101 Monster Feats

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Rite Publishing Presents

101 Monster Feats

By Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing Presents:

101 Monster Feats

Our Monsters are Different (Designer):
Steven D. Russell
Our Banshees are Louder (Editor): David Paul
Our Ghouls
Ghouls are Creepier (Cover Artist): Joe Calkins
Our Ogres are Hungier (Interior Artwork):
Joe Calkins, Arthur Rackham, Shaman Stock Art ,
and Viktor Vasnetsov
Our Constructs are Nonstandard
(Layout and Publisher):
Steven D. Russell
Dedication: To David Paul
—for helping me work though a monstrous grief.
Special Thanks to the subscribers: Ben Asaro, Chris Mattson,
Craig Johnston, E. Daniel Esgate, Jani Vaara, Jonathan Cavender, Jeffery
Spencer, Mark Gedak, Michael Welham, Michael Jacobs, Oliver Spreckelsen,
and Paul Watson
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee
compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

101 Monster Feats © 2011 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007
Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.
101 Monster Feats
The feats in this product are marked with the
monster feat type, which indicates that only Monsters
(and not PCs) are eligible to select them. A monster can
take one of these feats as a bonus feat gained from a
class feature, such as from the fighter or wizard class.
The class feature that grants the extra feat must
be referred to as a “bonus feat” in the class’
level progression table.

Otherwise, you cannot use this opportunity to select

a monster feat. For example, the ranger gains combat
styles that provide the equivalent of a feat, but that class
feature is not specifically called a bonus feat.

New Feats
Absorb Ability [Monster]
“I stole my foe’s strength and used it against him.”
Prerequisite: Ability drain
Benefit: You gain an inherent bonus, to the same
ability score, equal to the amount drain from an ability
score, up to a maximum of +6. If you drain Constitution
and you do not possess a Constitution score, this bonus
is added to Charisma instead.

Absorb Spell [Monster] Alter Breath Weapon (Electricity)

“Your paltry magic does not harm me fool; it gives me
strength!” Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each
Prerequisite: Spell resistance time you take this feat, you must select a different
Benefit: If a spell or spell-like ability fails to overcome energy type.
your spell resistance you again a +1 circumstance bonus
to your own attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 1 Anchor to Earth [Monster]
hour. This bonus increases by 1 every two spell levels, so
“I set myself into the earth so that their great charge
a 6th level spell such as chain lighting would grant a +4
could not move me from the breach.”
circumstance bonus. In addition, you gain 5 temporary Prerequisite: Earth subtype
hp for every two spell levels of the spell. These
Benefit: As a move action that does not provoke an
temporary hit points also last for 1 hour.
attack of opportunity, you can partially submerge
yourself into the ground. While in this state, you cannot
Agile Runner [Monster] move and suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to all Reflex
“Combining quickness and agility, I sprinted around the saves. However, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on
corner, circling my pretty prey, navigating with ease at attack rolls, a +2 circumstance bonus to damage, and a
my best speed.” +20 circumstance bonus to Combat Maneuver Defense
Prerequisites: Quadruped or winged creature, Run, if anyone tries to move you from your location.
Dex 13 (15 if winged)
Benefit: When running, you may make a 90 degree Appendage Severing [Monster, Critical]
turn a number of times equal to your Dexterity bonus. “My bite took their champion’s arm and his glowing
Special: Flying creatures with a Dexterity of 15 or sword.”
greater may take this feat and use it while flying. Prerequisites: Critical Focus, Weapon Focus (chosen
natural attack), base attack bonus +15, size Large or
Alter Breath Weapon [Monster] larger
“They thought they would find lightning but what they Benefit: Upon taking this feat, select a melee natural
found was fire and death.” attack that can deal slashing damage (bite, claw, talon,
Prerequisite: Breath weapon etc.) that has also been selected for the Weapon Focus
Benefit: When you take this feat select one of the feat. Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful
following energy descriptors: acid, cold, electricity, fire. roll to confirm the critical hit) with the selected natural
Three times per day as a free action you may alter the attack, against an opponent at least one size category
damage your breath weapon deals to this energy type. smaller than yourself, your opponent must make a
successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice +
your Strength modifier) or the attack severs one of your
opponent's appendages (roll randomly if it has any)
from its body. Some creatures, such as some aberrations
and all oozes, have no appendages. Most other
creatures, however, lose the use of that limb, suffer 2d6
points of Con damage and 1d6 Con bleed damage each
round until a successful first aid Heal check or until the
victim is healed for at least 1 hit point. If that limb is
part of your victim’s locomotion, it reduces the victim’s
speed by 20 ft.
Special: If you have the swallow whole ability and use
Appendage Severing with your bite attack, the
appendage and anything it was attending (sword, ring,
bracer, boot, etc.) is automatically swallowed, suffering
the appropriate effects each round.

Astride the Ladder [Monster]

“I entered the Astral Plane, and took him all the way to
the damnation of the underworld.”
Prerequisites: Outsider, base Will save +4
Benefit: You enter the Astral Plane. From here, you
may will yourself to arrive instantly in a Heavenly or
Hellish plane (or your home plane if it is other than a
Heaven or Hell and can be reached via the Astral Plane).
You may also travel to other planes accessible through
the Astral Plane using normal travel times. You may
remain in the Astral Plane as long as you wish, but as
time does not pass there, you cannot rest, recover hit
points from natural healing, or regain spells or uses of
special abilities. Using this ability is a standard action. It
can be used up to three times per day. You can bring
with you creatures and objects so long as they don’t
exceed your maximum load, unwilling creatures and Beguiling Nature
attended object receive a Will Save to negate (DC 10 +
1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier).
Normal: Normally angels and fiends come to the Beguiling Nature [Monster]
Material Plane through the use of summoning or calling “I’m charming, don’t you think?”
magic or the direct power of a deity or archangel, both of Prerequisite: Fey
which provide for return to their home planes without Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Bluff checks and a
needing to go to the Astral Plane. +2 bonus to the save DC of any extraordinary abilities,
spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities that
cause a charm.
Aura of Suffering [Monster]
“They thought their vaunted healer who worshiped
Their Lady of Wisdom and Mercy would keep them Belly of the Beast [Monster]
from permanent harm, they were wrong.” “I took the would-be thief up in my jaws like a hawk
Prerequisites: Ability drain, curse, or energy drain, seizes a rabbit; I consumed her, sending her down into
Cha 13 the furnace of my dragon’s fire.”
Benefit: You surround yourself with a sphere of power Prerequisites: Breath weapon, snatch, size Large or
with a radius of 5 feet per Hit Die that negates all forms greater
of fast healing, regeneration, and conjuration (healing) Benefit: A snatched opponent held in your mouth can
spells and effects. be swallowed as if you possessed the swallow whole
ability. In your stomach the opponent suffers the
damage normally dealt by your breath weapon each
Aura of Vapor [Monster] round (no save).
“I set about teaching their pyromancer that water is the
bane of fire.”
Prerequisites: Elemental Surge, water subtype Breaching Fling [Monster]
Benefit: You possess an aura of thick, cool water vapor “I destroyed their ship and then I sent her captain flying
within a 30-foot radius. Any fire spell, attack, or effect through the air to land dead upon the water.”
deals only half damage against creatures and objects Prerequisite: Capsize
within this area. Benefit: You surface rapidly, virtually ramming a single
opponent upon the water’s surface at least one size
category smaller than yourself. The creature suffers
damage equal to your best natural attack plus one and a Cornered Beast [Monster]
half your Strength modifier and is flung up out of the “Grrrr!”
water 10 feet per Hit Die you possess; the foe suffers 1d6 Prerequisites: Animal, dragon, or magical beast, Int 3
points of falling damage per 10 feet the opponent falls if or less
the distance is over 40 feet. Benefit: When reduced to half or fewer hit points, you
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage and
a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws. In addition
Breath Weapon Affinity [Monster] you may make an additional attack each round at a -5
“The felt safe with my deadly breath expended, learning
penalty. However, once you take this additional attack,
to their regret that its power went beyond that singular
you may not flee combat this encounter, fighting until
the death.
Prerequisites: Breath weapon, caster level 1st
Benefit: Three times per day as a free action your spells
and spell like abilities that deal the same energy type Corrosive Blood [Monster]
damage as your breath weapon deal an additional 1d6 “Cutting my flesh is not as simple as they would have
points of damage per spell level upon a failed save. If the wished.”
spell has no save this a feat has no effect. Prerequisite: Aberration, at least one spell-like or
supernatural ability
Benefit: When you are hit with a piercing or slashing
Choke Slam [Monster] weapon, all creatures within 5 feet must make a
“Taking the foul thief by the neck and slamming him to successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your
the ground, I brought about his death.” Constitution modifer) or suffer 1d6 points of acid
Prerequisites: Grab, 10 ft. (or greater) reach damge. For every three Hit Dice you possess, the acid,
Benefit: When you successfully grapple your opponent unless neutralized, lasts for another round (to a
with your grab special ability you deal 1d6 points of maximum of 6 additional rounds at 18 Hit Dice), dealing
additional damage and can choose to knock the another 1d6 points of damage in each round.
opponent prone. If you have the constrict special ability
this bonus applies to the damage inflicted with that Curse of Victory [Monster]
ability each round. “You shall know naught but pain and torment until a
drow sounds the horn of elder dwarves, in the hall of
Cloak Alignment [Monster] Prerequisites: Outsider, extraplanar subtype,
“Their priest thought to catch me with his divinations
Knowledge (arcana or religion) 10 ranks, Cha 13
but I shook his hand and walked on by.”
Benefit: If on the Prime Material Plane, you may lay
Prerequisites: Outsider, alignment subtype, any
down a curse as an immediate action in response to
second level or higher spell-like ability
being slain or banished from the Prime Material Plane.
Benefit: You suppress your alignment aura and you are
You can choose any curse spell (any spell that cannot be
continuously protected by a misdirection effect as the
dispelled and can only be removed in a manner similar
spell of the same name.
to bestow curse) to affect the opponent who killed or
Special: When you take this feat select one second level
banished you. The DC for this curse is incredibly
or higher spell-like ability, you lose the use of this ability
powerful (DC 15 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma
though you still possess it for the purposes of
modifier). This curse can only be negated when a
specific condition is met. This condition is determined
by you (subject to GM adjudication); it can be extremely
Continuous Breath Weapon [Monster] unlikely (when a red dragon that has never known evil
“There is no escape from my breath, you fools!” in its heart bows at the altar of the 16 sovereigns of
Prerequisites: Breath weapon, Sweeping Breath heaven), but cannot be impossible during the normal
Weapon lifespan of the opponent (when the sun goes out). This
Benefit: Three times per day you may take a full-round condition is spoken aloud at the time the curse is laid
action to breathe a continuous spray of your breath and playing with the language of the curse is possible so
weapon. This attack affects anyone within a semi-circle as to subvert its intent so long as a literal meaning can
with a radius equal to the length of your standard breath be met.
weapon. The attack deals only half damage to anyone
within its area, and continues to affect the area until the Cursed Ability Damage [Monster]
end of your next turn, during which time you may take “I, Gedhawk the Dread Shadow, had taken all of her
no other action. Creatures within the area must move strength, leaving her helpless before me; her companion
out of it as their first action or suffer the effects of the called upon Their Heavenly Archmage of Secrets, but
breath weapon again on their turn. Anything entering the divine power of Our Vicious Brother of Destruction
the area of effect during the round also suffers damage held as a buttress against his meager faith.”
from the breath weapon; this includes missile weapons Prerequisites: Ability damage, worshiper of a specific
and other projectiles. faith or ethos, Cha 13
Benefit: The ability damage you deal cannot be healed
until a remove curse, break enchantment, limited wish,

miracle, remove curse, or wish spell has been cast by a
worshiper of a deity or ethos directly opposed to your
deity or ethos. A successful Heal check (DC 11 + your Hit
Dice) will reveal that this is the case.

Death Grip [Monster]

“My hands hold the endurance of unlife; I could squeeze
in this manner for all eternity.”
Prerequisites: Grab, undead
Benefit: You can attempt to strangle an opponent you
successfully grapple using your grab ability; you are not
considered grappled and do not suffer the usual -20
penalty. Your opponent is able to hold her breath
(unless she is flat-footed). Opponents add +4 to their
CMD if wearing full plate or a leather collar, or +10 if
wearing a gorget. If your combat maneuver check is
successful, then in addition to your normal grapple
damage, if the target was also not able to hold her breath
she must make a DC 10 Constitution check. The check
must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by
+1 for each previous check. If the target fails one of these
Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first
round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the
following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying.
In the third round, she suffocates and dies. If the
grapple fails or is broken the subject is free.
If your combat maneuver check exceeds the CMD of the
target by 10 or more, add a +2 circumstance bonus to
the DC of the Constitution Check.
Death Grip
Deathless Bound [Monster]
“Death will not accept me.”
Prerequisites: Non-undead outsider or aberration, Directional Lashing [Monster]
extraplanar subtype “Touching my hatred, I changed the direction of down in
Benefit: You ignore the dead condition (but never relation to his body, and watched his fully armored form
ignore the unconscious condition); however, you suffer a smash into the ceiling.”
-10 penalty to your saving throws and spell resistance Prerequisites: Flight, Fly 13 ranks
against dismissal, banish, dispel alignment, binding, Benefit: As part of an attack action, any creature you
trap the soul and similar spells. Your forehead or other touch is affected as if it were standing in an area affected
prominent feature bears an arcane sigil that reveals your by a reverse gravity spell (no save), except you choose
nature. A successful Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 15 + the direction of gravity.
your Hit Dice) will reveal the nature of this sigil.
Disarming Rend [Monster]
Debilitating Breath Weapon [Monster] “He was surprised to say the least when, after having the
“My breath burns, not only flesh, but also vitality.” front of his armor ripped to shreds, he also found his
Prerequisite: Breath weapon sword in the river. Poor boy.”
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, choose Strength or Prerequisites: Rend, Str 13
Dexterity. Three times per day as a free action you deal Benefit: In addition to your normal rend damage, you
ability damage with your breath weapon in addition to may attempt to disarm your victim without provoking
normal damage. The damage dealt to the ability score an attack of opportunity. When doing so you gain a +2
chosen at the time you take this feat is equal to half the bonus to the Combat Maneuver check.
number of dice your breath weapon uses to calculate
normal damage. For example if your breath weapon Divine Dragon [Monster]
deals 6d6 points of fire damage it also deals 3 points of “The Sovereigns of Heaven lay their favor upon my
Strength damage. A successful save against the breath unworthy soul.”
weapon halves this damage, a successful use of evasion, Prerequisite: True dragon
resistance or immunity to the breath weapon’s normal Benefit: You replace your sorcerer spell casting levels
damage negates this ability damage as well. with levels of divine spellcasting as per the cleric class.
Special: You can select this feat a second time dealing You selct two domains as per a cleric and channel energy
the damage to both Strength and Dexterity at the same as a cleric with a level equal to its caster level.

Double Breath Weapon [Monster]
“Go ahead, split up, that doesn’t bother me in the least.”
Prerequisite: Breath weapon
Benefit: Three times per day as a free action you can
break up one breath weapon into two separate attacks,
though each must be used as part of the same standard
action. These two breath weapon attacks cause only half
damage, and both blasts can be directed separately.

Dreaded Foe [Monster]

“Using the terror my vary nature creates in my foes, I
forced my foe to cower while causing his friends to flee.”
Prerequisite: Fear (aura or cone), Ability Focus (fear
[aura or cone]), Intimidate 7 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: If a subject fails its save against your fear
effect you can choose to cause that creature to become
cowered, frightened or panicked; creatures that make
their save are shaken for 1 round.

Dreaded Presence [Monster]

“I let out a great roar and all save their holy warrior fled
from me.”
Prerequisites: Frightful presence, Ability Focus
(frightful presence), Intimidate 7 ranks, Cha 13
Benefit: If a subject fails its save against your frightful
presence it is frightened regardless of its Hit Dice.
Creatures that make their saves are shaken for 1 round.

Elemental Entrapment [Monster] Dreaded Foe

“I set myself about them, wreathing them in the flame.”
Prerequisites: Elemental, Elemental Surge those around you. You inflict 1d6 points of damage for
Benefit: As a standard action you can form a sphere or every two Hit Dice you possess to everything within a
hemisphere around a creature at least one size category 10-foot radius. If your elemental subtype is fire, this
smaller than you. You occupy the space surrounding the damage is fire damage, otherwise it is bludgeoning
victim and must begin your action standing within the damage.
potential area. The sphere or hemisphere must be
continuous and unbroken when formed. If any object or
creature breaks its surface, the effect fails. The effect of Essence of Blood [Monster]
this ability is based on the elemental’s subtype as shown “With every drop of spilled blood I grow ever stronger,
below, if it has a save DC it is 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + while you grow ever weaker.”
your Constitution modifier. Prerequisite: Bleed
Benefit: You gain temporary hit points equal to the
bleed damage that you deal to a living opponent. These
Element Effect
points last for one hour.
Air wind wall
Earth wall of stone
Fire wall of fire Expel Creature [Monster]
Water wall of ice “I projectile vomited him right into the holy warrior who
was charging me.”
Prerequisite: Swallow whole
While in this from, you may only take a single standard
Benefit: Once per round as an immediate action you
action each round and cannot move. Furthermore, you
can hurl your opponent as a improvised thrown weapon
suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to all Reflex saves. If
(-4 to the attack roll.) The expelled creature takes
you use the Elemental Surge feat, you can choose to
normal slam damage based on your size plus 1 and a half
damage only the creature you entrap. You can perform
times your strength modifier plus the acid damage of
this action a number of times per day equal to your
your swallow whole ability, and any opponent the flung
Constitution modifier + 3.
creature strikes takes this same amount of damage . A
creature that for example is expelled off a mountain
Elemental Surge [Monster] takes this amount of damage or the appropriate falling
“I fell upon them like a mighty avalanche.” damage whichever is greater. You can hurl the opponent
Prerequisite: Elemental up to five range increments. The size of the range
Benefit: Once per day as a free action you rapidly increment is 10 ft. per Size Category above medium you
expand your form and then reform, instantly injuring

possess. This ability is most often used when a creature
in your gullet damages you, but before they escape.

Extra Breath Weapon [Monster]

“Believing the vitriol of my breath spent, they moved
from their hiding places, I set about teaching them the
folly of their belief.”
Prerequisite: Breath weapon
Benefit: You gain an additional use per day of your
breath weapon. Or, once per day after using your breath
weapon, you can use it again before its normal duration
has elapsed. However, you still may not use your breath
weapon more than once per round.
Special: You may take this feat more than once, gaining
one additional use of it per day, but never gain the
ability to use it (via this feat) more than once per round.

Extra Spell-Like Ability [Monster]

“He thought I was done but he did not understand that I
was greater than my fellows.”
Prerequisite: Ability to use at least one spell-like
Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like abilities that Greater Curse of Lycanthrope
emulates a spell of 3rd level or lower. If the emulated
spell is 0- or 1st-level, you gain three additional uses of it Prerequisites: Crush, Improved Crush
per day; if it is 2nd-level, you gain two additional uses Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the grapple check
per day; and if it is 3rd-level, you gain one extra use per when using your crush ability. In addition, when using
day. Caster level and all other factors remain the same. your crush attack, you deal triple damage on the first
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each round of the attack.
time you select it, you may apply it to the same spell-like
ability or to another spell-like ability. Greater Curse of Lycanthropy [Monster]
“From my first bite shall issue forth a pestilence upon
Feast of Flesh [Monster] the land.”
“I fed upon the bodies of my enemies and they gave me Prerequisites: Curse of lycanthropy, Ability Focus
strength.” (curse of lycanthropy, improved curse of lycanthropy)
Prerequisite: Corporeal undead Benefit: Lycanthropes infected by your curse now also
Benefit: You can physically eat the flesh of the living or possess your curse of lycanthropy (use your DC), and
dead (but not undead). When you do so, you heal 5 hit you must dismiss the effect, be slain or destroyed before
points per Hit Die of the creature, if you are at full hit they can be cured of the affliction.
points you can gain 5 temporary hit points per Hit Die to
a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to Greater Dream Haunting [Monster]
half your standard hit point total; these temporary hit “I cast aside the stone like so much refuse and watch
points last for 1 hour. those I haunted wither before my eyes.”
Like the spell heroes’ feast, eating the creature takes one Prerequisites: Dream haunting, Improved Dream
hour and the benefits do not begin until that hour has Haunting
elapsed. You do not have to consume the entire creature, Benefit: You can no longer need a heart stone to go
but you must feast for that hour. If the feast is ethereal or to use your dream haunting ability, and your
interrupted for any reason, the benefits are ruined and dream haunting now causes Constitution drain, not
all effects are negated. Constitution damage.

Gate Attack [Monster] Greater Ferocity [Monster]

“Summoning my brethren right above my foes, I let “Using my wrath I held off death at their hands, though
chaos reign as they fell amongst my enemies.” the blade had skewered me like some great boar.”
Prerequisite: Summon Prerequisites: Ferocity, Con 13
Benefit: When using your summon ability, those Benefit: A creature with greater ferocity does not die
creatures you summon gain the pounce special attack on until its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal
their first action in the encounter. to its Constitution score plus its number of Hit Dice.

Greater Crush [Monster] Greater Monstrous Trip [Monster]

“You might think falling atop of your enemies requires “Once she was down I latched on to her throat and never
no skill, you would be right; falling atop you enemies to let go.”
their utter defeat, is a different matter.”
Prerequisites: Trip, Improved Monstrous Trip, bite addition to your normal grapple damage, if your target
attack was not able to hold her breath, she must make a DC 10
Benefit: After successful use of the trip ability and Constitution check. The check must be repeated each
grapple via the Improved Monstrous Trip feat you can round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous
also attempt to strangle the opponent using your bite check. If the target fails one of these Constitution
attack; you are not considered grappled but do not checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she
suffer the usual -20 penalty. If you are at least one size falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round,
category larger than your opponent, she is not able to she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third
hold her breath due to your weight pressing down on round, she suffocates and dies. If the grapple fails or is
her lungs. Opponents add +4 to their CMD if wearing broken, the subject is free.
full plate or a leather collar, or+10 if wearing a gorget. If Special: If your grapple check exceeds the CMD of the
your combat maneuver check is successful, then in target by 10 or more, add a +2 circumstance bonus to
addition to your normal grapple damage, if the target the DC of the Constitution Check.
was also not able to hold her breath she must make a DC
10 Constitution check. The check must be repeated each Greater Pull [Monster]
round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous “Transforming into an elephant, the druid thought
check. If the target fails one of these Constitution himself safe, till his companions felt me dragging him
checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she right over them.”
falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, Prerequisites: Pull, Improved Pull, Str 13
she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the free combat
round, she suffocates and dies. If the grapple fails or is maneuver check granted when you use the pull ability.
broken the subject is free. This ability now works on creatures one size larger or
Special: If your grapple check exceeds the CMD of the smaller than you. If a creature pulled in this way would
target by 10 or more, add a +2 circumstance bonus to be moved into a solid object or creature, the victim and
the DC of the Constitution Check. the barrier suffer damage based on your size (Medium
1d6, Large 1d8) plus one and a half times your Strength
Greater Paralysis [Monster] modifier; if this damage destroys the barrier, the
“And you, unfortunate adventurer turned snack, will be victim’s motion continues.
dessert; I have others to feast on first.”
Prerequisites: Paralysis, Ability Focus (paralysis), Greater Push [Monster]
Improved Paralysis “Shoving him into the wall, I felt joy as he nearly went
Benefit: Any living creature you paralyze is paralyzed through it.”
permanently. Remove paralysis or any spell that can Prerequisites: Push, Improved Push, Str 13
remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the free combat
spell description, with a DC equal to your save DC). The maneuver check granted when you use the push ability.
effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by you This ability now works on creatures one size larger or
seems dead, though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC smaller than you. If a creature pushed in this way would
15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive. In be moved into a solid object or creature; the victim and
addition, those that successfully save against your the barrier suffer damage based on your size (Medium
paralysis are staggered for 1 round. An opponent that 1d6, Large 1d8) plus one and a half times your Strength
succeeds on the saving throw is staggered for one round modifier; if this damage destroys the barrier, the
and after that is immune to this staggered effect for 24 victim’s motion continues.
Greater Spit Poison [Monster]
Greater Pounce [Monster] “Rare is the foe who is ready for the speed or reach of
“I prefer to bite the throat and use my forelimbs to hold my malice.”
onto my prey, bringing it to the ground. I remain latched Prerequisites: Poison (bite), Ability Focus (poison),
onto the neck until my prey dies of strangulation.” Improved Spit Poison, spit or spit poison
Prerequisites: Pounce, Improved Pounce, bite, at least Benefit: You can spit your venom up to an additional
two claw attacks, size Large or larger 90 feet as a standard action or up to 30 feet as an
Benefit: When using your pounce ability, if you score a immediate action.
hit with your bite and make a successful grapple check,
your opponent is knocked prone. If addition, you can Greater Stench [Monster]
attempt to strangle the opponent using your bite attack
“None could withstand my fragrance.”
and forelimbs (you can still make your rake attacks each Prerequisites: Stench, Ability Focus (stench),
round); you are not considered grappled and do not Improved Stench, Con 13
suffer the usual -20 penalty. If you are at least one size Benefit: Even creatures who successfully save against
category larger than your opponent, she is not able to your stench gain the sickened condition for 1 round, but
hold her breath due to your weight pressing down on after this duration are immune to the effect of your
her lungs. Opponents add +4 to their CMD if wearing stench ability for 24 hours.
full plate or a leather collar, or +10 if wearing a gorget. If
your combat maneuver check is successful, then, in

Improved Awesome Blow [Monster]
“The force of my attack sent the charging jotun giant
back, flying through the air right into his companions.”
Prerequisites: Str 30, Power Attack, Improved Bull
Rush, size Huge or larger
Benefit: As a standard action, you may choose to
subtract 4 from your melee attack roll and deliver an
awesome blow. If you hit a corporeal opponent smaller
than yourself with an awesome blow, your opponent
must succeed on a Reflex save (DC = damage dealt) or
be knocked flying 20 feet in a direction of your choice
and fall prone. You can only push the opponent in a
straight line, and the opponent cannot move closer to
you than the square in which it started. If an obstacle
prevents the completion of the opponent’s move, the
opponent and the obstacle each take 2d6 points of
damage plus your Strength modifier, and the opponent
stops in the space adjacent to the obstacle.
Improved Dream Haunting
Improved Burn [Monster]
“He pierced my burning torso with his elegant sword, Improved Curse of Lycanthropy [Monster]
and brought back only a hunk of slag.” “My bite is no ordinary affliction.”
Prerequisites: Burn, Ability Focus (burn) Prerequisites: Curse of lycanthropy, Ability Focus
Benefit: When you are hit with a manufactured (curse of lycanthropy)
weapon, that weapon takes fire damage as though hit by Benefit: The DC for the curse is equal to DC 10 +1/2
your attack, and the creature wielding it must make a your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier. You can also
Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your affect creatures of various sizes. If the victim is not
Constitution modifier) to avoid catching on fire. within two size categories of you, your curse of
lycanthropy has no effect.
Normal: Normally the curse can only affect victims
Improved Constrict [Monster] within one size category of yourself.
“I squeezed him like an empty gourd; all the air rushed
out of him.”
Prerequisites: Constrict, Str 13 Improved Distraction [Monster]
Benefit: After you have dealt damage with your “We did not just make her ill; we left her feeling as if we
constrict ability, your grappled opponent must make a were still crawling all over her body.”
successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + Prerequisites: Distraction, Ability Focus (distraction),
your Strength modifier) or begin to suffocate. On the Con 13
opponent's next turn, if still constricted, he falls Benefit: If a victim fails its save against your
unconscious and is reduced to 0 hit points. One round distraction ability it is also sickened for a number of
later, the constricted opponent drops to –1 hit points rounds equal to half your Hit Dice.
and is dying. One round after that, the constricted
opponent dies. Each round, the opponent can delay that Improved Dream Haunting [Monster]
round's effects (but not the constrict damage) from “I can haunt saint and sinner alike and with greater
occurring by making a successful Fortitude save, but the ferocity than my sisters.”
current effect(s) continue, and each time the opponent Prerequisite: Dream haunting
fails his Fortitude save, he moves one step further along Benefit: You can dream haunt creatures that are not
the track to suffocation. This feat only affects living chaotic or evil and your dream haunting deals 2 points
creatures that must breathe. It is impossible to defeat of Constitution damage.
the effects of this feat by simply holding one's breath—if
the victim fails the initial saving throw, the air in his
lungs is expelled. Improved Incorporeal Armor [Monster]
“The warrior thought she had my measure having laid
waste to my kindred spirits, till her blade failed to
Improved Crush [Monster] connect.”
“I crushed them under my great bulk like a mill stone.” Prerequisite: Incorporeal
Prerequisite: Crush Benefit: You gain a +1 defection bonus to AC.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the grapple check Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
when using your crush ability. In addition, when using
your crush attack, you deal double damage on the first
round of the attack.

Improved In the Eyes [Monster] Prerequisites: Pull, Str 13
“I plucked out the eyes and held them on the end of my Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the free combat
stinger like a piece of meat to cook over a fire.” maneuver check granted when you use the pull ability.
Prerequisites: Natural attack (sting), In the Eyes The distance you pull a victim closer in a round with a
Benefit: Whenever your opponent gains the blinded successful check set by this ability is doubled. For
condition due to a successful use of In the Eyes, she example, 5 ft. becomes 10 ft.
gains that condition permanently.
Improved Push [Monster]
“I shoved her back quite further than was normal; I
Improved Monstrous Trip [Monster] believe one would call it surprising.”
“Once I tripped him I followed him down to the ground, Prerequisites: Push, Str 13
never letting up.” Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to the free combat
Prerequisite: Trip maneuver check granted when you use the push ability.
Benefit: After a successful use of the trip ability, you The distance you push a victim farther in a round with a
also immediately grapple your foe and do not draw an successful check set by this ability is doubled. For
attack of opportunity as if your last trip also had the example, 5 ft. becomes 10 ft.
grab special attack (+4 bonus to the grapple check).
Improved Spit Poison [Monster]
Improved Paralysis [Monster] “They were not prepared for the speed or reach of my
“With my dead cold touch I stopped every last one of spite.”
them in their tracks. Every. Last. One.” Prerequisites: Poison (bite), Ability Focus (poison),
Prerequisites: Paralysis, Ability Focus (paralysis) spit or spit poison
Benefit: When you attempt to use your paralysis ability Benefit: You can spit your venom up to an additional
your magical nature attempts to dispel (as described in 30 feet as a standard action or up to 30 feet as a swift
greater dispel magic, CL equal to your Hit Dice) any action.
freedom of movement spell or magic item that grants
immunity to paralysis. If the dispel check succeeds, the Improved Stench [Monster]
spell is dispelled before your target must make its saving “My natural musk overwhelmed them.”
throw against the effect (magic items are suppressed for Prerequisites: Stench, Ability Focus (stench), Con 13
1d4+1 rounds). You can use this ability a number of Benefit: Creatures who fail their save against your
times per day equal to the Ability Score bonus on which stench gain the nauseated condition for 1 round in
your paralysis DC is based (minimum 1/day). addition to being sickened.

Improved Pounce [Monster] Improved Web [Monster]

“Using the force of my attack and sheer weight, I leap “I laid my trap so carefully the creature had no chance to
upon my foe, tearing into him with my claws and bite, escape.”
and use my momentum to knock him to the ground in a Prerequisite: Web
tangle of arms, legs, and claws.” Benefit: You can choose to use Take 20 on your Stealth
Prerequisite: Pounce check to hide your web. (Your check result replaces the
Benefit: After using the pounce ability, you can then standard DC 20 Perception check to notice your web.)
attempt to grapple your foe and not draw an attack of
opportunity as if your last successful attack had the grab In the Eyes [Monster]
special attack (+4 bonus to the grapple check). “The point of my tail went right into her other eye.”
In order to gain this effect, you must hit with at least one Prerequisite: Natural attack (sting)
of your attacks. Benefit: When you make a successful attack with your
sting, you make as special combat maneuver with a +4
Improved Powerful Charge [Monster] bonus to blind an opponent as a free action (does not
“The dwarven defender stood in my path assured that provoke an attack of opportunity). If your combat
she could accept my charge, having done so against maneuver check is successful, your target gains the
others of my kind, impaling her on my horns showed her blinded condition for one round and is inflicted with the
the error of her hubris.” dazzled condition for an additional round after that. If
Prerequisite: Powerful charge the combat maneuver check exceeds the CMD of the
Benefit: You deal triple damage at the end of the target by 10 or more, your target gains the blinded
charge instead of the double damage associated with condition for 1d3+1 rounds.
your powerful charge ability (effectively dealing +50%
damage of the powerful charge ability). Incorporeal Anchor [Monster]
“The faithful dwarven priest brought a massive wall of
Improved Pull [Monster] stone, assured in his knowledge that I could not pass
“Thinking they have all the time in the world, their through it; he was wrong.”
company failed to hurry, that is until they finally noticed Prerequisite: Incorporeal
I was bringing them to my great maw much faster than
they expected.”
number of times per day equal to
your Charisma bonus (minimum

Inhuman Name [Monster]

“My truename is unpronounceable
by your mortal lips!”
Prerequisite: Outsider
Benefit: Your name is strange
and difficult to pronounce,
transcribe, and translate,
thwarting those who would try to
bind or banish you. You get a +8
bonus to saving throws and spell
resistance against spells that
imprison or send away outsiders,
such as banishment, binding,
dismissal, dispel good, and planar
Living Phylactery
Benefit: You need not remain directly adjacent to the Invested Form [Monster]
exterior of a solid object you enter, but must remain “Their plan of unleashing a hail of arrows and bolts from
within your natural reach (Medium creature 5 ft.). afar was not as successful as they’d hoped. The far off
wizard fared no better.”
Incorporeal Trample [Monster] Prerequisite: Gaze, Ability Focus (gaze), Cha 13
“While I passed through the whole of their company, Benefit: The range of your gaze attack is only limited
one took the chance to stab at me, the others choose to by line of sight; those that avert their gaze only have a
dive out of the way; regardless I struck them all with the 25% chance of not being affected by your gaze attack.
affliction of my touch.”
Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Dex 13 Lend Essence [Monster]
Benefit: You gain the ability to inflict your touch on
“I lent a bit of my very nature to her, and the wounds
every creature you pass through. As a full-round action,
their holy warrior’s blade had dealt her slowly began to
you can overrun any creature. This works like the heal.”
overrun combat maneuver, but you do not need to make
Prerequisite: Fast healing or regeneration, Con or Cha
a check, you merely have to move through opponents in
your path. The creatures take damage equal to that dealt Benefit: As a full-round action, you grant an ally you
by your incorporeal touch attack along with any special
are touching the benefit of your fast healing or
effects that attack possesses. Targets of the incorporeal
regeneration for one round (regeneration will heal lethal
trample can make attacks of opportunity at a –4 penalty.
wounds that would normally not be nonlethal wounds if
If a target forgoes the attack of opportunity, it can make
you had suffered them). You lose the benefit of the
a successful Reflex save for half damage, which also ability you grant for that round (damage that would
negates any special effects. The DC of this save is 10 +
normally be nonlethal to you, if you had the benefits of
1/2 your Hit Dice + your Dexterity modifier. You can
regeneration, are lethal during that time).
only deal incorporeal trampling damage to a creature
once per round.
Living Phylactery [Monster]
Inescapable Grip [Monster] “Destroying my body and my soul gem, they thought to
“She ran relying on her slippery nature to elude others’ defeat me; they failed as one of their own bore the
grasps. She did not elude my steely grip.” burden of my spirit.”
Prerequisites: Grab, any other supernatural or spell- Prerequisites: Rejuvenation, paralyzing touch
like ability Benefit: You can make a creature whom you affect with
Benefit: When you attempt to use your grab ability to your paralyzing touch (they failed their save and were
grapple an opponent, your magical nature attempts to paralyzed) serve as a secondary phylactery for you
dispel (as described in greater dispel magic, CL equal to rejuvenation ability (even if they are no longer
your Hit Dice) any freedom of movement spell or magic paralyzed). You can only have one living phylactery in
item that grants immunity or bonuses to Combat existence at a time.
Maneuver Defense or Escape Artist checks (this includes
enhancement bonuses to Strength and Dexterity scores). Massive Strikes [Monster]
If the dispel check succeeds, the spell is dispelled before “My blows threw the adventuring company into
you make your grapple check (magic items are turmoil.”
suppressed for 1d4+1 rounds). You can use this ability a Prerequisites: Trample, Ability Focus (trample), size
Huge or larger
Benefit: As a free action, you may choose to subtract 4 substance, somewhat between a poison and a plague.
from your Armor Class for 1 round and when you Any time someone is injured by your natural attacks, he
successfully hit with a melee attack, your opponent must must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Hit
make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Dice + your Constitution modifier). If he succeeds, the
Strength modifier) or become flat-footed for 1 round. An injected substances do not take hold in his system, and
opponent that fails its Reflex save against your trample he is immune to your pandemoniac corruption for 24
attack is knocked prone in addition to becoming flat- hours.
footed for 1 round. If the victim fails, a faint oil secreted by you works its
way into his bloodstream. The victim appears perfectly
normal and healthy for 3d6 days. Once that time
Mind Whispers [Monster] expires, the victim suddenly grows deathly ill. He
“Your own self-doubt will defeat you.” develops open lesions all over his body, which slowly
Prerequisites: Telepathy, Intimidate 4 ranks leak a strange, dull gray fluid. His eyes glaze over with a
Benefit: You can demoralize (using the Intimidate green film, and he begins to cough up mucus tainted
skill) a single opponent as a free action once per round. with blood and that same gray sludge. He suffers a
This is a mind-affecting fear effect. penalty of 1d10+5 to all ability scores (roll separately for
each), to a minimum 1. At any point in the process, even
Mournful Cry [Monster] before symptoms are visible, a remove disease spell
“She kept her distance from me, my dark touch could destroys the substance in the bloodstream. Once
not reach her, but still she was brought low by the symptoms are visible, a DC 25 Heal check can also save
wailing of my despair.” the victim. Because this requires various herbs and
Prerequisites: Ability drain, or energy drain, Cha 13 substances that are toxic in their own right, however,
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action you can affect each Heal attempt (successful or not) requires that the
all living creatures within a 30-foot radius burst with the victim make a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of
effects of your ability drain or energy drain attack. A Constitution damage.
successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + The victim dies 3d12 hours after symptoms first appear,
your Charisma modifier) halves the number of ability unless he has been cured. The corpse immediately
points drained or the number of negative levels inflicted. bursts open in a cloud of corruption and decay, and a
new outsider of your species emerges. This is normally a
lesser version, but if the victim was a spellcaster who
Overwhelming Energy Drain [Monster] drew on extraplanar sources for his magic (such as a
“I laid my hand upon him, the darkness of my touch cleric who called on a specific deity, or a wizard
shattering his divine shield like so much glass.” specialized in conjuration spells), the emergent outsider
Prerequisites: Energy drain, Ability Focus (energy is of a more powerful variety.
drain), Cha 13
Benefit: Your touch has a chance of dispelling spells
and effects that protect against your energy drain attack
Planar Instability [Monster]
(such as death ward). Your caster level is equal to your “My very presence stopped the wizard from escaping
Challenge Rating. Even if you successfully dispel this and prevented the summoner from challenging my vast
effect, you cannot bestow negative levels until the
Prerequisite: Elemental or outsider
following round.
Benefit: You scramble the planar connections in your
immediate area. Any creature attempting to use a
Pandemic [Monster] conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (teleportation)
“It is not just you that will suffer from my pestilence, but spell within a radius of 10-feet per Hit Die of you, must
all whom you encounter.” make a successful caster level check equal to 11 plus your
Prerequisites: Disease, Ability Focus (disease), Con 13 Hit Dice or the spell is countered.
Benefit: The victims of your disease now transmit it via
proximity (25 ft. +5 ft./2 hit dice); this proximity-
transmitted disease spreads even while incubating. All
Polymorph Foe [Monster]
other properties of the disease remain the same. This “She dared to meet my gaze so she became a looking
causes a rapid dispersal of the disease (perhaps until all glass.”
Prerequisites: Gaze (turn to stone permanently) or
within its range are cured or die). A creature that is
petrification; Ability Focus (gaze or petrification)
cured of your disease cannot be infected by your
Benefit: Your gaze attack or petrification ability
proximity-transmitted disease, though you can affect it
functions as polymorph any object rather than flesh to
directly via injury, injection or contact.
stone. You have total control of the subject’s
transformation. A creature transformed in this manner
Pandemoniac Corruption [Monster] that is then coated (not just splashed) with fresh blood
“Infecting her with my chaos via the merest scratch, I from a creature with a polymorph gaze (taken no more
sealed her fate.” than 1 hour after death) is instantly restored. Creatures
Prerequisite: Outsider native to a chaotically-aligned with an Intelligence of 2 or less often simply transform
plane. their victims into nests or foodstuffs to be consumed.
Benefit: You do not reproduce through normal means.
Rather, you infect your victims with a supernatural
Possess Mortal [Monster]
“I took over the pathetic monkey’s mind and body.”
Prerequisites: Outsider, Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks,
Cha 13
Benefit: As the magic jar spell, you take control of a
nearby body. However, unlike magic jar, you do not
need a gem or crystal, and instead of your soul leaving
your body, your body disappears into an
extradimensional pocket. As a standard action, you may
end the possession. When the possession is ended your
body reappears with your soul in it. The target
humanoid may resist the possession attempt with a Will
save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma
modifier). Subjects resist this control, and any subject
forced to take actions against its nature receives a new
saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive
orders are not carried out. An unwilling possessed
creature can also attempt a new saving throw every 10
minutes to force you out of its body. You may use this
ability a number of times per day equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum 1/day).

Potency and Vulnerability [Monster]

“His blade of steel did me no harm, but her blade of
silver left a grievous wound.”
Prerequisite: Damage reduction
Benefit: You gain a vulnerability to the special material
that can bypass your damage reduction suffering +50%
damage from weapons of that material type, but your
damage reduction also increases by 50% (minimum of Possess Mortal
tentacles) against the same target in 1 round, your
Quickened Pandemoniac Corruption natural attack latches onto the flesh and deals extra
[Monster] damage by attempting to pull the victim apart. This
“You think you have days to cleanse my taint? You know damage is equal to the damage dealt by your best
not how wrong you are.” natural attack plus 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier.
Prerequisites: Pandemoniac Corruption, Ability
Focus (pandemoniac corruption), Knowledge (the Sculpt Breath Weapon [Monster]
planes) 9 ranks, Outsider native to a chaotically-aligned “I am not some barbarian with a hammer, but an artist
plane. with a brush.”
Benefit: Your pandemoniac corruption only incubates Prerequisites: Breath weapon, any other breath
for the duration of the encounter after your victim has weapon feat
been injured by your natural attacks, and one full round Benefit: Three times per day as a free action you can
after the disease manifests, the creature suffers 1 point modify your breath weapon by changing the area's shape
of Constitution damage per round until he dies when his to either a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), a 40-
Constitution score reaches 0 (which may be immediately foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, a ball (20-foot-radius
considering the 1d10+5 penalty to Constitution). spread), or a 120-foot line. The effect can be centered
anywhere in the area of its normal line or cone effect.
Quickened Spawn [Monster] The breath weapon works normally in all respects except
“One moment she was my deadliest foe, but then after I for its shape. For example, a lightning bolt whose area is
slaughtered her she became my most faithful daughter.” changed to a ball deals the same amount of damage, but
Prerequisites: Create spawn, Cha 13 affects a 20-foot-radius spread from anywhere along
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, any creature where its line would normally be.
that is slain by you becomes a spawn.
Spawn of Opportunity [Monster]
Rending Grab [Monster] “I could feel him as he lay dying in the bushes, his
“Each tentacle grabs a limb; I then set about pulling him affliction like a siren’s call, and though his friends
apart.” attempted to protect him, I took his life in the blink of
Prerequisites: Two separate natural attacks with the an eye.”
grab ability Prerequisites: Ability drain or energy drain, lifesense,
Benefit: Whenever you perform two successful grapple create spawn, Cha 13
attacks with two separate natural attacks (such as two
Benefit: You can automatically detect a living creature Teleport Attack [Monster]
suffering from the helpless condition within long range “He thought to have my treasure chest, so I gave him to
(400 ft. + 40 ft. per Hit Die). Once per encounter you it.”
can perform a coup de grace as an attack of opportunity Prerequisites: Teleport or greater teleport spell-like
against a helpless foe that is within your threatened ability, Knowledge Arcana 13 ranks
area. If the foe dies from the attack it will become a Benefit: You can teleport attack (see below) an
spawn as part of your create spawn ability regardless if it opponent if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 17 + your
is from the draining or from the coup de grace. Charisma modifier). A creature that makes its save is
immune to your teleport attack for 24 hours.
Spit Poison [Monster]
“Filling my mouth with my own venom, I spat it at my Unbound Step [Monster]
foes.” “I became pure spirit, moving through all the minions
Prerequisites: Poison (bite), Ability Focus (poison)
and vast barriers until I stood before her and struck her
Benefit: You can spit your venom up to 30 feet as a down.”
standard action. This is a ranged touch attack with no Prerequisites: Corporeal outsider, Knowledge
range increment. Opponents hit by this attack must (religion) 7 ranks
make successful saves against your poison as if it were a Benefit: You become incorporeal for short distances
contact poison. merely by invoking the power of this ability for a
number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. When you
Stance of Power [Monster] move, you are considered to possess the incorporeal
“I stood fast against the oncoming creatures, preparing subtype. At the end of your movement, you land and
to meet their assault.” become corporeal. If you arrive in a place that is already
Prerequisites: Tremorsense, Con 13 occupied by a solid body, you take 1d6 points of damage
Benefit: If you can detect a creature with your and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable
tremorsense, you know how to set your stance against surface within 100 feet of the intended location. If there
him so as to gain the maximum effect for your attacks is no free space within 100 feet, you return to your
and defense. You can add a +2 circumstance bonus to starting space and suffer 2d6 points of damage.
one of the following as an immediate action each round: You can choose to take a double move when you use this
your attack rolls, Armor Class, CMB or your CMD. feat. The total distance you move cannot exceed your
total movement allowance, but you can go in any
Stinging Wind [Monster] direction you want. If you are not over a solid surface
“You cannot see it, but you will know it is there.” when your movement ends, you fall as normal. You may
Prerequisite: Air Subtype use the run action in conjunction with this ability.
Benefit: Three times per day as a swift action you use
your connection to the elemental air to hammer a foe Vicious Wound [Monster]
with wind and debris dealing 1d6 points of bludgening “I cut him and then returned to the shadows, watching
damage per hit die in a 60-foot long cone-shaped burst the panic spread as his divine prayers failed him,
and blinding those creatures and objects in the area; a grinning as the life ran out of my chosen foe.”
successful Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your Hit Dice + your Prerequisite: Bleed
Dexterity Modifer) halves the damage and negates the

Sweeping Breath Weapon [Monster] Teleport Attack

“I lay about them with my breath like a scythe in the School: Conjuration (teleportation); Level: Sor/Wiz 7
fields.” Casting Time: 1 standard action
Prerequisite: Breath Weapon Components: V, S
Benefit: Three times per day as a free action you may Range: Touch
use your breath weapon in a semi circle with a radius Target: One creature or object touched, weighing no
equal to the length of its standard breath weapon attack. more than 50 lbs./level
When using your breath weapon in this manner you deal Duration: Instantaneous
half normal damage. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates;
Spell Resistance: Yes
Teleport Ambush [Monster] You teleport a target creature or object into a solid
“Never attack where they defend.” surface or object that you can see within close range (25
Prerequisite: Quicken spell-like ability (teleport) ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). If the spell succeeds, the subject
Benefit: When you use your Quicken Spell-Like Ability suffers 2d6 points of Constitution damage + 1 point of
(teleport) for the first time in an encounter, your Constitution damage per round and is helpless until
opponents are considered flat-footed against you until freed.
their next action. Creatures that are aware of this ability The creature or object becomes half imbedded in the
are immune to its effects. surface or object.

Benefit: Your bleed damage cannot be stopped by
magical healing, it can only be stopped by a successful
Heal check (DC equal to 11 plus your Challenge Rating).

Violent Venom [Monster]

“She had no fear, having been bitten by my kin.
Suddenly, my bite left her crippled on the floor.”
Prerequisites: Poison, Ability Focus (poison)
Benefit: The damage dealt by your poison increases by
one step: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 2d8, 3d6
(maximum 3d6).

Virulent Venom [Monster]

“His fear passed over him, having resisted the bite of my
kin before. Then my bite wracked him again.”
Prerequisites: Poison, Ability Focus (poison)
Benefit: You increase the number of consecutive saves
necessary to cure your poison ability by 1.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times.

Vorpal Severing [Monster, Critical]

“Taking off their leader’s head with my first attack, with
great relish did I make a display of swallowing it down.”
Prerequisites: Natural attack (slashing), Critical
Focus, Appendage Severing (chosen natural attack),
Weapon Focus (chosen natural attack), base attack
bonus +18, size Large or larger
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, select a melee natural
attack that can deal slashing damage (bite, claw, talon,
etc.) that has also been selected for the Weapon Focus
and Appendage Severing feat. Upon a roll of natural 20 Virulent Venom
(followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit),
with the selected natural attack, against an opponent at
least one size category smaller than yourself, your
opponent must make a successful Fortitude Save (DC 10
+ 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Strength modifier) or the
attack severs the opponent's head (if it has one) from its
body. Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all
oozes, have no heads. Others, such as golems and
undead creatures other than vampires, are not affected
by the loss of their heads. Most other creatures,
however, die when their heads are cut off.
Special: If you have the swallow whole ability and use
Vorpal Severing with your bite attack, the head and
anything it was attending (helm, circlet, mask, earrings,
etc.) is automatically swallowed, suffering the
appropriate affects each round.

Wail of the Sorrowful Dead [Monster]

“My song is a mournful tale of dread and horror.”
Prerequisite: Undead creature
Benefit: Once per day you can make a mournful song
so that all that hear it within 10 feet per your Hit Dice
suffer a morale penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws,
skill checks, and ability checks equal to half your Hit
Dice, unless they make a successful Will save (DC 15 +
1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). This is a
sonic-based mind-affecting fear effect.

Wail of the Sorrowful Dead

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owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" excluding their quotes.
means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations
(including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
"Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly distributed under any version of this License.
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the
game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means permission from the Contributor to do so.
product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, Use any Open Game Material so affected.
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open License.
Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto,
designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
(g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, enforceable.
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game
Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000–2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains d20 System Reference Document Copyright
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and 2000-2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E.
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Williams.
acceptance of the terms of this License. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb;
Based on original content from TSR.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright 2005 Monte J. Cook. All rights
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are reserved.
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights The Complete Book of Eldritch MightCopyright 2004 Monte J. Cook. All
conveyed by this License. rights reserved.
The Book of Hallowed Might Copyright 2003–2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE reserved.
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Monster’s Handbook Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved Author: Mike
of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and Mearls.
You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to Heroines, Copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Heroes, Copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing
Primal Feats, Copyright 2004, Bloodstone Press.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, Anger of Angels ©2003 Sean K Reynolds.
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in All rights reserved. Path of the Magi ©2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Games.
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic ©2002 Sean K Reynolds.
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, 101 Monster Feats Copyright 2011 Steven D. Russell; Author Steven D.
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Russell.
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of
any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title
and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly

indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game

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