Alderton Newsletter July 2019

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. CALA HOMES CONSULTATION EVENT 25.6.19 – CALA Homes are proposing to submit a planning application for
28 houses with public open space to the south of their existing development on Willow Bank Road. This will be a
range of one to four bedroom properties. If you were unable to attend the consultation event you may submit your
comments at or by emailing [email protected] (please put “Proposed new homes in
Alderton” in the title). CALA have requested that all feedback is received by 12 th July 2019.

This proposal is not provided for in the Alderton Neighbourhood Plan, the emerging Tewkesbury Borough Plan or the
Joint Core Strategy. It is outside the village boundary, on land within the Special Landscape Area and closes the
historic gap between the settlement and the main road to Stow. The Parish Council will therefore submit an objection
response, should this proposal become a planning application.

ORCHARD ROAD DEVELOPMENT – The applicant has not responded to Gloucestershire Highways request for
further detail on the access to the site. The Borough Council will make another request for the information and if this is
not received, then the application will be determined on the information supplied so far. As soon as there is further
progress on this application, then the Parish Council will inform residents.

OTHER PLANNING – The following applications have received permission for development: 10 St Margaret’s Road,
Alderton (19/00341/FUL ) - Installation of front dormer window and alteration of existing and Lilac Cottage, 19 Church
Road, Alderton (19/00355/FUL) - Erection of a single storey porch to side elevation.

NEW PARISH COUNCILLORS – At our meeting on 18th June four new parish councillors were co-opted onto the
Council. The members are as follows: Keith Page (Chairman), Dennis Rayton (Vice Chairman), Ian Hopkins, Jim
Keating, John Kettle, Mike West and Pam Williams.

mowing contractor to carry out pitch improvements to the area of the football pitch. The works will include
improvements to the grass and repairs to even out the surface.

TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE 7TH AUGUST 2019, 7.15pm - 8.45pm – This is a temporary rolling road closure for
the Bugatti 10K Athletics Road Race. The route runs through Dixton, Alstone, the B4077 (between Little Washbourne
and Alderton), Gretton Fields and Gretton Road to Prescott.

ALLOTMENT SITE - The creation of a car parking area on the southern boundary has now been completed and
Severn Trent have repaired the water leak by the stop tap (at no cost to the Parish Council).

ALLOTMENT PLOTS – Please get in touch with the Clerk if you wish to add your name to the waiting list.

Next Parish Council Meeting: 16th July 2019, 7.30pm, in the Village Hall. All welcome.

Parish Clerk: Tamsin James, 9 Bowler Road, Northway, Tewkesbury, Glos, GL20 8RZ
01684 290392 [email protected]


THE ARC GROUP will meet for Coffee on Wednesday 3rd July,10.30 am at Beckford Silk, Aston Road, Beckford.

The show schedule is now ready and there is a copy for you with this newsletter. There are lots of different classes for
everyone to enjoy and get involved in, including Fruit and Veg growing, Flower displays, Art and Craft, Baking and
making and fun junior classes. How about entering a poem about Alderton? Or one for the youngsters, design your
own Lego model. If you need any more details or would like to get involved, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790
342157 [email protected]
This is my update on my training with the Sue Ryder Hospice (Cheltenham running group) also known as “ Team
Incredible “. As you would expect with Sue Ryder and their care and organisational skills, the training club is also run
amazingly professionally. I am 4 weeks into an 18 week programme. They say their plan is to get us to the start line on
the day in the best possible condition , injury free and ready to enjoy the day and the 13 + miles in front of us around
I have received 2 sponsors online, but most people have paid me personally upfront with my total well over £200.00.
So, thank you, one and all for your generosity, encouragement and general interest in my progress.
The voting on the fancy dress for me to run in are as follows Leprechaun 4 votes, Mario the plumber 1 vote and a
minion 1 vote. If you want me to run as one these characters vote for it with a £5.00 donation. As I said before I will
take all suggestions and update the list for a donation of £20.00. I have a sponsor sheet at the Gardeners Arms pub or
use my page. Alternatively see me or ask my family for more information.
Also, a direct appeal to anyone who works for any large organisations, national shop chains, corporations or banks
who support local charity fund raising, do please make them aware of my running challenge and attempted £1600
target. I’ll update you again next month. Steve Bowles.
01242 620314email [email protected] Facebook or my page on JUSTGIVING.COM


On the 30th May 21 gardening club members were rather fortunate to enjoy a dry and clear evening at the The Brooks
Gardens, Pontrilas. Our bus driver negotiated some very narrow lands and we were warmly welcomed by Marion
Stainton and her two dogs. Spring and early summer flowers were out and many flowerbeds were packed with
interesting flowers. We were fascinated to see how a mature two and a half acre garden and orchard had sprung up in
only 10 years - Marion had kept a photographic record of the early days. Tea and delicious cakes followed and some
members were kindly gifted with some seed (Alliums) and others made some purchases of divided plants. A few
photos are up on the website and more will be added over the next month.

For our June meeting we welcomed George Alway from Bristol who recounted his allotment experiences with warmth
and humour. He was generous with hints and tips and the benefits of using weed suppressant fabric for a variety of
vegetables. Members were also able to buy tomato plants and courgette plants in the hope of crops in better weather!

During July the club will make a trip to Hestercombe Gardens and there will be no village hall meeting. The trip takes
place on Saturday 6th July and leaves the village at 8.45am. Please contact Tom Cullimore if you would like to see if
there are any last minute places ( 07772965124).

Thursday 8th August - Terry Walton . Opens 7pm for a 7.30 start.

We're pleased to announce that at our meeting on 8th August we will welcome Terry Walton to the village. Terry is a
gardening broadcaster on Radio 2’s the Jeremy Vine show, allotment holder and author of ‘My life on a Hillside
Allotment’ and ‘The Allotment Almanac’. Terry will be making a tour of the village allotments in the late afternoon and
will talk and sign books at the gardening club in the evening. This will be a ticketed event and over 50 tickets have
been sold so far. To make sure of your place, tickets can be obtained in advance by request . Please be aware, we
are restricted to 120 people in the village hall and therefore anyone who wants come should buy a ticket ASAP, Entry
will not be possible on the evening unless you have a ticket. Contact me in person, ring me on 07772965124,or
email [email protected]. . Please state if you are a member (£2.50) or Guest (£5.00).

News from Frampton Farm:

We are delighted to announce the birth of very special triplets! After years of careful management and
maintenance of our hedgerows and field margins, we have a Barn Owl family in residence, with 3 chicks born this
spring. We are lucky to have a local Barn Owl expert on hand who is qualified to monitor the birds and check the
nesting boxes we have had built. We are especially pleased as the barn owl is one of the target species that we are
trying to encourage onto the farm under our Environmental Stewardship Scheme.
The youngsters face a challenging few months ahead, especially if we have more wet weather, but fingers
crossed they will all make it to adulthood – we have been privileged enough to witness the parents on
hunting trips, they fly over you silently and are the most beautiful birds to catch a glimpse of.
Hopefully, we will be able to give you more news later in the year.

Alderton Knitters
Do you enjoy knitting? Do you know how to handle a crochet hook? Have you ever wanted to learn how, or do you
want to brush up on your rusty skills? Would you be interested in joining a Knit and Natter group if one was to start in
the village? To be held in The Gardeners Arms one morning?
Just an opportunity to sit for a couple of hours, knit (or crochet), chat and drink coffee.
Does this sound like your kind of thing? Then drop me an email with your preferred times and days and I'll see what is
the most popular. Hope to see you soon. [email protected]
Despite some indifferent weather, the church summer fete was a happy event. Thanks to all who came to the event
and to those who helped to set things up. The children’s fancy dress parade was a great opener. At the time of writing
we do not know the amount raised including gift aid money.
There is still the opportunity to donate towards the Gift Day collection. Please use the envelope in the June church
newsletter or collect an envelope from inside the church. We need to raise more money to get necessary building
repairs done and we appreciate your support. Thank you to all those who have already donated. Envelopes can be
dropped off at the Village Shop. Remember our church is here to support everyone through all of life’s events.

St Margaret's Wildflower Area: If you walk through the south side of St Margaret's Churchyard you will soon spot a
patch of tall grasses and wildflowers left deliberately unmown to support wildlife, in particular bees and other
pollinators. This is our conservation area. Over the last few years, we have worked hard to create a small but
increasingly diverse wildflower meadow, and our efforts are now really paying off. Spare a few minutes to sit on the
bench donated in memory of Mildred Turner, a former Alderton resident and churchgoer and, even on a dull day, you
will see bees busy on the yellow rattle, bird's foot trefoil, white and red clover, knapweed (shortly, as it hasn’t come out
yet!), purple vetch and white oxeye daisies.
The messy bit on the left under a tree is also deliberate - lawn mowings and a pile of dead wood provide shelter for
hedgehogs, bugs and beetles, and the nettles are food for butterflies, although the dismal weather this last month has
not been good for them. So if you were wondering why the mowers had forgotten a patch, now you know! The area will
be left to go to seed before being cut down in August, spreading seed to create a more dense wildflower meadow next
year. If you want to join in caring for the churchyard or encouraging wildflowers in your own garden, contact Mike West
(620587) or Ros Smith (620560).


Last month of 2018/2019...

Snails and Absent Ladybirds

Following on from the bees last month, the children have been exploring the dark corners of the garden, with
magnifying glasses and containers to enable full examination of the little creatures they discover. The most interesting
find was a large garden snail which the children named 'Brian'. Watching Brian's movements over an afternoon made
for some fascinating discoveries including the speed at which he could move! In true Acorns fashion, we took to the
easel and painted our own interpretations of Brian, his shell and slime; This made for, as always, unique portraits
(please check display board). Having painted mainly in brown, we decided to seek out colour (in between the rain
clouds!) by searching for a ladybird which was named before its discovery. Dot, we are sad to say, was nowhere to be
found. It appears that the ladybirds are not happy in the rain. Using books and resources, the children painted 'Dot' as
they imagined her to be, which was very 'Dotty' indeed!

The vegetable beds are in and filling nicely, having bark walkways in-between allowing access to the area whatever the
weather. The children enjoyed spreading the compost and pushing in the canes - the little fingers at Acorns are turning
green as we speak!

As quick as a flash, we will be at the end of the school year, from teacher visits to a train trip, sports day to a Zumba-
thon, it's a busy one. It's always sad when we say goodbye to the little ones who have shared their early years within
our community, but we smile as they move on with growing independence and beautiful memories.

And in the words of Dr. Seuss - whose books we have been enjoying - "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it

For more information relating to any aspect of the group, please call 07842161159 within school hours or, alternatively,
email [email protected].
Acorns preschool hours: Monday-Thursday 9 am-3 pm, Toddlers-stay and play Friday 10 am-12 pm.

Acorns closes for the summer on July 23rd with Toddler stay and Play moving around local parks over the summer
(please check our Facebook page for more details, dates/venues will be in the August Newsletter).

Dumbleton Cricket Club Fete – Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August, 2pm-5pm

Dumbleton’s hugely popular fete will take place on August Bank Holiday Monday at Dumbleton Cricket Club – come
along and enjoy a fun packed afternoon of entertainment! This year we are planning a Gun Dog Display, Zorbing, 25 ft
Climbing Wall, Archery, Live Music, Punch and Judy, Merry-go-Round, Bouncy Castle, Craft Stalls, Pig roast, BBQ,
Cream Teas, Licenced Bar, Bric-a-brac, Bottle Stall, Cake Stall, Produce Stall, Tombolas, Book Stall, Whiskey Wheel,
Face painting, Egg Throwing, Skittles, Coconut Shy, Second Hand Children's/Ladies Clothes and lots of games and
competitions for both adults and children. Entry and Parking are free and there’s good disabled access. Great
entertainment for all ages,
Batty for Bats
Thank you to everyone who came to see us at the Church Fete, We are Evesham Bat Care and we rescue, rehabilitate
and release injured bats. With declining insect numbers, bat numbers are now at much lower levels than they were ,
with the 2 Horseshoe species struggling more than the others. Loss of their habitat has also hit them hard, as well as
modern building methods, which are much less friendly and in some cases even harmful to bats. One way we can help
is by planting insect friendly gardens to boost bat prey numbers. The Bat Conservation Trust have a website with lots
of information on bats and advice on what to do if you think you have bats in your house. Another way is by calling the
BCT volunteer run helpline 0345 1300 228 if you find an injured or grounded bat so that they can be rescued, checked
over and any injuries cared for.
As Evesham Bat Care we're also hoping to run a bat walk in Alderton on Saturday 20th July. We'll meet at 21:15 at
the porch of St Margaret's Church and enjoy a walk around the village to listen to and learn about our local bats.
Families and dogs on lead are welcome and there's a suggested donation of £5 to Evesham Bat Care to help fund our
work. This will be weather dependent (bats don't like rain any more than we do) so please send enquiries
to [email protected] or check out our 'Evesham Bat Care' Facebook page for up to date information.
We also have a curious plea for donations – your ‘oral care’ items! Evesham Bat Care have been accepted onto a
scheme run by Terracycle who turn points into cash once ten kilos have been sent in. So our plea is for the following
items which can be left either with me at 12 Orchard Road or brought along to any of Evesham Bat Care's summer bat
walks or winter fundraising events.
Please save us:-
Stamps off UK and overseas post. Please leave a clear 5mm minimum margin around the stamps as anything ripped
or printed cannot be submitted.
Empty Pringle tubes - they must be the brand Pringles and not an own brand
Packaging from toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and electric brush heads
Empty or finished with toothpaste tubes, old toothbrushes and brush heads.
We cannot have dental floss or its packaging, nor interdental brushes or mouthwash bottles.
To find out more about what we do and our events, find Evesham Bat Care on facebook or
at – or ask Aimmie Woodman, at 12 Orchard Road 620373

GARDENERS ARMS [email protected]. 01242 620257

Join us this July for a dog walk through our beautiful Cotswolds surroundings and pop in for a drink and a bite to eat
after. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the date and time! We even have a very special doggie menu, so you
and your four-legged friend can both enjoy a delicious breakfast on the way back!

If you don’t have time for morning dog walks because you’re in business meetings, fear not! We can offer the perfect
meeting space, complete with a projector, barista-style coffee and a choice of breakfast to get those creative juices

We have been working very hard on our menus to ensure that we have something for everyone. We have plenty of
vegan and gluten-free options, and we even display points from the UK’s two biggest weight management
programmes, which means you can treat yourself and still work on that summer body!

Our gin of the month this month is Hendrick’s Midsummer Solstice – the perfect way to capture the essence of summer
in every mouthful. If that hasn’t convinced you, why not try it as part of our gin tapas menu? Any three gins with a tonic
of your choice for just £15!

We like to keep our community up to date with our latest events and news. If you haven’t yet signed up for our
newsletter, please drop us an email at [email protected]. You can also pop by to view our menus, or phone
01242 620 257 for more information about our events and to book a table.

NEXT NEWSLETTER Deadline for copy is Thursday 25th July 2019. All items must have Name & Tel No. of sender.
Our e-mail address is: [email protected] or deliver to Caroline Page, Corner Cottage, Stow
Road. The newsletter is also available at

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