Speakout Pronunciation Extra Advanced Unit 7

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ADVANCED UNIT 7 B Match the words in the box to the phonemes according to the
sound of the ‘i’s in bold. Three words contain two different
7.1 sounds. Which ones?
1 /aɪ/                    
1 A WORD STRESS: suffixes Look at the 2 /ɪ/                    
groups of words below. Mark the main
stress on each word. 3 /iː/                   
4 /ɜː/                   
group 1: adjective + ise = verb
legal – legalise time mind switch unwind wild shi live (verb)
modern – modernise alive lion childhood piano excited first technique
central – centralise alternative lifestyle third interested physical survival
group 2: verb + ment = noun environment qualified hiking fishing dining
embarrass – embarrassment ingredients bird
enjoy – enjoyment
harass – harassment
C 7.6 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
group 3: verb (ate) + ation = noun
motivate – motivation
hesitate – hesitation
4 A HETERONYMS Read the pairs of sentences and circle the correct
pronunciation for the underlined words.
renovate – renovation
1 a) He read the book in two days. /red/ /riːd/
group 4: adjective + ness = noun
b) I always read when I need to relax. /red/ /riːd/
lonely – loneliness
unhappy – unhappiness 2 a) The wind blew in the trees. /wɪnd/ /waɪnd/
tired – tiredness b) I listen to music to wind down aer a
long day. /wɪnd/ /waɪnd/
B 7.1 Listen and check. In which 3 a) He lives in a beautiful place. /lɪvz/ /laɪvz/
group does the word stress shi when b) They have incredibly busy lives. /lɪvz/ /laɪvz/
you add the suffix? 4 a) He was born to lead. /led/ /liːd/
b) The pipes were old and made of lead. /led/ /liːd/
C 7.2 Listen again and say the
words in that group with the speaker. 5 a) She pays such close attention to the
minute details. /ˈmɪnɪt/ /maɪˈnjuːt/
2A 7.3 Listen to the sentences and b) I promise I’ll be with you in a minute. /ˈmɪnɪt/ /maɪˈnjuːt/
write down all the nouns that end in
-ation. B 7.7 Listen and check. Then listen again and say the
sentences with the speakers.
1 accommodation

B Write the root verbs for the nouns in 7.3

Exercise 2A. Underline the stress on
both the verbs and the nouns. 5 A SENTENCE STRESS: agreeing and disagreeing Look at the
phrases. Underline where you think the two main stresses will
1 accommodation – accommodate
fall in each phrase.
C 7.4 Listen and check your 1 Oh come on! You must be joking.
answers. Notice the shi in the stress. 2 That’s absolutely right.
There is no stress shi on one pair of 3 Well, I agree with you up to a point.
words. Which one? 4 Oh that’s ridiculous!
5 Right. I know what you mean.
7.2 6 Where’s the logic in that?
7 You can’t really think that.
3A 7.5 PRONUNCIATION: ‘i’ Match
8 I couldn’t agree more.
the sounds to the words in the box.
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 9 Absolutely! I’m with you 100 percent on that.
10 How can you say that?
eat eye her it
B 7.8 Listen and check. Which phrases sound a) impatient,
1 /aɪ/       b) enthusiastic and c) tentative?
2 /ɪ/      
3 /iː/       C Listen again and say the phrases with the speakers, paying
4 /ɜː/       special attention to both the stress and the tone.

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