Omanic Arabic
Omanic Arabic
Omanic Arabic
University of Victoria
All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author.
Supervisor: Dr. Suzanne Urbanczyk
This thesis examines one of the most intriguing and much studied phenomena in
Semitic known as the broken plural formation. It has a twofold goal. It documents the
diverse shapes of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. Furthermore, it
provides a formal analysis to the shapes and vocalism contained in these word forms
within Optimality Theory framework (Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince
Following proposals by McCarthy (2000), this thesis assumes that the distinction
between the singulars and broken plural shapes is better represented as 'affixed mora
(p)' attached at a certain locus in broken plural forms. The analysis of the vocalism
characterizing broken plural forms addresses two distinct types of fixed vocalism:
between conflicting alignment and CrispEdge constraints (It6 and Mester 1999) together
Table of contents....................................................................................
Acknowledgments ................................................................................... vi
Chapter One: Introduction
1.0 Statement of Intent ...................................................................... 1
1.1 The patterns .............................................................................. 2
1.2 Overview of thesis .................................................................... 14
Chapter Two: Overview of Omani Arabic
. .
2.1 Genetic affihation .................................................................... 17
. . . .
profile ............................................................... 18
2.2 Soc~o-lingu~stic
2.2.1 Dialectal variations and languages in Oman .............................18
2.2.2 Situating Muscat dialect ..................................................... 19
2.2.3 Data of study .................................................................. 20
2.3 Previous research on Omani Arabic ............................................... 21
2.4 Discussion of sound system ......................................................... 25
2.4.1 Segmental inventory ........................................................25 Consonant inventory ................................................ 25 Vowel inventory ..................................................... 27
2.4.2 Syllable structure ............................................................ 29
Chapter Three: Literature review on broken plurals
3.1 Omani Arabic Vs . classical Arabic broken plurals ...........................34
3.2 Linear transformational-generative framework ...............................34
3.3 Historical and comparative approach ..........................................37
3.4 Melodic transfer ...................................................................38
. . . .
3.5 Prosodic c~rcumscript~on
3.6 Optimality Theory .................................................................40
Chapter Four: Theoretical assumptions
4.1 Optimalily Theory Framework ................................................. 43
4.1.1 Principles of Optimality Theory ....................................... 44
4.1.2 Markedness constraints .................................................. 45
4.1.3 Faithfulness constraints .................................................. 46 Correspondence Theory .......................................... 46 Output-Output Correspondence .......................47 Positional Faithfulness .................................49
4.1.4 Alignment constraints .................................................... 51
4.2 Generalized Template Theory ................................................... 54
Chapter Five: Shapes
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 55
5.2 OT analysis of the shapes of Muscat broken plurals ............................56
5.2.1 Typical (canonical) broken plurals ....................................... 56
5.2.2. Shapes with epenthetic glides ............................................. 63
5.2.3 Shapes with medial geminates............................................. 69
5.2.4 Plurals with even iambs .................................................... 72
5.3 Exceptional Broken Plural Shapes................................................ 80
5.4 Summary of chapter five ........................................................... 82
Chapter Six: Vocalism
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 84
6.2 Overwriting of vocalism (McCarthy and Prince 1990a)........................ 87
6.3 Fixed Segmentism (Alderete et a1 1999)......................................... 88
6.4 Analysis of Fixed vocalism .........................................................90
6.4.1 Fixed [a] ........................................................................ 90
6.5 Analysis of phonological vocalism ................................................ 95
6.5.1 Variable vowels ................................................................95
6.6 Vocalism in the exceptional shapes of the broken plurals ..................... 104
6.7 Summary of chapter six ............................................................ 106
Chapter Seven: Conclusions and implications ..............................................
Appendix A: Muscat broken plural nouns.................................................... 117
Appendix B: Glossary of technical linguistic terms ......................................... 129
'internal' plural. This phenomenon, where an internal change rather than a fixed affix is
imposed on the singular forms, can be seen in the data below which represent broken
plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. The stem of the singular forms in (1)
The intricacies involved in the broken plural formation of Semitic languages have
long intrigued linguists who expressed vigorous interest in proposing different models to
explain this phenomenon. In forming broken plurals, the stem of the singulars modifies in
a different shape and the vowel changes into a fixed [a] to indicate meaning. This
morphological change attracts broad interest and leads to understanding the principles of
formation, it constitutes the most common type of plural formation in Semitic languages
C and V stand for consonants and vowels contained in a word respectively.
The broken plural forms are phonemically transcribed following previous scholars on this phenomenon
and Arabic in general (McCarthy and Prince 1990a and McCarthy 2000).
(Levy 1971, McCarthy and Prince 1WOa, Abd-Rabbo 1990, Abu-Mansour 1995, among
This study is a linguistic attempt to document the shapes of broken plural nouns in
the Arabic dialect of Oman. More specifically, it explores the diverse shapes observed in
It is the aim of this thesis to also offer a formal analysis of the shapes and vocalism,
(vowel quality) of broken plurals within the Optimality Theory framework (OT) (Prince
and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince 1993a &b). This thesis basically builds on
proposals made by McCarthy (2000) to account for the shapes of broken plurals in the
Muscat dialect. On the other hand, the analysis of the fixed vocalism exhibited in broken
Urbanczyk (1999). This thesis is not limited to investigating the typical, most productive
broken plurals' shapes and vocalism but also presents the exceptional patterns which
In the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, there is immense diversity in the shapes
which result from mapping singulars onto broken plurals. The diversity in shapes often
stems from the distinct shape of the singular forms from which broken plurals are
derived. Discussion of broken plural shapes first outlines the typical and most common
broken plural patterns and then moves to describe the peculiarity of the exceptional
Before describing the shapes of broken plurals, it is worth mentioning that
adjectives in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic also take broken plurals, for example
[ko:'i' kbi:r] 'big elbow, sing.' is pluralized as [ki'i'a:n kba:r] 'big elbows,pl.'. Just like
the noun preceding it, the adjective [kbi:r] takes the broken plural [kba:r]. However, the
focus of this study is limited to broken plurals of nouns and leaves the discussion of
The generalization that governs the formation of the typical broken plurals
(McCarthy and Prince 1990a) is that the left foot ClVlC2 ([dafl as in form 1.b below) or
CVV ([Sa:] as in form 6.a below) of the singular forms is extracted and mapped onto a
typical iamb3 ClVC2VV ([dafa:], [Sawa:] respectively. In forms (5), the C I V C ~ V(e.g.
[maki] in form 5.a below) which belongs to the first iamb ( of the singular form
[(] is extracted and expanded into a typical iamb [ma.ka:] when forming
broken plurals. In a nutshell, the formation of broken plurals targets the first two morae
of the singulars and maps them onto an iamb with three morae. The iamb constructed
involves a sequence of two syllables; heavy H preceded by a light syllable L and resides
at the left edge of the broken plural. This iamb is, then, concatenated to the rest of the
singular form, maintaining the weight of the final syllable (McCarthy and Prince 1990a;
for the formation of broken plurals in classical Arabic, a typical iamb L H has to be
' lamb is a type of foot structure which is a right-headed foot. It can be either disyllabic or monosyllabic. If
disyllabic, then it has a light-heavy syllable or light-light syllable with the second syllable more prominent.
If monosyllabic, then it is always heavy.
Glover's research reports that one of the characteristics of plurals in Muscat Arabic is that the final
syllable maintains the same length ofthe final syllable in the singular forms.
realized in broken plural shapes. I provide the following prosodic representation to
illustrate the mapping o f singulars onto broken plurals. This representation shows that the
first trochaic foot [mis] o f the singular form [] 'mosque' is expanded into an
m i s g i d
(mis). gi. d (
Broken plurals listed below are considered to he the typical shapes. There are many
details to be explored in a full account regarding the extra morphology taking place in
some forms in addition to the general mechanism applied to formalize broken plurals.
The singular forms are shaped into CVC.CV(V).C. The suffix-ah attached to the
singular forms in ( 2 ) and other singular forms below indicates that these nouns belong to
the feminine gender. It is not considered as part of the basic consonants which are
assumed to indicate the meaning of the stem of the singular forms (McCarthy and Prince
1990a; Abd-Rabbo 1990, among many traditional Arab grammarians). The first foot of
the singulars C I V C ~
as in form (1.b) [dafltar is changed into [dafa:]tar to indicate
plurality. The final syllable of both the singulars and plurals is preserved and surfaces in
broken plurals without a change. This is mostly manifested in forms (3) where the length
of the final syllable in the singular forms is carried over to broken plurals with no
Broken plurals in (4) below contain only three consonants coming from the base
singular with the shape CVC.CV. Again, the shape of the first foot [ C I V C ~is] expanded
into a different shape [CIVC~V:];[mak] becomes [maka:] (form 4.a). The final syllable
CV in these broken plurals corresponds to the final syllable in the singular form where
both the length and quality of the vowel are kept unaltered.
The singular forms in (5) and (6) have fewer than four base consonants and their
broken plurals expand by inserting a default glide to conform to the mapped shape. For
example, in forms (6), the first foot of the singular [Sa:]aar contains only one consonant
and a long vowel. [Sa:] requires another consonant for shaping this foot into (CIVC2VV);
[Sawa:]aar results. The singulars in (5) have a long high vowel in their second syllable
[Ci:] like in [makkn-ah]. To form broken plurals, CIVCzV [maki] in the first iamb of the
singular form (5.b) maps onto C1VC2V: [maka:]. The residue of the singular [in] which is
left after the mapping happens requires a glide to form the onset of the third syllable in
Forms (7) below have medial geminates [sakki:n] with the first half of the
geminates closing the first foot of the singular and the second half filling the onset
position of the second syllable (sak)l(ki:)2.n. The geminates being adjacent to each other
in the singular split into two feet in broken plurals [(saka:)l(ki:)2n] as a result of the
expansion of the left foot of the singulars (sak) into a different shape (saka:), maintaining
the length of the final syllable of the singular forms. McCarthy (2000: 178) notes that the
There are singular forms which have four consonants in their underlying forms but
8.(CVC)CVj-ah S i n g h r f o r m s (CV.CV:).CV
a. (su0.ri.j- ah (sa.fa:).ri 'cook pots'
b. (kur)fa.j- ah (ka.ra:).fi 'beds'
The final consonant in the singular forms in (8) is consistently the glide /j/
preceded by an open syllable with a short vowel [i] or [a]. The trochaic foot of the
singular form like in (8.b) [kur] expands into [kara:] in the broken plural. The length of
the final syllable is the same in both the singular and plural forms. Glover (1988: 63)
tautosyllabic sequence of a short vowel and glide into a long vowel, mostly /e:/. In these
broken plurals, there is a tendency of merging the glide /j/ and short vowels of the final
syllable of the singular forms into the high front vowel /i/.
Some singular forms in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic have free variations of
shaping into different broken plurals (Shaaban 1977). The singular forms whose shape is
exactly similar to those in forms (I), (2) and (3) above map onto a different shape of
broken plurals (CCV:).CV(V).C. They thus differ from the canonical broken plurals
(CV.CV:).(CV(V)).C in that they collapse the first two syllables of the first foot at the
left-edge into one heavy foot by deleting the first vowel. Shaaban (1977) formalizes the
following rule to capture the deletion of the vowel between ClC2 in broken plurals.
Glover (1988) observes a general rule of short vowel deletion from the first syllable
in Muscat Arabic which results in a consonant cluster at the left-edge of words. She states
that the left edge of words is the only environment where a cluster of consonants is
observed in Muscat Arabic. If short vowels are located in the middle or end of words,
then they are likely to he maintained. Thus, syllables in Omani Arabic don't have clusters
The first foot of the singular in (lO.b) [maq] maps onto [mqa:] and not the usual
expected pattern [maqa:]. The final syllable in these forms maintains its length when the
mapping to broken plural takes place just like the typical broken plurals. Although broken
plurals patterning like this all begin with a sonorant /m/, this observation is later
countered by broken plurals clustering various types of consonants at their left edge.
There is a wide range of broken plurals with highly different shapes from the
typical broken plurals described above. They are distinguished by the distinct shapes of
their singular forms which are characterized by a long vowel in the only syllable they
The singular forms in (1 I ) have only one heavy syllable and three consonants. They
are shaped into C.CVV.C. This thesis proposes that when these singulars are pluralized,
inserted vowel can either be [i] or [u] depending on the place features of the cluster
consonants in the singular forms; if one of the two consonants is labial, then the
epenthetic vowel is [u]. When one of these consonants is coronal, [i] surfaces as the
epenthetic vowel. This is a second piece of evidence which reflects the fact that syllable
structure in Omani Arabic is simplex and clusters at the margins of syllables are
disfavored and broken up by epenthetic vowels. Because the broken plural shape requires
four consonants to fill the shape CVC.CVV.C, I propose that an epenthetic In1 is inserted
to fill the final consonant position. Despite the fact that an extra consonant is added in the
broken plurals' shape, the inserted consonant always fills the final C position, allowing
other C positions in the broken plural shape to be filled contiguously by the consonants
from the singular forms. The inserted I d can be understood as a remnant from the 'dual'
in the classical Arabic's dual marker [un, genitive] or [an, accusative] (Andrew Rippin,
personal communication; Jayakar, 1889: 659). Glover (1988) lists the insertion of In/ in
'written it' as one of the unique characteristics of Omani Arabic. Shaaban (1977)
In forms (12), the singular forms only have two consonants and a long vowel in
between them, shaping into CVV.C. When these shapes form broken plurals, they map
onto the shape CV.CVV.n. The first vowel position is filled by a fixed vowel ti1 while the
long vowel is always realized as [a:]. As is the case in forms (1 I), the final C position is
supplied by an epenthetic In/. These two shapes of broken plurals, specifically the second
Nunation is the marker of indefiniteness- accomplished by adding In/ following the last vowel (Guda
1988: 186)
type, are unique to Omani Arabic and there are no similar shapes attested in the literature
What is inconsistent about the shapes of these broken plurals is that they conflict
with the general mechanism applied to form broken plurals. They more specifically
iambs Hs) in (1 1) and Ci.CV:.n in (12) and epenthesize In/ as a final consonant.
A wide range of broken plurals exhibits patterns that are notoriously inconsistent
with their singular forms. The shape of the singular forms can't be regarded as a sole
determinant for which shape of broken plural the singular is mapped onto. The following
singulars map their C.CVC or CVC.C onto C.CV:.C with consonant clusters word-
initially and a long vowel in the only syllable of these broken plurals.
Footnote (c.f #4)
Extrametricality as a notion of the metrical theory was first brought up by Liberman and Prince (1977). It
"designates a particular prosodic constituent such as a Foot or syllable as invisible for the purpose of rule
application" (Hayes 1995).
n.(xi:).l 'palm trees'
S.(mu:).T 'candles'
Although the singular shapes vary in that forms (13) have consonant clusters word-
initially and forms (14) have the clusters word-finally, both these diverse shapes map
onto the shape C.CV:.C where the singular forms in (13) maintain the clusters and
lengthen the vowel following them and the singular forms in (14) delete the short vowels
in between C I C and
~ collapse the consonants into one heavy syllable.
Singular forms with the shape CV.CV.C also take the same shape of broken plurals
in (13) and (14) above. Observe the following shapes of broken plurals.
The vowel contained in the only heavy syllable of the broken plurals (13-15) varies
among /a:/, /i:/ and /u:/.The quality of the vowel here is ad hoe and can't be determined
from the place features of any of the surrounding consonants. Both (1 5.b) and (15.c) have
a labial /b/ preceding the long vowel but each gets different vocalic qualities, lu:l and /a:/
These forms have also lumped together the first two syllables contained in the first
foot at the left edge of the broken plurals into a single heavy syllable. Instead of shaping
into CV.CV:.C as expected, they map onto C.CV:.C. This conclusion is drawn through
observation of similar broken plurals in classical Arabic. Broken plurals of the Muscat
dialect surface with a consonant cluster at the left edge of these forms. For example,
Omanis pluralize [nafs] as [nfuus] and not *[nufuus] as attested in classical Arabic in the
forms in (1 6).
There are also singulars of the shape Ce:C which map onto C.jV:.C when forming
broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. Observe the following singular and
The long mid vowel /e:/ is the only vowel in the singular forms. The singulars have
only two base consonants. The broken plural's shape is C.C*V:.C with three consonant
positions. These broken plurals surface with a glide /j/ filling the second C position and
preceding the long vowel /u:/. They show up with a consonant cluster and long vowel.
More striking are broken plurals which shape into C.CV.C, a light syllable with a
consonant cluster word-initially. The singular shape, while often CVCC-ah resists
mapping its CIVCZat the left-edge onto a CIVC;IV: as expected and the broken plural
McCarthy and Prince (1990a) propose as part of the broken plural shape
requirement that they surface with a typical iamb. This follows from the principle of
'Template Satisfaction Condition' which requires that forms satisfy the minimal
requirement of the target shape. Broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic
seem to surface with any expansion of iambs. They either surface with L H or only H to
meet the 'Template Satisfaction Condition'. The exception to this requirement is shown
by the idiosyncratic behavior of broken plurals in (18) which surface with a short syllable
The final interesting shape of broken plurals involves partial reduplication of the
last consonant in the singular forms which have the ClVC2 shape. These singular forms
have only two consonants in their underlying structure. When they form broken plurals,
the second consonant spreads to fill the third consonant position in the shape C.CZV:.C~
The vowel between the first and second consonant of the singular form drops and
the first two consonants form a cluster in broken plurals. The vowel in these broken
To sum up, broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic are highly diverse
in their shapes. Partially, the diversity is attributed to the distinct shapes of the singulars
from which broken plurals are derived. However, quite a large number of broken plurals
don't relate to their singular forms, either because the same singular shape is licensed to
map onto the canonical broken plural shape or else broken plurals exhibit idiosyncrasies
The typical shapes of broken plurals have [a] filling the vowel positions in the first
foot at the left edge and [a], [i] or [u] in the final short syllable. When the final syllable of
these broken plurals is long due to the length of the final syllable of their singulars, ti:/
always surfaces in the final syllable of broken plurals. Exceptional broken plurals have a
variety of vowels which randomly fill the vowel positions of broken plurals.
This thesis is structured as follows: chapter two deals briefly with the socio-
linguistic aspects of Omani Arabic, highlighting the major languages and dialects in
Oman. More relevant for the sake of this thesis, it situates the Muscat dialect and
describes how data are obtained for this study. Research done on Omani Arabic is also
reviewed to cast light on previous studies on this variety of Arabic. Finally, this chapter
presents the necessary background information on the segmental and syllabic inventories
Chapter three reviews past scholarship on the broken plural formation. Four
basic analyses and assumptions on the broken plural formation. These are the linear
generative approach, the historical and comparative model, melodic transfer, prosodic
circumscription and Optimality Theory. The presentation of these models equips the
readers with the necessary background on previous analyses so that a just evaluation
among them and the model presented here can later be made. Moreover, the chapter
shows how broken plurals in the Muscat dialect relate to broken plurals of classical
The fourth chapter presents the basic theoretical assumptions the research hinges on
for its crucial arguments and analyses. It offers a description of the main principles of
constraints used in the analysis of the diverse shapes and invariant vocalism of broken
independent words and Positional Faithfulness Constraints (Beckrnan 1998) which target
special positions in a word as having unique identity requirements. It also relies for its
templatesper se (McCarthy & Prince 1994a, 1995, 1999; Urbanczyk 1995, 1996a &b;
Ito, Kitagawa, & Mester 1996; Gafos 1996 & 1997a; Spaelti 1997 among others). This
theory does not entail reference either to the resultant CV-shape or to the type of foot
structure of broken plurals. Despite the fact that an iamb is realized in broken plurals, this
thesis assumes that interaction of constraints of Universal Grammar yield the outcome
Chapter five includes a formal analysis of the shapes of broken plurals using the
framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince
1993a & b). The analysis adopted in this chapter builds on proposals made by McCarthy
(2000). The analysis first presents the basic arguments by elaborating on the technical
details of McCarthy's (2000) analysis and analyzes the typical shapes. It then extends the
same analysis to capture forms with default glides, medial geminates and even iambs.
Chapter six introduces two distinct types of fixed vocalism characterizing the
formation of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. It reviews past
1990a). It also discusses how Optimality Theory has recently offered an adequate
phonological fixed vocalism in relation to the basic tenets of Optimality Theory and
Chapter seven addresses how this research ties in with previous work done on
Optimality Theory and research on Arabic in general. It also demonstrates the basic
findings and conclusions made from the study of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of
Omani Arabic.
a descriptive sketch of both the segmental and syllabic inventories of the dialect of
Arabic spoken in Oman. More preliminarily, the discussion here acquaints readers with
some of the socio-linguistic aspects of Omani Arabic, highlighting the main languages
and dialects existing in Oman up to this point in time and situating the data used in this
study. This chapter also reviews key work done on Omani Arabic, enumerating the basic
mother language 'Arabic', a Semitic language which belongs to the Afro-Asiatic family.
It specifically relates to the Central South Semitic family (Watson 2002; Rose 1997).
and parts of the United Arab Emirates. There are about two million speakers of Omani
One might ponder the existence of Omani Arabic in African areas, but looking at
the history of Oman elucidates this puzzlement. During the seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries, Oman largely extended its territories to huge parts of Africa, taking
over the coastal city of Zanzibar which had become a second capital of Oman for a period
of time. This results in the migration of Omanis attracted to the clove and rice plantations
of the Island of Zanzibar in East Africa (Glover 1988). Vestiges of the Omani culture and
language can be traced in Zanzibar to this day. People in Africa still preserve the Omani
Oman is a linguistically rich country. There are plenty of languages and dialectal
variations of OA spoken across its lands (Holes 1989, Glover 1988, Shaaban 1977). For
instance, in the Southern part of Oman, Omanis speak Jabbali, Mehri and Harsusi
languages8. Rose (1997:3) refers to these languages as 'South-Arabian' and points out
that they are spoken in Yemen as well; Oman and Yemen share southern borders.
The northern part of Oman is a different story. Due to the closeness of this part to
Swahili, Lawati and Belushit Balushi are minority languages in Oman. There are
quite a large number of speakers of these minority languages (about 382,000 according to
the1993 census). The minority groups of these languages are assimilated Omanis of
Persian descent who are Shiite Muslims. The Swahili group migrated from Africa during
the time when Oman and Africa had strong ties and merged as one country (Glover
1988). The Belushi group constitutes the largest minority in Oman (Shaaban 1977). They
- -- -
An extensive body of research is done to explore these Ethiopian Semitic languages. The most
comprehensive of which is Johnstone's dictionary of Harsusi (1977) and Jibbali (1983) containing
enormous number of forms used in Omani Arabic.
Jayakar (1903) publishes a description of the Arabic spoken in Musandam supplemented with notes on
Musandam and Khasab are cities in the northern part of Oman.
Prochazka, T. (1981) does an interesting research describing the relation between Shi'i dialects of
Bahrain and Bahraini (Sunni) dialects and their relevance to the Arabic spoken in Ristaq, Oman.
were brought to Oman during the reign of Sayyid Saeid bin sultan1*and have continued
Two major varieties of Arabic are in use in Oman today: the Modem Standard
Arabic (MSA)'~and the spoken Arabic referred to as Omani Arabic (OA). MSA is the
language of mass media, official ceremonies and religious and public speeches (Shaaban
1977). More significantly, it is the medium of instruction in Omani schools, colleges and
educational institutions.
OA, on the other hand, is the native spoken language of Omanis. It is diverse in its
phonology, morphology, and utilizes different lexical terms (Shaaban 1977). Shaaban
makes interesting observations with regard to the Arabic spoken in Oman. He notices that
the linguistic interactions with minority groups as well as expatriates have left traces in
the speech of Omanis, especially in the vocabulary (Shaaban 1977: 11). He reports some
foreign words in the speech of young Omanis of Muscat. Foreign words include [du:bi]
1977:13)14. Glover (1988: 17-18, 90-91) also lists some of the technical foreign terms
that are in wide use in the spoken Muscat dialect. For example, she reports [Rafi:~]
The data in this study only pertain to OA spoken in the Sultanate of Oman with a
special emphasis on the dialect spoken in Muscat, the capital of Oman. More specifically,
Sayyid Saeid bin Sultan is a ruler of al-Saeid family, the current royal family in Oman.
''Glover (1988) claims that a better term for this variety of Arabic is 'Literary Arabic'.
For more examples of foreign words in the speech of Omanis, readers are referred to Shaaban (1977)
who provides a comprehensive lists of these words.
l 5 Glover (1988: 16, 90-91) lists some of the interesting foreign terms observed in the speech of Muscat
the data represent the dialect of Arabic spoken by Omanis who are native to Muscat and
do not belong to any of the minority ethnic or religious groups found within Oman.
Different Islamic sects exist in Muscat; however, this study focuses on the speech of
Shaaban (1977) classifies dialects in Oman into two major types: coastal and
interior. He considers the Muscat dialect to be coastal due to the strategic location of
Muscat, overlooking the Gulf of Oman. The Muscat dialect reflects the speech of
educated people. It also demonstrates the impact of modernization and education on the
speech of young generations. Muscat is exposed to expatriates from other Arab and Asian
countries like 1ndiaI7 more often than other areas in Oman. The influence of these
speech do not manage to insinuate its way deep into the country.
Aspects of the distinction between the Omani Arabic spoken in Muscat and other
Shaaban (1977) and Glover (1988), the uvular stop /q/ is preserved from classical Arabic
in the speech of Muscat people as opposed to the people in the interior who pronounce it
as /y/. Moreover, while /g/ and /j/ are alternates in the speech of Muscat people, only / g /
The data in this study document the shapes of broken plural nouns observed in the
speech of educated Omanis in the capital of Oman, Muscat. They are generated from the
lbadhi is one of the Islamic sects. Most Omanis are lbadhi people.
A very pervasive Hindi word observed in the speech of Muscat Arabic is [bannad] 'close'. This word has
been completely assimilated to Omani Arabic that one hardly doubts it is native Omani.
researcher's native knowledge of the language. It is important to note that the researcher
was born and brought up in Muscat. Because the researcher has lived in Muscat since
Anticipating the linguistic change Omani Arabic underwent during and after the
time of his study, Shaaban (1977) predicts a variety of OA moving from the interior of
Oman more towards Muscat speech, saturated with learned forms. This study discloses
how the dialect has changed since Shaaban did his research on the Muscat dialect of
In 1988, Glover already notices that Arabic-speaking Omanis of regions outside the
capital are likely to speak a fonn of Omani Arabic that resembles to a large extent the
Despite the paucity of research on the theoretical aspects of Omani Arabic, it has
unique phonological and morphological variations that set it apart from other dialects of
Arabic spoken in peninsular Arabia (Webster 1991, Holes 1989; Glover 1988; Broket
1985). In his classification of the dialects of the peninsular Arabia, Johnstone (1967: 1-3)
treats Oman as a single dialect area. Given the fact that Oman has varied topography
which includes massive deserts, impassable mountain ranges and long coasts (Holes
These variations demonstrate that OA should be considered a distinct dialect of its own.
Holes (1989) successfully illustrates the diverse nature of Omani Arabic by
supplements his classification of the Omani areas and the dominant speech variant with
thorough discussions and arguments. He assumes that there are basically four dialectal
groups in Oman. The primary division is between Hadhari (modem) dialects and Bedouin
dialects. Each of these core divisions is further classified as H I , H2 and B1 and B2, H
and B standing for Hadbri and Bedouin respectively. This classification relates to
Shaaban's division of the dialects in Oman since it associates the modern dialects of
Oman with the coastal areas and the interior ones with the Bedouin.
agricultural terms used in the Batinah coastal town of Khabura. A meticulous reader of
Broket's monograph would notice that Broket's main purpose is to survey and
characterize the speech patterns of his informants whom he manages to classify into
groups according to place of family origin. It goes without saying that Broket's study
reflects the social life of Omanis in Khabura because the coastal, agricultural and 'crafts'
terms observed in Khabura are highly reflected in the speech of Khabura people.
Reinhardt (1 894)19 who initiated efforts into the exploration of Omani Arabic. Jayakar
constructs a concise English1 Omani Arabic dictionary of about 600 words and 320
Jayakar was an officer in the British army who wrote about the language and culture of the Omani
Carl Reinhardt came to Oman with an expedition from the Oriental Society of Berlin at the time when
Oman is trying to establish bilateral relations with other Arab countries (Shaaban 1977: 21).
proverbs. He notes all the peculiarities of Omani Arabic. Although his work is regarded
as valuable and mostly accurate, he dispensed with the agricultural vocabulary and makes
no division between inland and coastal dialects (Broket 1985:l). Shaaban (1977)
Reinhardt (1894), on the other hand, focuses on the inland dialect of Wadi Beni
transliterated texts and two hundred proverbs. Because this study is more systematic as it
describes a single dialect, it proves a good reference for future Omani dialect studies.
elaborates on the morphological and phonological processes that verbs and nouns have
undergone due to social and political changes. He introduces the language in historical,
social and linguistic terms, outlining the peculiarity of this dialect of Arabic when
Shaaban (1985) investigates the phonological and morphological changes that have
taken place in the verbs of Omani Arabic in a period of about one hundred years. He
basically compares the alternations between the perfective and imperfective forms of the
tri-consonantal verbs. He argues that the opening up of Oman, increased contacts with
other countries, and the spread of education have conspired to introduce to Omani Arabic
the simplification and regularization tendencies observed in the speech of the educated.
His study falls into two major parts: the variations in the perfective and imperfective
Wadi beni Kharus is part of the Rustaq region in Oman, according to the current regional division of
forms of the verbs as cited by Reinhardt (1894). The second part deals with the modem
Omani Arabic. It also discusses the factors contributing to the regularization process,
Glover (1988) describes the phonology and morphology of the Omani Arabic
spoken in Muscat. Based on fieldwork done in the old city of Muscat, her study
highlights the basic phonological and morphological characteristics that distinguish this
dialect from other varieties of Arabic. For example, she studies the influence of adjacent
consonants on short vowels, vowel syncope, stress rules and syllabic alternations, to
mention a few. The linguistic frameworks applied in Glover's (1988) work are lexical
McCarthy (I 979).
His previous familiarity with Al-Murra Bedouin of Saudi Arabia enables him to draw the
basic distinctions between the Bedouin of Oman and Saudi Arabia. He recognizes that the
dialects of present-day Oman share common features with both eastern Arabia along the
Gulf littoral of the United Arab Emirates and Arabs of Hadhramaut, Yemen (Webster
1991: 473). Depending on the classification offered by Holes (1989) of the dialects of
justifies this division on the basis of some dominant phonological features such as the
Webster is also able to spot the major features of the social life of Al-Wahiba Bedouin in
Oman as illustrated in the scripts he makes with an informant from this tribe.
The discussion below introduces the consonant and vowel inventories in the Muscat
dialect of OA. It also sketches a description of the syllable structure of this variety of
Omani Arabic.
Following mainly the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription, the chart
below displays the consonant inventory in the Muscat dialect of OA. The total number of
consonants is 27 sounds including the glottal stop and emphatic segments. Glides, nasals
Fricatives f
Nasals m
Glides w
Segments represented by a dot underneath them /C1 are the emphatic sounds
into one; both are represented by 141 (Shaaban 1977; Glover 1988). Hence, Omani Arabic
has three coronal emphatic sounds, the dental 141, the alveolars It/ and IS/.According to
Shaaban (1977), all the non-emphatic sounds with the exception of /r/ have emphatic
allophones governed by the rule of emphatic spread which he allots a whole chapter in
his dissertation (1977) to discuss. The emphatic I!! argued to be present in some dialects
of Arabic occurs only in one form: [allaah] 'God' (Shaaban 1977; Glover 1988) in OA.
Similar to the dialect of Egyptian Arabic, the voiced velar stop /g/ is more
pervasive in Omani Arabic than the affricate I$ which characterizes most varieties of
Arabic like Gulf Arabic, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian Arabic. Shaaban (1977) argues
that the preference of this consonant is attributed to the speech of an old tribe of Arab
called Azed of Yemen which settled in Oman a hundred years ago and to which most
Omanis belong. However, the exposure of Omanis to other dialects as well as the
extensive interaction with foreigners admit the alveopalatal 41to freely co-occur with the
velar /g/.
Shaaban (1977) and Glover (1988) note that /x/ and /y/ are u v u l a r ~in~ ~
Arabic which correspond with x and u occurring in the inventory of classical Arabic and
pervasively in other dialects of Arabic. In current Omani Arabic, these back consonants
-- -- --
24 Although Shaaban (1977) and Clover (1988) consider these back consonants as uvular~, their
transcription of these sounds is consistent with their transcription as velars in this thesis.
are basically velars with a little tendency towards the uvular in some forms. Little trill is
Although /p/ and /v/ are not phonemes in Arabic dialects, they occur as allophones
of /b/ and If1 which occur before voiceless and voiced obstruents respectively. This
observation also accords with Shaaban's discussion of the consonants in Omani Arabic.
examples illustrate.
inventory of Arabic (these are /a/,/ul and /i/), Omani Arabic has long mid phonemic
vowels (Shaaban 1977; Glover 1988). These mid vowels are /e:/ and lo:/. They result
from pronouncing words that underlyingly have diphthongs. Shaaban (1977) and Glover
(1988) assume the round mid vowel to be lo:/; however, this study proposes that both mid
round vowels lo:/ and 1x1 are possible and can occur in free variation (John Esling,
This conclusion is primarily made by a phonetician observing how the researcher produces these sounds
In her normal speech.
Omani Arabic and particularly the Muscat dialect, lo:/ is used in the transcription of this
The phonemic vowel system in Omani Arabic is represented in the following chart.
Following Shaaban (1977) and Glover (1988), there are thus three short phonemic
vowels /a/, /u/ and /i/ and five long ones /a:/, /u:/, /i:/, /e:/ and lo:/. These vowels exhibit
sounds. OA has a lot of pharyngealization which retracts vowels after pharyngeal and
emphatic sounds (John Esling, personal communication; Shaaban 1977; Glover 1988).
Most of these vowels can retract to schwa or further back to [a]26 when followed by a
Phonemic short vowels in OA contrast for length. Observe the forms in (8).
plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. This section sketches a description of the
syllable structure, highlighting the basic syllable shapes and making generalization of
syllabification. The Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic has three basic syllable types.
The symbol beneath the schwa phonetically represents lowering of these vowels
OA bans onsetless syllables as the three basic syllable shapes all surface with
onsets. There is a process of a default glide insertion to resolve onsetless syllables in the
Thus, the final C is said to be extrametrical and does not have weight in word final
position. Thus, the assignment of p (unit of weight) to the final C is blocked, making the
CVVC and CVCC most often occur word-finally in which the final C is weightless. This
exempts the final consonant from participation in weight. Thus, the syllable always has
two morae. However, in some rare singular forms, superheavy syllables (syllables with
three morae) show up as the first syllable in the singular forms as seen below. This shape,
however, shortens in broken plurals to confirm to the restricted bimoraic syllable. The
long vowel in the first syllable of these forms results from merger of /a/ and /w/
underlyingly to produce the long mid vowel phoneme lo:/, as shown in forms (4) above.
Although consonant clusters occur at the left and right periphery of words in Omani
Arabic, the peripheral consonants are considered extrametrical and syllable shapes are
assumed to be simplex. Glover (1988: 60) draws a similar conclusion regarding the basic
syllable shapes of Muscat Arabic. She attributes the clusters at the left-edge of words to a
phonological rule of short vowel deletion which deletes the short vowel in the first
syllable, resulting in a cluster at the left boundary of words. She further illustrates that
this rule only applies to short vowels in the first syllables as clusters are never attested at
b. CCV:
margins of syllables word medially.
Extrametrical elements are only found at word edges (left and right edges), so this
supports the treatment of the initial C in CCV words as extrametrical. Intervocalic single
consonants are syllabified with the following vowel while with intervocalic consonant
clusters of two, the first belongs to the preceding syllable and the second makes up the
onset of the following syllable (Shaaban 1977). Words with a CVCC shape are
The absence of CCCV pattern from medial and final positions is attributed to
syllabification well-formedness which bans consonant clusters at the syllable margins and
restricts the first C in CCV to close the first syllable and the second C to be the onset of
illustrated below2' and there are no VCCCV sequences as complex syllable margins
aren't permitted.
For more examples of how this shape of words is syllabified, readers are referred to Glover (1988: 59)
Like other dialects of Arabic, the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic has a broad
distribution of geminates in its surface forms. More relevant for the sake of this thesis are
broken plurals with geminates. McCarthy (2000) notes that when broken plurals are
mapped from singular forms with medial geminates, they preserve the length of the
singular consonants and often create long-distance geminates (these are geminates
separated by a vowel). This stems from the tendency of maintaining the same quantity of
root geminates in surface forms (Gafos 2003). Geminate codas are heavy and bear a
mora. The weight of gemination needs to be realized in broken plurals if they are derived
from singulars with geminates. McCarthy (2000) claims that although the geminates are
preserved from the singular forms, they become 'long distance linked structure' p. 178. In
McCarthy (1998) and Gafos (2003) have done elaborate research to prove that
geminates can't occur in the edge of syllables. Thus, geminates at the syllable margins,
o[C,C, or C,C,], in which geminates (similar consonants) belong to the same syllable and
occur at the periphery of this syllable, is hence impossible to surface in Arabic. That is
why the parsing of adjacent geminates licenses the first geminate as a coda to the first
have captured the interest of linguists who get inspired in proposing different models to
account for this interesting word formation. The broken plural formation is definitely a
major phenomenon which has received considerable attention in the literature of Semitic.
large, to be the most productive type of plural formation in Semitic languages (Levy
1971, McCarthy and Prince 1990a, Abd-Rabbo 1990, Abu-Mansour 1995, among
Past work in the broken plural phenomenon includes Levy and Fidelholtz (1970),
Levy (1971), Wright (1971), Benhallam (1980), Hammond (1988); McCarthy and Prince
(1990a); Abdo-Rabbo (1988), (1990), Ratcliffe (1998); (1988), Kager and Zonneveld
(1999), Lombardi and McCarthy (199 I), Kager (1993), Abu-Mansour (1995), and more
recently McCarthy (2000), among others. The purpose of this chapter is to review these
For the sake of this thesis, broken plural formation is reviewed from five basic
embarking on the detailed review of these approaches, I show how Omani Arabic broken
Although a large portion of broken plural shapes in the Muscat dialect of Omani
Arabic resemble broken plurals in classical Arabic, Glover (1988) recognizes a few
irregularities in Muscat plurals. She notices alternations between the glides /j/ and /w/ in
the singular + plural mapping. For example, she notices that the second consonant /jl in
singular forms such as [lajsuw] 'women's head cloth' becomes /w/ whereas the final
consonant /w/ turns into /j/ after a short vowel /i/ as in the broken plural [lawa:si]. This
In classical Arabic, there are two major types of broken plurals: plurals of paucity
and plurals of multiplicity1 multitude. Plurals of paucity denote the number from two to
ten while plurals of multitude encompass numbers which are more than ten. In the
Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, such a fine distinction is not made (Jayakar, 1889).
Instead singular nouns can either take the 'sound plural' expressed by normal suffixation
of -aat 'feminine' and -uun 'masculine' to singular forms, or broken plurals with no
reference to the number of items. Abd-Rabbo (1988) notes that many dialects of Arabic
don't distinguish between plurals of paucity and multiplicity. His general observation is
that broken plurals are usually formed to express multitude in a wide range of dialects of
broken plurals within this model dates back to 1970s and includes works by Brame
(1970), Levy and Fidelholtz (l970), Levy (1971), Benhallarn (1980), Abd-Rabbo (1990),
and finally Abu-Mansour (1995). According to Levy and Fidelholtz (l970), Levy (1971),
and Abd-Rabbo (1990), the plural of any particular noun is predicted on the basis of the
phonological shape of its singular form, with direct reference to its semantics. These
semantic features are encoded in linear rules such as [radical] and [derived] among others
(Abd-Rabbo 1990). For example, singular forms which are characterized as being derived
from tri-consonantal roots in Arabic are assumed to take a particular plural shape which
is different from the broken plural shape of singulars that aren't derived.
Levy (1971) proposes two types of rules to account for the broken plural formation:
basic and minor rules. The difference between these rules centres on the applicability of
the basic rules to account for a broader range of forms than the minor rules. The
structural configurations of these rules are annotated with features such as [-Fern,
+Rational] and [+Adjective, colour or defect], restricting the application of these rules to
forms having these semantic and morpho-syntactic specifications. The major rules of
Arabic, that plural assignment is based on ". .. phonological, morphological and semantic
326). He chooses a set of morphological rules to represent the generalization that reflects
the overall broken plural mechanism in Arabic. His account requires that three
{-x2')+ 0 I [plural]
(B) Infixation (after either the second or third consonant of the stem)
0 - + a : / # C V C - C ...
[+ plural]
(C) Raising
V+ [+ hi] I # CVCa:C - C...#
[+ plural] (Abu-Mansour 1995:326)
As he extends these three basic rules to account for nominals with biliteral roots
and loan words, he incorporates other independently motivated rules in the language such
as C? metathesis and vowel deletion rules to complement his rules and to account for
Ratcliffe (1988) proposes a two-level morphology to account for the Arabic plurals
pretty much the same as the two levels29assumed to derive inflectional and derivational
affixes in English. He examines a corpus of about 27 plurals and classifies them into two
levels. Broken plurals belong to level one as they involve 'internal' change while 'sound'
Abd-Rabbo (1 988) argues that the variations in the vowel combinations observed in
the triliteral broken plurals are the result of homophony avoidance. He claims that
blocking the productive [a] in some of the broken plurals results from the fact that they
would coincide with words with the same shape but with different meaning in Arabic. An
Abu-Mansour uses X to stand for the suffix [-at] attached to the singular forms. This suffix is a marker of
feminine gender in classical Arabic which gets deleted in the broken plural formation.
29 Level 1 affixes impose a change to the bases they are attached to. For example, in English, they might
cause stress shift or trisyllabic shortening while in Level I1 affixes are neutral. Level I1 affixes get attached
to the base forms without effecting any change.
example of homophony avoidance is the singular [mu'lmin] 'believer' whose broken
[ma'lman] 'place of safety' (Abd-Rabbo 1990: 72). To avoid homophony with the broken
Ratcliffe (1998) presents a historical and comparative analysis of the broken plural
Most relevant for the sake of this thesis is Ratcliffe's discussions of the Arabic
noun plural system in chapter three of his dissertation (1998) where he elaborates on the
various patterns obtained through pluralization of nouns in Arabic. Not only does he
provide a neat classification of the plural shapes, he also delves into the major problems
occurring when attempts are made to derive these plurals from other noun classes. The
discrepancies are cited when a specific noun shape maps onto quite a large number of
plural shapes that vary considerably from another singular of the same shape mapping
onto distinct shapes. He basically deals with the general mechanism of forming broken
The derivational history of these forms differs and this may contribute to the distinct ways of forming
plural forms.
Greenberg (1955) suggests a genetic relationship between the broken 'internal'
plurals of south Semitic and plurals expressed by internal [a] vowel in the non-Semitic
Afroasiatic languages. He establishes three common features of the internal [a] plurals in
languages throughout the Afroasiatic group. The first of these is the plural stem, which is
generally expressed by a vowel after the second consonant. The second is the continuous
appearance of the vowel [a]. The third of these is the existence of dissimilation from [a]
Ratcliffe (1996) argues that plural forms that exhibit partial reduplication occur as a
Harnmond (1988) advocates "melodic transfer" to account for the broken plural
Hammond first addresses the major problems relating to broken plurals in Arabic which
are the length of the final vowel being identical to the vowel length of the singular, a
consonant that is spread in the singular is also spread in the plural, insertion of lwl which
occurs when there is a long vowel in the first syllable of the singular and finally
truncation which occurs when the number of consonants are too many to accommodate to
the target shape of broken plurals (Hammond 1988: 254). He elaborates on McCarthy's
(1982) approach which comprises three rules: infixation rule of a VV syllable, vowel
melody which spreads the appropriate vowels and the filter rule which ensures that all
broken plurals surface with the canonical [CV.CV:].CV(V)C shape. He touches on the
problem of joining together two separate mechanisms (truncation and infixation) which
which basically converts the V dot into C slot in cases where /w/ is inserted.
McCarthy and Prince (1990a) have done an extensive research study to examine
broken plural shapes of classical Arabic. They identify the general broken plural
formation rule as an extraction of a trochee C1VC2, CIVV or CIVCzV from the singulars
and mapping it onto iamb C I V C ~ V Vin the broken plurals. This operation is dubbed
prosodic constituent C standing at edge E of a base form B (McCarthy and Prince 1990a:
prosodic constituent (p, 0,F, etc.. .13' in a morphological word and identifies two types of
operation targets the parsed portion of a word, notated as (B: Q) and known as the kernel,
targets the rest of the word, notated as (Bl 0)and known as the residue, then we have
3' Prosodic Morphology establishes the need to define templates in terms of the authentic units of prosody
which are mora fl, syllable o, foot F and prosodic word PrWd, hierarchically ordered from the smallest
constituent making up a syllable to the prosodic word consisting of all the elements of prosody (McCarthy
and Prince 1990a: 209).
McCarthy and Prince (1990a) analyze the broken plural formation using positive
Prosodic Circumscription which extracts the trochaic foot from the singular forms and
maps it onto an iamb. It retains the weight of the final syllable of the singular which is
The insertion site of the default glide is also addressed. It is assumed to follow
from the position of the long vowel in broken plurals. A long vowel in the first syllable of
the singular form such as in [xa:tam] requires the /w/ to form the onset of the second
syllable of the expanded first foot in broken plurals, thus yielding [xawa:tim]. Due to the
fact that there is only one consonant in the circumscribed foot, glide insertion serves to
provide an onset to the second syllable. When the singular forms have a long vowel in
their second syllable like in [saha:b-at], a default glottal stop /?/ is inserted in the third
syllable of broken plurals. The resultant broken plural shape is [saha:?ib] (McCarthy and
This thesis builds on proposals made in McCarthy (2000) who shows how a range
the prosodic structure of output forms. This section briefly reviews the basic assumptions
made by McCarthy (2000) about broken plurals and technical details of his analysis are
Although McCarthy does not provide a full OT analysis, his assumptions based
on the moraic faithfulness constraints he proposes pave the way for adopting an OT
analysis to account for the diverse shapes of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of
Omani Arabic. As a start-off point, McCarthy (2000), identifies the major patterns
characterizing the broken plural formation such as preserving the weight of the final
syllable, the insertion sites of the extra consonants and the tendency to preserve
preservation of the weight of the final syllable in broken plurals (McCarthy 2000: 174).
capture the conservation of consonantal positions in the mapping of the singulars and
broken plurals. In his conclusions, McCarthy suggests the possibility of using positional
positional faithfulness constraints (Beckman 1998). It also builds on the assumption that
the difference between singulars and broken plurals lies in an extra mora 'affixed +p'
attached at a definite position in the singular forms to yield the final shapes of broken
Theoretical assumptions
This thesis hinges on a number of theoretical assumptions that govern its overall
arguments and shape the final analyses. This chapter presents the major theoretical
assumptions made to analyze the shapes and vocalism of broken plurals in the Muscat
(Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince 1993a &b) in which linguistic forms
are evaluated by constraints and the optimal form (the one which minimally violates
constraints) is the output. In OT, there are two basic sets of competing constraints:
Markedness and Faithfulness constraints. In syllable theory, CV is more frequent and less
marked than CCV or only V syllable shapes. Markedness constraints, thus, evaluate
marked structures in the candidate outputs while faithfulness constraints monitor identity
in correspondent forms.
This chapter presents the basic theoretical assumptions the thesis adopts to
analyze the shapes and vocalism of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic.
5 4.1 summarizes the framework of OT. 5 introduces Correspondence Theory and
outlines the premises of two families of constraints: Output-Output Correspondence
(Benua 1995, 1997) and Positional Faithfulness Constraints (Beckman 1998). 5 4.2
introduces Generalized Template Theory (GTT) and shows how it relates to the analysis
Constraints are ranked with respect to one another and the output violates the lowest
ranked constraints. This section and the subsequent one explain the basic components of
this theory.
constraints. These constraints are the same in all languages but ranked differently on a
language specific basis. They are classified into two broad categories: markedness and
output forms, faithfulness constraints strive to keep each stringlform consistent with its
correspondent. If the output form exhibits a change from its input, then markedness
prevails over faithfulness. This conflict between markedness and faithfulness is resolved
the function Generator, potential candidates are generated from a particular linguistic
input. These potential outputs compete with the actual output (dubbed as optimal) and are
doomed because they violate high-ranking constraints by the function Evaluator which
checks each candidate against the constraint set. 'Therefore, the optimal output is the one
which is more harmonic and incurs minimal violation. It violates the low ranked
- Fl - p]-
(1) OT architecture
candidate which violates M will receive a fatal violation mark indicated by (!). The
optimal candidate is more harmonic and exhibits less serious violations. It obeys M at the
expense of violating the low ranked constraints F. Solid lines between the constraints in a
tableau of ranking show valid ranking while dotted lines demonstrate that no definite
ranking between the constraints can be established. In other words, they are equal in
This ranking where M prevails over F produces an alternation from the input to the
output form because the identity of the input is changed. The output violates F.
4.1.1 Principles of OT
There are five basic principles that govern OT framework. Universality entails the
the world have the same set of constraints, but they differ in whether these constraints are
active or passive and on whether they are high or low ranked. Violability holds that
constraints are violable. The usual scenario is that the competing suboptimal candidates
are excluded from further evaluation because they violate high-ranking constraints.
Along the same line, the optimal output is not totally obedient. The stipulation stressed
here is that the optimal output can violate constraints minimally and still gets selected as
an optimal output. If constraint A prevails over constraint B, then the optimal output can
violate B as long as it obeys A. Ranking ranks constraints with respect to each other;
some constraints have more priority over others and thus are highly ranked. It determines
how evaluation of constraints proceeds and what the actual output form is. Inclusiveness
entails that any set of candidates are admitted for evaluation since any form is considered
encoded in the proposed constraints are applicable simultaneously (Prince and Smolensky
In Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993; McCarthy and Prince 1993a
constraints. The ranking resolves a conflict between two major constraints: markedness
violated when outputs produce marked segments or features. For example, they monitor
the syllable structure of output forms. They penalize marked syllable structures such as V
(onsetless syllable) and CCV (syllable with complex onset). Among the constraints
Every syllable begins with a consonant. (McCarthy and Prince 1990b; 1993a)
Clusters are prohibited from the margins of syllables. (Prince and Smolensky 1993)
( 5 ) *PPPI~
Syllables are not trimoraic. (McCarthy and Prince 1990a, 1990b)
(6Ya ICX,
Geminates are banned from the margins of syllables. (McCarthy 1998 and Gafos 2003)
4.1.3 Faithfulness constraints
constraints such as DEP and MAX which militate against epenthesis and deletion of
segments or features between related strings respectively. IDENT (F) ensures that
phonological representation. For instance, units of prosody such as mora are also
incorporated. For example DEP- p bans epenthesis of morae in surface forms. The full
picture of the effects of these prosodic faithfulness constraints is illustrated in the actual
Correspondence Theory (McCarthy and Prince 1995) posits that strings of words
one string relate to segments or features of the other string. The following sections
outline the premises of two correspondence families adopted in the analysis of broken
Benua (1997) extends the correspondence reIations from Input-Output and Base-
phonology and whose crucial role is to evaluate marked structures in the output strings.
Benua's model. The following diagram represents a simplified version of Benua's model
Output forms are linked to Input forms by an 1-0 correspondence relation and the
two words are also related by an output-output correspondence. Benua demonstrates that
any input form, which is fed into a specific grammar of any language, must result in an
This proposal reflects how broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic
which correspond to singulars (independent words) are regulated by the well formedness
constraints in the language. These constraints evaluate output broken plural against
accepted structures in the language. The formalism of the broken plural formation applies
to any singular forms, but it never takes place in isolation from the well formedness
analyzing the denominal verbs3' in Hebrew. He shows that denominal verbs are derived
from independent forms (output nouns) in Hebrew and there is no need to refer to the
consonantal roots3'. His arguments rely on some empirical observations such as the fact
that the vowel and second consonant of the output nouns relate directly to their
denominal verbs. Moreover, consonant clusters in these nouns are also preserved in their
McCarthy (2000) proposes that the correspondence relation observed between the
singular forms and their broken plurals is of the Output-Output type. McCarthy and
Prince (1990a) note some problems of the dependence on the consonantal root as the
input for broken plural formation. They illustrate " ... [Tlhe iambic plural systematically
reflects aspects of the singular that the consonantal root does not determine". Empirical
evidence lies in the total identity of the weight of the final syllables of both the singulars
relation between these morphological strings. They are both already existing forms in the
language. In addition, both the singular forms and broken plurals share the same
consonants with the exact order (refer to (9) below). I provide the following
representation to show that the weight of the final syllable of the broken plural is only
derivable from the output singular (not from the input stem alone). Compare the final
syllables of both the singular and broken plural which contains two morae each. This
identity supports that the input stem cannot derive the broken plurals. Moreover, prosodic
In order to capture the identity in weight between the final syllables of both the
Beckman (1998) proposes a set of Positional Faithfulness constraints that capture the fact
that certain positions in a word are more privileged in that they maintain phonological
distinctions. The fact that these positions keep their identity unaltered suggests that they
are more privileged or prominent than other positions. Beckman (1998) outlines a set of
'4 This observation is also made by Glover (1988) who briefly discusses the features of plurals in Muscat
a. Privileged positions b. Non-privileged positions
- Root-initial syllables - Non-initial syllables
- Stressed syllables - Unstressed syllables
- Syllable onsets - Syllable codas
- Roots - Affixes, clitics, function words
- Long vowels - Short vowels
(Beckman 1998: 1)
syllables, syllable onsets, long vowels and possibly final syllables" (emphasis added).
McCarthy (2000: 186) also demonstrates that final-stem is a privileged position and
warrants positional faithfulness constraints to capture its special status. Hayes (1995:59)
claims "In measuring syllable weight, a word final position is likewise often a special
with three pieces of empirical evidence for the special condition of syllable final position
The weight of the final syllable in singular forms is preserved when they form
broken plurals. In forms (1 I), both the final syllable of the singular and broken plural is
A crucial point to mention: weight concerns the number of morae between elements
in correspondence. So, the prosodic feature used to capture the identity in weight is w.
Beckman proposes the following Positional Faithfulness schema:
(12) I D E N T - P O S(F)
Let p be an output segment in a privileged position P and a the input correspondent of a.
If p is [yF], then a must be [yF].
"Correspondent segments in a privileged position must have identical specifications for
[Fl" (Beckrnan 1998%)
Another vital point which needs to be addressed is the mapping of the first trochaic
foot of the singular onto an iamb in broken plurals. McCarthy (2000) addresses this
mapping by proposing that broken plurals differ from the singular form by an extra mora
('affixed +p', using McCarthy's term) added to the second syllable of the singular forms.
The merit of adopting positional faithfulness constraints is that they check identity
in a certain position in a prosodic word. For example, the weight of the first foot in
broken plurals does not match up with the weight of the first foot of the singular form.
Positional Faithfulness constraints also address the mapping from the singular onto
broken plural straightforwardly as they show that an extra mora distinguishes the first
plurals, they require that the right edge of syllables in the broken plural (prosodic
(13) Generalized Alignment
Align (Catl, edge^, Cat2, Edgez) = def
V Cat, 3 Cat2 such that Edge1 of Catl and Edge2 of Cat2 coincide.
The fact that the specified vowel [a] occurs at the right edge of syllables contained
in the first foot of broken plurals as in [maka:tub] 'offices' and [mga:mar] 'incense
burners' is translated into the constraint ALIGN-R(0,[a]) which demands the right edge
(14) ALIGN-R(n, [a]) The right edge of every syllable coincide with the right edge of
This constraint relates to the output broken plurals as it evaluates whether [a] is
aligned to the right edge of syllables contained in broken plurals and not in the singular
forms. It is violated when the right edge of any syllable of the output broken plural form
It6 and Mester (1999) refine the notion of alignment to account for strings with
shared features. In words with geminates of which the first half of the geminate belongs
to the first syllable and the second half belongs to the second syllable, the geminates are
contained in two syllables. Thus, these syllables do not have a CrispEdge because of the
shared elements between the two syllables. For example, the form [(sak),~.(ki:),2. n] has
the geminate /kl shared by two adjacent syllables (refer to the representation in (15)).
Such cases warrant refinement of alignment constraints. Therefore, It6 and Mester
propose CrispEdge constraints that successfully capture the fact that shared elements
shared by 01and 0 2 in the word [sakkin]. It functions as the onset of the second syllable
and coda of the first syllable. This violates CrispEdge (0) which requires the shared
In broken plurals of the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, there is a strict restriction
of [a] linking only to the vowel positions contained in the first foot and not extending to
any vowel position outside the designated foot. The constraint adopted to account for
[al's adherence to the vowel positions within a foot is CrispEdge [Ft] (following
One of the most pivotal theoretical assumptions made in this thesis is Generalized
Template Theory (McCarthy & Prince 1994a; Urbanczyk 1995, 1996a &b; Ito, Kitagawa,
& Mester 1996; Gafos 1996 & 1997a; Spaelti 1997) among others. GTT assumes that
templatic effects such as CV-shapes and type of foot structure are derived from
formulate a constraint that checks a specific foot type or CV-shape in the output forms.
In reference to the shapes of broken plurals, GTT basically stipulates that rankings
of related constraints can best generate the optimal outputs without reference to the CV
realized in broken plurals, this thesis does not formulate a constraint that monitors the
with the general plural formalism (affix +p) derives the output forms without having to
In conclusion, this chapter has presented the basic theoretical assumptions this
thesis hinges on to offer an integrated analysis to both the shapes of broken plurals and
5.1 Introduction
Broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic exhibit enormous diversity in
their shapes. Broken plurals exhibiting diverse shapes can relate to the particular shapes
of their singulars. However, there are divergent shapes that can't be attributed solely to
In the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, there is a set of broken plurals which
resembles in their shapes broken plurals of classical Arabic explored in depth in the
literature (McCarthy and Prince 1990a; Abd-Rabbo 1990; Abu-Mansour 1995; Ratcliffe
1998 and McCarthy 2000, and the literature reviewed in these works). These broken
plurals form typical iambs. Examples of this type include [(ma.ta:).ba.x] 'kitchens' and
because the mechanism applied to form them follows straightforwardly from the general
In addition to the typical broken plurals, Omani Arabic has a wide range of broken
plurals whose shapes are vastly different from the shape of the typical broken plurals. For
example, plurals derived from singulars with a single heavy syllable and a consonant
cluster at the left edge of them like [nTa:l] 'shoe, sing.' contain two heavy syllables
adjacent to one another [(nuT).(la:).n] 'shoes, pl.'. These broken plurals are demonstrated
to follow the same mechanism assumed to map singulars onto the most common shapes.
A last group of broken plurals seem to be notoriously distinct. They do not satisfy
the minimal requirement of plural formation in that they map onto a light syllable. They
resist realizing the extra weight typical broken plurals surface with. An example of this
This chapter offers an integrated analysis to the diverse shapes of broken plurals in
the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic buiIding on proposals made in McCarthy (2000). The
analysis first addresses the typical shapes of broken plurals in 5 5.2.1, presenting the
classical Arabic. The same analysis is then extended to account for the shapes with
epenthetic glides, medial geminates and even iambs in 5 5.2.2, 5 5.2.3 and 5 5.2.4
their exceptionality.
In the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, the majority of broken plurals resemble
broken plurals of classical Arabic, one of the much studied phenomena in Semitic
(McCarthy and Prince 1990a, Abd-Rabbo 1999, Abu-Mansour 1995, McCarthy 2000
among others). The following examples represent the typical shapes of broken plurals in
Sing. Gloss
(1). (CVC).CV.C Singular forms
a. ( 'kitchens'
b. (daf).ta.r 'notebooks'
(2).(CVC).CV.C-ah Singular forms
a. (mas).ta.r- ah 'rulers'
b. (mal).Ya.q- ah 'spoons'
(3). (CVC).(CV:).C Siqulur forms
a. (qan).(di:).l 'lanterns'
b. (mis).(ma:).r 'nails'
c. (kar).(fu:).n 'knuckles'
(4). (CVC).CV Singular forms
a. (mak).si 'dresses'
b. (kur).si 'chairs'
(5).(CV.CV:).C- ah Singularforms
a. ( ah 'machines'
b. (ha.di:).q- ah 'parks'
(6). (CV:).CV.C Singular forms
'bed blankets'
'cement blocks'
Three general observations obtained by examining the shapes in (I) through (6) are
reported below. These observations are basically inspired by similar conclusions made in
McCarthy (2000).
1. The first foot at the left-edge of the singular forms which has the shapes ClVC2 in
forms (1-4) or CtVV in forms (6) is mapped into a typical iamb [C1VC2V:] in
forms (1-4) and [ClVwV:] in forms (6). In forms ( 9 , the shape CIVC2V
contained in the first iamb to the left edge of the singular forms as in (5.a)
[( ah] is extracted from this foot and expanded into an iamb. The iamb
2. The weight of the final syllable of broken plurals is not affected by the mapping
of the first foot of the singulars onto an expanded foot. Thus, the weight or length
of the final syllable of both the singular and broken plural is identical (McCarthy
position of the long vowel in the singular forms. In the singular forms in (6), the
first syllable ([Sa:] in form 6.a) is long and contains just one consonant. Broken
plurals epenthesize a glide /w/ to fill the second consonant position pertaining to
the second syllable of the first foot at the left-edge in the shape CIVC2V:[Sawa:].
However, if the second syllable of the singular forms is long as in forms (5)
([ ah], broken plurals epenthesize /j/ to fill the onset of the third syllable
McCarthy (2000) assumes that the preservation of weight in the final syllable of
both the singular and broken plural is a consequence of the constraints D E P O O ~ ' - ~(against
This constraint is violated when the broken plural surfaces with an extra mora
This constraint is violated when the broken plural surfaces with fewer morae than
its singular form.
The analysis adopted in this study assumes instead Positional Faithfulness
include stressed syllables, syllable onsets, long vowels and possibly final syllables"
(emphasis added). McCarthy (2000: 186) also demonstrates that the final-stem of the
Faithfulness to capture its special behaviour. This leaves us with evidence for the special
00 stands for Output-Output correspondence relation between the singulars and broken plurals
condition of syllable final position and justifies adopting Positional Faithfulness
The fact that weight in the final syllable of both the singular and broken plural is
For every p in the final o of output!, there is a correspondent p in the final 0 of output2.
This constraint militates against the loss of morae from the final syllable of broken
plurals when they are derived from singulars whose final syllable is long (length
This constraint bans lengthening of the final syllable of broken plurals when their
In order to capture the mapping from a trochee CIVC2 or ClVV with two morae
particular position is required. The position which receives the extra weight is attested to
be the first foot at the left-edge of broken plurals. Therefore, the following constraint is
This constraint evaluates the output broken plural and is violated when the broken
(12) Sing.
Each initial trochee of the singular forms contains two morae. When broken plural
is formed, the foot gets an extra mora and creates a typical iamb C1V.CzV:.
plurals in classical Arabic. He, however, paves the way for adopting this constraint by
assuming that the distinction between the singular and plural forms lies in an affixed p
(DEPOO-p)36 added to a certain locus in the plural forms (McCarthy 2000: 186).
The basic constraints needed to derive broken plurals are Positional Faithfulness
constraints. They include the constraints monitoring identity of weight in the final
syllable of both the singular and plural (DEPOO-OF (p) and MAXOO-
OF (p)) which outrank
the constraint militating against realizing the affixed mora in the first foot of broken
showing the number of morae in the output singular [mulhaq] and candidates a. and b. in
The first foot of the correct form (13.a) surfaces with one more mora than the first
foot of the singular form. The final syllable has exactly the same number of morae as the
final syllable of the singular form. However, the first foot of the wrong form (13.b) has
the same number of morae as the first foot of the singular form. The final syllable affixes
This assumption conversely entails that if a mora is in the input, then Input-Output-0 is obeyed.
McCarthy's (2000) DEPOO-pconstraint (translated from his assumption 'affixed-p)
is too general and doesn't capture the fact that a mora is affixed at a designated position.
However, DEPW-FI (p) which this study advocates judges which of these candidates is
the winner as it restricts the added mora to be affixed to the first foot of the singular
forms to form broken plurals. Candidates b. in tableaux (1) & (2) are out because they
violate the high-ranked constraints DEPOO-OF (p) and MAX^- DF (p) fatally because (I .b)
adds a mora to the final syllable of broken plural and (2.b) loses a mora from the final
syllable of broken plural. The optimal output a. in both tableaux completely satisfies the
the contrast in weight between the first foot and final syllable of broken plurals. This
weight realized in the first foot of broken plurals, DEPOO-OF (p) has to be obeyed because
the final syllable surfaces without an extra weight being imposed into it. This is
(14) CiVC2 +p
a. * ClV+p C2 [CIVVC~I
b. *p+ClVC2 [VCIVC~]
c. 4c 1 v c 2 + p [C,VC2V:]
Syllabic well formedness constraints govern the locus of the affixed mora. These
constraints regulate the permissible syllable shapes and prosodic structures in the whole
language in general. To illustrate, candidate (14.b) fatally violates the requirement for
having an onset which requires that every syllable starts with a consonant. Candidate
(14.a), on the other hand, produces a trimoraic3' structure, a highly marked structure
(15) "pppja Syllables don't have three morae. (McCarthy and Prince 1990a; 1990b)
A syllable like CV:C violates this constraint since it has three morae.
(16) ONSET Every syllable has an onset (McCarthy and Prince 1993).
Syllables such as V and VC violate ONSETas they don't begin with a C. The
following tableau illustrates the interaction between syllabic well formedness constraints
Tableau (3)
0: /(~nax).ba.z/+p'bakery'
6 a. (ma.xa:).bi.z
b. (ma:x).bi.z
c. (max). (bi:).z
d. (max)
e. m.(xab).z
Three morae (units of weight) in a syllable
This tableau illustrates that the locus of the added mora is not random and is
governed by prosodic and syllabic well formedness in the language. The prosodic well
formedness constraints along with the general mechanisms of forming broken plurals
(these are basically two mechanisms: 'preserve the weight of the final syllable' and affix
a mora to the first foot of broken plurals) produce the correct output. The affixed mora
settles in a position that suits the structure of the language. Candidates b., c. and d. violate
(two morae are associated with the long vowel and one with the coda consonant), the
final syllable of candidate c. is not identical in weight with the final syllable of the
singular output and candidate d. has an onsetless syllable. Candidate e. loses a mora and
violates MAX^,, (p), a highly ranked constraint. Candidate a,, on the other hand, obeys a11
the high-ranking well formedness constraints and violates the low-ranked constraint
This tableau concludes the discussion of the typical broken plurals. Well-
formedness constraints together with the constraint monitoring identity in weight of the
final syllable of the singular and broken plural dominate the constraint against adding a
In the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, there is a group of broken plurals which
exhibits an additional consonant, specifically an extra glide in their surface forms. This
glide doesn't exist in the singular forms from which these broken plurals are derived.
Observe the following patterns of broken plurals with the extra glide inserted.
The singular forms in (17) and (18) have fewer consonants than four base
consonants and their broken plurals expand by inserting a default glide to conform to the
broken plural shape. For example, in (1 8), the first foot of the singular [Sa:]dar contains
only one consonant and a long vowel [Sa:] and requires another consonant to create a
well-formed foot (CIVC~V:);[Sawa:]dar results. The singulars in (17) have a long high
vowel in their second syllable [Ci:] as seen in []. After mapping ClVC2V
[maki] contained in the first iamb ( of the singular form (17.a) onto CIVC2V:
[maka:], the residue of the singular [in] requires a glide to form the onset of the third
syllable in the broken plural [ma.ka:.jin]. This behavior is not peculiar to broken plurals
in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. It is discussed in McCarthy and Prince (1990a)
and McCarthy (2000). In classical Arabic, a glottal stop /?Iand not glide /j/ is inserted to
McCarthy (2000) makes a fourth crucial observation with respect to the mapping of
the consonantal segments from the singular to plural shapes. He attributes the complex
relation between the long vowels in the singulars and epenthetic glide in broken plurals to
(17) and (18) above). He accounts for this relation by proposing undominated
associational faithfulness constraints such as NO- SPREAD^, (p, SEG)and NO-DELINK, (p,
(19)NO- SPREAD^, (p, SEG) segment to mora linkage is preserved in the output-output
(20) N O - D E L I N K(p,
~ ~SEG) segment to mora linkage is not delinked in the output-output
These constraints ensure that if, for example, the third segment of the singular is
associated with the second syllable (second mora, in this case), then it also should be
associated with the same syllable (likewise, same mora) in broken plurals. The following
represents the correspondence relations adopted from McCarthy (2000) but used to
with the vowels that immediately follow them a CV sequence. Final consonant [r] is not
singular form and correct plural. The second broken plural form (incorrect) has 8 2 linked
association lines38.
/3/ which is linked to the final syllable in the singular form is associated with the
second syllable in the broken plural in candidate b. This incurs a fatal violation of NO-
D E L I N K , ~ (SEG).
~ , Therefore, this candidate is out (refer to representation (21)).
An important detail remains; an epenthetic glide is inserted to fill the empty onset
position. The requirement for having an onset is more important than the constraint
(22) D E P ~Glide
~- Every glide in output2 has a correspondent in output,
This constraint is a faithfulness constraint which ensures that glides in the output
broken plural have correspondents in the output singular forms. This constraint is
violated when the output broken plural surfaces with an extra glide.
The domination of the association faithfulness constraints accords with McCarthy's (2000) analysis
The second syllable in candidate b. has no onset. It fatally violates ONSETwhile
candidate a. wins because all its syllables have onsets. It inserts a glide at the expense of
When the second syllable of the singular forms has the vowel /i:/, broken plurals
insert the glide /jl to fill in the onset position of the third syllable of broken plurals as
exemplified below.
When the singular forms above form broken plurals, the bimoraic shape ClVCzV
[maki] belonging to the first iamb ( of the singular form is mapped onto C,V.C2V:
[rna.ka:~'~,maintaining an iamb in the first foot and keeping the same number of morae
in the singulars (refer to (24) below). Both the singulars and plurals have an iamb with
three morae in their first foot and a mora in their final syllables. These broken plurals
pose problems to the assumption that affixed mora is the basic distinction between
singulars and broken plurals since both the singulars and broken plurals have the same
strings, is strictly obeyed. Observe the following moraic representations of both the
39 This approach is similar to McCarthy and Prince's (l990a) and McCarthy's (2000).
(24) Moraie representation of sing. 1xa.rk.t-ah] and pl. [xara:jat] 'maps'
Sing. PI.
x a r i:[ a h x a r a:j a t
The singular foot is an iamb, so there is not a straightforward mapping from a
trochee onto an iamb in these forms. Because only the first two morae of the singulars are
mapped onto an iamb, this iambic foot structure is preserved in the plural by mapping the
This representation shows that both /i/ and ljl share the same place features; both
are coronal and high. This tendency is translated in OT by the constraint IDENT-COR
(Ussishkin 1999) which requires coronal1 high segments in the singular form
to have coronal1 high correspondents in the output plurals. The following tableau shows
the ranking of the constraints involved in deriving broken plurals with the glide Ijl.
Candidate b. inserts a glide /w/ to fill in the onset position of the third position of
labial1 round and not coronal1 high. Candidate c. has the third syllable without an onset.
This exhibits a violation of 'have onsets'. Both candidate d. and e. lose one mora and
violate the high-ranking constraint MAXOO(p). The optimal output is structurally well
formed as it obeys all the high ranking constraints at the expense of violating the low
(xa:.ra).ja.t. This candidate is ruled out because it doesn't have a proper iamb
The epenthesis of glides results from a need to have onsets as a syllabic well-
formedness requirement in Arabic. However, the inserted glides shouldn't disturb the
In the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, singulars with medial geminates preserve
their geminates when they map onto broken plurals. However, certain syllabification
restrictions pertaining to gemination come into play to govern the acceptable final shape
of broken plurals.
Singular forms in (26) have a medial geminates [sakki:n] with the first half of the
geminates belonging to the first foot of the singular and the second half filling the onset
position of the second syllable. The geminates being adjacent to each other in the
singular maps onto two feet in the broken plural [(saka:)l(ki:)2n] as a result of the
expansion of the left foot C I V C ~of the singulars into a different shape CIVC~V:,
(2 7) Sing. PI.
0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3
PI P2 P p3 ,P4
sl ":. k2 .:.. i n3 s , :\ k i: ..i .i ;. n3
.... .. ... :: ::
.,.. '
: ::
a 1 a i
When the affixed mora is added to the trochaic first foot of the singular forms to
form broken plurals, several potential output shapes might surface. However, well-
formedness constraints decide which output best adheres to the language as a whole.
a. sak +p + 4 saka:
b. p + sak -t * asak
c. sa + p k + *sa:k
Shapes b. and c. are ill formed in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. Shape b. is
an onsetless syllable, violating the requirement for having onsets. Shape c. is composed
the actual broken plural reveals the fact that syllabification canons ensure that geminates
don't surface in one syllable. OT translates this prohibition by the constraint *0 [C,C,
(29) *a [CxCx geminates are banned from the edges of syllables (McCarthy
1998 and Gafos 2003)
This constraint militates against having geminates occur at the margins of syllables.
The following tableau illustrates the ranking constraints to produce the optimal broken
weight from the final syllable of the broken plural since they are derived from singulars
with a final heavy syllable. Candidate e. has an onsetless syllable. This fatal violation
excludes it from further evaluation since the requirement for having an onset is highly
ranked. Candidate c. fatally violates the constraint against having geminates surface at the
margins of syllables. Thus, it is doomed. However, the optimal output obeys all the high-
McCarthy (2000) concludes that the preservation of consonantal mapping from the
singular to broken plurals is given priority even at the expense of original geminates
becoming long-distance linked; in other words belonging to two different feet (McCarthy
2000: 178).
5.2.4 Plurals with even (H) iambs
The Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic allows the formation of broken plurals with
two expansions of iambs (L H) or (H). Broken plurals can either realize a typical iamb L
The mapping of the trochaic foot4' from the singular to the even iamb in broken
plurals is motivated by the unusual shapes of the singular forms which when undergoing
the 'affixed +p formalism' are forced to be shaped in a way that conforms to the
prosodic and syllabic canons of the language. Therefore, the mechanism applied to form
these broken plurals is exactly similar to the proposal advocated to account for the typical
broken plurals in classical Arabic. The general shape of the singular form as well as the
prosodic well-formedness constraints of the language as a whole govern the locus of the
The singular forms have a consonant cluster at the left edge followed by a long
vowel. These broken plurals end in an extra consonant that the singulars don't have due
to the requirement that nouns end in a consonant in Arabic (McCarthy and Prince 1990b).
This final consonant is extrametrical and doesn't participate in the prosody of the
language as whole.
The mechanism applied to form these broken plurals is that a mora is afixed to the
singular form. The resultant shape of the broken plural has to satisfy all the prosody
The mapped Lrochaic foot in these forms is of the shape Hand has a cluster at its left edge.
canons of the language in order to be admitted as an actual surface form. The locus of the
Moreover, the actual broken plural ends in a consonant In/. The insertion of the
nasal In/ stems from the requirement for words in Arabic to end in a consonant. It is
(31.a) Final-C A prosodic word doesn't end in a vowel (McCarthy and Prince
1993a: 176)
An important detail remains to be addressed; the singular forms have a final heavy
syllable which remains heavy when they map onto broken plurals. Therefore, MAX^^- OF
(p) which bans deletion of morae from the final syllable of broken plurals is strictly
Before we show the ranking of these constraints, let us observe the moraic
representation of both the singular and the actual output broken plural. It shows that the
actual output broken plurals surfaces with two extra morae than the singular form.
(32) Sing. PI
Candidates b. and e. fatally violate * COMPLEX
since their first syllables begin with
consonant clusters at their left edge. In candidate b., the second syllable is onsetless.
and ONSET.
Therefore, it is also out because of two crucial violations, namely *COMPLEX
Candidate d. has a syllable with three morae. Such a structure is highly marked and
violates the constraint against trimoraicity. Candidate g. loses a mora from the final
syllable and violates Maxoo- OF (p). Candidate h. fails to add an extra consonant to
confirm to the four consonants in the plural and seems identical to the singular output.
language and incurs a violation of having two morae. But this constraint is low-ranked.
Candidate f. is ruled out because it has more morae than the optimal output.
This tableau illustrates that the locus of mora insertion complies with the prosodic
structure licensed in the language. Due to the fact that the singular form begins with a
cluster at the left-edge, the mora gets inserted between the two consonants, to eliminate
markedness in the output broken plurals even at the expense of radically changing the
association lines.
Another intriguing shape of broken plurals is derived from singulars with a sole
When these singular forms map onto broken plurals, they affix a mora and insert a
nasal In1 to ensure conformity with the Arabic requirement for having all nouns end in a
consonant. These broken plurals also keep the length of the final syllable. Thus, MAXOO-
OF (p) is highly adhered to when forming this shape of broken plurals. Observe the
following tableau:
All candidates have an extra mora; however, the locus of the affixed mora differs
particular position for the extra mora. All the above candidates with the exception of
candidate a. (the optimal candidate) violate one of the high-ranking constraints. Thus,
they are excluded from further violation. To clarify, the first syllable of candidate e. is
onsetless and violates the requirement for having an onset. Candidate b. has complex
clusters at the margin of one of its syllables. Candidate c. has a trimoraic syllable and
candidate d. ends in a vowel and violates Final-C. Candidate g. loses a mora from the
final syllable and violates MAX^^- OF (p), a highly ranked constraint. The optimal output
obeys all the well-fomedness constraints at the expense of violating the low ranked
constraint DEPm- p. Candidate f. is ruled out because of the excessive number of morae
the above constraints. However, this candidate can't be an optimal output, as it exhibits
shapes as those forming the typical shapes map onto diverse shapes of broken plurals. For
example, there is a group of singular forms whose shape lumps together the first two
syllables contained in the foot (CV.CVV) into one heavy syllable C.(CVV). They map
These broken plurals collapse the first two syllables in the expected typical iambic
foot into even iamb and surface with a cluster at the left-edge of broken plurals. Shaaban
(1 977) notices free variation between forming these broken plurals with the typical iamb
and collapsing the two syllables into one even iamb. For example [mqa:Jat] and
variation. Despite exposure to education and standard Arabic which obviously favours
forms with the typical iamb, young Omanis of Muscat in 1977 still have a great
preference and tendency to retain their parents' way of pronouncing these plurals with the
The tendency for shaping the first foot of broken plurals into CCV: instead of the
typical foot CVCV: can also be analyzed phonologically. The Muscat dialect of OA is
attested to have an active process of vowel deletion (Shaaban 1977; Glover 1988) in
which [a] drops in unstressed positions. Adjectives and plural nouns of OA, as reported
(36) Adjectives
a. kari:m 'generous' b. sqi:m 'sick'
c. qadi:n~ 'old' d. kbi:r 'large' (Shaaban 1977: 91)
The plural nouns in (35) drop [a] between CI and Cz without exhibiting any shift in
meaning. The adjectives in (36) alternate in whether to have [a] between C I and C2 or to
leave it out. Shaaban (1977) proposes the following linear rule to account for this
(37) VI + 0 I # CVl.CVV resulting in a cluster at the left edge of the plural forms and
heavy syllable CCVV.
In applying the analysis proposed above, one would encounter a dilemma between
having two potential output broken plurals. However, I would suggest that candidate b. in
tableau (10) below violates the constraint against having extrametricality at the left-edge
Both candidates a. and b. are potential outputs since they obey all the high ranking
constraints. I won't delve into the complication of this variation due to space limitation
(see Antilla (1997) who discusses free variation on OT when studying Finnish genitives).
" The transcription of these forms are modified to fit in the IPA system adopted throughout this thesis
Moreover, the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic has a group of broken plurals with
only a sole heavy foot and extrametrical C at the left-edge. These broken plurals are
similar to the forms discussed above in that they collapse the expected typical iamb into
In classical Arabic, forms (39-41) include two syllables (light followed by heavy).
to the problem created from collapsing the first two syllables of the typical iamb into only
one heavy syllable. The only difference between these groups of broken plurals and the
ones discussed above lies in the fact that these contain fewer syllables.
A socio-linguistic factor has also an active role. The variations between classical
Arabic broken plurals surfacing with a typical iamb and broken plurals in the Muscat
dialect of Omani Arabic collapsing the two syllables contained in the typical iamb into an
even iamb supports the tendency of Omanis to retain their parents' way of pronouncing
these forms.
To sum up, McCarthy's (2000) proposal that the distinction between the singular
forms and broken plurals lies in an affixed mora provides an adequate analysis to broken
plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. The affixed mora has to choose a locus
that doesn't disturb the existing association lines in the singular* plural mapping and
For convenience and preciseness of analysis, I will include all the constraints
Requirement (SWR). These constraints have the same priority and they place a pivotal
importance on what shape of the broken plural has to be realized. The general ranking
established to account for the diverse shapes of the broken plurals is MAXOO-aF (p),
The following lattice summarizes the grammar or ranking of the constraints
adopted to offer an integrated analysis to the diverse shapes of broken plurals in the
N o - D E L I N K ~ SEG)
~ ( ~ , NO-SPREAD~,,(~, O ~ MAX^^ (p)
SEG) SWR M A X ~ O -(p)
The discussion above has elaborately analyzed the typical and most productive
broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic, leaving out the exceptional shapes
for further speculation. This section is dedicated to exploring the divergent shapes of
There are three exceptional shapes of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani
Arabic: broken plurals with partial reduplication, broken plurals with a single heavy iamb
preceded by the glide /j/ and more strikingly broken plurals with a sole light syllable.
Noun plurals showing partial reduplication occur sporadically in the list of broken
plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. They are also documented in a wide
variety of Afroasiatic languages particularly in the Chadic, Cushitic and Semitic groups
singulars have a singIe light syllable. When these singulars are mapped onto broken
plurals, the second consonant in the singular form spreads to the third consonant position
in the shape CjC2V:C2 , where similar subscripts indicate reduplicated consonants. The
Ratcliffe (1996) notes that reduplication occurs only as a feature of noun plurals
whose singulars have one or two root consonants. Singulars with one or two root
Ratcliffe also claims that reduplication of the final stem consonant is one way in which
this is accomplished (p. 299). More relevant to broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of
Omani Arabic is Ratcliffe's observation that the most common form of reduplication in
final stem consonant with a predictably fixed vowel appearing between reduplicated
mapped from singulars with a single heavy syllable /e:P2 and two consonants modulo the
The singular forms are underlyingly ICjCI. For example, the trilitral verb (verbs with three root
consonants of form (45.c) is ITjSI.
When the singulars with two consonants and heavy syllable with the vowel 1e:I map
onto broken plurals, the long mid vowel /e:/ in the singulars assimilate to the glide ljl
which precedes the long vowel /u:/. Thus, the final shape of broken plurals surfaces with
consonant clusters, taking the shape CjV:C. The glide Ijl surfacing in broken plurals is
attributed to underlying /j/ in the base forms. For example, the singular form [se:R] is
More striking are broken plurals which do not realize an extra weight in their
surface shapes. Although these broken plurals are derived from singulars with three
iamb CIV.C~VV,surprisingly enough, these singulars map onto a single light syllable
This chapter analyzes the shapes of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani
Arabic building on proposals made by McCarthy (2000). The analysis adopted here
basically derives the shapes of broken plurals from interaction of the Positional
singulars onto an iamb by affixing a mora to the very first foot and constraints keeping
the weight of the final syllable of both the singular and broken plurals identical.
The constraint adding a mora doesn't work in isolation from the well-formedness
constraints in the language. These constraints govern the locus of the added mora. This
analysis proves adequate as it successfully accounts for the typical shapes, shapes with
default glides, shapes with medial geminates and shapes with even iambs.
The final discussion presents an overview of some interesting issues relevant to the
6.1 Introduction
Broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic are characterized by two
distinct types of fixed vocalism. The first type is manifested by the vowels contained in
the first foot at the left-edge of the canonical broken plurals which always have the vowel
[a]. It fills all the vowel positions in the first iambic feet (CV.CVV) and (C.CVV). The
forms in (1) have either the typical iamb CV.CVV or the even type C.CVV at their left
edge (bold-faced). In both these kinds of feet, [a] occurs in all the vowel positions. These
broken plurals have a foot and a light 'unfooted' syllable. The final consonant is
(1) Vowel invariance [a1 in the first foot of the broken plurals
a. ( 'farms' c. (ma.ka:).si 'dresses'
b. m.(qa:).ba.ij 'door knobs' d. (ma.ta:).ba.x 'kitchens'
The second type is phonological vocalism in which the quality of the vowels in the
final short syllables of these broken plurals is phonologically dependent on the place
features of the consonants that follow them. This chapter provides a formal analysis of
both these types drawing on work done by Alderete et a1 (1999) and Urbanczyk (1999). It
starts with a description of the phonologically determined vowels which are contained in
In forms (2) below, the underlined vowel in the final syllable agrees in place
features with the consonant that follows it. When the final consonant is back /Y/ or /h/,the
vowel preceding it is also back [a]. Coronal consonants such as In/ and /dl follow front
vowel [i] while round labial vowel [u] precedes labial consonants like Iml and /b/.
Such a phenomenon is missing from broken plurals of classical Arabic in which the
final consonants don't affect the quality of the vowels in the final syllable. The vowel in
the final syllable of broken plurals in classical Arabic is invariantly [i]. This justifies
McCarthy and Prince's (1990a) proposal to rewrite the vocalic melody [i] to associate it
with the vowel position in the last syllable of broken plurals in classical Arabic.
The following table offers a summary of the types of extrametrical consonants and
the quality of vowels contained in the short final syllable of broken plurals. It also
presents the number of forms containing these consonants and vowels. These forms are
Table (1)
Final C V-cF Gloss Number of
a. With emphatic, pharyngeal consonants- [a] in OF
a mqa:b@ 'door knobs'
t mqa:S& 'matches' 3
B i3aba:ja 'kosher meats' 5
7 Sawa:r& 'roads' II
S mara:qax 'casinos' 1
b. With back consonants- [a] in c r ~
x ma@:ba 'kitchens' 1
9 Bada:jag 'parks' 10
'd maba:la 'sums of money' 1
c. With 111- [a] in (JF
r dafa:ta 'notebooks' 14
d. With labial consonants- [u] in OF
b Yaqa:r&u 'scorpions' 7
m mara:h~ 'lotions' 11
e. With labiodental consonant- [u] in OF or [i] in 01:
f mqa:suf 'small vendors'
f sawa:lif 'gossips' 1
f. With coronals- [i] in OF
n maka:jb 'machines'
d masa:gg 'mosques'
s maga:lb 'rooms for guests' 4
z maxa:b~ 'bakeries' 2
S haSa:jiS 'grasses' 1
1 fara:mL 'brakes' 15
The above summary table establishes the fact that both the vowel and the final
extrametrical consonant VC# in broken plurals' final position share the same features for
language specific tendencies and the prosodic rules of the segments involved which
favors VC# place linkage over CV# place sharing (It6 and Mester 1995; Alderete el a1
Another type of phonological vocalism is shown by the vowel /i:/ in the final
syllable of broken plurals. When the final syllable of singular forms is long, broken
plurals surface with a long final syllable (weight retained). However, the vowel in the
final syllable of broken plurals always surfaces as /i:/ regardless of the featural quality of
Nancowry (also known as Nicobarese) is an Anstroasiatic language spoken in the Andaman Islands
(Alderete et a1 1999: 375)
the adjacent consonants and regardless of the quality of the final vowel in the singular
(3) Fixed /i:l in the last long syllable of the typical broken plurals
a. (muY).(la:).q mYa:kq 'hooks'
b. (man).(du:).s mana:di:s 'traditional Omani boxes'
c. (muh).(ha:).r maha:hcr 'sea shells'
The length of the final syllable in broken plurals corresponds to the long vowel of
the singular forms. However, broken plurals change the quality of the vowels in the
singulars to a fixed long vowel /i:/. These broken plurals have either the typical iamb
(CV.CVV) or the even one (C.CVV) at the left-edge followed by a final heavy syllable
identical in weight with the final heavy syllable in the singular forms.
This chapter is structured as follows: 5 6.4.1 addresses the fixed vowel [a] in the
first foot of broken plurals. The analysis then extends to account for the vowels in the
final short syllables which depend highly on the place features of the consonants
following them in 4 6.5.1. In 3 6.5.2, I analyze the phonologically determined vowel /i:/
in the final syllable of broken plurals when they are derived from singulars with a final
long syllable. Before embarking on the formal analysis of the vocalism, I shall review
McCarthy and Prince's (1990a) vocalic analysis of broken plurals in classical Arabic.
The analysis adopted here is inspired by arguments and thoughts raised in Alderete et a1
(1999). Therefore, 4 6.3 discusses Alderete ei al's (1999) analysis of fixed segmentism in
reduplication and shows how the current analysis relates to proposals made in this work.
In accounting for the fixed vocalism of broken plural forms in classical Arabic,
McCarthy and Prince (1990a) argue that the invariant vowel [a] showing up in the first
foot (CV.CVV) and the fixed [i] vowel in the second syllable (CV) of these forms result
from overwriting the vowels [a] and [i] in the (CV.CVV) CV.C- shape of broken plurals.
(4) Classical Arabic broken plurals (McCarthy and Prince 1990a: 217)
Sing. PI. Gloss
a. jundub janaadib 'locusts
b. sultaan salaatiin 'Sultan'
In this analysis, McCarthy and Prince propose that the invariant vowels in broken
plurals associate with the vowel positions in the CV-shape of these broken plurals. They
pre-specify a fixed shape of broken plurals (CV.CV:). CV.C onto which singulars are
mapped. While the C positions of this shape are filled with consonants from the singular
stems, invariant [a] and [i] associate with the V positions in the first foot and final
syllable respectively. This analysis is driven by the fact that the vowels appearing in the
vowel positions of broken plurals are always fixed [a] and [i].
The use of melodic overwriting has been proposed to account for various
onset with the fixed segments 'Jm' and attaching it to the beginning of words such as
for the analysis of fixed vocalism of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani
Arabic. The following paragraph reviews Alderete et al's theory of fixed segmentism and
reduplication into two distinct types: phonological and morphological. Phonological fixed
segmentism refers to phonological defaults which are the least marked segments that
emerge in reduplicative affixes instead of expected copied segments from the base. It
elsewhere (in bases, for example) in the language. Morphological fixed segmentism, on
the other hand, is shown to exhibit the properties of affixation. One property they observe
a1 1999: 357). This leads to adopting alignment constraints to account for the fixed [a] at
As for the phonological vocalism in the final short syllable of broken plurals, the
the final syllable and final extrametrical consonant dominates alignment constraints
specifying [a] to occur at the right edge of syllables in broken plurals. The vowel /i:/ is
also phonologically driven by the interactions of the constraints filtering identity in the
weight of the final syllable of both the singular and broken plurals and constraints
aligning [a] at the right edge of syllable. By and large, these two types of phonological
vocalism reflect the occurrence of defaults in the final syllable of broken plurals.
6.4 Analysis of the fixed vocalism
invariably links to all V-positions in the first foot (CV.CVV) or (C.CVV) of broken
(6) Pharyngeal [a] in the first foot (C.CVV) & (CV.CVV) of the broken plurals
Sing. PI. Gloss
a. maki:n-ah ma.ka:.jin 'machines'
b. maqSat 'matches'
c. maqsaf 'small vendors'
Because [a] surfaces in the final V position when followed by a back and
pharyngeal final extrametrical consonant, this provides evidence that [a] is pharyngeal as
well. Moreover, this fact is encoded in the universal place markedness hierarchy
(7) Place markedness hierarchy (Prince and Smolensky 1993; Lombardi 1996)
*Pl/dorsal, *Pl/labial D *Pl/coronal )) *Pl/pharyngeal
There are two pre-OT analyses of the fixed [a] of broken plurals: pre-specification
(Marantz 1982; McCarthy and Prince 1990a, among others) and under-specification
vowel is a default and is minimally represented as empty vowel positions which acquire
the vowel specification through markedness constraints on place features and language-
The following discussion adopts quite a different approach than pre-specification
to explain the fixed vocalism occurring in the first foot at the left-edge of broken plurals.
It assumes that [a] is specified through alignment constraints and entails that there isn't
an input [a]. This assumption is crucial to the analysis adopted here since it is consistent
with the assumption that singulars serve as outputs to the plural forms. This analysis also
entails no reference to the shape of broken plural as input to the realized [a] in the output
As for the variable vowels occurring in the final short syllable of broken plurals,
Two types of alignment constraints derive [a] in the first foot of broken plurals.
One constraint aligns [a] to the right edge of syllables in broken plurals.
(8) ALIGN-R (a, [a]) The right edge of every syllable coincides with the right edge of [a]
This constraint prescribes [a] to occur at the right edge of syllables in broken
(McCarthy and Prince 1993b) whose general formalism is presented in chapter (3).
a constraint requiring a different vowel than [a] to surface in the final syllable of broken
plurals. As demonstrated above, [a] only links to the vowel positions contained in the
first foot of broken plurals. We need a constraint that says 'don't spread outside the foot'.
Such a constraint has been proposed by It6 and Mester (1999) who refine how categories
are aligned when there is a shared feature at one or more prosodic edges. The constraint
they propose is CrispEdge [Peat]. A string has a crisp edge ifand only ifevery element of
that string is contained within the specified prosodic category. For example, a coda
geminate which shares a place node with an onset of a following syllable violates
CrispEdge [cr]. Refer to the representation in (9) below for the CrispEdge effect on
V q V r V
The effect of CrispEdge is demonstrated above in (9), where [a] doesn't spread
past the initial foot CV.CV:. The final syllable [ru] of the form [Taqa:rub] 'scorpions' is
not contained within the initial foot ( Because as seen in (9. a), the vowel feature
[a] is shared by the vowels in the first foot and the vowel outside this foot (V in o,), a
violation of CrispEdge is incurred. When [a] fails to link to the vowels past the first foot,
a crisp foot (9. b) results. Please refer to chapter (3) for the general formalism of
CrispEdge constraint.
vowel harmony within a foot as seen in the representation in (9) above. It has to
accommodate the fact that [a] refrains from spreading past the foot in the formation of
broken plurals.
(10) CrispEdge [Ft] Shared features are contained within a foot. (Urbanczyk 1999)
The third required constraint penalizes linking of [a] to many vowel positions,
demonstrating the cost of spreading vowel features or simply maintaining the same place
features in many V-positions. In (12.a), Nolink is violated three times by having [a]
spread to three V positions while in (12.b), [a] is shared by only two V positions and it
In the typical broken plural forms, the vowels in the even (C.CVV) and typical
(CV.CVV) iambs constructed are filled by [a]. It is more economical to posit that one [a]
is supplied in the first foot of broken plurals but then it links to three V-slots in (12. a)
The following tableau illustrates how [a] occurs in all the vowel positions
contained in the first foot of broken plurals. It shows the ranking of the constraint
aligning [a] at the right edge of syllables in broken plurals and the constraint penalizing
Subscripts indicate shared vowels. For example, in candidate a. all the vowels
which share the same subscript are one vowel which spreads in three V positions. This
having the vowel in the first foot spread in the final syllable. Therefore, their initial feet
have no crisp edge. As for candidate b., it exhibits two violations of ALIGN-R(0,[a]).
Both the second and final syllables have different vowels than [a] being aligned at their
right edges. The initial foot of the output a. has a crisp edge because [a] is only restricted
to fill in the vowel positions contained in the first foot. It violates ALIGN-R(0,[a]) once
because the vowel in the final syllable isn't aligned to [a]. However, ALIGN-R(0,[a]) is
outranked by CrispEdge [Ft] and the optimal output can minimally violate ALIGN-R(0,
[a]) as long as it completely satisfies the high-ranking constraint CrispEdge [Ft]. Both
*Pl/phar and NoLink are low ranked and are violated by the optimal output and other
candidates. For example, since [a] is pharyngeal and shared by three vowel positions, the
output with [a] restricted to the vowel positions in the first syllable by alignment
constraints and a different vowel filling the V-position in the final syllable. 3 6.5 analyzes
the vowels in the final syllable of broken plurals. It shows that these vowels are
phonologically determined.
Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic pertains to the vowels in the final syllable when it is
short. There is an identity in the place features of both the vowel in the final syllable and
The quality of the vowel in the final syllable is highly determined by the place
feature of the consonant that follows it. Labial consonants are preceded by round vowels.
The fact that both are articulated using the lips lends support to the shared place of
articulation. When the final consonants in the VC# of broken plurals are back like IT/ in
(15.b), the vowel preceding them is constantly back, pharyngeal [a]. This is another piece
of evidence that [a] is pharyngeal and back since it assimilates to the place feature of the
back consonant that comes after it. Finally, when coronals occupy the final extrametrical
consonant position in broken plurals, the vowel in the final syllable is [i] accordingly.
Further evidence of VC# place linkage comes from the imperfective verbs of
Omani ~ r a b i c As
~ ~demonstrated
. below, the quality of the vowels in the final syllable is
features between the final extrametrical consonant and the vowel in the final syllable.
Such a constraint would be AGREE(Place) (Lombardi 1996) which basically scans any
pair of adjacent segments in a word and ensures that they share the same place features;
Although this constraint might serve equally well in this particular instance, a more
narrow constraint is needed to capture the fact that only VC# in broken plural final
position share the identical place features. The way to translate this requirement is:
(15) AGREE-VC#(Place) The vowel and consonant in word-final position share the
same place features.
Since the forms *rawa:tib and *rawa:tab fare better in having vowels with the least
marked place feature than the actual form [rawa:tub], AGREE-VC#(Place) must
dominate the constraint aligning the vowel [a] at the right edge of syllables. This conflict
A similar conclusion to the place linkage between the final extrametrical and preceding vowel in the
imperfectives in Omani Arabic is also made by Shaaban (1977).
Moreover, both V in the final syllable and the following C are place-linked. The
constraint against having structures which are linked to the same place is NoLink (refer to
12 above).
NoLink is dominated by creating structures in the output forms where both the
vowel and the consonant following it are linked through the same place feature. This also
implies that there are no new features introduced by the vowels in the final syllable.
These vowels are clearly defaults, as they have exactly the same place features as the
The following tableaux show that both AGREE-VC#(Place) and CrispEdge [Ft]
dominate ALIGN-R(0,[a]) and produce the optimal output in which [a] only occurs in the
vowel positions in the first foot. The vowels filling in the V positions in the final short
syllable are variables and depend on the place features of the consonants that come after
The identical subscripts in the tableaux below refer to shared features. Therefore,
the occurrence of the shared feature only incurs one violation mark regardless of how
many times that feature is observed in the same form. This assumption is crucial to the
analysis adopted here as it shows that [a] filling all V-positions is only one vowel with
the exact place feature and not three distinct ones linked to V-positions, as shown in (14)
Tahleau (3)
The violation of NoLink doesn't determine the winning candidate. The optimal
output violates NoLink four times by having [a] shared by three V positions in the initial
foot and the final vowel linked in place features with the final extrametrical consonants.
The agreement in place features between CV# determines the optimal output. The
optimal outputs in the above tableaux violate *Pl/phar once. Both CrispEdge [Ft] and
AGREE-VC#(Place) are highly ranked and the optimal output obeys them. Where [a]
spreads past the foot level, CrispEdge [Ft] is violated and the candidates of this violation
are doomed.
broken plurals that have a final back consonant is different from the specified [a]
associating to the V positions in the first foot. It results from assimilation to the place
feature with the final extrametrical consonant. Such a fact is translated in different
Although the optimal output has [a] filling in all the vowel positions, the [a] in the
final syllable is driven by the assimilatory process which links the final consonant and
preceding vowel in place feature. It is thus distinct from the [a] in the initial foot.
Candidates a. and f. both have the vowel [a] in all their syllables. However, candidate a.
wins because the vowel [a] in the final syllable isn't the same as the vowel [a] in the first
The second type of phonological vocalism of broken plurals in the Muscat dialect
of Omani Arabic also relates to the vowel in the final syllable. It is manifested by ihe
vowel /i:/ in the final syllable of broken plurals which are derived from singulars with
final long syllables. In forms (17), the final syllable of both the singulars and plurals is
heavy. Regardless of both the quality of the vowels in the final syllable of the singular
forms and featural quality of the final consonants in broken plurals, the final syllable
is [coronal] and it is less marked cross-linguistically (Prince and Smolensky 1993). This
fact is manifested by the *Place markedness hierarchy (see (7) above). Prince and
Smolensky (1993) suggest that consonants with coronal place feature like Id/ and It/ are
the least marked and most frequent consonants cross-linguistically. Thus, these segments
designating that the laryngeals, especially I'?/ are the most common default consonants.
She stretches the place markedness hierarchy to the lower end by proposing that
pharyngeals (which include laryngeals (Alderete et a1 1999: 335)) are less marked than
coronals. Smolensky (1993) observes that a marked place of articulation incurs a mark of
It is important to note that the length in the final syllable of broken plurals is driven
by Positional Faithfulness constraints and relates to the long vowel in the final syllable of
the singulars. McCarthy (2000) shows that preserving the weight of the final syllable of
morae from the final syllable of broken plurals when they map from singulars with a final
long syllable.
The constraint MAXOO-o~(p) penalizes the loss of mora from the final syllable of
broken plurals when they are derived from singulars with final long syllable.
The vowel 1i:l is coronal and exhibits low ranked violation marks. Therefore,
*Pl/cor is dominated by MAX^^- (p) and CrispEdge [Ft] which monitors identity of
weight in the final syllables of the broken plurals which are derived from singulars with a
long final syllable and restricts the initial foot to having CrispEdge respectively. The
following tableaux show how /i:l is derived in the final syllable of the broken plurals.
An important detail remains to be addressed: despite the fact that a candidate with a
long mid low vowel [a:] in the final syllable of a form like (Ca,. Ca:,). (Ca:,).C satisfies
all crucial high ranking constraints since it retains weight of the final syllable and has a
crisp edge and even fares better in having the right-edge of all its syllables aligned to [a],
Contour Principle ( o c P ) ~ ~which the language ensures not to violate (McCarthy 1979,
1986; Gofos 2003, 1997a among others). This principle bans identical adjacent features
The subscripted vowels show shared elements in that one [a] fills three V positions
and incurs three violation marks of NoLink. Other vowels like [u] and [i] filling more
Arabic is famous for obeying OCP as there is a virtually total absence of nominal and verbal stems ofthe
pattern C,VC,VC,. This observation entails two consequences: Arabic roots are subject to OCP and the
spreading in Arabic is rightward (McCarthy 1986)
than one V positions and bearing similar subscripts are assumed to be one vowel linking
Tableau ( 6 )
:I man . du: s I+ MAX,,- i CrispEdge j OCP
Candidate d. in tableaux (5) and (6) loses a mora in its final syllable and incurs a
(5) and (6) violate crispEdge [Ft] by having [a] extends beyond the first foot. Candidates
c. have two syllables whose right edge isn't aligned to [a]. This is one more violation
than the optimal output which only incurs one violation mark to ALIGN-R (0, [a]). Thus,
they are excluded from further evaluation. Candidate f. in tableaux (5) and (6) fatally
violates OCP because all the adjacent vowel positions have an identical vowel [a].
Candidate a,, on the other hand, violates *Pl/phar once by having the same [a] fill in all
V-positions in the left foot of the broken plurals and *Pl/cor by having /il fill the V
position in the final syllable. These two constraints are low ranked.
It is worth mentioning that linking of the extrametrical consonant and vowel in the
final syllable isn't possible in these broken plurals because of the long vowel in broken
plurals which corresponds to the long vowel in the final syllable of the singulars.
To sum up, the discussion explores the fixed vocalism observed in the first foot at
the left-edge of broken plurals and the phonological vowel /i:/ attested in the final
syllable of broken plurals when they are derived from singulars with a final long syllable.
The length is thus retained but the quality of the vowel is neutralized to a less marked
vowel (high and coronal). Constraints like NoLink come into play to evaluate that the
fixed [a] is shared by all V-places, thus banning new features from being introduced. In
the case where /i:/ always surfaces in the last syllable of broken plurals, a Positional
In summary, the analysis has offered an integrated approach of the two types of
fixed vocalism in broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. The fixed vowel
[a] is restricted to spread in the vowels contained within the initial foot allowing vowels
in the final syllable to assimilate in place to the final extrametrical consonant. The
grammar or ranking of the vocalism in broken plurals is summarized below in the form of
a lattice.
(20) M a x o o - a ~(p) AGREE-YC#(Place) CrispEdge [Ft]
ALIGN-R(a, [a])
There are large numbers of exceptional broken plural forms which don't conform
with the vocalic invariance exhibited in the typical broken plurals. These exceptional
forms have only either a heavy syllable H or a light syllable L. In the forms with the
heavy syllable, the pervasive vowels linked to VV-positions in CCV:C shape are [a:],
[u:] or [i:]. However, when the vowel in the only syllable of broken plural forms is light,
the invariant vowel [a] surfaces. The following table surveys the vowels and surrounding
Cs surroundinp -li:l
Gloss Number of
a. Between labials and coronals
r m hri:m 'women' 2
b. Between back consonants and coronals
x 1 nxi:l 'palm trees' 1
Obviously, there is a high diversity in the quality of consonants that surround the
three long vowels which precludes them from being classified as a natural class
triggering one vowel or the other. Besides, the shapes of these broken plurals are
idiosyncratic, having only one heavy syllable and permitting clusters of consonants at the
edges of forms. These broken plurals are also lexically conditioned as they only map to a
form with a sole heavy syllable. They differ from the typical broken plurals which map
onto a form with an iamb and a second syllable whose length is related to the length of
the final syllable of the singular forms from which they are derived.
The exceptionality of these broken plurals relates to the unusual shapes of the
singular forms from which these plurals are derived. The singulars are characterized by a
sole light syllable and consonant clusters at either the left or right edges of words. The
general two shapes of singular forms are CCVC or CVCC. Observe the following
This chapter offers an analysis of the two distinct types of fixed vocalism of broken
plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. The first type of fixed vocalism is
manifested by the invariant vowel [a] in the first foot at the left-edge of broken plurals.
The phonological vocalism is shown by the vowels in the final short syllable of broken
plurals which are highly dependent on the place features of the consonants that follow
them. When the final syllable of the singular forms is long, broken plurals also surface
with a long final syllable. However, the final syllable of broken plurals always has less
marked vowel /i:/. These facts can be explained if we assume that the fixed vowel in the
first foot of broken plurals is specified by alignment constraints. As demonstrated in the
surface forms of broken plurals, [a] is aligned at the right edge of the syllables contained
in the first foot of the plurals. The constraint CrispEdge [Ft] restricting [a] to link to all
the vowels within a prosodic constituent dominates ALIGN-R((3, [a]) which aligns [a] to
would create problems to the correspondence relations assumed between the singulars
structure of broken plural shape (input) be represented with empty V positions which get
their vocalic specification by supplying the most unmarked vowel by *Place markedness
hierarchy. It doesn't show why vowels other than [a] don't occur in the first foot of
broken plurals since other vowels like [u] and [i] will be ruled out by *Place markedness
hierarchy which excludes any candidate with these vowels from further evaluation. For
As for the vowel /i:/, the length relates to the long final syllable of the singulars.
syllable of broken plurals is highly ranked. Moreover, the fact that /i/ is an unmarked
the short final syllable is analyzed by having the constraint AGREE-VC#(Place) that
dooms any candidate whose final C and V don't share place features.
This thesis has examined the morphological phenomenon of broken plurals in the
Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic. It documents the various shapes of broken plurals
mapped from singulars with diverse patterns. Canonical broken plurals are demonstrated
to relate in their overall shapes to the singulars. However, the Muscat dialect of Omani
Arabic also exhibits notorious shapes of broken plurals that can't be attributed directly to
the shapes of the singulars. The extra weight distinguishing the singulars from their
broken plurals doesn't apply to form plurality in these forms. They simply resist mapping
onto any expansions of iambs modulo to the typical broken plurals. Some exceptional
This thesis has built on proposals made by McCarthy (2000) who assumes that the
distinction between singulars and broken plurals lies in an affixed p at a particular locus
in the singular forms. Despite the fact that the affixed p enforces a particular foot
structure namely iamb to be realized in broken plurals, the analysis proposed here
assumes along with premises of Generalized Template Theory (GTT) that such a
constraints of Universal Grammar. The analysis also entails that well-formedness and
prosodic faithfulness constraints play a major role in determining where the affixed p is
added and how the shapes of broken plurals are finally realized.
account for the extra weight realized in the first foot at the left-edge of broken plurals.
mechanism requires reference to iambs which this thesis dispenses with altogether.
the general rule for forming broken plurals (affixed +p) not in isolation from the well-
formedness constraints that govern the structure of the language as a whole. Therefore, it
has been demonstrated in the analysis of the shapes of broken plurals that when an extra
p gets attached at the first foot of a singular with an idiosyncratic shape, new well-
formedness constraints are used to basically filter the occurrence of a structure that the
language doesn't permit. For example, in forming broken plurals from singulars with
medial geminates, generally motivated constraints like 'geminates are banned from
margins of syllables' are called upon to license the final shape of the admissible broken
The basic argument that underlies the analysis of the shapes of broken plurals is
that although forming broken plurals imposes an extra mora to be realized in their surface
structures, Universal Grammar filters how the final shape will be structured by defining
Broken plurals in the Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic exhibit interesting vocalism
that differs from the vocalism contained in broken plurals of classical Arabic. The
preference for the least marked vowel [a] at the right edge of syllables contained in the
first foot at the left edge of broken plurals allows alignment constraints to specify this
vowel. As there is a restriction on [a] occurring within just the first foot, a constraint
banning this vowel from spreading past the foot level is required. Such a constraint is
available in the OT literature and dubbed as CrispEdge [Pcat] (It6 and Mester 1999). This
proposal definitely provides an elegant analysis for [a] which is restricted to occurring at
phonological vocalism. The vowels in the final short syllable of broken plurals depend on
the place features of the consonants that follow them. This can be best understood as an
undominated AGREE-VC# (Place) effect which assimilates the place features for both the
The long vowel /i:l in the final syllable of broken plurals is driven kom the length
of the final syllable of the singular forms. Such a relatedness and identity of weight in the
final syllable of both the singulars and plurals is captured by Positional Faithfulness
constraints. McCarthy (2000) shows that stem-final position is privileged in that contrast
in the final position is maintained. Moreover, Beckman (1998:l) refers to final syllables
evidence extracted from the OT literature serve perfectly well in accounting for a whole
To sum up, the analyses of both the shapes and vocalism of broken plurals in the
Muscat dialect of Omani Arabic tie in with previous work on OT. The constraints
pre- or under-specification to account for the shapes and vocalism respectively are
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Grouu 11)
maqSat 'matches'
maq~af 'small vendors'
maSxal 'sieves'
magmar 'incense burners'
maglas 'rooms for guests'
maqbaa 'door knobs'
mu'iris 'bridegrooms'
Group (3)
Group 14)
Group (5)
Group 16)
Group 18)
Group (9)
Group (I I )
'curing spells'
Group (12)
Group (14 )
Grouu 1151
Group 116)
xalq-ah 'garments'
xanS- ah 'trolleys'
buqY-ah 'stains'
durg- ah drag 'stairwells'
Jant- ah Snat 'hand bags/ suitcases'
dakj- ah dkaj 'pillows'
xatm- ah xtam 'copies of the Holy Qura'an'
yadf-ah ydaf 'scarves'
hufr-ah hfar 'holes'
hilq- ah hlaq 'earrings'
yarS- ah yraS 'bottles'
hugr-ah hgar 'rooms'
Yulb-ah Ylab 'cans'
bugm- ah bgam 'bulging bruises'
luhj-ah Ihaj 'beards'
bidY-ah '.~nnovations'
(CV.CV:). jV.C
watj- ah wata:jah 'sandals'
Group (1 9)
Below I provide a glossary of the technical linguistic terms and Optimality Theory
constraints used in this thesis.
1. Technical Linguistic Terms
AFFIXRefers to an invariant string of segments attached to a BASE. It denotes a particular
meaning. Affixes are classified into three types depending on their position with
respect to the base. Prefixes are attached to the beginning of the base, suffixes are
attached to the end and infixes are added in the middle of the root.
CANONICAL Refers to a linguistic form or word shape cited as a norm or standard for the
purposes of comparison (Crystal 1997: 51). For instance, the most common
syllable shape is CV wherein C refers to a consonant and V to a vowel.
Refers to an UNMARKED segment or feature that emerges in a morphological or
phonological operation either automatically or when certain conditions apply.
HEAVYSYLLABLE A syllable shape which has two units of weight (morae) either
because it has a long vowel CVV or its coda consonant is moraic CVC. Whether
the final consonant is moraic or not depends on language-particulars.
IAMBICFOOT A right-headed foot (the second syllable contained in this foot is more
prominent). It can be either disyllabic or monosyllabic. If disyllabic, it has a light-
heavy syllable (CV.CVV) dubbed as typical iamb or light-light syllable (CV.CV).
If monosyllabic, it is always heavy (CVV) and known as even iamb.
MOM A unit of weight. The analysis of segments into morae is applied to syllabic
NUCLEUS and CODAS and not to ONSETS. Heavy syllables are bimoraic (contain
two morae) whereas light syllables are monomoraic (contain a single mora on the
vowel). Codas can be nonmoraic in some languages.
NUCLEUS The central segment of a syllable (Crystal 1997: 375). V in a CV syllable shape
is the centre of the syllable.
ONSETThe beginninghnitial consonant of a syllable. C in a CV syllable pattern is an
SYLLABLEA unit of pronunciation typically larger than a single sound and smaller than a
word (Crystal 1997:373). The combination of sounds in individual languages
creates sequences of sounds. A consonant-vowel (CV) sequence is a syllable
shape which commonly occurs in all languages. Because this syllable isn't closed
by another consonant, it is named open syllable. Syllables can either be LIGHT as
in V and CV or HEAVY as in CVV.
Vowel deletion.
STEMConstitutes the basic element of the structure of a word. It has a distinct meaning.
It refers to the BASE to which a certain morphological process such as affixation is
applied to express different meanings.
TROCHAIC FOOT A left-headed foot which has either two light syllables with the stress
falling on the left or a single heavy syllable. There are two types of trochaic feet:
moraic trochee vs. syllabic troches. Moraic trochees as in CVC shape have two
morae. Syllabic trochees as in CVCV are composed of two light syllables with the
stress falling on the left. Trochaic feet have the shapes CVC, CVCV or CVV.
Linguistic filters which evaluate the structures of output forms.
Correspondence Theory Assumes that any two strings of words have correspondence
relations. The general formalism of this theory is "Given two strings SI and Sz,
correspondence is a relation R from the elements of SI to those of S2. Segments a
(an element of S I ) and p (an element of Sz) are referred to as correspondents of
one another when a R (McCarthy and Prince 1995). An example of strings in
correspondence includes input-output pairings.
(F) A faithfulness constraint which requires segments contained in pairs of
correspondent strings of words have identical values for the feature (F). It is
violated when a segment changes its value.
A linguistic form from which potential outputs are generated and filtered by a
ranked set of constraints.
*ppp]a A markedness constraint which evaluates the syllable shape of output forms. It
penalizes trimoraic syllables (syllables with three morae).
*a [C,C, A markedness constraint which evaluates the syllable shape of output forms. It
prohibits geminates at the left-edge of syllables.
ONSETA markedness constraints which evaluates the syllable shape of output forms. It
penalizes syllables which have no consonants at the left-edge of them.
is the surface form of a linguistic form.
POSITIONAL FAITHFULNESS Captures the fact that certain positions in a word are more
privileged in that they maintain phonological distinctions.