5-1 Recent Research Developments in Belt Conveyor Technology

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This paper outlines recent research in the area of belt conveying highlighting the research being conducted in
Australia. A review of design trends associated with long overland conveyors is presented indicating the influence of
economic and technical considerations in the design methodology. Aspects of conveyor dynamics are discussed and
research and development work concerned with specific subjects including belt drum friction, rolling resistance and
bulk solid and conveyor belt interaction. A test rig for examining stability between bulk solids and conveyor belts
during transportation is described.


Throughout the world bulk materials handling operations perform a key function in a great number and variety of
industries. While the nature of the handling tasks and scale of operations vary from one industry to another and, on
the international scene, from one country to another according to the industrial and economic base, the relative costs
of storing and transporting bulk materials are, in the majority of cases, quite significant. It is important, therefore, that
handling systems be designed and operated with a view to achieving maximum efficiency and reliability.

The theme embodied in the foregoing remarks is of direct relevance to Australia in view of the heavy dependence on
bulk solids handling operations. While these operations range across the broad spectrum of the bulk handling field, a
major emphasis is on the storage, handling and transportation of coal, mineral ores and agricultural products, notably
grain, in large tonnages. An indication of the tonnages of principal minerals produced in Australia is given in Table 1,
while Table 11 summarises the mineral exports. Export earnings from minerals and agriculture are very substantial,
with those from minerals approximating 50% and agriculture 30%.

Of the various modes of conveying bulk solids, belt conveyors are of considerable importance in view of their
widespread use and proven reliability. Although their use is largely confined to in-plant movement of materials, their
application to long distance overland transportation and to the conveying of large tonnages is gaining considerable
interest. These applications are made possible through the development of steel cord conveyor belting with much
potential seen in the newer light weight, high strength belt materials such as those reinforced with Aramid fibres.

Despite these developments, belt conveyor systems are often designed using static type analysis based on
manufacturers' handbooks or current design standards. In general, steady state operation is assumed and belt
tensions are computed on the basis of the drive requirements and the need to limit belt sag. High factors-of-safety of
the order of 7:1 are adopted to account for unknown dynamic effects and uncertain belt splice efficiencies.

Fortunately, this situation is changing. Over recent years, significant improvements in conveyor belt technology have
occurred and more exacting design analysis procedures have arisen as a result of the considerable research that has
taken place. There is now a much better understanding of the dynamic behaviour of belts during starting and stopping,
as well as during operation, and this has led to resonance free designs, lower factors-of-safety and increased reliability.

In view of the importance of belt conveying to Australia's mining and mineral processing industries, it is not surprising
that the subject of belt conveying has received considerable attention in terms of research and development. There
has been wide acceptance by industry of the advances being made and this is reflected in the new conveyor
installations particularly in regard to those associated with long overland transportation. The following list highlights
some recent and current advances:

I. Conveyor dynamics - starting and stopping characteristics and dynamic belt stresses.

II. Transverse vibrations of conveyor belts and the associated influence of idler spacing and troughing
configurations on such vibrations.

III. Conveyor belt idler resistance taking into account belt rubber hardness, sag, troughing configuration, idler/belt
indentation and ambient operating temperature.

IV. Conveyor transition geometry.

V. Stability of bulk solid on conveyor belts during motion on horizontal and vertical curves.

VI. Conveyor belt/drive drum friction taking into account rubber hardness, surface roughness wrap angle.

VII. Steel cord splice design and analysis.

VIII. Conveyor belt monitoring as applied to steel cord and fabric belts

IX. Belt rip detection employing ultra sonic devices.

X. Belt tension monitoring during operation.

XI. Belt cleaning including carry back measurement and development of improved cleaning efficiencies.
XII. Economic analysis applied to conveyor design.

A selection of research publications concerned with belt conveyor developments in Australia are given by References
[1-26]. While it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss these developments in any detail, an overview of some
salient aspects of the research. is presented.

(Monthly summary of statistics Australia - January, 1988)

Mineral Unit of Quantity 1984 - 85 1985 - 86 1986 - 87 1st Quarter 1987 - 88

Coal '000t 145,173 163,669 182,255 39,406
Lignite '000t 38,500 35,469 42,656 10,268
Iron Ore '000t 91,411 97,660 96,770 26,670
Manganese '000t 1,858 1,966 1,585 4,710
Bauxite '000t 31,839 32,432 -- --
Aluminium '000t 8,120 9,080 9,838 2,573
Ilmenite '000t 1,264 1,272 -- --
Rutile '000t 191 212 -- --
Zircon '000t 452 476 -- --
Nickel t 80,267 80,528 74,654 18,800
Tungsten t 1,830 1,830 1,249 295
Gold kg 48,853 64,780 -- --
Copper t 251,782 241,706 239,803 56,388
Lead t 480,175 469,637 438,249 133,939
Zinc t 731,321 689,411 715,974 185,766
Tin t 6,430 7,391 8,524 1,873

(Aust. Mineral Industrial Quarterly, Vol. 39 (4), 1986)

Bulk Material Unit of Quantity Quantity Value of f.o.b. ($'000)

Alumina '000t 7,687 1,427,168
Coal '000t 92,717 5,364,142
Copper t 140,133 247,567
Diamonds carat 3,376,323 38,561
Gold kg 58,735 972,591
Iron Ore '000t 79,678 1,937,705
Lead t 412,213 361,122
Nickel -- -- 438,044
Rutile t 229,665 116,412
Silver kg 957,710 53,750
Tin t 7,494 58,229
Tungsten t 2,526 13,482
Zinc t 661,823 488,720


Recent research has shown that belts ranging in widths from 800 to 1200 mm are the most suitable. In this way, belt
tensions are kept to acceptable limits allowing longer, individual conveyor lengths to be realised for the given range of
belt SR values commercially available. For large tonnages, the use of belts within the above mentioned range of
widths, but running at higher speeds provides the best solution. While these trends are supported on the grounds of
economics, they are also supported on technical grounds. With regard to belt speeds, the economic evaluations clearly
highlight the advantages of employing speeds greater than 4 m/s where large tonnage throughputs are involved.

The foregoing observations may be demonstrated as follows.

2.1 Basic Design Considerations

The application of "steady-state" design theory provides a useful basis for the study of the first order influences of
such factors as belt width, strength rating, factor-of-safety and costs for particular conveying tasks. While the design
equations and theory are well known and documented, for the purpose of the present discussion, it is useful to briefly
review the basic procedures. Referring to Figure 1, the following basic design equations apply:

Figure 1: Conveyor Design Model

2. 1. 1 Throughput Q

Q = ρAv (1)


ρ - bulk density of bulk solid

v - belt velocity.

"A" represents the cross-sectional area of the bulk solid on the belt and is given by:

A = Ub2 (2)


U - non-dimensional cross-sectional area shape factor

b - contact or "wetted" perimeter.

The belt width B > b to allow for edge effects.

Shape factors for various idler troughing configurations are given in Ref.[20]

2.1.2 Belt Resistance and Power

F = Σ Fi (3)

Where Fi are the various resistances such as empty belt frictional resistance, load resistance, slope resistance, special
and localised resistances such as those due to skirtplates and belt cleaners.

As a first order approximation, it may be assumed that the friction coefficients in the idlers and drive components are
constant and independent of the velocity. It is then apparent that the total resistance to motion in functional form is:

F = fi (B, L p) (4)


B - belt width

L - total belt width

The conveyor power is given by:

P= (5)


η - drive efficiency

2.1.3 Peak Belt Tension

For a given arrangement, the tight side tension Fl based on the simplified tension distribution around the drive drum(s)
is given by:

F1 = ( ) (6)
eθ - 1

This assumes the well known tension relationship

= eθ (7)

where F2 is "slack" side tension.

The maximum belt tension under steady-state operation will be the larger one of that given by Eq. (6) and that
required to limit the maximum belt sag in the low tension zone of the belt. When dynamic effects are taken into
account, the maximum belt tension will also include the influences of transverse and longitudinal belt vibrations. For a
"first-order" approximation, it is clear that in functional form:

Fmax = f2 (B, L, p) (8)

This equation indicates that the maximum belt tension for a given length conveyor is directly related to the belt width.
The narrower the belt, the lower the tension. However, the interrelation of belt width and conveyor speed needs to be
taken into account when establishing the most appropriate parameters to meet the throughput requirements.

2.1.4 Belt Rating and Width

For a computed maximum belt tension, the required belt width is given by:

Fmax fs
B= (9)


fs - factor-of-safety

SR - maximum strength rating of belt (in kN/m).

2.2 Conveyor Economic Analysis

Economic studies based on life-cycle cost analysis have been conducted to identify the most cost effective operating
conditions for conveyors [1,10,20]. Relevant aspects of these studies are highlighted below. While the cost data are
based on 1985 values, the relativity with respect to current costs would be expected to be the same.

2.2.1 Belt Width and Velocity Considerations

Figures 2 and 3 show the annual equivalent costs per unit length for various throughputs for a conveying distance of 5
km. In Figure 2 the costs as a function of belt width are presented with belt velocities curves superimposed. The
graphs show that the lowest costs occur in the range of belt widths 0.6 to 1.2 m with lm being a "good" average value.
In Figure 3 the cost data are plotted as a function of belt velocity with belt width curves superimposed. As indicated,
the annual equivalent cost decreases significantly at low belt velocities but, as the velocities increase, the cost is
substantially constant or increases very slightly.

Figure 2: Annual equivalent cost per unit length as function of belt width
L = 5km, p = 0.85 t/m3, fs 7:1
Figure 3: Annual equivalent cost per unit length as function of belt velocity
L = 5km, p = 0.85 t/m3, fs 7:1

2.2.2 Belt Length Considerations

The potential of belt conveyors for long distance transportation is illustrated in Figure 4. Here the annual equivalent
cost per unit length is plotted as a function of conveyor length for various belt widths. The corresponding conveying
velocities are indicated and the belt SR curves are superimposed.

Figure 4: Annual equivalent cost per unit length for horizontal steel cord
Belt Conveyors. Q = 1000 t/h, p = 0.85 t/m3

For conveyor lengths beyond 1 km, the cost per unit length increases as shown, this being due to the need to employ
belts with higher SR values. For this reason it would be nominally more economical to use several shorter conveyors in
series than fewer longer conveyors for conveying over long distances. This could well be the case when wide belts are
used. However, the cost per unit length advantages associated with shorter belts would be offset by the cost of the
transfer stations. Hence it is recommended that, in general, longer individual belts be used and this reinforces the
need to employ narrower belts.

2.3 Dynamic. Considerations

The two most important dynamic considerations in the design of belt conveyors are.

i. Reduction of starting and stopping stresses in the belt.

ii. Running stability or resonance-free operation.

2.3.1 Dynamic Belt Stresses - Starting and Stopping of Conveyors

Numerous methods have been devised for starting belt conveyors, including eddy current drives, switched resistance
starts, fluid and fluid-scoop coupling drives and controlled starting for AC and DC motors. Most of these methods have
discontinuities in the drive acceleration at the instant torque is applied to the belt, leading to travelling elastic waves in
the belt [41. Measurement of starting tensions in belts containing shock waves indicates that tensions in the belt may
exceed ten times the highest operating tension, and this has been the reason for the high safety factors that have
been adopted in the past. Large safety factors increase the cost of belting manufacture.

The control of belt speed during the start-up and running period is most important in higher speed belts if shock is to
be avoided and if lower belt safety factor "sf" is to be employed to reduce installation and driving costs. During the
braking period, similar considerations apply; however, the concept of emergency stopping must be reviewed when belt
speed is increased. Naturally, all safety requirements must be much more closely observed near the running belt and
at the loading and discharge stations.

The criteria for minimising transient stresses in conveyor belts during starting and stopping particularly applies to fast
belts. The dynamics of starting and stopping have been examined in some detail by Harrison [5]. He showed that an
optimal "stop start" is given by the belt start-up velocity.

vb πt
v(t) = (1 - ) for t < T = vb for t > T (10)
2 T


vb -belt running velocity

T -run-up period.

The form of Eq. (10) is shown in Figure 5. With modern computer control systems, it is possible to generate the
desired starting characteristic.

Figure 5: Ideal belt velocity characteristic to minimise

transient tensions at start and stop

A general formula for the factor-of-safety has been proposed.

Td Σ a Ta
f.o.s ≥ 3 (1 + + ) (11)
Tmax Tmax

where Td is the non-oscillatory dynamic belt tension during transient periods, ΣTa are additional tensions due to
transitions, impact and vertical curves. The peak tension Tmax along the belt is determined from conventional design
methods such as DIN 22101 or IOS 5048.

It needs to be noted that the above expression is somewhat idealised in as much as many other factors need to be
taken into account. These factors include splice efficiency, belt quality and tracking characteristics.

2.3.2 Conveyor Design Program

A dynamic analysis program shown in Figure 6 uses the results of conventional handbook procedures and modifies the
design in the light of computed dynamic stresses.

The value of Td critically depends on the starting or stopping characteristic of the motor drive or brake. An over-rated
belt is progressively de-rated in this program until a suitable f.o.s. is achieved. Typically a f.o.s. ≥ 3.3 is obtained and
the belt strength and hence cost is significantly reduced. In the case where a steel cord belt is selected, the weight is
reduced in the selection process, leading to further reductions in tension and power.

The design cost is computed each time the static design is modified in the program loop. Though the flowchart of
Figure 6 does not show a different path for calculating f.o.s. for starting or stopping, the largest average acceleration in
the transient period should also give the largest dynamic acceleration in the belt. As a result, the greatest rate-of-
change of belt velocity must be employed in f.o.s. calculations.

Figure 6: Dynamic analysis flowchart for evaluating the starting and stopping
safety factors in conveyor belts, in conjunction with
conventional design

2.3.3 Resonance Free Design

Elimination of belt resonances by the correct design of idler spacing, belt tensions and belt weight will result in lower
operating costs due to increased idler life and reduced belt failure caused by vibration of the belt.

Variables that are available for design optimisation are the excitation frequency of the idlers fi and the belt modal
frequency fmn [2,3]. The condition for stable belt running is expressed by the relation

Σq {(qfmn + Δfmn) < fi < (qfmn - ρfmn)} q = 1,2,.... (12)

where fmn is the natural frequency of the tensioned belt. Plate mechanics [5] are used to determine these frequencies.
Figure 7 illustrates the application of Eq. (12), and shows the location of idler frequency in relation to belt frequency.

Figure 7: Change of modal frequencies for a belt due to tension

variation between loaded and unloaded conditions

The running belt tension profile is required in order to design idler diameter d, idler spacing a, belt width b and belt
speed, so that fi < fmn or a multiple of this frequency in the case of multi-lobed idler eccentricities. Usually only single
lobe, idler eccentricities occur in manufacture. Conventional static design, as distinct from dynamic design, only uses
loading, tension and belt sag (including takeup counterweight masses) to obtain idler spacing.

In dynamic design, the belt width is selected and then fmn and fi are calculated. The belt speed and idler diameter,
together with belt width and throughput, are adjusted and the dynamic design is repeated until fi < f11 , and the
design is complete. The belt frequencies are determined for both loaded and unloaded conditions to obtain design
ranges. Generally, for very high-speed designs near 15 ms-1, belt width is b ~ 0.8 m, a ~ 2 m and idler diameters are
d ~ 0.20 m.

It should be appreciated that while the power requirement to drive a belt increases with belt speed, high speed belts
are obviously narrow to prevent resonances, and so rolling losses are less with narrow belts in a linear proportion to
the width. However, belting and structure cost is considerably reduced in narrow belt systems and so long-distance
high speed narrow belts are more economical. Figure 8 shows how transverse belt resonances may be eliminated by
idler spacing considerations between loaded and unloaded conditions.

Figure 8: Diagram showing the removal of resonance zones by the application of

change of idler spacing in the resonance zone


4.1 Idler Resistance

The determination of idler resistance has been based, traditionally, on the application of "artificial friction" coefficients
which are quite empirical. More recently, research has been undertaken to examine the nature of belt and idler rolling
resistance from a more fundamental viewpoint. This is of particular importance in the case of long overland conveyors
where the cumulative influence of idler resistance demands an accurate determination of the individual resistance
contributions. One study performed by Harrison et al [14] has examined the various factors influencing idler
resistance. Factors taken into account are:

i. Belt sag

ii. Idler diameter

iii. Indentation effects

iv. Belt hardness

v. Temperature

vi. Idler configuration.

The simulation test rig, constructed for this purpose, is shown in Figure 9.

(a) Apparatus for Testing Empty Belts in their Operating Shapes

(b) Test Set-Up for Loaded Belt

Figure 9. Simulation Test Rig for Measurement of Idler Resistance

Experiments have shown that the idler resistance is somewhat insensitive to idler diameter; all other parameters have
an influence.

The total resistance due to the carry idlers has been shown to be

FRC = (i + s + f) N + FBC (13)


i = indentation coefficient depending on rubber hardness

s = sag coefficient

f = flexure coefficient

FBC = bearing losses of carry side idlers

N = normal load on idler set.

The components of the total resistance are defined below:

i = 0.022 - (H - 55) (14)

An appropriate linear expression for the hardness H as a function of temperature is

H(T) = 0.5T + 80 (15)


H = Hardness - Shore A degrees

T = Temperature C.

The belt sag friction factors s for steel cord, fabric and PVC belts are 0.0033, 0.0066 and 0.005 respectively, for a belt
sag of 1 %. The sag friction along the whole return conveyor from head (n = 0) to tail (x = ℓ), is computed using

s (x) = s [1 - ]-1 A (16)


A=0/s L=ℓ/B B = (1 - A)

An average value of the sag for the whole length of the conveyor is s/2. Experimentally the combined friction

isf = i + s + f (17)

has been measured. The flexure coefficient gf has been measured indirectly by this approach. It is obtained by
subtracting (i + s) from isf.

3.2 Idler Bearing Life

The rolling fatigue life of a properly lubricated bearing is expressed in terms of the B-10 life rating. For a sample of
nominally identical bearings, the B-10 life, expressed in millions of revolutions at constant speed or hours of operation,
is the life that 90% of the bearings in the sample will attain or exceed before the first signs of fatigue are evident. The
B-10 life is expressed by:

6 C
LB-10 = 10 ( )u (18)
60n p


n - rotational speed (in rev/min)

C - basic dynamic load rating (as given in bearing catalog)

P - actual bearing load

u - u = 3.0 for bass bearings, u = 3.33 for roller bearings.

(The load units for C and P are the same.)

It is evident from Eq. (16) that, in the case of idler bearings for belt conveyors, the life is inversely proportional to the
belt speed. However, as indicated by Talks and Kenny [27] of the National Coal Board (NCB), U.K., the limiting factor
for idler life is the grease life rather than the B-10 fatigue life. For instance, Talks and Kenny estimated that the NCB
has around 11 x 106 idler bearings in operation at any one time with load ratios C/P ranging from 13.8 to 41.9; the
corresponding B-10 lives range from twelve years to 360 years, based on continuous running at 400 rev/min. Yet, the
average grease life for idler bearings is five years for operation at 50C and two years at 70 C.

Much progress is being made to extend idler bearing life, and the work reported by Herraty and Bras [28] concerning a
SKF seize resistant bearing is worth noting. The seize resistant bearing was compared, under dry abrasive test
conditions, with three other bearings, a standard deep groove ball bearing (DGBB), a DGBB with increased clearance
and a taper roller bearing. The results are shown in Table 3. As indicated, the seize resistant bearings had a B-10 life
ten times that of the DGBB with increased clearance, 15.6 times that of the standard DGBB and 70 times that of the
tapered roller bearing. The mean power consumption during all tests showed the seize, resistant bearing to have the
lowest power, being 64% of that for the standard DGBB, 78% of that for the DGBB with increased clearance and 46%
of that for the tapered bearing. The test failure mode for the seize resistant bearing was by eventual wear without
seizure, whereas the other three bearings all failed by seizure.

A more recent paper by Herraty and Hamblin [29] has reported on the service life calculations of idler bearings.
Continued testing of the seize resistant bearing has confirmed the superiority of this type of bearing under arduous
operating conditions in dirty environments.

(Ref. Herraty and Bras [28])

LB-10 Life Test Failure Mean Power

Bearing Type Consumption
Revolutions Mode
Seize Resistant
(SKF 420205) 1.40 x 106 Wear 28.0

Standard DGBB
(SKF 6205) 0.09 x 106 Seizure 44.0

DGBB - increased Clearance

(SKF 6205-64) 0.14 x 106 Seizure 35.7

Taper Roller
LM11949 / LM11910 0.02 x 106 Seizure 61.0


4.1 Introductory Remarks.

An important aspect of belt conveyor operation is the frictional resistance generated between the belt and drive drum.
The resistance controls the development of drive tensions. In accordance with Figure 10, the well known tension
relationship (referred to in section 2.1.3), which is widely used in design, is

F1 / F2 = eθ (19)

F1 = Tight side tension

F2 = Slack side tension

θ = wrap angle

= coefficient of friction between belt and drum

It is usual to assume that = 0.25 to 0.3 for a steel drum surface and = 0.35 for a lagged drum surface. The principal
assumptions embodied in equation (19) are:

i. the frictional resistance is strictly of Coulomb type

ii. the friction is developed around the contact surface of the drive drum

iii. slip (or pending slip) occurs around the contact surface

iv. eccentricity of the surface defining cord location (and hence tensions) and drum surface is neglected

These assumptions are not strictly valid and values normally assigned to in equation (19) are not actual friction
coefficients but, rather, empirical values which are lower in magnitude than the actual values. Although it is never
stated, the reduced empirical friction coefficients used in equation (19) provide for a conservative design; they
compensate for the fact that unless slip occurs around the contact surface, the friction may not be fully developed.

Figure 10: Tensions Generated on Drive Drum

It is quite clear that the eccentricity "ec" in Figure 10 causes internal shear to be developed in the rubber as a result of
the moment generated. It is also known that the angle of wrap may be divided into combinations of active slip, creep
and passive zones as depicted in Figure 11. This causes variations in the tensions as indicated.

Figure 11: Typical Belt Friction and Tension Diagram for Combinations of Slip, Creep and Passive Zones.

4.2 Current Research

A program of research being conducted at the University of Newcastle is aimed at providing a greater insight into belt
and drive drum friction [21]. To date, the research has involved experimental studies using two separate test set-ups.

i. Direct Shear Apparatus - (Figure 12)

ii. Drum Friction Apparatus - (Figure 13)

The Direct Shear Apparatus of Figure 12 is based on the Jenike Direct Shear Tester. For a range of belt and drum
samples records of shear load and shear deformation were obtained for a range of normal loads. By way of example,
the fully developed friction for steel on rubber has been shown to depend on the surface roughnesses of the belt and
steel surfaces and, in particular, on the rubber hardness.

Figure 12: Direct Shear Tests

Figure 13: Drum Friction Apparatus

Tests have shown that the fully developed friction is given by

Co H - Ho
= exp [ ]+o (20)
2 Ra C1 Ra


o = C2 Ra + C3Ra + C4 (21)

where Ho= 66
Co = 1.0
C1 = 10
C2 = - 2.9
C3 = 4.37
C4 = - 0.8
Ra = Roughness of steel drum

The influence of rubber hardness is illustrated in Figure 14 which shows the comparison between the measured and
predicted values of the friction coefficient; the predicted values are based on equation (20).

Figure 14. Comparison Between Predicted and Experimental Results for three Steel Surfaces S1, S2, S3

The influence of wrap angle has been examined using the drum friction apparatus of Figure 13. Preliminary results
indicate that the tension relationship does not follow the exponential form of equation (19); a linear relationship of the
form given below has been indicated.

F1 / F2 = 1 + Cθ (22)

where C = Constant

On the basis of the above relationship, the equivalent friction decreases with wrap angle indicating that the friction
coefficient is inversely proportional to the tension. However, these findings are somewhat tentative and further tests
are necessary before any firm conclusions can be obtained. More recent experiments carried out over a wider range of
wrap angles confirmed the general exponential form of equation (19) but with significantly higher values of the friction
coefficient than those currently used in design. Current research is concentrating on finite element analyses of the
stress conditions in belts wrapped around drive drums; the results are expected to provide greater insight into the
fundamental nature of belt and drum friction.


It is important that, during the design stage, careful consideration be given to the interaction between the conveyor
belt and the bulk solid being conveyed. Interaction effects relate to such aspects of conveyor operation as the stability
of the bulk solid during transportation and the discharge characteristics. The latter concerns the design of the
discharge chute and the belt cleaning system.

5.1 Stability of Bulk Solid on Belt During Conveying

The loading of bulk solids onto conveyor belts is governed by the need to ensure effective transport of a maximum
payload without spillage. This requirement becomes particularly important in the case of long, overland conveyors
which execute a combination of vertical and horizontal curves.

In order to gain some insight into the load stability during transportation, a conveyor simulation test rig was designed
and constructed at the University of Newcastle, Australia [24]. The test rig, which is illustrated in Figure 15, comprises
three main components:

i. Conveyor belt clamping and tensioning mechanism;

ii. Cam driven troughing idler unit to simulate the belt and material passing over consecutive idler sets; and

iii. Main support frame incorporating a two-way tilting base to accommodate vertical inclines and/or the
superelevation of horizontally curved conveyor belts.

Figure 15. Schematic isometric drawing of the conveyor simulation test rig

6.1.1 General Specifications

The general specifications of the test rig are:

i. All belt types with belt widths up to 1050mm

ii. Carry idlers to any diameter and specification. Idler types include flat carry idlers, 3 roll in-line and offset
troughing idlers (20, 30, 35 and 45), and 3 roll and 5 roll suspended troughing idlers. Idler spacing is variable
from 1000 - 2000 mm.

iii. Simulated belt speeds ranging from 0 - 15 m/s are possible via a 3ph A.C. geared motor unit fed by a variable
frequency electronic drive.

iv. Belt sag and/or belt tension is controlled through two hydraulic jacking cylinders. The cylinders allow the belt
to be adjusted to a present tension, or until a required percentage sag (either for coasting or loaded) is

v. Frequency and amplitude of belt vibration is to simulate material on an actual belt passing from a position on
top of an idler set down to the maximum sag position (midway between consecutive idler sets) and finally to
the top of the next idler set.

The cam drive which controls the amplitude of vibration is adjusted so that the loaded belt moves between the
maximum sag position to level with the belt clamping and tensioning brackets (that is, the top of the next idler set).
The frequency of vibration is set to the idler passing frequency which is a function of belt speed and idler spacing.

Although the rig does not currently allow the idler rotating frequency to be superimposed it is believed that whilst the
frequencies are higher, the amplitudes are so small that the effect of the rotating idlers will be negligible compared to
the idler passing motion described above.

5. 1. 2 Typical Test Results

A range of tests have been conducted over a period of time to simulate the motion of bulk materials, notably coal and
iron ore. In the case of the latter, one series of tests was concerned with the stability of iron ore on the horizontally
curved section of an overland conveyor. By way of illustration, a typical set of results are shown in Figure 16.

The results relate to a 35 deg. idler set, the conveyor rig being set at a horizontal curve super-elevation angle of 8
deg. The iron ore was at a moisture content 0.8% (wet basis) and of a particle size of 90% minus 16 mm. As the
results show, there was very little movement of the iron ore.

Figure 16: Change in surcharge profile between "as loaded" and after prolonged simulated motion for

(a) Horizontally curved conveyor at a superelevation angle of 8 with symmetrically positioned belt on 35 troughing
(b) Horizontally curved conveyor at a superelevation angle of 8 with the belt offset 40 mm down the 35 troughing

5.2 Bulk Solid Discharge and Carry-Back After Discharge

5.2.1 Condition Occurring at Discharge

An indication of the discharge trajectories and possible levels of bulk solid carry-over following discharge may be
ascertained by considering, in a simplistic way, the mechanics of separation of bulk solids from the belt as it passes
around the discharge pulley [13,19]. Figure 17 shows the condition at the conveyor discharge.

The equilibrium condition for the position at which discharge commences is given by

v2 σo
= cosθ + (23)
rg ρgh

where v = velocity of bulk solid leaving belt (m/s)

r = radius of bulk solid measured from drum centre (m)

g = gravitational acceleration

θ = angle at which discharge commences

σo = adhesive stress (kPa)

ρ = bulk density (t/m3)

h = thickness of bulk solid stream (m)

Figure 17: Conveyor Belt Discharge

The adhesive stress, depicted in Figure 18, is obtained from the Surface Yield Locus measured in the laboratory.

Figure 18. Surface Yield Locus for Conveyor Belt

Referring to Figure 19, the average height of material on the belt is given by

h=Q/ρvb (24)


Q = throughput (t/h)

b = width of contact of bulk solid on belt (m)

Figure 19. Bulk Material on Belt at Discharge

Discharge will commence at the line of intersection of the belt and drive drum, that is, for θ = 0. The minimum belt
velocity for this to occur follows directly from (23) and is given by:

vmin = (r σo / ρ h) (25)

By way of example, consider the belt conveying of bauxite. While the bulk density varies with the consolidation
pressure, it is assumed that p = 1.2 t/m3 corresponding to the likely consolidation condition (from flow property data).
Measurements of surface yield loci of bauxite indicate that adhesive stresses up to 1 kPa may occur. Assuming a value
of h = 0.09 (m) and a radius of R = 0.6 m, then
vmin = 2.35 m/s

Hence, if the belt speed v ≥ 2.35 m/s, then discharge will commence at the line of intersection of the belt with the

5.2.2.Carry-Over After Discharge

Referring to Figure 20, assuming the bulk solid does not slide relative to the belt, discharge takes place as discussed
previously. For cohesive bulk solids, sliding is unlikely in view of the very high friction angle that accompanies the low
normal pressures between the bulk solid and the belt.

Figure 20: Mechanics of Discharge and Adhesion

After the point of discharge defined by equation (23), some bulk solid will adhere to the belt as carry-over. This is an
adhesive condition that arises as a result of negative or tensile stresses σnt which occur between the bulk solid and the
belt surface, as indicated in Figure 18. While these stresses are very small, they can have a significant influence on the
amount of carry-over that may occur. An indication of the thickness h of the carry-over may be obtained as follows:

For an arbitrary location defined by θ > θL, where θL is the angle at which discharge commences, it follows that the
thickness h of the carry-over is given by

σnt 1000
[ ] (26)
h= ρ v2
- gcosθ


h = carry over on belt (mm)

σnt = tensile stress (kPa)

ρ = belt density (t/m3)

v = belt velocity (m/s)

R = pulley radius (m)

g = gravitational acceleration

The critical location occurs when θ = 180, that is at the bottom of the pulley. For this location σnt = σo (see Figure
18); the thickness h is given by

σo 1000
h = ρ [ v2 ] (27)
- gcosθ

By way of illustration, values of σo as high as 1.4 kPa for iron ore at 11% moisture content on conveyor belt surfaces
have been measured. It is usual for values lower than this to occur.

Assuming, for example, that σo = 0.1 kPa and density ρ = 1 t/m3, then σo / ρ = 0.1. From the foregoing, it follows
that for a belt travelling at 3 m/s and assuming a 1 meter diameter discharge pulley, bulk solid will adhere to the belt
in thickness up to h = 3.6 mm. Values such as this give an inclination of the amount of bulk solid to be handled by a
belt cleaner.
Figure 21: Belt Carry-Over at Discharge Pulley Expressed in Non-Dimensional Form

The carry-over analysis may be generalised by presenting the parameters in non-dimensional form.

From equation (27) it follows that

NA = 1 / NF + 1 (28)


NA = ρgh / σo = Adhesion Number (29)

NF = v2 / Rg = Froude Number (30)

5.2.3 Belt Cleaner Operation

Effective belt cleaning depends on an appreciation, at the design stage, of the amount of likely carry-over of bulk
material after discharge. It is unlikely that a single cleaning device will be sufficient and a multiple cleaner system is

Apart from the selection of the most appropriate cleaning device, it is important that sufficient attention be given to
the need to ensure effective removal of bulk material without build-up on the cleaner components. As illustrated in
Figure 22, build up can occur on bolt projections and ledges, thus impairing the performance of the cleaner. Such
projections should be avoided.

Figure 22. Belt Cleaner System Showing Areas of Possible Build-Up


While it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss, in any detail, other areas of research, it is of interest to note
areas in which research is research is presently being conducted.

6.1 Belt Tracking and Dynamic Tensions

Two of the more important parameters needed by the designer of belt systems are the dynamic tracking characteristics
and dynamic belt tensions that occur on starting and stopping. Both of these parameters are difficult to predict during
the design phase. There are no theories to predict belt tracking characteristics based on belting construction,
particularly with a bonded steel cord belt in which cord load sharing is not always uniform. Research being conducted
by Harrison [22] is addressing this problem. A dynamic sag measuring transducer has been developed and monitoring
of belt tracking and sag during starting and stopping has provided new ways of proving that these parameters have
significant importance. The tracking and dynamic characteristics may be predicted in advance during belt manufacture.

6.2 On Line Control of Belt Dynamics

Using the sag transducer mentioned in 6.1 above, Harrison has provided a methodology for the on line control of
conveyor belt dynamic characteristics [241. The analysis takes into account the design and location of belt tensioning

6.3 Conveyor Belt Monitoring

Following the development of the steel cord belt monitor [5], a fabric belt monitor has been developed by Harrison
[17]. This device employs non-contact capacitive transducers and can readily detect cuts in the cover material, edge
damage, repairs, splices and a number of manufacturing defects. The monitor is shown schematically in Figure 23. The
monitoring device has scope for introduction into manufacturing processes in order to provide improved quality
Figure 23. Monitoring System for Fabric Belts

6.4 Use of "Kevlar" Aramid Fibres in Conveyor Belts

Research at the University of Newcastle by Betz et al [11,18] has concentrated on the improvement of splices in
"Kevlar" reinforced belts. Various splice configurations have been examined and it has been shown that splice
strengths greater than the parent belt are possible. Two and three dimensional finite element models have been
developed to analyse the stress distributions in splices.


It is clear that significant developments are continuing to be been made in the field of belt conveying. Like other
countries in the world dependent on bulk materials handling, Australia has been active in research and development
work in the various facets of bulk handling, including belt conveying. Same of the developments that have occurred in
recent years in Australia have been highlighted in this paper. It is particularly gratifying to note the wide industrial
acceptance of modern design methods and monitoring procedures. The interaction between industry and research
institutions is of great importance in guiding current research and indicating new research directions.


1. Roberts, A.W., Hayes, J.W. and Scott, 0.J.,"Optimum Design of Continuous Conveyors". Bulk Solids Handling,
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2. Harrison, A., "Flexural Behaviour of Tensioned Conveyor Belts", Mech.Eng.Trans. IE (Aust.), Vol. MES (1983),
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4. Harrison, A., "Criteria for Minimising Transient Stress in Conveyor Belts", Mech.Eng.Trans IE(Aust), Vol. ME8
(1983), No. 3, pp. 129-134.

5. Harrison, A, "Dynamic Measurement and Analysis of Steel Cord Conveyor Belts", Ph.D. Telesis, The University
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6. Harrison, A. and Roberts, A.W., "Future Design of Belt Conveyors Using Dynamic Analysis". Paper presented at
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Solids Handling":, Mech. Eng. Trans. IE(Aust.), Vol. ME7, (1982), No. 3.

10. Roberts, A.W., Harrison, A. and Hayes, J.W., "Economic Factors Relating to the Design of Belt Conveyors for
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11. Betz, E., "The Use of "Kevlar" Aramid Fibres in Conveyor Belts, Part 1: Pull-Out Problem and Splice Design",
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12. Harrison, A., "Troughability Measurement of Fabric Reinforced Belting for the Powder and Bulk Handling
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13. Roberts, A.W., Ooms, M. and Bennett, D.J., "Bulk Solid Conveyor Belt Interaction in Relation to Belt Cleaning",
Intl. Jnl. of Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 1987 (pp.355-362).

14. Hanison, A., Teo, L.H. and Roberts, A.W., "Measurement of Belt-Idler Interactions and Material Flexure
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15. Harrison, A., "Future Design of Belt Conveyors Using Dynamic Analysis", Intl. Jnl. of Bulk Solids Handling, Vol.
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17. Hanison, A., "A New Development in Textile Belt Monitoring", Inti. Jnl. of Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 8, No. 2,
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18. Roberts, A.W., Betz, E., Goh, B.N., Law, S.C. and Wang, W.C., "The Use of "Kevlar" Aramid Fibres in Conveyor
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19. Roberts, A.W. and Bennett, D.J., "Friction, Adhesion and Wear in Conveyor Belt Cleaning Operations", AntiWear
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20. Harrison, A. and Roberts, A.W., "Modern Concepts in Belt Conveying and Handling of Bulk Solids", TUNRA, The
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21. Roberts, A.W., Papaliski, D. and Harrison, A., "The Friction and Tension Characteristics on Driving Drums of
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22. Harrison, A., "New Concepts for Evaluating Belt Tracking and Dynamic Tensions", Third Inti. Conf. on Bulk
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24. Bennett, D.J. and Roberts, A.W., "Bulk Solid and Conveyor Belt Interaction During Transportation", Third Intl.
Conf. on Bulk Materials, Storage, Handling and Transportation, IE(Aust), Newcastle, June 1989 (pp.345-358).

25. Hardson, A., "Stress Distribution in Steel Cord Belts with Cord Plane Defects and Inlaid Repairs", Intl. Jnl. of
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