Nuhra Region7 Agenda

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Regional Research Coordinator
Center for Health Development VII

Table of Contents
I. Regional Profile 3
A. Composition 3
B. Geography 3
C. Population 3
D. Health Status 4
E. Health Manpower 8
F. Health Facilities 8

II. Regional Status 9

III. Methodology 11

IV. Research Priority Areas 12

V. Annexes 26


Region VII is commonly known as Central Visayas. It is composed of four (4)
provinces, namely: Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor. Strategically scattered
over these provinces are the cities of Cebu, Danao, Lapu-lapu, Mandaue, Talisay and
Toledo in Cebu Province; Bais, Bayawan, Canlaon, Tanjay and Dumaguete in Negros
Oriental, and Tagbilaran in Bohol.

Central Visayas consists of one hundred twenty (120) municipalities and two
thousand, nine hundred sixty-four (2,964) barangays distributed as follows:

a. CEBU - forty-seven (47) municipalities and one thousand one hundred seventy-two
(1,172) barangays;

b. BOHOL - forty-seven (47) municipalities and one thousand one hundred three
(1,103) barangays;

c. NEGROS ORIENTAL - twenty (20) municipalities and five hundred fifty-five (555)
barangays; and

d. SIQUIJOR - six (6) municipalities and one hundred thirty-four (134) barangays.

Region VII is located in the central part of the Philippine archipelago. Its
geographic boundaries are the Visayan Sea in the north and Mindanao Sea in the south.
The island of Leyte defines its eastern borders and Negros Occidental marks its western

The whole region occupies a total land area of 1,492,310 hectares which is
approximately 6% of the total land area of the entire Philippines. Among the four
provinces, Negros Oriental has the largest land area of 540,227 hectares, followed by
Cebu with 508,839 hectares, Bohol with 411,726 hectares and Siquijor with 31,518

The total land area of the region is classified into forest land which is 37.4% of its
total land area and alienable and disposable land which constitute the remaining 62.6%.
The forest area is made up of 11% unclassified public forest and 89% classified public
forest land. Timberland and forest reserve constitute 84% and 10% of the classified
public forest land, respectively.

Its topography is characterized by rolling hills and rugged mountains with open
valleys and scattered plateaus. The narrow coastlines could very well serve as beach
resorts and alternate harbors.

The 2004 estimated population of Central Visayas is six million, two hundred
thirty-six thousand, and six hundred one (6,236,601). This is distributed as follows:
Cebu, 58%; Bohol, 20%; Negros Oriental, 20%; and Siquijor, 2%. The cities constitute
30% and the provinces comprise the remaining 70% of the total population.

The population density is 346/square kilometer with a denser population in urban
areas such as the cities of Cebu, Mandaue, Lapu-lapu and Dumaguete as compared to
the rural areas.

The age distribution has a broad base and gently sloping sides characteristic of a
young population. About 39% of the population belong to less than 15 years old and the
older population (65 years and above) comprise 4%, thus giving a dependency ratio of
77.81. The male to female ratio is almost 1:1. See Table 1.

Based on the 1992 and 2004 population estimates, the annual geometric growth
rate of the region is 1.62%. The population is expected to double in 45 years based on
this growth rate. Life expectancy is 67 for males and 70 for females.

Table 1. Age-Sex Distribution, Region 7, 2004

<1 193,958 3.11 99,162 1.59 94,796 1.52
1-4 672,929 10.79 344,884 5.53 328,045 5.26
5-6 326,798 5.24 167,141 2.68 159,657 2.56
7 - 14 1,259,793 20.20 642,994 10.31 616,800 9.89
15 - 49 2,981,719 47.81 1,483,687 23.79 1,498,032 24.02
50 - 64 525,745 8.43 250,711 4.02 275,034 4.41
≥ 65 275,659 4.42 126,603 2.03 149,055 2.39
TOTAL 6,236,601 100.0 3,115,182 49.95 3,121,419 50.05



Crude Birth Rate

A total of 135,675 births occurred in Region 7 with 60% of the births coming from
the provinces and the remaining 40% in the cities.

The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) shows a generally decreasing pattern from 25.47
births/1,000 population in 1973 to its lowest rate ever recorded at 18.89 births/1,000
population in 1984; and thereafter it assumed a slowly increasing pattern up to 21.75
births/1,000 population in 2004. This could be attributed to an improvement in the
completeness of registration and reporting of births. See Fig. 1.

As in previous years, there is a higher proportion of males born in 2004 as

compared to females. The sex ratio at birth is 106 male births for every 100 female

Crude Death Rate

A total of 25,608 deaths occurred in 2004 with 41% of the deaths coming from the
cities and 59% from the provinces.

The Crude Death Rate (CDR) is fluctuating during the period from 1974 to 1983
varying from 7.2 deaths/1,000 population to 8.33 deaths/1,000 population. From 1984 to
the present, it is maintained at less than 5.50 deaths/1,000 population. See Fig. 1.

Death rates by age tend to be very high at infancy and early childhood, declining
sharply by the age of 10. The rates remain low from this age, start to climb at around
age 40 years and accelerate beyond 50 years and above. There are more male deaths
than female deaths, giving a death sex ratio of 125 male deaths for every 100 female
deaths. The mortality rate for males is 4.55 deaths per 1,000 male population and 3.66
deaths per 1,000 female population for female.
RATE PER 1,000




74 77 80 83 86 89 92 95 98 2001 2004


PER 1,000 POPULATION, REGION 7, 1974-2004.

Infant Mortality Rate

The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has been fluctuating with a generally decreasing
trend from 1974 to 1984. Thereafter, it is consistently declining from 43.27 deaths/1,000
live births in 1985 to 9.41 deaths/1,000 live births in 2004. See Fig. 2. Pneumonia
remained to be the number one leading cause of infant deaths. This is followed by in
decreasing order of frequency by intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia, Bacterial
sepsis of newborn, Remainder of perinatal conditions, Disorders relating to length of
gestation and fetal growth, Respiratory distress syndrome, Fetus and newborn affected
by maternal factors and by complications of pregnancy, labour and delivery, Other
respiratory conditions of newborn, Birth trauma and Haemorrhagic and haematological
disorders of fetus and newborn.



74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 2000 2002 2004


PER 1,000 LIVEBIRTHS, REGION 7, 1974-2004.


Intrauterine hypoxia & birth asphyxia

Bacterial Sepsis of Newborn

Remainder of Perinatal Conditions

Disorders relating to leth of gestation & fetal growth 1999-2003

Respiratory distress syndrome
Fetus & Newborn affected by maternal factors & by complications of pregnancy, labour & delivery

Other respiratory conditions of newborn

Birth trauma

Haemorrhagic & Haematological disorders of fetus & newborn

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3



PER 1,000 LIVEBIRTHS, REGION 7, 1999-2003 & 2004.

Maternal Mortality Rate

The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) has been steadily kept at a rate below
1/1,000 live births over the past ten years. See Fig. 2. Postpartum hemorrhage still
occupies the number one leading cause of mortality. The other important causes of
maternal deaths are Eclampsia Postpartum, Uterine Atony, Hypertension in Pregnancy,
Ectopic Pregnancy, Placental Retention, Abortion, Pre-Eclampsia, Placental Abruption
and Placenta Previa. See Fig. 4.

PP Hemorrhage

Eclampsia Postpartum

Uterine Atony

Hypertension in Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy
Placental Retention


Placental Abruption

Placenta Previa

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

PER 1,000 LIVEBIRTHS, REGION 7, 1999-2003 & 2004.

Leading Causes of Morbidity
Communicable diseases still constitute as the leading causes of morbidity with
Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin as the number one leading
cause of morbidity in the region. It is followed by in descending order by Pneumonia,
Other acute upper respiratory infections, Influenza, Other disease of the respiratory
system, Bronchitis, Emphysema & other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
Essential hypertension, Other injuries of specified, unspecified & multiple body regions,
Other disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and Fever of unknown origin. See
Fig. 5.

Leading Causes of Mortality

Other heart diseases occupies the top leading cause of general mortality. The
other important causes of mortality Pneumonia, Neoplasm, Ischaemic heart diseases,
Cerebrovascular diseases, Respiratory tuberculosis, Symptoms, signs and abnormal
clinical laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, Septicaemia, Chronic lower
respiratory diseases and Hypertensive diseases. See Fig. 6.

Diarrhea & Gastroenteritis


Other Acute Upper Resp. Infec.


Other Dses. Of the Resp. System

Bronchitia, Emphysema & other COPD

Essential (Primary) Hypertension

Other Injuries of Specified, Unspecified & Multiple Body Regions

Other Dis. Of the Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue

Fever of Unknown origin

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500



PER 100,000 POPULATION, REGION 7, 1999-2003 & 2004.

Other HEART Diseases




Symptoms, Signs and abnormal clinical laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified




0 10 20 30 40 50 60


PER 100,000 POPULATION, REGION 7, 1999-2003 & 2004.

The total health manpower in the region is 23,609 with the following health
manpower to population ratio:

ο rural health physician: population = 1:29,280

ο public health dentist:: population = 1:49,893
ο public health nurse : population = 1:19,925
ο medical technologist : population = 1:51,120
ο rural health midwife : population = 1:4,147
ο rural sanitary inspector : population = 1:17,921

There are four (4) provincial health offices, twelve (12) city health offices, one (1)
medical center, one (1) regional hospital, one special hospital (Mother and Child
Hospital) and one (1) sanitarium in the region. A total of 153 main health centers, 1,282
barangay health stations and 56 government hospitals are distributed all over the region.
The total hospital beds for the region is 5,285 in 103 hospitals.

The health facility to population ratio is as follows:

ο health center : population = 1:35,522

ο barangay health station : population = 1:4,239
ο hospital : population = 1:52,765
ο government hospital : population = 1:97,050
ο private hospital : population = 1:115,634

Table 1. Distribution of Hospitals, Region 7
Govt. Private Govt. Private Govt. Private
CEBU 15 8 12 6 2 12
BOHOL 8 9 5 8 1 2
SIQUIJOR 1 0 1 0 0 0
TOTAL 33 17 22 14 4 16


Identified Health Research Institutions in Region 7

A. Non-Medical Institutions:
1. University of San Carlos/Office of the Population Studies
2. Cebu State College of Science and Technology
3. University of the Philippines – Cebu
4. Cebu State College
5. Cebu Institute of Technology
6. University of Southern Philippines Foundation, Inc.
7. Silliman University
8. University of Bohol
9. Divine Word University

B. Medical Institutions:
1. Cebu Doctors’ University
2. Cebu Institute of medicine
3. Southwestern University – MHAM College of Medicine
4. University of the Visayas – Gullas Memorial College of Medicine

C. Hospitals:
1. Cebu Doctors’ University Hospital
2. Cebu Velez General Hospital
3. Chong Hua Hospital
4. Perpetual Succour Hospital
5. Visayas Community Medical Center
6. Vicente Sotto Memorial College of Medicine
7. Sacred Heart Hospital
8. Cebu City Medical Center

1. Ramon Aboitiz Foundation
2. Leonard Wood Memorial

E. Department of Health – CHD – CV

Table 2. Accomplishment Inventory Report, Research & Development, 1999 – 2004,
Region 7
I. Infectious Diseases Dengue 8
Tuberculosis 7
Diarrhea 3
Measles 3
Nosocomial Infections 3
Respiratory Infections 2
Hepatitis 2
Meningitis 1
Leprosy 1
Pneumonia 1
II. Non-Infectious Diseases Carcinoma 23
Cardiovascular 17
Trauma 13
Diabetes Mellitus 9
Gastointestinal 8
Metabolic 7
Degenerative 6
Renal 6
Blood 4
Hepatobiliary 4
Central Nervous System 2
Surgery 2
III. Dental 1
IV. Environmental 1
V. Family Health & Health of Reproductive Health 36
Special Concerns Pediatrics 14
Child Abuse 4
Infant Feeding 3
Domestic Violence 2
Substance Abuse 2
VI. Others Analgesics/Anesthesia 16
Antimicrobials 3
Asthma 1
Congenital Anomalies 1
Autoimmune 1
Death/Dying 1
VII. Health Financing HMO 1
VIII. Human Equity 1
IX. Health Care Delivery 18
X. Health Regulations 3
XI. Herbal/Alternative Medicine 64

NOTE: Refer to Annex B for details.

Last February 2005, Philippine Council for Health Research & Development
(PCHRD) had a meeting with Regional Health Research and Development Foundation –
7 (RHRDF) and its member institutions for the Zonal Consultation on Research for
Regions 6,7 and 8) scheduled for October 2005.

After the said meeting, the member institutions of RHRDF (DOH7, Cebu Doctors
University, Cebu Institute of Medicine, Southwestern University and University of San
Carlos – Office of Population Studies) met and form a core group for the zonal
consultation on research spearheaded by the Department of Health 7. The guidelines
for consultation by PCHRD was discussed which include: standard techniques/strategies
and activities, proposed criteria for prioritization of R&D areas, standard matrix for
reporting of priority R&D areas/topics, list of “must” invitees to the consultation workshop
and format of the technical report. The group agreed to conduct three separate
provincial consultations for the provinces of Cebu, Bohol and Oriental Negros with
Siquijor. It was decided that it will be the core group (of facilitators) who will go to the
provinces instead of invitees going to Cebu, for the series of provincial consultations. .

The topic for research revolved within the FOURmula ONE for Health of the
Department of Health: financing,regulation, service delivery and governance. The
participants were divided into three groups: (1) Health Issues to focus on diseases of
public health importance; (2) Health services which include health care delivery system,
local health system, health information system, quality of health education, hospital
system, traditional health care practices, natural/organic methods of healing; and, (3)
Policies and Regulation which covers health regulatory system, health technology and
products, health care financing, research ethics, herbal medicine and health policies and
regulation. Facilitators were assigned to the three groups.

Participants were identified from the government agencies/organization, non-

government organization, people organizations and academe and others (Annex A).

A uniform format for the conduct of the provincial sessions was followed for all three
groups. The sessions lasted a whole day for each of the provincial group. The morning
sessions started with an overview of the health Sector Reform Agenda. This was
followed by a brief report on basic demographic characteristics and statistics on Fertility,
Family Planning, Maternal Health and Child Health of Region 7 provided by the
personnel from the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region 7
Office. This was followed by a provincial health situationer by officers of the respective
provincial health offices.

Participants were grouped into 3 categories for the afternoon sessions. The 3
categories represented Public Health, Local Health Systems and Health Regulations.
The objectives of the workshop were to identify priority health problems, the various
reasons for existence of the identified problems, and institutions or agencies that could
be tapped for future research into the identified problems. Participants were given time
to write the problems in metacards, which were subsequently grouped by similarity of the
nature of the problems. During the workshop, the following was used as criteria for
prioritization of research areas was based on the following: (1) urgency/magnitude of
the issue/problem/prevalence (rank) of the disease/burden to the community, (2)
feasibility/do-ability of the research based on existing zonal capabilities, (3) impact of
R&D on a greater number of the population (in terms of mortality and morbidity, quality

of life, social desirability, cost of health care, and in anticipating future health
problems/issues, (4) research have impact on the health issues being addressed , and,
(5) area is not well funded/neglected by other agencies.

Having come up with a list of specific problems, these problems were then prioritized
and ranked according to severity and magnitude of the problem (burden of illness),
feasibility of research and availability of resources for the efficient implementation of
planned research activities. The problem given a final rank of number 1 was the
identified problem of highest priority.

After the provincial consultations, series of meetings among facilitators was called to
finalize the output using the proposed matrix for arriving at regional/zonal priorities for
R&D. The recommended format for technical report was followed in coming up with a
report for the zonal consultation.



Broad R&D Specific Rationale Objectives Responsible Funding Source
Area Topic
I. Infectious
a. DOTS as a TB is still the To evaluate the RHRDF DOH
Tuberculosis strategy prevalent & is outcome of DOTS - 7 LGU
the No. 6 as a strategy in Academe
Effect of cause of the prevention
devolution mortality and control of
Drug resistance
To evaluate the
effect of
on chronic
tuberculosis and

To identify the
factors that may
be associated
with drug
resistance among
with PTB.
b. Dengue Effectiveness of Increasing To determine the -do- -do-
dengue seasonal effectiveness of
prevention & prevalence of dengue
control program dengue prevention and
fever/dengue control program.

fever. To determine the
different factors
Prevalence of associated with
dengue the increasing
prevalence of
Habitat of the dengue fever.
vector of
dengue To determine the
places/habitat of
the vector of
dengue fever.
c. Diarrhea Health practices Still the No. 1 To determine the -do- -do-
regarding cause of health practices
diarrhea morbidity in and health-
the region. seeking
Etiologies of behaviors of
diarrhea mothers of
children with

To identify the
etiologies of
diarrhea in
different age
groups of
d. STI/ Sexual Increasing To determine the -do- -do-
HIV/AIDS behaviors of prevalence of sexual behaviors
in the region STI/HIV/AIDS.
behaviors of To determine the
youths sexual behavior
of youths with
Effects of HIV To determine the -do- -do-
on offsprings psychosocial and
economic effects
on the children or
offsprings of HIV
e. Hepatitis Prevalence of Increasing To determine the -do- -do-
hepatitis prevalence of prevalence of
& its hepatitis different types of
determinants hepatitis & its
Prevalence of
(+) HbAG To determine the

among those prevalence of (+)
with hepatoma HbAg among
patients with
carcinoma in

To determine the
prevalence of
HbAg among the
offspring of Hb(+)
& its
f. Rabies Incidence of Increasing To determine the -do- -do-
dogbite & incidence incidence of
Rabies of dogbite & dogbite & rabies
rabies in the in the region.
Factors of region
dogbite To determine the
Immediate associated with
treatment of dogbite.
To determine the
Treatment Immediate
regimen of measures taken
dogbite by a dogbite

To determine the
most common
regimen of those
with dogbite & its
a. Impact of the It is the No. 1 To determine the -do- -do-
Cardiovascular healthy- cause impact of the
Diseases lifestyle of mortality healthy lifestyle
Program program.

To identify the
determinants of

To determine the

cost-benefit of the

To determine the
rate of utilization
programs for
post-stroke and
related cases in
centers and
b. Metabolic Prevalence & Increasing To determine the
diseases determinants of prevalence of prevalence &
DM DM and other determinants of
disorders DM.
Prevalence &
determinants of To determine the
thyroid prevalence &
Disorder determinants of
thyroid disorders.
regimen To determine the
Availability of regimen of each
screening tests disorder.

III. Family
Health &
Of Social
a. Domestic Prevalence & Increasing To determine the -do- -do-
Violence & determinants of prevalence of prevalence of
Child Abuse domestic domestic child abuse and
violence & child violence & its associated
abuse child abuse. factors.

To determine the
prevalence of
child abuse and

To determine the
effects of

domestic violence
of their offspring.
HEALTH A. Lack of 1. Health To identify basic -do- -do-
SERVICES logistics for facility community health
Support. a .Building/ needs requiring
structural specific health
deficiencies facility structural
b. Staffing designs.
c. Budgetary To identify basic
constraints/ community health
limited LGU needs requiring
or provincial health care
support for providers specific
health facility skills that would
programs effectively
address the
identified needs.

To identify priority
concerns of LGUs
and determine
the particular
priority status of
health care and
health delivery in
their respective

To identify
determinants to a
particular LGU’s
selection of
of health care and
health delivery in
their respective

To determine the
proportion of well-
maintained local
health facilities in
terms of structural
2. Human To determine the -do- -do-
Resources profile of health
a. Inadequate workers as to the
training/ following:
capacity a. Academic

building for preparations for
manpower the job
b. b. Job knowledge
scholarship Satisfaction
for health Level
workers does d. Career path
not extend to
RHU To determine
personnel extent and
c. Poor career magnitude of the
paths for rapid turn-over
physicians and ‘brain drain’
d. Limited among health
manpower/ workers.
limited fulltime
staff To define
e. Inability to competencies
retain hospital and skills
staff/rapid expected of
turnover of health workers by
medical local health
officers administrators.
f. Well-trained
personnel but To identify health-
is not licensed related barriers to
g. No hazard effective work
pay for health performance.
despite it To determine the
being attitudes of health
provided for in workers regarding
the Magna their work tasks.
h. Decrease To determine the
in Magna level of job
Carta benefits satisfaction &
for Workers determinants
i. Lack of thereof of local
incentives health workers.
for health
workers To determine the
j. Unrealistic proportion of
salary schemes health facilities
resulting in with existing
demoralization programs that
of health provide for career
advancement of
health workers.
provisions for
To identify health

manpower workers
expectation in
terms of
incentives and
promoters to
better work
3. Supplies/ To evaluate the -do- -do-
Equipment drugs and
a. Non- procurement
reliance on policy and
generic measure its
supplies impact on the
b. High cost delivery of health
of branded services.
c.Inefficient To develop low-
procurement cost but equally
d.Lack of effective
supplies alternatives to the
e.Obsolete or treatment of
outdated common ailments
supplies & in the barangay
equipment level.

To compare
direct treatment-
related cost of
various medical
therapies by type
of disease.

To determine the
knowledge and
misconceptions of
local health
workers regarding
the generics act &

To determine the
knowledge &
misconceptions of
local community
regarding the
generics act &

To describe
medical supply &
drug stocking and
inventor practices
of rural health

To compare the
top drug supplies
of various local
pharmacies and
relate it to the top
ten causes of
morbidity and
mortality within
the same areas.
B. Inadequacy 1.Attitude To determine -do- -do-
of Health problems of practices of
Education health health providers
workers and of the
2.Negative community
attitudes of member
the consumers
constituents towards disease
3.Conflicting prevention and
traditional other health
beliefs and concerns and
practices determinants
4.Low thereof as basis
educational for developing:
attainment of a. effective and
constituents efficient public
5.Ineffective awareness
educational campaign
process (not program
culturally b. improve health
sensitive) services program
6.Lack of c. action plan to
training for address change
health in the health
information practices
development paradigm of the
and community.
7.Inadequate To determine the
logistics for level of
promoting knowledge and
health awareness &
education determinants
(lack of thereof of the
trainers, health providers

health and the
educators, community
IEC materials) member
8.Inefficient consumers on
information health-related
dissemination services and
strategies concerns.
disease To determine the
surveillance attitudes and
systems or determinants
units thereof of the
10.Non- health providers
prioritization and the
of health community
needs by member
consumers consumers on
11.Constituen health-related
ts’ lack of services and
empowerment concerns.

C. 1.Interference To assess -do- -do-

INEFFECTIVE by local community needs
HEALTH politicians and identify
SERVICE 2.Negative resources for
DELIVERY attitudes of support in the
LGU staff implementation of
3.Lack of regional or
LGU/Provinci provincial health
al support for programs.
Programs To determine
4.Limited impact of specific
transportation/ health programs
communication measuring the
facilities for use level of
by health participation and
extent of services
logistics for
supplies and
To determine the
attitudes &
thereof of LGU
logistics for
program staff members
implementation regarding health
7.Inaccessibili service delivery.
ty of RHU
8.Mismatch To identify the
between basis for selection
of health supplies

community delivered to
needs & various
available or communities.
supplies To determine the
9.Non- proportion of and
functioning types of cases
ILHZ referred from
10.Absence lower care levels
of focal to higher care
persons or levels.
trained RHU
“managers” To determine the
11.Resistance most common
of policy reasons for
implementers/ referral of cases
conflict of to higher care
interest/health levels.
concerns not
in top priority To determine the
list of level of
implementers knowledge and
12.Inactive determinants
Local health thereof of lower
Boards/ level care
frequent facilities
failure to meet personnel
quorum regarding the
13.Non- referral system.
functional to
referral system/
manuals for
of referral
of program
D. FAILED 1. Inactive To determine the -do- -do-
QUALITY Local health proportion of
Boards Local Health

ASSURANCE 2.Lack of Boards (LHB)
quality with existing
assurance operating
activities Manuals and/or
3.No by-laws wherein
guidelines explicit objectives
4.Lack of are specified.
training for
quality To identify LHB
assurance objectives that
5.Failure to have explicit
provide measurable
explicit outcome or
measurable targets.
outcomes or
targets To determine the
6.No proportion of LHB
monitoring with at least 75%
systems in of their objectives
place having been
7.No logistics accomplished in
provided the past 5 years
8.No local using their
hospital in the specified
area outcomes as
9.Quality indices of
assurance measurement of
not a priority performance.
for budget
providers To determine the
proportion of LHB
with existing
activities and key

To determine the
level of
knowledge and
thereof of LHBs
regarding quality
assurance in the
delivery of health

To describe
current quality

practices of
budget providers.

To describe
quality assurance
practices of

To determine the
attitudes and
thereof of LHB
regarding quality
involving delivery
of health

To identify
barriers to the
of quality

To determine the
proportion of
health providers
who are aware of
existing quality
procedures in
their respective
1. Illegally Determinants of Increased Awareness of -do- -do-
operating compliance to In incidence of BFAD and other
establishments BFAD and other diarrhea laws as well as
laws by the ff. compliance
establishments: Poor quality procedures/
1.Water refilling of food & drug requirements by
stations products the following:
2.Food a. Operators
establishments Proliferation b. LGU officials
3.Drug of counterfeit c. Health
establishments drugs Personnel
homes Poor quality Perception/

5.Clinical, X-ray health service satisfaction of
and DTLs operators of
regulatory system

Existence of local
ordinance to
compliance of

Frequency of
visits of
regulatory officers

Other reasons for

such as Personal
convenience, etc
2. Non- Status of Water-borne Percentage of HH -do- -do-
implementation implementation diseases supplied with safe
of health of Sanitation leading cause water
policies by Code by LGUs of morbidity
LGUs (water Water testing &
component) water treatment
Poor practices of RSIs
Status of academic
implementation performance Regulatory
of ASIN Law by of labor force capacities of RSIs
Percentage of
LGUs with local
supporting ASIN

Survey of LGUs Increasing Perception of

implementation incidence of LCEs of Salt
dogbite Iodization
Policies High cost of Program and
supporting vaccine ASIN Law
Prevention & Validity of Patak
Control sa Asin sa Market

Percent of HH
utilizing Iodized
Salt (based on
BHW evaluation)

Percentage of
LGUs with local
Prevention &
Control Program
awareness of
LCEs on Rabies
Prevention and
3. Feasibility of Economic Workload of -do- -do-
Centralized decentralizing loss of food & BFAD Central
Regulatory BFAD drug and Regional
Functions Licensing Office establishment Offices.
due to
delayed Mean issuance
waiting time in time of license,
release of response time to
licenses violations and
resolution time of

capacities of

Satisfaction of
clients to BFAD




Hotel Asia, Don Jose Avila St., Cebu City
August 9, 2005

1 Ma. Helen Macarayan Cebu Doctors’ University
2 Dr. Daniel C. Ventura, Jr. Southwestern University
3 Dr. Manuel B. Purog PHO-Cebu
4 Victoria B. Sebial PHO-Cebu
5 Dr. Jonathan Neil Erasmo DOH-CDH 7
6 Dr. Yvonne M. Lanuza SWU
7 Dr. Rachel B. Cadelina Department of Agriculture
8 Dr. Ma. Fidelis E. Quiza CIM
9 Joe A. Salvador, Jr. DBM-VII
10 Dr. Celia M. Mabalatan VSMMC
11 Nicolas M. Gultiano NSO – 7
12 Felixberto Sato, Jr. NSO – 7
13 Dr. Myrna R. Go CCMC
14 Jesusa J. Estaño SB on Health – Santander
15 Regina Salvador POPCOM
16 Leo Rama POPCOM
17 Ofelia Dotillos DOH – VII
18 Dr. Jill Go-Jurado Catmon-RHU
19 Dr. Angelita A. Salarda CHD-CV
20 Josephine Avila OPS-USC
21 Leticia Cabrera CDU
22 Dr. Susana K Madarieta CHD-CV
23 Imelda de Leon PCHRD
24 Teresita Laguimon PCHRD
25 Milagros G. Lucmayon DENR
26 Alan Feranil PCHRD
27 Crystal E. Oliveros DOST-7
28 Basil Mangubat Consolacion
29 Dr. Jaime Montoya PCHRD
30 Jujemay Awit Sun Star
31 Dr. Samuel D. Trocio Gullas College of Medicine
32 Dr. Josefina Poblete CIM
33 Dr. Virginia Mesola CIM
34 Dr. Arlene Diaz SWU
35 Evangeline P. Cañoneo DOH-7
36 Dr. Rey S. Habagat Ginatilan RHU


MetroCentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City
August 10, 2005

1 Feliza L. Saniel Senior Citizen Retired RN, DOH
2 Vina B. Antopina SRS II DOST, Bohol
3 Luz B. Lopos Staff Midwife IMAP
4 Dr. Mutya Kismet T. Macuno MS II; Chair, Research Gov. Gallares Mem. Hospital
5 Susan B. Sagaral DOH-Rep Loay
6 Jennifer C. Cemeni Med. Tech I Don Emilio del Valle Hospital
– Ubay
7 Francesca Miculob Brgy. Captain Catarman, Dauis
8 Dr. Greg Julius Sodusta Chief of Hospital FDMH, Inabanga
9 Marilyn Bobs R. Uy SB – Committee on Health Baclayon
10 Rodulfo J. Angola AO II Catigbian District Hospital
11 Edna P. Palacios DOH-Rep Bien Unido
12 Corazon C. Angub Brgy. Captain LGU – Loay
13 Davelinda M. Chatto MHN Balilihan
14 Dr. Noel R. Viña MHO San Isidro RHU
15 Marissa E. Samante DOH-Rep CHD VII
16 Alan Feranil Chief SRS PCHRD
17 Dr. Ma. Portia Reyes PHTL CHD VII
18 Irenea C. Mag-aso CAO II OPSWD
19 Ramil Ensik RHP Loon 2
20 Dr. Ma. Juliet M. Nazareno MO III CHO
21 Dr. Purisima M. Valmoria MO IV GMPH, Talibon
22 Aludia L. Sepe Midwife III RHU, Calape
23 Arlene A. Caadlawon ABC President LGU – Candijay
24 Rudy E. Navea Brgy. Kagawad Mansasa - Tagbilaran
25 Villarod Mercader AO CHI
26 Julius A. Gasatan Nurse IV PHO
27 John Paul S. Mistal Clerk III DOLE
28 Dr. Jonathan Neil V. Erasmo MS II CHD VII
29 Ofelia Dotillos Nurse V CHD VII
30 Evangeline P. Cañoneo Statistician II CHD VII
31 Felixberto M. Sato, Jr. CSO I NSO 7
32 Nicolas M. Gultiano Statistician III NSO 7
33 Dr. Angelita a. Salarda Medical Officer VII CHD 7
34 Yvonne M. Lanuza Faculty SWU
35 Teresita Laguimun OIC – HRIDD PCHRD
36 Crystal E. Oliveros SRSI DOST 7
37 Emy de Leon SSRI PCHRD
38 Dr. Ma. Fidelis E. Quiza Consultant CIM
39 Daniel Ventura, Jr. Director Center for Research – SWU
40 Glicerita Racho Planning Officer DENR
41 Dr. jude O. Doblas MHO Balilihan
42 Helen Q. Igot PO I PAO
43 Alberto Romuc DO PTCP – Feed the Children
44 Nevaline V. Miranda MSO IV PHILHEALTH
45 Jereme Asunto PHILHEALTH
46 Dr. Jessica Socorro G. Yu MS IV PHO
47 Josefina J. Relampagos PPO PHO

48 Dr. Arnold Gaculada MHO Jagna
49 Dr. Allan A. Evangelista MHO Catigbian
50 Dr. Ben Galia CHO CHO
51 Emil Hao SB Panglao
52 Dr. Michael Martos MHO Alicia
53 Dioscoro Barte RSTO Bohol
54 Marcial M. Tanggaan RSTO Bohol



Bethel Guest House, Dumaguete City
August 11, 2005

1 Jocelyn C. Cadimas Instructor Silliman University
2 Dr. Abe G. Dionaldo Physician Jimalalud
3 Rochie C. Cagara Instructor SU
4 Lourdes L. Oliva Instructor SU
5 Adelaida E. Eliunia SSRS DOST
6 Gilbert Arbon SRS II DOST
7 Dr. Socrates R. Villamor PHTL PHTO
8 Dr.Ireonaeus U. Selgas MHO DOH
9 Ma. Fe K. Patelora SWO I DSWD
10 Marites E. Que OIC PHILHEALTH
11 Cowell B. Alfone Safety Officer DUCOM – Bacong
12 Dr. Chelsa Cacaldo MO V IPHO
13 Dr. Bernarda C. Cortes APHO IPHO
14 Pedro L. Robledo Nurse V CHD VII
15 Chita C. Labe Nurse IV IPHO
16 Estelita A. Llorente ABC President Siaton
17 Dr. Edalin L. Dacula CHO I Bayawan
18 Dr. Dante Domingo COH NOPH
19 Katherine V. Vinarao Prdn. & R&D Orient Foods Ind. Corp.
20 Mae B. Magdamo Sales & Marketing Orient Foods Ind. Corp.
21 Dr. Ely V. Villapando PHO II IPHO
22 Dr. Della Futalan MHO Zamboanguita
23 Amparo L. Mariño BHW President Jimalalud
24 Christina Martinez Baker Ricky’s Bakery
25 Dr. Ma. Elizabeth Sedillo CHO Tanjay
26 Manon T. Iglesia FDRO II CHD VII
27 Dr. Leah B. Salvatierra MHO Bindoy
28 Gregorio Goros, Jr. SB LGU – Jimalalud
29 Josephine Avila Director OPS – USC
30 Teresita Laguimun OIC – HRIDD PCHRD
31 Dr. Edgardo P. Pialago COH Bindoy District Hospital
32 Merla V. Fernandez SB Vallehermoso
33 Jordan Bernua SB Vallehermoso
34 Alfa Salome C. Lagos SB Siaton
35 Nicolas Gultiano Stat III NSO 7
36 Dr. Ma. Fidelis E. Quiza Consultant CIM
37 Felixberto M. Sato, Jr. SCO I NSO 7
38 Crystal E. Oliveros SRS I DOST 7
39 Melchor J. Sumabong Driver CHD VII
40 Emy de Leon SSRS PCHRD
41 Nenita S. Rabaya SP Member Tanjay
42 Susie D. Sayre PMC PHTO
43 Marlo P. Doblas Driver PHTO
44 Dr. Angelita A. Salarda MO VII CHD VII
45 Evangeline P. Cañoneo Stat II CHD VII
46 Ofelia Dotillos Nurse V CHD VII
47 Dr. Alan Feranil Chief PCHRD



I. Infectious Diseases
1.Tuberculosis TB Drug Resistance Survey in Cebu City & Mandaue Dr. Elaine Teleron 2003 DOH 7 10,000.00 Completed
City, 2000 A Preliminary Report
TB Drug Resistance Survey in Cebu City & Mandaue Ms. Lucy Aguiman 2002 DOH 7 GOP Completed
City, Year 2002-2003
Incidence of Treatment Failure & Relapse Among 1999-
PulmonaryTuberculosis Patients Who Were Initiated Into Amor, A. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
the Anti-TB
Short Course Chemotherapy Under the New National
Tuberculosis Control Program-Cebu City Health
Department, Year 1996 & 1997
National Drug Resistance Surveillance (DRS) on Dr. Enrique Sancho 2004 DOH 7 GOP Completed
Tuberculosis In The Philippines Ms. Lucy Aguiman
A Study of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Dr. Ainee 2000-
Admitted at VSMMC from January 1998 to December Marohomsalic 2001 Completed
2000 Dr. Celia Mabalatan
A Study on the Radiologic findings Common Among Dr. Peter Lupe Solaña 2001 VSMMC Completed
Filipino Patients Diagnosed with Pulmonary TB thru
Chest X-Ray from Jan. 2001-Feb. 28, 2001
Management of Chest X-Ray Positive Sputum negative Dr. Jonathan Loreche 2003 VSMMC Completed
TB Cases Referred by VSMMC Department of Family &
Community Medicine to DOH Region VII TB Diagnostic
Committee from Jan. 2002-Dec. 2003
2.SARS The Knowledge & Practices of Medical Students of CIM PBL III Students 2004 CIM Completed

Regarding SARS
Infection Control Measures of the Two SARS Referral PBL III Students 2004 CIM Completed
Hospitals in Cebu City: Adherence to the Two Guidelines
Study of the Knowledge of Barangay San Jose PBL III Students 2004 CIM Completed
(Talamban) Residents on SARS
Tuberculi Reactivity After Five Years Among BCG Dr. Ma. Hazel Reyes 2003 CIM Completed
Vaccinated Children Enrolled at Tisa 1 & 2 Elementary

Knowledge & Practices of CDH- Affiliated Pediatricians Dr. James Windford 2004 CIM Completed
of the Diagnostic and management Guidelines in the Gelaga
2003 National TB Consensus for Children
3.Respiratory A Comparative Study of the Rates of Occurrence of the Amor, RF Jr. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Infections Prevalent Respiratory Tract Diseases of Residents of the
Following Areas in Leyte: A) Ormoc City, B) Merida
C) Palompon D) Isabel from 1992-1996
A Descriptive Study of the Top Ten Towns in Cebu with 1996-
the Prevalence of Respiratory Tract Diseases for the Abella, H. et al. 2000 CVGH Completed
Year 1997
4.Diarrhea Profile of Patients Admitted at VSMMC for Acute Dr. Jewel Fernandez 2001 VSMMC Completed
Gastroenteritis from 1998-2000
The Incidence, Clinical Presentation and Outcome of Dr. Darwin Pitogo VSMMC Completed
Pediatric Patients with Enteric Fever Admitted at
VSMMC Pediatric
The Effect of Zinc Supplementation in Children with Dr. Chonna Layos 2003 CDH Completed
Acute Diarrhea Admitted at CDH
5.STI/HIV/ Mass Prophylaxis Treatment for STI Among CSW Dr. Ilya Tac-an 2003 CHO GOP Completed
AIDS A Study on the Demographic & Clinical Profile of Ang, N. 2000 CVGH Completed
HIV/AIDS Patients in Cebu City
A Study on Platelet Concentrate Transfusions Among 1999-
6.Dengue Pediatric Patients (0-13 years old) Clinically diagnosed Baclig, R. et al 2000 CVGH Completed

with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever at CVGH 1990-1995
Dr. Ma. Socorro 2001-
Effectiveness of Temephos as Larvicidal in Dengue Entera 2003 DOH 7 GOP Completed
Mr. Joseph Tagle
Clinical Profile of Dengue Fever/Dengue Hemorrhagic Dr. Wilma Bumayog 2001 Completed
Fever Patients Admitted at VSMMC-Pediatric Dr. Jacqueline Deen 2001 VSMMC Completed
Department from September to October 2001
Dr. Wilfredo Tente
Morbidity & Mortality Risk Factors of Dengue Dublin 2001 VSMMC Completed
Hemorrhagic Fever Among Pediatric Patients in VSMMC
from September 1- October 31, 2001
Dr. Cherie Gail
The Clinical Profile of Adolescents and Adults with Lumapas 2001 CDUH Completed
Dengue Virus Infection in Cebu Doctors' Hospital
A Retrospective Study on the Use of Cryoprecipitate Dr. Nathalie Ann
Transfusion in Preventing the Progression of Disease Hernaez 2002 CDUH Completed
Severity or Bleeding in Patients with Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever-2 or Dengue Shock syndrome
Admitted at CDH
Correlation of Serum Albumin Level with Disease Dr. Nickson Aniñon 2003 CDUH Completed
Severity in Patients with Dengue hemorrhagic Fever
7.Hepatitis Incidence of Seroconversion to Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C Dr. Marlowe Indo 2004 PSH Completed
Among Chronic Hemodialysis Patients at PSH-Renal
Unit from May 1984-Oct. 2004
The Incidence of hepatitis B & C Among Blood donors Dr. Gerard Garcia 2003 Completed
with Elevated Screening SGPT Levels Determined After
6 Months Dr. Florema Sy
Outcome of patients with & without a Subhepatic Drain Dr. Marc Onofre Galbo
After Simple Open Cholecystectomy Dr. Laurence Liu
8.Leprosy High Risk and Transmission Study of Leprosy Dr. Gertrude Chan 2002 DOH 7 GOP Completed
9.Measles Measles: Its Complication, Documented: A 5-Year Dr. Eraida Pepito PSH Completed
Retrospective Study in Perpetual Succour Hospital
A Profile of Measles Patients Admitted in VSMMC from Dr. Janette Aznar] VSMMC Completed

Jan. 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 Dr. Allan Monteclar
Measles in Previously Immunized Children Admitted at
CDH Dr. Ethel Joanne Olib 2002 CDUH Completed
10.Nosocomial Most Common Etiologic Agents in Patients with Dr. Leslie Adlaon 2001 PSH Completed
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Perpetual Succour
Infections Hospital Dr. Maita Rodriguez
Microbial Profile of Patients with Surgical Site Infection
(SSI) Dr. Permites 2004 CGGMH Completed
A Five-Year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary
Government Hospital
The Knowledge of the VSMMC Health Care Personnel Dr. Jewel Fernandez VSMMC Completed
on Infection Control measures Based on the National Dr. Consuelo Malaga
Nosocomial Infection Control guidelines
11. Pneumonia Risk-Stratification & Evaluation of CAP: Basis for Dr. Norman De Asis VSMMC Completed
Training & Treatment of inpatients
Dr. Mae de la Paz
12. Meningitis The incidence of Acute Bacterial Meningitis Among Ugalino VSMMC Completed
Pediatric Patients at VSMMC and their Hemophilus
Influenza B Vaccination Status: A Retrospecticve Study
The Validity of Computed Tomographic Scan of the Dr. Stanley Uy 2001 CDU+E97H Completed
Brain in Children with Bacterial Meningitis Admitted at
CDH from Jan. 1992 to June 2000
II. Non-Infectious Diseases
Dr. Geraldine
1.Cardiovascular Clinical Profile of Infective Endocarditis Among Pediatric Abendan PSH Completed
Patients with Cardiac Malformations at PSH-CHI, A
Preliminary Report
Profile of Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart
Disease Dr. Ma. Cristina Aban PSH Completed
Clinical Outcome of Chronic Stable Angina Patients with Dr. Jolyle Mazo PSH Completed
One or Two Vessel Coronary Artery Disease by
Coronary Angiography on Medical therapy at PSH-CHI
In-Hospital Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction Dr. Leslie Adlaon 2001 PSH Completed
in PSH-CHI Dr. Maita Rodriguez

Dr. Isagani de los 2000-
Posterior Circulation Stroke Santos 2001 VSMMC Completed
Dr. Ma. Cristina Lat
Dr. Jose Navarro
A Profile of Rheumatic Heart Disease Cases Admitted at Dr. Mary Jane iran Completed
Clinical Profile of Post Cardiac Surgery Patients with Dr. Haidee Yadao 2001 PSH Completed
Cerebrovascular Complications & Their Outcomes at
Clinical Outcome of Chronic Stable Angina Patients with Dr. Charles Tan 2002 PSH Completed
One or Two Vessel Coronary Artery Disease by
Coronary Angiography on Medical Therapy at PSH-CHI
Echographic Features in Patients Presenting with Dr. Ma. RT Uriarte 2003 PSH Completed
Hypertensive Blood Pressure Response During
Treadmill Exercise Test in PSH
The Incidence of Arrhythmias After Thrombolysis in Dr. William A. Co 2004 PSH Completed
Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients in PSH from Jan. 1,
2003-Sept. 30, 2005
Dr. Emmanuel
The Trend of Physicians Approach in the Management Tangpuz 2004 VSMMC Completed
of Acute Myocardial Infarction in VSMMC Intesive Care
Unit from Jan. 1, 2001-Dec 2003
The Profile of Patients Admitted with Pericardial Effusion Dr. Ma. Elinor Ganas 2001 VSMMC Completed
in ICU of VSMMC from Jan. 1, 1999 - Dec. 31, 2001
Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke Dr. Manolito Go CDUH 2001 Completed

The Cost-Effectiveness of Obtaining a Serum Troponin I Dr. Apollo Sitoy 2001 CDUH 2001 Completed
Together with Serum Creatinine Phosphokinase-MB
(CPK-MB) in the Diagnosis of Acute Infarction in Cebu
Doctors' Hospital
Review of Ischemic Stroke in CDH (A Five-Year Dr. Manolito Go 2001 CDUH Completed
Retrospective Study
Accuracy of Stress Echocardiography in Coronary Artery Dr. Laarni de los
Disease Santos 2002 CDUH Completed

A Retrospective Study of the Treatment of Patients with Dr. Gerard Ipil III 2002 CDUH Completed
Acute Myocardial Infarction in CDH
2.Carcinoma An Epidemiologic Profile of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Auguis, B. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Patients Admitted to Seven Cebu City Hospitals from
Jan. 1, 1996-Dec. 31, 1995

Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients Admitted at De Deios, MA et al 2001 CVGH Completed
CVGH 1989-1995
A Descriptive Study on the Pharmacological 2001-
Management of in Patients with Cancer Staged Gallemoso, M. et al 2002 CVGH Completed
According to TNM System Admitted at CVGH from Jan.
2000 to Dec. 2001
Clinical Patterns of Cancer Admission in CVGH-PSH Dr. Adora Atilano PSH Completed
Consortium Patterns of Mammogram Utilization &
Clinical Profile of Patients Who Underwent
Mammography at CVGH
A Survey of the Clinical Profile and Treatment Patterns Dr. Donelito Cruz 2002 PSH Completed
of Breast Cancer Patients in Six Tertiary Hospitals in
Cebu City
Clinicopathologic Features of Colorectal Cancers of In- Dr. Erickson Ganas 2002 PSH Completed
Patients Under 40 Years Old: A Multicenter Study
The Use of Progesterone & Estrogen Receptors as Dr. Michele Vatanagul 2002 PSH Completed
Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer Institute-PSH
The Accuracy of Peritoneal Fluid Sampling in the 2000-
Detection of Microscopic Seedings in Ovarian Dr. Irmina Ruanto 2001 VSMMC Completed
The Beliefs & Practices of Women with Advanced Breast Dr. Requerdo Baclig 2001 VSMMC Completed
Cancer as Compared to Those with Early Stage Breast
Cancer Seen in Three Urban Hospitals
Sensitivity & Specificity of Barium Enema for Colonic 2000-
Malignancy in Adult Patients with Palpable Abdominal Dr. Lucelito Pilapil 2001 VSMMC Completed
Mass in a Government Medical Center (VSMMC); An

Ambispective Study
A Clinical Profile of Colorectal Carcinoma Patients Who Dr. Norman De Asis 2001 VSMMC Completed
Underwent Chemotherapy at Cancer Clinic of VSMMC
from Jan. 200-Dec.2001
Five Year Recurrence Rate of Patients with Breast 2000-
Cancer Stage II and III Given Adjuvant Therapy Post Dr. Edward Nasiad 2001 VSMMC Completed
MRM at VSMMC Dr. Manuel Legaspi 2001
Clinical Profile of Gastric CA Patients Admitted in Dr. Jayson Sangkula 2001 VSMMC Completed
VSMMC B203 from January 2000-May 2001
A 10 year Review of Primary Soft Tissue Sarcoma Dr. Adonis Latayan VSMMC Completed
Treated at VSMMC Dr. Rogelio Kangleon
A Survey of the Clinical Profile and Treatment Patterns Dr. Requerdo Baclig VSMMC Completed
of Breast Cancer Patients in Six Tertiary Hospitals in
Cebu City Dr. Stephen Singuan
Cancer Risk Among the Hospital Support Division of
VSMMC Dr. Jeannelie Wamilda VSMMC Completed

A Comparative Study Between Peritoneal Fluid Dr. Rhea Dedal VSMMC Completed
Sampling and Peritoneal Brushing in the Detection of
Microscopic Seeding in Ovarian Malignancy
Clinical Profile of Patients with Breast malignancy 2000-
admitted in a Tertiary Government medical Center for Dr. Herbert Caluban 2001 VSMMC Completed
the Year 2000-2001
Clinical Profile and Clinico-Pathologic Comparison of Dr. Jose Hofileña VSMMC Completed
Some Clinical Attributes of Primary Breast Cancer
Admitted at an Urban Government medical Center in the
The incidence of Metastasis in Intra-Operatively Dr. Don Rosello 2001 CDUH Completed
Palpable Axillary Lymph Nodes
Predictive Values of Alkaline Serum Phosphatase in Dr. Andrei Yu 2001 CDUH Completed
Detecting Liver Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients
Primary Bronchogenic Carcinoma: Clinical Profile of 87 Dr. Apollo Sitoy 2001 CDUH Completed
Cases from CDH
The Unmasking of Hemoglobin A1c…Implication to Dr. Cherie Gail
Clinical Practice in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Lumapas 2001 CDUH Completed

3.Diabetes A 7-Year Review on the In Hospital Morbidity of DM Asunto, A. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Mellitus Patients in CVGH
A Study on the Prevalence of the Late Microvascular Balili, E. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Complications of Diabetes mellitus in Patients in CVGH
Clinical Profile of Diabetic Patients Who Developed Dr. Maita Rodriguez 2001 PSH Completed
Acute Myocardial Infarction in PSH-ICU
The Incidence of Documented Diabetes Mellitus Among 2000-
Women Who Gave Birth to Infants Weighing 3,800 G Dr. Veronica Bagaipo 2001 VSMMC Completed
and Above at VSMMC: A Retrospective Study from
January-December 2000
Lipid Profile of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients at 2000-
Diabetes Clinic at VSMMC from January 1996 - January Dr. Jeanelie Wamilda 2001 VSMMC Completed
The Profile of Patients with Diabetes mellitus Type 1 Dr. Gaudencio 2000-
E+B244nrolled at VSMMC OPD Diabetes Clinic from Duenas, Jr. 2001 VSMMC Completed
Dr. Gaudencio
An Assessment of the Quality of Life of Patients with Duenas VSMMC Completed
Diabetes Mellitus at VSMMC OPD-Diabetes Clinic
Dr. Emmanuel
Primary Urothelial Bladder Cancers: Experience in a Barcenas VSMMC Completed
Tertiary Government Medical Center in Cebu
Vitamin E Supplementation Improves Sensory Dr. Julienne Ereño 2001 CDUH Completed
Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - A Randomized
Controlled-Single Blinded Study

4.Blood Gigataras, RM. Et al 2000 CVGH Completed
The Levels of Awareness & Attitudes of Students on
Voluntary Blood Donations Clinical Profile of Children Dr. Elisa de Guzman PSH Completed
with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Admitted in 5 Private
Hospitals in Cebu City: A 15 Year Retrospective Study
Retrospective Study of Patients with Childhood Dr. Julius Cesar 2000-
Leukemia Admitted at VSMMC Santiago 2001 VSMMC Completed

Dr. Allan Monteclar
Neutrophil Ratio (1:T) More than 0.16 & Direct Dr. Ridzma Samsuya 2002 CDUH Completed
Hyperbilirubinemia More than 2 mg% in Newborns with
Sepsis Admitted at CDH
5.Renal Risk Factors for mortality Among Patients With End- Dr. Alileh L. Abella 2002 PSH Completed
Stage Renal on Maintenance Hemodialysis in PSH-
Renal Unit
A Profile of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Treated Dr. Lyndon Laude 2001 VSMMC Completed
with Peritoneal Dialysis at the Peritoneal Dialysis Unit of
VSMMC from 1996-2000
Factors Predicting Probability of Response to Dr. Emmanuel
Intervention in Patients with Urolithiasis with Renal Barcenas VSMMC Completed
Clinicodemographic profile of pediatric Patients Admitted Dr. Jean Aster Zeta VSMMC Completed
with Nephrotic Syndrome at VSMMC
The Prevalence of Peritonitis in Patients on Continuous Dr. Ma. Victoria Lucas 2001 CDUH Completed
Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis: The CDH Experience
Dr. Ma. Sheila
Review of Well-diffentiated Thyroid Adenoma at CDH: A Katigbak 2001 CDUH Completed
Five-Year Retrospective Study
6.Degenerative An Epidemiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Six Major Paloma, CC. Et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Diseases Hospitals in Cebu City for the Period 1994-1998
The Admission Rate of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Four Bollos, FL et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Tertiary Private Hospitals from May 1995-May 2000
Assessment of Osteoporosis Risk Factors Using Dual Dr. Nelson Chu 2001 CDUH Completed
Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) in Cebu Doctors'
The Risk Profiles of Osteoporosis Manifesting as Dr. Juliene Ereño 2001 CDUH Completed
Vertebral Fractures at CDH
Dr. Michael Patrick
Osteoporotic Waist & Hip Fracture : Are We Doing the Roa 2002 CDUH Completed
Right Thing?
The Accuracy of Osteoporosis Screening Tool for Dr. Marc Onofre Galbo 2002 CDUH Completed

Aseans (OSTA) in Assessing the Risk of Osteoporosis
Among+B282 Postmenopausal Filipino Women in CDH

7.Hepato- Clinical Profile of Patients Who Underwent Small Incision Dr. Donelito Cruz 2004 PSH Completed
Biliary for Cholecystectomy
Audit of Ultrasound in Cholelithiasis Dr. Efren Villahermosa 2001 VSMMC Completed
Dr. Roque Paradela
Review of Biliary Ascariasis Dr. Don Rosello 2001 CDUH Completed
Dr. Sean Patrick
Simple Open CholecystEctomy With & Without Almendras 2003 CDUH Completed
Subhepatic Drainage: A Prospective Study
Incidence and Risk Factors for Hemorrhagic Conversion 2003-
8.CNS of Large (Middle Cerebral Artery) Ischemic Stroke in Dr. Arnold John Unson 2004 PSH Completed
Patients Admitted at PSH from Jan. 1, 2000 - Jul 31,
The Profile of Pediatric Patients with Epilepsy Enrolled at 2000-
Seizure Clinic of VSMMC: A Prospective Study from Dr, Nelma Magpusao 2001 VSMMC Completed
1997-2000 Dr. Victoria Bael
A Review of the Perinatal Risk Factors in Neonates with Dr. Zoraida Yurango 2002 CDUH Completed
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
9.Trauma Clinical Profile of Pediatric Head Trauma Cases Dr. Alberto Solis, Jr. VSMMC PSH Completed
Undergoing Cranial Computed Tomography Imaging
A Demographic & Clinical Profile of Children 0-10 Year Basilla, S. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Old Admitted for Injuries in CCMC & CVGH from Jan.
1997-Dec. 1999
A Descriptive Study of the Head Trauma Cases Related 1999-
to Motor Vehicular Accidents in VSMMC from Jan. 1998- Abejuela, M. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Dec. 1998
A 5-Year (1994-1999) Retrospective Study of Firework- Cenabre, R. et al 1999 CVGH Completed
Related Injuries Within the Period Of Dec. 20 to Jan. 5 in
7 Tertiary Hospitals in Cebu City
Neurologic Trauma Seen at VSMMC from January 1997 2000-
- Dec. 99 Dr. Rosali Ray Atup 2001 VSMMC Completed

Dr. Jose Rizalito
Predictive Value of Injury Scale Scoring on Mortality & Dr. Adonis Latayan 2001 VSMMC Completed
Morbidity on Patients with Penetrating Abdominal Injury
Clinical Profile of Patients with Severe Abdominal Dr. Lyndon Villegas 2001 VSMMC Completed
Injuries Who Underwent "Damage Control Surgery"
A Comparative Clinical Profile of Patients Sustaining 2000-
Abdominal Trauma Between Those Who Were Brought Dr. Rizami Riconalla 2001 VSMMC Completed
to O.R. and Those Who Had Delayed Surgery in a
Tertiary government Hospital
Review of Pancreatic Injury at a Government Tertiary Dr. John Mark 2000-
Hospital Arkayera 2001 VSMMC Completed
Dr. Roque Paradela

One Year Breast Output in a Tertiary Governent Hospital Dr. Kerwin Yap 2001 VSMMC Completed
Dr. Benjamin Rodrigo
The Profile & Severity of Suicide Intent in Patients Seen Go
at VSMMC from Jan. - Dec. 2001
Profile of Blunt Abdominal Trauma Patients Admitted to Dr. Kerwin Yap VSMMC Completed
a Tertiary Government Hospital
Clinical Profile of Pediatric Trauma in a Tertiary Dr. Arnold Laurito VSMMC Completed
Government Trauma Center Dr. Rene Rafols
The Epidemiology of Ocular Trauma in VSMMC: A Dr. Donovan Jabines 2002 VSMMC Completed
Perspective from the Emergency Services of VSMMC
from Jan. - Dec. 2002
10.Metabolic Thalamic Hypertensive Hemorrhage in a Tertiary Dr. Donald Co 2001 VSMMC Completed
Government Hospital
Clinical Profile of Patients with Grave's Disease After Dr. German Mayo, Jr. 2001 CDUH Completed
Radioactive B414Iodine Therapy… A CDH Experience
Dr. Ana Lourdes
The Level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Among Tancawan 2002 CDUH Completed
Preoperative Patients With and Thyroid Carcinoma

Dosage Assessment of Thyroid Hormone Replacement Dr. Scleira Manansala 2003 CDUH Completed
Among Filipinos with hypothyroidism Post-Radio Active Dr. Ma Rica
Iodine Cabatingan
Dr. Evangeline
Ablation or Post-Total Thyroidectomy Costelo
Dr. Gerry Tan
The Accuracy of Thyroid Sonographic Studies of Dr. Sean Patrick
Patients at CDH Almendras 2003 CDUH Completed
The Influence of Thyrostatic Medications on the Success Dr. Charlie Avila 2004 CDUH Completed
Rate of Radioactive Iodine Treatment in Graves' Dr. Anecito mantilla
Disease: CDH Experience Dr. Yvette Mondano
Dr. Pimbaya Pangilan,
Postoperative hypocalcemia in Patients who Underwent Jr. 2004 CDUH Completed
Total Thyroidectomy; A Retrospective Study
11.Gastrointes- The Profile of Patients Admitted for Upper GI Bleeding at Dr. Rey Arcenas 2001 VSMMC Completed
tinal VSMMC from Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001
Infectious Ward from Jan. 2002-Dec. 2003
The Relationship Between Antibiotic Therapy and the Dr. Ma. Christina
Course of Acute Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Sarte 2001 CDUH Completed
Diarrhea in Patients Admitted at CDH from Jan. 1998 to
October 2000
Dr. Nathalie Ann
Prevalence Rate of Intestinal Parasitism and its Hernaez 2002 CDUH Completed
Associated Risk Factors Among Public Elementary
School Students of Medillin, Cebu
Safety Profile of Diagnostic Dr. Chona Tagayuna 2002 CDUH Completed
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Based on Oxygen
Saturation & Pulse Rate Changes at Various Phases
Among Patients who Underwent
Arterial Oxygen Saturation & Pulse Rate at Different Dr. Lowell Amoguis 2002 CDUH Completed
Anatomical Landmarks During & After Colonoscopy
A Comparison of the Positivity of Rapid Urease Test in Dr. Glenard Neis 2002 CDUH Completed
Patients Undergoing Biopsy of the Antrum & Body
Versus Biopsy of the Antrum Only

Rediscovering Amoebiasis Dr. Virnil Revelo 2002 CDUH Completed
Dr. Lamberto Garcia,
Safety & Clinical Profile of Outpatient Nonimaging- Jr. 2003 CDUH Completed
guided Percutaneous Needle Liver Biopsy: The CDH Dr. Lamberto Garcia,
Experience Sr.
Dr. Judy Lao-Tan
Effects of Topical Betamethasone Valeate (Betnovate)
11.Surgical Cream Dr. Robert Cajes 2003 CDUH Completed
Dr. Lamberto Garcia,
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of the Oral Jr. 2004 CDUH Completed
Sodium Phosphate (Fleet Phospho-Soda) Versus Dr. Ruben Arcilla
Besacodyl in Bowel Cleansing Prior to Colonoscopy Dr. Gerardo Ypil III
Dr. Lamberto Garcia,
Dr. Judy Tan
Dr. Imelda Acusar
Dr. Leslee Ong
Dr. Enjelg Abriel
Oral Health Survey Dr. Expedito Medalla 2003 DOH 7 Completed
Dr. Neceretal Delica
Sanitary Toilet Survey Dr. R. M. Benabaye 2003 DOH 7 Completed
Dr. E. Teleron
Dr. C. Tabarejo
V.Family Health & Health of Special Concerns
1.Reproductive The Risk Factors of Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Bejar, DAK et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Health (PIH) Among 56 Women Completed
A Study on the Social And Behavioral Factors 1999-
Influencing Teenage Pregnancy Using Teenage Correa, R. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Pregnant Teenagers Versus Non-pregnant Teenagers in
Pakna-an, Mandaue City
The Knowledge of Female Teachers of Exclusive Girls PBL III Students 2004 CIM Completed

High School in Cebu City on Breast Self-Examination
A Study on the Knowledge & Practices of Parous PBL III Students 2004 CIM Completed
Women in Barangay Sambag I Regarding Prenatal Care
Patterns of Mammogram Utilization & Clinical Profile of Dr. Adora Atilano PSH Completed
Patients who Underwent Mammography at CVGH
Relationship Between the 3 Most common Perinatal risk Dr. Frank F. Jacinto PSH Completed
Factors and Incidence of Neonatal Sepsis
Intraoperative Findings in Patients who Underwent Cure Dr. Helen Retuta 2001 VSMMC Completed
for Missed Abortion & Bilghted Ovum in VSMMC
from May 1999 - April 2000
A Retrospective Study on the Accuracy of Admission Dr. Nimfa Lisondra 20001 VSMMC Completed
Test in Predicting intrauterine Fetal Asphyxia
A Retrospective Study of the Effects of Antenatal Dr. Hazel Grengia 2001 VSMMC Completed
Steroid on Neonatal Outcome
Dr. Fulgencia Rhea 2000-
The Profile of Oligohydramnios Patients Admitted at Dedal 2001 VSMMC Completed
VSMMC OB Section from January 2000-October 2001
A Survey on the Knowledge, Attitude, & Practices on Dr. Stanley Caminero 2001 VSMMC Completed
Breast Self Examination (BSE) Among Female Dr. Stephen Siguan
Employees at a Tertiary Government Hospital
Correlation Between Maternal Anemia and 2000-
Placental/Birth Weight Among Term Pregnant patients at Dr. Irmina Ruanto 2001 VSMMC Completed
Maternal Height as a Correlate of Cesarean Section Dr. Melissa Dublin 2001 VSMMC Completed
A Comparison of the Bishop Score and the Lange Dr. Helen Retuta VSMMC Com[pleted
Cervical Score for Predicting the Success and/for
Failure of Labor Induction
Correlation Between Vital Signs and Hemoperitoneum in Dr. Nimfa Lisondra VSMMC Completed
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
A Prospective Study on Antenatal Steroid in Decreasing Dr. Hazel Grengia VSMMC Completed

Neonatal Mortality
A Prospective Study on Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate Dr. Nimfa Lisondra VSMMC Completed
Tracing Patterns During the First Stage of Labor: Effect
of Perinatal Outcome
A Comparison Between the Risks of Vaginal Birth After Dr. Jojie Padilla 2003 VSMMC Completed
Cesarean Section and a Repeat Cesarean Section: A
Retrospective Study from Jan. 2002-September 2002
Incidence of Induced Abortion at the Department of Dr. Ma. Carla Yvonne VSMMC Completed
Obstetrics & Gynecology, VSMMC Mate
Loading Dose Versus Standard Regimen of Magnesium Dr. Jojie Padilla VSMMC Completed
Sulfate in the Management of Eclampsia
Dr. Winston Bernard
Profile of healthy Parturients & Preeclamptic Patients Abrena 2003 VSMMC Completed
Who Underwent Cesarean Given Spinal Anesthesia at
VSMMC from Jan. 2003-Dec. 2003
The Incidence of Urinary Tract Infection in Dr. Rizalie Jaranilla 2003 VSMMC Completed
Uncomplicated Pregnancies and its Maternal & Neonatal
Sequelae in VSMMC fromJan. 2003-Dec. 2003: A
Retrospective Study
A Retrospective Study on the Perinatal Outcome of Full Dr. Donnabel Tubio 2003 VSMMC Completed
Term Babies in Breech Presentation Delivered Vaginally
from Sept. 2001 - Dec. 31, 2003 in VSMMC
Clinical Profile of Female Patients who consulted at the Dr. Herbert Caluban 2003 VSMMC Completed
Breast Center of VSMMC from April 2001-March 2003
Blood Culture Results of Newborns to Mothers with Dr. Stanley Uy 2001 CDUH Completed
Ruptured Amniotic Fluid Membrane of Different
Dr. Ma. Christina
Predictive Value of Umbilical Cord Blood pH in Sarte 2001 CDUH Completed
Correlation to the Apgar Score on the Development of
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
The Prevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection and Dr. Grace Saguban 2001 CDUH Completed
its Associated Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcome Among

Asymptomatic Pregnant Women At CDH
A Randomized Double-Blind, Controlled Clinical Trial of Dr. Pherdes Galbo 2001 CDUH Completed
Erythromycin Treatment for H. Pylori Infection on Out-
patient Women with Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
The Value of Vaginal Washing Qualitative beta Human Dr. Mary Girli Vistan 2001 CDUH Completed
Chorionic Gonadotropin in Determining Premature
Rupture of Membranes
Maternal Mortality in Cebu City A Five-Year Study (1995-
99) Dr. Lorna Diorico 2001 CDUH Completed
A Review of the Perinatal Risk Factors in Neonates with Dr. Zoraida Yurango 2001 CDUH Completed
B49Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Admitted at CDH
from Jan. 1998 to September 2000
The Practice Pattern Regarding Episiotomy in CDH Dr. Geneveve Logarta 2002 CDUH Completed
Prevalence of Anemia in Term Pregnancy at CDH Dr. Iris Ruiz 2002 CDUH Completed
Vaginal Misoprostol for the Management of Intrauterine Dr. Geneveve Cortez 2003 CDUH Completed
Fetal Death Delivery, A Comparison of Different
Dosages & Frequency
The Effect of Water Soluble Gel Lubricant on PAP Dr. Iris Sarona 2003 CDUH Completed
Smear Interpretation Among Pregnant Patients Dr. Raymond Sulay
The Operative Complications of Blunt Versus Sharp Dr. Rosario Aniñon
Expansion of the Uterine Incision in Low Segment
Transverse Cesarean Section
2.Domestic A Descriptive Study on the Personal Profile of Battered Guia, N. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Violence Women Reported in Lihok Pilipina Foundation, Inc.,
Cebu City and Substitute Homecare for Women, Cebu
City from January to December 1998
Knowledge and Attitude of Medical Students of CIM Betco, K. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Regarding the Abuse of Women & Children
The Demographic & Personality Profile of Female 1999-
3.Child Abuse Abused Children in Cebu Hope Center, Banilad, Cebu Merin, MA. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Knowledge and Attitude of medical Students of the CIM Betco, K. et al 2001 CVGH Completed

Regarding the Abuse of Women & Children
The Demographic Profile of Abused Children and their Berame, R. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Offenders in VSMMC, Cebu City from 1997-1999
Dr. Wilfredo Tente 2000-
A Retrospective Study of Child Abuse Cases Seen at Dublin 2001 VSMMC Completed
VSMMC - WCPU from January 1998-December 1999 Dr. Allan Monteclar
4.Childhood A Comparative Study on the Behavioral Disturbances in Auguis, B. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Disturbance Children of Single Parents Versus Children of Intact
Couples Residing in Cebu City
5.Infant The Relationship Between Mixed Feeding and Dr. Roselle Sumergido PSH Completed
Feeding Bottlefeeding on Infection
Dr. Ma. Editha
Factors Associated with the Discontinuation of Breast- Espedilla 2004 CDUH Completed
feeding Among Mothers from the CDH Privilege
Mothers' Program
Dropper Feeding Versus Cup Feeding Prior to Dr. Norman Babar 2004 CDUH Completed
Commencement of Breastfeeding Among Healthy Term
Neonates in CDH-NICU from September 5, 2004 -
October 5, 2004
Dr. Gardenia
6.Pediatrics Larrazabal 1999 CDUH Completed
Admission Test: A Screening Test for Fetal Outcome 2000-
A Retrospective Study of Severely Malnourished Dr. Elvie Aquino 2001 VSMMC Completed
Patients Admitted in VSMMC from July 1998 - July 2001 Dr. Patricia Angos
Risk Factors Predicting Mortality of Severely 2001-
Malnourished Patients Admitted at VSMMC Nov. 2001- Dr. Evelyn Austria 2002 VSMMC Completed
Oct. 2002
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pediatricians Dr. Ridzma Samsuya 2002 CDUH Completed
Toward Newborn Screening Program
Immunization Status of Children Living in Selected Dr. Ethel Joanne Olib 2002 CDUH Completed
Orphanages in Cebu City Dr. Elaine Rafols
Efficacy of Prophylactic Intravenous Immunoglobulins Dr. Nickson Aniñon 2003 CDUH Completed
(IVIg) Given to Preterm Infant in CDH - NICU
The Clinical Profile & Management of Pediatric Patients Dr. Hazel Reyes 2003 CDUH Completed

with Acute Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura Admitted
to CDH from January 1995-December 2000
A Five-Year Review of Kawasaki Disease: The CDH Dr. Chona Layos 2003 CDUH Completed
Profile of Critically Ill Patients Admitted at CDH-Pediatric Dr. Elma Dueñas 2003 CDUH Completed
Intensive Care Unit from May 2001-May 2003
Attitudes, Barriers, Skills & Training Needs Among Dr. Jemma Masillones 2004 CDUH Completed
Pediatricians in CDH in the Management of Child &
Adolescent Obesity
Dr. Ma. Editha
Clinical Profile of Preterm Infants born in CDUH fro Espedilla 2004 CDUH Completed
1995-2000: A Retrospective Study
A Retrospective Study on the Imaging Evaluation (CT Dr. Norma Babar 2004 CDUH Completed
Scan & Skull X-Ray in Acute Mild to Moderate Head
Injury in Pediatric Patients Admitted in CDH from
January to May 2003
Echocardiographic Findings of Pediatric Patients with Dr. James Winford
Rheumatic Heart Disease Admitted at CDH from 1998- Gelaga 2004 CDUH Completed
Complications Associated with Exchange Transfusion in Dr. Jemma Masillones 2004 CDUH Completed
Newborns & its Sequelae: A 3- Year Retrospective Study
Dr. Sean P.
The Predictive Value of Mammographic Studies of Almendras 2004 CDUH Completed
Patients at CDH
7.Substance The Profile of Patients Clinically Diagnosed with Dr. Benjamin Go 2001 VSMMC Completed
Abuse Substance Induced Psychotic Disorder Admitted at Dr. Augustos Costas
VSMMC from 1996-2000
The Knowledge of the VSMMC Medical Staff on Dr. Robert Capatoy 2001 VSMMC Completed
Metamphetamines - Its Nature, Complications &
Clinical Manifestations
8.EENT Clinical Profile of Patients with Foreign Body of the Dr. Nilson Gelbolingo 2001 VSMMC Completed
Esophagus Admitted at VSMMC from January 1998 -
December 2000

Comparative Study Between Needle Aspiration & Dr. Nilson Gelbolingo VSMMC Completed
Incision & Drainage in the Management of Peritonsillar
Hearing Assessment Test in Visaya for Primary Ear Care Dr. Mervin Varona VSMMC Completed
Pediatric ENT Foreign Body: A Psychological
Perspective Dr. Simon John Flores VSMMC Completed
A Study on the Effectiveness of Eyelite 532 Laser in Dr. Jerry Manongas 2001 VSMMC Completed
Producing Iridotomy in VSMMC Patient's Irises with
Primary Block Glaucoma
Visual Outcome After Treatment of Acute Postoperative Dr. Sandra Villamor 2001 CDUH Completed
Endophthalmitis: A 10-Year Survey: CDH Experience
VI. Emergency Medicine
The Knowledge & Attitude of Cebu City Police Personnel Escasinas, E. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
in Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Knowledge, Attitude & Practices of Grade School CVGH Completed
Teachers in Private Schools Regarding Basic Life
Support in Pediatrics
Outcome of Adult Patients Who Underwent Dr. Rowena Engage VSMMC Completed
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at the Emergency Room
of VSMMC Dr. Grace Melchor
VII. Health Financing
1.HMO A Comparison of the Profile & Management of Patients Garcia, E. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
with HMO Against Patients Without HMO Operated on
for Acute Appendicitis at CVGH (1995-2000)
VIII. Human Equity
The Distribution of Cebu-Based Cebu Institute of Loyola, M. et al 2002 CVGH Completed
Medicine Graduates of 1970-1995 in the Different Fields
of Specialization
IX. Others
1.Analgesics\ A Survey of Most Commonly Used Post-op Analgesics Dr. MT Malazarte 2002 PSH Completed
Anesthesia by Surgeons for Elective Cases in CVGH & PSH
A Descriptive Study on the Pharmacological Gallemaso, M. et al 2002 CVGH Completed

Management of Pain in Patients with Cancer Staged
According to TNM System Admitted at CVGH from Jan.
2000 to Dec. 2001
The Most Commonly Used Anesthetic Agents & Dr. Lyndon Borbon 2001 VSMMC Completed
Anesthesia Technique in Pediatric Patients at VSMMC Dr. Cesar William
OPD-OR Ortiz
Analysis of Failed Spinal Anesthesia at VSMMC from Dr. Christopher Codoy 2001 VSMMC Completed
1996 - 2000 Dr. Serapio Salazar
A Retrospective Comparative Study on the Effectiveness Dr. Rodolfo Florendo 2001 VSMMC Completed
of Tramadol Versus Tramadol & Ketoprofen in the Dr. Gaudelia Reyes
Management of Post-op Pain
Ketamine Sedation for the Reduction of Children Dr. Zyrkxis Macatol 2001 VSMMC Completed
Fractures in VSMMC Emergency Department
Dr. Carlos Ray 2000-
Effect of Epidural Analgesia on the Active Phase of Sanchez 2001 VSMMC Completed
Labor Among Nulliparas at VSMMC
Dr. Arne De la
The Depth of the Quinke-Point Spinal Needle in Spinal Calzada VSMMC Completed
Anesthesia Using the Subarachnoid Block on Filipino Dr. Teodoro Seclon
Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery
A Comparative Study: Spinal & Epidural Anesthesia in Dr. Aldrin Ibbo VSMMC Completed
Pre-eclamptic Patients Undergoing Cesarean Operations
Dr. Jonas Benjamin
Sepulvida 2002 VSMMC Completed
The Most Commonly Used Post-operative Analgesic for Dr. Cesar William
Pediatric Patients at VSMMC Operating Room from Ortiz
Jan. 2002-Dec. 2002
Dr. AileenAnne Acosta 2002 VSMMC Completed
Intraoperative Nausea & Vomiting During Spinal Dr. Cesar William
Anesthesia for Patients Who Underwent Cesarean Ortiz
Section at VSMMC OR from Jan 2002-Dec. 2002
The Most Commonly Identified Side Effects of Tramadol
Dr. Dorothy J. Cabao- VSMMC Completed

for Young Adult Patients 14-18 Years Old Who
Undergone Appendectomy at VSMMC Post Anesthesia
Care Unit from Jan. - Dec. 2002
The Effect of Epidural Analgesia Versus Intramuscular Dr. Richard Sia 2001 VSMMC Completed
Meperidine Analgesia in Normal Labor
Comparative Analgesis Enhancement of Morphine and Dr. Panfilo Tremedal 2001 VSMMC Completed
Fentanyl to Bupivacaine for Cesarean Delivery: A
Prospective Randomized Study at CDH
Midazolam & Nalbuphine Versus Midazolam Alone in Dr. Joseph S. Ygnacio 2002 VSMMC Completed
Sedation & Analgesia Among Selected Patients During
Colonoscopy in CDH
Is Neonatal Apgar Score Affected by Intravenous Dr. Emmeline Gemma 2003 VSMMC Completed
Midazolam Sedation to Cesarean Paturients Prior to Almendras
Infant Delivery? A Three Year Study
2.Antimicrobials The Use of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in their Outcome in Dr. Nelson Capoy PSH Completed
Clean-Contaminated Surgical Procedures in CVGH-PSH
The Minimum Inhibitory concentrations of Anti- PBL II Students Completed
Pseudomonas Set of Antibiotics are Higher for Wild
Strains of Pseudominas Aeroginosa Obtained from
Patients Admitted at CVGH from Oct. 2003-Feb. 2004
than for Pseudomonas Aeroginosa ATCC 27853
An Analysis of Antimicrobial Sensitivity Patterns of Dr. German Mayo Jr. Completed
Organisms Isolated from Blood Cultures at CDH

3.BMI The Body Mass Index (BMI) of Cebu City School Dr. Edward Chua PSH Completed
Children Ages 6-12 Years Old

Comparison of the Perceptions of VSMMC Resident Dr. Angele 2000-

4.Death/Dying Physicians, Post Graduate Interns and Interns on Death Calumpiano 2001 VSMMC Completed
and Dying
Congenital Hemimilia: Comparison of Outcome of
5.Congenital Dr. Cyrus-Blaine 2001 VSMMC Completed

Anomalies Revision of Stump Alone & the Use of Fibular Head
6.Autoimmune Antinuclear Antibodies and its Clinical Association with Dr. Nelson Chu 2001 Completed
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in CDH
7.Asthma Dr. Karen Ferrera 2003 Completed
Bronchodialtor Therapy with Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) Dr. Louella Quijano
with Spacer Versus Nebulizer Among Adults with Mild to Dr. Leon James
Moderate Acute Asthma in CDH Emergency Room Young
X. Health Care & Delivery
Survey on the Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices of 2000 CVGH Completed
Healthcare Givers of Chong Hua Hospital on Basic
Life Support
A Study on the Knowledge & Reported Practices of Bisnar, B. et al 2000 CVGH Completed
Caregivers on the Use of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)
Solution Among the Underfives at Home
The Level of Satisfaction of primary caregivers of Canela, C. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Children Under 5 years old from Bugnay I and II,
Labangon, Cebu City with the Provision of health Care
Provider (HCP) Using the Structural Process Outcome
Measures of Quality
Assessment of the Performance of RHUs and CHOs in Dr. Asuncion Anden 2003 DOH 7 Completed
the Philippines R & D Coordinators
Needs Analysis for DOH Representatives Competency Mrs. Reglita Laput 2000 DOH 7 Completed
Analysis for Regional and Hospital Staff and DOH Reps Mrs. Angelina Aniceto 2001 DOH 7 Completed
Quality Assurance for Sputum Smear Microscopy 2003-
Manual Ms. Lucy Aguiman 2004 DOH 7 Completed
Dr. Cristina Giango
Stat Turn Around Time of the VSMMC Clinical 2000-
Laboratory Dr. Roxematie Clarit 2001 VSMMC Completed

Assessment of the Level of Burden of Care and its Dr. Shane Dirilo 2001 VSMMC Completed

Correlates as Perceived by Caregivers of COPD
Patients Dr. Cecilia Bernad
A Survey of the Level of Satisfaction of Patients Dr. Joselito Te 2001 VSMMC Completed
Consulting at Out-Patient Department of VSMMC Dr. Grace Melchor
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of VSMMC Medial Dr. Adam K. Mesola VSMMC Completed
Physicians on Traditional and Alternative Medicine Dr. Grace Melchor
Commercially Processed Drinking Water, A Safe Dr. Rosali Ray Atup VSMMC Completed
Alternative for Parenteral Distilled Water as Irrigation for
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
A Comparison of Imprint Cytology and Frozen Section Dr. Theodoro Zamora VSMMC Completed
Histology in the Intra-operative Evaluation of Surgical
Specimen at VSMMC
The Reliability of Utilizing Barangay Health Workers in Dr. Zoraida Yurangco 2001 CDUH Completed
Administering the Denver II Test
The Level of Immunization Practices of midwives Dr. Ethel Joanne Olib 2002 CDUH Completed
Working in Health Centers in Cebu City
Reported Practices of the Department of Pediatrics Dr. Bernard Cepeda 2002 CDUH Completed
Active Staff in CDH on Preoperative Evaluation of
Children for Surgery
Patient Satisfaction with the Medical Physician of the Dr. John Borgaily 2002 CDUH Completed
Department of Medicine at the OPD of CDH
A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of Dr. Elma Dueñas 2003 CDUH Completed
Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers in CDH - NICU
XI. Health Regulation
A Descriptive Study on the Practice of Prescribing Anti- Abuda, H. et al 2001 CVGH Completed
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) Medication as Prophylaxis
on Patients Subjected to Non Per Orem (NPO) Admitted
at CVGH from Jan. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 1999
Baseline Survey on the Prescribing Habits & Patients' Dr. Jocelyn Abellana 2002 DOH 7 Completed
Quality of Care of Urban Physicians of Cebu City and
Mandaue City Health Office
Household Survey of Utilization of Iodized Salt Dr. R. M. Benabaye 2003 DOH 7 Completed

Dr. S. Madarietta
Dr. A. Salarda
XII. Herbal Medicine/Alternative Medicine
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 100, 75 and 50% Aloe Equipado, E. et al. 2000 CDU Completed
Vera Extract on Induced Trauma on Albino Mice
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 100% Basella Alba Valleser, R. et al 2000 CDU Completed
(Alugbati) Leaf Extract on Carageenan-induced
Inflammation on Paws of Albino Mice
The Ani-inflammatory Effects of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Arguelles, C. et al. 2000 CDU Completed
Fruit Juice in Carageenan Induced Inflammation in the
Paw of Albino Mice
The Effect of 100% Ipomea Betatas (Camote) Leaf Elises, G. et al. 2000 CDU Completed
Extract on the Blood Glucose Level of Mus Musculus
(Albino Rat)
The Effect of 100% Noni (Morinda citifolia) Juice on the Arcaya, A. et al 2000 CDU Completed
Blood Glucose Level of Dexrose-induced Hyperglycemic
Male Rabbits
TheHypoglycemic Effect of 50% String Bean (Vigna Pardo, F. et al 2000 CDU Completed
sesquipedalis) Pod Extract on the Blood Glucose Level
of Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemic Rabbits
The Effect of 100% Banaba Leaf Extract (Lagerstroemia Abinales, B. et al 2000 CDU Completed
speciosa) on the Intestinal Motility of Albino Mice
The Effect of 50% and 100% Concentration of Morinda Cabrera, R. et al 2000 CDU Completed
citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Extract on the Motility of Albino
The Inhibitory Effect of Capsicum Minimum (Chili Arcaya, A. et al 2000 CDU Completed
Peppers) on the Intestinal Motility of Mus Musculus
(Albino Mice)
Anti-inflammatory Effect of 100% Ananas Camosus Salas, A. et al 2001 CDU Completed
(Pinya) Leaf Extract on Artificially Induced Traumatized
Paw of Albino Mice
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 100% Coleus Blumei Kuizon, C. et al 2002 CDU Completed
Benth (Mayana) Leaf Extract on Artificially Induced

Inflammation on the Paw of Albino Mice
The Ant-inflammatory Effect of 100% Hibiscus Rosa Hamoy, F. et al 2002 CDU Completed
sinensis (Red Gumamela) Flower Extract on
Carageenan-induced Trauma on the Paw of Albino Mice
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 100% Wedelia Biflora Maglasang, K. et al 2002 CDU Completed
(Hagonoy) Leaf Extract on Carageenan-induced
Inflammation on the Paw of Albino Mice
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 25% Capsicum Minimum Alojepan, M. et al 2002 CDU Completed
(Red Chili Pepper) Extract on Carageenan-induced
Inflammation on the Paw of Albino Mice
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of Persea Americana Capahi, R. et al 2002 CDU Completed
Avocado Leaf Poultice on Carageenan-induced
Inflammation in the Paw of Male Albino Mice
Determination of the Lethal Dose (LD50) of Switenia Young, J. et al 2002 CDU Completed
Macrophylla (Mahogany) Seed Crude Extract on Albino
Reduction of the Total Serum Cholesterol Level of Egg Lim, I. Et al 2002 CDU Completed
Yolk Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits Fed With
and Without Powdered Glycine Max (Leguminosae)
Merril (Soya Beans)
The Effect of 50% Syzygium Cuminii (Lumboy Seed) Pua, I. Et al 2002 CDU Completed
Extract on the Blood Glucose Level of Alloxan-Induced
Hyperglycemic Male Rabbits
The Effect of 50%, 100% Concentration of Morinda Cabrera, R. et al 2002 CDU Completed
Citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Extract on Intestinal motility of
Albino Mice
The Stimulatory Effect of Monosodium glutamate on the Arobinto, J. et al 2002 CDU Completed
Intestinal Motility of Albino Mice
Determination of the Lethal Dose (LD50) of 100% Durano, M. et al 2003 CDU Completed
Moringa Pleifera Seed Extract on Albino Mice
The Analgesic Effect of 100% Zingiber Officinale Sanico, N. et al 2003 CDU Completed
(Ginger) Rhizome Extract on Albino Mice
The Effect of 100% Dacucus Carota (Carrot) Root Lee, E. et al 2003 CDU Completed

Extract on the Serum Cholesterol Level of Diet-induced
Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits
The Effect of Camellia Sineusis (Green Tea) on Glucose Efthimiou, J. et al 2003 CDU Completed
Level of Albino Mice
The Effect of Simvastatin and 100% Lycopersicum Gomonit, C. et al 2003 CDU Completed
esculentum (Tomato) Fruit Extract Compared to 100%
Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) Fruit Extract
Alone on the Serum Cholesterol of Diet-Induced
Hypercholesterolemic Male Rabbits
The Effect of Zysgium Cumini (Lomboy) Leaf on Blood Barcenas, A. et al 2003 CDU Completed
Glucose Levels of Alloxan-induced Hyperglycemia on
Male Rabbits
The Anti-inflammatory Effect of Zingiber Officinale Tuason, M. et al 2004 CDU Completed
(Ginger Rhizome) Poultice on Carageenan-induced
Inflammation in the Left Paw Male Albino Mice
The Effect of 100% Fresh Chayote (Sechium Edule) Abellanosa, M. et al 2004 CDU Completed
Fruit Extract on the Egg Yolk Induced
Hypercholesterolemia Among Male Rabbits
The Effect of Daily Intake of 250 ml. Organic Glycine Ang, L. et al 2004 CDU Completed
Max (Soy) Milk on the Total Cholesterol Level of Diet-
induced Hypercholesterolemic Individuals
The Effect of 100% Cucumis Savitus L. (Cucumber) Fruit Villaflor, RFV et al 2004 CDU Completed
Extract on Alloxan-induced Hyperglycemia Among Male
Albino Mice
The Effect of 100% Polymnia Sonchifolia (Yacon) Root Avenido, N. et al 2004 CDU Completed
Juice on the Alloxan-induced Hyperglycemia in Male
The Determination of Anti-inflammatory Effect of Moringa Limbu. L. et al 2005 CDU Completed
Oleifera (Horseraddish) Leaf Extract on Carageenan
Induced Inflammation on the Paw of Albino Mice
Analgesic Effect of Alcohol Free Jasminum Sambac L. Villaflor, RFV et al 2005 CDU Completed
Ait. (Sampaguita) Leaf /extract on Acetic-acid Induced
Writhing Among Male Albino
The Hypoglycemic Effect of Tinospora Crispa Ladjamatli, N. et al 2005 CDU Completed

(Panyawan) Leaf Decoction on Alloxan-induced
Hyperglycemic Male Rabbits
The Inhibitory Effect of Mature Tamarindus Indica Linn. Villa, G. et al 2005 CDU Completed
(Tamarind) Leaf Decoction on the Intestinal Motility of
Male Albino Mice
A Study of the Vasoactive Effects of Aqueous Extract of Kintanar, B. et al 2002 CIM Completed
Banana (Musa Paradisiaca) on the Isolated Aorta from
Sus Scrofa (large white) Landrace Pigs
Chamyto (A Commercial Lactobacilli-Containing PBL II Students 2003 CIM Completed
Fermented Milk Drink) Has No Bacterial Effect Against
Escherichia coli Using Pour Plate Method
Pepromia Pellucida (Sinaw-Sinaw) Stem & Leaf Extract PBL II Students 2003 CIM Completed
1:1 Wt/Vol Does Not Inhibit the Growth of Escherichia
Coli on MHIA
75% Tabermaemontana Pandacaqui (Pandakaki- PBL II Students 2003 CIM Completed
Tigpod) Stem Extract Does Not Possess Antifungal
Activity Against Albicans in Vitro
An in vitro Study on the Greater Antimicrobial Activity of 2002-
Local Over Imported Bulbus Allii Sativii (Garlic) Against PBL II Students 2003 CIM Completed
Eschechia coli
Fresh Mangifera Indica (Mango) Leaf Decoction Showed PBL II Students
No In vitro Anti-staphylococcal Activity Using Disc
Diffusion Susceptibility Test
Antibacterial Activity of Ginger (Zingiber Officionale PBL II Students 2004 CIM Completed
Roscoe) Extract on Streptococcus Pyogenes in Vitro
Using Disc Diffusion Susceptibility Test
A Comparative Study on the Effects of 10 ml./day 100% PBL II Students CIM Completed
Dancus Carota Root Extract and 0.3 g/day Capsicum
Anuum Extract on the Serum Cholesterol Level of
Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits
A Study on Antimicrobial Effect of 100% Zea Mays Linn. PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed

Stigma Decoction Versus Trimetoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(TMP - SMX) on Escherichia Coli in Vitro
The Antimicrobial Activity of Pure Ampalaya (Momordica PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
Charantia) Fruit Pulp Extract Versus Nitrofurantoin on E.
coli in Vitro
Does 100% Gracilaria Verocosa Extract have PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
Antimicrobial Activity Against Pure Cultures of
Staphylococcus Aureus (MSSA)?
Comparative Study on the Efficacy of 100% Andropogon 2004-
citratus (Lemongrass) Extract on Clinically Isolated PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
Eschirichia coli Using Disc Diffusion Method Versus
Musa paradiciaca (Banana) Leaf Decoction as an PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
Alternative to Tranexamic Acid for Hemostasis
The Antimicrobial Effect of 100% Capsicum Annum PBL I Students Completed
(Chili) Fruit Extract on Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923) Using the Kirby
Bauer Disk Diffusion Method
The Antimicrobial Effect of 100% Persea americana PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
(Avocado/Alligator) Pear Seed Extract Against
Escherichia coli In vitro Using Disc Diffusion Method
A Comparative Study on the Effectivity of Malunggay 2004-
(Moringa oleifera) Seed Extract and PUR as a PBL I Students 2005 CIM Completed
Bactericidal Agent Against Fecal Coliforms ( E. Coli)
Present in Water
A comparative Study on the Extent of Antimicrobial PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed
Activity of Raw Honey Versus fusidic Acid on
Staphylococcus Aureus in Vitro
The Saponin Extracted from Dioscora Alata (Linn) 2004-
Tubers Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels in Diet- PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed

Induced Hypercholesterolemic Male Oryctolagus
Lactopafi shortens Prothrombin Time in Male Rabbits PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed
Treated with warfarin
A Comparative Study Between the Inhibitory Effect of PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed
Lycospersicum (Linn) Karsten (Tomato) 100% Alcoholic
Seed & PulpExtracts and Vancomycin on Staph. Aureus
ATCC in Vitro
A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Pure coconut Oil PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed
in Limiting the Extent of Bacterial Growth on Burn
Wounds in Mice Versus Silver Sulfadiazine
A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of 100% PBL II Students 2005 CIM Completed
Alcoholic Extracts of Moringa Oleifera Seeds &
Ciprofloxacin in Inhibiting Growth of Pseudomonas
Aeroginosa in Vitro Using Disc Diffusion Test
A Comparative Study Between the Effects of Mansanitas 2005 CIM Completed
(Muntinga Calabura Linn) Fruit Decoction & Simvastatin
on the Serum Cholesterol Levels of Diet-Induced
Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits
Carageenan:An Alternative Source of Blood Agar Dr. Irene Belen Unson 2000- VSMMC Completed
Primary Plating culture medium for the Isolation of Dr. Marilyn Zarraga 2001
Staphylococci, Streptococci and Enterococci
A Comparative Study on the Antimicrobial Property of Dr. Phillipe Baclig VSMMC
Bisolvon Against the common wound Pathogen
Dr. Mervin Louis
A Locally Made Low-Cost Sound Level Meter: An Varona VSMMC
Instrument Innovation
Blood Glucose Lowering Effect of Ampalaya (Momordica Dr. Charis Coniejos 2001 CDUH Completed
charantia) in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Albino Rats
The Effectiveness of Ethylene Oxide Sterilization on Dr. Ramcarl Blancia 2001 Completed
Viscoelastic for Reuse in Cebu Doctors' Hospital, Cebu

Use of Hyaluronic Acid in the Promotion of Surgical Dr. Arlene Cala-or 2002 Completed
Hemostasis: An Experimental Study in Rabbits
Use of Chitosan in the Promotion of Wound Healing: Dr. Arlene Cala-or 2002 Completed
An Experimental Study in Rabbits


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