Sux. Mine

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G.R. No.

149177 November 23, 2007 termination of respondent's ICA could only be heard and
ventilated in the proper courts of Japan following the principles
KAZUHIRO HASEGAWA and NIPPON ENGINEERING of lex loci celebrationis and lex contractus.12
CONSULTANTS CO., LTD., Petitioners,
vs. In the meantime, on June 20, 2000, the DPWH approved
MINORU KITAMURA, Respondent. Nippon's request for the replacement of Kitamura by a certain
Y. Kotake as project manager of the BBRI Project.13
On June 29, 2000, the RTC, invoking our ruling in Insular
NACHURA, J.: Government v. Frank14 that matters connected with the
performance of contracts are regulated by the law prevailing at
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule the place of performance,15 denied the motion to dismiss.16
45 of the Rules of Court assailing the April 18, 2001 Decision1 The trial court subsequently denied petitioners' motion for
of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 60827, and reconsideration,17 prompting them to file with the appellate
the July 25, 2001 Resolution2 denying the motion for court, on August 14, 2000, their first Petition for Certiorari
reconsideration thereof. under Rule 65 [docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 60205].18 On
August 23, 2000, the CA resolved to dismiss the petition on
On March 30, 1999, petitioner Nippon Engineering Consultants procedural grounds—for lack of statement of material dates and
Co., Ltd. (Nippon), a Japanese consultancy firm providing for insufficient verification and certification against forum
technical and management support in the infrastructure projects shopping.19 An Entry of Judgment was later issued by the
of foreign governments,3 entered into an Independent appellate court on September 20, 2000.20
Contractor Agreement (ICA) with respondent Minoru
Kitamura, a Japanese national permanently residing in the Aggrieved by this development, petitioners filed with the CA,
Philippines.4 The agreement provides that respondent was to on September 19, 2000, still within the reglementary period, a
extend professional services to Nippon for a year starting on second Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 already stating
April 1, 1999.5 Nippon then assigned respondent to work as the therein the material dates and attaching thereto the proper
project manager of the Southern Tagalog Access Road (STAR) verification and certification. This second petition, which
Project in the Philippines, following the company's consultancy substantially raised the same issues as those in the first, was
contract with the Philippine Government.6 docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 60827.21

When the STAR Project was near completion, the Department Ruling on the merits of the second petition, the appellate court
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) engaged the rendered the assailed April 18, 2001 Decision22 finding no
consultancy services of Nippon, on January 28, 2000, this time grave abuse of discretion in the trial court's denial of the motion
for the detailed engineering and construction supervision of the to dismiss. The CA ruled, among others, that the principle of
Bongabon-Baler Road Improvement (BBRI) Project.7 lex loci celebrationis was not applicable to the case, because
Respondent was named as the project manager in the contract's nowhere in the pleadings was the validity of the written
Appendix 3.1.8 agreement put in issue. The CA thus declared that the trial court
was correct in applying instead the principle of lex loci
On February 28, 2000, petitioner Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Nippon's solutionis.23
general manager for its International Division, informed
respondent that the company had no more intention of Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was subsequently denied
automatically renewing his ICA. His services would be engaged by the CA in the assailed July 25, 2001 Resolution.24
by the company only up to the substantial completion of the
STAR Project on March 31, 2000, just in time for the ICA's Remaining steadfast in their stance despite the series of denials,
expiry.9 petitioners instituted the instant Petition for Review on
Certiorari25 imputing the following errors to the appellate
Threatened with impending unemployment, respondent, court:
through his lawyer, requested a negotiation conference and
demanded that he be assigned to the BBRI project. Nippon A. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY
insisted that respondent’s contract was for a fixed term that had ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE TRIAL COURT VALIDLY
already expired, and refused to negotiate for the renewal of the EXERCISED JURISDICTION OVER THE INSTANT
As he was not able to generate a positive response from the A QUO WAS ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN TWO
petitioners, respondent consequently initiated on June 1, 2000 JAPANESE NATIONALS, WRITTEN WHOLLY IN THE
Civil Case No. 00-0264 for specific performance and damages JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND EXECUTED IN TOKYO,
with the Regional Trial Court of Lipa City.11 JAPAN.

For their part, petitioners, contending that the ICA had been B. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY
perfected in Japan and executed by and between Japanese ERRED IN OVERLOOKING THE NEED TO REVIEW OUR
nationals, moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of ADHERENCE TO THE PRINCIPLE OF LEX LOCI
jurisdiction. They asserted that the claim for improper pre- SOLUTIONIS IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT
DEVELOPMENT[S] IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL Hasegawa is given the authority to sign for and act on behalf of
LAWS.26 the company only in the petition filed with the appellate court,
and that authority cannot extend to the instant petition for
The pivotal question that this Court is called upon to resolve is review.36 In a plethora of cases, however, this Court has
whether the subject matter jurisdiction of Philippine courts in liberally applied the Rules or even suspended its application
civil cases for specific performance and damages involving whenever a satisfactory explanation and a subsequent
contracts executed outside the country by foreign nationals may fulfillment of the requirements have been made.37 Given that
be assailed on the principles of lex loci celebrationis, lex petitioners herein sufficiently explained their misgivings on this
contractus, the "state of the most significant relationship rule," point and appended to their Reply38 an updated
or forum non conveniens. Authorization39 for Hasegawa to act on behalf of the company
in the instant petition, the Court finds the same as sufficient
However, before ruling on this issue, we must first dispose of compliance with the Rules.
the procedural matters raised by the respondent.
However, the Court cannot extend the same liberal treatment to
Kitamura contends that the finality of the appellate court's the defect in the verification and certification. As respondent
decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 60205 has already barred the filing pointed out, and to which we agree, Hasegawa is truly not
of the second petition docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 60827 authorized to act on behalf of Nippon in this case. The aforesaid
(fundamentally raising the same issues as those in the first one) September 4, 2000 Authorization and even the subsequent
and the instant petition for review thereof. August 17, 2001 Authorization were issued only by Nippon's
president and chief executive officer, not by the company's
We do not agree. When the CA dismissed CA-G.R. SP No. board of directors. In not a few cases, we have ruled that
60205 on account of the petition's defective certification of non- corporate powers are exercised by the board of directors; thus,
forum shopping, it was a dismissal without prejudice.27 The no person, not even its officers, can bind the corporation, in the
same holds true in the CA's dismissal of the said case due to absence of authority from the board.40 Considering that
defects in the formal requirement of verification28 and in the Hasegawa verified and certified the petition only on his behalf
other requirement in Rule 46 of the Rules of Court on the and not on behalf of the other petitioner, the petition has to be
statement of the material dates.29 The dismissal being without denied pursuant to Loquias v. Office of the Ombudsman.41
prejudice, petitioners can re-file the petition, or file a second Substantial compliance will not suffice in a matter that demands
petition attaching thereto the appropriate verification and strict observance of the Rules.42 While technical rules of
certification—as they, in fact did—and stating therein the procedure are designed not to frustrate the ends of justice,
material dates, within the prescribed period30 in Section 4, Rule nonetheless, they are intended to effect the proper and orderly
65 of the said Rules.31 disposition of cases and effectively prevent the clogging of
court dockets.43
The dismissal of a case without prejudice signifies the absence
of a decision on the merits and leaves the parties free to litigate Further, the Court has observed that petitioners incorrectly filed
the matter in a subsequent action as though the dismissed action a Rule 65 petition to question the trial court's denial of their
had not been commenced. In other words, the termination of a motion to dismiss. It is a well-established rule that an order
case not on the merits does not bar another action involving the denying a motion to dismiss is interlocutory, and cannot be the
same parties, on the same subject matter and theory.32 subject of the extraordinary petition for certiorari or mandamus.
The appropriate recourse is to file an answer and to interpose as
Necessarily, because the said dismissal is without prejudice and defenses the objections raised in the motion, to proceed to trial,
has no res judicata effect, and even if petitioners still indicated and, in case of an adverse decision, to elevate the entire case by
in the verification and certification of the second certiorari appeal in due course.44 While there are recognized exceptions
petition that the first had already been dismissed on procedural to this rule,45 petitioners' case does not fall among them.
grounds,33 petitioners are no longer required by the Rules to
indicate in their certification of non-forum shopping in the This brings us to the discussion of the substantive issue of the
instant petition for review of the second certiorari petition, the case.
status of the aforesaid first petition before the CA. In any case,
an omission in the certificate of non-forum shopping about any Asserting that the RTC of Lipa City is an inconvenient forum,
event that will not constitute res judicata and litis pendentia, as petitioners question its jurisdiction to hear and resolve the civil
in the present case, is not a fatal defect. It will not warrant the case for specific performance and damages filed by the
dismissal and nullification of the entire proceedings, respondent. The ICA subject of the litigation was entered into
considering that the evils sought to be prevented by the said and perfected in Tokyo, Japan, by Japanese nationals, and
certificate are no longer present.34 written wholly in the Japanese language. Thus, petitioners posit
that local courts have no substantial relationship to the parties46
The Court also finds no merit in respondent's contention that following the [state of the] most significant relationship rule in
petitioner Hasegawa is only authorized to verify and certify, on Private International Law.47
behalf of Nippon, the certiorari petition filed with the CA and
not the instant petition. True, the Authorization35 dated The Court notes that petitioners adopted an additional but
September 4, 2000, which is attached to the second certiorari different theory when they elevated the case to the appellate
petition and which is also attached to the instant petition for court. In the Motion to Dismiss48 filed with the trial court,
review, is limited in scope—its wordings indicate that petitioners never contended that the RTC is an inconvenient
forum. They merely argued that the applicable law which will In the instant case, petitioners, in their motion to dismiss, do not
determine the validity or invalidity of respondent's claim is that claim that the trial court is not properly vested by law with
of Japan, following the principles of lex loci celebrationis and jurisdiction to hear the subject controversy for, indeed, Civil
lex contractus.49 While not abandoning this stance in their Case No. 00-0264 for specific performance and damages is one
petition before the appellate court, petitioners on certiorari not capable of pecuniary estimation and is properly cognizable
significantly invoked the defense of forum non conveniens.50 by the RTC of Lipa City.62 What they rather raise as grounds
On petition for review before this Court, petitioners dropped to question subject matter jurisdiction are the principles of lex
their other arguments, maintained the forum non conveniens loci celebrationis and lex contractus, and the "state of the most
defense, and introduced their new argument that the applicable significant relationship rule."
principle is the [state of the] most significant relationship
rule.51 The Court finds the invocation of these grounds unsound.

Be that as it may, this Court is not inclined to deny this petition Lex loci celebrationis relates to the "law of the place of the
merely on the basis of the change in theory, as explained in ceremony"63 or the law of the place where a contract is
Philippine Ports Authority v. City of Iloilo.52 We only pointed made.64 The doctrine of lex contractus or lex loci contractus
out petitioners' inconstancy in their arguments to emphasize means the "law of the place where a contract is executed or to
their incorrect assertion of conflict of laws principles. be performed."65 It controls the nature, construction, and
validity of the contract66 and it may pertain to the law
To elucidate, in the judicial resolution of conflicts problems, voluntarily agreed upon by the parties or the law intended by
three consecutive phases are involved: jurisdiction, choice of them either expressly or implicitly.67 Under the "state of the
law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments. most significant relationship rule," to ascertain what state law
Corresponding to these phases are the following questions: (1) to apply to a dispute, the court should determine which state has
Where can or should litigation be initiated? (2) Which law will the most substantial connection to the occurrence and the
the court apply? and (3) Where can the resulting judgment be parties. In a case involving a contract, the court should consider
enforced?53 where the contract was made, was negotiated, was to be
performed, and the domicile, place of business, or place of
Analytically, jurisdiction and choice of law are two distinct incorporation of the parties.68 This rule takes into account
concepts.54 Jurisdiction considers whether it is fair to cause a several contacts and evaluates them according to their relative
defendant to travel to this state; choice of law asks the further importance with respect to the particular issue to be resolved.69
question whether the application of a substantive law which will
determine the merits of the case is fair to both parties. The Since these three principles in conflict of laws make reference
power to exercise jurisdiction does not automatically give a to the law applicable to a dispute, they are rules proper for the
state constitutional authority to apply forum law. While second phase, the choice of law.70 They determine which
jurisdiction and the choice of the lex fori will often coincide, state's law is to be applied in resolving the substantive issues of
the "minimum contacts" for one do not always provide the a conflicts problem.71 Necessarily, as the only issue in this case
necessary "significant contacts" for the other.55 The question is that of jurisdiction, choice-of-law rules are not only
of whether the law of a state can be applied to a transaction is inapplicable but also not yet called for.
different from the question of whether the courts of that state
have jurisdiction to enter a judgment.56 Further, petitioners' premature invocation of choice-of-law
rules is exposed by the fact that they have not yet pointed out
In this case, only the first phase is at issue— any conflict between the laws of Japan and ours. Before
jurisdiction.1âwphi1 Jurisdiction, however, has various aspects. determining which law should apply, first there should exist a
For a court to validly exercise its power to adjudicate a conflict of laws situation requiring the application of the
controversy, it must have jurisdiction over the plaintiff or the conflict of laws rules.72 Also, when the law of a foreign country
petitioner, over the defendant or the respondent, over the is invoked to provide the proper rules for the solution of a case,
subject matter, over the issues of the case and, in cases the existence of such law must be pleaded and proved.73
involving property, over the res or the thing which is the subject
of the litigation.57 In assailing the trial court's jurisdiction It should be noted that when a conflicts case, one involving a
herein, petitioners are actually referring to subject matter foreign element, is brought before a court or administrative
jurisdiction. agency, there are three alternatives open to the latter in
disposing of it: (1) dismiss the case, either because of lack of
Jurisdiction over the subject matter in a judicial proceeding is jurisdiction or refusal to assume jurisdiction over the case; (2)
conferred by the sovereign authority which establishes and assume jurisdiction over the case and apply the internal law of
organizes the court. It is given only by law and in the manner the forum; or (3) assume jurisdiction over the case and take into
prescribed by law.58 It is further determined by the allegations account or apply the law of some other State or States.74 The
of the complaint irrespective of whether the plaintiff is entitled court’s power to hear cases and controversies is derived from
to all or some of the claims asserted therein.59 To succeed in its the Constitution and the laws. While it may choose to recognize
motion for the dismissal of an action for lack of jurisdiction over laws of foreign nations, the court is not limited by foreign
the subject matter of the claim,60 the movant must show that sovereign law short of treaties or other formal agreements, even
the court or tribunal cannot act on the matter submitted to it in matters regarding rights provided by foreign sovereigns.75
because no law grants it the power to adjudicate the claims.61
Neither can the other ground raised, forum non conveniens,be all its records, equipment and properties. On July 26, 1988, the
used to deprive the trial court of its jurisdiction herein. First, it plaintiff, through counsel filed a Motion for Reconstitution of
is not a proper basis for a motion to dismiss because Section 1, Case Records. The Court, after allowing the defendant to react
Rule 16 of the Rules of Court does not include it as a ground.77 thereto, granted the said Motion and admitted the annexes
Second, whether a suit should be entertained or dismissed on attached thereto as the reconstituted records of this case per
the basis of the said doctrine depends largely upon the facts of Order dated September 6, 1988. Thereafter, the Motion to
the particular case and is addressed to the sound discretion of Dismiss, the resolution of which had been deferred; was denied
the trial court.78 In this case, the RTC decided to assume by the Court in its Order of October 4, 1988.
jurisdiction. Third, the propriety of dismissing a case based on
this principle requires a factual determination; hence, this On October 19, 1988, defendant filed his Answer. The case was
conflicts principle is more properly considered a matter of then set for pre-trial conference. At the conference, the parties
defense.79 could not arrive at any settlement. However, they agreed on the
following stipulations of facts:
Accordingly, since the RTC is vested by law with the power to
entertain and hear the civil case filed by respondent and the 1. The defendant admits the existence of the judgment
grounds raised by petitioners to assail that jurisdiction are dated December 28, 1984 as well as its amendment dated April
inappropriate, the trial and appellate courts correctly denied the 13, 1987, but not necessarily the authenticity or validity thereof;
petitioners’ motion to dismiss.
2. The plaintiff is not doing business and is not licensed
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for review on to do business in the Philippines;
certiorari is DENIED.
3. The residence of defendant, Antonio Heras, is New
SO ORDERED. Manila, Quezon City.

G.R. No. 128803 September 25, 1998 The only issue for this Court to determine is, whether or not the
judgment of the Hong Kong Court has been repelled by
ASIAVEST LIMITED, petitioner, evidence of want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party,
vs. collusion, fraud or clear mistake of law or fact, such as to
THE COURT OF APPEALS and ANTONIO HERAS, overcome the presumption established in Section 50, Rule 39 of
respondents. the Rules of Court in favor of foreign judgments.

In view of the admission by the defendant of the existence of

DAVIDE, JR., J.: the aforementioned judgment (Pls. See Stipulations of Facts in
the Order dated January 5, 1989 as amended by the Order of
In issue is the enforceability in the Philippines of a foreign January 18, 1989), as well as the legal presumption in favor of
judgment. The antecedents are summarized in the 24 August the plaintiff as provided for in paragraph (b); Sec. 50, (Ibid.),
1990 Decision1 of Branch 107 of the Regional Trial Court of the plaintiff presented only documentary evidence to show
Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-52452; thus: rendition, existence, and authentication of such judgment by the
proper officials concerned (Pls. See Exhibits "A" thru "B", with
The plaintiff Asiavest Limited filed a complaint on December their submarkings). In addition, the plaintiff presented
3, 1987 against the defendant Antonio Heras praying that said testimonial and documentary evidence to show its entitlement
defendant be ordered to pay to the plaintiff the amounts to attorney's fees and other expenses of litigation. . . . .
awarded by the Hong Kong Court Judgment dated December
28, 1984 and amended on April 13, 1987, to wit: On the other hand, the defendant presented two witnesses,
namely. Fortunata dela Vega and Russel Warren Lousich.
1) US$1,810,265.40 or its equivalent in Hong Kong
currency at the time of payment with legal interest from The gist of Ms. dela Vega's testimony is to the effect that no
December 28, 1984 until fully paid; writ of summons or copy of a statement of claim of Asiavest
Limited was ever served in the office of the Navegante Shipping
2) interest on the sum of US$1,500.00 at 9.875% per Agency Limited and/or for Mr. Antonio Heras, and that no
annum from October 31, 1984 to December 28, 1984; and service of the writ of summons was either served on the
defendant at his residence in New Manila, Quezon City. Her
3) HK$905.00 at fixed cost in the action; and knowledge is based on the fact that she was the personal
secretary of Mr. Heras during his JD Transit days up to the latter
4) at least $80,000.00 representing attorney's fees, part of 1972 when he shifted or diversified to shipping business
litigation expenses and cost, with interest thereon from the date in Hong Kong; that she was in-charge of all his letters and
of the judgment until fully paid. correspondence, business commitments, undertakings,
conferences and appointments, until October 1984 when Mr.
On March 3, 1988, the defendant filed a Motion to Dismiss. Heras left Hong Kong for good; that she was also the Officer-
However, before the court could resolve the said motion, a fire in-Charge or Office Manager of Navegante Shipping Agency
which partially razed the Quezon City Hall Building on June LTD, a Hong Kong registered and based company acting as
11, 1988 totally destroyed the office of this Court, together with ships agent, up to and until the company closed shop sometime
in the first quarter of 1985, when shipping business collapsed it can be presumed that there was service of summons; that in
worldwide; that the said company held office at 34-35 this case, it is not just a presumption because there was an
Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong and later transferred to affidavit stating that service was effected in [sic] a particular
Carton House at Duddel Street, Hong Kong, until the company man here in Manila; that such affidavit was filed by one Jose R.
closed shop in 1985; and that she was certain of such facts Fernandez of the firm Sycip Salazar on the 21st of December
because she held office at Caxton House up to the first quarter 1984, and stated in essence that "on Friday, the 23rd of
of 1985. November 1984 he served the 4th defendant at No. 6 First
Street, Quezon City by leaving it at that address with Mr.
Mr. Lousich was presented as an expert on the laws of Hong Dionisio Lopez, the son-in-law of the 4th defendant the copy of
Kong, and as a representative of the law office of the the writ and Mr. Lopez informed me and I barely believed that
defendant's counsel who made a verification of the record of the he would bring the said writ to the attention of the 4th
case filed by the plaintiff in Hong Kong against the defendant, defendant" (pp. 11-12, ibid.); that upon filing of that affidavit,
as well as the procedure in serving Court processes in Hong the Court was asked and granted judgment against the 4th
Kong. defendant; and that if the summons or claim is not contested,
the claimant of the plaintiff is not required to present proof of
In his affidavit (Exh. "2") which constitutes his direct his claim or complaint or present evidence under oath of the
testimony, the said witness stated that: claim in order to obtain judgment; and that such judgment can
be enforced in the same manner as a judgment rendered after
The defendant was sued on the basis of his personal guarantee full hearing.
of the obligations of Compania Hermanos de Navegacion S.A.
There is no record that a writ of summons was served on the The trial court held that since the Hong Kong court judgment
person of the defendant in Hong Kong, or that any such attempt had been duly proved, it is a presumptive evidence of a right as
at service was made. Likewise, there is no record that a copy of between the parties; hence, the party impugning it had the
the judgment of the High Court was furnished or served on the burden to prove want of jurisdiction over his person. HERAS
defendant; anyway, it is not a legal requirement to do so under failed to discharge that burden. He did not testify to state
Hong Kong laws; categorically and under oath that he never received summons.
Even his own witness Lousich admitted that HERAS was
a) The writ of summons or claim can be served by the served with summons in his Quezon City residence. As to De la
solicitor (lawyer) of the claimant or plaintiff. In Hong Kong Vega's testimony regarding non-service of summons, the same
there are no Court personnel who serve writs of summons was hearsay and had no probative value.
and/or most other processes.
As to HERAS' contention that the Hong Kong court judgment
b) If the writ of summons or claim (or complaint) is not violated the Constitution and the procedural laws of the
contested, the claimant or the plaintiff is not required to present Philippines because it contained no statements of the facts and
proof of his claim or complaint nor present evidence under oath the law on which it was based, the trial court ruled that since the
of the claim in order to obtain a Judgment. issue relate to procedural matters, the law of the forum, i.e.,
Hong Kong laws, should govern. As testified by the expert
c) There is no legal requirement that such a Judgment or witness Lousich, such legalities were not required under Hong
decision rendered by the Court in Hong Kong [to] make a Kong laws. The trial Court also debunked HERAS' contention
recitation of the facts or the law upon which the claim is based. that the principle of excussion under Article 2058 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines was violated. It declared that matters of
d) There is no necessity to furnish the defendant with a substance are subject to the law of the place where the
copy of the Judgment or decision rendered against him. transaction occurred; in this case, Hong Kong laws must
e) In an action based on a guarantee, there is no
established legal requirement or obligation under Hong Kong The trial court concluded that the Hong Kong court judgment
laws that the creditor must first bring proceedings against the should be recognized and given effect in this jurisdiction for
principal debtor. The creditor can immediately go against the failure of HERAS to overcome the legal presumption in favor
guarantor. of the foreign judgment. It then decreed; thus:

On cross examination, Mr. Lousich stated that before he was WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered ordering
commissioned by the law firm of the defendant's counsel as an defendant to pay to the plaintiff the following sums or their
expert witness and to verify the records of the Hong Kong case, equivalents in Philippine currency at the time of payment:
he had been acting as counsel for the defendant in a number of US$1,810,265.40 plus interest on the sum of US$1,500,000.00
commercial matters; that there was an application for service of at 9.875% per annum from October 31, 1984 to December 28,
summons upon the defendant outside the jurisdiction of Hong 1984, and HK$905 as fixed cost, with legal interests on the
Kong; that there was an order of the Court authorizing service aggregate amount from December 28, 1984, and to pay
upon Heras outside of Hong Kong, particularly in Manila or any attorney's fees in the sum of P80,000.00.
other place in the Philippines (p. 9, TSN, 2/14/90); that there
must be adequate proof of service of summons, otherwise the ASIAVEST moved for the reconsideration of the decision. It
Hong Kong Court will refuse to render judgment (p. 10, ibid); sought an award of judicial costs and an increase in attorney's
that the mere fact that the Hong Kong Court rendered judgment, fees in the amount of US$19,346.45 with interest until full
payment of the said obligations. On the other hand, HERAS no view of the foregoing discussion, there is a need to deviate front
longer opposed the motion and instead appealed the decision to the findings of the lower court in the interest of justice and fair
the Court of Appeals, which docketed the appeal as CA-G.R. play. This, however, is without prejudice to whatever action
CV No. 29513. [ASIAVEST] might deem proper in order to enforce its claims
against [HERAS].
In its order2 of 2 November 1990, the trial court granted
ASIAVEST's motion for reconsideration by increasing the Finally, the Court of Appeals also agreed with HERAS that it
award of attorney's fees to "US$19,345.65 OR ITS was necessary that evidence supporting the validity of the
EQUIVALENT IN PHILIPPINE CURRENCY, AND TO PAY foreign judgment be submitted, and that our courts are not
THE COSTS OF THIS SUIT," provided that ASIAVEST bound to give effect to foreign judgments which contravene our
would pay the corresponding filing fees for the increase. laws and the principle of sound morality and public policy.
ASIAVEST appealed the order requiring prior payment of
filing fees. However, it later withdrew its appeal and paid the ASIAVEST forthwith filed the instant petition alleging that the
additional filing fees. Court of Appeals erred in ruling that

On 3 April 1997, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision3 I.

reversing the decision of the trial court and dismissing
ASIAVEST's complaint without prejudice. It underscored the . . . IT WAS NECESSARY FOR [ASIAVEST] TO PRESENT
fact that a foreign judgment does not of itself have any EVIDENCE "SUPPORTING THE VALIDITY OF THE
extraterritorial application. For it to be given effect, the foreign JUDGMENT";
tribunal should have acquired jurisdiction over the person and
the subject matter. If such tribunal has not acquired jurisdiction, II.
its judgment is void.
The Court of Appeals agreed with the trial court that matters of DEFECTIVE UNDER PHILIPPINES LAW;
remedy and procedure, such as those relating to service of
summons upon the defendant are governed by the lex fori, III.
which was, in this case, the law of Hong Kong. Relative thereto,
it gave weight to Lousich's testimony that under the Hong Kong . . . SUMMONS SHOULD HAVE BEEN PERSONALLY
law, the substituted service of summons upon HERAS effected SERVED ON HERAS IN HONG KONG;
in the Philippines by the clerk of Sycip Salazar Hernandez &
Gatmaitan firm would be valid provided that it was done in IV.
accordance with Philippine laws. It then stressed that where the
action is in personam and the defendant is in the Philippines, . . . THE HONG KONG SUMMONS SHOULD HAVE BEEN
the summons should be personally served on the defendant SERVED WITH LEAVE OF PHILIPPINE COURTS;
pursuant to Section 7, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court.4
Substituted service may only be availed of where the defendant V.
cannot be promptly served in person, the fact of impossibility
of personal service should be explained in the proof of service. . . . THE FOREIGN JUDGMENT "CONTRAVENES
It also found as persuasive HERAS' argument that instead of PHILIPPINE LAWS, THE PRINCIPLES OF SOUND
directly using the clerk of the Sycip Salazar Hernandez & MORALITY, AND THE PUBLIC POLICY OF THE
Gatmaitan law office, who was not authorized by the judge of PHILIPPINES.
the court issuing the summons, ASIAVEST should have asked
for leave of the local courts to have the foreign summons served Being interrelated, we shall take up together the assigned errors.
by the sheriff or other court officer of the place where service
was to be made, or for special reasons by any person authorized Under paragraph (b) of Section 50, Rule 39 of the Rules of
by the judge. Court,5 which was the governing law at the time this case was
decided by the trial court and respondent Court of Appeals, a
The Court of Appeals agreed with HERAS that "notice sent foreign judgment against a person rendered by a court having
outside the state to a non-resident is unavailing to give jurisdiction to pronounce the judgment is presumptive evidence
jurisdiction in an action against him personally for money of a right as between the parties and their successors in interest
recovery." Summons should have been personally served on by the subsequent title. However, the judgment may be repelled
HERAS in Hong Kong, for, as claimed by ASIAVEST, HERAS by evidence of want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party,
was physically present in Hong Kong for nearly 14 years. Since collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or fact.
there was not even an attempt to serve summons on HERAS in
Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Supreme Court did not acquire Also, Section 3(n) of Rule 131 of the New Rules of Evidence
jurisdiction over HERAS. Nonetheless it did not totally provides that in the absence of proof to the contrary, a court, or
foreclose the claim of ASIAVEST; thus: judge acting as such, whether in the Philippines or elsewhere, is
presumed to have acted in the lawful exercise of jurisdiction.
While We are not fully convinced that [HERAS] has a
meritorious defense against [ASIAVEST's] claims or that Hence, once the authenticity of the foreign judgment is proved,
[HERAS] ought to be absolved of any liability, nevertheless, in the burden to repel it on grounds provided for in paragraph (b)
of Section 50, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court is on the party in the foreign country in which the record is kept, and
challenging the foreign judgment — HERAS in this case. authenticated by the seal of his office. The attestation must
state, in substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the original,
At the pre-trial conference, HERAS admitted the existence of or a specific part thereof, as the case may be, and must be under
the Hong Kong judgment. On the other hand, ASIAVEST the official seal of the attesting officer.
presented evidence to prove rendition, existence, and
authentication of the judgment by the proper officials. The Nevertheless, the testimony of an expert witness may be
judgment is thus presumed to be valid and binding in the allowed to prove a foreign law. An authority 12 on private
country from which it comes, until the contrary is shown. 6 international law thus noted:
Consequently, the first ground relied upon by ASIAVEST has
merit. The presumption of validity accorded foreign judgment Although it is desirable that foreign law be proved in
would be rendered meaningless were the party seeking to accordance with the above rule, however, the Supreme Court
enforce it be required to first establish its validity. held in the case of Willamette Iron and Steel Works v. Muzzal,
13 that Section 41, Rule 123 (Section 25, Rule 132 of the
The main argument raised against the Hong Kong judgment is Revised Rules of Court) does not exclude the presentation of
that the Hong Kong Supreme Court did not acquire jurisdiction other competent evidence to prove the existence of a foreign
over the person of HERAS. This involves the issue of whether law. In that case, the Supreme Court considered the testimony
summons was properly and validly served on HERAS. It is under oath of an attorney-at-law of San Francisco, California,
settled that matters of remedy and procedure such as those who quoted verbatim a section of California Civil Code and
relating to the service of process upon the defendant are who stated that the same was in force at the time the obligations
governed by the lex fori or the law of the forum, 7 i.e., the law were contracted, as sufficient evidence to establish the
of Hong Kong in this case. HERAS insisted that according to existence of said law. Accordingly, in line with this view, the
his witness Mr. Lousich, who was presented as an expert on Supreme Court in the Collector of Internal Revenue v. Fisher et
Hong Kong laws, there was no valid service of summons on al., 14 upheld the Tax Court in considering the pertinent law of
him. California as proved by the respondents' witness. In that case,
the counsel for respondent "testified that as an active member
In his counter-affidavit,8 which served as his direct testimony of the California Bar since 1951, he is familiar with the revenue
per agreement of the parties,9 Lousich declared that the record and taxation laws of the State of California. When asked by the
of the Hong Kong case failed to show that a writ of summons lower court to state the pertinent California law as regards
was served upon HERAS in Hong Kong or that any such exemption of intangible personal properties, the witness cited
attempt was made. Neither did the record show that a copy of Article 4, Sec. 13851 (a) & (b) of the California Internal and
the judgment of the court was served on HERAS. He stated Revenue Code as published in Derring's California Code, a
further that under Hong Kong laws (a) a writ of summons could publication of Bancroft-Whitney Co., Inc. And as part of his
be served by the solicitor of the claimant or plaintiff; and (b) testimony, a full quotation of the cited section was offered in
where the said writ or claim was not contested, the claimant or evidence by respondents." Likewise, in several naturalization
plaintiff was not required to present proof under oath in order cases, it was held by the Court that evidence of the law of a
to obtain judgment. foreign country on reciprocity regarding the acquisition of
citizenship, although not meeting the prescribed rule of
On cross-examination by counsel for ASIAVEST, Lousich' practice, may be allowed and used as basis for favorable action,
testified that the Hong Kong court authorized service of if, in the light of all the circumstances, the Court is "satisfied of
summons on HERAS outside of its jurisdiction, particularly in the authenticity of the written proof offered." 15 Thus, in, a
the Philippines. He admitted also the existence of an affidavit number of decisions, mere authentication of the Chinese
of one Jose R. Fernandez of the Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Naturalization Law by the Chinese Consulate General of
Gatmaitan law firm stating that he (Fernandez) served summons Manila was held to be competent proof of that law. 16
on HERAS on 13 November 1984 at No. 6, 1st St., Quezon
City, by leaving a copy with HERAS's son-in-law Dionisio There is, however, nothing in the testimony of Mr. Lousich that
Lopez. 10 On redirect examination, Lousich declared that such touched on the specific law of Hong Kong in respect of service
service of summons would be valid under Hong Kong laws of summons either in actions in rem or in personam, and where
provided that it was in accordance with Philippine laws. 11 the defendant is either a resident or nonresident of Hong Kong.
In view of the absence of proof of the Hong Kong law on this
We note that there was no objection on the part of ASIAVEST particular issue, the presumption of identity or similarity or the
on the qualification of Mr. Lousich as an expert on the Hong so-called processual presumption shall come into play. It will
Kong law. Under Sections 24 and 25, Rule 132 of the New thus be presumed that the Hong Kong law on the matter is
Rules of Evidence, the record of public documents of a similar to the Philippine law. 17
sovereign authority, tribunal, official body, or public officer
may be proved by (1) an official publication thereof or (2) a As stated in Valmonte vs. Court of Appeals, 18 it will be helpful
copy attested by the officer having the legal custody thereof, to determine first whether the action is in personam, in rem, or
which must be accompanied, if the record is not kept in the quasi in rem because the rules on service of summons under
Philippines, with a certificate that such officer has the custody. Rule 14 of the Rules of Court of the Philippines apply according
The certificate may be issued by a secretary of the embassy or to the nature of the action.
legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent,
or any officer in the foreign service of the Philippines stationed
An action in personam is an action against a person on the basis President and part owner of a shipping company in Hong Kong
of his personal liability. An action in rem is an action against during all those times that she served as his secretary. He had in
the thing itself instead of against the person. 19 An action quasi his employ a staff of twelve. 30 He had "business commitments,
in rem is one wherein an individual is named as defendant and undertakings, conferences, and appointments until October
the purpose of the proceeding is to subject his interest therein to 1984 when [he] left Hong Kong for good," 31 HERAS's other
the obligation or lien burdening the property. 20 witness, Russel Warren Lousich, testified that he had acted as
counsel for HERAS "for a number of commercial matters." 32
In an action in personam, jurisdiction over the person of the ASIAVEST then infers that HERAS was a resident of Hong
defendant is necessary for the court to validly try and decide the Kong because he maintained a business there.
case. Jurisdiction over the person of a resident defendant who
does not voluntarily appear in court can be acquired by personal It must be noted that in his Motion to Dismiss, 33 as well as in
service of summons as provided under Section 7, Rule 14 of the his
Rules of Court. If he cannot be personally served with summons Answer 34 to ASIAVEST's complaint for the enforcement of
within a reasonable time, substituted service may be made in the Hong Kong court judgment, HERAS maintained that the
accordance with Section 8 of said Rule. If he is temporarily out Hong Kong court did not have jurisdiction over him because the
of the country, any of the following modes of service may be fundamental rule is that jurisdiction in personam over non-
resorted to: (1) substituted service set forth in Section 8; 21 (2) resident defendants, so as to sustain a money judgment, must be
personal service outside the country, with leave of court; (3) based upon personal service of summons within the state which
service by publication, also with leave of court; 22 or (4) any renders the judgment. 35
other manner the court may deem sufficient. 23
For its part, ASIAVEST, in its Opposition to the Motion to
However, in an action in personam wherein the defendant is a Dismiss 36 contended: "The question of Hong Kong court's
non-resident who does not voluntarily submit himself to the 'want of jurisdiction' is therefore a triable issue if it is to be
authority of the court, personal service of summons within the pleaded by the defendant to 'repel' the foreign judgment. Facts
state is essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over her showing jurisdictional lack (e.g. that the Hong Kong suit was in
person. 24 This method of service is possible if such defendant personam, that defendant was not a resident of Hong Kong
is physically present in the country. If he is not found therein, when the suit was filed or that he did not voluntarily submit to
the court cannot acquire jurisdiction over his person and the Hong Kong court's jurisdiction) should be alleged and
therefore cannot validly try and decide the case against him. 25 proved by the defendant." 37
An exception was laid down in Gemperle v. Schenker 26
wherein a non-resident was served with summons through his In his Reply (to the Opposition to Motion to Dismiss), 38
wife, who was a resident of the Philippines and who was his HERAS argued that the lack of jurisdiction over his person was
representatives and attorney-in-fact in a prior civil case filed by corroborated by ASIAVEST's allegation in the complaint that
him; moreover, the second case was a mere offshoot of the first he "has his residence at No. 6, 1st St., New Manila, Quezon
case. City, Philippines." He then concluded that such judicial
admission amounted to evidence that he was and is not a
On the other hand, in a proceeding in rem or quasi in rem, resident of Hong Kong.
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is not a prerequisite
to confer jurisdiction on the court provided that the court Significantly, in the pre-trial conference, the parties came up
acquires jurisdiction over the res. Nonetheless summons must with stipulations of facts, among which was that "the residence
be served upon the defendant not for the purpose of vesting the of defendant, Antonio Heras, is New Manila, Quezon City." 39
court with jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due process
requirements. 27 Thus, where the defendant is a non-resident We note that the residence of HERAS insofar as the action for
who is not found in the Philippines and (1) the action affects the the enforcement of the Hong Kong court judgment is
personal status of the plaintiff; (2) the action relates to, or the concerned, was never in issue. He never challenged the service
subject matter of which is property in the Philippines in which of summons on him through a security guard in his Quezon City
the defendant has or claims a lien or interest; (3) the action seeks residence and through a lawyer in his office in that city. In his
the exclusion of the defendant from any interest in the property Motion to Dismiss, he did not question the jurisdiction of the
located in the Philippines; or (4) the property of the defendant Philippine court over his person on the ground of invalid service
has been attached in the Philippines — service of summons may of summons. What was in issue was his residence as far as the
be effected by (a) personal service out of the country, with leave Hong Kong suit was concerned. We therefore conclude that the
of court; (b) publication, also with leave of court, or (c) any stipulated fact that HERAS "is a resident of New Manila,
other manner the court may deem sufficient. 28 Quezon City, Philippines" refers to his residence at the time
jurisdiction over his person was being sought by the Hong Kong
In the case at bar, the action filed in Hong Kong against HERAS court. With that stipulation of fact, ASIAVEST cannot now
was in personam, since it was based on his personal guarantee claim that HERAS was a resident of Hong Kong at the time.
of the obligation of the principal debtor. Before we can apply
the foregoing rules, we must determine first whether HERAS Accordingly, since HERAS was not a resident of Hong Kong
was a resident of Hong Kong. and the action against him was, indisputably, one in personam,
summons should have been personally served on him in Hong
Fortunata de la Vega, HERAS's personal secretary in Hong Kong. The extraterritorial service in the Philippines was
Kong since 1972 until 1985, 29 testified that HERAS was the therefore invalid and did not confer on the Hong Kong court
jurisdiction over his person. It follows that the Hong Kong court The Case
judgment cannot be given force and effect here in the
Philippines for having been rendered without jurisdiction. This is a petition for review on certiorari1 of the Decision2
dated 27 September 2001 and of the Resolution3 dated 14
Even assuming that HERAS was formerly a resident of Hong January 2003 of the Court of Appeals (appellate court) in CA-
Kong, he was no longer so in November 1984 when the G.R. SP No. 54062. The Decision affirmed the Orders4 dated 4
extraterritorial service of summons was attempted to be made January 19995 and 3 June 19996 of Branch 147 of the Regional
on him. As declared by his secretary, which statement was not Trial Court of Makati City (trial court) in Civil Case No. 98-
disputed by ASIAVEST, HERAS left Hong Kong in October 124. The trial court denied the motion to dismiss filed by
1984 "for good." 40 His absence in Hong Kong must have been Pioneer International, Ltd. (PIL)7 in its special appearance.
the reason why summons was not served on him therein; thus,
ASIAVEST was constrained to apply for leave to effect service The Facts
in the Philippines, and upon obtaining a favorable action on the
matter, it commissioned the Sycip Salazar Hernandez & On 16 January 1998, Antonio D. Todaro (Todaro) filed a
Gatmaitan law firm to serve the summons here in the complaint for sum of money and damages with preliminary
Philippines. attachment against PIL, Pioneer Concrete Philippines, Inc.
(PCPI), Pioneer Philippines Holdings, Inc. (PPHI), John G.
In Brown v. Brown, 41 the defendant was previously a resident McDonald (McDonald), and Philip J. Klepzig (Klepzig). PIL
of the Philippines. Several days after a criminal action for and its co-defendants were served copies of the summons and
concubinage was filed against him, he abandoned the of the complaint at PPHI and PCPI’s office in Alabang,
Philippines. Later, a proceeding quasi in rem was instituted Muntinlupa, through Cecille L. De Leon (De Leon), who was
against him. Summons in the latter case was served on the Klepzig’s Executive Assistant.
defendant's attorney-in-fact at the latter's address. The Court
held that under the facts of the case, it could not be said that the Todaro alleged that PIL is a corporation duly organized under
defendant was "still a resident of the Philippines because he Australian laws, while PCPI and PPHI are corporations duly
ha[d] escaped to his country and [was] therefore an absentee in organized under Philippine laws. PIL is engaged in the ready-
the Philippines." As such, he should have been "summoned in mix and concrete aggregates business and has established a
the same manner as one who does not reside and is not found in presence worldwide. PIL established PPHI as the holding
the Philippines." company of the stocks of its operating company in the
Philippines, PCPI. McDonald is the Chief Executive Officer of
Similarly, HERAS, who was also an absentee, should have been PIL’s Hong Kong office while Klepzig is the President and
served with summons in the same manner as a non-resident not Managing Director of PPHI and PCPI. For his part, Todaro
found in Hong Kong. Section 17, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court further alleged that he was the managing director of Betonval
providing for extraterritorial service will not apply because the Readyconcrete, Inc. (Betonval) from June 1975 up to his
suit against him was in personam. Neither can we apply Section resignation in February 1996.
18, which allows extraterritorial service on a resident defendant
who is temporarily absent from the country, because even if Before Todaro filed his complaint, there were several meetings
HERAS be considered as a resident of Hong Kong, the and exchanges of letters between Todaro and the officers of
undisputed fact remains that he left Hong Kong not only Pioneer Concrete (Hong Kong) Limited, Pioneer Concrete
"temporarily" but "for good." Group HK, PPHI, and PIL. According to Todaro, PIL contacted
him in May 1996 and asked if he could join it in establishing a
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby pre-mixed concrete plant and in overseeing its operations in the
rendered DENYING the petition in this case and AFFIRMING Philippines. Todaro confirmed his availability and expressed
the assailed judgment of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV interest in joining PIL. Todaro met with several of PIL’s
No. 29513. representatives and even gave PIL the names of three of his
subordinates in Betonval whom he would like to join him in
No costs. PIL.

SO ORDERED. Todaro attached nine letters, marked as Annexes "A" to "I," to

his complaint. Annex "A"8 shows that on 15 July 1996, Todaro,
G.R. No. 156848 October 11, 2007 under the letterhead of Ital Tech Distributors, Inc., sent a letter
to Max Lindsay (Lindsay) of Pioneer Concrete (Hong Kong)
PIONEER INTERNATIONAL, LTD., petitioner, Limited. Todaro wrote that "[m]y aim is to run again a ready-
vs. mix concrete company in the Philippines and not to be a part-
HON. TEOFILO GUADIZ, JR., in his capacity as Presiding time consultant. Otherwise, I could have charged your company
Judge of Regional Trial Court, Branch 147, Makati City, and with a much higher fee."
ANTONIO D. TODARO, respondents.
Annex "B"9 shows that on 4 September 1996, Lindsay, under
DECISION the letterhead of Pioneer Concrete (Hong Kong) Limited,
responded by fax to Todaro’s faxed letter to McDonald and
CARPIO, J.: proposed that Todaro "join Pioneer on a retainer basis for 2 to
3 months on the understanding that [Todaro] would become a
permanent employee if as we expect, our entry proceeds." The
faxed letter to McDonald referred to by Lindsay is not found in Annex "G"14 shows Todaro’s faxed reply, under the letterhead
the rollo and was not attached to Todaro’s complaint. of Ital Tech Distributors, Inc., to McDonald of PIL dated 8 April
1997. Todaro informed McDonald that he was willing to extend
Annex "C"10 shows that on the same date as that of Annex "B," assistance to the Pioneer representative from Queensland. The
Todaro, under the letterhead of Ital Tech Distributors, Inc., tenor of the letter revealed that Todaro had not yet occupied his
faxed another letter to Lindsay of Pioneer Concrete (Hong expected position.
Kong) Limited. Todaro asked for a formal letter addressed to
him about the proposed retainer. Todaro requested that the letter Annex "H"15 shows Klepzig’s letter, under the letterhead of
contain a statement on his remuneration package and on his PPHI, to Todaro dated 18 September 1997. Klepzig’s message
permanent employment "with PIONEER once it has established reads:
itself on a permanent basis in the Philippines."
It has not proven possible for this company to meet with your
Annex "D"11 shows that Todaro, under the letterhead of Ital expectations regarding the conditions of your providing Pioneer
Tech Distributors, Inc., sent a letter to McDonald of PIL. with consultancy services. This, and your refusal to consider my
Todaro confirmed the following to McDonald: terms of offer of permanent employment, leave me no
alternative but to withdraw these offers of employment with this
1. That I am accepting the proposal of PIONEER INT’L. as a company.
consultant for three (3) months, starting October 1, 1996, with
a retainer fee of U.S. $15,000.00 per month; As you provided services under your previous agreement with
our Pioneer Hong Kong office during the month of August, I
2. That after three (3) months consultancy, I should be will see that they pay you at the previous rates until the end of
employed by PIONEER INT’L., on a permanent basis, as its August. They have authorized me on behalf of Pioneer
Managing Director or CEO in the Philippines. Remuneration International Ltd. to formally advise you that the agreement will
package will be mutually agreed upon by PIONEER and the cease from August 31st as per our previous discussions.
Annex "I"16 shows the letter dated 20 October 1997 of K.M.
3. That Gino Martinel and the Sales Manager – Jun Ong, will Folwell (Folwell), PIL’s Executive General Manager of
be hired as well, on a permanent basis, by PIONEER as soon as Australia and Asia, to Todaro. Folwell confirmed the contents
the company is established. Salary, likewise, will be accepted of Klepzig’s 18 September 1997 letter. Folwell’s message
by both PIONEER and the respective parties. reads:

Annex "E"12 is a faxed letter dated 18 November 1996 of Thank you for your letter to Dr. Schubert dated 29th September
McDonald, under the letterhead of Pioneer Concrete Group HK, 1997 regarding the alleged breach of contract with you. Dr.
to Todaro of Ital Tech Distributors, Inc. The first three Schubert has asked me to investigate this matter.
paragraphs of McDonald’s letter read:
I have discussed and examined the material regarding your
Further to our recent meeting in Hong Kong, I am now able to association with Pioneer over the period from mid 1996 through
confirm my offer to engage you as a consultant to Pioneer to September 1997.
International Ltd. Should Pioneer proceed with an investment
in the Philippines, then Pioneer would offer you a position to Clearly your consultancy services to Pioneer Hong Kong are
manage the premixed concrete operations. well documented and have been appropriately rewarded.
However, in regard to your request and expectation to be given
Pioneer will probably be in a position to make a decision on permanent employment with Pioneer Philippines Holdings, Inc.
proceeding with an investment by mid January ‘97. I am informed that negotiations to reach agreement on
appropriate terms and conditions have not been successful.
The basis for your consultancy would be:
The employment conditions you specified in your letter to John
Monthly fee USD 15,000 per month billed on monthly basis and McDonald dated 11th September are well beyond our
payable 15 days from billing date. expectations.
Additional pre-approved expenses to be reimbursed.
Driver and secretarial support-basis for reimbursement of this Mr. Todaro, I regret that we do not wish to pursue our
to be agreed. association with you any further. Mr. Klepzig was authorized to
Arrangement to commence from 1st November ‘96, reflecting terminate this association and the letter he sent to you dated 18th
your contributions so far and to continue until Pioneer makes a September has my support.
Annex "F"13 shows Todaro’s faxed reply, under the letterhead Thank you for your involvement with Pioneer. I wish you all
of Ital Tech Distributors, Inc., to McDonald of Pioneer Concrete the best for the future. (Emphasis added)
Group HK dated 19 November 1996. Todaro confirmed
McDonald’s package concerning the consultancy and reiterated PIL filed, by special appearance, a motion to dismiss Todaro’s
his desire to be the manager of Pioneer’s Philippine business complaint. PIL’s co-defendants, PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig, filed
venture. a separate motion to dismiss.17 PIL asserted that the trial court
has no jurisdiction over PIL because PIL is a foreign
corporation not doing business in the Philippines. PIL also The appellate court denied PIL’s petition and affirmed the trial
questioned the service of summons on it. Assuming arguendo court’s ruling in toto. The dispositive portion of the appellate
that Klepzig is PIL’s agent in the Philippines, it was not Klepzig court’s decision reads:
but De Leon who received the summons for PIL. PIL further
stated that the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present petition for
and not the trial court, has jurisdiction over the subject matter certiorari is hereby DENIED DUE COURSE and accordingly
of the action. It claimed that assuming that the trial court has DISMISSED. The assailed Orders dated January 4, 1999 and
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action, the complaint June 3, 1999 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch
should be dismissed on the ground of forum non-conveniens. 147, in Civil Case No, 98-124 are hereby AFFIRMED in toto.
Finally, PIL maintained that the complaint does not state a cause
of action because there was no perfected contract, and no SO ORDERED.20
personal judgment could be rendered by the trial court against
PIL because PIL is a foreign corporation not doing business in On 14 January 2003, the appellate court dismissed21 PIL’s
the Philippines and there was improper service of summons on motion for reconsideration for lack of merit. The appellate court
PIL. stated that PIL’s motion raised no new substantial or weighty
arguments that could impel the appellate court from departing
Todaro filed a Consolidated Opposition dated 26 August 1998 or overturning its previous decision. PIL then filed a petition for
to refute PIL’s assertions. PIL filed, still by special appearance, review on certiorari before this Court.
a Reply on 2 October 1998.
The Issues
The Ruling of the Trial Court
PIL raised the following issues before this Court:
On 4 January 1999, the trial court issued an order18 which ruled
in favor of Todaro. The trial court denied the motions to dismiss A. [The trial court] did not and cannot acquire jurisdiction over
filed by PIL, PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig. the person of [PIL] considering that:

The trial court stated that the merits of a motion to dismiss a A.1. [PIL] is a foreign corporation "not doing business" in the
complaint for lack of cause of action are tested on the strength Philippines.
of the allegation of facts in the complaint. The trial court found
that the allegations in the complaint sufficiently establish a A.2. Moreover, the complaint does not contain appropriate
cause of action. The trial court declared that Todaro’s cause of allegations of ultimate facts showing that [PIL] is doing or
action is based on an alleged breach of a contractual obligation transacting business in the Philippines.
and an alleged violation of Articles 19 and 21 of the Civil Code.
Therefore, the cause of action does not lie within the jurisdiction A.3. Assuming arguendo that jurisdiction may be acquired over
of the NLRC but with the trial court. the person of [PIL], [the trial court] still failed to acquire
jurisdiction since summons was improperly served on [PIL].
The trial court also asserted its jurisdiction over PIL, holding
that PIL did business in the Philippines when it entered into a B. [Todaro] does not have a cause of action and the complaint
contract with Todaro. Although PIL questions the service of fails to state a cause of action. Jurisprudence is settled in that in
summons on Klepzig, whom PIL claims is not its agent, the trial resolving a motion to dismiss, a court can consider all the
court ruled that PIL failed to adduce evidence to prove its pleadings filed in the case, including annexes, motions and all
contention. Finally, on the issue of forum non-conveniens, the evidence on record.
trial court found that it is more convenient to hear and decide
the case in the Philippines because Todaro resides in the C. [The trial court] did not and cannot acquire jurisdiction over
Philippines and the contract allegedly breached involves the subject matter of the complaint since the allegations
employment in the Philippines. contained therein indubitably show that [Todaro] bases his
claims on an alleged breach of an employment contract. Thus,
PIL filed an urgent omnibus motion for the reconsideration of exclusive jurisdiction is vested with the [NLRC].
the trial court’s 4 January 1999 order and for the deferment of
filing its answer. PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig likewise filed an D. Pursuant to the principle of forum non-conveniens, [the trial
urgent omnibus motion. Todaro filed a consolidated opposition, court] committed grave abuse of discretion when it took
to which PIL, PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig filed a joint reply. The cognizance of the case.22
trial court issued an order19 on 3 June 1999 denying the
motions of PIL, PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig. The trial court gave The Ruling of the Court
PIL, PCPI, PPHI, and Klepzig 15 days within which to file their
respective answers. The petition has partial merit. We affirm with modification the
rulings of the trial and appellate courts. Apart from the issue on
PIL did not file an answer before the trial court and instead filed service of summons, the rulings of the trial and appellate courts
a petition for certiorari before the appellate court. on the issues raised by PIL are correct.

The Ruling of the Appellate Court Cause of Action

sufficiently establish a cause of action for breach of contract
Section 2, Rule 2 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure states and/or violation of Articles 19 and 21 of the New Civil Code.
that a cause of action is the act or omission by which a party Whether or not these allegations are true is immaterial for the
violates a right of another. court cannot inquire into the truth thereof, the test being
whether, given the allegations of fact in the complaint, a valid
The general rule is that the allegations in a complaint are judgment could be rendered in accordance with the prayer in
sufficient to constitute a cause of action against the defendants the complaint.24
if, admitting the facts alleged, the court can render a valid
judgment upon the same in accordance with the prayer therein. It should be emphasized that the presence of a cause of action
A cause of action exists if the following elements are present, rests on the sufficiency, and not on the veracity, of the
namely: (1) a right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means allegations in the complaint. The veracity of the allegations will
and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an obligation have to be examined during the trial on the merits. In resolving
on the part of the named defendant to respect or not to violate a motion to dismiss based on lack of cause of action, the trial
such right; and (3) an act or omission on the part of such court is limited to the four corners of the complaint and its
defendant violative of the right of the plaintiff or constituting a annexes. It is not yet necessary for the trial court to examine the
breach of the obligation of the defendant to the plaintiff for truthfulness of the allegations in the complaint. Such
which the latter may maintain an action for recovery of examination is proper during the trial on the merits.
Forum Non-Conveniens
In the present case, the summary of Todaro’s allegations states
that PIL, PCPI, PPHI, McDonald, and Klepzig did not fulfill The doctrine of forum non-conveniens requires an examination
their contractual obligation to employ Todaro on a permanent of the truthfulness of the allegations in the complaint. Section
basis in PIL’s Philippine office. Todaro’s allegations are thus 1, Rule 16 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure does not
sufficient to establish a cause of action. We quote with approval mention forum non-conveniens as a ground for filing a motion
the trial court’s ruling on this matter: to dismiss. The propriety of dismissing a case based on forum
non-conveniens requires a factual determination; hence, it is
On the issue of lack of cause of action – It is well-settled that more properly considered a matter of defense. While it is within
the merits of a motion to dismiss a complaint for lack of cause the discretion of the trial court to abstain from assuming
of action is tested on the strength of the allegations of fact jurisdiction on this ground, the trial court should do so only after
contained in the complaint and no other (De Jesus, et al. vs. vital facts are established to determine whether special
Belarmino, et al., 95 Phil. 366 [1954]). This Court finds that the circumstances require the court’s desistance.25
allegations of the complaint, specifically paragraphs 13-33
thereof, paragraphs 30-33 alleging as follows: Jurisdiction over PIL

"30. All of the acts set forth in the foregoing have been done PIL questions the trial court’s exercise of jurisdiction over it on
with the knowledge, consent and/or approval of the defendants two levels. First, that PIL is a foreign corporation not doing
who acted in concert and/or in conspiracy with one another. business in the Philippines and because of this, the service of
summons on PIL did not follow the mandated procedure.
31. Under the circumstances, there is a valid contract entered Second, that Todaro’s claims are based on an alleged breach of
into between [Todaro] and the Pioneer Group, whereby, among an employment contract so Todaro should have filed his
others, the Pioneer Group would employ [Todaro], on a complaint before the NLRC and not before the trial court.
permanent basis, to manage and operate the ready-mix concrete
operations, if the Pioneer Group decides to invest in the Transacting Business in the Philippines and
Philippines. Service of Summons

32. The Pioneer Group has decided to invest in the Philippines. The first level has two sub-issues: PIL’s transaction of business
The refusal of the defendants to comply with the Pioneer in the Philippines and the service of summons on PIL. Section
Group’s undertaking to employ [Todaro] to manage their 12, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides the
Philippine ready-mix operations, on a permanent basis, is a manner by which summons may be served upon a foreign
direct breach of an obligation under a valid and perfected juridical entity which has transacted business in the Philippines.
contract. Thus:

33. Alternatively, assuming without conceding, that there was Service upon foreign private juridical entity. — When the
no contractual obligation on the part of the Pioneer Group to defendant is a foreign juridical entity which has transacted
employ [Todaro] on a permanent basis, in their Philippine business in the Philippines, service may be made on its resident
operations, the Pioneer Group and the other defendants did not agent designated in accordance with law for that purpose, or, if
act with justice, give [Todaro] his due and observe honesty and there be no such agent, on the government official designated
good faith and/or they have willfully caused injury to [Todaro] by law to that effect, or any of its officers or agents within the
in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs, and public Philippines.
policy, as mandated under Arts. 19 and 21 of the New Civil
Code." As to the first sub-issue, PIL insists that its sole act of
"transacting" or "doing business" in the Philippines consisted of
its investment in PPHI. Under Philippine law, PIL’s mere HK (Annex "I"). In this sense, the various Pioneer corporations
investment in PPHI does not constitute "doing business." were not acting as separate corporations. The behavior of the
However, we affirm the lower courts’ ruling and declare that, various Pioneer corporations shoots down their defense that the
based on the allegations in Todaro’s complaint, PIL was doing corporations have separate and distinct personalities,
business in the Philippines when it negotiated Todaro’s managements, and operations. The various Pioneer
employment with PPHI. Section 3(d) of Republic Act No. 7042, corporations were all working in concert to negotiate an
Foreign Investments Act of 1991, states: employment contract between Todaro and PPHI, a domestic
The phrase "doing business" shall include soliciting orders,
service contracts, opening offices, whether called "liaison" Finally, the phrase "doing business in the Philippines" in the
offices or branches; appointing representatives or distributors former version of Section 12, Rule 14 now reads "has transacted
domiciled in the Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in business in the Philippines." The scope is thus broader in that it
the country for a period or periods totaling one hundred eighty is enough for the application of the Rule that the foreign private
[180] days or more; participating in the management, juridical entity "has transacted business in the Philippines."26
supervision or control of any domestic business, firm, entity or
corporation in the Philippines; and any other act or acts that As to the second sub-issue, the purpose of summons is not only
imply a continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements and to acquire jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, but also
contemplate to that extent the performance of acts or works, or to give notice to the defendant that an action has been
the exercise of some of the functions normally incident to, and commenced against it and to afford it an opportunity to be heard
in progressive prosecution of commercial gain or of the purpose on the claim made against it. The requirements of the rule on
and object of the business organization: Provided, however, summons must be strictly followed; otherwise, the trial court
That the phrase "doing business" shall not be deemed to include will not acquire jurisdiction over the defendant.
mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in domestic
corporations duly registered to do business, and/or the exercise When summons is to be served on a natural person, service of
of rights as such investor; nor having a nominee director or summons should be made in person on the defendant.27
officer to represent its interests in such corporation; nor Substituted service is resorted to only upon the concurrence of
appointing a representative or distributor domiciled in the two requisites: (1) when the defendant cannot be served
Philippines which transacts business in its own name and for its personally within a reasonable time and (2) when there is
own account; (Emphases added) impossibility of prompt service as shown by the statement in
the proof of service in the efforts made to find the defendant
PIL’s alleged acts in actively negotiating to employ Todaro to personally and that such efforts failed.28
run its pre-mixed concrete operations in the Philippines, which
acts are hypothetically admitted in PIL’s motion to dismiss, are The statutory requirements of substituted service must be
not mere acts of a passive investor in a domestic corporation. followed strictly, faithfully, and fully, and any substituted
Such are managerial and operational acts in directing and service other than by the statute is considered ineffective.
establishing commercial operations in the Philippines. The Substituted service is in derogation of the usual method of
annexes that Todaro attached to his complaint give us an idea service. It is a method extraordinary in character and may be
on the extent of PIL’s involvement in the negotiations regarding used only as prescribed and in the circumstances authorized by
Todaro’s employment. In Annex "E," McDonald of Pioneer the statute.29 The need for strict compliance with the
Concrete Group HK confirmed his offer to engage Todaro as a requirements of the rule on summons is also exemplified in the
consultant of PIL. In Annex "F," Todaro accepted the exclusive enumeration of the agents of a domestic private
consultancy. In Annex "H," Klepzig of PPHI stated that PIL juridical entity who are authorized to receive summons.
authorized him to tell Todaro about the cessation of his
consultancy. Finally, in Annex "I," Folwell of PIL wrote to At present, Section 11 of Rule 14 provides that when the
Todaro to confirm that "Pioneer" no longer wishes to be defendant is a domestic private juridical entity, service may be
associated with Todaro and that Klepzig is authorized to made on the "president, managing partner, general manager,
terminate this association. Folwell further referred to a Dr. corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house counsel." The
Schubert and to Pioneer Hong Kong. These confirmations and previous version of Section 11 allowed for the service of
references tell us that, in this instance, the various officers and summons on the "president, manager, secretary, cashier, agent,
companies under the Pioneer brand name do not work or any of its directors." The present Section 11 qualified
independently of each other. It cannot be denied that PIL had "manager" to "general manager" and "secretary" to "corporate
knowledge of and even authorized the non-implementation of secretary." The present Section 11 also removed "cashier, agent,
Todaro’s alleged permanent employment. In fact, in the letters or any of its directors" from the exclusive enumeration.
to Todaro, the word "Pioneer" was used to refer not just to PIL
alone but also to all corporations negotiating with Todaro under When summons is served on a foreign juridical entity, there are
the Pioneer name. three prescribed ways: (1) service on its resident agent
designated in accordance with law for that purpose, (2) service
As further proof of the interconnection of the various Pioneer on the government official designated by law to receive
corporations with regard to their negotiations with Todaro, summons if the corporation does not have a resident agent, and
McDonald of Pioneer Concrete Group HK confirmed Todaro’s (3) service on any of the corporation’s officers or agents within
engagement as consultant of PIL (Annex "E") while Folwell of the Philippines.30
PIL stated that Todaro rendered consultancy services to Pioneer
In the present case, service of summons on PIL failed to follow the New Civil Code" for the "clear and evident bad faith and
any of the prescribed processes. PIL had no resident agent in malice"35 on the part of defendants. The NLRC’s jurisdiction
the Philippines. Summons was not served on the Securities and is limited to those enumerated under Article 217 of the Labor
Exchange Commission (SEC), the designated government Code.
agency,31 since PIL is not registered with the SEC. Summons
for PIL was served on De Leon, Klepzig’s Executive Assistant. WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The
Klepzig is PIL’s "agent within the Philippines" because PIL Decision dated 27 September 2001 and the Resolution dated 14
authorized Klepzig to notify Todaro of the cessation of his January 2003 of the appellate court are AFFIRMED with the
consultancy (Annexes "H" and "I").32 The authority given by MODIFICATION that there was improper service of summons
PIL to Klepzig to notify Todaro implies that Klepzig was on Pioneer International, Ltd. The case is remanded to the trial
likewise authorized to receive Todaro’s response to PIL’s court for proper service of summons and trial. No costs.
notice. Todaro responded to PIL’s notice by filing a complaint
before the trial court. SO ORDERED.

However, summons was not served personally on Klepzig as

agent of PIL. Instead, summons was served on De Leon,
Klepzig’s Executive Assistant. In this instance, De Leon was
not PIL’s agent but a mere employee of Klepzig. In effect, the
sheriff33 resorted to substituted service. For symmetry, we
apply the rule on substituted service of summons on a natural
person and we find that no reason was given to justify the
service of PIL’s summons on De Leon.

Thus, we rule that PIL transacted business in the Philippines

and Klepzig was its agent within the Philippines. However,
there was improper service of summons on PIL since summons
was not served personally on Klepzig.

NLRC Jurisdiction

As to the second level, Todaro prays for payment of damages

due him because of PIL’s non-implementation of Todaro’s
alleged employment agreement with PPHI. The appellate court
stated its ruling on this matter, thus:

It could not be denied that there was no existing contract yet to

speak of between PIONEER INTL. and [Todaro]. Since there
was an absence of an employment contract between the two
parties, this Court is of the opinion and so holds that no
employer-employee relationship actually exists. Record reveals
that all that was agreed upon by [Todaro] and the Pioneer
Concrete, acting in behalf of PIONEER INTL., was the
confirmation of the offer to engage the services of the former as
consultant of PIONEER INTL. (Rollo, p. 132). The failure on
the part of PIONEER INTL. to abide by the said agreement,
which was duly confirmed by PIONEER INTL., brought about
a breach of an obligation on a valid and perfected agreement.
There being no employer-employee relationship established
between [PIL] and [Todaro], it could be said that the instant
case falls within the jurisdiction of the regular courts of justice
as the money claim of [Todaro] did not arise out of or in
connection with [an] employer-employee relationship.34

Todaro’s employment in the Philippines would not be with PIL

but with PPHI as stated in the 20 October 1997 letter of Folwell.
Assuming the existence of the employment agreement, the
employer-employee relationship would be between PPHI and
Todaro, not between PIL and Todaro. PIL’s liability for the
non-implementation of the alleged employment agreement is a
civil dispute properly belonging to the regular courts. Todaro’s
causes of action as stated in his complaint are, in addition to
breach of contract, based on "violation of Articles 19 and 21 of

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