Design of Pressure Vessel by Group 4

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Department of mechanical engineering

Project: design of horizontal pressure vessel

Section: 5 Group no: 4

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 2
NOMENCLATURES AND ABBREVIATION.....................................................................................4
1.1) Introduction of pressure vessel----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------6
1.2) classification of pressure vessel--------------------------------------------------------------------------6
1.3) applications of pressure vessel---------------------------------------------------------------------------7
1.4) Components of pressure vessel-----------------------------------------------
--------------------------8CHAPTER TWO
2.1) engineering materials-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
2.2) Selection of materials-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
2.2.1) material selection characteristics---------------------------------------------------------------18
2.2.1) conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
2.3) Welding ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------20
2.3.1) classification of welding---------------------------------------------------------------------------21
2.3.2) classification of welding joints-------------------------------------------------------------------21
2.3.3) welding jointSUBMITTED TO INST. SISAY.P

2.4) Corrosion allowance----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

3.1) Design of cylindrical shell----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
3.2) design of Heads or closures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
3.2.1) selection of head-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
3.2.2) design analysis of hemispherical head---------------------------------------------------------26
3.2.3) stress analysis on the head------------------------------------------------------------------------27
3.2.1)head to shell transition------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
4.1) Design of nozzle---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
4.2) design of Flange --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
4.2.1) standard flanges -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------30
4.2.2) Flange applied load and moments ------------------------------------------------------------30
4.3) design of gasket------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------35
4.4) design of manhole------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36
4.4.1) dimensions of manhole--------------------------------------------------------------------------36
4.4.2) design of cover plate -----------------------------------------------------------------------------37
4.4.3) design of bolts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37
4.5) reinforcement of openings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------38
4.6) Wight calculation of pressure vessel -------------------------------------------------------------------38
4.7) design of saddle support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------40
WELDING AND FABRICATION DETAIL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------43

First of all we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our almighty god for his
unrestricted power and grace on doing the design.
Secondly, we would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement from a number of
people in this effort. Many individuals contribute their knowledge and ideas for the
accomplishment of this project work, then primarily we would like to express our great
gratitude to our instructor sisay.p,For his great effort and contribution to help us to did our
project by giving different helpful material that we need for our project and gave us guidelines
on the way how to handle this basic and essential project. Beside of this he has shown a great
enthusiast in order to give us the desired knowledge and finally we get a better knowledge even
better than last year students.
Finally, we would like to give special thanks for our lovely family and for our close friends who
supports morally, encourage do not to lose hope sharing their ideas and ways how to designthis
successful service pressure vessel design in a suitable manner.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

In sophisticated pressure vessels encountered in engineering construction; high pressure,
extremes of temperature and severity of functional performance requirements pose exciting
design problems. The word "DESIGN" does not mean only the calculation of the detailed
dimensions of a member, but rather is an all-inclusive term, incorporating:
1. The reasoning that established the most likely mode of damage or failure
2. The method of stress analysis employed and significance of results;
3. The selection of materials type and its environmental behavior.
The increasing use of vessel has given special emphasis to analytical and experimental methods
for determining their emphasis to analytical and experimental methods for determining their
operating stresses. Of equal importance is the appraising the significance of these stresses. This
appraisal entails the means of determining the values and extent of the stresses and strains,
establishing the behavior of the material is involved, and evaluating the compatibility of these
two factors in the media or environment to which they are subjected. Knowledge of material
behavior is required not only to avoid failures, but also equally to permit maximum contour of
material choice and amount used.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016


T: design temperature, °C
C: corrosion allowance, mm
Di: inside diameter of the vessel, mm
Do: outside diameter of the vessel, mm
Ri: inside radius of the vessel, mm
Ro: outside radius of the vessel, mm
S: maximum allowable stress, kg/cmA2
E: Joint efficiency, %
tn: minimum thickness provided for the nozzle, mm
N: Number of bolts
Ba: required area of one bolt, mm
I: width of the base plate, mm
t = minimum required thickness of the shell exclusively of Corrosion allowance
P=design pressure, or maximum an allowable working Pressure welded -joint efficiency
S=maximum allowable design stress
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

ASTM:American Society for Testing and Materials

ASNT:American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Design Specifications
 type of pressure vessel horizontal
 Medium, oil product
 Type of support, saddle support
 Inner service pressure , p= 1mpa
 The maximum service temperature, T= 350℃.
 nominal volume, v= 4 m
 The 6 flanges that are used for our pressure vessel, then their value is shown blow
 Two longitudinal pipe with, D= 80mm.
 One lateral pipe with, D= 80mm.
 Safety valve, D=25mm(1in)
 One sample opening, D=25mm(1in)
 One bottom discharge, D= 80mm.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Chapter 1 [1, 6, 8, 9.a, 9.f]

Overview of pressure vessel
1.1 Introduction to pressure vessel
A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure different
from the ambient pressure.There is no strict definition of what constitutes a pressure vessel, but
it is generally accepted that any closed vessel over 150 mm diameter subject to a pressure
difference of more than 0.5 bar should be designed as a pressure vessel.
In other words, pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between
inside and outside. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside. The fluid inside the
vessel may undergo a change in state as in the case of steam boiler or may combine with other
reagent as in the case of chemical reactor. Pressure vessel often has a combination of high
pressure together with high temperature and in some cases flammable fluids or highly
radioactive material. Because of such hazards it is imperative that the design be such that no
leakage can occur. In addition vessel has to be design carefully to cope with the operating

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

temperature and pressure. Fig below indicates over view of pressure (horizontal vessel with
saddle support).

Figure 1.1.Over view of pressure vessel

1.2. Classification of Pressure Vessels

The pressure vessels may be classified as follows,
1. According to the dimensions.
The pressure vessels, according to their dimensions, may be classified as thin shell or thick
shell. If the wall thickness of the shell (t) is less than 1/10 of the diameter of the shell (d), then it
is called a thin shell. On the other hand, if the wall thickness of the shell is greater than 1/10 of
the diameter of the shell, then it is said to be a thick shell. Thin shells are used in boilers, tanks
and pipes, whereas
thick shells are used in high pressure cylinders, tanks, gun barrels etc.
Note: Another criterion to classify the pressure vessels as thin shell or thick shell
is the internal fluid pressure (p) and the allowable stress (σt). If the internal fluid
pressure (p) is less than 1/6 of the allowable stress, then it is called a thin shell. On the other
hand, if the internal fluid pressure is greater than 1/6 of the allowable stress, then it is said to
be a thick shell.
2. According to the endconstruction.
The pressure vessels, according to the end construction, may be classified as open end or
closed end. A simple cylinder with a piston, such as cylinder of a press is an example of an open
end vessel, whereas a tank is an example of a closed end vessel. In case of vessels having open
ends, the circumferential or hoop stresses are induced by the fluid pressure, whereas in case of
closed ends, longitudinal stresses in addition to circumferential stresses are induced.
3. Horizontal and vertical vessels.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

In general, functional requirements determine whether the vessel shall be vertical or

horizontal.E.g. Distilling columns, a packed tower, which utilizes gravity, require vertical
installation. Heat exchanges and storage vessels are either horizontal or vertical. If the vessel to
be installed outdoor, wind loads etc. are to be calculated to prevent overturning, thus horizontal
is more economical. However, floor space, ground area and maintenance requirements should
be considered.

1.3. Applications of pressure vessel

Pressure vessels are used in a variety of applications. Their use has expanded throughout the
world. These include the industry and the private sector. They appear in these sectors
respectively as:
a. industrial compressed air receivers and domestic hot water storage tanks,
b. The power generation industry for fossil and nuclear power,
c. The petrochemical industry for storing and processing crude petroleum oil in tank farms
as well as storing gasoline in service station,
d. In chemical industry, other examples of pressure vessels are: diving cylinder,
recompression chamber, distillation towers, autoclaves,
e. many other vessels in mining or oil refineries and petrochemical plants, nuclear reactor
vessel, habitat of a space ship, habitat of a submarine, pneumatic reservoir, hydraulic
reservoir under pressure, rail vehicle airbrake reservoir, road vehic
f. Storage vessels for liquefied gases such as ammonia, chlorine, propane, butane and le
airbrake reservoir and LPG.

1.4. Components of pressure vessel

The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are
welded together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel
shells are cylindrical, sphere ical, or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells
and are fabricated in a wide range of diameters andlengths.

Supporting legs
The supports are designed to carry the weight of the vessel and contents, and any
superimposed loads, such as wind loads.And also Supports are designed to allow easy access to
the vessel and fittings for inspection and maintenance.The type of support that is used depends
primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel
support must be adequate for the applied weight, wind, and earthquake loads calculated base
loads are used to design of anchorage and foundation for the pressure vessels;typical kinds of
supports are as follow:

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Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

a) Skirt
Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt
is a cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell
or to thebottom head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to
the vessel near the mid-plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide
enough flexibility so that radial thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high
thermal stresses at its junction with the skirt.
b) Leg
Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion
of the shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1.
The number of legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried.
Support legs are also typically used for spherical pressurized storage vessels the support
legs for small vertical drums and spherical pressurized Storage vessels may be made
from structural steel columns or pipe sections, whichever provides a more efficient
design. Cross bracing between the legs, as shown in is typically used to help.
Absorb wind or earth-quake loads.

Figure1.2. vertical vessel with leg support

c) Saddle
Horizontal drums are typically sup-ported at two locations by saddle Supports. A saddle
support spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive
local stress in the shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other
design details, is determined by the specific size and design conditions of the pressure
vessel. One saddle support is normally fixed or anchored to its foundation the other
support is normallyfree to permit unrestrained longitudinal thermal expansion of
The drum.

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Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Figure1.3. Typical model of saddle

d) Lug
Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessel shell, may also be used to supportVertical
pressure vessels. The use of lugs is typically limited to vessels of small to medium
diameter (1 to 10 ft.) and moderate height-to diameter ratios in the range Of 2:1 to 5:1.
Lug supports are often used for vessels of this size that are located above grade within
structural steel. The lugs are typically bolted to horizontal structural members to provide
stability against overturning loads; however, the bolt holes are often slotted to permit
free radial thermal expansion of the drum.

Figure 1.4. Vertical vessel on lug support

A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a Pressure vessel. The
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications:

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

1. Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel

2. Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges, thermo wells, or pressure gauges)
3. Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways
4. Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or
mixer) Nozzles are also sometimes extended into the vessel interior for some
applications, such as for inlet flow distribution or to permit the entry of thermo wells.
Openings in pressure vessels in the regions of shells or heads are required to serve the
following purposes:
5. Man ways for letting personnel in and out of the vessel to perform routine
maintenance and repair
6. Holes for draining or cleaning the vessel
7. Hand hole openings for inspecting the vessel from Outside
8. Nozzles attached to pipes to convey the working fluid inside and outside of the vessel.

Figure 1.5. Model of nozzle

Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers,
and for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on
the vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or
maintenance. Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps
and valves. Flanged joints are also used for connecting pipe sections where ease of assembly
and dismantling is required for maintenance. Flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and
materials; and are used extensively for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure
vessels; typical kinds of flanges are as follow:
a. Welding- neck flanges
A sectional view of a welding - neck flange is shown. Welding neck flanges differ from
other flanges in that, they have a long, tapered hub, between the flange ring and the
welded joint. This hub provides a more gradual transition from the flange ring thickness
of the pipe –wall thickness, thereby decreasing the discontinuity stresses and
consequently increasing the strength of the flange. These flanges are recommended for
the handling of costly, flammable or explosive fluids, where failure or leakage of the
flange joint might disastrous consequences.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Figure 1.6. Typical model of welding-neck flanges

b. Slip-on flanges
the slip-on types of flanges are widely used because of its greater ease of aligned in
welding assembly and because of its low initial cost. The strength of this flange as
calculated from internal pressure considerations is approximately 2/3rd that of a
corresponding welding- neck type of flange. The use of this type of flange should be '
limited to moderate services, where pressure fluctuations, temperature fluctuations,
vibrations and shock are not expected to be severing. The fatigue life of this flange is
approximately l/3rd that of welding - neck flange.

Figure 1. 7. Typical model of slip-on flange

c. Lap joint flanges

Lap joint flanges are usually used with a lap-joint stab. These flanges have about the
same ability to withstand pressure without leakages as the slip in flange, which is less
than that of the welding neck flanges. Inaddition, these flanges have the disadvantages
of having only about 10% of the fatigue life of welding neck flanges. For these reasons,
these flanges should not be used for connections where, severe bending stresses exist.
The principal advantage of these flanges is that the bold holes are easily aligned and this
simplifies the erection of vessels of large diameter and usually stiff piping. Theses flanges
are also useful in cases where, frequent dismantling for cleaning or inspection is
required, or where it is necessary to rotate the pipe by swiveling the flange.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Figure 1.8. Lap joint flange

d. Screwed flanges
Screwed flanges can be fastened to the openings by screwing. It can be connected
instantly without welding. The only disadvantage is that possibility of leakage.

Figure 1.9. Screwed flange

e. Blind flanges
they are used extensively to blank off pressure vessel openings and Hand holes, block off
pipes and valves. In this application, a valve followed by blind flange is frequently used at
the end of line to permit addition of line while it is 'on stream'.

All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section).
Heads are typically curved rather than flat. Curved configurations are stronger and allow the
heads to be thinner, lighter, and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside a
vessel. These “intermediate heads” separate sections of the pressure vessel to permit different
design conditions. In each section Heads are usually categorized by their shapes. Ellipsoidal,
hemispherical, torispherical, conical, Toriconical and flat are the common types of heads.
Ellipsoidal (2:1) would be the most common type of heads, which is used during the designing
of pressure vessels.

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Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Figure 1.10. Model of head

The available types of different heads are mentioned in brief as follows. The ends of a cylindrical
vessel are closed by heads of various shapes. The principal types used are:
1. Flat plates and formed flat heads 2. Hemispherical heads
3. Ellipsoidal heads 4. Torispherical heads 5. Conical
a. Flat plates: Flat plates are used as covers for man ways, and as the channel covers of
heat exchangers. Formed flat ends, known as “flange-only” ends, are manufactured by
turning over a flange with a small radius on a flat plate. The corner radius reduces the
abrupt change of shape, at the junction with the cylindrical section; which reduces the
local stresses to some extent: “Flange-only” heads are the cheapest type of formed head
to manufacture, but their use is limited to low-pressure and small-diameter vessels.
b. Hemispherical Heads: A hemispherical head is the strongest shape; capable of resisting
about twice the pressure of a torispherical head of the same thickness. The cost of
forming a hemispherical head will however be higher than that for a shallow
torispherical head. The amount of forming required to produce hemispherical shape is
more, resulting in increased forming cost. As they are the expensive to form they are
reserved for high pressure applications.

Fig 1.11. Hemispherical head

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

c. Ellipsoidal Heads: For pressures over 10bar, ellipsoidal heads are often used. In cross-
section, the head resembles an ellipse, its radius varying continuously. This results in a
smooth transition between the dome and the cylindrical part of the vessel. Ellipsoidal
heads are deeper than comparable torispherical heads. The shape of the ellipsoidal head
is defined by the ratio of the major and minor axis. A standard arrangement on vessels is
the 2:1 elliptical head. This will have a depth of head which is a quarter of the vessels
internal diameter D. Due to shallow dished shape the forming cost is reduced.

Fig1.12. Ellipsoidal head

d. Torispherical Heads: A torispherical shape, which is extensively used as the end closure
for a large variety of cylindrical pressure vessels. These are formed from part of a torus
and part of a sphere. The shape is close to that of an ellipse but is easier and cheaper to
fabricate. Torispherical heads are made of a dish, with a constant radius. Joining the dish
directly to the cylindrical section of the vessel would lead to a rapid change in geometry,
resulting in excessive local stresses. To avoid this, a transition section (the “knuckle”) is
used between the dish and the cylinder. Normally, torispherical heads with pressure
ratings much above 10bar are uneconomic. The torispherical head is actually very similar
to the ellipsoid in shape and benefits. But it is easier to manufacture because of
availability regular circular curves on the edges then a larger curve as it heads.

Fig1.13. Torispherical head

The most common types of torispherical heads are:
Klöpper head; this is a torispherical head. The dish has a radius that equals the diameter of the
cylinder it is attached to (r1=Do). The knuckle has a radius that equals a tenth of the diameter of
the cylinder(r 2=0.1*Do), hence its alternative designation "Decimal head".
Korbbogen head; this is a torispherical head also named Semi ellipsoidal head. The radius of the
dish is 80% of the diameter of the cylinder. (r1=0.8*Do).The radius of the knuckle is

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

e. Conical head: A general conical surface is the unbounded surface formed by the union of
all the straight lines that pass through a fixed point the apex or vertex and any point of
some fixed space curve the directrix that does not contain the apex. Each of those lines
is called a generatrix of the surface.Every conic surface is ruled and developable.
In general, a conical surface consists of two congruent unbounded halves joined by
the apex. Each half is called a nappe, and is the union of all the rays that start at the apex
and pass through a point of some fixed space curve. (In some cases, however, the two
nappes may intersect, or even coincide with the full surface.) Sometimes the term
"conical surface" is used to mean just one nappe.
f. Toriconical head: Toriconical tank heads are different from conical heads in that they
have a radius at the flanged head. They can also be formed from flat plates. While more
expensive than conical heads, Toriconical heads uniformly distribute localized stresses
and reduces them in the area near where the cone and the shell join together.
Toriconical tank heads are often used in hoppers and towers.

Hemispherical, ellipsoidal and torispherical heads are collectively referred to as domed heads.
They are formed by pressing or spinning; large diameters are fabricated from formed sections.
Torispherical heads are often referred to as dished ends.
Hemispherical and semielliptical heads are used for tall vertical towers because they are
practically free from discontinuities. In such cases the cost of the top end closure is only a small
part of the total cost of the pressure vessel. Also the space is not a limiting factor for vertical
pressure vessels. Torispherical heads are more economical than other types of domed heads.
Owing to their compact construction they are used for horizontal pressure vessels.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Chapter 2 [1, 2, 6, 9(b,c,d,e,g,h)]

Selection of Material and welding joint
2.1. Engineering materials
There are more than 50,000 materials available to engineers for the design and manufacturing
of products for various applications. These materials range from ordinary materials (e.g.,
copper, cast iron, brass), which have been available for several hundred years, to the more
recently developed, advanced materials (e.g., composites, ceramics, and high-performance
steels). Due to the wide choice of materials, today’s engineers are posed with a big challenge for
the right selection of a material and the right selection of a manufacturing process for an
application. It is difficult to study all of these materials individually; therefore, a broad
classification is necessary for simplification and characterization.
These materials, depending on their major characteristics (e.g., stiffness, strength, density,
and melting temperature), can be broadly divided into four main categories: (1) composites, (2)
plastics, (3) ceramics, and (4) metals. Each class contains large number of materials with a range
of properties which to some extent results in an overlap of properties with other classes. For
example, most common ceramic materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and alumina (Al2O3)
have densities in the range 3.2 to 3.5 g/cc and overlap with the densities of common metals
such as iron (7.8 g/cc), copper (6.8 g/cc), and aluminum (2.7 g/cc).
a. Plastics
Plastics have become the most common engineering materials over the past decade. Due
to their light weight, easy processability, and corrosion resistance, plastics are widely used
for automobile parts, aerospace components, and consumer goods. Plastics can be
purchased in the form of sheets, rods, bars, powders, pellets, and granules. They can
provide high surface finish and therefore eliminate several machining operations. This
feature provides the production of low-cost parts.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

b. Ceramics
Ceramics have strong covalent bonds and therefore provide great thermal stabilityand
high hardness. They are the most rigid of all materials. The major distinguishing
characteristic of ceramics as compared to metals is that they possess almost noductility.
They fail in brittle fashion. Ceramics have the highest melting points ofengineering
materials. They are generally used for high-temperature and high-wearapplications and
are resistant to most forms of chemical attack.
c. Composites
Composite materials have been utilized to solve technological problems for a long time but
only in the 1960s did these materials start capturing the attention of industries with the
introduction of polymeric-based composites. Since then, composite materials have become
common engineering materials and are designed and manufactured for various applications
including automotive components, sporting goods, aerospace parts, consumer goods, and in
the marine and oil industries.
d. Metal
Metals have been the dominating materials in the past for structural applications. They
provide the largest design and processing history to the engineers. The common metals are
iron, aluminum, copper, magnesium, zinc, lead, nickel, and titanium. In structural
applications, alloys are more frequently used than pure metals.

2.2. Selection of material for pressure vessel

Several of materials have been use in pressure vessel fabrication. The selection of material is
based on the appropriateness of the design requirement. The materials used in the
manufacture of the receivers shall comply with the requirements of the relevant design code,
and be identifiable with mill sheets. Many pressure vessels are made of steel.
Pressure vessels may be lined with various metals, ceramics, or polymers to prevent leaking and
protect the structure of the vessel from the contained medium. This liner may also carry a
significant portion of the pressure load.Pressure Vessels may also be constructed from
concrete(PCV) or other materials which are weak in tension. Cabling,wrapped around the vessel
or within the wall orthe vessel itself, provides the necessary tension to resistthe internal
pressure. A “leakproof steel thin membrane”lines the internal wall of the vessel. Such vessels
can beassembled from modular pieces and so have “no inherentsizelimitations”.There is also a
high order of redundancythanks to the large number of individual cablesresisting the internal

2.2.1. Material selection characteristics

The most important characteristics to be considered when selecting a material of
Construction are:
1. Mechanical properties
(a) Tensile strength
(b) Stiffness elastic modulus (Young’s modulus)
(c) Toughness fracture resistance

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

(d) Hardness wear resistance

(e) Fatigue resistance
(f) Creep resistance
2. The effect of high and low temperatures on the mechanical properties
3. Corrosion resistance
4. Any special properties required; such as, thermal conductivity, electrical resistance, magnetic
5. Ease of fabrication forming, welding, casting
6. Availability in standard sizes plates, sections, tubes
7. Cost
8. Design life
9. Inspection and corrosion monitoring possibilities.
10. Effect of external and internal environment, including compatibility of different materials.

We have briefly explained mechanical properties of some metallic alloys in addition to the table
shown below,

a) Strength
The strength of the martial are based on the mechanical propriety of the material that used for
the most easy ,fast ,strong and low cost of production .some of the mechanical properties
are(yield strength ,ultimate tensile strength ,creep strength and rupture strength).

b) Corrosion resistance
Corrosion is partial or complete wearing away, dissolving, or softening of any substance by
chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. The term corrosion specifically
applies to the gradual action of natural agents, such as air or salt water, on metals.The most
familiar example of corrosion is the rusting of iron.

c) Resistance to hydraulic
The tensile strength (UTS) and elastic modulus of metals decrease with increasing temperature.
The temperature that give for my presser vessel is 400C (752F) above 600F, hydrogen attack
cause irreparable damage through the component thickness & can damaged carbon and low
alloy steel.
Generally, mechanical properties of some metal alloys are illustrated below

Metal alloys Aluminu copper nickel Cast iron Stainless steel

Yield strength,
(Mpa) 35 69 138 197 205
Ultimate tensile
strength, (Mpa) 90 200 520 414 510
Tensile strength,
(Mpa) 90 200 520 414 510

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Design stress at ___ ___ ___ ___

T of 350 100
Annealing 550 700 1150 --------- 1050
Fracture toughness
44 Low low Low 76
Cold working S S S U S
Casting S S S S D
Welding S D S U/D S
resistance of oil G C C G G

Table 2.1. Mechanical properties of some metal alloys

S -satisfactory,D -Difficult, special techniques needed, U - Unsatisfactory.
G-good, C-caution-depending on the martial

Table 2.2. Typical design stress

2.2.2. Conclusion of selection of material

As we obtain that of a properties about materials used to construct pressure vessel, we select
material based on our design specification is low alloy steel, because of the following some
 It has highest tensile strength
 are highest corrosion resistant materials
 It is commonly used and inexpensive material
 weldability and higher hardening ability

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 have good mechanical properties

 strength in high temperature condition
 generally, It is suitable specially for our design
Properties of low alloy steel
a. Tensile strength = 550 N/ mm2
b. Modules of elasticity = KN/ mm2
c. Specific density = 7870 Kg/ mm3
d. Design stress@ 3500 cS= 125 N/ mm2
e. Specific gravity = 7.9

2.3. Welding
Welding is a process of joining two metal pieces by the application of heat. Welding is the least
expensive process and widely used now a days in fabrication. Welding joints different metals
with the help of a number of processes in which heat is supplied either electrically or by mean
of a gas torch. Different welding processes are used in the manufacturing of Auto mobiles
bodies, structural work, tanks, and general machine repair work. In the industries, welding is
used in refineries and pipe line fabrication. It may be called a secondary manufacturing process.

2.3.1. Classification of welding

There are about 35 different welding and brazing process and several soldering methods, in use
by the industry today. There are various ways of classifying the welding for example, they may
be classified on the basis of source of heat (flames,arc etc.) In general various welding processes
are classified as follows.
1: Gas Welding(a): Air Acetylene(b): Oxy Acetylene(c): Oxy Hydrogen Welding
2: Arc Welding(a): Carbon Arc welding(b); Plasma Arc welding
(c): Shield Metal Arc Weldingd): T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas Welding)
(e): M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas Welding)
3: Resistance Welding:(a): Spot welding(b): Seam welding(c): Projection welding
(d): Resistance Butt welding(e): Flash Butt welding
4: Solid State Welding:(a): Cold welding(b): Diffusion welding(c): Forge welding
(d): Fabrication welding(e): Hot pressure welding(f): Roll welding
5: Thermo Chemical Welding(a): Thermit welding(b): Atomic welding
6: Radiant Energy Welding(a): Electric Beam Welding(b): Laser Beam Welding

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

2.3.2. Classification of Welding Joints

There are five basic types of welding joints, with each having a number of variations in order to
meet different needs. Ateliers B.G. Welding Services employs expert welders who are able to
perform multiple functions, including welding, CNC machining, parts assembly, shot blasting,
and more. Since opening their doors in 1978, Ateliers B.G. has developed a reputation for
excellent customer service and performance. Constantly investing in the most current
technologies, such as robotic welding, and equipment, as well as the ability to take on jobs of
any size, has helped solidify their standing as one of the most experienced and dedicated team
of welders throughout the local area. Let’s take a look at just a few of the joint types they
routinely weld.
a. Butt Joint A butt weld, or a square-groove, is the mostcommon and easiest to use.
Consisting of twoflat pieces that are parallel to one another, it alsois an economical
option. It is the universally usedmethod of joining a pipe to itself, as well asflanges,
valves, fittings, or other equipment.However, it is limited by any thickness
b. Corner Joint:a corner weld is a type of joint that is betweentwo metal parts and is
located at right angles toone another in the form of a L. As the nameindicates, it is used
to connect two piecestogether, forming a corner. This weld is mostoften used in the
sheet metal industry and isperformed on the outside edge of the piece.
c. Edge Joint:Edge welding joints, a groove type of weld, areplaced side by side and welded
on the same edge.They are the most commonly replaced type ofjoints due to build up
accumulating on the edges.They are often applied to parts of sheet metal thathave
edges flanging up or formed at a placewhere a weld must be made to join two
adjacentpieces together.
d. Lap Joint:this is formed when two pieces are placed atopeach other while also over
lapping each other fora certain distance along the edge. Considered afillet type of a
welding joint, the weld can be madeon one or both sides, depending upon the
weldingsymbol or drawing requirements. It is most oftenused to join two pieces
together with differing levels of thickness.
e. Tee Joint:Tee joints, considered a fillet type of weld, formwhen two members intersect at
90° resulting inthe edges coming together in the middle of acomponent or plate. It may
also be formed whena tube or pipe is placed on a baseplate.

2.3.3. Welded joint efficiency

Joint efficiency is concept found in several API and ASME codes. It is a numerical value, which
represents a percentage, expressed as the ratio of the strength of a riveted, welded, or brazed
joint to the strength of the base material. It is also a way to introduce safety factors in welding
of shells for containment.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

The strength of a welded joint will depend on the type of joint and the quality of the
welding. The soundness of welds is checked by visual inspection and by non-destructive testing
(radiography). The possible lower strength of a welded joint compared with the virgin plate is
usually allowed for in design by multiplying the allowable design stress for the material by a
“welded joint factor” E. The value of the joint factor used in design will depend on the type of
joint and amount of radiography required by the design code. Typical values are shown below,

Table 2.3. Some value of the joint factor

Taking the factor as 1.0 implies that the joint is equally as strong as the virgin plate; this is
achieved by radiographing the complete weld length, and cutting out and remaking any defects.
The use of lower joint factors in design, though saving costs on radiography, will result in a
thicker, heavier, vessel, and the designer must balance any cost savings on inspection and
fabrication against the increased cost of materials.
The national codes and standards divide vessel construction into different categories, depending
on the amount of non-destructive testing required. The higher ca87tegories require 100 per
cent radiography of the welds, and allow the use of highest values for the weld joint factors. The
lower-quality categories require less radiography, but allow only lower joint-efficiency factors,
and place restrictions on the plate thickness and type of materials that can be used. The highest
category will invariably be specified for process-plant pressure vessels.
Finally, for our design of pressure vessel we select fully radiographed double welded butt joint
because of the above reasons.

2.4. Corrosion allowance

The “corrosion allowance” is the additional thickness of metal added to allow for material
lost by corrosion and erosion, or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between
the customer and manufacturer. Corrosion is a complex phenomenon, and it is not possible to
give specific rules for the estimation of the corrosion allowance required for all circumstances.
The allowance should be based on experience with the material of construction under similar
service conditions to those for the proposed design. For carbon and low-alloy steels, where
severe corrosion is not expected, a minimum allowance of 2.0 mm should be used;
Therefore corrosion allowance taken to our design is 2mm for low alloy steel.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Chapter 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Design analysis
3.1 Design of cylindrical shell
The shell is the main component of the vessel which is subjected to an internal pressure of
1mpa at a temperature of 350 c 0 .For vessels without pressure, atmospheric storage vessels,
for example, the optimum L/d ratio is 1, again using the criteria for the maximum volume for
the minimum surface area. This optimum L/d ratio vanes with the following parameters:
Pressure, Allowable stress, Corrosion allowance, Joint efficiency.
In Process Equipment Design, Brownell and Young suggest that for vessels less than 2 in. in
thickness, the optimum L/d ratio is 6 and for greater thicknesses is 8. However, this does not
account for the parameters just shown. Others have suggested a further breakdown by pressure

L Pin(psi) Map
3 0 - 250 0.001 – 1.202
4 250 – 500 1.727 – 1.202
5 500< >3.44

Table 3.1. L/D for some pressure intervals

An economic L/d ratio is between 1 and 10. L/d ratios greater than 10 may produce the lowest
surface-area-to volume ratio but should be considered impractical for most applications.
Obviously plot space is also a consideration in ultimate cost. In general, the higher the pressure
the large the ratio, and the lower the pressure the lower the ratio. As previously stated, the
optimum L/d ratio for an atmospheric drum is 1. Average pressure vessels will range between 3
and 5.
In order to find the dimension of pressure vessel the following method is to be used.
Remark that: the pressure vessel is cylindrical and horizontally supported, beside these

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Inner Diameter, d= 2r
Total Length, L= 3d
Thickness of shell t
Volume of vessel v= 4 m3

Joint factor E= 1 (double welded butt joint, fully radiographed) then

l =L-2r =3d-d =2d
Then applying formula for a total volume for the vessel:
V = volume of cylinder + volume of the two heads
V = π d 2 l/4 + π d 3 /6 : substuting for l=2d

V = π d 2 (2d)/4 + π d 3 /6

V = 2π d 3 /4 + π d 3 /6

V = 1.57 d 3 + 0.5235 d 3

But the total volume of the vessel is 4 m3 .

4 = 2.0935 d 3

= 4/2.8795

d= √3 1.9106
d = 1.2408 m. : then substuting the value of d
total length; L = 3*d= 3*1.24 = 3.7224 m.
and cylindrical length; l = L- d = 3.7224- 1.2408= 2.4816 m.
Based on our specification we have the following data input;
Input Data
 Corrosion allowance,c= 2mm
 The maximum operating temperature, T=350℃
 Inner diameter of vessel,d= 1.2408m= 1240.8mm
 Inner design pressure , p= 1mpa
 Design tensile stress, S = 125mpa
 Joint efficiency, weld spot radiographed E= 1
Then the minimum thickness of shell can be find as follows:
Were; t = thickness of shell
r = inner radius of shell

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Pr 1 Mpa∗620.8 mm
t= SE−0.6 P = 1∗230 Mpa−0.6∗1 Mpa
t= 229.4
For material stainless steel and where sever corrosion not expected, a minimum
allowance of 2mm should be used. Therefore we have
t= 2.706 + 2=4.706mm say t=5mm.

Stresses on the shell

* Circumferential or hoop stress: factor of safety:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm ultimate stress
σh = = f.s=
2t 2∗5 mm allowable stre ss
σh = = 124.08mpaf.s=
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σl = =
4t 4∗5 mm
σl = = 62.04mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ −σ 88.63−44.31
τ max = h l =
2 2
τ max = =31.02mpa
Therefor our design is very safe, since the stresses much less than the design stress.

3.2.Design of heads
Pressure vessel closures are pressure retaining structures designed to provide quick access to
pipelines, pressure vessels, pig traps, filters and filtration systems.The head geometrical
design is dependent on the geometry of the shell as well as other design parameters such as
operating temperature and pressure. The heads are normally made from the same material as
the shell and may be welded to the shell itself.

3.2.1. Selection of head

The geometry of the head is selected based on the function as well as on economic
considerations, and methods of forming and space requirements. The elliptical and torispherical
heads are most commonly used. But based on our specification the suitable type of head is
hemispherical head for both ends (right and left sides). Because of the following purposes;
 A hemispherical head is the strongest shape;
 capable of resisting about twice the pressure of a torispherical head of the same
 Hemispherical heads are used for high pressures;

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

3.2.2.Design analysis of head

For equal stress in the cylindrical section and hemispherical head of a vessel the thickness of the
head need only be half that of the cylinder. However, as the dilation of the two parts would then
be different, discontinuity stresses would be set up at the head and cylinder junction. For no
difference in dilation between the two parts (equal diametrical strain) it can be shown that for
steels (Poisson’s ratio = 0.3) the ratio of the hemispherical head thickness to cylinder thickness
should be 7/17. However, the stress in the head would then be greater than that
In the cylindrical section; and the optimum thickness ratio is normally taken as 0.6.

Input data: figure 3.1. Overview of hemispherical head

Inner service pressure p= 1 mpa
Type of head hemispherical
Max. Allowable stress @design temp. S= 125mp
Inner diameter of vessel = diameter of hemispherical head = 1.2408 m
Radiography full
Joint efficiency E= 1
Corrosion allowance C= 2mm
For equal stresses in the cylindrical section and in the hemispherical head of the vessel the
thickness of the head need only be that of the cylinder. The design thickness of a hemispherical
head is given by;

t= 2 SE−0.2 p
Where: t= thickness of the head
r= internal radius of vessel
p= internal pressure
S= design stress
E= joint efficiency

1 mpa∗620.8 mm
t= 2∗1∗230 mpa−0.2∗1 mpa
t= 459.8 = 1.3501mm

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

When the corrosion allowance of 2mm is added, the thickness of head will be or becomes:
t= 1.3501mm + 2mm
t= 3.3501mm say: t= 4mm

3.2.3. Stresses on the head

* Circumferential or hoop stress:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σh = =
2t 2∗4 mm
σh = = 155.1mpa
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σl = =
4t 4∗4 mm
σl = = 77.55mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ h−σ l 155.1−77.55
τ max = =
2 2
τ max = = 38.77mpa
Since the induced stresses on the head of the vessel is less than that of the design stress of the
vessel, therefore our design is safe with a factor of safety of 0.008.

3.2.4. Head to shell transition

Based on our choice of head the hemispherical head to shell transition is shown below.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Chapter 4 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7]

Design of pressure vessel components
4.1.Design of nozzle
All process vessels will have openings for connections, manways, and instrument fittings.For all
openings, however, nozzles may not be necessary. In some cases we have nozzles and piping
that are attached to the openings, while in other cases there could be a man way cover plate or
a hand hole cover plate that is welded or attached by bolts to the pad area of the opening.
Nozzles or attachment loads coming from equipment and piping due to differential thermal
expansion and other sources.

Design of inlet and outlet

The nozzle is a cylindrical component of the vessel which is subjected to an internal pressure of
1mpa at the temperature of 350 c 0 .
t= SE−0.6 P

For d=25mm
1 mpa∗25
t= 1∗230 mpa−0.6∗1 mpa
t= 229.6 = 0.1088mm

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

When corrosion allowance is added, (c=2mm)

t= 0.1088= + 2mm= 2.1088mm
Then say thickness of the inlet and outlet walls, t=4mm.

For d=80mm
1 mpa∗80
t= 1∗230 mpa−0.6∗1 mpa
t=229.6 = 0.3484mm
When corrosion allowance is added, (c=2mm)
t= 0.1088= + 2mm= 2.3484mm
Then say thickness of the inlet and outlet walls, t=4mm.

Stresses on inlet/outlet
* Circumferential or hoop stress:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σh = 2t = 2∗4 mm
σh = 8 = 155.1mpa
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σl = 4t = 4∗4 mm
σl = 16 = 77.55mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ h−σ l 155.1−77.55
τ max = 2
= 2
τ max = = 38.77mpa
Since the induced stresses on the head of the vessel is less than that of the design stress of the
vessel, therefore our design is safe.
4.2. Design of flange
Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers,
and for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on
the vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or
maintenance.The flange is a seat for the gasket, and the cover (along with the gasket) is bolted
to the flange by a number of bolts
The gaskets are therefore required to expand to maintain the leak proof boundary. Gaskets
are made of nonmetallic materials with composite construction. The serrated surfaces of the
flange faces help to maintain the leak-proof joint as the material expands to fill up the
irregularities on the face of the flanges.
The 6 flanges that are used for our pressure vessel, then their value is shown blow
 Two longitudinal pipe with, D= 80mm.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 One lateral pipe with, D= 80mm.

 Safety valve, D=25mm(1in)
 One sample opening, D=25mm(1in)
 One bottom discharge, D= 80mm.

4.2.1. Standard flanges

Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs would be used only if no
suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body flanges of vessels,
where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to accept
the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.
Flanges with rating of 150 and 300 ib have a in or 1.5875mm in high raised faces.
The standard flange for this diameter from BS 4504, which has now suspended by European
standard BS EN 1092 is,based on pressure – temperature ratingfor steel pipe flanges
andflangedfittingsAmerican National Standard ANSI B16.5-1981 the flange design class is 150 Ib
and our flange design stress is 125 psi (0.86mpa).The given temperature is 350 C0 (652F) and
pressure is 1MPa (145.05psi).

Nomin Diame Length Diamete Diamete Outside Thicknes No Diam Diam Bolt
al pipe ter of throug r of hub r of hub diamete s of of eter eter circle
size(m bore h hub at point at base r of flange hole of of
m) (A) (C) welding (G) flange (J) s holes bolt
(E) (H)
25 26.67 55.56 33.53 49.2 107.9 14.28 4 15.87 12.7 79.37
80 90.17 69.85 88.9 107.95 190.5 23.81 4 19 15.8 152.4

Table 4.1.The standard flange parameters from BS 4504 for class 150 Ib.

Figure4.1. Welding neck flange

4.2.2. Flange applied loads and moments

The bolts hold the faces together, resisting the forces due to the internal pressure and the
gasket sealing pressure. As these forces are offset the flange is subjected to a bending moment.
It can be considered as a cantilever beam with a concentrated load. A flange assembly must be

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

sized so as to have sufficient strength and rigidity to resist this bending moment. A flange that
lacks sufficient rigidity will rotate slightly, and the joint will leak;

Figure 4.2.Shows the forces acting on a flanged joint.

The design procedures given in the codes and standards can be illustrated by considering the
forces and moments which act on an integral flange, Figure 13.35. The total moment Mop
acting on the flange is given by:

Mop= Hdhd+ Htht+ Hghg

Where Hg =gasket reaction (pressure force), = π G (2b) mPi
Ht =pressure force on the flange face = H- H d ,
H =total pressure force = (π/4) G2 Pi,
H d =pressure force on the area inside the flange = (π/4) B 2 Pi,
G =mean diameter of the gasket,
2b =effective gasket pressure width,
m= gasket factor
Pi= internal pressure of flange=0.86MPa
B=in side diameter of a flange for each pipe= A/2
b=effective gasket selling width
tf= thickness of flange= J
G’=mean diameter of gasket
=B + (ht-hg)
hd= (G + H – 2E)/4
hg= (H - G)/4
ht= (G + H)/4

whereM is taken as MoporMatm, whichever is the greater; and the factors F1 to F4 are functions
of the flange type and dimensions, and are obtained from equations and graphs given in the
codes and standards (BS 5500, clause 3.8).

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 There gasket factor , width and internal pressure for the flange are the same
m= 2.5, b=10mm and Pi= 0.86MPa

 hd= (G + H – 2E)/4
For 25mm= (49.2+107.9-2*33.53)mm/4=22.51mm
For 80mm = (107.95+190.5-2*88.9)mm/4=30.16mm

 hg= (H - G)/4
For 25mm= (107.9-49.2)mm/4=14.67mm
For 80mm= (190.5-107.95)mm/4 =20.63mm

 ht=(G+H)/4
For 25mm= (49.2+107.9)mm/4=39.27mm
For 80mm= (107.95+190.5)mm/4=74.61mm

 tf=J
For 25mm=14.28mm
For 80mm=23.81mm

 B=A/2
For 25mm=26.67mm/2=13.33mm
For 80mm= 90.17mm/2=45.08mm

 G’=B + (ht - hg)

For 25mm=13.33mm + (39.27-14.67) mm=37.93mm
For 80mm=45.08mm + (74.61-20.63)mm=99.06mm

 H= (π/4) G’2Pi
For 25mm= (π/4)(37.93mm)2*0.86MPa=51.24N
For 80mm= (π/4)(99.06mm)2*0.86MPa=133.81N

 Hd= (π/4) B2Pi

For 25mm= (π/4)(13.33mm)2*0.86MPa=18N
For 80mm= (π/4)(45.08mm)2*0.86MPa=60.9N

 Ht =H-Hd
For 25mm= (51.24-18)N=33.24N
For 65mm= (133.81-60.9)N=72.91N

 Hg=πG’ (2b)mPi
For 25mm=π (37.93mm)(2*10mm)2.5*0.86MPa=5123.9N
For 80mm=π(99.06mm)(2*10mm)2.5*0.86MPa=13381.86N

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 The total moment will be

Mop=Hd*hd + Ht*ht + Hg*hg

 For 25mm pipe

= 405.18 + 1305.33 + 75167.61

 For 80mm pipe

= 1836.74 + 5439.07 + 276067.77
=283343.6Nmm= 283.34Nm

The flange stresses are given by:

 longitudinal hub stress, σ hb = F1 M
 radial flange stress, σ rd = F2 M
 tangential flange stress, σ tg = F3 M- F 4 σ rd
First find
K=A’/B’ A’= (H-G)/2 and B’=(G-A)/2
k 25 =(123.825-53.975)mm/(53.975-26.67)mm
k 80 =(190.5-100.013)mm/(100.013-62.738)mm
F1= 1/λ gt2 gt = (G-A)/2
λ=δ + γ δ=t3/dandγ=α/T α=te+1
d= (u/v) ho g2 go=J and ho= ( B’ g 0)1 /2 ( B ’ J )1/ 2
=(u/v) (B’J)1/2J2 B’=(G-A)/2
F2=β/λt2 t=thickness of the flange=J
F3=y/t2 y=(1-v2)u
F4=z z=k-factor
K=A’/B’ A’= (H-G)/2 and B’=(G-A)/2

K25mm=(107.9-49.2) / (49.2-26.67)
K80mm=(190.5-107.95) / (107.95-90.17)
After getting value k, we can get values T,Z,Y and U from the table below by using k value above.

Nominal pipe
diameter K T Z Y, (Mpa) U

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

25 2.56 1.32 1.38 0.015 2.41
80 4.64 0.921 1.1 0.0088 1.41
Table 4.2.Value of (K, T, Z, Y and U) R [3]
Then you can find all the stresses that are applied to the flange.
Stresses on flange
For d=25mm, t=14.28mm
* Circumferential or hoop stress:
pd 1 mpa∗25 mm
σh = 2 t = 2∗14.28 mm
σh = 29.6 = 0.856mpa
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
pd 1 mpa∗25 mm
σl = 4t = 4∗14.28 mm
σl = 59.2 = 0.428mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ h−σ l 0.856−0.428
τ max = 2
= 2
τ max = 2 = 0.214mpa

For d=80mm, t=23.81mm

* Circumferential or hoop stress:
pd 1 mpa∗80 mm
σh = 2t = 2∗23.81 mm
σh = 47.62 = 1.68mpa
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
p 1 mpa∗80 mm
σl = 4t = 4∗23.81 mm
σl = 95.24 = 0.84mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ h−σ l 1.68−0.84
τ max = 2
= 2
τ max = = 0.42mpa
Since the induced stresses on the head of the vessel is less than that of the design stress of the
vessel, therefore our design is safe.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

4.3. Design of gasket for inlet/outlet

Gasket is used for a leak tight joint between surface of a nozzle and covers.Gaskets are made
from “semi-plastic” materials; which will deform and flow under load to fill the surface
irregularities between the flange faces, yet retain sufficient elasticity to take up the changes in
the flange alignment that occur under load.
Up to pressures of 20 bar, the operating temperature and corrosiveness of the process fluid will
be the controlling factor in gasket selection. Vegetable fiber and synthetic rubber gaskets can be
used at temperatures of up to 100 c 0 . Metal reinforced gaskets can be used up to around 450
c . The standard gasket from BS 5500 is,

Gasket material Gasket factor Min. design seating Minimum width

stress, y(N/ mm2 )
metal,( Soft 2.5 20 10

Table 4.3.The standard gasket from BS 5500

The minimum seating stress y is the force per unit area (pressure) on the gasket that is required
to cause the material to flow and fill the surface irregularities in the gasket face.
t 1 = leak tight width
d 128−88.9
t 1 = 4−d =1

2 2
t 1 = 19.55mm
Width of leak tightened gasket:
W G = 10 + 19.55
W G = 29.55mm

4.4. Design of manhole

All pressure vessels for use with compressed air and those subject to internal corrosion, erosion
or mechanical abrasion, shall be provided with suitable manhole, hand hole, or other inspection
openings for examination and cleaning. The required inspection openings shown in the table
below are selected from the alternatives allowed by the Code, UG46, asthey are considered to
be the most economical. The inside diameter of our pressure vessel is 1.2408m=1240.8mm.
According to the diameter its manhole recommended is 500mm.

4.4.1. Dimensions for manhole

To resist the applied load on the manhole it must be designed from a material having enough
strength to resist the applied load, having low cost, easy to manufacture, and etc. low alloy steel
is a material which satisfy, all these, so it is selected.
The diameter of manhole must allow to get in to the vessel who wants to clean its internal
part. So we take the minimum internal diameter of manhole as d i = 500mm=0.5m.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 the thickness of manhole is given by:

p di 1 mpa∗500 mm
t= =
2 S− p 2∗230−1 mpa
t= 500/459 = 1.09mm,
When corrosion allowance is added, therefore
t=1.09 + 2mm= 3.09≈ 4mm.
And we have outer diameter of the manhole
d 0 = d i +2t
d 0 = 500mm + 2*3.09
d 0 = 506.18mm

4.4.2. Design of cover plate for manhole

In order to find the size and number of bolts for manhole consider the shown below.
Let d i = inner diameter of manhole
P= internal pressure
d c = core diameter of bolts
n= no of bolts
σ ts = permissible tensile strength for the bolt material.
D p = bolt circle diameter
D p = d i + 2*t + 2(1.5 d 1 )
D o = nominal plate diameter= D p + 3* d 1
d 1 = bolt hole diameter
t= thickness of manhole wall
t 1 =thickness of manhole cover plate
t 2 = thickness of manhole flange
d= nominal diameter of bolt
t= Cp*De p
√ σc
Where: Cp= design constant
De= nominal plate diameter
σc= design stress
Assuming bolted cover with a full face gasket, take
Cp= 0.4 and De=bolt circle diameter= Dp
Taking the bolt hole diameter as 12mm, (d1=12mm)
De= D p = d i + 2*t + 2(1.5 d 1 )
= 500 + (2*3.1) + (3*12)
= 542.2mm
1 mpa
t 1 = 0.4*542.2* ¿
t 1 = 14mm,
When the corrosion allowance is added, thickness of cover plate

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Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

t= 14mm + 2mm= 16mm

4.4.3. Design of bolts

 Upward facing acting on the manhole cover
F=π/4 (d i )2 *p
F=π/4 (0.5)2 *1mpa
F=196 KN, is the force resisted by n number of bolts provided on the cover.
 Resisting force offered by n number of the bolts,
F= π/4 (d c ) * σ ts *n

Where, d c = core diameter of the bolt

 Assume the nominal diameter of the bolt as 20mm (M20) which have 16.933mm core
diameter from machine design text book table 11.1.
Resisting force offered by n number of bolts is:
F=π/4 (d c )2 * σ ts *n
4∗F 4∗196∗103
n= π (d )2∗σ = = 8.77
c ts π ( 16.933 )∗240
Therefore take n as 10, no of bolts, n= 10

4.4.4. Stresses on manhole

* Circumferential or hoop stress:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σh = 2t = 2∗4 mm
σh = 8 = 155.1mpa
* Longitudinal stress on the shell:
pd 1 mpa∗1240.8 mm
σl = 4t = 4∗4 mm
σl = 16 = 77.55mpa
* Maximum shear stress on the shell:
σ h−σ l 155.1−77.55
τ max = 2
= 2
τ max = 2 = 38.77mpa


The principle Used is to provide reinforcement local to the opening, equal in cross-sectional
area to the area removed in forming the opening. If the actual thickness of the vessel wall is
greater than the minimum required to resist the loading, the excess thickness can be taken into
account when estimating the area of reinforcement required. Then the “equal area method” is

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

the simplest method used for calculating the amount of reinforcement required, and is allowed
in most design codes and standards.
Similarly with a branch connection, if the wall thickness of the branch or nozzle is greater than
the minimum required, the excess material in the branch can be taken into account. Any
corrosion allowance must be deducted when determining the excess thickness available as
compensation. The standards and codes differ in the areas of the branch and shell considered to
be effective for reinforcement, and should be consulted to determine the actual area allowed
and the disposition of the various types of reinforcement. For branch connections of small
diameter thereinforcement area can usually be provided by increasing the wall thickness of the
branch pipe. Some design codes and standards do not require compensation for connections
below 89 mm (3 in.) diameter. If anything, the equal area method tends to over-estimate the
compensation required and in some instances the additional material can reduce the fatigue life
of the vessel.
More sophisticated methods for determining the compensation required have been introduced
into the latest editions of the codes and standards. The equal-area method is generally used for
estimating the increase in thickness required to compensate for multiple openings.

4.6. Weight calculation of vessel parts

The weight of the vessel and fittings can be calculated from the preliminary design sketches. The weights
of standard vessel components: heads, shell plates, man ways, branches and nozzles, are given in various
handbooks; Megyesy (2001) and Brownell and Young (1959).

 For preliminary calculations the approximate weight of a cylindrical vessel with domed ends, and
uniform wall thickness, can be estimated from the following equation

Wv=Cvπ ρm Dm g(Hv+0.8 D m )t * 10−3

Where:Wv=total weight of the shell, excluding internal fittings, such as plates, N,
Cv=a factor to account for the weight of nozzles, man ways, internal supports, etc; which can be taken
as=1.08 for vessels with only a few internal fittings,
=1.15 for distillation columns, or similar vessels, with several man ways, and with plate support rings, or
equivalent fittings,
Hv= height, or length, between tangent lines (the length of the cylindrical section),
= 2481.6mm
g =gravitational acceleration, 9.81 m/s2,
t =wall thickness,
= 5 mm
ρm =density of vessel material= 7870 kg/m 3,
D m =mean diameter of vessel
=(Di +t* 10−3 )m= (1240.8 + 5 ¿ 10−3 )
Wv= 1.15*π*7870*1.2858*9.81(2.4816 + 0.8*1.2858)5 ¿ 10−3
Wv= 6295N
 weight of the gasoline in the shell
W s = ρ*v*g= mg

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Where, ρ-density of shell material=737 3 (gasoline)
v- Volume of the cylinder= 4 m3
g- Gravitational acceleration= 9.81
Ws= 737*4 m3 *9.81 2
Ws= 28920N

 weight of hemispherical heads

W h = ρ*v*g= M*g
Where, ρ-density of head material=7870 (low alloy steel)
v- Volume of the head
g- Gravitational acceleration= 9.81
M- Mass of hemispherical head
S= design stress=230mpa
t= Thickness of the head= 4mm
P= internal pressure= 1mpa
M= 2*π* R2 *(R+t)p* *g
M= 2*π* 1.24082 *(1.2408+0.004)1* *9.81
M= 3257.6 N(for two heads)
Wh= M*g= 3257.6*9.81= 31957N
 total weight of the pressure vessel
W= Ws + Wh + Wv
W= 28920 + 31957 + 6295
W= 67172N= 67KN
Therefore, this helps me to design the saddle support which will resist this much weight.
Since they have no significant effect, the weight of components is not included in the
weight calculation.

4.7. Design of support

The vessel support is intended to support the pressure vessel on the support base. The support
has to be designed to withstand the dead weight and seismic loadings from the pressure vessel
and to limit the heat flow from the vessel wall to the base. The pressure vessel support
structure should be able to withstand the dead weight of the vessel and internals and the
contained fluid without experiencing permanent deformation. The metal temperature of the
pressure vessel is usually different to the ambient conditions during its installation.

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Horizontal pressure vessels are usually supported on two symmetrically spaced saddle
supports.And they are constructed from concrete or bricks or are fabricated from steel plat.
The contact angle should not be less than 1200 and it will not normally be greater than
150 .wear plates are often welded to the shell wall to reinforce the wall over the area of

contact with the saddle.

Design analysis of saddlesupport

 Based on our design specification, total pressure vessel weight w≈100KN and diameter of
shell d= 1.24m we have standard saddle support design parameters as shown below figure
and table.

Figure 4.4. All dimensions of saddle support

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

Table 4.4. Standard steel saddles (adapted from Bhattacharyya, 1976). For
vessels above 1.2 m

Therefore; d≈ 1.4m, Wmax=230KN, V=0.88, Y=0.2, C=1.24, E=0.53, J=0.305,

G=0.14, t 2 =12, t 1 =10, bd =24, bh =30

 Furthermore, if we assume hemispherical heads for which R =H, and for the particular case
of L/R =L/H =30, we obtain the following relationship between A and L:

L2 A
- 1.08LA - = 0, = 0.195
4 L
Therefore we can obtain that
A= 0.195*L= 0.195*2.48
A= 0.4836m
A= 483.6mm
As we are treating methanator as a thin cylinder so the values of hoop stress & longitudinal
stress are calculated as below:

 Seismic force (earth quick)

Where:Ch=seismic factor depending onselected zone=0.367
Wo=maximum weight of the vessel it is given in the table above
FL =0.367*230KN

 wind load:
Wind loading will only be important on tall columns installed in the open. Columns and
Chimney-stacks are usually free standing, mounted on skirt supports, and not attached
To structural steel work. Under these conditions the vessel under wind loading acts as a
Cantilever beam,
CF=shape factor
G=guest factor
Qz=wind pressure
AF= De/4

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

KZ=0.85 from table
I=1.25 importance factor
v=basic wind speed 70-100Mpa
qz=0.0256*0.85* (160.9)2 *1.25
= 3.2*0.55*0.095*704

Welding and fabrication detail

Fabrication of vessels shall be in accordance with applicable parts of the code.
Fabrication detail,
 shell
 Inner diameter of the shell= 1240.8mm
 Length of shell= 2481.6mm
 Thickness of the shell= 5mm
 head
 Thickness of the head= 4mm
 Diameter of head=1240.8mm
 nozzle

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Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

 Thickness of the inlet/outlet= 4mm

 Inner diameter of flange for 25mm pipe= 26.67mm
 Inner diameter of flange for 80mm pipe= 90.17mm
 Outside diameter of flange for 25mm pipe= 107.9mm
 Outside diameter of flange for 80mm pipe= 190.5mm
 manhole
 Thickness of manhole wall=4mm
 Inner diameter of manhole=500mm
 Outer diameter of manhole=506.8mm
 Bolt hole diameter=12mm
 Thickness of manhole cover plate=16mm
 Number of bolts=10
 Whole Pressure vessel
 Total weight of pressure vessel= 67KN
 Total length of pressure vessel= 3722.4mm
 Total volume of pressure vessel= 4 m3

Welding detail of pressure vessel

Joint detail Joint drawing application

efficiency, %
Double welded butt 1.0 Longitudinal and circumferential
joint with single “V” butt welds in plates not less than 5
mm thick and not more than 20
mm thick. The ‘V’ should be on the
inside of small diameter vessel, A
shown in (b) opposite.

The design of pressure vessel is initialized with the specification requirements in terms of
standard technical specifications along with numerous requirements that lay hidden from the
market. The design of a pressure vessel is more of a selection procedure, selection of its
components to be more precise rather designing each and every component. Regarding
Storage of fluid for a pressure vessel system should be preferred due to its simplicity, better
Sensitivity, higher reliability, low maintenance, compactness for the same capacity. The storage
Of fluid at high pressure in the pressure vessel is at the heart of its performance and is the first
Step towards the Design.
The pressure vessel components are merely selected, but the selection is very critical, a slight
change in selection will lead to a different pressure vessel altogether from what is aimed to be
designed. It is observed that all the pressure vessel components are selected on basis of

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

available ASME standards and the manufactures also follow the ASME standards while
manufacturing the components. So that leaves the designer free from designing the
components. This aspect of Design greatly reduces the Development Time for a new pressure
vessel. It also allows the designer the freedom to play with multiple prototypes for the pressure
vessel before finalizing the decision.
The pressure vessel Selection Procedure after determining the inputs is a simplified process and
can be automated to shorten the designcycle. The following additional conclusions are Selection
of pressure vessel components should be according to standards rather than customizing the
• As abiding by the standards lead to:
• A universal approach
• Less time consumption.
• Easy replacement
• So less overall cost

1. Coulson & Richardson’s, chemical engineering design, volume 6, second edition,
Butterworth Heinemann, 1996.
2. Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII, Pressure Vessels.pdf
3. Pressure Vessel Handbook, 10th Edition.pdf
4. Pressure Vessel Design Manual 3E.pdf
5. Pressure vessel design the direct route, Josef L.zeman
6. 2825-Code for Unfired Pressure Vessel.PDF
7. Process Equipment Design_ Lloyd E. Brownell, Edwin H. Young
8. Shirley’s mechanical engineering design 8thedit
9. pages and websites

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

b. alloy steel
c. classification of carbon and low alloy steels
d. how to determine joint efficiency
e. mechanical engineering-welding and its classification
f. oil tanker
g. the 5 types of basic welding joints
h. What is joint efficiency?

Wolaitasodo university, collage of engineering,
Department of mechanical engineering, may 2016

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