Nandiyanto Et Al 2019 - How To Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic

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4 (1) April 2019 Page 97-118

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How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic

Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Rosi Oktiani, Risti Ragadhita

Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]


Article History:
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) has been developed as a Received 10 Jan 2019
tool for the simultaneous determination of organic Revised 20 Jan 2019
Accepted 31 Aug 2019
components, including chemical bond, as well as organic Available online 09 Apr 2019
content (e.g., protein, carbohydrate, and lipid). However, ____________________
until now, there is no further documents for describing the Keywords:
detailed information in the FTIR peaks. The objective of this FTIR,
infrared spectrum,
study was to demonstrate how to read and assess chemical organic material,
bond and structure of organic material in the FTIR, in which chemical bond,
the analysis results were then compared with the literatures. organic structure.
The step-by-step method on how to read the FTIR data was
also presented, including reviewing simple to the complex
organic materials. This study is potential to be used as a
standard information on how to read FTIR peaks in the
biochemical and organic materials.
© 2019Tim Pengembang Jurnal UPI

1. INTRODUCTION analysis is quite rapid, good in accuracy, and

relatively sensitive (Jaggi and Vij, 2006).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) is one
of the important analytical techniques for In the FTIR analysis procedure, samples
researchers. This type of analysis can be used are subjected to contact with infrared (IR)
for characterizing samples in the forms of radiation. The IR radiations then have
liquids, solutions, pastes, powders, films, impacts on the atomic vibrations of a
fibers, and gases. This analysis is also possible molecule in the sample, resulting the specific
for analyzing material on the surfaces of absorption and/or transmission of energy.
substrate (Fan et al., 2012). Compared to This makes the FTIR useful for determining
other types of characterization analysis, FTIR specific molecular vibrations contained in the
is quite popular. This characterization sample (Kirk and Othmer, 1953).

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A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 98

Many techniques for explaining in detail 2. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE FOR

regarding the FTIR analysis have been UNDERSTANDING FTIR SPECTRUM
reported (Coates, 2000; Jaggi and Vij, 2006;
2.1. Spectrum in the FTIR analysis result.
Kirk and Othmer, 1953). However, most
papers did not report in detail about how to The main idea gained from the FTIR
read and interpret the FTIR results. In fact, analysis is to understand what the meaning
the way to understand in detail for beginner of the FTIR spectrum (see example FTIR
scientists and students are inevitable. spectrum in Figure 1). The spectrum can
result “absorption versus wavenumber” or
This report was to discuss and explain
“transmission versus wavenumber” data. In
how to read and interpret FTIR data in the
this paper, we discuss only the “absorption
organic material. The analysis was then
versus wavenumber” curves.
compared with the literatures. The step-by-
step method on how to read the FTIR data In short, the IR spectrum is divided into
was presented, including reviewing simple to three wavenumber regions: far-IR spectrum
the complex organic materials. (<400 cm-1), mid-IR spectrum (400-4000 cm-
1), and near-IR spectrum (4000-13000 cm-1).
As a model of complex organic materials,
The mid-IR spectrum is the most widely used
Lumbricus rubellus (LR) was used. LR has
in the sample analysis, but far- and near-IR
quite high protein (64-76%), fat (7-10%),
spectrum also contribute in providing
calcium (0.55%), phosphorus (1%), and crude
information about the samples analyzed. This
fiber (1.08%) (Istiqomah et al., 1958). LR also
study focused on the analysis of FTIR in the
has at least 9 types of essential amino acids
mid-IR spectrum.
and 4 types of non-essential amino acids
(Desi, 2016; Istiqomah et al., 1958). As a The mid-IR spectrum is divided into four
consequence, LR is classified as one of the regions:
most complex organic materials. To ensure
the effectiveness in the step-by-step reading (i) the single bond region (2500-4000 cm-1),
procedure, various samples of LR that were (ii) the triple bond region (2000-2500 cm-1),
heated at specific temperatures were also
analyzed since LR is vulnerable against heat. (iii) the double bond region (1500-2000 cm-
1), and
We believe that this paper can be used as a
basic knowledge for students and beginner (iv) the fingerprint region (600-1500 cm-1).
scientists in comprehending and interpreting
FTIR data. The schematic IR spectrum is available in
Figure 1, and the specific frequency of each
functional groups is available in Table 1.

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p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
99| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Figure 1. Mid-IR spectrum regions

Table 1. Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data was adopted
from reference (Coates, 2000)

Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)

1. Saturated Aliphatic (alkene/alkyl)
a) Methyl (−CH3)
Methyl C-H asym./sym. Stretch 2970–2950/2880–2860
Methyl C-H asym./sym. Bend 1470–1430/1380–1370
gem-Dimethyl or ‘‘iso’’- (doublet) 1385–1380/1370–1365
Trimethyl or ‘‘tert-butyl’’ (multiplet) 1395–1385/1365
b) Methylene (>CH2)
Methylene C-H asym./sym. Stretch 2935–2915/2865–2845
Methylene C-H bend 1485–1445
Methylene ―(CH2)n― rocking (n ≥ 3) 750–720
Cyclohexane ring vibrations 1055–1000/1005–925
c) Methyne (>CH−)
Methyne C-H stretch 2900–2880
Methyne C-H bend 1350–1330
Skeletal C-C vibrations 1300–700
d) Special methyl (−CH3) frequencies
Methoxy, methyl ether O-CH3, C-H stretch 2850–2815
Methylamino, N-CH3, C-H stretch 2820–2780

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A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 100

Table 1 (continue). Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data

was adopted from reference (Coates, 2000)

Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)

2. Olefinic (alkene)
Alkenyl C=C stretch 1680–1620
Aryl-substituted C=C 1625
Conjugated C=C 1600
Terminal (vinyl) C-H stretch 3095–3075
Pendant (vinylidene) C-H stretch 3095–3075
Medial, cis- or trans-C-H stretch 3040–3010
Table 1 (continue). Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data was adopted from
reference (Coates, 2000)
Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)
Vinyl C-H in-plane bend 1420–1410
Vinylidene C-H in-plane bend 1310–1290
Vinyl C-H out-of-plane bend 995–985 + 915–890
Vinylidene C-H out-of-plane bend 895–885
trans-C-H out-of-plane bend 970–960
cis-C-H out-of-plane bend 700 (broad)
3. Olefinic (alkene)
Alkenyl C=C stretch 1680–1620
Aryl-substituted C=C 1625
Conjugated C=C 1600
Terminal (vinyl) C-H stretch 3095–3075
Pendant (vinylidene) C-H stretch 3095–3075
Medial, cis- or trans-C-H stretch 3040–3010
Vinyl C-H in-plane bend 1420–1410
Vinylidene C-H in-plane bend 1310–1290
Vinyl C-H out-of-plane bend 995–985 + 915–890
Vinylidene C-H out-of-plane bend 895–885
trans-C-H out-of-plane bend 970–960
cis-C-H out-of-plane bend 700 (broad)
4. Aromatic ring (aryl)
C=C-C Aromatic ring stretch 1615–1580
Aromatic C-H stretch 3130–3070
Aromatic C-H in-plane bend 1225–950 (several)
Aromatic C-H out-of-plane bend 900–670 (several)
C-H Monosubstitution (phenyl) 770–730 + 710–690
C-H 1,2-Disubstitution (ortho) 770–735
C-H 1,3-Disubstitution (meta) 810–750 + 900–860
C-H 1,4-Disubstitution (para) 860–800
Aromatic combination bands 2000–1660 (several)

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p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
101| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 1 (continue). Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data

was adopted from reference (Coates, 2000)

Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)

5. Acetylenic(alkyne)
C≡C Terminal alkyne (monosubstituted) 2140–2100
C≡C Medial alkyne (disubstituted) 2260–2190
Alkyne C-H stretch 3320–3310
Alkyne C-H bend 680–610
Alkyne C-H bend 630 (typical)
6. Aliphatic organohalogen compound
Aliphatic fluoro compounds, C-F stretch 1150–1000
Aliphatic chloro compounds, C-Cl stretch 800–700
Aliphatic bromo compounds, C-Br stretch 700–600
Aliphatic iodo compounds, C-I stretch 600–500
7. Alcohol and hydroxy compound
Hydroxy group, H-bonded OH stretch 3570–3200 (broad)
Normal ‘‘polymeric’’ OH stretch 3400–3200
Dimeric OH stretch 3550–3450
Internally bonded OH stretch 3570–3540
Nonbonded hydroxy group, OH stretch 3645–3600 (narrow)
Primary alcohol, OH stretch 3645–3630
Secondary alcohol, OH stretch 3635–3620
Tertiary alcohol, OH stretch 3620–3540
Phenols, OH stretch 3640–3530
Primary or secondary, OH in-plane bend 1350–1260
Phenol or tertiary alcohol, OH bend 1410–1310
Alcohol, OH out-of-plane bend 720–590
Primary alcohol, C-O stretch ~1050
Secondary alcohol, C-O stretch ~1100
Tertiary alcohol, C-O stretch ~1150
Phenol, C-O stretch ~1200
8. Ether and oxy compound
Methoxy, C-H stretch (CH3-O-) 2820–2810
Alkyl-substituted ether, C-O stretch 1150–1050
Cyclic ethers, large rings, C-O stretch 1140–1070
Aromatic ethers, aryl -O stretch 1270–1230
Epoxy and oxirane rings ~1250 + 890–8001)
Peroxides, C-O-O- stretch 890–8201)

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A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 102

Table 1 (continue). Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data

was adopted from reference (Coates, 2000)

Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)

9. Ether and oxy compound
Methoxy, C-H stretch (CH3-O-) 2820–2810
Alkyl-substituted ether, C-O stretch 1150–1050
Cyclic ethers, large rings, C-O stretch 1140–1070
Aromatic ethers, aryl -O stretch 1270–1230
Epoxy and oxirane rings ~1250 + 890–8001)
Peroxides, C-O-O- stretch 890–8201)
a) Primary amino
Aliphatic primary amine, NH stretch 3400–3380 + 3345–3325
Aromatic primary amine, NH stretch 3510–3460 + 3415–3380
Primary amine, NH bend 1650–1590
Primary amine, CN stretch 1090–1020
b) Secondary amino
Aliphatic secondary amine, >N-H stretch 3360–3310
Aromatic secondary amine, >N-H stretch ~3450
Heterocyclic amine, >N-H stretch 3490–3430
Imino compounds, =N-H stretch 3350–3320
Secondary amine, >N-H bend 1650–1550
Secondary amine, CN stretch 1190–1130
c) Tertiary amino
Tertiary amine, CN stretch 1210–1150
d) Aromatic amino
Aromatic primary amine, CN stretch 1340–1250
Aromatic secondary amine, CN stretch 1350–1280
Aromatic tertiary amine, CN stretch 1360–1310
10.Carbonyl compound
Carboxylate (carboxylic acid salt) 1610–1550/1420–1300
Amide 1680–1630
Quinone or conjugated ketone 1690–1675/(1650–1600)2)
Carboxylic acid 1725–1700
Ketone 1725–1705
Aldehyde 1740–1725/(2800–2700)3)
Ester 1750–1725
Six-membered ring lactone 1735
Alkyl carbonate 1760–1740
Acid (acyl) halide 1815–1770
Aryl carbonate 1820–1775
Five-membered ring anhydride 1870–1820/1800–1775
Transition metal carbonyls 2100–1800

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p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
103| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 1 (continue). Functional group and its quantified frequencies. Data

was adopted from reference (Coates, 2000)

Functional group/assignment Wavenumber (cm-1)

11.Nitrogen multiple and cumulated double bond compound
Aliphatic cyanide/nitrile 2280–2240
Aromatic cyanide/nitrile 2240–2220
Cyanate (-OCN and C-OCN stretch) 2260–2240/1190–1080
Isocyanate (-N=C=O asym. stretch) 2276–2240
Thiocyanate (-SCN) 2175–2140
Isothiocyanate (-NCS) 2150–1990
Open-chain imino (-C=N-) 1690–1590
Open-chain azo (-N=N-) 1630–1575
12. Simple hetero-oxy compounds
a) Nitrogen-oxy compounds
Aliphatic nitro compounds 1560–1540/1380–13504)
Organic nitrates 1640–1620/1285–12704)
Aromatic nitro compounds 1555–1485/1355–13204)
b) Phosphorus-oxy compounds
Organic phosphates (P=O stretch) 1350–1250
Aliphatic phosphates (P-O-C stretch) 1050–990
Aromatic phosphates (P-O-C stretch) 1240–1190/995–850
c) Sulfur-oxy compounds
Dialkyl/aryl sulfones 1335–1300/1170–11354)
Organic sulfates 1420–1370/1200–11804)
Sulfonates 1365–1340/1200–11004)
d) Silicon-oxy compounds
Organic siloxane or silicone (Si-O-Si) 1095–1075/1055–1020
Organic siloxane or silicone (Si-O-C) 1110–1080
13.Thiols and thio-substituted compounds
Thiols (S-H stretch) 2600–2550
Thiol or thioether, CH2-S-(C-S stretch) 710–685
Thioethers, CH3-S-(C-S stretch) 660–630
Aryl thioethers, ø-S (C-S stretch) 715–670
Disulfides (C-S stretch) 705–570
Disulfides (S-S stretch) 620–600
Aryl disulfides (S-S stretch) 500–430
Polysulfides (S-S stretch) 500–470
14.Common inorganic ions
Carbonate ion 1490–1410/880–8605)
Sulfate ion 1130–1080/680–6105)
Nitrate ion 1380–1350/840–8155)
Phosphate ion 1100–1000
Ammonium ion 3300–3030/1430–13905)
Cyanide ion, thiocyanate ion, and related ions 2200–2000
Silicate ion 1100–900
Note: 1) Normally, it is very weak in the infrared but more characteristic in the Raman spectrum; 2)Lower frequency band
because of the conjugated double bond; 3)Higher frequency band characteristic of aldehydes, related with the
terminal aldehydic C-H stretch; 4)Asymmetric/symmetric XO2 stretch (NO2 and SO2); 5)Normally, the first
absorption is intense and broad, and the second has weak to medium intensity and narrow. The both often exist
as multiple band structures, and it may be used to characterize individual compounds.

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A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 104

2.2. Step-by-step Analysis Procedure. bond will be followed by peaks at

between 1470 and 720 cm-1.
There are five steps to interpret FTIR:
1. Step 1: Identification of number of (4) Specific peak for Aldehyde at between
absorption bands in the entire IR spectrum. If 2700 and 2800 cm-1.
the sample has a simple spectrum (has less 3. Step 3: Identifying the triple bond region
than 5 absorption bands, the compounds (2000-2500 cm-1)
analyzed are simple organic compounds, For example, if there is a peak at 2200 cm-1,
small mass molecular weight, or inorganic it should be absorption band of C≡C. The
compounds (such as simple salts). But, if the peak is usually followed by the presence of
FTIR spectrum has more than 5 absorption additional spectra at frequencies of 1600–
bands, the sample can be a complex 1300, 1200–1000 and 800–600 cm-1.
4. Step 4: Identifying the double bond region
2. Step 2: Identifying single bond area (2500- (1500-2000 cm-1)
4000 cm-1). There are several peaks in this Double bound can be as carbonyl (C = C),
area: imino (C = N), and azo (N = N) groups.
(1) A broad absorption band in the range of (1) 1850 - 1650 cm-1for carbonyl
between 3650 and 3250 cm-1, indicating compounds
hydrogen bond. This band confirms the (2) Above 1775 cm-1, informing active
existence of hydrate (H2O), hydroxyl (- carbonyl groups such as anhydrides,
OH), ammonium, or amino. For hydroxyl halide acids, or halogenated carbonyl,
compound, it should be followed by the or ring-carbonyl carbons, such as
presence of spectra at frequencies of lactone, or organics carbonate.
(3) Range of between 1750 and 1700 cm-
1600–1300, 1200–1000 and 800–600 1, describing simple carbonyl
cm-1. However, if there is a sharp
compounds such as ketones,
intensity absorption in the absorption aldehydes, esters, or carboxyl.
areas of 3670 and 3550 cm-1, it allows (4) Below 1700 cm-1, replying amides or
the compound to contain an oxygen- carboxylates functional group.
related group, such as alcohol or phenol (5) If there is a conjugation with another
(illustrates the absence of hydrogen carbonyl group, the peak intensities
bonding). for double bond or aromatic
(2) A narrow band at above 3000 cm-1, compound will be reduced.
indicating unsaturated compounds or Therefore, the presence of
aromatic rings. For example, the conjugated functional groups such as
presence of absorption in the aldehydes, ketones, esters, and
carboxylic acids can reduce the
wavenumber of between 3010 and
frequency of carbonyl absorption.
3040 cm-1 confirms the existence of
(6) 1670 - 1620 cm-1for unsaturation
simple unsaturated olefinic compounds.
bond (double and triple bond).
(3) A narrow band at below 3000 cm-1, Specifically, the peak at 1650 cm-1is
showing aliphatic compounds. For for double bond carbon or olefinic
example, absorption band for long- compounds (C = C). Typical
chain linear aliphatic compounds is conjugations with other double bond
identified at 2935 and 2860 cm-1. The structures such as C = C, C = O or

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p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
105| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

aromatic rings will reduce the which show characteristics of

intensity frequency with intense or compound unsaturation.
strong absorption bands. When (3) Regarding vinyl-related compound,
diagnosing unsaturated bonds, it is about 900 and 990 cm-1 for identifing
also necessary to check absorption vinyl terminals (-CH=CH2), between
below 3000 cm-1. If the absorption 965 and 960 cm-1 for trans unsatrated
band is identified at 3085 and 3025 vinyl (CH=CH), and about 890 cm-1 for
cm-1, it is intended for C-H. Normally double olefinic bonds in single vinyl
C-H has absorption above 3000 cm-1. (C=CH2).
(7) Strong intensity at between 1650 and (4) Regarding aromatic compound, a
1600 cm-1, informing double bonds or single and strong absorption band is
aromatic compounds. around 750 cm-1 for orto and 830 cm-
(8) Between 1615 and 1495 cm-1, 1 for para.

responding aromatic rings. They

appeared as two sets of absorption
To understand how to read and interpret
bands around 1600 and 1500 cm-1.
the FTIR analysis, the present study used
These aromatic rings usually followed
several FTIR patterns. Two FTIR patterns
by the existence of weak to moderate
were obtained from reference (Coates, 2000)
absorption in the area of between
(as a standard comparison) and the others
3150 and 3000 cm-1(for C-H
are from LR microparticles.
For the simple aromatic compounds, In short of the experimental procedure
several bands can be also observed for the preparation of LR microparticles, LR
between 2000 and 1700 cm-1in the was obtained and purchased from CV
form of multiple bands with a weak Bengkel dan Agrobisnis, Indonesia. Prior to
intensity. It is also support the using, LR was washed in warm water
aromatic ring absorption band (at (temperature of 40°C) for several hours. The
1600/1500 cm-1absorption washed LR was then dried at 70°C for about
frequency), namely C-H bending 15 minutes in the electrical drier. The dried
vibration with the intensity of LR was then put into a batch-typed saw-
medium absorption to strong which milling apparatus, in which the saw-milling
sometimes has single or multiple process was explained in our previous study
absorption bands found in the area (Nandiyanto et al., 2018a). Then, for
between 850 and 670 cm-1. evaluating the formation of carbon particles
from LR, 0.360 g of saw-milled LR was put
5. Step 5: Identifying the fingerprint region
into an electrical furnace and heated in the
(600-1500 cm-1)
atmospheric condition under a fixed
This area is typically specific and unique.
condition: a heating rate of 50°C/min and a
See detailed information in Table 1. But,
holding time at a specific temperature for 30
several identification can be found:
min. To obtain the clear evaluation in the
(1) Between 1000 and 880 cm-1 for
transformation of LR into carbon particles,
multiple band absorption, there are
heating temperatures were varied from 80 to
absorption bands at 1650, 3010, and
250°C in a small step of almost every 10°C.
3040 cm-1.
The heated material was subsequently
(2) For C-H (out-of-plane bending), it
cooled to room temperature with a cooling
should be combined with absorption
rate of 50°C/min. To support the FTIR
bands at 1650, 3010, and 3040 cm-1

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analysis, FTIR (FTIR-4600, Jasco Corp., Japan) (3) No triple bond region (2000-2500 cm-1)
was utilized. was detected, informing no C≡C bond in
the material.
(4) Regarding the double bond region
4.1. FTIR analysis of sample gained from
(1500-2000 cm-1), there is a huge and
sharp peak was detected at about 1700
Figure 2 shows the analysis of 2- cm-1. This informs some carbonyl double
propanone. To understand the appearance bond, which can be from ketones,
peaks in the FTIR below, step-by-step process aldehydes, esters, or carboxyl. Since
can be used. The results can be concluded as there is no specific peak for aldehyde at
follows: between 2700 and 2800 cm-1 (as
(1) Regarding the number of peaks, there desribed in the previous step), the
are more than five peaks, informing that prospective peak for carbonyl should be
the analyzed chemical is not a simple from ketone. No peak at about 1600 cm-
1, informing there is no C=C bonding in
(2) The peaks contained single bond area the material.
(2500-4000 cm-1).
(5) Based on above interpretation,
- No broad absorption band was found,
several conclusions can be obtained,
informing there is no hydrogen bond
including the analyzed material has no
in the material.
hydrate component. This material has
- There is a sharp bond at about 3500
ketones-related component, no
cm-1, replying the existence of
double or triple bond in the material.
oxygen-related bonding.
Since the peaks were only about 10
- No other peaks between 3000 and
peaks, the material should be a small
3200 cm-1 was found, informing there
organic compound.
is no aromatic structure
- Narrow bond at less than 3000 cm-1 (6) The other example in the FTIR analysis
responded to the C-C bond. is shown in Figure 3. This figure is the
- No specific peak for aldehyde has FTIR analysis result of toluene
been found at between 2700 and
2800 cm-1.

Figure 2. Example of FTIR spectra 1. Adopted from: Coates (2000)

DOI: |
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
107| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

(7) The result showed that a lot of numbers Based on the above analysis, the analysis
of peaks were detected, informing the showed that the material has aromatic ring,
complex structure material and simple functional bonding (methyl). This
(8) In the single bond area (2500-4000 cm-1), is in a good agreement with the chemical
several peaks were detected. compound of toluene.
- No broad absorption band in the range
of between 3650 and 3250 cm-1,
indicating no hydrogen bond. 4.2. FTIR analysis of the LR microparticles
- Peaks at between 3000 and 3200 cm-1,
replying the aromatic ring. FTIR analysis results of saw-milled LR
- Peaks at below 3000 cm-1, responding particles are shown in Figure 4. This figure
the single bond of carbon. shows the change of FTIR peak and pattern.
- No aldehyde peak was detected at There is a change in the peaks after the
between 2700 and 2800 cm-1. heating process. Informing there is a change
(9) Regarding the triple bond region (2000- in the chemical structure. In short, since LR is
2500 cm-1), no peak was detected, vulnerable against heat, this should be the
informing no C≡C bonding. decomposition of organic component into
(10) In the double bond region (1500-2000 carbon material. The change in the FTIR peak
cm-1), several peaks were detected: and pattern was found when heating at
- Above 1775 cm-1, informing active temperature that higher than 180°C, in which
carbonyl groups, in which this should the FTIR pattern was near to the carbon as
be from ring-carbonyl carbons. explained in the literature (Nandiyanto et al.,
- Range of between 1750 and 1700 cm-1, 2016, Nandiyanto et al., 2017).
describing simple carbonyl Using above interpreting method and
compounds, in which this is due to the compared to the literature for some organic
bonding between methyl (CH3) to the material, ftir peaks are shown in Table 2. The
benzene ring. results shows that these peaks contained
- Huge band at about 1600 cm-1, several organic materials. This can be used as
informing double bonds or aromatic a standard ftir peaks for organic materials,
compounds. related to protein, carbohydrate, fat, etc.
(11) In the fingerprint region (600-1500 cm1),
strong signal was found at about 1500
cm-1 (informing aromatic ring). Vinyl-
related compound was also found at
about 1000 cm-1.

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Figure 3. Example of FTIR spectra 2. Adopted from: Coates (2000)

Figure 4. FTIR analysis results of saw-milled LR heated with various temperatures

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p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045 |
109| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 2. FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible
No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. nutrient type
1 601 600-608 CH out-of-plane bending Organic material (Chiang et al., 1999)
(Schulz and Baranska,
Ring deformation of phenyl 2007)
2 929** about 930 Carbon (Nandiyanto et al., 2016,
carbon-related component Nandiyanto et al., 2017)
3 1051 1045-1053 Gives an estimate carbohydrate Carbohydrate (Huleihel et al.,
concentrations (lower in 2002,Mordechai et al.,
malignant cells) 2001)
(Paluszkiewicz and
C-O-O-C Kwiatek, 2001)
C-O stretching coupled with C-O (Wang et al., 1997)
bending of the C-OH of
Glycogen (Wood et al., 1998)
C-O-C stretching (nucleic acids (Fabian et al., 1995)
and phospholipids), C-O-C
stretching of DNA and RNA
Indicates a degree of oxidative (Andrus and Strickland,
damage to DNA 1998)
Phosphate, oligosaccharides, (Yoshida et al., 1997)
PO2- stretching modes, P-O-C
antisymmetric stretching mode of
phosphate ester, and C-OH
stretching of oligosaccharides
Phosphate I band for two (Dovbeshko et al., 2002)
different C-O vibrations of
deoxyribose in DNA in A and B
forms of helix or ordering
C-O in carbohydrates (Fung et al., 1996)

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Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
4 1160 1159- C-O of proteins and Protein (serine, (Fung et al., 1996)
1164 carbohydrates, stretching threosine, and
modes of the C-OH groups of tyrosine) and
serine, threonine, and tyrosine collagen
residues of cellular proteins,
hydrogen-bonded stretching
mode of C-OH groups
CO stretching, stretching (Wang et al., 1997)
vibrations of hydrogen-bonding
C-OH groups
Mainly from the C-O stretching (Fujioka et al.,
mode of C-OH groups of serine, 2004)
threosine, and tyrosine of
(Wong et al., 1993,
C-C, C-OH, C-O stretching Yang et al., 2005)
C-O-C, ring (polysaccharides, (Shetty et al.,
cellulose) 2006)
(Schulz and
CH deformations Baranska, 2007)
C-O stretching band of collagen (Fukuyama et al.,
(type I) 1999)
Mainly from the C-O stretching (Yang et al., 2005)
mode of C-OH groups of serine,
threosine, and tyrosine of
(Lucassen et al.,
1998, Yang et al.,
n(CC), d(COH), n(CO) stretching 2005)
C-O stretching (in normal tissue) (Rigas et al., 1990)

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111| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
5 1233 1230- Protein (Amide III) (Chiriboga et al.,
1238 1998, Dovbeshko
Stretching PO2- asymmetric et al., 2002)
Overlapping of the protein (Chiriboga et al.,
amide III and the nucleic acid 1998)
phosphate vibration, composed
of amide III as well as phosphate
vibration of nucleic acids, amide
(Schulz and
C-H component Baranska, 2007)
Amide III and asymmetric (Eckel et al., 2001)
phosphodiester stretching mode
(PO2-), mainly from the nucleic
PO2- of nucleic acids (Fung et al., 1996)
Relatively specific for collagen (Andrus and
and nucleic acids Strickland, 1998)
Stretching PO2- asymmetric (Dovbeshko et al.,
(phosphate I), PO2- asymmetric 2000)
(phosphate I), Stretching PO2-
asymmetric (phosphate I)
PO2- asymmetric (Barry et al., 1992)
Asymmetric phosphate [PO2- (Wang et al., 1997)
(asym.)] stretching modes
(Dovbeshko et al.,
Stretching PO2- asymmetric 2002)
(Fukuyama et al.,
Asymmetric PO2- stretching 1999)

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| p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 112

Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
6 1401 1400- Symmetric stretching vibration Protein and (Wood et al.,
1403 of COO- group of fatty acids and Collagen 1996)
amino acids
CH3 of proteins, symmetric (Fung et al., 1996)
bending modes of methyl
groups in skeletal proteins, CH3
of collagen
(Argov et al.,
Specific absorption of proteins 2004)
(Fujioka et al.,
Symmetric stretch of methyl 2004, Wood et al.,
groups in protein 1998)
Ring stretching vibrations mixed (Schulz and
strongly with CH in-plane Baranska, 2007)
COO2 symmetric stretching of (Fabian et al.,
acidic amino acids aspartate and 1995)
glutamate, and fatty acids
(Agarwal et al.,
CH3 symmetric deformation 2006)
Symmetric CH3 bending modes (Fujioka et al.,
of the methyl groups of proteins 2004)
(Barry et al., 1992,
Fujioka et al.,
2004, Lucassen et
al., 1998, Rigas
and Wong, 1992,
(CH3) symmetric Wu et al., 2001)
Stretching C-N, deformation N- (Dovbeshko et al.,
H, deformation C-H 2000)
C(CH3)2 symmetric (Yang et al., 2005)
7 1410** about Carbon-related component carbon (Nandiyanto et al.,
1410 2016, Nandiyanto
et al., 2017)

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113| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
8 1457 1455- Protein and (Dovbeshko et al.,
1458 C-O-H Collagen 2000)
Less characteristic, due to (Chiriboga et al.,
aliphatic side groups of the 1998)
amino acid residues
CH3 of proteins, symmetric (Fung et al., 1996)
bending modes of methyl
groups in skeletal proteins, CH3
of collagen
Asymmetric CH3 bending modes (Fujioka et al.,
of the methyl groups of proteins 2004)
(Fujioka et al.,
2004, Lucassen et
al., 1998, Wong et
al., 1991, Yang et
(CH3) asymmetric al., 2005)
CH3 bending vibration (lipids (Fabian et al.,
and proteins) 1995)
Extremely weak peaks of DNA & (Wang et al., 1997)
RNA arises mainly from the
vibrational modes of methyl and
methylene groups of proteins
and lipids and amide groups
Asymmetric CH3bending modes (Fujioka et al.,
of the methyl groups of proteins 2004)
9 1522 1517- Protein (Amide II) (Paluszkiewicz and
1526 Amide II Kwiatek, 2001)
Stretching C=N, C=C, C=N (Dovbeshko et al.,
guanine 2000)
10 1633 1630- Protein (Amide I) (Wood et al.,
1635 Amide I 1998)
(Schulz and
C-C stretch of phenyl Baranska, 2007)
(Dovbeshko et al.,
C=C uracyl, C=O 2000)
Amide I (Eckel et al., 2001)

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| p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
A.B.D. Nandiyanto, et al. Title – How to Read and Interpret FTIR Spectroscope of Organic...| 114

Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
11 1651 1649- Unordered random coils and Protein (Amide I) (Eckel et al., 2001)
1652 turns of amide I
C=O, C=N, N-H of adenine, (Dovbeshko et al.,
thymine, guanine, cytosine 2002)
(Fabian et al.,
O-H bending (water) 1995)
Amide I absorption (Wood et al.,
(predominantly the C=O 1996, Wood et al.,
stretching vibration of the 1998)
amide C=O)
Protein amide I absorption, (Dovbeshko et al.,
C2=O cytosine 2000)
(Andrus, 2006,
C=O, stretching C=C uracyl, NH2 Sukuta and Bruch,
guanine Peptide amide I 1999)
(Mordechai et al.,
Amide I 2004)
12 1747 1745- Ester group (C=O) vibration of Fat (Wu et al., 2001)
1750 triglycerides
C=O, polysaccharides, pectin, (Shetty et al.,
C=C, lipids, fatty Acid 2006)
13 2332 about Amino-related (Nandiyanto et al.,
2350 NH component component 2018b)
14 2341 about Amino-related (Nandiyanto et al.,
2350 NH component component 2018b)
15 2359 about Amino-related (Nandiyanto et al.,
2350 NH component component 2018b)
16 2857* 2853- CH2 of lipids, Asymmetric CH2 Fat (Fung et al., 1996)
2860 stretching mode of the
methylene chains in membrane
(Dovbeshko et al.,
Stretching C-H 2000)
17 2925 2923- C-H stretching bands in Fat (Wu et al., 2001)
2930 malignant and normal tissues
(Dovbeshko et al.,
Stretching C-H 2000)
CH2 lipids (Fung et al., 1996)
CH2 (Yang et al., 2005)
18 2958** 2956- Asymmetric stretching vibration Fat (Fabian et al.,
2959 of CH3 of acyl chains (lipids) 1995)
C-H stretching (Wu et al., 2001)
CH3 of lipids, DNA, and proteins, (Fung et al., 1996)
asymmetric stretching mode of
the methyl groups from cellular
proteins, nucleic acids, and
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115| Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology,Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019 Page 97-118

Table 2 (continue). FTIR peaks identified in LR

Wavenumber Possible nutrient

No Assignment Ref.
Exp. Lit. type
19 2991** about Carbon (Nandiyanto et al.,
3000 2016, Nandiyanto
Carbon-related component et al., 2017)
20 3092 3078- Organic material (Dovbeshko et al.,
3111 C-H ring 2000)
21 3284** 3273- Water (Dovbeshko et al.,
3293 2000, Schulz and
Stretching O-H symmetric Baranska, 2007)
Note: * appeared in the initial raw LR; ** appeared after heating LR with
temperature of more than 180°C

5. CONCLUSION We believe that this paper can be used as a

basic knowledge for students and beginner
The present study demonstrated the
scientists in comprehending and interpreting
simplest ways for understanding FTIR
FTIR data.
analysis results. The step-by-step method on
how to read the FTIR data was presented in 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
detail, including reviewing simple to the
This work was supported by RISTEK
complex organic materials. This study also
tested to the analysis of LR microparticles
since this material has quite complicated 7. AUTHORS’ NOTE
organic structure. To ensure the
effectiveness in the step-by-step reading The author(s) declare(s) that there is no
procedure, various samples of LR that were conflict of interest regarding the publication
heated at specific temperatures were also of this article. Authors confirmed that the
analyzed, since LR is vulnerable against heat. data and the paper are free of plagiaris.

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