2016 Changepoint Ppm-Agile White-Paper

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PPM and Agile:

Bimodal Project
Delivers the Best
of Both Worlds


It’s no longer a question of

‘either/or.’ At least it shouldn’t be.

Today’s PMOs need to be able to

combine or easily choose between
execution methods to get the right job
done right. In this white paper, we’ll
explore how to successfully employ
both agile and traditional methods
without sacrificing executive visibility
or communicating metrics.

“Intelligence is the ability

to adapt to change.”

- Stephen Hawking
Table of 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1 Defining “bimodal”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Contents 1.2 What is agile?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Agile principles of development: Top four takeaways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. The challenge: Integrating PPM and agile processes. . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Four common fallacies about agile and PPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. A PPM framework that integrates with agile methods . . . . . . . . . . 10

4. Providing executive visibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.1 Standardizing cross-project metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.2 Calibrating metrics across programs and portfolios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.3 Creating a “single source of truth” for executive reporting . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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1. 1.1 Defining “bimodal”

Introduction In the “olden days” (namely, the last decade or so), project management offices
(PMO) had to choose between execution methods—with more traditional
methods, such as waterfall, taking the lead. But today, it’s no longer a debate
of “either waterfall or agile.” At least it shouldn’t be.

Instead, PMOs are embracing a bimodal approach to program and project

management. “Bimodal IT,” as Gartner defines it, is the practice of
implementing more than one execution methodology within a PMO in order
to support portfolio, program, and project execution. It’s about being able to
choose the right execution model based on the nature of the project at hand.
It’s about combining stability and flexibility.

In this white paper, we discuss some of the challenges of integrating agile

methods with traditional methodologies, the fallacies that have arisen around
doing so, and how to successfully employ both agile and traditional methods
without sacrificing executive visibility or communicating metrics, despite varying
units of measure.

According to Gartner, Inc., “Bimodal IT is the practice of

managing two separate, coherent modes of IT delivery,
one focused on stability and the other on agility. Mode 1 is
traditional and sequential, emphasizing safety and accuracy.
Mode 2 is exploratory and nonlinear, emphasizing agility and

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1.2 What is agile?
Unlike more traditional project management methods that focus on a detailed,
predetermined plan, agile helps teams adapt quickly to changing realities to deliver
a product that is relevant and aligned with the business needs of the stakeholder.

As a methodology, agile has been growing in popularity since the Manifesto for
Agile Software Development2 (aka Agile Manifesto) was published in 2001. The
introduction to the manifesto reads as follows:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping

others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

ƒƒ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

ƒƒ Working software over comprehensive documentation
ƒƒ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
ƒƒ Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on
the left more.

The Agile Manifesto continues, outlining twelve principles, including:

ƒƒ A focus on customer (and/or stakeholder) satisfaction

ƒƒ Frequent software delivery
ƒƒ Close cooperation between business people and developers
ƒƒ Creating an empowered culture with motivated individuals

“Waterfall and iterative approaches are giving ground to much

lighter, delivery-focused methods based on the principles of
the Agile Manifesto.”

- Forrester Research3

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1.3 Agile principles of development: Top four takeaways
The greatest difference between an agile approach and a more traditional project
method is the movement away from a highly detailed project plan and timeline.
Instead of trying to control change, agile focuses on helping teams react to change
by delivering “working software” at iterative stages.

Scrum and Kanban are two of the more popular agile methodologies, however it’s
common to find development teams mixing and matching agile practices to find
a process that works for them. Whether it’s introducing a daily stand-up meeting,
writing story-based requirements, targeting shorter iterations or assigning a product
owner, the goal of agile is to create a culture of continuous feedback and a focus on
delivering high-quality software that meets stakeholder needs.

1. Self-organized, self-motivated, and empowered teams

Agile encourages a collaborative environment that is transparent and accountable—
where individual contributors become true team players. Roles are more fluid and
there is a strong emphasis on self-organization as a team. A bottom-up decision-
making process is favored—empowering the team to make decisions.

2. User collaboration connects business and IT to guide requirements

Business users are expected to work on a daily basis as part of the agile team.
Continuous feedback decreases the chance of a “requirements vacuum” where the
development team delivers functionality that does not meet business requirements,
and vice versa.

3. A responsive, efficient development process (with less risk)

Agile teams are set up to embrace change and respond to new information,
which opposes the traditional project management goals of controlling change
and keeping to a plan. The use of a product backlog to prioritize work and deliver
software iteratively helps avoid unnecessary work and identifies risks of project
failure early in the process.

4. A focus on high-quality, working software

Software is built and tested continuously, often with automated processes, to catch
defects early in the development lifecycle. Agile teams favor delivering software
“early and often” to ensure requirements can be validated. Working software is
valued over comprehensive documentation, which keeps the team focused on
the end deliverable rather than work products that are a “means to an end” in the
development process.

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2. For the most part, project managers have embraced agile practices—attempting
to redefine their roles to focus less on planning and controlling projects, and more

The challenge: on providing an environment that leads to success. Today, many project portfolios
include a mix of project types and methodologies (agile, waterfall, six-sigma, and

Integrating “stage-gate”).

However, even with the willingness to adjust, integrating agile into a PPM framework
has become the larger challenge. Project managers are faced with different (and

and agile
often conflicting) methodologies, metrics, and controls.

Some teams are adopting “hybrid” processes that include elements of waterfall and
processes agile methodologies, and are having to rationalize incompatible methods. To solve
these challenges, PMOs need an updated project portfolio management (PPM)
framework that:

ƒƒIncorporates agile practices

ƒƒProvides clarity to project teams on how to communicate
project health
ƒƒProvides predictability and accountability to executive stakeholders

Instead of trying to control change, agile focuses on helping

teams react to change by delivering “working software” at iterative
stages. Bimodal teams are using traditional methodologies for
stability-focused programs, and agile for speed and innovation.

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2.1 Four common fallacies about agile and PPM
Agile methods have had a significant influence on best practices for project
management. However, radical differences—embracing change, “just-in-
time” planning, and eliminating hierarchal decision making—have led to some
misconceptions about the compatibility of agile projects with PPM processes.

Below are four common agile fallacies (and why they’re untrue) that have led to
concerns about how to monitor and control an agile project as part of a
project portfolio.

Fallacy #1: Multiple methodologies can’t exist in the same portfolio

Of course they can. While this may have been true 20 years ago, incorporating
multiple methodologies within the same portfolio is absolutely available today—
it’s what makes bimodal possible.

Today’s PPM solutions can integrate multiple methodologies to manage the

execution of programs and projects within the same portfolio. That way, data
is stored within a single source of truth, and teams are able to access the right
system to use for the project on which they’re working.

Fallacy #2: Agile projects don’t provide enough executive visibility

The agile method is all about empowering teams to make decisions relative to
change, instead of waiting for executive review at every turn. However, that does
not mean executive review isn’t needed. It’s not a “free for all.”

Executive visibility is available; it just looks a little differently than in other

methodologies. When it comes to executive reporting, the struggle many teams
are facing is the requirement to provide rollups in a format that is consistent with
traditional methods, not agile. For example, requiring an agile team to maintain
a separate task plan for tracking a “percentage complete” metric can negatively
impact the benefits of an agile approach (and waste time). Executives and team
members have to find reporting methods that communicate status within the
parameters of the methodology being used, instead of asking teams to provide
metrics that are irrelevant to the process itself.

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Fallacy #3: Agile projects don’t have reliable “scheduled finish dates”
Although agile teams shy away from providing guaranteed delivery dates (given
the “cone of uncertainty” (Figure 1) around a project), it’s a fallacy that an agile
project can’t provide a scheduled finish date. If an executive hears that an agile
team is only prepared to give estimated delivery dates for the next couple of
iterations, it should raise a warning flag about the team’s capability to build a
credible release plan.

It’s true that agile teams use “just-in-time” estimation for iterations and focus
on delivering business value incrementally, however release and roadmap
planning is used for longer-range estimates. The use of “epics” (large stories)
and “themes” (groups of stories) can be used to estimate work that still requires
detailed scoping. To be able to estimate with some degree of reliability, an agile
team will need to have some degree of normalization around the size of stories
and understand their velocity (story points delivered in an iteration).

Figure 1
Definition: Cone of uncertainty
The “cone of uncertainty” refers to when the specific details of the nature of a project (specific
requirements, details of the solution, project plan, staffing, and other variables) are unclear. The
variability in these factors contributes to project estimates. Over the course of a project, these
sources of variability are more easily defined—diminishing the variability itself and transitioning
project estimates into more definitive delivery dates.








Requirements Time
Initial Software
Concept Complete
Approved User Design
Product Interface Complete
Definition Complete

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Fallacy #4: Agile and traditional practices aren’t compatible
Some agile practices are fundamentally different than traditional project
management practices; for example, the planning and executing process
groups in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Book of
Knowledge (PMBOK). However, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

Multiple practices can be combined to create a powerful project management

framework. While agile practices offer a swift, collaborative execution, traditional
practices for project intake or initiation processes, as well as for costs,
communications, and risk management, are often more mature than in agile.
An experienced project manager can add practices from the PMBOK or similar
methodologies to support agile projects without disrupting the culture and work
practices of an agile team.

Bimodal mixing and matching

Bimodal extends beyond projects. Portfolios that consist of
a mixture of methodologies are also bimodal. For instance, a
work package that is to deliver a storage solution will have a
hardware component, a firmware component, and a software
component. The hardware component lends its development
more to a waterfall method—particularly to control the supply
chain. The firmware and software could be delivered more
efficiently with agile.

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3. For more traditional methods, like waterfall, a PPM framework typically includes
processes for project intake and selection, project approval and initiation, and

A PPM project and portfolio monitoring, along with templates, artifacts, and metrics
for the different methodologies used within an organization. An example PPM

framework framework is shown in Figure 2.

integrates Figure 2
A typical PPM framework

with agile Business Strategy

and Objectives

Business Decision Prioritization and
Criteria Resource Capacity

Active and Proposed Funded

Proposed Work Projects Projects

Regular Reviews

Project Management
Reallocate Resources
Remove Completed Projects Portfolio Health and Traditional Projects
Value Contribution Plan | Execute | Control
Cancel Projects
Sunset products
Agile Projects
Iteration | Iteration | Iteration

Management Actions Exception Management

Integrating an agile project methodology into a PPM framework is no different

than integrating a more traditional project methodology, with four exceptions:

1. Don’t stifle the process: Agile practices are not for the micromanager.
Imposing unnecessary stakeholder reviews, checkpoints, and data capture
requirements on an agile project will reduce the effectiveness of the team. Of
course, if major decisions need to be made with executive input or the agile
project has dependencies on other projects, stakeholder meetings will be
necessary but these should be the exception, not the rule.

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2. “Story points” track progress: On the surface, this is a fundamentally
different way of tracking progress than using a task plan and measuring task-
hour completion. Also, in a traditional project, project managers assign tasks
to owners, whereas agile teams are self-organizing—making tasks subject to
ownership change to ensure delivery is on track. This difference requires that
metrics for “project health” and “percentage complete” are tracked slightly
differently than projects based on task hours. Instead of gleaning a relative
percentage from planned hours vs. tracked hours, agile project managers can
take the percentage of planned story points against remaining story points.

3. Project resources are dynamic: Because task assignments are dynamic,

it’s better to avoid giving part-time assignments to an agile team. Instead, treat
agile teams as a unit and assign resources to them full-time (with the exception
of resources such as technical architects and DBAs, which are typically spread
over multiple projects).

4. Reviews are based on working software: Regular reviews of agile

projects are more focused on “working software” than reaching pre-determined
milestones or delivering project documentation. Reviews should be tailored to
the type of project to ensure they are valuable to the team.

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4. Regardless of the project methodology, project status still has to be
communicated up the ladder. Combining multiple methods does affect how

Providing metrics are considered. However, there are ways to communicate project
completeness without having to fit metrics into a box.

4.1 Standardizing cross-project metrics
visibility Developing a PPM framework with standard metrics that apply to both agile and
traditional projects is important. The five common metrics that enable executives
to get visibility into project status, regardless of the delivery method, are
outlined below:

1. Scheduled finish date: “Planned finish date” is the estimate made at the
inception of a project for the planned delivery date, whereas “scheduled finish
date” uses current data to estimate the finish date at any given point in time.
For a traditional project, this is based on the task plan and critical path for the
project. For an agile project, it is based on the release plan. Because a cone of
uncertainty (see Figure 1 on page 8) exists regardless of project methodology,
the accuracy of scheduled finish dates should be comparable for both traditional
and agile projects. Comparing scheduled finish date to planned finish date will
give an indication of the team’s ability to estimate delivery dates accurately.

2. Percentage complete: “Percentage complete” provides an indication of

project progress. For traditional projects, it is calculated by summing the hours
for completed tasks and dividing the total task hours for a project. For an agile
project, progress is measured by story points delivered. Percentage complete is
calculated by story points accepted divided by total story points for a project.

The calculations are the same, the units of measure are not
For example, let’s look at “percentage complete”

Traditional method Agile method

x = Tracked hours a = Completed story points
y = Planned hours b = Total story points
( x / y ) = % complete ( a / b ) = % complete

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3. Scope changes: Percentage complete gives an indication of progress, but
does not show if the scope is changing on a project. For traditional projects, this
is typically represented by the number of change requests. For an agile project, it
is typically measured by the change in total story points over time.

4. Actual cost vs. budget: Both traditional and agile projects have capital and
operational expenses that are tracked. Actual cost vs. budgeted cost should be
reported, regardless of the project methodology.

5. Project health: Project health is a summary metric that indicates if a project

is on track, needs attention, or is in trouble. This metric varies by organization
and is calculated using conditional logic based on the four metrics above, as well
as other data, such as outstanding issues. One of the simplest ways to calculate
project health is to compare actual percentage complete with the expected
percentage complete based on the start date and scheduled finish date
(assuming the velocity of work delivery across the project timeframe is uniform).
A project health status of “needs attention” or “in trouble” is often triggered when
projects are not delivering business value, there are significant scope changes,
costs exceed budget, or there are major unresolved issues on the project.

Providing these metrics in a dashboard format using a PPM system enables

executives to quickly identify projects that require focus or intervention,
regardless of the project management methodology employed for its execution.

4.2 Calibrating metrics across programs and portfolios

The above cross-project metrics are a good way to provide a common scorecard
for project execution. One challenge to consider, however, is calibration across
projects, programs, and portfolios. For projects based on task hours, calibration
is not an issue because the unit of progress is the same (hours). However, for
agile projects, the unit of progress is typically story points, and the definition
of a story point may vary from project to project based on how an agile team
estimates work.

A common calibration technique is to bring agile teams together on a quarterly

basis and normalize point size by picking sample stories of different sizes and
comparing effort. This can be done by comparing “ideal days” for a given story
and calibrating across different teams to provide guidance on story-point size. If
a “scrum of scrums” exists, this technique will mostly resolve calibration issues at
a program level.

When it comes to programs that combine multiple methodologies, it may look

like comparing apples to oranges. However, as previously shown, forecasting
to 100% is available regardless of the execution method. Instead of looking for
ways to uniformly combine methodologies across a program, uniquely tracking
methodologies within the same work package provides a more accurate view of
how each methodology performed.

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4.3 Creating a “single source of truth” for executive reporting
A PPM system is the best way to provide a “single source of truth” for
executive reporting and decision making on a project portfolio, providing
three major benefits:

1. Complete transparency: A PPM system provides a clear view over agile

and traditional project execution, and helps eliminate the issue of a team
“sugar coating” project status if things aren’t going well

2. Consistent project reporting: A common reporting framework within the

tool standardizes how reports are generated and communicated

3. Integration improves efficiency: Integration with different methodology

tools eliminates multiple (and manual) data entry into the PPM system

5. For mature bimodal teams, integrating multiple methodology tools provides a

way to use specialized agile project and traditional project management tools,

Conclusion while still enabling a single source of truth for project portfolio reporting.

In terms of bimodal principles, integrating agile and traditional practices

provides your teams with varying methods that can be employed on a project-
by-project basis. Bimodal advocates for business-sustaining projects to be
executed using a traditional method, and innovation-oriented projects using

Although some fallacies still linger regarding agile methods, they should
not deter PMOs and executives from adopting agile methodologies where

Carefully consider which projects are suitable for agile, and develop a PPM
framework that integrates agile and traditional project methodologies. By
finding what works for your organization, you’ll achieve better executive
visibility and execution processes.

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02.03.16 1.
The Gartner IT Glossary: http://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/bimodal 2. Visit agilemanifesto.org to read the original Agile Manifesto. 3.

Agile Development: Mainstream Adoption Has Changed Agility, Forrester Research, 2010

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