Wisata Halal
Wisata Halal
Wisata Halal
Since halal tourism becoming way of life for Muslim and non-Muslim in this world, Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim
population and have super spectacular scenery have to show up among other countries which provides halal tourism packages such as
Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Dubai, and etc. The Global Muslim Travel Index 2015 report noted that the tourist segment was worth US$145
billion, with 108 million Muslim travellers representing 10 percent of the entire travel economy. It is expected to grow in worth to $200
billion with 150 million travellers by 2020 (thejakartapost.com, 2015). This fact makes halal tourism as a very potential market for some
countries-even some countries with small Muslim population highly interested in offer halal tourism packages. HatiIndonesia.tr is the first
halal travel guidance application in Indonesia. It will help halal travel seekers to find halal destinations, hotels, restaurants, mosques and
also other features such as prayer time, qibla directions, and etc. By using HatiIndonesia.tr, all halal tourism sector will be integrated into
one pack of wonderful application. HatiIndonesia.tr will give a hub for halal travel seekers with halal tourism providers. Halal tourism
providers mean all vendors from micro, small, and medium enterprises to a huge vendor in form of company. Hopefully, by the existence
of this application, tourism in Indonesia could be better prepared to compete in the ASEAN and also in globe’s sphere. HatiIndonesia.tr
will give a chance for halal tourism in Indonesia grow rapidly and able to compete with other halal tourism providers globally.
R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 318
Therefore the designing, developing, controlling and to develop Indonesia tourism which upholds the cultural
operating process will be conducted simultaneously and and Islamic values. The aim is to attract domestic and
collectively. international tourists, and to encourage the development of
Based on the issues above, the first problem formulation various halal business entities in the field of tourism in
is what are government programs, to optimize the Indonesia. Furthermore it is expected that halal tourism will
empowerment of halal tourism in Indonesia in order to be the demand for Muslim travel packages during the
improve the competitiveness of the domestic tourism? the holidays. In addition, halal tourism is flexible, rational,
second problem formulation is there any benefits derived simple and balanced kind of vacation. This kind of tourism
from hatiIndonesia.tr and what is the role of has the goal to get happiness and blessing of Allah SWT
hatiIndonesia.tr in optimizing the empowerment of the [5].
creative industries to halal tourism in Indonesia? And the
last one is how does a SWOT analysis of the development 2.2. Characteristic of Halal Tourism
of the halal tourism industry and the implementation of
hatiIndonesia.tr? The object in halal tourism could be: nature tourism,
cultural tourism, tourism-made framed in Islamic values.
The Islamic values should be attached aims to elaborate the
2. Theoretical Review vacations activities to the value that are aligned with the
purpose of Sharia, namely maintaining human welfare that
includes protection of faith, life, intellect, lineage and
2.1. Halal Tourism Definition property. Thus, the tourism laying on Halal principles must
based on the objective to promote the spirit of diversity in
According Shakiry [3], the concept of halal tourism is an entertaining way. The situation is very different when
not limited to religious tourism (tourism religions), but also the tourist conducting conventional travel and religious
includes the other areas as long as it is not opposed to tourism [4].
Islamic values [4]. In fact halal tourism has been introduced The table below will explain several aspects that can
since 2000 from the meeting of OIC (Organization of differ the conventional, religious, and halal tourism.
Islamic Cooperation). Halal tourism is seen as a new way
Table 1
Characteristic of Halal Tourism
The creative industry has an important role in the Institute of Business Certification or Lintas Sertifindo
development of the tourism industry. As tourism requires Unggul (LSU) to immediately formulate a law or regulation
creative process in its development. Stages in the to governing halal tourism.
development of a good process includes planning,
promoting, packaging, traveling trip and tourism 3.2. hatiIndonesia.tr
destination itself. This stage requires a consideration a lot
of the activity with innovative ideas and creations. So that hatiIndonesia.tr is the first all-in-one travel guide mobile
the tourism industries have a reciprocal relationship with application reserved for Muslim traveller as well as tourists
the tourism industries. interested in Indonesia’s Halal tourism. This application
will be the first application in Indonesia which presents the
information in the form of Islamic travel information, travel
3. Analysis packages, information and review exciting destinations and
nearby, transportation. hatiIndonesia.tr will provide
testimonials about the destinations that have been visited by
3.1. Government Program for Developing Halal Tourism other travellers, to help find interesting and appropriate
destination which is meets the criteria of Halal tourism in
Indonesia is known as one of the countries with the terms of products and services offered). Because
largest Muslim adherents in the world. So, it is not hatiIndonesia.tr is equipped with navigation features, then
surprising to have many destinations and attractions with hatiIndonesia.tr will contain information about the Halal
historical, cultural and Islamic values. Such as mosques, hotels (help to booking rooms), halal restaurants, the
schools or historical graveyard. This is what makes nearest mosque, prayer time and also the direction of Qibla
Indonesia has a great chance to become a major halal (although still in the airplane).
tourism destination in the world. To achieve this goal, in By the availability of navigation feature and
2013 the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in informations that will always be updated every day,
cooperation with the Indonesian Ulama Council held a hatiIndonesia.tr would clearly help the travellers to find the
Grand Launching of Islamic Tourism. The objective of the next wonderful destinations which may be very close with
program is to attract tourists both domestic and her.
international and to encourage the development of Islamic Given the habit of tourists from the Middle East who
business entities in Indonesia. Halal tourism development brings family members when on holiday, then use or utilize
will be focused on four types of business, namely in the the services of travel agency was the right choice.
hotel business, restaurant, travel agency or travel services, Therefore, hatiIndonesia.tr will cooperate with providers of
and SPA. travel services or travel agency in order to help those
When opening the International Conference of Islamic travellers to find the proper tour package for them.
Tourism in Jakarta, June 2, 2014, Secretary of Tourism and Although it has been using the services of travel agency,
Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) said there are nine the user may still need this application as a reference tool in
regions that will be developed as halal tourism destinations. the desired place, digging up information about the places
Those nine tourism destinations are West Sumatra, Riau, he visited such as a testimony or review, as well as the
Lampung, Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, Lombok position of other visitors who were in that place at the same
and Makassar [6]. Determination of an area to be a tourist time.
destination is based on the readiness of human resources, If the user of hatiIndonesia.tr is independent traveller
local culture, as well as the availability of support facilities (backpacker or traveller who prefers to decide for
that meet the standards of Islamic value and law. themselves the places he wants to visit), then this
Currently the law on tourism is already contained in application will be very helpful because hatiIndonesia.tr
Law Number 10 Year 2009 on tourism. But there is no act able to contribute to compile a list of his itinerary. So, that
or regulations regarding the delivery of halal tourism along would make the trip more memorable, effective and
with any standard that should be applied. Whereas in the efficient.
development of halal tourism, standardization is needed This application will be very useful for the Muslim
regarding what criteria must be met by product and service traveller or traveller who is interested in Indonesia’s Halal
provider. This is necessary because it will allow the tourism. Both of which use the services of travel agencies
organizers or the creative industries to set up and develop a and without any travel agency. Due to the nature of this
product or service without any bias information. Therefore, hatiIndonesia.tr relatively user-friendly, informative, and
Kemenparekaf need to cooperate with the National Halal up-to-date.
Council or Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN), the Indonesian Here is the example of user interface from
Ulama Council or Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the HatiIndonesia.tr
References [5] H.T. Alim, A.O. Riansyah, K. Hidayah, I. Muslim, Jurnal Akuntansi
FEB Universitas Diponegoro, (2015), (in bahasa).
[6] Y. Respati, Konferensi Internasional Wisata Halal Hasilkan 13
[1] World Travel Tourism Council, Travel & Tourism Economic Impact
Rekomendasi, available at http://mysharing.co/konferensi-
2015 World, London, WTTC, (2016).
internasional-wisata-halal-hasilkan-13-rekomendasi/, 2014, (in
[2] Careernews. Jadi, Apa Itu Industri Kreatif?,
[7] Kementerian Pariwisata, Jakarta, 2015 (in bahasa).
accessed on 6 June 2014, (in bahasa).
[3] A.S. Shakiry, Islamic Tourism, 25 (2006) September-October
[4] U. Priyadi, Yazid, E. Atmaji, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Menuju
Masyarakat Madani Dan Lestari, UII Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2014, (in