Bogus Audit of US Gold

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INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global

Corporate Control. Today's segment is about implementing the Global Currency Reset and
follows on from last week's segment where we talked about your role in the Global Currency
Reset. Thanks to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director; Maurice Jackson,
Audio and Prompter, and Krushae Starnes, Floor Director.

The world's money system is corrupt. I am not going to dwell on this today, because people are
getting impatient for us to begin the Global Currency Reset. The teleprompter last month on my
Sting Operation documented this corruption:

including a bogus audit of US gold, corruption in journalism, corruption in Congress,

the courts all being fake in admiralty instead of the courts guaranteed under the US
Constitution of 1789, corruption in the legal profession.
A critical mass of humanity is aware of the corruption in
the money system, and that is why the Global Currency
Reset is now reality. People know that the governments
are corrupt. The Banking Cartel's censorship and tricks
are backfiring. Instead, I have shown valid liens against
the Federal Reserve Banks from the 2 quadrillion in
Treaty of Versailles Bonds held by the Global Debt

The Banking Cartel did their best to bog us down. Last week the Banking Cartel (acting
through a Greek named Artemis Sorras, whom I had already outed in 2013) tried to steal
the assets in the Global Debt Facility

Then a Twitter account named

asked, Replying to @KarenHudes

"I wonder how long this cleanup will take? Days,months, years, decades,

12:39 PM - 29 Oct 2017


Replying to @SpiritServicesL

"it took us a whole ice age for the corruption to take hold this way, so surely the cleanup will
take at least decades."

Here is the link to another attempted theft, this time from Hungary
I have published this on internet archive, because the Banking Cartel removed the
document from Amazon Web Services once, and I just had to republish it on aws as well:

Last week a lawyer working for the Vatican, Anna Von Reitz, claimed that her husband,
James Clinton Belcher, was head of state in the US and that we were not in interregnum
after all. A person working with the militia exposed Anna Von Reitz as a fraud, and then
tried to bog me down with a quiz on currencies issued by the Banking Cartel.


If there is time at the end of this segment, we can go into these matters. The point is not
to dwell on these distractions. We can always revisit these topics later.

I do not claim that I have all the answers, or that we have all the information now.
We are going to have to do alot of research. Without knowledge, we are not going to
resort to the "people's justice." People's pasts and their responsibility for harming
others are not forgotten. The Global Debt Facility has already put commercial liens on
some of the people who were trying to prevent the Global Currency Reset. This includes
Donald Trump and General Joseph Dunford, Jr. I began to bankrupt the Acting
Adjutant General and the Acting Commanding General for the District of Columbia,
Brigadiers General George M. Degnon and William J. Walker on October 23, 2017.

Renwick L. Payne already defaulted on his commercial lien, after he failed in his duty "to
prevent a natural and civil emergency to defend the District of Columbia, by accepting the
monetary gold reserves of the United States administered under the Bilateral Minesfield
Breakthrough Successor Agreement dated August 11, 1950 and refused to rescind all and any
rights of UN peacekeeping troops on US soil in the District of Columbia, and to defend the
other states of the United States from similar incursions.

I want to remind you what I said last week about how we are proceeding. This was when
I talked about "putting the cart before the horse." We are going to get people to try and
understand what is going on in the Global Currency Reset, to get them to try and do
better, and to let them know that their performance is going to be audited at some point
in the not-too-distant future by our cleansed better selves that have actually

In the meantime, we are focusing on the Global Currency Reset.

What's the next step that will sure happen in the good guys plan?

negotiate Monetary Agreements; here is the rest of our to do list:

 the proposed draft Monetary Agreement which was forwarded to the Tokyo
 the historic price of gold
 advance administrative costs approved by the Board of Executive Directors
on June 22, 2014
 my admittance to World Bank and IMF headquarters and country offices
 differentiating and disposing of excess, speculative foreign currencies
 audit of gold in the Global Debt Facility and claims of possible thefts
 winding down the network of global corporate control and bankruptcy of the
banks operating under various jurisdictions

 transition arrangements; local currencies
 bailment laws
 [the list of immediate tasks in the Global Currency Reset is contained in my
email to the New York and Tokyo embassies of March 19, 2015 and letters to
the Washington embassies of March 25, 2015]

By using the power transition model that came to the World Bank in 2004, we know
that there is a coalition in place that is stronger than the Banking Cartel. The press
release on the Global Currency Reset agreed to by the Board of Governors of the World
Bank and IMF was up on the internet for over a year, and now it is on the internet
imf-announcetransition-asset-backed-currencies [The Banking Cartel broke this link; it
is now on the internet archives at
4/board-governors world-bank-and-imf-announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies ]

The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF are in charge of administering the
world's wealth. That is because José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos created the World
Bank and IMF and then deposited the world's assets in
a trust called the Global Debt Facility at the end of
WWII to be administered by the World Bank and IMF
Board of Governors. I have been a whistleblower my
whole life and deliberately went to the World Bank
after writing about how the Group of 77 (a coalition of
134 developing countries founded by Ferdinand
Marcos) was changing reality for the United States.
"Unless the U.S. is able to reorient its approach to
development issues and enter into substantive talks
with the Group of 77 soon, the opportunity for dialogue
may be lost in escalating confrontation and economic
warfare between
North and South."
I am sitting in the center of the world's corrupt money system, and acting as a
switchboard operator taking messages from the world's people to the elites, facilitating a
peaceful transition. The world's militaries know that our transition is peaceful, and they
are keeping the elites from stealing anything. The corruption in the governments is
revealed, their legitimacy is not there, and their right to govern is not there. The people
in the countries are going to start issuing local currencies in villages and towns, their
businesses establishing a local barter system. The national currencies are going to be in
gold after a temporary transition when the paper currencies issued by the Banking
Cartel are replaced by currencies issued by the national mints.
The Banking Cartel is getting wound down in bankruptcy proceedings in the World
Bank. Country debt is getting offset against the 2 quadrillion in bonds issued by the
Banking Cartel. How will this affect you? All of your income taxes were getting sent to

the Banking Cartel. We know this from the Grace Commission under Ronald Reagan.

The bookkeeping is going to be challenging, seeing as the accounting and legal

professions are bound up in the corruption. Your indicator whether things are getting
hidden or proceeding transparently? See what is coming out in the wash on military
mind control scalar technology.
The people in each country are in charge of setting up a legitimate government, but this
will happen when the decentralization has taken place and as currencies are replaced by
honest money. All the world's politicians are revealed as corrupt thugs, who have
betrayed their people. They are now stewards in a peaceful transition, and they have to
try and redeem themselves as best they can, if that is at all possible. Their betrayal of
the people for the Banking Cartel has been established and is crystal clear. The extent
they continue to play act in the collossal cover-up of corruption is going to be held
against them going forward, that is for sure. The chance the elites get away with play
acting forever? The power transition model from the US Department of Defense gives
them less than 5% chance of continuing the cover-up. That is what we mean by "critical
My letter dated January 8, 2015 to Dr. Janet Yellen concerning the fraudulent claims of
the Federal Reserve went to the Board of Governors. In 2015 I filed a Notarial Protest
with the Universal Postal Union.

As determined by the Development Committee and subsequently informed to

them, the Global Debt
Facility has filed financing statements with the 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the US. Country debt will be offset against the
obligations held by the Global Debt Facility.

The funds of the Global Debt Facility are for the benefit of humanity and may not
be transferred without the protocols in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough
Successor Agreement, which
will include decisions to be taken by the Board of Governors and authorized
signature. I have also filed the Global Debt Facility's Financial Statements with the SEC.

The Board of Governors has determined that there will need to be full
agreement about the disposition of assets in the Global Debt Facility. So far, the only
agreed disposition is the replacement of fractional reserve fiat currency and
remediation of Fukushima as set out in the letters to the Tokyo embassies.

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund Development Committee serve
as liaisons to the full Board of Governors. The Development Committee is currently

considering the steps to implement the Global Currency Reset I mentioned a couple of
minutes ago. The Global Currency Reset is going to affect everyone. The corruption has
affected the Secretariat of the World Bank and IMF. The Banking Cartel has captured
the World Bank and IMF Secretariats. The
President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the IMF cannot overrule
the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF or their Boards of Executive
Directors; the Boards have full authority to conduct the general operations of the
World Bank and IMF.

I have screenshots of the article from the National War College on "The War
Presidency" which the Banking Cartel took down from the internet, and I am showing
you pages 1 and 14 at the end.
Here is a dialogue that is now on Twitter:

Lili Grapendaal's tweet is no longer there -- I recall it said weather modification, scalar electromagnetic
weaponry, chemtrails.

As many now know, I am sitting at the center of the world's financial

system, and am functioning as a switchboard operator and canary in
the coal mine as humanity decentralizes and cleans up the world's
money in the Global Currency Reset.

The Banking Cartel is putting up a last effort to try and derail me and the rest of the
people who see clearly what they are up to. If you want to see where the battle currently
is, it is where the Banking Cartel thinks we are the most confused: about Israel, about
pederasts (those people who are aroused by the beauty and innocence of childhood, and
they enjoy inflicting pain on these children. I have edited this definition so that it is
suitable for television.

Well, we are not confused, and we still know that the Banking Cartel is robbing us with
our money system, and we know that divide and conquer is what the Banking Cartel is
going to use to try and slip away when we know who they are and that is how they work.
These "divide and conquer" thorny problems are going to be dealt with by all of us
working together rationally and they do not need to be dealt with before we keep the
bloodline families from robbing us.

Some of the people on the internet who like to focus on these areas are trying to distract
and move the conversation from our corrupt money system to these other areas. There
are two people on twitter who like to work in this way, and who are trying to trip me up
in these topics:

The upcoming segment on DCTV will deal with who is behind the Banking Cartel and
also with immediate issues in the Global Currency Reset, because there is so little
stopping us now. Two years ago I described the status of our peaceful transition, so you
can measure our progress: the
main ingredient which was missing and which we have overcome is that we have
succeeded in informing a critical mass of people about the corruption in the money
system, and they are ready to join us in cleaning things up.
Trump is hurting mightily because his treason as an agent of the Banking Cartel is out
there and he can't deal with it.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Humanity has many capabilities. We are not going to involve ourselves in religion until
we have cleaned up the corruption in the world's money system.

We are going to come into our own.
Here's a recording of Bach's Bouree:
Here's Bach's portrait at 60 and the
manuscript. Here's Bach's biography:

You have understood that the Board of

Governors has approved the Minutes of the Global Currency Reset many times: none of
the embassies have dissented from the Minutes of the Spring Meetings. It is time for me
to sign the Monetary Agreement on behalf of the United States. I have already said that
I was going to do this. This is taken from a tweet on March 3, 2017,

asking about what I said in this teleprompter:

at the TOP of page 16.

There are many things that the Banking Cartel is trying now. The Banking Cartel
understands that they are no longer invisible, and they are trying to feed you alot of
disinformation to confuse things and prevent the Global Currency Reset. I can tell you
what to focus on. Focus on the loyalty of the US military. The loyal US military knows
that their brass are traitors and that the people are counting on them to protect the
people and to protect the Constitution of 1789. The people cannot be protected without
the monetary gold reserves of the US in the Global Debt Facility. Germany and Japan
are also counting on their and the US' monetary gold to stay out of WWIII. This is how
we know that we are safe and we are in the Global Currency Reset.
The point about me is that I am "embedded" in humanity and as the Overseer Mandate
Trustee, I speak for all of the people of the United States and also for all of the people of
the world. The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF which administer the
assets in the Global Debt Facility have already decided to wind down the Banking Cartel
and to clean up Fukushima and to exchange the currencies in a Global Currency Reset.
I am clearing everything that needs to be cleared with people as they clean up the
corruption in the financial system, but trying to save decisions that may be controversial
until after the Banking Cartel has been wound down, there has been decentralization,
much of the currencies have been exchanged, and the corruption from the Banking
Cartel is less. We are cutting off the funding that is going to the Banking Cartel through
that scam called country debt. The people are going to do the heavy lifting by issuing
local currencies and clearing out the corruption in our money system.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: --- ... on behalf of ... ---
To: Bengt Carlsson

Sorry that my language was not as clear as it should have been. I only had four hours
sleep that day, and was rushing to finish the teleprompter. What I was trying to say was
to put people on notice that I am authorized to sign the Monetary Agreements. The
governments have been replaced by corporations and they are illegitimate. I am putting
people on notice that I am accepting their gold reserves for minting into aurum.

Before any gold is going to be shipped, there are going to be clear agreements with the
mints and clear arrangements to make sure that all of the gold can be accounted for and
that it goes directly into the currency that is exchanged. We are going to introduce this
exchange when the corruption has lessened.

We are going to be cutting the cash flow into the cabal right away. Local currencies in
local towns and villages are so important. The corruption in countries has to be rolled
back. We are going to have currencies issued by Treasuries in an interim step. It is also
necessary to work out the exchange ratios on the currencies before they are all converted
into aurum. This is a monumental effort.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Bengt Carlsson
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:05 AM
Subject: --- ... on behalf of ... ---
To: Karen Hudes

Is there anything tampered with in the following

that is from :

at the TOP of page 16.

" If you think I am going to start signing the Monetary

Agreements for the Global Currency Reset on behalf
of the illegitimate governments, and the people who
were not actually represented by those illegitimate
governments, you are right. "
Translated into swedish it does NOT translate into LOGICS

ML, Bengt Carlsson

Xavier Diaz20 hours ago
what was the university in Russia that has our history?

Karen Hudes1 second ago

Moscow State University, and Prof. Fomenko.

The person who informed me that the Vatican and the Vatican's agent, Anna Von Reitz,
were trying to steal the monetary gold reserves of the United States, sent me another
email yesterday, informing me that Anna Von Reitz' husband, James Clinton Belcher,
had signed the document as the pretender regent of the US on 10/21/17, and attaching
the signed copy. It is invalid. You notice that the people in the United States did not
embrace their new monarch. You also notice that Anna Von Reitz did not defend her
document, despite the fact that I declared it void for many obvious reasons, including
that Von Reitz and her employer, the Pope, have no jurisdiction over the world's
monetary gold reserves and other assets in the Global Debt Facility, administered by the
World Bank and IMF's Board of Governors and Development Committee

The interregnum in the US is still there, as Von Reitz' husband James Clinton
Belcher has no authority and is not Head of State. The assets in the Global Debt Facility,
including the monetary gold reserves of the nations, and the debt under Treaty of
Versailles Bonds from the Federal Reserve worth 2 quadrillion, are being returned to the
people in their money and are being offset against country debt in the Global Currency

The legitimate government of the US under the US Constitution of 1789 is going to

return under an Article V Convention. The organization called COS is headed by a shill
from the Banking Cartel. As a priority, we will need to make sure enough people know
how deep the corruption really is and wind down the Banking Cartel in the Global Debt

On your question about mortgages: As you know, the courts are fake, and the judges
work for the Banking Cartel. The Governors are giving out warranties of title rather
than actual title to the property owned by the people in their states; instead, the Banking
Cartel is stealing the property of the people under war powers.

For people to go up against these judges in the fake courts is risky business until the Global
Currency Reset. People are going to decide what to do about mortgages and other debt during
the Global Currency Reset.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Robert
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 9:38 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Anna Von Reitz

Hello Karen,

This is in regard to a woman calling herself Judge and her husband Head of State.

Several months ago Anna asked me to come and work for her to help expose a real
smoking gun that would expose the real criminals and open the doors to freedom for
all. She needed military help as an enforcement arm.
Myself being a DoD/DoJ contractor with many contacts locally, responded saying I
would reach out to several members and a few at Langley and FT. Eustis.
This was a mix of active and retired NCOs and two active duty Officers.

The Officers had a few questions of her which I presented before they would consider
moving forward.
1.) Who swore you in a Judge? Name and pertinent contact info please.
2.) who appointed your husband as Head of State?
3.) Please provide a copy of the oath you and your husband took.
4.) You stated to one of your readers that the States gave sovereignty to the
people in each state. Where can that documentation be found? We read The
Trilateral Agreement known as the Treaty of Peace clearly states in the first
article, Sovereignty was only given to the States. Corporate States at that in
our view.

Karen, as you may have expected Anna remained silent to these questions, as in crickets
on a cold night. Due to her lack of response to these basic questions, she received a lot
of free negative advertising in the Norfolk Virginia area as a deceiver and fraud
possibly playing on the fringes of criminal behavior herself as a impersonator.


The Banking Cartel keeps on breaking the links. Here is the letter which I wrote to
Iceland's Ambassador in Washington and their Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Board
of Governors in 2015, with first tasks in the Global Currency Reset. I am also
including my Tweet on April 15, 2016

Robert @drpennino
Karen go visit with the aliens

.@drpennino why block when you can ridicule instead?

Alis Castano REVEALED: Secret US plan to use fear of alien invasion in sinister
US SECRET services considered using the widespread fear of a War of the Worlds-type alien

invasion as a sinister psychological warfare tactic, it has emerged. The recently released memo
suggests a few things that seem important to note:

1. U.S. intelligence agencies have been thinking about how to use false flag-style psychological
warfare on U.S. citizens (and people of other nations) for literally decades. Operation
Northwoods, from 1962, is another case in point. And all the many more recent false flag attacks,
of course.

2. Despite the recent pseudo-disclosures that suggest “nothing’s happening here” there was a
time when various elements of the U.S. government were very interested in the UFO
phenomenon. And everyone knows it, even if there is official denial about it now.

3. Leaving the UFO dimension out of it, the U.S. intelligence agencies seem just as obsessed
with the socalled “Russian threat” today, as they were then. Not much has changed in their
paranoid and pathological drive to defeat the manufactured enemy.

4. The understanding “that news of potential alien activity had the potential to spark mass
hysteria and panic” is the very reason why real Disclosure will never happen through official
channels. Ignorance breeds docility until it no longer serves the purposes of the controllers.

5. The U.S. government’s exploring a plan to fake an alien invasion does not preclude the very
real possibility of an authentic one occurring. Though one could well argue that the ‘advance
team’ – in the form of psychopaths destroying our planet – seems to be paving the way…

Read more:

Karen Hudes @KarenHudes Oct 13

The corruption is even deeper than I thought: keeping a scam going when caught red-handed.

This has to do with the people who work for the companies owned by the Network of Global
Corporate Control. The Banking Cartel is insolvent and is getting wound down in the Global
Debt Facility, with 95% likelihood (if that doesn't happen, we are all into WWIII). What we
have learned today is that the people who work for the Network of Global Corporate Control are
not going to join the rest of the coalition for the rule of law until later.

The power transition model from the National War College predicts how stakeholders (people
who influence an issue) form coalitions in reaction to other stakeholders.

What did Costco and the rest of the Network of Global Corporate Control do after my tweet that
you all saw was time stamped 11:52 am? The delivery truck delivered the dishwasher anyway
when I was out walking the dog at 7:00 pm. They pounded on my front door for an extended
time and woke my daughter up in making the delivery.

I cancelled my order twice. The first time was a week ago and the second time was at 10:00 am.
today. I only realized I had to cancel twice when the company who was going to install the
dishwasher called me this morning. I have repeated twice to Costco that it is a scam for Costco
to advertise that the cost of its dishwashers includes installation and then Costco forgets to tell
the people in Maryland and some other states that they actually are going to have to pay for the
installation charges themselves. You would think that a company that is tweeted about and
caught in a scam would try to get the cancellation processed correctly. How about a company
that is part of the Network of Global Corporate control? Maybe they are trying to intimidate
people and have them give up all hope that there can be a peaceful resolution. Certainly
pounding on the door and refusing to go away sends a message.

I spoke to Destanee and Kady in team COS389 at Citibank, which issues my Costco charge card.
I then spoke to Nicole in Citibank's fraud department in Jacksonville. All of these people took
great pains to describe to me that this is not a scam. They did so in language that showed me I
was not the first Costco member to complain about this scam. When I spoke to the installation
company on 10/13, I found out that lots of Costco members are very angry about this scam.

Alot of people ask me when we are going to exchange the fake paper currency issued by the
central banks for the monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility. What we can say is that
the people who work for the companies that are part of the Network of Global Corporate Control
are still part of the problem and not yet part of the solution.

The coalition for the rule of law is stronger than the

Network of Global Corporate Control or I would be out of

business. But here I am, telling you that the people working for companies owned by the
Network of Global Corporate Control would rather keep a scam going than admit to their part in
the scam. Stay tuned as the dominoes keep on falling and propelling us forward in the Global
Currency Reset. [General Electric picked up the Costco Dishwasher on 10/26/17, and Citibank
said that I was going to get a refund in about a week. Neither employee admitted to their
company's fraud or that there had been any scam. I did have an extensive conversation with the
Citibank employee, and advised him to get into a small discussion group during the Global
Currency Reset. One of the purposes of the group is to help people identify when they have been
victim of the widespread extremely low frequency scalar technologies. These are very prevalent.
I believe that my puppy may be targeted as well. I learned from my dog trainer that there is
extensive mapping of dog's brains using ekg's.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The Dutch East Indies Company

Karen Hudes Thu, Apr 20, 2017 2:56PM

Dear Hans,

Thank you for forwarding me this video. Academia

does not do a good job explaining our history, and leaves more questions than it
answers. The alternative media, like this website about the East India Company
tries to hide reality as well. This site at least shows that the Dutch East Indies
Company and the Dutch empire may have had something to do with the current
reality. Our world has many hidden aspects.

So the thing about Holland is that is where the first corporation - the East India
Company - started. And you can see from this tweet in October 2016 that a Dutch
company, Wolters Kluwer, is the agent for most of the companies in the world.
"This information was forwarded from a friend and I did some checking . . .
Holy Cow! These are some very bad guys. This is huge. The top of the heap.
Listed as CT CORPORATION SYSTEM on Idaho Secy of State - 1936.
Their registered agent is the CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY which is the
registered agent for just about every corporation in the country and the world. CT
CORP SYS is also a registered agent. Says they're a a foreign (to Idaho) corporation, a
Delaware CORP, but Delaware Secy of State's business entity database is closed until
Actually, they are one and the same! The largest in the world!AGENT

The Corporation Trust Company Corporation Trust Center
1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801 New Castle County
(also known as CT Corporation System)
*CT*, or the *Corporation Trust Company*, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters
Kluwer , a
multi-national information services company based inthe Netherlands with operations in over 35 countries.
CT is the umbrella brand for two businesses: CT Corporation and CT Lien Solutions.
CT Corporation is the largest registered agent service firm in the world

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hans
Date: Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 3:43 PM
Subject: The Dutch East Indies Company: The Second 100 Years – Vimeo - time:
1:03:03 Hour - Download 298.0 MB - Kind Regards from the former-Netherlands (May
13, 1940) Hans
To: Karen Hudes

The Dutch East Indies Company: The

Second 100 Years – Vimeo


On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST
censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are


This segment is after ten years of stonewalling following the settlement of my lawsuit
and my reinstatement in the World Bank's legal department by the Board of Governors.
The Banking Cartel did not think I was going to get to the bottom of this corruption,
even though I knew, along with Jacek Kugler and the other political scientists that
developed the National War College's Power Transition Model, that the only way to stay
out of WWIII was to keep on going. So we know the gold in the Global Debt Facility is
still there, and that it belongs to humanity, and that a coalition stronger than the
Banking Cartel has agreed to clean up the corruption in a Global Currency Reset. Until
next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes
Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a Series that has been coming
to you from DCTV for two and a half years in a weekly program called the Network of
Global Corporate Control. Today’s program is called “Happiness." Next week we are
going to talk about our sting operation and catching the Banking Cartel in their lies.

DCTV is a public access network. When the law for cable TV was passed in 1972, the
citizens fought very hard and won the right to allow the public to tell their stories
alongside the cable TV companies. Carmen Stanley and Maurice Jackson and ______
[floor director] have been helping me to tell my story here at DCTV. DCTV has been
training me to be a TV producer, videographer, and editor. I am also a lawyer, and
economist, I represent 189 Ministers of Finance and Development on the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which is located in
Washington DC. As a matter of fact, the World Bank is Washington DC’s biggest

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund were created in 1944 at the end of
World War II. The World Bank and IMF are very special organizations. The World
Bank and IMF are also called the Bretton Woods institutions, named for the ski resort in
New Hampshire where 44 nations met and put the Ministers of Finance in charge of the
world’s wealth. They kept it secret that that is what they were doing, because they
intended to bring all of the world’s hidden wealth out after fifty years. That is what we
have done. We are converting the world’s paper money to money minted out of the
world’s hidden gold reserves. The Board of Governors agreed to do this since April 12,

How do the people who rule the world do this? They do this through corporations,
which do not have to tell you who owns them, or who they really are. The Dutch East
India Company was established in 1602. It was the second corporation in the world.

The first corporation was the British East India Company.

The world’s corporations are really just one

corporation, and they have been creating
corporations out of the world’s countries, and
even their governments, and their cities and
towns. They have even been creating
corporations out of the world’s people. When
babies are born, they set up a company and
give that company the name of the baby, and
then they estimate how much taxes that baby
is going to pay over its lifetime, and then they
create a bond and float that bond on the
world’s capital markets and earn money on
this bond. In Switzerland in 2011 3
mathematicians, Vitali, Glattfelder, and
Battiston of ETH Zurich
107.5728v2.pdf showed the existence of the Network of Global Corporate Control.

There are three special city-states. The Vatican is the smallest country in the
world. Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres,
making it one-eighth the size of New York’s Central Park. The Vatican mints its own
euros, prints its own stamps, issues passports and license plates, operates media
outlets and has its own flag and anthem. London is another independent City State and
Washington D.C. is the third. As we have seen, Washington DC has been impersonating
the US federal government. All
three of these city states are run by the Banking Cartel; that is, the Network of Global
Corporate Control.

The last three segments were devoted to the Bankruptcy of the Banking Cartel, US Military and
Geoengineering, and Reality. In the comments on this series' archives on YouTube and Q & A in
my social media [flash my email address [email protected]] we have shown that what
you are hearing in this series is reality. What you are mostly hearing elsewhere are lies and
propaganda from the Banking Cartel. The Banking Cartel has been holding onto power through fake

paper currency and collusion. I tweeted on July 27th about the leak of the CIA memo that coined
the term "conspiracy theorist", and that seemed to have shaken alot loose:

We have been talking about the Global Currency Reset, which is going to replace this paper
currency with gold that is minted from the monetary gold reserves that were deposited with the
Boards of Governors of the World Bank and IMF at the end of WWII. I speak for the Boards of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF. The main purpose of this Series is to inform and consult
with the beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility, which is the world's wealth that José Rizal and
Ferdinand Marcos deposited with the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors at the end of WWII.

I have told the Banking Cartel to stop interfering with our business because they have no proper
role any more, as they are bankrupt and are getting wound down. I have bankrupted the Banking
Cartel's corrupt agents and traitors like Donald Trump, General Joseph Dunford Jr., Peter Newsham,
J. Thomas Manger, Muriel Bowser, and Renwick Payne, that traitor who allows UN troops on US
soil without mobilizing state militia, all of whom have been lying and defaulted under commercial
liens. At the end of the teleprompter I have put the letters documenting how I have replaced the
US Executive Directors on the World Bank and IMF Boards of Executive Directors and Boards of

I am using logic and reasoning and consistency to disarm these liars. Two days ago, a journalist in
Israel sent me a menacing email:
Telling Mossad where to get off:
On August 15th, I exposed how the CIA tried to bribe me, and said this was a harpoon in
the Banking Cartel whale.


The head of the snake has used divide and conquer to stay in power and has been hiding
behind the Rothschilds and their ilk since the previous ice age.
Auschwitz was actually a uranium enrichment plant:
In last week's segment and the segment on August 22nd, I documented how the Banking
Cartel tried to nuke Charleston and fire a first nuclear strike against Russia. The loyal US
military did not betray their oath to support the US Constitution and resisted.

Support war in Syria or be nuked:

Enough people see through these liars to bring the rest of us up to speed. People have been
helping me because we are all in this together. That is how I learned of a 2013 video with half a
million views showing the purge of nuclear launch officials

Secretary Hagel was fired after I requested him to court martial Martin Dempsey and the
other Banking Cartel Agents and traitors in the US Military: http://www.c-
Replying to @dcdelray7

@dcdelray7 why the purge of US nuclear launch officials? …

The Banking Cartel's censorship and tricks are backfiring

Instead, I have shown valid liens against the Federal

Reserve Banks from the 2 quadrillion in Treaty of
Versailles Bonds held by the Global Debt Facility:

People keep on asking when we are going to get on with the business of exchanging the
fake paper currencies for the world's monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility.
I ask myself this very same question each and every morning when I get up. At first
what we were lacking was critical mass of people to understand reality. This was
necessary so that reality could be manifested. We have reached this milestone. I
encourage people to see

I have said that I am the Canary in the Coalmine because I am
embedded in the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF and represent the world's people as their proxy until they
are able to end the corruption in the world's financial system,
using the world's wealth that was deposited by José Rizal and
Ferdinand Marcos. Many people are asking me to prove where
the world's monetary gold reserves are deposited, and I have
told them where to look. There is a much simpler way to prove
that the world's wealth is here in the Board of Governors of the
World Bank and IMF for the Global Currency Reset. That is the
2 quadrillion worth of bonds that the Federal Reserve issued in
the 1930's in exchange for the elite's gold. José Rizal put these
bonds back in the Global Debt Facility, as the agent for the elite.
These bonds are continuing to accrue interest. I have put a lien
on the Fed using these bonds. We, the world's peoples, are
winding down the Banking Cartel with these 2 quadrillion worth of bonds, and are offsetting this
against country debt. Here is my email where I nixed Wolfgang Struck's plan to sell this debt:
Pam Hjornevik

EXCELLENT presentation, Karen! Finally some cohesive meat! I was just going to write
you after last week's presentation to suggest that you get to the meat of information
before your time is up. Thank you so much!

Karen Hudes
Before my time is up? That's just it. My time is not up. People need to take note of the
fact that I am keeping on keeping on. This shows what I have said all along, the
Coalition for the Rule of Law consisting of the G-77 (13 developing countries) the BRICS
and the US minus the Fed is much stronger than the Banking Cartel. Add to this the fact
that neither Germany nor Japan will allow the US dollar to crash or they have no
defense -- this was what I wrote to the electoral college about the bogus US elections, when Trump started
masquerading because the US Constitution of 1789 was not in effect. The link to this is
here, about reality and the Banking Cartel is lying to you about everything. This is going
to continue until everyone catches on, and it is going to snowball. I am now going to
tweet this. I have just tweeted my letter to the owners of the Fed, telling them that they
are getting wound down in the Global Debt Facility containing the world's wealth.
The Banking Cartel knows that they do not have the world's wealth; that we do.
Sometimes the Banking Cartel tells us what we need to know. There is an article in the
April issue of The Atlantic about what makes us happy. There is something called a
"hedonic treadmill" which is a tendency to eventually get back to our original level of
happiness. One clue is that we like doing things with people, and that is especially true
for extroverts. Also, when people were assigned to buy goodies for either a hospitalized
child or themselves, those who bought treats for a sick child reported more positive
feelings. The effect was the same in a rich country as in a poor one. Spending on friends
and family likewise gives us a boost because it brings us closer to our loved ones.

Thank you so much for the goodness in your sweet heart Karen. I am truly grateful for what you've been
sharing, all this information about the corruption and how they're doing it, why they're doing and who
they are. You explain things in ways that are easy for everyone to understand. A friend here in Hawaii

had a class on Legal Hawaiian Government and someone in the class had mentioned your video on you
tube and this guys said, "all roads do not lead to Rome, they lead to Switzerland." He went on to say,
"Karen Hudes said, the CIA headquarters is in Switzerland, Swiss Guards Guard the Vatican, The Bank of
International Settlements is in Switzerland, he said Rome is Switzerland." This guy said to watch Karen
Hudes on You Tube. I am so glad I did. May you be protected by Gods love and light. Thank you!

Karen Hudes21 hours ago

Prosecute? When the courts are bogus? Hans, use your head!

Hans Mittendorf4 hours ago

Karen, when the courts are rigged that badly, how do you want to work with the Coalition of the rule of
law when you have no court of justice. When all the institutions are unaccessible we have no means
other than a revolution. Correct me if I am wrong

Karen Hudes1 second ago

common law. pay attention and stop making stupid mistakes

big Cahuna4 days ago

the international "mafias" won't give up any money unless they are forced to .

Do you want me to block you? We have exposed these crooks. They are not geting money from
the Global Debt Facility. Give up money? Paper money? That is the Global Currency Reset.

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global
Corporate Control." We have discussed in today’s segment, “Happiness” how it we are
happiest when we share with our loved ones. The Global Currency Reset when we bring
the world’s gold in the Global Debt Facility, that was held secret inside the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund for fifty years, out to replace paper currencies is going
to make us all happier. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

5:42 AM - 16 Sep 2017

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


May 14, 2015

The Uniform Commercial Code Division

Department of Business Services
501 S. Second Street, Room 350W
Springfield, IL 62756

Re: UCC Record #20091045; Your letter dated April 30, 2015 and mailed May 5, 2015

Dear Sirs,

I refer to your letter dated April 30, 2015 purporting to terminate UCC Record #20091045
concerning the above-referenced lien against the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for
"Federal Reserve Notes 200 boxes Eagle U.S. Hardware Mother Box 5 Boxes Treaty of
Versailles Mother Box 45 Boxes."

As I stated in my letter dated April 19, 2015, 810 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/9-501.1 (a) does not
apply by virtue of subsection (k), because the UCC was filed by "a representative of a
regulated financial institution." A "regulated financial institution" is an institution subject to
regulatory oversight by a federal agency.

The World Bank, which administers the trust called the "Global Debt Facility", is subject to
regulatory oversight of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and
Financial Policies. I filed UCC Record #20091045 as a representative of and on behalf of the
World Bank's Board of Governors. My letter to you of April 19, 2015 was cleared by the
Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund . Pursuant to Article V, Section 2 of the
World Bank's Articles of Agreement, "All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board
of Governors."

As the Secretary of State does not possess any statutory authority to terminate the filing of a
representative of a regulated financial institution, your purported termination of UCC Record
#20091045 is of null effect.


Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666



The Nantucket Sleigh Ride is continuing...the Banking Cartel whale is on a

one-way street to perdition. The US Congress is outed as owned by the
Banking Cartel. This diagram shows how the Board of Governors approved
the Global Currency Reset to transfer the World's wealth in the Global Debt
Facility from the elites and Banking Cartel to the 99 percenters. Ferdinand
Marcos was appointed by José Rizal as M1. Now the Board of Governors must
authenticate each and every transfer out of the Global Debt Facility, where
José Rizal deposited the world's wealth.


The Banking Cartel got so upset with these tweets that they broke the links. So I
reset them:



From: Karen Hudes

Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 7:39 AM
Subject: Transition to the Rule of Law - US Monetary Gold Reserves are in the Global
Debt Facility administered by the World Bank and
To: Elizabeth Andersen
<[email protected]>, [email protected], Todd
Krautheim <[email protected]>, Rebecca Cope
<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], cwellisz <[email protected]>, eds01
<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], eds04@worl, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], eds0
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
g, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], eds15@worldb, [email protected], "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], eds20@world, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], eds24, [email protected]

The International Court of Justice's illegal and corrupt attempt to remove the world's
monetary gold reserves from the Global Debt Facility has been exposed, so has the CIA's
treason and calumny.

I discussed the coalition for the rule of law and the transition to the rule of law with the
International Legal Assistance Consortium this morning. The coalition for the rule of
law includes the United States minus the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is
insolvent and is in receivership in the Global Debt

The US has no representation on the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank
after Sara Aviel, then Alternate Executive Director for the US on the Board of Executive
Directors, allowed Allied Barton to illegally throw me out of the World Bank
headquarters on January 28, 2015. I tweeted that Aviel had breached the World Bank's
Articles of Agreement, and six days later she left the World Bank. Commander Michael
Reese of DC's Second Precinct was replaced the week following my complaint to the D.C.
Board of Ethics and Government
Accountability. DC Council's
General Counsel, Dave Zvenyach, lost his job the week I tweeted his involvement in this

The US Treasury officials have not been confirmed by the US Senate; they may not
exercise the voice and vote of the United States on the World Bank's Board of Executive
Directors; they cannot continue this corruption by preventing me from entering the
World Bank headquarters building; they cannot prevent the world's monetary gold
reserves from being minted into the world's


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: International Institute of Finance

This is following up on our previous conversations. As you can see, I am not going away any
time soon. I have not informed people which person I had been contacting. This is not
important. What is important is that we acknowledge that the coalition for the rule of law is
in existence, and that it is stronger than the Banking Cartel. This email is going to be posted
today, along with my letters to the Development Committee and the G-77, containing the
minutes of the upcoming Spring Meetings.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


April 2, 2017

[To the Ambassadors in Washington and Members of the Development Committee and
Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs listed at the

Your Excellencies,

I refer to my letter dated September 29, 2016. A growing public is aware that the Network of
Global Corporate Control (identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich ) is insolvent and in
receivership inside the Global Debt Facility containing the world's international monetary
gold reserves. The Network of Global Corporate Control has lost the ability to block reality
from view.

The United States is now in interregnum, its military rule no longer secret, its State
Governors pursued by common law juries demanding redress for theft of titles to land and
other property, its Supreme Court, rest of the judiciary, and entire legal community
exposed as complicit and unable to respond. The Commonwealth is also in interregnum,
following revelations about a different monarch for the throne of England residing in

It is now time to bring the gold out of sequestration. The members on the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF and Ambassadors received my letter dated March 25,
2015 containing the offer to replace fractional reserve fiat currencies in a Global Currency
Reset This offer stands.
The Federal Reserve Bank will be required to offset country debt with the 2 quadrillion the
Fed owes on its Treaty of Versailles Bonds.
[This paragraph was added on April 11, 2017, after the following statement about rule of law
in the Bretton Woods institutions was posted:

and the latest segment on DCTV aired and was archived on the internet. teleprompter: .

A critical mass understands that the coalition for the rule of law on the Boards of Governors
administers the wealth of the nations in the Global Debt Facility. In accordance with the
agreements at the Annual Meetings in Peru in 2015 :
"The United States government is in interregnum, and I am exercising the voice and vote
of the US representatives on the Board of Governors and Board of Executive Directors of
the World Bank and IMF until the Constitution of 1789 is reinstated pursuant to the
provisions of Article V thereof. I am providing copies of this correspondence to the ... New
York missions and Tokyo embassies. The Global Debt Facility has notified the Securities
and Exchange Commission of the interim financial statements of the Global Debt Facility,
as well as the unlimited power of attorney over Allied Barton which I exercise on behalf of
the Global Debt Facility. Any Allied Barton employee who prevents my full and
unhindered access to the World Bank and IMF is hereby subject to immediate
termination without further ado. As agreed during the (2015) World Bank and IMF
Annual Meetings, these arrangements on behalf of the Global Debt Facility are authorized
by the countries copied on this email, unless they register their dissent in writing."]

The United States is now in interregnum, its military rule no longer secret, its State
Governors pursued by common law juries demanding redress for theft of titles to land and
other property, its Supreme Court, rest of the judiciary, and entire legal community
exposed as complicit and unable to respond. The Commonwealth is also in interregnum,
following revelations about a different monarch for the throne of England residing in
It is now time to bring the gold out of sequestration. The members on the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF and Ambassadors received my letter dated March 25,
2015 containing the offer to replace fractional reserve fiat currencies in a Global Currency
Reset This offer stands.
The Federal Reserve Bank will be required to offset country debt with the 2 quadrillion the
Fed owes on its Treaty of Versailles Bonds.
We have remained at a fork in the road: WWIII or the Global Currency Reset. Starting off
with Ferdinand Marcos' prayer to the United States 13:40-14:40
"For I know that as I have said in many a speech before my own people and before the
world, fate and destiny have decreed that the United States of America be the trustee of
modern civilization against the threat of a possible second Dark Ages. And America
cannot fail. Therefore, we the Filipino people come and bring to you a prayer: God in his
divine providence may grant you guidance and strengthen both your heart and hand so
that hand may be strong on the lever of power and save our humanity. If America fails,
then the world is lost."
A well-informed group in America, including the loyal military who have been working
together with the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement, is
ready to join with the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors that was
predicted by the power transition model that came to the World Bank from the US
Department of Defense in 2004.

Aaron Broches, who helped to write the World Bank’s Articles of Agreement as a young
counselor in the Dutch Embassy, went on to serve between 1959-1978 as the longest serving
General Counsel. Aaron Broches was my mentor for many years. The General Counsel’s
most important function is to provide a proper interpretation of the Articles of the World
Bank in giving voice to the Board of Executive Directors and Board of Governors.
Sandra Okoro has been relieved of her position as Senior Vice President and General
Counsel of the World Bank Group;
; not a single mission or embassy has defended her; nor did a single country object to the
discharge of Christine Lagarde or Jim Kim or any of the other misguided officials in the
Secretariat. These agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control have defied the
decision of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to
place the Network of Global Corporate Control in receivership in the Global Debt Facility in
a Global Currency Reset. The agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control are
bankrupt or about to be bankrupt under commercial liens held by the Global Debt Facility.
I revealed the WBG's corporate governance problems during my interview for the position of
the World Bank's General Counsel in May 2006. Two months after assisting the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations during confirmation hearings for the World Bank's
Executive Director, I was fired in retaliation. Svein Aass, Norway's ED and Chair of the
Board's Governance Committee, reinstated me with the concurrence of Eugene Miagkov,
Russia's Alternate ED. My bondholder litigation, brought to resolve corporate governance
problems, was settled by the Board of Governors in 2012. President Obama's nominee for
the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, was on the Panel that disregarded the Board's
settlement of my case. Neil Gorsuch is also bankrupt under a commercial lien held by the
Global Debt Facility.

I informed Mr. David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States National Archives and
Records Administration, that as the US. Congress has suspended the Constitution of 1789 by
declaring a state of emergency ( ), the
provisions concerning the electoral college process [see
register/electoral-college/provisions.html ] do not apply. Neither do the statutes governing
the electoral process, which provide that electors shall vote for President and Vice President,
respectively, "in the manner directed by the Constitution." Most importantly, I informed
Mr. Ferriero that in order to prevent WWIII, the Board of Governors has agreed that the
monetary gold reserves of the United States in the Global Debt Facility are being deployed to
enable the United States to fulfill its treaty obligations in the defense Germany and Japan.

As previously set forth in minutes of the Development Committee, the Global Currency
Reset is replacing paper currencies issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control for
national currencies minted from the monetary gold reserves of the nations. Local currencies
issued by villages and towns are also replacing the corrupt fractional reserve fiat currencies
issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control

The corrupt martial law regime in the United States has been exposed
of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf, along with the 1933 bankruptcy of the federal US government: The US Federal Register shows that
the Federal Government no longer exists after the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States by
the Banking Cartel.

The Network of Global Corporate Control has been trying to prevent the Board of Governors from
deploying the world's monetary gold reserves. As agreed during the 2015 Annual Meeting in Peru,
and subsequently confirmed with the Development Committee, New York Missions and Tokyo
Embassies, I speak on behalf of the Board of Governors on matters concerning the Global Debt

The Network of Global Corporate Control and the members of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund do not hold monetary gold reserves. These are in the Global
Debt Facility, after having been deposited by Jose Rizal on January 3, 1949.

The attached Statement for the Development Committee, and Minutes of the Development
Committee of April 22, 2017, supersedes any documents prepared by the Network of Global
Corporate Control, and its now-discredited secretariat, and its fired and discredited former
President, Jim Kim.

I am mailing this statement to the members of the Development Committee and the
following officers of the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International
Monetary Affairs via their Washington Embassies:
 Chair: Abraham Tekeste, Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation,
 First Vice-Chair: Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Finance, Sri Lanka
 Second Vice-Chair: Julio Velarde, Governor of Banco Central De Reserva Del
 Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría

as well as general posting on the internet and by electronic mail to the New York Missions
and Tokyo Embassies, who confirm its contents unless they go on record in writing.


Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The rest of the letter containing the Minutes of the 2017 Spring Meetings of the Boards of
Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as cleared by the New York
Missions, the Development Committee, the Tokyo Embassies, and the Intergovernmental
Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs, and as published on the internet,
can be viewed in the link for the following "tweet". A critical mass of humanity is aware of
the corruption in the money system, and that is why the Global Currency Reset is now
reality. People know that the governments are corrupt and illegitimate, and the elites who
depend upon the valueless paper money system to stay in power are standing on quicksand.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: David Tong

Dear David,

Thank you for your email. I have just "tweeted" this about the Global Currency Reset: and will keep you
posted on further developments.


On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 11:22 PM, David Tong wrote:

Dear Karen,

Thank you for sharing.

Best regards,
David Tong
ITC Singapore


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 6:22 AM
To: Wolfgang Struck
Subject: Re: Karen Hudes in World Bank

Dear Wolfgang,

When Jose Rizal deposited the Global Debt Facility into the World
Bank, and established the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF, whom I represent, it was so that there would be a
peaceful Global Currency Reset. The Board of Governors has agreed on the Global Currency

We are on track for the Global Currency Reset. Who is we? The coalition for the rule of
law, as predicted by the power transition model that came to the World Bank from the
National War College in 2004.

My latest correspondence with the BRICS is here:


I sent you this email on September 7, 2016, to which you never responded:

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: *Urgent Help*
Cc: Wolfgang Struck
Wolfgang, Is this your new email address? I am copying your old address I am not clear
about so many things, beginning with this story:
then plans to try and discount TOV bonds

not sure whether you would accept transaction by transaction authentication? or 1/4 of 1
percent fees as in Monetary Agreement?

Izumi and I have already tried to help and lost over $1,000 in unused transportation
costs. And we do not know what you are thinking about ASM, who has not been
authenticated either.

Best, Karen
That correspondence was "tweeted"

Instead, you have asked me to enrich you, which I refused to do, and also tweeted:

The Global Currency Reset that was approved by the coalition for the rule of law on the
Board of Governors for the benefit of humanity and that will avoid WWIII that is
tabled with the BRICS, with Japan, with Germany, with the rest of the Board of
Governors, with the Postmaster General of the US, with the National Conference on
Public Employee Retirement Systems, with the Governors of the US, with the Adjutants
General, with the public, as informed through DCTV and the social media, is

You have not responded to the deal that is on the table. As the Overseer Mandate
Trustee representing the voice and vote of the United States on the Board of Governors
during this interregnum until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect, I am not
considering any unauthorized deals by persons who have not been authenticated by the
Board of Governors under paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough
Successor Agreement.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Wolfgang Struck

Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 8:25 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Karen Hudes in World Bank

Dear Karen,

Attached, there is a document with Metro Bank and Trust Company that I
will have to have researched in the WB. Remembering that you were a
lawyer for 20 years in that not so honorable institution, you might know
something about this sleeping giant that we have to fill with life. Or you
might know someone who knows or should know. The WB is certainly correct
claiming that their business is not divulging secrets. With money withheld
from banks and people for so long, though, one wonders what they are
doing or why they are not doing anything. There must be something, a
hidden agenda we are not supposed to know, maybe.

On my side, I will be introduced to a friendly Senior VP of Metro Bank,

emphasis is on friendly. It will be sort of embarrassing to see that 30 years
have passed and nothing has been done. Not only that, Metro Bank high
officials appear hesitant, to say the least, to let people in to talk about this
huge money for the benefit of coded name TVM-LSM-666 and the Filipino

For your guidance I attach also the Trust Certificate for transfer of the
mother account 010-22-74-0-A to Philippine National Bank. I will have to
talk to someone high up there also before we start any action. From what I
see here, WB does not seem to have any hold on this any more.

Please enlighten me,


From: Karen Hudes

Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 5:26 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: Fwd: saw much of the hearing on the web

This is to Mr. von Amsberg.

The attached email was sent to me by an Indian colleague at the World

Bank. I also remind you of this post on the internet concerning the Global
Debt Facility containing the world's wealth when you were Country
Director for the World Bank in the Philippines:

This is concerning the Coalition for the Rule of Law; I represent the United
States during this interregnum until the Constitution of 1789 is restored.

As you know, there is no problem in the South China Sea:
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: International Institute of Finance

In order to coordinate the Global Currency Reset, I will be calling on IIF for that purpose in
the following weeks.

Karen Hudes

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Broken link - re validity of lien on Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
To: International Institute of Finance

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Permanent Gold Backwardation

Dear ______,

We spoke this afternoon. Here are the minutes on the Global Currency
Reset to replace fractional reserve currencies using the gold in the Global
Debt Facility administered by the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and IMF, and my
email to the 50 Adjutants General concerning the martial law in effect in the
United States: Karen Hudes @KarenHudes

The United States of America preventing the threat of a possible second

Dark Ages.

The likelihood of a Global Currency Reset is 90-95% according to this power

transition model coming from the US Department of Defense:

During the Spring meetings I was dealing with a coalition on the Board of
Governors, which is why the countries do not dissociate themselves from
my statements (and minutes). I have liens on the Federal Reserve Banks The Secretary of State of
Illinois attempted to invalidate this lien, but the Ministers of Finance and
Development have asserted its validity:

You can find more at:

twitter @:, on facebook
at and recent "tweets" are on my website
On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST I have a television series on DCTV, "The Network of Global
Corporate Control" , which is livestreamed over the internet
at archives are at
censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are
Background information is at

It would be good to exchange the fractional reserve fiat currency for

Treasury Dollars and other currencies, and offset the Treaty of Versailles
bonds against country debt before the looming permanent gold



---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:25 AM
Subject: Coalition for the Rule of Law
To: [email protected], Russian Embassy in Washington, david.tong Chairman,
Singapore's International Trade Council

This is to Mr. von Amsberg.

The last email was sent to me by an Indian colleague at the World Bank. I also remind you
of this post on the internet concerning the Global Debt Facility containing the world's
wealth when you were Country Director for the World Bank in the Philippines:

This is concerning the Coalition for the Rule of Law; I represent the United States during
this interregnum until the Constitution of 1789 is restored.

As you know, there is no problem in the South China Sea:
sea-problem/ [
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

From: Karen Hudes <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 11:04 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Fw:

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

September 25, 2016

To the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF,
and to followers on my social media on the internet:

I am going to convince you that the Global Currency Reset is very real with these
documents. The first document shows how Bertrand Badré tried to invalidate the Global
Debt Facility, as acting President of the World Bank. Instead, what happened was I voided
Badré's attempt and had him fired.
This "tweet" tells you about my conversation with Julius Shiva three days before I was
attacked by directed scalar weapons

52 Julius was offering to give me the
access codes that Euroclear was requesting, and thought my worry about the shortage of
time would get me to betray the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. I saw
through what he was trying to do, and refused.

This "tweet" also talks about what happened just before the directed scalar attack:
Two other documents that I am showing you just by links:
a 2013 email about corruption in the District of Columbia (and which got the then-general
counsel of the DC Council, V. David Zvenyach, fired)
The letters to the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF offering to cancel
country debt and replace paper currencies

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Recontruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


to me

Hi Karen

The hearing was live on the web and is now available in a recorded form.
Saw a lot of it.

What were your thoughts? Interesting that Lugar did bring up the GAO study
and in his statement said that $ only after reform.

Warm regards

WB Whistleblower from India

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: Indian Whistleblower

Lugar made it clear that the GAO inquiry was held up by the Bank.
Otherwise, why would Lugar insist on tranched release of the funds for
the General Capital Increase? Transparency and accountability were
a centerpiece of the hearings.

The discussion about the end to the Gentleman's agreement was lame,
as if the US can win the argument when its integrity is on the line.
Treasury's referral to the Institutional Integrity office also struck a
jarring note, after the Government Accountability Project
outed Volcker's whitewash of INT.

I have been alerting various members of Congress that the governance

crisis is now centered on the exodus of jobs from the Bank's
headquarters in Washington because of US failure improve the rule of
law at the Bank.

I was amazed that Treasury had the effrontery to prevaricate about

internal controls and its whistleblower policy. It is pretty clear that
Lugar and the rest of Congress are not impressed with implementation
of the whistleblower policy. The game is interesting now when
Treasury's blatent lies are belied by hard documentation.

But oversight has always been lax. The US' regulation of the capital
markets is now also under scrutiny since I am suing the Bank as a
bondholder. I asked the US District Court to allow me to amend my
complaint to join KPMG in the suit. KPMG's external audit
was commissioned by the Bank's Audit Committee.

KPMG's chairman denied my request for KPMG to follow relevant audit

standards in auditing the Bank's internal controls. The Committee on
Multilateralism and Accountability of International Organizations
demanded the National Advisory Council to end the Bank's
temporary exemption from application of Generally Accepted
Accounting Standards. I am following up with State and the General
Counsel of the Senate Finance Committee on this.

Solomon was listening to me when I was updating Lugar. At the very

end of the hearings, Solomon saw me in the room and tried to duck out.
I followed him, (luckily I can move fast with my cane now) [- - this was
when the Banking Cartel tried to prevent me from pursuing my lawsuit
against KPMG, the World Bank, the World Bank's medical insurance
company, and a consultant hired by the World Bank to review my
whistleblower retaliation claim, by attacking me with scalar technology
and causing me to break my hip and elbow -- but I kept on with my
lawsuit, which was settled with the Board of Governors of the World
Bank and IMF, although the corrupt courts refused to recognize the
settlement] and gave him my card. I had faxed Solomon various
documents shortly after he assumed office. Solomon said he had
another urgent meeting.

Bea Edwards was not at the hearing. Perhaps GAP missed it? I am
meeting with the UK whistleblower NGO that co-authored the report on
the Bank's whistleblower regime, PCAW, in London at the end of the


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: Indian Whistleblower

Lugar made it clear that the GAO inquiry was held up by the Bank. Otherwise, why
would Lugar insist on tranched release of the funds for the General Capital Increase?
Transparency and accountability were a centerpiece of the hearings.

The discussion about the end to the Gentleman's agreement was lame, as if the US
can win the argument when its integrity is on the line. Treasury's referral to the
Institutional Integrity office also struck a jarring note, after the Government
Accountability Project outed Volcker's whitewash of INT.

I have been alerting various members of Congress that the governance crisis is now
centered on the exodus of jobs from the Bank's headquarters in Washington because of
US failure improve the rule of law at the Bank.

I was amazed that Treasury had the effrontery to prevaricate about internal controls and
its whistleblower policy. It is pretty clear that Lugar and the rest of Congress are not
impressed with implementation of the whistleblower policy. The game is interesting
now when Treasury's blatent lies are belied by hard documentation.

But oversight has always been lax. The US' regulation of the capital markets is now
also under scrutiny since I am suing the Bank as a bondholder. I asked the US District
Court to allow me to amend my complaint to join KPMG in the suit. KPMG's external
audit was commissioned by the Bank's Audit Committee.

KPMG's chairman denied my request for KPMG to follow relevant audit standards in
auditing the Bank's internal controls. The Committee on Multilateralism and
Accountability of International Organizations demanded the National Advisory Council
to end the Bank's temporary exemption from application of Generally Accepted
Accounting Standards. I am following up with State and the General Counsel of the
Senate Finance Committee on this.

Solomon was listening to me when I was updating Lugar. At the very end of the
hearings, Solomon saw me in the room and tried to duck out. I followed him, (luckily I
can move fast with my cane now) and gave him my card. I had faxed Solomon various
documents shortly after he assumed office. Solomon said he had another urgent

Bea Edwards was not at the hearing. Perhaps GAP missed it? I am meeting with the
UK whistleblower NGO that co-authored the report on the Bank's whistleblower regime,
PCAW, in London at the end of the month.


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Lugar made it clear that the GAO inquiry was held up by the Bank.
Otherwise, why would Lugar insist on tranched release of the funds for
the General Capital Increase? Transparency and accountability were
a centerpiece of the hearings.

The discussion about the end to the Gentleman's agreement was lame,
as if the US can win the argument when its integrity is on the line.
Treasury's referral to the Institutional Integrity office also struck a
jarring note, after the Government Accountability Project outed
Volcker's whitewash of INT.

I have been alerting various members of Congress that the governance

crisis is now centered on the exodus of jobs from the Bank's
headquarters in Washington because of US failure improve the rule of
law at the Bank.

I was amazed that Treasury had the effrontery to prevaricate about

internal controls and its whistleblower policy. It is pretty clear that
Lugar and the rest of Congress are not impressed with implementation
of the whistleblower policy. The game is interesting now when
Treasury's blatent lies are belied by hard documentation.

But oversight has always been lax. The US' regulation of the capital
markets is now also under scrutiny since I am suing the Bank as a
bondholder. I asked the US District Court to allow me to amend my
complaint to join KPMG in the suit. KPMG's external audit was
commissioned by the Bank's Audit Committee.

KPMG's chairman denied my request for KPMG to follow relevant audit

standards in auditing the Bank's internal controls. The Committee on
Multilateralism and Accountability of International Organizations
demanded the National Advisory Council to end the Bank's temporary
exemption from application of Generally Accepted Accounting
Standards. I am following up with State and the General Counsel of the
Senate Finance Committee on this.

Solomon was listening to me when I was updating Lugar. At the very

end of the hearings, Solomon saw me in the room and tried to duck out.
I followed him, (luckily I can move fast with my cane now) and gave him
my card. I had faxed Solomon various documents shortly after he
assumed office. Solomon said he had another urgent meeting.

Bea Edwards was not at the hearing. Perhaps GAP missed it? I am
meeting with the UK whistleblower NGO that co-authored the report on
the Bank's whistleblower regime, PCAW, in London at the end of the


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Indian Whistleblower wrote:

Hi Karen

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it and also for your effective work
on lobbying Senator Lugar.

On Biden, what Lugar did was to lump Biden's GAO request that I have
not seen and it is related with a "Green Audit" of the World Bank, with
Lugar/Bayh/Leahy request that I generated and have widely
disseminated. By lumping it together, Lugar was presumably
attempting to add weight to his own GAO request and also to his
question since of course Biden is the VP. Solomon deceptively cleverly
answered that it was the GAO that did not proceed with Biden's request
based on its availability of resources and not that the Bank did not
permit GAO to proceed.
On the Bayh/Lugar/Leahy request, Solomon said that he is working on
it since of course we have ample evidence from the GAO itself that the
Bank has blocked GAO's work.

Since Solomon reports to the Treasury that reports to Biden, Solomon

could not let it be seen that he stood by while the Bank blocked Biden's
request, but that is precisely what has happened.

Warm regards

Indian Whistleblower

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Indian Whistleblower wrote:

Hi Karen

The hearing was live on the web and is now available in a recorded form.

Saw a lot of it.

What were your thoughts? Interesting that Lugar did bring up the GAO
study and in his statement said that $ only after reform.

Warm regards

Indian Whistleblower

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:25 AM
Subject: Fwd: saw much of the hearing on the web
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

This is to Mr. von Amsberg.

The attached email was sent to me by an Indian colleague at the World Bank. I also
remind you of this post on the internet concerning the Global Debt Facility containing
the world's wealth when you were Country Director for the World Bank in the

This is concerning the Coalition for the Rule of Law; I represent the United States
during this interregnum until the Constitution of 1789 is restored.

As you know, there is no problem in the South China Sea:
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Karen Hudes 9/15/10

To World Bank Whistleblower from India

I'm just back. Glad you were able to view the hearing too. I went up to Lugar just before
the hearing started, and spoke to him for a minute. I gave Sen. Lugar my card, where I had
also written on the back:
World Bank ignored Senator Lugar's request for GAO review:
Audit Committee requested external audit of World Bank:, log-in 30795, password 72ef7b4

After the hearing, the representative responsible for MDB's from the State
Department gave me his card. Then I went to the US District Court for DC and
presented my petition for admission. We shall see. It seemed to me at the hearing that
the only one in the room in touch with reality was Senator Lugar. I was fascinated
when Lugar said that Senator Biden was also on the request for the GAO Study. That
is a good sign, but I tend to err on the optimistic side.

Thanks again for informing me about the hearing. I was very glad to be there.

His Excellency Mohammed A. Al-Jadaan
Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Abdullah Faisal Turki Al Saud
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
601 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037

His Excellency Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Khalifa

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Shaikh Abdulla Mohamed Alkhalifa
Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain
3502 International Drive, NW
Washington, Dc 20008

His Excellency Taro Aso

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae
Embassy of Japan
2520 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, Dc 20008

His Excellency Mohammed Boussaid

Minister of Economy and Finance
c/o His Excellency Mohammed Rachad Bouhlal
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
1601 21st Street, NW
Washington, Dc 20009

Her Excellency Ulla Toernaes

Minister for Development Cooperation
Royal Danish Embassy

c/o His Excellency Lars Gert Lose
3200 Whitehaven Street, NW
Washington DC 20008

H.E. Apisak Tantivorawong

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Pisan Manawapat
Embassy of Thailand
1024 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007

H.E. Scott Morrison

Treasurer of Australia
c/o His Excellency Joseph Benedict Hockey
Embassy of Australia
1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

His Excellency Jeroen Dijsselbloem

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Hendrik Jan Jurriaan Schuwer
Royal Netherlands Embassy
4200 Linnean Avenue, Nw
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Hadizatou Rosine Coulibaly/Sori

Minister of Economy, Finance and Development
c/o Mr. Seydou Sinka, Charge D'affaires Ad Interim
Embassy of Burkina Faso
2340 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Priti Patel

Secretary of State for International Development
c/o His Excellency Sir Nigel Kim Darroch
Ambassador of the United Kingdom
3100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Arun Jaitley

Minister of Finance
c/o H.E. Arun Kumar Singh
Embassy of India
2107 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Philip Isdor Mpango

Minister of Finance and Planning
c/o His Excellency Wilson Mutagaywa Masilingi
Embassy of Tanzania
1232 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037

His Excellency Henrique De Campos Meirelles

Minister of Finance
c/o H.E. Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado
Brazilian Embassy
3006 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Jie Xiao

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency Tiankai Cui
Embassy of China
3505 International Place, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Gerd Mueller

Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development
c/o H.E. Peter Wittig
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
4645 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007

H.E. Jose Antonio Meade

Secretary of Finance and Public Credit
c/o His Excellency Carlos Manuel Sada Solana
Embassy of Mexico
1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006

His Excellency Kemi Adeosun

Minister of Finance
c/o Mr. Hakeem Toyin Balogun, Charge D'affaires

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
3519 International Court, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Bill Morneau

Minister of Finance
c/o His Excellency David Brookes Macnaughton
Embassy of Canada
501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

His Excellency Michel Sapin

Minister for Finance and Public Accounts
c/o H.E. Gerard Roger Araud
Embassy of France
4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007

His Excellency Johann Schneider-Ammann

Minister of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
c/o H.E. Martin Werner Dahinden
Embassy of Switzerland
2900 Cathedral Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Anton Siluanov

Minister of Finance
C/O His Excellency Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak
Embassy of the Russian Federation
2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007

His Excellency Johan van Overtveldt

c/o Mr. Thomas Lambert, Charge D'affaires
Embassy of Belgium
3330 Garfield Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Alfredo Thorne
Minister of Economy and Finance
c/o Ms. Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazan
Minister, Charge D'affaires A.I.
1700 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

His Excellency Ignazio Visco

Governor, Bank of Italy
c/o His Excellency Armando Varricchio
Embassy of Italy
3000 Whitehaven Street, Nw
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Abraham Tekeste

Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation
c/o His Excellency Girma Birru Geda
Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of
3506 International Drive, NW
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Ravi Karunanayake

Minister of Finance
Embassy of Sri Lanka
c/o His Excellency Prasad Kariyawasam
3025 Whitehaven Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Julio Velarde

Governor of Banco Central de Reserva del Peru
Embassy of Peru
c/o Ms. Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazan, Charge D'affaires
1700 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 805
Washington, DC 20036

H.E. Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría

Minister of Finance and Public Credit
c/o His Excellency Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno
Embassy of Colombia
1724 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036


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