Tracking Trump's Corruption

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Replying to @SchulteResearch
Before I block you, I am showing people how you are a Banking Cartel
disinformation agent. It is not "wayyy late".


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


The Banking Cartel keeps on trying to hide these truths. The
Banking Cartel is being wound down and we are working
together on a new reality.
Further to (page 14)


PHOENICIAN STONEHENGE IN AMERICA? By Suhail M. Jalbout. There are many indications that ancient Phoenician
mariners reached the East Coast of North America millennia ago. They may have erected their own stone monument to
mirror and align with stone circles in their Eastern Mediterranean homeland.

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global
Corporate Control. Today's segment is called "storytelling." Thanks to DCTV, Carmen Stanley,
Studio Producer and Director; Mark Leeke, Audio and Prompter; and Krystal Branton, Floor

I want to respond to criticisms about last week's segment on "Martial Law and Slavery"

Mike Crash

you keep saying the same thing in ALL of your vids. tell us something you haven't said
bodi hymer
Karen Hudes BTW I think you do great work...I have listened to you for a long time and
these recent broadcasts are very monotone and dry and hard to listen too...I understand
the challenges just offering constructive criticism ....what
you have to say is valued
* * * * *
I am going to respond by following STORYTELLING RULES
because moving your hearts and minds by telling my story
right can change the world.


 don't tell a boring story

 do tell a story with a clearly defined villain
 don't pretend you've never had to struggle
 do embrace your past and the experiences that define you
 don't end the story in the middle
 do provide a happy ending

Boring Story:

I tweeted, "We are anything but boring around here in the Global Currency Reset:

I am not going to be boring, because I am taking direction from all of
humanity. We are all going to be free from the Banking Cartel. We
are going to stop paying interest on country debt to the Bankers.
This is a scam. If you want to see how this is a scam, focus on the
1984Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan.
RevealedIrsFrontForBankingDynastiesIn1984 That report shows
the IRS is a fraud that collects taxes for the Banking Dynasties. 100% of what is
collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt -- all individual income tax
revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from

Clearly Defined Villain

We are looking for an important evil agency in the plot. A year ago in the segment called
WHODUNIT, which was a sequel to Sean Hross' video "Stop the Swiss Nazis", we described
the villain. The Network of Global Corporate Control is a conglomerate that has been
corrupting the politicians and business moguls all over the world. The Bank for International
Settlement is the group of private central bankers who issue paper money.

In the United States this is the Federal Reserve. From Sean Hross we also learned that these
Swiss Nazis, whom we call the Network of Global Corporate Control, has been operating out
of Switzerland ever since the Templars were outlawed in France on Friday, October 13, 1307
when the French King Philip the Fair arrested all the Templars in France.

We also learned how during the 30 years war between 1618 until 1648 about 100,000 Swiss
mercenaries under Templar control committed genocide against the Germans, killing 20
million Germans and their children corresponding to two thirds of the German population.
Whole cities disappeared from the earth. And in Alsace-Lorraine, Gallo-Roman Alsace Swiss
mercenaries killed 95% of the population.
In a video which I tweeted on the 3rd of August we learned that this villain has been
with humanity as long ago as 9200 BC, and probably before this ice age.

This villain is good at hiding, because it buys up all the media, internet search engines, and

I said this in March in a segment on 9-11

"Your article has not named the empire, as Vitali Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich 'the Network of Global Corporate Control.'
You are incorrect also that the "immediate future remains unclear, particularly for western nations." We
have been guided by an accurate power transition model that comes from the US National War College, You are correct that "we are now witnessing the
final days of an empire which will be written about with historical clarity." Your last point, "how exactly
did they get away with what they did for so long and why did we not see it?" We did see it, and by
raising red herrings in the Alternative Media, the answer to your question can be understood readily
through this comment."

The Bankers own all the world's intelligence agencies. These thugs have been accusing
anybody who sees what they are up to of being a conspiracy theorist. Last week I tweeted
the CIA memo that invented the term "conspiracy theorist." I wrote on that memo, "the whole
reputation of the American government"? But the CIA is headquartered in Switzerland &
works for the Banking Cartel."


In last week's episode I read you Bengt Carlsson's emails. I accused Bengt of being an agent
of the Network of Global Corporate Control. Bengt was the one who told me about the CIA
memo. Bengt was also the one who told me that the Vatican hired the Mafia to fire the shot
that killed JFK. The
Banking Cartel thought that because Bengt gave me some useful information, that I was also
going to accept Bengt's lies.

At the end of July Bengt sent me the biggest lie, and I called him out on it. This lie is that the
Banking Cartel succeeded in stealing back the world's wealth. They did no such thing. As
Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, I speak for the Board of Governors of
the World Bank and the IMF. I vote the US shares on the Board of Governors of the World
Bank and IMF. Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos locked up the world's wealth with the
Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. A very big tweet, which went viral, was
when I told the Banking Cartel, and Bengt, and the rest of humanity:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: alpha-omega-world ---
To: Bengt Carlsson

Dear Bengt,

There are no successor heirs. Ferdinand Marcos assigned all the assets of the world to the
Global Debt Facility. The wealth of the world is not in the estate of Marcos or any of his
relatives. Ferdinand Marcos used many pseudonyms.

I explained what José Rizal did in my previous tweet.

It is up to the Board of Governors to authenticate the signatories to the Global Debt Facility,
as stated in paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement. Humanity's patrimony remains with

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Bengt answered us in time for this week's segment. Bengt is telling me that the Banking
Cartel and its gatekeepers on the internet are going to interfere even more with our
communications. I just told Bengt that it was already too late. I tweeted:
The baton (w world's wealth) already went to humanity, and they know where to find me.


I said this because I have already told the world's people, and a critical mass believes me
about the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility.
The Banking Cartel is caught flat-footed; humanity is not relying on "command and control" to direct

I am going to prepare the rest of the paperwork for the Global Currency Reset to wind down
the Banking Cartel in bankruptcy and replace the scam paper currencies issued by the
Banking Cartel with the world's gold.
I already told the Fed, and told everyone else, too, and did it in a way that it can't be reversed:

The legal profession has double-checked what I did, and they know what is done is done.
They are refusing to admit this, and I am rubbing their noses in it. I have mopped up the
floor with them. Simply put, there is no legal profession left for those shysters.

Karen Hudes
Meanwhile, the gold belonging to the citizens of the world is going to be minted into national currencies;
the network of global corporate control has been exposed as the charlatans they are. The Bretton Woods
institutions, established to monitor the world's gold as it came out of hiding after 50 years, are now in
charge, and not that bankrupt network.

As for the interference and cutting the links: People and that includes loyal members of the
US military, know to read the documents when I retweet and repost them. Double and triple
broken links become viral. The censorship is not very effective, is it?
The Banking Cartel, using its agents in the US Secret Service, already tried to kick me off the
internet once. I was warned in time, and I complained to Ike Leggett, the President of the
County Executives of America. I was not kicked off the internet. Bertrand Badré, who was

then Acting President of the World Bank, and used to be a Managing Director of the World
Bank, tried to invalidate the trust containing the world's wealth, and then he issued a warrant
for my arrest on Interpol. I invalidated what Badré tried to do. Badré was fired the week
after he tried to have me arrested.

There is a huge disconnect between the lies the Banking Cartel, working through the
journalists and lawyers and accountants, tell you, and reality. The Banking Cartel
manipulates journalists and lawyers and accountants to create a false theater for its crooked
agents to act out on the world stage. The hard work is to help people understand how true it
is that "all the world is a stage"

Behind this facade of normalcy is the Network of Global Corporate Control that has bribed
and threatened and sometimes murdered the people in secret societies so that they play along
with the script. The Network of Global Corporate Control does this by printing paper money
with which to pay these bribes and to enslave the rest of us.

This villain has also lied to you about the past; most of what you think happened before 1600
happened at a different time; alot of what you think you know is wrong. Moscow State
University is trying to correct the lies

At the end of this segment, if there is still time, I am going to tell you how what you think you
know about Christopher Columbus is all wrong. I told this to you last year on DCTV
and also put it on my other social media. Otherwise, it will be there for you to look at in the

I am going remind you of some of my background information and of how the

Network of Global Corporate Control, and the Vatican, and the Society of Jesus,
and the bloodline families, have been systematically hiding reality from us. In
1986 I was hired into the World Bank by an Egyptian lawyer named Ibrahim Shihata, who
had previously been the General Counsel of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries. I was brought into the World Bank because I wrote a legislative history about the
G-77, which is 134 developing countries. One year after Shihata brought me into the World
Bank, Shihata introduced me to the Egyptian representative on the World Bank's board, and
I have been working with the Board of the World Bank ever since.

Critical Thinking
The moral of this segment is the importance of critical thinking. It is critical thinking of
all of humanity, working together as a team, that has enabled us to inherit the world's
wealth, and it is going to be critical thinking that helps us in the Global Currency Reset
to avoid the pitfalls that will lead to backsliding.

The people I work with are all critical thinkers. Going forward, it is critical thinking that
will enable you to figure out whether we are remaining on track during the Global
Currency reset. One of the people who has done most on the team that has destroyed
the Network of Global Corporate Control is a Japanese journalist, Izumi Takahashi, who
introduced me to the leaders in Japan. Her specialty was in teaching the strongest
young minds in Japan to think critically.

The Bretton Woods Institutions

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund were created in order to return the
world's wealth to the world's people. This is due to the greatest whistleblower of all
time: José Rizal. In an earlier episode we learned about José Rizal

and how he set out to end the cruel Spanish colonial domination of the Philippines.
After Rizal survived the firing squad in 1896, he went to the Vatican as Father Antonio
Diaz, and rose through the ranks, becoming the Superior General of the Jesuits in 1942.
Between 1942 and 1946 Rizal melted the Vatican's gold in Singapore, and then had his
lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos, create a trust called the Global Debt Facility containing the
world's treasures,

that is, the world's patrimony. The terms of this trust were agreed in 1950 among the
world's rulers in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement. After 50
years any previous claims over this wealth are invalid. This week I invalidated some
false claims of people related to Ferdinand Marcos, because Marcos assigned the world's
wealth before his death.

Don't Pretend You've Never Had to Struggle:

I am very persistent. This week I had a concussion after I was knocked down from the
back and my head hit the ground very hard when I fell. I have had to struggle to get the
teleprompter from last week's segment to you. YouTube did not print the link correctly
and prevented me from fixing it. Then Twitter and Facebook broke the link that I
uploaded on my social media. The Banking Cartel does not want you to know about the
Moors -- this group of North Africans has been fighting the Banking Cartel for a long,
long time. Morocco was the first country that recognized the United States.

In the teleprompter, I made sure you learned that it was the North Africans who told us
about ancient Greece (which was closer to the Middle Ages). In Iberia (Spain and
Portugal), the Berbers, now known as Moors, created a highly advanced civilization and
culture, famous for its art, architecture, and centers of learning. What is the significance
of this? It is to tell you who has been fighting against the Banking Cartel and who is still
helping all of us fight these villains.

Here is some reading to give you a flavor of my personal struggle against the Banking
Cartel and its agents. I don't
The Global Debt Facility containing the US monetary gold reserves has declared the US to be in
interregnum and informed that military dictator, General Joseph Dunford, Jr., or any secret
successor, that they have no role to play in civilian matters. On December 30, 2015 a henchman
delivered a very unpleasant message to me from General Joseph Dunford, Jr., and I told that
stooge that I was not intimidated and that I was loyal to my job, and that Gen. Dunford, Jr. was
not in command of the civilian government because the United States was in interregnum. On January 8th 2016 I was attacked by
DARPA military scalar technology, and I told the goons administering the attack that not a
single cell, nor a single mitochondria in my body was going to surrender. I made a full recovery.
I informed the public at large of the attacks and threats. I defeated that Vatican agent Anna von
Reitz' attempt to steal the world's assets for General Dunford on January 26th, 2016 The following day, in a letter to General
Dunford, which I tweeted to the world, I held General Dunford accountable for refusing to
reinstate Vice Admiral Tim Giardina and Major General Michael Carey after these heroes foiled
the Network of Global Corporate Control's crime of flying armed nukes "from one end of the
USA to the other" After General Dunford
attacked me in an attempt to steal the US monetary gold reserves for the Network of Global
Corporate Control, I discussed General Dunford's treason on the next live DCTV broadcast on
February 9, 2016: It was on that same show
that I discussed the corruption in the legal profession. A week later, Justice Scalia was

murdered. The corruption in the courts, in the money system, in the legal profession, this is all in
plain view. The lawyers are refusing to reply; so are crooked politicians, like Donald Trump.
When these agents of the Banking Cartel have no response, even when they know that this is
going to put them in default in a commercial lien, and result in their bankruptcy; this is a clear
admission of guilt.

Now following the storytelling rules, let me make sure to tell you the happy ending. The
first thing to tell you is that we, humanity, have really done the hard work, and that is we
have figured out what two of our heroes, Ferdinand Marcos, and Jose Rizal did for
humanity. They took the wealth that humanity created, and gave it back to humanity. I
am delivering what Ferdinand Marcos and José Rizal set aside for humanity.

Let's talk about the happy ending now.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

How are people responding? They are responding. They know that we are
in the Global Currency Reset to replace the scam currencies of the Banking
Cartel. Here is an indicator (the number of retweets that even Twitter is
admitting to):
The Banking Cartel is responding with more of the same...threadbare lies
and sock puppets in the comment pages. The fact is, time is on our side, as
more and more people see through the lies, and spread the word to other
people. Mind control, bogus offers, these boomerang as people get mad.
I will show you the latest sock puppet comments on my last YouTube video.
I had to switch browsers as the Banking Cartel tried to keep me from
informing you.

I am now recovering from the concussion after I hit my head when I was
knocked down from the back this week. The people nearest and dearest to
me are also subjected to attacks. How? Their glasses were stolen -- the
optometrist harassed them inappropriately during the exam on August 4th
for a replacement prescription.

Known agents populate my email account with drivel. Is there still

progress? How do we know this? Yes, we know there is real, accelerating
progress because I am still getting through to you, and informing you of
progress. At the end of this tweet is the latest eye-opener telling us we are
very much still on track in the Global Currency Reset.


The gremlins in my computer have shown me this list of action items --
Here are url's in my Twitter account showing you what people are
interested in:



Good, we seem to have enough time for me to tell you about early American history and Christopher
Columbus. I tweeted this over a year ago:

I emphasize that by London I do not

mean the British Government which is
just another facade no matter who is in
office. I mean that for historical and other
reasons the major operational centre of
the secret society web is based in
London and, to a large extent, Paris,
Brussels and Rome, also. Once again, to
understand what has happened in the
United States we have to go back a very
long time.

The Phoenicians landed there in ancient

times and what appeared to be Egyptian
(Phoenician) or Oriental remains were
found in the Grand Canyon in the early
years of this century, although the
knowledge of this has been suppressed.
The naming of the US city of Phoenix in
the Valley of the Sun in Arizona was
inspired by an understanding of the true
history of that area, no matter what the
official version may wish us to believe.
There is evidence that the Welsh, Irish,
English and Scots landed in North
America many centuries before

The official story that Christopher

Columbus discovered the Americas is
ludicrous. A few miles from Edinburgh in
Scotland today still stands Rosslyn
Chapel, that holy grail of the Brotherhood
Elite. It was built in the shape of a
Templar cross by the St Clair-Sinclair
family and is a mass of esoteric
symbolism. The foundations were laid in
1446 and it was completed in the 1480s.
How remarkable then that the stonework
at Rosslyn includes depictions of
sweetcorn and cacti which were only
found in America and Christopher
Columbus did not 'discover' that
continent until 1492! How could this be?
There is, in fact, no mystery.

Christopher Columbus was not even nearly the first white person to land in
the Americas. The Phoenicians, Norse, Irish, Welsh, Bretons, Basques and
Portuguese, all sailed to America before him and so did Prince Henry
Sinclair of Rosslyn, as documented in a rare book by Frederick I. Pohl called
Prince Henry Sinclair's Voyage To The New World 1398. Sinclair made the
journey with another Brotherhood bloodline, the Zeno family, one of the
most prominent Black Nobility families

OUTRO Thank you for listening to my story in the Series on the Network of Global Corporate
Control. I take your criticism to heart, as we work together on the team of humanity to end the
corruption in the world's money system that we have been suffering from during this latest ice

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Banking Cartel is trying to protect its agent Donald Trump with high-level shills. I
"outed" WWG1WGA a couple of weeks ago. Now she is pretending that she has learned, but
the fact remains that she is still working together with a twitter account named

Donald Trump is a bit actor, trying to confuse us.

All of the world's governments are standing in for the Banking Cartel. That game is coming
to a close, now that a critical mass of people are aware of the extent of the corruption in our

The Banking Cartel tried to prevent me from tweeting this. For the newbies who do not
know me very well yet: that is going to make me very determined to tweet this, and here it is
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Dear People,

This morning, @WWG1WGA saw fit to "like" this old Tweet that I had already answered


is a disinformation agent. She is quoting QAnon. I will remind you
what I said about QAnon last year. The Banking Cartel is like a harpooned whale on a
Nantucket sleigh ride.

The Banking Cartel is trying to convince you with lies, and keeps on trying to
show you videos produced by their liars. Here are the links to the Banking
Cartel's videos, superimposed over my last video:

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

August 31, 2018

Dear People,

We have had many milestones along the way to the Global Currency Reset. As my followers know,
Qanon is a Banking Cartel disinformation agent. Qanon is controlled opposition. Controlled
opposition tells you many things that are true in the hope that you will not use critical thinking to
recognize the lies that the controlled opposition slips in. I just blocked Qanon.

I am working together with a critical mass of people that understands about the corruption
in the world's money system, and that the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors are also
part of our clean-up crew. One of the members of our clean-up crew sent me an email to
alert me about an important tweet called "Checkmate" that the Banking Cartel was trying to
hide. I am not going to give you the name of the person who alerted me, because I do not
want there to be extra retaliation when the person who emailed me helped all of the world's
people by pointing out the Banking Cartel's big mistake. Here is the tweet and here is the
email (with the sender's name removed) telling me that the Banking Cartel tried to hide the
fact that they are losing:


From: Friend
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 8:06 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: "checkmate tweet" broken link

hi ms. hudes, they're still trying to hide the tweet called

"checkmate"(https// at
the bottom of page 11 on your twitter8.30.18.pdf. and also I have a quick
question: did you change the format to link from your front page at to twitter? because the screen layout looks different and a
message bar comes up across the bottom of the screen saying: "This link
was opened in an app." and to the right of that the options for "Change

settings" and "Don't show again for links to this site". on at least 4 or 5
occasions since the page format changes (about a week or so) when I
have clicked on a tweet to read it the next page immediately says " cannot
connect to twitter at the moment or something to that effect. when I
backpage and click on the same link again, it then goes through. parry on!

p.s. just now trying to send this the cursor wouldn't function for the "To"
entry and when I clicked on the actual word "To", yes I could bring up your
address but it wouldn't insert into the "To" field, I refreshed the page and it
then went through. cheers

I called the Worldbank

again this afternoon to
see whether it is possible
to start implementing
the Global Currency
Reset. I will keep on
updating you in my
social media. The links
to Twitter, Facebook,
YouTube, and my
website are at the end of
this tweet.

I am now going to show

you a three year old
tweet about gold stocks.
This refers to an article
of Jim Willie's. You all
remember that Jim
Willie published a bogus
freedom of information
act inquiry about the
Federal Reserve's gold
That is an example of
controlled opposition.
Lies mixed in with some


Karen Hudes

September 18 at 11:41pm ·

Thanks, Jim Willie, for documenting the fact that it is now high time to bring the world’s
monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility out of hiding. That is exactly what we are
doing in the Global Currency Reset agreed to by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF. The stooges of the Network of Global Corporate Control trying to prevent the shift out of
paper currencies to gold filled currencies have commercial liens on their assets.

JP Morgan Loses 45% Of Registered Gold Stock In One Day! |

After JPMorgan just experienced a STUNNING 45% loss of registered gold stock in a single
day, the COMEX now holds a total of 163,334 oz (5 metric tons) of

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
---------- Forwarded message ----------

A critical mass of people are aware of the corruption in the money system. What is even
more evident, there is a coalition of people at the very center of an institution that is charged
with administering the world's wealth. You are seeing this coalition in action by the very fact
that not a single embassy in Tokyo or New York has objected to the common law commercial
lien to bankrupt Sandie Okoro, the World Bank Group's former General Counsel. On behalf
of the Development Committee, the Global Debt Facility, and in my individual capacity,
yesterday I used the common law to begin bankrupting Sandie Okoro.

The Banking Cartel is powerless against this strategic combination. The Banking Cartel tried
to remove the documents on my website for my lawsuit in the Court of Appeals that the
Board of Governors settled in 2012. These documents were restored.
The Banking Cartel tried to remove the paragraph in the Commercial Lien which showed how
the members of the Board of Governors approved the Minutes of Meeting in 2016 for the
Global Currency Reset. I put this statement back in the Commercial Lien.

30. On March 15, 2017, Lien Claimant informed the members of the Boards of Governors
and the Development Committee, via their New York Missions and Tokyo Embassies as

This is to inform you of my fax dated March 13, 2017 to Dr. Sandie Okoro, Group General
Counsel of the World Bank, concerning the Global Currency Reset, and that she is to
be relieved of her duties if she is unwilling to implement the Global Currency Reset
previously referred to in the Minutes of the 2016 Annual Meetings:

These are the words that are in the Commercial Lien that are at the heart of the Global
Currency Reset:

"32. Sandra Okoro is acting outside the duties of the General Counsel of the World Bank
and has prevented me from returning to the World Bank's headquarters and working on
the Global Currency Reset agreed to by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF. Sandra Okoro has violated the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank, in
particular Article V, Section 2 SECTION 2(a). "Board of Governors
(a) All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of Governors..." and Section
5(c) "The President, officers and staff of the Bank, in the discharge of their offices, owe
their duty entirely to the Bank and to no other authority. Each member of the Bank shall
respect the international character of this duty and shall refrain from all attempts to
influence any of them in the discharge of their duties"
I have notified Lien Debtor of her nonfeasance, misfeasance, and malfeasance, and given
her the opportunity to rectify matters, so that the IBRD can be brought into compliance on
the world’s capital markets, and so that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF can complete the Global Currency Reset. Still Lien Debtor remains recalcitrant.

33. The Lien Debtor is in Commerce and this is interfering with my fidiciary
responsibilities to the IBRD, the IMF, and the world’s peoples as beneficiaries of TVM-
LSM-666, damaging my business advantage, character, and is obviously intentional,
willful, wanton and ongoing as it is by design, this being self-evident:"

Even for people who have trouble believing in the 1.8 million metric tonnes of gold in the
monetary gold reserves that are administered in the Global Debt Facility (which is very real)
there is documentary proof of the 2 quadrillion in bonds that were issued by the Federal
Reserve in the 1930's.

I have placed valid liens against the Fed. The cash flow going to the Banking Cartel from that
scam called country debt? That is ending in the Global Currency Reset. Ronald Reagan's
Grace Commission showed this cash flow to the Banking Cartel. The Banking Cartel tried
taking down the links to the Grace Commission study,

but could not remove all the links:

The most strategic officer at the very heart of the Bretton Woods institutions is their lawyer,
who helps interpret the Articles of Agreement, and empowers the Boards of Executive
Directors and Board of Governors. In 2004, to fight corruption and prevent the US from
surrendering unilaterally, the National War College of the US gave me a very strategic asset of
the US military, its power transition model, showing with 90-95% accuracy where coalitions
exist. This is an unbeatable combination.

The Banking Cartel and the rest of humanity are now in a direct
duel, with me as Overseer Mandate Trustee "embedded" as it were
in the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and in the
rest of humanity. I am going to be letting everyone know what is
going on, and you all will be the first to get a progress report.
There is absolutely no possible scenario for the Banking Cartel to
win. Either we have a Global Currency Reset, or we land in
WWIII. The likelihood that we have a Global Currency Reset is 90-95%. We are following the
power transition model from the US National War College. The silence from Donald Trump,
Neil Gorsuch, Joseph Dunford. This is an admission of guilt, there is no other explanation. I am
reinforcing this message here and now.

Now I am going to answer some of the comments on my latest segment on the DCTV
Series about the Banking Cartel (called the Network of Global Corporate Control).

YouTube attempted to censor my responses. This is a stupid thing to do. Naturally

people on the internet are even more interested in sharing what the Banking Cartel is
attempting to hide. YouTube is owned by Google, and Google was created by the CIA.
The CIA is headquartered in Switzerland, and was trying to destroy the United States.
The United States is remaining strong. It is the CIA which has lost its power and
influence. The sooner that people realize this, the better for them.

Emerson D'Vortex
i'm a big fan and am working to help . What i need is PROOF the Banks Constitution of 1871 is
fake . So far , everything you have said is spot on . You are an attorney , please provide the
evidence .
Emerson D'Vortex18 hours ago
nestor - thank you . I am familiar with the Church committee report . It addresses executive
power , but what we need from Ms. Hudes is proof the Banks have their own shadow
Constitution created in 1871 . She mentioned in an interview something about having the notes
from the meeting but i as yet haven't seen them .

Karen Hudes1 second ago

My previous comment was taken down. I will tweet this second comment.[1].pdf

Nestor B. Aguilar
Please read this...

James De Filippo
Nestor B. Aguilar but this states its been active since 1933 not 1871?

Emerson D'Vortex18 hours ago

nestor - thank you . I am familiar with the Church committee report . It addresses executive
power , but what we need from Ms. Hudes is proof the Banks have their own shadow
Constitution created in 1871 . She mentioned in an interview something about having the notes
from the meeting but i as yet haven't seen them .

The rest of this email shows you how I have been fighting the CIA for some time, and
also how I have been communicating with the New York and Tokyo embassies, as well
as Wolfgang Struck, who tried to trick me into selling off the Banking Cartel's 2
quadrillion debt.

Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 01:44:47 -0700

From: wolfgangstruck
Subject: Re: 6,000 hits on our show
To: [email protected]

Dr. Zvonko Berdik has a nice track record as swindler. WS

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>
To: Wolfgang Struck
Sent: Saturday, 19 July 2014, 16:30
Subject: RE: 6,000 hits on our show

Dear Wolfgang,

Please confirm receipt of this email. From what you wrote me, you either did not receive
the email at the foot of this, or there was interference with the links in it, especially this
which went to all the New York missions and to the state legislatures that I have email
addresses for (about 30) and to the immediate past president of the County Executives
of America. When I “tweeted” that link, there was one word that introduced it:

Karen Hudes @KarenHudes · Jul 17


The gremlin in my computer just erased the first response I wrote to your email, so I am
starting over. (It just erased several parts of this , which I am writing offline on my word
processing program). Suffice it to say that there is a great deal of interference in our
communications. This is with good reason. You and I together are quite an important
team. I think we are going to need to find ways to double check our communications
from here on out, because there will be a great deal of interference. At some point in the
near future we will need to be in the same place. We will have to figure out when this
will be necessary, and where.

You are mistaken about the response to our videos. What you need to be looking at is
the “retweets”, or responses, on my Twitter account. Every time I post something, this
goes to at least 350,000 people. First it goes to the 20,000 people who “follow” me with
direct links on my social media (Facebook – 12,000) and Twitter (6,000), and then it
gets shared to their respective networks. The network of one UK businessman is
320,000. (He contacted me when he learned about the firing of Vice Admiral Tim
Giardina and Major General Michael Carey after this post: )

Let me take you through where I think we currently are with our public. On May 26,
2013 (You contacted me on May 8, 2013) Scott Lennon contacted me, and offered me a
trading platform with the person whom he claimed was M1. This was the PS on his

“PS: The US Constitution was suspended at 1930 Geneva Conventions along with 214
Countries also filing bankruptcy, we are under U.C.C. which are the Bauer Rothschild
Trust provisions established in the year 1180 in Malta, hence why I believe John Roberts
was in Malta after releasing his decision on Obama care, most likely to collect his check,

this we will know shortly or the investigators will know already, not my side of the

Lennon has been sending me frequent emails, telling me to go in front of his screens.
He finally sent me a rather unpleasant email with “consequences” for resisting his
“request” .
I “tweeted” Lennon’s unpleasant email of, which I forwarded to Senator Barbara
Mikulski, my Senator and the Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a
UK citizen in touch with the UK House of Commons Clerk, and a few others. I just
learned this about the CIA’s M-1 from a facebook “friend”. A facebook friend has
forwarded me this about Lennon’s M1:


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Rule of Law in the International Financial System
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 23:14:32 -0400

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: FW: Rule of Law in the International Financial System
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 23:08:39 -0400

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
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Subject: Rule of Law in the International Financial System
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:56:21 -0400
I am reiterating my previous request for Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
Imperial Palace to organize a signing ceremony at the end of July for the Monetary
Agreements. khudes/Monetary+Agreement1.pdf

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: fyi
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:00:39 -0400

Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 21:04:43 -0700

From: wolfgangstruck
Subject: 6,000 hits on our show
To: [email protected]; Izumi Takahashi

Hi Karen,

It looks like 6,000 persons have clicked our abrupt-ed skype

interview and there are 44 comments, some approving of your
enormous efforts but not one really or seriously asking a
question regarding the enormous amounts of gold we are
showing and talking about.

It is the same as with the 170,500 metric tons which we

offered, with complete documentation including original
transfer of ownership, to the American people some time ago
or now with 32,000 plus 12,000 metric tons in Japan. Nobody
wants to bite, it seems, because the minds of the people
around the world are conditioned to believe that there are only
160,000 metric tons in this world that have ever been produced
since the beginning of mankind. So this Wolfgang Struck and
his lawyer Karen Hudes must be hallucinating.

This is, excuse me, too close to "God created the world and
everything else is made in China" and it is also wrong. But that
is a reality, even if it is a real lie, that we have to deal with
before we can dream of entering our message into the heads of
some more of our viewers.

We live in a funny world where the majority of people believe

in the saga of Neil Armstrong on the moon and back, the saga
of Bin Laden destroying the World Trade Center with two
airliners, the saga of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq or
Syria, or now an evil Putin trying to regain Ukraine. That are all
lies from the top with the intention to rule the world in a New
World Order.

Our corrupted mass media are very good in painting the picture
of the world as they want it. Most people look at the screen and
believe it must be true because they see it with their own eyes.
They forget or just don't know that someone knowingly
produced the show his way and gets paid for it.

In our re-take we must give our viewers another look or more

evidence of gold far beyond their imagination. I will look for
good examples that can be read and understood by a greater
number of interested parties.

Have nice Sunday,


1 comment
The Real Story About Robert Zoellick and the Philippines
by KarenHudes on Sun, 11/13/2011 - 19:40
After the East Asia crisis in the Philippines, the World Bank was helping the government
to strengthen the banking sector with a $300 million Banking Sector Reform Loan.
Estrada sold employee stock in Philippines National Bank to Lucio Tan, and the
depositors lost confidence because Philippines Airlines, also controlled by Tan, was in
default to PNB. Ultimately $200 million from the World Bank loan was cancelled, along
with $200 million in a matching loan from Japan, and Philippines Deposit Insurance
Company had to bail out PNB with P 25 billion ($493 million equivalent) from the
Philippines taxpayers. Estrada was ultimately impeached, and the Sandiganbayan
found him guilty of plunder. Robert Zoellick's contribution to the Philippines was: to
prevent the World Bank Board from finding this out, to retaliate against the World Bank
lawyer who tried to prevent the plunder, and to engage in a massive cover-up at the
World Bank to this day.

World Bank president supports PH reforms
Posted at 10/27/2011 2:20 PM | Updated as of 10/27/2011 6:33 PM

MANILA, Philippines — World Bank Group president Robert B. Zoellick on Thursday

expressed support for the Aquino administration's programs for good governance and
poverty reduction. "My visit has helped me better understand the importance of
President Aquino’s program for good governance and the government’s priorities to
improve the business climate, develop infrastructure, increase investments in health,
and education, and protect the most vulnerable people," Zoellick said, in a statement.

Zoellick made the comments on the second day of his visit to the Philippines, which
included a meeting with President Benigno Aquino, the government economic team,
businessmen and civil society representatives. In a meeting with Aquino on Thursday,
Zoellick also assured him of the World Bank's support, in the area of disaster risk
management. The World Bank has extended a $500 million rapid response contingent
line of credit that the government can use for emergency relief and recovery after a
major disaster.

The Philippines will also receive a grant of $2 million from the Global Facility for
Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Zoellick announced. This will fund a program that
provides access to the global best practices on disaster risk reduction. "I am impressed
with the resilience the country has exhibited to recent external shocks, including the
impact of typhoons and the El Niño effect... The country’s strong financial and trade
resources and economic fundamentals have helped cushion the impact of the global
economic turmoil on the local economy," Zoellick said.

For his part, Aquino said: "The World Bank has been a valued partner in our
government's efforts to achieve inclusive and sustained economic growth."

Helping to empower the poor

On Wednesday, Zoellick visited a slum community in Brgy. Kalayaan, Pasay City to see
firsthand how the government's conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, also known as
Pantawid Pamilya, has been helping families. Accompanied by Social Welfare Secretary
Corazon Soliman, Zoellick met families who have benefitted from the CCT, which
provides cash to parents who send their children to school and comply with health

"The best safety net programs are those that deliver efficiently and effectively to the
people who need support the most. It was heartening to hear women speak about their
commitment to meet the requirements to send their children to school and to seek
health care for their families," Zoellick said. "While the program here is very young, the
tangible benefits are evidence of the value of these programs and highlight that good
governance matters – with better targeting helping to empower poor people."

The World Bank has been supporting the Pantawid Pamilya program, through the $405
million social welfare and development reform project with the Department of Social
Welfare and Development. The CCT program has increased people’s annual incomes by
an average of 12.6%, resulting in cuts in the incidence of poverty by about 6 percentage
points, according to research by the Bank and the Australian Agency for International
Development (AusAID).

By the end of 2011, the Pantawid Pamilya expects to cover 2.3 million households, or
almost 62 percent of the poor households in the Philippines. During his visit, Zoellick
also met with government officials, including Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima. He was
given a briefing on how the Philippines plans to improve its competitiveness, while
cushioning the economy from more external shocks. Zoellick cited the need for
acceleration of public spending, especially in infrastructure and human capital
investment. He also expressed support for the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
program, saying the Bank is ready to assist.


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST
The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Sunday, June 2, 2019

This Twitter account is trying to confuse you with her lies. She can't be bothered with
the Truth, and is stupid enough to admit it, after waiting a day to respond.


There is nothing but evidence. Was the United States Federal

Government declared bankrupt in 1933? Read the Federal Register and James
Trafficant's statement.


I have been showing you the difference between the Banking Cartel's lies and the truth for
many years. Attached is what I tweeted just before the Banking Cartel tried to kill me three
years ago. That was when reality became manifest and a critical mass started believing the
truth. Now there is very little the Banking Cartel can do to prevent us from clearing up their
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000

August 12, 2016

I am writing you this from Vancouver, enroute to one of the Gulf Islands for some quality time
with my family. The brother of my closest friend Heleen (who died a couple of years ago) lives
on this island, and I have wanted to visit him ever since she died.

Yesterday I answered four emails which I am posting on my social media with this. One had to
do with my using World Bank stationery, one had to do with Jim Willie’s gloom and doom
interview, one had to do with the interregnum in the legitimate government of the United
States, and one had to do with Rolling Stone’s article about “everything is rigged.”

At the end of this tweet are two documents, one showing how Jim Willie has continued to
stonewall the Global Debt Facility containing the world’s monetary gold reserves and one
showing how Joe Biden, the European Union, and others are all corrupt. I did not start out
believing that the entire legal profession and all of the institutions were a corrupt façade for the
Network of Global Corporate Control. Another email has a link showing how all of the
members of Congress are in contempt for refusing to put the Constitution of 1789 back into
force and another email has a link showing the corruption of the Governors of the 50 states.

We the people are going to take our time cleaning up this corruption in a careful, methodical
way so that we do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The decisions are going to be
taken by everyone starting from the grassroots up, after people have had their health restored,
and learned the extent of the corruption. How are we going to do this? By all working together
in that huge co-op called the Bretton Woods institutions, set up for just this purpose.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
Karen Hudes14 hours ago (you will find my comment on YouTube after negotiating five add
more comments buttons)
Why not mention that the United States is in interregnum and the Board of Governors of the
Bretton Woods institutions agreed to exchange unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes for
Treasury Dollars. Ultimately the Treasury Dollars are to be exchanged for gold-filled
currency. In addition, local villages and towns are issuing their own local currencies. The
likelihood of this coming to pass is greater than 90 percent, based upon an accurate game
theory model from the National War College that has been tracking like clockwork.

From: Philip
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 2:27 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Your email to Priti Patel. Our reference Chapter 156108

Hi Karen

Sorry just trying to help. What it does show us is what you are saying is right.


From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>

Sent: 11 August 2016 18:25:00
To: Philip Lewis
Subject: Re: Your email to Priti Patel. Our reference Chapter 156108 Philip, the secretariat of the World

Bank is corrupt, and so is the UK representative on the Board of Executive
Directors. Bertrand Badré was fired when he tried to steal the world's gold. There is no other
proof required than the fact that the Board of Governors fired Bertrand Badré (who was then
Acting President when he tried to arrest me). Your efforts to help are counterproductive.

As for how to find the Executive Directors from the World Bank website, the webmaster is
part of the corruption. You have to know how to negotiate the menus, and ultimately you will
find this link:

From: Philip
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:10:17 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Fw: Your email to Priti Patel. Our reference Chapter 156108

Hi Karen

I asked Priti Patel what her position was on you using WB headers. This is the reply I got
which took 3 weeks.

Who is the UK's representative in the World Bank? There used to be a list a few years back
and it was easy. Now it's very hard to find representatives not just for the UK but other



From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: 11 August 2016 12:56
To: Philip
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Your email to Priti Patel. Our reference Chapter 156108

Dear Mr Lewis,

Thank you for your letter to Secretary of State Priti Patel about Karen Hudes and her use of
World Bank headers in her communications. I have been asked to reply as I work in the
Department for International Development (DFID).

This is an issue that would be more appropriately commented on by the World Bank itself.

Yours sincerely

Melissa Boulter

Department for International Development

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 2:38 AM
To: Judith
Subject: Re: Karenhudes Contact Details

Dear Judith,

Thanks for this. The article is incorrect. The requisite number of state legislatures has
already passed. It is now 2:30 am for me, as I just landed in Vancouver and can't really take
the time to give you the corrections. If you go back into the blogs on you will see that all of the Congress people individually are in
contempt for failing to convene the convention.
[ I did the research this morning -- You can find the legal opinion here: The powers that were are so upset
and trying to keep people stupid that they put this interference when you try and read the


From: Judith
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:29 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Constitutional Convention

Karen may want to address this:


This is what I've said; I hope I'm correct:

With the Global Currency Reset in play, a Constitutional Convention ONLY to discuss an
amendment about a balanced budget is unnecessary because the Federal Reserve is
bankrupt, and owes the American people more than any debt they think they have.
Learn the facts. This Constitutional Convention would be to return us to THE Constitution
and rescind everything regarding the Corporate Constitution we have been living under.
Get in formed and pass it on to your Governor so they will know their people are informed
and support them in this.

Thanks, hope I've helped,


This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 9:53 AM
To: Dennis
Subject: Re: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever - Rolling Stone

I already commented many times on the article.
Rolling Stone is owned by the Network of Global Corporate Control. The only mainstream
media that ever published an interview of me was Newsweek en Español!/noticias/la-cruzada-de-karen-hudes
Alternative media interviews are at:
(the hackers are interfering with this link from my website you have to hit it about three
times before it functions – I am going to have to fix this again)

From: Dennis
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 9:38 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever - Rolling Stone

Rolling stone may want to interview you in light of this article. Might help.
Great work


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Secretary of Defense Hagel put extra safeguards for the launch of nuclear strikes, and
Heather Cole was fired for following Secretary Hagel's instructions and refusing to
nuke the Soviets
Here are links to the RT articles about Heather Cole:

See minute 30:00
The US military did not like what

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control, that is, about the Banking Cartel. Today's segment is about
the Bankruptcy of the Banking Cartel and is pre-recorded. Thanks to DCTV, Carmen
Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Maurice Jackson, Audio and Prompter; and
________, Floor Director.
Last week we spoke about the US military and I told you that the US military is backing
me and the rest of the coalition for the rule of law. I also told you that Secretary Hagel
was fired after I asked him to court martial Jon Rymer. Rymer fired the heroes who
refused to nuke Charleston in 2013. THEN SECRETARY HAGEL PUT EXTRA
2016 I reminded General Dunford that Jon Rymer was a traitor and that Rymer still
needed to be court martialed.
General Dunford is an agent of the Banking Cartel. General Dunford is also bankrupt
because he could not answer my true statements that I read to you last week about his
treason and about the secret martial law in the United States. The United States does
not have a legitimate Government, as the US Constitution of 1789 is not in effect
because the US Congress are also agents of the Banking Cartel.
The G-77, which is a group of 134 developing countries that I wrote about in 1976 as a
law student at Yale, is at the heart of the coalition for the rule of law, along with the US
minus the Fed. Ferdinand Marcos created the G-77. Ferdinand Marcos, as the lawyer
for José Rizal, also created the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The
coalition for the rule of law also consists of all the people in the world who realize that
we have a common enemy: the Banking Cartel and the secret societies that serve the
Banking Cartel, and the Pharonic bloodline families, and the Jesuits, and that part of the
Vatican that serves the New World Order.
Last week I showed Freistaat Groningen how we are opposing the New World Order

Freistaat Groningen had some organization charts for the New World Order, incuding this one, that
showed where Ferdinand Marcos was M1, at the apex of the world financial system, after José Rizal
created the Global Debt Facility.

As you all know, the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund, for whom I speak, is now in charge of
the Global Currency Reset. What we are doing in the Global
Currency Reset, as fast as we are able, is decentralizing to all the
villages and towns, who are all issuing their local currencies, based
on a barter system and real goods and services in the local villages
and towns. This is how humanity is now in charge and the coalition
for the rule of law is now in charge, and how we are getting rid of the
corruption and the New World Order. I am a link in this transition. I
am also the canary in the coalmine.

Humanity's wealth, which Ferdinand Marcos placed in trust in the Global Debt
Facility, is waiting to go back into the world's international currencies in the form
of aurum. Local currencies issued by villages and towns are a vital part of the
world's international monetary system. In 2014 all the world's ministers of
finance and development were offered back their countries' monetary gold

Pakistan and Guyana were ready to negotiate their Monetary Agreements then. I wanted to get a
critical mass of the world's people on board first. We will be ready to start negotiating the Monetary
Agreements as soon as the request for disbursement out of the Global Debt Facility is processed.
There is no way to tell how long this is going to take. The world is on a Nantucket Sleigh Ride as the
coalition for the rule of law keeps on throwing harpoons into the Banking Cartel whale.
The Banking Cartel has nothing to say. They are insolvent and are getting wound down in the Global
Debt Facility. Now I am going to show you some of the paperwork that was issued at the time. But
first I am going to show you how the CIA and International Court of Justice and Bertrand Badré tried
(and failed) to cancel the Global Debt Facility. Why did they fail? Because the Coalition for the Rule
of Law is stronger than the Banking Cartel.

On March 1, 2015 I tweeted this:
Karen Hudes

7:07 AM

The Development Committee, which represents 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund, knows what I sent to the House Committee on Financial
Services before the hearing with Dr. Janet Yellen on February 25, 2015.

I am also reminding the Senate Committee on Banking today about unfinished business in fighting corruption
in the international financial system before their March 3, 2015 hearing on Federal Reserve Reform: The US Congress has to be on the same reality page as
the rest of us. The Development Committee has foreclosed on the Fed.

I followed up with an email to the Senate Committee on Banking:

3/3/15 hearing on Federal Reserve Reform of US Senate Committee on Banking

Karen Hudes Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 10:36 PM

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Kyle-
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

The US may no longer appoint the President of the World Bank and Federal Reserve Notes have lost
international reserve currency status. The reality is that the US credit rating is far from its current triple AAA
The 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and the IMF hold quadrillions of
Treaty of Versailles Bonds and Federal Reserve Notes on behalf of the world's peoples in the Global Debt
Following Notarial Protest, Administrative Judgment, and Notice of Dishonor, I have perfected the security
interest of the Global Debt Facility in the debt of the Federal Reserve and the rest of the Bank for International
Settlements on behalf of the citizens of the United States and members of the Bretton Woods' institutions.

The US Congress and the Senate Committee on Banking have been remiss. In 2008 I warned the Senate
Majority leader that abuse of US authority at the World Bank would lead to an end to the Gentleman's
Agreement, signaling an end to US leadership among the community of nations. I also informed the Senate
Committees on Foreign Relations, Finance, Appropriations, Banking, the Joint Economic Committee, and
Senator Hagel about the governance crisis at the World Bank.

There is a disconnect between reality and state capture evidenced by the war powers, second secret Constitution, and administrative proceedings, which US citizens
are deemed to have consented to through hidden contracts of adhesion attached to bank signature cards.

The US Congress is out of touch with reality. The BRICS, Germany, the G-77, and the US minus the insolvent
Federal Reserve System are embarking on a global currency reset based upon the rule of law.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

Now I am going to tell you about my conversation with a man from Ghana about negotiation of the
Monetary Agreements with the countries to get the people in those countries their gold currency:

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 7:48 PM
To: Kofi

Dear Kofi*

Sorry for the delayed response. Queen Elizabeth is illegitimate. See
I forgot to mention what I worked on in Ghana. I negotiated the world bank projects as
country lawyer. I also brought Jacek Kugler to Ghana, and we tested the power transition
model. The power transition model worked very well, and let us know that a freedom of
information law did not go through in Ghana because the Germans (who were financing
the law reform project) required a "perfect" law rather than one which was acceptable to
the people in Ghana. The "country expert" in Ghana was critical of the model because he
was not entirely convinced that his estimates about the relative power of the groups in
Ghana was accurate.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility

From: Kofi
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 11:57 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Re:

okay gotcha thanks alot Karen and also you mentioned that 40% of our tax dollars stop in
the city of London and 60% are transferred to the Vatican. I wonder is queen Elizabeth
more powerful than she seems, and whats her role and relationship with the jesuits.

From: Karen Hudes

Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 4:40 AM
To: Kofi
Subject: Re: Re:

I have no definitive way of knowing the answer to this question. In 2014 both Pakistan
and Guyana informed me who was to negotiate the Monetary Agreements to accept the
monetary gold of those countries from the Global Debt Facility . I did not follow
through at that time.

From: Kofi
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:14 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Re:

Hello Karen are there any worlds leaders who are actively opposing the new world order
and if there are who are they. I believe you at one time said that the secret service works
for the network of global corporate control. Apart from the secret service, which other
world leaders have security details that work for and are controlled by the network of
global corporate control.

On Jun 8, 2017 10:24 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Petrov was in a better situation to judge than I. I am still not in direct contact with the
people at Moscow State University who have the chronologia website:

From: Kofi
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 12:10 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re:

Got it, thanks alot Karen. Listening to major general Konstantin Petrov he said that Stalin
was initially a globalist agent but he later turned against the globalist and began fighting
them. is this accurate?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:

state capture, and the desire of the Banking Cartel to maintain power and
profit through war. Trump, Putin, Xi do what is good for the Banking Cartel
and not what makes sense for these countries. Have you forgotten that
Churchill, Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Stalin were all agents of the Banking

From: Kofi
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 8:39 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re:

If both Trump, Putin, Xi an elite are all agent then why is the U.S threatening Russia and
China with war?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Kofi wrote:

Yes I'm from Ghana actually I assume you can tell from my name. Also I find your
working in Ghana to be very interesting what did you work on regarding Ghana?. I am
greatly shocked that Xi Jinping is an agent, that must explain why he's consolidating so
much power recently. I am however glad that some agents are stepping down and joining
the side of truth.
On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Dear Kofi

Are you from Ghana, by any chance? I worked on Ghana a number of years.

You're welcome. Yes, Xi Jinping is also an agent. The elites are mostly agents, although
some elites are stepping down, or confessing, like the Emperor of Japan and Herman
Wijffels in Holland. The reason that the coalition is stronger than the Banking Cartel is
because the 99%ers are all helping. Also, people realize that the whole corrupt house of
cards is now squarely in front of everyone and is unstable, especially the US military, and
the fact that the Federal Reserve Note cannot finance defense of Germany and Japan


From: Kofi
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 5:57 PM
To: [email protected]

Hello Karen on a recent segment of the network of global corporate control you said that
Vladimir Putin is an agent of the network of global corporate control. This came as a
hugee shocker however I must ask is Xi Jinping an agent of the network of global
corporate control. And which notable world leaders are not agents of the network of
global corporate control and fighting for the coalition for the rule of law.
Thank you

*Kofi is not his real name

In the remaining time I am going to show you a snapshot of what was going on at the
World Bank in 2015 when I had the Executive Director representing the United States,
Sara Aviel, fired for breaking the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank. By this time
enough people were following my progress on the internet to make a real difference.

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


11/31/2015 3:39:18
Ms. Sara
Aviel From:
Hudes Fax
2 477-2967

No. of pages: 1

I am faxing this to you due to illegal interference with the email
accounts of the World Bank Executive Directors. I have also tweeted


Hudes Acting

International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development Legal Counsel Global Debt
Facility TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


1/28/2015 4:07:43

To: Mr. Mukesh N.

Prasad From: Karen

Fax No: 202 477-6818

No. of pages: 1

The email which I sent to you on January 28, 2015 about how the
Banking Cartel thinks that it runs the Bretton Woods institutions
instead of the Board of Governors has been illegally censored. I have
"tweeted" it:

The Board of Executive Directors needs to address the following issues

at this time without a meeting because of this illegal interference:

 the proposed draft Monetary Agreement which was
forwarded to the Tokyo embassies
 the historic price of gold
 advance administrative costs approved by the Board of
Executive Directors on June 22, 2014
 my admittance to World Bank and IMF headquarters and country
 differentiating and disposing of excess, speculative foreign
 audit of gold in the Global Debt Facility and claims of possible
 winding down the network of global corporate control and
bankruptcy of the banks operating under various jurisdictions
 transition arrangements; local currencies
 bailment laws

Acting General

International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development Legal Counsel Global Debt
Facility TVM-LSM-666

Dereliction of Your Duty as Alternate US Executive Director

Karen Hudes Sat Jan 31, 2015 at 2:51 AM

To: [email protected]

Dear Ms. Aviel,

When Kathleen called you to account for failing to represent the interests of US citizens at the
World Bank, your Assistant questioned whether I am the Acting General Counsel of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The very day that I was evicted
illegally by Allied Barton, I had sent you an email requesting you to acknowledge to Allied
Barton that I was reinstated by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank and by its
Board of Governors. You failed the American people when you neglected to do that. Following
my meeting with the Human Resources Department, I asked Mr. Sean McGrath, Vice
President of Human Resources, to put into writing his authority to evict me from headquarters,
and he did not.

Moreover, the Board of Governors has entrusted me to exercise their powers under paragraph
6 of the Bilateral Minesfiled Breakthrough Successor Agreement, which governs the world's
wealth in the Global Debt Facility. The
US Treasury Department concocted the Office of International Treasury Control as a scam to
try and steal the world's wealth from the world's people. Why did the OITC mail me documents
without my request, and which I returned unopened to them? Why did the
Treasury Department then send me Native Americans trying to do the same exact thing? Why
have so many different groups come up with schemes to try stealing the world's wealth from
the world's people? Why did Scott Lennon threaten me when I refused to place a crook before
the interbank screens? (See slides 4 and 8)

I am also going to fax this to you due to illegal interference with the email accounts of the
World Bank Executive Directors.

Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

-----Original message-----

Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 18:06:02

[resent Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 2:59 PM because the original was intercepted illegally by the
National Security Agency's fusion center under the bogus state of emergency of US Congress]
From: Kathleen

To: Karen Hudes

Subject: Re: Re: Is there anything I can do?


Ms. Aviel is in "back to back meetings all day" may her assistant take a message. I said sure.
"Why is it that Karen Hudes, whom the WORLD is depending on, to get Gold from The World
Bank, cannot stay in her work place, and get her job done, without being threatened by 15
Allied Barton Security Guards"? Assistant's reply "Well I don't know, does she work here? I
replied "Yes Ma'am she does!". She replies "oh, I'll have to speak with some people about
that, and verify that". I said that would be a good idea. The message is to be passed on. I
gave name and phone number. I will email her and bcc you.... Interesting though, that her
assistant would be under the impression that you don't work there, right?

Hugs Karen!

-----Original message-----

Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 03:17:25

From: Karen Hudes

To: Kathleen

Subject: Re: Is there anything I can do?

Hi Kathleen,

Yes, call the US Executive Director's office, and ask to speak to the
Alternate Executive Director, Sara Aviel. Her number is 202 4580110. Her
email is [email protected]

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Kathleen wrote:

Hi Karen, I read what happened...Is there anyone I can call?


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Kathleen wrote:

Good Morning Karen,

I had to write to Congratulate you on your interview with Chris Pante!

Now on to your meeting tomorrow @ The World Bank! I wish you huge success with that! I
hope you have no issues getting in, or EVER getting in again, and may you be able to "return
to work" and finish the Cabal off! Things are looking up and I sure wish you the best!

Since it is becoming tradition, I wanted to leave you with my all time favorite Whiney Houston
Videos, of a song that I feel fits you best....

God Bless You & Thank You,


The Coalition for the Rule of Law

Karen Hudes Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:29 AM

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Mr. McGrath,

I am sitting across the street in Breadline and expect the Executive Vice President of Human Resources to admit me into the
headquarters buildings at this time. HR should know that Allied Barton does not run the World Bank.

Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

I just spoke to the Dutch Executive Director's Office, and found out that the network for global corporate
control is screening my emails and that the Executive Directors only learn of what I am sending them
from their citizenry

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: the coalition for the rule of law
To:[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], eds
[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], eds09@worl, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
rg,[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], eds21, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], eds25@world, "" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, "Germany, Info" <[email protected]>

Your Excellencies:

Following my meeting this morning with Mr. Tyler Jug at World Bank headquarters, I requested the
Human Resources Department to state in writing what authority was defying the Board of Governors
and Board of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and
preventing the IBRD from qualifying for the US share of its capital increase, and preventing the IBRD
from being brought into compliance on the capital markets. Ten minutes after Mr. Tyler Jug left our
meeting with my request, fifteen large Allied Barton security guards threatened to call the DC Police
Department and evicted me under protest.

I am now preparing my claim for damages against Judge James Boasberg's bond, and will include the
damages for the probable consequences of this lawlessness.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Fwd: the coalition for the rule of
To: [email protected], eds01 <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>

Dear Ms. Aviel,

In the intervening three months since this email, I have written to all of the members of the Universal
Postal Union about the fraud and deceit in the international monetary
Last week I sent this progress report to the Board of Executive Directors, and tweeted
As you know, the US share of the capital increase in the World Bank has not been disbursed; this is
because the World Bank is out of compliance on the capital markets. The Board of Executive
Directors and the Board of Governors reinstated me in order to bring the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development into compliance, and to satisfy conditionality in the appropriations
§ 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-

and § 7048(a)(1)(B) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, (Pub. L. 113-76)

I mentioned the study group in South Carolina that documented the second, secret Constitution in the
United States my public access TV
interview: Yesterday I visited
the archives containing the information on the surety insurer for Judge James E.
I will notify the surety insurer that Judge Boasberg has fraudulently refused to acknowledge the hidden
contracts of adhesion whereby citizens renounce their right to Constitutional courts of equity.

Today I am going to discuss personnel matters with the Human Resources Department. If there is any
authority for Human Resources to force me to leave the headquarters building, I expect you to let them
and me know. Otherwise, I am remaining in the building in order to bring the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development into compliance on the capital markets and restore the internal
controls of the IBRD.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 9:22 AM

Subject: Re: the coalition for the rule of law
To: Marie-Luise
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Pete Sepp
<[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], karen.mcmanus@m, [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]

Dear Luise,

The coalition is the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) the G-77 (over 130 developing
countries) and the citizens of the US who are ending the state capture by the Federal Reserve and the
rest of the network of global corporate control
( The County Executives of America have
accepted the US share of gold in the Global Debt Facility -

You should establish a network and contact your Executive Director at the World Bank. Here
is some information on the internet in German:.http://deutsche-wirtschafts-
die- welt/ translation at Lars Schall, a German journalist, published

the best article:
security-risk-to-the- world-order/

I requested comments from the Board of the World Bank yesterday about pending negotiations
of Monetary Agreements
with Asian countries to convert their paper currencies to aurum from gold in the Global Debt

I have requested Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to remove the traitors in the US military that
were stealing gold from the Global Debt Facility. In 2008 I was in direct contact with then Senator
Hagel on the
accurate power transition model that is enabling the United States to retain its military strength and avoid

Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 7:54 AM, "Marie-Luise wrote:

Dear Karen,
thank you so much for your prompt
answer. Who is the coalition for the rule
of law?
How can we, the basis of the people,
support it? Can this coalition influence
every country?
Does it have military protection?
And which role plays my friend
Putin? Your cats are pure
royalty. Magnificent.

best regards from Luise

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 05. November 2014 um 13:01 Uhr

Von: "Karen Hudes"

An: "Marie-Luise

Betreff: Re: Your Webcam video from November 3rd

2014 Dear Marie-Luise,

Thanks for your prayers. The currency will be implemented because the coalition
for the rule of law is going to make it happen. Yesterday after the video, China
sent me this email to confirm this:

Here's a picture of Mocha and Java.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 5:50 AM, "Marie-Luise wrote:
dear Karen,

I am so happy to hear from you again. I was worried about you and prayed for your
Now my question is, how can the gold currency be implemented?
I am living in an occupied country (since 1945) 99% of the populace here are heavily
mind controlled.
Who will help the gold currency to reach the people? Who will protect it from robbery?
People around me are in trance, dreaming, passive Satanists without knowing who or
what they are really.

You can be proud of your nose. It is similar to that of Wladimir Putin. Concave in the
middle part (inward bow), long and broad in the nostril's part. This shows the soul
dominance in you and the Cro-Magnon/Neanderthal Genes. Before the Europeans were
overlaid/superimposed by the Kaukasians, they were soul-people, not mind /intellect
people. Then they tolerated the mixing with the intellectual Kaukasians. The result is - we
homo sapiens sapiens, the mixing of two races,the Cro-Magnons and the Kaukasians.
Therefore two times sapiens because of the two races' mixing.

Next time your cat jumps into the screen, hug her/him and show her to us, please.
She helps us and protects you.

best regards from Germany - Luise

p.s. I am truly proud of you! My tears prove my feelings while writing.
If you want, you may put my words in the blog under your video.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Subject: Fwd: Update
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: eds01 <[email protected]>, [email protected]

Dear Mr. Leggett,

The website of the World Bank misrepresents the authority of the President of the World Bank, Dr. Jim
Kim, whose powers are circumscribed under the direction of the Board of Executive Directors, per
Article V, Section 5b, which provides: "The President shall be chief of the operating staff of the Bank and
shall conduct, under the direction of the Executive Directors, the ordinary business of the Bank."

We will need to move quickly. I just received this advice from a facebook friend:
Paul Leggucci a friend of mine went to the Bank of Hawaii on Friday to Cash a paycheck, and was told
by a teller at the drive up window, theres no money in the Bank to cash checks we are just accepting
deposits NO LIE true event

I am copying the Executive Director on the Board of the World Bank who represents the United
States, and remind Ms. Aviel of her duty under IBRD's Articles of Agreement, which provide in Article
IV, Section 10 that "the Bank and its officers shall not interfere in the political affairs of any member;
nor shall they be influenced in their decisions by the political character of the member or members
concerned. Only economic considerations shall be relevant to their decisions, and these
considerations shall be weighed impartially in order to achieve the purposes stated in Article I."

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel,
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Counsel, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Nov 3, 2014
at 9:46 AM Subject:
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

To: Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief of UNCTAD's New York Bureau and H.E. Courtenay
Rattray I believe that the coalition for the rule of law is gaining traction, and will keep
you further informed.

Mr. Wolfgang Struck, one of the authorized signatories of the Global Debt Facility, is
correct that we will need to move quickly in an unprecedented transition. I envisage
that we will first replace the Federal Reserve Notes for US Treasury Dollars that are on
deposit in the Global Debt Facility.

Mr. Struck is also correct that there are many persons who remain uninformed, due to the censorship of
the mainstrea is owned by the network of global corporate control.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Mon, Nov 3,

2014 at 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Global
Debt Facility To:
Wolfgang Struck
Cc: Wolfgang Struck Lars

Schall , Izumi Dear Wolfgang,

Thanks for your email. The "world" does know about the
Monetary Agreements

 On the advice of a member of the Japanese Diet (former Vice Minister

of Finance), I made certain to send hard copies of the Monetary
Agreements to all the Ambassadors in
Tokyo. and
to those countries without embassies in Tokyo My
postage and printing expenses are close to $1,000 for this effort, which
took days after Izumi and I were turned down by Temple University
Law School in Tokyo and a member of the Japanese Bar when we
asked for help.

 The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank is fullly

informed: as
required under Section 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough
Successor Agreement

 UNCTAD is helping calculate the price of gold in Article 2 and the General Assembly of the
United Nations is also informed. I just updated the Chair of the UN's First Committee.

 Two members of the Commonwealth have designated their negotiating contacts; the Rt.
Hon. Angela Smith has raised this matter in the UK Parliament with the Chancellor of the

 This went viral on the internet, http://www.villadepaz-

If you think replacing fractional reserve fiat currencies for aurum

[ ] is demolition, why

didn't you object earlier? I have kept you informed every step of the way. Please let
me know if I need to make alternate arrangements for the signature of the Monetary
Agreements in due course.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Wolfgang Struck wrote:

This is interesting news in the sense that Karen Hudes is heading the demolition team
that will replace the fractional reserve currencies before their imminent collapse in a
peaceful transition through Monetary Agreements that the world does not know. It hurts
to repeat the last sentence that follows.

We will be watching with heightened interest as we do not have the slightest idea how
that would be accomplished.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:

I spoke with Ms. Isabel van Tol this morning in the department of the Dutch
Ministry of Foreign Affairs which deals with the World Bank - DMM/IF:

 the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank is responsible for

humanity's access to the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

I am assuming my post at the World Bank as Acting General Counsel.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development Legal Counsel, Global Debt Facility,
Multilateral Organisations and Human Rights Department (DMM)
DMM coordinates the Dutch contribution to United Nations bodies and the
international financial institutions (the IMF, the World Bank, and the regional
development banks). An important DMM objective is to voice Dutch
development cooperation policy within these organisations. It also concerns
itself with international terrorism, peace operations, programme aid, and
debt relief.
DMM comprises:

 Social and Economic Affairs Division (DMM/FS)

 International Financial Institutions Division (DMM/IF)

-------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes

Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 11:18 PM

Subject: Fwd: Universal Credit Rating
To: DSH-SR <[email protected]>, [email protected], dmh-gb <dmh-
[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, kellyjenkinson
<[email protected]>, "SMITH, Angela C" <[email protected]>

The Board of Governors and Board of Executive Directors of the Bretton Woods institutions run the
World Bank and not the network of global corporate control. 188 Ministers of Finance reinstated me
as Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and
requested me to safeguard the assets in the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666 for the

Please inform Allied Barton accordingly.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: 陈家林
<[email protected]> Date:
Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 10:33 PM
Subject: Re:Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
To: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>
Dear Ms. Hudes,

Thank you very much for your message. We will come back to you after reading relevant documents.

Best regards,


陈家林 CHEN Jialin (Mr.)

Associate President

Dagong Overseas Investment Co., Ltd.

Dagong Global Credit Rating Group

Fax:86-10) 8458 3355

Email:[email protected]

在 2014-11-03 10:29:59,"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes >

Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:35 PM

Subject: Universal Credit Rating Group

Dear Mr. Chen,

Thank you for taking my call. I will request the Netherlands representative on the Board of
the World Bank to contact you. There is no reason for further delay in replacing the fractional
reserve fiat currencies.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes

Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:12 PM

Subject: Fwd: Universal Credit Rating
Group To:
[email protected] Cc:
[email protected]

I intend to contact the Dutch Executive Director at the World Bank tomorrow. I will call Dagong
tomorrow to discuss an orderly transition process.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Counsel, TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes >
Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:39 AM
Subject: Universal Credit Rating Group
To: [email protected]
The coalition for the rule of law consists of the G-77, BRICS, Germany, and the United States of
America minus the Federal Reserve. The Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666, has offered to replace
fractional reserve fiat currencies with gold, in the
form of aurum

The County Executives of America and the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces
Agreement have accepted the offer of gold from the Global Debt Facility, Two Commonwealth countries have also
responded to the offer of gold from the Global Debt Facility.

The beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility no longer accept the flagrant lies of the network of global
corporate control in the mainstream media.

Recalcitrant, corrupt officials are discredited.

The Federal Reserve System and the rest of the Bank for International Settlements are insolvent, and
will be placed under bankruptcy regimes of the jurisdictions in which the central banks are located. The
fractional reserve currencies will be replaced before their imminent collapse in a peaceful transition
through Monetary Agreements
to be entered into between the Global Debt Facility, the members of the Bretton Woods institutions, and
other nations.

From: karenhudes
To: [email protected]
Subject: To the His Excellency Mr. Courtenay Rattray, Chair of the General Assembly First Committee
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:49:36 -0400

I wanted to be certain that H.E. Courtenay Rattray is aware of the offer from the Global Debt Facility
of gold to each and every nation.


Semper Fidelis = Always Faithful

broken link:

For a summary of the legal issues, please see:

I placed this matter before the UN General Assembly


Two Commonwealth nations contacted me to accept their gold for the issuance of

aurum; The Controller of the

Exchequer is simply stonewalling: gallery pieces and 10 others retweeted

higher- budget-deficit#comment-42581114

Thank you for your support in this matter of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace
and security.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: karenhudes
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Global Debt Facility
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:17:31 -0400

Dear Chantal Line Carpentier,

Thank you for taking my call. I would appreciate if UNCTAD could assist me in calculating the correct price of
gold, using a basket of currencies, and the historic values of goods and services. This would enable us to sign
the monetary agreements that I referred to in this correspondence with the nations of the

This is the tweet I mentioned: I am enforcing the rule of law.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Paul Jenkinson
Date: Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Fwd: Global Debt Facility
[email protected],

Dear Angela

Although we have received a confidence shattering reply from the Treasury plus the consequencies of a currency collapse
causing a third world war and a new dark ages; this matter can not be considered closed until the UK Parliamemnt accepts the
gold from the Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666. Therefore, please can you inform me what you intend to do and where I can aid

I appreciate this situation is highly unusal but it is equally clear that you are a honest politian who cares for your constituency and
environment. Your integrity makes you ideal for this task eventhough you may be unfamiliar with the aspects of the monetary

Karens talks about a coalition. I recommend the UK MP's do likewise than you and I shouldering the task. In this situation, the
more the merrier and better.

I lookforward to receiving your reply.

Kind Regards


--------- Forwarded message ----------

From: John Rice

Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:03 PM

Subject: Attention: Karen Hudes Re: Your Campaigning Works Against Anti Bank Corruption
To: Karen Hudes

Dear Karen

It’s great to hear from you & glad you got that Tweet message.

I’m also Tweeting out a lot of your recent interviews,

I’m up to 374,000 + Twitter followers & should pass 400,000 by Xmas. In just over three years I’ve sent out over 1.8 million Tweets,
roughly 4,500 to 5,000 go out each day from my five Twitter profiles. And I feel it’s important to get topical social news out
there and optimise it online. What better than the alternative news

One of my proudest moments ever was when you mentioned me in one of your interviews a few months back, after I had set
up the auto re-Tweets for you. That’s when your Twitter reach went from roughly 4,900 to probably over 400,000 with your new
fans re-Tweeting your amazing Tweets.

As Emiliano Zapata once said - “I would rather die standing than live on my knees”.

Keep up your amazing work.

All the very best John Rice

Help Figure Out What We are Missing

If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s nobody around to hear, does it make a sound? It is very
apt that Oxford University Press has used this metaphor to introduce the concept of quantum
physics and the nature of reality.

We can rephrase the question as follows: how many people are required to acknowledge
hidden corruption before the system is acknowledged as being corrupt? What if this corruption
attempts to undermine our perceptions by buying up the City of London, the BBC, other media
companies, and Oxford University to create a false sense of reality? Doesn't the corruption
nonetheless exist? Of course it does, but then we are faced with other questions, such as: if the
corruption runs that deep, isn't it better to let sleeping dogs lie? What if it is clear that the dogs
aren't sleeping any more, and that everyone is going to be punished this way?

We then have a different set of pragmatic questions which are not about what is real, but rather
whether there is any way to clean up the corruption. If it is clear that powerful individuals who
knew about this hidden corruption established a concrete mechanism for the clean-up, the only
question for us should be: when can we start? Moving from the rhetorical to the concrete: the
hidden corruption is not so hidden any more. When US Congress and the UK and European
Parliaments disclosed this corruption on five separate occasions1, a very powerful political
science game theory model predicted with 95% likelihood that the corruption would end:

If it is so likely that the corruption will end, and the concrete mechanism to end the corruption is
in place, and we need to start right away, what is holding us up? What is the concrete
mechanism to end the corruption, and who were the powerful individuals who put this means
into place? The fractional reserve paper currencies are the corruption that has to end, and the
mechanism to end this corruption is the Global Debt Facility and the Bretton Woods institutions
established by Jose Rizal and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos.

April 8, 2005 letter from the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress to James Wolfensohn

House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry
into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into
Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into
Complaints Do They Make A Difference, published July 20, 2013, pages 178, 186-7

The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25,

* * *

So, Where Do We Stand?

In Holland, Herman Wijffels has been man enough to own up to the fact that
"the elite, not only in our country, but in others, have betrayed their duty to the people."

The Rt. Hon. Angela Smith, Louise Ellman MP, and Tracey Crouch MP are all asking
George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK Treasury, about the UK's
share of gold in the Global Debt Facility:

The US Congress has not yet admitted that it has continued to declare the state of emergency
ever since 1861, or that a second secret Constitution supplanted the original Constitution in
1871 ; nor is the Senate Committee on
the Judiciary prepared to admit that the US federal courts are not courts of equity, nor is the
House Judiciary Committee prepared to certify that more than 2/3rds of the state legislatures
have requested a Constitutional amendment, triggering a Constitutional Convention under
Article V of the US Constitution.

What we seem to be lacking is a collective sense of decency and the ability to admit what we
have done wrong. This is not rocket science or quantum physics. That is all that we are
missing. Why is this so hard? Help me on this.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

This freedom of information act request is bogus; Silver Dollar and Koos Jansen did not
try and defend their lies after I pointed out that there was only a paper audit, as revealed
by this dctv segment which debunked their scam:
(see page 4)

US Mint Releases New Fort Knox “Audit
Documentation” – The First Critical
Posted on February 28, 2017 by The Doc
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Home » Gold » Gold News » US Mint Releases New Fort Knox “Audit Documentation” – The First Critical Observations

Thanks to readers that donated to the crowdfunding campaign, I’ve been

able to force the US Mint through a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request to hand
over documents related to the physical audits of the US official gold reserves stored at the Mint; also
referred to as Deep Storage gold. Although the PDF-package digitally sent to me is redacted,
incomplete, includes pages copied twice and materials I didn’t ask for, it’s the closest thing that I’ve ever
seen to physical audit documentation of gold at Fort Knox and the other Mint depositories drafted in
between 1993 and 2008.

Submitted by Koos Jansen:

In response to a FOIA request the US Mint has finally released reports drafted from 1993 through 2008
related to the physical audits of the US official gold reserves. However, the documents released are incomplete
and reveal the audit procedures have not been executed proficiently. Moreover, because the Mint could not
honor its promises in full the costs ($3,144.96 US dollars) of the FOIA request have been refunded.
Thanks to my readers that donated to the crowdfunding campaign I’ve been able to force the US Mint
through a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request to hand over documents related to the physical
audits of the US official gold reserves stored at the Mint; also referred to as Deep Storage gold. Although
the PDF-package digitally sent to me is redacted, incomplete, includes pages copied twice and materials
I didn’t ask for, it’s the closest thing that I’ve ever seen to physical audit documentation of gold at Fort
Knox and the other Mint depositories drafted in between 1993 and 2008.

What is worrying is that the reports now in my possession reveal the audit procedures have not competently
been executed. Combine that with the fact the documents are incomplete and redacted, and the result is
suspicion of fraud. In this blog post we’ll have a first critical look at the reports and the problems to be found
This post is a sequel to A First Glance At US Official Gold Reserves Audits, Second Thoughts On US Official
Gold Reserves Audits, US Government Lost 7 Fort Knox Gold Audit Reports, The Power Of The Gold
Community: Crowdfunding For FOIA Request Fort Knox Audit Documents Completes Within 24 Hours, Dear
US Mint, We Gave You The FOIA Funds, Now Give Us The Fort Knox Audit Documents! Also related are
Where Did The Gold In Fort Knox Come From? and Former US Mint Director Clueless On Gold In Fort

US Government Tight-Lipped About Fort Knox

For starters, allow me to expand on what I think happened at the Mint’s headquarter on the 8th floor at 801 9th
Street NW Washington DC, before these documents were sent to me.
It should be clear that the US Treasury (owner of the gold), US Mint (main custodian), Federal Reserve Bank
Of New York (second custodian), and the Office Inspector General of the US Treasury (head auditor), are
reluctant to disclose information about the audits of the gold at the four largest depositories that store over
8,000 fine metric tonnes. Consider that the most seasoned gold analysts aren’t even aware this gold is audited.
About a year ago we read in the introduction of an interview with world-renowned gold commentators Jim
Rickards, “unlike many today, Jim Rickards believes the gold is indeed in Fort Knox but has not been audited
to avoid drawing attention to it and to downplay its role”. More recently, on 11 February 2017 the Financial
Times wrote, “much of the world’s excavated gold is thought to be in Fort Knox, but nobody can be sure, since
the US government will not allow the auditors in”. No, auditing Fort Knox is not a topic only the mainstream
media are confused about. Gold advocates are in the dark as well.

Exhibit 0. Source. Overview of the four main depositories that store the US official gold reserves: Denver, Fort
Knox, West point and the Federal Reserve Bank Of New York. Where the working stock is exactly located is
not known (likelyWashington DC, Philadelphia and West Point; perhaps also Denver and San Francisco). The
Deep Storage gold is the metal in 42 sealed compartments spread over Denver, Fort Knox and West Point.
What nobody knows is that according the US government 100 per cent of the Deep Storage gold has been
audited in between 1974 and 2008 (page 4). This period can be divided in two chapters: the first runs from
1974 until 1986 when the Committee for Continuing Audit of the U.S. Government-owned Gold verified the
majority of the Deep Storage metal. The second chapter covers 1993 until 2008 when the residual was
examined under the supervision of the Office Inspector General of the US Treasury. In my previous posts on
this subject we focused on the first chapter, what is written below skims the surface of the second. As
promised, eventually I will publish a full in-depth analysis of all chapters (there are additional chapters in the
fifties, from 1986-1993, in 2009, 2010 and 2011).
Over the years my inquiries at the US government though regular channels have produced little intelligence
about the physical audits of the Deep Storage gold. Some departments cooperated at first, but eventually they
stopped replying emails or just hang up the phone while I was talking. The second layer of defense was raised

when I started submitting FOIAs. Instead of honoring my requests they tried to delay and dodge most appeals.
Clearly, the US government prefers not to answer my questions than to flaunt with the audit results.
However, in 2016 I embraced the motivation to push through and find out how many gold bars were counted,
weighed and assayed in between 1993 and 2008, when allegedly the last series of physical audits was
conducted. Not surprisingly, zero US government departments could provide me the information I was looking
for, but through certain FOIAs I obtained leads to submit new FOIAs, and so on 12 Augustus 2016 I
demanded, inter alia, the “memoranda submitted by the US Mint Director’s representative regarding audits of
the Mint Schedule of Custodial Gold and Silver Reserves to the Chief Financial Officer drafted from 1993
through 2008”. The Mint replied this request would costs me $3,144.96 dollars because it would take 40 hours
to search the respective documents, 8 hours for review, and additional costs would be incurred to duplicate
1,200 pages. I thought this was hogwash – 1,200 pages seemed out of proportion for such memoranda, how
hard can it be to find a few pages and how did they know it were going to be 1,200 pages if they had to search
40 hours for it – but decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to collect the money.
Within 24 hours the campaign was completed and late August 2016 I sent the Mint a check, in the hopes to
receive the documents a.s.a.p.. After the Mint pretended the check was missing for a few weeks, they
communicated on 28 September 2016 the funds had arrived and they were working to get the requested
documents out to me (exhibit 1).

We have finally
gotten the
attention for
changing the
world's corrupt
money system


This segment is about the bankrupt Banking Cartel. I have talked about the hearing of
the Senate Committee on Banking on March 3, 2015, where the Senate simply
stonewalled the corruption that I was reporting to them. Three months earlier, Sara
Aviel, then the United States Executive Director representing the United States, was
fired for that same corruption. It is taking awhile for the elites to catch on that there is a
coalition for the rule of law that is stronger than the Banking Cartel. The Banking Cartel
does not have the world's gold. The Coalition for the Rule of Law does.

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dear People,

I am still wearing the same clothes that I wore yesterday. When I went to correct the link for
the teleprompter for
yesterday's program on the Banking Cartel,
the reset button on YouTube was inactivated. Another browser didn't solve the problem, and
my new laptop was hacked. That is why I am attaching the teleprompter to today's tweet. I
will solve the rest of the technical problems later. (Banking Cartel, that lets me know how
many people are reading the teleprompters at their source - at the end of the introductory
paragraph on YouTube. I am giving you the link to my YouTube Channel for all the videos

uploaded there again

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a Series that has been coming
th to you from DCTV since 2015 in a weekly program called the Network of Global

Corporate Control. Today’s program is called “Where we go 1 we go all” Thank you to

DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Project Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio Director; and
Krushae Starnes, Audio and Prompter.

This title is taken from Blackhill Fairy's reply to one of my tweets:

She also said, "We love you, You're my banking rockem sockem." I
won't tell you everything Blackhill Fairy said, but I am giving you a
link to her reply in the teleprompter.

Blackhills Fairy is correct; "Where we go 1 we go all" The Bankers

are not so happy about that; but there is nothing that they can do
about it. We are in a reality where we know what the Bankers and
the Black Nobility at the center of the Banking Cartel have been
doing ever since 9200B.C. Of course since we know about the secret
corrupt things the bankers used to do with our paper money, their
game is now up.

After all of us started working together to expose this corruption, and enough of us
caught on to create a critical mass, we are now all working together in a coalition that
includes the world's military powers and the wealth of the world that was hidden from
us and deposited at the end of WWII in the World Bank and IMF. If all of this sounds
outlandish, I encourage you to go back through the DCTV archives in YouTube. You can
find the archives by clicking on the link in the teleprompter

I am also going to describe what the bankers do, in their own words: Sir Josiah Stamp
was president of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the
1920s. He declared in an address at the University of Texas in 1927:

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is
perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking
was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from
them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will
create enough money to buy it back again. . . . Take this great power away from them
and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and
happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and
pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control
credit. “

Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in the Great
Depression, wrote in 1934: “We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks.

Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks
create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely
without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the
tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the
most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon.”

Graham Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada from 1935 to 1955, acknowledged:
“Banks create money. That is what they are for. . . . The manufacturing process to make
money consists of making an entry in a book. That is all. . . . Each and every time a Bank
makes a loan . . . new Bank credit is created -- brand new money.”

Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower, said in an interview

reported in the August 31, 1959 issue of U.S. News and World Report: “[W]hen a bank
makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower's deposit account in the bank by the
amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else's deposit; it was not
previously paid in to the bank by anyone. It's new money, created by the bank for the
use of the borrower."

"If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system,
there would be a revolution before morning." ~ Andrew Jackson (7th U.S. President)

I first gave you these quotes three years ago. All of this information is
finally sinking in. A critical mass of humanity is now aware that we need to take the
creation of currency away from the Bankers, and that is what we are doing. The Bankers
are fighting back, but it is clear that their shenanigans are now in public view. The
reason that things seem to be moving in slow motion is because of extra low frequency
scalar weaponry. Now that we know about this weaponry, it is possible to learn how to
resist it, and to develop systems to shield yourself from it. In particular, last week
someone sent me a video about a new science called biogeometry that may be useful in
combating mind control. Before we have shields, the best defense is to work with a
group that can help you to realize when you are being "messed with".

> Dear Karen,

> Hi again. I'll be as brief as I can so
> as to not take up your precious time. I'd like to signal
> something that just recently came into my radar. I'm
> figuring that you''ll be interested, being aware of the
> negative effects of mind control (scalar wave) technology,
> inasmuch as it seems to offer viable solutions, even
> low-cost for personal use. I'm referring to biogeometry by
> Ibrahim Karim Sc.D. I have just recently stumbled into it
> and am currently investigating thoroughly. So far so good. I
> realize you don't have time to watch lengthy videos, but
> please just listen to minutes 38:08 through 34:15
> (especially at 38:57) - link to video below.

> I hope you can find the time to view,
> if only for your own personal protection.
> Kindest regards,
> John

In order to make sense out of what is going on, you need to start seeing the corruption in
the world's money system, and the nefarious role of the bankers and the ruling families
behind this corruption. I have been explaining how the international monetary
system works. The corrupt families that are trying to hold this system in place have
been trying to hide this from you, but I am getting through, and have been getting
through for some years. The world's military powers have joined the critical mass of
humanity that knows about the corruption in the world's money. There is a large
coalition predicted by the US National War College. Much of what I have said
through the years remains in the public domain, despite the guilty parties' desperate
last-ditch attempts to cover their tracks.

People have called us the most interesting program on the media

The pensions are probably going to be safe during the Global Currency Reset. We are
considered "the most interesting program on media."

So let's go to the Grand Ol' Opry for a spell:

We are not interested in the Federal Reserve "selling us economic catastrophe the same way
they sell us cars" Besides, Jerome Powell is about to default on a commercial lien.

We are in transition, as we move from fake to real.

We the people use the common law instead of the Maritime Law that the Bankers have
been using. We the people have reclaimed the world's legal systems by using the
common law.

Speaking of common law commercial liens, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Chair of the World
Bank,/IMF Development Committee, has already defaulted on a commercial lien. On
the day that I wrote the teleprompter for this segment, my letter to Ghana's Ambassador
in Washington was delivered. This letter is also attached to the teleprompter.

.@sunsharojas1 as you already know, we are stuck in a pattern of

repetitions until the Black Nobility understand that they are not
going to win this fight. What is the fight? It is about the world's

In 2014, one of the viewers on the Wake up America show tweeted, "Karen is live right
now! She is perhaps the most important whistleblower humanity has ever known. Pls
listen in!"
It was in 2014 that someone tried to intimidate me with directed energy weapons that
moved my arms even though I tried with all my strength to fight being moved around.
These weapons are used silently to influence you.
When you know about these weapons, you can learn how to fight them. What are
directed energy weapons? Directed energy weapons, also called scalar weapons and
extremely low frequency electro-magnetic weapons, are used all the time. You need to
understand gravity and the world's weather systems to understand these weapons.
There are alot of patents on these weapons, which are used on civilians all over the

This is an important question, following a viral Tweet. 3rd Dog follows sunsharojas.
Sunsharojas has retweeted the script to a DCTV video that answers the question about
world debt. World debt is how we are winding down the Banking cartel. The Bankers
owe us 2 quadrillion dollars. That is more than all of the national debt.

After we have ended the corruption in the world's money, and wound down the Banking
cartel, we can all decide what to do about individual debt.

Why do we tackle individual debt after world debt? So that we don't get tangled up in
"divide and conquer," and forget to wind down the corrupt Banking Cartel.

See page 4 of the teleprompter to the February 5 th DCTV Segment "Where we left off."
Scalar weapons used to punish the lawyer for the world's gold when she got the Superior General of the
Society of Jesus angry at her. Let's talk about the 2 quadrillion in treaty of Versailles bonds that were
issued by the Federal Reserve in the 1930's in exchange for gold. The interest on the bonds,
compounding exponentially, is sufficient to offset the country debt. It is interest on the debt which goes
to the Banking Cartel that keeps humanity enslaved.




"The US military is with us, our gold and the US Constitution of 1789. We,
humanity, are in charge of the world's wealth, and not the insolvent (that means
bankrupt) Banking Cartel. I am here to work together with everyone, using the
world's wealth, to clean up our money system, so that we can tackle the
misinformation together."

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Friday, May 3, 2019

H.E. Dr. Barfuor Adjei-Barwuah

Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana
3512 International Drive NW
Washington DC. 20008

Your Excellency,

Please forward the attached envelope to Ken Ofori-Atta. As stated, I have previously notified
this individual of his nonfeasance, misfeasance, and malfeasance, and given him the
opportunity to rectify matters, so that the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development can be brought into compliance on the world’s capital markets, and so that the
Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF can complete the Global Currency Reset.

Still Ken Ofori-Atta remains recalcitrant.

The corrupt people in the World Bank and IMF Secretariat are going to be
bankrupted tomorrow. That's for starters. Stay tuned.

I would like to call your attention to pages 4-6 of the document that is linked in the
preceding tweet:

" Any person who thinks they are going to fill the Presidency of the World Bank is going to be
bankrupted if they do not work with the rest of the world's military and our coalition in the
Global Currency Reset. Jim Kim is also now bankrupt under commercial liens. Tomorrow I am
going to send the third notice of default, and finish bankrupting the Acting Managing Director
and Chair of the Development Committee and the seven other corrupt officials in the World
Bank's Secretariat.

I spoke to someone in the World Bank's human resources department on Friday. That person is
caught in the middle. I have their name. They know that the World Bank and the IMF were set
up to end the Banking Cartel after 50 years. I reminded them about Katasonov. This is what I
said about how the World Bank was established to end the Banking Cartel at

Dear People,
The Banking Cartel has not succeeded in turning back the clock. My statement about
the end of the Banking Cartel's empire stands without any contradiction from the

Three years ago I told you about a study by Valentinin Katasonov, about the
establishment of the World Bank and IMF at the end of WWII. The teleprompter for the
May 19, 2015 segment is attached. Here is a link to that segment in the archives:
You can also read from the teleprompter how the International Court of Justice and the
CIA attempted to steal the gold in the Global Debt Facility, after it was deposited with
the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors at the end of WWII. The Banking Cartel is
much weaker than we are, whose wealth this is.
In an early DCTV episode I told you that the conference that began the World Bank and
IMF in 1944 voted to close the Bank for International Settlements, the "BIS". That is
what we, together with the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, are now

I got my information about how the conference that began the World Bank and IMF
voted to close the BIS from Valentinin Katasonov, who is an eminent Russian
economist. Katasonov is critical of the Russian Central Bank. Katasonov writes about
the role of gold as real money. Katasonov wrote a study dealing with new documents
that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers.
Katasonov has written that WWII was started by President Franklin Roosevelt and
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. The war was
not unleashed by frenzied Fuhrer who happened to be ruling Germany at the time.
WWII was a project created by world oligarchy or Anglo-American “money owners" We
call this group the Network of Global Corporate Control. We know that it is the
Bloodline families that go back to the times of the ancient Pharaohs in Egypt that direct
the Network of Global Corporate Control. This group used the US Federal Reserve
System and the Bank of England to prepare for the next world conflict of global scale
right after WWI. The USSR was the target.
This information comes from Katasonov:
"The Bretton Woods Conference, formally known as the United Nations Monetary and
Financial Conference, was the gathering of 730 delegates from all 44 allied nations at
the Mount Washington Hotel situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the United
States, to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of
World War II. This is the conference that started the World Bank and IMF. The
conference was held from 1 to 22 July 1944. All of a sudden the issue of the Bank of
International Settlements hit the agenda. It was reported that the bank collaborated
with fascist Germany. Leaving many details aside, I’d only mention that with great
difficulty (some US delegates opposed the motion) the delegates reached an agreement
to close the BIS. The decision of international conference has never been enacted. All the
discreditable information related to the BIS wartime activities was classified. Today it
helps to falsify the history of the Second World War. "
We have also learned that the World Bank and IMF were started to regulate the world's
monetary gold reserves and other wealth. The wealth was deposited and kept secret for
50 years so that at the end of the 50 years, all other claims to that wealth would be cut
off under the statute of limitations. As the lawyer for the world's wealth, I have been
telling the Banking Cartel and others that their claims to the world's wealth are invalid."


Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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