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A Beginner’s Guide to Interpreting &

Analyzing FTIR Results
July 16, 2018 by Jennifer Mathias — Leave a Comment

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is an incredibly versatile materials

analysis technique, helping identify organic and some inorganic materials that could
be the source of product contamination or cause a malfunction. As a result, we often
recommend FTIR to our clients as the rst step in the testing process.

But when it comes to understanding and analyzing FTIR results, how we interpret
FTIR spectra is a common question.

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Your materials testing lab should be

providing you with clear, detailed, and
actionable insights and recommendations
in an easy to understand format—
something Innovatech Labs is dedicated

With that said, we’ve developed this

helpful guide to interpreting FTIR spectra
to help our customers—and anyone else
who’s interested—know how to analyze FTIR data.

The Analysis
In order to understand FTIR results, it’s helpful to know a
little bit about how FTIR works.

Essentially, by applying infrared radiation (IR) to samples

of materials, FTIR analysis measures a sample’s
absorbance of infrared light at various wavelengths to
determine the material’s molecular composition and
structure. The Fourier transform spectrometer works to
convert the raw data from the broad-band light source to actually obtain the
absorbance level at each wavelength.

FTIR can be used on solid, liquid, and gaseous samples. Usually, the amount of
material required for a viable analysis is very small and most analyses can be done
relatively quickly with little sample preparation.

How to Read FTIR Results Graphs

The X-Axis: The Infrared Spectrum
The x-axis—or horizontal axis—represents the infrared spectrum, which plots the
intensity of infrared spectra. The peaks, which are also called absorbance bands,

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correspond with the various vibrations of the sample’s atoms when it’s exposed to the
infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. For mid-range IR, the wave number
on the infrared spectrum is plotted between 4,000 to 400 cm-1.

The Y-Axis: Absorbance or Frequency

The y-axis—or vertical axis—represents the amount of infrared light absorbed or
transmitted by the material being analyzed.

The Absorbance Bands

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Typically, absorbance bands are grouped within two types: Group frequencies and
ngerprint frequencies.

Group frequencies are characteristic of small groups of atoms or functional groups

such as CH₂, OH, and C=O. These types of bands are typically seen above 1,500cm-1 in
the infrared spectrum (See top spectrum in the graph below) and they’re usually unique
to a speci c functional group, making them a reliable means of identifying functional
groups in a molecule.

As for ngerprint frequencies, these are highly characteristic of the molecule as a

whole; they tell what is going on within the molecule. These types of absorbances are
typically seen below 1500cm-1 in the infrared spectrum (See bottom graph of gure
below); however, some functional groups will absorb in this region as well. As a result,
this region of the spectrum is less reliable for identi cation, but the absence of a band
is often more indicative than the presence of a band in this region.

How to Interpret FTIR Spectra

Once the initial testing and spectrum collection is complete, interpretation of FTIR
spectra comes next.

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Typically, interpreting FTIR spectra starts at the high frequency end to identify the
functional groups present. The ngerprint regions are then studied to positively identify
the compound. Thankfully, there are vast libraries of infrared spectra available, allowing
our team to compare unknown materials to ensure quick and accurate identi cation.

Still Curious About FTIR Analysis?

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is an incredibly helpful and versatile quality
control and troubleshooting tool for manufacturers and researchers across industries. If
you have more questions about the technique or are wondering if it may be a t for
your testing needs, contact us for a quote. Our team is ready to help.

Filed Under: FTIR Spectroscopy Blog Posts, Newsroom

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