Strategic Management PDF
Strategic Management PDF
Strategic Management PDF
Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions
7. Enumerate different ways in which expansion strategy can be used by: a) Diversification
b) Cooperation.
4] Porter
6. "Owners as well as the employees are at the focus", is the statement of which type
of model of Social Responsibility
1] Householder's Model
2] Investment model
3] Civic Model
4] Creative Model
11. Out of seven principles ,some of the principles on which Ajay Piramal has always
emphasised are
Subject: Strategic Management
15. For developing a vision and a mission, Jerry Porras and James Collins have divided
this into two part--
1] Core Ideology
2] Envisioned future
3] Deals with certainties
4] Deals with past
17. From the definitions of Strategic Management, we can see that Strategic
management is
1] Satisfaction of stakeholders important.
2] Leads to formulation of strategy or set of strategies.
3] Managing the organizational systems.
4] Environment management is not necessary for success
18. According to many authors in management these are major options/alternatives also
called as grand strategic alternatives which are
1] Stability in existing business
2] Expansion in existing business or new business
3] Contraction or retrenchment
Subject: Strategic Management
4] None of above
20. The :BLANK states that the private sector ,because of its considerable economic
and human resources, must help in social programs.
1] capacity argument
2] enlightened self interest
3] anti freeloader argument
4] None of the above
23. :BLANK bias is a belief that synergy will only be captured by compelling or
cajoling the business units to cooperate.
1] Parenting
2] Synergy
3] Skill
4] Upside
26. :BLANK control may be put into practice through the identification and monitoring
of strategic thrusts.
1] Implementation
2] Premise
3] Strategic surveillance
4] Emergency alert
29. MUL has been able to exceed production targets in every year of its operation.
1] True
2] False
30. Building core competencies is not out pending rivals on R &D or vertical /
horizontal integration.
1] True
2] False
31. Most of the strategic factors that boost ROI doesn't contribute to long term value.
1] True
2] False
32. Power &authority are delegated downwards beginning at the top, from each
manager to his subordinates
1] True
2] False
33. Motivational strategies need to be based on a giving model rather than a needing
model of man.
1] True
2] False
34. When an organization takes up an activity in such a manner that it is related to the
existing business, it is called concentric diversification.
1] True
2] False
35. Survival of the fittest has become the Mantra of Business today.
1] True
2] False
36. Combination strategy is adopted because the organisation is large &faces a complex
1] True
2] False
38. The corporate planning staff may also be involved in strategic evaluation.
1] True
2] False