Biology Class 12 NCERT Solutions
Biology Class 12 NCERT Solutions
Biology Class 12 NCERT Solutions
Environmental Issues
Class – XII
Subject –Biology
Answer 1.
2. List all the wastes that you generate, at home, school or during your
Trips to other places, could you very easily reduce? Which would be
Difficult or rather impossible to reduce?
Answer 2.
3. Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. What measures need
to be taken to control global warming?
Answer 3.
dioxide, methane, and water vapour. These gases trap solar radiations
released back by the Earth. One fourth of the incoming solar radiation is
absorbed by atmospheric gases. This helps in keeping our planet warm and
thus, helps in human survival. However, an increase in the amount of
greenhouse gases can lead to an excessive increase in the Earth's
temperature, leading to global warming.
Effects of global warming: During the past century, the temperature of the
earth increased by 0.6 C and the average global temperature may increase
by 1.4 to 5.8 C by the year of 2100. Global warming is a result of
industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation. As a result, the
natural water cycle has been disturbed resulting in changes in the pattern of
rainfall. It also changes the amount of rain water. Also, it results in the
melting of Polar ice caps and mountain glaciers, which has caused a rise in
the sea level, leading to the inundation of coastal regions.
Column A Column B
Answer 4
Column A Column B
Catalytic converter Carbon monoxide and
nitrogen dioxides
Electrostatic precipitator Particulate matter
Earmuffs High noise level
Landfills Solid wastes
Answer 5.
6. Why ozone hole forms over Antarctica? How will enhanced ultraviolet
Radiations affect us?
Answer 6.
The ozone formed in the troposphere is called “bad zone” as it harms plants
and animals. The ozone formed in the stratosphere is called “good zone” as
it acts as shield and absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The ozone
hole is more prominent over the region of Antarctica.
Answer 7.
Women and communities have played a major role in environmental
conservation movements.
B. Chipko movement:
The Chipko movement was started in 1974 in the Garhwal region of the
Himalayas. In this movement, the women from the village stopped the
contractors from cutting forest trees by embracing them.
Answer 8.
Answer 9.
(a) Radioactive wastes: Radioactive waste are of three types depending
upon the amount of radioactivity
� Low level radioactive waste
� Intermediate level radioactive waste
� High level radioactive waste
(b)Defunct ships and e-wastes: Defunct ships are dead ships that are no
longer in use. Such ships are broken down for scrap metal in countries
such as India and Pakistan. Various toxicants such as asbestos, lead,
mercury etc produced from these ships. Ultimately they add solid wastes
that are hazardous to health.
(c) Municipal solid wastes: — Most of the solid waste generated from
schools, offices, homes, and stores comes under municipal solid waste. It
is generally rich in glass, metal, paper waste, food, rubber, leather, and
textiles. The open dumps of municipal wastes serve as a breeding ground
for flies, mosquitoes, and other disease-causing microbes. Hence, it is
necessary to dispose municipal solid waste properly to prevent the
spreading of diseases.
Answer 10.
Delhi has the fourth rank among most polluted city of the world in a list of
41 cities. Then huge number of vehicles is the main source of air pollution in
Delhi. Various steps have been taken to improve the quality of air in Delhi.
Answer 11.
activates the process of skin ageing. It also causes skin darkening and skin
cancer. High levels of UV-B cause corneal cataract in human beings