Directives For Ethiopian Contractors Registration-2005EC

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Ministry of Urban

Development and Construction

Directives for the Registration of

Construction Professionals and


April 2005
Addis Ababa

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P R E A M B L E..................................................................................................................1
PART One...........................................................................................................................2
1. Short Title.....................................................................................................................2
2. Definition:....................................................................................................................2
3. Scope of Application....................................................................................................3
4. Establishment of the Registration committee...............................................................3
5. Composition of the committee......................................................................................3
6. Meetings of the Committee..........................................................................................3
8. Registration..................................................................................................................4
9. Certificate of Registration............................................................................................5
10. Rejection of Application..............................................................................................5
11. Renewal of Registration...............................................................................................6
12 Suspension of Registration Certificate.........................................................................6
13. Cancellation or revocation of certificate......................................................................6
14. Hearing.........................................................................................................................7
15. Representation..............................................................................................................7
16. Transfer.........................................................................................................................7
PART Two...........................................................................................................................8
REGISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS....................................8
18. The registration of Construction Professionals............................................................8
19. Graduate Engineers and Architect................................................................................8
20. Professional Engineers and Architects.........................................................................9
21. Graduate Associate Engineer.......................................................................................9
22 Associate Engineer.......................................................................................................9
23. Graduate Engineering Aides.......................................................................................10
24. Engineering Aides......................................................................................................10
25 Registration Fees for Professionals............................................................................11
PART 3..............................................................................................................................12
REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS......................................................................12
26. Licensing.................................................................................................................12
27. Grades.....................................................................................................................13
28. Experience and qualification Requirements...........................................................15
29. Substitution Rules for Qualification Requirement.................................................18
30 Financial and Equipment Requirement..................................................................18
31. Variation of Categories and Grades........................................................................18
32. Registration and Renewal Fees for Contractors in all categories...........................19
33 Registration and Renewal Fees for An individuals and a group of individuals......19

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Whereas, it is essential to safeguard the interest of the public at large and that of the
government by regulating the participation of the persons and other legal entities engaged
in the field of construction by setting certain rules and standards to be observed for
purposes of safety, quality works and efficiency:

Whereas, construction plays a key role in the national economic development:

Whereas, the private construction sector can play a role in this national endeavor:

Whereas, to determine the capacity and extent of participation of the private sector it is
necessary to know the available manpower and field of specialization of the individuals
and firms in view of overall planning:

Now, therefore, the Ministry of Works and Urban Development, in accordance with the powers
and duties conferred on it by the definition of powers and duties of the Executive Organs of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No.691/2005 and Ethiopian Building
Proclamation No. 624/2009 " License private construction contractors; Determine their standards
and supervise their activity; register engineers, architects, surveyors and other construction
professionals according to their qualification, " Has hereby issued these amended Directives for
the Registration of Construction Professionals and Contractors.

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1. Short Title

This Directive may be cited as the “Amended Directives for the registration of Construction
Professionals and Contractors No. 23 /2013”

2. Definition:

In these Directives unless the context requires otherwise:

1) The "Ministry" and the "Minister" means the Ministry and the Minister of Urban
Development & Construction respectively;
2) "Applicant" means any construction professional or contractor who has applied to
the Ministry for Registration;
3) "Constructions Professionals" Means those specified in Part 2 of these Directives;
4) "Project" Means construction projects;
5) The "Register" Means the record containing entries of the names of the construction
Professionals and Contractors who are qualified to be registered as provided for in
these Directives;
6) “Contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a work
permit by the relevant authority as a contractor;
7) “Building contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a
work permit by the relevant authority as a Building contractor;
8) “Road contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a
work permit by the relevant authority as a Road contractor;
9) “General contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a
work permit by the relevant authority as general contractor;
10) “Construction” means the construction of a building or Road or other civil works
which includes the modification and alteration of its use;
11) “Relevant“ means applicant's involvement in undertakings related to the field
applied for, size of projects handled by applicant in the practice of his or her
profession: Whether he or she practiced independently or under the supervision of
other professionals etc.
12) “Person” means any natural or juridical person;

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3. Scope of Application

This Directive shall apply to Contractors who registered as a contractor in the ministry and
involved in Federal and Regional Financed Projects,

4. Establishment of the Registration committee

The registration committees hereafter referred to as the committee is here by established by

the Construction Industry Development and Regulatory bureau of the ministry to handle
matters falling under this guidelines for the registration of construction professionals and

5. Composition of the committee

The committee shall be composed of:

a/ Head of the registration of Contractors, Professionals and Construction Equipment
department of the ministry ….. Chairman;
b/ Team leader of the licensing and registration division ……… member and secretary
c/ Two others appointed by head of construction works coordinating bureau of the ministry
………. members;

6. Meetings of the Committee

1) The committee shall meet at least once in a week;

2) There shall be a quorum when the majority are present;
3) Decisions are passed by majority vote and incase of tie, the chairman shall have a
casting vote;
4) The secretary shall keep the records of the committee deliberations and of all matters
related to this registration;
5) Meeting shall be convened by the chairman at appropriate time and place.
6) If as consequence of the absence of the chairman the committee is unable to meet for
two consecutive scheduled time, up on being informed of same by the secretary head
of construction works coordinating bureau of the ministry will appoint a person to act
as a chairman

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7. Powers and duties of the committee

1) The committee shall accept all applications of contractors and Professionals

submitted of the ministry for registration and upgrading through the licensing and
registration team and shall examine such applications as objectively as possible
on the basis of the requirements specified in these guidelines.
2) The committee having examined the application may decide that the applicant
may register or upgraded his or her license or may reject the application.
3) Whenever an application is accepted by the committee it shall submit its
recommendation to the construction works of coordinating bureau of the ministry
for approval.
4) Construction Industry Development and Regulatory bureau of the ministry may
approve such recommendation or may direct the committee in writing to
reconsider the application in view of the reasons he indicated.
5) The committee shall act on discrepancies or evidences of unsatisfactory
performance of a registered party and shall bring the matter to the attention of the
construction works & coordinating bureau of the ministry.

8. Registration

1) Any natural or juridical person who satisfies the requirements specified in this
Directives may file an application with the Ministry to be registered and to have
his hers or its name entered in the Register.
2) The application shall be submitted either in FORM No.1 or FORM No.2.
3) All Construction professionals and contractors desiring to carry out activity
related to construction works are required to register with the Ministry in
accordance with these Directives;
4) All foreign construction professionals and contractors who may undertake any
activity related to construction works in Ethiopia are also obliged to register
with the Ministry though such undertakings may be for a definite duration of
time and under special agreement with a government organization. All foreign
contractors can be registered as General Contractors class one only;

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5) The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date register of all persons registered with the
Ministry in accordance with these Directives;
6) Every person whose name is entered in the register shall keep the Licensing and
Registration team promptly informed on any change i.e. the particulars listed in
his application and the secretary shall amend the Register accordingly.

9. Certificate of Registration

1) Any natural or juridical person, who, according to the examination of the

committee, has satisfied the requirements under these guidelines, shall be entitled
to have his, her or its time entered in the Register and to hold certificate of

2) The Certificate of Registration shall contain:

a) Full name of the registered applicant and name of firm:

b) His, her or its business address:
c) Category and grade or professional classification and specialized fields:
d) Date of first registration:
e) Dates of all subsequent renewals:
f) Full name and photograph of the Technical manager;

3) The certificate of registration shall bear the seal of the Ministry and being serially
numbered, shall be signed by the committee chairman.

4) In the event a certificate is lost or destroyed and such a loss or destruction is

proved to the satisfaction of the committee, a duplicate of such registration
certificate may be issued to the holder upon payment of twenty (20) Birr for
professionals and thirty (30) Birr for contractors.

10. Rejection of Application

The committee shall reject an application for registration on any one of the following

1) Has been adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind,


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2) Has been convicted by court of competent jurisdiction, whether in Ethiopia or
elsewhere, of any offense involving fraud or dishonesty, or
3) Is found unfit to satisfactorily carry on business by reason of his physical or
mental disability as may be certified by a competent physician.
4) Does not fulfill the specified requirements in this Directives.

11. Renewal of Registration

1) Registration of construction professionals may be valid for a period of two

calendar years beginning from the year of such registration and may be
renewal for every two successive calendar years.
2) Registration of Contractors shall be valid for a period of one calendar year
beginning from the year of such registration and may be renewed every
calendar year thereafter.
3) No registration may be renewed unless the person seeking renewal has
complied with the requirements for registration set out herein.
4) Persons applying for renewal within three years after the expiry date of their
certificate of registration may renew their certificate upon payment of the
arrears plus 50% of renewal fee for the period not renewed.
5) Any registration that is not renewed within three years of its expiry date shall
be deemed to be canceled automatically.
6) Application for renewal or upgrading shall be made in FORM No.3

12 Suspension of Registration Certificate

A registration certificate may be suspended by the committee if its holder:

1) Shows misconduct or gross negligence in matters related to his professional practice: or

2) Employ Government employees without requiring them release of employment: or
3) Fails to abide by the requirements in this Directives and Rules & Regulations which
may be issued by the Ministry from time to time.
4) On Suspension, the certificate shall be returned forth with to the office which issued it.

13. Cancellation or revocation of certificate

A certificate of registration shall be canceled or revoked as the case may be:-

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1) When the registered person dies, is incapacitated, quits the business or fails to
comply with the requirements in this Directives, is not renewed within three years of
its expiry date shall be deemed to be canceled automatically or other Rules and
Regulations which may be issued by the Ministry from time to time;
2) When measures taken by the government are incompatible with the registration;
3) When registered juridical person is bankrupt or dissolved .

14. Hearing

1) Upon receipt of notification of the rejection of their application, or suspension,

cancellation or revocation of their certificates of registration applicants or registered
person may within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the said notification,
appear before the committee in defense of their application;
2) The committee shall fix the place and time of hearing and shall give adequate notice
thereof to the concerned applicant;
3) If the applicant fails to defend his, her or its application within the prescribed thirty
(30) days, hearing shall take place;
4) Having heard the defense of the applicant, the committee shall submit its decisions in
writing to the Construction Industry development and Regulatory bureau head of his
approval or views thereon.

15. Representation

Individuals and juridical persons registered or to be registered may be represented by

legally authorized individuals.

16. Transfer

If the bearer of a contractor's certificate of registration if incapacitated or dies, then the

certificate is eligible for transfer to the legal inheritor provided the inheritor fulfills the
requirements of these Directives.
17. Follow-up
The Licensing and Registration team in the Contractors, Professionals and Construction
Equipment Registration Department of the Ministry shall be responsible to follow-up the
decision of the committee that each registered person under these guidelines is operating
legally and efficiently in accordance with the requirements under which his, hers or its
certificate of registration is issued.

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18. The registration of Construction Professionals

1) The registration of Construction Professionals refers to the following graduates and


a. Civil Engineers
b. Architects
c. Associate Engineers (building or civil)
d. Engineering Aides (building or Civil)

2) The requirement for Education and experience and the scope of professional engagement
for each professional are given herein and registration in the field of construction may
be effective as follows:-

19. Graduate Engineers and Architect

1) Education

Applicant must hold at least B.Sc degree in Architecture or the equivalent qualification
in an approved course in architecture of the respective profession from a recognized
university or similar institution;

2) Experience

Applicant may have up to five years experience relevant to the field applied for.
However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this registration;

3) Professional Engagements
Applicant may be engaged either part – time or full – time in construction works of all
categories of projects.

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20. Professional Engineers and Architects

1) Education

Applicant must hold at least a Bsc Degree or the equivalent qualifications in an

approved course , in architecture or engineering from a recognized university or
similar institutions.

2) Experience

Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant
experience in the field of construction, acquired after graduation.

3) Professional Engagements

Applicant must be engaged full – time in responsible positions in civil construction

works such as building, transport, dams, ports, etc

21. Graduate Associate Engineer

1) Education

Applicant must hold a diploma or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in

Building or Civil Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.

2) Experience

Applicant may have up to seven years of relevant experience in Building or Civil

Engineering construction works. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this

3) Professional Engagements
Applicant may be engaged either part – time or full – time in building or civil
engineering construction works.

22 Associate Engineer

1) Education

Applicant must hold a diploma or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in

Building or Civil Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.

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2) Experience

Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than seven years of relevant
experience in Civil Construction Works, acquired after graduation.

3) Professional Engagements
Applicant must engaged full – time in responsible positions in civil construction

23. Graduate Engineering Aides

1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from similar

2) Experience
Applicant may have up to seven years of relevant experience in fields of
construction, acquired after obtaining his or her certificate. However, lack of it does
not disqualify him or her from this registration.

3) Professional Engagements
Applicant may be engaged either part – time or full – time in civil construction

24. Engineering Aides

1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from a similar

2) Experience
Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than seven years of relevant
experience in fields of construction, acquired after obtaining his or her certificate .

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3) Professional Engagements

a/ Applicant must be engaged in responsible in civil construction works.

b/ Professional Engineers, Associate Engineers, Junior Associate technologists and

Engineering Aides are further categorized based on their experience and these
different states of professions are shown in SCHEDULE 1 to be done accordingly.

25 Registration Fees for Professionals

Graduates, Associate
Graduate and Professional
Engineers and Engineering
Engineers and Architects

Renewal Every Renewal Every

Registration Registration
Two Years Two Years

500 Birr 250 Birr 500 Birr 250 Birr

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26. Licensing

1) The contractors registering under these Directives are required to register first with the
Ministry of Trade in accordance with the commercial code of Ethiopia and related
directives of the Ministry;
2) To this effect, each applicant shall submit a photocopy of such registration certificate to
this Ministry before being licensed as a construction contractor.
3) Application for registration as a contractor in accordance with these Directives may be
submitted in one of the following categories;

a/ "GC" General Contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake a variety of
construction works such as building, roads railways bridges, airports, and dams.
b/ "BC" Building contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake building
construction and related works.
c/ "RC" Road Contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake construction
of roads and other related works.
d/ "SC" Specialized Contractors ... These are contractors who are qualified to
undertake construction activities in specialized fields;

4) Application for registration as a Special contractor in accordance with these Directives

may be submitted in one of the following categories;

a/ Electro - Mechanical (SC - EM)

Contractors who are qualified to undertake electro-mechanical installation works
such as electrical installation, lift and machine erection, boiler and pump
installation, ventilation, air conditioning and related works.

b/ Painting and Decorations (SC - PD)

Contractors who are qualified to undertake specialized works such as painting, wall
papering, curtain works, ceiling and wall decorations, neon and other forms of
advertising etc.

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c/ Sanitary Installation (SC - SI)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake sanitary installation works such as
interior Plumbing, installation of water tanks, installation of water pumps, fixing of
sanitary wares and other related activities.

d) Wood and Metal Works (SC - WM)

Contractors who are qualified to undertake wood and metal works such as
Fabrication and Installation of wooden doors, windows, built-in cupboards,
shelves wooden partition walls, glassing works, etc and Fabrication and
installation of metal doors, windows, steel trusses, form works, water, tanks etc..

e) Landscaping (SC - LS)

Contractors who are qualified to undertake Landscaping and other related

27. Grades

1) Contractors of categories "GC", "BC" and "RC" may register in one of the following
grades based on the construction costs of project.

Construction Cost (Birr)

Categories Grade
(GC,BC,RC) 1 Above Above Above
210,000,000 300,000,000 350,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 2 Up to Up to Up to
210,000,000 300,000,000 350,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 3 Up to Up to Up to
160,000,000 225,000,000 270,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 4 Up to Up to Up to
110,000,000 154,000,000 185,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 5 Up to Up to Up to
54,000,000 76,000,000 100,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 6 Up to Up to Up to
27,000,000 38,000,000 45,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 7 Up to Up to Up to
11,000,000 15,000,000 18,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 8 Up to Up to Up to
5,400,000 7,500,000 9,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 9 Up to Up to Up to
3,000,000 4,200,000 5,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 10 Up to Up to Up to
1,000,000 1, 500,000 1,800,000

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2) Notwithstanding of the provision of sub article 25 (1);

a/ Contractors of category of BC 10 to 7 are not permitted to build above Two

b/ Contractors of category of BC 6 and 5 are not permitted to build above eight
c/ Contractors of category of BC 4 to 2 are not permitted to build above Twelve
d/ The information relating to Grades of contractors referred to in sub article (1),
(2) and (3) of this article shall includes basements;

3) Exceptions for Civil Servants;

a/ Professional engineers & Architects...............................10 Years of service

b/ Associate Engineers.......................................................12 Years of service

c/ Engineering Aides………….......................................... 15 Years of service
d/ Construction superintendents with Special Training in engineering works
18 Years of service

4) Exceptions for Contractors;

a/ With sufficient experience in construction works, with proper release from their
employers and who wish to be contractors, may initially be registered as
construction contractors in Grade 6 & in Grade 7, in one of the categories for
which they are qualified, without manpower and equipment requirements.
However once they are registered as contractors, they will have to provide
sufficient manpower and equipment for the project they undertake to
successfully complete the work in accordance with the terms of their contract.
For upgrading they will have to meet all requirements in these Guidelines
specified for the requested Grade.
b/ In the sub - clause 4(a) case General contractor is classified as General Contractor
A (GC) – Contractors who are qualified to under take any construction works,
General Contractor B (BRC) – Contractors who are qualified to under take all
Building and Road construction works, General Contractor C (RWC) –
Contractors who are qualified to under take a construction of only Roads and
Water Sector works, General Contractor D (BWC) – Contractors who are
qualified to under take a construction of only Building and Water Sector works,
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and Water works contractor (WWC) who are qualified to under take water work

5) Contractors of Category "SC" register in one of the following grades based on the
cost of construction or installation of the specialized trades.

Construction Cost (Birr)

Ctagory ደረጃ
GC,BC,RC 1 Above Above Above
54,000,000 76,000,000 100,000,000
GC,BC,RC 2 Up to Up to Up to
27,000,000 37,800,000 45,000,000
GC,BC,RC 3 Up to Up to Up to
11,000,000 15,000,000 18,000,000
GC,BC,RC 4 Up to Up to Up to
5,400,000 7,600,000 9,000,000
GC,BC,RC 5 Up to Up to Up to
3,000,000 4,200,000 5,000,000
GC,BC,RC 6 Up to Up to Up to
1,100,000 1,5000,000 2,000,000

28. Experience and qualification Requirements

1/ Applicant and/or Technical Manager

An applicant and/or his technical manager, for registration as a contractor under these
Guidelines, shall have the experience and qualification listed here below.

2/ Staff Requirements

a/ When a contractor registered under these Directives, the work permit license
shall be given under the name of the Technical Manager in which case both
the owner and Technical Managers' name shall be listed on the identification;
b/ For grades 1 and 2 the general or technical manager shall be a registered
Professional Engineer IV (PE IV).
c/ For grades 3 and 4 the general or technical manager shall be a registered
Associate Engineer IV (AEIV) or Professional Engineer III (PEIII) for Grades
(RC or BC) the general manager or technical manager shall be registered
Associate Engineer III (AEIII).

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d/ For grade 5(GC) the general or technical manager shall be registered
professional Engineer (PEII) or Associate Engineer III.
e/ For grade 6 (GC) general manager or technical manager shall be a registered
Associate Engineer (AEII) or Professional Engineer I(PEI)
f/ For grade 7 and 8 the general or technical manager shall be a registered
Engineering Aids or construction superintendent with 18 years of relevant
g/ For grades 9 and 10 the applicant shall be able to read, understand and interpret
blue prints and should have at least seven years of practical experience in
construction works, or should be Graduate Engineer or Graduate Associate
Engineer with at least two years of construction experience, or should be
Graduate Engineering Aide with 4 years of construction experience.

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3/ Staff Requirement Chart

Grade Required Staff No.

1 GC-1 & 2 Prof. Eng. IV or above 2
Ass. Eng. IV or above 1
Ass. Eng. III or above 1
Eng. Aide III or above 1
Eng. Aide II or above 2

1 GC-3 & 4 Prof. Eng. III or above 1

Ass. Eng. III or above 1
Ass. Eng. II or above 1
Eng. Aide II or above’ 1
Eng. Aide I or above 1

3 GC-5 Prof. Eng. II or above 1

Ass. Eng. II or above 1
Ass. Eng. I or above 1
Eng. Aide I or above 2

BC-1 & 2 Prof. Eng. IV or above 1

Ass. Eng. IV or above 2
RC-1 & 2 Eng. Aide II or above 2
Eng. Aide II or above 1

5 BC-3 & 4 Prof. Eng. III or above 1

or Ass. Eng. III or above 1
RC-3 & 4 Eng. Aide II or above 1
Eng. Aide I or above 1

6 (BC,RC) -5 Associate Eng. II or above 1

Engineering Aide I or above

7 (GC,BC,RC) -6 Associate Eng. II or above 1

Graduate Eng. Aide 1

8 (GC, BC, RC) -7 Eng. Aide I or above 1

Graduate Eng. Aide or above 1

9 (GC, BC, RC) -8 Engineering Aide I or above 1

N.B:- For Building contractors from Grade 1 up to 4 the professional Engineer can be substituted by
professional Architects.
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29. Substitution Rules for Qualification Requirement

Requirements under section 28 (.3) above may alternatively be considered using the
following substitution guide.

1) Professional Engineer I - Associate Engineer IV

2) Associate Engineer II - Engineering Aide VI
3) Engineering Aide I- Graduate Associate Engineer + 4 years of relevant experience or
construction superintendent + 15 years of relevant experience.

30 Financial and Equipment Requirement

1) An applicant for registration as a contractor under this Directives shall submit;

a/ Records of pat performance and audited statement of accounts.

b/ Number, type and capacity of equipment.

2) The minimum number or equipment required for general contractors registered in

grades 1 to 10 is shown in SCHEDULE 2 of this guideline.

3) The minimum number or equipment required for building contractors registered in

grades 1 to 10 is shown in SCHEDULE 3 of this guideline.

4) The minimum number of equipment required for road contractors registered in grades
1 to 10 is shown is SCHEDULE 4 of this guideline
5) The minimum number of equipment required for specialized contractors registered
under sub – categories grade 1 to 6 are shown is SCHEDULE 5 of this guideline.
6) An applicant for registration as a contractor under this directives shall be evaluated to
grade and category to which he qualifies based on the equipment ownership or
equipment and capital or capital he owned.

31. Variation of Categories and Grades

1) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the committee may at any time upon
application being made to it or on its own initiative vary the category or grade in
which a contractor is registered, if it is of the opinion that having examined the

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financial, experience, staff and other resources or quality of performance of the
contractor, such a variation should be made.

2) Where a variation made under sub article 31 (1) of this Directive amounts to a
down grading, the committee shall before reaching its final decision, follow the
procedure laid down in part 1of this Directives in respect to article 14 hearing.

3) Upon the variation of the category or grade in which a contractor is registered, the
contractor shall cease to be registered in that previous category and grade and shall
not carry on business as a contractor registered in that category or grade but may
carry on business as a contractor in the new category and grade in which he or she is

4) Existing contractors may apply for Grade and Category change only once in a Fiscal
Year provided that they are able to meet fully all requirements set forth in these

32. Registration and Renewal Fees for Contractors in all categories

Grades Registration Fees/ Birr Renewal Fees/ Birr

1 5000.00 2500.00
2 4750.00 2375.00
3 4400.00 2200.00
4 3300.00 1600.00
5 2200.00 1100.00
6 1500.00 750.00
7 1200.00 600.00
8 1050.00 525.00
9 1000.00 500.00
10 500.00 250.00

33 Registration and Renewal Fees for An individuals and a group of individuals

1) An individuals or a group of individuals may register with the ministry as an expertise

for renting construction equipment, if they are able to provide reliable repair facilities
and the necessary spare parts;

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2) The registration and renewal fees will be as follows;

Value of equipment Owned Registration Renewal

(Birr) Fees/ Birr Fees/ Birr

Above 20,000,000 5000.00 2500.00

15,000,001 - 20,000,000 4500.00 2250.00
10,000,001 - 15,000,000 4000.00 2000.00
5,000,001 - 10,000,000 3000.00 1500.00
2,500,001 - 5,000,000 2000.00 1000.00
1,000,001 - 2,500,000 1000.00 500.00
500,001 - 1,000,000 500.00 250.00
250000 - 500000 300.00 150.00

34. Effective Date

These Directives shall inter into force as of Hamle 1,2005 EC.

Mekuria Haile
Ministry of Urban Development and Construction

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Professional Title Identification


Graduate Engineering Aide Up to 7 Years Diploma from Technical or

Experience other similar institution
Engineering Aide I 7 Years Experience
Engineering Aide II 9 Years Experience
Engineering Aide III 11 Years Experience
Engineering Aide IV 13 Years Experience
Engineering Aide V 15 Years Experience
Engineering Aide VI 17 Years Experience
Graduate Associate Engineer Up to 5 Years Diploma from University in
Experience civi Eng. Or other related
Associate Engineer I 5 Years Experience
Associate Engineer II 7 Years Experience
Associate Engineer III 9 Years Experience
Associate Engineer IV 11 Years Experience
Associate Engineer V 13 Years Experience
Associate Engineer VI. 15 Years Experience
Associate Engineer VII 17 Years Experience
Graduate Engineer up to 5 Years Bsc in Civil Engineer or
Experience other related fields
Professional Engineer I 5 Years Experience
Professional Engineer II 7 Years Experience
Professional Engineer III 9 Years Experience
Professional Engineer IV 11 Years Experience
Professional Engineer V 13 Years Experience
Professional Engineer VI 15 Years Experience
Professional Engineer VII 17 Years Experience
Graduate Architects) Up to 5 Years BSC in Architects or in
Experience other related fields.
Professional Architects I 5 Years Experience
Professional Architects II 7 Years Experience
Professional Architects III 9 Years Experience
Professional Architects IV 11 Years Experience
Professional Architects V 13 Years Experience
Professional Architects VI 15 Years Experience
Professional Architects VII 17 Years Experience

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Dozer 280 - 33 HP 4 3 1
2 Dozer 210 - 250 HP 1 1 1 1
3 Crane 25 T 1
4 Chain Loader 1.25 – 1.75m3 1
5 Wheel Loader 2- 2.5 m3 2 1 1 1
6 Crusher 30T/hr 2 1
7 Crusher 5-15T/hr - - 1 1 1
8 Grader 100 - 120HP 2 2 1 1
9 Excavator 1 1
10 Sheep Foot Roller 14 - 17 T 1 1
11 Roller 10T 4 3 1 1
12 Dump Truck 7m3 15 10 5 3 2 1
13 4W Drive 4 3 2 1
14 Pick Up 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
15 Concrete Mixer 500-750 it. 3 2 2 1
16 Concrete Mixer 250-500 it. 1 1 1
17 Dumper 1m3 2 1


GC 1 = 34,000,000
2 = 24,000,000
3 = 11,000,000
4 = 7,000,000
5 = 2,500,000
6 = 900,000
7 = 300,000


Item Equipment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Loader 2 – 2.5 m3
2 1 1
2 Excavator 0.6m3 1 1
3 Roller 10 Ton 1 1
4 Dump truck 7M min 10 10 5 3 2 1
5 Crane 25T 1
6 Courier Truck 2
7 Dumper 4 2 2
8 Concrete Mixer 500-750 lit 3 2 2 1
9 Concrete Mixer 250-500 lits. 1 1
10 Pick-Up 4 2 2 2 1 1 1
11 Crusher 20Ton/hr 1
12 Crusher 10 Ton/hr 1
13 Crusher 5-10 Ton/hr 1 1
14 Hand Compactor 6 3 2 1 1


GC 1 = 15,000,000
2 = 9,000,000
3 = 5,500,000
4 = 2,000,000
5 = 1,500,000
6 = 900,000
7 = 100,000



M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Dozer 280 - 330HP 3 2 1
2 Dozer 210 - 250HP 1 1
3 Wheel Loader 2 – 2.5m3 1
4 Chain Loader 1.25 – 2.5m3 1 1
5 Crusher 30T/hr 2 1 1 1
6 Grader 100 - 130HP and above 2 1 1 1
7 Excavator 0.6m3 1 1
8 Sheep Foot Roller 14 – 17 T 1 1
9 Roller 10 T 3 2 1 1
10 Dump Truck 15 10 5 3 1
11 4W Drive 3 2 1
12 Pick Up 3 3 2 2


RC 1) = 26,000,000
2) = 17,000,000
3) = 8,000,000
4) = 5,000,000
5) = 1,000,000
6) = 600,000



Description Grades
1 2 3 4 5 6
A/ Electro Mechanical
Pick Up 1 1 1
Welding Machine 3 2 1 1 1
Volt meter 2 2 1 1 1
Line Tester 2 1 1 1 1
Sand Grinding Machine 3 2 1 1
Manual Steel Cutting Machine 1 1
Pully Lift 1 1 1
Tools set 3 2 1 1 1 1
Office 1 1
Vice 1 1
B/ Painting and Decoration
Pick Up 1
Circular saw 2 1
Sawing Machine 2 1 1
Hand drill Machine 3 2 1 1 1 1
Carpeting tools set 3 3 2 1 1
Tile cutting Machine 1 1
Sanding Machine 1 1 1 1 1 1
Office 1 1 1 1 1 1
C/ Sanitary Installation
Pick Up 1 1
Pipe thrender 4 3 2 1 1 1
Hand drill Machine 3 2 1 1 1 1
Pipe pressure bearing Machine 1 1 1
Plumbing tool set 4 3 2 1 1 1
Office 1 1
Pick-up 2 1 1
Press Break Machine 4mm 1 1
Shear Cutting Machine 1 1
Rolling Machine/for Tubes & 1
Spot Welder 1 1
Circular Saw Machine 1 1 1 1 1 1
Seco Puncher 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bench Grinding Machine 2 2 2 1 1
Seco Profile Center 1 1 1 1 1
Hand Grinding Machine 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hand Drill Machine 3 2 2 2 1 1
Welding Machine (40) WT above 5 4 3 2 1 1
Table Vice 5 4 3 2 2 1
Compressor 5 4 3 2 2 1
Band Saw /Wood Work/ 1 1
Description Grades
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shaping Machine /Pounding 1 1 1
homing and grove
Circular Saw 2 2 1 1 1 1
Planning Machine /With internal 2 1 1 1 1 1
and external planers
Cross - Cutting or radial Saw 1 1
Press Machine 1 1 1
Fixed Sanding Machine 2 2 1 1
Joiner Tools Set 2 2 2 2 2 1
Pick-up 1 1 1
Land for plant breeding/100M 1 1 1
Lawn mower 3 2 1 1
Grader 1
Leveling instrument 1 1 1 1
Dozer /D6 1
Dump Truck 1 1
Office 1 1 1 1 1 1

N.B:- 1. The number of pieces of equipment listed under each category and grade is minimum and is
only for registration purposes. It should be noted that every contractor has to provide the
actual number of pieces of equipment required for the individual project he undertakes.

2. Equipment having capacities other than shown in each schedule may be accepted. The
corresponding number of pieces of equipment may then be determined in relation to the
capacities unless differently assessed by the committee.

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