Artificial Intelligence To Improve Education / Learning Challenges

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International Journal Of Advanced Engineering & Innovative Technology (IJAEIT)

ISSN: 2348 7208 IMPACT FACTOR: 1.04

White paper - Artificial Intelligence to Improve Education / Learning Challenges

Mr. Nitin Borge, Software Architect, (Tech Mahindra Ltd. Plot No. 1, Phase - III, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech
Park, Hinjewadi, Pune, Maharashtra, India 411057) (Email: [email protected])
ABSTRACT: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
In educational system, handling artificial intelligence (AI), in teaching and learning process, had a surprising evolution.
The educational goals can be better achieved and managed by new technology of education. Using AI we can have better
analysis of each and every students in a class who is a slow learner or lazy enough to understand the topics which has
been explained by lecturer. Analysis will give clear idea about student’s understanding on each and every topic. If
student is lagging in some areas or he/she is not able to understand few topics then AI analysis would showcase this
report to lecturer or teacher or parents so that appropriate action can be taken. AI analysis should also recommend the
topics with basic examples or in an easy manner to student so that he/she can improve his/her skill in the particular area
where he/she is uncomfortable.
Key Words: Artificial Intelligence; face value, Teaching and learning Process

1. INTRODUCTION that could be used to interact with students, prepare for

class, or work on professional development. While AI may
Artificial Intelligence can point out places where courses
not ever be able to truly replace human grading, it’s
need to improve. Teachers may not always be aware of
getting pretty close. It’s now possible for teachers to
gaps in their lectures and educational materials that can
automate grading for nearly all kinds of multiple choice
leave students confused about certain concepts. Different
and fill-in-the-blank testing and automated grading of
students have different learning styles, abilities, interests
student writing may not be far behind. Today, essay-
and needs. One teacher in a classroom of 30 students will
grading software is still in its infancy and not quite up to
rarely be able to cater to each of those needs. Homework
par, yet it can (and will) improve over the coming years,
and classes could be customized based on a student
allowing teachers to focus more on in-class activities and
profile, interests can be cultivated and enhanced by
student interface than grading.
exposing students to different courses and content. [2]
Artificial Intelligence offers a way to solve that problem.
2. Students could get additional support from AI tutors.
For an instance, Coursera, a massive open online course
While there are obviously things that human tutors can
provider, is already putting this into practice. When a
offer that machines can’t, at least not yet, the future could
large number of students are found to submit the wrong
see more students being tutored by tutors that only exist in
answer to a homework assignment, the system alerts the
zeros and ones. Some tutoring programs based on artificial
teacher and gives future students a customized message
intelligence already exist and can help students through
that offers hints to the correct answer. This type of system
basic mathematics, writing, and other subjects.
helps to fill in the gaps in explanation that can occur in
These programs can teach students fundamentals, but so
courses, and helps to ensure that all students are building
far aren’t ideal for helping students learn high-order
the same conceptual foundation. Rather than waiting to
thinking and creativity, something that real-world teachers
hear back from the professor, students get immediate
are still required to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t rule out
feedback that helps them to understand a concept and
the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these things in
remember how to do it correctly the next time around.
the future. With the rapid pace of technological
Here are just a few of the ways those tools, and those that advancement that has marked the past few decades,
will follow them, will shape and define the educational advanced tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream.
experience of the future. 3. AI-driven programs can give students and educators
1. Artificial intelligence can automate basic activities in helpful feedback.
education, like grading. AI can not only help teachers and students to craft courses
In college, grading homework and tests for large lecture that are customized to their needs, but it can also provide
courses can be tedious work, even when TAs split it feedback to both about the success of the course as a
between them. Even in lower grades, teachers often find whole. Some schools, especially those with online
that grading takes up a significant amount of time, time offerings, are using AI systems to monitor student

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Volume 2, Issue 6 May-June -2016

progress and to alert professors when there might be an Using AI systems, software, and support, students can
issue with student performance. learn from anywhere in the world at any time, and with
These kinds of AI systems allow students to get the these kinds of programs taking the place of certain types
support they need and for professors to find areas where of classroom instruction, AI may just replace teachers in
they can improve instruction for students who may some instances (for better or worse). Educational
struggle with the subject matter. AI programs at these programs powered by AI are already helping students to
schools aren’t just offering advice on individual courses, learn basic skills, but as these programs grow and as
however. Some are working to develop systems that can developers learn more, they will likely offer students a
help students to choose majors based on areas where they much wider range of services.
succeed and struggle. While students don’t have to take
the advice, it could mark a brave new world of college 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT
major selection for future students. In a teaching and learning environment, students’ active
participation with lessons as well as the use of learning
4. AI could change the role of teachers. approaches that help students remember what they learn
There will always be a role for teachers in education, but are important dimensions. Effective learning approaches
what that role is and what it entails may change due to increase the quality of learning. Students learn best by
new technology in the form of intelligent computing doing and experiencing. To be effective and efficient,
systems. As we’ve already discussed, AI can take over science teaching programs need to be student-centered
tasks like grading, can help students improve learning, and based on research and investigation, and should
and may even be a substitute for real-world tutoring. Yet include experimental activities. In a cooperative learning
AI could be adapted to many other aspects of teaching as approach, student and teachers are in a state of dynamic
well. AI systems could be programmed to provide interaction in the classroom.
expertise, serving as a place for students to ask questions
and find information or could even potentially take the Each students’ have different learning ability. One
place of teachers for very basic course materials. In most example of a topic explained by a teacher can be
cases, however, AI will shift the role of the teacher to that understand by student in one go or it will take more than
of facilitator. two or three example of the same topic to understand the
Teachers will supplement AI lessons, assist students who topic. Sometimes, it might happen that student was absent
are struggling, and provide human interaction and hands- for the previous class. Sometimes, teacher is not able to
on experiences for students. In many ways, technology is give appropriate example which is easy enough to
already driving some of these changes in the classroom, understand by each and every student in a classroom.
especially in schools that are online or embrace the flipped
classroom model. 3. IDENTIFYING PATTERNS
5. AI can make trial-and-error learning less intimidating.
Teachers who are able to embrace technology as a
Trial and error is a critical part of learning, but for many foundation for their teaching strategy can reap the benefits
students, the idea of failing, or even not knowing the of automatic data capture created from their students’
answer, is paralyzing. Some simply don’t like being put on engagement. The big advantage of digital information
the spot in front of their peers or authority figures like a systems is their ability to store and rapidly process huge
teacher. An intelligent computer system, designed to help amounts of information in a short space of time.
students to learn, is a much less daunting way to deal with Combined with specialized algorithms, these systems are
trial and error. Artificial intelligence could offer students a able to identify and make sense of student engagement
way to experiment and learn in a relatively judgment-free and behavioral patterns that emerge in a teacher’s class
environment, especially when AI tutors can offer solutions and report these findings to the teacher.
for improvement. In fact, AI is the perfect format for The ability for educators to be assisted by technology in
supporting this kind of learning, as AI systems the management of their classes means that they can
themselves often learn by a trial-and-error method. spend less time pencil-pushing and more time gaining
6. AI may change where students learn, who teaches useful insights from their classroom AI tools to deliver
them, and how they acquire basic skills. higher standards of teaching.

While major changes may still be a few decades in the 4. THE PROCESS OF LEARNING AND TEACHING
future, the reality is that artificial intelligence has the
potential to radically change just about everything we take [5] To learn and teach is main problem of a knowledge -
for granted about education. [2] oriented society, and its procedure to solve can be affect

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Volume 2, Issue 6 May-June -2016

the future of each country. Optimum solving of teaching and values in the society. The model of teaching and
and learning must be done, based on dominant culture learning must pose as suitable as with society

Fig 1 Keller’s’ motivator didactic model (ARCS)

Various models have presented, including Keller learning compare with text reports, that essential motive comes
model (ARCS). Keller believes that, motivation is under manifest the emotional model of human is, as a
effect of individual, environmental, specialties and positive spectrum of emotions like joy, pleasure, hope
learning materials. Keller, in his motivational, educational and sympathy and negative spectrum consist of sadness,
designing, composing theories and motivational anger, fear disappointment and aggressiveness, emotion
procedures with educational designing, and forms an in the procedure of education must be in positive
application result that causes learners to do more struggle spectrum and preferably must be in the form of active
to achieve educational goals EQ emotional model. This and several of learning model which must take care to
model e motion or feeling has much effect on learning archive goals.
Sam 2009. After making emotional remembrance as

Fig 2 Excitement Model (EQ) [5]

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Volume 2, Issue 6 May-June -2016


[2] An example scenario of a teacher’s interaction with their classroom AI tools could be as follows:

Teacher: Show me the students who have difficulty detail that may not be obvious or possible for teachers to
understanding fractions. recognize at face value. Classroom AI tools have
AI: I have found 14 students who show three categories capabilities in analyzing multiple sources of data and
of difficulty in understanding fractions. [Shows list of comparing them to known patterns. This can identify the
students] root causes for problems, and also drive towards more
Teacher: Why does Amit not understand fractions? consistent outcomes across different classes, regardless of
AI: My analysis shows that Amit missed the first lesson the experience of teaching staff.
where fractions were explained. His interactions suggests
that he doesn’t understand the concept of fractions. 7. REFERENCES
Teacher: What actions are recommended for Amit’s 1.
difficulty in fractions? 015_32.pdf
AI: You should ask your teaching assistant to provide 2.
Amit with the information from the first lesson at the intelligence-will-improve-teaching-and-learning/
earliest opportunity, followed by the provision of 3.
homework item A12. [Click this to review] learning/10-roles-for-artificial-intelligence-in-
Teacher: Which other students can these actions be education/
applied to? 4.
AI: Vinayak and Rajesh were also absent from the first 898122185900549
fractions lesson, but they are showing better capabilities 5.
in understanding the subject. pdf
Teacher: Is tomorrow’s lesson plan suitable for these 6.
students? AI_to_improve_training_performance_and_ROI.pdf
AI: No, because none of the identified students are
showing a full understanding of fractions at present. [2]
The ability for information systems to provide this level
of insight not only saves time, but can provide the level of
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