Gellan. Pharmaceutical, Medical and Cosmetic Applications: Cellulose Chemistry and Technology June 2017

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Gellan. Pharmaceutical, Medical and Cosmetic


Article in Cellulose Chemistry and Technology · June 2017


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4 authors, including:

Patrick Martin Marcel Popa

Université d'Artois Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi


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C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU),*,** C. LUNGU,*** P. MARTIN** and M. POPA*,****

Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Protection of the Environment,
73, Prof. D. Mangeron Blvd., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Department of Chemistry, IUT Béthune, Artois University, CS20819, 62408 Béthune, France
Department of Vegetal and Animal Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy
"Grigore T. Popa”, 16 University Str., 700150, Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 34, Splaiul Independentei, 050094 Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author: M. Popa, [email protected]

Received November 26, 2015

Ever since it was approved by the FDA as a food additive in 1992, gellan, a polyanionic exopolysaccharide from
microbial culture, has become a very important polymer for biological applications. The area of its applications has
rapidly expanded in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields, food, medicine, tissue engineering and biotechnology. This
paper aims to expand the previous review that presents the use of gellan in the food industry and make an overview of
other polysaccharide bioapplications. Considering the interest it has attracted in recent years, the paper details the use
of gellan in pharmacy, medicine and tissue engineering. Also, other gellan bioapplications in cosmetics, biotechnology,
microbiology are concisely presented.

Keywords: gellan, pharmaceutical applications, medical applications, tissular engineering applications, cosmetic

Natural polymers are biodegradable, prone to properties, and ease of chemical modification for
decomposition by chemical or enzyme catalyzed creating new properties. Hydrogels are very
hydrolysis to secondary biocompatible products. important among the biomaterials based on
This property allows them to be implanted in the polysaccharides or the combination of the latter
human body without the need for subsequent with proteins or some synthetic polymers.
removal by surgery. The drugs incorporated into Hydrogels, which can be obtained through
these biopolymers are delivered by controlled various physical and chemical methods, are three-
release over a prolonged period of time and their dimensional networks capable of absorbing large
concentration at the target site in the body is quantities of water or biological fluids. The
maintained within the therapeutic range.1,2 The functional properties of hydrogels have led to
release rate of the drugs from the biopolymer can their use in transport applications for drugs,
be controlled by a number of factors, such as: enzymes, cells, nutraceuticals and other
• biodegradation kinetics of polymers;3 biologically active principles. Hydrogels have a
• physico-chemical properties of polymers and porous structure, which can be adjusted by
drugs;4 controlling the crosslinking density of the gel
• thermodynamic compatibility between matrix.8 They resemble natural living tissue more
polymers and drug;5 than any other biomaterial and the high water
• the shape of devices for drug delivery.6,7 content contributes to good biocompatibility.
Among natural polymers, polysaccharides are When the polymers transport system phase
considered to be very important due to their changes, drug release is initiated, as a response to
abundence, structural diversity, various external stimuli. Hydrogels based on such

Cellulose Chem. Technol., 51 (3-4), 187-202(2017)

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

polymers can suffer phase transition, volume or for several hours. Gellan gels can be formed in
sol-gel phase changes depending on the the tear fluid when the polymer concentration is
environmental conditions. Consequently, they very low. The sodium ion was found to be
play an important role because they can determine suitable for in situ formation of the gel.17
where and how the active principle is released and Gellan was also tested in vivo for nasal
the time period when this process occurs.9,10 administration with in situ gel formation. S. L.
Gellan forms stronger gels (hydrogels) with Cao et al.18 have obtained a new gellan gel with in
cations (especially divalent ions).11,12 The acyl situ formation for nasally administrable
groups that gellan may contain also affect the gel mometasonefuroate controlled release. This drug
strength.13 (class of corticosteroids) is effective in inhibiting
The present paper aims to review the main the symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis. In
bioapplications of this polysaccharide. Although vivo tests showed that 20 µg/day
in the last years, several reviews and monographs mometasonefuroate are enough to reduce the
about this polysaccharide have been published, number of sneezes in rats.19,20 For comparison
the originality of our paper consists in the purposes, the drug was administered to the rats
presentation of exclusively its bioapplications in a both in suspension and incorporated in a simple
single material. Also, a chapter has been gellan solution. It was proved that the
dedicated to cosmetic applications of gellan, effectiveness of the drug from the gel formed in
which are mentioned only sparsely in different situ is greater than the free drug and the effects
works. are improved a lot. The viscosity of the system
has a great importance. First, it has the viscosity
PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS of a fluid, which can be sprayed, and then the gel
The polymer was initially used as a food if formed in the presence of cations; it must
ingredient. Due to its functional properties, it is maintain structural integrity to facilitate sustained
increasingly used for obtaining new transport drug release over an extended period without
systems for drugs. Gellan gels are eroding or rapidly dissolving. Gellan requires
thermoreversible and have a melting temperature small amounts of ions in order to convert into gel;
of 50 ºC; also they depend on the concentration its viscosity increases with an increase in the
and the presence of cations to stabilize them, concentrations of polysaccharide. Xanthan
thereby increasing their thermoreversible (suspending agent), 0.5% gellan and
character.14 mometasonefuroate were used in order to
The patients have shown an increased formulate the drug transport system. In vivo tests
compliance to gellan due to in situ gel formation; proved that the therapeutic effects of the drug can
therefore it has been investigated for producing be improved if it is incorporated into the polymer
transport polymeric systems for ophthalmic drugs system particularly formulated for in situ gelling;
with controlled release at the application site. the gel formed had pseudoplastic characteristics
Gellan gel has a low viscosity in the absence of and was safe throughout the study.18
cations. When eye drops solution containing Gellan microparticles containing
gellan and active drug substances (without metoclopramide hydrochloride for intranasal
cations) are administrated, the sol-gel transition administration were developed by the spray-
occurs in the presence of tear fluid. The drying method. The method is not dependent on
bioavailability of the drug depends on the gel the solubility characteristics of the drug and the
strength. In vivo studies have demonstrated that polymer. The microparticles of gellan and
only when the gel strength is within certain limits, metoclopramide are not toxic for the nasal
the maximum ocular bioavailability is obtained. mucosa. The particle size varied between 9.38-
The contact time of the gel in the eye increases 10.67 µm, being suitable for nasal administration.
with an increased concentration of gellan. The After spraying, the microspheres form a gel in the
process of autoclaving, which is used to sterilize nasal mucosa due to their mucoadhesive
the solutions of gellan, could lead to a significant properties by withdrawing water from the nasal
reduction in gel strength in the final product, due mucosa and by interacting with cations. Drug
to breaking of polymer chains – proportionally release from the microparticles was moderately
with the autoclaving time.15,16 controlled, being attributed to the formation of the
The gels formed with hypotonic solution hydrogel. The results of in vitro studies are
(normal saline solution) maintain their integrity promising and proved that the spray-drying


method used for obtaining gellan microparticles spherical, have a rough surface and cross-section,
with metoclopramide hydrochloride could be used highlighting a highly porous interior.27
to develop intranasal systems. Pharmacokinetic Controlled delivery systems for orally
and pharmacodynamic studies are required before administered drugs are difficult to accomplish
nasal administration in humans.21 because of their limited stationary period in the
Gellan was also tested for oral administration gastrointestinal tract. A rapid gastrointestinal
of drugs. Studies were performed to create an in transit may prevent the release of the total drug
situ gelling system for controlled release of dose in the absorption area and therefore the
naproxen. Naproxen is a NSAID with antipyretic efficiency of the administered treatment
and anti-inflammatory effects. It binds to albumin decreases. Most drugs are absorbed in the
in the plasma and has gastric toxicity; it would be stomach or in the upper part of the small intestine.
more efficient if the dose of the drug could be To overcome these limitations, floating drug
delivered by controlled release over a prolonged delivery systems were prepared. They have a
period.22 Three kinds of polymers with gelling lower density than the gastric fluid and therefore
properties were used: sodium alginate, pectin and remain floating within the stomach a longer
gellan. Calcium chloride and sodium citrate of period of time without affecting the
specific concentration were used as crosslinking gastrointestinal transit; thus, the controlled release
agents for each of the polymers in solution. A of the drug contained within the system is
drug concentration of 2.5% was included in each achieved. The materials used for obtaining
of the polymer solutions.23 In situ gelation was floating systems for controlled release of drugs
tested by adding the polymer solution dropwise in include gaseous agents, CO2. Carbonates and
simulated gastric fluid at 1.2 pH.24 The effect of bicarbonates are used as gas-forming agents.28
different concentrations of CaCl2 and sodium The float properties of the system developed by
citrate on gelling properties was observed. The A. Verma and J. K. Pandit27 depended on the
minimum concentrations that maintained the NAHCO3 concentration used. The influence of
fluidity of solutions prior to administration and Ca2+ and polymer concentration on drug
caused gelling of the solutions in gastric fluid encapsulation and release was studied. Drug
were 0.25% (w/v) sodium citrate and respectively, encapsulation into particles varies between 40.3%
0.075% (w/v) CaCl2. Increasing the concentration and 60.7%. Increasing the calcium concentration
of CaCl2 by 0.1% (w/v) (with the same amount of will increase the efficiency of drug encapsulation.
sodium citrate) caused gelling of the formulation The use of NaHCO3 as a gas generating agent
prior to contact with simulated gastrointestinal may release CO2 when reacting with the acetic
fluids. Also, the release of naproxen in the gel acid (from the extrusion bath of particles),
was proved to be affected by the type and the causing low efficiency in the immobilization of
concentration of gelling agents.23 the drug. Carbon dioxide remains locked in the
The ionic gelling method is well known. The gel network, thus increasing the porosity of the
effect of various cations and of the polymer particles and decreasing the strength of the
concentration on the encapsulation efficiency of particle wall. As a result, the drug easily diffuses
the drug and its release rate at the target site in the in the gelling liquid.
gastrointestinal tract was studied. The particles Drug release decreases with increasing Ca2+
were tested in vitro and in vivo and showed concentration because of particles’ increasing
promising results in controlled release over a crosslinking. There was no difference within the
period of time, decreasing side effects, increasing release phase when the polymer concentration
the bioavailability and patient compliance due to was increased. In a first phase, drug release was
reduced frequency of administration.25,26 fast, but later it dropped. In vitro tests showed
A. Verma and J. K. Pandit27 studied the effect that, in the first hour, 48-68% out of the total drug
of calcium and polymer concentration on the amount was released.
efficiency of incorporation and drug release. They The study demonstrates that the efficiency of
used floatable gellan particles, in which rifabutin drug incorporation may be controlled by adjusting
(a drug used to treat resistant infections, such as the process factors. The particles prepared in this
gastric infection with Helicobacter pyloris way may be used as polymeric particulate systems
bacterium) was incorporated. The particles were for the controlled release of rifabutin, which is
prepared by ionotropic gelation with calcium ions orally administered for the treatment of various
in an acidic environment. The particles are gastric resistant infections.27

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

A. K. Nayak et al.29 developed new gellan drug over an extended period of time. They have
particles using tamarind seeds and gellan for the antidiabetic properties demonstrated in alloxan
controlled release of orally administered induced diabetic rats. After prolonged
metformin hydrochloride. Tamarind seeds are administration of these particles, it has been
non-carcinogenic, biocompatible and have an observed that optimal blood glucose level is
excellent stability at acidic pH.30 They have also maintained and patient compliance is improved.34
mucoadhesive properties being used in drug Gellan spherical particles prepared by the ionic
delivery.31 Ionic gelation was chosen as a method gelling method have been used for controlled
for producing the particles. CaCl2 has been used release of cephalexin. The effect of the
as a crosslinking agent in the formulation of the formulation parameters on the encapsulation
gellan spherical particles with tamarind seeds. efficiency and controlled drug release was
The particles were characterized by SEM and observed. Gellan dispersion containing cephalexin
FTIR analyses. The particles thus formulated have was extruded into a bath containing a solution of
a degree of swelling depending on the pH, good calcium and zinc ions. The variables for the
mucoadhesivity to biological membranes and the optimization of the process, such as the pH of the
in vivo tests on rats have shown good extrusion solution and the amount of cephalexin
hypoglycemic activity. They may be used for the from the extruded polymer solution, have been
controlled release of metformin hydrochloride in modified to achieve effective immobilisation of
order to maintain the optimal level of glucose in the drug, controlled release over a prolonged
the blood and good compliance of patients. period, and an optimum morphology for the
Metformin hydrochloride is used to lower blood spherical particles. The particles prepared in the
sugar in type 2 diabetes non-insulin dependent. acidic environment have a porous structure, while
The half-life is 1.5-1.6 h and it is absorbed in the those prepared in a basic medium have a smooth
upper bowel.32,33 The oral bioavailability is 50- surface. Particle characterization was done by
60%.31 The mucoadhesive spherical particles have FTIR spectroscopy, laser diffraction and DSC.
been optimized by a 32 factorial design and The particles have spherical shape with an
analyzed by RSM (response surface average diameter ranging between 925 and 1183
methodology). An increase in the efficiency of µm. A 69.24% encapsulation efficiency was
drug encapsulation with a decreased ratio of obtained. The effectiveness of drug release was
tamarind seed–gellan and a decrease in CaCl2 the most when a larger amount of drug was
concentration was observed. A decrease in drug immobilized in particles. The particles prepared in
release was observed with a decrease of the acidic environment were released at a higher
gellan–tamarind seed ratio and a rising speed. In vitro tests were carried out in 0.1 N HCl
concentration of CaCl2. The encapsulation or phosphate buffer (7.4 pH), but no significant
efficiency is 95.73± 4.02% and the drug release in difference was observed. The study proved that
the first 10 hours is 61.22 ± 3.44%. Such uniform size gellan particles having controlled-
mucoadhesive particles may be used for the release properties of the drug are obtained through
encapsulation of other drugs that require combination of calcium ions with zinc.35
controlled release over a longer period of time, to S. Bhattacharya et al.36 prepared gellan
improve their bioavailability and therapeutic microparticles by the ionic crosslinking technique
efficiency.29 using aluminium chloride as crosslinking agent,
The same research group34 also developed and tranexamic acid was immobilized within the
gellan particles with Ispaghula mucilage microparticles. The tranexamic acid is an
(Psyllium), incorporating metformin antifibrinolytic drug with a half-life of 1.9-2.7 h
hydrochloride. As in the previous study, ionic and bioavailability of 39%; therefore, it requires
gelation was used and the crosslinking agent was repeated administration in order to maintain the
CaCl2. Mucoadhesive spherical particles have optimal therapeutic level. The characterization
been optimized by a 32 factorial design and was performed by scanning electron microscopy,
analyzed by RSM (response surface FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, DSC and
methodology). The encapsulation efficiency was HPLC. The particles are spherical and have a size
94.24 ± 4.18% and the release of the drug within of 8.11×102 µm to 9.11×102 µm and their diameter
the first 10 hours was 59.13 ± 2.27%. The increases with increased concentration of the
mucoadhesive particles containing metformin polymer. The microparticles have a low degree of
hydrochloride are used for controlled release of swelling in acidic environment, but it increases


considerably in alkaline environment. The release from the microparticles will become. The
efficiency of drug encapsulation decreases from full release of the drug has been reached in
89.12% to 71.15% by varying the concentration alkaline environment in different periods of time
of gellan solution from 0.75% to 1.25%. No and depended on several factors, such as polymer
polymer–drug interactions were highlighted by concentration and crosslinker concentration (Fig.
FTIR spectroscopy. The higher the degree of 1).
polymer swelling, the higher the speed of drug

Figure 1: Release profile of TA in acid and alkaline Figure 2: Plasma TA concentration vs. time profile in
medium from TA loaded GG microbeads prepared for rabbits after single oral administration of TA solution
two concentrations of the polymer (0.75% and 1.25%) and TA loaded GG microbeads (Mean, ±SD, n = 3);35
at a constant AlCl3 concentration of 3% (w/v); (Mean, (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: S. S.
±SD, n = 3);36 (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: Bhattacharya, S. Banerjee, P. Chowdhury, A. Ghosh,
S. S. Bhattacharya, S. Banerjee, P. Chowdhury, A. R. R. Hegde et al., Tranexamic acid loaded gellan
Ghosh, R. R. Hegde et al., Tranexamic acid loaded gellan gum-based polymeric microbeads for controlled
gum-based polymeric microbeads for controlled release: release: In vitro and in vivo assessment, Colloids and
In vitro and in vivo assessment, Colloids and Surfaces B: Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 112, 483-491 (2013))
Biointerfaces, 112, 483-491 (2013))

In vivo tests on rats revealed that the glutaraldehyde. Glipizide is a drug that lowers
accumulation of drug in blood plasma over time blood sugar and is used in the treatment of type II
was slower when TA loaded particles were diabetes.37 Oral absorption is rapid, uniform and
administered, as compared to classic complete with almost 100% bioavailability.38 The
administration. Also, the concentration level was encapsulation in polymer particles may have the
maintained at higher rates, with a duration of up effect of increasing its therapeutic effectiveness,
to 8 hours, compared to classical administration. given that the half-life of the drug is small
The results obtained are presented in Figure 2. (approximately 3.4 hours) and requires repeated
The results of the study showed that drug- administration.39 A 97.67% encapsulation
loaded hydrogel microparticles can be used to efficiency was obtained.
minimize the release of tranexamic acid in acid The encapsulation efficiency was reduced by
environment. Also, they can be used to control the 11.89% when glutaraldehyde was used. The rate
release of a drug in alkaline media, which will of drug release was 10% in 2 hours in an acidic
help to decrease the loss of drug and increase the environment; under alkaline conditions it was 38-
bioavailability. In vivo tests showed a slow and 47% for gellan particles ionic reticulated with
prolonged release, but more trials are needed.36 Al3+ and 15% for the particles treated with
Aluminium chloride was used as crosslinker glutaraldehyde. Drug release was correlated with
for the study of glipizide encapsulation into the degree of swelling in this case, as well as in
acetylated gellan particles for controlled and the study by S. Bhattacharya et al.36 When using
prolonged release of the drug. The method used glutaraldehyde as chemical crosslinking agent, the
for manufacturing the particles was ionotropic rate of drug release decreased. The drug will have
gelation, followed by covalent crosslinking with controlled release for a prolonged period. These

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

particles have the potential to be used in Mechanical strength was enhanced when an
controlled release applications and could interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) was used
minimize the frequency of dosing and the side as compared to microspheres obtained by ionic
effects associated with the drug.40 crosslinking. The obtained particles are spherical.
The complex coacervation method is based on Smaller particles are obtained by increasing
electrostatic interaction between the anionic and crosslinking density due to the formation of a
cationic polymers, resulting in insoluble spherical denser polymer network. Increasing gellan
capsules. concentration leads to a larger size of the
Chitosan can form polyelectrolyte complexes microspheres with the formation of several
by electrostatic interactions with polyanions and crystalline matrices. The obtained IPN
polysaccharides with COO- or SO4- groups.41,42 microspheres had a higher tensile strength than
Gellan was tested for the encapsulation of that of the microspheres obtained from a single
biologically active components in a poly-ionic polymer. In vitro studies were carried out to
complex formed with low molecular weight determine the release rate of the drug from the
chitosan in aqueous solution. The research led to microspheres and it was found that the release
the conclusion that this polyelectrolyte complex rate was higher in the microspheres containing
cannot be charged with a large amount of drug smaller amounts of gellan. The efficiency of drug
because of the acidic nature of the gelling release from the microspheres depends on the
environment, whereas the drug is rapidly released environment of diffusion and on the solubility of
due to the acidic environment of the stomach.43 the drug in different environments.47
A. Verma et al.44 have chosen a polymeric An interpenetrated polymer network was used
system, consisting of gellan and chitosan, for in the preparation of gellan and egg albumin
piroxicam transport, aiming the controlled drug microcapsules embedded with a resin-diltiazem
release in the stomach, to increase the complex for the controlled release of drug.48
encapsulation efficiency, drug stability and Diltiazem hydrochloride, a water-soluble drug,
patient compliance, and to avoid the has been linked to Indion 254 – a cation exchange
disadvantages associated with gel particles resin. The method used for obtaining gellan-
formed in oil-based emulsion. The particles albumin microcapsules was combined with
consist of a polyelectrolyte complex based on covalent chemical crosslinking ionotropic
gellan and chitosan, through the complex gelation. The gelling agent used was calcium
coacervation technique, without using any chloride ion and the chemical crosslinker was
chemical crosslinker. Gelucire (39/01 and 50/13) glutaraldehyde. Figure 3 schematically represents
is used as lipid phase due to its biocompatibility, the interpenetrated matrix formed between gellan
biodegradability, containing very small amounts and egg albumin.
of acid and because it prevents stomach irritation Microcapsules characterization was done by
by forming a coating around the drug.45 The SEM analysis, DSC, TGA, XRD and FTIR. The
diameter of the obtained particles ranges from microcapsules used were spherical with a rough
1.09-1.3 mm; they show better floatability, surface and their diameter varied between 841 and
increased encapsulation efficiency (the drug is 1118 µm. The particle size decreased with the
incorporated in the particles in a proportion of 93- second crosslinking (with glutaraldehyde) and
98%). Developing floatable particles using a could be attributed to the rapid contraction of the
polyelectrolyte complex can have efficient results matrix IPN due to crosslinking covalent bonds
in the controlled release of anti-inflammatory between the polymer chains of two polymers.
drugs (NSAIDs) administered orally for an With increased concentration of the
optimal therapeutic effect, reducing side effects glutaraldehyde, the size of the microcapsules
(gastric irritation) and providing good patient decreased due to the increased crosslinking
compliance.44 density. When the resinate amount increased, the
Other studies have been carried out for particles’ diameter was enlarged due to the
encapsulating anti-hypertensive drugs. For that interstitial space filled between the polymer
purpose, the microspheres were obtained by the segments. The efficiency of encapsulation was
method of crosslinking in an emulsion, using 68.02-89.06%. The encapsulation efficiency
gellan and poly(vinyl alcohol) as polymers and decreased with increasing CaCl2 concentration.
glutaric aldehyde as crosslinking agent.46 The encapsulating efficiency of the
microcapsules obtained only through ionic


crosslinking was higher than that of the fluid (pH 7.4). A simple drug (diltiazem
microcapsules made through double crosslinking. hydrochloride) showed rapid and complete
On the other hand, the efficiency of drug dissolution within 60 minutes. The release of the
encapsulation in the microcapsules prepared with drug from resinate lasted 3 hours, while from IPN
low amounts of glutaraldehyde was lower than microcapsules it was slower.47
when higher amounts of glutaraldehyde were Researches were done to obtain gellan gel
used. Drug release was studied in vitro in films with dermatological applications and with
simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2) and intestinal controlled release of active principles.

Figure 3: Schematic representation of GG–ALB IPN matrix;48 (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: R. V.
Kulkarni, B. S. Mangond, S. Mutalik and B. Sa, Interpenetrating polymer network microcapsules of gellan gum and
egg albumin entrapped with diltiazem–resin complex for controlled release application, Carbohydrate Polymers, 83(2),
1001-1007 (2011))

Wei Ming et al.49 studied the preparation, medical applications in the treatment of
characterization and biological properties of postoperative wounds. Biocompatibility tests
gellan crosslinked with 1-ethyl-3-(3- were carried out in vivo and in vitro. The results
dimethylpropyl) carbodiimide used as a demonstrated that the gellan film is compatible
crosslinking reaction activator. In this study, 26 with the blood cells and fibroblasts L929. The
µm thick gellan films were used, which reacted in subcutaneous film insertion caused a slight
ethanol (40%) with the crosslinking agent, for swelling in the first few days after surgery, but

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

there was no fibrosis or stromal reaction. Such a Particles based on quaternized gellan and
film has the potential to be used in cutaneous chitosan, retaining the antibacterial activity of the
procedures.49 quaternary ammonium, have been formulated. In
C. Cencetti et al.50 prepared and characterized vitro studies were performed on rat skin in
an antimicrobial dressing based on silver, gellan, phosphate buffer (pH = 7.43). Ciprofloxacin was
poly(vinyl alcohol) and borax. Creating a dressing released in 24 hours (Fig. 4), confirming that the
containing silver provides a controlled release of particles thus obtained can be used as systems for
silver and local antimicrobial activity; moreover it the controlled release of drugs with local dermal
allows the dressing to be changed over a longer applications.52
period of time. This type of dressing should
provide a moist environment, avoiding MEDICAL APPLICATIONS
dehydration and adherence to the wound site, as In recent years, cell transplantation therapy has
well as keeping the dressing yarn from falling played an increasingly important role in
apart. This study describes the preparation of a regenerative medicine. The quantity and quality
new (non-woven) dressing on the basis of gellan of cells play a decisive role for an adequate
treated with a mixture of poly(vinyl alcohol) and treatment. Polymeric supports are used as vehicles
borax, which is able to increase the encapsulation for the transport and controlled release of
capacity of silver and to shape its release. The therapeutic cells to a target place in the body.
new dressing shows an increase in water They also serve to maintain cell viability and cell
absorption capacity (a fundamental property for phenotype that need to remain intact during
absorbing wound exudates) and a lower rate of transport.53,54
dehydration. Silver is delivered by controlled Studies have been conducted to obtain new
release over a period of time and its antibacterial polymeric systems. These systems are applicable
activity was tested on Staphylococcus aureus and in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.50 and should be able to carry and deliver cells that
C. Cencetti et al.51 also reported a new treat various diseases. C. Wang et al.55 have
hydrogel of sulphated hyaluronic acid and gellan obtained gellan-based hydrogel polymer supports
gum, which is able to form a barrier against that help regenerate various tissues and are used
postoperative epidural scars. The new hydrogel as transport and controlled release vehicles for
contains 2% (w/v) gellan and 1% (w/v) cells. Gellan microspheres are prepared by the
hyaluronic acid sulphate. The presence of water-in-oil emulsion method, followed by a
sulphate induces hydrophilic properties to the series of redox crosslinking treatments. To
polymer and the intersection with the junction improve cell adhesion, a layer of gelatine is used
areas of gellan allows obtaining a hydrogel with to cover the surface of the microspheres, resulting
improved mechanical and rheological properties, in a gelatine grafted–gellan support used in cell
and is extruded more easily.51 transportation. The cells that are immobilized on
Studies were carried out to obtain a polymer the support are actually human dermal fibroblasts
system used in the controlled release of and human fetal osteoblasts. Using optical
ciprofloxacin with potential dermal application. microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, it
This polymer system contains gellan derivatives has been observed that fibroblast cells are spread
with quaternary ammonium groups. It was equally and quickly populate over the gelatine-
obtained by nucleophilic substitution of gellan gellan microsupport surface (Figs. 5, 6).
primary hydroxyl groups of N-(3-chloro-2- In the case of osteoblastic cells, which are
hydroxypropyl)-trimethyl ammonium chloride in immobilized on the same type of support, cell
the presence of alkali, under certain reaction viability and potential for osteogenesis are
conditions, using different molar ratios of demonstrated by fluorescence assays, histological
gellan/N (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) trimethyl and biochemical specific indications. The gellan
ammonium-chloride. H NMR, FTIR and gelatine microspheres may be used in cell
spectroscopy and conductivity titration with transportation with applications in tissue
AgNO3 were performed to determine the engineering and regenerative medicine.55
quartenizing degree. Thermogravimetric analysis
was used to investigate the thermal behavior.


Figure 4: In vitro permeation profiles of CFX from QG–Cs particles through rat skin;52 (Reprinted with permission
from Elsevier: O. Novac, G. Lisa, L. Profire, C. Tuchilus and M. I. Popa, Antibacterial quaternized gellan gum based
particles for controlled release of ciprofloxacin with potential dermal applications, Materials Science and Engineering:
C, 35, 291-299 (2014))

Figure 5: Optical microscopic morphology of HDFs cultivated on TriG microspheres: (a) day 3, 40; (b) day 7, 40; and
(c) day 14, 40 (scale bar = 500 µm). The cell growth-induced inter-microspherical conglutination is highlighted with
greater magnification (d, day 14, 100, scale bar = 200 µm);55 (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: C. Wang, Y.
Gong, Y. Lin, J. Shen and D. Wang, A novel gellan gel-based microcarrier for anchorage-dependent cell delivery, Acta
Biomaterialia, 4(5), 1226-1234 (2008))

Figure 6: FESEM observation of HDFs cultivated on TriG microcarriers on day 7 (a), whose detailed adhering
morphology is highlighted in (b). The cell growth-induced inter-microspherical conglutination is highlighted in (c)
(scale bar = 100 µm);55 (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: C. Wang, Y. Gong, Y. Lin, J. Shen and D. Wang, A
novel gellan gel-based microcarrier for anchorage-dependent cell delivery, Acta Biomaterialia, 4(5), 1226-1234 (2008))

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

Articular cartilage is considered to be the most mixed with carboxymethyl chitosan, which led to
important cartilage in tissue engineering a complex hydrogel consisting of a double
applications, due to its function in mobility and network. There was an improvement in gelling
locomotion. Injuries and degenerative diseases temperature of less than 42 °C and an increase in
(osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) can cause compression modulus of 278 kPa. Also, after
disability states, leading to pain and decreased compression, the hydrogels can return to their
quality of life. Several treatments have been original shape. Chondrocytes were encapsulated
tested, but the results were not satisfying and into this new hydrogel, and in vitro tests have
therefore more studies have been done in this area shown that they proliferate and have an increased
to develop other techniques for treating these viability.
disorders.56,57 The hydrogel based on gellan and
Biopolymeric substrates were studied to carboxymethyl chitosan is a material that may be
incorporate cells and to form a functional used in tissue engineering applications for
cartilaginous tissue.58 Injectable hydrogel systems cartilages.62 Gellan can be modified using meta-
can be applied by minimally invasive techniques. acrylic techniques. In this case, an alternative
They have been used in cartilage regeneration due method for obtaining hydrogel
to their gelation ability in situ under physiological photopolymerization can be used. The use of
conditions.59 hydrogels photo-polymerization leads to
Gellan was one of the biopolymers proposed improved mechanical and structural
for tissue engineering applications. characteristics.63
J. T. Oliveira et al.60 studied an injectable Obtaining hydrogels with high mechanical
hydrogel-based gellan containing autologous cells strength is a major objective in tissue engineering
used for cartilage regeneration of affected rabbits. applications. To achieve this objective, one
The cells encapsulated in the gellan hydrogel strategy would be to create a double network
were human articular chondrocytes. The hydrogel hydrogel that can encapsulate cells. Studies have
and the cells were placed by injection into the been carried out in this direction and a double
affected articular cartilage and the gelation network hydrogel formed by photo-crosslinking
process took place in situ under physiological was developed in two steps. The first rigid and
conditions. After 8 weeks of action, histological, fragile network used gellan methacrylate polymer
biochemical, molecular and immunological tests and the second soft and elastic network used
were performed. The results showed uniform cell methacrylamide/gelatine. The mechanical
distribution. Also, the chondrocytes in the matrix properties of the each network were obtained by
proved to be round-shaped.60 controlling the degree of the meta-acrylic process
J. Fan et al.61 also used gellan hydrogels for of each polymer. The dual network is formed by
injection with built-synovial mesenchymal stem photo-crosslinking of methacrylate gellan, the
cells (CSMS) taken from rabbits. The system was diffusion of methacrylamide gelatine in the first
tested in vitro for cartilage tissue engineering network, and the photo-crosslinking of
applications. Rabbit CSMS chondrogenesis with methacrylamide gelatine to form the second
gellan injectable hydrogel was tested in vitro network. The compressive strength of the
using chondrogenic cultures. The results showed hydrogels produced by this method was up to 6.9
the formation of cartilage by treating cell cultures MPa, a resistance value that is close to the one of
with TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and BMP-2, which led to the cartilage. The mass ratio of polymer hydrogels
the conclusion that CSMS incorporated gellan influences the mechanical resistance. Cells and
injectable hydrogel has great potential for fibroblast cells have been encapsulated in these
cartilage construction. These studies are the basis networks. The tests showed that the compatibility
for future in vivo investigations.61 and the cells viability were not affected by the
However, the high temperature and lack of processing conditions of the hydrogel.64
strength of the gelling agent limit the use of gellan In terms of angiogenic potential, tests were
in tissue engineering. Research has been performed to investigate the application the gellan
conducted to improve these properties. A new hydrogel in nucleus pulposus regeneration.
biomaterial based on gellan-chitosan has been Hydrogels for regeneration of nucleus pulposus
obtained with possible applications in tissue must have non-angiogenic or anti-angiogenic
engineering. Gellan was first oxidized and then properties. Because of the ability of gellan


hydrogels to achieve supports for encapsulating was achieved. The bioactivity was assessed in
cells with optimum mechanical properties and the vitro by immersing the construction of the
lack of toxicity, they can be used as substitutes for hydrogel into a solution of simulating body fluid
the nucleus pulposus in various cell-free or for 14 days. The characterisation of the hydrogel
cellular strategies. obtained by scanning electron microscopy, FT-IR
The chorioallantoic membrane test was and X-ray diffraction showed that the formation
performed to determine whether gellan hydrogels of the apatite layer was limited by the bone
have angiogenic response. For that purpose, structure. Bioactivity tests show a different
gellan hydrogel discs, respectively ionic cross- behaviour in both structures. The bone structure is
linked methacrylate gellan, were used. This test bioactive (the apatite layer was formed in contact
demonstrates that gellan hydrogels have no with the simulated body fluid), while the
angiogenic response, do not inhibit nor induce the cartilaginous structure showed no bioactive
formation of new blood vessels. Histological and nature. The presence of hydroxyapatite induces
immunohistochemical tests have shown that the apatite nucleation and calcium ions accelerate this
hydrogels are non-permissive to the restoration of nucleation in the bone-structure layer. Gellan
endothelial cells. The ionic crosslinked or photo- bilayered hydrogel constructs have a major
crosslinked methacrylate gellan hydrogel does not potential that can be used in tissue engineering.68
cause any acute inflammatory response. Limited regeneration of articular cartilage has
Angiogenesis is a process that is strongly encouraged further research to develop new
associated with the progressive deterioration of treatments and investigating new medical
nucleus pulposus, which could be prevented by techniques to achieve this objective. The
using methacrylate or ionic photo-crosslinked incorporation of the stem cells, precursor cells
gellan hydrogel, because the hydrogel can help along with growth factors in various media based
regenerate the damaged tissue of the on polysaccharide hydrogels represents an
intervertebral disc. Due to their functional and approach to articular cartilage regeneration.69 The
adjustable properties and their ability to control substrate rigidity can influence the cells behaviour
the infiltration of cells and the invasion of blood and can support cell differentiation in different
vessels, gellan hydrogels have the potential to be phenotypes of cells.70-72 Soft substrates tend to
used as nucleus pulposus substitutes.65 promote neurogenic, adipogenic and
Studies were conducted to achieve chondrogenic differentiation, while the more rigid
regeneration and repair of osteochondral defects. substrates support myogenesis and bone
These defects occur after a trauma, cancer or formation depending on the specific composition
metabolic dysfunction. Osteochondral defects of the culture media.73,74
require regeneration of cartilage and subchondral M. Ahearne and D. J. Kelly75 compared fibrin
bone at the same time, which involves certain bi- hydrogels, agarose and gellan as microspheres for
layered construction.66 Bilayered constructions transportation and incorporation of stem cells and
represented by a bone and a cartilage structure as growth factors used in applications for
were proposed by J. M Oliveira.67 The systems regeneration of cartilage. MSs gelatine has been
associate biphasic and biomimetic constructions, used to control TGF-β3 growth factor. The
and are composed of hydroxyapatite and precursor cells (progenitor) extracted from the
chitosan.67 infrapatellar fat of the knee was used to determine
Observations revealed that hydrogels are able the ability of the three hydrogels to support
to treat osteochondral defects. Gellan forms hyaline cartilage formation. The studies were
hydrogels that can gelate in situ. Due to their performed in vitro. The highest level of DNA was
characteristic structure, these hydrogels are used observed from gellan hydrogels containing TGF-
in the regeneration of cartilage tissue. In recent β3 growth factor and release MSs. The gellan use
research done by Diana R. Pereira et al.,68 low is limited by rapid gelation of the hydrogel at low
acyl gellan was used for bilayer hydrogel temperatures; therefore it is necessary to optimize
constructs in osteochondral tissue engineering. the ratio of the gellan and CaCl2 concentration in
Bilayered constructions have been obtained from order to obtain a hydrogel with a suitable gelling
an aqueous solution of 2% low-acylated gellan temperature.75
(cartilaginous structure) and a solution of 2% low- Injured adult tissue of the central nervous
acylated gellan containing different amounts of system has very limited regeneration ability.
hydroxyapatite (5-20%), thus the bone structure Spinal cord injuries can lead to permanent loss of

C. E. IURCIUC (TINCU) et al.

motor and sensory functions, as well as to other or complete elimination of silica thickening used
complications. Drug approaches are limited and in some formulas for toothpaste production.
are based on anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Gellan is used in low concentrations and
methylprednisolone.76 Stem cell transplantation contributes very little to the viscosity of
may be a strategy for regeneration of the tissues, toothpaste; during the preparation, the mixture has
but the cells have a low rate of survival (under low viscosity and is easy to pack. After
1%). To increase the viability of these cells, they packaging, a gel is formed.81
can be immobilized in a biopolymer matrix that Toothpastes containing gellan have an easier
can provide them with a survival environment formulation and packaging, and allow the
after transplant. Gellan is used as biomaterial for incorporation of more sensitive ingredients (active
cell transport, but to increase cell adhesion it ingredients, flavours), which would not be
should be modified with a systemic peptide possible with typical binders. In toothpaste
derived from fibronectin. Modified gellan has a production, other hydrocolloids, such as xanthan,
profound effect on morphology and neural stem carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose,
cell proliferation, different from the effect of carbomer and carrageenan, may be used to
unmodified gellan on the same type of cells. This provide a better taste and superior properties of
study demonstrates that the modified gellan used binding with water. Higher concentrations of
as a biomaterial could have benefits in the gellan allow other hydrocolloids to provide a
treatment of spinal cord injuries.77 smoother consistency to the mixture.
The advantages of gellan in toothpastes are the
APPLICATIONS IN THE COSMETIC following: low concentrations (0.025-0.25%);
INDUSTRY reversible gel structure; provides stability to
In the cosmetic industry, gellan is used more temperature (gel structure resistance up to 60 °C);
as a structuring agent than as a gelling agent for contributes to the low viscosity of the mixture for
sunscreen products, lotions, hair conditioners etc. the preparation of the toothpaste; gel structure
It provides product stability and a pleasant occurs after several hours of preparation; it has a
sensation when applied on the skin. Product great capacity to release flavours, which allows
properties are improved by adding hydrocolloids, the use of lower concentrations of flavours and
such as xanthan. Deacetylated gellan and high sweeteners; toothpastes based on gellan have
acyl gellan were tested to determine their purity stable enzymes, pH and shear; it is compatible
and to establish consumer compliance for these with active agents, such as anti-plaque agents.80
products.78,79 The incorporation of gellan in hair
care products, shampoos and conditioners OTHER APPLICATIONS
provides a greater stability, better structure and Gellan can be used in biotechnology as a
pseudoplastic properties to the products. The microbiological growth medium, as an alternative
concentration of gellan in shampoos or to agar.82 It is also a proper environment for the
conditioners is 0.2% or less when using other cultivation of plant tissue.83 Growing tissues and
polymers in the formulation of these products. morphogenesis may vary for different plants
Creams and lotions are emulsions in water. according to their nutritional requirements.
They should not contain any trace of oil. By using Tissues in different parts of the plant may have
gellan, these emulsions become more stable, even different food needs for optimal growth.84
at higher temperatures, and offer a bright and The growth medium for plant tissue contains
silky skin feel when used. The concentration used the following components: macronutrients,
is up to 0.25%. Body lotions containing gellan micronutrients, vitamins, amino acids or nitrogen
have the ability to carry important ingredients supplements, carbon sources, undefined organic
evenly on the skin. It is also a very effective supplements, growth regulators and hardening
ingredient in sunscreen creams and lotions.80 agents. The International Association for Plant
Gellan is used in the formulation of Physiology defines macroelements as compounds
toothpastes due to the binding properties and in culture medium that are at a concentration
texture that the gel provides to products. It has the higher than 0.5 mM/L, while those with a
ability to release flavour, and this leads to a concentration lower than 0.5 mM/L are named
reduction of the concentration of flavour and micronutrients. The growth rate varies between
saccharin in the product up to 10-25%. Reversible plant species and therefore the optimal
gel structure is created, thus leading to reduction concentration of each nutrient that is found in the


culture medium must be taken into account.85 The such as frequent replacement of water, prolonged
hardness of the culture medium influences the contact with water leads to swelling of cellulose
plant tissue growth.86 fibers (which causes deformation of the paper
Gellan gels are heat stable and can withstand after drying); modern paper cannot be cleaned by
prolonged incubation at elevated temperatures, at this technique because it is fragile and sensitive to
lower concentrations than agar. Based on these water.99-101
properties, gellan is used as a culture medium for Because of the disadvantages of conventional
thermophilic microorganisms.87 cleaning treatment, new cleaning techniques using
Gellan used as microbiological medium is suitable hydrogels have been developed. The
called GelzanTMCM and is sold by Kelco. They penetration of liquids into paper, and therefore the
have conducted studies on 50 different bacteria, swelling and deformation of paper, can be
which proved that gellan can not only replace reduced significantly by the use of hydrogels.
agar in a variety of conventional microbiological Optical qualities of paper-based artefacts can be
applications, but also can contribute to better cell improved and dust from cellulose degradation
proliferation in some cases.82,88,89 may be removed.102,103 Hydrogels used in
In crops, gellan is a promising alternative to treatments to clean old paper artwork must be
agar due to its purity and clarity.90 The rigid and must form films, so that they can be
concentration used is five times lower than the easily removed by a single operation. Gel residues
concentration of agarose, it is contamination must not remain on paper because they can cause
resistant, easy to clean and allows clear dangerous microbial growth on the
observation of roots and plant tissue development surface.100,102,104
in the culture medium.91 Deacetylated gellan forms a hydrogel with an
Various studies have been conducted on the optimal strength, rigid and low syneresis in the
use of gellan as a medium for plant tissue culture. presence of bivalent ions. It is also clear,
Other studies aimed assessing nitrogen fixation by homogenous and resistant to temperature and
diazotrofic bacteria determined by measurements pH.105 Due to its pH stability and taking account
of acetylene reduction in nitrogen-poor the other functional properties of gellan hydrogel,
environments, using gellan as a medium.92 A it was chosen for new cleaning paper treatments;
solidified soft gel containing 0.5% sugar and cleaning can be applied to works of art
0.2% agar is most often used for acetylene manufactured from this material. C. Mazzuca et
reduction tests and for evaluating nitrogen al.106 compared and discussed the results achieved
fixation by various aerobic bacteria, such as by applying an innovative gellan hydrogel and
diazotrofic bacteria culture medium.93,94 Gellan traditional cleaners with water, using paper
microbiological medium at 0.3% concentration samples dating from different periods (16th-17th
may be used instead of ordinary agar culture centuries). Tests were carried out to determine the
medium.91 The advantageous physical properties state of degradation of paper samples using
of gellan allow free live bacteria cultures that fix various techniques such as high performance
nitrogen.95 In contrast to the microbiological liquid chromatography (HPLC), FTIR
medium of agar, gellan medium can prevent DNA spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy
extraction or PCR sequences isolated from (SEM) and calorimetric analysis. The tests
colonies of microorganisms that grow in the demonstrated the effectiveness of the cleaning
gelling medium.96,97 Some soil bacteria, which are method using the gellan hydrogel.106
difficult to grow or grow poorly, are cultivated in
gellan medium and colonies grow until they CONCLUSION
become visible.98 Gellan supports the growth of The biocompatible character of gellan
test bacteria isolated in the culture medium, and determines its use in various applications where
this has led to the idea that an increase in this polysaccharide works in contact with or
acetylene reduction of nitrogen-fixing bacteria is inside the body. Due to its capacity to be
due to the gellan-based microbiological formulated as particles, films and more or less
environment.92 fluid hydrogels, gellan is an ideal vehicle for
The cleaning procedure is an important step in orally administrable drugs, transdermal, airway,
preserving paper. Substances that degrade paper instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye etc.,
are removed by washing them with water and it has the ability to cause sustained controlled
treatment. This method has some disadvantages, release of active principles. All these properties

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