FRPA Rreview Report - CPANS With Appendix PDF
FRPA Rreview Report - CPANS With Appendix PDF
FRPA Rreview Report - CPANS With Appendix PDF
(CPA Nova Scotia)
Fair Registration
Practices Act (FRPA)
November 2018
Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Disclaimer.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
Executive Summary
The Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia’s (CPA Nova Scotia) Action Plan is a progressive
response to the recommendations resulting from the Fair Registration Practices Act (FRPA) review process.
These actions will support the fairer assessment of applicants to the profession in Nova Scotia and are fully
consistent with the FRPA Code.
Since CPA Nova Scotia was established in 2016, the regulator has improved the transparency and procedural
fairness of its registration practices and taken concrete steps to identify and remove barriers to membership
for financial professionals. Work conducted by CPA Nova Scotia at the national level, through the Chartered
Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada), has enhanced the coordination and consistency of
registration practices across the country. Additionally, CPA Canada has negotiated 12 Mutual Recognition and
Reciprocal Membership Agreements (MRA/RMAs) which have been approved and are currently being
implemented by CPA Nova Scotia. MRA/RMAs create streamlined, consistent and transparent pathways to
licensure for specific groups of internationally educated financial professionals, facilitating their attachment to
the workforce in Nova Scotia.
At the local level, staff at CPA Nova Scotia sit on the Internationally Educated Financial Professionals (IEFP)
Multi-stakeholder Work Group, along with colleagues from Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia
(ISANS) and the Nova Scotia Government. The IEFP Multi-stakeholder Work Group was formed to address the
challenge of international qualification recognition (IQR) and help newcomers become qualified and licensed
to work in the financial professions. With the support of the work group, CPA Nova Scotia initiated the
development a visual pathway to licensure which provides clear and consistent messaging to internationally
educated financial professionals about the registration process.
Through the completion of recommendations resulting from the FRPA Review Process, I expect CPA Nova
Scotia to continue to make improvements to its registration practices and ensure third parties that work on its
behalf to assess international credentials are compliant with the FRPA. Key items in CPA Nova Scotia’s Action
Plan include measures to:
• Ensure that criteria and assessment processes used by CPA Atlantic School of Business to assess
internationally educated financial professionals are transparent, impartial, objective and procedurally
• Develop, in partnership with CPA Canada, a formal policy regarding the acceptance of alternative
information if required documentation cannot be obtained for reasons beyond an applicants’ control,
• Provide training on cultural competence and administrative justice for decision-makers.
I appreciate CPA Nova Scotia’s cooperation and openness during the FRPA Review process and thank its staff
for their participation.
The analysis is based on the FRPA Review Officer’s work with the Chartered Professional Accountants - Nova
Scotia (CPA Nova Scotia) to date. The Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia 2018 Review
captures the results of the FRPA Review Process and includes an inventory of exemplary licensing practices
and an Action Plan that holds CPA Nova Scotia accountable for continuous improvement within two years of
the review.
Through the 2018 FRPA Review, the FRPA Review Officer aims to build on the work of CPA Nova Scotia to date
and identify opportunities to further improve and evolve registration practices.
For more information on the FRPA Review Process, see the Guide to Fair Registration Practices Act:
The Fair Registration Practices Code is delineated in Sections 6-12 of the Fair Registration Practices Act. Government of Nova Scotia.
Ch. 38 of the Acts of 2008, as amended by 2014, c. 14.
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia Page 3
FRPA Review Report
Context of the Profession in Nova Scotia
Occupational Profile
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia (“CPA Nova Scotia”) is the provincial regulating body for
professional accountants. The CPA designation is Canada's pre-eminent accounting and business designation.
With more than 3,800 active members in Nova Scotia and over 200,000 members across Canada, CPAs provide
crucial financial expertise to businesses and individuals in every sector of the economy.
Its purpose, as set out in the Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Section 5, is as follows:
(5) In order to serve and protect the public interest in the practice of chartered professional accounting,
CPA Nova Scotia shall:
(a) preserve the integrity of the accounting profession;
(b) maintain public confidence in the ability of the accounting profession to regulate
(c) govern and regulate the practice of the profession and govern and regulate
registrants and registered firms in accordance with this Act and the by-laws, including:
(i) establishing, maintaining, developing and enforcing:
(A) standards of qualification for registration and continuation of
(B) standards of practice; and
(C) standards of professional ethics, knowledge, skill and proficiency;
(ii) regulating the provision of regulated services;
(iii) certifying members to engage in the practice of public accounting;
(iv) regulating the practice, competence and professional conduct of registrants
and registered firm;, and
(v) regulating the use of protected designations in accordance with this Act and
the by-laws;
(d) promote and foster greater public awareness of the practice of chartered
professional accounting;
(e) promote and increase the professional knowledge, skill and proficiency of
registrants and registered firms in financial reporting, strategy and governance,
management accounting, audit, assurance, finance and taxation and other matters
relating to the practice of chartered professional accounting;
(f) where not inconsistent with the public interest, advance the professional interests
of registrants and registered firms; and
(g) do such other lawful acts and things as are incidental to the attainment of the
purposes and objects of CPA Nova Scotia.
Organizational Description
CPA Nova Scotia employs 15 full and part time staff, within the following 4 departments:
o Office of the Chief Executive Officer, employs 3 staff members. Responsibilities include:
o strategic direction of the organization;
o member of CPA Canada Council of Chief Executives;
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o support the Board and Committees; and
o communications.
To maintain active membership, members are responsible to file annual declarations, pay fees, file and
maintain the minimum continuing professional development (CPD) requirements by March 31 st annually and
in some cases, maintain professional liability insurance. The membership renewals and the CPD requirements
are maintained within the online member portal.
All members are required to adhere to the CPA Code of Professional Conduct and the CPA Nova Scotia By-
Laws which governs registration requirements, firm registration requirements, professional standards,
practice inspections and CPD.
Registration Requirements
To be eligible for membership, students and candidates must complete the educational, examination and
practical experience requirements of CPA Canada through the CPA Atlantic School of Business. The
educational prerequisites and examination are offered through the CPA Atlantic School of Business. The
professional experience competencies of candidates are also assessed by the CPA Atlantic School of Business.
CFTA Transfers
The profession, like others, is regulated at a provincial level but also has a strong national body (CPA Canada)
which provides a level of coordination and consistency across the country. Generally speaking, members in
good standing with another provincial CPA body are eligible for membership with CPA Nova Scotia. Such
members are entitled to use their professional designation(s) in the manner prescribed within the Chartered
Professional Accountants Act (Nova Scotia).
CPA Canada has a team of professionals dedicated to assessing international accounting bodies on behalf of all
the provincial CPA bodies. CPA Canada currently has entered into twelve (12) Mutual Recognition Agreements
(“MRA”) and Reciprocal Membership Agreements (“RMA”) with various international accounting bodies. All
agreements require the approval of each provincial body and CPA Bermuda. An international applicant’s
pathway to membership is established through the various MRA/RMAs. Streamlined bridging programs have
been developed by CPA Canada to meet any additional qualifications requirements efficiently and depending
on the pathway established under the MRA/RMAs. This is only available to applicants who hold a designation
with an international accounting bodies recognized under a MRA/RMAs.
It should be noted that professional accounting is regulated differently in different places, and some
international accounting bodies are specific to a country, while other accounting credentials span multiple
countries. In each case, international bodies are fully assessed against standard criteria. It is also the case
that the profession is actively assessing international accounting designations regularly and intends to
continue expanding its network of pre-approved countries.
In addition to the twelve reciprocal agreements, two international accounting bodies have been assessed as
not meeting CPA Canada’s education or experience requirements but do qualify for advanced standings at the
CPA Atlantic School of Business under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
A professional accountant from a country with which we do not have an MRA or RMA may apply for advanced
standings with the CPA Atlantic School of Business. All international applicants who do not hold a designation
recognized through an existing MRA/RMA will have to write the CPA Common Final Exam and demonstrate
their work experience meets the required CPA competencies.
Professional accountants in Nova Scotia hold the designation “Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)”.
Legislation to create Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia (CPA Nova Scotia) was proclaimed
August 2, 2016. CPA Nova Scotia resulted from the merger of the three legacy accounting bodies: the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia (CA), the Society of Management Accountants of Nova Scotia (CMA),
and the Certified General Accountants Association of Nova Scotia (CGA). This merger was part of a national
unification of the accounting profession.
Some Chartered Professional Accountants also hold a “Public Accounting Certificate” in addition to their
designation3. A Public Accounting Certificate and a Public Accountants License is required when members
offer public accounting services. A Public Accountants License and the mandate of the Public Accountants
Board is included in the Public Accountants Act (Nova Scotia) and the Public Accountants Board is a separate
organization from CPA Nova Scotia. There are two categories of public accounting certificates offered by the
PAB: Audit Certificate and Review Certificate.
226 CPAs hold a Public Accounting Certificate as of October 31, 2017.
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Public accounting includes members issuing or signing an audit report, a review engagement report, or
performing specified auditing procedures. This does not apply to all members in the practice of public
accounting; it applies to individual members who are responsible for the issuance of audit reports, review
engagements, or other assurance reports. Typically, this would be the engagement partner in a CPA firm.
There are three routes to membership; CPA Atlantic School of Business, another CPA Provincial Body (CFTA
Transfer) and Internationally Designated Accounting Bodies. Each are described below:
1. Once a candidate has completed the Common Final Examination (CFE), and they have submitted their
final Practical Experience Report with the CPA Atlantic School of Business, the CPA Atlantic School of
Business will review the candidate’s file to determine whether they have met the education,
experience and examination requirements.
2. The CPA Atlantic School of Business will confirm to CPA Nova Scotia that a candidate has met the
education, experience and examination qualifications for membership consistent with CPA Canada
requirements. Application instructions are sent from CPA Nova Scotia to candidates.
3. Applicants’ applications are considered by the Registration Committee of CPA Nova Scotia. Included in
the application are references from two (2) Canadian Chartered Professional Accountants in good
standing, who have known the individual a minimum of one year.
Registration Process through another CPA Provincial Body (CFTA Transfer) is as follows:
1. Membership application package form for Internationally Designated Accounting Body, relevant to the
candidate’s home professional body:
• Declaration for Admission to Membership (included within Internationally Designated Accounting
Body Application)
• Confirmation of membership in good standing from the Internationally Designated Accounting
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia Page 7
FRPA Review Report
•University Degree Assessment from WES may be required depending of which MRA/RMA the
applicant is eligible under (included within Internationally Designated Accounting Body
• Work Experience may be required depending of which MRA/RMA the applicant is eligible under
(included within Internationally Designated Accounting Body Application)
2. Application is approved; approved with conditions; or denied.
The difference between these two amounts is intended to reflect the additional cost associated with an
international application over a domestic transfer.
# Question Response
1 Total number of individuals with practicing 3896
licenses/certifications. Do not report on any licenses or
certificates you issue to a business, school or group.
2 Number of registrations for the reporting year, from applicants who received their qualifications as
indicated below:
• Received qualifications (training/work experience for 86
trades) in NS, new applicant.
• Received qualifications in Canada, new applicant - n/a for 0
trades - issue a Certification of Qualification.
• Received qualifications (training/work experience for 9
trades) internationally, new applicant.
• AIT/CFTA Transfers, applicants already registered in 65
another Canadian jurisdiction.
• Total number of applicants. 160
3 Types of practicing licenses/certificates you issue and total number of individuals for each type
identified for the reporting year.
• Chartered Professional Accountant 160
4 Number of completed applications submitted by applicants who received their qualifications as
indicated below.
• Received qualifications (training/work experience for
trades) in NS, new applicant:
o Accepted: 86
o Rejected: 0
o Still in process: 0
o Withdrawn: 0
o File inactive or closed: 0
• Received qualifications in Canada, new applicant:
o Accepted: 0
o Rejected: 0
o Still in process: 0
o Withdrawn: 0
o File inactive or closed: 0
• Received qualifications (training/work experience for
trades) internationally, new applicant:
o Accepted: 9
o Rejected: 0
o Still in process: 1
o Withdrawn: 0
An Exemplary Practice is defined as program, activity or strategy that meets one or more of the following
✓ CPA Nova Scotia and the other Canadian provinces have a streamlined process and fee structures to
support interprovincial transfers, and multijurisdictional practices.
✓ Participation in a multi-stakeholder work group with governments, ISANS, and with other financial
The Chartered Professional Accountants Nova Scotia is committed to ensuring that applicants have access to
registration practices that are transparent, objective, impartial and procedurally fair. During the FRPA Review
Process, the progressive steps that the CPA Nova Scotia has taken to improve registration practices were
brought to light, including:
Name of the Unified national body (CPA Canada) which negotiates on behalf of all the provincial
Exemplary jurisdiction leveraging the number of MRA/RMA available to applicants.
Value to The nationally negotiated MRA/RMAs provide excellent transparency and pre-arrival
Applicants: admittance to membership for many applicants.
Name of the Pathways to membership for international applicants through a visual pathway.
Value to Improve the understandability of a complex process for interested applicant’s pre-
Applicants: arrival and post-arrival.
Link to further Link to visual pathways to membership for internationally designated accountants:
Per Section 16 of the Act, the registration practices of a regulating body must be reviewed and a public report
produced. The FRPA Office works with the regulatory bodies to assess their registration practices against the
Fair-access Guidelines listed below and develop an Action Plan to help each body comply with the Act and
improve their registration practices.
CPA Nova Scotia’s responses to the FRPA Review Survey are detailed below, along with the Review Findings
determined by the Review Officer in accordance with the Act.
12 Do you have a Yes, generally, inquiries are answered within 3- Level 1 Level 3 7(b), 8(a),
reasonable 5 business days. Completed applications will be No policy 8(b), 8(c)
timeframe to assessed within 60 days. The information is Level 2
respond to available on the Contact Us page on the Policy in Place
inquiries from website.
applicants? Level 3
Policy in place and
13a Do you provide Yes, all applicants who met the registration Level 1 Level 3 8(b), 8(c),
written requirements and apply to the Registration Upon request, 10
decisions, Committee receive either an acceptance limited
responses and notification, acceptance notification with
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia Page 22
FRPA Review Report
reasons for conditions or an application decline letter. All documentation
acceptance or application decline letters are a written decision and no standard
rejection of an letter from the Registration Committee. timeline
13b Do you have a Yes - Staff Procedures Manual, Section 2. Level 2
formal policy for Membership Registration. Pg. 3-6. Some
this process? documentation
See Application Decline Letter Template
Level 3
Do you have a Yes, once a complete application is received, it
standard can take up to 60 days for processing.
process with
timeline At a national level, the profession has
clearly established
committed to the federal government a target
of six months from the date a completed
application is received, however, most
provinces, including Nova Scotia, far exceed the
target of six months.
13c Do you provide Yes, included in application decline letter. Level 1 Level 3
applicants who Yes – upon
are not granted CPA Nova Scotia has a Registration Appeals request, limited
registration with Committee. The Registration Appeals documentation
information Committee created a Notice of Appeal form Level 2
regarding an which was approved by the Board, which is Yes – limited
internal review available upon request.
(including the Level 3
opportunity to Yes – well
make documented
submissions process
respecting such
13d Based on the To date, we have not refused an application.
previous CPA Nova Scotia has dedicated significant
questions, resources to establishing a process to be
describe ways followed, as outlined in our By-Laws, which is
your included in our Registration Appeals Committee
organization Staff Procedures Manual. Written decision with
could improve reasons must be provided to the applicant
the timeliness of including information on the Registration
your decisions Appeals Process, Registration Appeals Form,
and/or how you and the Access to Records Request Policy.
the results.
19 Does your Act Yes, Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Level 1 Level 3 7(a)
include an Section 28, “Where the CEO or the Registration N/A
authority to Committee imposes a condition on registration Level 2
conduct an or refuses an application for registration, the N/A
internal review CEO shall notify the applicant of the decision to
of the do so and of the registration appeal process set Level 3
registration out in the by-laws.” Yes
Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Section
14 (1)(z) “The Board will make by-
laws…establishing a Registration Appeals
Committee in the registration process.”
The specific by-laws outlining the Registration
Appeals Committee functions are By-Laws are
329 to 344.
20 Do you have a Yes, the specific By-Laws are 329 to 344. Level 1 Level 3 7(a), 10
regulation or by- N/A
law that defines Level 2
the internal N/A
review process?
Level 3
21 When are Included with a registration decision. Level 1 Level 3 7(a), 10(1)
unsuccessful No specific
candidates timeline
informed of their Level 2
right to internal Specific timeline
review of the
Not documented
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia Page 26
FRPA Review Report
registration Level 3
decision? Specific timeline
Documented and
22a Do you have an Yes, per the Registration Appeals Form with Level 1 Level 3 7(a), 10(1)
internal review instructions, links to By-Laws etc. Yes
process and Not documented
document (policy Level 2
document)? Yes
22b Does this include Yes, the Registration Appeals Committee will Documented
time frames for hold the hearing within 3-months of receipt of
the internal the Notice to Review. The Registration Appeals Level 3
review? Committee will issue a written decision letter Yes
within 3 months of the completion of the Documented and
hearing. The registration manual provides the available to
procedures followed by staff and the applicant
23a With regards to Upon receipt of a Notice to Review, the CEO Level 1 Level 3 7(a), 10,
the internal shall deliver all material used in making the Not documented 16(3)(m)
review process decision under appeal. Level 2
you make Documented
available to The Appeal Committee determines oral vs.
applicants that written submissions. Level 3
are not granted Documented and
registration: The Committee must consider additional made available to
summarize the submissions from Appellant. applicant
process of the
internal review. The Committee upon conclusion of the hearing
a) Overturn the initial decision
b) Vary the initial decision
c) Dismiss the appeal
25 Have individuals Yes, the training included the following: N/A N/A 7(a), 11,
who make 16(3)(p)
internal review
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia Page 28
FRPA Review Report
decisions • Review of Registration Practices
received including Registration Manual
appropriate • Registration Appeals Committee Appeal
training? Framework
• Requirements of FRPA
• Review of Authority of Public Inquires
• Review of CPA Nova Scotia Act, and By-
Laws with focus on By-Laws 329-344.
• Expectation of a Hearing (oral and
written submissions)
• Review of the Registration Appeals
Committee Manual including
Impartiality, Confidentiality, Committee
Terms of Reference and Registration
Appeal Committee Guidelines
26 Do you have a Yes, in the terms of reference for the Level 1 Level 3 7(a),
prohibition that committee. 10(5),
states that ‘no N/A 16(3)(n)
one who acted
as a decision- Level 2
maker in respect
of a registration
decision acted as Level 3
a decision-maker
in an internal Yes
27 Do you have any Yes, currently, there are international N/A N/A 7
international agreements with 15 international accounting
agreements (i.e. bodies, which have been negotiated and agreed
reciprocal to by the national body, CPA Canada, and
recognition) adopted by the individual CPA provincial bodies.
endorsed by
your regulatory
body or national
29 Does your Yes, by-law 212 (ii) indicates that an applicant N/A N/A Chapter 7,
legislation seeking registration as a member must be a CFTA
and/or member in good standing in an extra-provincial
regulations regulatory body. These individuals can seek
include labour membership through a simple application
mobility process. The CPA provincial Registrars across
provisions (i.e. Canada are closely integrated.
the ability to
accept applicants
already certified
in another
regardless of the
requirements in
the previous
30 Do you review Yes, CPA Nova Scotia conducts jurisdictional N/A N/A 3, Chapter
the requirements scans on a regular basis to see what the other 7, CFTA
of the other provincial CPA bodies are doing for certain
provincial functions.
bodies regularly?
We have a CPA Canada Registrars Working
Group meeting via conference call every six
weeks, and twice annually in person.
31b If yes, did you Yes, FRPA Officer was aware of the changes.
work with the
Labour Mobility
Coordinator or a
representative to
complete an
notification (i.e.
notification form
sent prior to
approval that
informs other
jurisdictions of
the proposed
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
For Office Use Only
Internationally Designated Accountants membership Process
Updated June 1, 2018. Subject to change without notice.
CPA NS Membership
Designated Body Current Agreements Requirements
• Instituto Mexicano
• US CPA (specific State
Group A
• South African Institute of CPA Reciprocity Professional Development Course MRA/RMA International Application
CPA Canada
Chartered Accountants (CPARPD) within first two years of membership Form for Membership (Form A1)
• Chartered Accountants
Australia and New Zealand
• The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Ireland
• The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Scotland
• The Institute of
Chartered Accountants
of England & Wales No prerequisite. Conditional membership
Group B
902.334.1176 Membership to
[email protected] CPA Nova Scotia
To be eligible to apply for membership, a person must, at the time of filing such
application and fee with CPA Nova Scotia, be a member in good standing of one of
the designated accounting bodies listed above, having completed the education,
examination and practical experience requirements of the member body. The RMA is
not binding for members who have achieved the membership through another
Good standing with the parent accounting body must be maintained until admission
to CPA Nova Scotia membership.
Candidates must submit the following documentation:
• A completed MRA/RMA International Applicant Form (attached)
• A completed Request for Certification of Membership with a GAA member
body letter (attached)
In addition, members from any of the above member bodies are required to
successfully complete the CPA Reciprocity Professional Development Course
(CPARPD) by the second anniversary of the date of admission to membership. This
course consists of approximately 20 hours of online study in Canadian tax, law and
ethics in modular form. Proof of completion must be provided to CPA Nova Scotia.
Note: Admission as a member under this route does not automatically provide a
member with the right to offer pubic accounting services to the public as an
engagement partner responsible for the audits of financial statements. Members are
rtification criteria as well as
the Public Accountants Board of Nova Scotia (PABNS) requirements.
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
Required Fees
The following fees apply:
Application for Membership by International Reciprocity - $675.00 + HST.
In addition, payment of membership fees according to the category of membership,
prorated to the nearest full month of membership, will be required.
Initial application can be completed pre-arrival to Canada.
MRA/RMA International Applicant Form
The information on this form is collected, stored and used in accordance with any privacy legislation in the province to which you are
applying, and is collected for the purpose of processing your application for membership. Questions or concerns about the collection
and use of the information should be directed to the Privacy Officer of the provincial/regional CPA body of which you are requesting
membership. Contact information is available on page 5 of this form.
Complete the form and send to the province/region where you intend to seek registration.
Title: Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss Other/Prefer not to answer Gender identity: F M Other
Registered Name: (Attach proof of legal name)
Family name:
Given name(s): Birth date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Former Legal Name (name under which the professional accounting qualification of the accounting body outside Canada was gained
if different from Registered Name indicated above):
Check if this is your preferred email address
Postal address: Unit:
City: Province/State:
Postal/Zip Code: Country:
Residential Phone: Residential Fax:
Check if this is your preferred mailing address
Employer Name: Position Title:
Employer Address: Unit:
City: Province/State:
Postal/Zip Code: Country:
Employment Phone: Employment Fax:
Employment Email:
Check if this is your preferred mailing address Check if this is your preferred email address
* It is your responsibility to keep your contact information current with your CPA body. By providing an email address, you will receive
important regulatory communications by email.
I intend to seek registration in the province/region of:
Have you previously been an applicant or registrant of another provincial/regional CPA body? Yes No
If the answer is Yes, please specify which CPA body:
All documents must be in French or English if you applying in Quebec or New Brunswick, and in English if you are applying in all other
I understand and can speak and write in: English French Both English and French
List the details of your Professional Accountancy qualifications.
Starting with the most recent, please list the details of your post-secondary education, including all colleges, universities and
institutions you attended.
Starting with the most recent, provide the following information as it pertains to your relevant work experience prior to earning your
accounting credential. Attach separate page(s) if more space is required..
Starting with the most recent, provide the following information as it pertains to your relevant work experience after earning your ac-
counting credential. Attach separate page(s) if more space is required.
Are you lawfully permitted to work or study in Canada? Yes No
Are you lawfully permitted to work or study in Bermuda? (if applicable) Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or other similar offence for which a pardon has not been
granted or are there any charges pending against you?
Have you ever had a professional licence or permit suspended or revoked as a result of a disciplinary matter?
Are you, or have you ever been, subject to a disciplinary decision by a regulatory body, or a professional body?
Have you ever made an assignment in bankruptcy, been declared bankrupt or taken the benefit of any statutory
provision for insolvency?
Have you ever been found guilty of a violation of securities regulatory authority legislation or tax authority legislation?
I declare that the above information and all other information given in this application are true and correct. I acknowledge and
agree that it is my responsibility to provide the CPA body with all required information and documentation acceptable to the
CPA body and to pay to the CPA body the applicable fee for this application. I further acknowledge and agree that the CPA
body may not consider this application to be complete in all respects and may not process, assess or accept this application
if any of the required information or documentation acceptable to the CPA body has not been filed with the CPA body or if the
applicable fee has not been paid to the CPA body. I hereby certify that the personal information I have provided to the CPA
body is accurate and has been freely given. I authorize the CPA body to verify the information provided or to obtain from the
organizations concerned any information relevant to this application.
I understand that any false or misleading statement contained in my application may be used by the CPA body in any
proceeding respecting the validity of my application or my status as an international applicant with the CPA body.
I undertake that, if I am admitted as a member, I will be governed by the CPA Act, Bylaws, Bylaw Regulations, and Rules/Code
of Professional Conduct, as may be amended from time to time.
Upon admission to membership, I understand and authorize that information provided on this form will form part of my
member record and will be used by the CPA provincial/regional body for administration purposes. I understand that all
information will be treated confidentially.
Proof of legal name
All applicants are required to provide proof of legal name (i.e. birth certificate, passport, or while neither Canadian citizenship nor landed im-
migration status is required to be accepted as an applicant, Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant identification card may be provided).
Please provide an affidavit sworn before a commissioner of oaths or notary public as documentation of proof of a change in the legal name,
such as a legal change of name document issued by a government or government authority, a court order or decision, or a marriage or
divorce certificate that shows both the former legal name and the current legal name.
Evidence of certification by a US state board of accountancy or membership in an accounting body outside Canada
(see form found in Appendix 1, if applicable).
All applicants must provide full details of their certification by a US state board of accountancy or of membership in an accounting
body outside Canada. The state board or other accounting body is to return the completed document directly to the CPA body.
Applicants may wish to supplement the completed form with additional information showing how they meet the competencies required.
Contact the provincial/regional CPA body in which you want to apply to obtain details relating to your application.
Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island
800 – 555 West Hastings Street 600 – 97 Queen Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N6 P.O. Box 301
Phone: +1 604.872.7222 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 7K7
Fax: +1 604.681.1523 Phone: +1 902.894.4290
Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 902.894.4791
Web site: Email: [email protected]
Web site:
Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba
1675 One Lombard Place Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X3 5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 800
Phone: +1 204.943.1538 Montréal (Québec) H3B 2G2
Toll Free: 1 800.841.7148 (within Manitoba) Phone: +1 514.288.3256 ext. 2601
Fax: +1 204.943.7119 Toll free: 1 800.363.4688
Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 514.843.8375
Web site: Email : [email protected]
Web site:
Chartered Professional Accountants of New Brunswick
602 – 860 Main Street Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 1G2 101 – 4581 Parliament Avenue
Phone: +1 506.830.3300 Regina, Saskatchewan S4W 0G3
Fax: +1 506.830.3310 Phone: +1 306.359.0272
Email: [email protected] Toll free: 1 800.667.3535
Web site: Fax: +1 306.347.8580
Email: [email protected]
Chartered Professional Accountants of Newfoundland Web site:
and Labrador
500 – 95 Bonaventure Avenue Chartered Professional Accountants of Yukon
Suite 500 c/o The Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia
St. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 2X5 800 – 555 West Hastings Street
Phone: +1 709.753.3090 Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N6
Fax: +1 709.753.3609 Phone: +1 604.872.7222
Web site: Fax: +1 604.681.1523
Email: [email protected]
Chartered Professional Accountants Web site:
of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Phone: +1 867.873.5020
Fax: +1 867.873.4469
Email: [email protected]
Request for Certification
of Membership with a GAA
Member Body
Re: (Print applicant’s name)
The person named above has applied for membership in Chartered Professional Accountants of
(province/region), under the Reciprocal Membership Agreement between Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
and the (GAA member body).
Please confirm the following information:
Registered name (in full):
Date admitted to membership (mm/dd/yyyy):
Academic Qualifications: University:
This membership was gained by:
• completing prescribed practical experience of: years
• virtue of passing the qualifying examination(s) on (mm/dd/yyyy):
Please return the completed document directly to the address of the provincial/regional CPA body provided on page 2.
Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island
800 – 555 West Hastings Street 600 – 97 Queen Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N6 P.O. Box 301
Phone: +1 604.872.7222 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 7K7
Fax: +1 604.681.1523 Phone: +1 902.894.4290
Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 902.894.4791
Web site: Email: [email protected]
Web site:
Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba
1675 One Lombard Place Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X3 5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 800
Phone: +1 204.943.1538 Montréal (Québec) H3B 2G2
Toll Free: 1 800.841.7148 (within Manitoba) Phone: +1 514.288.3256 ext. 2601
Fax: +1 204.943.7119 Toll free: 1 800.363.4688
Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 514.843.8375
Web site: Email : [email protected]
Web site:
Chartered Professional Accountants of New Brunswick
602 – 860 Main Street Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 1G2 101 – 4581 Parliament Avenue
Phone: +1 506.830.3300 Regina, Saskatchewan S4W 0G3
Fax: +1 506.830.3310 Phone: +1 306.359.0272
Email: [email protected] Toll free: 1 800.667.3535
Web site: Fax: +1 306.347.8580
Email: [email protected]
Chartered Professional Accountants of Newfoundland Web site:
and Labrador
500 – 95 Bonaventure Avenue Chartered Professional Accountants of Yukon
Suite 500 c/o The Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia
St. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 2X5 800 – 555 West Hastings Street
Phone: +1 709.753.3090 Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N6
Fax: +1 709.753.3609 Phone: +1 604.872.7222
Web site: Fax: +1 604.681.1523
Email: [email protected]
Chartered Professional Accountants Web site:
of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Phone: +1 867.873.5020
Fax: +1 867.873.4469
Email: [email protected]
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
To be eligible to apply for membership, a person must, at the time of filing such
application and fee with CPA Nova Scotia, be a member in good standing of one of
the designated accounting bodies listed above, having been admitted there after
passing the final examinations and satisfying the admission and experience
Good standing with the parent accounting body must be maintained until admission
to CPA Nova Scotia membership.
Candidates must submit an Application for Membership by International Reciprocity
Members from these accounting bodies are immediately admitted to membership
upon acceptance by the Registration Committee, but must, within two years of
admission, complete an online PD course (CARPD), approximately 20 hours long,
which includes an introduction to the Canadian CA profession, and law and tax in
Canada. The cost for CARPD is $895 + GST.
Note: Admission as a member under this route does not automatically provide a
member with the right to offer pubic accounting services to the public as an
engagement partner responsible for the audits of financial statements. Members are
Public Accounting Certification Criteria as well as
the Public Accountants Board of Nova Scotia (PABNS) requirements.
Required Fees
The following fees apply:
Application for Membership by International Reciprocity - $675.00 + HST.
In addition, payment of membership fees according to the category of membership,
prorated to the nearest full month of membership, will be required.
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
Time Limits
Applicants applying under this route have two years from the date of their
acceptance as a member to successfully complete the CARPD.
Initial application can be completed pre-arrival to Canada.
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
Make cheques payable to CPA Nova Scotia. You may also pay by MasterCard or VISA (see page 4)
If you have ever been known by another name, please provide such name below and send proof of name change
(i.e., copy of: court decree, dissolution, or marriage certificate)
Home Address
Academic Background:
University Education
Pre-Qualification Experience:
Indicate length of experience required to qualify for the designation/certificate/title on which application for
membership by reciprocity is based: or
Years Months
How much, if any, of this experience was in public practice?
All Some None
How much of this experience was obtained while resident in the country/state/province granting the
designation/certificate/title on which application for reciprocity is based?
Work Experience:
Have you been employed for two years (or more) in the country/state/province granting the designation on which
application for membership for reciprocity is based? (Provide details below.)
Yes □ No □
Page 3
Employer Address Date Description
From To
Other Employment
Employer Address Date Description
From To
Chargeable Hours
Please confirm hours obtained while in public practice:
I have a minimum 2500 total chargeable hours. Yes □ No □
If you have indicated No, how many total hours do you have?
I have a minimum of 1250 attestation hours, of which a minimum 625 are audit. Yes □ No □
If you have indicated No, how many attest/audit hours do you have?
I have a minimum of 100 taxation hours. Yes □ No □
If you have indicated No, how many tax hours do you have?
Page 4
Applicant - please sign below before a Notary Public
3. agree to report to the Institute within 30 days any investigations undertaken or sanctions imposed by
the foreign credentialing body granting the designation/certificate/title on which this application by
reciprocity is based;
4. authorize CPA Nova Scotia to notify the foreign credentialing body on which this application is
based of any discipline sanctions imposed against me by CPA Nova Scotia;
5. authorize CPA Nova Scotia to participate in joint investigations with the foreign credentialing body
and to share, on a reciprocal basis, evidence relating to an investigation which is being carried out
by both credentialing bodies.
Applicant Signature
Signed or attested to before me on:
Notary Signature
My appointment expires:
CAGE/April 2016 V1
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
Print Applicant’s Name
In connection with the above named person, applicant for membership in the Chartered Professional
Accountants of Nova Scotia, information relating to membership status in this accounting body is given below:
The person named above is in good standing with (name of accounting
body) and we know of no reason why membership in the Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
should not be granted.
[email protected]
For Office Use Only
3. -
The following requirements must be met before an applicant would be eligible to receive a
CPA Nova Scotia membership application:
1. Complete the CPD course, Overview of Canadian Tax and Law, and submit the
certificate of completion. Transfer credits may be granted if applicants have
completed an equivalent course from a Canadian post-secondary institute approved by
CPA Nova Scotia.
2. Provide a complete initial application form meeting all admission requirements as
required by CPA Nova Scotia below.
a. Offshore applicants and those residing in British Columbia, must apply through
CPA British Columbia at [email protected].
2. Contact ACCA and request a Membership Status Letter. This must be sent directly to
CPA Nova Scotia from ACCA to the address above.
3. Contact WES and have your post-secondary institute evaluation sent directly to us.
4. Complete the CPD Course, Overview of Canadian Tax and Law, and submit the
certificate of completion. If a transfer credit is granted by CPA Nova Scotia, provide
official sealed transcripts from the post-secondary institution (this may be provided
with your initial application form submission).
5. Once the above information has been provided and approved by CPA Nova Scotia, you
will be invited to complete and submit an application for membership and submit the
registration fee of $675.00 + HST ($776.25). Your application will then be submitted to
the Registration Committee for its consideration and you will be advised in due course.
If your application is subsequently approved, you will be invoiced the appropriate
annual fees due at the time of admission.
Originating Designation
Members admitted under the terms of this MRA are required to maintain their originating
designation. This includes payment of annual dues and annual reporting of CPD. If, for any
reason, a member ceases to hold his or her originating designation, the member shall
automatically cease to be a member of CPA Nova Scotia under this MRA.
Admission as a member under this MRA does not provide a member with the right to offer
public accounting services to the public. Members are required to meet CPA
public accounting certification criteria.
FAQs for ACCA Members
1. What is the MRA about? Does it apply to me?
The MRA provides a route for qualified members of either body to become a member of the other
body and enjoy the benefits which both designations can offer. This includes providing members
with increased international recognition and mobility. You must have obtained membership into
ACCA through the completion of the ACCA Professional or Part 3 examinations and met the required
experience. Members who obtained membership into ACCA through an MRA with another
professional body are not eligible to become members of CPA Nova Scotia pursuant to this MRA.
e) Complete the CPD course, Overview of Canadian Tax and Law, and submit the certificate of
completion. If a transfer credit is granted by CPA Nova Scotia, provide official sealed transcripts
from the post-secondary institution. (This may be provided with your initial application form
f) Once the above information has been provided and approved by CPA Nova Scotia, you will be
invited to complete and submit an application for membership and submit the applicaiton fee of
$675.00 + HST ($776.25). Your application will then be submitted to the Registration Committee for
its consdieration and you will be advised in due course. If your application is subsequently approved,
you will be invoiced the appropriate annual fees due at the time of admission.
7. How do I arrange to take the required Canadian tax and law course?
Complete the CPD course, Overview of Canadian Tax and Law, and submit the certificate of completion.
Transfer credits may be granted if applicants have completed an equivalent course from a Canadian
post-secondary institution approved by CPA Nova Scotia.
8. How much will overview of canadian tax and law course cost?
The cost of the course is $495 Canadian dollars (+ applicable taxes). Payable by Mastercard or Visa
only. and is offered by CPA Canada (see link in paragraph 7).
9. I do not have a university degree and I qualified as an ACCA member after July 31, 1998. What do I
need to do to become a CPA, CGA?
ACCA members who gained membership to ACCA after July 31, 1998 are required to hold a university
degree recognized by the CPA profession.
10. I plan to immigrate to Canada as an ACCA member and obtain my CPA, CGA next year. Can I apply
before coming to Canada?
Yes. ACCA members applying from outside of Canada can apply directly through CPA British Columbia
at [email protected].
11. How long will it take for my application to become a cPa, cga to be processed?
Once the required documents and a completed initial applicaiton package are received by CPA Nova
Scotia it will take one to three months to process an application to become a CPA, CGA under this
12. If I am already a CPA, CGA member, do I have to do anything?
No. Individuals who are both an ACCA member and a CPA, CGA only need to ensure each designation’s
requirements are maintained to remain a certified member of both bodies.
13. If I apply for membership with a provincial CPA body under this MRA do I have to keep my ACCA
Yes. Members of both bodies are required to keep their membership if they are accepted as a member of
the other body under this MRA.
18. If I complete my professional developments requirements through the routes offered under
the ACCA’s Realise Continuing Professional Development program will this count toward my
CPD requirements as a CPA, CGA member?
Yes. Completion of ACCA’s Realise Continuing Professional Development program
requirements will satisfy the CPD requirements set by CPA Canada.
19. I have a practicing certificate with ACCA enabling me to conduct audits in the UK. Can
I transfer this to an audit status equivalent with CPA in a province where CPA, CGA has
statutory rights to audit?
No. Members must meet the residency requirements as well as CPA Nova Scotia's
public accounting certification criteria.
20. If I obtain my CPA, CGA designation in one province will it be recognized in another?
Yes. CPA, CGA members enjoy full mobility within Canada. Professions in Canada are
regulated at the provincial level. This means CPA, CGAs moving from one province to another
are required to transfer their membership to the province/region of residence and may be
required to complete additional courses or exams.
21. If I obtain my CPA, CGA designation in Canada, can I use this when I go to work in Hong
Kong/Bermuda/China, etc.?
Yes. The CPA, CGA designation obtained in Canada is recognized abroad.
22. Does the MRA confer public practicing rights in countries where CPA, CGA members are
eligible to obtain public practicing rights from another body?
No. Members wishing to obtain public practicing rights from a particular country will need to
meet additional requirements specified by the regulatory authority in that country.
23. I am an ACCA student and have not completed my practical experience to become a full
member. Can I qualify under the MRA?
Only full members of ACCA can qualify to become a CPA, CGA under the MRA.
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 423.1605
Have you ever been enrolled as a CICA, CGA, or CMA student? Yes No
Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: Home E‐mail Address: ________________________________________
ACCA Membership Number: Date Admitted by ACCA:
Date Admitted as FCCA:
(If applicable)
a) Degrees or designations (other than ACCA): _________________________________________________
Institution: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
b) Degrees or designations (other than ACCA): _________________________________________________
Institution: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Page 1 of 5
Your Employer’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Your Employer’s Your Job Title: _________________________________________________________________
Your Employer’s Address: _____________________________________________ City: _________________
Province: Country: Postal Code:
Work Phone: Work E‐mail Address:
This is my preferred mailing address (please tick)
Are you offering any public accounting services in Canada? Yes No
Please read each of the terms and conditions below and initial, if fully understood:
If admitted as a CPA, CGA member, I agree to read and strictly comply with and be bound by the CPA
Nova Scotia Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Bylaws, Code of Professional Conduct or
Regulations and any changes that may occur from time to time. I acknowledge that I have access to
these regulations through the CPA Nova Scotia Website. I understand that any breach of these rules
and regulations could make me liable to disciplinary action under these regulations including my name
being published in a public advisory or discipline summary.
Moreover, implicit in the statement set out above, I agree to meet the requirements of the
Continuing Professional Development program in accordance with the Organization’s policy.
I understand that if it is subsequently determined that information provided in this
Application form was incorrect, incomplete or otherwise misleading; the matter will be
subject to disciplinary action.
Page 2 of 5
In your employment, business or personal affairs have you, or any company in which you have a direct
or indirect controlling interest in any country:
• ever been charged in Canada or elsewhere, with any crime, offence or Yes No
delinquency under a statute or ordinance, excluding parking or speeding tickets if
(If yes, please attach details)
you have received fewer than five such tickets in the last three years?
• ever failed to obey a court order? Yes No
(If yes, please attach details)
• ever had disciplinary action commenced against you, or been censured, Yes No
suspended or barred by a securities regulator?
(If yes, please attach details)
• ever been involved in any issue or controversy that has gone, or is now likely to Yes No
go to litigation or public review?
(If yes, please attach details)
• declared bankruptcy within the past 7 years? Yes No
(If yes, please attach details)
If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, please include full details with this application.
Your application will be considered based on the facts within the supporting information you provide.
Signature: Date:
Page 3 of 5
In providing personal information on this form (and any other information collected and maintained in
the course of the application process) and signing the document I consent to its use for the purposes of:
1. regulating applicants in accordance with the provisions of the provincial or national Act
incorporating the CPA Organization, Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Bylaws, Code of
Professional Conduct or Regulations;
2. admission to membership;
3. processing payments; and
4. exchanging membership status information, including the disclosure of confidential disciplinary
investigation and sanctions with ACCA.
If admitted, I agree to report to the Organization within 30 days any investigations undertaken or
sanctions imposed by the foreign credentialing body granting the designation/certificate/title on which
this application by reciprocity is based.
I know of no fact or circumstance relating to my character or reputation that would render me ineligible
to become a member of the Organization.
Signature of Applicant: Date:
Page 4 of 5
Documentation to be provided after submission of the initial application:
Membership Status letter sent directly to the Organization by the ACCA.
Certificate of completion of the CPA Overview of Canadian Income Tax and Law course available on
completion of the online course. This is to be provided directly by the applicant. Applicants claiming
a transfer credit from the course are required to provide an official sealed transcript showing
completion of an acceptable equivalent course from a Canadian post‐secondary institution.
Transcript to be provided directly by the post‐secondary institution to the appropriate Organization
Official sealed transcript of your degree sent directly to the Organization by your post‐secondary
If your name has changed since the time of your initial enrolment in the program, please provide us
with proof of your legal name change.
The following will act as confirmation of a name change:
Copy of Marriage Certificate and copy of one of the following: driver’s license, passport or,
Copy of Divorce Decree and copy of one of the following: driver’s license, passport, or,
Copy of Legal Change of Name Certificate and copy of one of the following: driver’s license, passport.
Note that if your citizenship changed since the time of your initial enrolment in the program we will
require a proof of your current/new status.
Page 5 of 5
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 407.2967
PLEASE NOTE that you may not use the CPA designation until all aspects of the application process are complete, including
payment of the application fee and dues. If payment of the application fee and member dues is not submitted within 30 days
of conditional approval, the conditional approval expires and you may be required to resubmit the application for review under
the admission requirements in force at the time of resubmission.
1. Applicant Information
First Middle Last
(Legal name - print in upper and lower case as it will appear on your CPA certificate and online directory.)
If you have been known by another name since you were last a member, please provide such name below
and send proof of name change (i.e. copy of: court order or marriage certificate).
Previous Name(s)
Address Street City Province/Territory/State
Name Job title
It is a member’s responsibility to keep their contact information up-to-date with CPA NS. By providing CPA NS with your email
address, you agree to receiving communications from CPA NS by email.
If you have held membership in this or another province or territory, please provide information on why this membership
was discontinued:
Organization Profile
(provide a brief description of the organization’s core business focus and activities)
Organization Chart
For illustrative purposes, please provide a visual organization chart that clearly shows your management relationship to
the major units or departments of the organization.
Organization Profile
(provide a brief description of the organization’s core business focus and activities)
Organization Chart
For illustrative purposes, please provide a visual organization chart that clearly shows your management relationship to
the major units or departments of the organization.
Organization Profile
(provide a brief description of the organization’s core business focus and activities)
Organization Chart
For illustrative purposes, please provide a visual organization chart that clearly shows your management relationship to
the major units or departments of the organization.
Organization Profile
(provide a brief description of the organization’s core business focus and activities)
Organization Chart
For illustrative purposes, please provide a visual organization chart that clearly shows your management relationship to
the major units or departments of the organization.
I confirm that I am a member in good standing with CIMA with no outstanding disciplinary charges or outstanding
complaints; that no previous disciplinary action has been taken against me and that I have no unreported criminal
convictions; and,
I confirm that I have not, at any time in the past, failed a CMA Canada qualifying examination (Final Accreditation
Examination or Entrance Examination) or another CMA Canada accreditation program; and,
I have read, had opportunity to request clarification upon, and agree to abide by the governing
legislation, Bylaws, Rules of Professional Conduct of CPA NS; and
I understand and will comply with the stipulation that I may not perform public accounting in Nova Scotia solely by
virtue of this agreement; and
I certify that the information provided in this application package is accurate and complete, and that I understand that
submitting false or deliberately misleading information will be grounds for immediate disqualification of my application
or cancellation of membership if subsequently discovered; and,
By signing below, I authorize CPA NS to contact, at their sole discretion and without notice to me, any individuals,
businesses, or organizations listed in this application including CIMA to verify the information I have provided;
I authorize CPA NS to retain a copy of this application document and all attachments, in full, as part of my
permanent member file should I be successful in my application, and I consent to the use, retention, and periodic
updating of this information for the purposes of CPA NS and CPA Canada maintaining and updating my
membership record.
Print Name
To be signed by two members in good standing of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (who have known
you for at least one year). The two members cannot be a family member. “Family member” means an individual’s
spouse, common law spouse, natural or adopted parent, sibling, natural or adopted children, natural grandchildren, or a
child legally adopted by the natural or adopted child of the individual such that the child is considered a grandchild of the
individual. Sponsors are vouching for the character and the integrity of the applicant.
I certify that the above applicant for admission has been personally known to me and that the applicant is, to my
knowledge, of good character, and in my opinion is a suitable person to be admitted as a member of the Chartered
Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia.
Please print full name, including designation CPA Canada ID# & province where membership held
Signature of Proposer
Please print full name, including designation CPA Canada ID# & province where membership held
Signature of Proposer
Chartered Professional Accountants of Nova Scotia
1871 Hollis Street Suite 300 Halifax NS CANADA B3J 0C3
T. 902 425.7273 F. 902 423.1605
Note: As per By-law 335 the Notice of Appeal and a copy of the decision or notice being appealed
must be filed in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the decision, action or notice that is being
I, ______________________________________, the Appellant, understand that this
Notice of Appeal Form is my opportunity to set out the reasons (grounds) why I believe that
the decision should be reviewed. I understand that the review by the Registration Appeals
Committee will be based on the reasons (grounds) for review that I included on this Form
(or an attachment, if more space was required). Furthermore, I understand that I cannot
raise additional reasons (grounds) for the review, and I cannot seek any other outcome
(relief), at a later time in this review process.
Access to Records Request Policy
CPA Nova Scotia will provide an with
access to records held by CPA Nova Scotia that are related to the individual s application.
• Requests for
• Written requests may be made to the Registrar by email ([email protected]).
• records must be made by the applicant
• CPA Nova Scotia
within 30
within 30 days, CPA Nova Scotia shall inform the applicant of the timeframe when their
records will be accessible, such timeframe not to exceed 120 days from the date of the
• CPA Nova Scotia will not provide access to the following documents that may form
• CPA Nova Scotia will provide
facsimile, as requested by the applicant.
• CPA Nova Scotia
• CPA Nova Scotia will charge a flat fee of $50.00 + HST, as the cost of gathering and
released and sent by mail;
• CPA Nova Scotia
facsimile, at a cost of $3.00 per page.
• If an applicant requests their records be sent by courier, the applicant shall pay the
cost of the courier service.
• If an applicant believes the information held by CPA Nova Scotia is inaccurate, the
applicant may request that CPA Nova Scotia correct its records by making a written
request to the Registrar with documentation supporting the
Internationally Designated Accountants membership Process
Updated June 1, 2018. Subject to change without notice.
CPA NS Membership
Designated Body Current Agreements Requirements
• Instituto Mexicano
• US CPA (specific State
Group A
• South African Institute of CPA Reciprocity Professional Development Course MRA/RMA International Application
CPA Canada
Chartered Accountants (CPARPD) within first two years of membership Form for Membership (Form A1)
• Chartered Accountants
Australia and New Zealand
• The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Ireland
• The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Scotland
• The Institute of
Chartered Accountants
of England & Wales No prerequisite. Conditional membership
Group B
902.334.1176 Membership to
[email protected] CPA Nova Scotia