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We report on a pedagogical experiment to make mathematics easy by changing its philosophy.

The Western philosophy of math originated in religious beliefs about mathesis, cursed by the
church. Later, mathematics was “reinterpreted”, in a theologically-correct way, using the myth of
“Euclid” and his deductive proofs. The fact of the empirical proofs in the 'Elements', was, however,
contrary to this myth. The discrepancy was resolved by Hilbert and Russell who rejected empirical
proofs as unsound, reducing all mathematics to metaphysics. We explain why that formalist
metaphysics is anti-utilitarian and culturally biased, not universal. Historically, most school-level
math originated in the non-West with a practical epistemology, but was absorbed in the West
after superimposing on it an incompatible Western metaphysics, still used to teach it. This has
made mathematics needlessly complex. Accordingly, math can be made easy and more universal
by reverting to a more practical epistemology.

Introduction so many school students fear math, and not geography,

for example.

earning difficulties with math are widespread. This
paper reports on a study which has (a) identified The new answer locates the cause in the nature of
the origin of the learning difficulties with math in a the subject. The Western philosophy of math was
novel way, (b) proposed an alternative, and (c) tested the religiously oriented; hence theological complexities got
feasibility of teaching that alternative for the case of the intertwined with present-day math. This has made math
calculus course currently taught at the 12th std and first difficult.
year university level. The idea of math as religiously oriented may seem
surprising. However, the very word “mathematics” derives
The Analysis
from “mathesis”, which means recollection of knowledge
To remedy an ailment, the first step is to understand from previous lives. In Plato’s Meno, 1 Socrates
its causes. Why, then, is math difficult? Learning difficulties demonstrates mathesis by questioning an uneducated
with mathematics are offhand put down to sundry causes— slave boy to elicit his innate knowledge of mathematics.
lack of good teachers, lack of “mathematical aptitude”, etc. This, concludes Socrates, is proof that the boy has an
No doubt an inspired teacher can make any subject immortal soul which got that innate knowledge from
interesting; however, such “causes” do not explain why previous lives. Why math, and not some other form of
knowledge? Because mathematics was believed to
* School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, incorporate eternal truths which most readily aroused the
11800, Penang, Malaysia, e-mail : [email protected] eternal (immortal) soul, as Plato stated.2 Arousing the soul


was thought to make people virtuous. Hence, in his philosophy of mathematics which delinked math from
Republic, Plato advocated the teaching of mathematics to mathesis.
make people virtuous; he explicitly rejected its practical
Crusading historians had another strong motive to
applications as unimportant. This idea of math as good
falsely attribute texts to early16 Greeks.17 At this time of
for the soul persisted for a thousand years: Proclus (5th
intense religious fanaticism, the church found it difficult
c.) too explained that math leads to “the blessed life”.3
to abandon its earlier tradition18 of burning heretical books,
This connection of mathematics to beliefs about the and instead translate books captured from the enemy. This
soul drew it into a religious conflict. The Christian church policy change was justified by the story that all Arabic
initially had similar beliefs about the soul and its previous scientific books were written by early Greeks, and hence
lives.4 However, after marrying the state, in the 4th c., the were the rightful inheritance of Europe which Arabs had
church changed its notion of soul, to suit the needs of only preserved. (Later day racist and colonial historians
state power. Philosophers who persisted with the earlier built upon this distorted history which persists to this
beliefs about the soul (underlying mathesis) were violently day in school texts.19) The name “Euclid” is found only in
attacked. Their key resources (libraries and temples5) were Latin translations from the Arabic, where it may have
all destroyed.6 Those mathematicians who continued to arisen as a translation mistake: a misreading of the Arabic
resist, like Hypatia, were lynched. Her successor, Proclus “ucli des” (meaning “key to geometry”) as Uclides, the
was declared a heretic for his belief that the cosmos must name of a Greek.20
be eternal hence uncreated7 (since the truths of math are
The present-day idea of mathematics as proof
eternal). In 552 CE, the church cursed the belief in past
originates from “Euclid’s” purported philosophy of
lives underlying mathesis; those curses are known today
“irrefragable demonstration”. All the evidence for that
as the “anathemas against pre-existence”.8 Philosophy
philosophy is an isolated passage in a late manuscript21
and mathematics were banished from Christendom.
of Proclus’ Commentary. That passage is spurious. Thus,
Mathematics and philosophy were eventually it claims that Archimedes cited “Euclid”. Such a citation
accepted back during the Crusades, but this entailed an (of the Elements, not “Euclid”) is indeed found in a 15th c.
attempt to resolve the theological conflict by manuscript of the Sphere and Cylinder, 22 somehow
“reinterpreting” the philosophy of math in a theologically- attributed to Archimedes. However, citing texts in this
correct way. This reinterpretation eliminated mathesis from modern manner of Christian scribes was not the custom in
math, making it soul-less, so to say. It was claimed that Archimedes’ time. Further, there is only one citation, though
math was only about reasoning and proof, thus aligning are many other places in that work where the Elements
the philosophy of math with the post-Crusade Christian could have been cited, but is not. Hence, that isolated
theology of reason.9 “Archimedes citation” is recognized23 as spurious. Since
the author of the “Proclus passage” knew of the spurious
This reinterpretation of mathematics is closely tied to
“Archimedes citation”, the “Proclus passage” must itself
a false history10, 11 which attributes geometry to “Euclid”,
be a spurious interpolation from even later. As such, there
and claims that his concern was not mathesis but
is no serious basis for the belief that Greeks ever regarded
“irrefragable demonstration”. What do we really know
mathematics as concerned with deductive proof rather than
about this “Euclid”? “Nothing” as a Western authority on
Greek mathematics, the late David Fowler, publicly
admitted.12 As for the book, Elements, the available papyri Since so much has been anachronistically read into
fragments13 show that it was not standardised even seven those two words “irrefragable demonstration”, it should
centuries after the date of “Euclid” who had supposedly also be mentioned that the (spurious) passage itself claims
standardised it. The name “Euclid” is not mentioned in that the “irrefragable demonstration” was based on “causes
any Greek manuscript of the Elements, which all attribute and [astrological?] signs”! In any case, the myth
it to Theon (4th c.), or say it is based on his lectures.14 persisted that “Euclid” intended a special metaphysical
Even the Greek commentaries do not mention “Euclid”, notion of (deductive) proof, and that myth is used to justify
but speak anonymously of “the author of the Elements”15 the present-day belief that such proofs (rather than
(perhaps because the author was a woman, Hypatia, calculation) are the key concern of mathematics.
Theon’s daughter). Hypatia’s viewpoint, like that of her
That myth is contrary to facts, for the Elements did
successor Proclus, was still that of mathesis. So, attributing
make essential use of empirical (or physical) means of proof
the Elements to “Euclid” is critical to the post-Crusade
in the 1st and the 4th (side-angle-side) proposition, to

VOL. 77, NOS. 7–8 275

mention two well-known24 examples. If empirical proof is interpretation of the Elements. Thus, Hilbert’s synthetic
allowed in one place, why not in another? Why not prove term “congruence” is not a valid substitute for the original
the 47th proposition (“Pythagorean theorem”) directly, by word “equality” used in the Elements. Proposition 35 of
empirical means? That greatly simplifies the proof: it the Elements is about the equality of the areas of
requires only one step instead of the 46 intermediate incongruent parallelograms (on the same base and between
propositions actually used in the Elements. (That was how the same parallels). It is still possible to “save the story”
it was proved, empirically, in one step, in Indian texts, like by claiming that “Euclid” defined area, but not length (and
the Yuktibhasa, where it is the first proposition, not the hence needed lengthy proofs). But, this is manifestly far-
last.) So, this myth (that the Elements concerns fetched. Moreover, it is well known in the philosophy of
metaphysical proof) makes the Elements either trivial or science that any theory/story can be saved from any facts
inconsistent. Proclus could explain that “proofs must by sufficiently many hypotheses: one lie can always be
vary...with the kinds of being”,25 for he regarded the defended by telling a thousand more. Hence, such a long
Elements as a religious book, concerning mathesis. But chain of hypotheses is not worth discussing further; it is
the inconsistent means of proof cannot be explained on simpler to reject the story.
the post-Crusade reinterpretation of the Elements (and
Setting aside the question of its historical origins in
mathematics) as primarily concerned with metaphysical
the Elements, one can enquire about the utility of
formalism. Does formal math suit applications to science
The present-day philosophy of formal math arose and technology? The idea of math as metaphysics (which
directly from the attempts by Hilbert and Russell to is superior to physics) naturally makes it less suited for
reconcile (a) the myth of “Euclid” and his deductive proofs applications to science and technology which concern the
with (b) the fact of the empirical proofs in the Elements. physical and empirical. For example, a discontinuous
The myth prevailed over the facts. In their respective function is not differentiable on elementary mathematical
tracts26 on the foundations of geometry both tried to “save analysis, but is differentiable on the Schwartz theory of
the story” of “Euclid”. They rejected those empirical distributions. That is, formal mathematics being
proofs in the Elements as unsound, since incompatible metaphysical, a discontinuous function is differentiable or
with the (purported) intentions of (the mythical) “Euclid”! not, as one likes! So what should one believe about the
Since the side-angle-side (SAS) theorem is essential, they partial differential equations of physics? Do they or do
changed it into a postulate. (And that is how geometry they not apply to31 observed discontinuities (like shock
has been taught in schools27 since the 1970’s, using the waves) or the related “singularities”? Actually, both
SAS postulate.) Formalism developed from that analysis: definitions of the derivative fail under these circumstances
on the same lines, Hilbert and Russell made all math (the one because discontinuous functions are not
completely formal and metaphysical as it is today. differentiable, and the other because the equations of
physics are nonlinear and Schwartz distributions cannot
Formalism made even elementary math difficult,
be multiplied). So should we reject them both? Clearly,
although Russell regarded that28 as its chief advantage!
this believe-what-you-like approach is unsuited to scientific
(Recall that the materialist Epicureans had criticised
theory which is expected to be definite and refutable. The
geometry saying that its theorems were obvious even to
only other option is to allow empirical inputs into
an ass; so, non-obviousness justifies the philosophy that
mathematics. Selecting a definition of the derivative based
those theorems needed proofs.) The postulates used by
on empirical inputs would explicitly make mathematics an
Hilbert to formalise “Euclidean” geometry were similarly
adjunct physical theory, as in this author’s philosophy.
intended to make geometry difficult. Thus, “Euclidean”
Empirical inputs always suit science and technology. The
geometry may also be formalised using Birkhoff’s metric
alternative of banking on mathematical authority is not
postulates.29 But, that again trivialises the Elements (if it
reliable, as the case of Riemann shows. (He mistakenly32
is regarded as primarily concerned with proof), for proofs
assumed that entropy is constant across a shock.)
are again simplified. But if the Elements is trivial, then
formalism based on it would itself seem ridiculous. Hence, Does formalism, then, provide a universal
Hilbert proposed synthetic geometry which rejects the metaphysics? Now, it is an elementary matter of
notion of length. This makes elementary geometry much commonsense that metaphysics can never be universal.
harder but justifies, in a general way, why the theorems in However, the case of 2+2=4 is often naively cited as
the Elements needed complex proofs. However, it does “proof” of the universality of mathematics. This is naïve
not fit the particulars: synthetic geometry is not30 a valid because the practical notion of 2 which derives as an


abstraction from the empirical observation of 2 dogs, 2 answer this question with certainty. Russell thought, like
stones etc. has nothing whatsoever to do with formal Kant,35 that logic is unique and comes from Aristotle.
mathematics. It is perfectly possible to have a formal However, one could take instead Buddhist or Jain logic,36
theory33 in which 2+2=5, say, just as 2 male rabbits and 2 or quantum logic,37 or the logic of natural language, none
female rabbits may make any number of rabbits over a of which is 2-valued. The theorems that can be inferred
period of time. Likewise, the circuits on a computer chip from a given set of postulates will naturally vary with the
routinely implement an arithmetic in which 1+1=0 (exclusive logic used: for example, all proofs by contradiction would
disjunction), or 1+1=1 (inclusive disjunction). Thus, fail with Buddhist logic. One would no longer be able to
formally, it is necessary to specify that the symbols 2 , +, prove the existence of a Lebesgue non-measurable set, for
and 4 relate to Peano’s postulates. Trying to specify this example. This conclusively establishes that the metaphysics
brings in the metaphysics of infinity—a real computer (with of formal math is religiously biased, for the theorems of
finite memory, not a Turing machine) can never implement formal mathematics vary with religious beliefs. Furthermore,
Peano arithmetic,34 because the notion of a natural number the metaphysics of formal math has no other basis apart
cannot be finitely specified. Thus, formalism does not from Western culture: it can hardly be supported on the
provide a universal metaphysics. However, the philosophy empirical grounds it rejects as inferior!
of mathematics as metaphysics, combined with the myth
The religious bias also applies to the postulates. In
of mathematics as universal truth, helped to promote a
principle, a formal theory could begin with any postulates.
particular brand of metaphysics as universal.
However, in practice, those postulates are decided by
This is problematic because while formal mathematics authoritative mathematicians in the West, as in Hilbert’s
is no longer explicitly religious, like mathesis, its synthetic geometry. The calculus, as taught to millions of
metaphysics remains religiously biased. On post-Crusade school students today, is based on the notion of limits
Christian rational theology, it was thought that God is and the continuum. As noted by Naquib al-Attas, the idea
bound by logic (cannot create an illogical world) but is of an infinitely divisible continuum is contrary to the
free to create empirical facts of his choice. Hence, Western beliefs of Islamic thinkers like al-Ghazali and al-Ashari who
theologians came to believe that logic (which binds God) believed in atomism. (In fact, the calculus originated in
is “stronger” than empirical facts (which do not bind God). India with similar atomistic beliefs: that the subdivisions
This theological belief is exactly mirrored in the present- of a circle must stop when they reach atomic proportions.)
day Wittgenstein-Tarski semantics of possible worlds in This does not affect any practical application: all practical
which logical truths are regarded as necessary truths (true application of calculus today can be done using computers
in all possible worlds) unlike empirical truths, which are which use floating point numbers which are “atomistic”,
regarded as weaker contingent truths (true in some possible being finite. Neglecting small numbers is not necessarily
worlds). The only difference is that instead of speaking of erroneous, since it is not very different from neglecting
“possible worlds which God could create”, we speak of infinitesimals in a non-Archimedean field, and can be
“possible worlds according to Wittgenstein”! That is, the similarly formalised, since the (formal) notion of infinitesimal
metaphysics of formal math is aligned to post-Crusade is not God-given but is a matter of definition; but students
Western theology which regarded metaphysics as more are never told this. They are told that any real calculation
reliable than physics. done on a computer is forever erroneous, and the only
right way to do arithmetic is by using the metaphysics of
In sharp contrast, all Indian systems of philosophy,
infinity built into Peano’s postulates or the postulates of
without any exception, accept the empirical (pratyaksa) as
set theory. Likewise, they are taught that the only right
the first means of proof (pramana) while the Lokayata
way to do calculus is to use limits. Thus, school students
reject inference/deduction as unreliable. So, Indian
get indoctrinated with the Western theological biases about
philosophy considered empirical proof as more reliable than
infinity built into the notions of formal real numbers and
logical inference. Thus, the contrary idea of metaphysical
limits, which notions are of nil practical value for science
proof as “stronger” than empirical proof would lead at
and engineering which require real calculation.
one stroke to the rejection of all Indian systems of
philosophy. This illustrates how the metaphysics of formal In contrast to this close linkage of mathematics to
math is not universal but is biased against other systems theology in the West, most school math (arithmetic,
of philosophy. algebra, trigonometry, calculus) actually originated in the
non-West for practical purposes. From “Arabic numerals”
Now, deductive inference is based on logic, but which
(arithmetic algorithms) to trigonometry and calculus, this
logic? Deductive proof lacks certainty unless we can

VOL. 77, NOS. 7–8 277

math was imported by the West for the practical advantages 11. C. K. Raju, “How Should ‘Euclidean’ Geometry be Taught”,
in Nagarjuna G. (ed) History and Philosophy of Science:
it offered (to commerce, astronomy, and navigation).38 This
Implications for Science Education (Homi Bhabha Centre,
practically-oriented non-Western mathematics (actually Bombay, 2001) pp. 241–260.
ganita, or hisab), had nothing to do with religious beliefs 12. This was in response to a discussion on this author’s
such as mathesis. However, because of its different criticism about “Euclid”. http://mathforum.org/kb/
epistemology39 it posed difficulties for the theologically- message.jspa?messageID=1175733&tstart=0 “Historia
Matematica” discussion list, 9 Nov 2002.
laced notion of mathematics in the West. For example, from
13. Edited and reproduced in E. S. Stamatis ed., Euclidis
the sulba sutra to Aryabhata to the Yuktibhasa, Indian
Elementa, (Teubner, Leipzig, 1969) vol. I, pp. 187-190.
mathematics freely used empirical means of proof. See, also, David Fowler, The Mathematics of Plato’s
Obviously, an empirical proof will not in any way diminish Academy (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999) 2nd ed., p. 216.
the practical value of mathematics. However, trying to 14. T. Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics (Dover, New
force-fit this practical, non-Western math into Western York, 1981) p. 360.
religiously-biased ideas about math as metaphysical made 15. Heath, cited above, p. 356.
the simplest math enormously complicated. Colonisation 16. We must distinguish between later Greeks, like Hypatia and
globalised Western ideas of mathematics, and they Proclus, who had a conflict with the church, and pre-
Christian, early Greeks with whom no conflict was possible.
continued to be taught today without critical re-
17. C. K. Raju, Is Science Western in Origin? (Multiversity and
examination. On the principle that phylogeny is ontogeny, Citizen’s International, Penang, 2009).
the actual teaching of mathematics replays in the classroom
18. See, Clarence Forbes, “Books for the Burning”, cited earlier.
the historical Western difficulties in absorbing non-Western
19. C. K. Raju, “Teaching racist history”, Indian Journal of
math.40 That is what makes math difficult today. Secularism 11(4), 25–28 (2008). Also, Jansatta, 23 Jan
2008, editorial page.
The preceding considerations are illustrated by an
20. Such howlers were common, since the first 12th c.
example—the calculus—in part 2 of this article. S
translations into Latin were of poor quality (e.g., the term
al kayeda is simply transliterated from the Arabic), since
References the official translators, were not well versed in Arabic, and
employed intermediaries to translate from Arabic to a
1. Plato, Meno, in Dialogues of Plato, trans. B. Jowett Romance Language.
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, 1996) pp. 179–180.
21. The manuscript is/was known as Monacensis 427. It is
2. Plato, Republic, Book VII, 526 et seq., trans. J. L. Davies published as G. Friedlein, Procli Diadochi in primum
and D. J. Vaughan (Wordsworth, Hertfordshire, 1997) p. Euclidis Elementorum commentarii, (Teubner, Leipzig,
240. Jowett’s translation (cited above, p. 394) reads slightly 1873). It is late since it is on paper which became common
differently. in Europe only after the 14th c.
3. Proclus, Commentary, trans. Glenn R. Morrow (Princeton 22. On the Sphere and the Cylinder I, Proposition 6, in The
University Press, Princeton, 1992) 47, p. 38. Works of Archimedes, trans. T. L. Heath (Encyclopaedia
4. As argued by Origen in his De Principiis. II.3.4-5. For Britannica, Chicago, 1996) p. 407.
detailed quotes and commentary, see, http://ckraju.net/ 23. J. Hjelmslev, “Uber Archimedes’ Grössenlehre”, Danske Vid.
papers/Appendix-on-Origen.pdf. Origen cannot be lightly Selsk.Mat.-Fys. Medd. 25 (15), 14 pp (1950).
set aside, since the present-day Bible (or Vulgate) derives
from his Hexapla. 24. T. Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements (Dover,
New York, 1956). “The fourth proposition is a tissue of
5. The idols in the temples were described by Porphyry as nonsense”, according to B. Russell, “The Teaching of
books cast in stone. Porphyry, On Images, Fragment 1. Euclid”, The Mathematical Gazette, 2 (33), 165–167
http://classics.mit.edu/Porphyry/images.html. (1902).
6. Clarence A. Forbes “Books for the Burning” Transactions 25. Proclus, Commentary, cited above, p. 29.
of the American Philological Society 67, 114–25 (1936).
Porphyry’s book, cited above, was one explicitly ordered 26. D. Hilbert, The Foundations of Geometry (Open Court, La
to be burnt. Salle, 1902). B. Russell, The Foundations of Geometry
(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1897). C. K.
7. This is clear from John Philoponus’ 6 th c. apologia: On Raju, “Euclid and Hilbert” in: Cultural Foundations of
the eternity of the world: contra-Proclus. This is also clear Mathematics (Pearson Longman, 2007) chp. 1.
from Proclus’s notion of eternity in his book Elements (of
Theology). 27. As recommended in School Mathematics Study Group:
Geometry (Yale University Press, 1961).
8. C. K. Raju, “The curse on ‘cyclic’ time”, in: The Eleven
Pictures of Time (Sage, New Delhi, 2003) chp. 2. 28. “symbolism is useful because it makes things difficult”. B.
Russell, “Mathematics and the Metaphysicians” in Mysticism
9. C. K. Raju, “The religious roots of mathematics”, Theory, and Logic, [1918], 1929 edn. (Spokesman Books,
Culture and Society, 23, 95–97 (2006). Nottingham, 2007) chp. 5, p. 76.
10. C. K. Raju, “Good-Bye Euclid!”, Bhartiya Samajik Chintan 29. G. D. Birkhoff, “A Set of Postulates for Plane Geometry
7 (4) (New Series) 255–264 (2009). (based on scale and protractor),” Ann. Math. 33, 329–345


(1932). For an elementary elaboration of the differences 35. Russell, loc. cit. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason,
between the various types of geometry, see E. Moise, preface to the 2nd edn, 1787, trans. J. M. D. Mieklejohn,
Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint (Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, 1996), p. 5.
(Addison Wesley, Reading Mass, 1968).
36. For an expository account of these logics see C. K. Raju,
30. For a detailed discussion of this point, see C. K. Raju, “Logic”, in Encyclopedia of Non-Western Science,
“Interactions between India, Western and Central Asia, and Technology, and Medicine (Springer, 2008). Also at:http://
China in Mathematics and Astronomy,” in : A. Rahman ckraju.net/papers/Non-Western-logic.pdf.
(ed) Interactions between India, Western and Central Asia, 37. For an expository formal description of quantum logic,
and China (Oxford Univ. Press, New Delhi, 2002) pp. see, C. K. Raju, “Quantum-Mechanical Time”, chp. 6B in
227–254. Time: Towards a Consistent Theory (Kluwer Academic,
31. C. K. Raju, “Distributional matter tensors in relativity”. Dordrecht, 1994). Also arxiv.org: 0808.1344. For the
In: Proceedings of the Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting relation of non-Western logics to quantum logic, see C. K.
on General Relativity, D. Blair and M. J. Buckingham (ed) Raju, “Probability in Ancient India”, Handbook of the
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1989) pp. 421–23. Also, Philosophy of Science, vol 7. Philosophy of Statistics, ed.
arxiv.org:0804.1998. For an earlier paper in this direction, Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay and Malcolm R. Forster
see C. K. Raju, “Products and compositions with the Dirac (Elsevier, 2011), pp.1175-1196.
δ function”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 15, 381–96 (1982). 38. C. K. Raju, “How and Why the Calculus Was Imported
32. The fluid equations for conservation of mass, momentum, into Europe.” Talk delivered at the International Conference
and energy are equivalent to the equations for conservation on Knowledge and East-West Transitions, National Institute
of mass, momentum, and entropy, but only for smooth of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Dec 2000. Abstract at
solutions, and are not equivalent for discontinuous http://ckraju.net/IndianCalculus/Bangalore.pdf.
solutions. 39. C. K. Raju, “Computers, Mathematics Education, and the
33. For an example, see C. K. Raju, “Computers, Mathematics Alternative Epistemology of the Calculus in the
Education, and the Alternative Epistemology of the Calculus YuktiBhâsâ”, Philosophy East and West, 51, 325–362
in the YuktiBhâsâ”, Philosophy East and West, 51, 325– (2001).
362 (2001). 40. C..K. Raju, “Math Wars and the Epistemic Divide in
34. For an actual C program and further details see C. K. Raju, Mathematics”, in Proc. epiSTEME I, Homi Bhabha Centre,
Mumbai, 2005. Available at: http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/
in Philosophy East and West, cited above.

VOL. 77, NOS. 7–8 279

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