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CODES RECAPITULATION ...................................................................................................................................................4

V. 2.4 – English version

mercoledì 22 ottobre 2003



COMMON INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................7

USER LOGO ....................................................................................................................................................................................7
GRAPHIC EDITOR.......................................................................................................................................................................7
COLOURS DEFINITION............................................................................................................................................................7
RPM LIMITER.................................................................................................................................................................................8
DRIVERS INFORMATIONS.....................................................................................................................................................9
THE MAPS .......................................................................................................................................................................................10

DRIVERS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................14

INTERNET DATA BANK ........................................................................................................................................................15

CHECKSUM FAMILIES ON INTERNET .......................................................................................................................16

ECM2001 CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................18

FILE MENU.......................................................................................................................................................................................19
emulator manager ..............................................................................................................................................................19
loading of maps drivers ...................................................................................................................................................21
loading original eprom ......................................................................................................................................................22
loading modified eprom ...................................................................................................................................................23
saving modified eprom .....................................................................................................................................................24
loading memo........................................................................................................................................................................24
save memo file......................................................................................................................................................................25
EDIT MENU ......................................................................................................................................................................................26
hex editor .................................................................................................................................................................................27
2D graphic editor .................................................................................................................................................................30
3D graphic editor .................................................................................................................................................................34
tabellar editor ........................................................................................................................................................................37
OPTIONS MENU ............................................................................................................................................................................40
UTILITIES MENU ..........................................................................................................................................................................41
checksum – available families .....................................................................................................................................41
checksum –checksum check.........................................................................................................................................42
checksum – bosch m3.x ..................................................................................................................................................43
checksum – partial checksum......................................................................................................................................43
m155 - bin>bcb --- bcb>bin ........................................................................................................................................43
siemens .....................................................................................................................................................................................44

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 1 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 2
conversion - from 58C256 to 27C512 ....................................................................................................................44
conversion - join 2 8 bit files and split a 16 bit file........................................................................................44 CODES RECAPITULATION
conversion – eprom duplication .................................................................................................................................44
assistance – compress data..........................................................................................................................................45
Welcome among ECM2001 users.
assistance – decompress data.....................................................................................................................................46
compare two files ................................................................................................................................................................46
add notes ..................................................................................................................................................................................47 Below you can find the necessary codes for ECM2001 and the services relating.

WORKING WITH ECM2001...............................................................................................................................................48

DRIVER MANAGER...................................................................................................................................................................49 User id

PARAMETRI MAPPA..................................................................................................................................................................49
Descrition .....................................................................................................................................................................................49
Axes ...............................................................................................................................................................................................50
Data format..................................................................................................................................................................................51 Password for internet driver
and checksum download

C HECKSUM........................................................................................................................................................................................52
RPM LIMITER................................................................................................................................................................................52
SELECTION FROM DISC.....................................................................................................................................................................53
ECU IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................................54 Your e-mail

SPARK CALCULATION...........................................................................................................................................................55
e-mail where you will send
EPROM RECOGNIZING....................................................................................................................................................................57
your technical questions [email protected]

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 3 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 4
So called....:
The software ECM is the base of our • Numbers visualization of the value s inclusive in a table with the indication of rpm and load .
production. With only one version it's possible • It's possible superimpose the original file with modified file with exchange on dispaly only
to view and modify the maps in real time, you push a button.
with graph mode, hex mode and tabellar • It' s possible effect modification with absolute values and with per cent values.
mode. With the driver's help, ECM2001 offers • It's possible delete the modification that you have done if you push a button.
both to advances and beginners the • Graphic visualization of the individual lines and columns.
possibility to work with car mapping at the • "copy and paste" of the maps that you have saved before on the new original file.
ECM: ECM2001 includes some tools lik e visualization and modify form:
• Modifies rpm-limiter: works only with drivers and allows visualization the actually rpm and
writing of the highest value. You push the button ENTER and the limiter is changed.
• Checksum: ECM2001 has got some tools for the c heck and for reconstruction of checksum
and of the Ecu.
• The software shows in graphic version all data that are into a eprom, producing a graphic
• Compression and e decompression of the files BCB of the Ecu M155.
where is possible to know the curves of the maps.
• Codification and decodification of some files include in Siemens Ecu.
• A lot of tools are give up to these representation of maps. Don't create someone
• Integration with a web-site that is dedicated for the last up dating and assistance on line.
visualization problems on the maps with 8 bit and with 16 bit.
• Don't oblige you to use protection modules.
• Zooming and of changing range, the software give you the possibility to effect meticulous
modification with high precision.
• The software allows the superimposition of two different files to bear comparison and to
paste maps from a file to the other.
• The software allows the visualization of the spark advance that is in real degree and the
visualization of the ratio development.
• It's possible limit the number of modification with the use of the mouse to the top ratio
development, all this for avoid some mistakes.
• The software besides allows the visualization and the modification in real time.
• It's possible effect modification with absolute and per cent values.
• The user can give up bookmarks for the maps found.
• It's possible also delete the modification that you have done if you push a whatever button
of your keyboard or if you click with your mouse.

• The software visualizes all the hexadecimal value that are into a eprom.
• This is a procedure only for advanced users.
• You can modify in real time.
• It's possible superimpose original file with modified file with exchange on display only you
push a button.
• The user can give up bookmarks for the map found.
• It's possible delete the modification that you have doneif you push a button.
• It's possible select some parts of the file, you can copy them and paste them.
• It' s possible effect modification with absolute values and with per cent values.

This is a particular form of visualization, it needs the use of drivers.The drivers are software
upgrades of ECM2001.These have got all the informations that the software must know to
effect a good modify on the Ecu. Practically the addresses and the sizes of the maps, the areas
where effect the calculations fo r checksum and the other informations are into the drivers.The
search of these informations isn't competence of the users but ECM2001.
The user must simply increase or diminish the values of injection, ignition, turbo pressure,
rpm-limiter all this that ECM2001 visualizes.
The driver finds the map and encloses it in a table according to rpm and load.The place where
two values meet give a data that the Pc will use to effect all the calculations for correct work
on your engine. If you know rpm and loadyou c an find the Exact point to modify.
Connecting the emulator you will see the trace in real time and you will modify it, turning your
attention to the motor during this operation. For some Ecu, with the driver, we give you an
other file, it is called .MIX, i nside it it's possible effect modify resolving some protection data
problems.It's important remeber that the drivers are on our web and you always can download
them. You must pay only annual subscription.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 5 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 6
ECM2001 works only when the hardware key is connected to PC parallel port.

Download the NEW USER installation files from our home page ( clicking on

• insert username and password as you can see at page 4

• download the right file for your operating system
• run the file

At first start of software, ECM2001 will create a file (KEY.COD) into the folder C:\ECM2001. It’s
necessary to send this file by e -mail to [email protected] . In a short time you will receive
another file (KEY.CFG) that you must save into C:\ECM2001 folder. Now ECM2001 is able to


With this utility it is possible to modify the point of RPM limiter.

The ECM2001 main window can contains a user logo. It is sufficient to copy your logo file in The check box called "Abilita limitatore" works only where is possible to effect o ne manual
.BMP or .JPG format into C:\ECM2001 folder. The name of the logo file must be LOGO.BMP or modification of the value of limitation. After you have written a new value of limitation or after
LOGO.JPG. you have selected the check box "Abilita limitatore", is necessary to click the button "Modify".
If you click on button ESC is possible to send to the emulator, and consequently to the Ecu,
the value of the limitation, modified or original.
The pression of the key SHIFT, allow to stop the cursor in a position. When the SHIFT key is
pressed the cursor is independent from mouse mouvements. This function is useful for to
select a byte on the graph and to use the mouse for clicking other buttons in the screen.


Whit this utility it is possible to change default colours.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 7 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 8
With drivers, that need of particular attention, you’ll receive from data bank a text file and an
image. These informations are used in a window that is opens when is used the relating driver. What's contain an eprom? An eprom containts a file and its dimesion is related to istalled
It’s possible open these informations clicking on the button that is situated in ECM2001 eprom. Inside the file there are a loto of data that are written in hex.

View of the file conteneid into an eprom witten in hex(hex)

Another possibility to view the contain of an eprom is the graph form for the decimal
value,that make a grap h where is possible find the maps.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 9 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 10
view of spark advance map at part throttle in advance degrees
view of a portion of file contain in a eprom in graph mode 2d
The function of maps is to give to the manage software a given value due to feedback of
sensor applied to the engine. In substance, the table is made as you can see in the previous
What the maps are? They are ensemble of data that we transform in tables to semplify the
work. ECM2001 with drivers extracts all the data of the maps, divide the values of RPM and example, by an horizontal scale, a vertical scale and, inside, a serie of numbers. On the scales
are visualized the values given by sensors applied on engine, so runnin g and load given by
load maps transforms hex in decimal and show you a table more intuitive.
opening of the throttle or pressur in the suction collector (cars equipped with pressure probe),
while numbers inside are injection time values or spark advance degrees that will be used by
software to do calculations with values of other sensors (temperature, lambda, etc.) the result
of what will be transmitted to actuator to inject the exact amount of fuel and flash the start -up
You can map with two different system:

• pressure/rpm (are considered the parameters collected by the pressure probe in the
suction collector and from the running);
• throttle/rpm (are considered the parameters collected by the mass air flow sensor, by the
switch or potenziometer on the throttle volve and from the rpm).

In every case, this difference could interest only like general knowledge, in fact the way to
modify a map doesn't exchange.
Change the number of mappings presents. The system pressure/rpm has usually only two
maps , one for the spark advance, one for injection, while the system throttle/rpm has three
maps for injection, and three for start-up; in fact the switch assembled on the throttle, give
the position of the throttle in three different moments: minimum, parzialized and full load.
Related to position of the throttle the ECU activates a map and the debimeter give the load.
Over other basic maps, start -up and injection, you can find other maps. These maps are
complementaries to basic maps and contribute to the calcularion of final value on the basis of

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 11 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 12
A last serie of very impo rtant maps is the one that manage the overalimentation. These maps
are present on every turbo engine, excluding very first models where the pressure was handly DRIVERS
What are drivers?
The drivers are some of ECM2001 extension. They contain all the informations the the program
Imagine to trace two straigh lines (horizontal must know to effect the modify on the Ecu.The maps address, dimensions, area where effect
and vertical) son values given by sensors, the the calculations for checks um are contain drivers. The only thing that you must do is increase
value we find in the cross point of the two and decrease the value of the injection, ignition, turbo pressure and rpm limiter.
lines is the value that the software will use to The driver finds the map and puts it in a table according the values of rpm and load. The point
do needed calculations to have a result to where the two value agree give to you an important data that the microprocessor uses to
transmit to actuators. This is for ALL maps. calculate important values for the engine. If you know the the values of load and rpm you
In this case at 1000 rpm, and at 15% of load, know the EXACT point where you must modify.
the ECU uses the number 410 to do Connecting the emulator, you'll see the trace in real time and you'll mark the effects of the
necessary calculations. modifications on the engine.
For some Ecu with the driver, we give you start file, tha is called .MIX. It's important know that
you can always load drivers by our web site. You must do an annual subscriptio n.

The active maps changes related to temperature too, you have to consider that active maps Map of fuel injection viewed with ECM2001
with cold engine aren't the same used with hot engine, so we have to do all the tests with the
engine at a correct running temperature.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 13 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 14
The automatic data bank is avaible only with assigned code password by Alientech.
The automatic data bank to draw checksum families is possible only with a code and a
USER ID: CXXXX password by ECM2001 to the users.
PASSWORD: ******** Click on the button DRIVERS DOWNLOAD of our home page and put following data:

The use of the database is very simple, now we will show you step by step the instructions to USER CODE: CXXX
realize your drivers alone: PASSWORD: ********

1. Insert in the search engine any

The first page view show you briefly instructions about the work of this procedure.
refering data (e.g. the producer or the
moel of a car, or the last three
numbers of the ecu, or checksum), to
activate the text form click inside as it
shows in the figure at rigth. To see a
complete list of all avaible drivers, you
can insert a space in the search field.

2. click the SEARCH button, you'll

start the search in the database. You'll
have to wait for few seconds.

E.g. Typing ALFA you'll see avaible drivers for

3. You got the ava ible drivers list, you the cars produced by ALFA ROMEO, or typing
have only to identify what you need. PUNTO you'll get the avaible drivers for FIAT

4. When you have identified the

driver, select i t with the mouse in the
check box. You can select only a drive
at a time.

5. Now you can create the driver with

the CREATE button. When the driver is
created, you'll get a question again or
download what you did. Preceeding step by step, you are going arrive in the choose page of the checksum families to
draw. There are a lot of check box to mark of some numbers. The view number is that driver
6. Last choice: click on "ZIP DRIVERS", the database ends the drivers building operations loaded by data bank indicate you.
and you will see the list of the made operations and possible tricks to do. In detail you
get the path where the drivers will be saved, in your computer, the name and the path of
possible files. Mix a nd checksum family you have to get. Click on "DOWNLOAD" button to
save Cxxxx_R.Zip in C:\ECM\RECV directory in your computer. If you click on "OTHER",
you come back to step 1 these instructions.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 15 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 16
ECM2001 configuration
Alientech has projected a simple software to allow beginner users a good work. The beginner
user can map a Ecu without particular knowledge. For every Ecu we supply you DRIVERS.
These are programs that allow ECM2001 to recognize Ecu. After this operation drivers inform
to Ecu about the work that it will do with the maps. Drivers inform about algorithm that
program must use; drivers moreover instruct to emulator the type of eprom that you want
use. Without drivers, ECM2001 can work on Ecu, with hex or graphic functions, but the
beginner users could have some problems when they will map in hex or decimal without
drivers.You can use ECM2001 without drivers only if you have experience with map.
After you have started the program, you'll see this that is the opening menu.

Marking the check box, data bank allow you to download a file called like your user code
( At this point of the operation you have to use the file like for drivers. All the
families draw will be invoice, Remember it!

In this window you can choose the files by you want work. You can use all the functions that
you find in the menu'.
The functions of ECM2001:

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 17 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 18
The emulator management form allows to:
FILE menu Activate this box when the emulator is not in use. In
this way ECM will ignore all emulation commands.
emulator management Leave the check box empty to use the emulator.
load map driver
Select the PC serial port to which is connected the
load original eprom emualtor
load modified eprom Allows to modify data transmission speed between PC
and emulator. To use only in case of problems with
save modified eprom serial port.
load address memo
Open the table (picture at the foot of the page) from
save address memo which you can choose what kind of eprom we have to
emulate. Choosing an eprom with different lenght
from the file to load in the emulator, an error message
other windows : when are ope ned simoultanously
will deny the operation.
many ECM2001 windows, clicking this button
alternate the windows
This box shows the actual emulator fe edback time to
EC2001 commands.
Allows the serial communication according to RS485
standard and allows the use of more emulators
emulator manager simultaneously.

Shows which log has been loaded.

Shows the emulator parameters and the state of the


Clicking on this button, ECM2001 asks you cyclicly the

emulator parameters. This command is used in help

The toolbar contains upload and download functions of

the emulator. The buttons, from left to right, are used

• save communication parameters ;

• load emulator RAM1. Will be asked to select an
eprom-file from the disk;
• load emulator RAM2. Will be asked to select an
eprom-file from the disk;
• load RAM1 and copy the loaded file in RAM2 too.
Will be asked to select an eprom-file from the disk;
ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 19 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 20
• s ave on disk the content of RAM1;
• save on disk the content of RAM2.

Table of emulable eprom

When we loaded a driver, the home page of ECM2001 wil l report the name of the driver with a
description and the checksum family that we need to use (family 9, in this example).

ATTENTION! If you have not bought the rig ht checksum family, you may make big damage to

loading original eprom

loading of maps drivers
Before you start to map it's important that you load the file that you want map in the memory
What are drivers? of ECM2001. The original eprom isn't the modified file read in the original Ecu, but a file
The drivers are some of ECM2001 extension. They contain all the informations the the program (original, modified,mix...) that you'll use with a base to effect your improvement.
must know to effect the modify on the Ecu.The maps address, dimensions, area where effect To load the file in memory you must select the function in file menu or you can click on the
the calculations for checksum are contain drivers. The only thing that you must do is increase relating button. You'll see this window and you will able select and confirm the file that you
and decrease the value of the injection, ignition, turbo pressure and rpm limiter. want.
The driv er finds the map and puts it in a table according the values of rpm and load. The point
where the two value agree give to you an important data that the microprocessor uses to
calculate important values for the engine. If you know the the values of load and rpm you
know the EXACT point where you must modify.
Connecting the emulator, you'll see the trace in real time and you'll mark the effects of the
modifications on the engine.
For some Ecu with the driver, we give you start file, tha is called .MIX. It's important know that
you can always load drivers by our web site. You must do an annual subscription.
To load a driver you select its button, you'll see this window, you must only push on "OK"

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 21 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 22
saving modified eprom
After you have modified, you must save the file on hard disk.
To save the file in memory you have to select the function "save " from menu "file" or click on
saving button.The following windows will appear to you, permitting you to select the folder,
where you are able to saving file with appropriated name and to write a note.

loading modified eprom

ECM2001 works maintain in memory the original file and a its copy to effect modification. So
it's possible compare the original file with changed file. But it's possible load in a point of the
Ecu (the memory that is called ORIGINAL) a file and load another file on the other Ecu (it's
called MODIFIED). So we will compare, for example two different modified files. loading memo
To load the file in memory is necessary select the right point in the menu or you can s elect on
the right button. You will see this image that allows you to choose the file that you need. The MEMO files are useful struments , they allow to save till 12 hex address with relative
Naturally it's possible to save the file of the Ecu and then load it at the moment you need
modify the map previously done. The files will be save with extension .MEM.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 23 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 24
save memo file EDIT menu
Toolbar icons
The MEMO files are the useful struments . They allow to memorize till 12 hex addresses with a
relative commentary. Naturally it's possible save the memo file relative Ecu and load it when hex
you have to modify the map.The memo file will save with extension .MEM.

Now you can enter in hex and graph form.

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 25 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 26
Activate or deactivate the box containing ASCII hex
ASCII characters ALT + H
hex editor translation, gaining display space.
This menu voice, activates a function showing
ECM2001 has a graphic editor with real time trace (if connected to Bit Power emulator). After Difference differences between loaded fi le in memory 1 and loaded ALT + D
loading an eprom, let's see what are the editor functions. file in memory 2 (1 = original; 2 = modified).
In a different way from the function previously seen,
Increments this menu voice shows increasings or decreasings ALT + I
between original and modified file.
Data search Allow to search in the hex dump a values combination. F7
Bring the cursor in the box where write a hex address to CTRL +
Go to address
go to. I
Colours ALT +
To modify default colours .
definition F12

Add 1 Increase the value in selected cells of 1 unit. +
Subtract 1 Subtract the value in selected cells of 1 unit. -

Add 5 Increase the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagUp

Subtract 5 Subtract the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagDw

Max value Assign to the selection the highest hex value (FF). END

Minimum value Assign to the selection the lowest hex value (00). HOME
Absolute change Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of the
"manual absolute value" cell on the right screen.
Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of the
Percent change P
"manual percent selection" cell on the right screen.
Single cell Allow to enter a data from keyboard into a cell ALT + E
Undo Restore original values in selected boxes U

Let's understand which are the functions of this editor. Naturally better performances of this
editor will be obtained connecting the ECU through Bit Power emulator. TRACE menu
After connecting the emulator, executing this
On T
FILE menu function,you activate real time video trace on.
Confirm Confi rm modifications done F3 By clicking F8 button, ECM2001 blocks the trace in the
Locked F8
Cancel Undo modifications done F4 point in which it is.
Resume original Restore the original file in the two memory areas F5 The edit cell moves on the trace, in this way is possible
Follow F9
ALT + to map without look the PC screen
Exit Exit from the function

VIEW menu
Main window Bring foreground main ECM2001 window
When are opened simultanously many ECM 2001 CTRL +
Other windows
windows, clicking this button alternate the windows. TAB This part of the screen resumes the data about the files loaded in the memory. The
By clicking this button you altrernate hex dump SCROLL green background cell represents the actual file viewed and checksum values are
Speed scrolling ALT + S
function to modify function. reloaded every t ime the file is modified.
Decimal values Convert hex values in the cells in decimal values. ALT + X

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 27 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 28
2D graphic editor
To trace on, modify the scan time to get a better view of the trace in function of the PC ECM2001 has a graphic editor with real time trace (if connected to Bit Power emulator). After
used. loading an eprom, let's see what are the editor functions.

Insert in appropriate cells, the value with you want to modify using relative buttons, then
click on A button to modify with another absolute value, P to a percent value, U to undo.

Firsts two cells shows start and end addresses of a

selection done with the mouse. Lasts two cells shows
addresses of a zone copied in the memo.

Copy in the memo the values contained in a selection done

with the mouse.
Copy in the memo the increasings (differences between
original and modified) of a selection done with the mouse.

Paste in a selection done with a mouse previous value

copied in the memo.

The box allows to write a hex a ddress to go to. First button go to a previous selection
done. Second two buttons shows the first variation between original and modified,
previous or next current position.
Numered buttons from 1 to 12 are the files position memo in which is possible memo rize
the addresses eventually found by the user. The last button, allows the table memo
editing, adding a description to the memorized address.

The text box shows if there are modifications in not saved

Let's understand which are the functions of this editor. Naturally better performances of this
• First button from the left memorizes the modifications
editor will be obtained connecting the ECU through Bit Power emulator.
done to the file.
• The second one cancel last modifications saved
reloading previous data. Menu FILE
• Cancel all modifications and copy the file in the position Load in memory a data map (data or increasings)
Load block ALT + F1
ORI in MOD. previously saved
Save the data of the actual viewed map to use them
Save block
later on another file. This function saves data of the ALT + F2
Save increasings (variatrion between original and
Save block
modified) of the actual viewed map, to use them ALT + F3
later on another file
Confirm Confirm modifications done. F3
Cancel Undo modifications done. F4
Resume original Restore the original file in all the two memory areas. F5
Exit Exit from the function ALT + F4

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 29 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 30
VIEW menu
Main window Bring foreground the main ECM2001 window.
When are opened simultanously many ECM 2001 CTRL +
Other windows Utility to manage zoom
windows, clicking this button alternate the windows. TAB
Bring the cursor in the box where write a hex address CTRL +
Go to address ..
to go to. I
Allow to lock the mouse pointer into the graph for to CTRL
Lock cursor
allow to user the use of the mouse for other functio ns +S
Fix a point on the graph with mouse and use this This part of the screen resumes the data relative to files loaded in the memory.
function for to begin a selection. Fix another point on Checksum values are reloaded every time you modify the file. Is also p ossible to view
CTRL + differences in absolute value and percent value between original and modified file.
Mark selection the graph and use this function a second time for to
mark the end of selection. It is the same thing of right
Colours ALT +
To modify default colours
definition F12
To trace on, modify the scan time to get a better view of the trace in function of the PC

• Selecting "ORI >> MOD" box we tell to ECM2001
Add 1 Increase the value in selected cells of 1 unit. + to reload original data in the modified file in the
points where pass the mouse with right button
Subtract 1 Subtract the value in selected cells of 1 unit. - clicked. Pratically we fit the red line (MOD) to blu
Add 5 Increase the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagUp line (ORI).
• "Max var." means that ECM2001 has to modify,
Subtract 5 Subtract the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagDw increasing or decreasing, to every mouse passage
with the maximum limit in the cell (15 in this
Max value Assign to the selection the highest hex value (FF). END case). This function is need to avoid damages due
to uncorrect mouse use.
Min value Assign to the selection the lowest hex value (00). HOME
• The "DEC" and "ESA" cells contain the decimal
Absol ute change Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of and hex value, selected by mouse.
the "manual absolute value" cell on the right screen.
Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of
Percent change the "manual percent selection" cell on the right P
Und o Restore original values in selected boxes U
This group of functions allows to ECM2001 to show a
clear and comprehensible graphic for all kind of files
contained in eproms (8 bit, 16 bit, etc.).
The text box shows if there are modifications in not
Allows to choose the conversion calculation that the saved files.
ECM executes to show exacts spark advance
degrees. Spark advance degrees are shown at the • First button from the left memorizes the
bottom of the window. modifications done to the file.
• The second one cancel last modifications saved
TRACE menu reloading previous data.
• Cancel all modifications and copy the file in the
After connecting the emulator, executing this
Activate T position ORI in MOD.
function,you activate real time video trace on.
By clicking F8 button, ECM2001 blocks the trace in
Lock F8
the point in which it is.
The edit cell moves on the tra ce, in this way is
Follow ALT + A
possible to map without look the PC screen

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The box allows to write a hex address to go to. The first button go to a previous
selection done. The second buttonsshows the first variation between original and 3D graphic editor
modified, previous or next current position.
Numered buttons from 1 to 12 are the files position memo in which is possible memorize ECM2001 has a graphic editor with real time trace (if connected to Bit Power emulator). After
the addresses eventually found by the user. The last button, allows the table memo loading a driver and its original file, let's choose what isthe map you want modify and then
editing, adding a description to the memorized address. active graph 3D.

"BLOCK" button blocks the ORI file scroll and let the
MOD file free to scroll on the screen. This function is
needed because is necessary to scroll two files to
copy the maps from a file to the other. The "ALIGN"
button restore istantly the natural files

VIEW menu
Main windows Bring on the main window of ECM2001
Hex window Open hex editor of ECM2001 ALT + H
Graph 2D
Open graph editor of ECM2001 ALT + G
Edit Map Bring active map in table view ALT + M
When are opened simultanously many ECM 2001 CTRL +
Other windows
windows, clicking this button alternate the windows. TAB
To modify default colours ALT + F12
Exit ALT + F4

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TRACE menu
GRAPH menu After connecting the emulator, executing this
Activate T
CTRL – function,you activate real time video trace o n.
Zoom in Zoom in the graphic of the window
PagUp By clicking F8 button, ECM2001 blocks the trace in
Lock F8
CTRL – the point in which it is.
Zoom out Zoom out the graphic of the window
P agDw The edit cell moves on the trace, in this way is
Follow ALT + A
Rotate up Rotate the graphic to the up CTRL – Up possible to map without look the PC screen
Rotate down Rotate the graphic to the down
Rotate left Rotate the graphic to the left
CTRL – To trace on, modify the scan time to get a better view of the trace in function of the PC
Rotate right Rotate the graphic to the right
Right used.

Move right Move the selection on the graphic to right Right
Move left Move the selection on the graphic to left Left

Move up Move the selection on the graphic to up Up

This window allows to ECM2001 to show a summary
Move down Move the selection on the graphic to down Down box of the used file and the relating checksum.
Shift +
Increase width Increase the selection according to axis
Shift +
Decrease width Decrease the selection according to axis
Increase height Extend the selection according to axis Shift + Up
Shift +
Reduce height Decrease the selection according to axis

This summary box containts the name of the

modified file (if it is not equal the original) and the
Add 1 Increase the value in selected cells of 1 unit. + name of the used file.
Subtract 1 Subtract the value in selected cells of 1 unit. -

Add 5 Increase the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagUp

Subtract 5 Subtract the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagDw

Assign to the selection the highest hex value (FF). END
maximum value
Assign minimum
Assign to the selection the lowest hex value (00). HOME
Absolute Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of
variation the "manual absolute value" cell on the right screen.
Increase or decrease selected cells by the value of
the "manual percent selection" cell on the right ALT + P
Undo Restore original values in selected boxes ALT + U

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VIEW menu
tabellar editor CTRL +
Main window Bring foreground the main ECM2001 window.
Hex window Open and bring foreground the hex editor. ALT + H

2D graphic window Open and bring foreground the 2D graphic editor. ALT + G
3D graphic window Open and bring foreground the 3D graphic editor. ALT + S
When are opened simultanously many ECM 2001
Other windows windows, clicking this button alternate the
This menu voice, activates a function showing
differences between loadded file in memory 1 and
Differences ALT + D
loaded file in memory 2 (1 = original; 2 =
In a different way from the function previously
Increments seen, this menu voice shows increasings or ALT + I
decreasings between original and modified file.
Colours definitions Allow to modify default colours

Add 1 Increase the value in selected cells of 1 unit. +
Subtract 1 Subtract the value in selected cells of 1 unit. -

Add 5 Increase the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagUp

Subtract 5 Subtract the value in selected cells of 5 unit. PagDw

Assign to the selection the highest hex value
Max value END
The powerful table editor of ECM2001 may map whùith an unbelievable simplicity every ECU. (FF).
Let's see avaiable commands: Assign to the selection the lowest hex value
Min value HOME
Increase or decrease selected cells by the value
Absolute value
FILE menu of the "manual absolute value" cell on the right V
Load in memory a data map (data or increasings) screen.
Load map ALT + F1
previously saved. Increase or decrease selected cells by the value
Save the data of the actual viewed map to use Percent of the "manual percent selection" cell on the P
Save map (data) them later on another file. This function saves ALT + F2 right screen.
data of the map Single cell Allow to enter a data from keyboard into a cell ALT + E
Save increasings (variatrion between original and
Save map Cancel Restore original values in selected boxes U
modified) of the actual viewed map, to use them ALT + F3
later on another file.
Confirm Confirm modifications done. F3
Cancel Undo modifications done F4 SPARK ADVANCE
Restore the original file in all the two memory
Resume original F5 Allows to choose the kind of ECU relative to the
loaded file, so that ECM2001 could use the
Exit ALT + F4 appropriate calculation to show the real spark
advance degrees.

TRACE menu
After connecting the emulator, executing this
Active T
function,you activate real time video trace on.

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By clicking F8 button, ECM2001 blocks the previous data.
Lock F8
trace in the point in which it is.
• Cancel all modifications and copy
The edit cell moves on the trace, in this way is
Follow ALT + A the file in the posit ion ORI in MOD.
possible to map without look the PC screen

Bring foreground the main ECM2001 window.
When are opened simultanously many ECM
Toolbar icons
2001 windows, clicking this button alternate
the windows. Modify paths
Open the hex editor exactly to the address of Save paths
shown map.
Open the graphic editor exactly to the address
OPTION menu allows to search some files on hard disk of the PC.
of shown map.
Reload from disk data or increasings previously
Save on disk the data contained in the shown
Save on disk increasigs done on shown map.

This part of the screen resumes the data relative to files loaded in the memory. The
green background cell represents the actual file viewed and checksum values are
reloaded every time the file is modified. Modify paths

Ins ert in the relative cells, the value which one you want to do the modification (use -
sign to decrease and don't use any sign to increase). This menu allows you to modify some paths of ECM2001 when
you are tring to search the files on hard disk of your PC. The
button "ORIGINAL VALUE" cancels all the modifications and
restore files.

The box "OVERWRITING SIMILAR MAPS" allows to ECM2001

To trace on, modify the scan time to get a better view of the trace in function of the PC overwrite maps existent. Naturally in this case you have to
used. use the driver.

Save paths Allows the saving of the modifications to search paths. CTRL + P
The text box shows if there are
modifications in not saved files.

• First button from the left memorizes

the modifications done to the file.

• The second one cancel last

modifications saved reloading

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The UTILITY menu contains function very important.

Checksum Families availables

Checksum check
Bosch M3.x
Partial checksum
M155 Compression BIN > BCB
Decompression BCB > BIN
Siemens F200 Coding > SIE
Decoding > BIN
2001 Coding > SIE
Decoding > BIN
Conversioni From 58C256 to 27C512
Divide a file with 16 bit
checksum –checksum check
Unite two files with 8 bit
Duplication eprom
This utility allows to control the checksum of a file. You can select the file that you want to
Compare two files
control and choose the family that belong it.
Add notes
Assistenza Compress data If you push the button "Compute" the program effects the control and show you theresult of
the check.
Decompress data

checksum – available families

The visualization of the checksum's family that you have acquired is simple!

The red boxs are those that you haven't acquired, but the green boxs are those that you have
acquired .

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After modifying the file is needed compress it again to become it a .BCB file that could be sent
in ECU through OBD-II connector.

The file produced will be saved in the directory from which was taken the original file.


This utility decoding and coding the files with a Siemens protocol.

When this function is activate d, ECM2001 ask you to select a file to codify or decodify. During
CODIFY will be create a file with extension .SIE, in the DECODIFY will be create a file with
extension .BIN.

conversion - from 58C256 to 27C512

This function converts the files included i n the eeprom 58c256 into a eprom 27C512.

Selecting the file to convert, ECM2001 will create a new file that will call with the same name
checksum – bosch m3.x of the converted file but with extension .512

This function asks you to control the checksum who is includes in the file requested.
conversion - join 2 8 bit files and split a 16 bit file
If the checksum is OK, the program inform you, if it isn't ok, the program correct it and make
a file call it with the same name but with different extension.CKS. The program puts the file in
the same folder of the selected file. JOIN OF 2 FILES WITH 8 BIT IN 1 FILE WITH 16 BIT
ECM2001 ask you to select before the file LL, then il file HH and it creates a file with 16 bit
with extension .16B


checksum – partial checksum ECM2001 ask you to select the file that you must divide and it creates 2 files with 8 bit, one
with extension .MDL and the other with extension .MDH.

This utility is for advance users, allows to you effect calculation on checksum in different area
of the eprom.
conversion – eprom duplication

This function allows to do files more big than that you have selected. After you have selected
the file, ECM2001 learns the dimension and checks the boxs with that you can do other files.

You can select the size that you want and you must click on button "Crea EPROM". You will see
a window that allow to you choose the name and the destination of the new file.

m155 - bin>bcb --- bcb>bin

This utility allow to decompress ECU M1.5.5 original files (.BCB extension) and get binary files
from which extrapolate maps to do desired modifications.

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assistance – compress data assistance – decompress data

This utility allows to select one or more files browsing among folders and make a ZIP file The file that you receveid from data bank or from our service assistance (, where
named with your user id (Cxxxx.ZIP). This is necessary for to send files by e -mail in the better xxxx is your user code), you must absolutely save them in the folder C:\ECM2001\RECV.
After you have saved the file, select this functio n. ECM2001 automatically decompress the file
After selection of file, you must press OK button. The program will ask to select another file. and all the files inside it.
If you don't want to select another file, you must press the button STOP, for to begin ZIP

ECM2001 will make a file named (xxxx is your user id) into the C:\ECM2001 \SEND compare two files
This function allows to you the comparison between byte after byte, belonging two files.You
must select two files and click on the button "Compare".

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In this chapiter you will see how to map an ECU in static mode (WITHOUT using the emulator)
with driver need.

Step 1

First of all you have to open the ECU, remove the eprom and open the ECU, unsolder or
remove the eprom and reading it with eprom programmer. Save the eprom in the exact
directory, this operation will help you later to find the eprom and recognize it quickly.

ECM2001 is given with some basic directories; e.g.

the directory that contains original files is named:
C:\ECM2001\ORIGINAL. Inside this directory you
could create (if there aren't yet) directories showing
the name of the vehicle producer and the model.
Infact the original file of a n Alfa Romeo 147 could be
putted in C:\ECM2001 \ORIGINAL\ALFA \147

If the directory doesn't exists, is possible to create it


If you prefer to have a directory created with your

own archieving method... no problem, you have to
tell to ECM2001 to which directories has to refer to.

add notes Step 2

Be sure to have the driver. If you don't, you could connect to Internet and download the
This command allow to user to add a note to a original or modified files. needed one. (See bbs-auto )

Step 3

One last cunning is needed to increase work speed. To set the search paths that will be used
will be useful to get quickly the original eprom driver. (See Options)

Step 4

Now let's get into map work: open the driver and later load original eprom. Is also possible to
load a modified file to do an eventual comparison.

At this time are active Injection, Spark advance, Turbo and LIMITATORI menu, where you will
find avaiable maps. In fact, every ECU has more maps, so not always all menues will be active.

Now you could map using preferred method: in real time o staticly, graphically or with tables
or in hex mode.

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This menu available to choose the type of the map:
(This utility is a plug -in of ECM2001, that is not inclese in standard version) • ADVANCE

This choose determine the position of the map in the relating munu of ECM2001.

Then is important to choose the name of

the map among these inclused in the
second menu If there isn’t a name
adapt, is possible write one new and
save it in the memory of DRIVER
MANAGER, clicking on the button “ADD


Now is important to define the charactristic of the axes horizontal and vertical in the map. Is
Driver manager is utility to be able to the user to do driver alone. possible to choose the type of definition among:
The drivers thet are done by users are different from drivers by Alientech because the
extension of the name of the file, DRU in the first case, .DRV in the second case. • LOAD
The direction of the values on the axes is the minium value on the axe on the left and on the
rightLa direzione dei valori sugli assi di default è minimo valore a sinistra sull’asse orizzontale e
minimo valore in alto sull’asse verticale. Attivando la casellina “INVERTITO” si inverte la
Descrition direzione dei valori sugli assi.
In this part is necessary to define the position and the name of the map that you want put in
the driver. In the boxes “Dim.” is necessary to put the dimension of the columns.

The box “Gap” incluedes the number of byte ECM2001 to have to jump between one column
and the other.

The box “Visualizza scambiati” changes the label on the axes.


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Select the number of maps for every type of map request. Checksum
Push button ENTER to corfirme the address inserted.

Data format

In this section to have to choose the format of data of the map and for
the maps kindred.

The format 8 bit is the oldest and the most simple. It can be two
variants: the complement with 128 and that with 255. So after the
selection the size with 8 bit, we have to choos complement type.

Now is necessary to indicate the type of checksum to attribute to the driver realized.

Not calculated Not calculation

8 bit Checksum with 8 or 16 bit. In the box “address” is necessary put the
128 In Ecu usually use number 128 like miniun value and 127 like maximum value.
16 bit address in the free zone where is possible write. In “Fill” put the value that
is contain in the zone that you have choose fore the calucation of the
checksum that can be 00 or FF or another value will be write in the near
Complem. Write at the address the complement of the checksum
255 In Ec usually use number 255 like minium value and 0 like maximum value.
Partial Write at the address put in the box “Address” the value of the checksum get
between “Start” and “End”
Family Allow to to bind the driver to one family of checksum by ECM2001

The size with 16 bit is the most recent. It is arrived in this sector with the Ecus that have 2
eprom plccc with 8 bit installed. Tere are two standard different: IEEE and MOTOROLA. So, for
the format with 8 bit is possible use the complement 32768. In this section the driver can modify the rpm
The procedure is easy, is necessary put the
IEEE The most important byte (H that is for its increment adds the number with 16 bit number of the rpm existent in the eprom (max
of 256 decimal unite) is the first of the pair but hte second (L that is for its increment 10), write the address relating and hex value.
adds the number 16 bit of 1 unite decimal) is situated in the second position.
MOTOROLA Is the opposite of the standard IEEE. Choose the type of the calculation that the
program have to execute in according
32768 In Ecu usually use number 128 like minium value and 127 like maximum value.
following table:

K is the multiplier used for hte conversion of the file 16 bit. Infact ECM2001 doesn’t view the
all the number 16 bit (from 0 to 65535) otherwise is necessary to effect the increments
enourmous for smll results. So number 16 bit is reduced so that ECM2001 views a numebr at
most of 999.
K availables to control the regulation on the map according this table:

Variation on the
number 16 bit
K Precision
(65535) every +1
digitate on ECM2001
0 +4 = +1 HH 64
2 +8 = +1 HH 32
4 +16 = +1 HH 16
8 +32 = +1 HH 8

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Nothing Nothing
Limiter type 1 Fixed value (Es. 1B58) ECU IDENTIFICATION
Limiter type 2 G = (K x N) /10
Limiter type 3 G = (K / N)
Limiter type 4 G = (K / N) 2 bytes not invert (Es. 1B58 = 7000) Some Ecu are simple to know because the mak ers wrote on them on the labels.
Limiter type 5 G = N 2 bytes not invert (Es. 1B58 = 7000)
Limiter type 6 G = K – (50 x N)
Limiter type 7 G = N 2 bytes invert (Es. 581B = 7000) The code probabily more comprehensible are Bosch. They always are 2, one for Ecu and the
Limiter type 8 G = N / K 2 bytes not inverted (Es. 1B58 = 7000) other for the eprom. Now the first 6 numbers of code are the same, but change the last 4
Limiter type 9 G = N / K 2 bytes invert (Es. 581B = 7000) numbers.

Where: Ecu Code:

G = rpm Code E prom:

K = constant
We find the code into the eprom, find it is simple. You have to open the file with a whatever
N = hex number
editor, for example buffer editor of the Eprom programmer and search the numbers written
inside eprom programmer and search the number that yo u find written on the contrary.
Then put the constant in the box and the length of data that ca be with 8 or 16 bit.

Selection from disc

In this position is possible save or load


SIEMENS - RENIX - BENDIX (only those on Renault)

On the cover of the Ecu there's a white label like in the image under here:

the code number that interest you are those in red. Look the example. (this is a Renault 19


Before only on Opel then on other cars. Their code is printed on the label paste on the eprom
(or better, on the sock enclosed the eprom). The code has 4 letters: BHPZ, BJUM, AYZT, etc.


Here the code don't help you. It's better read the check sum.


They have a codify like AC- DELCO. (KING, DEEP, BAAF, …)

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Only sometimes spark advance maps show you the exact number of degrees. This because the EPROM: the name indicates the characteristic of this electric memory used to contain programs
number of eprom is used for a lot of calculat ions, the results will give to Ecu the spark advance and data that allow the work of an electronic board as is the start-up/injection ECU. Erasable
degrees. It's possible however find real degrees if you do these calculation formulas: Programmable Read Only Memory is used in read only mode, that means that you can
program it, erase it and use it only reading contained data. Isn't impossible to modify the data
n = is the decimal number viewed in maps without reading them, modifying them and recording them in another virgin eprom (new one
or formatted, using an eprom eraser).
But the eprom family is very big and you can divide it in conventional eprom and flash eprom,
With 1 ignition coil and 1 distributor. in the three different format DIL, PLCC, PSOP. The difference is the following:

(n - 26) x 0,66 Conventional have a transparent window on the rear that allows the cancellation
eprom through UV-exposure (eprom eraser)
e.g., if n = 58:
degrees = (58 - 26) x 0,66 then dregrees = 21,12 haven't any wi ndow and the cancellation is possible electronically through
Flash eprom an eprom programmer
with double ignition coil
DIL rectangular shaped eprom with pins on the most long sides.
PLCC almost square shaped eprom with pins on all sides.
(n - 33) x 0,75
rectangular eprom with pins on the most long sides. Different from DIL-
e. g., if n = 58 eprom because the pitch between the PSOP-pins is half than DIL's.
degrees = (58 - 33) x 0.75 then degrees = 18,75 Moreover aren't welded in the board's rheophore, but are welded leaning
the pins directly on the CIRCUITO STAMPATO
For DIGIFANT and MONOMOTRONIC Ecu, ECM unwinds all teh calculations before the view the
map, all this for a more simple work. Another subdivision of the eproms is done through the data holding capacity:

Infact: Conventional eproms:

3 numbers = 1° Denominazione N. Piedini Capacità (in bit)

27 C 16 24 DIL 2.048 x 8
27 C 32 24 DIL 4.096 x 8
More simple the calculation of Weber - Marelli (on: Lancia Prisma, Delta 4WD, 8V, 16v, 27 C 64 28 DIL 8.192 x 8
integrale, integrale Kat., Dedra turbo, Fiat Tipo 16v, Coupè …) 27 C 128 28 DIL 16.384 x 8
27 C 256 28 DIL 32.768 x 8
27 C 512 28 DIL – 32 PLCC 6 5 .536 x 8
O n Weber Ecu- IAW (8F, 8P, 16F, 16S, 1AV, 1AS …) the calculation is: 27 C 1024 (512 Kb – 16 40 DIL – 44 PLCC 65.536 x 16
n:2 27 C 010 (1 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 131.072 x 8
27 C 020 (2 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 262.144 x 8
27 C 040 (4 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 524.288 x 8
On these Ecu the values on screen are exactly spark advance degrees.

n = 1°

5 numeri = 1°

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from 008000 to 00FFFF
Flash eprom: the eprom is 27256

If numbers aren't repeated, the eprom is 27512.

Denomination N. Pins Capacity (in bit)
28 F 256 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 32.768 x 8 Reading a 32 pin EPROM
28 F 512 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 65.536 x 8
Read the eprom with the programmer, choosing the maximum size avaiable, in this case
28 F 200 44 PSOP 131.072 x 16
27512. Edit the file with ECM, loading in memory that eprom. Use PAGE UP - PAGE DOWN
29 F 200 44 PSOP 131.072 x 16 buttons to move in the data list.
29 F 400 44 PSOP 262.144 x 16
28 F 010 (1 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 131.072 x 8 If numbers between 000000 and 01FFFF are repeated:
from 020000 to 03FFFF
29 F 010 (1 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 131.072 x 8
the eprom is 27010
29 F 020 (2 Megabit) 32 DIL – 32 PLCC 262.144 x 8 If numbers aren't repeated, the eprom is 27020.

NOTE: Is not necessary to compare all numbers, you could only compare the first line.
eprom recognizing
n° of pins Possibles Eprom Buffer lenght
24 2716 Da 000000 a 0007FF Eprom custom Eprom
24 2732 Da 000000 a 000FFF I B57696
I B57519
28 2764 Da 000000 a 001FFF I B57604
28 27128 Da 000000 a 003FFF I B57701 27C256
28 27256 Da 000000 a 007FFF
I B57995
28 27512 Da 000000 a 00FFFF
I B58214
32 27010 Da 000000 a 01FFFF
I B57922
32 27020 Da 000000 a 03FFFF
I B58235
Reading a 24 pin EPROM
I B58545
I B58185
Read eprom with the programmer, choosing the maximum size avaiable, in this case 2732.
I B58293
Edit the file with ECM, loading in memory that eprom. Use PAGE UP- PAGE DOWN buttons to
move in the data list. If from 000800 address to 000FFF address there are the same numbers I B58157
existing between 000000 and 0007FF, the eprom is 2716, if numbers are different, is 2732. I B58127
I B58542
Reading a 28 pin EPROM 27C512
I B58543
Read the eprom with the programmer, choosing the maximum size avaiable, in this case
I B58234
27512. Edit the file with ECM, loading in memory that eprom. Use PAGE UP - PAGE DOWN
buttons to move in the data list. I B58550
If numbers between 000000 a nd 001FFF are repeated:
from 002000 to 003FFF
I B58444 27C010 32 PIN DIL
from 004000 to 007FFF I B58399
from 008000 to 00FFFF
29F010 PLCC
the eprom is 2764. I B58517 27C010 PLCC
I B58275
If numbers between 000000 and 003FFF are repeated: 27C1024 PLCC
I B58548
from 004S000 to 007FFF
from 008000 to 00FFFF
I B58649 29F400
the eprom is 27128 AMD B58381 28F512 PLCC
If numbers between 000000 and 0 07FFF are repeated: TMSB58400 TI87C510
ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 57 ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 58
Finally, we insert the pins disposition scheme on some eproms.

Eprom a 24 pin

Eprom a 28 pin

Eprom a 32 pin

ALIENTECH – Str. Torino, 93 – 13100 VERCELLI (ITALY) – +39 0161/271974 – - 59

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