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Subject: Strategic Management

Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions

1. How is PIMS model helpful?

2. What are the types of social responsibilities of business?

3. What are the factors that determine manpower planning?

4. What is the impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on business?

5. Give the level at which the strategy is formulated

6. What is a Strategic Business Unit (SBU)?

7. Enumerate different ways in which expansion strategy can be used by: a) Diversification
b) Cooperation.

8. List the errors that creep in during the transformation process.

Section II: Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Single Response

1. When an organisation takes up an activity in such a manner that it is related to the

existing business, it is called as
1] Concentric diversification
2] International diversification
3] Geographical diversification
4] Time diversification

2. Which of the factor leads to Personnel Capability

1] Employee's characteristics
2] R & D systems
3] Control system
4] Production system

3. Who conducted Study of manpower forecasting in 1972

1] Milkovich
2] Basu
3] Schroeder
Subject: Strategic Management

4] Porter

4. Products or units with a low market in a slow growing or declining market.

1] Dog
2] Question marks
3] Stars
4] Cash cows

5. Who developed model of Competitive Strategy

1] Michael Porter
2] Adam smith
3] Rudolph Diesel
4] James Watt

6. "Owners as well as the employees are at the focus", is the statement of which type
of model of Social Responsibility
1] Householder's Model
2] Investment model
3] Civic Model
4] Creative Model

7. Which of the factor leads to Operation Capability

1] Control system
2] Retrieval of information
3] Usage of funds
4] Organizational characteristics

8. An organisation adopts a strategy that is related to its existing business-Which type

of dimension this is
1] Related dimension
2] Active dimension
3] Horizontal dimension
4] Internal dimension

9. Arvind Products Limited is a subsidiary of The :BLANK Limited.

1] Arvind Mills
2] Arvind Brands
3] Atul
4] Amol Dicalite

10. What could be a weakness of a Financial Services Company

1] Less technology oriented.
2] Advanced technology oriented
3] Strong research team
4] Early mover advantage

Multiple Choice Multiple Response

11. Out of seven principles ,some of the principles on which Ajay Piramal has always
emphasised are
Subject: Strategic Management

1] Every company reinvents itself over a period of time

2] You must keep stretching your employees more and more.
3] Believe in your strategy and stick to it.
4] The values of the employees should not be harmonious with the organisation.
12. Based on the residual uncertainty ,there are following possible levels/scenarios for
the future that can be used for decision making.
1] A Clear enough future
2] True Ambiguity
3] None of 1,2 & 4
4] Alternate futures

13. The different steps in supply chain management are

1] Supply chain simplification
2] Standardization
3] Automatic spontaneous resupply
4] Spontaneous BTO parts

14. Following are the reasons for acquisitions

1] Increased speed to market
2] Cost of product development
3] Increased diversification
4] Decreased market power

15. For developing a vision and a mission, Jerry Porras and James Collins have divided
this into two part--
1] Core Ideology
2] Envisioned future
3] Deals with certainties
4] Deals with past

16. Following are the component tasks of strategic planning

1] Formulate the corporate strategy
2] Generate Strategic Alternatives, Evaluate and Select.
3] Implement,monitoring,Feedback and Control of the strategy.
4] Improper definition of business.

17. From the definitions of Strategic Management, we can see that Strategic
management is
1] Satisfaction of stakeholders important.
2] Leads to formulation of strategy or set of strategies.
3] Managing the organizational systems.
4] Environment management is not necessary for success

18. According to many authors in management these are major options/alternatives also
called as grand strategic alternatives which are
1] Stability in existing business
2] Expansion in existing business or new business
3] Contraction or retrenchment
Subject: Strategic Management

4] None of above

Fill in the Blanks

19. Management accounting focuses on technical analysis while the :BLANK

concentrates on organisation design &work flow.
1] Flotilla
2] Florilla
3] Flobilla
4] Flovilla

20. The :BLANK states that the private sector ,because of its considerable economic
and human resources, must help in social programs.
1] capacity argument
2] enlightened self interest
3] anti freeloader argument
4] None of the above

21. An eminent researcher in the area of social responsibility :BLANK

1] Archie B. Carroll
2] Archie B. Catherine
3] Archie B. Bowen
4] Archie B. O'Donnell

22. :BLANK boasted strong competencies in photographic technology and dealer

1] Canon
2] Xerox
3] HP
4] LG

23. :BLANK bias is a belief that synergy will only be captured by compelling or
cajoling the business units to cooperate.
1] Parenting
2] Synergy
3] Skill
4] Upside

24. The first steps in supply chain management must be:BLANK .

1] supply chain simplification
2] standardization
3] automatic, spontaneous supply
4] spontaneous BTO parts

25. Atul exports to more than :BLANK countries.

1] 50
2] 55
3] 58
4] 45
Subject: Strategic Management

26. :BLANK control may be put into practice through the identification and monitoring
of strategic thrusts.
1] Implementation
2] Premise
3] Strategic surveillance
4] Emergency alert

State True or False

29. MUL has been able to exceed production targets in every year of its operation.
1] True
2] False

30. Building core competencies is not out pending rivals on R &D or vertical /
horizontal integration.
1] True
2] False

31. Most of the strategic factors that boost ROI doesn't contribute to long term value.
1] True
2] False

32. Power &authority are delegated downwards beginning at the top, from each
manager to his subordinates
1] True
2] False

33. Motivational strategies need to be based on a giving model rather than a needing
model of man.
1] True
2] False

34. When an organization takes up an activity in such a manner that it is related to the
existing business, it is called concentric diversification.
1] True
2] False

35. Survival of the fittest has become the Mantra of Business today.
1] True
2] False

36. Combination strategy is adopted because the organisation is large &faces a complex
1] True
2] False

37. Direction phase ends in Red tape Crisis.

1] True
2] False
Subject: Strategic Management

38. The corporate planning staff may also be involved in strategic evaluation.
1] True
2] False

Match the Following

39. 1] Offers multi-disciplinary solutions for 1] TCE consulting engineers

projects 2] THDC
2] Management of residential & 3] Tata financial services
commercial complexes 4] Tata Petrodyne
3] In-house financial consultancy 5] Tata economy consultancy services
4] Engaged in exploration of crude oil & 6] Tata Quality management services
natural gas

40. 1] Inventory turnover ratio 1] Working capital planning

2] Timing of reordering & inventory 2] Inventory planning
turnover 3] Receivable planning
3] Collection of accounts receivables 4] Dividend planning
4] State regulation & tax policy 5] Taxation planning
6] Maintenance planning

41. 1] Decisions 1] Made under uncertainty and risk

2] Risk analysis 2] Decision based on a number of
3] Decision trees variables
4] Preference theory 3] Depicts pictorially the various
outcomes of a decision
4] Says that individual attitude towards
risk varies
5] Managing external opportunities
6] Surveying the environment-External
& Internal

42. 1] Actual performance and its 1] Analysis of variance

comparison with standard of budgeted 2] Zero variance
performance. 3] Positive variance
2] Actual performance matches the 4] Negative variance
budgeted performance. 5] Macro variance
3] Actual performance deviates 6] Micro variance
positively over the budgeted
4] Actual performance deviates
negatively over the budgeted

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