Workseet Chapter Part 1

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Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

1. Define the term velocity. What is its unit? Is it a scalar or vector quantity?

Velocity is the speed of an object moving in a definite direction. Its unit is meters/second or m/s.
Velocity is a vector quantity

2. Name the two types of physical quantities.

The distance and the displacement

3. Define acceleration. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity?

Acceleration, which is a measure of the change in the velocity of an object per unit time.

acceleration = change in velocity/ time taken

Acceleration is a vector quantity as it has direction and magnitude both as well as it follow
vector addition.

4. What is the Si unit of acceleration?

The SI unit of acceleration is m s–2 .

5. What is magnitude?

Magnitude generally refers to the quantity or distance.

6. When is the acceleration of a body positive?

The acceleration is taken to be positive if it is in the direction of velocity and negative when it is
opposite to the direction of velocity.

7. “The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object
and not the direction of acceleration.” Give an example to justify this statement.

The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object and not
the direction of acceleration

The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object and not
the direction of acceleration

9 and 10 and 11 below

Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

12. Give the simplest type of motion.

The simplest type of motion is the motion along a straight line
13. What is the meant by retardation? Give its S.I. unit.

Retardation can be defined as the decrease in the velocity per second. Since negative
acceleration is retardation, its S.I. unit is the same as acceleration. i.e., metre per second
square ms−2.
Give an example of negative acceleration.
If the velocity of a body decreases with time, then its final velocity is less than the initial
velocity and thus its acceleration is negative. ... For example, when brakes are applied
to a moving truck, its velocity gradually decreases.

14. Define uniform acceleration. Give one example

A body has a uniform acceleration if it travels in a straight line and its velocity
increases by equal amount in equal intervals of time. For Ex:Motion of freely falling
body, bicycle going down the slope, ball rolling down in inclined plane

15. Define non-uniform acceleration. Give one example

an object can travel with non-uniform acceleration if its velocity changes at a non-
uniform rate. For example, if a car travelling along a straight road increases its speed by
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

unequal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the car is said to be moving with non-
uniform acceleration.

16. How many different kinds of motion are there? Namethem. Is there any motion which
is a combination of two or more types of motion?

)Example of bicycle – Suppose a bicycle is moving on a straight road. ... So, a bicycle
moving on a straight road has two types of motion rotational motion as well as rectilinear

 Linear motion: The straight-line motion of an object is called the linear object
 Rotational motion: The motion of the object about an axis. Example, earth’s rotation
 Circular motion: The movement of the object in a circular path

17. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantities: Mass, weight, time, temperature,
volumes, velocity, speed, forces, acceleration.

Refer question 9 and 10 and 11 answer

18. In a long distance race, the athletes were expectedto take four rounds of the track such
that the line of finish was same as the track was 200 m. (i) What is the total distance to be
covered by the athletes?

200 x 4 = 800 metre

(ii) What is the displacement of the athletes whenthey touch the finish line?

Since the athlete reached where he started from the the displacement is 0

(iii) Is the motion of the athlete’s uniform or non-uniform?

Motion of the athletes is non-uniform as the speed of the athlete will be changing at each

(iv) Is the distance moved by and displacement of athletes at the end of the race equal?

From parts (a) and (b), the distance and displacement of an athlete are not equal at the end of
the race.

19. How does the velocity change with time in uniform rectilinear motion of an object?
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

The velocity would change while accelerating with equal amount of time keeping the rate of
acceleration constant . For example a car driving on highway with in a straight path.

20. (i) Give an example of motion in human body whichcannot be perceived directly. (ii)
Give an example of motion in nature which cannotbe perceived directly. (iii) Give an
example of motion of the Earth whichcannot be perceived directly.

 (i) The flow of blood through our veins and arteries

(ii) The motion of the air cannot be perceived but can be experienced by wind.

 . (iii) The rotational motion of the Earth around its axis and the revolution of the Earth
around the Sun cannot be perceived but can be experienced by the occurrence of day and night
and of different seasons


V= 3×10^8 m/s
Distance=speed ×time
= 381000km
22. Divya walked 2 km on a straight road and then walked back 1 km. Which of the two
quantities involved inher walking is greater- the scalar or vector?

The Scalar quantity - Distance was greater. Since displacement was 1 km (2 km - 1 km) and
distance was 3 km (2 km + 1 km), we can tell that 3 km > 1 km or distance > displacement.



Radius = 40m

circumference= π×40^(2)

= 5026.5m


distance travelled = 5026.5m

Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

Time taken = 5min/ 300sec

Average speed = Distance/ time

= 5026.5/ 300

= 16.75m/sec

After completing one revolution the total displacement of the child is zero


Averege velocity = Displacement/ time

= 0/300sec




And, s2=v2t2

Average speed v=ts=t1+t2s1+s2





Average speed (12km/hr) = Total Distance / Total Time
                         D1 + D2 / T1 + T2
Total Time = 10 min + 20 min = 30 min = 1/2 Hour
D1 = Speed * Time = 9 * 1/6 (10 min = 1/6 hr)
= 3/2 km = 1.5 km
D2 = ?
12 = 1.5 + D2 / 1/2
12 * 1/2 = 1.5 + D2
6 = 1.5 + D2
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

6 - 1.5 = D2
4.5 km = D2
Speed = Distance / Time
           = 4.5 / 1/3 (20 min = 1/3 hr)
           = 4.5 * 3 (Reciprocal)
           = 13.5 km/hr

26. The average speed of a bicycle, an athlete and car are18 km/h, 7 m/s and 2 km/min respectively.
Which of the three is the fastest and which is the slowest?

18km/hr=18×185=5 m/s
2km/min=2×601000=33.3 m/s

Thus, the average speeds of the bicycle, the athlete and the car are 5 m/s, 7 m/s and 33.3 m/s
respectively. So the car is the fastest, and the bicycle is the slowest.

27. A car decreases its speed from 80 km/h to 60 km/h is5 seconds. Find the acceleration of the car.

Acceleration a = (V - U) / t

Given: Initial velocity (U) = 80 km/hr = 80 × 5/18 = 400/18 = 22.2 m/sec

Final velocity (V) = 60 km/hr = 60 × 5/18 = 300/18 = 16.6 m/sec

Acceleration a = (V - U) / t

= (16.6 - 22.2)/5

= -5.6/5

= -1.12 m/s2

Negative sign indicates that the velocity is decreasing.

28. A train starting from a railway station and movingwith uniform acceleration, attains a speed
40 km/h in 10 minutes. Find its acceleration.

Known Terms:-
u = Initial speed
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

v = Final speed
a = Acceleration
t = Time
Initial speed of the train, u = 0 km (Because train starts from the rest.
Final speed of the train, v = 40 km/h =   × 40 = 11.11 m/s.
Time taken to attain the speed = 10 minutes = 10 × 60 = 600 sec.
To Calculate:-
Acceleration of the train.
Formula to be used:-
Putting all the values, we get
Hence, Acceleration of the train is 0.0185 m/s².

29. 29. Neha swims in a 90 m long pool. She covers 180 m inone minute by swimming from one
end to the other and back along the same straight path. Find the average speed and average
velocity of Neha

avg. speed = distance/time=180/60sec=3m/s

avg. vel =displacement/time =0/60 =0m/s

30. A person moves along the boundary of a square field of side 10 m in 20 s. What will be the
magnitude of displacement of that person at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds?
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

Here, Side of the given square field = 10m

so, perimeter of a square = 4*side = 10 m * 4 = 40 m
Farmer takes 40 s to move along the boundary.
Displacement after 2 minutes 20 s = 2 * 60 s + 20 s = 140 seconds
since in 40 s farmer moves 40 m
Therefore, in 1s the distance covered by farmer = 40 / 40 m = 1m
Therefore, in 140s distance covered by farmer = 1 � 140 m = 140 m
Worksheet 1 Chapter 8 motion

average speed=total distance/total time

here time is in minutes we have change it to seconds



distance is in km we have to change it into m




average speed= totale distance /total time




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