AI Squad Output - Briefing Report 2

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How to Support Teachers to Use

AI in Teaching
Briefing report No. 2
by the European Digital Education Hub’s squad on artificial
intelligence in education
How to Support Teachers to Use AI in Teaching 4

How Could Teachers be Supported? 7

How could AI support teachers? 7

How could AI support educational institutions? 7

How could teachers be supported to teach with AI? 8

How Could Teachers Start with AI in Education? 10

Knowledge about the content 10

Knowledge about underlying pedagogical models of educational applications 10

Understanding of the technology 11

Understanding of the teaching context 11

Understanding of the technology 11

Understanding of the teaching context 11

Knowledge about the cognitive processes 11

Recommendations by the Squad 13

How to Support Teachers to Use AI in Teaching
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has already moved from an emergent to a more advanced stage where
people are trying to explore its affordances and discover new innovative usages. It became extremely clear
that AI technology is here to stay, and teachers cannot ignore it anymore. How should offerings to educators
be positioned, and which problems are we going to solve through AI usage? We will try to model the 5 Whys
technique on how AI is making an impact on education, teaching and learning. The below sets of questions
refer first to education in general and then to the teaching/learning process:

1) Why is AI making an impact on education, teaching and learning?

AI is making an impact on education, both for teachers and for students as it enables new
forms of personalisation and learning through individual feedback and coaching. While
there are concerns over academic integrity, there is also hope that AI will enable teachers
to provide more personalised learning experiences for their students.

2) Why is personalisation important in education?

Every student is different in their abilities, interests and circumstances of learning. It is
important to tailor learning experiences for each individual student. This task is incredibly
difficult in large classes, when a teacher cannot provide real-time feedback for every

3) Why is real-time feedback valuable in education?

Real-time feedback helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses, adjust their
learning strategies, and improve their performance. It allows them to focus on achieving
educational outcomes most effectively.

4) Why is enhancing educational outcomes important?
Education provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their
personal and professional lives. Educational outcomes are designed in a way that improves
students’ future prospects and contributes to societal well-being.

5) Why is societal well-being important?

Providing students with high-quality education can help create a more just and equitable
society, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential regardless of their
background or circumstances.

1) Why should teachers use AI in the classroom?

AI allows to provide real-time feedback and personalise learning experiences for students
and can also support teachers in improving their learning designs for classes.

2) Why is it important to personalise learning experiences for students?

Personalisation allows to create individual learning paths and achieve educational outcomes
most effectively. But for this, teachers need big amounts of data, as well as time to support
multiple students.

3) Why is it beneficial for teachers to have access to real-time data and insights?
When teachers have real-time data and insights, they can adapt their teaching strategies
to be most effective for a given student or a group of students.

4) Why can AI help teachers save time and reduce workload?
AI can assist with tasks such as grading, data analysis, and providing feedback, allowing
teachers to focus on teaching and providing personalised support to their students.

5) Why is it beneficial for teachers to stay up-to-date with technological advancements in

Teachers can improve their skills and knowledge, making them more competitive and
effective in their roles. It can also increase job satisfaction and motivation by providing
opportunities for professional growth and development.

In the article “AI in education: added value or not?” Digisprong mentions some practical ideas and dilemmas
about AI use in education. For example, educational applications driven by artificial intelligence can divide
students into level groups, automatically correct exercises, and help beginner students with reading
difficulties. But that also means teachers need to keep an eye on the results from AI to make sure the
quality of the teaching process remains high. More examples can be found in the Briefing report No. 3 “Use
Scenarios and practical examples of AI use in Education”.

Although AI is evolving rapidly, its abilities are still limited. Teachers’ pedagogical and educational role
remains important. Digisprong mentions several tasks which AI cannot perform well yet, like monitoring
and giving feedback on higher thinking skills or collaboration, and it does not consider students’ thought
processes or intermediate steps. Today, most AI tools for education can only provide feedback on skill sets for
which there are clearly defined “right or wrong” answers such as reading, writing, coding, and mathematics.

How Could Teachers be Supported?
How could AI support teachers? students of different age groups AI can, for

AI can support teachers in their everyday practice, instance, provide quick examples of pieces

for example in: of text and adapt them to a given age

• Enabling personalised learning. Using AI, level so the teacher can practice grading

teachers can create personalised learning or correcting assessments for that target

materials for students regarding their group of students. AI-based text tools could

strengths and weaknesses, students’ pace be used as instruments to train writing and

and ability (e.g. gifted students or twice creativity skills and critical thinking.

exceptional). • Planning learning. AI-based apps can

• Offering feedback. AI can help teachers support teachers in the process of creating

provide immediate feedback to students. courses, course modules, units, or lessons.

This can be useful or not as research shows

(Sumeracki, 2022) but this is up to the
teachers to decide. How could AI support educational

• Focusing on certain tasks. AI can allow institutions?

teachers to focus more on tasks like student AI, used at an institutional level, can support teachers
engagement, student observation, formative in their everyday practice, for example in:
assessment, etc. • Interpreting testing data. If hypothetically,
• Monitoring the class. AI can be used to the whole school does frequent testing
monitor the class and through frequent with adaptive learning applications, maybe
testing give a data-driven overview to the AI can be useful to create learning groups
teacher about the students’ content learning. that are based on students’ abilities and not
• Having an overview of the learning process. anymore based on the biological age/class
If AI is used for frequent testing, it could grade.
provide a great overview of the learning • Personalised training models for groups of
process of students or classes. students and teachers.
• Teacher training. In teacher training or • Predictive analysis of student achievement.
preparation of substitute teachers for Providing early warning of students at risk

of failing to reach the required learning Institutional level
standards of their grade level and providing In order to support teachers in using AI in their daily
suggestions for support. professional life, institutions could:
• Support in academic writing of institutions • Allocate more time for professional
official documents. development and planning.
• Recommending learning materials to • Give teachers access to applications
support the teacher in their own professional dedicated to class management using AI.
development. • Implement AI at the organisational level. If,
for example, educational institutions use AI
for assessment and monitoring then they
How could teachers be supported to teach could consider leveraging the use of student
with AI? achievement data in new ways, for example
by supporting the creation of learning groups
Teacher level
based on abilities or students’ interest rather
Teachers who want to teach with AI could be
than age groups with the help of AI-driven
supported by:
organisational tools. It is important that
• European School Education Platform &
educators would be part of planning such
eTwinning communities
• European Digital Education Hub
• Offering managerial-level support for
• EU Teacher Academies
integrating AI in a reflective and critical way
• Peer-to-peer connections
to improve performance on certain tasks.
• possibility of virtual exchanges
Educational leaders and managers should
• blended intensive programmes
reflect on: What is the support needed from
• Projects such as AI for teachers
the managerial level? What should principals
• Requirement (e.g., in procurement processes)
do? How should they set goals? How should
to include teacher support materials and
they organise shared learning of teachers in
training opportunities in AI tools for schools
single schools? How can this be integrated

into pedagogical programs? What are the • AI, coding and statistics should be part
pitfalls, risks as well as ethical and law- of initial teacher education. At university
related considerations? level, educational leaders and program
• Provide incentives to teachers to upskill coordinators should start building teachers’
themselves, e.g., credits, certification and training curricula by answering questions
promotion. such as what the challenges for teachers of
• Organise open discussions and reflections the future are, how AI will affect their jobs,
with all educational stakeholders on legal/ and how they can use AI. This kind of training
ethical questions regarding technology based on a future oriented perspective
usage in education. would be highly recommendable for initial
teachers training.
• Offer professional development on AI in
National level
national catalogues for teachers trainings,
• Guidance on teacher competences to teach
e.g. the ones developed in North Macedonia,
with, for and about AI. This could be included
Serbia or Croatia
in the national recommendations for each
curriculum (You may find more in Briefing
European level
report No. 1 Teachers’ competences).
• European programmes to support AI use in
• Integrated learning scenarios: AI could be
education, like Erasmus+
used as a tool to create more transdisciplinary
• Recommendations and guidelines to
approaches or to promote moments of
encourage AI use in education, like the
vertical teaching or mixed classes. If given
Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial
access to data and trained properly, it could
intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and
be a tool to generate an overview of which
learning for educators
content is taught in which class, which
would make AI a useful tool to help teachers
create integrated learning scenarios (like for
integrated STEM teaching).
• Provide incentives to teachers to upskill
themselves, e.g., credits, certification,

How Could Teachers Start with AI in Education?
The TPACK framework highlights that the effective incorporation of technology to enhance student learning
relies on three fundamental elements: content, pedagogy, and technology. To achieve a valuable teaching
and learning experience, educators must possess thorough knowledge of the subject they teach, a strong
grasp of effective teaching methodologies, and a good understanding of the technology they can use or
abstain from using. In 2018, Punya Mishra’s website upgraded the TPACK diagram, and included the context
domain to emphasise the limitations and different circumstances teachers face while teaching. Besides
these elements, it is important to note that integrating technology in classroom activities also requires some
understanding of the cognitive process of learning.

Knowledge about the content decisions are based on and how traceable these

Educators can begin by utilising AI to expand their decisions are. Practical questions such as “Do I agree

understanding of subject-related content. There are with the grades this system is automatically giving?”

various AI applications that can offer descriptions or “Is this AI-driven system shaping or producing

of particular concepts, clarify them, and provide the kind of learning practices I want my students

teachers with tailored explanations appropriate for to perform and pursue later?” can be useful (SURF

their students’ age level. Furthermore, AI-powered 2022).

search engines can enhance the search experience

by assisting teachers in finding information more Secondly, the intended learning outcomes and
quickly and efficiently. educational goals of AI-driven educational
applications and services require scrutiny. Before
Knowledge about underlying pedagogical integrating any new technology in education teachers
models of educational applications should ask themselves why they shall use it, what
From the educational science point of view, caution the intended learning outcomes and educational
regarding the underlying pedagogical models of goals of AI-driven educational applications are. For
educational applications and services is needed. example, if the goal is to develop learner agency and
For teachers, before using any AI-driven educational reflection skills, AI-driven educational technologies,
applications with students, it is essential to reflect which support critical thinking and independent
on which theoretical constructs the pedagogical working, could be integrated. Some AI tools rely

on specific schema or curriculum alignment, and would make the use of AI technology in the learning
teachers and schools should ensure that those are process impossible. Therefore, having an accurate
appropriate for the educational context in which and practical assessment of the available physical
they are situated (e.g., some may be aligned to US and human resources is indispensable for integrating
curriculum standards). technology into any educational process.

Eventually, it will be important for teachers to Knowledge about the cognitive processes
consider “which parts of the teaching tasks or Learning with different tools activates different
learning processes could be substituted, enhanced cognitive processes and thus teachers need to be
and transformed through automatisation, algorithms aware of the ones that are related to AI integration.
and machines” (Vuorikari et al, 2020).

As with all teaching activities, having an

Understanding of the technology understanding of the cognitive learning process
When educators opt for a new technology to is crucial to select the appropriate pedagogical
incorporate into their classroom, they must be approach and technology to effectively support and
conscious of its potential benefits and drawbacks to enhance the learning activity.
determine if it will hinder or augment the learning
experience. By employing frameworks such as the With AI “[o]ur whole relationship with knowledge
SECTIONS model proposed by Bates for evaluating and skills has changed. The nature of work will also
digital media, teachers can become more critical and change so how we learn will changed.” (‘Donald
adapt the tech tool to their specific context. Clark Plan B’, 2023) “We have moved from Human
Teachers and Human Learners, as a dyad to AI
Understanding of the teaching context Teachers and AI Learners as a tetrad.” (‘Donald Clark

Creating a conducive environment is crucial for Plan B’, 2023)

a successful learning experience. Teachers need

to recognise the strengths and limitations of the With AI, teachers can engage their students in a

learning environment and evaluate whether AI more interactive and personalised manner, while

technology is suitable for their context before simultaneously enhancing their own teaching

designing their course. For instance, having a methods. One of the key cognitive processes that AI

group of tech-savvy students but no internet and can aid in is attention. As previously discussed, AI-

appropriate device access in the learning space powered tools can help teachers maintain students’

engagement level high by delivering personalised example, visual stimuli from verbal ones, they can
content, offering instant feedback, and providing be concurrently used to support students in better
adaptive learning experiences that are customised perceiving and processing information.
to each student’s unique needs. Additionally, AI-
supported learning can be beneficial in enhancing Retrieval practice (Retrieval Practice) is another
students’ learning strategies. cognitive process that can be strengthened using
AI. Intelligent tutoring systems and other AI-
Dual coding (Dual Coding) is an important strategy in powered tools can help students practice retrieving
learning. It refers to the concept of utilising multiple information, which improves memory consolidation
forms of stimuli to assist learners in encoding and long-term retention. They can be useful tools
information more efficiently, thus making it easier for spaced repetition techniques (Spaced Practice)
to recall later. Visual and verbal stimuli are the by integrating moments of reviewing material at
two primary types of stimuli used in the classroom gradually increasing intervals.
for this purpose. As AI apps can generate, for

AI has several other ways to support students in learning, including exploring examples and linking them
to the study topics. This will help them understand how the example is relevant to the concepts taught.
Additionally, AI can generate different examples on the same topic that students can use to establish
connections between them and enhance their problem-solving skills.

AI can help increase student motivation by providing personalised learning experiences, immediate feedback,
and a sense of autonomy in their learning journey. By leveraging these cognitive processes, AI can play a vital
role in supporting and enhancing learning outcomes in the classroom.

Finally, keeping in mind that metacognition is a critical cognitive process that can promote self-awareness
and improve learning outcomes, AI-powered tools can help students become more aware of their learning
strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, providing guidance on how to improve their learning outcomes.

Recommendations by the Squad

• Create an online course for school management on integrating AI at the school level
to support education.
• Define “human-AI interface interaction skill”.
• Make recommendations for including “teaching with AI” in initial teacher education.
• Propose several professional development pathways for teachers to get acquainted
with AI.
• Teachers who are wondering how to get started with AI could access this flowchart
and find guidance depending on the choices they make.

Great time to get started

with briefing report No. 1.

That is ok. Start with briefing

reports No. 1 and 2.

Peer teachers or adults

Amazing! Start with briefing
reports No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Secondary students
Super! Start with briefing
reports No. 3, 4 and 7.

Primary students
Awesome! Start with briefing
reports No. 3, 4 and 7.

Briefing reports No. 5, 6 and 7 will be linked here as soon as they are published.

Members of the EDEH squad on artificial intelligence in education who dedicated time for this
briefing report: Cristina Obae, Yann-Aël Le Borgne, Francisco Bellas, Riina Vuorikari, Oksana
Pasichnyk, Petra Bevek, Bertine van Deyzen, Ari Laitala, Madhumalti Sharma, Robbe Wulgaert,
Jessica Niewint-Gori, Johanna Gröpler, Alexa Joyce and Lidija Kralj.

EDEH squad work around preparation of education for, about and with AI continues in briefing
reports that follow. 13
© European Union, 2023 – all rights reserved.

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