Hidden Structure of Brain

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Hidden geometries in networks arising from cooperative self-assembly

Milovan Šuvakov1,2 , Miroslav Andjelković1,3 , Bosiljka Tadić1

Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia and
Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča, University of Belgrade, 1100 Belgrade, Serbia
(Dated: November 15, 2017)
Multilevel self-assembly involving small structured groups of nano-particles provides new routes to
development of functional materials with a sophisticated architecture. Apart from the inter-particle
arXiv:1711.05117v1 [physics.soc-ph] 2 Nov 2017

forces, the geometrical shapes and compatibility of the building blocks are decisive factors in each
phase of growth. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of these processes is essential for
the design of large assemblies of desired properties. Here, we introduce a computational model
for cooperative self-assembly with simultaneous attachment of structured groups of particles,
which can be described by simplexes (connected pairs, triangles, tetrahedrons and higher order
cliques) to a growing network, starting from a small seed. The model incorporates geometric
rules that provide suitable nesting spaces for the new group and the chemical affinity ν of the
system to acceping an excess number of particles. For varying chemical affinity, we grow different
classes of assemblies by binding the cliques of distributed sizes. Furthermore, to characterise the
emergent large-scale structures, we use the metrics of graph theory and algebraic topology of
graphs, and 4-point test for the intrinsic hyperbolicity of the networks. Our results show that
higher Q-connectedness of the appearing simplicial complexes can arise due to only geometrical
factors, i.e., for ν = 0, and that it can be effectively modulated by changing the chemical potential
and the polydispersity of the size of binding simplexes. For certain parameters in the model we
obtain networks of mono-dispersed clicks, triangles and tetrahedrons, which represent the geo-
metrical descriptors that are relevant in quantum physics and frequently occurring chemical clusters.

PACS numbers:

I. INTRODUCTION In this context, a suitable presentation by graphs or

nanonetworks16 enables the use of advanced graph theory
methods to elucidate the structure and abstract essential
Self-assembly of nanoscale objects has been recognised geometrical descriptors of nano-structured materials15 .
as a powerful method enabling the design of advanced For instance, the network model and topology analy-
materials with new optical, magnetic, conducting and sis have proved useful in revealing the structural el-
other properties1–4 . Complex materials with a new func- ements that are responsible for the improved tunnel-
tionality often exhibit hierarchical architecture5–8 , sug- ing conduction in self-assembled nanoparticle films17–19 ,
gesting that the self-assembly occurs at different scales and to identify hidden order in amorphous materials20 .
from individual nanoparticles to groups and clusters to Some recent investigations show how the use of topol-
macroscale materials. In this regard, a cooperative bind- ogy can open new ways for designing materials inspired
ing of small formatted nanoparticle structures is crucial by mathematics15,21 . On the other hand, the research
for the developing large-scale aggregates. They can be of growing complex networks has recently been extended
prefabricated nanocrystals, self-replicated information- to explore the attachment of objects (loops, simplexes)
bearing patterns8–10 , or spontaneously formed groups under geometric rules and control parameters22–25 . In
of nanoparticles1,3,5,11 . The affinity of nanoparticles to this regard, the self-assembly can be understood as a
merge into a small formation, which then appears as a language that can describe the complex architecture of
building block on a larger scale, depends on the parti- these networks. Varying the assembly rules and pa-
cle density and constraints applied in the manufacturing rameters enables us to explore a broad range of struc-
process, and other factors that influence the interactions tures, compared to the laboratory experiments and the
between them6,7,12 . In addition to binding energy, this potential limits of the aggregation process, and under-
process is regulated by pertinent geometric rules13–15 . stand the emergence of new features23–26 . A particu-
Therefore, the control of the impact of self-assembly at lar anisotropy of the interaction and spatial constraints
various levels on the emerging hierarchical structure is can lead to some interesting low-dimensional assemblies,
essential for the new functionality of macroscopic mate- for example, chains27 and patterns obtained by tiling or
rials. Here, we use numerical modeling to deepen the recognition-binding on a two-dimensional lattice23 , and
understanding of cooperative processes of self-assembly self-assembly of loops under the planar graph rules22 .
and geometric properties of structures that can arise.

By contrast, self-assembly of geometric objects with- II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

out spatial embedding can lead to complex, hierarchi-
cally organised networks. To explore the hidden topol- A. Computational model
ogy of these networks beyond the standard graph-theory
metric28,29 , the advanced techniques of algebraic topol- A clique of order qmax is fully connected graph of
ogy of graphs30,31 are used; the main goal is to find out s = qmax + 1 nodes; some examples are shown in Fig.
how different geometric elements (simplexes) are mutu- 1. Faces of the clique are cliques of the lower orders
ally combining to make simplicial complexes. Analysis which are contained in the original clique σq ∈ σqmax ,
based on algebraic topology of graphs has been used in where q = 0, 1, 2, 3 · · · qmax − 1 correspond to a single
some recent studies, for example, to describe the hierar- node, a pair of connected nodes, a triangle, tetrahedron,
chical organization of social graphs32 and the structure of etc., up to the largest subgraph of the order qmax − 1,
the phase-space manifolds near the jamming transition33 , respectively. The number of equivalent faces is given by
as well as to adequately quantify the patterns of inter- Cq = qmax +1

. Hence, C0 = qmax + 1 = s is the dimen-
brain coordination34 and logically structured knowledge q+1
sion or the number of nodes involved in the considered
networks35 . Moreover, in the hidden geometry metric
clique. We assume that by docking, a clique shares a face
of many complex networks, the closeness of the nodes is
of order q with an already existing clique in the networks.
expressed by the graph’s generalization of negative cur-
In this way, the number of simultaneously added parti-
vature or hyperbolicity24,25,36 . It plays a significant role
cles (nodes) is given by the difference of the dimension
in the network’s function. For example, a direct sur-
of the clique to be formed by docking and the size of the
vey of the related graphs revealed the impact of neg-
docking site, i.e., na = (qmax + 1) − (q + 1). Furthermore,
ative curvature on metabolic processes37 and traffic on
we assume that the system’s affinity ν towards adding
the Internet38 .
new particle is finite. Therefore, the probability of dock-
ing along a particular face of the clique is weighted by
the factor e−νna , considering the complementary na par-
ticles. Therefore, the normalized probability for docking
Here we introduce a model for the cooperative self- of a clique of order qmax along its face of order q is given
assembly, in which small, ordered structures of particles by
are recognized as simplexes or full graphs (cliques) of dif-
ferent size that can attach by nesting in a growing net- cq (t)e−ν(qmax −q)
p(qmax , q; t) = Pqmax −1 , (1)
work. The process depends on the size of the group that q=0 cq (t)e−ν(qmax −q)
is formed by the attachment, and it is directed by two in-
gredients. These are geometric factor, which refers to the where cq (t) is the number of geometrically similar dock-
availability of the geometrically appropriate sites where ing sites of the order q at the evolution time t. In our
the clique can nest along one of its lower-dimensional model, a clique is formed in each time step t; the size of
faces, and the chemical factor associated with the affinity the clique can vary in a given range. In particular, here
of the system for simultaneous binding an excess number we consider cliques of the dimension s ∈ [1, 12] taken
of particles. We notice that for a simplex of a given size from a power-law distribution g(s) = As−2 , where A
the geometric constraints change systematically when the is the corresponding normalisation factor. The empiri-
network grows, whereas the chemical affinity affects the cal fact motivates this form of the distribution, namely,
actual binding. By exploiting the interplay of these el- that larger cliques appear less often in modular networks.
ements, we develop various classes of assemblies repre- The network growth by addition of mono-disperse cliques
sented by graphs, and we investigate their structure using is a particular case of our model. For instance, by fix-
graph-theoretic metrics. We show that these structures ing smin = smax = 3 (triangles) and smin = smax = 4
possess higher combinatorial connectivity, which can be (tetrahedra), we obtain two types of networks with mono-
quantified by algebraic topology measures. With a large disperse cliques.
number of examples we demonstrate how the geometri- The first clique taken from the distribution g(s) is as-
cal element that plays a key role in the appearance of the sembled and considered as the seed structure. Then, at
higher Q-connectedness can be enhanced or reduced by each step, the size of a new clique s ∈ g(s) is taken and
changing the chemical affinity of the assembly. We also the clique is formed by attaching the number s − q − 1
show that these new structures exhibit a global negative of new nodes with the selected q + 1 nodes on the exist-
curvature or δ-hyperbolicity. Our model is defined for ing structure. Then the docking condition requires that
poly-dispersive cliques, whose size varies according to a these q + 1 nodes match a q-face of the new clique. Ac-
given distribution in the range from a connected pair of cording to Eq. (1), the selection of the simplex of the
nodes to 12-clique. As a particular case, we consider the order q on the current structure depends on the number
aggregation of mono-disperse cliques of a given order. of geometrically suitable locations and the corresponding
Below are the details of the model explained in formal weighting factors. Fig. 1b illustrates the effects of the ge-
language of topology; to pesent the model at work, we ometrical factor in the example of forming a tetrahedron
provide the Web applet39 . by attachment of na red nodes to the small structure

FIG. 1: (a) Examples of geometrical shapes identified as cliques of the order qmax = 1, 2, 3, 4, from left to right. (b) Addition
of a tetrahedron (qmax = 3) to the system of blue nodes can be nested in three different ways, i.e., by its face of the dimension
q = 0, for instance, including the node “1”, q = 1, the link “3-6”, and q = 2, the triangle “4-5-6”. The corresponding number
of new particles na = qmax + 1 − (q + 1) = qmax − q are shown by red nodes. (c) The number of simplexes Σ(t) as function
of time for aggregation of poly-disperse cliques at different parameter ν. Lower panel shows the corresponding number nσ (t)
of added simplexes per time step. Inset: Average growth rate RΣ ≡ hdΣ/dti vs. ν. Bottom panels: Networks of aggregated
cliques of sizes s ∈ [2, 10] for the varied chemical potential ν = −9, ν = 0, and ν = +9, left to right. Different colours of nodes
indicate the network’s community structure.

shown by the blue nodes. Considering Eq. (1), the case of new nodes, and list of all nodes which belong to that
ν = 0 describes the probability of attachment by geomet- clique.
rical factor alone. In this case, the population of docking
sites of the order q determines the likelihood that a new 24 42 729 2 1 14 42
clique will attach by its q-face. On the other hand, the 25 45 785 6 3 28 29 32 43 44 45
number of docking sites of a given size depends on the 26 46 789 3 1 16 28 46
actual structure of the network. Note that, by adding 27 47 791 2 1 12 47
a particular clique of the order qmax to the system, all 28 48 795 3 1 17 36 48
its unshared faces also appear as new cliques of lower or- 29 49 797 2 1 36 49
ders. Thus, the number of simplexes fluctuates in time 30 55 1805 10 6 17 28 30 31 50 51 52 53 54 55
depending not only on the dimension of the clique which For varied chemical potential ν, despite the statistically
is formed in the docking event but also on the size of similar population of cliques appearing in the process
the actual docking site. It should be noted that while (taken from the same distribution), the network growth
the simplicial complexes grow through the attachment of speed and the average rate of the addition of simplexes
new cliques via shared faces, the process can not generate RΣ ≡ hdΣ(t)/dti are different being dependent on the
holes and cliques of the order larger than the cut-off size docking probability. Fig. 1c displays the evolution of the
smax of the original distribution g(s). In the simulations, total number of simplexes Σ(t) and the number nσ (t) of
we keep track of details constituting each event. For ex- the added simplexes per time step for different networks
ample, the small segment of the output file shown below until they exceed the targeted size of N = 1000 nodes for
indicates the time step, current network size, the num- the first time.
ber of simplexes, order of the added clique, the number Specifically, a fast growth of the network is observed

for the negative values of the parameter ν while much each other, i.e., for ν < 0, their common faces will be
slower growth rates characterize the assembly process the lowest orders, such as single nodes and links and,
for ν ≥ 0. In fact, for ν < 0 the system “likes” ad- less often, triangles or higher structures. The opposite
dition of new particles, which represent the non-nested situation typically occurs for ν > 0 where the simplexes
parts of the new clique. Hence, the cliques effectively have a high affinity towards sharing nodes; cf. structure
repel each other resulting in a sparse structure and fast in Fig. 1. Due to shared faces, for instance, of the order
growth of the network size and also the addition of new q, the number of distinguishable simplexes of that order
simplexes. In contrast, when ν > 0 the cliques are prefer- is smaller than the number of faces Cq of a free added
ably nested along their larger faces, thus reducing the clique. Therefore, the topological response function fq
number of the newly added nodes. This powerful at- of the network33 can be determined as the number of
traction among cliques leads to dense network structure different simplexes at the topology level q; it provides
and a small number of added nodes and unshared faces a good measure of the combinatorial complexity of the
per time step. This situation results in a slower growth of assembly in response to the varying external parameters
the network and reduced simplex addition rate, as shown ν, smax . In Fig. 2, we show how the function fq varies
in Fig. 1c. In contrast, the case with strictly geometri- along the topology levels q depending on the parameter ν
cal assembly, ν = 0, has no preference for any size of a and the range of the distribution of the attaching cliques.
docking site; the probability is strictly determined by the The peak of the distribution shifts towards higher val-
number of locations of a given size. Accordingly, these ues when larger dimension cliques appear, whereas the
details of the process have an impact onto the topology of height depends on the way that they interconnect at each
the evolving assemblies, which we study in the following. the topology level. Further, Q-analysis based on the
For illustration, three examples of the networks contain-
ing the number N ≥ 1000 nodes for varied parameter 10

ν and the same distribution of the incident cliques are i=-9 i=0 i=+9 10
4.2 8
shown in bottom panels in Fig. 1. 6
fq 104.0

B. Combinatorial topology of aggregates with
poly-disperse cliques 0.0
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
q+1 q+1 q+1

As the network examples in Fig. 1 (bottom) demon-

strate, the structure that emerges in the assembly of FIG. 2: Topological response function fq plotted against sim-
plex dimension q+1 for ν = -9, 0, and +9; different curves cor-
cliques depends strongly on the affinity for the simulta-
respond to the varied upper dimension of the building cliques
neous attachment of many nodes, apart from the geomet- smax indicated in the legend.
rical constraints. Specifically, for large negative values of
the parameter ν, an active ’repulsion’ between the cliques
results in the sparse structure, nearly representing a tree 500
of cliques of different orders. This kind of structures pos- 400

sesses a significant average distance, the modularity, and 300


clustering coefficient, which can be related to the original 100

population of cliques. On the other hand, for the posi- 1000 i=-9

tive values of ν, the cliques firmly attach to each other, 800 i=-5

600 i=0
resulting in a gradually smaller number of the simultane- 400 i=1

ously added particles. The appearing structure possesses 200


a large core of densely packed higher-order cliques while 0.8
low-order structures remain at the periphery. An im-

pressive network architecture with well-separated com- 0.2
munities appears for ν = 0, assembled under geometrical 0
0 2 4 6 8
constraints alone. As described below, the graph prop- q

erties are tunned between these extremes by varying the

parameter ν. FIG. 3: Components of the first (FSV), second (SSV) and
Here, our focus is on the appearance of higher combina- third (TSV) structure vector corresponding to the topology
torial topologies of these graphs, which is directly related level q against q of the networks grown at different values of
to the ways that the assembled cliques share their faces ν and the fixed distribution of clique size s ∈ [2, 10].
of different orders. In the simulations, we keep track of
each added simplex and nodes that participate in it, as algebraic topology of graphs31,40–42 is here applied for
explained above. In this way, for a clique of the order characterization of the graph architecture by determina-
qmax we can distinguish the number of its shared faces tion of q-connected components for each topology level
of order q < qmax . Intuitively, when the groups repel q. Specifically, for the topology levels q = 0, 1, 2, · · · qmax

FIG. 4: Adjacency matrix of the network’s nodes which participate in structures that are “visible” at the topology level q=5.
left to right: ν =-1, 0, and +1. Different colors identify clusters or communities.

of each studied network we determine the components of 4

i=0 (qmax=12)
three structure vectors, {Qq }, {nq } and Q̂q , defined in 3 i=-5
Methods. These vectors allow a direct comparison of the i=5

hierarchical structure of various emergent networks. In 2

Fig. 3, we plot the components of these structure vectors

as a function of q for several assemblies of poly-disperse 10

cliques with different chemical potential ν. 0

The similarity in the number of q-connected compo- 3
nents (FSV) reflects the statistically similar population

2 qmax=6
of cliques of all dimensions (taken from the same distri- 10 qmax=4
bution) in all studied networks. However, their inherent 1
structure is significantly different, which is expressed by
the components of SSV and TSV for various q (see Meth- 0
10 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
ods). Notably, the third structure vector in networks for k
ν < 0 has non-zero components only at lowest topol-
ogy levels; this implies that different higher-order cliques FIG. 5: Cumulative distributions of the degree in networks of
present in the graph will be separated from each other aggregated poly-disperse cliques s ∈ [2, 12] and varied chem-
by removing the structures of the order q = 1 (link) be- ical potential ν (top panel) and for purely geometrical ag-
tween them. The situation is much different in the assem- gregation (ν = 0) and varied size of the largest added clique
blies grown when ν > 0 where the simplicial complexes smax (lower panel). Each distribution is averaged over several
containing the higher-order cliques remain strongly inter- samples of the networks with the number of nodes N ≥ 5000.
connected until the before-last level qmax − 1 =8. These
findings agree with the impact of the chemical potential
favoring the cliques attraction for ν > 0 and repulsion
for ν < 0. In this context, it is interesting to note that The node’s participation in building various simplexes
structure that was grown solely under the geometrical also manifests in the global statistical features of the
rules (ν = 0) already possesses a sizable hierarchical or- network. The cumulative degree distribution for sev-
ganization of simplicial complexes; although the degree eral studied aggregates is given in Fig. 5. It is averaged
of connectivity is systematically lower than in the case over several realizations of the systems containing over
ν = +1, the structure holds together until the level q = 7. 5000, where smax ∈ [2, 12]. Although a broad distribu-
(See Table I for the exact values). As the Fig. 3 shows, tion of the node’s degree occurs in each case, it strongly
this hierarchical architecture of the assembled networks varies with the parameter ν. It is interesting to note
gradually builds with increasing values of the parameter that, in the networks grown by geometrical constraints
ν. To illustrate the differences in the hierarchical orga- with ν = 0, we obtain the distribution with a power-
nization of the systems for ν = -1, 0, +1, in Fig. 4 we law decay τ + 1 ≈ 3 (within the numerical error bars);
display those parts of their structure that are still vis- its cut-off appears to depend on the size of the largest
ible at the topology level q = 5. Precisely, the nodes clique. In contrast, the exponential decay is observed
participating in the simplexes of order q ≤ 5 which are for ν < 0 while a structure containing many nodes of
not faces of the cliques of the order q > 5, are removed. a large degree is present in the case of clique attraction
The connections among the remaining nodes are shown for ν > 0, which is separated from the low-degree nodes.
according to the network’s adjacency matrix. Other graph theoretic measures also vary accordingly.

C. δ-Hyperbolicity of the emergent networks building blocks. Some compelling examples are the ag-
gregates of tetrahedra and triangles. Tetrahedral forms
For network structures, δ-hyperbolicity is a general- are ubiquitous minimum-energy clusters of covalently
ization of negative curvature in the large36 . Here, we bonded materials12 . We also study the impact of the
consider the aggregates of cliques, which are known 0- chemical potential in the event of aggregation of trian-
hyperbolic graphs; therefore, these structures are ex- gles. The importance of triangular geometry was recently
pected to exhibit this intrinsic property at a larger scale. pointed in the context of quantum networks43 . Some ex-
Following the procedure described in36 , we investigate amples of these structures grown by the aggregation rules
the 4-point Gromov hyperbolicity of different emergent of our model are shown in Fig. 7.
networks. Specifically, we determine the average hyper-
bolicity hδi in comparison to the graph’s diameter for
ν = -5, -1, 0,+1, and +5, by a sampling of 109 sets of
four nodes, as described in Methods. Considering three
different realizations of the network for each ν, we find
numerically that δ can take the values {0, 1/2, 1}; hence,
the maximum value δmax = 1 suggests that these as-
semblies are 1-hyperbolic. In Fig. 6 (bottom panel) we
plot the average hyperbolicity hδi against the minimal
distance dmin of the involved pair in the smallest sum
S, see Methods. Notably, for all network types hδi re-
mains bounded at small values. In particular, we find
that hδi = 0 for the tree graph of cliques corresponding
to ν = −5. Whereas, the hyperbolicity parameter is close
to zero in the sparse network of cliques for ν = −1, and
slightly increases in the more compact structures corre-
sponding to ν = 0 and ν > 0. Note that due to a small
number of pairs of nodes having the largest distance in
the graph we observe the fluctuation of hδi ∈ [0, 0.5]. The
histograms of distances between all pairs of nodes in the
considered networks are also shown in Fig. 6 (top panel).


10 i=0

10 i=5


2 4 6 8 10 12 14


FIG. 7: Aggregates of tetrahedra (top) and triangles (bottom)
10 for ν=0.0.
2 4 6 8 10
dmin Since the aggregation process does not alter the size
of the largest clique, these networks have only few topol-
ogy levels. Specifically, in the aggregates of tetrahedra
FIG. 6: Histograms of shortest distances d between pairs of
qmax = 3, and they can share nodes, links, and trian-
nodes (top) and average hyperbolicity hδi vs. dmin (bottom)
in three samples of networks for ν = -1, 0, +1, and +5. Net- gles as faces of lower orders; for triangles, qmax = 2
work size is above N = 500 nodes. and shared faces are links and nodes. Therefore, their
structure vectors are rather short. However, they pos-
sess a captivating structure of simplicial complexes, de-
pending on the chemical potential and geometry con-
straints. Consequently, the degree distributions are al-
D. Aggregation of monodisperse cliques tered by changing ν, as shown in Fig. 8. Notably, the
appearance of some scale-invariant structures is favored
In this section, we briefly consider the structures grown by the mutual attraction of cliques for ν > 0. The ag-
with the same aggregation rules but with mono-disperse gregation of tetrahedra more efficiently builds such struc-

an intrinsic global negative curvature; these features are
important for their practical use and functionality. Our
model with graph-based representation provides a better

10 1
insight into the mechanisms that drive the assembly of

hierarchically organised networks with higher topological
10 1 2
complexity, which is a growing demand for technological

i=-5 10 10
i=-1 k
10 i=0 applications.
1 2.39

10 1 2 3
10 10
Program flow for clique aggregation 39

FIG. 8: Cumulative distributions of the node’s degree in net- Algorithm 1 Program Flow: Growth of the graph by
works of aggregated mon-disperse cliques (main panel) tetra- attaching simplexes
hedra, and (inset) triangles, for different values of the chem- 1: INPUT: ν, smin , smax , Nmax
ical potential ν. Sample averaging and the number of nodes 2: initialise graph G as a simplex of size s taken from the
N ≥ 5000 applies. Thick broken and full lines indicate the distribution p(s) = As−2 , which is defined in the range
range where the slopes given in the legend are measured [smin , smax ]
(within the maximal error bars ±0.07) 3: while N < Nmax do
4: select new simplex size snew ∈ [smin , smax ] from the dis-
tribution p(s)
tures as compared with triangles. Whereas, the scale-free 5: for all simplexes σ ∈ G whose order qσ < snew − 1 do
range is limited with the exponential cut-offs in the case 6: compute pσ (snew , qσ ) = exp −ν(snew − qσ − 1)
of triangles unless ν is sufficiently large. Further analysis 7: end for P
8: normalise the probability such that σ pσ (snew , qσ ) = 1
of these and other networks of mono-disperse simplexes
9: select the docking site σ ∈ pσ (snew , qσ )
is left for future work. 10: form a new simplex σnew by attaching snew − qσ − 1 new
nodes to the qσ + 1 nodes of the docking simplex σ
11: sampling the data of interest;
III. CONCLUSIONS 12: end while
13: END

We have introduced a computational model for coop-

erative self-assembly where small, formed groups of par- Q-analysis: definition of structure vectors
ticles appear as building blocks for a large-scale struc- To describe the global graph’s connectivity at different
ture. In this context, in addition to the binding forces, topology levels q = 0, 1, 2 · · · qmax , Q-analysis uses nota-
the geometric constraints exerted by the rising architec- tion from algebraic topology of graphs31,40–42 . Specifi-
ture play an important role on the proper nesting of the cally, the first structure vector Qq represents the number
added block. Different geometrically suitable options for of q-connected components and the second structure vec-
nesting a given block structure are further altered due tor nq is defined as the number of simplexes of the order
to the chemical affinity of the system for receiving an greater than or equal to q. In this context, two simplexes
excess number of particles. We have demonstrated how are q-connected if they share a face of the order q, i.e.,
different assemblies with a complex architecture can be they have at least q + 1 shared nodes. Then the third
formed in the interplay of these geometric and chemical structure vector determined as Q̂q ≡ 1 − Qq /nq measures
factors. Moreover, the systematic mapping of the grow- the degree of connectivity at the topology level q among
ing structure to the graph not only helps us formally im- the higher-order simplexes. From the adjacency matrix
plement the self-assembly process, but also provides ways of a considered graph, we construct incidence matrix by
to adequately investigate the new structure by means of Bron-Kerbosch algorithm44 , where simplexes are identi-
advanced graph theory and algebraic topology methods. fied as maximal complete subgraphs (cliques). Then the
It is interesting that the complex structure of the assem- dimension of the considered simplicial complex equals the
bly that possesses combinatorial topology of higher order dimension of the largest clique qmax +1 belonging to that
can arise due to only geometric factors. These topol- complex.
ogy features are further enhanced in chemically enforced Measure of curvature: δ-hyperbolicity definition
compaction, and, on the contrary, are gradually reduced Following the studies in36 and references there, we im-
in sparse networks resulting from chemically favoured re- plement an algorithm which uses the Gromov’s hyper-
pulsion between building blocks. Moreover, depending on bolicity criterion. Specifically, for an arbitrary set of
the dispersion of the components and the chemical fac- four nodes A, B, C, and D, the distances (shortest path
tor, the new assemblies may possess scale invariance and lengths) between distinct pairs of these nodes are com-

bined in three ways and ordered. For instance, first compute the matrix of distances between all pairs of
nodes; then, by sampling a large number of sets of nodes
d(A, B)+d(C, D) ≤ d(A, C)+d(B, D) ≤ d(A, D)+d(B, C). for the 4-point condition (2) we determine and plot the
average hδi against the corresponding distance dmin .
We denote the largest value L = d(A, D) + d(B, C), the Graphs visualisation We used gephi.org for graph
middle M = d(A, C) + d(B, D), smallest S = d(A, B) + presentation and community structure detection by max-
d(C, D), and the smallest pair distance of S as dmin = imum modularity method45 .
min{d(A, B), d(C, D)}. Then the graph is δ-hyperbolic
if there is a fixed value δ for which any four nodes of the
graph satisfy the 4-point condition: Acknowledgments
≤ δ. (2) The authors acknowledge the financial support from
the Slovenian Research Agency under the program P1-
There is a trivial upper bound (L−M)/2 ≤ dmin . Hence, 0044 and from the Ministry of Education, Science and
by plotting (L−M)/2 against dmin we can investigate the Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, un-
worst case growth of the function. For a given graph, we der the projects OI 171037, III 41011 and OI 174014.

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