Perloff 2012 Chapter Pda
Perloff 2012 Chapter Pda
Perloff 2012 Chapter Pda
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In 1593, Giambattista Carcano, Professor of Anatomy in on neonatal ductal patency. Ductal dependent circulations
Pavia, an ancient town in northern Italy, described the duc- include malformations in which a patent ductus is the
tus arteriosus in his book on the great cardiac vessels of the only source of pulmonary arterial blood flow (pulmonary
fetus.1 However, Leo Bottali came to be associated with atresia with intact ventricular septum), the only source of
the arterial duct, the duktus arteriosus persisten, even systemic arterial blood flow (aortic atresia or complete
though he misapplied the term to the foramen ovale.1 It interruption of the aortic arch), or the only source of bi-
was not until Karl von Rokitansky’s handbook of 1844 directional blood flow (simple complete transposition of
and his beautifully illustrated monograph of 1852 that pat- the great arteries; see relevant chapters).
ent ductus arteriosus was recognized as a specific congen- The ductus arteriosus is derived from the sixth aortic
ital malformation.2 The first section of this chapter is arch. By the fourth month of gestation, ductal tissue has
concerned with persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus. become distinctive, differing histologically from pulmo-
The second section is devoted to aortopulmonary window, nary arterial and aortic tissue.19 At 16 weeks of gestation,
often called aortopulmonary or aorticopulmonary septal the ductus consists of a muscular arterial channel with an
defect, an anomaly that is embryologically unrelated to pat- endothelium separated by an internal elastic lamina and a
ent ductus but that is physiologically and clinically similar. thin subendothelial layer.19 The media differs at the aor-
The incidence rate of isolated persistent patency of the tic and pulmonary ends, so ductal media can be aortic,
ductus has been estimated at 1:2000 to 1:5000 births, or pulmonary, or mixed.4 As gestation continues, the intima
about 10% to 12% of all varieties of congenital heart dis- thickens, and the subendothelial layer is invaded by cells
ease.3 The pulmonary orifice of the ductus is located im- from the media that disrupt the internal elastic lamina. At
mediately to the left of the bifurcation of the pulmonary term, the mature ductus harbors conspicuous intimal
trunk near the origin of its left branch (Figures 20-1 and cushions that protrude into the lumen. The ductus is then
20-2). The aortic orifice is located immediately distal to is capable of contraction, functional closure, which is fol-
the origin of the left subclavian artery (see Figures 20-1 lowed by anatomic closure that uniformally begins at
and 20-2). A patent ductus can be long and narrow or short the pulmonary arterial end (see previous).4 Anatomic
and wide, with all gradations in between (Figures 20-3, closure follows a sequence of immunohistochemical
20-4, and 20-5). Closure consistently begins at the pulmo- and ultrastructural changes, namely4,19: (1) separation
nary arterial end, so the ductus assumes the shape of a trun- of endothelium from internal elastic lamina; (2) enfolding
cated cone that is larger at its aortic end (see Figures 20-3 and ingrowth of endothelial cells; (3) migration of
and 20-4).4,5 A widely patent aortic end with a sealed undifferentiated medial smooth muscle cells into the
pulmonary end is the substrate for a ductal aneurysm subendothelium; (4) fragmentation of the internal elastic
(Figure 20-6).6–9 Patency confined to the pulmonary end lamina; (5) sealing of the lumen by endothelial cell appo-
is exceptional.10 Anatomic variations include bilateral sition; (6) accumulation of lipid droplets; and (7) intimal
patent ductus,11,12 left-sided patent ductus with right and subendothelial degenerative changes that spread
aortic arch,13 right-sided patent ductus with right aortic centrally and peripherally and result in disappearance of
arch,14 patent ductus or ligamentum arteriosum as a com- endothelial cells at luminal apposition lines.4 The normal
ponent of a vascular ring (Figure 20-7),15 and dissection process of functional closure begins within 10 to 15 hours
of the aorta with extension into a patent ductus.16 after birth and is virtually complete (probe patent) by
Despite its seeming anatomic simplicity, the ductus the second week of extrauterine life. The ductus is
arteriosus is a complex structure. The fetal ductus is a ma- an anatomically closed ligamentum arteriosum 2 to
jor anatomic component of a contiguous intrauterine 3 weeks after birth.5,17,20 When a ductus is destined to
great arterial system that consists of pulmonary trunk/ remain patent, the intrauterine subendothelial internal
ductus/aortic continuity that delivers 85% of right ven- elastic lamina lies adjacent to the intimal cushions, endo-
tricular output into the descending aorta.17 Persistent fe- thelial cells adhere to the elastic lamina, and subendothe-
tal circulation is a designation applied to an intrauterine lial edema with enfolding of endothelial cells does not
right-to-left ductal shunt that persists after birth (see occur.4,19 A ductus that remains patent in full-term
Chapter 14).18 Persistent patency of the ductus arterio- infants after 3 months of extrauterine life harbors the
sus is abnormal and therefore undesirable, although cer- histologic features of persistent patency just described.
tain forms of congenital heart disease depend for survival Spontaneous closure is then unlikely.19,21,22
C ha p ter 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window 369
Left-to-right shunt
Patent ductus
Pulmonary trunk
Aortopulmonary window
FIGURE 20-5 Angiocardiograms from a 3-year-old boy with a nonrestrictive patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), low pulmonary vascular
resistance, and a 3 to 1 left-to right shunt. A, The ascending aorta (Ao) is relatively small. The pulmonary trunk (PT) and left ventricle (LV)
are dilated. B, The patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) connects a relatively small ascending aorta (Ao) to a dilated pulmonary trunk (PT).
murmur (Figure 20-10).33,42 Absence of a murmur does been found between the presence of a murmur and the
not necessarily mean that the ductus has closed.17 A duc- size of the arterial duct.43 Doppler echocardiography oc-
tus can be patent but silent because of the direction of the casionally detects a tiny patent ductus in infants without
jet as it enters the pulmonary artery.43 No correlation has auscultatory signs of its presence,44 or auscultation
A 23 days old B
FIGURE 20-6 A, X-ray showing the striking convexity of a large ductal aneurysm (arrow) in a 23-day-old infant. Retention of barium in
the stomach was caused by pyloric stenosis. B, Necropsy specimen showing the ductal aneurysm (DA), which was sealed at its pulmo-
nary arterial end but patent at its aortic end. (Inn ¼ innominate artery; T ¼ trachea; PT ¼ pulmonary trunk; LPA ¼ left pulmonary artery;
RV/LV ¼ right ventricle/left ventricle.)
372 Ch apt er 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window
detects a tiny ductus in adults in whom the diagnosis had ductus. Susceptibility has not been determined for a tiny
been missed (see Figure 20-40). Closure of a patent duc- clinically silent ductus detected only with Doppler
tus is occasionally the result of healed infective endocar- echocardiography (see Figure 20-40; see previous).67
ditis45,46 or thrombotic occlusion.47,48 Abnormal patterns of cerebral arterial blood flow in in-
In 1561, Vesalius described a valve or membrane in a fants, especially preterm neonates with a nonrestrictive
patent ductus arteriosus.49 A valve-like structure was patent ductus, predispose to central nervous system is-
subsequently found in stillborn human fetuses and in chemia and hemorrhage into the germinal matrix.38,68,69
newborn rabbits,49 and in 1903, a necropsy report called Increased pulse pressure and major fluctuations of blood
attention to a perforated ductal valve.50 Taussig51 con- flow velocity caused by opening and closing of a ductus
firmed the presence of a membranous valve at the pulmo- may rupture capillaries of the germinal matrix and cause
nary end of a ductus and theorized that rupture might intraventricular hemorrhage. A sharp decrease in dia-
account for the sudden appearance of a ductus murmur, stolic arterial flow velocity can act as a steal from the ce-
an event occasionally witnessed in children or young rebral circulation.68
adults. A continuous murmur intermittently appeared After the first year of life, most patients with patent
and disappeared in a patient with a veil-like valve at the ductus arteriosus are asymptomatic. Beginning with the
pulmonary end of a ductus,52 and the abrupt appearance second decade, the risk of infective endarteritis exceeds
of a loud continuous murmur was described in a 55-year- the risk of congestive heart failure.35,54,70 In the third de-
old man with a ductal membrane.53 Rarely, a closed lu- cade, more and more patients with a moderately restric-
men is reopened by spontaneous intramural dissection tive ductus experience heart failure,35,54 and those with a
of a ductal aneurysm or by propagation of aortic dissec- restrictive ductus remain asymptomatic. A 20-year-old
tion into the ductus.16 man with a patent ductus had been a cross-country run-
Patent ductus arteriosus predominates in females, ner, and an active schoolmistress died at the age of
with a gender ratio of 2 or 3 to 1.35 Female prevalence 85 years because of gastrointestinal bleeding. A number
is even greater in older patients.54 There is a tendency of reports have called attention to survival beyond age
for recurrence of patent ductus in siblings55–57 and in 60 years (see Figure 20-16)35,71–75: an elderly woman
the offspring of parents with patent ductus.55 Familial re- presented with biventricular failure in her 81st year,76
currence has been reported in three generations of a sin- and a patient died at 90 years of age.77
gle family.58 Identical twins may both have a patent A nonrestrictive patent ductus with Eisenmenger’s
ductus, or the ductus may be patent in only one twin. syndrome is accompanied by the multisystem systemic
Canine patent ductus is more common in females and disorders of cyanotic congenital heart disease (see
can be hereditary.59 Chapter 17).78,79 Isotonic exercise with an Eisenmenger’s
In offspring of gravida with maternal rubella, patent ductus causes leg fatigue without dyspnea because an
ductus arteriosus and pulmonary artery stenosis coexist exercise-induced increase in right-to-left shunt is
as congenital malformations (see Chapter 11).60–62 Mater- channeled into the descending aorta (Figures 20-2 and
nal rubella resulted in patent ductus arteriosus in one of a 20-11) distal to the respiratory center and the carotid
twin pair; the other twin had pulmonary artery stenosis. body, precluding hypoxia-induced stimulation.78–81
Low birth weight and failure to thrive are features of the Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is confined to the lower
rubella syndrome, even if the ductus is restrictive. A sea- extremities.82–84 In an Eisenmenger’s ductus, left ventric-
sonal incidence of patent ductus in late winter and early ular failure is absent because volume overload of the left
spring coincided with the peak incidence of rubella.62 heart is curtailed. A dilated hypertensive pulmonary trunk
Persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus is about six may cause hoarseness by compressing the recurrent laryn-
times more prevalent in high-altitude locations than in geal nerve. Angina and syncope are not features of nonre-
sea-level locations.63 A predilection for increased pulmo- strictive patent ductus with reserved shunt because right
nary vascular resistance is a feature of high-altitude births ventricular pressure cannot exceed systemic.79 Cyanosis
with patent ductus.63 The predilection exists even when is missed if the feet are not examined (see section Physical
the ductus is restrictive.63 Appearance). A young girl came to attention because she
Congestive heart failure is the most common cause noticed that when she sat in a warm bath, her toes were
of death directly related to patent ductus.35 Rarely, death blue but her fingers were pink.
is from dissection or rupture of a ductal aneurysm64 Constriction or closure of the fetal ductus deprives the
or from rupture of a hypertensive aneurysmal pulmo- right ventricle of its only outlet, so neonates present with
nary trunk.65,66 Aneurysm of a nonpatent ductus (see massive tricuspid regurgitation and right-to-left inter-
Figure 20-6) can be complicated by rupture, by spontane- atrial shunts.24 Salicylates cause constriction of the fetal
ous intramural dissection, by systemic embolism, by ductus, so the history should include enquiries about ma-
infection, by recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, by ternal use of aspirin. Salicylate levels can be determined
compression of the pulmonary trunk, or by hemorrhagic on umbilical cord blood.85
erosion into the esophagus or tracheobronchial tree.8,9
Infective endarteritis occurs with a restrictive patent
ductus because of the high-velocity left-to-right shunt PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
but does not occur with a nonrestrictive ductus and re-
versed shunt.35 The infection is located at the narrow pul- Maternal rubella is characterized by low birth weight
monary arterial end of the ductus or at the site of an and failure to thrive, irrespective of ductal patency,
intimal jet lesion in the pulmonary artery opposite the ductal size, or shunt volume.86,87 An underdeveloped
374 Ch apt er 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window
FIGURE 20-11 A, Photographs of a 28-year-old woman with patent ductus arteriosus, suprasystemic pulmonary vascular resistance, and
reversed shunt. The upper photograph shows the patient sitting with her hands placed on the dorsum of her feet. The right hand is acya-
notic, and the digits are not clubbed. The left hand is mildly cyanotic, and the thumb is clubbed. The toes are cyanotic and clubbed. In the
close-up (lower photograph), the right hand is acyanotic, and the thumb is not clubbed (arrow). The left hand is mildly cyanotic, and the
thumb is clubbed (arrow). B, Magnetic resonance image from a 29-year-old woman with a nonrestrictive patent ductus and reversed
shunt (curved arrow) from the pulmonary trunk (PT) through a nonrestrictive patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) into the aorta (Ao). (RV/LV ¼
right ventricle/ left ventricle.)
child with a patent ductus should therefore be examined the rare presence of bilateral patent ductuses with re-
for cataracts, deafness, and mental retardation (see versed shunt, the right arm is cyanosed because the right
Figure 20-9).86,87 Another distinctive phenotype is the subclavian artery receives desaturated blood from the
clinodactly (overlapping fingers), rocker bottom feet, pulmonary artery via the right ductus arteriosus.12
and lax skin of Trisomy 18 (Figure 20-12).88,89 Char syn- Patients who are old enough to follow instructions
drome is an inherited disorder that maps to chromosome should be examined sitting or squatting with their hands
6p12-p21 and is characterized by ptosis, a flat profile, a placed alongside their feet or on the dorsum of their feet
very short philtrum, patulous duck-bill lips, facial dys- to facilitate comparison of fingers and toes (see Figure
morphism, and abnormalities of the hands.90–93 The re- 20-11A). The right and left thumbs should be compared
currence rate in offspring of an affected parent is 50%.92 (see Figure 20-11A). Differential cyanosis is exaggerated
Differential cyanosis and clubbing are important phys- by isotonic exercise or by warming the hands and feet,
ical signs of patent ductus with reversed shunt (see which are maneuvers that increase skin blood flow and
Figures 20-2 and 20-11; see previous).79,94 The toes are exaggerate the color differences. In neonates with persis-
cyanosed and clubbed because unsaturated blood is selec- tent fetal circulation, the right-to-left ductal shunt may
tively delivered to the lower extremities. A small amount cause distinctive differential cyanosis confined to the
of unsaturated blood often enters the left subclavian ar- head, right shoulder, and right arm with a demarcation
tery, so the digits of the left hand, especially the thumb, line that runs obliquely from above the left shoulder
are mildly cyanosed and clubbed (see Figure 20-11A). to below the right axilla.18
The fingers of the right hand are normal because unsatu- Healthy individuals, especially young women, may
rated blood does not reach the right subclavian artery. In have peripheral cyanosis of the feet because of
C ha p ter 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window 375
vasoconstriction, a mechanism that is suspected when the When pulmonary vascular disease reverses the shunt,
feet are cold. Diagnostic error is prevented by warming the arterial pulse is usually normal. However, in the
the extremities, which abolishes peripheral cyanosis presence of pulmonary hypertensive pulmonary regurgi-
but exaggerates central cyanosis. tation, the aortic diastolic pressure is lowered and the
pulse pressure widens because diastolic flow is from
the aorta through the ductus into the pulmonary artery,
across the incompetent pulmonary valve, and into the
ARTERIAL PULSE right ventricle.
Normal Patent ductus murmur is rough and thrilling. It begins softly and in-
creases in intensity so as to reach its acme just about,
or immediately after the incidence of the second sound,
and from that point gradually wanes until its
Gibson’s description cannot be improved on. Al-
BA FA Aorta though he was not the first to describe the continuous
murmur of patent ductus, he precisely characterized
the murmur and confidently established the clinical di-
agnosis based on that characterization.2 The classic mur-
mur of uncomplicated patent ductus arteriosus rises to a
peak in latter systole; continues without interruption
through the second sound, which it envelops; and then
declines in intensity during the course of diastole
(Figures 20-14, 20-15, and 20-16). The murmur can oc-
cupy the entire cardiac cycle (see Figure 20-14), or the
end of diastole or early systole can be murmur-free (see
Figure 20-15). The term continuous is best applied to the
uninterrupted progression of the murmur through the sec-
ond heart sound and not to the presence of murmur
throughout the cardiac cycle.94 The ductus murmur is
20 20 20 therefore considered continuous even when late diastole
and early systole are murmur-free.
High-velocity flow through a restrictive ductus gener-
0 0 0 ates a relatively soft high-frequency continuous murmur.
A moderately restrictive ductus generates a loud coarse
FIGURE 20-13 Femoral arterial (FA) and central aortic pulses in
two patients aged 18 months and 22 months, both with a
nonrestrictive patent ductus arteriosus and large left-to-right
shunts. Pulse pressures are wide with a brisk rate of rise, a S2
single or bisferiens (twin) peak, and a rapid collapse. A normal
brachial arterial pulse in the left panel is shown for comparison.
(Pulmonary artery)
S1 S2
MDM (Apex)
progressively increases, and during diastole, flow into the
pulmonary artery is from the ductus alone.94,105 Systolic
reinforcement of the ductus murmur described by Skoda
occurs because flow from aorta into pulmonary trunk is
S1 greater in systole, especially when the systemic pulse
pressure is wide, and because systolic flow from right
A2 ventricle into pulmonary artery is reinforced by simulta-
neous flow from the ductus, whereas diastolic flow is de-
MDM rived from the ductus alone. As pulmonary vascular
resistance rises, the pulmonary arterial and aortic dia-
A2 stolic pressures equalize (Figure 20-19) and diastolic duc-
tal flow diminishes and finally vanishes, so the diastolic
portion of the continuous murmur disappears, leaving
a holosystolic murmur (Figures 20-15, 20-20, and
20-21). With a further increase in pulmonary vascular re-
sistance, the systolic portion of the ductus murmur
shortens (see Figures 20-15 and 20-21) and ultimately
disappears altogether (see Figure 20-15). The ductus is
then silent because right-to-left ductal flow, a reversed
shunt, does not generate a murmur.105 The classic Gibson
murmur is then replaced by auscultatory signs of pulmo-
nary hypertension: namely, a short pulmonary midsysto-
lic murmur introduced by an ejection sound, a single or
closely split second heart sound, a loud pulmonary com-
ponent, and the Graham Steell murmur of hypertensive
A B pulmonary regurgitation (Figures 20-15 and 20-22).105
The diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus cannot be based
FIGURE 20-17 Tracings from an 18-year-old woman with a on auscultatory signs but can confidently be based on dif-
nonrestrictive patent ductus arteriosus and increased pulmo- ferential cyanosis (see Figure 20-11; see section Physical
nary vascular resistance, but a 2.3 to 1 left-to-right shunt.
A, The ductus murmur in the first left intercostal space (1 LICS)
continued (paired arrows) for a short time after the aortic In the newborn, a transient soft crescendo systolic
component of the second heart sound (A2). Eddy sounds (lower murmur from left-to-right flow through the ductus is
arrows) punctuate the murmur. (CAR ¼ carotid pulse.) B, In the sometimes detected before normal physiologic clo-
fourth left intercostal space (4 LICS), the ductus murmur is sure.106–108 The murmur ends with the second sound
holosystolic (SM) and devoid of eddy sounds. The short, or continues just beyond it.106 These harmless transient
low-frequency, mid-diastolic murmur (MDM) at the apex was neonatal murmurs are physiologically analogous to the
caused by augmented flow across the mitral valve. not so harmless murmurs that appear when patent ductus
S1 A2
20 20
S1 S2 S3
PA FIGURE 20-23 Phonocardiogram at the apex of a 5-year-old girl
with a nonrestrictive patent ductus and a 3 to 1 left-to-right shunt.
The systolic portion of the ductus murmur (SM) was transmitted to
the apex where a prominent middiastolic murmur (DM) was
caused by augmented flow across the mitral valve.
A moderately restrictive patent ductus arteriosus with in-
creased pulmonary blood flow is accompanied by a pro-
longed bifid left atrial P wave in one or more limb
0 leads and in right precordial leads (Figures 20-24 and
FIGURE 20-21 Tracings from a 3-year-old girl with a nonre- 20-25). The PR interval is prolonged in 10% to 20%
strictive patent ductus and increased pulmonary vascular resis- of cases (see Figure 20-24).111 Atrial fibrillation occurs
tance but a 2.7 to 1 left-to-right shunt. The intracardiac in older patients. The QRS axis is usually normal, but
microphone recorded a decrescendo holosystolic murmur an occasional infant has right axis deviation, especially
within the lumen of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The right
ventricle (RV) was silent except for the pulmonary component
of the second heart sound (P2). The femoral arterial (FA) and pul-
monary arterial (PA) pulses diverge in systole but are identical in
diastole, so the ductus murmur was confined to systole.
S1 A2 P2
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
FIGURE 20-29 X-ray from a 63-year-old woman with a restrictive patent ductus and a left-to- right shunt of 1.3 to 1. A, Ductal calci-
fication is the comma-like density between the aortic knuckle and the main pulmonary artery segment. B, Close-up of the ductal cal-
cification (arrow). The x-ray was otherwise normal.
ventricular impulse is dynamic, and auscultation detects ventricle, left atrium, ascending aorta, and pulmonary
the distinctive continuous Gibson murmur that peaks trunk. Echocardiography with color flow imaging and
around the second heart sound and is punctuated by eddy Doppler interrogation establishes the size of the ductus
sounds. The electrocardiogram reflects volume overload of and the flow dynamics within the ductus and within the
the left ventricle, and the x-ray shows increased pulmo- contiguous aorta and pulmonary trunk and establishes
nary arterial vascularity with enlargement of the left the hemodynamic consequences of ductal patency.
FIGURE 20-30 X-rays from a 13-month-old female with a moderately restrictive patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary arterial pressure of
39/15 mm Hg, and a 2.3 to 1 left-to-right shunt. A, Pulmonary vascularity is increased and the pulmonary trunk (PT) and its right branch
(white arrow) are prominent, but the ascending aorta is inconspicuous. The left cardiac border formed by a dilated left ventricle (vertical
black arrow) and the right cardiac border is formed by a dilated right atrium (horizontal black arrow). B, The femoral artery catheter
passed through the ductus (first acute bend, horizontal arrow), into the pulmonary trunk, across the pulmonary valve into the right ven-
tricle (right vertical arrow), and finally across the tricuspid valve into the right atrium where the tip lies (left vertical arrow).
FIGURE 20-31 X-rays from a 19-month-old male with a nonrestrictive patent ductus and a 3 to 1 left-to-right shunt. The electrocardio-
gram is shown in Figure 20-25. A, The increased pulmonary vascularity is both arterial and venous. The pulmonary trunk (PT) and its right
branch (arrow) are dilated. The apex is formed by an enlarged left ventricle (LV), and the right cardiac border is formed by a dilated right
atrium (RA). B, The lateral barium esophagram outlines a moderately enlarged left atrium (LA).
FIGURE 20-33 A, X-ray from a 3-year-old boy with a nonrestrictive patent ductus, low pulmonary vascular resistance, and a 3 to 1 left-to-
right shunt (see Figure 20-5 for angiocardiograms). Pulmonary blood flow is increased, the pulmonary trunk (PT) is dilated, an enlarged left
ventricle (LV) occupies the apex, and an enlarged right atrium (RA) forms the right cardiac border. B, The right pulmonary artery (RPA) and
left pulmonary artery (LPA) are visualized through the patent ductus after contrast material was injected into the balloon-occluded descend-
ing aorta (Ao). The intrapulmonary arteries are strikingly enlarged. Compare with the increased pulmonary vascularity in A.
C ha p ter 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window 385
V .64
LA 2
RA [m/s]
–1 62
–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 HR
100 mm/s
PT V .64
10 PDA
A B 73
FIGURE 20-38 A, X-ray from the 84-year-old woman with a moderately restrictive patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) whose phonocardio-
gram is shown in Figure 20-16. The pulmonary trunk (PT) and its right branch are dilated. A thin rim of calcium appears in the transverse
aorta (Ao). An enlarged left ventricle (LV) occupies the apex, and an enlarged right atrium occupies the lower right cardiac border.
B, Notch view of ductal flow going from aorta (Ao) to pulmonary trunk (PT) (Video 20-1). (LPA = left pulmonary artery.)
C ha p ter 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window 387
V .64 LSA
–.64 PDA
Ao Ao
10 PT
A 73 B
FIGURE 20-40 A, Color Doppler image from a 35-year-old man with patent ductus arteriosus. In the short-axis view, ductal flow is seen
entering the pulmonary trunk (PT) toward the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). (Ao ¼ aorta; rPA ¼ right pulmonary artery; lPA ¼ left
pulmonary artery.) B, Lateral aortogram showing a conical ductus arteriosus (PDA) that was patent at its aortic end (Ao, paired white
arrows) but was a virtual thread at its pulmonary arterial end (Video 20-2). (LSA ¼ left subclavian artery.)
388 Ch apt er 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window
FIGURE 20-41 A, X-ray from a 51-year-old cyanotic woman with an aortopulmonary window, suprasystemic pulmonary vascular re-
sistance, and a reversed shunt. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. The pulmonary trunk (PT) and its proximal branches are moderately
enlarged, but the cardiac size and configuration are virtually normal. B, X-ray 5 years later after the advent of atrial fibrillation. The right
ventricle (RV) and right atrium (RA) are markedly enlarged. The rim of calcium (Ca) above the dilated pulmonary trunk (PT) proved to be
in a restrictive patent ductus. The unmarked arrowhead adjacent to the pulmonary trunk identifies the cross section of a dilated intra-
pulmonary artery. The patient died in her 58th year.
S1 S2
A2 L
P2 I
S1 S2
0 x
FIGURE 20-44 X-rays from a 5-month-old female with an aortopulmonary window and a 3.5 to 1 left-to-right shunt. A, Pulmonary
vascularity is increased, pulmonary venous congestion is evident at the right hilus (arrow), the pulmonary trunk (PT) is prominent,
and a dilated left ventricle (LV) occupies the apex. B, Lateral view shows an enlarged left atrium (LA).
FIGURE 20-45 X-rays from a 6-month-old male with an aortopulmonary window and a 3.5 to 1 left-to-right shunt. A, Pulmonary arterial
and pulmonary venous vascularity are markedly increased. A dilated left ventricle (LV) occupies the apex. The course of the femoral
venous catheter is into the right atrium (lower left arrow), across the right ventricular outflow tract into the pulmonary trunk (PT), through
the aortopulmonary window into the ascending aorta (smaller oblique arrow), and into the right subclavian artery. B, The lateral pro-
jection shows the catheter passing from the pulmonary trunk (curved arrow) across the aortopulmonary window into the aorta and into
the right subclavian artery (upper arrow).
reflects combined ventricular hypertrophy in response to shunt (Figures 20-44 and 20-45). When the shunt is
volume overload of the left ventricle and pressure over- reversed (see Figure 20-41), the x-ray resembles a non-
load of the right ventricle, analogous to a nonrestrictive restrictive patent ductus with Eisenmenger’s syndrome
patent ductus with low pulmonary vascular resistance (seeFigure 20-34).
(see Figure 20-25). When pulmonary vascular resistance Echocardiography localizes the aortopulmonary
is suprasystemic and the shunt is reversed, the electrocar- window between the ascending aorta and pulmonary
diogram is analogous to nonrestrictive patent ductus with trunk just proximal to the bifurcation (Figure 20-46
Eisenmenger’s syndrome (see Figure 20-27). and Video 20-3)129,133,134 and determines whether a pat-
The x-ray cannot distinguish a nonrestrictive aortopul- ent ductus coexists. Color flow imaging identifies the
monary window with low pulmonary vascular resistance shunt as left-to-right, right-to-left (Figure 20-47 and
from a nonrestrictive patent ductus with large left-to-right Video 20-3), or bidirectional.
390 Ch apt er 20 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aortopulmonary Window
rp PT
FIGURE 20-46 Echocardiogram (parasternal short-axis) from a 5-month-old female with an aortopulmonary window (arrow) between
the ascending aorta (Ao) and the pulmonary trunk (PT) (Video 20-3). (rp ¼ right pulmonary artery.)
FIGURE 20-47 A, Echocardiogram (parasternal long-axis) from the 51-year-old patient whose x-rays are shown in Figure 20-41. Paired
arrows identify the aortopulmonary window (APW). (Ao ¼ aorta; AV ¼ aortic valve; LA ¼ left atrium.) B, Black-and-white print of a
parasternal long-axis color flow image. Large white arrowheads bracket a right-to-left shunt (black arrow) through the aortopulmonary
window (Video 20-3).
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