Pathfinder - 101 Variant Monsters

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Rite Publishing Presents:

101 Variant Monsters

Our Monsters are Different (Designer and Developer): Steven D. Russell
Our Banshees are Louder (Editor): David Paul
Our Ghouls
Ghouls are Creepier (Cover Artist): Nicolas Cloister
Our Ogres are Hungrier (Interior Artwork):
Arthur Rackham, Storn Cook, Ryan Sumo, Jason Rainville, Nicolas
Cloister, Grey Thornberry, Eric Quigley, Forest Imel
Our Constructs are Nonstandard (Layout and Publisher): Steven D. Russell

Dedication: To Nicolas Cloister

—for his inspiring artwork.

Special Thanks to Craig Cochrane, Monte Cook, Sean K. Reynolds,

Owen K.C. Stephens, and Joseph Browning for inspiring me to re-skin monsters.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee
compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

101 Variant Monsters © 2013 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007
Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license.
101 Variant Monsters
CR 1
Brownie of the Solstice Court
Description Unlike normal brownies, these creatures
are manically hateful, with constant scowls on their
Ranged Longbow +6 (1d6/×3). This replaces a
brownie’s short sword melee attack.
Disorienting Faerie Dust (Su) When a brownie of
the solstice court fires an arrow from any bow, it can
decide to change the arrow's properties by sprinkling it
with magical fairy dust. Doing so is a free action as long
as the brownie is the one who fires the arrow. A brownie
of the solstice court can generate a number of uses of
dust equal to its Charisma score each day (17 uses per
day for most brownies of the solstice court)—the dust is
useless to another creature unless the brownie of the
solstice court gives the dust freely. In this case, the
brownie of the solstice court chooses what effect the
dust will have on an ally’s arrow when it is applied, and
it takes a move action to apply the dust to the ally’s
arrow. Once this dust is applied to an arrow, the
disorienting effect persists on the arrow for only 1
round. As long as an arrow is altered in this way, a
brownie of the solstice court can choose whether or not
it inflicts damage when it hits.
When a disorienting weapon successfully hits a creature, Brownies of the Solstice Court
that creature must make a Will save (DC 13), or it suffers
a -4 circumstance penalty to initiative checks, attack its breath must make a DC 12 Constitution check. The
rolls, Acrobatics, Fly, Jump, Perception, and Swim check must be repeated each round, with the DC
checks for 5 minutes. Also, whenever the creature increasing by +1 for each previous check. If the target
moves, it must roll 1d8 to randomly determine the fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to
actual direction traveled (as a splash weapon). If the suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit
save is successful, the brownie’s opponent is immune to points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit
this dust’s disorienting effect for 24 hours. This is a points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates
mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is and dies.
Charisma-based. If a target has its head enveloped, it can attempt to
This ability replaces the brownie’s lesser confusion break free as a standard action by making a combat
spell-like ability. maneuver check (DC equal to the dark hood’s CMD +4,
Feats Ability Focus (Disorienting Fairy Dust)B replaces usually 17)—this does not provoke an attack of
Weapon Finesse. opportunity, or an Escape Artist check (same DC), or by
simply attempting to kill the darkhood. However,
attacks that hit an enveloping darkhood deal half their
Darkhood (Darkmantle) damage to the monster and half to the trapped victim.
Description Darkhoods are slightly shorter and wider This replaces a darkmantle’s constrict special attack and
than darkmantles and have tendrils that are much darkness spell-like abilities.
thinner than a typical specimen.
Envelop Head (Ex) A darkhood can attempt to
strangle and suffocate an opponent with its body and its
Desert Ghul (Ghoul)
tendrils when it makes a successful grapple check. Description Desert ghuls lack the pallid stretched flesh
Opponents add +4 to their CMD if wearing full plate or a of a standard ghoul, instead having an ethnicity and
leather collar –or– +10 if wearing a gorget and may complexion more akin to tribesmen of desert areas.
choose to hold their breath, if they were not surprised. If They also lack the starved frame of their kin if they have
the darkhood’s combat maneuver check is successful, it used their cannibalistic healing in the last 24 hours.
begins doing damage equal to its slam attack. In Cannibalistic Healing (Su) So long as the desert
addition, a target that was not able to hold ghul has fed upon the flesh of a dead creature with the

same creature type as the desert ghul within the last 24 They despise the waking world and seek to put the
hours, it has fast healing equal to its Cha modifier whole of the world to sleep.
(usually +2). Subtype Native subtype replaces the imp’s devil and
This replaces a ghoul’s disease special attack extraplanar subtypes.
Change Shape (Su) Hyena, beast shape I any bonus DR 5/good or piercing, this replaces an imp’s DR
to Constitution is instead added to Charisma. 5/good or silver.
This replaces a ghoul’s channel resistance +2. Soothing Gaze (Su) Any creature within 20 ft. that
meets the imp's gaze must succeed on a Will save (DC
Exemplary Troglodytes (Troglodytes) 13) or take a –5 penalty on Perception checks and a –2
penalty on Will saves against sleep effects for as long as
Description An exemplary troglodyte’s hide is a deep, it remains within range. A new save is required each
lustrous black and the frilled crest on its head and back round until the creature either fails or is no longer
is full of multiple bright colors like that of an exotic bird. within range. A dream imp can suppress or resume this
Pheromone Enhancement (Ex) An exemplary ability as a free action anytime during a round. After 1
troglodyte secretes an oily chemical that boosts the hour of complete rest, soothed characters are no longer
performance and morale of other troglodytes and soothed.
creatures with the scent ability. All troglodytes and This ability replaces the imp’s suggestion spell-like
creatures with the scent ability within 30 ft. gain a +2 ability.
morale bonus on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Waking Dream (Su) As a standard action, a dream
saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. imp can cause the area within 100 ft. of its position to
This replaces a troglodyte’s stench ability. become hazy and dreamlike; it can also suppress this
ability as a standard action. This effect penetrates solid
Giant Armadeiras Spider (Giant objects and even crosses the boundary with the Ethereal
Plane. Distances and speeds in the affected area become
Spider) CR +1 hard to judge. Bright areas seem dark, and dark areas
Description The presence of red pedipalps and dark appear to have some hazy illumination. Colors blend
linear stripes on the frontal palps along with the into one another in strange and unpredictable ways, and
presence of a single, thin, black line running along the creatures seem to take on the features of objects or other
back of the spider’s carapace differentiate a giant creatures. Every other creature in the affected area takes
armadeiras spider from typical giant spiders. a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, checks, and saves as long
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency as it remains in the area.
1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Str, Dex, and Con A creature outside the area taking any action that would
damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. affect creatures within or on the other side of the area
Special Anti-toxin has no effect on this poison, In also takes a –4 penalty on any associated roll or check.
addition, if a subject fails two consecutive saves it begins Waking dream is an illusion (figment) effect with no
to asphyxiate and must make a DC 10 Constitution save, but creatures that are immune to illusion effects
check. The check must be repeated each round, with the are immune to this effect. True seeing and similar
DC increasing by +1 for each previous check. If the effects allow a creature to act in the affected area
subject fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins without taking the penalty. Dream imps are immune to
to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 the penalties caused by their own waking dream and
hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit those of other dream imps.
points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates This ability replaces the imp’s invisibility spell-like
and dies. Once the poison is cured, a Heal check DC 15 is ability.
required to perform first aid and restore normal Poison Sting—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency
breathing. Finally, if a subject fails 3 consecutive saves it 1/round for 6 rounds; effect sleep (unconscious) for 2d4
will be unable to produce or bear offspring. This is a hours; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based,
touchy subject, and the final effects of this affliction and includes a +2 racial bonus.
might be entirely unimportant in some campaigns, This replaces an imp’s normal poison special attack.
please ignore this final effect if it is not suitable. Environment any (Dream) replaces an imp’s any
This replaces a giant spider’s normal poison special (Hell)
Filcher Leprechaun (Leprechaun)
CR2 Description Instead of carrying a bottle, a filcher
leprechaun has a pot strapped to its back into which it
can toss its ill-gotten gains; it also carries a bow rather
Dream Imp (Imp) than a club. Filcher leprechauns, unlike more typical
leprechauns, are greedy and will steal and hoard away
Description Dream imps often appear distracted, and anything of value, not just gold.
daydreaming is common. When they use their Ranged Longbow +7 (1d6–1/×3); this replaces a
power to merge the waking and dreaming worlds, leprechaun’s club melee attack.
however, their minds gain a crystal clarity and focus that Filching Faerie Dust (Su) When a filcher leprechaun
is reflected on their countenances. Dream imps serve the fires an arrow from any bow, it can decide to change the
Khan of Nightmares or other dark slumbering deities.
arrow's properties by sprinkling it with magical faerie
dust. Doing so is a free action as long as the filcher
leprechaun is the one who fires the arrow. A filcher
leprechaun can generate a number of uses of dust equal
to its Charisma score each day (16 uses per day for most
filcher leprechauns)—the dust is useless to another
creature unless the filcher leprechaun gives the dust
freely. In this case, the filcher leprechaun chooses what
effect the dust will have on an ally’s arrow when it is
applied, and it takes a move action to apply the dust to
the ally’s arrow. Once this dust is applied to an arrow,
the effect persists on the arrow for only 1 round. As long
as an arrow is altered in this way, a filcher leprechaun
can choose whether or not it inflicts damage when it
When a filching weapon successfully hits a creature, that
creature must make a Will save (DC 17), or one attended Flicker Wolf
object chosen by the filcher leprechaun, that does not
exceed the maximum load of the filcher leprechaun, Melee Bite +4 (1d6+1 plus trip); this replaces a
belonging to the opponent disappears from its standard blink dog’s normal melee attack.
possession and reappears in the hand of or next to the Blink A flicker wolf has minor selective control over its
filcher leprechaun. If the save is successful, the filcher constant blink effects. As a result, it can move through
leprechaun’s opponent is immune to this dust’s filching solid objects with no chance of failure.
effect for 24 hours. This is a conjuration (teleportation) Portal Bite (Su) The flicker wolf can create small
effect and the save DC is Charisma-based. portals through the Ethereal Plane and broach nearly
This replaces a leprechaun’s color spray and shillelagh any protections or barriers except those that prevent
spell-like abilities. planar travel. Each portal is a small, translucent circular
Feats Ability Focus (filching faerie dust) replaces a window of flickering light 3 ft. in diameter that coalesces
leprechaun’s Weapon Finesse. out of a swirl of flickering motes, and the flicker wolf can
Environment any cold, temperate, or urban; this manifest one as a swift action once per round with the
replaces a leprechaun’s temperate woodlands. other end appearing at a range of 400 ft. of its body.
Although the flicker wolf cannot move completely
through these portals, it can use them to see through
Fishernet ((Cave
Cave Fisher) and attack with its bite attack. This allows them to
Ranged vicious net +3 (entangle) this replaces a cave ignore all deflection, shield and armor bonuses to AC
fisher’s filament ranged attack. plus, if an opponent fails a Reflex save (DC 13), the
Vicious Net (Ex) A fishernet makes a ranged touch target does not gain the benefit of his Dexterity bonus to
attack with a range of 60 ft. If it hits, the target is AC against the first bite attack (if any) in a given round.
entangled. If the fishernet controls the trailing filament The save DC is Dexterity-based.
by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while This ability replaces the blink dog’s quickened
holding it, the entangled creature can move only within dimension door spell-like ability.
the limits that the filament line allows.
An entangled creature can escape with a DC 25 Escape
Artist check (a full-round action). The net has 5 hit Glittering Faerie Dragon (Faerie
points and can be burst with a DC 20 Strength check Dragon)
(also a full-round action). A net is useful only against
creatures one size category larger than the fishernet Description A glittering faerie dragon is not only
(Large) or smaller. This viscous net is AC 14 (touch 12), brightly colored but it twinkles and shimmers in the
has 5 hit points, and has DR 15/slashing. An application light.
of liquid with high alcohol content (or a dose of Breath Weapon (Faerie Dust) 5-ft. cone, faerie dust
universal solvent) dissolves the adhesive and releases or pixie dust (see faerie dust in the product, or pixie dust
the creature caught by the net. A fishernet can have only in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary), DC 12
one viscous net active at a time. negates. Creatures affected by this breath weapon are
This ability replaces a cave fisher’s filament and pull subject to the effects of any one form of faerie dust or
special attacks. pixie dust it chooses. It can change the type of dust it
breathes as a swift action. A glittering faerie dragon can
use this breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds. The save
Flicker Wolf (Blink Dog) DC is Constitution-based.
Description This unusually large wolf has a coarse, This ability replaces the faerie dragon’s standard breath
tawny coat and pale eyes. A faint red nimbus seems to weapon.
dance upon its fur and it has an evil, almost intelligent Faerie Dust Bite (Su) When a glittering faerie dragon
light shining in its deep red eyes. makes a bite attack it can decide to change the bite’s
Alignment LE (this replaces a blink dog’s normal LG). properties by sprinkling it with magical faerie dust or
magical pixie dust (it can choose any one form of dust).
Doing so is a free action. A glittering faerie dragon can chicken). Henatrixes actually feed on glass and are likely
generate a number of uses of dust equal to its Charisma to peck away at a glass statue until it shatters (though
score each day (16 uses per day for most glittering faerie they would only do so after they had eliminated all
dragons). Each successful bite attack takes up one use of potential threats). They are well known for hit and run
dust. As long as this bite attack is altered in this way, a tactics, and while as aggressive as typical archetypes,
glittering faerie dragon can choose whether or not it they are more patient in their tactics. During its mating
inflicts damage when it hits. season, it attempts to lure roosters, other male poultry,
This ability replaces the faerie dragon’s spellcasting or male game birds.
ability. Vitrification (Su) A henatrix's bite causes organic
material to slowly transmute —multiple bites can cause
CR 3 a living creature to transform into glass. Each time a
creature is damaged by a henatrix's bite attack, it must
succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of
Dipian (Hell Hound) Strength damage as its flesh and bones become more
Description This black dog has a short coat of hair and fragile. This slow vitrification also inflicts a -1
an athletic, compact, square build with a masculine, cumulative circumstance penalty to AC for each
muscular, and noble appearance; however, its teeth and successful hit (max equal to the subject’s normal
tongue are stained a deep, dark red. It still has the fiery Strength score). A creature that is reduced to 0 Strength
red eyes of its hellhound cousins, but is always has one by a henatrix's bites immediately turns completely to
lame leg. Unlike their fire based kin, dipians despise fire glass as if it were a mindless, inert statue (the target’s
giants and are more at home with vampires, blood possessions do not transform). Should the glass be
knights, and other creatures that also enjoy feeding on broken or damaged, the target has similar damage or
blood. They are far more likely to serve an agent or deformities if ever returned to its original state. The
messenger for another creature than be consumed by target is not dead (its soul does not pass on), but when
the hunt, as most hellhounds are. viewed with spells that detect life, it does not seem to be
Subtype devil; this replaces the hell hound’s fire alive either.
subtype. Every day, a creature petrified by a henatrix in this
Senses see in darkness. manner can attempt a new DC 12 Fortitude save to
Immune fire and poison. recover from the vitrification, at which point the victim
Resist 10 acid, cold. returns to flesh with 1 Strength (and thereafter the
Speed 30 ft. This replaces a hellhound’s 40 ft. subject can be restored to full Strength by natural
movement. healing or magic as normal; for each point healed
Melee bite +6 (1d8+1 plus grab); this replaces a hell remove 1 from the AC penalty)—but after a creature
hound’s normal melee bite attack. inflicted with vitrification fails three of these Fortitude
Spell-like Abilities (CL 12th) saves in a row, the glass state becomes permanent. A
1/day—summon (level 2, 1 dipian, 50%, 3-12 dipians creature restored to flesh via magic has its Strength
20%) damage caused by henatrix bites removed, but not any
Consume Blood (Su) A dipian consumes a creature’s existing Strength damage from other sources. A henatrix
blood at the end of its turn if it grapples a foe, dealing 2 is immune to the vitrification ability of itself and of
points of Constitution damage. A dipian continues to other henatrixes, but other petrification attacks affect
consume blood until it has dealt 8 points of Constitution them normally.
damage and then drops its prey to return to its lair to A heal spell cast on an unshattered statue will restore a
digest its meal. When a dipian stops consuming blood, creature. A regenerate spell, cast on unshattered or
that creature gains the Bleed condition (1 Con). For shattered glass, will restore a creature. A creature
every 2 points of consumed blood, the dipian gains 5 restored by regenerate may be slightly altered if any of
temporary hit points that last for one hour. the shattered fragments were missing (GM discretion).
This ability replaces a hellhound’s breath weapon. If such missing fragments can be found, another
CMB +5 (+9 grapple). regenerate spell will properly restore those bits to the
Feats Weapon Focus (bite); this replaces a hell hound’s whole creature. Weasels, ferrets, and roosters are
Run. immune to a henatrix’s vitrification ability. The save DC
Languages telepathy 100 ft. is Constitution-based.
Designer’s Note In Catalan myth, Dip is an evil, black, This replaces a cockatrice’s petrification special attack.
hairy dog, an emissary of the Devil, who sucks peoples’ Feats Skill Focus (stealth) replaces the cockatrice’s Skill
blood. As other figures associated with demons in Focus (perception).
Catalan myth, he is lame in one leg. Dip is pictured on Skills Stealth +12; this skill replaces the cockatrice’s
the heraldry of Pratdip, a municipality in the province of Perception +10.
province of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. Environment Any; this replaces the cockatrice’s
temperate plains.
Henatrix (Cockatrice)
Description Unlike a cockatrice, this appears to have a
Necrotizer (Rust Monster)
hen’s head, rather than rooster’s (and it may appear to Description A necrotizer looks exactly like a rust
be another poultry or game bird, it does not have to be a monster except for its pale flesh and dark purple, bruise-

colored tiger-like stripes that run along its body. A
necrotizer is more aggressive and violent than a rust
monster and has a tendency to fixate on a particular
creature for its meal, it also tends to favor a particular
type of flesh, often preferring the taste of a particular
subtype of humanoid.
Senses Scent; this replaces a rust monster’s scent
Melee antennae +6 touch (necrotizing); this replaces a
rust monster’s normal antennae melee attack.
Necrotizing (Su) A necrotizer's antennae are a
primary touch attack that causes any living flesh they
touch to swiftly decay and die. A living creature touched
must make a successful Fort save (DC 15) or suffer half
its maximum hp total in damage and gain the exhausted
condition (this may result in a save for massive damage
if this amount is over 50 hp), the damage from the hit
cannot reduce a creature below 0 hp. If a creature is at 0
hp, is hit, and fails its save, it is reduced to a number of
negative hit points equal to its Constitution modifier +1
(-3 for example if its Con modifier is +2). If a creature is
at this hp total or less, is hit and fails its save, it dies.
Living creatures that use natural attacks or unprotected
unarmed strikes must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or
suffer 3d6 +5 points of damage from contact with a
necrotizer. The save DC is Constitution-based.
This replaces a rust monster’s rust ability.
Feats Ability Focus (necrotizing) this replaces a rust
monster’s normal Ability Focus (rust).

Nimuein (Dryad)
Description This variant of the dryad is most often
found bonded with conifer trees and her skin is made
from this dark bark. Nimuein are disgusted by
humanoids, especially spellcasters, and even more so
when dealing with those with some kind of monstrous
heritage (like a sorcerous bloodline). Nimuein always
place them within her nature’s prison when she is done
manipulating them.
Alignment CE; this replaces the dryad’s CG. Nimuein
Nature’s Prison (Su) A nimuein can create a cocoon-
like prison out of the surrounding environment, hidden Designer’s Note In Arthurian myth Merlin is often
among the natural setting, which affects one or more imprisoned within an evergreen tree (or a tomb) by a
living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst. This ability woman (or dryad) he desired who despised him for that
has a range of 150 ft. This effect holds a subject in a desire after he taught her all the secrets of her magic.
permanent stasis; while so imprisoned, the subject is
helpless, grows no older and its body functions virtually
cease. For up to one hour per day, the nimuein can
Shadhavar (Unicorn)
mentally communicate with it, although it is in no way Description This vicious carnivore is a thin, gazelle-
compelled to answer any questions or even respond like creature, as tall as a horse with a single fluted,
unless the nimuein uses her charm person ability. hollow horn; it has dark patches around its eyes, which
Only locate creature or similar divinations can find an make it appear as if it is weeping. A shadhavar moves
imprisoned target. A Knowledge (nature) check DC 14 with exceptional poise, though its eyes seem to convey a
will reveal that a break enchantment, greater deep sorrow.
restoration, lesser restoration, or restoration effect can Alignment CE; this replaces a unicorn’s CG alignment.
free a subject. Aura magic circle against good; this replaces a
This ability replaces a dryad’s deep slumber and unicorn’s magic circle against evil.
suggestion spell-like abilities. It can also be dismissed Horn Song (Su) The shadhavar can choose to cause
by a nimuein, but her death does not end the effect. wind to pass through its fluted horn causing it to
Environment arctic and temperate forests; this emanate a magical melody that attracts living creatures
replaces a dryad’s temperate forests. within 100 ft. and compel them to come toward it unless
they succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 21). Affected

creatures feel elated and pleased to be near the
shadhavar and desire to touch it. The compulsion to stay
in the area or touch the shadhavar is overpowering, and Murder of Crows CR 3
victims will fight to follow their urges. Those affected XP 800
will neither harm the shadhavar nor defend themselves N Tiny animal (swarm)
against its attacks. If an unaffected creature spends a Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +11
full round shaking an affected one, the victim can
attempt another saving throw. This can only be DEFENSE
attempted once. A successful second save releases the AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
creature from the compulsion, but it can be subject to hp 27 (6d8)
the effect again as soon as 1d6 minutes later, even if it is Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +4
no longer within the shadhavar’s range (unless the Defensive Abilities half damage from slashing and
subject knows for certain the shadhavar is dead). In piercing weapons; Immune swarm traits
such a case, the creature must make a third save. If this
save fails, the affected creature attempts to return to the OFFENSE
shadhavar. The compulsion lasts up to an hour. The save Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
DC is Charisma-based. Melee swarm (2d6 plus distraction and eye rake)
This replaces all of a unicorn’s wild empathy and spell- Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
like abilities. Special Attacks eye rake
Magical Strike (Ex) A unicorn's gore attack is treated
as a magic evil weapon for the purposes of damage TACTICS
reduction. These crows are particularly aggressive, and anyone that
This replaces a unicorn’s normal magic strike ability. enters the building or the nearby yard will find himself
Racial Modifiers +3 Survival in plains; this replaces beset upon by swarms of angry birds. Once roused, the
the unicorn’s +3 Survival in forests. murder of crows pursues the PCs until they seek shelter
Environment temperate or warm plains; this replaces in another building. The crows fight to the death.
a unicorn’s temperate forests.

CR 4 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6

Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 9
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill
Focus (Perception)
Dreaded Decoy (Scarecrow) Skills Fly +12, Perception +11, Stealth +0
Description This appears to be a decoy, similar to a
scarecrow, made from metal odds and ends rather than SPECIAL ABILITIES
hay and a pumpkin, and it is often made to look like Eye-Rake (Ex) Any living creature damaged by a
something other than a humanoid figure. It has a small murder of crows must succeed on a DC 13 Reflex save or
windmill-type device attached to its back that seems to be blinded as the swarm scratches and tears at the
power random movements of its body to scare off other victim’s eyes. The save DC is Constitution-based.
creatures. Although they obey the commands of their
masters, they have a chance of going wild unlike normal ECOLOGY
scarecrows. Environment temperate forests
Immune fire; this replaces a scarecrow’s immunity to Organization Solitary, pack (2–4), or storm (5–10)
cold. Treasure none
Weaknesses vulnerability to electricity; this replaces a
scarecrow’s vulnerability to fire. A murder of crows is a disorienting mass of angered
Melee 1 slam +8 (1d8+3 plus fear); this replaces a birds. Crows have the same general characteristics and
scarecrow’s 2 slam melee attacks. habitat of normal ravens.
Berserk (Ex) When a dreaded decoy enters combat,
there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its
animating spirit breaks free and the construct goes
berserk. This chance resets to 0% after one minute of Giant Scythe Beetle (Giant Stag
inactivity. A berserk construct attacks the nearest living Beetle)
creature or smashes some object smaller than itself if no
Slightly smaller than a giant stag beetle, giant scythe
creature is within reach. Once it goes berserk, no known
method can reestablish control. beetles are carnivores; they do not wrestle with suitors
Murder Most Fowl (Su) As a standard action, this or enemies but instead seek to kill with a single bite.
construct can summon a murder of crows to attack its Vicious Critical (Ex) A giant scythe beetle’s bite
foes. It can only summon one murder of crows at a time, attack threatens a critical hit on an 18–20. Upon a
successful critical it deals x4 damage and deals 1d4
though it can dismiss the swarm as a standard action. If
the swarm is dispersed, the dreaded decoy cannot points of Constitution damage.
summon another murder of crows for 24 hours. This replaces a giant stag beetle’s trample special attack.
This ability replaces a scarecrow’s fascinating gaze. Environment any

Oruborus (Amphisbaena) Speed The parasitic ooze has an imperfect control over
its victim’s motor skills, giving it a slightly jerky motion
Description An oruborus never attacks alchemists or as it moves. Reduce the speed for all the creature’s
those who use chronomancy (such as time thieves and movement modes by 5 ft.
time wardens) unless it is backed into a corner, choosing Special Attacks and Qualities A parasitic ooze can
instead to attack other foes or to flee. It seems to have use its victim’s abilities. The ooze uses its parasite ability
some type of supernatural sense that makes it aware of but loses all its other abilities including its immunity to
these creatures. mind affecting effects (and freeing the creature from its
Speed 40 ft.; this replaces the amphisbaena’s land paralysis) In addition, the base creature gains the
speed, and it loses the amphisbaena’s climb and swim following abilities.
speeds. Ooze Carrier (Ex): All hosts have adult parasitic oozes
Coiled Charge (Ex) This fearsome attack is similar to lodged within them. This ooze cannot be the target of
a trample attack except as noted. An oruborus grasps attacks or spells unless the attack can somehow see
one head in the other, and, rolling like a hoop, throws through the host’s body. Against area attacks and
itself at its enemies, crushing them with its bulk. The similar spells that could damage both the host and the
serpent may use a full-round action to take double its ooze inside it, the ooze gains damage reduction 10/–
normal charge movement. It gains the benefits of any due to the protective layers of flesh and bone around it.
feats that modify its charge attack or distance as normal, The ooze can escape from its carrier as a standard action
though it can move through both enemies and allies that and drops to the base creature’s ft.; the base creature is
are at least one size category smaller than it (usually nauseated for one round and then loses this template.
Medium or smaller). Any creature’s space that the The ooze may choose to hide within a defeated host’s
oruborus completely covers during the course of its body, allowing it to remain concealed unless its
movement is affected by the coiled charge attack. This opponents cut open the creature’s corpse.
attack deals 2d8+3 points of bludgeoning damage. A Mind-affecting effects are the ooze’s one weakness when
Reflex save (DC 15) cuts this damage in half. Creatures it is inside its carrier. Any such spells cast on the carrier
affected by this attack can choose to suffer a –4 penalty affect the ooze directly, due to the close mental
to their Reflex saves in order to make attacks of connection it forges with its victim.
opportunity against the oruborus. A target can never Ooze Spawn (Ex): The ooze’s young can burst from the
take damage from this ability more than once from the host’s torso with a sudden, sharp force. If the oozes
same oruborus in a single round, even if the oruborus within a host gives birth during an encounter, all
moves back and forth over the target. The save DC is creatures within 30 ft. of the host must make Reflex
Strength-based. saves (DC 14) or take 1 point of damage per Hit Die of
This replaces an amphisbaena’s split defensive ability, the host creature. A successful save cuts this damage in
its immunity to petrification and its resistance to cold. half. The newborn oozes are too small and weak to have
Racial Modifiers An oruborus loses the any effect on combat, though the full-grown ooze
amphisbaena’s Climb and Swim racial skill bonuses. emerges from the host to attack as normal. The ooze
host must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or suffer 2d6
Parasitic Ooze (Slithering Tracker) Con damage, a successful save results in half damage.
Description Unlike a normal slithering tracker, this Saves The host uses its own Reflex and Fortitude save
ooze does not seek to kill its victim but to use it as a host bonuses as normal, but it uses the ooze’s Will save
so it can replicate itself. bonus. The creature suffers most attacks as normal
Parasite (Ex) A parasitic ooze can crawl into a except for mind-affecting ones. Those attacks (as
paralyzed victim as a full-round action. The victim then explained above) directly affect the parasitic ooze.
receives the parasitic ooze bearer template (no save, see Abilities Since the ooze has imperfect control over its
below). victim’s physical body, the host suffers a –2 penalty to
This ability replaces a slithering tracker’s blood drain Strength and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. The ooze’s
and grab special attacks. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores replace the
Languages Common (can only speak when using victim’s scores in those abilities.
parasite ability via its host victim); this replaces a Skills and Feats Because the ooze lacks its victim’s
slithering tracker’s usual languages. knowledge, it cannot access its victim’s learned abilities.
Environment Urban The host loses the benefit of all its skills and feats,
though the ooze can still use its own skills and feats. The
Parasitic Ooze Host Template ooze does not learn its victim’s languages and gains no
A creature that succumbs to a parasitic ooze’s attacks knowledge of its memories.
becomes the ooze’s puppet, an unwilling participant in Challenge Rating As the base creature’s.
its natural life cycle. Level Adjustment As the base creature’s.

Creating a parasitic ooze host Curing a Parasitic Ooze Host Creature

“Parasitic ooze host” is an acquired template that one Once a parasitic ooze has claimed a victim, the
can add to any animal, humanoid, or magical beast of unfortunate creature can survive for 2d4 weeks until the
Medium size or larger. The egg host uses the base ooze gives birth. A variety of spells and treatments can
creature’s statistics except as noted below. remove the ooze before that time. A Heal check (DC 25)
removes the ooze, though the ooze is immediately free to
attack. This procedure requires one hour of work, and
the patient must be tied down or otherwise
incapacitated. Several spells can cure the victim. Any
mind-affecting effect that compels, commands, or
charms the ooze can be used to force it out of the
victim’s body; once it leaves the body it regains its
immunity to mind-affecting effects and can immediately
attack. Remove disease forces the ooze to abandon its
victim immediately. Spells that cause internal damage
injure the ooze and its host. Both must save against the
spell as normal.

Wail Snail (Flail Snail)

Wail snails are far more aggressive than flail snails as
they seek to slay living creatures and use them as
compost upon which they can grow fungus, mold, and
vermin they subsist upon.
Alignment NE; this replaces a flail snail’s N alignment.
Knockout (Ex) If a wail snail hits with at least two
slam attacks, the target suffers from this devastating
combination of blows. The target must make a Fort save
(DC 15) or be stunned and knocked prone for 1d2
rounds. If an opponent is stunned and knocked prone
after the first two slam attacks, the wail snail will often
use the next two attacks on a different opponent, if there
is one within its reach. The save DC is Strength-based.
This special attack replaces a flail snail’s mucus, slime
rope, and resist fire abilities.

CR 5 Dogs of War
Blind Cyclops (Cyclops) This replaces a cyclops’s flash of insight special quality.
Description These cyclopses are the god-cursed Environment any; this replaces the normal any
descendants of a foolish cyclops. The single eye always temperate or tropical.
looks as if it has been destroyed by some sharp object.
The cursed blind cyclopses see glimmers of the future,
but only awful aspects of what might be. Blind cyclopses
Dogs of War (Winter Wolf)
are typically doing something hard to understand—they This massive dog has dark grey fur and blood red saliva
attack personages with no clear motivation, while and lolling tongues. Its eyes glow with a red light. Dogs
providing cryptic advice to others. They arrive in force to of war are animals from beyond our reality, infused with
defend a city from a dragon, then leave wordlessly when the essence of the shards of the broken implements of
orcs attack. The truth is, they see things that they know war by the deities of battle (it can expel part of this
can be changed. Their assistance helps others alter or essence with its breath weapon attack). Dogs of war will
avoid the terrible events they have foreseen. This often ally themselves with fire giants, hobgoblins and
knowledge sometimes compels them to commit strange, other militaristic cultures as scouts, guards, and
violent and sometimes evil acts, but they do not care, sometimes mounts.
and they never explain themselves. Alignment LE; this replaces a winter wolf’s NE
Alignment CG; this replaces the cyclops’ CE. alignment.
Senses Blindsight 60 ft.; this replaces a cyclops’s low- Subtype extraplanar; this replaces a winter wolf’s cold
light vision subtype.
Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and DR 15/bludgeoning; this replaces a winter wolf’s
other attack forms that rely on sight. immunity to cold.
Precognitive (Su) Blind cyclopses can see into the Weaknesses vulnerability to bludgeoning; this
future, but they have no control over what they see. replaces a winter wolf’s vulnerability to fire.
What they see is always bad, though not necessarily Special Attacks breath weapon (every 1d4 rounds, 15-
about themselves personally. Once per day as an ft. cone, 6d6 magic slashing and piercing damage, Reflex
immediate action they gain a +4 insight bonus to half DC 17); this replaces the winter wolf’s breath
initiative checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving weapon special attack.
throws, skill checks, combat maneuvers, CMD and Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth (+8 on battlefields); this
Armor Class for 5 rounds. They might also (at the GM’s replaces a winter wolf’s racial bonus to Stealth.
discretion) know an opponent’s weakness, likely tactics, Environment urban; this replaces a winter wolf’s
or some other vital bit of information ahead of time. normal environment.
Goggling Watcher (Gibbering Mouther)
Description This horrid mass of eyes, mouths, and Ray of Desiccation
formless flesh stares in all directions, yet its maws are School Necromancy; Level Druid 5, Magus 5,
utterly silent, unlike its gibbering mouther kin. Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Summoner 5, Witch 5
Exceedingly xenophobic, goggling watchers seek to Casting Time 1 standard action
eliminate any creature that is not a goggling watcher. Components V, S, M (a sponge)
Unlike gibbering mothers, they will form underground Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)
communities and wage war on any and all nearby Effect One or more rays
settlements. Goggling watchers worship an insane Duration 1 minute/level
otherworldly being from the darkness between the stars. Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance Yes
Ranged rays +6 ranged touch; this replaces a gibbering You fire a desiccating ray that drains the water from a
mouther’s melee attacks. target on a successful ranged touch attack roll. You may
Eye Rays (Sp) Roll 1d4 for each opponent and then fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels
roll randomly on the chart below to see which rays can beyond 9th (to a maximum of three rays at 17th level).
potentially affect a target. Caster level 4 (equal to the Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit. The rays
goggling watcher’s HD) and the save DC is Constitution- must be fired at different targets and are fired
based. simultaneously. The target suffers 1d6+1/2 levels (max
1. blinding ray (DC 19) 1d6+5) penalty to its Constitution score. The subject’s
2. dimensional anchor Constitution score cannot drop below 1. Oozes and
3. disintegrate (DC 23) creatures with the aquatic or water subtype are
4. enervation particularly susceptible, suffering 1d6+1/level (max.
5. polar ray 1d6+10) penalty to their Constitution score and their
6. ray of desiccation Constitution score can drop below 1 (resulting in death).
7. ray of enfeeblement (DC18) Creatures with the fire subtype are immune to this spell.
8. ray of exhaustion (DC 20)
9. ray of frost
10. ray of sickening (DC 18) on a supernatural life of its own. They often spout this
11. scorching ray singular riddle while they are fighting.
12. searing light Riddled Wounding (Su) The damage a riddling
This replaces a gibbering mouther’s blood drain, engulf, sphinx deals does not heal naturally (including
gibbering, and spittle special attacks. regeneration and fast healing) and resists healing spells
Organization solitary, spectacle (2–6), mass (7-70); and effects. A creature attempting to cast a conjuration
this replaces a gibbering mouther’s solitary. (healing) spell or other restorative spell or effect on a
creature damaged by a riddling sphinx must speak a
Regal Serpent (Basilisk) specific riddle the sphinx has chosen (and the riddle
Description Unlike its cousin the basilisk, this serpent must be answered correctly) or the spell or effect fails to
has no legs and on its head is a mitre—or crown-shaped work on the injured creature. Any spell or effect that will
crest, and its eyes glow with a royal purple fire. Regal remove a bestow curse (DC 16) also removes this effect.
serpents have an irrational fear of weasels and If the check fails, however, the same caster cannot try
mongooses. They gain the panicked condition if they again until she gains an additional caster level. This is a
detect the presence of one. necromantic curse effect; the removal DC is Wisdom-
Grave Gaze (Su) dead/unconscious special, range 30 based.
ft., Fortitude DC 15 negates. Any living creature must This ability replaces the hieracosphinx’s shriek special
succeed on a Fortitude save or be permanently rendered attack.
unconscious (appearing dead, see below). Anyone
rendered unconscious by this ability seems dead, though
a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals
CR 6
that the victim is still alive. Any spell that can remove a
bestow curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse
Barbed Wyvern (Wyvern)
spell description, with a DC equal to the Grave Gaze’s Description This wyvern is dark brown rather than the
DC). A Heal check DC 20 reveals that when a creature is blue color of its kin, it is also missing the wyvern’s
coated (not just splashed) with fresh regal serpent blood characteristic stinger but its entire body, including parts
(taken from a regal serpent no more than 1 hour dead) it of its wings, is covered with menacing, twisted barbs.
instantly regains consciousness. A single regal serpent Barbed wyverns are much more passive than their
contains enough blood to coat 1d3 Medium creatures in wyvern cousins and are often willing to ask for what they
this manner. The effect cannot be dispelled. want before attacking and they will honor any
This replaces the basilisk’s gaze special attack agreement they come to but often times their
negotiations are very one sided and crude.
Melee tail slap+10 melee (1d6+4 plus pain), bite +10
Riddling Hieracosphinx (Hieracosphinx) melee (2d6+4), 2 wings +5 (1d6+2 plus pain); this
In order to attract gynosphinxes, these creatures have replaces a wyvern’s normal melee attacks.
memorized a singular riddle to a point that it has taken
Barbed Defense (Ex) A creature that strikes a barbed Melee Bite +13 (4d8 +4 plus grab) and tail slap +11
wyvern with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike (2d6+2 plus grab); this replaces a lamia’s dagger, touch,
(including grappling), or a natural weapon takes 1d6+4 and claw attacks.
points of piercing damage from the dragon’s barbs plus Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite); this replaces a lamia’s
the effects of its pain special attack. Melee weapons with normal reach.
reach do not endanger a user in this way. Special Attacks constrict (tail slap, 2d6 +6), grab,
This ability replaces the barbed wyvern’s grab and rake swallow whole ( bite, 7d6 acid damage, AC 13, hp 6).
special attacks. God-Cursed (Su) a gluttonous lamia possess the bite,
Pain (Ex): Whenever a creature takes damage from a grapple, constrict, grab, and swallow whole special
barbed wyvern’s tail slap, wings, or its barbed defense, attacks as if she were a Gargantuan creature. Creatures
that creature must make a successful DC 17 Reflex save swallowed whole are not actually in her stomach as this
or one barb breaks off in its flesh, causing the target to is actually an extradimensional space and the damage
become sickened until all embedded barbs are removed. dealt does not harm the gluttonous lamia.
Removing one barb requires a DC 15 Heal check made This replaces a lamia’s Wisdom drain special attack and
as a full-round action. For every 5 by which the check is all of a lamia’s spell-like abilities except disguise self.
exceeded, one additional quill can be removed. On a CMB +14 (+24 grapple); CMD 28 (34 vs grapple, 32 vs.
failed check, a quill is still removed, but the process trip); this replaces a lamia’s normal CMB and CMD.
deals 1d4+1 points of damage to the victim. The save DC
is Constitution-based.
This ability replaces a wyvern’s poison special ability.
Rolling Mound (Shambling Mound)
Description This mass of compost and dripping slime
rolls about, reeking of rot and freshly turned earth.
Genie, Thunder Jinn (Genie, Djinni) Rolling mounds are restless creatures and only use
Description A thunder jinn’s lower torso trails away stealth to hide from dangerous foes. Unlike shambling
into a cascade of lightning and ripples of thunder. mounds, they never lie in wait waiting patiently for a
Unlike djinni, thunder jinn love physical violence, and potential meal. Rolling mounds also like to travel in
enjoy nothing more than causing wanton destruction, pairs rather than be alone.
but are as happy bringing ruin to an isolated mountain Melee 2 slams +11 (2d6+7 plus poison)
pass as they are decimating a city. Poison (Ex) slam or rolling engulf—contact; save Fort
Alignment CE; this replaces a djinni’s CG alignment. DC 17; frequency 1/ round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2
Immune electricity, sonic; this replaces immunity to points Constitution damage; cure 1 save.
acid and wind walk and gaseous form spell like This replaces a shambling mound’s grab special attack.
abilities. Rolling Engulf (Ex) The rolling mound can engulf
Weakness silence vulnerability (see below). creatures in its path as part of its movement. The rolling
Silence Vulnerability (Ex) A thunder jinn, while mound usually rolls into its foe, moving over its
within the area of a silence spell, cannot attack and is opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Targeted
staggered. creatures can make attacks of opportunity against the
This replaces a djinni’s create food and water spell-like creature, but if they do so, they are not entitled to a
ability. saving throw against the engulf attack. Those who do
Thunder and Lightning (Su) once every 1d4 rounds not attempt attacks of opportunity can attempt a Reflex
a thunder jinn can activate this ability; when it does a 30 save (DC 19) to avoid being engulfed—on a success, they
ft. diameter lighting strike centered on the thunder jinn are pushed back or aside (target’s choice) as the rolling
impacts the area (even if the jinn is underground). The mound moves forward. Engulfed opponents gain the
strike harms everything in the area dealing 4d6 points of pinned condition, are in danger of suffocating, are
electricity and 4d6 points of sonic damage and creatures trapped within the creature’s body until they are no
are stunned for 1 round. A successful Fort save (DC 15) longer pinned, and are subject to the rolling mound’s
halves the damage and negates the stun effect. poison special attack. The save DC is Strength-based.
This replaces a djinni’s whirlwind special attack. This replaces a shambling mound’s constrict special
Thundering (Ex) Each of a thunder jinn’s natural attack.
melee attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons Organization solitary or pair; this replaces a
deals+1d6 points of sonic damage. shambling mounds solitary.
This replaces a djinni’s major creation and persistent
image spell-like abilities. Will-
the-Pit (Will-
Description Unlike a normal will-o'-wisp, this creature
Gluttonous Lamia (Lamia) can only glow a deep brown color. Also contrasting with
its kin, a will-o’-the-pit actively seeks to create death,
Description This creature's upper torso is that of a
peril, and other hazards so it can float nearby and feast.
comely woman with a hideously large maw, and
Create Pit (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard
reptilian eyes, while her lower body is that of a serpent.
action, a will-o’-the-pit can create a 10-ft.-by-10-ft.
These once mortal women were transformed by the
extra-dimensional hole, with a depth of 30 ft., within
curse of a spiteful deity after murdering their children;
200 ft. of itself. It must create the pit on a horizontal
to this day they seek to kill and consume children, but
surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another
truly they will settle for any other humanoid creature.
dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise

displace the original underlying material. It can create
the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon
floor or the ground of a forest. Any creature standing in
the area where the will-o’-the-pit first conjured the pit
must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 19) to avoid falling
into it. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and
any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the
pit must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 19), with a +2
bonus, to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an
effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull
rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they
are affected by the pushing effect.
Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as
normal. The pit's coarse stone walls have a Climb DC of
25. These pits remain for 1 minute when the duration
ends; creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom
of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the
course of a single round.
This replaces a will-o-wisp’s melee attack.
Immunity to Magic Will-o'-wisps are immune to all
spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance,
except conjuration spells.
This replaces a will-o-wisp’s normal immunity to magic. Asteriae
Feats Ability Focus (create pit); this replaces Weapon
Finesse. successful, it deals 3d6 points of fire damage and 3d6
Environment underground; this replaces a will-o- points of electricity damage.
wisp’s any swamp. This replaces a nymph’s druidic spellcasting.
Interplanetary Teleportation (Sp) an asteriae can
CR 7 use interplanetary teleport (CL 17) once per day as a
spell-like ability.
This replaces a nymph’s wild empathy special quality
Asteriae (Nymph) and dimension door spell-like ability.
Description A delicate figure appears out of nowhere Environment any non-underground
in a flash of starlight, her long ears tapering to points
above her head, her body accompanied by circling motes
of light like streaking stars, her beauty painful in its
Cobra Naga (Water Naga)
perfection. While not an evil creature, an asteriae is an Description A large flap of skin forms a cobra-like
amoral creature as it values only light, stars, skies, and hood that runs from the back of its human-like face,
art, and cares very little for nature, unlike normal halfway down the spine. Its eyes burn like crimson
nymphs. She is a vicious foe of those who promote the embers and its long, forked tongue flickers. Every
ethos of darkness, dark tapestry, caves, earth, loss, and motion of the serpent’s body sets its brightly patterned
the void. scales and glistening fins to flashing like gems in the
Circle of Stars (Su) The asteriae can summon six tiny surf. A predatory carnivorous naga, a cobra naga does
motes of light once every 1d4 rounds as a standard not travel as far and wide as a water naga, but it is
action, if she activates the ability she dismisses her fiercely territorial.
existing circle of stars. The conjured “stars” circle her, Immune poison
floating about 1 to 3 from her. Each “star” leaves behind Beguiling Gaze (Su) fascinated, 120 ft., Will DC 18
a trail of glowing light, as if it were a miniature, falling negates. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. The
star. Each “star” protects the asteriae against attacks by save DC is Charisma-based.
interposing itself between the asteriae and an attack. Spit Poison (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, a cobra naga
Each “star” can take up to 8 points of damage or negate can spit a line of poison from its mouth to a range of 30
up to 1 spell level before disintegrating. Any spell attack ft. as a ranged touch attack (+11). A creature hit by the
or damage not absorbed is carried over to the asteriae. venom must make Fortitude saves to resist the poison as
Essentially an asteriae can absorb 48 points of damage if bitten, and must also succeed on a DC 19 Reflex save
or 6 spell levels. For example a 4th level spell will would or be blinded. The save DC for this ability is
be absorbed and disintegrate 4 stars, while a 7th level Constitution-based.
spell would not be affected. Rejuvenation (Su) Unless the body of the naga is
In addition, as a move action, the asteriae can direct one completely destroyed it reappears 1d10 days later having
of her circling “stars” to streak away from its protective “shed its skin.” After this time passes, the naga awakens
circuit and attack a foe. She may direct only one such fully healed, usually with a burning need for revenge
“star” in this fashion each round. A commanded “star” against those who previously destroyed it.
can be directed to attack any one target within her line This replaces a water naga’s ability to cast spells as a
of sight as if she were making a ranged touch attack. If sorcerer.

Euryale (Medusa) for 1 day. Evil spellcasters can raise the slain character
normally, without a check.
Description Euryales have hands of brass, wild boar This replaces a hellcat’s invisible in light defensive
tusks, and animated flowing hair of blood rather than ability.
the typical mane of snakes that its sisters do. All known
euryale are female and they are quite rare, they are
trying to increase their numbers through breeding with Living
Living Flesh Golem (Flame Drake)
blind male humanoids they find along the coast lines. This hideous monstrosity looks like a red-and-yellow
Subtype (aquatic) scaled dragon, but with two legs crafted from body parts
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; this replaces a medusa’s stitched together with thick string, wire, and metal
normal speed. staples, a horrific mockery of life.
Melee bite +10 (1d6/18–20), hair lash+10 (1d12/18- XP 3,200
20); this replaces a medusa’s normal melee attacks. CE Large Construct (fire)
Reach 5 ft. (20 ft. with bloody hair); this replaces a Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
medusa’s normal reach. scent; Perception+10
Bloody Hair (Ex) A euryale can animate her hair to
make a natural attack with a reach of 20 ft. dealing 1d12
points of damage. Unless her hair is bound, she is Defense
always considered armed. Her hair is considered a light AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 23 (+1 Dex, +14 natural, –1
weapon. She can use her hair to grasp and retrieve size)
items, grapple, or to perform other combat maneuvers hp 69 (6d12+30)
as part of any attack without provoking an attack of Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6
opportunity, but she cannot wield weapons with it. She DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits, fire,
can use the Weapon Finesse feat with her hair. She can magic, paralysis, sleep
use the Weapon Finesse feat to use her Dexterity instead Weakness vulnerability to cold
of Strength for all combat maneuvers. When a euryale
performs a full attack action, she can give up all other Offense
attacks and instead make one melee attack at her full Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. Melee bite +13 (2d6+8 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +8
Her hair is considered a magical weapon for the purpose (1d6+4)
of overcoming damage reduction. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
This replaces a medusa’s all around vision and her Special Attacks berserk, fireball breath
ranged attacks.
Petrifying Critical (Ex) A euryale’s attacks threaten a Statistics
critical hit on an 18–20. If a euryale confirms a critical Str 27, Dex 13, Con -, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10
hit, it can force a creature to look in its eyes (pulling Base Atk +6; CMB +15; CMD 26
away a blind fold, holding open its eye lids with her hair, Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
forcing it to look up) as a free action. These creatures are Skills Fly +8, Intimidate +9, Perception +10, Stealth
subject to her petrifying gaze. +6, Survival +10
This ability replaces a medusa’s poison special attack. Languages Draconic
SQ amphibious SQ animating spirit (see living flesh golem template),
CMB +10 speed surge
Skills Perception +12
Environment any aquatic; this replaces a medusa’s Berserk When a flesh golem enters combat, there is a
temperate marshes and underground cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental
spirit breaks free and the golem goes berserk. The
Hellfire Cat
Cat (Hellcat) uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the
nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller
Description This eerie beast appears to be a massive than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on
great cat composed entirely of hellfire. to spread more destruction. The golem's creator, if
Subtype (fire) within 60 ft., can try to regain control by speaking firmly
Weakness vulnerability to cold and persuasively to the golem, which requires a DC 19
Hellfire (Su) Half the damage a hellfire cat deals is fire Charisma check. It takes 1 minute of inactivity by the
damage, but the other half results directly from unholy golem to reset the golem's berserk chance to 0%.
power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by
resistance to fire-based attacks. Immunity to Magic (Ex) A flesh golem is immune to
Any creature killed by a hellfire cat must make a Will any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
save (DC 18); failure means the creature’s soul is In addition, certain spells and effects function
damned to Hell as a burst of brimstone appears around differently against the creature, as noted below.
its corpse. A non-evil spellcaster attempting to bring the
• A magical attack that deals cold or fire damage
character back from the dead must make a caster level
slows a flesh golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6
check (DC equal to 10 plus the slain creature’s HD) to
rounds (no save).
succeed; failure means the spellcaster cannot try again

• A magical attack that deals electricity damage
breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1
point of damage for every 3 points of damage
the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount
of healing would cause the golem to exceed its
full normal hit points, it gains any excess as
temporary hit points. A flesh golem gets no
saving throw against attacks that deal
electricity damage.

Fireball Breath (Su) A flame drake can, as a standard

action, breathe a ball of flame that explodes like a
fireball. This attack has a range of 180 ft. and deals 5d6
points of fire damage (DC 13 Reflex half) to all creatures
within a 20-ft.-radius spread. Once a flame drake has
used its fireball breath, it cannot do so again for 1d6
rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift
action, a flame drake may draw on its draconic heritage
for a boost of strength and speed to take an additional
move action in that round.

Simple Template: Living Flesh Golem

(Flesh Golem) CR +2
This simple template can be applied to any living
corporeal creature.
Creature type gains the construct creature type; do
not change HD, BAB, skill points, feats, or base save
bonuses, a living flesh golem does gain bonus hit points
based on its size as per the construct creature type. A Bladeleaf
living flesh golem creature’s quick and rebuild rules are
the same.
DR 5/adamantine (if the creature’s new CR is 10 or
higher increase this to 10, if it is CR 15 or higher increase
this to 15). AC the base creature’s natural armor
CR 8
increases by +10.
Immune the base creature gains construct traits, and
immunity magic as a flesh golem. Bladeleaf (Treant)
Weakness: spirit within. Description The leaves of this tree are incredibly long
Special Attacks the base creature gains berserk as a and thin, though often its limbs are bear as leaves lay
flesh golem. upon the ground. It is believed these treants evolved
Abilities Str +6, as a construct, a living flesh golem naturally over time to deal with the threat of flying
does not have a Constitution score, but retains its opponents; they are far more impulsive than any other
mental ability scores. treant and often act rather hastily.
Animating Spirit: Though the living flesh golem is not Animate Leaves (Su) A bladeleaf can shed its leaves
a living creature, a “spirit” still resides within it. Unlike as a standard action. When shed, the leaves change to
most constructs, the living flesh golem is not immune to autumn colors and become hard and sharp as steel,
mind affecting and necromantic effects. A living flesh animated into a swarm by the will of the bladeleaf. The
construct takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against animated leaves are treated as a swarm (see below). If
mind-affecting effects and a successful Charisma check the swarm is destroyed, the bladeleaf can completely re-
can overcome the creature’s berserk special attack. grow all its lost leaves in 1 minute. The bladeleaf may
Certain spells that rely on the existence of a creature’s reattach these shed leaves as a standard action, in which
soul (not “life force”) —namely astral projection, clone, case they return to their normal color and texture. The
magic jar, and soulbind— can affect these constructs. bladeleaf controls the swarm as a free action and can
No other necromantic effects affect a living flesh golem, maneuver it out to a distance of 300 ft.
and they are still immune to death effects. Though they This ability replaces a treant’s animate trees ability.
cannot be raised or resurrected, living flesh golems can
be reincarnated as described by the reincarnate spell.

opponent partially absorbed (or fully absorbed) in its
body, the creature suffers from its heat ability and it can
Anima ted Leaves attempt a new combat maneuver check as a swift action
N Fine plant (swarm) (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it
Init -1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12 succeeds, that opponent is paralyzed (or pinned if it is
immune to paralyzation) and begins to suffocate.
Defense A Large brazen bull’s interior can hold 1 Medium, 2
Small, or 8 Tiny or smaller creatures.
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21 (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 This replaces a gorgon’s breath weapon special attack.
size) Heat (Su): An enraged brazen bull generates heat so
hp 50 (12d8) intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6 points
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +9
of fire damage. Creatures striking a brazen bull with
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune plant natural attacks or unarmed strikes are subject to this
traits, weapon damage. damage, but creatures striking with melee weapons are
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire not. The heat can melt or burn weapons; any weapon
that strikes a brazen bull is allowed a DC 19 Fortitude
Offense save to avoid taking damage. The save DC is
Speed 90 ft. fly (perfect) Constitution-based.
Melee swarm (5d6 plus bleed, distraction) This ability replaces a gorgon’s trample special attack.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft. CMB +16 (+20 grapple)
Special Attacks bleed (2 Con), distraction (DC 16) Environment any; this replaces a gorgon’s temperate
plains, rocky hills, and underground.
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13
Conundrum Sphinx (Gynosphinx)
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 18 Description Conundrum sphinxes are whimsical and
Feats Alertness, Improved Critical (slam), Improved enjoy cursing those who offend them as well as those
Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam) they wish to simply test; they often tend to play
Skills Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge favorites, though whom they favor can change quickly.
(nature) +9, Perception +12, Sense Motive +9, Stealth – They believe that those who cannot solve their riddles
9 (+7 in forests); Racial Modifiers +16 Stealth in are less than animals. They treasure only puzzles and
forests riddles.
Languages Common, Sylvan, Treant (understands but Alignment CN; this replaces a gynosphinx’s N.
cannot speak) Conundrum Curse (Su) Any creature successfully
SQ double damage against objects, treespeech damaged by this sphinx must make a successful Will
save (DC 20), or gain the puzzle creature template (See
below) and disassemble into pieces. The sphinx can
pronounce this curse as a standard action and affect any
Brazen Bull (Gorgon) creature within 60ft. A creature that successfully saves
Description This bull-like creature seems to be made against this curse is immune to this sphinx’s conundrum
of interlocking bronze plates, a glow bright red light curse for 24 hours. This is a curse effect but its DC for a
escapes from between the gaps. Faint plumes of black remove curse is 30 (+10 circumstance bonus) unless the
smoke puff from its mouth and nostrils. Brazen bulls are caster knows the answer to the riddle.
sadistic creatures often mistaken for bronze constructs. This replaces a sphinx’s locate object, read magic,
They like to target smaller and weaker creatures, remove curse and symbol spell-like abilities.
absorbing them, and fleeing until that creature suffers a
horrible painful death. Brazen bulls derive nutrients Miasma Serpent (Behir)
from the pain and death of those they absorb.
Alignment LE. Description This slithering, legless reptile glows a
Immune fire, cold; this replaces a gorgon’s 2 hooves sickly green color and has a fearsome head crowned
melee attacks. with two large, curling horns. Miasma serpents are
Absorb Foe (Su) A brazen bull can try to absorb an wicked and spiteful seeking to infect or kill creatures for
opponent it successfully hits with a gore attack, up to the sheer joy of spreading misery, attacking the loved
one size smaller than itself, into its interior by making a ones or supporting lesser allies of their foes, if the true
successful grapple check (it gains a +4 bonus, this does enemy is too powerful. However, they still hate dragons
not provoke an attack of opportunity). This creature is just as much as their behir cousins do.
only partially absorbed and can still escape as a standard Alignment CE; this replaces a behir’s N alignment.
action with a successful combat maneuver (grapple) or Senses smoke sight.
Escape Artist check (DC equal to the brazen bull’s Immune Fire, inhaled poisons and gas-, fog-, or cloud-
CMD). An opponent partially absorbed into the brazen based attacks and spells. This replaces a behir’s
bull’s interior suffers from the grappled condition (the immunity to electricity.
brazen bull is not considered grappled) and suffers from Breath Weapon (Su) 20-ft. cone, 2d6 Con damage,
its heat ability. If a brazen bull begins its turn with an Reflex DC 20 negates, failure requires a Fort save DC 20

or the victim is nauseated for 1d4 rounds and is afflicted
with the bubonic plague , usable every 1d4 rounds. This
is a poison and disease effect. Puzzle Creature Template
This replaces a behir’s normal breath weapon special (simple template) +0
Disease (Ex) Bubonic Plague (see below): Bite/Breath A puzzle creature's quick and rebuild rules are the same.
Accursed Riddle (Su) A puzzle creature is petrified,
Weapon/Constrict—injury; save Fort DC 20; onset 1
day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d4 Dex damage and 1 Cha transforming into a three dimensional puzzle,
damage and target is fatigued; cure 2 consecutive saves. disassembling, and having its pieces mixed up. The
The save DC is Constitution-based. solution to the riddle that cursed the puzzle creature,
This replaces a behir’s rake special attack. when spoken aloud next to the creature, when it is
assembled, removes this template. Speaking a wrong
Jaws of Death (Ex) If a miasma serpent begins its
turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab), answer to the riddle three times causes the puzzle
it can attempt a new combat maneuver check. If it creature to go berserk (it gains the benefits of the rage
succeeds, it pins the opponent in its jaws and deals spell) attacking the last speaker until the speaker is dead
automatic maximum bite damage (21 points). A creature or is no longer within line of sight.
that has been pinned in the miasma serpent’s mouth is Universal Language (Su) The puzzle creature can
not allowed a Reflex save against the creature's breath speak its accursed riddle in any language, and it will
weapon but that weapon only affects the pinned understand the answer regardless of what language it is
creature. spoken in.
The miasma serpent can drop a creature it has grappled Assemble (Ex) Assembling a puzzle creature from its
in its mouth as a free action or use a standard action to constituent pieces requires a successful Intelligence
fling it aside. A flung creature travels 1d6 × 10 ft., and check against DC 20 (subject can take 20) and takes one
takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 ft. traveled. If the minute (20 minutes if taking 20). If a creature has
creature flings a snatched opponent from a great height, solved the puzzle previously, it gains a +10 circumstance
the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, bonus to the check (allowing it to take 10 to solve it
whichever is greater. normally). Its petrified state is suppressed while it is
This replaces a behir’s swallow whole special attack. assembled. While assembled, the puzzle creature cannot
Smoke Sight (Su) A miasma serpent can see through speak any words except to recite its accursed riddle.
clouds, gases, fogs, mists, and smoke as though they Disassemble (Su) When a successful critical hit
didn’t inhibit vision. Creatures and objects do not gain strikes the puzzle creature, or if it is reduced to 0 hp or
concealment from a miasma serpent due to such below, the puzzle creature disassembles into its
conditions. inanimate pile of stone puzzle pieces. A puzzle creature
Environment any non-arctic this replaces a behir’s hence cannot die from hp damage while it is assembled
warm hills and deserts but it could die by other means or have its disassembled
petrified parts destroyed.

True Fury (Devil,

(Devil, Erinyes)
Description Some calamity has befallen this angelic
archer. Wings stained blood red shear the air as her
merciless eyes search for a target. Sometimes called a Bubonic Plague
nemesis angel, these creatures are executioners and Type disease, injury or inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 17
simply seek out and kill intended targets with a fierce Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
wrath. Effect 1d4 Con damage and 1 Cha damage and target is
Ranged +1 flaming composite longbow +14/+14/+9 fatigued; Cure 2 consecutive saves
(1d8+6/×3 plus 1d6 fire) or +3 flaming bane composite Infected vermin and parasites spread this disease, also
longbow +16/+16/+11 (1d8+8/×3 plus 1d6 fire +2d6 known as Daemon’s Touch or the Black Death, through
bane) this replaces the erinyes’ normal ranged attacks. their bites. Once contracted, the disease spreads quickly,
Bane (Su) A true fury can imbue one of her weapons polluting the victim’s body with toxins. As the disease
with the bane weapon special ability permanently as a reaches the lymph nodes, the victim suffers extreme
swift action. She must select one creature type when she inflammation of glands, and his skin might take on a
uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type black pallor. Symptoms include fever, headaches,
selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the nausea, fatigue, and swelling of the lymph nodes (called
type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only buboes) on the neck, underarms, and inner thigh areas,
functions while the true fury wields the weapon. If and eventually bleeding beneath the skin. A victim who
dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this takes any Constitution damage from the disease must
ability if it is returned to her. If she imbues a second immediately make a successful Fortitude save or become
weapon with the bane ability, the original weapon loses fatigued until all his Constitution damage is healed.
this ability. Each time a victim takes 2 points of Constitution
This ability replaces the erinyes’ rope entangle special damage from Black Death, he also takes 1 point of
attack. Charisma damage.
Discern Kith (Sp) A true fury often assaults the
friends, family, and loved ones of its chosen foe rather

than attacking the foe directly. Most often, the true fury This ability replaces a shedu’s magic circle against evil,
wants the opponent to suffer. Once per day it can learn remove disease, and dismissal spell-like abilities.
the names of one of these creatures (GM’s choice), its Discern Ward (Sp) A custodian shedu always knows
relationship to the opponent, and can locate this person the direction in which his ward is located, as long as they
as a discern location spell. are on the same plane (CL 12).
This replaces the erinyes’ minor image and summon This ability replaces a shedu’s detect good spell-like
spell-like abilities. ability.
Disproportionate Retribution (Su) Once per day a Ward-Bond (Su) If the shedu’s ward is within 60 ft. of
true fury can, as part of a melee attack action, deal an its custodian shedu, the ward gains a +2 bonus on all
amount of damage equal to the amount of damage dealt saving throws and SR 25 in addition to the benefits of a
to the true fury by a single attack within the last round shield other spell, with the custodian shedu taking the
plus an additional 50% of that damage. This ability damage.
replaces all damage and effects that would normally This ability replaces a shedu’s flame strike and shield
occur as part of the creature’s melee attack. other spell-like abilities.
This replaces the erinyes’ unholy blight spell-like ability. Environment urban; this replaces a shedu’s warm
Taking You With Me (Su) When killed, a true fury deserts.
creature explodes in a blinding flash of fire that deals 45
points of damage (half fire damage, half divine damage)
to anything within 90 ft.; a successful Reflex Save (DC
Fallen Zelekhut (Zelekhut)
19) halves the damage. The save DC is Constitution- This creature looks like a rusted mechanical centaur.
based. Corroded, clockwork wings sprout from its back, and its
This replaces the erinyes’ fear spell-like ability arms end in barbed chains. Fallen zelekhuts have
betrayed the law and order they once embraced and now
seek to help those beings who seek to evade justice. They
CR 9 do not care what law has been broken, whether minor
infraction or horrific murder. It is not its job to
moralize, merely to help criminals flee their
Adamantine Gorger (Aurumvorax)
(Aurumvorax) punishment.
Alignment CN; this replaces a zelekhut’s LN.
Powerful muscles ripple beneath the black metallic fur
Ensconce from Divination (Su) A fallen zelekhut is
of this small yet fearsome eight-legged beast.
completely immune to divination spells of any level,
Adamantine gorgers consume raw adamantine ore as
including discern location and even a wish or miracle
part of their dietary needs, though they still need fresh
spell used as a divination. Similar to mind blank, this
meat as well. Drow truly despise them for this as they go
effect provides foolproof protection against scrying and
far deeper into the earth than their normal cousins.
mind-reading attempts of any kind, and the fallen
DR 10/adamantine; this replaces an aurumvorax’s
zelekhut cannot be seen with a spell like arcane eye. An
normal DR and Resist fire 10.
invisible creature protected by this effect would also not
Adamantine Attacks (Ex) An adamantine gorger’s
be seen by see invisibility or true seeing spell.
natural attacks and grapple deal damage as adamantine
This replaces a zelekhut’s true seeing spell-like ability.
weapons, overcoming hardness and damage reduction
Great Escape (Sp) A fallen zelekhut can become
just as an adamantine weapon would.
invisible (as greater invisibility, a glamer) and move via
This replaces an aurumvorax’s immunity to poison.
a dimension door three times per day, and at the same
time, an illusory double of the fallen zelekhut (as major
Custodian Shedu (Shedu) image, a figment) appears superimposed perfectly over
Description Custodian shedus serve as the protectors its body so that observers don't notice an image
of national rulers, most often kings or other royalty and appearing and it disappearing. It is then free to go
often live with the ruler. Unlike normal shedu, they do elsewhere while it controls its illusionary double as a
not care about morality, only the protection of their free action. The double appears where it teleported from
wards and often work together to protect a ruler’s kith but moves as the fallen zelekhut directs as a free action.
and kin. It and the figment can then move in different directions.
Detect Poison (Sp) A custodian shedu gains detect The double moves at the fallen zelekhut’s speed and can
poison as a constant spell-like ability (CL 12). talk and gesture as if it were real, but it cannot attack,
This ability replaces a shedu’s detect chaos spell-like though it can pretend to do so. This effect lasts for 1
ability. minute.
Harm’s Way (Ex) Once per round, as an immediate This replaces a zelekhut’s clairaudience/clairvoyance,
action, if the custodian shedu is in a square adjacent to dimensional anchor, and locate creature spell-like
its ward and the ward is subject to an attack, including abilities.
an area effect, the custodian shedu can subject itself to True Freedom (Sp) A fallen zelekhut has a constant
the attack in the ward’s stead and the ward takes no freedom of movement effect and once per week can cast
damage. Resolve potential attacks against the custodian freedom.
shedu normally, including attack rolls and saving This replaces a zelekhut’s hold person, hold monster,
throws. mark of justice, and lesser geas spell-like abilities.

Ward (Su) A fallen zelekhut has a specific ward—a they hunt mortals who have wandered on the demonic
creature or object which it assists in escaping justice and planes. This rare creature will often lair near planar
the law. The fallen zelekhut’s supernatural and spell-like portals to the mortal world or have found its way there
abilities also benefit its ward if it is within 60 ft. so it can feed without concern.
Melee Bite +19 (2d6+9 plus dreaded) and 2 claws +19
Hoarfrost Giant (Frost Giant) (2d4+9 plus grab/19–20); this replaces a bebilith’s
normal melee attacks and web special attack.
Description A hoarfrost giant's hair is crystalline ice; it CMB +23 (+27 vs. grapple); CMD 34 (38 vs. trip); this
does not wear skins or pelts, but plated sheets of ice. replaces a bebilith’s normal CMB and CMD.
They are more courageous than their brethren as they Dreaded (Su) A character damaged by a bearlith’s bite
seek the glory of close-quarters combat and distain the attack must make a successful Will save DC 25 or be
use of weapons and ambush tactics; they seldom take inflicted with the cowering condition for 5 rounds. A
captives, executing them instead. successful saving throw results in the target being
Cold Burst (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds a hoarfrost shaken for one round.
giant can create a burst of cold as a swift action that fills This ability replaces a bebilith’s rot special attack.
a 30-ft. spread centered on the hoarfrost giant. This Peel Armor (Ex) If a creature with this special attack
burst of energy deals 7d6 cold damage and causes begins its turn with an opponent grappled in its claws
targets to become staggered; a successful Reflex save (see Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check as though
(DC 22) results in half damage and negates the attempting to pin the opponent; it uses its peel armor
staggered effect. The save DC is Constitution-based. special attack as if it had successfully hit that opponent
This replaces a frost giant’s ranged attacks, rock with both its claws. (The Dex penalty of the grappled
throwing special attack, and rock catching defensive condition applies to the opponent’s Reflex saving
ability. throw.)
Cold Strike (Su) A hoarfrost giant can imbue its slam This ability replaces a bebilith’s penetrating strike
attacks; they deal an extra +1d6 points of cold damage. special attack.
Upon a successful critical hit, its slam attacks explode Spell Grounding (Su) A bearlith’s plates, plumes and
with cold energy; it deals an extra 1d10 points of cold strange spikes have a special effect, that attracts touch
energy damage on a successful critical hit. attacks, rays and chain-type spells, such as scorching
This replaces a frost giant’s great axe melee attacks. ray and chain lightning. Any time the bearlith is within
range of touch attack, ray, or chain-type spell or effect, it
Hunting Rex (Tyrann
Tyrannosaurus) automatically arcs to the bearlith and is negated and the
Description A hunting rex’s teeth can crush bone and bearlith gains 5 temporary hp that last 1 hour for each
extract bone marrow from its prey. They tend to only do spell level of the effect.
this once before discarding a carcass, as their teeth are This ability replaces a bebilith’s plane shift spell-like
not well adapted to systematically chewing bone like ability
hyenas do. Hunting rexes are far more subtle in their
ways, often hunting a single chosen prey by scent over a Blaze Giant (Fire Giants)
very large area. Description A blaze giant’s beard is made of fire. They
Bone Crusher (Ex) If a hunting rex with this special are wild and unpredictable and have difficulty following
attack begins its turn with an opponent grappled in its orders and so are often pushed into the front lines to die
mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check by their fire giant brethren.
against that opponent. If it succeeds, it deals maximum Burn (Su) A blaze giant deals 1d6 fire damage in
bite damage (46 points) plus 4 points of Strength addition to damage dealt on a successful hit with its
damage and 4 points of Dexterity damage and inflicts melee attacks. A creature affected by the burn ability
the sickened condition. If the subject can make a must also succeed on a Reflex save (DC 22) or catch fire,
successful Fortitude save (DC 23) he suffers only half taking 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn for an
damage (both hp and ability damage) and negates the additional 1d4 rounds. A victim can attempt a new save
sickened condition. A victim can escape with a as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the
successful combat maneuver check or Escape Artist ground grants a +4 bonus on this save.
check (DC 39) as a standard action. The save DC is Creatures that hit the blaze giant with natural weapons
Constitution-based. or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by
This ability replaces the tyrannosaurus’s swallow whole the blaze giant’s burn attack and must make a Reflex
special attack. save to avoid catching on fire. The save DC is
CR 10 This replaces a fire giant’s heat rocks special attack and
ranged attacks.
Searing Pain (Su) Whenever a creature takes damage
from a blaze giant’s burn special attack, that creature
Bearlith (Bebilith) must make a successful Fort save DC 22 or become
Description This elephant-sized bear is covered in sickened until all damage from the burn attack is healed
blue metallic plates, strange purple plumes, and black or a Heal check (DC 22) is made as a full-round action.
spike-like quills. Bearlith’s do not hunt demons, rather, The save DC is Constitution-based.

This replaces a fire giant’s rock throwing, rock catching of damage per caster level to the golem (no
special abilities. save).
• Any magical attack against a maharal golem
Maharal Golem (Clay Golem) that deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage
for every 3 points of damage it would otherwise
Description This lumbering figure is sculpted from
deal. If the amount of healing would cause the
soft clay, and has magical writing or a rune carved into
golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it
its forehead. Maharal golems are usually crafted to
gains any excess as temporary hit points (these
protect a specific ethnicity, creature type, or subtype and temporary hit points last 1 hour). A maharal
will never attack members of this group unless it is
golem gets no saving throw against magical
berserk, even if it is being attacked and damaged by
attacks that deal acid damage.
members of that group.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th)
Create Wraiths (Su) Maharal golems can create 1d6 Possessing Rakshasa (Rakshasa)
wraiths by calling on the spirits of the dead to defend the Description These always appear to have the face of
golem from its opponents. white tigers. Any shapeshifting form they take has an
This ability replaces a clay golem’s haste special attack albino appearance, though creatures they possess do
Natural Invisibility (Su) Maharal golems have the not. These rakshasa delight in hedonistic activities and
ability to become invisible as a move action (as per the especially in forcing individuals they possess into
invisibility spell). performing acts that would normally violate their
This ability replaces a clay golem’s cursed wound special nature.
attack. Malevolence (Su) Once per round, a possessing
Immunity to Magic (Ex) Maharal golems are rakshasa can merge its body with a creature. This ability
immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell is similar to a magic jar spell (caster level 7th), except
resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects that it does not require a receptacle. To use this ability,
function differently against them, as noted below. the possessor must try to move into the target’s space;
• An erase spell renders the golem permanently moving into the target’s space to use the malevolence
helpless (no save). ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The
• An explosive runes, glyph of warding, or target can resist the attack with a successful Will save
greater glyph of warding deals 10 points of (DC 18). A creature that successfully saves is immune to
damage per caster level to the golem (no save). that same possessing rakshasa’s malevolence for 24
• A symbol spell of any kind renders the golem hours, and the possessing rakshasa cannot enter the
helpless for one full round and deals 10 points target’s space. If the save fails, the possessing rakshasa

vanishes into the target’s body. The save DC is These abilities replace a couatl’s spell casting ability (but
Charisma-based. not its spell-like abilities).
This ability replaces a common rakshasa’s spell-casting
CR 11
White Lipoca (Couatl)
Description This great white serpent has white, Adamantine Elemental (Elder Earth
feathered wings and eyes that glimmer with intense
awareness. The white lipoca are servants of a deity of Elemental)
light, mercy, and wind from the southern lands of the Description This hulking, roughly humanoid creature
new world. They tend to come into conflict with chaotic of black metal explodes up from the earth, faceless save
adventurers who believe their ends justifies their means for two hallow pits for eyes.
and with those who fail to show mercy to their foes, DR 15/adamantine; this replaces an elder earth
often coming to the aid of such foes. elemental’s damage reduction.
Aura of Sunlight (Su) A white lipoca constantly Adamantine Bonds (Ex) Once every 4 rounds as a
radiates sunlight in a 30 ft. radius, creatures within that standard action, an adamantine elemental can cause a
radius that look at the white lipoca must make a cord made of magically hardened adamantine to come
successful Fort save (DC 21) or be blinded. Creatures to into being, extend from it (range touch +15, range 250
which sunlight is harmful (such as oozes and undead) ft.) and wrap around a target creature; unless the
take 6d6 points of damage at the end of their turn if they creature makes a successful Ref save (DC 23) it suffers
remain within the aura’s radius. This aura cannot be the pinned condition. Creatures that make their saving
suppressed. The save DC is Constitution-based. throw gain the entangled condition instead. A pinned
Shield of Mercy (Su) All hit point damage dealt to creature can always attempt to free itself, usually
living creatures within a 90 ft. radius of the white lipoca through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist
(including upon itself) is transformed into nonlethal check (DC equal to its CMD, usually 39) as a standard
damage. This ability cannot be suppressed. action. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as
Wing Gust (Su) Once every four rounds, a white a move action (DC 39). If a creature breaks free, the
lipoca can create a blast of air and grit at storm strength bonds disappear. The bonds cannot be damaged,
(approximately 70 mph) that originates from its wings broken, ruined, or even disintegrated; they are
and affects all creatures in a 60-ft. line for 1d4 rounds. considered an attended object and will even teleport
The force of the blast deals 6d6 points of bludgeoning with the victim (assuming it can move itself and the
damage. Creatures caught in the blast are allowed a elemental). Another creature can aid another in
Reflex save (DC 21) for half damage. Creatures in the breaking the bonds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
blast may be knocked down or pushed back if they fail This replaces an elder earth elemental’s earth mastery
their saves. special attack.
• Small or smaller creatures are blown away and Pull (Ex) An adamantine elemental can choose to make
rolled 1d4 x 10 ft. if standing on the ground a free combat maneuver check against a creature pinned
(taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 or entangled with its adamantine bonds. If successful,
ft.), or are battered back 2d6 x 10 ft. (taking 2d6 this check pulls an opponent 20ft. closer to it. This
points of nonlethal damage) if flying. Medium ability only works on creatures of Huge size or smaller.
creatures are knocked prone by the force of the Creatures pulled in this way do not provoke attacks of
wind, or, if flying, are blown back 1d6 x 10 ft. opportunity and stop if the pull would move them into a
• Large or Huge creatures are unable to move solid object or creature.
forward against the force of the wind, or, if flying, This replaces an elder earth elemental’s earth glide
are blown back 1d6 x 5 ft. special ability.
• Gargantuan or Colossal creatures can move
normally within a wing gust effect.
Regardless of size, all creatures take a –8 penalty on
Chaos Gobbler (Devourer)
Listen checks and ranged attack rolls for thrown Description This dry, hovering serpentine corpse has
weapons in the area of affect. Ranged weapon attacks in the lower body of a snake, a humanoid torso, and a bird-
the area are impossible, and siege engines have a –4 like head and claws. The corpse's chest is a prison of
penalty on attack rolls. The force of the gust jagged ribs, within which is trapped a small, tormented
automatically extinguishes candles, torches, and similar ghostly form. A chaos gobbler is formed from the dead
unprotected flames. It causes protected flames, such as remnants of a protean which retains a bit more of its
those of lanterns, to dance wildly, with a 75% chance to previous personality and the wild powers of its chaotic
be extinguished as well. In addition to the effects noted, realm.
wing gust can do anything that a sudden blast of wind Amorphous Anatomy (Ex) A chaos gobbler’s vital
would be expected to do, including fan a large fire, move points shift and change shape and position constantly.
unsecured objects (treat them as creatures of the This grants it a 50% chance to ignore additional damage
appropriate size), heel over a ship, or blow gases or caused by critical hits and sneak attacks, and grants it
vapors to the edge of its line. The save DC is Strength- immunity to polymorph effects (unless the chaos
based. gobbler is a willing target).

This replaces the devourer’s confusion spell-like ability.
Inflict Warpwave (Su) As a standard action, a chaos
Marble Golem (Stone Golem)
gobbler can inflict a warpwave upon any corporeal Description This towering, polished marble
creature within 100 ft. The target can resist the automaton bears the likeness of an archaic, armored
warpwave’s effects with a DC 22 Fortitude save. If the warrior. It moves with ponderous but inexorable steps.
chaos gobbler wishes, it can use this ability as a swift Immunity to Magic (Ex) A stone golem is immune to
action, but if it does so, it is affected by the warpwave as any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
well unless it resists the effects with its own Fortitude In addition, certain spells and effects function
save. The save DC is Charisma-based. differently against the creature, as noted below.
This replaces the devourer’s ray of enfeeblement, • A transmute rock to mud spell slows a stone
spectral hand, and suggestion spell-like abilities. golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with
Freedom of Movement (Su) A chaos gobbler has no saving throw, while transmute mud to rock
continuous freedom of movement, as per the spell. heals all of its lost hit points.
This replaces the devourer’s lesser planar ally spell-like • A stone to flesh spell does not actually change
ability. the golem's structure but negates its damage
Spatial Riptide (Su) Any non-protean teleporting into reduction and immunity to magic for 1 full
or out of the chaos’s aura (30 ft.) must make a DC 22 round.
Fortitude save or enter a state of suspended animation • Due to its incredibly high sheen, any other spell
(identical to temporal stasis) for 1d3 rounds; success or spell-like ability that a marble golem would
means the creature is merely nauseated for 1 round. The be immune to is deflected to a target within
save DC is Charisma-based. range (chose targets at random).
This replaces the devourer’s bestow curse spell-like This ability replaces a stone golem’s normal immunity to
ability. magic
Warpwave (Su) A creature struck by a chaos gobbler’s Shockwave (Su) Once every 4 rounds a marble golem
claws must make a DC 22 Fortitude save or be affected can stamp the ground and cause a powerful shockwave
by a warpwave. The save DC is Charisma-based. to radiate outward from it, blasting all creatures in a 20
This replaces the devourer’s death knell, ghoul touch, ft. radius for 10d6 points bludgeoning damage. In
and vampiric touch spell-like abilities. addition, all creatures in the area are subject to a bull
rush attack from the effect using the golem’s CMB.
Warpwaves This ability replaces a stone golem’s slow special attack.
When a creature is affected by a warpwave, roll 1d20
and consult the table below to see what effect the
entropic energies have. Thundercloud Giant (Cloud Giant)
Bellow of the Thunder Clouds (Sp) Once every four
Table: Warpwave Effects rounds thundercloud giants can lose a powerful bellow
d20 Warpwave effect as a swift action that functions like a greater shout spell
1 Target takes 2 Strength damage. (CL 16).
2 Target takes 2 Dexterity damage. This replaces a cloud giant’s rock throwing special
3 Target takes 2 Constitution damage. attack.
4 Target takes 2 Intelligence damage. Cloud Sight (Ex) A thundercloud giant can see
5 Target takes 2 Wisdom damage. through clouds, gases, fogs, mists, and smoke as though
6 Target takes 2 Charisma damage. they didn’t inhibit vision. Creatures and objects do not
7 Target gains 1 negative level. gain concealment from a thundercloud giant due to such
8 Target is blinded or deafened for 1d4 rounds. conditions.
9 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds. This ability replaces a cloud giant’s rock catching
10 Target is entangled by filaments of energy for defensive ability.
1d4 rounds.
11 Target becomes fatigued (or exhausted if True Nightmare (Cauchemar
(Cauchemar Nightmare)
already fatigued). Description This towering jet black equine stands
12 Target becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
upon massive hooves, its eyes glowing with a dark violet
13 Target is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
14 Target is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
Horrifying (Sp) When a true nightmare hits with its
15 Target is staggered for 1d4 rounds.
natural attacks it inflicts horrid visions upon the victims
16 Target gains 4d6 temporary hit points. of its strikes. With an eerie purple light, energy crackles
17 Target is affected by a heal spell (CL = chaos
through the natural attacks. It deals damage normally
gobbler’s CR).
and the target must make a successful Will save (DC 22)
18 Target is turned to stone.
or fall victim to horrible visions. If the target fails its
19 Target is affected by baleful polymorph (CL =
Will save to disbelieve the horrible visions, it must then
chaos gobbler’s CR). make a successful Fortitude save (DC 22) or fall
20 Portions of target’s body burst with energy of a
unconscious for 1d3+1 round suffering 1d6 points of
random type (choose between acid, cold,
Wisdom damage each round (CL 15). If the target’s
electricity, or fire), dealing 4d6 points of
Fortitude save is successful, it is only rendered
damage of the appropriate type to the target.
unconscious for 1 round. The effects of this ability do not
stack. A creature that makes a successful Will save is
Crusher (Roper)
immune to the effects of this true nightmare’s horrifying Description A huge eye opens in this spherical
ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting illusion, creature's front. It starts rolling toward you like some
emotion, fear effect. massive boulder. Unlike ropers, crushers are natural
This ability replaces a cauchemar’s fire damage from its explorers and care very little about the finer points of
hooves attack. philosophy; instead, they enjoy discussions about
Terrifying Gaze (Su) Viewing a nightmare’s geography and are always fascinated by maps.
countenance inspires terror. Creatures that meet a true Speed 30 ft.; this replaces both a roper’s normal speed
nightmare’s gaze within 30 ft. must succeed at a Will and its ranged attacks.
save (DC 22) or are driven insane with fear, developing Boulder (Su) As a spherical boulder, a crusher can roll
an irrational fear of the true nightmare’s choice (usually or bounce around. It moves up to 30 ft. in a straight line,
all creatures of an equine appearance). When in the in a direction of its choice, bowling over creatures in its
presence of his phobia, the affected creature must make path. Creatures of its size or smaller struck by the
a successful Will save (same DC) or gain the panicked crusher (+20 melee) suffer 4d8+18 (critical on 19–20)
condition. If the saving throw is made, the affected points of bludgeoning damage, must make a successful
creature still becomes frightened. The subject remains in Reflex save (DC 25) or be knocked prone and suffer 1d6
this state until a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish points of Dexterity damage as the crusher rolls over
spell is used to cancel the effects of this insanity. This is them. If the crusher makes a charge attack it can launch
a mind-affecting, emotion, fear effect. itself to a maximum range of 60 ft. as if it were a thrown
This ability replaces a cauchemar’s smoke special attack. bolder. If a crusher ends its movement in the same
square as a creature its size or smaller that has failed its
Reflex save, that subject also gains the pinned condition
CR 12 until the crusher moves or the subject succeeds on a
combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC
equal the crusher’s CMD, usually 33). The save DC is
Auger Cyclops (Great Cyclops) Constitution-based.
This replaces a roper’s melee attack plus its pull and
Description This misshapen but incredibly muscular
strands special attacks.
humanoid has a single, huge blue eye set under a short,
Feats Improved Critical (boulder) and Weapon Focus
jagged silver horn on its brow. Auger cyclopses are more
(boulder); these replace a roper’s Improved Critical
thoughtful and less brutal than their great cousins, and
(bite) and Weapon Focus (strand) feats.
are far more willing to parley, though they are likely to
Skills Knowledge (geography) +13, replaces a roper’s
inflict a steep negotiating price, and do not consider
Knowledge (religion) +13.
morality in their negotiations.
Mirrored Premonition (Su) This does not provide
the auger cyclops with any specific or even vague Ingot Worm (Frost Worm)
knowledge about his future. Instead, it experiences a Description This immense, dark black metallic worm
strange sense of déjà vu throughout the day. In game has a single circular eye in the center of its head. Its
terms, this ability gives the auger cyclops a +17 insight entire body is covered with jagged sharp edges,
bonus that he can add, in partial increments, to his AC, especially around its mandibles. Ingot worms fear only
CMD, or to any die roll including attack and damage breaking the surface into the bright sunlight and will
rolls, saving throws, skill checks, combat maneuver rarely risk breaching onto the surface world. The only
checks, and ability checks even after determining the creatures that will actively feed upon them are gold
initial outcome (excluding rolls for hit points). dragons who enjoy the metals they find inside them.
Whenever he applies an insight bonus under any of the Breath Weapon (Su) 60-ft. cone, razor-sharp shards
preceding circumstances, he subtracts that amount from of various ores dealing 15d6 points of piercing and
his remaining insight bonus until it is exhausted. An slashing damage. Creatures with damage reduction 5 or
insight bonus added to his AC only applies to one attack greater that is not overcome by magic, piercing,
made against him. For instance, if he adds a +5 insight slashing, adamantine, cold iron, and silver are immune
bonus to a saving throw, a +3 insight bonus to an attack to this effect. Reflex DC 23 save for half; the breath is
roll and a +3 insight bonus to AC, he still has a +6 bonus usable once per hour. The save DC is Constitution-
that he can add to any one die roll or to multiple die rolls based.
as long as the cumulative bonus does not exceed +6. The This replaces a frost worm’s normal breath weapon
effect ends when the augur cyclops has completely special attack.
exhausted his insight bonus, he can replenish this bonus DR 20/adamantine; this replaces a frost worm’s
by resting for at least 8 hours. Applying this bonus is not immunity to cold.
an action. Sunlight Powerlessness (Su) An ingot worm cannot
This replaces a great cyclops’s rock throwing special stand bright light or natural sunlight and flees from it
attack. (4th level or higher spell with the light descriptor). An
ingot worm struck by such light cannot attack and can
take only a single move or standard action for one
round, and always uses this in an attempt to flee.

This replaces a frost worm’s vulnerability to fire.
Severe (Su) An ingot worm’s body is extremely jagged
and sharp from the opening of its maw about its entire
mass, allowing it to deal an additional 4d6 piercing and
slashing damage with its bite attack. Any creature that
attacks an ingot worm with an unarmed strike or a
natural weapon takes 1d6 points of piercing and slashing
damage per successful hit. A creature that grapples or is
grappled by an ingot worm takes 4d6 points of slashing
and piercing damage per round the grapple is
Death Throes (Su) When killed, an ingot worm
explodes in a 100-ft.-radius burst that deals damage as
its breath weapon but deals 20d6 instead of its normal
amount (DC 23 Reflex half).
Sonic Pulse (Su): Once per day as a swift action, an
ingot worm can create a magical sonic pulse by
manipulating the minerals within its body that affects all
living creatures within a 100-ft. radius; it creates a
variety of mind-affecting effects though a successful Will
save (DC 23) negates, The save DC is Constitution-
based. If a creature fails its save against this ability, roll
on the following table to determine the effect.

d20 Effect
1–4 Hallucinations: The victim attacks a
randomly determined target within 30 ft.
until there is no longer a living creature
within 30ft.
5–8 Pain: The victim suffers a –6 circumstance
Red Harlot
penalty on attack rolls, combat maneuver
checks, skill checks, and ability checks for
She can move into this extra-dimensional pocket as a
one hour.
move action. She may also exit the chamber as a move
9–12 Dazed: The victim suffers the dazed
action, either returning to her location prior to entering,
condition for one round.
or to just outside the entrance of the chamber. The
13–16 Synapse Damage: The victim suffers 2d4
entrance of a harlot's chamber and those inside are
points of Dexterity damage.
protected by a nondetection effect with a DC 27. Only a
17–20 Mind Sludge: The victim suffers 2d4 points
living red harlot can open the entrance of a harlot's
of Wisdom damage.
chamber. The entrance is an invisible, stationary portal,
so the red harlot must know the location of the entrance
This ability replaces a frost worm’s trill special attack. in order to be able to affect it. (This requires the ability
Environment underground; this replaces a frost to see invisible objects or detect portals; or it requires
worm’s cold plains or mountains. one to make a successful Perception check DC 40.)
Killing a red harlot does not open or end the effect of a
Red Harlot ((Jorogumo)
Jorogumo) harlot’s chamber.
Description Eight spindly spider legs, flocked with This replaces a jorogumo’s web special attack and
coarse red hairs, stretch from the back of this otherwise summon nature's ally V spell-like ability.
beautiful red-haired woman. Red harlots are Poison (Ex) A red harlot has five different poison
professional kidnappers of commerce and honor. They sacks. All the save DCs are Constitution-based.
speak only truth once they have revealed their true • Spray—contact, as a standard action, 30 ft. cone,
nature, and never bring permanent harm to a hostage 1/day, Fort DC 23, frequency 1/round for 6
unless forced to by the hostage or the would-be rescuers. rounds; effect 1d6 Dexterity damage; cure 2
They can be cruel in their humor and enjoy the suffering consecutive saves.
of their foes but they will always honor their bargains, • Bite—injury; save Fort DC 23; frequency 1/round
regardless of outcome. A red harlot who allows for 6 rounds; effect unconsciousness for 2d4
permanent harm to come to her chamber guest will offer hours; cure 2 consecutive saves.
her own life as repayment of the debt. • Bite—injury; save Fort DC 23; frequency 1/round
Alignment LE; this replaces a jorogumo’s NE. for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Strength damage and 1d3
Harlot's Chamber (Su) A red harlot creates a mobile Constitution damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.
extra-dimensional pocket similar to the rope trick spell. • Tear drop, at will. Ingested, Fort DC 23,
A red harlot may only have one chamber at a time and frequency 1 round for 6 rounds; effect
the harlot’s chamber moves with her.

unconsciousness for 1d4 minutes, cure 3 CMD, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, saving
consecutive saves. throws, skill checks, and ability checks. The subject is
• Expel —inhale, as a standard action, 10 ft. radius also treated as 6 levels lower for the purpose of level-
burst, 1/day, 10-round duration, Fort DC 23, dependent variables (such as spellcasting or class
frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 abilities). If not defending itself from a threat, or if not
Strength damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. motivated by an ally, this creature will est or sleep rather
This replaces a jorogumo’s poison special attack, bestow than perform any other actions. Remove curse does not
curse, and hold monster spell-like abilities. remove this effect. Greater restoration, heal, limited
wish, miracle, or wish can restore the creature.
This replaces a banshee’s wail special attack.
Thresher Serpent (Sea Serpent) Portent of Doom (Su) A creature damaged by the
Description Named for and easily recognized by their bean sidhe’s touch attack must make a DC 23 Will save.
exceptionally long, thresher-like fin tails, which can be Failure causes the subject to become cursed with one
as long as the total body length, thresher serpents are vulnerability special quality of the bean sidhe’s choice,
active predators; the tail is actually used as a weapon to the target cannot possess more than one such
stun prey or to create powerful waves. vulnerability at a time, and so if the creature already
Melee Tail slap +23 (4d8+22 plus push [75 ft.] and possesses one, this effect fails. Sometimes these
stun/19-20), bite +18 (3d6+6); this replaces a sea creatures chose the bean sidhe’s own incorporeal touch
serpent’s normal melee attacks. attack but more often they chose an attack the subject is
Stun (Ex) The thresher serpent's tail slap attack can likely to face in the near future and then they flee. This
push its foe and deliver a powerful, stunning blow. A effect cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a
creature struck by this attack must make a DC 29 remove curse, break enchantment, limited wish,
Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round. If the strike is a miracle, or wish spell.
critical hit and the target fails its save, it is instead This replaces a banshee’s terror special attack.
stunned for 1d4 rounds (and could begin to drown). The
save DC is Strength-based.
This ability replaces a sea serpent’s grab and swallow Blue-
Blue-eyed Devil (Gelugon
(Gelugon Devil)
whole special attacks. Description This ice devil’s faceted eyes glow with a
Create Wave (Su) The thresher serpent can create a cold blue radiance. Blue-eyed devils are loners and
wave of water (which moves at approximately 50 mph) outcasts from the courts of Hell as their gaze is as
once every four rounds as a standard action that dangerous to their fellows as it is to their enemies.
originates from it, affecting all creatures in its path. All Gaze of Ice (Su) Encase in ice, 30 ft., Will DC 22
creatures in this area (20 ft. wide by 10 ft. high, by 10 ft. negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.
deep by 220 ft. long) that are Large or smaller must This forms a large block of ice around the subject,
make a DC 20 Swim check or be swept away 110 ft. and trapping the creature inside. The ice is 13 inches thick
take 10d6 points of damage. This effect can move a extending outward from the subject. While trapped
creature beyond the limit of its range. In the area of the inside the ice, the victim is helpless (though luckily for
create wave all flames are automatically extinguished her it is difficult to perform a coup de grace). Each
(wall of fire, torch, lanterns etc.). round that the creature stays within the block of ice, she
In addition to the effects noted, a create wave can do takes 1d6 points of cold damage; however, the real
anything that a 10-ft. wave would be expected to do. It danger comes from suffocation. The target must make a
can overturn wooded, unsecured buoyant structures, Constitution check (DC 10) every round. Each round,
heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors to the the DC increases by 1. If the target fails her Constitution
edge of its range. check, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she
This ability replaces a sea serpent’s capsize and constrict falls unconscious (0 hp). Due to the frigid nature of the
special attacks. spell, the target’s body functions slow down and prevent
Feats Improved Critical (tail slap); this replaces a sea a quick death. Once the victim is unconscious, she takes
serpent’s Improved Critical (bite). 1 point of cold damage every round until she is freed or
she is dead.
The only easy way to get a creature out of the ice block is
CR 13 to destroy the ice. The ice has a hardness of zero and has
39 hit points but it is considered an object and takes half
damage from magical attacks. Ice takes double damage
Bean Sidhe (Banshee) from fire based attacks. Attacks against the ice risk
Description This beautiful, ghostly female fey glides harming the creature caught inside. Any damage beyond
through the air, her long hair flowing around a face of what is needed to break the ice is transferred to the
mournful sadness. trapped creature. Rather than hacking at the ice, a
Alignment LN this replaces a banshee’s CE alignment. character can try to break it in one blow. The ice block
Song of Mourning (Su) When a bean sidhe sings (a has a Str check break DC of 23. This method is also
full-round action), all living creatures within a 150-ft. dangerous to the trapped creature and deals 1d6 points
radius must make a successful Will save (DC) or suffer of damage plus the attacker’s Strength modifier to the
an overwhelming, insane level of sadness and trapped character. At room temperature the block of ice
melancholy. This inflicts a -6 morale penalty to AC, will melt at a rate of one inch per hour. A shatter or

similar spell deals double damage to the ice block and
normal damage to the occupant.
This special attack replaces the gelugon’s cone of cold
and ice storm spell-like abilities.
Organization solitary, this replaces a gelugon’s normal

Lodestone Golem (Iron Golem)

Description This strange automaton stands twice as
tall as a normal human, and appears to be made from
some brownish-black stone with a metallic luster. Its
heavy footfalls shake the ground with bone-jarring force.
Magnetic (Su) Any steel or iron brought within 80 ft.
of the lodestone golem is drawn toward it. Creatures
carrying 15 or more pounds of ferrous metal are pulled
toward the golem as if by the pull special ability (80 ft).
Creatures wearing metallic armor suffer a penalty to
their CMD to resist the pull (–2 for medium armor, –4
for heavy armor). Affected creatures are pulled up to 80
ft. and slammed against the golem for 1d6 points of
damage per 10 ft. pulled and gain the grappled
condition. Creatures not carrying large amounts of
metal but holding metal items in their hands are
affected by a disarm maneuver as the items are ripped
free. Freeing a stuck item requires a successful grapple
check against the wall’s CMD.
This replaces an iron golem’s breath weapon special
attack. Typhoon Giant
Immunity to Magic (Ex) An iron golem is immune to
spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. turn. This deals 2d6 points of cold damage, 2d6 points
Certain spells and effects function differently against it, of electricity damage, and 2d6 points of bludgeoning
as noted below. damage to all creatures and objects touched by its area
• A shatter spell deals damage to lodestone golem of effect (no save). Any Large or smaller creature coming
as if it were a crystalline creature. into contact with the vortex must also succeed on a
Reflex save (DC 25) or be picked up bodily and held
• A magical attack that deals electricity damage suspended in its powerful winds, taking the same
heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage each round on the typhoon giant’s turn (no
damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the save). Huge creatures (and Large or smaller creatures
amount of healing would cause the golem to making successful saving throws) are limited to one-half
exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any speed within the vortex but take damage as normal.
excess as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. Gargantuan and Colossal creatures take damage but are
A lodestone golem gets no saving throw against otherwise unaffected.
electricity effects. Within the vortex, a creature takes a –4 penalty to
• A lodestone golem is affected normally by the Perception checks, and all air or land movement is at
disintegrate spell. one-half speed. Missile weapons are deflected
This replaces an iron golem’s normal immunity to magic (automatically missing) if they enter or pass through the
defensive ability. vortex, while any other normal ranged weapon passing
through the wind has a 30% miss chance (giant-thrown
Typhoon Giant (Storm Giant) boulders, siege engine projectiles, and other massive
ranged weapons are also affected). Gases, most gaseous
Description This giant is a towering, muscular human
breath weapons, and creatures in gaseous form cannot
of heroic proportions, with blue skin, long white hair,
enter or pass through the vortex (though it presents no
and sparkling dark eyes. Typhoon giants live only in the
barrier to incorporeal creatures).
northwestern basin of a world’s most western ocean,
As a move action, a typhoon giant can concentrate on
where typhoons are known to form. They are far wilder
controlling the vortex’s movement or specify a simple
than their storm giant brethren, wallowing in the
program (move forward or backward, follow a circular
destruction they create.
path, move from corner to corner through a room, and
Alignment CE; this replaces a storm giant’s CG.
so on). As part of this move action the typhoon giant
Deadly Tempest (Su) Twice per day as a standard
may direct the vortex to eject any carried creatures
action, this ability creates a powerful vortex (20-ft.
whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the
radius, 40 ft. high) of raging wind, water, and lightning
vortex happens to be when they are released. The vortex
that moves through the air, along the ground, or over
water at a speed of 90 ft. during the typhoon giant’s

lasts for 15 rounds and must remain within 1,000 ft. of vortex of dust and shimmering magic. A hand of the
the typhoon giant. The save DC is Constitution-based. reliquary is a remnant of an avatar’s body, an ascended
This special attack replaces a storm giant’s call lighting saint, or demigod’s corpse. Yet these remnants hold
and chain lightening spell-like abilities. great power and visit a terrible wrath on those that
disturb them. Traces of its divine power strengthen the
Yibogoth (Froghemoth) hand, rendering it harder than any steel. Lastly, though
only the barest remnants of the hand’s hallowed might
Description This hideous crimson blob covered in eyes survive, a hand of the reliquary aroused to anger still
can expend adhesive strands and draw creatures into its retains enough power to remove a creature from
horrid maw. Yibogoth come from another dimension existence before it roused this monstrosities ire.
where nothing dies and life has expanded exponentially, Rejuvenation: the hand’s reliquary takes the place of a
resulting in a universe-wide corrupt tumor; they now demilich’s phylactery.
seek to infect his world like a cancer. Their existence Ray of Temporal Entropy (Su) As a standard action
defies natural law and some magical laws, as mortals with a range of 75 ft., a hand of the reliquary can cause a
understand them, coming as they do from another ray of liquid darkness to spring from its pointing finger.
dimension. This ray is not blocked by anything. When it strikes an
Immune Arcane spells and spell-like abilities object, it passes through that object and continues on to
Weaknesses Vulnerability to divine spells and spell- the limit of its range. The hand must make a ranged
like abilities touch attack (+14) against all targets within the ray to its
This replaces a froghemoth’s immunity and vulnerability maximum range. All targets struck by the ray take 200
to electricity. points of divine damage. A successful Fort save (DC 24)
Melee bite +20 (2d6+10/19-20 plus ability drain); this results in half damage. If the spell slays or destroys the
replaces a froghemoth’s normal melee attacks. target, it consumes the remains and a creature’s soul
Ranged 5 strands +13 touch (pull plus ability drain); utterly including any attended equipment or
this replaces a froghemoth’s ranged attacks possessions. That creature can never be resurrected,
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (60 ft. with strands); this raised or transformed into undead by any means,
replaces a froghemoth’s normal space and reach including miracle and wish. Only divine intervention
Special Attacks ability drain, pull (strand, 25 ft.) from a deity whose portfolio deals with time can restore
strands; this replaces a froghemoth’s normal special the creature to life. Artifacts are immune to the effects of
attacks this spell.
Ability Drain (Ex) A creature struck by a strand or There is a greater side effect of using this ability. Any
bitten by a yibogoth is numbed, weakened, and drained creature or object destroyed with this effect ceases to
of blood and must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or take exist for 24 hours before he or it was stuck by this spell.
1d6 points of Strength and Constitution damage each That is, if a creature is destroyed, it is as if that creature
round a strand is attached or each time it is bitten. Each never existed for the previous 24 hours. Memories of
time a creature fails its save against this effect the those actions remain, but the actual events of the
yibogoth heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit creature’s life during the last 24 hours never occurred.
points (its choice). The save DC is Constitution-based. For example, an opponent kills several allies but is later
This replaces a froghemoth’s constrict and swallow slain by this effect, the allies the opponent killed are
whole special attacks. later found alive, having a blurred memory of their
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A yibogoth is immune to death, and others who were witness to their deaths
arcane spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell express surprise at seeing them alive. The save DC is
resistance. Charisma-based, and includes a +2 bonus for the Ability
Strands (Ex) A yibogoth can extend up to five thick Focus feat.
strands with viscous blobs at their ends from its body at This ability replaces a demilich’s devour soul special
a time, launching them to a maximum range of 60 ft. A attack.
yibogoth's attacks with its strands resolve as ranged Venerable Anointing (Su) As a standard action, a
touch attacks. These strands are quite strong; they have hand of the reliquary can unleash of burst of temporal
an AC of 26 and can be severed by dealing 16 points of energy with a 20-ft.-radius spread centered on the hand;
slashing damage. living creatures in the area of effect must make a
This ability replaces the froghemoth’s tentacles and successful Will save (DC 22) or become cursed and have
tongue melee attacks plus its grab special attack. their speed reduced by half, gain the blinded and
Vulnerability to Divine (Ex) Divine spells gain a +4 deafened condition, and have their age categories
bonus to their DC when used against a yibogoth, and if become venerable. A victim’s age in years is the
the divine spell deals damage, it deals +50% damage. minimum threshold for a venerable creature, so an elf
affected by a venerable anointing would be 350 years
CR 14 old. A creature that had been old has its Strength,
Dexterity and Constitution decreased by 3.The Strength,
Dexterity and Constitution scores of a creature that had
been middle-aged are reduced by 5. Creatures that have
Hand of the Reliquary (Demilich) not reached middle age suffer the most; their Strength,
Description Glittering bejeweled rings decorate this Dexterity, and Constitution are reduced by 6. Creatures
mummified hand as it floats in the air on a swirling do not gain any benefits from the increased age.

Venerable creatures, as well as dragons, ageless, and An exile has two days to begin to leave the tribal land or
immortal beings are unaffected by this effect. A kingdom; thereafter, he takes 1d8 damage at dawn on
successful save results in the creature becoming middle any day he remains within and isn’t closer to the border
aged suffering –1 penalty to Str, Dex, and Con for 2 of the designated land than the morning before. He
minutes. Middle aged and older creatures are unaffected cannot heal naturally or gain the benefits of a
by this effect. Any spell or effect that can remove a conjuration (healing) spell within the designated land.
bestow curse can remove this effect, though this effect The area from which he is alienated cannot exceed 800
adds +5 to the removal DC. square miles. This is a curse effect and can be removed
This special attack replaces a demilich’s wail of the by any spell that can remove bestow curse though the
banshee spell-like ability. removal DC is increased by +5. The save DC is
Wounding Susceptibility (Su) Wounding weapons Charisma-based.
of any kind ignore a hand of the reliquary's damage This replaces a crag linnorm’s normal death curse
reduction. special attack.
This replaces a demilich’s vorpal susceptibility Environment cold urban; this replaces a crag
weakness. linnorm’s cold hills.

Heim Linnorm (Linnorm, Crag) Osmium Golem (Brass Golem)

Description This immense, wingless blue-grey dragon Description This towering, semi-hollow statue of
rears up on a serpentine body. Its double tail and bluish-white metal has been built to resemble a serpent-
powerful talons swipe at the air. This linnorm tends to headed humanoid; it carries a gigantic, curved sword in
haunt abandoned northland mead halls rather than the its metal fists.
cold foothills of its brethren. Volatile Toxicity (Su) An osmium golem deals 1d6
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a fire and 1d6 acid damage in addition to damage dealt on
standard action, a heim linnorm can expel a 120-ft. line a successful hit in melee. A creature affected by the
of sapphire blue light; any creature struck must make a volatile toxicity or its death throes ability must also
successful Will save (DC 24) or immediately go to its succeed on a Fort save (DC 20) or be permanently
home. Once the subject arrives home, the effect ends. blinded and nauseated; a successful save results in the
Creatures with no home or lair cannot be affected by this subject being sickened for 1 round instead. This is a
effect, although even a regular place to sleep could be poison effect; curing the poison ends the nausea but not
considered a “home.” A successful save results in 5d6 the blindness which requires a remove blindness type
points of non-lethal damage. effect. Creatures that hit the osmium golem with non-
The creature may have to traverse threatened or reach weapons, natural weapons, or unarmed attacks
dangerous areas (passing by hostile beasts or moving take fire and acid damage as though hit by the monster’s
through a cloudkill) to get home, or it may even have to volatile toxicity attack and must make a Fort save to
break through a barrier (like a wall of ice). A barrier that avoid being nauseated. The save DC is Constitution-
requires more than 5 rounds to get through is based.
considered impassable for the purposes of this effect. This ability replaces a brass golem’s breath weapon
The effect ends immediately if the creature physically special attack.
cannot reach its home—including a situation forcing the
creature to pass through an area that would, without a
doubt, kill it. For example, a creature with only 25 hp
Oni, Metal Yai (Oni, Ice Yai)
that must navigate a pool of acid to get home is Description This white haired giant has intricately
unaffected by the spell, as is a creature with no planar detailed etchings and scrollwork on its steel-grey skin. It
travel ability whose home is on another plane. has jeweled eyes like the well-crafted ones in a
While under the effects of protection from evil or a nobleman’s sword. Metal yai express their prowess
similar spell, the subject can ignore the compulsion, but loudly to any who might present a challenge. They are
such a ward does not prevent establishing this effect, cold and aggressive creatures with a strong sense of self
nor dispel it. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. discipline. They won’t hesitate to conquer and destroy
The save DC is Constitution-based. any obstacle in their way.
This replaces a crag linnorm’s normal breath weapon DR 10/-, this replaces an ice yai’s immunity to cold.
special attack. Melee longsword +26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+11), 3
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a heim longswords +26 (2d6+6) or 1 slam +24 (2d8+9), this
linnorm, the slayer is affected by the curse of exile. replaces an ice yai’s normal melee attacks.
Curse of Exile: save Will DC 22; effect this curse casts Affinity for Metal (Ex) The metal yai gains a +2
someone off his home soil. If the slayer fails his save, he competence bonus to damage rolls made with attacks
is marked as an exile within the boundaries of the with weapons made primarily of metal. Further, if a foe
slayer’s tribe or kingdom and may not be given shelter attacks him with a weapon primarily made of metal, the
or assistance by anyone in that tribe or kingdom. Any metal yai gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. A
community member who makes a Perception check (DC condition that makes him lose his Dexterity bonus to
15) recognizes his exile status. Anyone who provides aid Armor Class (if any) also makes him lose dodge bonuses.
to exiles within that tribe or kingdom suffer a bestow The metal yai must be aware of the attack to gain this
curse. bonus.

This replaces an ice yai’s darkness spell-like ability. Melee bite +23 (4d10+18/19–20 plus prismatic bite);
Blade Barrier (Sp) 1/day, this replaces an ice yai’s this replaces a nightwing’s normal melee attack.
polar ray spell-like ability. Darkness Aversion (Ex) A nightshade in darkness
Manipulate Metal (Su) The metal yai can change the becomes sickened—the penalties from this condition are
temperature of a creature’s metal equipment. This acts doubled when the prismwing is in natural darkness.
as either the chill metal or the heat metal spell, (CL This replaces a nightwing’s light aversion weakness.
18th, DC 22, swift action to activate at will). Upon a Prismatic Bite (Su) The bite of a prismwing infuses
successful save, a creature cannot be the target of this its foe with prismatic energy. When a prismwing bites a
metal yai’s manipulate metal again for 24 hours. The foe, the victim must make a DC 23 Will save or be
save DC is Charisma-based. This replaces an ice yai’s icy affected by all the colors of a prismatic spray (DC for
missile special attack and its ranged attacks. each effect is the same as this save). A successful initial
Metal Multiweapon Mastery (Ex) A metal yai never save results in the subject being affected by a 1d8
takes penalties to its attack roll when fighting with random roll on the prismatic spray. The save DC is
multiple weapons that are composed primarily of metal. Charisma-based.
This replaces an ice yai’s staggering strikes special This replaces a nightwing’s magic drain special attack.
attack. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19)
Iron Grenade (Su) Three times per day as a standard At will—daylight replaces deeper darkness, searing
action, a metal yai can create a sphere of iron, about the light replaces cone of cold.
size of a walnut in its hand, which it can use to make a 1/day—prismatic spray (DC 22) replaces finger of
melee touch attack (+24) or throw as a splash weapon, death, summon (level 6, 2 invisible stalkers) replaces a
making a ranged touch attack (+20) with a maximum nightwing’s normal summon ability.
range of 120 ft. When the sphere hits (either as a ranged Environment any non-underground (Radiant Energy
or melee attack), it breaks and discharges a flash of iron Plane).
splinters driven by magical force which deals 15d6
points of magical cold iron piercing damage to the target
struck (creatures with damage reduction not overcome CR 15
by magic, cold iron, piercing damage, reduce the
damage by their listed amount per die). All other
creatures and objects in adjacent squares take 15 points Broken Harut (Inevitable,
(Inevitable, Marut)
of splash damage per die. All the metal possessions and Description This humanoid is mostly hidden behind
objects they carry (whether ferrous or not) become plates of elaborate, tarnished golden armor, the spaces
magnetized for 2d4 rounds. A creature wearing metal in between revealing flesh of fractured black stone.
armor is entangled while the effect lasts, while a Something is wrong with this tainted inevitable, it no
creature using metal weapons takes a –2 penalty on longer seeks out those who attempt to avoid death, but
attack and damage rolls so long as there is at least 10 lb. actually helps these would be immortals, serving as their
of metal on its person or within 5 ft. of it (these penalties personal bodyguards, and sometimes even returning
stack). A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 25) them to life after they are slain.
negates the magnetism effect and reduces the damage Harm’s Way (Ex) Once per round, as an immediate
by half. The save DC is Constitution-based. action, if the broken harut is in a square adjacent to
This replaces an ice yai’s cone of cold spell-like ability. another creature and that creature is subject to an
Non-Metal Vulnerability (Ex) Weapons not attack, including an area effect, the broken harut can
primarily made of metal ignore a metal yai's damage subject itself to the attack in that creature’s stead and
reduction and deal +50% damage. that creature takes no damage. Resolve potential attacks
This replaces an ice yai’s vulnerability to fire weakness against the broken harut normally, including attack rolls
Environment Any; this replaces an ice yai’s cold and saving throws
mountains. This ability replaces mass inflict light wounds and circle
of death spell-like abilities.
Prismwing (Nightshade, Nightwing) True Resurrection (Sp) 1/week; this replaces the
marut’s earthquake and geas/quest spell-like abilities.
Description This enormous, bat-like creature is
shaped from pure color-shifting light, its eyes are points
of pure white light in a sea of hues. Prismwings are the Firebird (Phoenix)
result of nightwings getting trapped on the Plane of Description This massive bird has majestic plumage
Radiance. They tend to hide in high places during the that glows brightly emitting red, orange, and yellow
night, and are more loyal to masters who provide light, like a bonfire of turbulent flame. A firebird’s
magical lighting for them than typical nightwings. feathers do not cease glowing if removed or shed, and
Lightsense (Ex) Prismwing gain true seeing in dim one feather glows with the light of a daylight spell. They
light and bright light. Regardless of light conditions, are considered both a blessing and a bringer of doom to
they can detect living creatures and their health within those who seek to capture one.
60 ft., as blindsense with deathwatch continuously Alignment N; this replaces a phoenix’s CG.
active. Mind blank and nondetection prevent the latter Song of Blooming (Sp) As a standard action at will, a
effect but not the prismcrawler’s true seeing. firebird can sing a song that can emulate any one of the
This replaces a nightwing’s darksense. following effects, entangle (DC 17), plant growth, or

wall of thorns. It can emulate them in any combination
or all at once. If creatures are entangled within 20ft. of a
wall of thorns they take damage as if they had
attempted to move through the wall of thorns.
This ability replaces a phoenix’s self-resurrection
defensive ability.
Spellbinding Spectacle (Su) Activating this ability is
a free action that is triggered when a firebird flies
overhead. Opponents within 30 ft. who witness the
action must make a successful Will save (DC 26) or
become overcome with awe, gaining the fascinated
condition for 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only
opponents with fewer than 20 HD. An opponent that
succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same
firebird’s spellbinding spectacle for 24 hours.
Spellbinding spectacle is a mind-affecting compulsion
effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
This replaces the phoenix’s cure critical wounds, mass
cure critical wounds and remove curse spell-like ability.
Shed a Feather (Sp) As a move action, a firebird can
shed one of its feathers; any creature that picks up this
feather is affected as if the firebird had cast charm
monster (DC 26, CL 18), except when the subject greets
someone whom he has not seen since the spell took
effect, he takes the opportunity to tell that person about
the beauty of the firebird. Anyone hearing about the
firebird from someone affected by the feather must
make a saving throw as if the charm monster were being
cast on him in the manner the feather affected the
original creature. On a successful save, a victim of the Grendal
feather can discuss other subjects normally. The
duration of the effect for each affected person starts at This ability replaces a jotund troll’s cacophonous roar
the moment of being charmed. Anyone who makes the special attack.
saving throw is immune to the effects of the feather’s Barbed Defense (Su) A grendal’s hide is covered in
effects that originated from the same firebird. think scales like barbed steel. A creature that strikes a
This ability replaces a phoenix’s greater restoration grendal with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a
spell-like ability. natural weapon takes 3d6+10 points of piercing damage
from the grendal’s barbs. Melee weapons with reach do
Grendal (Troll,
(Troll, Jotund) not endanger a user in this way.
This ability replaces a jotund troll’s all-seeing attacks
Description This massive creature in the shape of a
special attack.
man moves beyond the pale and is obviously the result
Susceptibility to Grappling (Ex) Damage dealt to a
of some unnatural birth for every nail, claw-scale and
grendal while it is grappled or pinned ignores the
spur, every spike on its brutish body is like barbed
adamantine. These solitary creatures are consumed with creature’s hardness, damage dealt to it while it is
grappled deals +50% damage and suppresses the
such self-loathing that they tend to attack sites which
creature’s regeneration.
are popular as social gatherings; they especially enjoy
This weakness replaces all of a jotund troll’s defensive
killing and eating revelers. They are greedy, grasping
abilities and immunities.
creatures but are also sometimes motivated by revenge
against imagined slights. They are particularly prone to
destruction if their slumbering is disturbed. Harpoon Golem (Cannon Golem)
Regeneration 10 (grapple or pinned); this replaces a Description This Adonis-like humanoid form of
jotund troll’s normal regeneration. sculpted metal has an enormous cannon with a harpoon
Hardness 20. stuffed in it mounted on its shoulder that tracks its
Aura of Trepidation (Su) Any creature within 60 ft. target with mechanical precision. Harpoon golems tend
of a grendal must make a successful Will save (DC 19) or to appear on ocean going vessels.
be inflicted with the panicked or cowering condition (the Ranged +1 harpoon +27/+22 (2d6+11 plus devastating
grendal’s choice) for 5d6 rounds. A successful save harpoon/19-20/x3, range 20 ft.); this replaces a cannon
results in the subject being shaken for 1 round and is golem’s normal ranged attack.
immune to that grendal’s aura of trepidation for 24 Alloyed (Ex) A cannon golem's slam and harpoon
hours. A grendal can “shrug off” this aura and let it attacks count as adamantine, cold iron, and silver for the
enchant a location as a standard action. It can dismiss purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
this and regain its aura as a swift action.

This ability replaces a cannon golem’s normal alloyed points, it gains any excess as temporary hit
special attack. points that last for 1 hour. A harpoon golem
Impale Opponent (Ex) When a harpoon golem gets no saving throw against fire effects.
confirms a critical hit with a slam or harpoon attack, it Feats Improved Critical (harpoon)B; this replace a
can force an opponent upon its harpoon impaling it cannon golem’s normal feats.
deeply into the victim’s body. The harpoon golem makes
a combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin
the opponent) as a free action. If it succeeds, the victim
Thrice-Crowned King (Gorynych)
is pinned, otherwise the subject is simply grappled. A Description This armless, three-headed golden dragon
subject may attempt to release himself from with a has massive wings and two tails. Thrice-crowned kings
successful grapple check or Escape Artist check (DC 48). usually dwell in the depths of space and are usually
On a failed attempt, if the subject is pinned, the subject under the control of some eldritch abomination that
takes harpoon damage. dwells in that cold darkness. They love nothing more
This ability replaces a cannon golem’s blasting critical than wonton destruction, and will often seek out and
special attack. destroy the largest creatures first.
Devastating Harpoon (Ex) On a successful hit with Immune electricity, force, paralysis, poison, sleep; this
this attack, the golem can grapple the target of the attack replaces a gorynych's normal immunities.
(regardless of that creature’s size); however, the golem’s Melee 3 bites +24 (2d8+8), 2 tails +23 (1d8+8); this
magical nature attempts to dispel (as described in replaces a gorynych's normal melee attacks.
greater dispel magic, CL 15th) any freedom of Breath Weapon (Su) 40-ft. line, 5d6 (half electricity,
movement spell or magic item, and any spell or magic half force) push to end of line, Reflex DC 24 for half
item that grants immunity to the grapple condition or negates push, usable every 1d4 rounds. Each of a thrice-
bonuses to Combat Maneuver Defense or Escape Artist crowned king’s heads has its own separate breath
checks. If the dispel check succeeds, the spell or magic weapon. When a thrice-crowned king uses its breath
item is dispelled before the golem makes its grapple weapon, it can breathe with one, two, or all three heads.
check (magic items are suppressed for 1d4+1 rounds). If the areas of two or more breath weapons overlap, a
Regardless, the golem can then attempt a combat creature caught in that overlapping area has the Reflex
maneuver check to grapple its opponent as a free action. save DC increased by +2 (or +4 if three breath weapons
This grapple attempt does not provoke an attack of overlap). Damage done by overlapping breath weapons
opportunity from the creature it is attempting to grapple stacks and is considered to be a single source of
if that creature is not threatening the golem. While it electricity and force damage for the purpose of tracking
grapples the target it can perform any other action resistance. Regardless of how many heads breathe, the
except making this attack again, though it can deal thrice-crowned king can only use its breath weapon once
damage with this attack to the grappled creature in place every 1d4 rounds.
of an attack, and is considered to be threatening that This replaces a gorynych's normal breath weapon
creature. The golem is not considered grappled and does special attack.
not have to be adjacent to the creature to continue the Hurricane Gust (Ex) As a standard action, a thrice-
grapple. A subject may attempt to release himself with a crowned king can create a severe blast of air
successful grapple check or Escape Artist check (DC 48). (approximately 75 mph) that originates from it, affecting
This replaces a cannon golem’s cannon special attack. all creatures in a 25 ft. radius burst; its effects last until
Pull (Ex) harpoon, 20 ft. the beginning of the thrice-crowned king’s turn.
This ability replaces a cannon golem’s gun training • A Small or smaller creature on the ground is
special attack. knocked down and rolled 1d4×10 ft., taking 1d4
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A harpoon golem is immune points of nonlethal damage per 10 ft. If flying, a
to spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell Small or smaller creature is blown back 2d6×10
resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently ft. and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage
against it, as noted below. due to battering and buffeting.
• Any spell with the electricity descriptor that • Medium creatures are knocked prone by the
affects a harpoon golem renders its harpoon, force of the wind, or, if flying, are blown back
impale opponent, devastating harpoon and pull 1d6×10 ft.
unusable for 1 round (no save). • Large creatures are unable to move forward
• A spell with the air descriptor that affects a against the force of the wind, or, if flying, are
harpoon golem causes the golem's thrown blown back 1d6×5 ft.
harpoon to strike the golem instead, and after • Huge or larger creatures may move normally
it is struck by its own harpoon, it is staggered within a hurricane blast effect.
for 1 round (no save). All flames are extinguished. Ranged attacks are
• A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks impossible (except with siege weapons, which have a –8
any staggering effect on the golem, negates the penalty on attack rolls). Perception checks based on
effect of electricity and heals 1 point of damage sound are impossible: all characters can hear is the
for each 3 points of damage the attack would roaring of the wind. Hurricane-force winds often fell
otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would trees. In addition to the effects noted, a hurricane blast
cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit can do anything that a sudden blast of wind would be

expected to do. It can create a stinging spray of sand or
dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate awnings or
hangings, and blow gases or vapors to the edge of its
This replaces a gorynych's bestow curse, charm person
and lesser geas spell-like abilities.
Regeneration (Ex): A thrice-crowned king has a
regeneration rate of 22. Its regeneration is only
suppressed if it wills it so, which usually only happens
when it is under some kind of compulsion. It
regenerates even if disintegrated, drowned, or slain by a
death effect. If a thrice-crowned king fails a save against
an effect that would kill or destroy it instantly, it rises
from death alive 3 rounds later with 1 hit point, if no
further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be
banished or otherwise transported, but the method to
truly kill it or destroy it requires some form of mind-
affecting effect.
This replaces a gorynych's dancing lights, limited wish,
message and mislead spell-like abilities.
Vulnerability to Mind-Affecting (Su) A thrice-
crowned king suffers a -4 penalty to the saving throw of
any mind-affecting spell or effect.
Environment any; this replaces a gorynych’s
temperate forests.

CR 16 Congealing Devil

Congealing Devil (Horned Devil) shut, jaws to lock, and tongue to swell, rendering the
subject blind and mute. This condition ends when the
Description Congealing devils are tailed, humanoid
Charisma damage is healed. The save DC is
slug-like creatures that grow a strong exoskeleton and
use their heavy forearms, mandibles, horns, and tail to
This replaces a horned devil’s infernal wound and stun
attack their foes. The cilia that extrude from their
special attacks.
exoskeleton are poisonous and can cause even water
Feats Ability Focus (thickening aura), Ability Focus
vapor to become a thick, disgusting gel. They are both
(poison), and Weapon Focus (claw); this replaces a
vulgar and quarrelsome, being far more disobedient that
horned devil’s Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike, and
horned devils; they will follow the letter of any
Weapon Focus (spiked chain) feats.
agreement but they will attempt to subvert that
agreement even if it is against their own best interest.
Melee 2 claws +25 (2d6+10 plus poison and thickening Fljót Linnorm (Linnorm,
(Linnorm, Fjord)
cilia), bite +22 (2d8+10 plus poison and thickening Description: This massive, sickly green and black eel-
cilia), gore +22 (2d8+10 plus poison and thickening like dragon has two webbed talons. Its tail ends in large
cilia), tail +22 (2d6+10 plus poison and thickening and powerful-looking flukes. These linnorms dwell
cilia); this replaces a horned devil’s normal melee among the deep rivers and inlets that grace northern
attacks. waterways though they despise saltwater and never
Thickening Cilia (Su) Creatures that are hit by a venture out to sea. Their favored haunts often overlap
congealing devil or hit it with natural weapons, non- with river trade routes and bridges.
reach manufactured weapons, or unarmed attacks will Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds as a
be touched by the millions of cilia that cover the devil standard action, a fljót linnorm can expel a 60-ft. cone
and must make a Will save to avoid being slowed (as the of highly pressurized toxic water, dealing 16d8 points of
slow spell) for 1 minute. This slowed effect appears like magical bludgeoning damage to all creatures struck
a sheath of gelatinized air and water vapor sticking to (Reflex DC 27 for half damage). Creatures with damage
the victim. It requires a full-round action to remove the reduction that is not overcome by magical bludgeoning
gel (or two standard actions, if slowed). The save DC is damage apply their listed damage reduction amount per
Charisma-based. die of damage. Upon a failed saving throw, the subject is
This replaces a horned devil’s fear aura. affected by the linnorm’s poison attack. The save DC is
Poison (Ex) Claw, Bite, Gore, Tail—injury; save Fort Constitution-based.
DC 28; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con This ability replaces a fjord linnorm’s normal breath
and 1d4 Cha damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. If a weapon special attack.
creature fails two consecutive saving throws, its internal Death Curse (Su) Curse of Befouling Water: save Will
fluids to congeal causing the creature’s eyes to swell DC 26; effect any water within 5 ft. of the slayer of the
linnorm becomes stagnant, making it foul and unable to within 60 ft. (no more than one spear can attack a single
support water-breathing life. The curse spoils liquids creature). Each spear deals 8d6 points of force damage.
containing water. Liquid-based magic items (such as The subject must also make a successful Fort save (DC
potions) and items in a creature's possession must 27), or the spear impales the creature and while it does
succeed on a Will save (DC 26) or become ruined. A not continue to deal damage, the spear lodges itself into
living subject can go without water for 1 day plus a the Ethereal Plane and holds the creature in place,
number of hours equal to his Constitution score. After inflicting the pinned condition upon the creature for 1
this time, the character must make a Constitution check minute. The creature can escape from the spear as a
each hour (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take standard action by making a Combat Maneuver or
1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters that take an Escape Artist check (DC equal to its CMD, 42, this does
amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit not provoke an attack of opportunity). A successful
points begin to take lethal damage instead. saving throw negates the pinned condition but does not
Living subjects who have taken nonlethal damage from reduce the damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
lack of water are fatigued. Nonlethal damage from thirst This replaces a plasma ooze’s plasma ray special attack
cannot be recovered until the character gets food or and magnetic pulse aura.
water as needed—not even magic that restores hit points
heals this damage.
This ability replaces a fjord linnorm’s normal death
Prismwalker (Nightshade, Nightwalker)
curse special attack. Description This towering, giant-like creature is
shaped from pure color-shifting light; its eyes are points
of pure white light in a sea of hues, and its arms end in
Force Ooze (Plasma Ooze) massive blades. Prismwalkers are the result of
Description Completely invisible creatures, legends nightwalkers being trapped on the Plane of Radiance.
say force oozes are created from the blood of great wyrm They tend to hide in high places during the night. They
force dragons, and can been encountered anywhere, but tend to be lone assassins, saboteurs, and spies, rather
most often in extremely isolated locales. than serving as generals.
AC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 26 (-4 size, +20 deflection); Lightsense (Ex) Prismwalkers gain true seeing in dim
this replaces a plasma ooze’s normal AC and split light and bright light. Regardless of light conditions,
defensive ability. they can detect living creatures and their health within
Force Damage (Ex) A force ooze deals plus 8d6 60 ft., as blindsense with deathwatch continuously
points of force damage (see Melee, Constrict, and active. Mind blank and nondetection prevent the latter
Engulf); this replaces a plasma ooze’s plus 4d6 effect but not the prismcrawler’s true seeing.
electricity, 4d6 fire. This replaces a nightwalker’s dark sense.
Displacement (Ex) A force ooze’s body distorts the Darkness Aversion (Ex) A nightshade in darkness
light around it so that it is hard to discern the ooze’s becomes sickened—the penalties from this condition are
exact location, this functions as a continuous doubled when the prismwalker is in natural darkness.
displacement spell, giving the ooze concealment (50% This replaces a nightwalker’s light aversion weakness.
miss chance). Objects and creatures that are engulfed Blinding Gaze (Su) A prismwalker’s eyes emit bright
ignore this ability. light to a range of 30 ft. Any creature within the area
This replaces a plasma ooze’s immunity to bludgeoning must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or gain the blinded
and piercing damage. condition (permanently). Creatures with light blindness
Immune to Force (Su) A force ooze cannot be or light sensitivity take the normal penalties within 30
harmed by any force effect, including magic missiles, ft. of a prismwalker that is using its blinding gaze. A
explosive runes, mage’s sword, beads of force, or any prismwalker can activate or suppress this ability as a
other spell or effect with the Force descriptor. It can free action. This save DC is Charisma-based.
move freely through barriers made of force, such as a This replaces a nightwalker’s fear gaze.
wall of force. This replaces a plasma ooze’s immunity to Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19)
electricity. At will—daylight replaces deeper darkness.
Natural Invisibility (Ex) This ability is constant—a 1/day—prismatic spray (DC 22) replaces finger of
force ooze remains invisible at all times, even when death, searing light replaces cone of cold, summon
attacking. As this ability is inherent, it is not subject to (level 6, 2 greater fire elemental) replaces a
the invisibility purge spell. Against foes that cannot nightwalker’s normal summon ability.
pinpoint it, the force ooze gains a +20 bonus on Stealth Environment any non-underground (Radiant Energy
checks when moving, or +40 when standing still—these Plane).
bonuses are not included in the statistics above. A
creature that can see invisible creatures must still
contend with the ooze’s displacement ability; objects
Titanium Golem (Mithral Golem)
and creatures who are engulfed gain the benefit of this Description: Made of polished, brilliantly white and
effect. highly reflective metal, this immense humanoid
This replaces a plasma ooze’s immunity to acid and construct moves with shocking grace and speed. Where
resist cold. mithral golems are often the creations of dwarves these
Force Spear (Su) As a standard action, a force ooze engines of war are the work of titans for only they know
can fire 1d4 force spears at up to 4 separate targets

the secret of working this metal and the creations of
these golems.
Immunity to Magic A titanium golem is immune to
any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
In addition, certain spells and effects function
differently against a titanium golem, as noted below.
• A slow spell cast on the golem causes it to lose
its quickness ability for 1d6 rounds.
• A haste spell heals the golem of 1d6 points of
damage per level of the caster (maximum
• Hitting a titanium golem with any spell of 6th
level or higher with the water descriptor causes Glutton Beast
the golem to take 10d6 points of damage (no
save) and its reflection ability for 24 hours.
Reflection (Su) A titanium golem reflects spells Glutton Beast (Bandersnatch)
(except spells that function differently against the golem Description This foul-looking hog-like beast stalks
as described in its immune to magic ability) as if under forward with a bewildering grace it should not possess,
the effect of a spell turning spell. It can reflect up to 10 two disgusting ear-like tentacles lifting bits of food up to
spell levels per round. In addition, it also reflects all gaze its horrid maw. Unlike a bandersnatch, a glutton beast
attacks as the creature sees its own reflection. only likes easy prey and will wait and stalk its prey,
This ability replaces fluid form. waiting for the perfect moment to take advantage of a
foe’s weakness.
Melee bite +32 (2d8+13 plus grab and ravenous
CR 17 starvation), 2 tentacles +32 (2d6+13/19-20 plus
ravenous starvation), tail slap +27 (2d8+19/x3 plus
ravenous starvation); this replaces a bandersnatch’s
Geysir Linnorm (Linnorm, Ice) normal melee and ranged attacks.
Description This snake-like, dragon-headed monster Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap and tentacles).
of tremendous size is nearly always seen with steam Special Attacks rake (2 claws, +32, 2d6+13/19-20),
rising up off its coiling flanks. The geysir linnorm dwells rend (2 tentacles, 2d6+19); this replaces a
near hot springs, geysers, and other geothermal events; bandersnatch’s normal rake and melee attacks.
many creatures unwittingly seek to find warmth and Ravenous Starvation (Su) Any creature that is hit by
sanctuary in these locations, only to find death at a a glutton beast’s natural attacks, or strikes a
geysir linnorm’s furious fangs and claws. bandersnatch with a melee attack, unarmed strike, or
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, as a natural weapon must make a Will save (DC 29) or
standard action, a geysir linnorm can expel a 120-ft. line instantly begin to starve, taking 1d6 points of nonlethal
of high pressure, boiling water dealing 12d6 points of damage and becoming fatigued. Nonlethal damage from
fire damage and 12d6 points of magical bludgeoning starvation cannot be recovered until the character gets
damage to all creatures struck (Reflex DC 28 halves). food or water, as needed—not even magic that restores
Creatures that fail their saves are pushed to the end of hit points heals this damage. The creature also requires
the line. Creatures with damage reduction that is not five times the normal amount of food in each 24-hour
overcome by magical bludgeoning damage apply their period (so a Medium creature requires 5 pounds of food,
listed damage reduction amount per die of magical and small creature 2.5 pounds). The save DC is
bludgeoning damage The save DC is Constitution-based. Constitution-based. This is a curse effect as bestow
This replaces an ice linnorm’s normal breath weapon curse, though the DC to remove the curse is increased by
special attack. +5.
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a geysir This ability replaces a bandersnatch’s pain, quill
linnorm, the slayer is affected by the curse of boiling. defense, and quills special abilities.
Curse of Boiling: save Will DC 25; effect creature gains
vulnerability to fire. The save DC is Charisma-based. Shokujinki (Wendigo)
This replaces an ice linnorm’s normal death curse Description These undead are born of selfish mortals
special attack. who live only for their own pleasure, especially those
Poison (Su) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 28; frequency who are supposed to be serving a higher ideal. They
1/round for 10 rounds; effect 4d6 fire damage and 1d6 often appear as normal mortals but their true form is
Con drain; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is either that of shapeless beings or decomposing cadavers,
Constitution-based. with inhuman features such as sharp claws and glowing
This replaces an ice linnorm’s normal poison special eyes. Yet, like wendigo, they have a repugnant and
attack. irresistible craving for the flesh of humanoid corpses.
Type Undead; this replaces the wendigo’s outsider type
and its subtypes.

Cowering Gaze (Su) Cower in fear for 1 minute, 30 descriptor, and suffers +50% damage from damage
ft., Will DC 28 partial, upon a successful save the subject dealing spells and effects with the water descriptor; if
is shaken for 1 round. Each round on its turn, the subject the water descriptor spell or effect does not deal
may attempt to overcome its fear and attempt a new damage, it deals 1d6 points of damage per spell level.
saving throw to end the effect. This is a full-round action The sparkwight receives a save (Fortitude) for half
that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This is a damage (with the -4 penalty).
mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma- This replaces a winterwight’s vulnerability to fire.
based. Environment any land; this replaces a winterwight’s
This replaces a wendigo’s dream haunting and howl any cold land.
special attacks.
Alter Self (Sp) At will; this replaces a wendigo’s
nightmare spell-like ability.
Phansigar (Demon, Marilith)
Shokujinki Curse (Su) A shokujinki curses any living This six-armed, 11-ft. tall female assassin has blue-
creature it injures so that when that subject dies it rises colored skin, disheveled black hair, a lolling tongue, and
again 1d4 days later as a shokujinki, a Will save DC 28 eyes red with intoxication. She is nude save for a skirt of
negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. humanoid arms, a garland of human heads, and a yellow
This replaces a wendigo’s wendigo psychosis special turban. Phansigar (sometimes called thugee demons)
attack. take the form of humanoids, beasts of burden, or pets
and join travelers on their journeys until they gain their
confidence. They will sometimes go on extremely long
Sparkwight (Winterwight) journeys to accomplish this. Once they have that
Description Human-sized and of a shocking white and confidence they use it to surprise and strangle their
blue color, this long-taloned skeletal creature is partially victims by using three nooses from the turban around
encased in cold iron plates. The sparkwight is an undead their necks. They will then rob their victims of valuables
horror born from the most storm-churned depths of the and bury their bodies. If forced into combat, they will
Elemental Plane of Air and a rift opening to the Negative often feint an attack to put their foe off balance so they
Energy Plane. Infused with the negative energy and can use their yellow nooses.
lightning that permeates these areas; these horrors are Melee 6 slams +22 (1d8+7).
often found in areas that suffer from magical electricity Ranged 3 yellow nooses (Range 20 ft., see strangle foe).
or thunderstorms. This replaces a marilith’s normal melee attacks.
Type A sparkwight loses the winterwight’s cold subtype. Spell-Like Abilities
Immune Electricity; this replaces a winterwight’s At will—polymorph; this replaces a marilith’s project
immunity to cold. image.
Speed Fly 90 ft. 3/day— suffocation (DC 23, see Pathfinder®
Skills Fly +10; Racial +10 fly. Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide™); this
These replace a winterwight’s constant airwalk spell- replaces a marilith’s blade barrier.
like ability. Strangle Foe (Ex): The phansigar can attempt to
Spell-Like Abilities strangle up to three opponents as a standard action (or
At will—chain lightning (DC 25), replaces cone of cold one opponent as part of an attack of opportunity) by
and sleet storm, energy substitution (electricity) wall of making a successful combat maneuver check (+4 bonus)
fire replaces wall of ice. with her yellow nooses. This does not provoke an attack
3/day—energy substitution (electricity) polar ray of opportunity. Opponents add +4 to their CMD if
replaces polar ray. wearing full plate or a leather collar –or– +10 if wearing
Arcing Aura (Su) Sparkwights are surrounded by a a gorget. If the phansigar’s combat maneuver check is
10-ft. radius of arcing electricity. Any creatures within successful, she pulls the subject into her square (does
this area during the sparkwight’s turn take 2d10 points not provoke an attack of opportunity), the subject gains
of electricity damage. the grappled condition, cannot speak or cast spells with
This ability replaces a winterwight’s cold aura. verbal components, and suffers doing 2d6 +12 per
Blight Discharge (Su) Whenever a sparkwight round (at the start of the phansigar’s turn). If the subject
damages a creature with a bite or claw, the wound fills has not lost its Dexterity modifier to AC the subject is
with ball lightning composed of negative energy. For the able to hold his breath (which is why most such attacks
next 5 rounds, the victim must make a DC 29 Fortitude are preformed against unaware and flat-footed
saving throw at the start of its turn or take 1d3 points of opponents). Maintaining this strangulation only
Dexterity drain and 1d3 points of Wisdom drain. The requires a move action. In addition, a subject that was
sparkwight gains 10 temporary hit points each time the not able to hold its breath must make a DC 10
creature fails a saving throw against blight discharge. A Constitution check. The check must be repeated each
creature cannot be affected by more than one instance of round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous
blight discharge at a time. The save DC is Charisma- check. If the target fails one of these Constitution
based. checks, it begins to suffocate. In the first round, it falls
This ability replaces a winterwight’s blightfire special unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, it
attack. drops to –1 hit points and is dying (this happens after
Susceptibility to Water (Su) A sparkwight suffers a - damage is dealt by this ability). In the third round, it
4 penalty against all spells and effects with the water suffocates and dies.

A subject being strangled can attempt to break free as a
standard action by making a successful combat
Chaos Serpent (Linnorm, Cairn)
maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC 42; this This is an enormous multi-colored, cobra-like serpent of
does not provoke an attack of opportunity). In addition, ever shifting scales. Chaos serpents love to travel and
someone could attempt to sunder the yellow noose (DC seem drawn to ruins and other areas that have been
42, hardness 2, 14 hp). If this is successful, the subject subject to mass destruction.
breaks free and can act normally. A broken noose will Melee bite +29 (3d8+13/19-20 plus poison) and tail
reform whole after one round. +24 (3d6+6 plus grab); this replaces a cairn linnorm’s
This replaces a marilith’s normal gab, constrict, normal melee attacks.
crushing coils, infuse weapon, and multiweapon mastery Chaotic Immunity (Su) Roll a d10 randomly
special attacks. whenever a chaos serpent is subject to damage from an
Feats Blind-Fight, Deceitful, Greater Feint, Improve energy attack; on a result of a 9 or 10 it is immune to
Feint, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (bluff); this that energy type.
replaces a marilith’s Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, This replaces a cairn linnorm’s immunity to acid.
Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Disarm, Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword) standard action, a chaos serpent can expel a chaotic
Skills Bluff +36, Disguise +30; this replaces a marilith’s blast of power with a range of 60 ft. to attack its foes.
Bluff and Intimidate skills. The shape, substance, and damage are all random, so
the attack might be a flaming cone of feathers, a ray of
spurting water, a burst of kittens (which vanish
CR 18 moments after the attack’s completion), or any other of
thousands of possibilities. First, roll on the table below
to determine the area of effect. After determining the
Beast from Beyond (Kraken) area of effect, choose the target(s). After choosing the
target(s), roll to determine damage dealt and then the
This tremendous leviathan looks like nothing but a dark,
substance the blast consists of. If the substance includes
transparent mass of grasping tentacles and a horrible
maw. These creatures come from dark depths of chaos a descriptor, such as [fire], the damage is of that type.
Otherwise, it is considered bludgeoning damage. Roll
and disorder, from non-Euclidean realms mortals were
once for each aspect (once for area of effect, once for
not meant to know.
damage, once for substance). All matter created by this
Subtype extraplanar; this replaces the kraken’s aquatic
effect disappears at the beginning of the chaos serpent’s
next round.
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.; this replaces a kraken’s normal
If damage or a penalty is inflicted, a successful Ref save
speed and jet ability.
(DC 28) results in half damage or half the penalty. If a
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
condition is inflicted, a successful Will Save (DC 28)
1/day— gate, plane shift (DC 17), resist energy, teleport
results in a partial effect that lasts for only 1 round
This replaces all of a kraken’s spell-like abilities.
unless otherwise stated. The duration of damage is
Reality Distortion (Su) By changing the laws of
instantaneous while the duration of penalties and
physics, a beast from beyond can change the direction of
conditions is 1 minute unless otherwise stated. If chaotic
any incoming attack or targeted spell. Any incoming
blast instead has a spell effect, use duration of that spell.
attack provokes a special attack of opportunity, to which
Spells simulated by chaotic blast affect all creatures
the beast from beyond can make a special opposed
and/or objects in the area of effect. A chaos serpent is
attack roll (targeted spells are treated as ranged touch
immune to the effects of its own chaotic blast.
attacks) essentially attacking the attack with its reality
This replaces a cairn linnorm’s normal breath weapon
distortion. Otherwise, it follows standard rules for
special attack.
opposed attack rolls. If successful, the attack is sent off
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a chaos
in a direction of the beast from beyond’s choosing,
serpent, the slayer is affected by the curse of chaos.
attacking any target within 80 ft. of the beast from
Curse of Chaos: save Will DC 25; effect each day, one
beyond. It can only use this ability if the beast from
ability at random is affected. Roll 1d6 to determine
beyond can make an attack of opportunity.
This replaces a kraken’s ink cloud special attack. which ability is changed. For that particular day, the
ability gains a -10 penalty (to a minimum of 1).
Improve Accuracy (Su) As a move action, the beast
Alternatively, each day the GM may select any curse
from beyond can use its ability to manipulate the spatial
effect she wishes, though the GM should avoid repeating
characteristics around it to allow for greater precision
curse effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.
adding a +10 circumstance bonus to its attack roll.
This replaces a cairn linnorm’s normal death curse
This replaces a kraken’s rend ship special attack.
special attack.
Skills Fly +31, Knowledge (planar) +25; this replaces a
Poison (Su) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 28; frequency
kraken’s Knowledge (nature) and Swim skills.
1/round for 10 rounds; effect 4d6 damage from a
Environment any; this replaces a kraken’s any ocean.
random energy type and 1d6 ability drain from a
random ability score; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
This replaces a cairn linnorm’s normal poison special

Chaos Serpent Breath Weapon Table
D20 Area/Targets/Effect Damage Dealt Substance
1 60 ft. cone 9d6 Acid [acid]
2 60 ft. cone 12d6 Frost [cold]
3 Four 10-ft. cubes 12d6 Lightning [electricity]
4 Four 10-ft. cubes 18d6 Fire [fire]
5 Ray (ranged touch no save) 18d6 Sonic [sonic]
6 Ray (ranged touch no save) 21d6 Water [water]
7 Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 40-ft. high) 21d6 Shards of metal and stone
8 Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 40-ft. high) Enhancement penalty: 1d4 Str +9 Intense wind [air]
Str/ halves penalty
9 15-ft. radius spread Enhancement penalty: 1d4 Dex +9 Many tiny fury animals, all
Dex/ halves penalty of the same species
10 15-ft. radius spread Staggered/sickened Animal matter
11 5 ft. wide line out to range Blinded/dazzled Plant matter
12 5ft. wide out to range Panicked/shaken Coinage
13 18 creatures, no two of which can be Exhausted/fatigued Spider webs
more than 30 ft. apart
14 18 creatures, no two of which can be Nauseated/sickened Insects
more than 30 ft. apart
15 Creature or object bitten Paralyzed/staggered Slime or ooze
16 Creature or object bitten 1d3+1 negative levels/1 negative Household objects
17 One creature or object Stunned/confused Prismatic [light]
18 One creature or object Sleep/confused Stones [earth]
19 5-ft.-diameter sphere (controlled like Unconscious/stunned Roll twice and combine
flaming sphere)
20 All creatures, no two of which can be Helpless (1 hour)/stunned Invisible force [force]
more than 60 ft. apart

Norn of the Solstice Court (Norn) Court can also inflict any one of the following conditions
when a target fails its save. The save DC is Charisma-
Description This powerful giant maiden wears based.
concealing robes and light seems to pass through her as
if she were not there. She carries a reel of golden thread Condition Duration
and a pair of shears. Norns of the Solstice Court are far shaken, sickened 1 round/class level
more vicious, vindictive, and cruel than their cousins, deafened, blinded, confused, 1d4 rounds
and far more willing to manipulate the strands of fate staggered
than those norns that belong to other fey courts. dazed, cowering, nauseated, 1 round
Alignment CE; this replaces a norn’s LN. stunned
Improved Evasion (Su) This works like evasion, This replaces the norn’s weird spell-like ability.
except that while the Norn of the Solstice Court still Pronounced Doom (Su): As a swift action, a Norn of
takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw the Solstice Court can curse any creature within 100 ft.
against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage with an ill-fortune. This curse permanently negates all
on a failed save. A helpless Norn of the Solstice Court luck bonuses the target benefits from. In addition, any
does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. The save combat action other than moving its speed that the
DC is Charisma-based. subject takes has a 75% chance of failing. A successful
This replaces the norn’s moment of prescience and time Will save (DC 30) negates this effect. This is a curse
stop spell like abilities. effect that adds +5 to the DC to remove the curse.
Pluck the Thread (Su) Using her ability to affect the This replaces the norn’s bestow curse and geas/quest
outcome of fate, a Norn of the Solstice Court can, as an spell like abilities.
immediate action, cause a hazardous condition to affect Stalwart (Ex) This ability grants the Norn of the
a single target. This hazard deals 10d6 points of damage Solstice Court the ability to alter the likelihood of
and inflicts a condition (see below). A successful Reflex secondary effects interacting with her; if she makes a
save (DC 30) results in half damage and negates the Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has
condition. The actual damage type is subject to GM a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids
determination but the default is often bludgeoning, the effect entirely. This ability can only be used if the
resulting from something improbably falling from the Norn of the Solstice Court is wearing light armor,
sky (such as a dead griffon) or a underground explosion medium armor, or no armor. A helpless Norn of the
(such as caused by the rotting corpse of a purple worm), Solstice Court does not gain the benefit of the stalwart
but it can be as dramatic as a lightning strike from a ability.
clear blue sky. This damage cannot be something the This replaces the norn’s maze and quickened
target is resistant or immune to. A Norn of the Solstice phantasmal killer spell-like abilities.
(Nightshade, Nightcrawler)
Description This immense worm is covered with
plates of bright color-shifting, chitinous armor. Its
toothy maw yawns like a cave. Prismcrawlers are the
result of nightcrawlers being trapped on the Plane of
Radiance. They tend to hide in high places during the
night and rarely if ever do they burrow. They tend to be
lone assassins, saboteurs, and spies, rather than serving
as generals. Thus, they are far more likely to be
encountered by surface dwellers.
Lightsense (Ex) Prismcrawlers gain true seeing in
dim light and bright light. Regardless of light conditions,
they can detect living creatures and their health within
60 ft., as blindsense with deathwatch continuously
active. Mind blank and nondetection prevent the latter
effect but not the prismcrawler’s true seeing.
This replaces a nightcrawler’s dark sense.
Darkness Aversion (Ex) A prismcrawler in darkness
becomes sickened—the penalties from this condition are
doubled when the prismcrawler is in natural darkness.
This replaces a nightcrawler’s light aversion weakness.
Melee bite +32 (4d10+18/19–20 plus 4d6 fire and
grab), sting +32 (4d6+18/19–20 plus 4d6 fire and
Prismatic Bite (Su) The bite of a prismcrawler infuses Volcano Behemoth
its foe with prismatic energy. When a prismcrawler bites
a foe, the victim must make a DC 23 Will save or be Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. If a volcano
affected by all the colors of a prismatic spray (DC for behemoth is hit with a melee weapon that weapon takes
each effect is the same as this save). A successful initial fire damage as though hit by the volcano behemoth and
save results in the subject being affected by a 1d8 must make a Reflex save (DC 30) to avoid catching on
random roll on the prismatic spray. The negative level fire. This effect does not avoid or ignore hardness.
from the bite attack is inflicted before the save against Weapons that deal additional cold or fire damage are
this ability is made. The save DC is Charisma-based. immune to this effect (such as a flaming or icy burst
This replaces a nightwalker’s poison attack. weapon). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19) This replaces a thunder behemoth’s grab, fast swallow,
At will—daylight replaces deeper darkness. and swallow whole special attacks.
1/day—prismatic spray (DC 22) replaces finger of Pyroclastic Aura (Ex): A volcano behemoth exudes a
death, quickened searing light replaces quickened cone smoky, poisonous gas in a 30ft. radius.
of cold, summon (level 8, 6 elder fire elementals) Pyroclastic aura—inhaled; save Fort DC 30; frequency
replaces a nightwalker’s normal summon ability. 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1d6 Constitution damage;
Environment any non-underground (Radiant Energy cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-
Plane). based.
The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision,
beyond 5 ft. A creature within 5 ft. has concealment
Volcano Behemoth (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther
(Behemoth, Thunder) away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the
attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate
Description Through the black ash and smoke, you
wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a
make out an enormous beast that looks like it has an
strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round,
exploding volcano on its back, its entire body is covered
but the smoke returns after 1d4+1 rounds.
with obsidian and basalt armored plates.
This replaces a thunder behemoth’s rock spitting special
Lava Burn (Ex) A volcano behemoth’s melee attacks
deal 2d6 fire damage in addition to damage dealt. Those
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds as a
affected by the lava burn ability must also succeed on a
standard action, a volcano behemoth can expel a 60ft.
Reflex save (DC 30) or catch fire, taking 2d6 for an
cone that deals 12d6 points of fire damage and 12d6
additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning
points of magical bludgeoning damage. A successful
creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action.
Reflex save (DC 30) results in half damage. Creatures
Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus
with damage reduction that is not overcome by magical
on this save. Creatures that hit a volcano behemoth with
bludgeoning damage apply their listed damage
natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as
reduction amount per die of magical bludgeoning
though hit by the volcano behemoth and must make a
damage. In addition, the cone of gas is poisonous.
Breath Weapon—injury; save Fort DC 30; frequency Mental Degradation (Su): Prolonged exposure to a
1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1d6 Constitution damage; cogent and its unnatural existence can have a
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution- detrimental effect on the psyche. Every round a creature
based. ends its turn within 300 ft. of a cogent, that creature
This replaces a thunder behemoth’s mighty roar special must make a successful Will save or suffer from a severe
attack. form of madness chosen by GM. The onset time of this
madness is immediate. The DC for this begins at 11 and
CR 19 increases by 1 each round to an eventual maximum of
31. This is a mind-affecting effect. The maximum save
DC is Constitution-based.
Cogent (Shoggoth) Divine Electricity (Ex) The cogent’s vast synaptic
Description This vast creature resembles a massive responses carry with it a heavy electrical charge. A
floating brain with dozens of green tentacles extending cogent’s attacks deal 2d6 electrical damage in addition
from its central mass. Each of its tentacles ends in a to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee; +4d6 on a
hideous, gulping maw. Electrical impulses course over successful critical hit. Half of this damage is divine
its surface, perhaps ushering commands to the probing energy and is not subject to energy resistance or
and writhing tendrils, which seem to cavort and flail by immunity. Creatures that hit a cogent with natural
some mad design. The whole mass seems to glide weapons, unarmed attacks, or primarily metal melee
effortlessly and must surely be buoyed by supernatural weapons take divine electrical damage as though hit by
means. The cogent, or world flayers, are insanely the cogent.
powerful beings that occasionally leave the darkness This replaces the shoggoth’s engulf and trample special
between the stars. While their exact origins are attacks.
unknown, sages speculate that they are the disembodied Environment any; this replaces the shoggoth’s cold
brains of elder beings. While normally only found in the aquatic or underground
darkness between the stars and other non-Euclidian
planes of existence, cogent sometimes find their way to Force Golem (Adamantine Golem)
other mortal realms via dimensional bleeding and tears. Description These unseen automatons are created by
Most often, they will be encountered in the depths of spell and spell alone. They are amongst the most
space, throughout which they travel seeking places to popular servants for mythic archmages and deities of
consume. Wherever they appear, they seek to inflict magic. One or more of these unobtrusive constructs
maximum madness and chaos upon all sentient targets. guard the laboratories of many such magic users. In the
Subtype Extraplanar; this replaces the shoggoth’s past, force golems have been used as sarcophagi for
aquatic subtype. ancient arcane spellcasters; indeed, their invisibility can
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.; this replaces the shoggoth’s sometimes be betrayed by traces of dust and bone
normal speed and amphibious special quality. collecting in the wells of their feet. Force golems are
Melee 4 bites +30 (3d6+15/19–20 plus mind rot); this effectively weightless.
replaces a shoggoth’s normal melee attacks. Force Hammer (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a swift
Mind Drain (Su) Every bite attack drains 1 point of action, a force golem can blast a creature within 300ft.
Wisdom and 1 point of Intelligence from the victim, or 2 with force, seize it with telekinesis, and use it to batter
points each on a critical hit. The subject must then make nearby opponents or objects. The force golem makes a
a successful Will save DC 31 or suffer from a severe form ranged touch attack; if successful, it deals 20d6 points of
of madness chosen by the GM. The onset time of this force damage. A successful Fort save DC 25 halves the
madness is immediate. The cogent heals 5 hit points for initial damage, and negates its being seized by
every Wisdom point drained. Below is one suggested telekinesis for that round (dead bodies receive no saving
form of madness. The save DC is Constitution-based. throw). Each round (including the round in which the
This replaces the shoggoth’s grab and constrict special spell is cast), as a move action, the force golem can
attacks. attempt to hurl the target at any creature or object
within 300 ft. The force golem must make an attack roll
whenever it uses the target as a weapon. If the force
Severe Teratophobia golem successfully hits the new target with the creature,
Type insanity; save Will DC varies onset 1 day effect both it and the creature take damage based on the
irrational fear of monsters. Target is shaken as long as a creature’s size (see below) plus 2d6 force damage.
monster (non-humanoid creature) is obvious;
Creature Size Damage Dealt
additionally, if the subject is directly confronted by a
monster (he attempts to attack it for example, or the Fine 1d4
creature attacks one of the subject’s allies), he must Diminutive 1d6
make a Will save against the insanity, or become Tiny 1d8
panicked by the monster for 1d6 rounds. If the subject is Small 1d10
directly attacked by a monster, he must make a Will save Medium 2d6
against the insanity, or be cowered by the monster for Large 2d8
1d6+1 rounds. Huge 2d10
Gargantuan 3d6
Colossal 3d8

If the subject would be killed or destroyed by the
damage this spell inflicts, it remains intact until after the New Weapon Special Ability: Perilous
spell ends. The target creature must make a Fortitude When a weapon with the perilous ability scores a critical
saving throw each time the force golem attempts to use hit, its critical can cascade: the player continues to reroll
it as a weapon. If it makes its saving throw it can act confirmations of a critical hit at a -5 cumulative attack
normally, but if it fails its save, it loses all actions for the penalty even after the first confirmation until there is a
round and ends its turn prone in a square adjacent to miss, and each successful strike increases the weapon’s
the target the force golem attacks. However, if the critical multiplier by x1. Thus if a character scores a
creature chooses to resist the force golem’s efforts to critical with a perilous longsword (base critical x2), first
move it, taking no other actions for the round, it gets a he must roll a hit to confirm the critical, then roll again
+4 circumstance bonus on its saving throw. at a -5 attack penalty, then again at a -10 attack penalty,
This replaces an adamantine golem’s destructive strike then again at a -15 penalty, etc., until he misses (for
special attack. example, at a -20 penalty). The longsword in this case
Immunity to Magic (Su): A force golem is immune to scored three additional successes beyond the initial
any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance critical, so the longsword’s critical multiplier is
except as follows: increased to x5.
A dispel magic (or similar magic-nullifying spell) spell Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and
deals 1d6 points of damage per spell level (an anti- Armor; keen edge; Price +5 bonus.
magic spell would do this per round).
A disintegrate spell inflicts damage as normal.
A magical attack that deals damage and has any force Spell-Like Abilities summon (level 6, 1 shadow
descriptor heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of demon 50% or 1d4 greater shadows 75%); this replaces a
damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount vrolikai’s normal summon spell-like ability.
of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full Shadow of What Was (Su) A kabiri can see into a
normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit being’s history and cause it to revisit its most harrowing
points. A force golem gets no saving throw against memories. Once every 1d4 rounds as a swift action, a
damage-dealing force effects. kabiri can force any target within 100 ft. to recall the
This replaces an adamantine golem’s normal immunity greatest pain it ever suffered. This may have been the
to magic. breath of a great wyrm dragon, or the bite of a tarrasque.
Natural Invisibility (Ex) This ability is constant—a Only the damage itself is re-experienced. For brevity,
force golem remains invisible at all times, even when treat the attack as if dealing 200 points of damage.
attacking. As this ability is inherent, it is not subject to Those affected can make a Will save (DC 27) and suffer
the invisibility purge spell. Against foes that cannot only 10d6 points of damage. Regardless of success or
pinpoint it, the force golem gains a +20 bonus on failure, any single opponent is immune to the effects of
Stealth checks when moving, or +40 when standing this ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
still—these bonuses are not included in the statistics. This replaces a vrolikai’s death stealing gaze special
Kabiri Demon (Demon, Vrolikai) Six Shadows (Su): A kabiri’s multiple shadows act as
Description The dark figure before you resembles a six permanent mirror images. If destroyed, these
tall, winged humanoid. Other than a pair of baleful, shadows reform at the beginning of the next round.
glowing white eyes, its exact features are blurred and They can only be disrupted by attacks specifically
impossible to discern. Less nebulous however, is its directed at them.
equipment. It carries a luminous, multihued blade with This replaces a vrolikai’s madness and multiweapon
seven serrations, and wears a golden crown with seven mastery special attacks.
of ten stems ending in eyeballs, the other three
apparently broken. As the creature moves, six shadowy Myrkviðr
Myrkvi r Linnorm (Taiga, Linnorm)
echoes appear to trail behind it, one after the other, each Description With menacing dark brown horns like tree
slightly dimmer and more faded than the last. Kabiri, branches jutting from its head, this two-legged dragon is
sometimes spelt cabiri or even qabiri, is a demon of covered in dark brown scales. These dragons always
secrets, and is more often referred to as kabiri of the six blend in with the local fauna to resemble the
shadows. Kabiri are masters of shadows, and shadow surrounding forest. These great guardians of the forests
demons. It is rumored that even those shadow demons share many similarities to treants, and indeed
in the thrall of other demons whisper their secrets to the sometimes myrkviðr linnorm at rest can be mistaken for
kabiri, although this could just be clever propaganda on elder treants. However, myrkviðr linnorm are more
the part of the kabiri. vicious than their sometimes allies, and are more willing
Melee serrated rule+4 keen, perilous, adamantine to look upon the destruction of a forest as a chance for a
longsword +32/+27/+22/+17 melee (2d6+14 /17-20 new one to grow, even if it is the forest they are trying to
plus perilous); this replaces a vrolikai’s normal melee protect at the time. In that respect, they defend nature’s
attacks and black knives special attack. right to exist in the face of civilization rather than the
forests themselves.
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a
standard action, a myrkviðr linnorm can expel a 60-ft.
cone of vermin (usually wasps) that deals 28d6 points of Abrogate (Su) The void serpent negates the benefits of
damage in a manner similar to a swarm, a successful its opponent’s strongest offensive combat ability
Reflex save (DC 30) results in half damage. The swarms (subject to GM adjudication). This can be either some
persists as a creeping doom spell (CL 19) and remains personal power (such as the highest level class ability or
until the spell’s duration ends or the dragon uses its a creature’s highest level of spell-casting or spell-like
breath weapon again, whichever comes first. The save abilities) or simply the being’s highest ability score,
DC is Constitution-based. which no longer provides any bonus while within range
This replaces a taiga linnorm’s normal breath weapon (no save). This ability extends to a range of 1,000 ft. This
special attack. ability affects eidolons and intelligent magic items (but
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a myrkviðr not intelligent artifacts), treating them as separate
linnorm, the slayer is affected by the curse of vermin. enemies. However, it has no effect upon non-intelligent
Curse of Vermin: save Will DC 25; effect swarms, rats, magic items.
bats, vermin and related magical beasts the subject This replaces a deep sea serpent’s elusive defensive
encounters automatically seek out and attack the ability.
subject. Entropic Wounds (Ex) The void serpent’s physical
Other mundane vermin creatures also flock to the attacks cause damage that is resistant to healing.
subject, finding comfort in him. Flies, gnats, and other Natural healing, supernatural healing and extraordinary
mundane vermin creatures make their home in his hair forms of healing (such as fast healing and regeneration)
and skin, laying their eggs on him, becoming a constant require the subject to make a successful Fort save (DC
nuisance, and getting into his nose, mouth, and eyes. 30) each time an attempt is made to heal the damage.
The vermin constantly infect the victim, weakening his Failure means that damage cannot be healed by that
immune system and causing a -4 circumstance penalty particular form of healing. Healing via spells and/or
to any Fortitude saves to resist diseases. The cloud of spell-like abilities requires a successful caster level check
vermin also attracts attention and makes it difficult to DC 30, as do the use of spells or effects that would
see. Any rolls that depend on visual acuity suffer a -4 return a creature to life, and those returned to life gain
circumstance penalty including Disable Device and an additional negative level (even those raised by true
Perception checks, and any ranged attacks. In addition, resurrection). The save DC is Constitution-based.
all Charisma-based checks suffer a -4 circumstance This replaces a deep sea serpent’s capsize special attack.
penalty. Also, 2d4 tiny vermin creatures accompany the
victim at all times, often sleeping with the victim at
night and may be found in the victim’s pockets or CR 20
equipment. There is a 50% chance every night that the
vermin will chew up any paper materials they can
access, or eat any accessible food; if there is no food or Celestial Serpent
Serpent (Linnorm, Tarn)
paper, they bite the subject, waking it from sleep. They Description This massive serpent has heads at both
also make sneaking difficult and any Stealth attempts ends and glows with an unearthly hued radiance. The
suffer a -4 circumstance penalty. The save DC is creature itself is pure white, but for the jet black ridge of
Charisma-based. spines on its back which twinkle as if some gaping
This replaces a taiga linnorm’s normal death curse window to the night sky. The serpent has no wings yet
special attack. nonetheless its long, sinuous body snakes its way
Poison (Su) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 28; frequency through the sky. Each horned head has four eyes that if
1/round for 10 rounds; effect 4d6 piercing damage and gazed upon from a certain angle seem to be a confusing
1d6 Dexterity drain; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save composite of two faces.
DC is Constitution-based. Celestial serpents, sometimes called comet dragons, or
This replaces a taiga linnorm’s normal poison special oruborus, are cosmic travelers who explore the universe.
attack. Often they are encountered at the vicinity of temporal
disturbances, the ripples of which they can sense.
Void Serpent (Deep Sea Serpent) Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect); this replaces a tarn
linnorm’s normal speed.
Description This enormous, unsettling flying serpent Melee 2 bites +30 (3d8+16/19–20 plus poison); this
is utterly black, seeming to absorb all light save its
replaces a tarn linnorm’s normal melee attacks.
glowing red, bulging eyes. This creature’s rounded jaws
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a
are filled with long, jagged black teeth. Sometimes called
standard action, a celestial serpent can expel a 60-ft.
null dragons, emissaries of annihilation, these monsters
cone of temporal stasis that freezes all subjects who fail
are the bane of all existence, particularly dragonkind.
a Ref save (DC 32) for 2 minutes. Subjects who
Ironically, the greatest of all dragonslayers is itself a
successfully save are treated as if slowed (as the slow
dragon. Void serpents hate all dragon kind, even
spell) for the same duration. Opponents frozen in this
themselves. Some sages claim that spheres of annilation
manner can still be attacked normally by the celestial
are really void serpent eggs.
serpent; however, once affected by this breath weapon,
Subtype Extraplanar; this replaces the deep sea
an opponent is immune to subsequent breath attacks
serpent’s aquatic subtype.
from the same celestial serpent until the initial effect
Speed 10 ft., fly 90 ft.; this replaces a deep sea serpent’s
wears off. Alternatively, as a full-round action, it can
normal speed and surge ability.
breathe temporal stasis from both heads to create two
adjacent 60-ft.-long cones or two separate 120-ft.-long
lines. In this case, it cannot use its breath weapon again
Gibborim Behemoth (Behemoth,
for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based. Thalassic)
This replaces a tarn linnorm’s normal breath weapon Description This creature resembles a gargantuan,
special attack. grossly obese elephant that had learned to walk upright
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a celestial and then chewed its own forelegs off at the stump. The
serpent, the slayer is affected by the curse of the last ground shakes as this vaguely humanoid behemoth
year. teeters into view on great stumps that, although
Curse of the Last Year: save Will DC 25; effect the massive, are barely able to support its bulk. Its skin is
subject’s age category becomes venerable. His age in dry, leathery, and sickly pink, its chest is littered with
years is the maximum threshold for a creature of his the debris of a million meals past. Its expansive gut
race minus one year; creatures that have not reached seems as though fit to burst at any second. Its head is
middle age suffer the most. Their Strength, Dexterity, elephantine but conveys evil intent, shooting venomous
and Constitution scores are reduced by -6. An old glances from behind glowing green eyes. Its great trunk
creature’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores seems to sniff the air in front of it searching for its next
are reduced by -3. The Strength, Dexterity and meal, while a pair of wicked looking tusks curves
Constitution scores of a middle-aged creature are menacingly before it. As it nears, a terrible trumpeting
reduced by -5.Venerable creatures as well as dragons, assaults your ears and you are greeted by an equally
ageless, and immortal beings are unaffected by this distasteful stench. Gibborim are gluttonous godlings
effect. A successful save results in the creature becoming that rise from the vomit of those deities who overindulge
middle age –1 to Str, Dex, and Con; middle aged and in drinking and feasting. An omnivore in the truest
older creatures are unaffected by this effect. The save DC sense, the gibborim are voracious predators of the
is Charisma-based. planes, migrating, from layer to layer, consuming all
This replaces a tarn linnorm’s normal death curse living matter in their path, leaving only a barren and
special attack. devastated landscape in their wake.
Chronal Displacement (Su) The scales of the Subtype Extraplanar; this replaces a thalassic’s aquatic
celestial serpent give off a bioluminescence which acts and water subtypes.
exactly like a continuous blink effect, except the celestial Melee Gore +39 melee (6d6+18/19-20), slam +34
serpent suffers no drawbacks from this effect (for melee (4d6+9); this replaces a thalassic’s normal melee
example, its own attacks do not have a 20% miss attacks.
chance). However, this seeming radiation is actually the Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +22).
absorption of the local time by the celestial serpent. Breath Weapon (Su) The gibborim can inhale with
Anyone striking it with natural attacks, unarmed strikes, supernatural force, creating a cone of vacuum 60 ft.
or being struck by one of the celestial serpent’s natural long, capable of sucking targets into the demiplane that
weapons must make a successful Will Save (DC 32) or be acts as its stomach, including creature larger than its
subject to a hold monster effect for 2 minutes. The save size. Those caught within the area of effect must succeed
DC is Constitution-based. at a Reflex save (DC 32) to avoid being devoured. The
This replaces a tarn linnorm’s grab and constrict special save DC is Constitution-based.
attacks. This replaces a thalassic’s grab, fast swallow, special
Poison (Su) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 28; frequency attacks.
1/round for 10 rounds; effect the target is unable to react Internal Realm (Ex) The interior of the gibborim is
to things going on around her, delaying her action until actually larger than the exterior would suggest. Those
after this creature’s next turn and 1d6 Con drain; cure 3 consumed by the gibborim find themselves not in the
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based. creature’s digestive tract, but rather on a dismal
This replaces a tarn linnorm’s normal poison special demiplane that vaguely resembles abstract internal
attack. organs, periodically raining, or rather dripping acid.
Starflight (Su) A celestial serpent can survive in the Beings with the ability to gate or plane shift can escape;
void of outer space. It flies through space at an all others are marooned until rescued. Teleport spells
incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip function within the gibborim, but no one can teleport
within a single solar system normally takes 3d20 out. The more the gibborim eats, the larger the
months, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 years (or demiplane becomes; some may even have communities
more, at the GM's discretion), provided the celestial composed of stalwart survivors. Should the gibborim be
serpent knows the way to its destination. destroyed, the demiplane within collapses and its living
This replaces a tarn linnorm’s immunity to acid. contents are expelled, unattended objects are forever
No breath (Ex) A celestial serpent does not breathe, lost. See Table below: Gibborim Internal Realm, for the
and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as current conditions within the ever-changing internal
inhaled poison). This ability does not grant immunity to realm.
cloud or gas attacks that do not require breathing. This
replaces a tarn linnorm’s aquatic subtype and
amphibious special quality.

Gibborim Internal Realm Environment (roll monsters are also bereft of eyes and nose. Its limbs seem
once per minute) elongated and stretched. Around its neck, it wears a
d20 Environment (darkness no light source) necklace of black skulls and it carries a curved double-
1 Acid flood (10d6 damage per round, plus sword of dark, black metal.
drowning) Maskim, or sometimes maskim xul, as they were once
2 Acid fog (2d6 damage per round, plus fumes) known, claim to be the former foremost servants of the
3 Acid rain (1d3 damage per round, plus fumes) lower planes, until they were ousted by the pit fiends.
4 Cold weather (below 40° F, plus walking on They say the pit fiends consigned the maskim to the
5 Cold, severe (below 0° F, plus walking on ice)
6 Cold, extreme (below –20° F, plus walking on bowels of hell, where they now lie in wait, hoping to
ice) ambush those who stray too close. The maskim lurk
7 Falling objects small 2d6 (Ref DC 15 negates) within the caverns between each hell-layer reaching out
8 Falling objects large 4d6 (Ref DC 20 negates) from the darkest shadows to snare the unwary.
9 Falling objects gargantuan 8d6 (Ref DC 25 Melee +3 adamantine, axiomatic, speed, unholy/+3
negates) adamantine, axiomatic, speed, unholy, double-sword
11 Falling objects colossal 10d6 (Ref DC 30 +33/+33/+33/+28/+28/+23/+23/+18 melee (2d8+16
negates) plus 2d6 chaotic creatures and 2d6 good creatures /19-
12 Heat, hot conditions (above 90° F) 20). This replaces a pit fiend’s normal melee attacks.
13 Heat, severe (above 110° F) Elongated (Su) Maskim can stretch themselves out
14 Heat, extreme (air temperature over 140° F) like chains and attack opponents up to 50 feet away.
15 Lava pool(catching on fire, exposure, smoke) This ability replaces a pit fiend’s grab special attack
16 Lava flood (10d6, catching on fire, smoke) Glistening Skin (Su) The bodies of the maskim are
17 No air (suffocation) slick with the blood of their many victims. Anyone
18 Water filled (drowning) making a melee attack upon a maskim and failing to hit
19 Blizzard, hurricane, or tornado it must make a successful combat maneuver check or
20 Roll twice, ignore rolls of 20 either lose their next iterative attack that round or
provoke an attack of opportunity, the weapon adjudged
This replaces a thalassic’s swallow whole special attack to have skidded off the glistening skin of the monster
and tsunami spell-like ability. and unbalanced the attacker.
Powerful Charge (Ex) gore 12d6 +27; this replaces a This replaces a pit fiend’s poison and disease special
thalassic’s rend special attack. attack.
Trample (Ex) 4d6 +18 Reflex half DC 42. The save DC Feats Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon
is Strength-based. Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting; this replaces a
This replaces a thalassic’s amphibious special quality, pit fiend’s Improved Vital Strike, Multiattack, and Vital
trip and capsize special attacks. Strike feats.
Vile Blood (Ex) Any creature that uses an attack that
deals slashing or piercing damage must make a Prismwave (Nightshade, Nightwave)
successful Reflex save DC 32 or be struck by the Description Immense almost beyond belief, this
gibborim’s horrid blood. Upon a failed save, the creature jagged, scintillating prismatic shark rises from the
must make a successful Fortitude Save DC 32 or be bright waters like an terrifying island brought up by the
nauseated for one round, a successful save results in the sun. Prismwaves are the result of nightwaves being
subject being sickened for 1 round. The save DC is trapped on the Plane of Radiance. They tend to hide
Constitution-based. high in the sky during the night. They function as the
This replaces a thalassic’s trip water jet, stun, and push terrors of the warm shallow seas of the tropics, though
special attack. they can be encountered anywhere.
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon, vile blood); this
replaces a thalassic’s
Ability Focus (water jet),
and Improved Critical
(water jet).

Maskim Devil
(Devil, Pit Fiend)
Description These tall,
spindly giants have
smooth, black skin that
appears to glisten against
the light. Seemingly
neither male nor female,
these androgynous

Lightsense (Ex): Prismcrawlers gain true seeing in Melee Torment (Su) When a cicatrix successfully hits
dim light and bright light. Regardless of light conditions, with a melee attack, a subject must make a successful
they can detect living creatures and their health within Will save (DC 33) or suffer from insane levels of endless
60 ft., as blindsense with deathwatch continuously wracking pains that impose a –4 circumstance penalty
active. Mind blank and nondetection prevent the latter on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Upon a
effect but not the prismcrawler’s true seeing. successful critical hit this penalty is increased to -8 (no
This replaces a nightcrawler’s dark sense. save), and the creature is staggered by the sheer agony.
Melee bite +35 (5d10+22/19–20 plus 4d6 fire, energy Remove curse does not remove torment. Greater
drain, and grab), tail slap +30 (4d8+12/19–20 plus 4d6 restoration, heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish can
fire) restore the creature. This is a mind-affecting compulsion
Darkness Aversion (Ex) A prismwave in darkness effect. This save is Constitution-based.
becomes sickened—the penalties from this condition are This replaces an olethrodaemon’s drain soul special
doubled when the prismwave is in natural darkness. attack.
This replaces a nightwave’s light aversion weakness. Spell Torment (Su) When an opponent fails its save
Glittering Surface (Su) A prismwave’s body emits a against a cicatrix’s spell-like abilities the creature begins
scintillating aura of light in a 60ft. radius. Any creature to suffer from insane levels of endless wracking pains
that ends its turn in that radius is affected by the that impose a –4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls,
prismatic spray (DC 31). Any magical darkness effect skill checks, and ability checks. If a spell does not allow a
within this radius at the beginning of the prismwave’s saving throw this has no effect. Remove curse does not
turn is dispelled (treat as greater dispel magic). This remove torment. Greater restoration, heal, limited
effect does not extend out of the water. A prismwave can wish, miracle, or wish can restore the creature. This is a
activate or suppress this ability as a swift action. This mind-affecting compulsion effect.
save DC is Charisma-based. This replaces an olethrodaemon’s soul drained breath
This replaces a nightwave’s fear gaze. special attack.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19)
At will—daylight replaces deeper darkness.
1/day—prismatic spray (DC 22) replaces finger of CR 25
death, searing light replaces cone of cold, summon
(level 9, 1 prismwing) replaces a nightwave’s normal
summon ability. King of Kaiju (Tarrasque)
Environment any non-underground (Radiant Energy Description This behemoth combines attributes of a
Plane) tyrannosaurus rex, an iguanodon, a stegosaurus and an
alligator to form a savage amalgamated chimera. It has
Cicatrix Daemon (Daemon, an upright standing posture, scaly skin, a humanoid-like
torso with muscular arms, jagged dorsal plates on its
Olethrodaemon) back, a tail, and a furrowed brow.
Description You bear witness to a tall, gaunt Subtype aquatic.
humanoid missing its right arm. The creature’s head Melee bite +37 (4d8+15/15–20/×3), 2 claws +37
resembles that of a horse, its pale skin is crisscrossed (1d12+15), 2 stomps +37 (1d10+15), tail slap +32
with sores and wounds. Indeed, the parts of it not (3d8+7); this replaces a tarrasque’s normal melee
covered by its robes are visibly marked, some injuries attacks.
seemingly fresh. Its face too is heavily scarred and the This replaces a tarrasque’s grab, rush, spines, and
creature is missing its right eye, victim to a particularly swallow whole special attacks.
deep cut. The figure is clad in patchwork robes Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a
seemingly stitched together from the flesh of many standard action, a king of kaiju’s dorsal plates glows
different beings, most of which are alien to you. It ominously and then it can expel a 600-ft. cone or 1,200
carries a wicked-looking, two-pronged shortsword, ft. line of superheated vapor from its mouth, dealing
which resembles a dagger in the hands of this mighty 20d6 points of electricity damage and 20d6 points of
being. The creature moves with unearthly speed fire damage to all creatures struck (Reflex DC 40 for
accompanied by the sound of galloping hooves. half). Creatures and objects that fail their save are set on
The cicatrix (pronounced see-ka-trice), the demon of fire and pushed (as push) back to the end of the effect.
scars, is renowned as a torturer of the lower planes. In The save DC is Constitution-based.
many ways a cicatrix fulfills the role of inquisitor- SQ amphibious.
general. They are typically called upon to extract
information from those immune to magical coercion.
Speed 80 ft.; this replaces an olethrodaemon’s normal
Melee +1 keen adamantine short sword
+33/+28/+23/+17 (2d6+12 plus torment/17–20); this
replaces an olethrodaemon’s normal melee attack and
its adamantine claws special quality.

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. Williams.
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The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
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creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, Path of the Magi. © 2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McArtor,
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, W. Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. © 2002, Sean K Reynolds.
and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright 2005–2007 Monte J. Cook. All rights
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and reserved.
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed DM’s Screen and Player’s Guide Copyright 2003
the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are The Diamond Throne Copyright 2003 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed Copyright 2003 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using"
means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason
terms of this agreement. Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice Russ Taylor.
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this Pathfinder Companion: Adventurer’s Armory. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No Authors: Jonathan Keith, Hal Maclean, Jeff Quick, Christopher Self, JD Wiker, and
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
Keri Wiker.
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game
Content distributed using this License. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author Jason
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
acceptance of the terms of this License. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean,
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor,
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of Williams.
this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob
copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ
original Open Game Content you Distribute.
Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Content does not constitute a challenge to the
Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate Flail Snail from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tilbrook.
Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
All Logos, the Product Title, Proper Names (excluding the names of Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax
monsters), and Images are product identity all other content is open Kobold Quarterly Issue 7, © 2008, Open Design LLC,;
gaming content.
Authors John Baichtal, Wolfgang Baur, Ross Byers, Matthew Cicci, John Flemming,
Open Content is the designated as follows: All variant monsters their Jeremy Jones, Derek Kagemann, Phillip Larwood, Richard Pett, and Stan!
descriptions, and abilities are open content. 1001 Spells Copyright 2011 Steven D. Russell; Author Steven D. Russell
The Immortals Handbook, Immortals Handbook: Epic Bestiary Volume I, Immortals
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated Handbook: Epic Bestiary Volume II, Immortals Handbook: Grimoire and the
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, Immortals Index. Copyright 2001-2005 Craig Cochrane. All rights reserved.
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any
Legacy of the Dragons copyright 2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of
the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game 101 Variant Monsters Copyright 2013, Steven D. Russell; Author Steven D. Russell
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from
the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of
this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game
Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all
terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000–2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20
System Reference Document Copyright
2000-2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David
Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.

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