Colegio San Agustin-Mati, Inc.: Teaching Guide
Colegio San Agustin-Mati, Inc.: Teaching Guide
Colegio San Agustin-Mati, Inc.: Teaching Guide
Introduction/Review: (5 minutes)
The teacher will ask the following questions.
1. Describe a time when a media message impacted your beliefs negatively?
2. Describe a time when a media message impacted your beliefs positively?
The teacher will ask the learners, would you do what this public service announcements ask? Why or why not?
Performance Task/Scenario:
As a catalyst and advocate of one of the sustainable development goals, your group is tasked to create MIL Design
framework for your social media campaign. Your output will serve as your guide. You will use the following components
and guide questions.
Sustainable Development Goal What is your selected sustainable development goal?
Why did you select it?
Target Audience Who is the intended audience?
Sender/Author Who is the producers?
Purpose What is the purpose?
Key Content What is the topic?
What are the facts?
Form/Style How can you present this information?
How would this affect your audience?
Medium/Format What platform will you use?why?
Criteria 4 3 2 1
CONTENT Main ideas are clear and are Main ideas are clear but are Main ideas are somewhat Main ideas are not clear.
well supported by detailed not well supported by clear.
and accurate information. detailed information.
ORGANIZATION Organization of ideas Organization is appropriate Organization is generally Essay shows little evidence
supports the writer’s focus. and the sequencing of ideas appropriate and ideas are of organization or
Ideas are grouped in a is logical manner. Varied clearly sequenced. But sequencing. Transition are
logical manner. Effective transition are used. maybe repetitive. Transition rare. The response lacks a
and varied transition are are used. clear introduction and
used. conclusion.
WRITING CONVENTIONS The writer demonstrates full The writer demonstrates The writer demonstrates The writer lacks
command of the conventions knowledge of the minimal control of the understanding of the
of the English language. No conventions of the English conventions of the English conventions of the English
errors are evident. language. Errors are minor language. Errors are language. Errors are
and do not interfere with the frequents and interfere with pervasive that complete
meaning and thoughts. meaning and thoughts. interfere with the meaning
and thoughts.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
ORGANIZATION information in the design information in the design Information in the design information in the design
matrix is presented clearly matrix is presented and matrix is presented clearly matrix is not clear, very
and allows for a high level some understanding and allows for a high level difficult to understand
of understanding
of understanding can be
CONTENT The social campaign design The social campaign design The social campaign design Thinking process in the
matrix shows complex matrix shows effective matrix shows some thinking social campaign design
thinking about the thinking about the about relationship between matrix is not does
meaningful relationship meaningful relationship the MIL competencies not show relationship
between the MIL between the MIL between the MIL
competencies competencies competencies
KNOWLEDGE The output demonstrates a The output demonstrates The output demonstrates The output demonstrates
thorough knowledge of the good knowledge of the some knowledge of the very little knowledge of the
sustainable goal selected sustainable goal selected sustainable goal selected sustainable goal selected
and how to raise awareness and how to raise awareness and how to raise awareness and how to raise awareness
about it. about it. about it. about it.
Colegio San Agustin- Mati, Inc.
St. Augustine Compound, Dahican, Mati City
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Gonzalo N. Balusca Date (Submission): JUNE 10_ 2019
Subject Area: Media Information Literacy Date (Implementation): Jun 17-18, 2019
Subject Matter: Media and Information Sources
Introduction/Review: (10 minutes)
The teacher will;
Perform preliminaries (opening prayers and checking of attendance)
Present the topic to the class.
Present the objectives that should be addressed by the end of the entire lesson/topic.
Ask students where and how they usually acquire information about a certain topic.
Motivation (15 minutes)
Think-pair –Share Activity
1. The teacher will instruct the class to get their notebook and pen. Then, each student should find a partner.
2. Play a video clip.
3. Afterwards they are going to answer the guide questions given by the teacher. Then, the students will present their
answers/ideas to the class.
4. The teacher will select at least two (2) students to share what he/she has learned from his partner’s answer and also
the difference and similarity.
Performance Task/Scenario:
As a social media campaign manager, you have been hired by a client to produce a research document that identifies
and characterizes the audience of various social media platform. The challenge involves providing profile on such
audience of social media platforms using demographics and other pertinent information that will best determine the
platform for the client’s campaign on sustainable development goals. The results of your research will be judged by
your client based on the following: Content, Structure, and Organization, Sources, and Criteria.
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Gonzalo N. Balusca Date (Submission): JUNE 17_ 2019
Subject Area: Media Information Literacy Date (Implementation): Jun 24-25, 2019
Subject Matter: Media and Information Languages
Introduction/Review: (10 minutes)
The teacher will;
Review the key points in the discussion of Media and Information Sources from the previous lesson.
Present the topic title: Media and Information Languages
State the objectives of the lesson
Form groups of three, then tackle one of the given advertisements.
Prepare a five-minute discussion answering the following questions.
Motivation (15 minutes)
Show common symbols or characters that deliver different meanings depending on the context where they were
Compare Language and Media and Information Languages.
Meaning in the frame
Hang images around the classroom
Let the learners walk around the classroom and let them interpret the images.
Let the learners share their interpretations in class as you take on each image.
Ask the learners to reflect on the statement: ‘ Language may be source of misunderstanding”-Marshal McLuhan
Let them share what they think in the class.
Using the learners’ phones as canvass the learners should be able to create a collage by strategically arranging the
phones beside each other. The collage should highlight a social issue using various symbols, codes and conventions.
Every output will be subjected to decoding and the producer of collage should verify the accuracy of the
The teacher also explain the scoring criteria.
Performance Task/Scenario:
Create a Social Media Plan that will serve as the operational guide in managing your social media campaign. Utilize
the format below.
Account Title: SaveH20
Description : This page aims to
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