Furfural: Cautionary Response Information

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4.1 Flash Point: 153°F O.C. 140°F C.C. 7.1 Grades of Purity: Commercial
Common Synonyms Oily liquid Colorless to reddish- Almond odor 4.2 Flammable Limits in Air: 2.1%-19.3% 7.2 Storage Temperature: Ambient
Fural brown
4.3 Fire Extinguishing Agents: Water, foam, 7.3 Inert Atmosphere: No requirement
Fural/pyromucic aldehyde carbon dioxide, dry chemical or alcohol
7.4 Venting: Pressure-vacuum
Furfuraldehyde Sinks in water. foam
4.4 Fire Extinguishing Agents Not to Be 7.5 IMO Pollution Category: C
Pyromucic aldehyde Used: Not pertinent 7.6 Ship Type: 3
Quakeral 4.5 Special Hazards of Combustion 7.7 Barge Hull Type: 3
Products: Irritating vapors are
Keep people away. Avoid contact with liquid. generated when heated
Avoid inhalation.
4.6 Behavior in Fire: Not pertinent
Wear goggles, self-contained breathing apparatus, and rubber overclothing 4.7 Auto Ignition Temperature: 739°F 8.1 49 CFR Category: Flammable liquid
(including gloves). 8.2 49 CFR Class: 3
Call fire department. 4.8 Electrical Hazards: Not pertinent
Notify local health and pollution control agencies. 4.9 Burning Rate: 2.6 mm/min. 8.3 49 CFR Package Group: III
Protect water intakes. 4.10 Adiabatic Flame Temperature: Currently 8.4 Marine Pollutant: No
not available 8.5 NFPA Hazard Classification:
Combustible. 4.11 Stoichometric Air to Fuel Ratio: 28.6
Fire Wear goggles, self-contained breathing apparatus, and rubber overclothing (calc.)
Category Classification
Health Hazard (Blue).......... 1
(including gloves). 4.12 Flame Temperature: Currently not
Extinguish with water, dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide. Flammability (Red)............. 2
Cool exposed containers with water. Instability (Yellow)............. 1
4.13 Combustion Molar Ratio (Reactant to
CALL FOR MEDICAL AID. Product): 9.0 (calc.) 8.6 EPA Reportable Quantity: 5000 pounds
Exposure 4.14 Minimum Oxygen Concentration for 8.7 EPA Pollution Category: D
LIQUID Combustion (MOCC): Not listed 8.8 RCRA Waste Number: U125
Will burn skin and eyes.
Harmful if swallowed. 8.9 EPA FWPCA List: Yes
Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.
Flush affected areas with plenty of water. 5.1 Reactivity with Water: No reaction 9. PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL
IF IN EYES, hold eyelids open and flush with plenty of water.
IF SWALLOWED and victim is CONSCIOUS, have victim drink water
5.2 Reactivity with Common Materials: No PROPERTIES
or milk, have victim induce vomiting. 9.1 Physical State at 15° C and 1 atm: Liquid
IF SWALLOWED and victim is UNCONSCIOUS OR HAVING CON- 5.3 Stability During Transport: Stable
VULSIONS, do nothing except keep victim warm. 5.4 Neutralizing Agents for Acids and 9.2 Molecular Weight: 96.08
Caustics: Not pertinent 9.3 Boiling Point at 1 atm: 323.1°F = 161.7°C =
HARMFUL TO AQUATIC LIFE IN VERY LOW CONCENTRATIONS. 5.5 Polymerization: Not pertinent 434.9°K
Water May be dangerous if it enters water intakes. 5.6 Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent 9.4 Freezing Point: –33.7°F = –36.5°C =
Pollution Notify local health and wildlife officials. 236.7°K
Notify operators of nearby water intakes.
6. WATER POLLUTION 9.5 Critical Temperature: 746.6°F = 397°C =
6.1 Aquatic Toxicity: 9.6 Critical Pressure: 798 psia = 54.3 atm = 5.50
24 ppm/96 hr/bluegill/TLm /fresh water MN/m2
9.7 Specific Gravity: 1.159 at 20°C (liquid)
Dilute and disperse 2.1 CG Compatibility Group: 19; Aldehyde 6.2 Waterfowl Toxicity: Currently not
Stop discharge available 9.8 Liquid Surface Tension: 43.5 dynes/cm =
2.2 Formula: O-CH2CH2CH2CHCHO 0.0435 N/m at 20°C
Collection Systems: Pump 2.3 IMO/UN Designation: 3.3/1199 6.3 Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): 0.28-
Clean shore line 2.4 DOT ID No.: 1199 0.77 lb/lb, 5 days 9.9 Liquid Water Interfacial Tension: (est.) 30
Salvage waterfowl 2.5 CAS Registry No.: 98-01-1 dynes/cm = 0.03 N/m at 20°C
6.4 Food Chain Concentration Potential:
2.6 NAERG Guide No.: 132P None 9.10 Vapor (Gas) Specific Gravity: Not pertinent
2.7 Standard Industrial Trade Classification:
6.5 GESAMP Hazard Profile: 9.11 Ratio of Specific Heats of Vapor (Gas):
Bioaccumulation: 0 Not pertinent
3. HEALTH HAZARDS Damage to living resources: 2 9.12 Latent Heat of Vaporization: 191 Btu/lb =
Human Oral hazard: 2 106 cal/g = 4.44 X 105 J/kg
3.1 Personal Protective Equipment: Skin and eye protection. Human Contact hazard: II
3.2 Symptoms Following Exposure: Vapor may irritate eyes and respiratory system. Liquid irritates skin Reduction of amenities: XX 9.13 Heat of Combustion: –10,490 Btu/lb =
and may cause dermatitis. –5830 cal/g = –244.1 X 105 J/kg
3.3 Treatment of Exposure: INHALATION: general treatment for overexposure to vapors of toxic 9.14 Heat of Decomposition: Not pertinent
chemicals; keep airway open, give respiration and oxygen if necessary; observe for premonitory 9.15 Heat of Solution: Not pertinent
signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema. INGESTION: induce vomiting, then give gastric lavage 9.16 Heat of Polymerization: Not pertinent
and saline cathartics. SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES: flood affected tissues with water.
3.4 TLV-TWA: 2 ppm 9.17 Heat of Fusion: Currently not available
3.5 TLV-STEL: Not listed. 9.18 Limiting Value: Currently not available
3.6 TLV-Ceiling: Not listed. 9.19 Reid Vapor Pressure: 0.1 psia
3.7 Toxicity by Ingestion: Grade 3; LD50 = 50 to 500 mg/kg
3.8 Toxicity by Inhalation: Currently not available. NOTES
3.9 Chronic Toxicity: Causes liver damage in rats.
3.10 Vapor (Gas) Irritant Characteristics: Vapors cause moderate irritation such that personnel will find
high concentrations unpleasant. The effect is temporary.
3.11 Liquid or Solid Characteristics: Causes smarting of the skin and first-degree burns on short
exposure; may cause secondary burns on long exposure.
3.12 Odor Threshold: Currently not available
3.13 IDLH Value: 100 ppm
3.14 OSHA PEL-TWA: 5 ppm
3.15 OSHA PEL-STEL: Not listed.
3.16 OSHA PEL-Ceiling: Not listed.
3.17 EPA AEGL: Not listed

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9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23


Temperature Pounds per cubic foot Temperature British thermal unit per Temperature British thermal unit inch Temperature Centipoise
(degrees F) (degrees F) pound-F (degrees F) per hour-square foot-F (degrees F)

35 73.610 20 0.367 N 35 2.388

40 73.429 30 0.370 O 40 2.248
45 73.240 40 0.372 T 45 2.119
50 73.059 50 0.374 50 1.999
55 72.879 60 0.376 P 55 1.888
60 72.690 70 0.378 E 60 1.786
65 72.509 80 0.380 R 65 1.691
70 72.320 90 0.382 T 70 1.602
75 72.139 100 0.384 I 75 1.520
80 71.959 110 0.386 N 80 1.443
85 71.770 120 0.388 E 85 1.372
90 71.589 130 0.390 N 90 1.305
95 71.410 140 0.392 T 95 1.242
100 71.219 150 0.394
105 71.040 160 0.396
110 70.849 170 0.398
115 70.669 180 0.400
120 70.490 190 0.402
125 70.299 200 0.404
130 70.120 210 0.407
135 69.929 220 0.409
140 69.750 230 0.411
145 69.570 240 0.413
150 69.379
155 69.200

9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27


Temperature Pounds per 100 pounds Temperature Pounds per square inch Temperature Pounds per cubic foot Temperature British thermal unit per
(degrees F) of water (degrees F) (degrees F) (degrees F) pound-F

34 8.155 60 0.024 60 0.00042 N

36 8.210 70 0.035 70 0.00059 O
38 8.266 80 0.049 80 0.00082 T
40 8.322 90 0.069 90 0.00113
42 8.377 100 0.096 100 0.00154 P
44 8.433 110 0.132 110 0.00207 E
46 8.488 120 0.178 120 0.00275 R
48 8.544 130 0.239 130 0.00363 T
50 8.599 140 0.318 140 0.00474 I
52 8.655 150 0.418 150 0.00614 N
54 8.710 160 0.545 160 0.00788 E
56 8.766 170 0.705 170 0.01002 N
58 8.822 180 0.905 180 0.01266 T
60 8.877 190 1.152 190 0.01587
62 8.933 200 1.456 200 0.01975
64 8.988 210 1.827 210 0.02441
66 9.044 220 2.277 220 0.02999
68 9.099 230 2.820 230 0.03660
70 9.155 240 3.472 240 0.04442
72 9.210 250 4.250 250 0.05360
74 9.266 260 5.172 260 0.06433
76 9.322 270 6.261 270 0.07680
78 9.377 280 7.540 280 0.09124
80 9.433 290 9.035 290 0.10790
82 9.488 300 10.780 300 0.12700
84 9.544

JUNE 1999

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