Wisata Halal

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Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM Social Sciences and


Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7

ISSN No. 2356 - 2536

Promoting Indonesia’s Halal Tourism Package trough hatiIndonesia.tr,

a Mobile Application as a Guidance Tool for Halal Travel Seekers.
Rahmatika Ulin Ni’maha*, Tiyas Kurnia Saria
Student of Accounting Department, Universitas Islam Inodonesia, D.I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Since halal tourism becoming way of life for Muslim and non-Muslim in this world, Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim
population and have super spectacular scenery have to show up among other countries which provides halal tourism packages such as
Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Dubai, and etc. The Global Muslim Travel Index 2015 report noted that the tourist segment was worth US$145
billion, with 108 million Muslim travellers representing 10 percent of the entire travel economy. It is expected to grow in worth to $200
billion with 150 million travellers by 2020 (thejakartapost.com, 2015). This fact makes halal tourism as a very potential market for some
countries-even some countries with small Muslim population highly interested in offer halal tourism packages. HatiIndonesia.tr is the first
halal travel guidance application in Indonesia. It will help halal travel seekers to find halal destinations, hotels, restaurants, mosques and
also other features such as prayer time, qibla directions, and etc. By using HatiIndonesia.tr, all halal tourism sector will be integrated into
one pack of wonderful application. HatiIndonesia.tr will give a hub for halal travel seekers with halal tourism providers. Halal tourism
providers mean all vendors from micro, small, and medium enterprises to a huge vendor in form of company. Hopefully, by the existence
of this application, tourism in Indonesia could be better prepared to compete in the ASEAN and also in globe’s sphere. HatiIndonesia.tr
will give a chance for halal tourism in Indonesia grow rapidly and able to compete with other halal tourism providers globally.

Keywords: HatiIndonesia.tr, Halal Tourism, Muslim

Received: 30 April 2016; Accepted: 16 February 2017

In addition, Indonesia also gained victory in the 2015

World Halal Travel Summit at The Emirates Palace, Abu
1. Introduction Dhabi, United of Arab Emirates (UAE) in which Indonesia
won three categories at once. Among them is the World's
No wonder when Indonesia was epitheted as the heaven Best Family Friendly Hotel, obtained Sofyan Betawi Hotel,
on earth. This epithet is because Indonesia has plenitude Jakarta. Two other categories, World's Best Halal
natural resources, beautiful natural scenery, hospitality of Honeymoon Destination and Halal World's Best Tourism
its inhabitants, diversity of flora and fauna, and also the Destination, achieved by Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
medley of its culture. With all of grant from above, [2].
Indonesia has the big opportunities and high potential to be The main objet of Halal tourism destination was the
the world tourism destination. tourists from Middle-East nations. Because the tourist from
Reality reveals that there is rapid growth of the global Middle-east nations was famous with their royal in
tourism destination. According to a report released by spending the fund for tourism activities. The tourist from
WTTC (World Travel Tourism Council Halal), the total Middle East spend almost 1.700 USD for each Individual,
contribution of tourism to the world's GDP in 2014 and followed by Saudi Arabia about 1.500 USD for each
amounted to USD 7,580 billion (9.8 % of total GDP) and in Individual [1].
2015 amounted to USD 7863 billion (9.9 % of total GDP) The average expenditure for Middle East tourism is
and is expected to grow to USD 11.381billion (10.5 % of about 1.200 USD for each Individual. Therefore, the
total GDP) in the year 2025 [1]. market of Halal Tourism Destination was promised by its
In Indonesia, according to the report released by WTTC size, profit, and sustainability. With this victory, Indonesian
(World Travel Halal Tourism Council), Indonesian’s tourism especially Indonesian Halal Tourism Destination
tourism contributes Rp379 billion (3.3 % of total GDP), has the big future change to face the rapid growth.
and predicted increased 5.5% about Rp400 billion in 2016. The development of tourism must be supported by all of
In 2026 expected to increase 5.3% about Rp668 billion involved parties, especially the people who know and
(3.3% from total GDP). understand about the tourism destination in their region.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: N/A.

E-mail address: [email protected]
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017

R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 318

Therefore the designing, developing, controlling and to develop Indonesia tourism which upholds the cultural
operating process will be conducted simultaneously and and Islamic values. The aim is to attract domestic and
collectively. international tourists, and to encourage the development of
Based on the issues above, the first problem formulation various halal business entities in the field of tourism in
is what are government programs, to optimize the Indonesia. Furthermore it is expected that halal tourism will
empowerment of halal tourism in Indonesia in order to be the demand for Muslim travel packages during the
improve the competitiveness of the domestic tourism? the holidays. In addition, halal tourism is flexible, rational,
second problem formulation is there any benefits derived simple and balanced kind of vacation. This kind of tourism
from hatiIndonesia.tr and what is the role of has the goal to get happiness and blessing of Allah SWT
hatiIndonesia.tr in optimizing the empowerment of the [5].
creative industries to halal tourism in Indonesia? And the
last one is how does a SWOT analysis of the development 2.2. Characteristic of Halal Tourism
of the halal tourism industry and the implementation of
hatiIndonesia.tr? The object in halal tourism could be: nature tourism,
cultural tourism, tourism-made framed in Islamic values.
The Islamic values should be attached aims to elaborate the
2. Theoretical Review vacations activities to the value that are aligned with the
purpose of Sharia, namely maintaining human welfare that
includes protection of faith, life, intellect, lineage and
2.1. Halal Tourism Definition property. Thus, the tourism laying on Halal principles must
based on the objective to promote the spirit of diversity in
According Shakiry [3], the concept of halal tourism is an entertaining way. The situation is very different when
not limited to religious tourism (tourism religions), but also the tourist conducting conventional travel and religious
includes the other areas as long as it is not opposed to tourism [4].
Islamic values [4]. In fact halal tourism has been introduced The table below will explain several aspects that can
since 2000 from the meeting of OIC (Organization of differ the conventional, religious, and halal tourism.
Islamic Cooperation). Halal tourism is seen as a new way
Table 1
Characteristic of Halal Tourism

No Item Conventional Religious Sharia

1 Object Nature ,culture, heritage, Religious places, historical heritage All objects
2 Aims Entertainment Increasing the spirituality of the Increasing the spirituality in an entertaining
traveller way
3 Target Touching satisfaction and Aspects of spirituality soothes the Meet the desires and pleasures; Raise
pleasure dimensional lust, to soul; Looking for peace of heart. awareness of religion
merely entertain
4 Guide Understanding and mastering Mastering the history, prominent Interesting the tourists in objects and evoke
the information so it will figure and location of tourist area. the spirit of religiosity; Able to run and
attract tourists to tourist area. implement the functions and values of
Shariah role in shaping the happiness and
inner satisfaction
5 Worshiping Only as the complimentary. Only as the equipment Integrating the vacation place and the
facilities worshiping facilities as the entertaining
6 Culinary General Halal; general Specific; Unique; Halal
7 The trip Neglecting the trip Care to the timeline of trip Watch the time of the trip
8 Market Tourists from several ages, Certain religion, the old people People from several religion and ages and
religion. favourable by young and old.

Sport (DCMS) Task Force in 1998, the institution that

2.3. The Relation of Halal Tourism with Creative manages the creative industries in the UK. Ministry of
Industries and Small Medium Micro Enterprises Industry was then uses a similar definition. The creative
industry in Indonesia is then defined as the industry comes
According to the Indonesia Creative Industry from the use of creativity, skills and individual talents to
Development in 2025, the definition of creative industry create wealth and jobs through the creation and utilization
often refers to the UK Department for Culture, Media, and of creativity and inventiveness of the individual [2].
Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7
ISSN No. 2356 – 2536
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017
R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 319

The creative industry has an important role in the Institute of Business Certification or Lintas Sertifindo
development of the tourism industry. As tourism requires Unggul (LSU) to immediately formulate a law or regulation
creative process in its development. Stages in the to governing halal tourism.
development of a good process includes planning,
promoting, packaging, traveling trip and tourism 3.2. hatiIndonesia.tr
destination itself. This stage requires a consideration a lot
of the activity with innovative ideas and creations. So that hatiIndonesia.tr is the first all-in-one travel guide mobile
the tourism industries have a reciprocal relationship with application reserved for Muslim traveller as well as tourists
the tourism industries. interested in Indonesia’s Halal tourism. This application
will be the first application in Indonesia which presents the
information in the form of Islamic travel information, travel
3. Analysis packages, information and review exciting destinations and
nearby, transportation. hatiIndonesia.tr will provide
testimonials about the destinations that have been visited by
3.1. Government Program for Developing Halal Tourism other travellers, to help find interesting and appropriate
destination which is meets the criteria of Halal tourism in
Indonesia is known as one of the countries with the terms of products and services offered). Because
largest Muslim adherents in the world. So, it is not hatiIndonesia.tr is equipped with navigation features, then
surprising to have many destinations and attractions with hatiIndonesia.tr will contain information about the Halal
historical, cultural and Islamic values. Such as mosques, hotels (help to booking rooms), halal restaurants, the
schools or historical graveyard. This is what makes nearest mosque, prayer time and also the direction of Qibla
Indonesia has a great chance to become a major halal (although still in the airplane).
tourism destination in the world. To achieve this goal, in By the availability of navigation feature and
2013 the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in informations that will always be updated every day,
cooperation with the Indonesian Ulama Council held a hatiIndonesia.tr would clearly help the travellers to find the
Grand Launching of Islamic Tourism. The objective of the next wonderful destinations which may be very close with
program is to attract tourists both domestic and her.
international and to encourage the development of Islamic Given the habit of tourists from the Middle East who
business entities in Indonesia. Halal tourism development brings family members when on holiday, then use or utilize
will be focused on four types of business, namely in the the services of travel agency was the right choice.
hotel business, restaurant, travel agency or travel services, Therefore, hatiIndonesia.tr will cooperate with providers of
and SPA. travel services or travel agency in order to help those
When opening the International Conference of Islamic travellers to find the proper tour package for them.
Tourism in Jakarta, June 2, 2014, Secretary of Tourism and Although it has been using the services of travel agency,
Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) said there are nine the user may still need this application as a reference tool in
regions that will be developed as halal tourism destinations. the desired place, digging up information about the places
Those nine tourism destinations are West Sumatra, Riau, he visited such as a testimony or review, as well as the
Lampung, Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, Lombok position of other visitors who were in that place at the same
and Makassar [6]. Determination of an area to be a tourist time.
destination is based on the readiness of human resources, If the user of hatiIndonesia.tr is independent traveller
local culture, as well as the availability of support facilities (backpacker or traveller who prefers to decide for
that meet the standards of Islamic value and law. themselves the places he wants to visit), then this
Currently the law on tourism is already contained in application will be very helpful because hatiIndonesia.tr
Law Number 10 Year 2009 on tourism. But there is no act able to contribute to compile a list of his itinerary. So, that
or regulations regarding the delivery of halal tourism along would make the trip more memorable, effective and
with any standard that should be applied. Whereas in the efficient.
development of halal tourism, standardization is needed This application will be very useful for the Muslim
regarding what criteria must be met by product and service traveller or traveller who is interested in Indonesia’s Halal
provider. This is necessary because it will allow the tourism. Both of which use the services of travel agencies
organizers or the creative industries to set up and develop a and without any travel agency. Due to the nature of this
product or service without any bias information. Therefore, hatiIndonesia.tr relatively user-friendly, informative, and
Kemenparekaf need to cooperate with the National Halal up-to-date.
Council or Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN), the Indonesian Here is the example of user interface from
Ulama Council or Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the HatiIndonesia.tr

Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7

ISSN No. 2356 – 2536
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017
R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 320

Fig. 1. Example of user interface

2. Facilities and Services

3.3. SWOT Analysis of Indonesia’s Halal Tourism a. Easy to pick a restaurant offering halal food and
Development and Implementation of Indonesia beverages.
hatiIndonesia.tr b. Having adequate worship facilities and infrastructure
in particular places. Several Mosques in Indonesia has
SWOT Analysis is useful to determine the next steps in its own history, uniqueness and attractive design.
developing of halal tourism in Indonesia such as the
determination of policies applied, also the strategy 3. Promotion
formulation. a. Social media accounts such as Instagram, path,
SWOT analysis is one approach to illustrate the Facebook, twitter have a lot of useful information to
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In this promote tourism. For example the name of the place,
case is in the development of Halal tourism. the facilities available, access to transportation and so
3.3.1. Strength b. In 2013 the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy (Kemenparekraf) in cooperation with the
1. Resources Indonesian Ulama Council held a Grand Launching of
a. Indonesia has a very broad and wonderful landscape. Halal Tourism.
Flora and fauna in Indonesia is endemic (found only c. Indonesia's victory in the 2015 World Halal Travel
in Indonesia). Supported by 70% of Indonesia’s land Summit at The Ballroom of Emirates Palace Hotel,
is waters that have diverse coral reefs and marine Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) which won
ecosystems are mesmerizing. It was clear that three titles will contribute a promotional event that is
Indonesia has the good potential to develop tourism beneficial to Indonesia.
industry. d. The Indonesia’s government in cooperation with
b. Local wisdom possessed by Indonesia’s people are Halaltrip Travel Guide has launched a guide book for
still maintained properly. Indonesia with the title Wonderful Indonesia: Many
Some areas that still maintained Islam can be an Lands, Timeless Culture, One Journey which is
alternative and also supporting the Halal tourism available in English and Arabic languages.

Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7

ISSN No. 2356 – 2536
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017
R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 321

The creative industry has the important role in the

3.3.2. Weakness development of tourism industry. This is because the
tourism industry always need the creative process in its
1. Resources development. The good step in this development includes
a. Lack of insight knowledge of local people regarding planning, promoting, packaging the tourism, and the
halal tourism. Some of the areas that potential to serve tourism destination itself.
halal tourism can only provide the general services hatiIndonesia.tr is the first all-in-one travel guide mobile
and products of tourism. application which is reserved for Muslim tourists (Moslem
b. There are many halal food and beverage products as traveller) and also other tourists who are interested in halal
well as restaurants that do not have halal certificate. tourism in Indonesia. hatiIndonesia.tr will be the first
application in Indonesia which able to serve Islamic travel
2. Facilities and Services information. hatiIndonesia.tr will be very useful for Muslim
a. The lack of provision of facilities that have high- travellers or other travellers who are interested in Halal
speed internet in some areas. tourism. Both use the services of travel agencies and
b. The limited ability of local communities to without any travel agency.
communicate with foreign tourists. Due to the nature of hatiIndonesia.tr relatively user-
c. Some areas that is potential to develop halal tourism friendly, informative, and up-to-date, hatiIndonesia.tr will
do not have access of good transportation. Some help the tourists in providing useful information. So that the
airports in area that has potential to develop halal tourists will make the trip more memorable, effective and
tourism do not have airports with international flight efficient.
d. Lack of skills and knowledge owned by the
communities to manage services of Halal tourism. 5. Suggestion
This happens because there are no certain rules and
laws regulate Halal tourism. To face global changing and competition we are
necessary to shift the paradigm of tourism destination
3. Marketing development which is nowadays rests on the diversity,
a. Less of direct and sustainable promotion done by the uniqueness and distinctiveness in the area by keep putting
government, society, and all relating parties. diversity as an essential within unity, the framework of
Indonesia [7]. One of the successful key is the
3.3.3. Opportunity establishment of tourism destination, develop cooperation
1. Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim with strategic coordination between government and
population in the world. With wonderful natural stakeholders which involved in the development of halal
landscape and diversities, make Indonesia has a good tourism such as central government, local government,
opportunity to develop halal tourism. media, business entity and society.
2. The Government of Indonesia currently focus on Some strategic steps that should be undertaken by some
improving the infrastructure mainly in the field of parties are:
inter-island. a. Preparation of laws and regulations that includes
hatiIndonesia.tr is the first guidance application for standards should be owned and met by the organizers of
halal tourism in Indonesia which will greatly assist the the halal tourism providers in Indonesia. In order
travellers. creative industry and tourism able to go hand in hand in
offer goods, services, and facilities to increase the sale
3.3.4. Threat value of its competitiveness.
The country with a Muslim population also b. Provide the knowledge and understanding to public
participating in offering Halal travel packages such as about the potential of Indonesia in halal tourism
Malaysia. This path also followed by the countries in industries. And invites people to recognize the potential
which Moslem is being minority population in these of each region and also teach, monitor, and control the
countries such as Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. It public about how to use, and develop the potential that
is certainly because the prospects of this industry is exists in its region.
very promising. c. The development process of facilities and
infrastructures to support the existence of halal tourism
must be done collectively and carefully by several
4. Conclusion parties such as the central government, regional
government, creative industries and society in general.
According Shakiry [3], the concept of halal tourism is d. By hatiIndonesia.tr expected many parties actively
not limited to religious tourism (tourism religions), but also involved in its development later. So that all
includes the other areas as long as it is not against Islamic information contained in the mobile application
values [4]. Indonesia has a golden opportunity to reap huge HatiIndonesia.tr have a high degree of accuracy, and
profits from the halal tourism. capable socialized to the traveller well.

Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7

ISSN No. 2356 – 2536
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017
R.U. Ni’mah, T.K. Sari 322

References [5] H.T. Alim, A.O. Riansyah, K. Hidayah, I. Muslim, Jurnal Akuntansi
FEB Universitas Diponegoro, (2015), (in bahasa).
[6] Y. Respati, Konferensi Internasional Wisata Halal Hasilkan 13
[1] World Travel Tourism Council, Travel & Tourism Economic Impact
Rekomendasi, available at http://mysharing.co/konferensi-
2015 World, London, WTTC, (2016).
internasional-wisata-halal-hasilkan-13-rekomendasi/, 2014, (in
[2] Careernews. Jadi, Apa Itu Industri Kreatif?,
[7] Kementerian Pariwisata, Jakarta, 2015 (in bahasa).
accessed on 6 June 2014, (in bahasa).
[3] A.S. Shakiry, Islamic Tourism, 25 (2006) September-October
[4] U. Priyadi, Yazid, E. Atmaji, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Menuju
Masyarakat Madani Dan Lestari, UII Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2014, (in

Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, Vol. 3 (2016) No. 7

ISSN No. 2356 – 2536
DOI: 10.27512/sjppi-ukm/ses/a16022017

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