Castle Crush Whitepaper v2.0

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Castle Crush Whitepaper v2.


What is Castle Crush? 3

Core Gameplay 4

Building a deck 6

Card Progression 7

Player Progression 8

The Forge 9

Clans 10

Tournaments and Stickers 11

The Blockchain Layer 12

Ascension Crystals ($ACS) 13

Ascended & Founder Cards (NFTs) 15

Ascension Points (AP) 17

Daily Rewards 19

Seasonal Rewards 21

Ascended Card Releases 22

Founder Benefits 23

The Treasury 24

Wildlife Studios 2
1. What is
Castle Crush?

Castle Crush is a free-to-play In the second quarter of 2022, Wildlife Studios

will introduce a new phase to Castle Crush,
iOS/Android game with over 75 adding new progression systems and
million lifetime downloads. mechanics enabled by blockchain technology.

Players that engage with the blockchain layer

A PC version is planned for development in
will coexist with the existing player community -
Castle Crush will be one game for all players to
Players duel in 1v1 real-time battles using a enjoy together, whatever platform they play on.
deck of cards to crush their opponent’s castle.
Castle Crush is developed in partnership with
Matches last between 1 and 3 minutes and end Jungle Studios.
with the destruction of a player’s castle - there
are no draws.

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2. Core

Players must crush their enemy’s castle while Spell cards take effect immediately and can
protecting their own. In order to do so, players alter the state of the battle in significant ways -
use cards in real-time (not turn-based), reacting either evaporating an enemy Minion, healing a
to their opponent’s strategy. Before the battle friendly Minion, bombarding the enemy castle
begins, players must choose a deck of 14 cards directly, amongst many others.
- this is covered in the deck-building section.
The battle takes place on three lanes that
There are two types of cards: Minion cards and connect the Castles together. Cards are
Spell cards. deployed in one of the lanes and take effect
When Minions get deployed on the battlefield,
they move towards the enemy’s castle and will Every 7-10 seconds, players receive a new card.
attack whatever comes into range first - either Players can hold up to 6 cards. If a player
an enemy Minion or the enemy’s castle. already holds 6 cards during the next card draw,
the drawn card will be burned!

Wildlife Studios 4
Once all cards in a deck have been drawn, the Once the battle has been raging for 45
deck is reshuffled - this means players never seconds, Mana regeneration gets doubled (1.0
run out of cards to draw. mana /second). Card draws are also doubled,
with players receiving not one, but two cards
Both Minion and Spell cards consume a every 7 seconds.
resource called Mana Crystals (or just “Mana”
for short). Mana regenerates continually (0.5 Castles do not have defensive capabilities. If a
mana / second). Minion reaches the end of a lane, they will start
attacking the Castle. The opponent will either
When the battle starts, the maximum amount have to neutralize Minions that reach their
of Mana available is only 2. Every time a card castle with a Spell, or protect the castle with a
is drawn (every 7 seconds), the maximum Minion card (Minions block Castle damage).
Mana also increases by 1, up to a limit of 12
Mana. Castle HP is shared between all three lanes -
this means players can decide to ignore one or
In practice, this means every match has a clear even two lanes and rush their opponent in the
early, mid, and late game phases. When the remaining lane(s). Once castle HP reaches 0,
battle starts, only low-cost Mana cards can be the match is over.
played, and as the battle progresses, more
powerful cards come into action. Players must
therefore balance their decks to have cards in
all Mana ranges.

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3. Building
a deck

As of early 2022, there are 68 Cards have 4 rarity tiers: Common, Rare, Epic
and Legendary.
different cards in Castle Crush.
Each card can be placed up to twice in a deck,
In order to march into battle, players must except for Legendary cards, which may only be
build a deck of 14 cards, including Minions and placed once.
Players can save up to 5 favorite decks, but
must choose one to enter the battle.

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4. Card

This section refers to the Card The second method is through gameplay.
When players win a battle, they will be
Progression systems in the rewarded with a Chest. Players can hold up to
base game. Please refer to the 4 Chests. Only 1 Chest may be opened at a
time. Opening chests requires time - Silver
NFT section for additional card Chests, for instance, open after 3 hours.
progression systems. Players may also open chests instantly by
using gems, a hard currency (mostly
Every card in the game can be upgraded purchased via credit card).
several times. When players receive a card for
the first time, it will be level 1. Each upgrade There are multiple Chests in the game - rarer
adds 10% to Minion HP and Damage, and 10% chests, such as the Giant Chest and the
for Spell Damage, with a few exceptions. Mythical Chest, drop less frequently from
battle, but contain much greater rewards.
In order to upgrade a card, players must merge
several copies of the same card and also pay Chests may contain Cards, Gold and Gems.
an amount of Gold (an in-game currency). For
Cards have a maximum achievable level
instance, players must own 10 copies of the
through the merge system depending on their
Storm Elemental to upgrade it from level 3 to
level 4.
● Common: levels 1-13 (14*)
There are two main methods to obtain Cards.
● Rare: levels 1-11 (12*)
The first method is through the in-game Store:
● Epic: levels 1-8 (9*)
players can buy specific Cards using game
● Legendary: levels 1-5 (6*)
currency (Gold), or by purchasing Chests with
a credit card. * Players can increase card level further by
using the Forge.

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5. Player

Players progress through the The Leagues require the following amount of
game through two systems.
● Master I - 3800
The first is the Trophy system. By winning ● Master II - 4200
matches, players gain Trophies. Likewise, ● Master III - 4600
when they get defeated in battle, they lose ● Grand Master I - 5000
Trophies. ● Grand Master II - 5400
● Grand Master III - 5800
Players will only get matched against other
● Champion I - 6200
players with a similar amount of Trophies. This
● Champion II - 6600
ensures fair matchmaking.
● Grand Champion - 7000
As players progress through certain Trophy ● Legend - only one player may hold this
milestones, they will unlock new Castles. Each title!
Castle has a different theme/visual. Cards get
Once players join the Leagues, they will
unlocked as players progress through each
participate in 3-week seasons. Once a season
Castle. For instance, when players reach 400
ends, players lose some of their Trophies and
Trophies, they unlock the Undead Keep. When
will need to start climbing through the Leagues
they do so, the Skeleton Horde, the Skull King,
in the next season.
the Reaper and a few other Cards are
unlocked. The second player progression system is the
player’s level. This level determines the HP of a
Chests at higher level Castles will contain
player’s Castle during battle. Castles get +10%
more gold, gems and Cards, encouraging
HP per Player Level.
players to always push to the maximum
Trophy count possible. As players progress through the game and
upgrade their cards, they will gain Player XP.
The last castle, the Black Citadel, is unlocked
Once the player fills up the XP bar, they will
at 3400 trophies. After that point, players will
gain a level.
progress through Leagues. Reaching the first
League unlocks the Forge.

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6. The

The Forge is a high-level ● Common: from level 13 to 14

● Rare: from level 11 to 12
progression system that allows ● Epic: from level 8 to 9
players to increase their cards’ ● Legendary: from level 5 to 6

levels even further. It is Forge upgrades (both temporary and

permanent) require a currency called Crystals.
unlocked at 3800 Trophies,
when Players enter the Crystals are obtained through Crystal Chests,
which are awarded at the end of every 3-week
Leagues. season. The higher a Player’s League, the more
Crystals they will obtain in the Crystal Chest.
There are two upgrade mechanics available at
the Forge: There are 5 types of Crystals: Common, Rare,
Epic, Legendary and Magic. In order to use the
● Players can temporarily increase the level
Forge, players must use Crystals matching the
of a card by 1. This effect lasts 24h and
Card’s rarity - so a Common Crystal to upgrade
can be used on any Card at any level.
a Common Card, a Rare Crystal to upgrade a
● Players can permanently increase the
Rare Card, and so on.
level of a card by 1. This is only available
for cards that have already reached the Performing a permanent card upgrade also
maximum level. requires 1 Magic Crystal.

The permanent forge upgrade will therefore Cards that are permanently upgraded through
increase Cards to the following levels: the forge can still receive a 24h powerup for an
additional level.

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7. Clans

Once players reach Level 3, the Players in a clan can challenge each other in
friendly battles, which are just for bragging
Clan System becomes rights.
available. Clans can have up to Finally, there is a chat function within the Clan
50 players join. panel that allows players to interact with each
other and to share video replays of their past
Players in a clan are able to request and battles! The replay feature is only available for
donate specific cards to each other. This clan members.
system allows players to choose which card
they want to upgrade next. Players that donate There is a clan leaderboard which can be
cards are rewarded with gold and with Player accessed through the main screen.
XP. There is a cap to how many cards a player
can request, which refreshes every few hours.

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8. Tournaments
and Stickers

Tournaments are a competitive gems to “revive” and keep trying to reach 10

wins. The gem cost for revival increases
game mode that promise very dramatically with each win and with each
high rewards for skilled additional revival. There is a catch, though: if
players get to 10 wins, they recover all the
players. gems they spent (entry + all revivals).

Cards used in tournaments have a mid-tier During each season’s Tournament, there is
level cap, so skill is the only factor. Common also a Tournament Leaderboard, which keeps
cards are capped at level 9, Rares at level 7, track of players that win the most
Epics at level 4 and Legendaries at level 1. tournaments.

Tournaments are open during 1 weekend every Apart from a significant amount of cards and
season (3-week long period). There are two gold (and their gems back), players also get a
types of tournaments: Grand Tournament and Sticker if they win a tournament. The Grand
Master Tournament. and Master Tournaments reward a similar
Sticker, but the Master Tournament’s Sticker is
The Grand Tournament has a 10 gem entry
animated. Finally, the top tournament player in
fee, while the Master Tournament costs 100
that season’s leaderboard also gets an even
more exclusive Sticker, with a golden
In order to get the maximum prize, players background.
must win 10 games in a row, with no losses.
Stickers are the ultimate bragging rights.
The higher the number of wins before the first
They can be used during battle to taunt
loss, the more prizes players get (capped at 10
opponents. Players can decide the set of
Stickers they will charge into battle with. A
Once a player loses, they are eliminated from player may choose to mute Stickers from their
the tournament. However, they may opt to pay opponents if they wish to.

Wildlife Studios 11
9. The Blockchain

Our aim in adopting a We aim to provide players with fun new game
systems, while also allowing players to trade
blockchain layer in Castle Crush cards amongst themselves with full control
is to give more power to the over their assets. We are, in short, integrating
game features with player-owned assets.
players, enabling them with the
In order to accomplish this, we are adding two
ability to 1) own game assets;
new components to Castle Crush:
2) buy, sell and trade those
● NFTs, which exist as immutable tokens
assets and 3) benefit from on the blockchain but are usable in the
in-game rewards. game as Minions and Spells.
● Ascension Crystals, a fungible
Castle Crush has a passionate and loyal player blockchain-based token that operates
community, with over 200k daily active players, with the NFTs.
of which at least 40k play the game
competitively, investing significant amounts of These components will be explained in more
time and resources to compete at the top tiers detail below.
of the game.

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10. Ascension
Crystals ($ACS)

Ascension Crystals ($ACS) are a tournaments), and finally by selling NFTs. They
are spent by players to mint (acquire) and
fungible token on the Avalanche upgrade cards and to participate in in-game
blockchain. events.

Players get $ACS from daily in-game rewards,

seasonal rewards, other in-game activities (e.g.

$ACS will be issued according to the following distribution:

Allocation Amount % of tokens

Player rewards (Daily + Seasonal) 800,000,000 80%
Marketing 100,000,000 10%
Liquidity 50,000,000 5%
Team 50,000,000 5%
Total 1,000,000,000 100%

$ACS for Marketing and Liquidity will be minted during a 24-month period, starting on the first month.

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$ACS allocated for the Team will be minted during a 24-month period, starting on the 13th month.
This means the Team will not receive any $ACS during the first year.

All $ACS used by players in any capacity will be transferred to the treasury.

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11. Ascended &
Founder Cards (NFTs)
Players are able to upgrade their NFTs recognized in the game come in two
varieties: regular Ascended Cards and special
cards to new heights by Ascended Cards called Founder Cards, both of
Ascending them - Ascended which have higher stats and unique in-game
skins and animations. Founder Cards qualify
Cards exist as NFTs in the for additional rewards and benefits (see here).

These will be the maximum card levels:

Rarity Tier Base Max Lvl Forged Max Lvl Ascended/Founder Lvl
Common 13 14 15
Rare 11 12 13
Epic 8 9 10
Legendary 5 6 7

There are 68 different types of Ascended NFTs.

Ascended Chests contain 1 NFT with the following drop rates:

Tier Probability
Common 55.2%
Rare 27.6%
Epic 13.8%
Legendary 3.3%

Players can mint (acquire) Ascended NFTs by redeeming $ACS on the blockchain after leveling up
their cards to a certain level, as displayed in the table below.

Card Rarity Current Card Level $ACS Cost Card Level after Ascension
Common 14 200 15
Common 13 500 15
Rare 12 400 13
Rare 11 1000 13

Wildlife Studios 15
Epic 9 800 10
Epic 8 2000 10
Legendary 6 1600 7
Legendary 5 4000 7

The blockchain-based smart contract that Both Ascended and Founder cards can be
generates NFTs will require players to pay further upgraded on the blockchain with $ACS.
$ACS and upload their base card. The smart Upgrading an NFT will increase the card's
contract will recognize the in-game card to reward rate, but will not increase stats within
create an Ascended NFT from that base card. the game.
Once the Ascended NFT is recognized in the
game, the original card will be destroyed and Obs: cards contained in Founder Chests
the player will not get their original card back. cannot be Ascended from non-NFT cards into
NFT cards.

Ascended/Founder Upgrade Costs ($ACS):

Upgrades Common Rare Epic Legendary Founder

Ascended +1 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400
Ascended +2 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800
Ascended +3 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600
Ascended +4 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200
Total 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200 102,400

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12. Ascension
Points (AP)

Players will earn $ACS daily by obtaining AP.

$ACS is emitted based on reporting of in-game activity. Players obtain AP by winning matches with
NFT cards. A card will generate a fixed amount of AP each day for the first win only (using a deck with
that NFT). AP generation will be increased according to the tier of the card, the league the player is in
and their clan ranking. The multiplier effects for these variables are detailed below.

AP earned per card:

Tier Base Ascended Ascended +1 Ascended +2 Ascended +3 Ascended +4

Common 1 2 4 8 16
Rare 2 4 8 16 32
Epic 4 8 16 32 64
Legendary 8 16 32 64 128
Founder 24 48 96 192 384

League AP bonus:

Player League League Bonus

Master I +15%
Master II +20%
Master III +25%
Grand Master I +30%
Grand Master II +35%
Grand Master III +40%
Champion I +45%
Champion II +50%
Grand Champion I +55%
Best of season +110%

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Clan AP bonus:

Clan Rank Clan Bonus

1 +25%
2 +20%
3 +15%
4-20 +10%
21-100 +5%
101-200 +2.5%

As an example, if a player has a base Ascended Legendary NFT (8 AP), she is Grand Master III (+40%
bonus) and part of a clan ranked #20 (+10% bonus), she will have earned 8 * (1 + 0.4 + 0.1) = 12 AP
on that day. At the end of each day, these points will be converted to $ACS tokens as detailed in the
Daily Rewards section.

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13. Daily

As players accumulate so the daily pot is 250,000 $ACS. At the end of

the day, Player A receives 25 $ACS (10 /
Ascension Points (AP), an $ACS 100,000 * 250,000 = 25).
prize pool for the whole server Example 2: Player A obtains 10 AP. That same
is created to be distributed to day, the server-wide AP adds up to 300,000,
which would represent a 750,000 $ACS pot -
players at the end of the day.
however, the pot is capped at 415,000 $ACS.
Each AP contributes 2.5 $ACS Therefore, Player A will receive 13.8 $ACS (10 /
300,000 * 415,000 = 13.8).
to the global daily pot, capped
at 415,000 $ACS per day. In total, we expect there to be a maximum of
320k cards in circulation after 16 months
The daily pot will be distributed proportional to through direct sales in the marketplace plus
the number of AP accumulated by a player in a in-game Ascension. Each card will generate on
day. The distribution is done at the end of each average 39 $ACS per month to players in the
day. long run as can be seen in the table below. The
actual amount will depend on the card the
Example 1: Player A obtains 10 AP that day by
player has, the skill of the player (their League)
winning matches with their NFTs. That same
and the clan ranking.
day, the server-wide AP added up to 100,000,

Estimated number of NFTs and Tokens generated:

Months since Launch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
NFTs ‘000
13 23 33 43 53 63 73 81 94 104 114 124 134 144 154 161
NFT ‘000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
/month 282 218 195 150 121 101 87 78 68 61 56 51 47 44 41 39

Considering an average price to Ascend cards in-game of 450 $ACS, this provides an expected return
of 8.67% per month (39 tokens per month / 450 mint cost) once all cards have been released (month

Wildlife Studios 19
NFT Cycles

Cycles govern how NFT rewards will be calculated.

● One cycle lasts 24 hours. Cycles begin and end at midnight UTC.
● It is the unit of measurement for the daily rewards.
● During each cycle, a given NFT can generate Ascension Points (AP) one time and one time
● If a player rents or buys an NFT, they will only be able to see it in-game and receive AP from it
on the next cycle (starting midnight UTC).
● If a player begins a cycle holding a certain NFT, they will be able to use it during that whole
cycle even if they sell it during the cycle. However, as explained above, the new owner will only
be able to use that card on the following cycle.
● When a player or guild decides to rent their card, they must specify for how many cycles that
rent will be valid. If the rental says "5 cycles" it will be 5 cycles, and the owner can't cancel the
rental before 5 cycles.
● Daily $ACS multipliers will consider clan ranking and player leagues based on a
photo/snapshot taken at the end of the cycle. Multipliers will not be calculated for each match
win. Example:
○ Player has 2 NFTs, wins with one of them while they were Grand Master I, wins with
the other while they were Grand Master II, and ends the day as Grand Master II. We will
calculate the "base AP" for each NFT and use the end of day snapshot to calculate the
multipliers (clan and individual). In this case, the player will receive a Grand Master II
multiplier for both wins.

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14. Seasonal

The top players in the game will be rewarded with a certain number of
tokens at the end of each season regardless of whether or not they
own an NFT card.
The clan multipliers above apply to these rewards as well.

League $ACS/Player
Grand Master II 50
Grand Master III 150
Champion I 450
Champion II 600
Grand Champion I 900
Best of season 1800

Clan bonus:

Clan Rank Clan $ACS Bonus

1 +25%
2 +20%
3 +15%
4 - 20 +10%
21 - 100 +5%
101 - 200 +2.5%

Wildlife Studios 21
15. Ascended
Card Releases

Founder Chests contain one of Generation 2 Ascended Chests will contain all
54 remaining cards that are not contained in
the following cards: Dragon, Founder Chests or Gen 1 Ascended Chests.
Storm Elemental, Skull Queen, Gen 2 Ascended Chests will cost 4000 $ACS
each. These chests will have unlimited supply -
Phoenix, Necromancer and they will, however, be capped by the amount of
Black Witch. $ACS we distribute as rewards.

Generation 1 Ascended Chests contain one of All chests will be minted in Castle Crush’s
the following cards: Dwarf, Archers, Extra page:
Crystal, Pirate, Boneyard, Protection, Valkyrie,
Dark Angel.
Additionally, players will be able to Ascend
An additional 2000 Founder Chests will be cards with $ACS.
minted for 40.000 $ACS each. This supply will
Founder Card holders will have a 20% discount
be put for sale during the second semester of
on purchases of the 2nd batch of Founder
2022 and will remain for sale until the supply is
cards, as well as Gen 2 Ascended Chests.
depleted. The same six cards will be available
in the Founder Chests.

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16. Founder

Founder Cards carry extra Third, Founders will have discounted prices
(20% off) when buying Gen 2 Ascended Chests
in-game benefits. or the second batch of 2000 Founder Chests.

First, Founder Cards will only be among the Additionally, every 12 months, 10% of all $ACS
most relevant cards in the current game meta, and $AVAX in the treasury will be distributed
making them the most sought after cards for back to Founders based on the number and
high level players. For instance, the Dragon, a Rank of their Founder Cards.
late-game card with a huge impact on the
battlefield, will be one of the Founder cards. Some economic and game balancing
decisions could periodically be put for voting
Second, Founder cards generate significantly by Founder card holders.
more AP than other cards (see here).

Founders cards that get upgraded will grant the holder higher earning and voting power. Each
upgrade will double the Founder Card’s voting power according to the table below.

Founder Level Weight

Base Ascended 1
Ascended +1 2
Ascended +2 4
Ascended +3 8
Ascended +4 16

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17. The

In order for the community to will retain 4% of the purchase as a fee and will
periodically transfer these funds to the
benefit from revenue from card treasury.
trading between players, Wildlife
waives the right to all secondary Every 12 months, 10% of funds (both $ACS
and $AVAX) from the Treasury will be
market trade fees.
automatically distributed to Founder Card
All $ACS used by players will revert back to the holders. The distribution will be proportional to
treasury (buying cards, upgrading, etc.). the number and level of the cards that players
have. The distribution will consider a single
Additionally, every time a player sells a card to snapshot at the end of each 12-month cycle.
another player, the secondary marketplaces

* * *

Wildlife Studios 24
Changelog v2.0

1. PC version development pushed to 2023.

2. Card progression system better explained - maximum card levels are now clearer in the Card
Progression section.
3. Ascension of non-NFT cards into NFT cards better explained - cards contained in Founder
Chests (for example, the Dragon), can not be Ascended from non-NFT into NFT cards.
4. Chest sales have been simplified. Instead of selling monthly Ascended Chests with a limited
pool of cards each month, we will open a “Gen 2 Ascended Chest” sale that will last
indefinitely and which will contain all 54 cards not contained in Founder Chests or Gen 1
Ascended Chests. Gen 2 Ascended Chests will cost $4000 ACS each and will be sold in our
marketplace. There will be no limit to supply.
5. The remaining 2000 Founder Chests will be sold for 40.000 $ACS each on our marketplace.
The sale will last until supply is depleted.
6. Founders will now receive $ACS and $AVAX every 12 months from the Treasury (10% of total
Treasury holdings).
7. Ascending cards (upgrading a non-NFT card into an NFT card) is no longer limited to only the
month when the card was available in an Ascended Chest. This means a player will be able to
Ascend cards whenever they wish to. Ascension will be performed in our marketplace.
8. Founder Card holders will have a 20% discount when purchasing the 2nd batch of Founder
Chests or Gen 2 Ascended Chests.
9. NFT cycles explained in the Daily Rewards section. Cycles govern how daily rewards are

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