APS1 Revised Standard Final
APS1 Revised Standard Final
APS1 Revised Standard Final
August 2018
Engagement Standard
Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements to
Report Factual Findings
Issued by the Board of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA)
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand ABN 50 084 642 571 (CA ANZ). Formed in Australia. Members of CA ANZ
are not liable for the debts and liabilities of CA ANZ.
PREFACE.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Main Features ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 6
Purpose.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Application ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Effective Date.................................................................................................................................... 8
Objective ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Requirements........................................................................................................................................ 8
Conduct of an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement.............................................................. 8
Ethical Requirements Relating to an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement ....................... 8
Acceptance of an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement........................................................ 9
Agreeing the Terms of the Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement ...................................... 10
Planning ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................ 11
Materiality ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Quality Control ................................................................................................................................ 11
Using the Work of Others .............................................................................................................. 12
Documentation................................................................................................................................ 12
Performing the Engagement......................................................................................................... 12
Reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Application and Other Explanatory Material ................................................................................... 14
Ethical Requirements Relating to an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement ..................... 14
Acceptance of an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement...................................................... 15
Agreeing the Terms of the Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement ...................................... 17
Planning ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Performing the Engagement......................................................................................................... 18
Reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Differentiating Factors between Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements and Assurance
Engagements ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Examples of Differences in Scope between an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement and
an Assurance Engagement .............................................................................................................. 21
Appendix 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Example of an Engagement Letter for an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement................. 24
Appendix 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Example of a Report of Factual Findings in Connection with Accounts Payable ..................... 27
Conformity with International Standards on Related Services .................................................... 30
Compliance with this standard is mandatory in terms of paragraph 130.1(b) of the Code of Ethics. This
standard is to be read in conjunction with the Code of Ethics
Engagement Standard APS-1(revised)
Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements to Report Factual Findings
NZICA has revised and reissued its existing Statement of Agreed Upon Procedures
Engagement Standards 1 Statement of Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement Standards
(APS-1) to maintain appropriate professional standards for its New Zealand resident
members when conducting engagements to perform agreed upon procedures. Compliance
with this standard is mandatory in terms of paragraph 130.1(b) of the NZICA Code of Ethics.
Currently, the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (NZAuASB), which
develops New Zealand’s auditing and assurance standards, has no mandate for the
development of a standard for agreed-upon procedures engagements. The revision and
reissue of APS-1 by NZICA ensures that an adequate, appropriate professional obligation for
these engagements is in place until such time as the NZAuASB mandate is amended. This
change is now expected to occur in the short term, following the introduction of the
Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill on 11 July 2018. However
exact timing remains unclear.
In revising APS-1, NZICA has followed the approach of the NZAuASB, whose standard
setting activity adopts the standards of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards
Board (IAASB), modified as necessary to reflect unique New Zealand conditions. Therefore,
this standard has been developed with reference to the relevant international standard ISRS
4400 Engagements to Perform Agreed-Upon Procedures Regarding Financial Information
(ISRS 4400). It has also been developed to conform, where appropriate, to the equivalent
Australian standard ASRS 4400 Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements to Report Factual
Findings (ASRS 4400), which has been used with the permission of the Australian Auditing
and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB). ASRS 4400 conforms to ISRS 4400 but has
been more recently updated to reflect current best practice. Maintaining consistency with
ASRS 4400 also furthers the trans-Tasman harmonisation obligations of the AUASB and
Main Features
This Engagement Standard establishes mandatory requirements and provides application
and other explanatory material for members to follow when accepting, undertaking and
reporting on engagements to perform agreed-upon procedures.
2. This Standard applies to agreed-upon procedures engagements to be performed by a
member, where factual findings are reported but no conclusion or opinion is expressed
and no assurance is provided by the member. The intended users draw their own
conclusions based on the factual findings reported combined with any other information
they have obtained.
3. Compliance with this Standard is mandatory in terms of paragraph 130.1(b) of the New
Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) Code of Ethics and failure to
observe its requirements may expose a member to disciplinary action.
9. This Standard deals with the conduct of agreed-upon procedures engagements and
identifies that risk assessment, responding to assessed risks, evaluation of evidence
gathered and expressing a conclusion or opinion are aspects of an assurance
engagement which are not performed when no assurance is to be provided.
10. An agreed-upon procedures engagement may be misunderstood as providing
assurance, as the engagement is performed by a member and involves the conduct of
the same or similar procedures to an assurance engagement. Assurance engagements
are regulated by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (NZAuASB)
under delegated authority from the External Reporting Board (XRB). In explaining the
nature of assurance engagements, paragraph 20 of EG Au1A Framework for Assurance
Engagements, issued by the NZAuASB, states that ‘a member reporting on an
engagement that is not an assurance engagement within the scope of this Framework
clearly distinguishes that report from an assurance report’. This Standard deals with the
content of a report of factual findings in order to differentiate it from an assurance report.
11. This Standard deals with how the form, content and restrictions on use of a member’s
report of factual findings helps to minimise misinterpretation and promote the intended
users’ understanding of that report.
1 See the NZICA Code of Ethics which defines an ‘assurance engagement’ as ‘an engagement in which a
member expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than
the responsible party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of an underlying subject matter
against criteria.’
Effective Date
12. This standard is effective for all agreed-upon procedures engagements where a member
or firm is appointed on or after 1 January 2019. Early adoption is permitted. It
supercedes the existing engagement standard APS-1 Statement of Agreed Upon
Procedures Engagement Standards 1 and its accompanying guidance statement APG-1
Guideline on Performance of An Agreed Upon Procedures Engagements, both of which
have been withdrawn from 1 January 2019.
13. The objective of the member in an agreed-upon procedures engagement is to apply their
professional capabilities and competence in carrying out procedures of an assurance
nature, to which the member, the engaging party and any third party intended user (as
applicable) have agreed, and to report factual findings, without providing assurance or
implying that assurance has been provided.
14. For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms have the meanings attributed
(a) Engaging party - The party(ies) that engages the member to perform the agreed-
upon procedures engagement.
(b) Intended users - The individual(s) or organisation(s), or groups thereof, identified in
the engagement letter, for whom the member prepares the report of factual findings.
(c) Procedures of an assurance nature - Procedures performed by a member which are
the same or similar to procedures performed in an assurance engagement.
Conduct of an Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagement
15. The member shall comply with this Standard and with the terms of the engagement
agreed with the engaging party.
16. When conducting an agreed-upon procedures engagement, the member shall comply
with ethical requirements equivalent to the ethical requirements applicable to ‘Other
Assurance Engagements’ 2.These include the independence requirements that are
applicable for ‘Reports that Include a Restriction on Use and Distribution’ (see NZICA
Code of Ethics paragraphs 291.21-27). Additional modifications to these independence
requirements are permitted, provided the engaging party explicitly agrees to these
modifications in the terms of the engagement. 3 The modified independence
2 The ethical requirements, including independence, applicable to Other Assurance Engagements are covered in
the NZICA Code of Ethics and include section 291 Independence - Other Assurance Engagements. These
requirements align with those in the NZAuASB’s Professional and Ethical Standard 1 (Revised) Code of Ethics
for Assurance Practitioners.
3 See paragraph 24(f) of this Standard
requirements agreed to in the terms of the engagement, shall be described in the report
of factual findings. 4 (Ref: Para. A1)
6See Appendix 3 of this Standard for an example of an engagement letter for an agreed-upon procedures
course of the engagement, to exercise professional judgement in determining or
modifying the procedures to be performed. (Ref: Para. A13)
25. When conducting an agreed-upon procedures engagement, if the member is unable to
perform the exact nature, timing or extent of procedures agreed, but alternative
procedures can be performed and the engaging party requires those procedures to be
performed, then new terms of the engagement shall be agreed with the engaging party in
writing. (Ref: Para. A16)
26. The member shall plan the work so that the engagement will be performed in an effective
manner, in accordance with the terms of the engagement and this Standard.
27. The engagement plan for an agreed-upon procedures engagement shall be restricted to
the nature, timing and extent of procedures agreed in the terms of the engagement. The
plan does not include alternative or further procedures unless agreed with the engaging
party in amended terms of the engagement. (Ref: Para. A15-A16)
Risk Assessment
28. The member does not perform a risk assessment for an agreed-upon procedures
engagement, as the nature, timing and extent of procedures to be performed are agreed
with the engaging party rather than determined by the member in response to assessed
29. The member does not apply materiality to designing the procedures to be performed nor
to assessing the factual findings to determine whether the subject matter information is
free from material misstatement or non-compliance, as this is the responsibility of the
intended users.
Quality Control
30. The member shall take responsibility for the overall quality of the agreed-upon
procedures engagement and shall apply quality control procedures at both the firm and
engagement level as set out in NZICA Professional Standard 1 Quality Control (PS-1).
31. Throughout the engagement the member shall remain alert through observation and
making enquiries as necessary, for evidence of non-compliance with relevant ethical
requirements including independence by members of the engagement team. If matters
come to the members attention that indicate that members of the engagement team
have not complied with the relevant ethical requirements the member shall determine the
appropriate action
32. The member shall be satisfied that the engagement team, 7 and any experts engaged
who are not part of the engagement team, collectively have the appropriate competence,
7 ‘Engagement team’ as defined by paragraph 15 of PS-1 Quality Control means all partners and staff performing
the engagement and any individuals engaged by the firm or network form who perform procedures on the
engagement. This excludes external experts engaged by the firm or network firm.
capabilities and resources to perform the agreed-upon procedures in accordance with
this Standard.
38. The member shall provide a report of factual findings for the agreed-upon procedures
engagement. In contrast to an assurance report, a report of factual findings does not
include an evaluation of those findings in order to draw a conclusion or form an opinion.
(Ref: Para. A19)
39. The member shall not express a conclusion or opinion in an agreed-upon procedures
engagement as the member has not performed a risk assessment, responded to
assessed risks by determining the procedures to be performed or assessed whether
sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained as a reasonable basis for expressing
a conclusion.
40. If the member is undertaking an agreed-upon procedures engagement in parallel with an
assurance engagement, the factual findings from the agreed-upon procedures
engagement shall be presented separately from the report on the assurance
41. Use of the report shall be restricted to those parties that have either agreed to the
procedures to be performed or have been specifically included as intended users in the
engagement letter since others, unaware of the reasons for the procedures, may
misinterpret the results.
42. The report of factual findings for an agreed-upon procedures engagement shall contain:
(Ref: Para. A20-A21)
(a) a title;
(b) an addressee (ordinarily the engaging party);
(c) identification of the specific information to which the procedures have been
(d) a statement that the procedures performed were those agreed with the engaging
(e) a statement that the engagement was performed in accordance with APS-1
(f) a statement that either ethical requirements equivalent to those applicable for
‘Reports that Include a Restriction on Use and Distribution’ (see NZICA Code of
Ethics paragraphs 291.21-27) have been complied with, including independence,
or, if modified independence requirements have been agreed in the terms of the
engagement, a description of the level of independence applied;
(g) identification of the purpose for which the agreed-upon procedures engagement
was performed;
(h) a statement that the responsibility for determining the adequacy or otherwise of
the procedures agreed to be performed by the member is that of the engaging
(i) a listing of the specific procedures performed, detailing the nature, timing and
extent of each procedure;
(j) a description of the member’s factual findings in relation to each procedure
performed, including sufficient details of errors and exceptions found;
(k) identification of any of the procedures agreed in the terms of the engagement
which could not be performed and why that has arisen;
(l) a statement that the procedures performed do not constitute either a reasonable
or limited assurance engagement and, as such, no assurance is provided;
(m) a statement that had the member performed additional procedures, a reasonable
assurance engagement or a limited assurance engagement, other matters might
have come to the member’s attention which would have been reported;
(n) a statement that use of the report is restricted to those parties identified in the
report, who have agreed to the procedures to be performed or were identified in
the terms of the engagement;
(o) a statement (when applicable) that the report relates only to the elements,
accounts, items or financial and non-financial information specified and that it
does not extend to the entity’s financial statements, or other specified report,
taken as a whole;
(p) the date of the report;
(q) the member’s address; and
(r) the member’s signature.
43. If the member is required by law or regulation to use a specific layout or wording for the
report of factual findings, the report of factual findings shall refer to this Standard only if
the member’s report includes, at a minimum, each of the elements in paragraph 42.
44. Law or regulation of the relevant jurisdiction may prescribe the layout or wording of the
report of factual findings in a form or in terms which are significantly different from the
requirements of this Standard. In these circumstances, the member shall evaluate:
(a) whether intended users might misunderstand the factual findings reported and the
fact that no assurance is provided; and, if so;
(b) whether additional explanation in the report of factual findings can mitigate possible
If the member considers that additional explanation in the report of factual findings
cannot mitigate possible misunderstanding, the member shall not accept the
engagement unless required by law or regulation to do so. As an agreed-upon
procedures engagement conducted in accordance with such law or regulation does not
comply with this Standard, the member shall not include any reference in the report of
factual findings to the engagement having been conducted in accordance with APS-1
(revised). (Ref: Para. A22)
45. The member shall not issue modifications or an emphasis of matter in a report of factual
findings, as no conclusion or opinion is expressed. Nevertheless, the following matters, if
applicable, are reported as part of the factual findings:
(a) errors or exceptions identified as a result of the procedures performed, regardless
of whether they were subsequently rectified by the entity; (Ref: Para. A23) and
(b) the inability of the member to perform any of the agreed-upon procedures. (Ref:
Para. A24)
46. The report of factual findings for an agreed-upon procedures engagement shall be
clearly distinguished from an assurance report in that it shall not contain:
(a) a statement of compliance with standards issued by the NZAuASB;
(b) inappropriate use of the terms ‘assurance’, ‘audit’, ‘review’, ‘opinion’ or ‘conclusion’;
(c) any statement that could reasonably be mistaken for a conclusion designed to
enhance the degree of confidence of intended users about the outcome of the
evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.
A2 The member needs to understand the engaging party’s objectives in engaging the
member to ensure that an engagement is agreed which is appropriate to those
objectives and to avoid any misunderstandings with respect to the scope of the
A3 If the intended users are not a signatory to the terms of engagement, the member can
fulfil the requirement in paragraph 17 by:
(a) Distributing a copy of the anticipated terms of engagement, including a draft
of the anticipated agreed-upon procedures engagement report, to the
intended user(s); (Ref: Para. A10)
(b) Comparing the procedures to be performed with written requirements set out,
for example, in law or regulation, or in a contractual agreement (sometimes
referred to as the “Terms of Reference”) where appropriate;
(c) Discussing the procedures to be performed with appropriate representatives
of the intended user(s); or
(d) Reviewing correspondence between the engaging party and the intended
user(s) if the engaging party is not the intended user.
A6 If all of the elements of an assurance engagement are met, 11 the member declines an
agreed-upon procedures engagement, however an assurance engagement may be
accepted if appropriate and applicable auditing, review or other assurance
engagement standards issued by the NZAuASB are applied. Appendix 1 provides a
table of Differentiating Factors between Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements and
Assurance Engagements to assist the member in determining whether the
engagement is an agreed-upon procedures engagement or an assurance
A7 The extent of the subject matter does not affect whether an engagement is an
assurance engagement or not. Even if the subject matter of an engagement is very
specific, when the engagement contains the elements of an assurance engagement,
the member complies with the requirements of either:
(a) ISA (NZ) 805 (Revised), Special Considerations - Audits of Single Financial
Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial Statement
when providing reasonable assurance on historical financial information other
than a complete set of financial statements; or
(b) ISAE (NZ) 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or
Reviews of Historical Financial Information when providing reasonable or limited
assurance on matters other than historical financial information. 12
Example engagements are described in Appendix 2 illustrating how an engagement
could be scoped as an agreed-upon procedures engagement or an assurance
engagement for the same subject matter.
A8 The member may assist the engaging party and intended users in determining the
procedures to be performed to ensure that the procedures are able to be performed
and are likely to meet the needs of the intended users. Nevertheless, the member is
not responsible for the adequacy of the agreed-upon procedures nor for assessing
whether the findings will be sufficient either alone or in combination with other
evidence to support any conclusions which the users intend to draw. The member’s
role in an agreed-upon procedures engagement is to use their professional
competence and capabilities in the performance of the agreed-upon procedures and to
report the findings accurately.
A9 If it is necessary for the member to perform a risk assessment, respond to assessed
risks or evaluate the evidence gathered, then this indicates that the member is using
their professional judgement to gather sufficient appropriate evidence to support a
conclusion. In these circumstances, the engagement may be an assurance
engagement and, if so, the relevant requirements in the auditing, review or other
assurance engagement standards issued by the NZAuASB need to be applied.
10 For the elements of an assurance engagement, see paragraph 26 of EG Au1A, issued by the NZAuASB.
11 For the elements of an assurance engagement, see paragraph 26 of EG Au1A, issued by the NZAuASB.
12 See SAE 3100, Compliance Engagements, and SAE 3150, Assurance Engagements on Controls, as
A10 The agreed terms would ordinarily be recorded in an engagement letter or other
suitable form of written agreement. It is in the interests of both the engaging party and
the member that the terms of the engagement are agreed, in writing, by both, to help in
avoiding misunderstandings with respect to the engagement. It is also preferable to
complete this documentation of the terms of the engagement before the engagement
A11 In certain circumstances, for example when the procedures have been agreed to
between the regulator, industry representatives and representatives of the accounting
profession, the member may not be able to discuss the procedures with all the
intended users who will use the report of factual findings. In such cases, the member
may consider, for example, discussing the procedures to be applied with appropriate
representatives of the intended users, reviewing relevant correspondence from such
users or sending them a draft of the report of factual findings that will be issued.
A12 In an agreed-upon procedures engagement, as the member does not express a
conclusion, it is the engaging party’s responsibility to determine the procedures which
will provide sufficient appropriate evidence to support their own or intended users’
conclusions. It is only appropriate for the member to select the procedures if they will
be assessing the evidence to support a conclusion provided in an assurance
A13 Not all intended users may be available to agree to the terms of the engagement or the
agreed-upon procedures to be performed. These intended users may still be specified
in the letter of engagement where the member is satisfied that those users will
understand the purpose for which the report of factual findings is intended to be used.
These intended users may include:
(a) regulators or industry bodies which issue requirements for procedures to be
performed and factual findings to be reported; and
(b) an identifiable group of users which are intended to receive the report of factual
findings for a specified purpose.
A14 An example of an engagement letter for an agreed-upon procedures engagement is
set out in Appendix 3.
Agreed-Upon Procedures
Differentiating Factor Assurance Engagement
Nature, timing and extent of
Engaging party Assurance practitioner
procedures the responsibility of:
Nature, timing and extent of
Terms of the engagement Engagement plan
procedures determined in:
Changes to the nature, timing
and extent of procedures are Terms of the engagement Engagement plan
documented in:
Professional judgement may
be exercised in assisting the
engaging party to identify
Extent of member’s professional Professional judgement
procedures when agreeing the
judgement exercised in exercised in selecting
terms of the engagement, but
selecting procedures: procedures
only professional competence
is exercised when conducting
the agreed-upon procedures
Sufficiency and appropriateness
Intended user Assurance practitioner
of evidence assessed by:
Factual findings, no conclusion Conclusion providing
Form and content of report:
or assurance provided assurance
Detail of the exact nature,
Reporting of procedures timing and extent of all
Summary of work performed
performed: procedures performed are
No detail of findings, unless a
Detail of exact findings
modified report is to be issued
resulting from each procedure
when the basis for modification
Reporting of findings: performed, including errors
is provided or if a management
and exceptions identified, even
letter is provided in addition to
if rectified
the assurance report
Appendix 2
Examples of Differences in Scope between an Agreed-
Upon Procedures Engagement and an Assurance
(Ref: Para. A7)
The following brief descriptions of engagements are intended to illustrate that engagements
relating to the same subject matter may be scoped in the terms of the engagement as an
agreed-upon procedures engagement providing no assurance or an assurance engagement
depending on the needs of the engaging party and intended users. The scope provided in
each of the following examples, which would be reflected in the terms of the engagement, is
to be used as a guide only and will need to be adapted to the individual engagement
requirements and circumstances.
Scope of an
Scope of an
Nature of Purpose of Agreed-Upon
Engagement Engagement Procedures
• Agree gross Audit/review
turnover to compliance with the
underlying data; turnover lease
To assist parties to a
• Recalculate agreement to provide a
lease agreement
adjusted turnover reasonable/limited
1. Turnover lease based on turnover in
based on agreed assurance conclusion
agreement assessing
formula; and as to whether the entity
compliance with the
agreement. • Recalculate the has complied, in all
turnover rent material respects, with
payable under the the lease agreement
lease agreement. over the period.
compliance with the
• Agree specified data reporting requirements
To assist the
from entities’ income of the management
directors of each
statements to the agreement to provide a
entity to fulfil their
entities’ trial reasonable/limited
2. Management reporting
balances, parent assurance conclusion
agreement requirements under
entity consolidation as to whether each
schedule and entity has complied, in
agreements with the
audited consolidated all material respects,
managing entity.
financial report. with the management
agreement over the
• Agree start date and
To assist Audit/review employee
employment terms
management leave provisions to
for a random sample
assessment of provide a
of X staff to
whether leave reasonable/limited
provisions were assurance conclusion
3. Leave provisions calculated in as to whether leave
• Agree leave taken to
accordance with balances are
employee records.
corporate policy as a calculated, in all
basis for negotiating • Recalculate long material respects, in
the consideration for service leave and accordance with
transferring staff. annual leave corporate policy.
provisions for X staff
to be transferred as
part of a novation
• Select X loans
based on criteria
Audit/review the loan
provided by the
To assist the pool to provide a
engaging party.
engaging party and reasonable/limited
• Agree specified loan
potential investors in assurance conclusion
4. Loan data to supporting
determining the data as to whether the loan
securitisation documentation and
on which to base the pool is reported, in all
check loan data
securitisation of a material respects, in
against given
pool of loans. accordance with the
agreed basis.
• Recalculate total
loan pool data.
• Attend X sites
randomly selected,
test count X
randomly selected Audit/review stock at
stock items to stock period end to provide a
count sheets. reasonable/limited
To assist
• Trace those stock assurance conclusion
5. Stocktake management in
count sheets to as to whether stock is
procedures determining the value
summary stock valued fairly, in all
of stock on hand.
data. material respects, in
• Agree X randomly accordance with
selected stock items corporate policy.
to inventory account
and agree cost to
supplier invoices.
• Agree aged debtors
to the trial balance
at period end.
• Agree the largest (at
period end) X
debtors to sales
Audit/review debtors
• Trace X randomly
and provision for
selected debtor
doubtful debts to
balances to
provide a
To assist assurance conclusion
• Itemise bad debt
6. Debtors’ management in as to whether debtors
written off for the
balances identifying issues in and provision for
period with
debtors’ collection. doubtful debts are
presented fairly, in all
provided by
material respects, in
accordance with the
• Itemise customers agreed basis of
on stop supply or accounting.
• Determine value
and number of credit
notes for the period.
• Calculate debtors
ageing percentages
at period end.
• Agree list of users
with access to
restricted data for
any part of the
reporting period to
To assist client in Audit/review controls in
completing their place to comply with
• Agree individual
certificate of confidentiality and
compliance with privacy agreements in
statements to
respect to order to provide a
confidentiality and reasonable/limited
7. Controls to meet agreement.
privacy agreements, assurance conclusion
contractual • Identify
in circumstances as to whether the
obligations confidentiality
where data supplied description fairly
training held over
by providers under presents the controls,
reporting period,
confidentiality and the controls are suitably
percentage of users
privacy agreements designed and operating
attended and
requiring controls to effectively throughout
average hours
protect data. the reporting period.
training attended per
• Trace data access
log for X days,
spread throughout
the period, to list of
approved users.
Appendix 3
Example of an Engagement Letter for an Agreed-Upon
Procedures Engagement
(Ref: Para. A14)
The following is an example of an engagement letter for an agreed-upon procedures
engagement prepared in accordance with APS-1 (revised). This letter is not authoritative but
is intended only to be a guide that may be used in conjunction with the considerations
outlined in this Standard. It will need to be varied according to individual requirements and
circumstances of each engagement. It may be appropriate to seek legal advice that any
proposed letter is suitable.
To the appropriate representative of management or those charged with governance 13 of
name of Entity [and name of other intended users or group of users as appropriate]:
[The objective and scope of the engagement]
You have requested that we perform the agreed-upon procedures specified below [as
required by [name of representative of group of intended users or regulator] to meet the
needs of [group of intended users]]. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and
understanding of this agreed-upon procedures engagement and the nature and limitations of
the procedures we will conduct. Our engagement will be conducted with the objective of
reporting factual findings resulting from each procedure for the purpose of [specify purpose].
The procedures performed will not constitute a reasonable or limited assurance
engagement, accordingly, no assurance will be provided.
[The responsibilities of the member]
We will conduct our engagement in accordance with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered
Accountants Engagement Standard APS-1 (revised) Agreed-Upon Procedures
Engagements to Report Factual Findings. That standard requires that we comply with ethical
requirements equivalent to Other Assurance Engagements, 14 [including independence,
except with respect to independence for which modified independence requirements will be
applied], and plan and perform the agreed procedures to obtain factual findings. [If
applicable: We will apply modified independence requirements 15 agreed with you, which will
consist of (describe level of independence to be applied).] The procedures which we will
perform will be restricted to those procedures agreed with you [which include procedures
required by [name of representative of group of intended users or regulator]] and listed
below. Information acquired by us in the course of our engagement is subject to strict
confidentiality requirements and will not be disclosed by us to other parties except as
required or allowed for by law or professional standards, or with your express consent.
We have agreed to perform the following procedures and report to you the factual findings
resulting from our work:
13 ‘Those charged with governance’ means the person(s) or organisation(s) (for example a corporate trustee) with
responsibility for overseeing the strategic direction of the entity. This includes overseeing the financial reporting
process. For some entities, those charged with governance may include management personnel, for example,
executive members of a governance board of a private or public sector entity, or an owner-manager.
14 See section 291 of the NZICA Code of Ethics
15 See paragraph 291.21 of the NZICA Code of Ethics. Modified independence requirements are only permitted
under the ethical requirements applicable to Other Assurance Engagements if the intended users of the report (a)
are knowledgeable as to the purpose, subject matter information and limitations of the report and (b) explicitly
agree to the application of the modified independence requirements.
[describe the nature, timing and extent of each procedure to be performed, including specific
reference, where applicable, to the identity of documents and records to be read, individuals
to be contacted and parties from whom confirmations will be obtained.]
If we are unable to perform the exact nature, timing or extent of procedures agreed above
but alternative procedures are available, we will only perform these alternative procedures if
modified terms of the engagement are agreed with [name of entity and other intended
[The responsibilities of management or those charged with governance and intended users
(if appropriate)]
Our agreed-upon procedures will be performed on the basis that [management and, where
appropriate, those charged with governance and intended users] acknowledge and
understand that:
(a) they have responsibility for determining the adequacy or otherwise of the procedures
agreed to be performed by us;
(b) they have responsibility for determining whether the factual findings provided by us, in
combination with any other information obtained, provide a reasonable basis for any
conclusions which you or the intended users wish to draw on the subject matter;
(c) they have responsibility to provide us with:
(i) access to all information of which management is aware that is necessary for the
performance of the procedures agreed;
(ii) additional information that we may request from you for the purpose of the
engagement; and
(iii) unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom we require co-operation
in order to perform the procedures agreed.
(d) the procedures we will perform are solely to assist you [and name of intended users] in
[state purpose]. Our report of factual findings is not to be used for any other purpose
and is solely for your [and name of intended users] information.
(e) the procedures that we will perform will not constitute a reasonable or limited assurance
engagement in accordance with auditing, review or other assurance engagement
standards issued by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and,
consequently, no assurance will be provided.
We look forward to full co-operation with your staff during our engagement.
[Other relevant information]
[Insert other information, such as fee arrangements, billings and other specific terms as
Our report of factual findings will consist of a detailed listing of the procedures performed
and our findings in relation to each procedure, including any errors or exceptions identified
regardless of whether those errors or exceptions have since been rectified. Use of our report
will be restricted to you [and [name of other intended users or group of users]] and all other
parties will be excluded from using the report.
Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgement of,
and agreement with, the arrangements for our agreed-upon procedures engagement
including the specific procedures which we have agreed will be performed and our
respective responsibilities.
Yours faithfully,
XYZ & Co
16 If schedules are attached, describe and reference the schedules (not shown in this example).
17 See section 291 of the NZICA Code of Ethics.
18 The member may choose instead to present the table of factual findings as an attachment to the report,
particularly if it is lengthy.
Errors or Exceptions
Procedures Performed Factual Findings
[The following procedures included in the terms of the engagement could not be performed
for the reasons set out below:] 19
19Insert this table where there has been a limitation of scope such that certain procedures could not be
[Reasons Procedure was Unable to be
[Procedure Unable to be Performed]
[Member’s signature]
[Date of the report of factual findings]
[Member’s address]
Conformity with International Standards on Related
Except as noted below, APS-1 (revised) Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements to Report
Factual Findings conforms to international standard ISRS 4400, issued by the International
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), an independent standard-setting board
of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The main differences between APS-1
(revised) and ISRS 4400 are: