Transmissao Voith Gearbox Retarder System GO170 GO210 With R115E 60 Pag PDF

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The document provides operating instructions for a gearbox retarder system used in buses, outlining its benefits and how it contributes to safety, comfort and efficiency.

The gearbox retarder system consists of a six-speed synchronizer gearbox integrated with a hydrodynamic continuous service brake (retarder) that works together as a precise matching system.

The gearbox retarder system should be operated and maintained according to the safety information and service schedule provided, using only original spare parts and qualified staff.

DaimlerChrysler AG VOITH TURBO

Powertrain Business Unit A NT R I E B ST E C H N I K


Operating Instructions
Gearbox Retarder System / GO170 - GO210 with R115E

R 1 3 5

2 4 6


State: October 1999
2 Betriebsanleitung Getriebe-Retarder-System
Preface 1

A future-oriented concept - DaimlerChrysler AG

for your benefit Drive Train Division
Gearbox Product Group
Everyone travelling with the bus expects safety and Sales
comfortable driving. And the person who is driving a bus Hauptstraße 107
expects optimal driving performance and optimal and D-76568 Gaggenau
comfortable shifting. And who operates a bus expect a
long lifetime and maximum economic efficiency. Telephone 07225 / 61-65 56
Our gearbox retarder system contributes a substantial Fax 07225 / 61-65 51
part to the realization of these requirements in the daily e-mail:
bus traffic. Gearbox and retarder form a precise [email protected]
matching system. Safety and comfort are combined with
the economical benefit.
Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG
We always wish you GOOD TRIP! Retarder Product Group
Voithstraße 1
P. O. Box 15 55
D-74555 Crailsheim

October 1999 Telephone 07951 / 32-401, -422, -694

Printed in Germany Fax 07951 / 32-756
[email protected]

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 5

1 Preface
The Operating Instructions submitted contains important Only qualified staff is allowed to do the repair and
information for a safe, proper and economical operation maintenance work. Enter the work performed in the ser-
of the gearbox retarder system. vice table provided for this purpose enabling you to claim
full warranty.
The use of the gearbox retarder system as six-speed Use only original spare parts in the event of a repair, cau-
synchronizer gearbox with integrated hydrodynamic se only this guarantees that your gearbox retarder sy-
continuous service brake (retarder) is considered as pro- stem meets the traffic safety and the design standard on
per use for buses. shipment.
The directives for proper use of the gearbox retarder sy-
stem are to be observed strictly by the persons in char- For the purpose of technical development of our pro-
ge, in particular, by the staff in charge of operation and ducts and to maintain the progress, we reserve the right
repair. for modification of the system illustrated in this instruc-
The user is liable for any hazardous situation and dama- tion manual and for the applicable technical information
ges resulting from improper use. and form.

Observe the information – in particular, the safety infor-

mation, for operation and perform the specified service October 1999 - VOITH TURBO / DaimlerChrysler
work in regular intervals and in time using the specified

6 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Table of Contents

1. Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. System Identification
3.1 Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Retarder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Retarder control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4. Illustrations Gearbox Retarder System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. Operation
6.1 Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.2 Retarder
6.2.1 Temperature limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2.2 Functions and indications of retarder stage switch, retarder pilot light . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2.3 "Constant speed" function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2.4 Pedal operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 3

Table of Contents

7. Maintenance
7.1 Maintenance works / Oil change intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.2 Gearbox oil level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.3 Retarder oil level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7.4 Gearbox oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.5 Retarder oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
8. Fuel Specification
8.1 Gearbox oil specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
8.2 Retarder oil specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.3 Retarder cooling water quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9. Service Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10. Technical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Safety Information 2

To guarantee sound operation of the gearbox retard- The safety symbols are explained below:
er system and to exclude any risks due to improper
handling, please read and follow the safety informa-
tion mentioned on this and the next page as well as
in each chapter!
Precautions and safety rules protecting persons from in-
juries or danger to their life.

Special information and precautions preventing damage
to the gearbox retarder system or vehicle.
Non-observance leads to exclusion of warranty.

Special information for better handling when operating
the gearbox retarder system and for maintenance work.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 7

2 Safety Information
Switch off the retarder main switch (if available - see ve-
hicle manual) for vehicles without ABS system.
 Unauthorized modifications on the gearbox retarder  For empty running vehicles or vehicles without body
system and the use of spare parts, accessories, attach- (e.g. transfer) operate the retarder carefully!
ments and special equipment not tested and released by
us, may have a negative effect on the safety of the com-  The switched-on retarder will not lock or secure the
plete vehicle, for which liability is excluded for any result- parked vehicle!
ing damages.
 In the event of retarder failure or when the tempera-
 When in contact with oils, greases and other chemical ture control is effective (see page 20), use the service
substances, e.g. retarder oil, observe the safety regula- brake to adapt the vehicle speed.
tions applicable to these products.

 Be cautious when you are in contact with hot operat-

ing fluids! Danger of burning or scald!

 In case of unsafe road conditions (slick ice, snow,

gravel etc.) or risk of aquaplaning operate the retarder
carefully and gradually only. In an extreme case, leave
the retarder switched off!

Observe these precautions, in particular, for vehicles

without ABS system!

8 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Safety Information 2

 The gearbox retarder system is manufactured to the mode of operation and that it has no negative effect on
latest design standards and approved safety regulations. the gearbox retarder system, in particular, with regard to
Nevertheless, hazards and damage to property may oc- the safety.
cur in case of improper use. We are not liable for personal injury and/or damage to
property caused by improper and unprofessional opera-
 The user/owner has the obligation to always operate tion.
the system in sound condition.
 Together with the vehicle instruction manual, the in-
 In case of malfunctions, observe the relevant informa- struction manual must always be available at the site
tion. where the vehicle is in service. An incomplete or illegible
instruction manual should to be replaced immediately.
 We will not assume liability for injuries and/or damage
to property, resulting from non-observance of the safety  The relevant regulations for the prevention of acci-
information, instruction manual or violation of the duty of dents, the other safety engineering and industrial medi-
care in handling, operation, maintenance and repair of cine rules generally approved as well as the Road Traffic
the retarder. Act are to be observed. We are not liable for damages
originating from disregarding these regulations.
 We are not in the position to give explicit warnings ev-
erywhere in this instruction manual, in case of any think-
able situation, which may lead to a risk of injury for the
operator and/or damage to the system described. It is
therefore absolutely necessary that everyone in charge
of operation and maintenance of the gearbox retarder
system does not put its own safety at risk by the selected

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 9

2 Safety Information
 Do not start the vehicle without oil in gearbox and/or

 In the event of a gearbox failure it is necessary to re-

move the cardan shaft or the two axle stub shafts prior
to towing the vehicle. The openings then need to be cov-
ered according to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifica-

10 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

System identification: gearbox 3.1

The gearbox identification (nameplate) is located on the

side of gearbox retarder system, i.e. on the right-hand
side in driving direction, with the following data (exam-

gear ratio 1st gear

unit number of gears
series input torque (x 10)
design gearbox bus
LHD vehicle

71 4. 692 L GO 170 - 6 / 8,2

Bez. GO 170-6/8,2 Fortl. Nr. gearbox number
Code G 714.100 L

gearbox part number



Bez. Fortl. Nr.



M-Code Please enter the gearbox data, indicated on your gear-

Variante Nr.
box retarder system, on the left-hand side nameplate.
Please let us know these data in the event of any queries
or spare parts orders.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 11

3.2 System identification: retarder
The retarder identification (nameplate) is located on the
gearbox retarder system, on the bottom right-hand side
(front) in driving direction, with the following data:

Retarder transmission(i Ret) Series number (brake number)

6-digit number

KW/Jahr 45/1999

Year of manufacture

Voith part number DaimlerChrysler part number

8-digit number


Please enter the retarder data, indicated on your gear-

box retarder system, on the left-hand side nameplate.
CW/Year Please let us know these data in the event of any queries
or spare parts orders.


12 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

System identification: retarder control unit 3.3

The Digiprop control unit identification (nameplate) is lo-

cated on the control unit, with the following data:

1. Voith number
8-digit number
It is possible to derive the software version from the
Co h-N
Se de-N :
last two digits.
Ku en-N 53

Example: .12 = version 1.2

nd .x
en r.: xx xxx
-N x .12
r.: xx

2. Code number
3-digit number
(adjustment of control unit)

3. Serial number
Voith-Nr.: 5-digit number
Code-Nr.: also indicating the coding date
Serien-Nr.: Datum:
Kunden-Nr.: 4. Client number
(DaimlerChrysler part number)
Please enter the identification data, indicated on your
control unit, on the left-hand side nameplate. Please let
us know these data in the event of any queries or spare
parts orders.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 13

4 Illustrations Gearbox Retarder System
26/100/116 Screw plug oil screen
(demounting height 120 mm)
26/250/047 26/400/089 26/250/068 3700 26/100/122 Oil filler plug gearbox
26/100/125 Oil drain plug gearbox (bottom side)
26/100/206 Tacho signal
26/250/047 Starter interlock switch *
26/250/068 Inductive pickup for overspeed protection *
26/400/083 Oil temperature sensor gearbox *
26/400/089 Backup lamp switch *
3500 Screw plug with screen
3700 Proportional valve retarder control

* = optional

26/100/125 26/100/122 26/100/125 3500

26/400/083 26/100/116 26/100/206


Side view

14 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Illustrations Gearbox Retarder System 4

25/250/068 Clutch booster

26/350/ 4100 6400 26/150/ Input shaft
26/250/ Clutch wear indicator *
26/250/047 Starter interlock switch *
26/250/068 Inductive pickup for overspeed protection *
26/350/ Gearshift shaft
26/400/089 Backup lamp switch *
3700 Proportional valve retarder control
4100 Oil filler plug retarder
6400 Heat exchanger retarder

* = optional

25/250/068 26/250/068
26/250/047 26/250/ 26/400/089


Top view

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 15

4 Illustrations Gearbox Retarder System
100/1 Nameplate
100/1 5500 26/100/125 Oil drain plugs gearbox
107 Oil drain plug retarder (system)
6400 3500 Screw plug with screen
3500 4200 Oil drain plugs retarder
6400/1 5500 Retarder ventilation
6400 Heat exchanger retarder
6400/1 Water return connection (example)
6400/2 Water supply connection (example)



26/100/125 M+P-07A-1709

16 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

General description 5

As special version, the retarder stage switch may addi-

tionally combined in connection with ABS-system, with a
3- or 4-stage pedal-actuation via the brake valve or a
The switched-on retarder will not secure the parked ve- pressure switch unit of the vehicle service brake.

The retarder braking torque is sustained even when gear
changes are made!

The gearbox retarder system is a six-speed synchro-

mesh gearbox, with a hydrodynamic continuous service
brake (retarder), integrated in the gearbox housing, for
buses with a permissible total weight up to 24 tons.

The connection from gearshift lever to gearbox is made

through linkage or Bowden cables.

The retarder stage switch can be used for control of 5

brake stages - from position 2 to 5 with increasing brake
The function of position 1 is „constant speed” (control to
constant speed).

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 17

6.1 Operation: gearbox

Prior to starting the vehicle engine, push the gearshift le-
ver into idle position (L)!

R 1 3 5
L For correct operation of the gearbox it is necessary to
push the clutch pedal all the way down. Hence there
must be no obstacles in the floor area below the foot con-
2 4 6 trols. Observe that any additional floor mats have a good
contact to the floor and are not getting in contact with the

Shift without using any force.

Shift to reverse gear (R) only at engine idle speed and
parking vehicle.

It is possible to use a vehicle-specific warning buzzer

and/or a warning lamp, if a too low gear was used for
Danger of engine overspeed! Shift to a higher gear!

18 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Operation: gearbox 6.1

Operate the clutch pedal to change gears and move the

gearshift lever to a position as illustrated in the scheme
on page 18.
When driving observe the tachometer and the economi-
cal range. Shift the lever from idle position (L) to the left front to
change to reverse gear.
Drive in the highest gear (before downgrades shift in due
time to reverse gear).

Prior to retarder braking shift to the lowest possible gear

to reach engine rated speed (see chapter 6.2.1: “Retard-
er operation – temperature limit”).

Skip the gears, if possible, and change gears only, if re-


Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 19

6.2.1 Operation retarder: temperature limit
During braking with the retarder integrated in the gear-
box, deceleration is converted into heat. To dissipate this Caution!
heat, part of the oil in the working chamber is pumped
Observe the following when the retarder pilot light is
continuously by the rotor through a heat exchanger and
flashing or the temperature limit is effective:
fed back into the retarder circuit.
In the heat exchanger the heat of oil is transferred to the
Adjust the vehicle speed using the service brake and
vehicle cooling water and dissipated through the vehicle
change to the lowest possible gear (increase the engine
cooling system.
Keep this driving condition until the retarder regained its
The cooling water and oil temperature are monitored by
full power.
one temperature sensor each transmitting this informa-
tion to the retarder control unit. This guarantees that the
maximum permissible temperatures for cooling water
and oil are not exceeded.

The control unit includes vehicle-specific cooling water

oil temperature limit settings.
To prevent that these temperature limits are exceeded
during retarder operation, the retarder braking torque is
adapted optimally for protection and effective utilization
of vehicle cooling system and retarder.

With already significantly reduced braking torque the re-

tarder pilot light starts flashing.

20 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Operation retarder: temperature limit 6.2.1

By driving or operating the retarder properly you can in-

crease and/or secure the vehicle cooling capacity and
thus the availability of the retarder.

– On retarder braking shift the gearbox down to reach
engine rated speed!

– High delivery rate of water pump
15 20
– High fan speed
– It is possible to make optimum use of the vehicle cool-
ing system performance!

Fuel consumption is not affected by the high engine

speed, as the throttle of the fuel injection system is
closed when the engine is in overrun.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 21

6.2.2 Operation retarder:
functions and indications of retarder stage switch, retarder pilot light

A Retarder pilot light

M+P-07A-1590 (vehicle-specific installation site)
B Retarder stage switch
(vehicle-specific installation site)
A 0 Retarder OFF
1 Constant speed
2 Brake stage 1
3 Brake stage 2
B 4 Brake stage 3
5 Brake stage 4
2 Caution!
3 Operate the retarder stage switch only step-by-step to
reach the required braking torque (do not „force
4 through“)!
5 In an emergency situation a „force through“ of the retard-
er stage switch is permitted.

To reduce the actual braking torque, several stages can

M+P-07A-1590 be left out at once with the retarder stage switch.

22 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Operation retarder:
functions and indications of retarder stage switch, retarder pilot light 6.2.2

The retarder pilot light has the additional function of fault

indication to be able, in the event of a fault, to also find
Note the fault in the electronic system without service unit.
In case of very low outside temperatures the braking ac- Display of a fault, which may exist, is possible by a flash
tion on first retarder braking starts with a response delay code.
after starting to drive.

For vehicles with zero gas switch the “constant speed“ Caution!
function or the active brake stage is cleared on applica-
Only qualified staff is allowed to activate the flash code
tion of the gas pedal. After releasing the pedal, the new
and to perform any repair work which might be neces-
momentary „constant speed“ is stored or the previously
applied brake stage is reactivated.

For vehicles with cruise control it is possible to clear

cruise control automatically, dependent on the equip-
ment, by operating the „constant speed“ function“.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 23

6.2.2 Operation retarder:
functions and indications of retarder stage switch, retarder pilot light

1 OFF (symbol for retarder pilot 0
1 Steady light position 0 to 5
3 light may differ from vehicle to 2
3 Minor fault:
4 4
5 vehicle) 5 Retarder brakings partly pos-
sible with reduced braking
Light test: Consult a specialized work-
Ignition ON Retarder pilot light shop!
5 sec. steady light

0 Steady light position 0 to 5

Steady light: 1
2 Major fault:
„constant speed“ 4 Retarder braking no longer
possible – the retarder is
switched off.
Only continue driving with
Steady light: considerably reduced
Brake stages 1 to 4 speed - consult immediate-
5 ly a specialized workshop!

1 Flash light:
Temperature limit

24 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Operation retarder: „constant speed” function 6.2.3

1 Adjust the speed.

1 2 At the desired speed switch on „constant speed”.
The retarder keeps this vehicle speed constant within
maximum braking torque.
Should the vehicle accelerate in spite of „constant
speed“, it is necessary to apply the service brake in
addition. Continued shifting to gear stage 5 does not
0 increase the braking action.
When leaving the „constant speed” lever position,
2 6% the automatic control is cleared immediately.
4 10 km

3 Switch off the retarder or adjust to the traffic situation

using a brake stage.
3 3

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 25

6.2.4 Pedal Operation
A Retarder
M+P-07A-1591 B Retarder and Service Brake
2 1 1 Brake Stage 1 *
3 2 Brake Stage 2 *
A 3 Brake Stage 3 *
* The operated brake stages via the pedal operation normally
are identical with the brake stages operated via the hand


26 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Pedal Operation 6.2.4

The retarder is operated via a 3-stage or 4-stage pedal

operation of the service brake. The maximum braking
torque will be reached in the maximum position.
The graphic shows the 3-stage variant, a 4-stage variant
also is possible. Pedal plate in position 0:
The retarder is switched off–
The main switch „Pedal Operation ON-OFF“ is located at the retarder pilot light is without indication.
the dashboard.
ON: The retarder is ready to operate Pedal plate in position 1 to 3 or 1 to 4
OFF: i.e. at unsafe road conditions The brake stages 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 are tuned accordingly –
the light of the retarder pilot light comes on continuously.
The higher braking torque is valid with combined hand-
or pedal-operation in each case.

In case of low temperatures outdoors, the braking effect

starts late when braking the first time after starting the

The function „Constant Speed“ can not be selected via

the pedal plate.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 27

6.2.4 Pedal Operation
Special functions The following operation conditions can be indicated
at combined Hand-, pedal operation additionally by the retarder pilot light:
(without pushbutton for function „Constant Speed“)
Without Indication:
Retarder stage switch in position 1 – The retarder is switched off, no fault.
„Constant Speed“,
Pedal plate in position 1: Retarder Pilot Light flashing
The function „constant speed“ will be cancelled, if first - when retarder is operated:
selected in position 1 with the retarder stage switch and The temperature limitation is effective – the retarder
than operated to the retarder via the pedal plate. After re- reduces its braking torque. Therefore read the notes on
leasing the pedal plate the new momentary speed will be pages 20 to 21!
memorized, assumed that the retarder stage switch
stays unchanged in position 1 – Retarder Pilot Light on continuously
the light of the retarder pilot light comes on continuously. - at testing the light:
When vehicle ignition is switched on for approx. 5 secs.

- in Position 0 to 3 or 0 to 4 (minor fault):

Retarder brakings partly possible with reduced braking
Contact specialized work shop!

28 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Pedal Operation 6.2.4

- in Position 0 to 3 or 0 to 4 (serious fault):

Retarder brakings are not possible any longer – the
retarder is switched off.
Continue driving only with clear reduced speed –
contact immediately specialized work shop!

The retarder pilot light has the additional function of error

indication. The retarder pilot light enables a
troubleshooting in the electronic system without using
the service unit. The indication of an error can be
realized by the flash code of the retarder pilot light.

The activation of the flash code as well as maintenance
works must be carried out only by qualified and
specialized personnel.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 29

7.1 Maintenance: maintenance works / oil change intervals
Maintenance works

The following works are to be performed on each oil

change (gearbox and retarder):

– clean oil screen (gearbox)

– Clean screen for pressure control valve (retarder)
– check fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger
– check all screw plugs for leaks and proper seat
– visual inspection for any damages and leaks which
might exist

Please enter the following data in the service overview of

these operating instructions:

– performed maintenance works

– used oil type for oil change

30 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: maintenance works / oil change intervals 7.1
Gearbox Retarder 6)

Mineral oil 1) Synthetic oil 1) Mineral oil 2) Synthetic oil 2) Synthetic oil 3)
Normal duty 100 000 km 4) 300 000 km 5) 100 000 km 4) 300 000 km 5) 300 000 km 5)

Heavy duty 50 000 km 4) 300 000 km 5) 50 000 km 4) 300 000 km 5) 300 000 km 5)

1) according to fuel specification, page 48-51

2) according to fuel specification, page 52-54
3) according to fuel speciflication, page 54
4) If the specified operating performance is not
achieved within 1 year, it is necessary to change
the oil.
5) If the specified operating performance is not
achieved within 2 years, it is necessary to change
the oil.
6) The oil change intervals of the retarder oils, listed
under 2), may be adjusted to the oil change intervals
of the gearbox mineral oils.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 31

7.1 Maintenance: maintenance works / oil change intervals
1. „Normal duty“ It is possible to fall below the specified maximum values,
if this results in an improvement of operating sequences
Example: relative to the overall maintenance of vehicle.
– long-distance traffic
In case of a total service life of retarder of more than 10
2. „Heavy duty“ %, relative to the vehicle operating performance as well
Duties exceeding the normal limit. as other factors, not mentioned in here, also affecting the
aging of retarder oil, it is necessary to shorten the spec-
Examples: ified oil-changing intervals individually.
– Applications in regions with high outside temperatures
(e.g. Saudi Arabia) In case of application in extremely cold zones, use oils of
– High permissible total weight at low rated engine pow- corresponding low viscosity.
er (< 8 PS/ton)
– Frequent uphill/downhill roads In case of doubt, please consult our Service Department.
– Extremely short distances with many road down-

32 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: gearbox oil level check 7.2




26/100/122 Oil filler plug

Inbus, w.a.f. 14 ............................. TA = 47 N
26/100/128 Sealing ring A24x29 ...................... renew

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 33

7.2 Maintenance: gearbox oil level check
1. Screw out the oil filler plug (26/100/122) and remove
the sealing ring (26/100/128).
The oil level is correct when it reached the bottom
Four sound function of gearbox it is important to adhere edge of taphole (see illustration page 32).
the specified oil service filling and that only oils are used
released by the fuel specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil 2. Fill in slowly any lacking oil through the hole of oil fill-
change intervals” and chapter 8.1: „Fuel specification – er plug according to fuel specification, chapter 7.1:
gearbox oil specification”. „Oil change intervals” and chapter 8.1: „Fuel specifi-
cation – gearbox oil specification”.

Check the oil with the vehicle in horizontal position. Note
In the event of any lacking oil, check the gearbox for a
For oil level check, the gearbox oil must have working possible external leak.

3. Screw in the oil filler plug with a new sealing ring and
Warning! tighten it.
Oil filler plug (26/100/122): 47 Nm
Oil filler plug (26/100/122) is hot (oil temperature)!

34 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: retarder oil level check 7.3



M+P-07A-1713 M+P-07A-1712

109 Oil check plug 107 Oil drain plug

Inbus, w. a. f. 12 ............. TA = 65 Nm (80 Nm) Inbus, w. a. f. 12 ............. TA = 65 Nm (80 Nm)
4100 Oil filler plug 4200 Oil drain plugs
Inbus, w. a. f. 17 ............. TA = 100 Nm (150 Nm) Inbus, w. a. f. 12 ............. TA = 65 Nm (80 Nm)

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 35

7.3 Maintenance: retarder oil level check

Caution! Caution!
For sound retarder operation it is important to adhere the There are two possible variants of the screw plugs (107,
specified oil level of 7.0 liters and to only use oils re- 4100, 4200):
leased by the fuel specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil change
intervals” and chapter 8.2: „Fuel specification – retarder A) with integrated FPM-sealing ring;
oil specification”. corresponding standard design on printing

Performing the oil level check, the integrated sealing

rings have to be checked for any damage; replace the
complete screw plug, if necessary.
Check the oil level with the vehicle in horizontal position.
B) variant with copper sealing ring attached as loose
For oil level check, the retarder oil must have operating part.
In these operating instructions exclusively the variant A
(standard design) is described.
For screw plugs with copper sealing rings attached as
loose part (variant B) the tightening torques given in
brackets are valid. The copper sealing rings are to be re-
placed generally.

36 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: retarder oil level check 7.3

Two variants are available for selection of oil level check: 2. Remove the oil drain plugs (107, 4200) and drain the
oil into the oil collecting pan.
A. Volumetric measuring method
3. Check the integrated sealing rings of the oil drain
1. Put a clean oil collecting pan under the retarder. plugs (107, 4200) for any damage; replace the oil
drain plugs, if necessary.

4. Screw the oil drain plugs tight.

Oil drain plugs (107, 4200): 65 Nm (80 Nm)
The oil drain plugs (107, 4200) and oil filler plug (4100)
are hot (oil temperature)! 5. Measure the volume of drained oil.

While the oil level is being checked, make sure that no 6. Add the lacking oil which you might determine during
constant-air pressure is acting in the retarder. The re- volumetric measurement according to the fuel speci-
tarder and the ignition must have been switched off! fication, chapter 7.1: „Oil change intervals” and chap-
ter 8.2: „Fuel specification – retarder oil specification”.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 37

7.3 Maintenance: retarder oil level check

Note Caution!
Should you detect a lack of oil fill, check the retarder for After the oil level check engage the retarder during driv-
a possible external leak. ing with min. 50 km/h at least briefly 5 times for approx.
5 secs. each time in stage position 2 (corresponds to
braking stage 1).

The retarder may only be filled through the hole for the
oil filler plug (4100)!

7. Refill oil slowly through the hole for the oil filler plug
(4100) over a duration of more than 3 minutes.
This working step is necessary for correct ventilation
of the retarder system.

8. Check the integrated sealing ring of the oil filler plug

(4100) for any damage; replace the oil filler plug, if

9. Screw the oil filler plug tight.

Oil filler plug (4100): 100 Nm (150 Nm)

38 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: retarder oil level check 7.3

B. Using the oil check plug 4. Unscrew the oil check plug (109).
The oil level is correct when it reached the lower edge
1. Vehicle ignition „OFF”, then rest to „ON”. of the oil check hole (see illustration page 35).

2. Operate the retarder at standstill in braking stage 2

(corresponds to braking stage 1) and switch it off after
approx. 5 secs.
Repeat this procedure twice. In the event of any lacking oil, check the retarder for a
possible external leak.
3. Switch off the retarder and wait for 5 minutes.

Warning! The retarder may only be filled through the hole for the
oil filler plug (4100)!
The oil check plug (109) and oil filler plug (4100) are hot
(oil temperature)!
5. Fill in any lacking oil slowly through the hole for the
While the oil level is being checked, make sure that no oil filler plug (4100) according to fuel specification,
constant-air pressure is acting in the retarder. The re- chapter 7.1: „Oil change intervals” and chapter 8.2:
tarder and the ignition must have been switched off! „Fuel specification – retarder oil specification”.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 39

7.3 Maintenance: retarder oil level check
6. Check the integrated sealing ring of the oil level
check plug for any damage; replace the oil level
check plug, if necessary.

7. Screw the oil check plug tight.

Oil check plug (109): 65 Nm (80 Nm)

8. Check the integrated sealing ring of the oil filler plug

for any damage; replace the oil filler plug, if neces-

9. Screw the oil filler plug tight.

Oil filler plug (4100): 100 Nm (150 Nm)

40 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: gearbox oil change 7.4

26/100/128 26/100/107 Oil screen.......................................clean

26/100/113 Spring
26/100/116 Screw plug oil screen.....................TA = 60 Nm
Inbus, w.a.f. 17
26/100/116 26/100/119 Sealing ring A38x46.......................replace
26/100/122 Oil filler plug ..................................TA = 47 Nm
26/100/119 Inbus, w.a.f. 14
26/100/107 26/100/125 Oil drain plugs ...............................TA = 47 Nm
Inbus, w.a.f. 14
26/100/113 26/100/128 Sealing ring A24x29.......................replace



Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 41

7.4 Maintenance: gearbox oil change
1. Put a clean oil collecting pan under the gearbox.
Dispose of drained oil in a professional manner!
Observe the statutory provisions! Warning!
Oil drain plugs (26/100/125) are hot (oil temperature)!

2. Unscrew the oil drain plugs (26/100/125), remove the
For sound gearbox function it is important to observe the sealing rings (26/100/128) and drain the oil.
specified oil fill and to only use oils released by the fuel
specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil change intervals“ and 3. Screw the oil drain plugs tight with new sealing rings.
chapter 8.1: „Fuel specification – gearbox oil specifica- Oil drain plugs (26/100/125): 47 Nm
4. Unscrew the screw plug (26/100/116) and remove
the sealing ring (26/100/119).
For draining the gearbox oil must have operating tem-

Oil fill
– Service fill (oil change) ................................ 12.5 liters
– Initial fill .......................................................13.0 liters

42 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: gearbox oil change 7.4

5. Clean oil screen (26/100/107) using a corresponding

cleaning agent (benzine) and blow out using com-
pressed air. Check the cleaned oil screen for damage
and replace it, if necessary.

6. Screw oil screen (26/100/107) with spring (26/100/

113) in the hole of the screw plug (26/100/116).

7. Screw the screw plug (26/100/116) with new sealing

ring (26/100/119) tight.
Screw plug with oil screen (26/100/116): 60 Nm

8. Unscrew oil filler plug (26/100/122) and remove the

sealing ring (26/100/128).

9. Fill in slowly oil through the hole for the oil filler plug,
according to the fuel specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil
change intervals“ and chapter 8.1: „Fuel specification
- gearbox oil specification“ and oil fill, page 42.

10.Screw the oil filler plug tight with new sealing ring.
Oil filler plug (26/100/122): 47 Nm

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 43

7.5 Maintenance: oil change of retarder



3500 M+P-07A-1714a M+P-07A-1712a

3500 Screw plug with screen 107 Oil drain plug

Inbus, w.a.f. 17.................. TA = 100 Nm (150 Nm) Inbus, w.a.f. 12 ..................TA = 65 Nm (80 Nm)
4100 Oil filler plug 4200 Oil drain plugs
Inbus, w.a.f. 17.................. TA = 100 Nm (150 Nm) Inbus, w.a.f. 12 ..................TA = 65 Nm (80 Nm)

44 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: retarder oil change 7.5

Warning! Caution!
Dispose of drained oil in a professional manner! There are two possible variants of the screw plugs (107,
Observe the statutory provisions! 3500, 4100, 4200):

A) with integrated FPM-sealing ring;

Caution! corresponding standard design on printing

For sound retarder operation it is necessary to adhere Performing the oil level check, the integrated sealing
the specified oil fill, see below. It is only allowed to use rings have to be checked for any damage; replace the
oils released by the fuel specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil complete screw plug, if necessary.
change intervals” and chapter 8.2: „Fuel specification –
retarder oil specification”! B) variant with copper sealing ring attached as loose

Note In these operating instructions exclusively the variant A

For draining the retarder oil must have operating temper- (standard design) is described.
ature! For screw plugs with copper sealing rings attached as
loose part (variant B) the tightening torques given in
brackets are valid. The copper sealing rings are to be re-
Oil fill placed generally.
– Service fill (oil change) ................................. 7.0 liters
– Initial fill ....................................................... 7.8 liters

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 45

7.5 Maintenance: oil change of retarder
1. Put a clean oil collecting pan under the retarder. 5. Unscrew the screw plug with screen (3500) out of the
retarder housing.

6. Clean the screen in the screw plug using a corre-

sponding cleaning agent (benzine) and blow it out us-
The oil drain plugs (107, 4200) are hot (oil temperature)! ing compressed air.

While the oil is being drained, make sure that no con- 7. Check the integrated sealing ring of the screw plug
stant-air pressure is acting in the retarder. The retarder with screen for any damage; replace the screw plug,
and the ignition must have been switched off! if necessary.

8. Screw the screw plug with screen tight.

2. Remove the oil drain plugs (107, 4200) and drain the
Screw plug with screen (3500): 100 Nm (150 Nm)
9. Unscrew the oil filler plug (4100).
3. Check the integrated sealing rings of the oil drain
plugs for any damage; replace the oil drain plugs, if

4. Screw the oil drain plugs tight.

Oil drain plugs (107, 4200): 65 Nm (80 Nm)

46 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Maintenance: retarder oil change 7.5

Caution! Caution!
The retarder may be only filled through the hole of the oil After the oil lchange engage the retarder during driving
filler plug (4100)! with min. 50 km/h at least briefly 5 times for approx. 5
secs. each time in stage position 2 (corresponds to brak-
ing stage 1).
10.Fill in oil slowly through the hole for the oil filler plug,
according to fuel specification, chapter 7.1: „Oil
change intervals“ and chapter 8.2: „Fuel specification
- retarder oil specification“ and oil fill, page 45, over a
duration of more than 3 minutes.
This working step is necessary for correct ventilation
of the retarder system.

11.Check the integrated sealing ring of the oil filler plug

(4100) for any damage; replace the oil filler plug, if

12.Screw the oil filler plug tight.

Oil filler plug (4100): 100 Nm (150 Nm)

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 47

8.1 Fuel specification: gearbox oil specification
Mineral oil for gearbox application
SAE 80, 80W, 80W/85W
Hazard of intoxication!
Oil type Supplier
Fuels are harmful to the health!
Addinol Gearbox Oil GS Addinol Mineral Oil, Krumpa
Consult a physician immediately after swallowing fuel!
Keep fuels away from children! Agip Rotra Hy DB Agip Petroli, Rom/Italy

Antar EP Elf Lubrifiants, Paris/France

Aral Gearbox Oil EP Aral Lubricants, Bochum

Armorine BM
Lanester Cedex/ France

Aseol Gepress 11-508 Shell Aseal, Bern/Switzerland

Autol Gearbox Oil D8 Agip Schmiertechnik, Würzburg

Avia Gear Oil MZ Avia Mineralöl, Munich

Aviaricon Gold MZ Emil Finke Mineralölwerk, Bremen

BayWa Multipurpose
BayWa, Munich
Gearbox Oil

BP Energear EP BP Oil International, London/GB

BP Energear FE GL4 BP Oil International, London/GB

BP Gear Oil EP BP Oil International, London/GB

48 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Fuel specification: gearbox oil specification 8.1

Mineral oil for gearbox application

SAE 80, 80W, 80W/85W Oil type Supplier
Ertoil Transmissiones F Ertoil, Madrid/Spain
Oil type Supplier Esso Gear Oil GP-D Esso, Hamburg
Calpam Mineralöl-Gesellschaft,
Calpam Multipurpose Gear Oil Fina Pontonic N Fina Europe, Brussels/Belgium
Frontol Gearbox Oil MZ M BP Schmierstoff, Hamburg
Caltez Universal Gear Oil HD Caltez (UK) Limited, London/GB
Fuchs Titan Gear MP Fuchs Mineralölwerke, Mannheim
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Co.,
Carrier Hykomol
Kornárom/Hungary Petroleos de Portugal, Petrogal,
Galp Transoil
Castrol EP Castrol, Swindon/GB
Texaco Services (Europe),
Condat Gear A Condat, Chasse-sur Rhône/France Geartex EP-A
CS 80 M-EP Repso Distribución, Madrid/Spain Gulf Gear Lubricant (EP) SAEL, Madrid/Spain
Deagear EP-A DEA Mineralöl, Hamburg
Gulf Ultragear 4000 (GB) Gulf Oil (GB), Cheltenham/GB
Dearon EP-A DEA Mineralöl, Hamburg H.o.B. Gearbox Oil ML H. o.. Burrenkopf, Cologne
Deutz Oil GO-MP Klöckner Energiehandel, Cologne Hafa MPB Hafa, Paris/France
Divinal Multipurpose
Zeller+Gmelin, Eislingen Homberg Gearbox Oil MZ J. & A. Homberg, Wuppertal
Gearbox Oil
Hyperol Multipurpose Gearbox
Ssang Yong Oil Refining, Hyperol Mineralöl-Vertrieb, Stuttgart
Dragon Gear TM Oil
Seoul/Rep. of Korea
Igol Trans EPA Igol France, Paris/France
Eller-Montan-Comp., Duisburg
Gearbox Oil

Engen Petroleum,
Engen Gearlube HP
Cape Town/South Africa

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 49

8.1 Fuel specification: gearbox oil specification
Mineral oil for gearbox application
SAE 80, 80W, 80W/85W Oil type Supplier
Orly International,
Orly XP Luna
Oil type Supplier Vieux-Thann/France

INA Rafinerija Zagreb, Petrol Ofisi,

Ina Transmol DB P. O. Keban EP MB
Zagreb/Croatia Bakanlikar-Ankara/Turkey

IP Pontiax DB Italiana Petroli, Genova/Italy Panolin EP Gear GL4 Panolin, Madetswill/Switzerland

Kompressol Multipurpose Parnas Parnalube GP Parnas/Saksan, Athens/Greece

Kompressol-Öl, Cologne
Gearbox Oil Pennasol Multipurpose
Mineralöl-Raffinerie Dollbergen
Leprinzol SP Leprince & Siveke, Herford Gearbox Oil GL4

Mac MP Gearbox Oil Deutsche Shell, Hamburg Petrol Transol GL4 Petrol d. d., Ljubljana/Slovenia

megol Multipurpose Petramin Lubricating Oil,

Meguin, Saarlouis Petramin Gear Oil MB
Gearbox Oil GL4 Jeddah/Saudi Arabia

MHG Manual Gearbox Oil EP MHG, Sulzbach-Rosenberg Kuwait Petroleum,

Q8 T 35
Hoogvliet RT/Netherlands
Mobilube GX-A Mobil Schmierstoff, Hamburg
Raloy Lubricantes,
Motorex Gear Oil EP Bucher, Langenthal/Switzerland Raloy Transmission EP
Santiago Tianguistenco/Mexico
Neste Oy Lubrication, Rexol MBG Ryazan Oil Refinery, Ryazan/Russia
Neste Gear EP
Rored EPA Pertamina, Jakarta/Indonesia
Oest Multipurpose Gearbox Oil Oest Mineralölwerke, Freudenstadt

OMV Gear Oil MP OMV, Vienna/Austria

Optimol Multipurpose Optimol Ölwerke Industrie GmbH,

Gearbox Oil Munich

50 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Fuel specification: gearbox oil specification 8.1

Mineral oil for gearbox application

SAE 80, 80W, 80W/85W Oil type Supplier
Wintershall Wiolin
Schmierstoffraffinerie Salzbergen
Oil type Supplier Multipurpose Gearbox Oil

Selectol Multipurpose Wisura GL Wisura Mineralölwerk, Bremen

Käppler, Stuttgart
Gearbox Oil WLZ-Raiffeisen Multipurpose
WLZ-Raiffeisen, Stuttgart
Shell Spirax MA Shell International, London/GB Gearbox Oil

Sonolgear DBM Sonol Israel, Haifa/Israel Ginouves Georges

York 791
La Farlède/France
Bharat Petroleum Corpn.,
Spirol XEP Zenex Gear Oil ZP Zenex Oil, Rivonia/South Africa

De Oliebron,
Tor Multi Purpose Gearbox Oil

Total EP Total Deutschland, Düsseldorf

Tranself EP Elf Lubrifiants, Paris/France

Synthetic oil for gearbox application

Triathlon Gear Würth, Künzelsau

Oil type Supplier
Unil EP Unil Deutschland, Bremen MB 235.11 Manual
Unil Opal Gear EP Unil-Opal, Rueil-Malmaison/France Gearbox Oil Daimler-Chrysler AG, Stuttgart
A 001 989 2803
Valvoline International Europe,
Valvoline X-18 Veedol Synmesh-AT Burrmah Oil Technology

Veba Movara EP-Gearbox Oil Veba Öl, Gelsenkirchen Castrol Syntrans-AT Burrmah Oil Technology

Veedol Multigear Veedol International, Swindon/GB Deagear Synth DEA Mineralöl GmbH

Westfalen Grado Gearbox Oil Westfalen AG, Münster

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 51

8.2 Fuel specification: retarder oil specification
For the retarder application authorized oil types must meet the following specification:

Classification Code Viscosity class Performance

as per DIN 51502 as per DIN 51511 class

Single-grade HD SAE 10W API - CC/SF

mineral oil 1) SAE 20W 20 and higher
SAE 30
Synthetic oil / HD SAE 0W40 API - CC/SF
part-synthetic oil 1) SAE 5W30 and higher
SAE 5W40
SAE 5W50
SAE 10W30
SAE 10W40

Synthetic oil 2) HC SAE 75W-80W see page 54

Respecting the oil type selection, the statements of the vehicle manufacturer are valid.
If no statements are available, the oil types documentated on the following pages are to be used.

Only the synthetic oil documentated on page 54 may be used.

52 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Fuel specification: retarder oil specification 8.2

Mineral oil for retarder application

SAE 10W, 20W20, 30
Hazard of intoxication!
Oil type Supplier
Fuels are harmful to the health!
Agip Diesel Sigma S Agip
Consult a physician immediately after swallowing fuel!
Keep fuels away from children! Agip Motoroil HD Agip

Aral Basic Turboral Aral

Avia Special HDC Avia

Avia Motor Oil HD Avia

BP Vanellus C3 BP

Castrol CRD-DB Burmah Oil

DEA Cronus Super DEA


Elf Performance XC Elf

Elf Performance XR Elf

Elf Performance 3D Elf

Elf Performance Super D Elf

Essolube X 301 Esso

Essolube X 201 Esso

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 53

8.2 Fuel specification: retarder oil specification
Mineral oil for retarder application
SAE 10W, 20W20, 30 Oil type Supplier
Wintershall Rekord 10W SRS
Oil type Supplier Wintershall Rekord 20W-20 SRS
Fina Kappa Super Fina
Wintershall Rekord 30 SRS
Fina Kappa TC Fina
Havoline Motor Oil Texaco
SAE 30 Series III Krafft
Ursa Super LA Texaco
Mobil Delvac 1300-Series Mobil Oil Total rubia S Total
Extra Motorex Unocal Firebird HD Motor Oil Unocal
Cobra Motorex

Multimiles R/5 mono Multimiles

Rapsol Series 3 SAE 10W Rapsol

Rapsol Series 3 SAE 30 Rapsol

Synthetic oil for retarder application
SAE 75W-80W
CS Mizar Series 3 SAE 10W Rapsol

CS Mizar Series 3 SAE30 Rapsol Oil type Supplier

CS Mizar HD SAE 20W Rapsol Emgard MTF Henkel

Shell Rimula X Monograde Shell

Shell Rotella MX Shell

Glap Diesel Sofomil

Glap Orion Sofomil

54 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Fuel specification: cooling water quality 8.3

The coolant is a mixture of water and corrosion preven-

tive/antifreeze. For reasons of protection against corro-
sion and to increase the boiling point it is necessary to
Hazard of intoxication! keep the coolant the whole year in the cooling system.
Fuels are harmful to the health!
Consult a physician immediately after swallowing fuel! Change the coolant every three years, as the corrosion
Keep fuels away from children! protection is deteriorating.

Prevent that the coolant is lead into the sewerage sys- Water
tem. Reuse or dispose it. Water alone is not permitted as coolant, even when an-
tifreeze qualities are not required. However, the water of
The statutory or waste water disposal regulations may coolant should meet specific requirements, which fre-
vary from country to country and need to be observed on quently, but not always, are fulfilled by drinking water. If
disposal of used coolants. the water quality is not sufficient, the water needs treat-
Prior to using the coolant observe the safety data sheets
and product information of the relevant suppliers. Please contact us if you should need any information.

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 55

8.3 Fuel specification: cooling water quality
Corrosion preventive/antifreeze In exceptional cases, when a corrosion preventive/anti-
To avoid any damage in the retarder cooling system: freeze is not available and an antifreeze is not required
(for example in tropical climate), it is necessary to use
– Use only a corrosion preventive/antifreeze, specifically 1 vol.-% = 10 cm3/liters treatment agent. In this case it is
released by the supplier for aluminium. It is not allowed necessary to change the coolant every year.
to use pure glycols.
Regarding any further information please refer to the
– On refill (after loss of coolant) a corrosion preventive/ Voith cooling water list, which you can obtain from Voith
antifreeze of 50 vol.-% (antifreeze up to -37 °C) must be Turbo under Voith Art. No. 67.2224.10.

– Do not use more than 55 vol.-% (= max. antifreeze)

corrosion preventive/antifreeze. This reduces the anti-
freeze quality and results in a poor heat dissipation.

Mixture ratio of coolant

Antifreeze Water Corrosion preven-
up to °C vol.-% tive / antifreeze
-37 50 50
approx. -45 45 max. 55

56 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Service Overview 9

kilometer reading.............................. kilometer reading..............................

Oil change Oil change
 Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned  Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned
 Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked  Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked
 Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked  Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked
 Screw plugs checked  Screw plugs checked
 Visual inspection performed  Visual inspection performed

Company stamp / Signature Company stamp / Signature

Date: ........................................ Date: ........................................

kilometer reading.............................. kilometer reading..............................

Oil change Oil change
 Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned  Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned
 Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked  Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked
 Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked  Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked
 Screw plugs checked  Screw plugs checked
 Visual inspection performed  Visual inspection performed

Company stamp / Signature Company stamp / Signature

Date: ........................................ Date: ........................................

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 57

9 Service Overview
kilometer reading.............................. kilometer reading..............................
Oil change Oil change
 Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned  Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned
 Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked  Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked
 Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked  Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked
 Screw plugs checked  Screw plugs checked
 Visual inspection performed  Visual inspection performed

Company stamp / Signature Company stamp / Signature

Date: ........................................ Date: ........................................

kilometer reading.............................. kilometer reading..............................

Oil change Oil change
 Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Gearbox (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil  Retarder (oil type):  Mineral oil  Synthetic oil
 Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned  Oil screen(gearbox) cleaned
 Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked  Screen pressure control valve (retarder) checked
 Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked  Fastening screws on retarder heat exchanger checked
 Screw plugs checked  Screw plugs checked
 Visual inspection performed  Visual inspection performed

Company stamp / Signature Company stamp / Signature

Date: ........................................ Date: ........................................

58 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

Technical Data 10

GO170-6 – R 115 E GO190-6 – R 115 E GO210-6 – R 115 E

Gearbox input
up to [kW] 320

Max. input torque [Nm]

(determining factor dependent on
application) 1750 1900 2100

Range of gearbox ratio

1. speed 8,170 6,528
2. speed 4,650 3,711
3. speed 2,790 2,231
4. speed 1,810 1,443
5. speed 1,250 1,000
6. speed 1,000 0,799
Reverse speed 7,683 6,136

Braking torque to [Nm] /

3750 / 700
Brake power [kW]

Permissible vehicle weight [t]

20 t 24 t

Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System 59

10 Technical Data

Gear ratio GO170-6 – R 115 E GO190-6 – R 115 E GO210-6 – R 115 E

1. gear 8,170 8,170 6,528

2. gear 4,650 4,650 3,711

3. gear 2,790 2,790 2,231

4. gear 1,810 1,810 1,443

5. gear 1,250 1,250 1,000

6. gear 1,000 1,000 0,799

Reverse gear 7,683 7,683 6,136

60 Operating Instructions Gearbox Retarder System

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