Cctsyll Mtech
Cctsyll Mtech
Cctsyll Mtech
5. Learn the applications of statistical methods for the experiments and civil engineering projects.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks
and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from
each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.
Text Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig ,”Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th Edition , Willely India, 2016.
2. B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 44rd Ed., 2017.
3. C. Ray Wylie and Louis C Barrett, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 6th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2012.
4. M K Jain, S.R.K Iyengar, R K. Jain, Numerical methods for Scientific and Engg.
5. Computation, New Age International, 2003.
Reference Books:-
1. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers,” 7th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill Edition, 2015.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, "Numerical Methods for Engineers", 7th Edition,
McGraw-Hill Edition, 2015.
3. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers,” 7th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill Edition, 2015.
Web links and Video Lectures:
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT12 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
Understand the various management techniques for successful completion of
construction projects.
Understand the effect of management for project organization.
Modules RBT Level
Introduction: Construction Projects- Concept, Project Categories,
Characteristic of projects, project life cycle phase. Project
L1, L2, L3,
Management- Project Management Function, Role of Project 10 Hours
L4, L5
Organizing For Construction - Principles of organization, type of
organization structure.
Project Feasibility Reports: Introduction, Significance in
feasibility report- Technical analysis, Financial analysis, Economic
analysis, Ecological analysis, Flow diagram for feasibility study of a L1, L2, L3,
10 Hours
project. L4, L5
Project planning Scope: Planning Process, Objectives, Types of
Project plans, Resource Planning Process.
Scheduling: Bar Charts, Work Breakdown Structure, Time
estimates, Applications of CPM and PERT, A-O-N Network-Logic L1, L2, L3,
10 Hours
and Precedence diagrams, advantages, Drawing A-O-N network L4, L5
from A-O-A network and related problems.
Time Cost relationship: Direct and indirect cost, step in
optimization of cost, related problem. Allocation of resources: L1, L2, L4,
10 Hours
Histogram, Resource smoothening, Resource leveling and related L5
problem. Project updating using CPM network and related
numerical problems.
Resources: Scheduling, Monitoring and Updating. Line of Balance
10 Hours L1, L2
Scheduling. Resource Planning-Leveling and Allocation.
Introduction to Building Information Model (BIM).
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Allocate the funds for each work and execute the same.
Calculate the total time required to complete the job without delay and delay in the
project and also estimate the amount of additional funds may require to complete the
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
Text Books:
1.Chitkara, K.K. “Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Control”,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1998.
2.Choudhury S, “Project Management”, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1988.
3. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction – Fundamental
Concepts for Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pittsburgh, 2000.
Reference Books:
1.Srinath L.S, “PERT and CPM”, East West Press Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
2. Frank Harris and Roland McCaffer, “Modern Construction Management”- 4th Ed.
Blackwell Science Ltd.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT13 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to
Understand concept of quality management and its implications.
Understand the importance of quality certifications and application of TQM to the
construction projects.
Understand concept of safety management and its implications
Study the relationship between
quality and safety management.
Modules RBT Level
Module -1
Construction Quality Management- need and importance,
Quality control and methods, Quality Assurance, Quality assurance 10 Hours L1, L2, L5
plan, Inspection and Testing- Process, Inspection test report, concepts
of quality policy, Quality standards, Quality manual.
Module -2
Quality Certification for companies and laboratories (ISO Certification,
NABL certification). Total Quality Management, Features and Elements
of TQM, Critical factors of TQM, TQM in construction Projects. 10 Hours L3, L4, L5
Benchmarking, Types of Benchmarking and process, Third Party
Certification- Process involved.
Module -3
Construction Safety-meaning and scope, Safety in construction-
Technological aspects, organizational aspects and behavioral aspects, L1, L2, L4,
Safety in Project management, Education and training. 10 Hours
Safety legislation and Standards, Contract conditions on safety in Civil
Engineering projects.
Module -4
SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION: Causes, classification, cost and
measurement of an accident, accident report. Safety information
10 Hours L3, L4, L5
systems, safety programme for construction, Safety budgeting, Factors
affecting safety, Strategic Planning for safety provisions, SOPs, PPE,
Module -5
Personal & Structural safety and Safety measure:
a) For storage and handling of building materials.
b) Construction of elements of a building 10 Hours L3,L4, L5
c) During use of equipment
d) In demolition of buildings- Safety lacuna in Indian scenario
Site safety programmes - JSA, JHA, Safety audit, safety policy,
manuals, training & orientation.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Gain the knowledge, Importance and necessity of quality management in construction.
Learn and apply the importance of safety management in construction.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Logothetis, N. "Management for total quality." ed: Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ (1997).
2. David Gold Smith, “Safety Management in construction and Industry”,McGraw Hill
3. K N Vaid, “Construction Safety Management”, NICMAR, Bombay.
4. D S Rajendra Prasad, “Quality Management System in Civil Engineering”, Sapna Book
House, Bangalore.
1. Robert (QMP) “ Bench Marking”, “ The search for industry Best Practices that led to superior
performance” American Society of Quality 1995.
2. Break Joseph and Susan Joseph “ Total Quality Management”, Excel Books , New Delhi, 1995.
3. Juran Frank, J.M. and Gryna, F.M. “Quality Planning and Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill 2002.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT14 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
1. Understand the environmental issues due to building materials and the energy consumption in
manufacturing building materials
2. Study the various masonry blocks and alternative building materials.
3. Study the properties of concrete making materials, special concretes and various methods for
making concrete.
4. Understand the sustainable materials used in construction.
5. Understand the amount of energy required for building and use of Non-renewable sources.
Modules RBT Level
Module -1
Introduction: Energy in building materials, Environmental issues concerned to
building materials, Embodied energy and life-cycle energy, Global warming and
construction industry, Green concepts in buildings, Green building ratings
10 Hours L1,L2,L3
IGBC and LEED manuals – mandatory requirements, Rainwater harvesting
&solar passive architecture. Environmental friendly and cost effective building
technologies, Requirements for buildings of different climatic regions.
Module -2
Alternative Building Materials: Lime, Pozzolana cements, Raw materials,
Manufacturing process, Properties and uses. Fibers- metal and synthetic,
Properties and applications. Fiber reinforced plastics, Matrix materials, Fibers
organic and synthetic, Properties and applications. Building materials from agro 10 Hours L2, L3
and industrial wastes, Types of agro wastes, Types of industrial and mine
wastes, Properties and applications. Masonry blocks using industrial wastes.
Construction and demolition wastes
Module -3
Special Concretes: Definition & Introduction, General properties, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Applications, High density concrete, Shrinkage compensating
concrete, Mass concrete, Roller compacted concrete. Light weight concrete, High 10 Hours L2, L3
strength concrete, Ultra-high strength concrete (reactive powder concrete), High
workability concrete/Self compacting concrete, Fiber reinforced concrete,
Polymer-concrete composites.
Module -4
Introduction and definition of Sustainability. Carbon cycle and role of 10 Hours L1, L2,
construction material such as concrete and steel, etc. CO2 contribution
from cement and other construction materials. Control of energy use in L4
building, ECBC code, codes in neighboring tropical countries, features of
LEED and TERI Griha ratings, Performance ratings of green buildings.
Module -5
Non-renewable sources of energy and Environmental aspects – energy
norm, coal, oil , natural gas, Nuclear energy, Global temperature, Green L1, L2,
10 Hours
house effects, global warming. Acid rain - Causes, effects and control L4
methods. Regional impacts of temperature change.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course students are able to:
1. Solve the problems of environmental issues concerned to building materials and cost effective
building technologies.
2. Analyze different alternative building materials, which will be suitable for specific climate and
in sustainable manner.
3. Recommend various types of alternative building materials, technologies and to design a
energy efficient building by considering local climatic condition and building materials.
4. Conduct the various tests on fresh and hardened concrete, special concrete and the methods
of manufacturing of concrete.
1. 5. Know the idea of utilizing less carbon emission materials.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. K. S. Jagadish, B. V. Venkatarama Reddy and KS Nanjunda Rao, “Alternative Building
Materials and Technologies”, New Age International Publishers.
2. Gambhir M.L., “Concrete Technology”, McGraw Hill Education, 2006.
3. Shetty M.S., “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand and Company Ltd. Delhi, 2003.
4. M. L. Gambhir “Building Materials” Neha Jamwal, Tata McGraw Hill Publ.
5. C. J. Kibert (2008) “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and delivery”, 3rd Ed.,
John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Reference Books:
1. RJS Spence and DJ Cook, “Building Materials in Developing Countries”, Wiley pub.
2. Mehta. P. K., and Paulo J.M. Monteiro, “Concrete- Microstructure, Properties and Materials”-
(Indian Ed., Indian Concrete Institute), McGraw Hill.
3. National Building Code 2005, Part 0-10, Bureau of Indian Standards
4. G.T. Miller Jr. (2004) “Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections and Solutions”, 14th
Ed., Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove, California, Washington DC, April 1989.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT15 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
Understand the various types of equipments used for construction.
Understand different construction methods.
Understand modern techniques used in construction.
Understand the environmental issues related to construction activities.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Module -1
Introduction to mechanization: Definition, advantages and limitations of
mechanization, Indian scenario and Global scenario.
Mechanization through construction equipment: Equipment cost, L1, L2, L3
10 Hours
Machine Power, Production cycle - Dozers, scrapers, excavators, Finishing L4, L5
equipment, Trucks and Hauling equipment, Hoisting equipment,
Draglines and Clamshells.
Module -2
Mechanization in aggregate manufacturing: Flow chart of process of
manufacturing of coarse aggregates, Different types of crushers used,
process of screening and washing. Recycled aggregates: Types of recycled
aggregates. Artificial aggregates: Types of artificial aggregates. 10 Hours L1, L2, L3
Mechanization in concrete production (RMC plant):Flow chart of the
process of concrete production. Methods of placing and compaction of
Module -3
Mechanization in rebar fabrication Mechanization through construction: L1, L2, L3
10 Hours
formwork and scaffolding types, materials and design principles. L4,
Module -4
Mechanization through construction methods/technologies: segmental
L1, L2, L3
construction of bridges/flyovers, box pushing technology for tunneling, 10 Hours
trench-less technology. Pile Driving Equipments.
Module -5
Mechanization through construction methods of Drilling, Blasting and
Tunneling Equipment : Definition of terms, bits, Jack hammers, Drifters,
wagon drills, chisel drills, piston drills, blast hole drills, shot drills,
10 Hours L1, L2, L4
diamond drills, tunneling equipment, selecting the drilling method
equipment; selecting drilling pattern. Safety and Environmental issues in
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to
Understand applications of different types of equipments/machineries used in
construction industry
Understand use of modern tools and techniques
Know the methods of drilling and blasting.
Impact of different construction activities on environment
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
References :
1. Mahesh Varma, “Construction Equipment and its Planning and Applications”, Metropolitan Book
Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi. India.
2. Sharma S.C. “Construction Equipment and Management”, Khanna Publishers,
Delhi, 1988
3.“Construction Review” Published by Civil Engineering and Construction Review, New Delhi, 1991.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Module -5
Patent Rights:
The Concept, Intellectual Property System in India, Development of TRIPS
Complied Regime in India, Patents Act, 1970, Trade Mark Act, 1999,The
Designs Act, 2000, The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and
Protection) Act1999, Copyright Act,1957,The Protection of Plant Varieties and
Farmers‟ Rights Act, 2001,The Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits Layout
Design Act, 2000, Trade Secrets, Utility Models, IPR and Biodiversity, The
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 1992, Competing Rationales for
Protection of IPRs, Leading International Instruments Concerning IPR, World
Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO),WIPO and WTO, Paris Convention
for the Protection of Industrial Property, National Treatment, Right of Priority,
Common Rules, Patents, Marks, Industrial Designs, Trade Names, Indications L1,
5 Hours
of Source, Unfair Competition, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Advantages of L2,L3,L4
PCT Filing, Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works,
Basic Principles, Duration of Protection, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights(TRIPS) Agreement, Covered under TRIPS Agreement, Features
of the Agreement, Protection of Intellectual Property under TRIPS, Copyright
and Related Rights, Trademarks, Geographical indications, Industrial
Designs, Patents, Patentable Subject Matter, Rights Conferred, Exceptions,
Term of protection, Conditions on Patent Applicants, Process Patents, Other
Use without Authorization of the Right Holder, Layout-Designs of Integrated
Circuits, Protection of Undisclosed Information, Enforcement of Intellectual
Graduate Attributes (As per NBA): Problem analysis, Investigation, Design, Individual and teamwork,
Communication skills, Professionalism.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Discuss research methodology and the technique of defining a research problem
Explain the functions of the literature review in research, carrying out a literature search,
developing theoretical and conceptual frameworks and writing a review.
Explain various research designs and their characteristics.
Explain the art of interpretation and the art of writing research reports
Discuss various forms of the intellectual property, its relevance and business impact in the
changing global business environment and leading International Instruments concerning IPR
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books
1. C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques”, New Age
International 4th Edition, 2018
2. Ranjit Kumar “Research Methodology a step-by step guide for beginners”. (For the topic Reviewing
the literature under module) SAGE Publications Ltd 3rd Edition, 2011.
1. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students”
2. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction” Model
Curriculum of Engineering & Technology PG Courses [Volume -II] [ 15 ]
3. Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition, “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners”.
4. Halbert, “Resisting Intellectual Property”, Taylor & Francis Ltd ,2007.
5. Mayall , “Industrial Design”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
6. Asimov , “Introduction to Design”, Prentice Hall, 1962.
7.Study Material (For the topic IPR under module 5, Professional Programme IPR, Law and
Practice, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Statutory Body Under an Act of
Parliament, September 2013.
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS SEMESTER – II
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
Understand importance of economics
Understand concept of financial management
Know the time value money and factors governing it.
Understand Working Capital Management.
Understand various risks and Uncertainties involved in construction.
Modules RBT Level
Economics; Definition and importance and scope Finance:
L1, L2, L3
Definition and scope, Sources of finance, Financial Management;
10 Hours L4,
Meaning and Scope, Supply and Demand Mechanism, Time value of
money, discounted cash flow, NPV, ROR, Problems
Pricing; objectives, determinants, absorption, marginal costing.
Financial analysis, Process of Decision making: Capital Budgeting, L1, L2, L3
10 Hours
budgetary control, standard costing and variance, investment
appraisal. Practical problems
Quantifying alternatives for decision making; Bases of comparison, L2, L3 L4,
Incremental analysis, Benefit-Cost analysis, Capital budgeting; 10 Hours L5,
Profit, loss and Breakeven analysis, Practical Problems
Working capital cycle, Working capital management, Financial
L2, L3 L4,
statements; Balance sheet and its components, profit & loss
10 Hours L5, L6
account, fund flow statement. Financial ratios and their
importance. Project appraisal, project yield, taxation and inflation,
Risk and uncertainty-SWOT analysis, Turnkey activities; cost
control, performance budgeting. L2, L3 L4,
Equipment economics: Equipment costs, Ownership and operating 10 Hours L5,
costs, Buy/Rent/Lease options, Replacement analysis, depreciation
and amortization.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able :
To understand the importance of economics and finance in civil engineering projects.
To understand and analyze financial statements.
To assess profit, loss and break-even point.
To develop a budget, manage and regulate it.
To analyze different risks and uncertainties.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
1. 1.Peterson, H.C., Lewis, W.C. “Managerial Economics”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Parkin, M. & Bade R., “Modern Macroeconomics” 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
3. Werther & Davis, “Human Resources & Personnel Management”, McGraw Hill, 1996
4. Edwards, John, 1983 “Manpower planning, John Wiley”: New York
5. Anthony, R.N. Govindrajan, V., Irwin, “Management control systems”, McGraw Hill
Publications, 10th Edition, 2000.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT22 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to
Understand the type of prefabricated elements.
Understand the method of hoisting.
Understand the basic construction of the pre-engineered buildings.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
General Principles of Pre Fabrication
Comparison with monolithic construction, Types of prefabrication, site and plant
prefabrication, Economy of prefabrication, Modular coordination, Standardization,
10 Hours L1,L2
Planning for Components of prefabricated structures, Disuniting of structures,
Handling and erection stresses, Elimination of erection stresses (Beams, columns)
Symmetrical frames.
Prefabricated Elements
Roof and floor panels, ribbed floor panels, wall panels, footings, Joints for different
structural Connections, Effective sealing of joints for water proofing, Provisions for
non-structural fastenings, Expansion joints in pre-cast construction. 10 Hours L1,L2
Construction of precast structural components (Purlins, Principal rafters, roof
trusses, lattice girders, gable frames, Single span single storeyed frames, Single
storeyed buildings – slabs, beams and columns.)
Production and Hoisting Technology
Choice of production setup, Manufacturing methods, Stationary and mobile
production, Planning of production setup, Storage of precast elements, Dimensional
10 Hours L2,L3
tolerances, Acceleration of concrete hardening. Equipments for hoisting and erection,
Techniques for erection of different types of members like Beams, Slabs, Wall panels
and Columns, Vacuum lifting pads.
Precast sandwich Panels ,Pre-stressed concrete solid flat slabs, Hollow core
slab/panels, Pre-stressed concrete Double “T”, Bridge, Precast segmental Box 10 Hours L2,L3
Girders, Specifications and design considerations.
Pre-Engineered Buildings
Introduction, Advantages, Pre Engineered Buildings Vs. Conventional Steel 10 Hours L3,L4
Buildings, Design Consideration of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) – Applications
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able :
To design the pre-engineered structures and execute the same for a given structure.
To know the different types of stresses acting on the structures while lifting the prefabricated
structures and type of equipment required to support such stresses.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will
be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. L. Mokk, “Prefabricated Concrete for Industrial and Public Structures” Publishing House of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2007.
2. T. Koncz, “Manual of Precast Concrete Construction”, Vol. I, II, III & IV, Berlin,1971.
Reference Books:
1.B. Lewicki, “Building with Large Prefabricates”, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, London, New
York, 1998.
2. Structural Design Manual, Precast Concrete Connection Details, Society for the Studies in the use of
Precast Concrete, Netherland Betor Verlag, 2009.
3. Hass, A.M. Precast concrete design and Applications, Applied Science Publishers,1983.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT23 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:: This course will enable the students:
To understand the importance of sub-soil exploration, bearing capacity of soil.
To learn the design of shallow foundation
and deep foundations in varies field conditions.
To understand the importance of soil
reinforcement in improving the soil characteristics.
Modules RBT Level
Module -1: Soil Exploration and Bearing Capacity
Soil Explorations: Objectives and importance, Disturbed, Undisturbed
and representative samples, samplers, Geophysical methods,
Geophysical exploration and Bore hole log.
Bearing Capacity: Safe bearing capacity, Settlement pressure,
allowable Bearing Capacity, Types of Foundations soil failure, Terzaghi's 10 Hours L1L2,L3 L4
and BIS equation for Bearing capacity. Effect of water table and
eccentricity. Field methods: Plate load test, standard penetration
method, static and dynamics penetration tests. Introduction to bearing
capacity of layered soils.
Module -2: Design of Shallow foundation
Classification of foundation, classification of footing, objectives,
importance and field suitability of each. Design of single column footing
10 Hours L2, L3 L4
with and without eccentricity. Design of combined footing. (Using IS:
Module -3 Raft Foundation
Design of Raft foundations- types of rafts, Bearing capacity of mat
foundations, Mat settlements, Modulus of sub-grade reactions for mats
and sub-grades, Numerical problems. Allowable soil pressures for rafts
10 Hours L1,L2
in cohesionless and cohesive soils, Design of raft by rigid beam method
and Winkler method, Solution based on elastic half space and based on
elastic theory.
Module -4 Deep foundations
Deep Foundations: Load Transfer in Deep Foundations, Types of Deep
Foundations, Ultimate bearing capacity of different types of piles in
different soil conditions, Laterally loaded piles, tension piles & batter 10 Hours L2, L3 L4
piles, Pile groups: Bearing capacity, settlement, uplift capacity, load
distribution between piles, Proportioning and design concepts of piles.
Module -5: Soil Reinforcements
Geo-synthetics: Classifications, Properties, functions, Laboratory
tastings and construction details, metallic strips, metallic grids,
10 Hours L1L2,L3
geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes and geocomposites, their functions
and design principles. (No problems) Geo-textile: properties, testing
methods, functions, design principals. Geo-synthetic clay liners.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of soil exploration; determine the Bearing capacity of the soil in various
field conditions.
2. Design the shallow foundations and raft foundation.
3. Understand and solve the problems associated with pile foundations.
4. Understand importance of geo-synthetics as soil reinforcement
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:-
1. Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation (2010), Swami Saran, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Foundation Engineering (2012), J E Bowles. McGraw Hill Book Company
3. Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures(1979)–S Prakash, Sarita Prakashana,
4. Foundation design in practices (2010)-Kaurna Moy Ghosh. PHI
5. Foundation Engineering (1998): Bajara M Das, John Wiley & Sons,
6. Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics(1998)-Kameswara Rao, N. S. V., Wheeler Publication
7. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – S K Garg, Khanna Publications
8. Geotechnical Engineering – C Venkataramaiah, New Age International Publishers
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT241 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to
Understand the importance of ventilation and their different types.
Understand the difference between electrical and plumbing layout.
Understand the various types of building services.
Understand the various methods of maintenance in construction industry.
Modules RBT Level
Module -1
Introduction to Building Services.
Describe basics of building services. Apply various types of services as
per needs of building. Classification of building services, Types of
services and selection of services. 10 Hours L1, L2,L3 L4, L5
Lighting and Ventilation provisions, Natural and artificial lighting-
principles and factors , Necessity of Ventilation, Types – Natural and
Mechanical ,Factors to be considered in the design of Ventilation.
Module -2
Electrical services in the building, Technical terms and symbols for
electrical installations and Accessories of wiring, Prepare electrical
services requirement and Layout of a given building (Ex residence, 10 Hours
L1, L2, L3 L4, L5
small work shop, show room, school building) cold and hot water
systems, Type, cold water distribution system as per NBC 2005
Module -3
Lift Definition, Types of Lifts, Design Considerations, Location, Sizes as
per NBC 2005 , Elevators & Escalators, Different types of elevators and
Escalators, conveyors Different types of Conveyors, Uses of different L1, L2, L3 L4, L5
10 Hours
types of Conveyors.
Standard fire, fire resistance, classification of buildings, means of
escape, alarms, etc., provisions of NBC
Module -4
Building Maintenance, maintenance services, developing a repair plan,
conducting the building and apartment condition survey, developing a
repair budget, emergency repairs, preventive maintenance, cosmetic 10 Hours L1, L2, L3 L4, L5
repairs, factors affecting maintenance, common building defects and
their Symptoms.
Module -5
Need for maintenance, classification of maintenance, planning of
maintenance, scheduling and estimating of maintenance, Preventive
10 Hours
and protective maintenance, Scheduled and contingency maintenance L1, L2, L3 L4, L5
planning M.I.S. for building maintenance. Maintenance standards.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to
Manage the building services provisions in big construction sites.
Synchronize the construction activities with installation of building services.
Select the suitable electrical as well mechanical services for particular requirements of buildings.
Select the appropriate type of maintenance depending upon necessity and requisite budget.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. R. Udaykumar “A text book on Building Services ”, Eswar Press, ISBN-13,9788178740638,
2. S. M. Patil “Building Services”, Seema Publication, ISBN-13,1234567121246, Mumbai Revised
3. Dr. B. C. Punmia “Building Construction ”,Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., Edition11-2017, New Delhi.
4. P. S. Gahlot “Building repair and Maintenance Management ”, CBS Publishers & Distribution(P)
Ltd, DEC-2010.
Reference Book.
1. “National Building Code of India - 2005 ”, Bureau of Indian Standards, BIS, New Delhi.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT242 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks
Module -3
Modules RBT Level
Estimation of quantities for R.C.C. multi storeyed complex viz. earthwork,
concrete in foundation, D.P.C., R.C.C. work, flooring and roofing, plastering 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
and pointing etc., wood work, white washing.
Analysis of rates for multi storeyed building works – Brick work in foundations
and Superstructure, cement concrete, R.C. C., Plastering, Flooring, Timber
10 Hours L1,L2,L4
work etc. Checking of construction quality – various tests for bricks, cement,
concrete, aggregates, and steel as per IS codes.
Preparation of bills for payment, measurement book, mode of payment, running
account bill. Ledger and Cash book details, Arbitration. 10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
Estimation of building services viz. water supply works, electrification, sanitary
10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
fitting etc, and their cost analysis.
Elements of Valuation: methods, techniques and examples Completion report of
the project; Checking of Plan, Details of various works, and issue of completion 10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
report of the project.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able :
To prepare the quantities of work for a multi storeyed building.
To certify the valuation report on existing structures.
To prepare the detailed bills for the on-going projects.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be
proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. B.N. Dutta “Estimating and Costing” UBS Publishers' Distributors Pvt Ltd,28th Revised Edition edition (2016).
2. G.S. Birdie “Estimating and Costing” Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
Reference Book:
1. Roshan N Namavati “Professional Practice”, Lakahni Book Depot, Mumbai.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT252 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Course objectives:
The students will be able to
Discuss the factors influencing design of pavements and compute stresses and
deflections induced in flexible pavement under various design loads.
Understand the material specification and construction of different layers.
Understand the various types of equipments used for road construction and pre
construction methods.
Design the thickness of flexible pavements by different methods and as per IRC
Design the thickness of concrete pavements and joints associated with CC pavements in
addition to the computation of stresses in CC pavements.
Modules RBT Level
Pavement and its composition – Types of pavement, functions of
various layers, choice of pavement type, Factors affecting design
and performance of flexible and rigid pavements , Desirable
characteristics of pavements.
Design wheel loads – axle load distribution, ESWL, EWL, and VDF 10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
due to varying loads and CSA.
Stresses and Deflections in Flexible Pavements: Application of
elastic theory, stresses, deflections in single, and two layer system,
Applications in pavement design. Problems.
Pavement construction- Different types of granular base course–
WMM, CRM, WBM, specifications, construction method and
quality control tests.
Different types of bituminous layers for binder and surface
courses, their Specifications (as per IRC and MORTH), 10 Hours L1,L4,L5
construction method and quality control tests.
Different types of sub-base and base course for cement concrete
pavement, construction of paving quality concrete and joints,
quality control tests during construction.
Plants and equipments for road construction- Bituminous
mixing plants, cement concrete mixers – various types, advantages
and choice. Road construction equipment – different types of
excavators, graders, soil compactors / rollers, pavers and other 10 Hours L2,L3,L4,
equipment for construction of different pavement layers – their
uses and choice. Construction of embankments and cuts for
roads, preparation of subgrade and quality control tests.
Design of Flexible Pavements: Factors effecting Design.
Deflection studies in Flexible Pavements. Present Serviceability
Index. IRC guidelines for Flexible Pavements. Pavement
10 Hours L3,L4,L5
Performance and methods- AASHTO and Asphalt Institute
Method. Need for Overlays, Overlays design methods for Flexible
and Rigid pavements.
Design of rigid pavement -General design principle, stresses in
rigid pavements (due to wheel loads and temperature variations),
design of cement concrete pavements (joints and slab thickness) 10 Hours L2,L4, L5,
as per IRC guidelines. Design features of CRCP, SFRC and ICBP,
Course outcomes:
After completion of the course the student will be able to
Explain the various factors affecting design and performance of pavements.
Calculate the stresses and deflection in flexible and rigid pavements.
Select suitable equipment for preparation of sub grade and preparation stages for base
and sub base layers.
Design the thickness of flexible pavements by different methods under different exposure
conditions and materials.
Design the thickness of concrete pavements and joints associated with CC pavements in
addition to the computation of stresses in CC pavements.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
Text Books:
1. Yoder and Witczak, “Principles of Pavement Design”- John Wiley and sons Inc(second
edition) 1975
2. Yang, “Design of functional pavements”- McGraw Hill Book Co.
Reference Books:
1. Huang, “Pavement Analysis”- Elsevier Publications
2. David Croney, Paul Croney, “Design & Performance of Road Pavements”- McGraw hill
Book Co.
3. W.Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas and Zeniswki “Modern Pavement Management”- McGraw
Hill and Co
4. IRC 37-2001, IRC 81-1997, IRC 58 – 2002, IRC 59 – 1976, IRC 101-1988, Indian Roads
5. Khanna and Justo “Highway Engineering”- Nemchand& Bros, Roorkee
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT253 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Prerequisites: Structural Dynamics
Course objectives: The students will be able to
1. Learn the principles of engineering seismology.
2. Design the reinforced concrete buildings for earthquake resistance structures.
3. Evaluate the seismic response of the structures.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Introduction to engineering seismology, Geological and tectonic features of
India, Origin and propagation of seismic waves, characteristics of earthquake
and its quantification – Magnitude and Intensity scales, seismic instruments.
Earthquake Hazards in India, Earthquake Risk Evaluation and Mitigation. 10 Hours L1,L2
Structural behavior under gravity and seismic loads, Lateral load resisting
structural systems, Requirements of efficient earthquake resistant structural
system, damping devises, base isolation systems.
The Response history and strong motion characteristics. Response Spectrum
– elastic and inelastic response spectra, tripartite (D-V-A) response spectrum,
L2, L3,
use of response spectrum in earthquake resistant design. Computation of 10 Hours
L4, L5
seismic forces in multi-storied buildings –using procedures (Equivalent
lateral force and dynamic analysis) as per IS-1893.
Structural Configuration for earthquake resistant design, Concept of plan
irregularities and vertical irregularities, Soft storey, Torsion in buildings.
Design provisions for these in IS-1893. Effect of infill masonry walls on
L2, L4,
frames, modeling concepts of infill masonry walls. Behavior of masonry 10 Hours
buildings during earthquakes, failure patterns, strength of masonry in shear
and flexure, Slenderness concept of masonry walls, concepts for earthquake
resistant masonry buildings – codal provisions.
Design of Reinforced concrete buildings for earthquake resistance-Load
combinations, Ductility and energy absorption in buildings. Confinement of
L2, L4,
concrete for ductility, design of columns and beams for ductility, ductile 10 Hours
detailing provisions as per IS1893. Structural behavior, design and ductile
detailing of shear walls.
Seismic response control concepts – Seismic demand, seismic capacity,
Overview of linear and nonlinear procedures of seismic analysis. Performance L2, L5,
10 Hours
Based Seismic Engineering methodology, Seismic evaluation and retrofitting L6
of structures
Course Outcome: On completion of this course, students will be able to:
· Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
· Understand the principles of engineering seismology
· Design and develop analytical skills.
· Summarize the Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of structures.
· Understand the concepts of earthquake resistance of reinforced concrete buildings.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Reference Books:
1. Dynamics of Structures – Theory and Application to Earthquake Engineering 2nd ed. – Anil K. Chopra,
Pearson Education.
2. Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures, VinodHosur, WILEY (india)
5. IS – 1893 (Part I): 2002, IS – 13920: 1993, IS – 4326: 1993, IS-13828: 1993
6. Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Minoru Wakabayashi, McGraw Hill Publishers.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCTL26 CIE Marks 40
04(3 hours lab
Number of Lecture
+1 hour SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
42 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to
Plan and schedule multi storeyed building with various constraints.
Carry out estimation of buildings using softwares
Understand and apply project management techniques.
Modules RBT Level
Software Application
1. Preparation of estimation of a structure using excel (6 hours).
2. Construction management software (MS-PROJECTS /PRIMAVERA)
i. Understanding basic features (3 hours).
ii. Create WBS, activities, and tasks and computation time using
Excel spread sheet and transferring the same to MS project
management software (6 hours).
iii. Identification of Predecessor and Successor activities with
constraints (6 hours).
42 Hours L1,L2,L3
iv. Constructing Network diagram (AON Diagram) and analyzing for
Critical path, Critical activities and other non-Critical paths,
Project duration, Floats (6 hours).
v. Study on various view options available (3 hours).
vi. Basic understanding about resource creation and allocation,
resolving over allocation of activities (6 hours).
vii. Splitting the activities, linking multiple activities, assigning
constrains, merging multiple projects, creating baseline project
and updating the project (6 hours).
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Achieve Knowledge of Design and development of soft skills.
Understand the application of planning and scheduling techniques to construction project.
Optimize time and cost for the construction project.
Question paper pattern:
15% of the total marks for write-up
15% of the total marks for viva voce
70% of the total marks for conducting experiments followed by the results
1. Chitkara, K.K. “Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Control”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Choudhury S, “Project Management”, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1988.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT31 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to
Summarize, analyze and evaluate the estimates, rate analysis and specifications.
Analyze, evaluate and design construction contract documents, tendering procedure.
Summarize and analyze the, claims and dispute mechanisms.
Summarize and analyze the BOT, PPP, Concession contracts.
Recognize and summarize the laws affecting engineers, relational contracts.
Modules RBT Level
Module-1 Estimation and Rate Analysis
Estimation: Estimate, Data required to prepare estimate, Types of
estimate, Report for estimate, Factors affecting estimation of major
construction project.
Analysis of Rates: Purpose of rate analysis, Procedure for rate analysis,
Factors affecting rate analysis.
Rate analysis for Lime concreting in foundation or floor, Cement concreting
in foundation or floor, RCC work in beams, slabs & column, Reinforced
10 Hours L2,L3,L4
brick work in slabs, First class brick work in foundation & superstructure,
Coursed Rubble stone masonry in superstructure, Ashlar stone masonry in
superstructure, Cement plastering & Pointing, Cement Concrete Floor,
Mosaic or terrazzo Tile floor, white washing & distempering, Damp proof
course, Painting, Varnishing , Earth work in excavation, Centering,
Shuttering, formwork for RCC beam, slab, Galvanized corrugated iron sheet
Module-2 Construction Specifications
General/brief specifications of a first class building, Second class
building, Third class building, fourth class building.
Detailed specifications for Earth work in excavation in foundation, Lime
concrete in foundation, Cement concrete, Reinforced cement concrete,
Damp proof course, Brick work first class, Reinforced brick work,
10 Hours L2,L3,L4
Plastering, pointing, Cement concrete floor, Mosaic or terrazzo floor, White
washing, Colour washing, Distempering, Painting, Varnishing, Wood work
(carpenter‟s work), Doors and windows, Glazing, Centering and shuttering,
Ashlar stone masonry, Coursed Rubble masonry, Galvanized corrugated
iron sheet roofing.
Module-3 Contracts, Tendering, Bidding & Contracting
Introduction to Contracts:
Agreement, Contract, Essentials conditions of a Valid Contract,
10 Hours L1,L2,L3
Terminologies of Contract, Distinction between Agreement and Contract,
Types of Contracts, Indian Contract Act 1872.
Tendering, Bidding & Contracting:
Tender and Tender Documents, Tendering procedure, Tender Notice,
Methods Of Bidding/Tendering, Conditions of Contract,
Securities/Guarantees in contract.
Module-4 Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution
Construction Claims: Reasons for Claims in Construction Contracts,
Types of Claims, Causes of claims, effects of claims Preparation And
Presentation of Claims, Deviations/ Variations: Extra item, Excess quantity,
Deficit quantity, Price Escalation. 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
Dispute Resolution: Dispute Resolution Mechanism, Types of Dispute
Resolution: Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Litigation, Dispute
Resolution Board [DRB].
Module-5 BOT Contract, Relational Contracts, Laws affecting Engineers
BOT Contract: Types of contract, PPP framework, types of risk,
concession agreement.
Relational Contracts: Partnering, Alliancing. 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
Laws affecting Engineers: Labour Law, Sales Tax, VAT, Service Tax, Excise
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Attain the knowledge on estimates, Develop and present rate analysis and specifications.
Develop and present the tender documents for the project
Attain the knowledge on tendering procedure, claims and dispute mechanisms.
Attain the knowledge on BOT, PPP, Concession contracts.
Attain the knowledge on laws affecting engineers, relational contracts.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. B.N.Dutta, “Estimation and Costing in Civil Engineering”, 28th revised edition, UBS Publishers
Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
2. Collier, K. (1982). “Managing Construction Contracts”, Reston Publishing Company.
3. S. Ranaga Rao Contract Management and Dispute Resolutions Engineering staffCollege of India
January 2008.
4. C. J. Schexnayder and R. E. Mayo, “Construction Management Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill, New
Delhi. 2003
5. General Conditions of Contract, Central Public Works Department, New Delhi,2010
6.D.S. Berrie and B.c. Paulson, Professional construction management including C.M., Design construct
and general contracting, McGraw Hill InternationaL, Third Edition 1992.
7.V. K. Raina, Construction & Contract Management Practices, SPD, New Delhi
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT321 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to:
Learn the structural properties of different members.
Identify the failure phenomenon of structures.
Understand the new approaches in the design aspects.
Understand the concepts of serviceability and durability of structures.
Modules RBT Level
Restoration & Rehabilitation; Definition and importance components in
services and testing of existing structures both destructive and non- 10 Hours L1, L2 L3
destructive; Causes of deterioration; preventive measures and maintenance.
Principles of assessment of weathering and durability; Performance of
construction materials and their Characteristics. Diagnosis of construction L1, L2,L3,
10 Hours
failures; Dealing with cracks; Methods of repair in concrete, Steel and L4
timber structural components.
Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete; Process of corrosion, Causes,
Effects, repair and preventive measures.
Deterioration of Concrete; Causes of Efflorescence, Effects, Repair and
Preventive measures. Grouting and shotcrete techniques. 10 Hours L1, L2,L3,
Surface coatings used in repair of structures. Leakage in slabs; Causes and
Preventive measures to be taken to prevent during and after construction.
Water proofing; Different techniques of water proofing.
Strengthening of existing structures; Different methods of strengthening the
L1, L2,L3,
existing structural elements.
10 Hours L4, L5
Maintenance Inspection; Steps involved in Maintenance Inspection.
Maintenance Budget and its importance.
Remedial measures and techniques for failures due to strength, deflection,
cracking, chemical attack, weathering, fire, leakage, marine conditions. 10 Hours L1, L2,L3,
Demolition methods.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Predict the failure modes in structures.
Design the structures to overcome the failure in construction activities.
Understand the deterioration of structures.
Suggest remedial measures for different types of failures.
Understand different methods of demolition.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. J. Bhattacharjee, Concrete structures Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, CBS Publishers,2017.
3. R T Allen, S C Edwards and D.N. Shaw, Repair of Concrete Structures, CRC press,1992.
4. A Technical Report on Learning of failures from Deficiencies in design, construction and Service,
Raikar R. N., R & D Centre (SDCPL).
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT322 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture SEE Marks
04 60
Total Number of Lecture Exam Hours
50 03
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to
Focus on the principles of sustainable construction and demolition waste management and
resource efficiency.
Examine the environmental impact of building materials, formulating and designing
pre−construction and site waste management plans.
Modules RBT Level
Environmental Impact of Building Materials, Embodied energy of materials;
impact on the local environment; toxicity of the material; lifecycle
10 Hours L1,L2
Nature and Source of Direct and indirect waste; site types and origins;
composition; quantity; current recycling/reuse potential of building
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plans, International good
practice; planning requirements; demolition plans; site implementation;
supplier agreements; sub−contractor management; role of waste
contractor; training; auditing; current disposal options; health and safety; 10 Hours L2,L3,L4
reporting to local authorities.
Treatment of Construction and Demolition Waste, waste permits; waste
licenses; waste transfer facilities; landfills; treatment technologies;
hazardous waste facilities; reporting to EPA
Designing for Waste Prevention and Minimization. Client, contractor and
designer attitudes; proper maintenance of existing buildings; reuse of
existing building structure; design flexibility; design for reuse and recycling; 10 Hours L3,L4,L5
dimensional co−ordination and standardization; material selection and
Waste Forecasting Tools, Application of WRAP's, Procedure for designing
out waste tool for buildings and civil engineering projects; WRAP net waste 10 Hours L1 TO L5
tool; BRE SMART Waste; WRAP Site Waste Management Plan Tracker
Future developments and potential future markets; Production of precast
elements using demolished wastes.
Significance of partial replacement or substitution of construction materials 10 Hours L1,L2
Smart materials; Properties, components, classification, advantages and
applications. Use of eco−materials; Properties and types.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Formulate, design, evaluate and review pre−construction and construction phase resource
efficient waste management plans.
Evaluate, assess and recommend potential reuse/recycling/disposal options considering existing
and potential future markets/uses.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions and each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Stessel, R. I. Recycling and resource recovery engineering: principles of waste processing. Springer
Science & Business Media, (2012).
2.Greg Winkler, “Recycling Construction and Demolition waste: A LEED-Based Toolkit (Green Source)
McGraw Hill Publishers
3.V M Tam, Chi Ming Tam, “Reuse of Construction and Demolition Waste in Housing Development”,
Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
1.Nováková, I., & Mikulica, K. (2016). Properties of concrete with partial replacement of natural aggregate
by recycled concrete aggregates from precast production. Procedia Engineering, 151, 360-367.
2. Xiao, J. (2018). Reclaim of Waste Concrete. In Recycled Aggregate Concrete Structures (pp. 15-37).
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT323 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to
Learn the concepts of prestress in Civil Engineering projects.
Learn the concepts of prestressing in mass housing projects, railway sleepers, flyovers etc.
Modules RBT Level
Design of high strength concrete mixes. Loss of prestress in single span and
continuous beams. Use of IS 1343-1980, Analysis Limit State Design of
beams for Tension Type II and III problems, Cracking moment, untensioned
10 Hours L1,L2,L3
reinforcement, Partial prestressing, Stress Corrosion. Transfer of prestress
by bond, Transverse tensile stresses, End zone reinforcement. Behaviour of
Bonded and unbounded prestress concrete beams
Deflection of Prestressed concrete members, short and long term, control of
deflections. Crack width considerations. Flexural strength of prestressed 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
concrete sections: Types of flexural failures, Limit state concept.
Shear resistance of prestressed concrete members: Principal stresses and
ultimate shear Resistance, Design of shear reinforcement, prestressed
10 Hours L1,L2,L3
concrete, members in Torsion, Design of reinforcement in torsion shear and
Stress distribution in end block, Analysis and Anchorage Zone
reinforcement. Composite Construction of prestressed precast and cast in
situ concrete. Statically Indeterminate structures: Continuous beams, 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
primary and secondary moments, Continuity, concordant cable profile,
Analysis and Design of continuous beams
Pre-stressed concrete pipes and poles. Design of Pre-stressed concrete
10 Hours L1,L2,L3
Pre-stressing of dams and bridges: Method of construction. Stage pre-
stressing, Dynamic and Fatigue behavior of pre-stressed concrete
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able :
To take the appropriate decision in respect of choice of Pre-stressed section over R.C.C.
To design the structures with various methods of pre-stressing.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Nigel R Hewon Prestressed Concrete Bridge, Design and construction Thomas Telford London 2003.
2. Devid A. Sheppard& William R. Phillps Plan Cast Precast and Prestressed concrete (A Design Guide )
Mcgraw Hill Publication Co. 1989.
3. N. Krishnaraju Prestressed Concrete Tata McGraw Hill (Third Edition) 1981.
Reference Books:
1. Lin T.Y,Burns N.H. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures. John Wiley & sons (Third
Edition).1982. ,
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT331 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students
To understand the importance of energy conservation.
To understand importance of non-renewable resources.
To design energy efficient buildings.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Conservation & energy efficiency concepts-overview of significance of energy use-
Renewable and Non-Renewable, energy and their significance, Global energy and
10 Hours L1,L2
environmental resources, Impact of temperature change, Energy crises Energy
processes in buildings
Solar energy fundamentals & practices in building design- solar astronomical
relations and radiation physics and measurements, design decision for optimal 10 Hours L1,L2
orientation of building, shadow analysis.
Heating and ventilation design- Human thermal comfort, climatological factors,
material specifications and heat transfer principles, thermal performance
10 Hours L1,L2
evaluation, Heat loss from buildings, design of artificial ventilation system,
design of insulators
Design audits & economic optimization- Concept of cost/benefit of energy
conservation & carbon footprint estimation. Energy efficient lighting system
10 Hours L1,L2
design: Basic terminologies and standards, daylighting and artificial lighting
design, auditing.
Computer energy simulation programs-Need for energy simulation programs and
its working, Energy simulation tools, Implementation of computer simulation 10 Hours L1,L2
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand the importance of energy resources
Design energy efficient buildings.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be
proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks. There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions)
from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module. Students will have to
answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Mili Majumdar, “Energy Efficient Buildings In India”, The Energy Research Institute.
2. Lal Jayamaha Energy-Efficient Building Systems, McGraw Hill Publication.
3. J A Duffie & W A Beckman Solar Energy and thermal processes, John Wiley
4. Energy Conservation Building Code, 2007.
5. Handbook of functional requirement of buildings, SP: 41:1987
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT332 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of
50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students to
Adopt various numerical methods and mathematical tools for analysis of research data.
Learn about the natural disasters.
Learn the risk reduction methods of disasters
Understand the application of GIS in disaster management techniques.
Modules RBT Level
Introduction: Disaster preparedness, Goals and objectives of ISDR
Programme, Risk identification, Risk sharing Disaster and development:
10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
Development plans and disaster management, alternative to dominant
approach, Disaster development linkages, Principle of risk partnership
Application of Technology in disaster risk reduction:
Application of various technologies: Data bases RDBMS Management
information systems-Decision support system and other systems-
10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
Geographic information systems- Intranets and extranets video
teleconferencing-Trigger mechanism-Remote sensing-an insight
contribution of remote sensing and GIS
Awareness of Risk reduction: Trigger mechanism constitution of
trigger mechanism- risk reduction by education-disaster information
network risk reduction by
public awareness
10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
Development of planning on disaster: Implication of development
planning- financial arrangements- areas of improvement-disaster
preparedness-community based disaster management-emergency
Seismicity: seismic waves-Earthquakes and faults measures of
earthquake, magnitude and intensity-ground damage-Tsunamis
and earthquakes. The design and management of Disaster
10 Hours L1,L2,L3,L4
Information Resource Network, Asian Disaster Preparedness
Centre, Regional data base, Contacts and Sources.
Causes, effects (damages) and Preventive measures of ground failures,
Landslides, rockslides, liquefaction, fire, floods, tsunamis, release of 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
hazardous material like poisonous gas, nuclear radiation.
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Analyze the existing data of the natural calamities and prediction of the disaster
Develop an appropriate methods to identify and rectify the disaster
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored
will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Pardeep Sahni, Madhavi Malalgoda and Ariya bandu, “Disaster risk reduction in
south Asia”, PHI Learning.
2. Amitasinvhal, “Understanding earthquake disasters”, TMH publishers, 2010.
3. Pardeep sahni, Alka Dhameja and Uma Medury, “Disaster Mitigation:
Experiences and reflections”, PHI Learning.
[Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)]
Subject Code 18CCT333 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
This course will enable the students
To learn principles of design of industrial buildings.
To design different components of industrial structures and to detail the structures.
Teaching RBT
Hours Level
Laterally Unrestrained Beams: Lateral Buckling of Beams, Factors
affecting lateral stability, IS 800 code provisions, Design Approach. Lateral 10 Hours L1,L2
buckling strength of beams – Design Examples.
Design of tension members and Design of compression members, built up
10 Hours L1,L2
compression members.
Connections bearing type joints – un stiffened and stiffened seat
connections, moment resisting connection of brackets -bolted and welded. 10 Hours L2,L3
Steel beams with web openings: Shape of the web openings, practical guide
lines, and Force distribution and failure patterns, Design of castellated 10 Hours L3,L4
Forms of light gauge sections, Effective width computation of unstiffened,
stiffened compression elements of cold formed light gauge sections.
10 Hours L2,L3,L4
Concept of local buckling of thin elements. Limiting width to thickness
Course outcomes:
On completion of this course, students are able to:
Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
Design and develop analytical skills.
Summarize the principles of Structural Design and detailing.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be
proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
1. Bureau of Indian Standards, IS800-2007, IS875-1987, IS-801-1975. Steel Tables, SP 6 (1) – 1984.
2. N Subramanian- “Design of Steel Structure” oxford University Press.
3. Duggal “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” TMH publishers.
4. B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain “Design of Steel Structures”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
5. Ramchandra and Virendra Gehlot “Design of Steel Structures “ Vol 1 and Vol.2, Scientific Publishers,