Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

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Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

Task 1:
Show and explain time domain representation of original, modulated and demodulated signals

Give and explain frequency domain representation of original, modulated and demodulated signals

Model Design
Time Domain Representation

Message Signal 1- 300Hz

Message Signal 2- 200Hz

Carrier Signal- 3Khz

Here we used two carrier signals operating at the same frequency but separated by 90 degrees phase by
using a variable time delay and adjusting the time delay to one quarter of the time period of the original
carrier that was a cosine. In this way we generated a sine wave using a cosine wave.
Modulated Signal
We modulated message signal 1 by using the original cosine function with zero phase delay and the other
message signal by using the 90 degree phase shifted cosine i.e. sine wave.
We demodulated the two modulated signals by using the same carriers. We multiplied the first modulated
signal by the cosine signal (zero time/phase delay) and the other modulated signal by the 90 degree phase
shifted cosine by giving time delay to the original carrier signal.

Before Filter
After Filter

Due to multiplication of the modulated signal with the carrier signal, unwanted frequency components
were also super imposed. So we applied band pass filter to acquire our original message signal. The time
domain representation is given above. The details of the filters used are given in the next part.
Frequency Domain Representation

Message signal 300 Hz

Message signal 200Hz

Modulated Signal
We modulated the first message signal by multiplying it with the cosine signal. The frequency spectrum
of the message signal was shifted on the frequency of the carrier signal i.e. 3k Hz. The bandwidth of the
modulated signal for message signal 1 is 600 Hz. Similarly, we modulated message signal 2 by
multiplying it with the phase shifted or time delayed cosine signal. The frequency spectrum of the
message signal was shifted on the frequency of the carrier signal i.e. 3k Hz. the bandwidth of message
signal 2 is 400 Hz.

message signal 300Hz

Message signal 200 Hz

Demodulated signal
For demodulation of the modulated signal, we had to multiply the modulated signal with their respective
carrier signals. But after the multiplication the demodulated signals contained unwanted frequency
components. So, we used band pass filter with the pass band range of 295-305 Hz for the first signal and
195-205Hz for the other signal.

Message signal 300 Hz

Message Signal 200Hz

Task 2
What are the advantages and disadvantages of QAM

Give practical applications of QAM


i. QAM allows for more data to be transmitted over roughly the same bandwidth as simple AM.
Two message signals (each of B) in the bandwidth (2B).


i. QAM is more susceptible to noise because the states are closer together so that a lower level of
noise is needed to move the signal to a different decision point.
ii. Receivers for use with phase or frequency modulation are both able to use limiting amplifiers that
are able to remove any amplitude noise and thereby improve the noise reliance. This is not the
case with QAM.
iii. When using QAM that contains an amplitude component, linearity must be maintained.
Unfortunately linear amplifiers are less efficient and consume more power, and this makes them
less attractive for mobile applications.
iv. Requires coherent demodulation with exact phase and frequency

Practical Applications
i. QAM is how the two channels of color difference modulation are implemented for analog
ii. QAM is how the Kahn AM stereo system works

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