0ej3W+..............+E0ej(n–1)W

Et= E0 (1+ejW+2+..............+ej(n–1)W) (1)

Where Ψ= dr cosφ+ð. Multiplying both sides with ejW, we get

EtejW= E0 (ejW+ej2W+ej3W+..............+ejnW) (2)

Subtracting equation 2 from 1 or using the geometric series formula n
where a = ejW., we get

Et= E0 [ ] 1–

Et= E0 [
1–ejnT/2ejnT/2 1–
e jT/2ejT/2
Et= E0 –ejnT/2
ejnT/2 ] —jnT/2 ejT/2–e—
[ jT/2

Et= E0 ej(n–1)W/2[ sin( nW/2)

T ]
sin( )

Et= E0 [ sin( nW/2) (n–1)W

] ej ఝ [Let φ 2 ]
= sin(T)

sin( nW/2)
Et= E0 [ T ] (cos φ + j sin φ)
sin( )

This is the equation of total far field pattern of linear array of n-isotropic point sources where
source 1 as reference point for phase. If the reference point is shifted to the center of the array
from the source or origin then phase angle φ = is automatically eliminated because we are
having n/2 no. of delayed elements in the left hand side and same n/2 no. of advanced elements
in the right hand side results finally in zero phase. Then

sin( nW/2)
Et= E0 [ T ]
sin( )

Further instead of isotropic sources if non-isotropic but similar sources are considered then in
sin( nW/2)
the above equation E0 will represent individual or source or unit pattern and is the
T group
sin( )
pattern or secondary pattern or array factor.

Binomial array: The disadvantage of linear arrays is that there exist minor lobes along with the
major lobes. These minor lobes can be eliminated in non-linear arrays i.e. by changing the
amplitudes of the center elements which are the sources for the occurrence of minor lobes in the
total or resultant pattern. The Binomial array is one of such non-linear arrays invented by Stone
in 1929. In this array the current amplitudes of the array are proportional to the coefficients of
the Binomial series. Which can be found using the Pascal’s triangle in which any internal integer
is the sum of the above adjacent integers as shown below.
However, the elimination of secondary or minor lobes takes place at the cost of Directivity. Half
power beam width of Binomial array is more than that of the linear array for the same length of
the array. Thus in linear array minor lobes appear but major lobe is sharp and narrow whereas in
Stone’s array width of the beam widens but without minor lobes as shown in below figure.
Introduction: VHF, UHF and Micro Wave antennas are those antennas which are operating
between the frequency range of 30 to 300 MHz, 300 to 3000 MHz and above 2000MHz to
several thousands of MHz respectively. That is all the antennas available can be divided into
different categories depending on their frequency range of operation.

Yagi-Uda antenna: Yagi-Uda or simply Yagi antenna is a VHF and UHF range antenna named
after S.Uda and H.Yagi for the reception of Television signals. The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of
a driven element, a reflector and one or more directors i.e. it is an array of driven element and
one or more parasitic elements i.e. passive elements which are not connected directly to the
transmission line but electrically coupled. Where as the driven element which is a folded dipole
is connected directly to the transmission line. A practical Yagi-Uda antenna used for the
reception of TV signals is shown below.

As shown in the figure the Yagi-Uda antenna is consisting of three elements namely the
folded dipole, reflector and directors. The array elements are arranged with the help of
Horizontal, vertical rods along with the clampers. Now we will see about the remaining actual
elements of Yagi-Uda parasitic array.

Folded Dipole: The folded dipole is one in which two half-wave dipoles one continuous and the
other spitted at the center have been folded and joined together in parallel at the ends. The
spitted dipole is fed at the center by a balanced transmission line. The two dipoles therefore will
have the same voltages at their ends as shown in the below figure.
If the radii r1 and r2 of two dipoles are
equal, then equal currents flow. If I1 and I2
are currents flowing in the two dipoles,
then the voltage at the ends of the two
dipoles is given by V/2 and it can be
expressed asV/2
= i1z11+i2z22. Where Z11 is the self
impedance of dipole1 and Z12 is the mutual
impedance between the two dipoles. But for
dipoles of equal radii, I1 =I2. Then V/2= I1
(Z11+Z12). If the two dipoles are very close
order of λ/100 then Z12≈ Z11. to each other i.e. the spacing ‘a’ is of the
= I (Z
+Z )
1 11 12
V 2
=Z =2 (Z ) =4Z =4X73=292Ω.
11 11

Where Z11 is the radiation resistance of a half-wave dipole. This impedance Z =292Ω. Can be
called as the input impedance or terminal impedance or radiation resistance of folded dipole

Similarly for a folded dipole of 3 elements (Tripole) we can write

1 (3 Z11)
V 2
=Z =3 (Z
) =9X73=657Ω.
Or generally we have =I (n Z )
1 11
V 2
=Z n Z
I1 2
11 = n X73 Ω.

Where n is the number of half-wave dipoles. The impedance transformation can also be possible
by making unequal radii of the two dipoles. Hence the formula in this case can shown as
r2 2 r2 2
Z = Z11(1+ ) = 73(1+ )
r1 r1

Where r2 and r1 are the radii of the dipoles in folded arrangement. If r2=2r1, then
2r2 2
Z = 73(1+ ) 73x9 = 657 Ω.

Since the impedance transformation not only depends upon relative radii but also on the relative
spacing and hence the formula according to Uda and Mushaike is given by
Log( )
Z = Z11 [1+ r1 2
a ]
Log( )




The radiation resistance of folded dipole of equal radii is given by R r = 2 x73 =292 Ω.
Shows that a two wire folded dipole can be fed directly with the conventional transmission line of
impedance 300 Ω. Without any matching device. i.e. folded arrangement is placed in Yagi-Uda
antenna as driven element for the purpose of impedance matching.

Parasitic elements: There are two parasitic elements used in Yagi-Uda array namely Reflector
and Directors. These parasitic elements receive their excitation from the voltages induced in
them by the current flow in the driven element. The parasitic element in front of driven element is
known as director and its number may be more than one. Where the element in back of the
driven element is known as reflector. The reflector is 5% more and director is 55 less in length
than driven element.

The reflector having greater length than driven element will be inductive while elements of
length less than driven element will be capacitive. Hence the phases of currents in reflectors will
lag the induced voltage whereas in directors the currents will lead the induced voltage. The
director adds fields of driven element in the direction away from the driven element. If more than
one directors are employed, then each director will excite the next. Whereas the reflector adds
up the fields of driven element in the direction from reflector towards driven element. Finally the
radiation pattern of Yagi-Uda array is unidirectional along the directors. The directivity can be
increased by increasing the no. of directors in the array.

Voltage and Current relations in Yagi-Uda array: The relations between voltages and
currents of an Yagi-Uda antenna can be given by considering the general equations as

V1 = I1Z11+I2Z12=I3Z13+ - - - +I nZ1n

V2 = I1Z21+I2Z22=I3Z23+ - - - +InZ2n

V3 = I1Z31+I2Z32=I3Z33+ - - - +InZ3n

Vn = I1Zn1+I2Zn2=I3Zn3+ - - - +InZnn

where V1,V2,V3…Vn are voltages applied to antenna numbers 1,2,3,…n

I1,I2,I3…In are currents flowing in antenna numbers 1,2,3,…n

Z11,Z22,Z33…Znn are self impedances of antenna numbers 1,2,3,…n

Z12,Z21,Z13…Z31 are the mutual impedances.

If the individual antennas are not excited, then corresponding voltages will be zero. Thus
an antenna system involving parasitic elements, the voltages are zero in case of transmitting
while in
receiving case these are the voltages induced in each parasitic element by the electromagnetic

Considering the simplest case with one driven element and one parasitic element we can
write V1 = I1Z11+I2Z12 and V2 = I1Z21+I2Z22

Since z12 = z21 and V2 = 0 Being parasitic. The second equation becomes

0 = I1Z12+I2Z22 or I1Z12= -I2Z22 or I2 = -I1 ( Z12


Therefore V1 = I1Z11- I1 ( Z122

Z22 )

V1 = I1(Z11-
Z22 )

Or I1 V1
(Z11– )

Now I2 = -I1 ( Z12 –V1 Z12 –V1Z 12

Z22) = (Z11– Z12 ) (Z22) = Z11 Z22–Z122

V1 Z12
I2 = =
Z122–Z11 Z22

From equations of I1 and I2, the input impedances of driven and parasitic elements are given by

Z1 = V1 Z122 V2(orV1)
= Z11 — and Z2 = = Z12 z11 z22
I1 Z22 I2 Z12 .

Helical Antenna: The Helical antenna was invented by John D. Krauss in the year 1946 by
altering the dimensions of helix and conducting the experiment for each change in dimension of

Helical geometry: The helix is a basic three dimensional geometric form. A helical wire on a
uniform cylinder becomes a straight wire when unwound by rolling the cylinder on a flat surface.
Viewed end on a helix projects as a circle. Thus a helix combines the geometric forms of a
straight line, circle and a cylinder. In addition helix has handedness it can be either left or right-

The following symbols are used to describe a helix as shown in below figure.
Where D is Diameter of helix (center to center).

S is Spacing between turns (center to

center). L isLength of one turn.

A is Axial length

=ns. n is No. of


d is Diameter of the helix conductor or wire. And in addition

c is Circumference of helix = πD and

α is Pitch angle = tan–1( ) = tan–1( ).
c πD

If one turn of a circular helix is unrolled on a flat surface, the relation between the spacing S,
Circumference C, length L and pitch angle α is given by the below
triangle. When the spacing is zero, then α=0 and the helix becomes a
loop on the other hand if the diameter is zero then α=90 . And the helix
becomes a linear conductor.

Modes of Helical antenna: Depending on the no. of turns considered

the helix can be of monofilar, bifilar, quadrifiler, 8-lobed etc… By
changing the geometry of helix and its orientation different types of
radiation patterns can be obtained like unidirectional, bidirectional, 4-
lobed and Omni
directional also. Out of these the mostly used patterns are unidirectional and bidirectional. These
two patterns can be obtained in two different modes of operations namely Axial mode and
Normal mode of operations. In axial mode of operation the important dimension to be
maintained is Axial
Ratio (AR) as given by AR = ( ). Where n is no. of turns in helix. In this axial mode of operation
the maximum radiation is in the direction of helix axis as shown in below figure (a).
When the helix circumference is approximately a wave length the axial mode of operation is
dominant which is unidirectional. But when the circumference is much smaller, the normal
mode is dominant. This is bidirectional radiation pattern normal to the helix axis as shown in
above figure (b).

Consider a helix oriented with its axis is coincided with z‐axis as shown in below
figure (a).

If the dimensions are small (nL<<λ), the maximum radiation is in XY plane for a helix
oriented as in figure (a) with zero field in the Z‐direction. When the pitch angle α=0 , the
helix becomes a loop as in above figure (b). When α=90 , the helix becomes a straight
conductor as in above figure (c).

The loop and straight conductor being the limited cases of helix therefore a
helix can be considered as a series connection of small loops and
straight dipoles as in below figure (a). The diameter D of the loops is
same as the helix diameter and length of the dipoles is same as the
spacing between turns of the helix. Since the helix is small the far field
pattern is independent of the no. of turns. Hence it is sufficient if we
find the far field due to a single small loop and short dipole as in figure
(b). The far field of this small loop has only Eφ component and is given
by Eφ = 120n2 Id1 Sin8 Æ
r ß2
Where A is area of the small loop A = . The far field of short dipole has only Eθ
60n Id1 Sin8 S4
component and is given by Eθ = j (2).
r ß
Where S=L as the length of the dipole. The ratio of magnitudes
|E0 | Sß
of equations (1) and (2) gives the axial ratio i.e. AR = | =
2Sß E࣐| 2nÆ
n2D2 .When Eφ = 0, AR is infinite and the polarization is vertical,
When Eθ = 0, AR is zero and the polarization is horizontal. i.e.
when |Eθ| = |Eφ|; AR is unity then the polarization is a circle. i.e.
when Πd = √2sß we get circular polarization. But in general as
with the change in the pitch angle α, the overall polarization will
be bidirectional as shown in figure.

Horn Antennas: A Horn antenna may be considered as a flared out or opened out wave
guide. A wave guide capable of radiating energy into open surface provided the same is
excited at one end and opened at the other end. The radiation is much higher through
wave guide than two wire transmission line. By opening the one end of wave guide the
impedance matching will be poor with free space. In order to overcome this mouth of the
wave guide is opened out which assumes the shape of electromagnetic horn. i.e. by
terminating the opened end of wave guide as a horn improves impedance matching
directly. If the opening or flaring is done only in one direction, then a sectorial horn is
produced. Flaring in the direction of Electric & Magnetic vectors the sectorial E‐plane horn
and sectorial H‐plane horn are obtained respectively as shown below.

If the flaring is
done along both E and H planes of the rectangular wave guide, then a pyramidal horn is
obtained. By flaring the walls of a circular wave guide, a conical horn will be obtained.

The function of the electromagnetic horn is to produce a uniform phase front

with a larger aperture in comparison to wave guide and thus the directivity is greater.
Design equations of horn antennas: From the geometry of the horn as shown in the figure
we have
L h/2 h
Cosθ= and tanθ= =
L+ð L 2L
h L
θ = tan–1( ) =cos–1 ………(1)
2L L+ð
Where ð is permissible phase angle variation as a fraction of 360 or it is the permissible
path difference. From the above right angle triangle of the figure we can write (L+ð)2 =

Or L2+ð2+2L ð =L2+(h2/4)
2 2 h 2
If ð is small ð can be neglected in above equation 2Lð =h /4, L = ……… (2)

Equations1 and 2 the design equations for horn antennas. Equation 1 gives the optimum
angle. The maximum directivity can be achieved with large flare angles for which ð not
exceeding its limited value (0.25 to 0.4).

The horn antennas are used at micro wave frequencies under the condition that
power gain needed is moderate. For higher power gains the dimensions of horn becomes
large, so the other antennas like Parabolic reflector or Lens antennas are preferred than horn
Micro strip Antennas: It is a low profile, low gain, low bandwidth antenna. These are
assigned with different names such as Patch antennas, Printed antennas, Micro strip Patch
antennas or simply Micro strip antennas (MSA). These antennas are used where thickness
and comfortability to the host surfaces are the key requirements. Since patch antennas can
be directly printed onto a circuit board, these are becoming increasingly popular within the
mobile phone market. They are low cost low profile and are easily fabricated. A practical
Micro strip antenna was first introduced by Robert E.Munson.

Features: 1.Basically a patch antenna is a metal patch suspended over a ground plane. In its
most basic form, a micro strip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a
dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on other side.

2. The simplest patch antenna uses a half wavelength long patch with a larger ground plane
to give better performance.
3. A simple patch antenna radiates a linearly polarized wave. it is a narrow band antenna.
4. The Micro strip antenna may have a square, rectangular, circular, triangular or elliptical
shape. Theoretically MSA’s can be of any other continuous
5. Most generally used shape is Rectangular due to its simplest construction.
6. The size of a Micro strip antenna is inversely to its frequency.
7. The Micro strip antenna configuration employs a metallic patch which is positioned on the
top surface of the dielectric substrate.
8. The Micro strip antenna is constructed on a thin dielectric sheet using a printed circuit
board (PCB) and etching techniques.
9. Micro strip or patch antennas are popular at frequencies above 100MHz.
10. The radiation pattern of the patch is hemispherical in general. The typical beam area is
half a hemi sphere or one fourth of a sphere i.e. π steradians. Hence the directivity of the
patch is given by D = 4 π/Ω A =4 π/π = 4.or Ddbi =10 log104 =6.021 dbi. (I stands for over
Advantages: Micro strip antennas are of

1. Light weight
2. Small size
3. Less volume
4. Can be molded easily to any shape.
5. Fabrication process is simple.
6. Production is easy.
7. Support both linear and circular polarizations.
8. Mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces.
9. Fabrication process is compatible with micro wave monolithic integrated
Circuit (MMIC) and Opto electronic integrated circuit (OEIC) technologies.
Limitations: Micro strip antennas suffer from a number of disadvantages as compared to
conventional antennas. They are:

1. Low band width.

2. Low efficiency.
3. Low gain.
4. Low power handling.
5. Enhanced design complexity due to small size.
6. Suffer from effects of radiations from feeds and junctions.

Rectangular Micro strip antennas: The below figure (a) shows the basic structure of a
rectangular micro strip antenna and figure (b) illustrates the side view of fig (a) in which the
variation of electric field was shown.

The patch is of length L, width W and thickness h with permittivity ε r. The thickness is
not critically important. Typically h is much smaller than the wavelength of operation. The
frequency of operation of the patch antenna is generally determined by length L. The
r r
critical frequency or center frequency fc can be approximately given by =
2L√εr 2L√µ0ε0εr
.Where v is the velocity of light; ε 0 and µ0 are the
permittivity and permeability of the dielectric substrate
respectively. Generally the length L is maintained greater
than the width, w. The radiation pattern of three such
cases is shown in the below figure. The net magnitude of
electric field at any point is a function of θ and φ as given
by E(θ, φ)=ƒEφ2 + Eθ2

Normally, the directivity of patch antennas is below 10dbi and the field for center fed
rectangular patches is linearly polarized.

Characteristics of Micro strip antennas: Some of the most important characteristics of

micro strip antennas are described below.

1. Use of substrate with smaller εr yields better radiation.

2. Micro strip antennas can have the variation of electric field in both θ and φ directions
(i.e. azimuthal and elevation angles).
3. The directivity of a patch is given by D =4π/π=4 or 6.021 dbi or in general less than 10
4. Gain of a patch is roughly estimated between 7‐9 dbi.
5. The width W controls the input impedance and hence the band width of the
rectangular strip antenna.
6. Micro strip patch antennas have a very high quality factor. The quality factor Q
represents the losses associated with the antenna.
7. The overall efficiency of micro strip antennas will be very poor.
8. A square patch gives circular polarization and a circular patch gives a linear polarized
9. The band width of rectangular patch antennas is typically of the order of 3%.

Impact of different parameters on characteristics: The parameters L, W, h, A and εr are

Length, Width, Thickness, Area and dielectric constant or permittivity of the dielectric
substrate controls the antenna properties. More is the length than width, more is the narrow
beam width. The ratio L to W is called as Aspect ratio of the patch which controls the
resonant frequency. The permittivity εr controls the radiation pattern. Smaller the permittivity
better is the radiation. The thickness h has the negligible effect on antenna
properties. As a general principle, “ An antenna occupying more space in a spherical volume
will have a wider band width”.

Applications: 1. Increasingly gaining popularity for use in wireless applications due to their
low profile structure.
2. Extremely compatible for embedded antennas in hand held wireless devices such as
cellular phones and pagers.
3. The telemetry and communication antennas on missiles.
4. Satellite communication, micro wave and milli meter wave systems.
5. Airborne and Spacecraf systems.
6. Defense and Space applications.
Reflector antennas: Reflectors are widely used to modify the radiation pattern of a radiating
element. Especially to eliminate the radiation in back ward direction (minor lobes). Several
reflector types are illustrated in below figures from (a) to (i).


With two flat sheets intersecting at an angle α (<180 ) as in above figure (d), a
sharper radiation pattern as from a flat sheet reflector (α =180 ) can be obtained. This
arrangement called an active corner reflector antenna is the more practical antenna. A corner
reflector without an exciting antenna can be used as a passive reflector antenna. For square
corner reflector antennas the corner angle is 90 .

For the analysis of corner reflector antennas the “Method of Images” can be used in
which a perfectly conducting plane sheet reflector of infinite extent is assumed to exist.

Corner reflector antennas: Two flat reflecting sheets intersecting at an angle or corner as in
below figure form an effective directional antenna. When the corner angle α=90 , the
sheets intersect at right angles, forming a square corner reflector. A corner reflector with α

=180 is equivalent to a flat sheet reflector and is considered as the limiting case of corner
reflectors. Assuming perfectly conducting reflecting sheets of infinite extent, the method of
images can be applied to analyze the corner reflector antenna for angles α =180 /n. Where
0 0 0
n is any positive integer. Corner angles of 180 ,90 ,60 etc…( for n=1,2,3,…) can be treated in
this way. Corner reflectors of intermediate angles cannot be determined by this method but
can be interpolated appropriately from the others. In the analysis of the 90 corner reflectors
there are 3 image elements 2,3 and 4 located as shown in above figure (a). The driven
antenna 1 and the 3 images have the currents of equal magnitude. The phase of the currents
in 1 and 4 is the same. The phase of the currents in 2 and 3 is the same but 180 out of
phase with respect to the currents in 1 and 4.
The calculated radiation pattern of a 90 corner reflector with an antenna to corner
spacing of s=0.5λ is shown in figure (a)If s exceeds a certain value, a multi lobe pattern may
be obtained. For example a square corner reflector with s=1.0 λ has a 2‐lobed pattern as in


figure (b). If the spacing is increased to s= 1.5λ, the pattern is as shown in figure (c) which is
obtained with the major lobe in φ=0 direction but with minor lobes present.

Radiation patterns can be calculated

0 0
for corner reflectors for angles of 60 ,45 ,
etc… in the similar manner. For the 60
corner the analysis requires a total of 6
elements 1 actual antenna 5 image elements
as shown in below figure (a). And 1 actual
antenna and 7 images (total of 8 elements)
for 45 corner reflector as shown in below
figure (b).

The parabolic reflector: The parabola is defined as the locus of the distance from any point
p on parabola to a fixed point F called the focus is equal to the perpendicular distance to a
fixed line called the directrix. i.e. PF=PQ in the figure. The
property of a parabolic reflector is that all the waves from an
isotropic source at the focus that are reflected from the parabola
arrive at a line AA’ with equal phase. The “image” of the focus is
the directrix and the reflected field along the line AA’ appears as
through it originated at the directrix as a plane wave. (i.e. PF +
PS=QS). That is parabolic reflector can be used to convert any
wave front into a plane wave front which results in a narrow
pencil beam type of radiation by satisfying the Fermat’s principle
(Equality of electrical or optical path lengths). Such a developed
parabolic reflector antennas are having a wide range of applications in the present days in
the field of communication.


Types of parabolic Reflectors: Different formations of parabolic reflectors can be obtained by
rotating a parabola which is a 2‐dimensional curve about different ways. The generally used 5
types of parabolic reflectors are shown in below figures from (a ) to (e).

Figure (a) represents a conventional and most commonly used paraboloidal reflector. It is a 3‐
dimensional curved surface generated by rotating a parabola about its own axis. Figure
(b) represents a parabolic cylinder which is generated by moving the parabolic curve normal
to its axis. It provides a rectangular mouth and has a line instead of a point as the focus.
Figure (c) represents a papered paraboloid in which the edges of the paraboloid are
tapered (smoothened). Figure (d) represents the pill box type reflector which can be
obtained by shortening the cylindrical parabola. And figure (e) represents a cheese
parabola which can be considered as a slice of paraboloid or cylindrical parabola.

Out of all these 5 types the paraboloid or micro wave dish antenna or simply dish
antenna was the most popularly used antenna in many Present day applications in wireless
communication systems.

Feed systems: The antenna placed at the focus of a paraboloid is known as primary or feed
radiator and the parabolic reflector is known as secondary radiator. That is the entire
parabolic reflector antenna consists of two basic components the reflector and a source of
primary radiation at the focus.

An ideal feed would be that radiator which radiates towards reflector in such a way
that it illuminates the entire surface of the reflector and no or zero energy is radiated in


other directions. Of course such an ideal radiator is not available in practice. However there
are a number of choices for primary feed.

A dipole antenna is not very much suitable for the feed but occasionally used. A most
common feed radiator for paraboloid reflector antenna is a wave guide horn. As shown
below a horn antenna is pointing the paraboloid in such a way that the entire radiation is
falling only on to the parabolic region. Further if circular polarization is required then
conical horn or helical antennas can be used as feed at the focus of the paraboloid as
shown in below figure (c).

Spillover effect: If the feed antenna used is not perfectly radiating the entire radiation on to
aperture or surface of the parabolic region, then the resulted radiation pattern from the
parabolic reflector along its axis is not strong some of the energy or radiation will lost. This
is called spillover effect.

If the feed or primary antenna is isotropic then the paraboloid will produce a beam of
radiation. Assuming the circular aperture is large, the beam width between first nulls is
given by FNBW = degrees. Where λ is the free space wave length and d is the diameter
of the aperture. Then the half‐power beam width is given by HPBW = degrees. Finally
4nÆe 4n nd2 2 2
the directivity, D of large uniformly λ illuminated
2 aperture is D = = =π (d/λ) =
2 λ2 λ2 4
9.87(d/λ) .
Cassegrain feed: In 18 century Astronomer Cassegrain introduced one feed arrangement. In
which the primary feed radiator is positioned around an opening near the vertex of the
paraboloid instead of at the focus. This system employs a hyperboloid secondary reflector
whose one of the foci coincides with the focus of the paraboloid. The feed radiator is aimed
at the secondary hyperboloid reflector or sub reflector. As such the radiation emitted from
the feed radiator is reflected from the Cassegrain secondary reflector which illuminates the
main paraboloid reflector as if they had originated from the focus. Then paraboloid
reflector reflects the rays or waves as usual as shown in figure.


Advantages of Cassegrain feed:

1. To minimize length of transmission line or wave guide

connecting the radiator and transmitter.
2. Reduction in spillover effect.
3. Ability to place the feed in at a convenient place.

Disadvantage: It is that some of the radiation from the

parabolic reflector is obstructed by the hyperbolic region.
This can be neglected for greater dimensions of paraboloids.
But, it becomes a problem with small dimensional

Comparison between parabolic and corner reflectors:

1. It is essential that a parabolic reflector need a directional feed which radiates all or
most of the energy into the parabola. A corner reflector on the other hand does not
require a directional feed.
2. Parabolic reflector has specific focal point whereas the corner reflector has no focal
3. Parabolic reflectors use the Fermat’s principle which is nothing but equality of
electrical or optical path lengths to give plane wave front. Whereas the corner
reflectors will use the Method of images.
Introduction: Lens antennas may be divided into two distinct types: (1) Delay lens Antennas
in which the electrical path length is increased by the lens medium and (2) Fast lens
antennas in which the electrical path length is decreased by the lens medium. In delay lens
the wave is retarded by the lens medium. Dielectric lenses and H‐Plane metal plate lenses are
of the delay type. E‐Plane metal plate lens are of the fast type. Dielectric lenses may be
divided into two groups they are (1) Lens constructed of non‐metallic dielectrics such as
Lucite or Polystyrene. (2) Lenses constructed of metallic or artificial dielectrics.

Non‐Metallic Dielectric Lens Antennas‐Fermat’s Principle: This type is similar to the optical
lens. It may be designed by the ray analysis methods
of geometrical optics. If any lens medium is satisfying
the Fermat’s principle which is nothing but the
equality of electrical path lengths of electrical or
optical means, will give a plane wave front afer the
lens medium. For example in the figure shown the
electrical path length of the path OPP’ must be equal
to the electrical length of the path OQQ’Q’’ or OP
must equal OQ’. Let OQ=L and OP=R and let the
medium surrounding the lens be air. From figure
Cosθ= = orQQ’=RCosθ‐L.
R L RCosθ–L
Then = + ……………………………………………………………….(1).
ßO ßO ßd
Where λ0 is wave length in free space and λd is the wave length in lens medium. Multiplying
The above equation byλ0, we getR=L+n(RCosθL)………………………………………………………(2).
ßO ßO √µs
Where n= is the refractive index of lens. In general n= fßO rO = . Where f is the
ßd ßd =fßd =rd ƒµOso
frequency, v0 is velocity in free space, µ is permeability of dielectric medium, ε is
permittivity of dielectric medium µ0 is permeability of free space and ε0 is the permittivity
of free space and µ= µ0 µr & ε =ε0εr Thus finally n=ƒµr sr . For non magnetic materials µr is
very close to unity so that n=√sr. Returning to the above equation (2),
i.e. R =L+n(R Cosθ‐L)
= L+nRCosθ‐nL
Or R‐nRCosθ =L‐nL
or R(1‐nCosθ) =L(1‐n)

or R= L(1–n) L(n–1)
(1–nCos8) (nCos8–1)

This equation is called the design equation of lens antenna which gives the
required shape of lens.
E‐Plane metal plate lens antennas: This type is similar to the optical Plano concave lens. It
may be designed by the ray analysis method of geometrical optics. Any Plano concave lens
can be used an antenna, if it satisfies the Fermat’s
principle which says that a plane wave front can be
obtained from the lens if the electrical path lengths
travelled by the wave or ray are equal. For example, In the
figure shown the electrical path length of the path OPP’P”
must equal to the electrical length OQQ’Q” or OP’ must
equal OQ’. Let OQ’ =L and OP =R. and let the medium
surrounding the lens be air or vacuum. Then from the
L R L–RCosθ
figure OQ = L‐RCosθ =PP’ or we can write = + . Where λ0 is wave length in free
ßO ßO ßg
space and λg is wave length in lens medium. Then we can write the above equation as
L = R+ (L‐RCosθ)
L=R+n(L‐R Cosθ) ( = n)
Or R‐nRCosθ =L‐nL L(1–n) L(n–1)
R= =
or R(1‐nCosθ) =L(1‐n) or (1–nCos8) (nCos8–1)

This equation is called the design equation of lens antenna which gives the required shape
of lens.
H‐Plane metal plate lens antennas: In this case the refractive index is equal or greater than
unity. H‐Plane metal plate lens can be designed similar to the E‐Plane metal plate lens by
applying the principle of equality of electrical path lengths i.e. satisfying the Fermat’s
Principle. This type of lens called an H‐Plane type since the plates are parallel to magnetic
field or perpendicular to E‐Plane. For this case also the design equation is given by
L(1–n) L(n–1)
R= =
(1–nCos8) (nCos8–1)
Tolerances on Lens antennas: In a dielectric lens, differences in path length may be caused
by deviations in thickness from original thickness and also by the variations in the refractive
index of the lens material used. Assuming an allowable variation of λ0/32, we have the
∆t 1 ßO
thickness tolerance that ∆t or∆t = ßd 0.03ßO. Thus we can say that
∆d = ßO = 32 32(n–1) =32(n–1) = n–1
the variation in thickness of the lens shows that there will be a corresponding change in
electrical path lengths.
Zoning in lens antennas: In lens antennas the equality of path lengths can be
maintained by using a method called zoning of lens to get a plane wave front
afer the lens medium. The zoning is nothing but the division of the plane face
of the lens into different regions as shown in the figure. The no. of zones or
divisions will depend upon the dimensions of the lens used. For example in
the figure, we are having 5 zones, z 1, z2,z3,z4 and z5 to have or to maintain
equal electrical path lengths through all zones.
Applications of lens antennas: Lens antennas can be used in almost all the applications to
which reflector antennas can be used. But, lens antennas will be preferred where the size
of the antennas required must be small. With this point of view the lens antennas are very
suitable on planes. The lens antennas find more applications in millimeter waves where the
size of the antennas required is to be small. Finally we conclude that the lens antennas can
be used where the size of antenna is required to be compact.

Antenna Measurements: Antenna Measurements are needed to know the actual

performance of the designed antennas and also where they have to be used. There are no
accurate antenna measurements practically. Ideally or theoretically we can have accurate
measurements. These theoretical concepts can be used to estimate or predict the actual
performance of antennas in terms of their gain, pattern, polarization, band width and
efficiency etc…

Basic Concept: The most common antenna

measurement is to measure its radiation properties
like directional pattern, gain or phase pattern in the
far field. Typical configuration of the measurement
of radiation is shown in the figure. The basic
procedure is to place transmitting or receiving
source antenna at different locations with respect to
the Antenna Under Test (AUT) and thus get a no. of
samples of the pattern at different locations. All this
arrangement will have good accuracy if the medium
selected is an anechoic chamber or free space.
Reciprocity in Antenna Measurements: The Antenna Under Test (AUT) can acts as either a
receiving or transmitting antenna. This is due to the applicability of reciprocity theorem.
However to apply this reciprocity theorem in practical antenna measurements, the
conditions to be satisfied are:
1. The media are linear, passive and isotropic.
2. The emf’s in the terminals of the interchanged antennas are of the same
3. The power flow must be same in either direction.
In standard careful measurements the first condition can be satisfied always and the second
can be met without problems. The third condition is perhaps the most difficult and may lead
to the statement that there is no accurate antenna measurement.
Near and Far fields: Based on Huygen’s principle it does not matter, where the sampling of
the field takes place provided enough information is obtained on some surfaces surrounding
the AUT. However the measuring practices and constraints depend largely on the distance of
the surface from the AUT. It has been defined that one can find several regions of the
radiated field in the vicinity of the antenna. These are the reactive near field region, the
radiative near field or Fresnel region and the far fields or Fraunhofer region. As we are almost
always interested in the radiation properties in the far field, it is obvious that the
measurements usually also takes place in the far field. There are several advantages of the far
field measurement they are:
1. The measured field pattern is valid for any distance in the far field region only
simple transformation of the field strength according to is required.
2. If the power pattern is required, only power measurement is needed.
3. The result is not very sensitive for changes in the location of the phase center of
the antennas and thus the rotation of the AUT does not cause significant
measurement errors.
4. Coupling and multiple reflections between the antennas are not significant.
The main disadvantage of far field measurement is the required large distance between
antennas leading to large antenna ranges. However because of the large no. of advantages
most of the cases the measurement will be done in the far fields. The below figure shows
the radiation patterns in the near and far field regions.
Coordinate System: The important parameters of the antenna measurements are
radiation properties. Since the radiation patterns of the antennas are having 3‐
dimensional variations in the space, we can consider the spherical coordinate system for
the measurements of antennas. In IEEE standard spherical coordinate system θ is the
elevation angle measured from z‐axis and φ is azimuthal angle measured from x‐axis and
r is the radius of the sphere. Sources of errors in antenna measurements: Any measured
quantity has a margin of error. Thus, the complete value for the gain of an antenna might
be 15dBi ± 0.5dBi indicating a half decibel uncertainty. To reduce the measurement
uncertainty to an acceptable level, the critical sources of errors identified in antenna
measurements are given below
1. Amplitude variations.
2. Phase variations.
3. Coupling to the medium.
4. Alignment errors.
5. Instrumental errors.
6. Leaking in cables.
7. Man made signals.
8. Atmospheric effects.
9. Impedance mismatches.
Measurement of different antenna parameters: To describe an antenna completely,
several radiation and circuit parameters are needed.
Pattern Measurement: The directional pattern, power or amplitude pattern is usually
measured by rotating the AUT on a positioned and by detecting the received power from
the power meter attached to it in the basic antenna measurement arrangement or concept.
Then plotting this power verses angle we get the pattern. Beam width pattern shape, side
lobe levels and their directions and null directions are parameters which can be obtained
easily from the measured pattern.
Directivity Measurement: The directivity, D of an antenna can not be measured directly
from the pattern measurement of antennas. However it can be computed from the
normalized power pattern Pn(θ,φ) as D = fl Pn(8,ఝ)Sin 8 d8 . That is the normalized
power must be first calculated from the different power readings from the meter attached to
AUT in different θ and φ directions and substituting this normalized power in the above
formula we can measure the directivity of antenna.
Gain Measurement: There are different methods which can be used to measure the gain of
the antenna. Absolute method and comparison method are the two basic gain
measurement methods.
Absolute Method: The absolute method is based on the Frii’s transmission formula
PR=PTGTGR( 4nR ) watts. Where PR is the power received, PT is the power transmitted, GT is
gain of transmitting antenna GR is gain of receiving antenna, λ is wave length and R is the
distance between the antennas. In this absolute method we will assume that G T and GR are
same as that of AUT used in basic arrangement. Then by knowing the values of λ and R we


can measure the power received. Then the ratio of the powers
PT will give the power gain
of that antenna.
The efficiency of the measurement can be improved by increasing the no. of antennas
in this method. In two antennas method, two identical antennas are required (GT
= GR). If two antennas of identical gains are not available, then a third antenna is needed. In
3‐antennas method three sets of measurements are performed, one with each pair of
antennas. From these three simultaneous equations, the three unknown gains can be
solved in straight forward method.
There are many sources of errors in the absolute method. The misalignment of
antennas, polarization mismatch, and impedance mismatch both in the transmitting and
receiving sections. However the efficiency can be still increased by increasing the no. of
antennas more than 3 also. But, we have to compromise for the misalignments of antennas
Comparison Method: The comparison
method can be called as gain‐transfer
method. In this method, the power
received with the AUT and with a
unknown reference antenna are
compared as shown in figure. PAUT
measurement gives Gref = GAUT.
Where PAUT is power received with
AUT, Pref is power received with
reference antenna, Gref is gain of
reference antenna and GAUT is gain of
In this method the unknown gain G ref can be determined by knowing all other
parameters. For each measurement we compare the result and we can select the average
value as the gain of the reference or unknown antenna. This measured gain can be
applicable to reference antennas of any polarization.
The gains of circularly or elliptically polarized antennas are usually determined by
measuring the partial gains for two orthogonal linear polarizations i.e. Horizontal and Vertical
polarizations. That is the total gain GAUT is the sum of two partial gains as G ref = GH + GV.
Where GH is gain of reference antenna at horizontal polarization and G V is gain of reference
antenna at vertical polarization.
UNIT‐7 Wave Propagation‐I

Introduction: The energy generated by a transmitter is fed to transmitting antenna which in

turn radiates the same into the space. This radiated energy travels all through the space
and this mode of travel is termed as wave propagation. The space between the transmitting
and receiving antennas is nothing but the atmosphere present above the earth. This
atmosphere can be divided for the analysis of study as Troposphere, Stratosphere and

Troposphere: It extends from the earth’s surface to 10 t0 15kms. The temperature of

troposphere decreases with height at an average rate of 6 degree/km. There may be a lot
of turbulence because of variations in temperature, pressure and density. The upper
boundary of troposphere is called tropopause.

Stratosphere: It extends from 15 t0 40kms above the ground surface. The temperature
throughout this region is almost constant and there is a little water vapor present. The
stratosphere has almost no effect on radio waves.

Ionosphere: It extends from 40 t0 400kms above the ground surface. The temperature in
this region will increases as the height increases. The changes in the ionosphere due to
ionization of the particles are very turbulent.

Modes of wave propagation: The energy radiated from the transmitting antenna may travel
all through space with or without alteration in its characteristics depending on the properties
of the space between transmitting and receiving antennas. Generally in free space or space
the wave may undergo either reflection or refraction or diffraction or scattering under
normal variations taking place in the free space. Due to all these phenomena. Finally the
wave can reach the receiving antenna due any one of the following modes of propagations.

The wave marked1 adopts a straight

line path in free space and is sometimes
referred as direct wave (DW). The wave
marked2 adopts a curved path in view of
refraction phenomena in the atmosphere. The


wave marked3 reflected or scattered in the troposphere is termed as tropospheric wave. This
mode of propagation is the result of irregularities of troposphere, which extends to nearly 10
t0 15kms from the earth’s surface. The communication utilizing the tropospheric waves is
called tropospheric propagation. The wave marked4 reaching the receiver afer getting
refracted and reflected from the ionosphere is called ionospheric or sky wave. This is
sometimes also referred as ionospherically reflected or ionospherically scattered wave. The
wave marked5 propagating over paths near the earth’s surface is termed as ground wave or
surface wave. The ground waves are vertically polarized and exist if antennas are closer to
earth. Out of all these modes of propagations the generally occurring propagations are
only three as (1)Ground or surface wave (2) Space or tropospheric wave
(3) Ionospheric or sky wave propagation.

Ground wave propagation: The energy propagated over paths near the earth’s surface is
considered to be made possible through ground waves. The earth’s surface is normally
considered to be flat or plane , provided the distance between the transmitter and receiver
does not cross a barrier d which is given by d = in miles. Beyond this distance the effect
of curvature of earth is to be accounted. A ground or surface wave can exist if the
polarization of the wave is vertical at transmitter and antennas are situated closer to earth.
For these types of waves the ground can be considered as perfectly reflecting plane.

Plane earth reflection: For elevated transmitting and receiving antennas within in the line of
sight of each other, the received resultant signal is a combination of the signal reaching the
receiver through a direct path and that reaching
afer being reflected by the ground. The flat or
plane earth can be of two types as smooth and
rough surface based on Rayleigh criterion given by
R= . Where σ the standard deviation of
the surface irregularities relative to the mean
surface height, θ is the angle of incidence, λ is the
wave length. If R<0.1, The reflecting surface is
considered as smooth surface. If R>10, the reflecting surface is considered to be rough.

Field strength Relation: In the figure, the transmitting antenna, T located at A, with height
ht and receiving antenna R is located at B with height hr. R1 is the distance travelled by Direct
wave (DW), R2 is the distance travelled by the reflected wave (RW) by earth and


image of transmitting antenna since the earth is assumed to be flat and perfectly
conducting. From the upper right angle triangle of the figure

R12=(ht –hr) 2 + d 2or R1=d [1+(ht –hr) 2/d ]2 1/2

2 2 2
Similarly from the lower right angle triangle, R2 =(ht + hr) +d
2 2 2 2 2 (ht+hr)
R2 = (ht +hr) + d or R2 =d [ +1]
R2 = dJ +1

But, generally, the distance d will be much greater than the heights of antennas h t
and hr. Then we can write the above equation as
2 2
R1=d [1+(ht –hr) /2d ]
2 2
R1=d+(ht –hr) /2d and R2=d+(ht +hr) /2d
The difference in path lengths R2‐R1 is given by

R2‐R1 = (ht+hr)2–(ht—hr)2 2hthr

2d = d

The phase difference corresponding to this path difference is

ß)( d )
=4nhthr If E0 is the field produced at unit distance by direct ray from
ßd 4nE0hthr
E0 4nhthr
transmitting antenna, then the total electric field is E =( ) ( )=
d ßd ßd2

Or E = E0 4nh thr.

According to Sommerfeld there is no difference between Ground and space waves.

Curved Earth Reflections: The curvature of the earth can be neglected if the distance is
lesser than d= when this distance increases, then the losses due to earth will be also
increases and finally reduces the original wave energy. To analyze the effect of the curved
earth on wave propagations, we need the horizon of the earth.

Horizon of the Earth:

In the above figures ‘a’ is the radius of the earth, h t is the height of the transmitting
antenna, hr is the height of the receiving antenna, d 1 is the curvature of the earth at
transmitter side and d2 is the curvature of the earth at receiver side and do is the total
curvature or horizon of the earth from transmitter to receiving antennas α is the angle
between two lines of radius of the earth and transmitting or receiving antennas. From
a ht
figure (a) we can write Cos α = ÷1 ……………………... (1)
a+ht a

In practical problems α is very small. Thus for small α, we can write
Cos α =1‐ α ………………………………… (2)

α2 ht
From equations 1 and 2 1‐ =1—
2 a

α2 ht Or α = J One more approximation for α when it is small is given by α
2 = a a
= ………………………..(3)

Therefore d1 2ht . Thus the horizontal distance d1=ƒ2aht meters.

a = J a

Similarly, from figure (b), we get d2=ƒ2ahr meters.

If figures (a) and (b) are joined together by overlapping OC, it gives figure (c) then the

total distance or horizon d0 can be given by d0 =d1 + d2 =J2a (ƒht +ƒhr )

d0 =√(2X6.37X106 (√(ht ) (m) +ƒhr (m)) [ since a=6.37X10
d0 = 3.57 ƒht (m) +ƒhr (m)) Km.

The horizon d0 can be termed as Line‐of‐sight (LOS) distance.

Wave tilt: It is defined as the change of orientation of the vertically

polarized ground wave at the surface of the earth. During the
passage of travel, the wave starts tilting in the forward direction as it
progresses. The magnitude of tilt will depend on the conductivity
and permittivity of the earth.

Tropospheric Scattering: Reception of the signals very far beyond the horizon in VHF and
UHF range is possible due to scattering phenomena in the troposphere. The troposphere is
turbulent at these frequencies. Waves passing through such turbulent regions get
scattered. When λ of the wave is large, then this scattering takes place in all the directions. To
receive this scattered signal at a point well beyond the horizon, the transmitting and
receiving antennas must be so oriented that their beams of radiation overlap in a region
where forward scattering is taking place. This scattering process is random of nature.
Generally signals of above 500 MHz will be reached to receiving antenna using these
scattering phenomena.

Power received in free space: Consider an isotropic or Omni directional antenna which
radiates uniformly in all directions. Let Pt be the transmitted power, Pr be the received
power in free space at a distance, R. Then Pr is the transmitted power divided by the surface
area 4ΠR of an imaginary sphere of radius R. Thus, Pr = watts. If the transmitting
antenna is directional with gain Gt then Pr = 2 watts. If the effective aperture of the
PtGtÆr 4nR
receiving antenna is A r then P r = watts. If the gain of the receiving antenna G r = 4nÆr
4nR2 ß2
ß2Gr PtGtGrß2
then substituting Ar = we get Pr = watts.
4n 4nR2
Super Refraction, M‐Curves and Duct Propagation: Other than surface and space wave
propagations, depending on the changes taking place in the troposphere refractive index, n
there may be some rare cases of wave propagations like super refraction and duct
propagations. That is the variation of n leads to the phenomenon’s such as super refraction,
fading and ducting. The duct can be assumed to be a wave guide with leakage. In such

cases the actual ‘n’ will be replaced by modified index ‘M’ as M=n+ where h is the height
of the antenna and a is the radius of the earth (a=6037x10 meters). This modified
refractive index ‘M’ will with respect to the height. The different cases for different values
of called M‐Curves are shown below.

As shown in the above figures, the figure (a0 gives the variation of M with respect to
h which is linear. This case happens for standard atmosphere. Figure (b) shows the refraction
at lower heights equals earth’s curvature. Figure (c) shows the surface duct formed over sea.
Figure (d) shows elevated duct formed over land.

Fading and Path loss: The troposphere signals ofen suffer from fading which is a
phenomenon of reduction of signals due to variation in refractive index. This phenomenon
occurs when there are sudden changes in the temperature, pressure and humidity of air.
The fading can be fast or slow or single path or multi path. To avoid these we can use the
methods like space diversity, frequency diversity, time diversity, modulation diversity and
polarization diversity.

In addition to the ground effect, reflection, refraction, scattering, diffraction, super

refraction, duct and fading effects there may be losses that occur for the waves travelling in
free space due to the presence of rain, snow, fog, clouds, birds, trees, mountains and hills
etc… Due to all these effects it is necessary to estimate the total path losses occur for the
wave travelling in free space. The basic path loss for general communication is given by the
Path loss = 32.45 + 20 log10f (MHz) + 20 log10d (km)
The total path loss in dB’s= L total =Lfs + Ls + Lref + Lfad + Lcpl + Gt + Gr
Where Lfs is free space path loss, Ls is scattering loss, L ref is refractive index loss, Lfad is fading
loss, Lcpl is coupling loss, Gt is gain of the transmitting antenna and Gr is the gain of the
receiving antenna.
Problem: (1) Find the basic path loss for communication between two points 3000kms
apart at a frequency of 3GHz?
Solution: Given: f = 3GHz
d = 3000Kms
Required: path loss =?

We know that Path loss = 32.45 + 20 log10f (MHz) + 20 log10d (km)

For the given values of d and f, path loss = 32.45 + 20 log103000+ 20 log103000
Path loss =32.45 =20x3.4771+20x3.4771=171.534 dB’s
Path loss=171.534 dB’s

Problem: (2) Calculate the maximum distance at which signal from transmitting antenna
with 144m height would be received by the receiving antenna of 25m height?
Solution: Given: ht= 144m
hr = 25m
Required: d0 =?

We know that d0 = 3.57(ƒht +ƒhr )km

For the given values of ht and hr, d0= 3.57 (12 + 5)Km

UNIT‐8 Wave Propagation‐II

Introduction: The propagation of sky waves also called as ionospheric waves revolves around
the refraction mechanism in the ionosphere. Therefore in order to see the wave propagation
in the ionospheric region, it is required to see the structure of ionosphere.

Structure of ionosphere: The ionosphere is a region above the earth and is composed of
ionized layers. In general 4 layers namely D, E, F1 and F2 as shown in the figure.

D‐Layer: It exists between 40 t0 90 kms above the Earth’s surface. It is a day‐time

phenomena and largely absent in the night. Ionization in the D‐Layer is low because less
ultraviolet light penetrates to this level. At LF and MF ranges this layer is highly absorptive
and limits day‐time communication to about 300kms. It is responsible for much of day time

E‐Layer: It exists between 90 to 140 kms above the Earth’s surface. The ionization is almost
constant in this layer with little diurnal or seasonal variations. It is closely governed by the
amount of ultraviolet light from the sun and uniformly decays with the time at night. The
layer permits medium distance communication in LF and HF bands.

F1‐Layer: It exists between 140 to 250 kms above the Earth’s surface. This layer is almost
constant with little diurnal or seasonal variations.

F2‐Layer: It exists between 250 to 400 kms above the Earth’s surface. At night F1 layer slightly
rises and F2 layer slightly lowers to form one layer which is again called the F2 layer. It is
some times also referred to as F‐Layer. It is more variable in nature. The F2 or F layer is
responsible for the most of the HF long distance communication.
Sporadic E‐Layer: This layer is a result of an anomalous phenomenon and falls under the
category of irregular variations. Its occurrence is quite unpredictable and is observed both
during day and night. The cause of its appearance is still uncertain. It occasionally occurs
around the E‐Layer at discrete locations and then disappears.

Refraction & Reflections of the Sky waves by the Ionosphere: The refraction and reflection
phenomenon in the ionosphere is governed by the following three equations.
n=J1 — ………………………………………. (1)

Sinφi=Sinφr ……….………………………….... (2)

Vp = c/n or vg = cn or vp vg =c …………… (3)

where n is the refractive index of the ionosphere, N is the number of electrons per cubic
centimeter (Electron Density) , f is the frequency in khz, ф r is the angle of refraction, фi is
the angle of incidence, c is the velocity of light, v p is the phase velocity and vg is the group
velocity. A critical study of above three equations gives the following results:
81N term should be negative. Which is not possible thus this condition does
1. For n>1,
not exists.
2. For n<1, should be less than one or unity. This condition always exists. For this
condition we can say vp is always greater than c.
3. For n=1, should be zero. In this case vp=c.
81N 2
4. For n=0, should be one or unity or 81N=f . In this case vp=∞.
f2 81N
5. For n negative, should be greater than one or unity or f <81N, In this case n is an
imaginary quantity. In this case ionosphere totally absorbs the wave.

From all the above conditions we can

conclude that the wave propagation in
ionosphere is totally depends on the
refractive index, n of the particular layer of
Ray path: The path followed by a wave or ray
is termed as Ray Path. The figure gives 5
different ray paths.


Critical Frequency (fc): The highest frequency that returns from an ionospheric layer at
vertical incidence is called the Critical Frequency, fc for that particular layer. It is proportional
to the square root of maximum electron density in that layer i.e.fc =ƒ81Nmas

Maximum Usable Frequency: The maximum possible value of frequency at which the wave
returns from the ionosphere other than the vertical incidence is called the Maximum
Usable Frequency (MUF). The MUF will be always lesser than the Critical Frequency.

Relation between fc and Fmuf: If φi is the incident angle and φr is the refracted or reflected
angle then from Snell’s law n = Sin ఝ Sin ఝ 0
i = i (at fc, φr=90 )
Sin ఝ Sin 90O

n =Sin߮i =J1 — 2

Sin φi =1‐ 81Nmax

Sin φi =1‐
fc2 (fc =ƒ81N )
2 mas

f2 2 2
=1‐ Sin φi = Cos φi

2 f2c
fmuf = 2
2 2 i2
=f Sec
fmuf c ఝi

fmuf=fc Secφi is called Snell’s Law.

Lowest Usable Frequency(LUF): The frequency below which the entire power or energy or
wave gets absorbed by the ionosphere is referred to as the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF).

Optimum Frequency (OF): The frequency at which there is optimum return of wave energy
is called Optimum Frequency (OF) or
sometimes it is also called as the Optimum
Working Frequency (OWF). The figure
illustrates the LUF, OF, MUF and fc on the
frequency scale. The values of all these frequencies are different for different layers.
Virtual Height (h): It may be defined as the height to
which a wave sent vertically upward and travelling with
the speed of light would reach the receiver by taking
same two‐way travel time. The virtual height, h will be
always greater than actual height as shown in the figure.

Skip distance (d): The minimum distance at which the

wave returns to the ground at some critical angle is called the skip distance. That means
there may be different ray paths for different skip distances between the transmitting and
receiving g antennas.

Relation between MUF and Skip distance: From the figure, h is the virtual height, d is the
skip distance φi is the angle of incidence and φr is the angle of reflection. From the right
OB h 2h
angle triangle AOB, We get Cos φ i = = 2 2 =
ÆB 2
ƒh +(d /4)2 √4h +d

f2 2
From secant law we know that 2
= Cos φi

Cos φi = fc2
= f2
4h2+d2 Muf

c2 = 4h2+d2
fMuf 4h2

fMUF 4h2 +d2 d2

fc =J 4h2 =
J1 + 4h2

fMUF =fc J1 + d2
This equation gives MUF interms of skip
MUF 2 2
2 2
f d fMUF fMUF
distance. Otherwise from fc2
=1 + or (d/2h) = fc2
‐1 or d= 2hJ fc2

This equation gives Skip distance in terms of MUF.

Multiple hop propagation: The wave which will travel

from transmitting antenna to receiving antenna
without touching the ground and where in between is
called a hop distance. A single hop will be equal to the
skip distance. For specific applications where the
distance between the antennas is very large, more than
one hop distance is required. In such cases the wave
will reach the receiver or target by using multi‐hop propagation. In multiple hop
propagation, there will be transponders or repeaters at ends of hop distances as shown in
the figure. The purpose of these transponders is to again transmit the signal towards the
ionosphere with the same characteristics of the wave used at the original transmitter. In the
figure TP1 and TP2 are the transponders used. d3 is the skip distance.

Sudden changes in Ionosphere: In addition to all the phenomena studied in the ionospheric
wave or sky wave propagation, there are some more phenomena which can takes place in
the ionosphere and these will also shows their effect on the sky wave propagation. Such
phenomena’s are like sunspots, sudden ionospheric disturbances (SID), Ionospheric storms

Sunspots: These are the dark irregularly shaped areas on the surface of the sun which keep
on appearing and disappearing in two cycles, every 27 days and every 11 years. The
occurrence of sunspots, their life span, shape, size and location are all variable and
unpredictable. These sunspots cause variations in the ionization level of the ionosphere and
hence affect the propagation of characteristics of the waves.

Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID): These may occur any time and may lose from
minutes to several hours. The occurrence of SID is due to solar eruptions producing intense
bursts of ultraviolet light which are not absorbed by the upper ionospheric layers. These
sudden changes will affect the ionospheric wave propagation.

Ionospheric storms: These are caused by disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field and are
related to solar eruptions and the 27‐day cycle of the sun. The effect of these storms may
lead to turbulent ionosphere and erratic sky wave propagation. These storms mainly affect
the F2 layer reducing its ion density and causing critical frequencies to be lower.




Note : T his plan is prepared strictly according to the examination pattern to score
maximum marks and not for your own inte rest.

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