Day 1-3 (Literature) (Print Me)

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Stage 3: Teaching Procedure (UBD Lesson Plan)

Literature: Excerpt from the York Corpus Christi Plays

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

Day 1: Literature Study

A. Daily Routine


Say: Let us start the class with a prayer.

Please bow down your head and let us

Say: Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

Say: How are you today?

We’re good Ma’am.

Say: I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, I

would like to introduce myself to you first.
I am Charm A. Posadas and I will be your
practice teacher for five days.

Say: I hope that in this short period of

time of being with you as your practice
teacher, we will be able to build a good
relationship with each other.

Checking of Attendance

Say: Class, please go back to your proper

seat because I will be checking your
attendance. Students who are not in their
proper seats will be marked as absent.
Classroom Rules

Say: Class, I have made a classroom

rules for you to follow and I am expecting
all of you to comply with these rules
willingly and responsibly. Can I count on
you with that? Yes Ma’am!

Say: Thank you!

*Rules are written in cartolina and will be

posted on the board*

Say: I’m requesting those who are

wearing their school I.D’s to kindly read
our classroom rules.

Classroom Rules Classroom Rules

1. One mouth policy! 1. One mouth policy!
- “I talk, you listen.” - “I talk, you listen.”
2. Wait for your turn to 2. Wait for your turn to
speak; do not answer speak; do not answer
in chorus. in chorus.
3. Come to class on 3. Come to class on
time. time.
4. Always wear your 4. Always wear your
proper uniform. proper uniform.
5. Seat plan is firmly 5. Seat plan is firmly
observed. observed.
6. Show courtesy and 6. Show courtesy and
respect to one respect to one
another. another.

Say: Thank you. Do you have any

questions or clarifications regarding our
classroom rules?
None Ma’am.
I. Explore—30 Minutes

A. Introduction

A.1 Essential Question and

Say: Class, as we proceed to our lesson
let us first take a look into our essential
understanding posted on the board. I’m
requesting all boys to please read it.

Essential Understanding Essential Understanding

One literature serves as means of One literature serves as means of

preserving unchanging values in a preserving unchanging values in a
changing world through its undying changing world through its undying
records of the ageless values that is records of the ageless values that is
being passed on by one generation being passed on by one generation
to another generation. Literature to another generation. Literature
served as the main tool by our served as the main tool by our
ancestors to assure that their values ancestors to assure that their values
will be preserved and will be passed will be preserved and will be passed
on to the future generations. on to the future generations.

Say: Thank you! Now, who can give

ancient values that arepracticed at the  Giving respect to the old
present time?  Giving warm welcome to the
visitors or being hospitable
Say: That’s correct! Another example?
And so on...

Say: What you have mentioned earlier

are only few values that we have adopted
from our ancestors. This time, let us look
into our essential question and let’s find
out why we have come up with that
essential understanding. I am requesting
all girls to read our essential question.
Essential Question Essential Question
How does one literature serve as How does one literature serve as
means of preserving unchanging means of preserving unchanging
values in a changing world? values in a changing world?

(The teacher will solicit ideas from the


Say: Who would like to answer this Literature serves as means of preserving
question? Yes? unchanging values in a changing world in
a way that it becomes our means of
travelling in the past and through that, we
are able to learn the values from the past
generations and apply it in the present
and pass it on to the next generations.
Say: Very good! Another? And so on...

Say: Thank you so much for your shared

ideas class. Indeed, your ideas are all
correct. You will better understand our
essential understanding if you listen well
and participate actively in our discussion
and activities.

A.2. Objectives
Say: Class, these are the tasks that you
are expected to accomplish at the end of
this session:

a. I can unlock the unfamiliar words

found in the text using dictionary
b. I can interpret what the picture
c. I can write a reflection out of the

Say: I’m requesting everyone to please a. I can unlock the unfamiliar words
read our lesson objectives. found in the text using dictionary
b. I can interpret what the picture
c. I can write a reflection out of the
Say: Thank you!

B.1 Getting the Prior Knowledge

Activity 1: Charade

Say: Before we start our lesson, let’s first

have an activity. I am requesting a
volunteer to please come here in front.
(A volunteer proceed in front)

Say: What you are going to do is to guess

what ________ acts. Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

Words to be Acted and to be Guessed

 Crucifixion
 Cross
 Soldier
 Jesus Christ
 Forgiveness
 Love

B.2 Linking the Activity to the Topic

Say: How did you find our activity?

It’s fun Ma’am!

Say: I’m glad that you have enjoyed it.

What have you observed from those Ma’am, those words are more likely about
words you have guessed? the crucifixion of Jesus.

Say: Very good! Those words are very

much related to our lesson this afternoon.
Our topic this afternoon is about the
“Excerpt from the York Corpus Christi
Say: This time, I am going to divide the
class into three. This row will be the
group 1, this row is the group 2 and the
rest are group 3.
B.3 Unlocking of Unfamiliar Words
(Jumbled Words)

Say: Please gather with your group now

and form a circle. This time, we are going
to unlock the unfamiliar words that can be
found in the text we are about to study
using dictionary technique.

(The teacher distributes the flashcard,

chalk and eraser to each team)

Say: Class, you are going to work as a

team. I am going to flash the jumbled
word and its meaning below on the
monitor. You should take turn in writing
the correct word on the flashcard I have
given you. You are given 15 seconds to
form each jumbled word. Is that clear? Yes Ma’am!

m i b e l n n i m b l e

 quick and light in movement; moving

with ease;

Synonyms: agile; active; rapid

a b i d e
b i a d e

 to remain stable or fixed in a state

 to continue in a place
Synonyms: withstand, tolerate, endure
s t a b l y
b l a s t y
 in a way that is firm or firmlyfixed,
or not likely to move or change

Synonyms: firmly, steadily

t a n i f f a i n t

 lacking courage and spirit

 lacking strength or vigour

Synonyms: weak, pale

o o m e d d d o o m e d

 Likely to have an unfortunate and

inescapable outcome

Synonyms: fated, destined

f i s h m i c e m i s c h i e f

 a specific injury or damage

Synonyms: harm, damage

t r a p e t p a t t e r

 to say or speak in a rapid or

mechanical manner
 make a repeated light tapping

Synonyms: rapid speech, mere talk

m e n t o r t t o r m e n t

 extreme pain or anguish of body

or mind

Synonyms: anguish, agony, suffering

g a m p i e m a g p i e

 a person who chatters noisily

 one who collects indiscriminately

Synonym: collector

v i r e t h t h r i v e

 to progress toward or realize a

goal despite or because of

Synonyms: prosper, succeed

Say: Good job everyone. Kindly write the

names of your group mates and your
score in a ¼ sheet of pad paper, and then
pass it to me.

Activity 3:Say: Before we finally study

the excerpt, I would like you to look into
this picture first for 2 minutes.

Say: While looking at the picture, kindly

answer the questions posted on the
board in your mind because I will be
calling names afterwards.

 What scenario can you see in this

 Are you familiar with this scenario?
 How do you feel about this
 What emotions do the people in
the picture convey?
*After 2 minutes*

Say: Class, 2 minutes is over. Who would

like to volunteer to share his/her
observation to the class?
(Students possible answers)

 I can see the scenario whenJesus

Christ has been crucified.
 Yes, I am familiar with this scenario
not because I’ve been there but
because I have imagined this thing
happening while I’m reading the Bible
about how Jesus has been
 I feel sorry and guilty because I know
that I am one of the reasons why
Jesus suffered.
 Some people are happy seeing
Jesus suffering while others are
Say: Thank you!I am glad that you have
come up with such answers.

II. Firm-Up—25 Minutes

Say: I have mentioned earlier that the text
we are about to study is about the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Say: We are not going to read the play in
the class since it’s quite long but I am
going to give you the summary and the
history of the play we are about to study
for you to understand it easily and better.

The York Mystery Plays (Background)

Before the Reformation and the
establishment of the Church of England in
1534, England used to be a Catholic
nation. Thus, English communities
observed the practices of the Catholic
faith. One of these practices is the
staging of mystery plays.
Mystery plays are the dramatization of
Bible stories, especially the life and death
of Jesus Christ, in churches as tableaux.
These plays were in vernacular and were
performed and produced by guilds in
large cities such as York.
The York Mystery Plays is composed of
forty-eight mystery plays or pageants that
retell stories from the creation to the last
judgement. They were performed
between the mid-fourteenth century until
1569. These plays were traditionally
staged during the feast day of Corpus
Nobody knows who wrote the plays, or
even how many authors there were,
although the group of plays describing the
Passion seems to bear the stamp of an
exceptional dramatist now called “the
York Realist.”

*The teacher presents the summary to

the class through PowerPoint

In the York play of the Crucifixion
of Christ, four Roman soldiers mutter
among themselves about how hard their
work is, oblivious to the significance or
implications of their chore of crucifying
Jesus. They complain that whoever bored
the holes made a mistake, and they make
the best of the situation by stretching their
victim which is Christ with ropes to make
him fit.The soldiers hoist the cross and
complain about its weight. When the
cross is finally in place, the soldiers note
that the mortiseinto which the cross must
be dropped turns out to be too wide and
needs to be wedged so they chock the
base of the cross with wedges in order to
make it stand up straight.Then, Christ,
who has been quiet throughout the
process, suddenly speaks:

All men that walk by way or street,

Take heed ye shall no travail miss,
Behold my head, my hands, my feet...

His speech instructs the passers-by not to

waste the opportunity to reflect on the
significance of His suffering; despite its
gravity, however, he nonetheless prays
for the forgiveness of his tormentors.

In the end, the business of crucifixion has

been mercilessly drawn out, not simply
for theatrical macabre humour but to
make the ironic point that the
phenomenon of distancing oneself from
the importance of the Passion of Christ is
common. "Proud of their skill and yet
comically incompetent to us, the soldiers
so lose themselves in their world of
mechanical details that they have no
sense of the large issues confronting
them. As Christ compassionately
observes, they do not know what they do.

Say: Now, do you have any question

regarding the play?
None Ma’am.

Say: Okay. Then, let us proceed to our

next activity which is writing of a reflection
but before that let me explain to you first
what reflection paper is.
Reflection paper is an essay of your
thoughts about something that could be a
movie, book, incident, etc. To put simply,
it is a paper on what you think about


Main Themes Classroom

Readings Experiences

Effects on:

1. As the diagram suggests, a reflection

paper is your identification of the main
themes of the readings integrated with
your classroom experience and how both
affect your thinking and practice.
2. A reflection paper is your chance to
add your thoughts and analysis to what
you have read and experienced.
3. A reflection paper is meant to illustrate
your understanding of the material and
how it affects your ideas and possible
practice in future.
4. Consider if and how what you have
read and learned changes your thinking
and might affect your practice in both
personal and professional situations.

(The teachers presents an example of

a reflection paper)

Say: Here is an example of a reflection

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of
the most well-known stories in the Bible.
It speaks about a wealthy man having two
sons, one of which was arrogant and
spoiled to the point where he asked his
fair share of his father’s wealth to set off
and wander around.

Personally, I really love this story

for the reason that it is still relevant
nowadays. Seeing the spoiled son
reminds me of teenagers in this
generation who think that they know
everything and think they already deserve

The endeavour of the prodigal son

entails conversion, from the point where
he was very sinful and lustful, spending
money buying useless stuff, to the point
of downfall when his money was
exhausted and felt lost working at the
pig’s pen and eating their food. In relation
to my life, there are also times when I had
to experience suffering in order to realize
the things I did wrong and to repent on

The parable has touched me in

many ways because of its practicality and
truthfulness in relation to the society
nowadays. The best lesson I have
learned from it is that it is therefore right
to go back to the core of our existence
and learn to accept the love that God has
given us and be able to give it back to
other people unconditionally.

Say: This time, I will give you 15 minutes
to write your reflection about the play we
have studied this afternoon.
(After 15 minutes)

Say: Class, time is up!

(The teacher will call on volunteers to

(Volunteers read their reflection)
read their works)

Say: Thank you for that! I hope that what

you have reflected from our lesson would
not just remain on that piece of paper but
will be applied in your lives.

Closure: Summary

Say: Class, I am so glad that you have

been so participative and active today.
Keep it up!

Say: Today, you have unlocked the

unfamiliar words, interpreted what the
picture depicts and wrote your reflection
about the play we have studied. We have
also studied the history of the York
Mystery Plays and I have given you the
summary of the excerpt. We have done
unlocking the unfamiliar words by group
using dictionary technique. I have also
shown you an image which depicts the
scenario during the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ and some of you have also shared
their ideas and analysis about the image.
Lastly, you have written your reflection
about the selection we have just
discussed. These are the things that we
have done earlier.
Say: I’m very impressed with your
performance class! Keep up the good
work! I just hope that you have fun and
you have gained lessons from what we
have discussed.
Say: For your assignment, kindly read the
text and studyit again because we will
have exciting activities tomorrow. Is that
clear? Yes Ma’am!

Say: Okay. This time, I am requesting

everyone to listen carefully to my
instructions. I am going to group you into
six. Each group will be given a task to be
performed on Wednesday.

Say: Please count-off 1-6. Group 1 kindly

stand up and choose a leader.

Say: Leader, please take note the names

of your members. Next is group 2 and so

Say: I am requesting the leaders of each

group to please be here in front and draw
a strip for your task.

Say: Since all groups have already picked

up their task I am expecting you to work
on it starting today or during your free
time. Kindly prepare also a yell that will
represent your group. I will give you now
the rubric for your upcoming
performance. Don’t forget to read it and
let it serve as your guide. And for the
order of the presentation, I am requesting
a representative from each group to draw
a strip here in front.

Say: Do you have any questions

regarding your assigned tasks? None Ma’am.
Say: Okay, that’s all for today. Good day
and God bless everyone!
Good day and God bless Ma’am!
Day 2: Literature Study

A. Daily Routine


Say: I’m requesting everyone to stand

and let us pray.

*The teacher will lead the prayer*

Say: Good afternoon, class!

Good afternoon, Ma’am!
Say: How is your day?
It’s good Ma’am!

Say: That’s great!

Checking of Attendance

Say: Please go back to your proper seats

because I will be checking your

*The teacher will refer on the seat plan*

III. Deepen

Say: Did you read and study again the

text we have discussed last meeting?
Yes, Ma’am!

Say: Very good! Today, we will have

some exciting activities and I am
expecting all of you to give your 100%
cooperation. Is that okay class? Yes, Ma’am.
Learning Objectives:

Say: Before we proceed to our first

activity, let us read first the objectives that
you are expected accomplish after this
a. I can scan information in the play.
b. I can identify the differences and
similarities of the video
presentation “Passion of Christ”
and the Excerpt from The York
Corpus Christi Plays.

Say: I am requesting those who are

a. I can scan information in the play.
wearing their watch to read our lesson
c. I can identify the differences and
similarities of the video
presentation “Passion of Christ” to
the Excerpt from The York of
Corpus Christi Plays.

Say: Okay, thank you.

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Strategy: Draw lots-“Do what is
written” (15 minutes)

Say: I believe that all of you have read

and studied the text under study. This
time, we will have a question and answer
portion. I am going to flash each question
on the monitor. Then, I will call on one
volunteer to draw a strip inside the bowl
and do what is written on the strip. The
strips contain tasks that you or your
classmate will do. For example: The first
volunteer have already picked up a strip,
he/she is going to read aloud what is
written on the strip and will do it. e.g.
“Ask your seatmate to answer the
question.”The student will ask his/her
seatmate to answer the question being
flashed in the monitor. Am I clear? Yes, Ma’am!

* The activity will continue until all

questions are answered *

 How do the Soldiers perform the
task given to them?
 Why are the Soldiers so lost in
their world of mechanical details?
 Why is the falling into or the fitting
in of Christ’s body into the mortise
more painful according to the
 What is the title of the text we are
 What is the central theme of the
 How do the soldiers similar to
some people today?
 What is the meaning of “Corpus
 The York Mystery Plays is
composed of how many plays?
 What could be the religious
purpose of the York Corpus Christi
 What is the prayer of Jesus Christ
for those who have persecuted

(The teacher will give feedbacks)

Activity 2: Identifying the differences

and similarities of the video
presentation to the play under study
(25 minutes)
Say: This time, I am going to show you a
short video presentation about the
crucifixion of Jesus. After watching the
video, you are going to identify the
differences and similarities between the
video and the play under study.

(The teacher plays the video



Say: Since you are done watching the

video presentation, you are now going to
do a task individually.

Directions: In a ½ sheet of pad paper,

write the similarities and differences of
the video played and the play under study
using the venn diagram. I will give you 15
minutes to do the task.

Video Presentation Play Under Study



(Expected Answers)

1. They are both about the
Say: Class, 15 minutes is over! Kindly
crucifixion of Jesus.
pass your papers forward.
2. Crucifixion was done with
common purpose and that purpose is to
offer salvation to everyone
(Video Presentation) (Play Under Study)

1. Soldiers are not 1. Soldiers

complaining complain about
how hard their
work is
2. Crucifixion was 2. Crucifixion was
done by numerous done by only 4
soldiers. Soldiers.
Say: For the activity you have just done,
you have compared the literary piece
under study to the video presentation. I
would like you to always remember the
reason why Jesus has been crucified. I
hope that you will not take for granted the
sacrifices He made for each one of us.

Closure: Summary
Say: Class, let me recapitulate to you
what we have discussed this afternoon.
We had done two activities this day. The
first one was the “Question and Answer”,
I have given you questions regarding the
text we are studying and you have
answered the questions well. Some of
you answered it objectively and some
have answered the questions subjectively
or personally. And lastly, I have shown
you a short video presentation about the
crucifixion of Jesus. After that, I have told
you to identify the similarities and
differences of the video to the play we are
currently studyingthrough filling in the
venn diagram.

Say: These are the things we have done

this afternoon. I hope that you have
learned something from our activities

Say: Thank you class, for your

cooperation and active participation!

Say: We still have 10 minutes left, I will
give you this time to talk with your group
and finalize your presentation tomorrow.

Say: Be sure that all of you are ready for

tomorrow and please read the rubric I
have given you so that you will be guided
accordingly. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am!
Say: Okay, that’s all for today. Good day
everyone! Good day Ma’am!
Day 3: Performance Task

A. Daily Routine


Say: Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon Ma’am!

Say: Are you all ready for your

presentation today? Yes Ma’am!

Say: Very good!

Checking of Attendance

Say: Who is absent today? None, Ma’am!

Say: Very good!

Learning Objectives:

Say: Before we proceed to your

presentation, let me present to you first
our enabling objectives:
a. I can make and explain a slogan
out of the play.
b. I can write and deliver a song out
of the play.
c. I can quote and explain Bible
verses related to the play.
d. I can write and deliver a story
about the crucifixion of Jesus
e. I can write and deliver a short
speech about the crucifixion.
f. I can recite and explain the 7 Last
Words of Jesus Christ.
Say: Who would like to read again our
lesson objectives? Yes? Our enabling objective this afternoon are:
a. I can make and explain a slogan
out of the play.
b. I can write and deliver a song out
of the play.
c. I can quote and explain Bible
verses related to the play.
d. I can write and deliver a narrative
about the crucifixion of Jesus
e. I can write and deliver a short
speech about the crucifixion.
f. I can recite and explain the 7 Last
Words of Jesus Christ.

Say: Thank you! I hope that all of you will

do your best in doing the task being
assigned to you.

Say: I am requesting each group to be

prepared because we are about to start
our activity. Sir Alvizo and I will evaluate
your performance based on the rubrics I
have given you the other day.

Say: Before we finally start our activity, let

me read to you first the rubrics for your

(The teachers reads the rubrics)

Say: Let’s start from ________.

(The first presenter will present their yell
and perform their task to the class)

(The teacher will give feedback)

Say: Let’s give them a fireworks clap. (Fireworks Clap)

Say: Okay, let’s move on to the next
group and so on...
Say: I am very impressed with your
performances class! Keep it up!

Say: I am going to tally your scores later

and I will announce it tomorrow.

Say: Did you enjoy our activity class? Yes Ma’am!

Say: I’m grateful to know that! I hope that

the unity and teamwork I have seen in
your performances today will be practiced
by you all the time.

Say: The things you have done are all

related to the literary piece we have
studied. Each of you has exerted effort to
perform the task being assigned to you.
What you have shown is an indication
that you have learned something good
from our lesson. I have seen that each of
you has realized the significance of the
task being done.

Say: I hope that all of you will always bear

in mind that Jesus loves us and He died
to save each one of us from sin. In the
book of John 3:16, it says “For God so
love the world that He gave His only
begotten son, that whosoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have everlasting
life.” This Bible verse is an indication of
God’s great love for us. This verse also
presents a promise of eternal life for
those who believe in Jesus Christ. In
return for all the things God has done for
us, we must always see to it that Jesus’
sacrifices will not be put in vain by
obeying Him and doing the things which
are pleasing in His sight.

Say: I hope that the lessons you have
gained from our activity will be inculcated
in your hearts and minds.

Say: For your assignment, kindly have an
advance study about the active and
passive voice on page 467 of your book.
And please be prepared for tomorrow’s
exciting activities. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am.
Say: Let’s call it a day. Good day and
God bless everyone! Good day and God bless Ma’am!

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