Regulations For Award PHD

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


UNDER SEMESTER SYSTEM-2007 (Revised in 2015)

Part - I

These regulations will replace all the previous regulations for award of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Following are the eligibility requirements for admission to a PhD program in the Islamia
University of Bahawalpur.
A. A candidate possessing HEC recognized degree of MPhil or MS/MSc(Hons) or
equivalent/Eighteen years of education with a minimum CGPA 3.0/4.00 (60% in
case of annual system), may be admitted to PhD by the Advanced Studies and
Research Board (AS&RB) on the recommendations of the Board of Studies
B. A candidate registered in this University for MPhil/MA (Hons.)/MS (Hons.) may be
admitted to the PhD degree Programme by the Advanced Studies and Research
Board, (on the recommendation of the Board of Studies concerned), on the basis
of passing at least 30 credits MPhil degree with a minimum CGPA 3.00/4:00 (in
case of annual system, with minimum of 1st Division.)
C. GRE (International - ETS)/GAT Subject (NTS) examination with following passing
score will be necessary at the time of admission to PhD. The minimum
acceptable scores are as follows:
i. 60 Percentile ETS Score
ii. 60% Cumulative NTS Score/Marks
1. If the test is not available in ETS/NTS subject list, the concerned
department may develop and organize its own test by including in the
committee at least two experts from outside the university and approved
by the HEC as PhD supervisors or international eminent experts
recommended by concerned BOS and appointed by the Vice Chancellor
through Dean. Qualifying score for subject test developed locally will be
70% score. When such tests are developed by a Testing Service
authorized by the University only the test conducted by them will be
considered as valid.
A. Application for admission to the PhD Program may be submitted in response to
the advertisement made by the University for a particular academic session.
These applications shall then be scrutinized by an admission committee chaired
by the concerned Chairperson and selected students shall be recommended to
the Board of Studies in the relevant subject. The schedule indicating
commencement of session will be as notified for the purpose.
B. In service applicants shall submit an NOC for the purpose of admission in PhD
studies from their employers along with the application. The admitted candidates
will get the consent letter of supervisor and submit to the chairperson of the
C. A PhD student shall be full time student and shall pursue his/her course work at
Bahawalpur. However, he/she may be permitted by his/her supervisor to do the
research work at any other place, if required.
D. No candidate shall undertake any employment against a position during the
period of PhD Program. This clause, however, shall not apply to an employee of
IUB or an employee working in the District Bahawalpur.
E. No student, shall without the prior permission of Chairperson, appear in other
examination conducted by any University or Public Body.
A. A PhD student shall take two courses of 3-credit hours each in the area of his/her
opted specialization, in the first semester.
B. In the next semester the student will take another two 3-credit hour courses be
completed in the area of his/her opted specialization.
C. In addition to the above, the PhD student will be required to take the following
two courses of 3-credit hours each.
i. Advanced Statistical Analysis/Hypothetical Testing/Research
ii. Dissertation Writing including PhD Proposal Writing.
D. The departments may make necessary changes in the scheme of courses and
their content. Such a scheme of studies however shall be submitted to the
AS&RB after seeking recommendations of the concerned Board of Studies.
E. After successful completion of the 18 credit hour course work the student will
have to fulfill other requirements described next in these regulations including a
36 credit hour research and thesis.
A. Once the student has successfully perused the above course work (Students
must obtain a minimum GPA of 2.75 in each individual course at the PhD level),
he/she would take PhD Comprehensive, written, and oral Examinations. [The
comprehensive examination will be a test to demonstrate the doctoral level
mastery in the Specializations selected by the student. Questions may be
included therein to test the overall grasp of the relevant field achieved by the
B. The paper for comprehensive examination will be prepared in consultation with
all the teachers who have taught PhD courses by the chairperson of the
Department. The same will be sent to the external examiner appointed by the
Vice Chancellor among the list of three experts sent by the Chairperson through
Dean. The external examiner will conduct the examination on the date fixed for
this purpose. The script will be marked and oral examination will be conducted by
the expert/external examiner and the result will be finalized on the same date.
The result will be signed by the Chairperson and external examiner which will be
notified accordingly.
C. To be declared successful in the comprehensive examination, the student must
pass the written and oral parts of the comprehensive examination with at least
65% marks.
5. The ABD Status
Once the student has completed the PhD Course work with minimum CGPA of 3.00
with all other requirements as laid down by the University in accordance with its PhD
admission rules and regulations including passing a comprehensive examination with
65% marks, he/she will be admitted to be a “Candidate for the PhD Degree” At this
stage the University would certify his/her status by issuing the certificate of ABD – “All
But Dissertation” – if so required by the student.
6. Dissertation Proposal (Synopsis):
After successful completion of the course work in accordance with the provisions
stated in these regulations and getting ABD status, each student shall work under the
faculty member appointed for this purpose by the Advanced Studies & Research
Board. To do so the student will approach/request a faculty member for consent to
serve as Supervisor of the student.
A. The student would then prepare a formal research proposal – Synopsis – under
the supervision of his/her selected faculty member. This Synopsis would be
evaluated by at least one external referee from a national University selected by
the Chairperson of the concerned department. For this purpose a list of 6 experts
will be provided by the Supervisor.
B. The evaluator will send his/her report to the Chairperson of the concerned
department who would present the report to the BOS, if positive. The student will
be asked to defend the proposal in the presence of the members of the BOS.
C. * PhD student would submit the formal dissertation proposal in English, except in
languages like Urdu, Siraiki, Persian, Arabic etc. evaluated and recommended by
the Board of Studies concerned and finally approved by the Advanced
Studies & Research Board. The students of Islamic studies have the option to
submit the proposal in Arabic but they have to submit the abstract in English
version along with the original proposal.
D. Successful defense of the Synopsis in BOS will warrant recommendation of the
case to AS&RB of the IUB.
A. *Advanced Studies & Research Board (AS&RB) will appoint the Supervisor &
approve the topic/synopsis on the recommendation of the departmental Board of
Studies (BOS). The BOS will recommend a faculty member as supervisor only
after taking his/her written consent.
B. The Supervisor appointed for the PhD degree must be a PhD and a scholar in the
relevant subject.
C. University may also appoint a co-supervisor from another university/organization,
if required, for special field of research. A faculty member from IUB, with
specialization other than the Supervisor, may also be appointed, if justified in
writing. In such a case the recommendation, however, has to be made by the
Supervisor through the concerned Board of Studies.
D. There should be at least three relevant PhD faculty members in a department to
launch a PhD Program.
E. The candidate shall become eligible to submit his/her dissertation after
completing at least three academic years from the date of admission provided
that he/she has acceptance/publication of at least one research paper in referred
journal of national or international repute recognized by HEC.
F. The maximum period of completing all requirements of the PhD program after
admission including submission of the final copy of dissertation will be six years
extendable to further one year with the approval of AS&RB.
G. Every candidate shall submit five error free copies of PhD dissertation and bank
challan of examination fee to the Supervisor concerned. The Supervisor shall
then endorse completion certificate and the certificate that the Dissertation format
complies with research & dissertation standards of IUB (Thesis Writing Guide).
The same certificate will be considered as evaluation report of the supervisor
(internal examiner). If found satisfactory then he shall forward the dissertation to
the Controller of Examinations along with accompanying documents, for further
A. The Director AS&RB shall maintain Register of PhD candidates and shall assign
a registration number to each candidate at the time of admission. The local and
foreign students will pay the Registration, tuition and examination fee as per rate
notified from time to time by the Treasurer Officer.
B. The raw data will have to be submitted to the supervisor along with the copy of
the thesis.
C. There will be a total of five examiners (six in case where Co-Supervisor is
appointed, the Co-Supervisor will also act as internal examiner, if available) one
internal who will be the supervisor and two external examiners (foreign) for the
evaluation of the dissertation and two examiners from a national institute of
higher learning to conduct the Viva Voce examination.
D. The two external foreign examiners will be selected from a panel of at least ten
experts from abroad, from technologically developed countries, as
recommended by the concerned Board of Studies in consultation with the
supervisor. The Dean of the Faculty concerned will select any two experts from
the foreign examiners panel.
E. The two external national examiners for Viva Voce examination will be selected
from a panel of at least ten experts from reputed national institutes involved in
teaching and research at PhD level. This panel will be recommended by the
concerned Board of Studies in consultation with the supervisor. The Dean of the
Faculty concerned will select any two experts from panel.
F. The two external examiners will submit written evaluation report of the thesis
to the controller of examinations. The controller of Examiners will send the
reports to the Departmental Research Committee (DRC) for evaluation.
G. If both the foreign experts find that the dissertation is wholly in-adequate, they
may recommend that it be rejected without any further examination.
H. If the dissertation, though inadequate, is of sufficient merit in the opinion of the
two foreign experts, the case will be considered by the DRC. The DRC may
recommend to the Controller of Examinations to permit the candidate to
resubmit the dissertation in a revised form within a period of one year.
I. In case of difference of opinion amongst the foreign experts, the dissertation
shall be referred to a third expert, whose appointment shall be made by the
Dean from the existing panel. If a candidate fails to obtain a recommendation in
his favour from the third expert, his dissertation shall finally be rejected.
J. Upon the foreign expert's approval of the PhD Dissertation, the final stage of
defending the Dissertation will be set in motion.
K. The Dean shall appoint two local/external examiners, from a panel of at least six
examiners, recommended by the concerned Board of Studies, to attend the
defense of the dissertation.
L. On receipt of the foreign expert's approval of the Dissertation, a public notice will
be printed in a local newspaper, announcing the date, time, and place of the
public defense of the Dissertation. The candidate shall present his/her research
and findings in an open defense viva voce examination in the presence of two
external national examiners.
M. During the public defense, in which the faculty of the University will be invited,
any member attending the occasion will be free to ask a question on the
Dissertation topic, its research methodology, or on the conclusions arrived. The
student will be required to give satisfactory answers to questions asked.
N. If the majority of the examiners are of the view that the student has successfully
defended his/her Dissertation, the student will be recommended for the grant of
the PhD Degree to the Dean concerned within 15 days from the date of open
O. After considering the report of experts and the report of public defense
examination, the Dean shall make recommendation to the Syndicate for the
award of the PhD degree.
P. The Viva Voce Examination of the PhD candidate will be conducted only if
he/she has cleared all dues and has paid full prescribed examination fees.
Q. In case the Chairperson, Director of Institute is himself/herself a candidate for
PhD degree, the functions and powers assigned to the Chairperson, Director of
an Institute under the regulation for the award of PhD degree, shall be exercised
by the Dean of Faculty concerned and he may, where necessary, act as the
expert of a Board of Studies concerned.
R. A candidate may, at least one year before the submission of dissertation, modify
the subject and title of his research with the approval of the Board of Studies
and Advanced Studies & Research Board on submitting an application
recommended and justified in writing by the supervisor of research. Provided
that this modification is within the scope of synopsis of the original research
proposal which will be determined by the concerned BOS.
S. A student who has passed his/her course work and failed to submit his/her
thesis during maximum time period of 06 years will be allowed re-admission in
PhD program as and when offered by the Department concerned in the same
subject with the consultation/recommendations of the Supervisor concerned.
The maximum time period for submission of thesis in Examination Department
will be 2 years. These students will be exempted from course work, if already
passed and acquired required CGPA.
9. Functions of Departmental Research Committee (DRC)
A. Recommendation of research topics for each student for synopsis preparation.
B. Periodical assessment of the PhD scholar‟s progress
C. Preliminary evaluation of the dissertation as per University guidelines.
D. The DRC will review the foreign reports and will also make sure that the
necessary amendments has been made as recommended by the foreign
10. Tuition fee for PhD program
As decided and announced by the Islamia University of Bahawalpur.





Each year, the Fall Semester will start normally from September of the current year
and will continue to January of the next year while the Spring Semester will be from
February to June.


PhD 6 year
Total No. of Credit Hours 18+36
Semester Duration 18 Weeks
Number of Regular Semesters 16 (Maximum)
Course Load per Semester 09 Credit Hours
Research and Thesis 18+36=54 Credit Hours
Maximum Duration 6 years


There will be a departmental Examination Committee to supervise all examinations
related to a particular program. Each department will have an Incharge of
Examinations for the program.


There will be an examination committee that will consist of the following members:

a) For Departments of Main Campuses in Bahawalpur

i) Chairperson of Department (the department where Assistant Professor
is appointed as Incharge, the Dean)
ii) One teacher appointed by the Chairperson (preferably among the
senior most faculty member)
iii) Concerned Incharge of the Examination of the Department
iv) Controller of Examinations, IUB or his nominee not below the rank of
Admin Officer.
Note: The Clerk/Assistant deputed for examination shall be entitled to extra
remuneration (only if performing as additional duty).

b) For Sub-Campuses of IUB

i)Director (If Professor or Associate Professor, otherwise Dean)
ii)Director Campus
iii)Incharge Department
iv) Controller of Examinations, IUB or his nominee not below the rank of
Admin Officer.
c) For Constituent Colleges of IUB
i) Principal (If Professor or Associate Professor, otherwise Dean)
ii) Chairperson of the Department
iii) Concerned Incharge of the Examination of the Department
iv) Controller of Examinations, IUB or his nominee not below the rank of
Admin Officer.

14.1- Functions of the Departmental Incharge of Examinations

i) Prepare and announce schedule of examination according to the
University Academic Calendar.
ii) Collect the Question paper and get it photocopied or collect photocopies
of the question paper in the required number from the instructor well
before the exam date. The instructor is also required to submit a key of
the question paper in a sealed envelope that will be opened by the
appeal committee only if a dispute arises.
iii) Ensure conduct of examination process according to the schedule
iv) Maintain secrecy where required
v) Maintain the examination record
vi) Entertain & dispose off rechecking cases within five working days.
vii) Incharge examination will be entitled to receive remuneration as per
approved rules by the syndicate/competent authority.

14.2- Functions of the Departmental Examination Committee

The main functions of the Committee will be:

i) Finalize and forward the results to the Controller of Examinations IUB

for notification.
ii) Conduct of evaluation/Viva Voce.
iii) To consider/decide Special Mid/Final term examination request
iv) Take the necessary action(s) against the student/s involved in
malpractices or misconduct during the examination. The examination
committee may impose a penalty/penalties mentioned below against
each type of malpractice:

Malpractices or misconduct Penalty

Fine of Rs. 500, Cancellation of paper or
Cheating during exam
Seek help from others during Fine of Rs. 500, Cancellation of paper or
exam both
Fine of Rs. 1000, Cancellation of paper or
Misconduct during exam
Fine of Rs. 5000, placing on probation for the
Provoke to boycott
next semester or both
Any other misconduct or Fine of Rs. 1000, Cancellation of paper or
malpractice both


There will be an Appeal Committee of each department consisting of the following

a) For Departments of Main Campuses Bahawalpur

i) Dean of the concerned faculty
ii) Chairperson of the Department
iii) A senior teacher of the same department preferably from concerned
field to be co-opted by the Dean of the concerned faculty
iv) Controller of examinations, IUB
v) Concerned Incharge of examination of the department as secretary
vi) However, if the complaint is against any member of the Appeal
Committee, he/she will be not allowed to sit in the committee as
member and the next senior teacher will be coopted as the member.
b) For Sub-Campuses of IUB
i) Dean of the concerned faculty
ii) Director Campus
iii) Chairperson of the Department
iv) A senior teacher of the same department preferably from concerned
field to be co-opted by the Dean of the concerned faculty.
v) Controller of Examinations, IUB
vi) Concerned Incharge of examination of the department as secretary.
vii) However, if the complaint is against any member of the Appeal
Committee, he/she will be not allowed to sit in the committee as
member and the next senior teacher will be coopted as the member.
c) For Constituent Colleges of IUB
i) Dean of the concerned faculty
ii) Principal
iii) A senior teacher of the same department preferably from concerned
field to be co-opted by the Dean of the concerned faculty.
iv) Controller of Examinations, IUB
v) Concerned Incharge of the examination of the department as secretary.
vi) However, if the complaint is against any member of the Appeal
Committee, he/she will be not allowed to sit in the committee as
member and the next senior teacher will be coopted as the member.

15.1 Function of Appeal Committee

A student who is not satisfied with the assessment of his/her assignments, test,
quizzes, presentations, seminars, mid-term and final term papers may file an appeal
to the Appeal Committee. The student must apply to the Chairperson of the
Department within five working days from the date of declaration of the result by
paying a prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- per appeal. The Chairperson of the
Department shall forward the matter to the appeal committee and it will be binding
on the committee for hearing both sides (the student and the instructor), and will
give a final decision within 10 days. If the complaints are found true, the result of the
course under question will be cancelled and another instructor will be asked to
conduct the examination. The function of this committee will be to resolve any
dispute related to the assessment and examination. The Quorum for the meeting
will be 100%. In the absence of a member the Vice Chancellor will appoint another
member. The decision of the Committee will be final.

Note: Where the appeal is against a teacher who is a member of the Appeal
Committee, the next senior teacher will be co-opted.


If required, the Controller of Examinations will provide answer books/continuation
sheets to all the departments on demand as per prescribed form. The instructor will
submit the marked scripts along with the result sheet to the concerned departmental
Incharge Examination who will keep the used answer sheets for one year after
completion of the concerned session and declaration of its final term result. The record
of blank answer books/continuation sheets will be maintained as to be prescribed by
the Controller of Examinations.


Maintenance of the course file is compulsory for the teacher/course instructor. It
should have a complete record of activities that happened during the semester for one
year after completion of the concerned session and declaration of its final term result.
The course file will contain the following:
 Description of the Course
 Course coding
 Weekly teaching schedule
 Copy of the material/outline/presentation distributed
 Topic & Evaluation record of assignments
 Copy of the quiz/test
 Copy of mid/final semester question papers (with key where applicable)
 Course Award list


A. For every course 80% attendance will be required in each component (seminars,
presentations, internship etc.) to qualify for appearing in the final term examination.
B. Inability to appear in the examination of a course due to shortage of attendance
shall be treated as failure in that course. Such a failure on record of a student will
have all the implications of deficiency for the purpose of determining “Good
Standing” of a student.
C. Students having class attendance less than 80% in a particular course will be
required to repeat the course when it is offered again.
D. In case a student due to some unavoidable circumstances (Performing Umrah,
sports, accident or such other genuine reasons) having less than 80% but up to
70% attendance in a course and having made up the deficiency in the form of
attending extra classes/submitting extra assignment arranged by the concerned
teacher may be allowed to sit in the examination.
E. No student shall be eligible to appear in any examination unless he/she is enrolled
in the department and has paid all the necessary dues.


PhD Students shall be evaluated through a system of continuous evaluation spread
over the entire period. The details are presented below:
19.1 Criteria
a. Classroom participation / General behavior / Group Work: A total of 5% marks
are allocated to students‟ classroom participation, general behavior and
performance in group work.
b. Quiz: Surprise written quiz/test/s will be taken to evaluate the student‟s learning.
These may range from 2-5 all having 5 questions with each question carrying 1
mark. Marks obtained however will carry a weightage of 5% in the total marks.
c. Assignment: One assignment (minimum) will be given to the students in each
course. The teachers may give more than one assignments where necessary.
However, the weightage of marks will remain the same i.e., 5% of the total marks.
The assignments will be assessed on the basis of information and references
included, logical reasoning and organization of material.
d. Presentation: The students will individually or in groups give comprehensive
presentation of their assignment. Each presentation should not be longer than 10-
20 minutes. These presentations will contribute a maximum of 5% marks towards
the total marks.
19.2 For Theoretical Component:
There will be following stages/components of evaluation of each course during each
semester. However, if the nature of the course so demands, this proportion of marks
for objective type and essay type questions may be changed with the approval of the
concerned Chairperson of the Department/Chairperson.

Component Weightage
Sessional 20%
Mid Term Examination 30%
Final Term Examination 50%
19.1.1 Sessional Evaluation (20%): This component evaluates the student
according to the following parameter.

Component Weightage
Classroom participation/general
behavior/group work
Surprise test (Written) 05%
Assignments. (Written) 05%
Presentation / Seminar 05%

19.1.2 Mid-Term Examination (30%): This examination will be conducted after 7/8
weeks of teaching. There will be different types of questions. The type and
number of questions included in the exam, the division of marks and the
time allocated for each component is given below:

Types of Questions No. of Questions Marks Time Allocated

Objective Type Questions 10 or 20 10 15 min
Short Answer Questions 5 (2 marks each) 10 25 min
Essay type Question 1 10 35 min
Total - 30 1 hour 15 minutes

19.1.3 Final-Term Examination (50%): The final-term exam will be based on the
entire syllabi of the semester. At least 20% to 30% weightage will be given to
the syllabi taught before mid-term examination. The type and number of
questions included in the exam, the division of marks and the time allocated for
each component is given below.

Types of No. of
Marks Time Allocated
Questions Question
20 (1 mark
Type 20 30 min
7 (2 marks
Answer 14 35 min
Essay type
2-4 16 55 min
Total - 50 2 hours

19.3 Practical / Lab Courses: A practical/lab course at PhD level is strongly

discouraged and the instructors are requested to accomplish the corresponding training
through practical work in lab during research. For this purpose it is suggested that the
students may be asked to take up small projects, for training, during the course work

a) Sessional Evaluation: (20%)

Lab. Participation / Group work / Behavior 5%
Quiz / short Answer Questions / Definitions 5%
In time submission of practical reports 5%
Presentation / Seminars 5%
b) Mid-Term Examination: (30%)

Type of Questions Marks Time

Problem Solving to evaluate understating of the principles as
well as critical evaluation of the practical data
Practical performance up to the mid-term (based on
portfolio/practical evaluation which may be made on 20%
continuous assessment during course practical

c) Final-Term Examination: (50%)

Type of Questions Marks Time

Problem Solving to evaluate understating of the principles as
well as critical evaluation of the practical data
Practical performance up to the mid-term (based on
portfolio/practical evaluation which may be made on 20%
continuous assessment during course practical
Final presentation/Practical 10%
Viva Voce 05%


There will be two invigilators (one teacher and one assistant/clerk) for 30 students. For
every additional 30 students or part thereof, one more teacher and clerk will be


The total duration of a semester will be 16-18 weeks. Fourteen/Sixteen weeks will be
for teaching while 2 weeks will be for the mid-term and the final-term examinations.
Normally there will be one exam per day. However, if the number of courses demands
more days for examination the department may set the date sheet for more than a


Theory: 1 Credit hour 1 contact hour each week in a semester
Practical: 1 Credit hour 2-3 contact hours each week in a semester

Note: The credit hours are denoted by two digits within brackets with hyphen in
between. The first digit represents the theory part while the second (right side) digit
represents the practical. Thus 3 (3-0) means three credit hours of theory, while 4 (3-1)
means a total of four credit hours of which three are of theory while one credit hour is
for laboratory. The weekly contact hours of a 3(3-0) course will be three hour class
work while the contact hours of a 4(3-1) course will be 3 hours class work and 2-3
hours of lab work per week. Similarly the contact hours for a 3(2-1) course will be 2
hours class work and 2-3 hours lab work per week. A 3(0-3) course will be an all
practical course requiring 6-9 contact hours lab work per week.

i) Students will be rated according to the 4 letter grade system i.e. A, B, C and D, with
six performance levels of A+, A, B+, B, C and D for PhD Degrees. Grade “D” will be
the failing grade. Equivalence between letter grades, grade points along with
percentages shall be as follows:


Numeric Grade Letter Remarks Numeric Grade Letter Remarks

Equivalence Point Grade Equivalence Point Grade
100 4.0 A+ Excellent 74 3.3 B Good
99 4.0 A+ Excellent 73 3.2 B Good
98 4.0 A+ Excellent 72 3.1 B Good
97 4.0 A+ Excellent 71 3.1 B Good
96 4.0 A+ Excellent 70 3.0 B Good
95 4.0 A+ Excellent 69 2.9 C Poor
94 4.0 A Very Good 68 2.8 C Poor
93 4.0 A Very Good 67 2.7 C Poor
92 4.0 A Very Good 66 2.6 C Poor
91 4.0 A Very Good 65 2.5 C Poor
90 4.0 A Very Good 64 or below 2.4 D Fail

89 4.0 A Very Good

88 4.0 A Very Good
87 4.0 A Very Good
86 4.0 A Very Good
85 4.0 A Very Good
84 3.9 B+ Good
83 3.9 B+ Good
82 3.8 B+ Good
81 3.7 B+ Good
80 3.7 B+ Good
79 3.6 B Good
78 3.5 B Good
77 3.5 B Good
76 3.4 B Good
75 3.3 B Good

ii) Fractional marks obtained in a course are to be rounded up to the next whole figure
such as 64.10 to 65.00.
iii) CGPA(Cumulative Grade Point Average) /SGPA(Semester Grade Point Average) of
a student will be calculated as per following example:

Marks Grade
Credit Quality Point
Course Obtained Grade Point
Hours (QP)
(%) (GP)
I 2 95 A 4.00 08.00
II 3 80 B+ 3.70 11.10
III 3 81 B+ 3.70 11.10
IV 3 70 B 3.00 09.00
V 2 67 C 2.70 05.40
Total 13 44.60

SGPA = Sum of QPs of all the courses in a semester / Sum of Credit Hours of all the
courses in a semester
Thus SGPA = 44.60/13 = 3.43
CGPA = Sum of „n‟ Quality Points / Sum of Credit Hours of „n‟ semesters


I. In order to remain on the roll of the Department at PhD level a student has to
continuously maintain “Good Standing” namely a satisfactory standard of
attendance, academic performance i.e. minimum CGPA of 3.00 as well as good
conduct and discipline. A student failing to meet any of the above mentioned
conditions will not be eligible for award of the degree. However, at the end of the
first semester a student having a satisfactory standard of attendance, conduct and
discipline, with a minimum SGPA of 2.70 will be eligible for promotion to the
second semester on probation.
II. A student who secures less than 3.00 CGPA in second or subsequent semesters
will be dropped out from the roll of the Department.
III. The minimum CGPA for award of the degree will be 3.00 with no “C” grade.
However, the required pass percentage will be 65% marks.
IV. A student may clear his/her failed course(s), courses in which he/she obtained D or
C” grade, or improve courses in which he/she obtained “B” grades by repeating the
said courses with subsequent session or in summer semester to be offered by the
Department. Entry/examination fee per course will be applicable.
V. In case of a drop because of poor academic performance, the student of The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur may have one time re-admission facility in first
semester of the next Academic session in the same or a different program.

A student who secures less than 2.70 SGPA in 1st Semester or less than 3.00
CGPA in subsequent Semesters and is to be dropped out may be given one time
chance of being retained in the same semester. The decision will be made by an
advisory committee set up by the Chairperson of the Department concerned. The
committee will consist of the Chairperson, Departmental In-charge Examination and a
senior faculty member nominated by the Chairperson. The option of retention,
however, would be available only once during the whole duration of program.


If an otherwise eligible student has missed the mid/final-term examination because of
a genuine personal problem or serious illness he/she will be given incomplete grade (I)
in the semester transcript. However, if such a student produces documentary evidence
such as a medical certificate duly signed by MS of the respective area countersigned
by the Senior Medical Officer of the University, the Department will arrange a special
mid/final-term examination for such student(s) after determining genuineness of the
problem. The genuineness of the personal problem will be determined by departmental
examination committee whose decision will be final. The medical certificate and
information of the personal problem must reach the Department before the exam or
not later than one week after the conduct of exam for the said course.


A student may repeat a course under obligation, if he/she has failed in the said course
(obtained “D” or “C” grades), or optionally, if he/she needs to improve his/her grades
(obtained “B” grade).
To pass a failed course the student will have to repeat the said course when offered by
the Department in the subsequent session(s). Such a repeat course is an obligation to
fulfill degree award requirements. To improve the grades, however, a student may
optionally repeat a course(s). The student(s) desiring to repeat a course(s) will request
in writing to the Chairperson concerned one week before commencement of the
concerned semester. If allowed by the Chairperson, the student will have to deposit a
fee of Rs. 3000/- for each course.
A student repeating a failed course will be bound to attend the lectures whereas a
student desiring to improve his/her grades may be exempted from attending the
lectures by the course instructor but in both cases fees and dues of the said course will
be payable by the student. The exemption from the rule will, however, be based on the
genuineness of the case. Such cases after approval by Chairperson and deposit of fee
will be reported by the departmental Incharge examination to the concerned
teacher(s)/course instructor(s). The student will have to be in regular contact with the
course instructor and complete all assignments, term papers, reports and
presentations. Following are the conditions for repeating a course:
I. Whenever a student fails and gets below 65% marks he/she should repeat the
course when it is offered to pass the said course.
II. A student who gets a “B” grade in a course may repeat the course to improve
his/her grades as per conditions mentioned above. However, a student who has
already passed a course with a “B+”, “A” or “A+” grade will not be
allowed to repeat.
III. A student can be allowed to improve a maximum of two 3-credit hour courses
(a total of 6 credit hours courses) during the total duration of his/her degree
program to improve his/her grades but no more than one course per Fall or
Spring semester.
IV. Only new/better course grade should be included in his/her transcripts.


Before commencement of semester, subject to availability of specialized faculty, the
Departments will announce list of Optional and Elective courses for enrollment.
28.1 Change of Optional Course
No student shall change an optional/elective course except with the written
approval/re-assignment by the Chairperson of the Department. The time period for
such a change shall be seven days from the commencement of the course.
Note: The department may swap the courses of different semesters according to
the need or availability of the teaching faculty.


In case a student due to some unavoidable circumstances (prolonged illness,
performing Haj or such other genuine reasons) is unable to continue his/her studies,
he/she may apply for a semester break. However, such a student will pay a semester
freezing fee of Rs. 1000/- per frozen semester in advance. This option will be available
only once during the course of his/her studies. The case will be put up to the
Departmental Examination Committee for consideration. In case, the Committee
maximum period of one year. However, the Director AS&RB, on recommendation
of the Chairperson and Dean of Faculty concerned may extend this time
duration for two additional semesters only in extreme hardship cases, provided
maximum duration does not exceed four years, the maximum permitted duration
for the PhD program. The student will join next available semester in the subsequent
academic session. The Maximum time period, for completion of the program will
remain the same as prescribed in these rules. However, the scholar will pay the
semester dues.


A student may withdraw from one course of a total of three courses of a semester.
Option for withdrawal will only be available for credit courses. Withdrawal option will be
available only if an earlier withdrawn course has successfully been completed, if any.
Withdrawal option can be availed in consultation with and on the recommendation of a
departmental advisory committee. The committee will consist of the Chairperson,
Course Incharge, Incharge Examination and a senior faculty member nominated by
the Chairperson. Withdrawn course will appear on the transcript with letter grade „W‟.
Credits hours of a withdrawn course will not be used for calculation of SGPA/CGPA.


31.1 For the Course Work Component:
A. The teacher concerned is required to mark the mid/final-term papers within 7
days from the last paper as per date sheet, show the scripts to the students
and display the result on 8th/subsequent day of the last paper before
submitting the result to the departmental in-charge examination. The
schedule for showing scripts to the students will be displayed on notice board
with the examination date sheet. The teacher will prepare three copies of the
awards. He/she shall retain one copy with him/her, display one copy on the
notice board and submit the remaining copy to the Incharge Examinations
along with the marked answer sheets/Term Papers/Reports etc. The
departmental Incharge examinations will compile the result, get it verified by
the Controller of Examinations and display the final result within 12 working
days of the respective examination. The student may, however, apply
for rechecking within 5 days of the declaration of the final result.
B. The departmental Incharge examination will supervise comparison of marks
inside the answer sheet with the marks posted on the answer sheet as well
as in the prescribed award list. Based on the final award lists result of the
relevant semester will then be compiled in prescribed manner.
C. At the end of each semester, every successful candidate will be issued
semester result card.
31.2 For the Research Work and Thesis Evaluation Component:
The Board of Examiners shall jointly sign the result sheet and submit it to the
departmental Incharge Examination PhD.
The PhD dissertation shall be first examined and approved by a departmental
Research Committee (DRC) comprising Chairperson, Supervisor and two senior
most teachers of the department with one co-opted member of the concerned
specialized area (if any). This committee will be approved by the Dean
concerned on recommendation of the Chairperson.
31.4 For Award of Degree:
A. The examination committee referred at section (5) will verify the result
compiled by the department and finalize the same after necessary
correction. Three copies of the result of each semester will be prepared, one
each for the Controller of Examinations IUB, departmental record and
display on notice board of the concerned department. The result of each
semester duly signed by the examination committee will be notified by the
Controller of Examinations IUB within 12 days from the date of the
examination of the last paper (Except final semester result that will be
notified by Controller Examinations within 15 days from the date of the final
evaluation of theses/projects or completion of internship). Each department
will provide soft copy of the result on a CD to the Controller Examinations for
record and further necessary action.
B. On successful completion of the prescribed course of studies and other
requirements a comprehensive transcript will be issued by the department
concerned. Degree will then be conferred upon the successful candidates as
per rules and regulations of the University.
C. There shall be a uniform format for DMC/Transcript in all departments
of the university. Cumulative Overall Percentage Marks (COPM),
SGPAs of each semester, CGPA and Total Marks shall be mentioned in
NOTE: In case of any difficulty or problem in interpretation, the matter will be referred to
the “Semester System Committee” whose decision will be final. A department however
may devise a procedure of evaluation, under intimation to the Semester Regulations
Committee, for a special component for which these rules have no explanation but is the
within the framework (criteria) of these regulations.

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