Social Media Channels

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Speaking of social media today is already familiar to the public, almost every individual uses social

media from the young to the old. The cause of widespread use of this social media itself are such as a
medium of communication, media promotion in business and politics.

The cause of the first social media is as a medium of communication. Every user can communicate
with other from all over the world by using social media. For example, to gather families, relatives, friends
scattered, with our social networks can reunite those who are far away and have not met for a long time.

The second is promotional media in business. As reported by the Ministry of Communications and
Information from the website (7/11/2013), internet users in Indonesia reached 63 million
people. Of that number, 95 percent of people use the internet to access social networks. This is the
advantage of building brand or brand awareness through social media. As Jason Boeis wrote from (20/12/2013) is spreading the brand through social media can make people more know
your product. From there you can measure brand awareness or consumer awareness of the product from
the number of fans or followers and how many times your brand is mentioned in a period in social media.

The importance of social media in business is growing at warp speed. With such amazing
growth, every business today needs to leverage proper social media channels in the best possible
way.According an infographic published by Ambassador, 71% of consumers are more likely to
recommend a brand to others if they have a positive experience with it on social media. Here are some
more social media statistics that prove beyond doubt the importance of social media in business: The
number of social media-using adults has gone from 7% in 2005 to 69% just ten years later, Social media
use on mobile devices is seeing a 30% growth every year,and 2 million business today use Facebook
advertising for promoting their products and services.

Social media advertising growing faster than imagined. Take Facebook Ads for example. Even
though the social network launched ads in 2005, it managed to reach 9.16B in ad revenue in the first
quarter in 2017. This just goes on to show that social advertising is here to stay — for a long, long time.
there are several advantages when using social media advertising: Lower ad costs,When compared to
traditional advertising methods such as print media, TV and radio advertising, social ads are not only
dependable, but also cheaper. Targeted reach, Using social media ads you reach out to targeted
prospects, increase your conversions and ultimately get a higher return on investment. Real-time
performance analysis, Social media ads on the other hand allow you to constantly keep track of how
well (or how bad) your ad is performing. You’re able to change your ad on the fly and instantaneously
see the results.
The next reason is as a media campaign in politics. Social media users are well informed and
educated. Easily influenced and sympathetic to the things that get them touched. The political fame and
strength that is nowattached to Jokowi, for example, is greatly contributed by the conversation in social
media that leads to everyone's admiration for the authenticity and seriousness of Jokowi so far in taking
care of the people.

Social media has an important role in general elections. Social media provides a convenient
platform both for politicians and their audiences to shape the face of political events. Politicians are
known to steer voters towards their political agenda before an election. What is new is the use of
technology to alter voters’ attitude regarding the election. use of social media in electoral campaigning
requires mediation by economic forces as represented by the political campaign industry. Based on a
series of in-depth interviews with key politicians, campaigners, social media users and media people, the
involvement of the political campaign industry in the commodification of social media is found. Such a
commodification has resulted in the emergence of buzzing, social media users mobilization and social
media monitoring.

The prevalence of social media in politics has made elected officials and candidates for public
office more accountable and accessible to voters. And the ability to publish content and broadcast it to
millions of people instantaneously allows campaigns to carefully manage their candidates’ images based
on rich sets of analytics in real time and at almost no cost.

The cause of the rise of social media above also gives negative effect for the society. From ignoring
the outside world to crime.

The first effect is to ignore the outside world. This is very visible among teenagers. Based on
research on the use of social media in the period of daily, weekly and spare time 50% of adolescent social
media users who use social media every day. one of the bad influences in social media is the ease in
communicating. An example is the ease of communicating in social media that can make people forget
the outside world. They will think that communicating through social media is easier and more practical
so that they prefer social media rather than face to face with the outside world.

The second effect is fraud. The absence of meetings between buyers and sellers doing business
through social media raise some problems. The progress of the current information system makes it easy
to imitate a brand and logo of a local or international domain that offers products at a price much cheaper
than the original. Most the quality of the goods offered does not match the actual state of the goods.
Consumers sent the money to the seller but the items did not exist. Worse is the theft of debit card
numbers/consumer credit.
Social media can also have a negative effect on business. Your employees represent your brand
image, There is a risk even in a social media post related to your company’s predefined objectives, you
never know which post can damage your company’s reputation or challenge its assertions to its other
investors. Less control on stuffs which are shared, Social interactions such as re-tweets, likes, comments,
shares help to shape your social media marketing activities, but this also can turn against your
campaigns if the interactions or comments are negative. These additions will not only reach your
followers, but also to the other contacts of users who share, like or comment or retweet it. In this way it
will be spread to the larger audience. A mistake made on social media is hard to rectify, if you post
something by mistake, will be very hard to rectify. Errors like circulating confidential information about
your company are nearly impossible to reverse in social media channels.

The third effect is political crime. Crime known as cyber crime that occurs in cyberspace such as
hacking, cracking, phishing, spamming, and others. phishers targetted Kerry Edwards during the 2004
federal election. In one case, setting up a fictitious website to solicit online campaign contribution and in
another, setting up a fictitous toll free number for supporters to call. In May 2007, one such attack was
launched againts the country of Estonia by Russian patriots who disabled numerous key government
systems over the course of several weeks. Regardless of the motivation of such attack, in an election
process they could potentially prevent voters from reaching campaign websites.
Social media has a negative impact on politics, especially on election events. In times of political
elections, the stakes are high, and advocates may try to support their cause by active manipulation of
social media. For example, altering the number of followers can affect a viewer's conclusion about
candidate popularity. Recently, it was noted that the number of followers for a presidential candidate.
According to Free Software Movement of India, Google and Facebook as well as independent researchers
have analysed the impact of these platforms on changing electoral processes and have concluded that
there could be a 10-20% swing in results through manipulation of electoral feeds. “And 5% could be the
difference between a complete sweep and a complete rout

In conclusion, social media makes it easy to communicate with each other. However, social media
also give negative effects on the users. Therefore we as users must also be careful in filtering
information obtained from social media

Daftar pustaka

1. Zetta Nur M
2. Salomo Manuel
3. Tiwik
4. Baskara
5. Agung Wahyono

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