2024PMXPO - 5 Secrets of AI-Powered Project Mastery Master AI and Shine

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• The PowerPoint slides are for registered attendees of the PMXPO 2024.

#Experien cePMI
5 Secrets of AI-Powered
Project Mastery: Master
AI and Shine


PMXPO 2024
21 March
Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:

• Gain insights into leveraging AI technologies to stay ahead of the curve
• Implement new AI tools that’ll empower informed decision-making and proactive management strategies
• Understand the potential of AI-driven project management

Introduction to AI in Project Management

En h a n c in g Pro fe s s io n a ls AI a s a Co - Pilo t In c re a s in g Effic ie n c ie s

AI can seamlessly integrate into AI can act as your co-pilot for The use of AI can help
current processes, allowing for automating repetitive tasks, streamline project processes,
informed decision-making and managing data analysis, and identify bottlenecks, and
enhancing overall productivity. offering suggestions for recommends optimizations,
optimizing project workflows, leading to faster project
freeing up professionals to completion, cost savings, and
focus on strategic aspects. improved project outcomes.
The Impact
Gartner predicts that by 2030, 80 percent of
today's project management tasks will be
eliminated due to AI advancements.

Siemens AG: Senseye Predictive Maintenance
Re a l- Wo rld Exa m p le o f AI

• Increased forecast accuracy and efficiency:

Use AI in leveraging internal and external data,
using algorithms and machine learning techniques
to automate and enhance the forecasting process.

• From predictive maintenance to prescriptive

maintenance: Generative AI can scan and group
cases, even in multiple languages, and seek
similar past cases and their solutions to provide
context for current issues

IBM Watson

• Data-driven speech writing and delivery: Project

Debater can digest massive data, write a well-
structured speech on a controversial topic, and deliver
it with clarity, purpose, and humor.

• Listening comprehension: identify key concepts and

claims in spoken language.

• Four-minute persuasive speech: Production of a

persuasive speech within four minutes.

• Modeling human dilemmas: Represent human

controversies and dilemmas for suggesting principled
arguments. #ExperiencePMI
Prompts in ChatGPT for Project Managers

Generate task lists, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines

Automate Task
automatically based on project requirements and team
Assignments availability.

Receive prompts to identify potential risks, evaluate their

Risk Assessment
impact, and suggest mitigation strategies to minimize project
and Mitigation disruptions.

Get reminders to track project progress, generate status

Progress Tracking
reports, and communicate updates to stakeholders for
and Reporting transparent project management.

Prompt Examples
Data Analysis Project Plans

1. "What are the key steps in 1. "Can you guide me through the
conducting a comprehensive data essential elements to include in a
analysis for a new project?" robust project plan?"
2. "How can I effectively present data 2. "How can I incorporate risk
analysis results to non-technical management strategies into my
stakeholders?" project plan?"
3. "Suggest some powerful data 3. "Provide tips for ensuring that a
visualization tools suitable for project plan is adhered to and
project management data stays on schedule."

Prompt Examples
Presentations Content Creation

1. "How do I create a compelling 1. "What are some strategies to

project presentation that appeals to produce engaging content that
executives and team members succinctly communicates project
alike?" objectives and status?"
2. "How can I create content that
2. "What are some effective ways to effectively communicates complex
present project risks and project data to various
mitigations during a presentation?" stakeholders?"
3. "Can you provide a template or 3. "Suggest some tools or platforms
structure for a project status for collaborative content creation
update presentation?" within a project management




Seamless AI




Future of AI in Project Management

Enhanced AI is expected to revolutionize project planning by

Project offering predictive analytics, resource optimization, and
Planning automated scheduling.

AI will play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating

Advanced Risk project risks through real-time data analysis and
Management proactive risk assessment algorithms.

As AI becomes more integrated, ethical dilemmas

Ethical around data privacy, bias, and transparency will need to
Considerations be addressed in project management practices.

Let’s continue
the convo!

Connect with me via

LinkedIn. Scan my
QR code with
your mobile device.

[email protected]

#Experien cePMI

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