Chapter 12 Screen-Film Radiography PDF

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The key takeaways are that radiographic film contains a light-sensitive emulsion layer coated onto a base. X-rays expose this emulsion, forming a latent image that is made visible through chemical processing. The film is then dried before use.

The main components of a radiographic film are the base, emulsion, adhesive layer and overcoat.

Some important characteristics of a screen-film system are its speed, latitude, contrast and the phenomenon of crossover.



• X-rays that exit the patient and expose the radiographic intensifying screen placed in the protective radiographic cassette
Answer: Image-forming x-rays

• Emits visible light, which exposes the radiographic film placed between the two screens
Answer: Image intensifying screen

• Although some x-rays reach the film emulsion, it is primarily _____ from the radiographic intensifying screens that expose
the radiographic film
Answer: light

• Processing the invisible ______ image creates the visible image

Answer: Latent image

• Processing causes the silver ions in the silver halide crystal that have been exposes to light to be converted into
Answer: Microscopic grains of silver

• The film processing sequence is completed in 90 seconds in an automatic processor

• Wetting
• Developing
• Rinsing
• Fixing
• Washing
• Drying
• What is the primary purpose of radiographic imaging
Answer: to transfer information from an x-ray beam to the eye–brain complex of the radiologist

• The _____ that emerges from the x-ray tube is nearly uniformly distributed in space
Answer: x-ray beam

• After interaction with the patient, the beam of image-forming x-rays is not uniformly distributed in space but varies in
______ according to the characteristics of the tissue through which it has passed
Answer: intensity

• Refers to the x-rays that remain as the useful beam exits the patient
Answer: Exit x-ray beam

• The exit x-ray beam consists of

• X-rays scattered away from the image receptor
• Image-forming x-rays

• The diagnostically useful _____in this exit x-ray beam must be transferred to a form that is intelligible to the radiologist
Answer: information

• Medium used
Answer: X-ray film

• Other media include

• fluoroscopic image intensifier
• television or flat panel monitor
• laser imaging system
• solid-state detectors
• The medium that converts the x-ray beam into a visible image is called
Answer: image receptor (IR)

• The classical IR is a _____ film

Answer: Photographic

• IRs replacing film

Answer: Solid-state Digital IR

• Photography has its origins in the early _____

Answer: 19 century

• The _____ and _____ of radiographic film are similar to those of regular photographic film
Answer: construction and characteristics

• What is the difference between radiographic and photographic film?

Answer: Radiographic film has spectral response different from that of photographic film

• The manufacture of radiographic film is a precise procedure that requires tight_____

Answer: quality control

• Manufacturing facilities are extremely clean because the slightest bit of contaminant in the film, limits the film’s
Answer: ability to reproduce information from the x-ray beam

• Radiographic film has two parts

• Base - bulk of the film
• Emulsion - contains the latent image, which becomes visible when processed

• Four layers pf the Radiographic film

• Overcoat
• Emulsion
• Adhesive layer
• Base
• Radiographic film that has an emulsion coating on both sides of the base and a layer of supercoat over each emulsion
Answer: Double-emulsion film

• Between the emulsion and the base is a thin coating material which ensures uniform adhesion of the emulsion to the base
Answer: Adhesive layer

• This adhesive layer allows the emulsion and the base to maintain proper _____ and _____ during use and processing
Answer: contact and integrity

• The emulsion is enclosed by a protective covering of gelatin that protects the emulsion from scratches, pressure, and
contamination during handling, processing, and storage
Answer: Overcoat

• The thickness of radiographic film is approximately _____

Answer: 150 to 300 μm

• It is the foundation of radiographic film

Answer: Base

• The primary purpose of the base is to provide a _____ onto which the emulsion can be coated
Answer: rigid structure
• Characteristics of base
• Flexible
• Fracture resistant to allow easy handling
• Rigid enough to be snapped into a viewbox

• Conventional photographic film has a much thinner _____ than radiographic film and therefore is not as rigid
Answer: thinner

• The base of radiographic film is 150 to 300 μm thick, semirigid, lucent, and made of
Answer: Polyester

• Property that allows the base of radiographic film to maintain its size and shape during use and processing, so it does not
contribute to image distortion
Answer: Dimensional stability

• The base is of uniform lucency and is nearly transparent to _____

Answer: light

• During manufacturing, _____ is added to the base of most radiographic film to slightly tint the film blue
Answer: dye

• The dye reduces _____ and _____, enhancing radiologists’ diagnostic efficiency and accuracy
• Eyestrain
• Fatigue

• What is the original radiographic film

Answer: glass plate

• Radiologists used to refer to radiographs as

Answer: x-ray plates

• During World War I, high-quality glass became largely unavailable while medical applications of x-rays, particularly by the
military, were increasing rapidly. A substitute material, ______ soon became the standard base
Answer: Cellulose nitrate

• Cellulose nitrate had one serious deficiency

Answer: flammable

• By the mid-1920s, film with a “safety base” was introduced

Answer: Cellulose triacetate

• In early 1960s, a base made of ______ was introduced and has taken the place of cellulose triacetate as the film base of
Answer: Polyester

• Characteristics of polyester
• More resistant to warping from age
• stronger than cellulose triacetate
• permits easier transport through automatic processors
• Dimensional stability of polyester is
Answer: superior

• Polyester bases are _____ than triacetate bases (≈175 μm) but are just as strong
Answer: thinner
• It is the heart of the radiographic film. Material with which x-rays or light photons from screens interact and transfer
Answer: Emulsion

• Emulsion is the material with which _____ or ______ from radiographic intensifying screens interact
Answer: x-rays or light photons

• The emulsion consists of a homogeneous mixture of _____ and _____

• gelatin
• silver halide crystals

• Emulsion is coated evenly with a layer that is ___ to ___ μm thick

Answer: 3 to 5 μm

• Part of the emulsion that provides mechanical support for the silver halide crystals by holding them uniformly dispersed in
place Answer: Gelatin

• Characteristics of gelatin
• similar to that used in salads and desserts but is of much higher quality
• clear, so it transmits light
• sufficiently porous for processing chemicals to penetrate to the crystals of silver halide
• It is the active ingredient of the radiographic emulsion
Answer: Silver halide crystals

• Material that makes up 98% of the silver halide crystals in a typical emulsion
Answer: Silver bromide

• Material that makes up 2% of the silver halide crystals in a typical emulsion

Answer: Silver iodide

• Atomic number of bromine

Answer: ZBr = 35

• Atomic number of silver

Answer: ZAg = 47

• Atomic number of Iodine

Answer: ZI = 53

• Three-dimensional, cross-linked structure of silver, bromine, and iodine atoms

Answer: Crystal lattice

• The interaction of x-ray and light photons with these high-Z atoms ultimately results in the formation of a _____ on the
radiograph. Unobservable image stored in the silver halide emulsion; it is made manifest by processing
Answer: Latent image

• Grains used in most radiographic films

Answer: Tabular grains

• Characteristics of tabular silver halide crystals

• Flat
• typically 0.1 μm thick
• triangular, hexagonal, or higherorder polygonal cross section
• What are the shapes silver halide crystals depending on the intended imaging application

• Tabular
• Cubic
• Octahedral
• Polyhedral
• Irregular shapes

• The crystals are approximately ___ μm in diameter

Answer: 1 μm

• The arrangement of _____ in a crystal is cubic

Answer: atoms

• The crystals are made by dissolving metallic silver (Ag) in nitric acid (HNO3) to form
• Answer: silver nitrate (AgNO3)

• Light-sensitive silver bromide (AgBr) crystals are formed by mixing silver nitrate with potassium bromide (KBr) in the
following reaction:
Silver Halide Crystal Formation The arrow ↓ indicates that the silver bromide is precipitated while the potassium
AgNO3 + KBr → AgBr ↓ + KNO3 nitrate, which is soluble, is washed away

• Part of the emulsion that provides mechanical support for the silver halide crystals by holding them uniformly dispersed in
place. The entire process takes place in the presence of _____ and with precise control of temperature, pressure, and the rate
at which ingredients are mixed.
Answer: Gelatin

• The _____ and _____ structure of silver halide crystals are not perfect, and some of the imperfections result in the imaging
property of the crystals
Answer: shape and lattice

• The type of imperfection thought to be responsible is a chemical contaminant, usually _____ which is introduced by chemical
sensitization into the crystal lattice, usually at or near the surface
Answer: Silver sulfide

• Physical imperfections in the lattice of the emulsion layer that occur during the film manufacturing process. The contaminant
has been given the name as
Answer: Sensitivity center

• During exposure, _____ and _____ are attracted to these sensitivity centers, where they combine to form a latent image
center of metallic silver
Answer: photoelectrons and silver ions

• Differences in _____, _____, and _____ among various radiographic films are determined by the process by which silver
halide crystals are manufactured and by the mixture of these crystals into the gelatin
• Speed
• Contrast
• Spatial resolution

• Factors of silver halide crystals that affect performance characteristics of radiographic film
• Number of sensitivity centers per crystal
• Concentration of crystals in the emulsion
• Size and distribution of the crystals

• Direct-exposure film contains a _____ emulsion with _____ silver halide crystals than screen film
Answer: thicker; more

• What factor of silver halide crystals primarily affect film speed

Answer: The size and concentration of silver halide crystals

• Radiographic film is manufactured in total _____

Answer: darkness
From the moment the emulsion ingredients are brought together until final packaging, no light is present

• Sometimes called as “nonscreen film”

Answer: direct-exposure film

• Type of film that is used with radiographic intensifying screens

Answer: Screen-film

• Several characteristics must be considered when one is selecting screen-film

• Contrast
• Speed
• Spectral matching
• Anticrossover or antihalation dyes
• Requirement for a safelight

• Describe the relationship of contrast of an IR to its exposure latitude

Answer: The contrast of an IR is inversely proportional to its exposure latitude (range of exposure techniques that produce an
acceptable image)

Manufacturer identifies the contrast of the films as

• Medium
• High
• Higher

• The difference between contrast depends on the ____ and _____ of the silver halide crystals
Answer: size and distribution

• _____-contrast emulsion contains smaller silver halide grains with a relatively uniform grain size
Answer: high

• ___-contrast films, on the other hand, contain larger grains that have a wider range of sizes
Answer: low

• Area that serves as a mechanical support for the active phosphor layer in a radiographic intensifying screen
Answer: Base

• Refers to the sensitivity of the screen-film combination to x-rays and light

Answer: Speed

• For _____ film, speed is principally a function of the concentration and the total number of silver halide crystals
Answer: Direct exposure film
• Principal determinants of film speed for screen-film
• Size of silver halide crystals
• Shape of silver halide crystals
• Concentration of silver halide crystals
• Refers to the exposure of an emulsion caused by light from the opposite radiographic intensifying screen
Answer: Crossover

• To optimize speed, screen films are usually _____ emulsion, that is, an emulsion is layered on either side of the base.
Answer: double emulsion

• _____ is attributable primarily to the efficiency conferred by the use of two screens to expose the film from both sides. This
produces twice the speed that could be attained with a single-emulsion film even if the single emulsion were made twice as
Answer: Double emulsion

• Compared with earlier technology, current emulsions contain less silver yet produce the same optical density (OD) per unit
exposure. This more efficient use of silver in the emulsion is called the ______ of the emulsion
Answer: covering power

• When radiographic _____ and _____ are properly matched, the reported speed is accurate
Answer: Intensifying screen and film

• Intensifying screen and film _____ can cause significant exposure error
Answer: Mismatch

• Most emulsions now contain tabular grains, which are flat silver halide crystals, and provide a large surface area–to-volume
ratio. The result is improved _____ and significantly _____
Answer: covering power and lower crossover

• Crossover occurs when light is emitted by a radiographic intensifying screen, it not only exposes the adjacent emulsion, it can
also expose the emulsion on the other side of the base. When light crosses over the base, it causes increased ______
Answer: blurring of the image

• _____-grain emulsions are more sensitive than _____-grain emulsions

Answer: Large; small

• Tabular grain emulsions reduce _____ because the covering power is increased, which relates not only to light
absorption from the screen (which is increased) but also to light transmitted through the emulsion to cause _____
(which is reduced)
Answer: crossover

• Crossover is reduced to near zero by adding a light-absorbing dye to the base; this is called
Answer: crossover control layer

• What are the three critical characteristics of crossover control?

• It absorbs most of the crossover light,
• It does not diffuse into the emulsion but remains as a separate layer
• It is completely removed during processing

• The most important consideration in the selection of modern screen film is its ______ characteristics
Answer: spectral absorption

• Rare Earth screens are made with _____ elements—those with atomic numbers of ___ to ___
Answer: rare Earth; 57 to 71 atomic numbers

• Since the introduction of rare Earth screens in the early 1970s, radiologic technologists must be particularly careful
to use a film whose sensitivity to various colors of light called its _____—is properly matched to the spectrum of
light emitted by the screen
Answer: spectral response

• Screens which emit blue and blue violet light that has been largely replaced with rare Earth screens
Answer: Calcium tungstate

• Phosphors that emit ultraviolet, blue, green, and red are called
Answer: rare Earth phosphors

• All silver halide films respond to _____ and _____ light but not to green, yellow, or red unless they are spectrally
sensitized with dyes
Answer: blue and violet

• Referring to blue- or green-sensitive film; usually exposed with rare Earth screen
Answer: Orthochromatic

• If green-emitting screens are used, they should be matched with a film that is sensitive not only to blue light but also
to green light. Such film is orthochromatic and is called
Answer: Green-sensitive film

• Referring to film that is sensitive to the entire visible light spectrum which is used in photography
Answer: Panchromatic

• Refers to the sensitivity of film used only with blue- or ultraviolet-emitting screens
Answer: Blue-sensitive film

• Refers to the sensitivity of film that is usually exposed with green-emitting screens
Answer: Green-sensitive film

• If films with sensitivity only in the ultraviolet and blue regions of the spectrum are used with green-emitting screens,
then the IR speed is greatly _____, and the patient dose _____
Answer: reduced; increases

• Use of rare Earth screens only in conjunction with film emulsions that have light absorption characteristics matched
to the light emission of the screen
Answer: Spectrum matching

• Proper spectral matching results in selection of the correct _____ combination

Answer: screen-film

• Principle that states that optical density on a radiograph is proportional only to the total energy imparted to the
radiographic film
Answer: Reciprocity law

Exposure = Intensity × Time

= Constant optical density

• The reciprocity law fails when film is exposed to light from radiographic _____
Answer: intensifying screens

• Very long or very short exposure times produce a _____ OD than that predicted by the reciprocity law
Answer: lower

The result of long or short exposures is reduced _____

Answer: reduced
• Incandescent lamp with a color filter that provides sufficient illumination in the darkroom while ensuring that the
film remains unexposed
Answer: Safelight

• Proper darkroom illumination depends on the

• Color of the filter
• e wattage of the bulb
• distance between the lamp and the work surface

• Blue sensitive radiographic films require _____-filtered safelights

Answer: amber-filtered safelights

• Both Blue and Green sensitive radiographic films require _____-filtered safelights which transmits only light above
approximately 600 nm
Answer: red-filtered safelights

• _____-filter transmits light that has wavelengths longer than approximately 550 nm, which is above the spectral
response of blue-sensitive film
Answer: Amber

• A radiographic single-emulsion film that is designed to be exposed with a single radiographic intensifying screen
Answer: Mammography film

• All currently available mammography screen-film systems use _____ screens with green-sensitive film
Answer: green-emitting terbium-doped gadolinium oxysulfide

• The surface of the base opposite the screen is coated with a special light-absorbing dye called _____ to reduce
reflection of screen light which is transmitted through the emulsion and base
Answer: Antihalation coating

• Reflection of screen light transmitted through the emulsion and base

Answer: Halation
• Radiographic film should be stored at temperatures lower than approximately _____
Answer: 20°C (68°F)

• The fog level for unprocessed film is approximately

Answer: 2 μGya (0.2 mR)

• The image-forming x-rays exiting the patient and incident on the radiographic intensifying screen-film deposit ______
energy in the emulsion primarily by interaction with atoms of the silver halide crystal. This energy is deposited in a
pattern that is representative of the anatomical part that is being radiographed
Answer: visible light


• Immediately after exposure, no image can be observed on the film

Answer: true

• An invisible change that is induced in the silver halide crystal; an invisible image made manifest by processing
Answer: latent image

• With proper chemical processing, the latent image becomes a _____

Answer: visible image

• formation of the latent image, sometimes called

Answer: Photographic effect

• Silver halide crystal lattice contains _____

Answer: ions
• Electrons from _____ atoms have been loaned to Br and I atoms
Answer: silver

• Atoms that are fixed in the crystal lattice in ion form

• Silver
• Bromine
• Iodine

• Silver is a _____ ion

Answer: positive

• Bromide and iodide are ______ ions

Answer: Negative

• When a silver halide crystal is formed, each silver atom releases an ______,
Answer: Outer-shell electron

• The outer-shell electron released form the silver halide crystal becomes attached to a ______ atom
Answer: Halide atom

• What are the halide atoms?

• bromine atom
• iodine atom

• The silver atom is missing an electron and therefore is a ______ charged ion, identified as ______
Answer: positively; Ag+

• The bromine and iodine atoms each have one extra electron and therefore are ______ charged ions, identified as
Answer: negatively; bromide and iodide (Br− and I−)

• Refers to an atom that has too many or too few electrons and therefore has electric charge
Answer: Ion

• The halide ions, bromide and iodide, are generally found in greatest concentration along the surface of the crystal.
Therefore, the crystal takes on a _____ surface charge, which is matched by the positive charge of the interstitial
silver ions, the silver ions inside the crystal
Answer: Negative

• An inherent defect in the structure of silver halide crystals

Answer: Frankel defect

• The Frankel defect consists of

• Interstitial silver ions
• Silver ion vacancies

• When light photons from the radiographic intensifying screen interact with film, it is the interaction with the silver
and halide atoms (Ag, Br, I) that forms the ______. This interaction releases electrons in the crystal
Answer: Latent image

The electrons were released has sufficient energy to travel a large distance within the crystal.
While crossing the crystal, the electrons may have sufficient energy to dislodge additional electrons from the crystal

• Steps of production of the latent image and conversion of the latent image into a visible image require several steps
• Light photon interaction releases electrons
• These electrons migrate to the sensitivity center
• At the sensitivity center, atomic silver is formed by attraction of an interstitial silver ion
• This process is repeated many times, resulting in the buildup of silver atoms
• The remaining silver halide is converted to silver during processing
• The silver grain results

The result is the same whether the interaction involves visible light from a radiographic intensifying screen or direct
exposure by x-rays

• Secondary electrons liberated by the absorption event migrate to the sensitivity center and are trapped. After a
sensitivity center captures an electron and becomes more negatively charged, the center is attractive to _______
Answer: mobile interstitial silver ions

• Secondary Electron Formation

Br– + Photon → Br + e–

• The interstitial silver ion combines with the electrons trapped at the sensitivity center to form ______
Answer: metallic silver atoms

155. Metallic Silver Formation

e– + Ag+ → Ag

• Most of the electrons come from the _____ and ______ ions because these negative ions have one extra electron
Answer: bromide and iodide

• The negative ions are converted to neutral atoms, and the loss of ionic charge results in
Answer: disruption of the crystal lattice

The bromine and iodine atoms are now free to migrate because they no longer are bound by ionic forces

• In what portion of the emulsion do the bromide and iodide atoms migrate out of the crystal?
Answer: Gelatin

• The concentration of electrons at the sensitivity center produces a region of _____

Answer: Negative electrification

• As halide atoms are removed from the crystal, the positive silver ions are electrostatically attracted to the ______
Answer: Sensitivity center

• After halide atoms migrated to the sensitivity center, the silver ions are neutralized by electrons and are converted to _____
Answer: metallic silver

• In an optimally exposed film, most developable silver halide crystals have collected 4 to 10 silver atoms at a sensitivity
center. This group of silver atoms is called a _____; Sensitivity center that has many silver ions attracted to it
Answer: Latent image center

• In latent image center, visible quantities of silver form during processing to create the _____
Answer: Radiographic image

• Crystals with silver deposited at the sensitivity center are developed into _____
Answer: black grains

• Crystals that have not been irradiated remain _____ and _____
Answer: crystalline and inactive

• The unobservable information contained in _____ and _____ constitutes the latent image
Answer: radiation-activated and -inactivated silver halide crystals

• A device / sensitive phosphor that convert the energy of the x-ray beam into visible light
Answer: Intensifying screens

• Interacts with the radiographic film, forming the latent image

Answer: Visible light

• With the use of intensifying screens, what happens to exposure time and patient radiation dose?
• Shorten exposure time
• Reduce patient dose

On the other hand, the image is slightly blurred. With modern screens, however, such image blur is not serious

• Four principal layers of the Intensifying screen

• Protective coating
• Phosphor
• Reflective Layer
• Base

• The radiographic intensifying screen amplifies the effect of _____ that reach the screen-film cassette
Answer: Image-forming x-rays

• The radiographic film is sandwiched between two screens and has an emulsion coating on both sides of the base. The film
used is called
Answer: Double-emulsion film

• The layer of the radiographic intensifying screen closest to the radiographic film; It is applied to the face of the screen to
make the screen resistant to the abrasion and damage caused by handling
Answer: Protective coating

• Thickness of the protective coating

Answer: 10 to 20 μm thick

• The protective coating also helps to eliminate the buildup of _____ and provides a surface for routine cleaning without
disturbing the active phosphor
Answer: Static electricity

• The protective layer is transparent to _____

Answer: Light

• The active layer of the radiographic intensifying screen that emits light during stimulation by x-rays
Answer: Phosphor layer

• Phosphor layers vary in thickness from ___ to ___ μm, depending on the type of screen
Answer: 50 to 300 μm

• The active substance of most phosphors before about 1980 was _____ embedded in a polymer matrix
Aswer: crystalline calcium tungstate

• The rare Earth elements used as phosphor material in newer, faster screens
• Gadolinium
• Lanthanum
• Yttrium

• The phosphor converts the _____ into light

Answer: x-ray beam

• The action of the phosphor can be seen by

Answer: viewing an opened cassette in a darkened room through the protective window of the control booth

• When exposed to x-rays, what happens to the radiographic intensifying screen?

Answer: glows brightly

• Materials have been used as phosphors


• calcium tungstate
• zinc sulfide
• barium lead sulfate

Oxysulfides of the rare Earths used in diagnostic Radiology

• gadolinium
• lanthanum
• yttrium

• Use of rare Earth screens results in

• Lower patient dose
• Less thermal stress on the x-ray tube
• Reduced shielding for x-ray rooms

• What are the Properties of a Radiographic Intensifying Screen Phosphor

• The phosphor should have a high atomic number so that x-ray absorption is high
This is called detective quantum efficiency (DQE)
• The phosphor should emit a large amount of light per x-ray absorption
This is called the x-ray conversion efficiency (CE)
• The light emitted must be of proper wavelength (color) to match the sensitivity of the x-ray film.
This is called spectral matching
• Phosphor afterglow, the continuing emission of light after exposure of the phosphor to x-rays, should be minimal
• The phosphor should not be affected by heat, humidity, or other environmental conditions

• Layer between the phosphor and the base is a reflective layer

Answer: Reflective Layer

• The Reflective layer is made of a shiny substance such as

• magnesium oxide
• titanium dioxide

• Thickness of the reflective layer

Answer: 25 μm thick
• Refers to radiation emitted with equal intensity in all directions
Answer: Isotropic emission

• Movement of light when x-rays interact with the phosphor

Answer: Isotropically
Less than half of this light is emitted in the direction of the film

• Intercepts light headed in other directions and redirects it to the film

Answer: Reflective layer

The reflective layer enhances the efficiency of the radiographic intensifying screen, nearly doubling the number of light photons
that reach the film

• Screens without reflective layers are not as efficient as those with reflective layers because _____ light photons reach the film
Answer: fewer

• The layer farthest from the radiographic film and serves principally as a mechanical support for the active phosphor layer
Answer: Base

• The base is approximately ___ mm thick

Answer: 1 mm

• Popular base material used in radiographic intensifying screens, just as it is for radiographic film
Answer: Polyester

• Any material that emits light in response to some outside stimulation is called
Answer: Luminescent material, or a phosphor

• Occurs when an outer-shell electron is raised to an excited state and returns to its normal state with the emission of a light
photon. The emission of visible light is called
Answer: Luminescence

• Luminescence is similar to _____ x-ray emission. However, luminescence involves outer-shell electrons
Answer: Characteristic

• In a radiographic intensifying screen, absorption of a single x-ray causes emission of thousands of _____
Answer: light photons

• When a luminescent material is stimulated, what happens to the outer-shell electrons?

Answer: Raised to excited energy levels

This effectively creates a hole in the outer-shell electron, which is an unstable condition for the atom

• The hole created in the outer-shell electron is filled when the excited electron returns to its _____ state
Answer: normal
This transition is accompanied by the emission of a visible light photon

• The wavelength of emitted light is determined by the level of _____ to which the electron was raised and is characteristic of a
given phosphor
Answer: Excitation

• Luminescent materials emit light of a characteristic _____

Answer: color

• Two types of luminescence

• Fluorescence
• Phosphorescence

• Emission of visible light only during stimulation of phosphor

Answer: Fluorescence

• Emission of visible light during and after stimulation of phosphor

Answer: Phosphorescence

• Three primary characteristics of radiographic intensifying screens

• screen speed
• image noise
• spatial resolution

• Because screens are used to reduce patient dose, one characteristic is the magnitude of dose reduction. This property is called
______ ; and is a measure of the speed of the screen
Answer: Intensification factor (IF)

• Screens usually are identified by their relative _____

Answer: speed

• Screen speeds range from ___ (slow, detail) to ___ (very fast)
Answer: 50 to 1200

• A relative number that describes how efficiently x-rays are converted into light
Answer: Screen speed

• Par-speed calcium tungstate screens are assigned a value of _____ and serve as the basis for comparison of all other screens
Answer: 100

• High-speed rare Earth screens have speeds up to ___;

Answer: 1200

• Detail screens have speeds of approximately ___ to ___

Answer: 50 to 80

• Ratio of exposure without screens to that with screens to produce the same optical density
Answer: Intensification Factor (IF)

Exposure required without screen

Exposure required with screens

• The OD chosen for comparison of one radiographic intensifying screen versus another is usually ___
Answer: 1.0

• The value of the IF can be used to determine the _____ accompanying the use of a screen
Answer: dose reduction

• A pelvic examination performed with a 100 speed radiographic intensifying screen is taken at 75 kVp, 50 mAs and results in
an entrance skin exposure (ESE) of 2 mGya (200 mR). A similar examination taken without screens would result in an ESE
of 64 mGya (6400 mR). What is the approximate IF of the screen-film combination?
Answer: IF = 64/2 = 32
• Determined by the relative number of x-rays that interact with the phosphor and how efficiently x-ray energy is converted
into the visible light that interacts with the film
Answer: Screen speed

• Several factors influence radiographic intensifying screen speed; some of these are controlled by the
Answer: Radiologic technologist

• Properties of Radiographic Intensifying Screens that are NOT controlled by the Radiologic Technologist
• Phosphor composition. Rare earth phosphors efficiently convert x-rays into usable light
• Phosphor thickness. The thicker the phosphor layer, the higher is the detective quantum efficiency. Highspeed
screens have thick phosphor layers; finedetailed screens have thin phosphor layers
• Reflective layer. The presence of a reflective layer increases screen speed but also increases image blur
• Dye. Light-absorbing dyes are added to some phosphors to control the spread of light. These dyes improve spatial
resolution but reduce speed
• Crystal size. Larger individual phosphor crystals produce more light per x-ray interaction. The crystals of detail
screens are approximately half the size of the crystals of high-speed screens
• Concentration of phosphor crystals. Higher crystal concentration results in higher screen speed

• As x-ray tube potential is increased, what happens to the Intensification factor?

Answer: Increases

• Screens have _____ effective atomic numbers than films

Answer: higher

• Although true absorption in the screen decreases with _____ kVp, relative absorption compared with that in film increases
Answer: Increasing

• At 70 kVp, whereas the IF for a typical par-speed screen is 60, that for a rare Earth screen is _____
Answer: 150

• Only the superficial layers of the emulsion are affected when radiographic film is exposed to _____
Answer: light

• The emulsion is affected uniformly throughout when the film is exposed to _____
Answer: x-rays

• Excessive developing time for screen film results in _____ of the IF because the emulsion nearest the base contains no latent
image, yet it can be reduced to silver if the developer is allowed sufficient time to penetrate the emulsion to the depth. This
too is relatively unimportant because films manufactured for use with screens have thinner emulsion layers than those
produced for direct exposure
Answer: lowering

Radiographic intensifying screens emit more light per x-ray interaction at ______ temperatures than at ______ temperatures
Answer: low; high

• Intensification Factor is lower at _____ temperatures

Answer: higher

• Image noise occurs most often when _____ screens and _____-kVp techniques are used
Answer: Image noise

• Image noise appears on a radiograph as a

Answer: Speckled background
• Noise reduces _____
Answer: image contrast

• The percentage of x-rays absorbed by the screen

Answer: Detective quantum efficiency (DQE)

# X-rays absorbed
DQE = x 100
# Incident x-rays

• The amount of light emitted for each x-ray absorbed

Answer: Conversion efficiency (CE)

Emitted light
CE = x 100
X-rays absorbed

• Rare Earth radiographic intensifying screens have increased speed because of two important characteristics
• The percentage of x-rays absorbed by the screen is higher
• The amount of light emitted for each x-ray absorbed also is higher

• Higher conversion efficiency results in _____

Answer: Increased image noise

• Image noise does not increase with higher _____

Answer: Detective quantum efficiency (DQE)

• A, a calcium tungstate screen has a DQE of 20% and a CE of 5%. A radiographic technique of 10 mAs results in 1000 x-rays
incident on the screen, 200 of which are absorbed, resulting in light photons equivalent to 10 x-rays. We could say that this
system has a speed of _____
Answer: 100

If phosphor thickness is doubled, what happens to the DQE and mAs?

Anwer: DQE increases to 40%; mAs reduced to 5 mAs

The speed is now 200, but there is no increase in noise because the same number of x-rays is _____
However, if the phosphor is changed to one with a CE of 10%, the speed is doubled at the expense of increased noise
Answer: Absorbed

• A 200-speed screen is attained because twice as much light is emitted per x-ray absorption. Only half as many x-rays are
required, and this results in ______, a principal component of image noise
Answer: Quantum Mottle

• Term often used by radiographers when describing image quality

Answer: Image detail or visibility of detail

• The qualitative terms describing image quality combine the quantitative measures of
• spatial resolution IMAGE DETAIL
• contrast resolution Spatial resolution Contrast resolution

• Refers to the ability to image small objects that have high subject contrast
Answer: Spatial Resolution
• Refers to the ability distinguish between and to image similar tissues such as the liver and pancreas or gray matterand white
Answer: Contrast Resolution

• Disadvantage of the use of radiographic intensifying screens have the disadvantage of compared with direct-exposure
Answer: lower spatial resolution

• test pattern consists of lead lines separated by interspaces of equal size

Answer: Line-pair test pattern

• Spatial resolution is expressed by the number of ______ that are imaged

Answer: line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm)

• The higher the number of line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm), the _____ is the object that can be imaged and the_____ is the
spatial resolution
Answer: smaller; better

• Very fast screens can resolve ___lp/mm

Answer: 7 lp/mm

• Fine-detail screens can resolve ___ lp/mm

Answer: 15 lp/mm

• Direct exposure film can resolve ___ lp/mm

Answer: 15 lp/mm

• The unaided eye can resolve about ___ lp/mm

Answer: 10 lp/mm

• When x-rays interact with the screen’s phosphor, the area of the film emulsion that is activated by the emitted light is larger
than it would be with direct x-ray exposure. This situation results in ______ or ______
Answer: Reduced spatial resolution or increased image blur

• Conditions that increase the IF ______ spatial resolution

Answer: reduce

• High-speed screens have ______ spatial resolution

Answer: low

• Fine-detail screens have ______ spatial resolution

Answer: high

• Spatial resolution improves with _____ phosphor crystals and _____ phosphor layers
Answer: smaller; thinner

• Reduction in spatial resolution is greater when the phosphor layers are _____
Answer: thick

• Reduction in spatial resolution is greater when the crystal size is _____

Answer: large

Both conditions increase screen speed and reduce patient dose by producing a greater number of light photons per incident x-ray

• In mammography, the screen is positioned in contact with the emulsion on the side of the film away from the x-ray source to
reduce ______ and improve ______
Answer: screen blur; spatial resolution

• When x-ray interact with the phosphor soon after entry; this results in ______
Answer: screen blur

• Screen blur is reduced in _____ screens

Answer: thinner

• In mammography, spatial resolution is improved by placing the single-emulsion film on the

Answer: tube side of the cassette

• Radiographic intensifying screens are nearly always used in pairs. Production of the latent image is nearly evenly divided
between front and back screens, with less than ___% being contributed directly by x-ray interaction. Each screen exposes the
emulsion it contacts
Answer: 1%

• ______ Compatibility is essential; use only those films for which the screens are designed.
Answer: screen-film

In addition to reduced patient dose, use of radiographic intensifying screens in an IR offer several advantages. Attaining these
advantages requires
• proper selection
• proper handling
• proper use of screen-film combination

• Advantages of Proper Screen-Film Use

• Flexibility of kVp selection
• Adjustment of radiographic contrast
• Spatial resolution when smaller focal spots are used
• Capacity for magnification radiography

• Patient dose
• Occupational exposure
• X-ray tube heat production
• X-ray exposure time
• X-ray tube mA
• Focal spot size

• Rigid holder that contains the film and radiographic intensifying screens
Answer: Cassette

• The side of cassette facing the x-ray source, and is made of material with a low atomic number such as plastic. It is thin yet
Answer: front cover

• The front cover of the cassette is designed for minimum _____ of the x-ray beam
Answer: Attenuation

• Attached to the inside of the front cover is the ______

Answer: front screen
• Attached to the back cover is the ______
Answer: back screen

• The radiographic film is sandwiched between the two

Answer: screens

• Device that maintains close screen-film contact when the cassette is closed and latched such as radiolucent plastic foam,
located between each screen and the cassette cover
Answer: Compression device

• The back cover is usually made of heavy metal to minimize

Answer: Backscatter

• The x-rays transmitted through the screen-film combination to the back cover more readily undergo photoelectric effect in a
_____-Z material than in a _____-Z material
Answer: high; low

• Material was developed for nose cone applications because of its superior strength and heat resistance
Answer: Carbon fiber

• Carbon fiber consists principally of _____ in a plastic matrix that can be formed to any shape or thickness
Answer: graphite fibers (ZC = 6)

• A cassette with a front that consists of _____ material absorbs only approximately half the number of x-rays that an
aluminum or plastic cassette does
Answer: carbon fiber

• Carbon fiber also is used as _____ for fluoroscopic examination couches and computed tomography beds
Answer: pallet material

• Advantages of carbon fiber

• Reduces patient exposure
• Produce longer x-ray tube life because of the lower demand radiographic techniques required

• One reason why calcium tungstate is a useful screen phosphor is that it emits light in the ______-to-_____
Answer: violet-to-blue

• The sensitivity of conventional radiographic film is _____ in the violet-to-blue region of the spectrum
Answer: highest

• The light emitted by calcium tungstate screens is readily absorbed in _____

Answer: Radiographic film

• If the screen phosphor emitted green or red light, its IF would be greatly _____ because it would require a greater number of
light photons to produce a latent image. The light of the screen emission would be _____ to the light sensitivity of the film.
Answer: reduced; mismatched

Importance of spectral matching is demonstrated by showing the _____ for a radiographic intensifying screen and the _____ of
radiograph film to light from that screen
Answer: relative emission spectrum; relative sensitivity

• Composition and Emulsion of Radiographic Intensifying Screens

Phosphor Activator Emission
Barium fluorochloride Europium Ultraviolet
Barium strontium sulfate Europium Ultraviolet
Barium sulfate Lead Ultraviolet
Zinc sulfide Silver Blue-ultraviolet
Calcium tungstate Lead Blue
Lanthanum oxybromide Thulium Blue
Yttrium oxysulfide Terbium Blue
Gadolinium oxysulfide Terbium Green
Lanthanum oxysulfide Terbium Green
Zinc cadmium sulfide Silver Yellow-green

• Describes those elements of group IIIa in the periodic table that have atomic numbers of 57 to 71. These elements are
transitional metals that are scarce in nature
Answer: rare Earth

• Those used in rare Earth screens are principally

• Gadolinium
• Lanthanum
• Yttrium

• The compositions of the four principal rare Earth phosphors are

• Terbiumactivated gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S: Tb)
• Terbiumactivated lanthanum oxysulfide (La2O2S: Tb)
• terbium-activated yttrium oxysulfide (Y2O2S: Tb)
• lanthanum oxybromide (LaOBr)

• Rare Earth radiographic intensifying screens have the principal advantage of _____
Answer: Speed

• Atomic Number and K-Shell Electron Binding Energy of High-Z Elements in Radiographic Intensifying Screen Phosphors
Element Chemical Symbol Atomic Number (Z) K-Shell Electron Binding Energy (keV)
Yttrium Y 39 17
Barium Ba 56 37
Lanthanum La 57 39
Gadolinium Gd 64 50
Tungsten W 74 69

• When diagnostic x-rays interact with a calcium tungstate screen, approximately ___% of the x-rays are absorbed. The
mechanism of absorption is almost entirely the photoelectric effect
Answer: 30%

• Occurs readily with the inner electrons of atoms of high atomic number
Answer: Photoelectron absorption

• The _____ atom determines the absorption properties of a calcium tungstate screen
Answer: Tungsten

• At very low energies, photoelectric absorption is very _____

Answer: high

• As the x-ray energy increases, the probability of absorption _____ rapidly until the x-ray energy is equal to the binding
energy of the K-shell electrons
Answer: decreases
• At x-ray energies below the K-shell electron binding energy, the incident x-ray has too_____ energy to ionize K-shell
Answer: little

• When the x-ray energy equals the K-shell electron binding energy, the two _____ become available for photoelectric
interaction. At this energy, the probability of photoelectric absorption _____ abruptly
Answer: K-shell electrons; increases

• The abrupt increase in absorption at this energy level is called _____ and it is followed by another rapid reduction in
photoelectric absorption with increasing x-ray energy
Answer: K-shell absorption edge
• The rare Earth materials used for radiographic intensifying screens all have atomic numbers _____ than that for Tungsten
Answer: less

• The probability of x-ray absorption in rare Earth screens is _____ than that in calcium tungstate screens at all x-ray energies
except those between respective K-shell electron binding energies
Answer: lower

• Below the K-shell absorption edge for the rare Earth elements, x-ray absorption is _____ in tungsten
Answer: higher

• At x-ray energy equal to the K-shell electron binding energy of the rare Earth elements, the probability of photoelectric
absorption is considerably _____ than that for tungsten
Answer: higher

• As with tungsten, the absorption probability of the rare Earth elements decreases with _____ x-ray energy
Answer: increasing

• At x-ray energies above the K-shell absorption edge for tungsten, the rare Earth elements again exhibit _____ absorption than
that for tungsten
Answer: lower

• Each of the rare Earth radiographic intensifying screens has an _____ of the phosphor that determines the speed of the screen
and how it changes with kVp
Answer: absorption curve characteristic

• Barium strontium sulfate has a _____ DQE at a lower kVp than is the case with gadolinium oxysulfide
Answer: higher

• A rare Earth screen absorbs approximately _____ times more x-rays than a calcium tungstate screen
Answer: 5 times

• For each x-ray absorbed, more light is emitted by the ______ screens
Answer: rare Earth

• Rare Earth radiographic intensifying screens exhibit better _____ properties than calcium tungstate screens only in the energy
range between the respective K-shell absorption edges
Answer: absorption

• The energy range between the respective K-shell absorption edges extends from approximately ___ to ___ keV and
corresponds to most of the useful x-rays emitted during routine x-ray examinations
Answer: 30 to 70 keV

• Outside the energy range, calcium tungstate radiographic intensifying screens absorb _____ x-rays than rare Earth screens
Answer: more
• An additional property of the rare Earth phosphors that contributes to their higher speed; Defined as the ratio of visible light
energy emitted to the x-ray energy absorbed
Answer: Conversion Efficiency

• When an x-ray interacts photoelectrically with a phosphor and is absorbed, its energy reappears as _____ or _____ through a
rearrangement of electrons in the crystal lattice of the phosphor
Answer: heat or energy

• If all of the energy reappeared as heat, the phosphor would be worthless as an intensifying screen. In calcium tungstate,
approximately _____% of the absorbed x-ray energy reappears as light
Answer: 5%
• The CE of rare Earth phosphors is approximately ___%
Answer: 20%

• The combination of improved CE and higher DQE results in the _____ speed of rare earth radiographic intensifying screens
Answer: increased

• To be fully effective, rare earth radiographic intensifying screens must be used only in conjunction with film emulsions
whose light absorption characteristics are matched to the light emission of the screen. This is called _____
Answer: Spectrum matching

• Calcium tungstate screens emit light in a rather broad continuous spectrum centered in the violet-to-blue region, with a
maximum intensity at approximately ___ nm
Answer: 430 nm

• The spectral emission of _____ phosphors is more discrete, as indicated by the many peaks in the spectrum
Answer: rare Earth

• The spectral emission is centered in the green region of the visible spectrum at approximately ___ nm
Answer: 540 mm

• Responsible for the shape and intensity of the emission spectrum

Answer: Terbium activation

• The emission spectrum can be altered somewhat by

• By various concentrations of Terbium atoms in the phosphor
• By the addition of activators
• By the use of light-absorbing dyes

• Phosphors are available that emit


• UV light
• Blue light
• Green light
• Red light

• Conventional x-ray film is sensitive to _____ and _____ light and is rather insensitive to light of longer wavelengths
Answer: blue and blue violet

• Calcium tungstate emits a broad spectrum of light centered in the _____ region
Answer: Blue
• With rare earth screens, discrete emissions are centered near the_____ region
Answer: green-yellow

• Blue-sensitive film must be used with _____-emitting screens

Answer: Blue

• Green-sensitive film with _____-emitting screens

Answer: green

• _____-sensitive films are used with calcium tungstate screens because their absorption spectrum matches the emission
spectrum of calcium tungstate
Answer: Blue

• Specially designed _____-sensitive film must be used with rare earth screens
Answer: Green

• If a green-emitting screen were used with blue-sensitive film, the strong emission in the green region would go undetected,
and system speed would be sharply _____
Answer: reduced

• To obtain maximum advantage and speed from rare Earth screens, the film must be _____ for emission of the screen.
Answer: sensitized

• Rare earth screen-film requires the use of safelights that are colored even more toward the _____ portion of the spectrum
Answer: red


• The latent image is invisible because only a few silver ions have been changed to metallic silver and deposited at the _____
Answer: Sensitivity center

• Processing the film magnifies this action many times until all of the silver ions in an exposed crystal are converted to _____,
thus converting the latent image into a _____
Answer: atomic silver; visible radiographic image

• Radiographs of wire mesh are used to check for _____

Answer: screen-film contact

• A warped cassette cover leads to a region of _____

Answer: poor contact

• Introduced the first automatic processor in 1942

Answer: Pako

• Introduced the first roller transport system for processing medical radiographs in 1956
Answer: Eastman Kodak Company/ Geaorge Eastman

• The first step in the radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Wetting of the film

• Purpose of wetting the film

Answer: Swell the emulsion, so that subsequent chemical baths can reach all parts of the emulsion uniformly (penetration)

In automatic processing, the first step in processing is omitted

• Approximate time for wetting the film in manual processing

Answer: 15 seconds

• The second step in the radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Developing

• Purpose of Developing
Answer: Produces a visible image from the latent image

• Approximate time for developing in manual processing

Answer: 5 minutes

• Approximate time for developing in automatic processing

Answer: 22 seconds

• Third step in radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Rinsing in Stop bath

• Approximate time for rinsing of film in Stop bath in manual processing

Answer: 30 seconds

• Purpose of stop bath

Answer: Terminates development and removes excess developer chemicals from the emulsion

• Fourth step in radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Fixing

• Purpose of fixing
Answer: Hardens gelatin at the same time to increase its structural soundness and removes remaining silver halide from
emulsion and any remaining chemicals from the previous processing steps

• Approximate time for fixing in manual processing

Answer: 15 minutes

• Approximate time for fixing in automatic processing

Answer: 22 seconds

• _____ the silver halide that was not exposed to radiation is the process of clearing it from the emulsion and hardening the
emulsion to preserve the image
Answer: Fixing
• Fifth step in radiographic processing sequence
Answer: Washing

• Purpose of washing the film

Answer: Removes excess chemicals

• Approximate time for washing in manual processing

Answer: 20 minutes

• Approximate time for washing in automatic processing

Answer: 20 seconds

• Sixth step in radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Drying

• Purpose of drying the film

Answer: Removes water and prepares radiograph for handling and viewing

• Approximate time for drying in manual processing

Answer: 30 minutes

• Approximate time for drying in automatic processing

Answer: 26 seconds

• Three most important steps in the processing of radiographic film

• Developing
• Fixing
• Washing

• The chemicals used to process films are designed to penetrate an _____ and cause an effect
Answer: Emulsion

• Steps should be followed when one is mixing solutions, cleaning a processor, or participating in any activity with or near
processing solutions:
• Wear a proper mask that reduces inhalation of fumes—not the standard surgical mask that only guards against particles
and bugs
• Wear nitrile gloves. Do not use surgical gloves; they only protect against biologic matter. Remember that photographic
chemicals are designed to penetrate, and thin rubber gloves provide no guarantee of safety
• Wear protective glasses. Chemical splashes in the eyes are painful

• It is a liquid into which various solids and powders can be dissolved

Answer: Solution

• What is the universal solvent is used for all the chemicals in processing a radiograph?
Answer: Water

• For the chemicals to penetrate the emulsion, the radiograph must first be treated by a _____ agent
Answer: Wetting

• What is the wetting agent used?

Answer: Water

• The wetting agent penetrates the gelatin of the emulsion, causing it to _____
Answer: Swell

• In automatic processing, the wetting agent is in the _____

Answer: Developer

• The principal action of the developer is to change the silver ions of exposed crystals into _____
Answer: Metallic silver

• Provides electrons to the sensitivity center of the crystal to change the silver ions to silver
Answer: Developer

• Compositions of the developer

• Developing agent
• Activator
• Restrainer
• Preservative
• Hardener
• Sequestering agent
• Solvent

• For the ionic silver to be changed to metallic silver, an electron must be supplied to the _____
Answer: silver ion

Reduction to Metallic Silver

Ag+ + e− Ag

• When an electron is given up by a chemical, in this case the developer, to neutralize a positive ion, the process is called
Answer: Reduction

• The silver ion is said to be reduced to metallic silver, and the chemical responsible for this is called a _____
Answer: Reducing Agent

• The opposite of reduction is _____, a reaction that produces an electron

Answer: Oxidation

• Oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously and are called _____ reactions
Answer: Redox

Answer: electrons used in reduction/oxidation produce electrons

• Development is the chemical process that amplifies the latent image. Only crystals that contain a latent image are reduced to
metallic silver by the addition of _____
Answer: Developing agents

• Principal component of the developer is

Answer: Hydroquinone

• Secondary constituents of the developer

• Phenidone
• Metol

• Developing agents/ Reducing agents combined for rapid processing

• Hydroquinone
• Phenidone

• Reducing agent that produces shades of gray

Answer: Phenidone

• Reducing agent that produces black tones slowly

Answer: Hydroquinone

• As reducing agents, each of these molecules has an abundance of electrons that can be easily released to reduce _____
Answer: Silver ions

• The _____ of a processed radiograph results from the development of crystals that contain a latent image
Answer: Optical Density
• Occurs when the action of two agents working together is greater than the sum of the action of each agent working
Answer: Synergism

• The characteristic curve of a radiograph is shaped by the synergistic action of _____

Answer: Developing agents

• Acts slowly but is responsible for the very blackest shades

Answer: Hydroquinone

• Acts rapidly and influences the lighter shades of gray

Answer: Phenidone

• Controls the toe in the characteristic curve of a radiograph

Answer: Phenidone

• Controls the shoulder in the characteristic curve of a readiograph

Answer: Hydroquinone

• A silver halide crystal that has a negative electrostatic charge distributed over its entire surface
Answer: Unexposed silver halide crystal

• A silver halide crystal that has a negative electrostatic charge distributed over its surface except at the sensitivity center
Answer: Exposed silver halide crystal

• The similar electrostatic charges on the developing agent and the silver halide crystal make it difficult for the developing
agent to penetrate the crystal surface except in the region of the _____ in an exposed crystal
Answer: Sensitivity center

• In an _____ silver halide crystal, the developing agent penetrates the crystal through the sensitivity center and reduces the
remaining silver ions to atomic silver
Answer: Exposed

• Can be considered a metallic conducting electrode through which electrons are transferred from the developing agent into the
Answer: Sensitivity center

• Development of exposed and unexposed crystals that results in a dull radiograph because the crystals that contain a latent
image have not been completely reduced
Answer: Underdevelopment

• Development of exposed and unexposed crystals that produces a similar radiograph because of the partial reduction of
unexposed crystals
Answer: Overdevelopment

• Results in maximum contrast

Answer: Proper development

• The reduction of a silver ion is accompanied by the liberation of a _____ ion

Answer: Bromide

The bromide ion migrates through the remnant of the crystal into the gelatin portion of the emulsion. From there, the ion is
dissolved into the developer and is removed from the film
• Enhance the action of the developing agent by controlling the concentration of hydrogen ions: the pH
Answer: Buffering agents

• Buffering agents or activator (alkali compounds) of the developer

• Sodium carbonate
• Sodium hydroxide

• Alkali compounds are caustic, that is, they are very corrosive and can cause a _____
Answer: Skin burn

• The strongest alkali and is commonly called lye

Answer: Sodium hydroxide

• Function of activator (Sodium carbonate)

• Helps swell gelatin
• Produces alkalinity
• Controls pH

• Restricts the action of the developing agent to only those silver halide crystals that have been irradiated
Answer: Restrainers

• Restrainers of the developer

• Potassium bromide
• Potassium iodide

• Without the restrainer, even those crystals that have not been exposed are reduced to metallic silver. This results in an
increased fog that is called _____
Answer: Development fog

• Function of restrainers (potassium bromide)

• Antifog agent
• Protects unexposed crystals from chemical “attack”

• Controls the oxidation of the developing agent by air

Answer: Preservative

• Chemical used as preservative in the developer

Answer: Sodium sulfite

• Function of preservative) sodium sulfite

• Controls oxidation
• Maintains balance among developer components

• Air is introduced into the chemistry when it is mixed, handled, and stored; such oxidation is called _____
Answer: Aerial oxidation

• By controlling aerial oxidation, the preservative helps maintain ____

Answer: proper development rate

• Mixed chemicals last only a couple of weeks; thus, replenishment tanks require close-fitting floating lids for the control of
Answer: Aerial oxidation

• Chemical that is particularly sensitive to aerial oxidation

Answer: Hydroquinone

• It is easy to tell when the developing agent has been oxidized because it turns _____
Answer: Brownish

• The addition of a _____ causes the developer to remain clear

Answer: Preservative

• The _____ controls swelling and softening of the emulsion. If the emulsion swells too much or becomes too soft, the film will
not be transported properly through the system because of the very close tolerances of the transport system
Answer: Hardener

• Chemical used as hardener in automatic processors

Answer: Glutaraldehyde

• Function of hardener (glutaraldehyde)

• Controls emulsion swelling
• Enhances archival quality

• When films that drop from the processor are damp, the usual cause is
Answer: Depletion of the hardener

• Lack of sufficient _____ may be the biggest cause of problems with automatic processing
Answer: Glutaraldehyde

• Impurities that may be present in the developer that can accelerate the oxidation of hydroquinone, rendering the developer
• Metal impurities
• Soluble salts

• Introduced as sequestering agents that form stable complexes with the metallic ions and salts
Answer: Chelates

• Function of sequestering agent (chelates)

• Removes metallic impurities
• Stabilizes developing agent

• With _____, all exposed crystals that contain a latent image are reduced to metallic silver, and unexposed crystals are
Answer: proper development

• The development process is not perfect: Some crystals that contain a latent image remain undeveloped (unreduced), but other
crystals that are unexposed may be developed. Both of these actions reduce the _____ of the radiograph
Answer: quality

• Film _____ is basically a chemical reaction

Answer: Development

• Similar to all chemical reactions, film development is governed by three physical characteristics:
• Time
• Temperature
• Concentration (of the developer)

• _____ development time increases reduction of the silver in each grain and promotes the development of the total number of
Answer: Long development time

High developer temperature has the same effect.

• Controlled by the concentrations of developing chemicals

Answer: Silver reduction

• With _____ developer concentrations, the reducing agent becomes more powerful and can more readily penetrate both
exposed and unexposed silver halide crystals
Answer: Increased

• The image on a fogged film is gray and lacks proper ____

Answer: contrast

• An increased in time, temperature, and developer concentration beyond manufacturer recommendations results in increased
Answer: development fog

• Fog can also be produce by

• Fog produced by chemical contamination of the developer (Chemical fog)
• Fog produced by unintentional exposure to radiation (radiation fog)
• Fog produced by improper storage at an elevated temperature and humidity

• Attribute that refers to the permanence of the radiograph. The image does not deteriorate with age but remains in its original
Answer: Archival quality

• When development is complete, the film must be treated so that the image will not fade. This stage of processing is _____
Answer: Fixing

The image is said to be fixed on the film, and this produces film of archival quality

• When the film is removed from the developer, some developer is trapped in the emulsion and continues its _____
Answer: Reducing action

• If developing is not stopped, _____ results

Answer: Development fog

• The step in manual processing that follows development

Answer: Stop bath

• Function of stop bath

Answer: To neutralize the residual developer in the emulsion and stop its action

• What is the chemical used in the stop bath?

Answer: Acetic acid

• In_____ processing, a stop bath is not used because the rollers of the transport system squeeze the film clean
Answer: automatic
• In automatic processing, fixer contains acetic acid that behaves as a stop bath. This acetic acid is called an
Answer: Activator

• What is the function of an activator?

Answer: Neutralizes the pH of the emulsion and stops developer action

• Component of the fixer that remove unexposed and undeveloped silver halide crystals or silver bromine from the emulsion
Answer: Fixing agents

• Agent classically known as hypo

Answer: Sodium sulfite

• Chemical used as the fixing agent in most fixer chemistries

Answer: Ammonium thiosulfate

• Term used to describe the undesirable retention of the fixer in the emulsion
Answer: Hypo retention

• Slowly oxidizes and causes the image to discolor to brown over a long time
Answer: Excess hypo

• Fixing agents retained in the emulsion combine with silver to form silver sulfide, which appears _____
Answer: Yellow-brown

• It is the most common cause of poor archival quality

Answer: Silver sulfide stain

• As the developed and unreduced silver bromide is removed from the emulsion during fixation, what happens to the emulsion?
Answer: Shrinks

• Component of the fixer that accelerates the shrinking process and causes the emulsion to become more rigid or hardened
Answer: Hardener

• What is the purpose of hardeners?

Answer: To ensure that the film is transported properly through the wash-and-dry section and that rapid and complete
drying occurs

• Chemicals commonly used as hardeners in most fixer chemistries

• Potassium alum
• Aluminum chloride
• Chromium alum

• Component of the fixer that maintains the chemical balance because of the carryover of developer and fixer from one tank to
Answer: Preservative

• Chemical used as preservative in most fixer chemistries

Answer: Sodium sulfite

• Component of the fixer that maintains the alkalinity and acidity —the pH—of the fixer
Answer: Buffer

• Chemical used as buffer agent in most fixer chemistries

Answer: Acetate
• Represent the principal impurity at fixing stage
Answer: Aluminum ions

• Component of the fixer that removes aluminum ions

Answer: Sequestering agents

• Chemicals used for sequestering in most fixer chemistries

Answer: Boric acid and boric salts

• Fixer contains _____ as the solvent

Answer: Water

• Stage in processing washing away any residual chemicals remaining in the emulsion, particularly hypo that clings to the
surface of the film
Answer: Washing

• Used as the wash agent

Answer: Water

• In automatic processing, the temperature of the wash water should be maintained at approximately _____ below the
developer temperature
Answer: 3°C (5°F)

• Wash bath also serves to stabilize _____

Answer: developer temperature

• _____ leads to excessive hypo retention and the production of an image that will fade, turn brown with time, and be of
generally poor archival quality
Answer: Inadequate washing

• The final step in radiographic processing sequence

Answer: Drying the radiograph

• _____ is blown over both surfaces of the film as it is transported through the drying chamber.
Answer: Warm dry air

• The total sequence of events involved in manual processing takes longer than _____ to be completed
Answer: 1 hour

• Most automatic processors are _____ and require a total time from start to finish—the dry to- drop time—of just that, 90
Answer 90-second processors

• The process of converting the latent image to a visible image can be summarized as a three-step process within the emulsion
• First, the latent image is formed by x-ray exposure of silver halide grains
• Next, the exposed grains and only the exposed grains are made visible by development
• Finally, fixing removes the unexposed grains from the emulsion and makes the image permanent

• The efficiency of radiologic services was increased considerably when _____ was introduced in 1956
Answer: Roller transport automatic processing

• What are the principal components of an automatic processor?

• Transport system
• Temperature control system
• Circulation system
• Replenishment system
• Dryer system

• Transports film through various stages at precise intervals

Answer: Transport system

• What are the three principal subsystems of the transport system

• Roller
• Transport rack
• Drive

• Subsystem of transport system that supports film movement

Answer: Roller

• Subsystem of the transport system that moves and changes direction of film via rollers and guide shoes
Answer: Transport rack

• Subsystem of the transport system that provides power to turn rollers at a precise rate
Answer: Drive

• What are the three types of rollers used in the transport system
• Transport rollers, with a diameter of 1 inch, positioned opposite one another in pairs
• convey the film along its path
• Transport rollers positioned offset from one another
• Master roller, with a diameter of 3 inches
• used when the film makes a turn in the processor

• Rollers that are usually positioned around the master roller to reverse the direction of film in a processor
Answer: Planetary rollers and metal or plastic guide shoes

• The transport system begins at the _____, where the film to be processed is inserted into the automatic processor in the
Answer: Feed tray

• Grip the film to begin its trip through the processor

Answer: Entrance rollers

• Engaged to control the replenishment rate of the processing chemicals

Answer: Microswitch

• Always feed the film evenly using the _____ of the feed tray and alternate sides from film to film. This ensures even wear of
the transport system components
Answer: side rails

• What side of the film placed against the side rail of the feed tray and alternate films from one side to another
Answer: short side

• The shorter dimension of the film should always be against the side rail, so the proper _____ rate is maintained
Answer: Replenishment

• From the entrance rollers, the film is transported by rollers and racks through the wet chemistry tanks and the drying chamber
and is finally deposited in the _____
Answer: receiving bins
• The transport system not only transports the film; it also controls _____ by controlling the time the film is immersed in each
wet chemical
Answer: processing

• Governed by careful control of the rate of film movement through each stage in processing
Answer: Timing

• Except for the entering rollers at the feed tray, most of the rollers in the transport system are positioned on a _____
Answer: rack assembly

• Easily removable and provide for convenient maintenance and efficient cleaning of the processor
Answer: Racks

• When the film is transported in one direction along the rack assembly, only ____-mm rollers are required to guide and propel
Answer: 25 mm (1inch)

• A curved metal lip with smooth grooves guides the film around the bend
Answer: Guide shoes

• For a _____-degree bend, the film is positioned for the turn by the leading guide shoe, is propelled around the curve by the
master roller and its planetary rollers, and leaves the curve by entering the next straight run of rollers through the trailing
guide shoe
Answer: 180 degree

• A smaller rack assembly that is composed of rollers and guide shoes.

Answer: Crossover rack

When the film exits the top of the rack assembly, it is guided to the adjacent rack assembly through a crossover rack

• _____ for the transport system is provided by a fractional horsepower drive motor.
Answer: Power

• The shaft of the drive motor is usually reduced to _____ to _____ rpm through a gear reduction assembly
Answer: 10 to 20 rpm

• The developer, fixer, and wash require precise temperature control. The developer temperature is most critical, and it is
usually maintained at _____
Answer: 35°C (95°F)

• Wash water is maintained at _____

Answer: 3°C (5°F) lower

• Temperature is monitored at each stage by a _____

Answer: thermocouple or thermistor

• Temperature is controlled thermostatically by a controlled _____ in each tank

Answer: Heating element

• _____ is necessary to continually mix the processing chemicals, maintain a constant temperature throughout the processing
tank, and aid exposure of the emulsion to the chemicals
Answer: Agitation

• System in automatic processing that continuously pumps the developer and the fixer, thus maintaining constant agitation
within each tank
Answer: Circulation system
• The developer circulation system requires a _____ that traps particles as small as approximately 100 μm to trap flecks of
gelatin that are dislodged from the emulsion
Answer: filter

• The particles thus have less chance of becoming attached to the rollers, where they can produce artifacts. These filters are not
100% efficient; therefore, _____ can build up on the rollers
Answer: Sludge

• Should be a part of the routine maintenance of any processor

Answer: Cleaning the tanks and the transport system

• _____ in the fixer circulation system is normally unnecessary because the fixer hardens and shrinks the gelatin so that the
rollers are not coated. Furthermore, the fixer neutralizes the developer; therefore, the products of this reaction do not affect
the final radiograph
Answer: Filtration

• Water must be circulated through the wash tank to remove all of the processing chemicals from the surface of the film before
drying; this ensures _____
Answer: Archival quality

• A _____, rather than a closed circulation system, usually is used. Fresh tap water is piped into the tank at the bottom and
overflows out the top, where it is collected and discharged directly to the sewer system
Answer: Open system

• The minimum flow rate for the wash tank in most processors
Answer: 12 L/min (3 gal/min)

• A wet or damp finished radiograph easily picks up dust particles that can result in _____
Answer: Artifacts

• _____ is difficult to handle in a view box. When stored, it can become sticky and may be destroyed
Answer: Wet or damp film

• Extracts all residual moisture from the processed radiograph, so it drops into the receiving bin dry
Answer: Dryer

• The dryer system consists of

• Blower
• ventilation ducts
• drying tubes
• exhaust system

• A fan that sucks in room air and blows it across heating coils through ductwork to the drying tubes. Therefore, room air
should be low in humidity and free of dust
Answer: Blower

• Sometimes as many as three heating coils of approximately _____ W capacity are used
Answer: 2500 W

• The temperature of the _____ entering the drying chamber is thermostatically regulated
Answer: air

• Most processing faults leading to damp film are because of

Answer: depletion of glutaraldehyde
• the hardener in the developer
• _____ is vented from the drying chamber to the outside; in much the same way as the air in clothes dryer is vented. Some
fraction of the exhaust air may be recirculated within the dryer system
Answer: hot, moist air

• Reduces the concentration of hardener and is a common cause of damp films

Answer: Underreplenishment
• Part of the x-ray beam that exits a patient and exposes the IR
Answer: Image-forming x-radiation

• A cassette that contains radiographic film sandwiched between two radiographic intensifying screens
Answer: conventional image radiographic IR

• Made up of a polyester base that is covered on both sides with a film emulsion
Answer: Radiographic film

• Contains light-sensitive silver bromide crystals that are made from the mixture of silver nitrate and potassium bromide
Answer: Emulsion

• During manufacture, the emulsion is spread onto the base in darkness or under red lights because the _____ molecule is
sensitive to light
Answer: AgBr

• Formed in the film emulsion when light photons interact with the silver halide crystals
Answer: Invisible latent image

• Converts the latent image to a visible image

Answer: Processing or radiographic film

• Following are some important characteristics of the radiographic screen-film IR:

• Contrast
_____-contrast film produces black-and-white images
Answer: High

_____-contrast film produces images with shades of gray

Answer: Low

• Range of exposure techniques (kVp and mAs) that produce an acceptable image
Answer: Latitude

• Sensitivity of the screen-film combination to x-rays and light. Fast screen-film combinations need fewer x-rays to produce a
diagnostic image
Answer: Speed

• When light is emitted from a radiographic intensifying screen, it exposes not only the adjacent film emulsion but also the
emulsion on the other side of the base. The light crosses over the base and blurs the radiographic image
Answer: crossover

• The x-ray beam does not directly expose the x-ray film. Radiographic intensifying screens emit light when exposed to x-rays
and the emitted light then expose the radiographic film. The color of light emitted must match the response of the film
Answer: Spectral Matching

• When exposed to the light of radiographic intensifying screens, radiographic film speed is less if the exposure time is very
short or very long
Answer: Reciprocity Law

• Film should be handled carefully and stored at specific temperatures and humidity to reduce artifacts. Artifacts on
radiographic film can also be caused by _____
Answer: Rough handling

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