Two-Day Programme On Intellectual Asset Management: KPMG Learning Academy

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Two-day programme on

Intellectual Asset Management

KPMG Learning Academy

The need for Intellectual Asset Pedagogy and

Management programme programme highlights

Do you seek answers to the below questions? • Exhibits a mix of experience sharing, real-life case
• Does my organisation’s intellectual property portfolio discussions, industry specific examples, besides
add a premium to the top line and if yes, is it significant classroom sessions
enough? • Provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals
• Is my organisation’s Intellectual Asset Management of intangible assets, intellectual assets, intellectual
strategy complementing its overall business goal? property and their financial implications

• Are there gaps in the way my organisation is currently • Awards a certificate of participation from KPMG in India.
managing and protecting its intellectual assets?
KPMG in India’s professionals have a wide range of
• Are these gaps adversely impacting the potential expertise and knowledge in intellectual property and
revenue of my organisation? finance-related matters, which the faculty can disseminate
while facilitating the sessions and interacting with
KPMG in India’s two-day course on Intellectual Asset participants.
Management proposes to assist you attain the answers
for the above questions. The programme facilitates an
understanding of interaction among different components
within Intellectual Asset Management, to further enhance
your organisation’s top line.


This programme will assist participants to establish a

perspective on a) comprehending the way to enhance
business revenue by leveraging intellectual assets and b)
understanding the critical components of the Intellectual
Asset Management lifecycle.

Further, the programme will focus on simplifying the legal

jargons surrounding intellectual property lifecycle and
develop the participant’s ability to perceive the business
implications of intellectual assets. This programme briefly
aims to:
• Enhance the participant’s role as decision-makers as
they learn to align Intellectual Asset Management
strategy with business strategy

• Strengthen the participant’s understanding required to

translate intellectual wealth into commercially viable

© 2017 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
Programme details

Demystifying basic concepts Strategic management of Intellectual Property Rights

• Difference between intangible assets, intellectual assets, • Edison value hierarchy
and intellectual property
• Risk management Vs value management.
• Definition of innovation
Business-focused Intellectual Asset Management and
• Difference between knowledge, innovation and invention industrial competitiveness
• Designing Intellectual Property-based business model • Product/Service competitiveness
canvas. • Leveraging upstream and downstream intellectual
Emergence of knowledge-based business
• The rise of intellectual capital Intellectual Asset Portfolio Management
• Intellectual Asset Management - a game of three arenas
• The invisible balance sheet
• Designing control strategy.
• Intellectual property is vector not scalar

• Open innovation and implications for intellectual property.

Emergence of Intellectual Property-based business

Who should attend?
• Evolution of Patent Management This programme is designed for R&D Managers,
• Evolution of Trademark Management Technology Manager, IP Manager, Licensing
Manager, Intellectual Asset Manager, Open
• Evolution of Copyright Management Innovation Manager, C-Suite Executives in start-ups
• Importance of Trade Secret Management. or SMEs, Product Development Manager, Business
Development Manager in financial and non-financial
positions to help them build a robust intellectual
asset ecosystem within their organizations to
mitigate risks and build long-term value.

For information, please write to

[email protected]

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