What Are Action Verbs?

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Action Verbs

What are action verbs?

Action verbs are words you can use to describe your experience. They can help to articulate what you have done
more precisely and give your resume a professional tone.
How to use action verbs
You can use action verbs in various application documents, including your CV/resume, cover letter, statement
addressing selection criteria; and during the selection process, at interviews and in assessment centres.
Action verb lists
The following lists are categorised according to experience type.
address communicate discuss influence market propose specify
advertise condense draft inform moderate publicize suggest
advise conduct edit instruct motivate publish summarize
answer confer educate interact negotiate reconcile synthesize
apprise consult elicit interpret observe recruit teach
arbitrate contact enlist interview outline refer train
arrange convey explain introduce participate reinforce translate
articulate convince express involve persuade report write
assess correspond facilitate join plan resolve
author debate familiarize judge present respond
brief define formulate lecture project schedule
clarify develop handle listen promote screen
collaborate direct incorporate liaise proofread solicit
accomplish attract delegate examine influence originate review
adapt authorize demonstrate execute initiate overhaul schedule
address broaden develop expedite inspire oversee secure
administer budget devise explain install plan select
advise build direct facilitate institute preside shape
affect chair disseminate form integrate prioritize spearhead
allocate change elect generate interview produce stage
amend conclude eliminate guide launch program start
analyze conduct emphasize handle lead promote strategize
appoint consolidate employ head manage prompt streamline
approve control encourage hire mentor propose strengthen
arbitrate convert enhance host merge recommend supervise
arrange convince enlarge implement moderate recruit taught
assemble coordinate enlist improve monitor reorganize terminate
assess counsel ensure inaugurate motivate replace train
assign create establish incorporate negotiate respond
attain decide evaluate increase organize restore
approve collect execute inspect organize reorganize streamline
arrange compile explain install plan reserve strengthen
assemble coordinate file log prepare respond submit
catalogue correspond formalize maintain process review supply
categorize develop generate monitor provide route systematize
chart disseminate implement obtain purchase schedule update
classify distribute incorporate operate record screen validate
code ensure initiate order register standardize verify
accelerate automate consolidate estimate measure qualify specify
adapt balance control evaluate minimize reconcile survey
adjust budget correct examine monitor record systematize
administer calculate decrease execute net redesign tabulate
allocate catalogue define forecast organize reduce trace
analyze centralize design formulate plan reorganize translate
appraise chart determine generate prepare research write
approve classify develop implement process research
arrange collect devise inspect program retrieve
assess compile diagram interface project screen
audit compute dispatch manage promote simplify
augment conserve engineer market purchase solve
Academic and research (for research students)
achieve compile design explore interpret program search
acquire compute determine extract interview prove solve
adapt conceive develop find introduce publish specialize
address conceptualize devise formalize invent purchase stage
analyze conclude direct formulate investigate rectify standardize
apply condense discover fortify locate refine streamline
assess conduct distribute frame maintain regulate structure
assist conserve document gather measure reorganize study
author construct draft generate operate repair summarize
avail contract earn identify organize replace survey
build contribute edit improve overhaul report systematize
calculate convert engineer improvise perceive research teach
chart create enhance inform perform restore test
clarify critique estimate innovate pinpoint restructure translate
co-author cultivate evaluate inspect pioneer revamp tutor
collaborate debug examine inspire plan review upgrade
collect define experiment install present revise utilize
compare demonstrate explain instruct produce revitalize write

A note on verb tense

When writing application documents, tense matters! If the activity you are describing was in the past, use the
past tense. If you are still doing it, use the present tense. Ensure that this is consistent throughout the document.
For example:
Administrative Assistant 2011-2012
Jones and Jones Tax Accountants
 Prepared tax returns for individuals within strict time constraints
 Provided tailored advice on legal tax reduction strategies according to customer needs
Administrative Assistant 2011-present
Jones and Jones Tax Accountants
 Prepare tax returns for individuals within strict time constraints
 Provide tailored advice on legal tax reduction strategies according to customer needs

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