11 Physics Exemplar Ch03 Sa

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Class 11 Physics
NCERT Exemplar Solutions
Chapter 3
Motion in a straight Line


3.17. A ball is dropped and its displacement versus time graph is shown (Displacement
x is from ground and all quantities are positive upwards.)

(a) Plot qualitatively velocity versus time graph.

(b) Plot qualitatively acceleration versus time graph.


It is clear from the graph, displacement (x) is always positive. The velocity of the body
increases till the x becomes zero then velocity becomes in opposite direction and velocity
(slope of the x-t graph) decreases to zero till it reaches a maximum value of x but smaller
than earlier.

When velocity increases and body reaches towards x=0 acceleration is in the downward
direction.When the body moves upward i.e., x>0 then velocity decreases so the direction of
‘a’ is again downward. Hence the a= -g always.

(a) at t=0, v=0 it increases in the downward direction with constant acceleration ’g’.Hence v-t
graph is as shown below

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(b) When x=0 body after it bounces upward but its velocity decreases with constant a= g if it
again comes back (downward) with acceleration (-g).Hence a-t graph is shown below

3.18. A particle length executes the motion described by

(a) where does the particle start and with what velocity?
(b) find the maximum and minimum values of x(t), v(t), a(t). Show that x(t) and a(t)
increases with time and v(t) decreases with time.

Main concept used: By calculating v(t) and a(t) with the help of x(t), then determining the
maximum and minimum value of x(t),v(t) and a(t).

Ans. …(i)

= …(ii)


(i) At, t=0

v(0) =

Hence, the particle start from x=0 with velocity v0=x0

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(b) x(t) is minimum at t=0 At t=0,

x(t) is maximum at At

v(t) is maximum at t=0 At t=0;

v(t) is minimum at At

a(t) is maximum at At

a(t) is minimum at t=0 At t=0

3.19. A bird is tossing (flying to and fro) between two cars moving towards each other
on a straight road. One car has a speed of 18 km/hr while the other has the speed of
27Km/hr. The bird starts moving from the first car towards the order and is moving
with the speed of 36Km/hr and when the two cars were separated by 36Km. What is the
total distance covered by the bird? What is the total displacement of the bird?

Main concept used: Bird will fly to and fro till both the cars meet together. So the total
distance covered by the bird during the time =speed of bird time to meet the cars together.

Ans. Relative speed of cars=27+18=45 Km/hr

Time to meet the two cars together (t)

Distance covered by the bird in

3.20. A man runs across the roof-top of a tall building and jumps horizontally with the
hope of landing on the roof of the next building which is of a lower height than the first.
If his speed is 9m/ms, the (horizontal) distance between the two building is 10m and the

height difference is 9m, will he be able to land on the next building? (take g=10 m/s2)

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Main concept: During fall freely 9m the horizontal distance covered by man should be at
least 10m.

Ans. Vertical motion

S=9 m, t=t

9=0 t+


Horizontal distance covered by person is

As 12.07 m covered during the free falling of 9 m. So he reaches on the building next farther
the first edge by 12.7-10=2.07m.

3.21. A ball is dropped from a building of height 45m. simultaneously another ball is
thrown up with a speed 40m/s. Calculate the relative speed of the balls as a function of

Ans. For the first ball falling from top

V=v1=?, U=0, h=45m, a=g, t=t

V1=0+gt or v1=gt downward v1=-gt for the second ball thrown upward

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V=v2, u=40m/s, a=-g, t=t

V=u + at
V2=(40 – gt) upward v2=(40 – gt)

Relative velocity of ball Ist with respect to IInd

= -gt - 40 +gt= -40m/s (downward)

Relative velocity of ball first with the respect to second is 40 m/s downward.
In this problem due to acceleration the speed of one increases and of other decreases with
the same rate. So their relative speed remains (40 – 0) =40m/s.

3.22. The velocity-displacement graph of a particle is shown in the figure.

(a) Write the relation between v and

(b) Obtain the relation between acceleration and displacement and plot it.

Ans. (a) Consider a point P(x, v) at any time t on the graph. Let


As velocity decrease from v0 to zero during displacement zero to x.

So acceleration is negative

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is the relation between v and x.

(b) a=



at a=0

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