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TAMAN SYAR’I : The concept of Islamic Based Tourism as a Supporter of the Role of

Indonesian Youth in 2030

Suciyati Martinea, Soffi Lutfia Dewi Trizana

Bogor Agricultural University
Correspondencee-mail: [email protected]

Islam and Demographic Bonus
Islam is the second largest religion in the world which has many influences in
various fields in daily life, such as health, modern science, education, food, trade, etc. According to a PEW
Research Center study in 2015, the Muslim population of 1.8 billion constituted 24% of
the world's population. Based on the 2015 Central Statistics Agency around 31% of all in the from the of
Indonesia by 85%. It has also been predicted that Islam will become the fastest growing religion ranging from
1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.76 billion adherents in 2050. This shows that the development of the
Muslim population in the world will increase along with the demographic bonus' event in 2030 where
Indonesia will have an abundant population of productive age.
The Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning that in 2030-2040, is to a demographic bonus
period, namely the of (aged 15-64 years) is greater than the unproductive (under 15 years and over 64
years). During this period, the population of productive age is predicted to reach 64 percent of
the total population projected at 297 million people. In a population seminar in Indonesia at the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Indonesia, a member of the House of Representatives Commission
IX, Surya Chandra Surapaty, explained that the benefits in terms of the quantity of the working
age population would bring benefits and blessings when accompanied by the quality of human resources and
the availability of sufficient employment. Conversely, if the quality of human resources is lacking and not
competitive, it can be a disaster because the large population is a development burden due to the growing
number of unemployed. So who can take this role? The answer is 'powerless youth'.

Powerless Youth
Law Number 40 of 2009 concerning Youth Article 1 paragraph 1 states that the so-called
youth are Indonesian citizens who are in the period of growth and development aged 16 (sixteen) to
30 (thirty) years. Historically, youth is an interesting and essential element in
a movement of change. There are ideals and are willing to sacrifice in the soul of a young
man. The flames of enthusiasm that are always tempering are a sign that a country can advance, remain silent,
or sink into its hands. From this understanding, of course, not just any young man who can be a driving agent
for the progress of the nation. What we need is powerless youth. Powerless youth is young people who have
high innovation and creativity abilities, able to overcome various problems faced and have superior
competencies in global competition. Every young man can become a powerful young
man through great enthusiasm and effort to always do the best for himself, society and the nation. Plus in the
demographic bonus period this will be a momentum where the number of youths will be more than other ages,
this also makes young people have a big responsibility in realizing the bonus demography
2010. A study by Haryati et al. 2016 proves that youth who are directly involved in community
activities have a positive influence in developing a regional economic resilience where youth can take an
active role through their abilities. One area that can be a concept of creative development
for youth is the field of tourism.

Islamic Based Tourism

Tourism is a national development pillar that is able to assist the government in increasing foreign
exchange, tax and poverty alleviation. Although in practice so far the problem of poverty in every tourist area
is still quite high. Nevertheless, tourism development can improve the economy of a country because
this sector provides opportunities in the movement of various economic activities of the community. Plus
Indonesia is an attractive tourist destination country
with abundant natural wealth. Various tourist attractions such
as the ruins of culture and history, beaches, artwork of local people, and the like. However, these various
attractions are felt to still not succeed in attracting large numbers of tourists. The impact of the global
economic crisis is also increasingly encouraging countries in several parts of the world to
prioritize development in the tourism sector as an effort to restore the economy (Widyastuti et al. 2017)
Tourism has become a growing economic sector with the arrival of foreign tourists
that continues to increase. Bonuses of democracy also become one of the problems if not properly
utilized. With the increasing population of Muslims, it can be one of the reasons for young people
to move the economy in the tourism sector. In addition, more and more foreign tourists who want to
learn about Islam but there is no means that supports the learning system about Islam. So it takes an Islamic-
based tour that can meet these needs.

Innovation TAMAN SYAR’I
"TAMAN SYARI'I" is one of the concepts of Islamic-based renewable tourism."TAMAN SYAR'I"
is designed with various facilities that can support the activities of getting to know Islam in
a light and easy way. The purpose of this concept is to introduce and broaden the public's perspective on
Islamic tourism as a means of educating the Muslim community, creating business fields for young people,
and helping Muslim communities both at home and abroad to get to know Islam by using the concept of
"TAMAN SYAR'I", as well as used as a model reference by
the government in developing similar concepts in improving the economy in Indonesia and answers to the
upcoming democratic bonuses. The Taman Syar'i design includes: "TAMAN SYAR'I" is one of
the concepts of Islamic based renewable tourism.
a. Saung Madina
is a small building used to gather and stay in touch. Saung Madina can be a place for conversation, discussion,
or other light activities. The community can learn to explore the Qur'an with tahsin, tahfidz and
other activities using the Qur'an. Also provided some Al-Qur'an and Islamic reading books that can be used in
these activities.
b. The Hijaiyah tree is a tree decorated with hijaiyah letters hung
from branches - tree branches. This tree can be used as a medium of education for
the public to recognize the letters of hijaiyyah, equipped with small speakers who
issue readings of the letters in accordance with the pronunciation of each letter hijaiyah, murotal readings and
the like. In the vicinity of the hijaiyyah tree there are several civilian saunas as centers for learning the Qur'an.
c. Halal Canteen is a canteen/self-service shop that offers various kinds of food and merchandise that have
been ascertained in good and halal conditions. The sales results obtained are then used as village income and
channeled as financial assistance to people in need.
d. Healthy Sunnah, an Islamic-based sports facility consisting of archery and riding activities. Archery
and riding are included in the favorite sport of the Prophet Muhammad. Both of
these sports have many benefits in improving body fitness, focusing in focus and mental health.
e. Al-Kautsar Bridge, a road link between the ikhwan line and the akhwat which is designated for
the purposes of meeting families and their families. Al-Kautsar Bridge is decorated with calligraphy carvings
which show the beauty of Islam for the people.
f. Al-Aqsa Mosque, buildings for prayer services and other religious activities. Equipped with spot
ablution and toilet.
g. Jalan Makhram consists of two roads, namely the path of akhwat and ikhwan intended
to be the boundary between the two. So that the Makhram road can introduce adab in association that is good
for the brothers and sisters.
h. Mini Ka'bah (miniature ka'bah) is used as a tool that
can help visitors in understanding the implementation of the Hajj and knowing the importance of
the Hajj. Besides that, ka'bah miniature can be used as a place for ritual pilgrims.
Through the concept of "TAMAN SYAR'I" is expected to be a solution in increasing economic wheels in the
tourism sector and in response to the bonus of democracy in Indonesia to form active youth in facing the
2030 democracy bonus. Of course, youth as agents of change can contribute to creating ideas creatively
embody Islamic educational facilities easily and pleasantly. Stakeholders who can be involved in
the park's innovation are:
a. The marboth youth association and the youth of the village youth group as coordinators and innovators;
b. Government as a supporter and supplier of development funds;
c. Ustadz / Ustadzah who is ready to teach some Qur'anic learning activities;

Therefore, the innovation "TAMAN SYAR'I" is expected to be a tourism concept
that can help people to get to know Islam easily through the addition/change of creative idea designs made
by youth from each region. Due to the principles of tourism management is to pay attention to local wisdom
and special local sense that reflects cultural heritage and the uniqueness of the environment of each region, of
course in terms of Islam. In this case, the youth can make their area as a tourism place
that can develop their region in terms of economic resilience. This concept can also be applied in various other
countries in order to introduce Islam to all those who are interested in getting to know it more deeply.

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