Manage Responsible Service of Alcohol v2 A PR 15-1 SP

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to manage responsible service of alcohol in a range of settings within
the hotel industries workplace context
Element 1: Maintain a responsible drinking Unit Variables
environment within a licensed environment The Unit Variables provide advice to interpret the scope and context of this unit of competence,
1.1 Identify customers who should be refused allowing for differences between enterprises and workplaces. It relates to the unit as a whole and
service facilitates holistic assessment
1.2 Apply enterprise and licensing authority This unit applies to all industry sectors that require to manage the responsible service of alcohol
eligibility standards and/or requirements to within the labour divisions of the hotel and travel industries and may include:
be served alcohol 1. Food and Beverage Service
1.3 Explain restrictions for service courteously
and diplomatically Licensed environment may relate to:
1.4 Where appropriate, request proof of age • hotels
prior to service • restaurants
Element 2: Dispense alcoholic beverages • bars
2.1 Prepare and serve standard drinks • night clubs
2.2 Decline request for drinks that exceed • gaming venues
standard limits politely and advise reason/s
Restrictions for service should relate to:
for refusal
• customers behaving in an intoxicated manner
2.3 Provide accurate advice to customers on
alcoholic beverages if required • customers behaving in a violent or disorderly manner
2.4 Refuse service to intoxicated customers in a • under-age persons
suitable and consistent manner • persons under an exclusion order
• persons requesting service outside licensing hours
Element 3: Ensure customers drink within
appropriate limits • safe drinking and/or responsible service of alcohol guidelines
3.1 Assess intoxication levels of customers

3.2 Offer assistance to intoxicated customers Proof of age may include:
politely • passport
3.3 Refer difficult situations to an appropriate • license
person within the establishment
• birth-certificate
3.4 Seek assistance from appropriate people for
situations which pose a threat to safety or • photo ID cards
security of colleagues, customers or property Standard drinks may relate to:
• defined amounts contained within drinking guidelines
• as defined by local authorities
• as defined on bottled products
Advice may relate to:
• types
• strengths
• standard drinks
• restrictions on use
• effects
Intoxicated customers may refer to:
• drunk
• disorderly due to alcohol consumption
• showing signs of excess consumption of alcohol
Assess intoxication levels may include:
• observation of changes in behaviour
• monitoring noise levels
• monitoring drink orders
• slowing service
Assistance may include:

• organising transport for customers wishing to leave
• offering food and non-alcoholic drinks
• assisting customers to leave
Appropriate person may include:
• manager
• security personnel on site
Appropriate people may include:
• police
• ambulance
Assessment Guide
The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
• knowledge of the effects of alcohol and factors which influence effects
• knowledge of legal requirements for alcohol service and consumption
• knowledge of the benefits in creating a responsible licensed drinking environment to self,
colleagues and customers
• knowledge of ways of assessing intoxication of customers
Linkages To Other Units
Note: The unit Manage and control conflict situations should be completed prior to commencing
this unit
• Prepare and serve cocktails
• Process liquor sales at a bar facility
• Operate a bar facility
Critical Aspects of Assessment
Evidence of the following is essential:
• demonstrated understanding of legal requirements and the principles of responsible service of

• demonstrated ability to maintain a responsible drinking environment using appropriate
communication, conflict resolution and anger management techniques
• demonstrated ability to offer customers assistance appropriate to situation and level of
Context of Assessment
This unit may be assessed on or off the job
• assessment should include practical demonstration of managing the responsible service of
alcohol either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a range of
methods to assess underpinning knowledge
• assessment must relate to the individual’s work area or area of responsibility
• assessment should include practical demonstration of the ability to maintain a responsible
drinking environment either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a
range of methods to assess underpinning knowledge
• assessment must include project or work activities that allow the candidate to respond to
multiple and varying customer service and communication situations that require the
application of responsible service of alcohol responsibilities/requirements
Resource Implications
Training and assessment to include access to a real or simulated workplace; and access to
workplace standards, procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment
Assessment Methods
The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:
• case studies
• observation of practical candidate performance
• oral and written questions
• portfolio evidence
• problem solving
• role plays
• third party reports completed by a supervisor

• project and assignment work
Key Competencies in this Unit
Level 1 = competence to undertake tasks effectively
Level 2 = competence to manage tasks
Level 3 = competence to use concepts for evaluating

Key Competencies Level Examples

Collecting, organizing and 2 Assess customer condition before and during
analyzing information service of alcohol
Communicating ideas and 2 Apply intervention techniques to restrict
information intoxication of customers
Planning and organizing activities 2 Identify the most appropriate way to maintain a
responsible drinking environment
Working with others and in teams 2 Ensure that colleagues are aware of planned
interventions and agree on course of action to be
Using mathematical ideas and 0
Solving problems 2 Defuse conflict
Using technology 0

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