Rotten Bounty Rules 2017

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Rotten Bounty is a one-month narrative league for WARMACHINE Event Rules Overview
and HORDES that focuses on the immediate aftermath of the A Rotten Bounty league lasts for four weeks. All games should
arrival of the grymkin. Players use special Harvest and Bounty be played using the Rotten Bounty scenarios and rules found in
cards during the league that add secret objectives and tricks to this document.
their games. Additionally, a selection of narrative scenarios are
available for use in the league. Games in this league do not require round pairings from the EO
or round timing. Players are encouraged to play games at their
Wins and losses are not tracked in Rotten Bounty, as this league is own pace throughout the event, with any opponents they wish
purely for the fun of the game, but participants can earn special to face. The EO can choose to set up player pairings if this works
prizes, including a gremlin to decorate their models with! best for the participants and the venue.

Prizes Army Building

At the beginning of the league, players receive one each of four Players participate in this event using 75-point armies. Players
Harvest cards and four Bounty cards. These cards are used can change their army list and even their Faction between games.
throughout the league as described in the rules below. Future
leagues will introduce additional Harvest and Bounty cards,
allowing players to create more robust decks for their narrative
games. Terrain is a key element in WARMACHINE and HORDES games
and should be relatively balanced on a table. Terrain pieces
In addition to these cards, players can earn a special gremlin should present a meaningful choice for the player who wins the
figure they can use to decorate any of their models. Ultimately, starting roll. For example, if one side of the table contains a forest,
it is the Event Organizer’s decision as to how these gremlins are a hill, and an obstacle, the other side should contain terrain that
offered, but we recommend offering them to each player who provides some combination of concealment, elevation, and cover
participates in at least one game each week of the league. as well, but the terrain may be positioned in a more advantageous
There is no official prize for an overall winner of Rotten Bounty. defensive position.
At the EO’s discretion, however, the venue can offer prizes for a The size of terrain pieces is also important. No piece should be
winner if the EO wishes to track wins, losses, or any other metric insignificantly small or extremely large; pieces from 3˝ to 6˝ in
for determining a champion. length and width are best. Two line-of-sight blocking pieces of
terrain per table are recommended.

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Harvest & Bounty Cards Harvest Cards
Harvest and Bounty cards add a Grymkinish level of trickery to Taint the Arcane
Rotten Bounty games. Before each game, after both players have
You can play this card when a friendly warrior model is
seen each other’s army lists, each player secretly chooses one
destroyed by an enemy magic attack. Increase the COST of
Harvest card and one Bounty card from his available cards to use
enemy spells by 1 for one turn.
during that game. These cards are kept secret from the opponent
until revealed. Punish the Fortunate
Harvest cards are reactive cards; that is, they are triggered by an You can play this card when an enemy attack roll includes
opponent’s action. Bounty cards are proactive cards, triggered by two or more 6s. The attack automatically misses. Additionally,
the actions of the player who owns the card. for one turn any time your opponent rolls a 6 on a die, change
it to a 1.
Each Harvest and Bounty card specifies the trigger condition that
allows it to be played, followed by a description of the card’s Mock the Valorous
effect. A player does not have to use a card when its specific
You can play this card when an enemy model ends its charge
trigger condition is met. When a player chooses to play a Harvest
movement engaging four or more friendly models. Friendly
or Bounty card, it is revealed to the opponent immediately after
models engaged by the charging model can immediately
the trigger condition is met, and its effect is resolved immediately.
advance up to 3˝. These models cannot be targeted by free
Each card can be used only once per game.
strikes during this movement.
Each Rotten Bounty prize kit contains complete sets of Harvest
and Bounty cards for players to use. For ease of reference or in Warp the Wind
case a card is lost or damaged, a list of all the cards and their rules You can play this card when three or more friendly models
is provided here. are damaged by a single enemy AOE attack. Reduce the RNG
of all enemy ranged attacks by 5 for one turn.

Bounty Cards
Reap the Meek
You can play this card when six or more enemy warrior
® models are destroyed during a single friendly model’s
activation. The friendly model can activate again this turn.

® Roll the Dice

You can play this card when an enemy model suffers a
critical effect and is destroyed as a result of a friendly
model’s attack. All friendly attacks that directly hit an enemy
model are treated as critical hits for one round. Additionally,
continuous effects on enemy models cannot expire for one

Slay the Giant

You can play this card when an enemy huge-based model is

destroyed by a melee attack. Choose an enemy non-warcaster,

non-warlock model/unit. Friendly models gain +2 to attack
and damage rolls against that model/unit for one round.

Subdue the Brave

You can play this card when an enemy model is destroyed
while completely within 24˝ of your table edge. Choose an
enemy non-warcaster, non-warlock model/unit and a table
edge. That model/unit cannot advance toward the chosen
table edge for one round.

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Modeling & Painting Exclusive Model Standard Model
Privateer Press encourages players to have a fully painted force
on the table. Games with painted armies are more interesting to Trollkin Kilt Lifter Trollkin Fennblade Grunt
watch and generally enhance the experience for all. Although
painting is not required, players are encouraged to show off all Druid Gone Wilder Druid Wilder
aspects of the hobby.
Man-O-War Bombardier
Bombardier Bombshell
All models used in Privateer Press organized play events must trooper
be Privateer Press models from the WARMACHINE or HORDES
lines. Each model must be fully assembled and mounted on Steelsoul Keg Protector Steelsoul Protector
a round-lipped base of the size specified on its stat card. The
Gorman di “Sea” Wulfe
use of non–Privateer Press models, unassembled models, or Gorman di Wulfe
PG Exclusive
inappropriately based models is not permitted.

Models that have not yet been released to the general public at
Blighted Bather Spawning Vessel
the time of the event are not permitted in organized play events
Cephalyx Mind Bender &
unless those models are readily available at the event venue Gobber Drudge
Drudges Grunt
(e.g., a convention-release model in a tournament held at that
convention). The use of Extreme versions of models is permitted Blindwater Brew Witch
Gatorman Witch Doctor
in organized play. Doctor
The Privateer Press Exclusive models listed in the following table Brute Thrall—
are legal substitutes for the corresponding standard models. Brute Thrall
Femme Fatale
To use these Privateer Press Exclusive models, the player must
provide the standard model’s stat card so that both players can Bloody Buccaneer Skarre Pirate Queen Skarre
see the corresponding stats and abilities. Additionally, if the
Exclusive model is part of a unit, the player must clearly show SmogCon Hollowman Hollowman trooper
which model is the Unit Commander. For example, a player
Black Ogrun Buccaneer
could replace multiple models in a Man-O-War Bombardier unit Ogrun Bokur
PG Exclusive
with Bombardier Bombshell models, including the leader, as long
as the Unit Commander remains easily identifiable. Thagrosh, Painter of Thagrosh, Prophet of
Everblight Everblight

Rinny, Gobber
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator

rotten bounty 3

Model Conversions Examples of legal and illegal conversions:
The following rules apply to the use of converted models in • A player creates an Extreme Behemoth by combining parts
Privateer Press organized play events. These rules are intended from the Extreme Juggernaut and Extreme Destroyer model
solely to ensure that models on the table are represented legally kits, along with iconic parts from the Behemoth model such
and unambiguously, not to unduly limit a player’s modeling as its bombards, its head, and the various missiles on its fists.
options. An EO can make exceptions to these rules to approve This model is a legal conversion.
any reasonable conversions.
• A player creates an Extreme Behemoth by scratch-building the
• Models cannot be converted in such a way that any part of entire model out of sculpting putty except for the Behemoth
the model represents the intellectual property of any party bombard parts. Because the majority of this model’s volume
except Privateer Press, including copyrighted logos, symbols, is not composed of parts from Privateer Press models, this
iconic elements, or other iconography. model is an illegal conversion.
• The majority of a converted model’s volume must be • A player paints her entire army to match the colors of her
composed of parts from Privateer Press models. To avoid favorite sports team but does not include any team logos.
confusion, the conversion should include iconic elements of This army is legal. (Paint schemes are not conversions.)
the model it is intended to represent. • A player converts his entire army to resemble his favorite
• A weapon on a model can be converted as long as the superheroes, including their trademarked logos. This army
conversion represents the same type of weapon (e.g., the is illegal.
model’s axe is still an axe and not a hammer). • A player mounts her Kommander Orsus Zoktavir model on
• A weapon can be completely swapped for another weapon a base featuring a pile of destroyed warjacks that slightly
as long as the new weapon is of the same type (e.g., an axe overhangs the model’s base but does not obscure it. The
for an axe, a rifle for a rifle). player also replaces Zoktavir’s axe, Lola, with the axe from
• A weapon cannot be removed unless it is replaced by another a Trollkin Scout model. While the mighty Butcher will look a
weapon; conversely, a weapon cannot be added unless it bit odd holding the smaller axe in his enormous hands, this
replaces a weapon that was removed. model is a legal conversion.

• If a conversion uses a Privateer Press upgrade kit for the • A player re-poses his Kommander Orsus Zoktavir model,
model it is intended to represent, all parts of the upgrade kit intending to play it as Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of
must be clearly visible on the model. Khardov. This is an illegal conversion because it breaks the
golden rule of conversions—it will be difficult for EOs and
• Models must be mounted on appropriately sized round- players to know which character the model is intended to
lipped bases. Added scenic details can overhang the base’s represent without help from the player who converted it.
edge but must not obscure the edge in a way that makes
accurate measuring during a game difficult or impossible. • A player puts an enormous hammer in one of her
Stormwall’s voltaic fists. Because a weapon cannot be
• A player cannot use a model as a proxy (stand-in) for added to a model unless it replaces a removed weapon, this
another model. is an illegal conversion.
• Any conversions must be clearly pointed out to the opponent
before the game, and the end result of any conversion must
be clearly identifiable as the intended model.
The golden rule of converting models for tournament play is
simply this: If the EO cannot independently, easily, and accurately
determine which model your conversion represents, the model is not
tournament legal.

©2001–2017 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®,
Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Grymkin, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, War Room, and all associated logos and
slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or
other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

rotten bounty 4



Food is among the most primal of needs, and those who work the soil to Result Effect
provide it are considered simple and hardworking folk, without whom
those dwelling in the bustling city might starve. Yet wickedness finds 1 – Ember Seeds All models within this Pumpkin Patch suffer the
Fire continuous effect  .
its way into even these humble fields and crops, among farmers who are
greedy and heartless. Times of war and conflict often bring famine, and
2 – Worm Hole All models within this Pumpkin Patch suffer
the hungry can be squeezed until the last coin drops from their pockets.
–2 ARM for one round.
Here in this place the Wicked Harvest has descended, transforming
the sinful into grymkin and leaving unpredictable tainted energies
3 – Intoxicating Root All models within this Pumpkin Patch gain Stumbling
in the fields—energies that interfere with and befoul any who would Drunk for one round. (A model with Stumbling
avariciously seize these lands for themselves. Drunk cannot become knocked down. If it is hit
by an enemy attack at any time except while it is
Setup advancing, after the attack is resolved it is pushed
d3˝ in a direction determined by the deviation
Divide the table into four equal quadrants. Place a 6˝  × 12˝ template, then you can choose its facing.)
Pumpkin Patch terrain feature in each quadrant as shown in the
diagram on the following page. A Pumpkin Patch is treated as 4 – Dancing Cadaver All models within this Pumpkin Patch are pushed d6˝
rough terrain that provides concealment to models completely directly away from the center of the Pumpkin Patch
within its perimeter. in the order you choose.

Next place four additional pieces of terrain on the table, with one 5 – Ashes in the Wind All models within this Pumpkin Patch gain
piece completely within each quadrant. No terrain feature can be Stealth  for one round.
placed within 3˝ of another terrain feature, with the exception of
trench templates. 6 – Succulent Fruit All friendly models within this Pumpkin Patch heal
d6 + 3 points of damage.
This scenario uses standard deployment zones (7˝ for first player,
10˝ for second player).
Victory Conditions
Special Rules A player wins if he has the only warcaster(s) or warlock(s)
A player controls a quadrant if he owns more models within the remaining in play.
Pumpkin Patch in that quadrant than his opponent.
Additionally, at the end of the second player’s sixth turn and
Once per turn at the start of the Activation Phase, the active every turn thereafter, count the quadrants each player controls.
player can choose to have his forces search the Pumpkin Patch in A player wins if he controls more quadrants than his opponent.
any quadrant he controls. To search a Pumpkin Patch, the player
rolls a d6 and consults the following table to determine the result,
which is resolved immediately. If a player controls multiple
quadrants and chooses to search more than one Pumpkin Patch,
he chooses the order in which he searches them.

©2001–2017 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®,
Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Grymkin, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, War Room, and all associated logos and
slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or
other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

rotten bounty 5



Player 2

15˝ 15˝

6˝ 6˝

6˝ 6˝

15˝ 15˝

Player 1

©2001–2017 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®,
Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Grymkin, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, War Room, and all associated logos and
slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or
other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

rotten bounty 6


Those who have encountered the Dreamer may never be the same again. Special Rules
Her hypnotic and seductive dreams seep out into the world to change When building his army, each player adds an additional 25 points
reality itself, sometimes to nightmarish effect, other times hiding deadly worth of models. Before the game begins, each player must
perils beneath a pleasant guise. Perhaps the most insidious of curses secretly choose exactly 25 points worth of models/units in his
have been when embattled soldiers who escape an encounter with army to be Hallucinations.
the grymkin believe their fallen brothers-in-arms are still with them.
Memories of friends torn apart are replaced by phantoms that seem Hallucination models must begin the game in play. If a
perfectly solid and real, yet who truly exist only in the minds of the Hallucination model leaves the table (e.g., by using the Trap Door
deluded survivors. When these phantoms inevitably fade or disperse, ability), it is removed from play instead. When a Hallucination
grief returns with doubled impact, rending both mind and heart. model/unit deals or suffers damage or is destroyed or removed
from play, the player controlling it must reveal that it is a
Setup Hallucination.
Place eight pieces of terrain on the table. No terrain feature can At the start of a revealed Hallucination’s activation, if no enemy
be placed within 3˝ of another terrain feature, with the exception models have LOS to it, it is removed from play.
of trench templates.
Victory Conditions
This scenario uses standard deployment zones (7˝ for first player,
10˝ for second player). A player wins if he has the only warcaster(s) or warlock(s)
remaining in play.

Additionally, a player wins if he has the only Hallucination(s)

remaining in play (revealed or not).

©2001–2017 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®,
Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Grymkin, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, War Room, and all associated logos and
slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or
other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

rotten bounty 7



Urcaen and Caen were meant to remain separate and apart. Despite Special Rules
this, grymkin regularly violate natural law to hop from one to the other In addition to attempting to defeat the enemy force, if the players
without a care. Yet even they cannot too flagrantly ignore the perils do not work together to some degree the Grymkin Rift will
inherent in the larger rifts between the worlds of the living and the dead. destroy them both.
These great, yawning portals open with the passage of Zevanna Agha to
spill otherworldly beings onto Caen. Unstable and empowered by vast At the end of each turn, add 1 Instability token to the Grymkin
roiling energies, such rifts sunder soul and spirit as easily as they tear Rift. After adding the token, all models within X˝ of the Rift suffer
apart flesh and blood. 1 point of magical damage  , where X is equal to the number of
Instability tokens on the Rift. Starting on the fourth game round,
Setup add 2 Instability tokens at the end of each turn instead.
Place a 12˝-diameter circle in the center of the table, with its center Players can attempt to stabilize the Rift using the arcane power
point 24˝ from all table edges, to represent the Grymkin Rift. The of their warcaster or warlock. If the Rift is in a warcaster’s or
Grymkin Rift is treated as impassible terrain that blocks LOS. warlock’s control range, during its activation that model can
Place eight pieces of terrain on the table. No terrain feature can spend 1 focus or fury point and roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6,
be placed within 3˝ of another terrain feature, with the exception remove 1 Instability token from the Rift. A warcaster or warlock
of trench templates. can spend any number of focus or fury points each activation to
attempt to stabilize the Rift.
This scenario uses standard deployment zones (7˝ for first player,
10˝ for second player). Victory Conditions
A player wins if he has the only warcaster(s) or warlock(s)
remaining in play.

©2001–2017 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®,
Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Grymkin, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, War Room, and all associated logos and
slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or
other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

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