Think About: Unit 2. Major Current Environmental Problems

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“Teaching to take care of the environment is to teach to value life”.

Green ecology

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Read the introduction to the unit

and pay attention to the words
in bold. Look up the meaning of
words or phrases that you don't
Our environment is constantly changing. There is no denying that. However, as
our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of
the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters,
warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much
more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our
planet is facing.

Global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods;
our planet is warming up and we are definitely part of the problem. However,
this isn’t the only environmental problem that we should be concerned about.
All across the world, people are facing a wealth of new and challenging
environmental problems every day. Some of them are small and only affect a
few ecosystems, but others are drastically changing the landscape of what we
already know.

Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current

environmental problems make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and
in the future. We are in a state of planetary emergency, with environmental
problems piling up high around us. Unless we address the various issues
prudently and seriously we are surely doomed for disaster. Current
environmental problems require urgent attention.

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Develop your reading skills. Read the

following text on environmental
problems. Then answer the
comprehension questions
Major Current Environmental Problems
1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup.
Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy
metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. While water
pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban runoff; air pollution is caused by
various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and combustion of
fossil fuels; soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that deprives soil
from essential nutrients.

2. Global Warming: Climate changes like global warming is the result of human
practices like emission of Greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising
temperatures of the oceans and the earth’ surface causing melting of polar ice
caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural patterns of precipitation such as flash
floods, excessive snow or desertification.

3. Overpopulation: The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable

levels as it faces shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. Population
explosion in less developed and developing countries is straining the already
scarce resources. Intensive agriculture practiced to produce food damages the
environment through use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides and insecticides.
Overpopulation is one of the crucial current environmental problems.

4. Natural Resource Depletion: Natural resource depletion is another crucial

current environmental problem. Fossil fuel consumption results in emission of
Greenhouse gases, which is responsible for global warming and climate
change. Globally, people are taking efforts to shift to renewable sources of
energy like solar, wind, biogas and geothermal energy. The cost of installing the
infrastructure and maintaining these sources has plummeted in the recent years.

5. Waste Disposal: The over consumption of resources and creation of plastics

are creating a global crisis of waste disposal. Developed countries are notorious
for producing an excessive amount of waste or garbage and dumping their
waste in the oceans and, less developed countries. Nuclear waste disposal has
tremendous health hazards associated with it. Plastic, fast food, packaging and
cheap electronic wastes threaten the wellbeing of humans. Waste disposal is
one of urgent current environmental problem.

6. Climate Change: Climate change is yet another environmental problem that

has surfaced in last couple of decades. It occurs due to rise in global warming
which occurs due to increase in temperature of atmosphere by burning of fossil
fuels and release of harmful gases by industries. Climate change has various
harmful effects but not limited to melting of polar ice, change in seasons,
occurrence of new diseases, frequent occurrence of floods and change in overall
weather scenario.

7. Loss of Biodiversity: Human activity is leading to the extinction of species

and habitats and loss of bio-diversity. Eco systems, which took millions of years
to perfect, are in danger when any species population is decimating. Balance of
natural processes like pollination is crucial to the survival of the eco-system and
human activity threatens the same. Another example is the destruction of coral
reefs in the various oceans, which support the rich marine life.

8. Deforestation: Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and produce
fresh oxygen as well as helps in regulating temperature and rainfall. At present
forests cover 30% of the land but every year tree cover is lost amounting to the
country of Panama due to growing population demand for more food, shelter
and cloth. Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and makes that
land available for residential, industrial or commercial purpose.

9. Ocean Acidification: It is a direct impact of excessive production of CO2.

25% of CO2 produced by humans. The ocean acidity has increased by the last
250 years but by 2100, it may shoot up by 150%. The main impact is on shellfish
and plankton in the same way as human osteoporosis.

10. Ozone Layer Depletion: The ozone layer is an invisible layer of protection
around the planet that protects us from the sun’s harmful rays. Depletion of the
crucial Ozone layer of the atmosphere is attributed to pollution caused by
Chlorine and Bromide found in Chloro-floro carbons (CFC’s). Once these toxic
gases reach the upper atmosphere, they cause a hole in the ozone layer, the
biggest of which is above the Antarctic. The CFC’s are banned in many
industries and consumer products. Ozone layer is valuable because it prevents
harmful UV radiation from reaching the earth. This is one of the most important
current environmental problems.

11. Acid Rain: Acid rain occurs due to the presence of certain pollutants in the
atmosphere. Acid rain can be caused due to combustion of fossil fuels or
erupting volcanoes or rotting vegetation which release sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. Acid rain is a known environmental
problem that can have serious effect on human health, wildlife and aquatic

12. Water Pollution: Clean drinking water is becoming a rare commodity. Water
is becoming an economic and political issue as the human population fights for
this resource. One of the options suggested is using the process of
desalinization. Industrial development is filling our rivers seas and oceans with
toxic pollutants which are a major threat to human health.

13. Urban Sprawl: Urban sprawl refers to migration of population from high
density urban areas to low density rural areas which results in spreading of city
over more and more rural land. Urban sprawl results in land degradation,
increased traffic, environmental issues and health issues. The ever growing
demand of land displaces natural environment consisting of flora and fauna
instead of being replaced.
14: Public Health Issues: The current environmental problems pose a lot of risk
to health of humans, and animals. Dirty water is the biggest health risk of the
world and poses threat to the quality of life and public health. Run-off to rivers
carries along toxins, chemicals and disease carrying organisms. Pollutants
cause respiratory disease like Asthma and cardiac-vascular problems. High
temperatures encourage the spread of infectious diseases like Dengue.

15. Genetic Engineering: Genetic modification of food using biotechnology is

called genetic engineering. Genetic modification of food results in increased
toxins and diseases as genes from an allergic plant can transfer to target plant.
Genetically modified crops can cause serious environmental problems as an
engineered gene may prove toxic to wildlife. Another drawback is that increased
use of toxins to make insect resistant plant can cause resultant organisms to
become resistant to antibiotics.

What are the main ecological problems nowadays?

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Mayor current Environmental Problems: pollution, global warming,

overpopulation, natural resources depletion, waste disposal, climate
change, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, ocean acidification, ozone
layer depletion, acid rain, water pollution, urban sprawl, public health
issues, genetic engineering.

What is the dramatic result of cutting down forests and woods?

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The dramatic result of cutting down forest and woods is deforestation

because our forest are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and produce fresh
oxygen as well as helps in regulating temperature, rainfall and
What would you suggest to attract people to the problems of pollution and

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I would suggest for people to become aware of pollution and ecology

problems to raise awareness in your community. And within your families
about these issues, you can help contribute to a more environmentally
conscious and friendly place for you to live.

What cause the “greenhouse effect”?

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“The greenhouse effect” is caused by climate changes like global

warming (the result of human practices lie emission of greenhouse
gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and
the earth´ surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and
also unnatural patterns of precipitation such as flash floods, excessive
snow or desertification.

Has anything been done to solve ecological problems?

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To solve ecological problems you can:

- Raising awareness in your local community and your families.
- Change in our daily live.
- Movements of our government.
Where does the carbon dioxide come from?

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Carbon dioxide comes from our forests which are a natural source of
carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen.

What can you say about global warming?

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Climate change and global warming is the result of human practices like
emission of greenhouse gases and rising temperatures causes melting of
polar ice caps, rising in sea levels and unnatural precipitation (flash
floods, snow, desertification)

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VOCABULARY about environment

Look for the meaning of the following words:

1- Contamination

2- Eco-friendly

3- Nuclear radiation

4- Ozone-friendly
5- Radioactivity

6- Reforestation

7- Sewage farm

8- Smog

9- Solar energy

10- Sulphur dioxide

11- Toxic waste

12- To die out

13- To poison

14- Urban sprawl

15- Drought

16- Renewable energy

17- Floods

18- Desertification

19- Overpopulation

20- Waste disposal

Tip: Add all the words from unit 2 that are related to the environment to the list.

Choose the right words

Do the exercise below on the vocabulary related to the environment.

Choose the right words: Acid rain, biodiversity, climate, climate change,
deforestation, drought, Energy, environment, renewable energy

1. Describes a form of energy that can be produced as quickly as it is used.

sources such as wind and wave power.

2. The power from something such as electricity or oil, which can do work, such
as providing light and heat. There are different types of energy: solar, nuclear,

The generated by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.

3. The general weather conditions usually found in a particular place.

The Mediterranean is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.

4. The cutting down of trees in a large area; the destruction of forests by people.

is destroying large areas of tropical rainforest.

5. Rain which contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of

burning substances such as coal and oil:

6. The number and variety of plant and animal species that exist in a particular
environmental area or in the world generally, or the problem of preserving and
protecting this.

A new National Biological Survey to protect species habitat and


7. There has been a growing concern about .

8. A long period when there is little or no rain. This year (a) severe
has ruined the crops.


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Translate into Spanish

A depletion of the ozone layer has been noticed since the late 1970s. In
atmospheric regions over Antarctica, the ozone layer has become significantly
thin, especially in spring season causing the formation of what is called ‘ozone
hole’. The main cause of ozone depletion and the ozone hole is man-made
chemicals such as the chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs). As a consequence of the
deterioration of the ozone layer, large amounts of ultraviolet B rays reach the
Earth, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts in humans and harm animals
as well.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Se ha observado un agotamiento de la capa de ozono desde finales

de la década de 1970. En las regiones atmosféricas sobre la
Antártida, la capa de ozono se ha adelgazado significativamente,
especialmente en la temporada de primavera, lo que provoca la
formación de lo que se llama "agujero de ozono". La principal causa
del agotamiento del ozono y del agujero de ozono son los
productos químicos artificiales como el clorofluorocarbono (CFC).
Como consecuencia del deterioro de la capa de ozono, llegan a la
Tierra grandes cantidades de rayos ultravioleta B, que pueden
provocar cáncer de piel y cataratas en los seres humanos y también
dañar a los animales.

Translate into English

1. Nuestro Medioambiente está constantemente cambiando.

2. “Green Peace” es una organización que lucha por la protección del


3. Una de las ventajas de reciclar es que ayuda a preservar los medios


4. ¿Cuáles son las principales ventajas de reciclar?

5. Reciclar reduce la necesidad de materias primas.

Mostrar retroalimentación

1. Our environment is constantly changing

2. "Green Peace" is an organization that fights for the protection of the
3. One of the advantages of recycling is that it helps to preserve natural
4. What are the main advantages of recycling?
5. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials.

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Past simple, Past continuous and

Present perfect
Past simple - Past continuous -
Present perfect


(Ventana nueva)

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Past simple and Past continuous:


Complete the sentenses

Put one of these verbs in each sentence (PAST SIMPLE):

Buy / catch/ cost/ drink/ fall/ hurt/ sell/ spend/ teach/ throw/ win/ write

1. Mozart more than 600 pieces of music.

2. “How did you learn to drive?” “My father me”.

3. We couldn`t afford to keep our car, so we it.

4. I was very thirsty. I the water very quickly

5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He`s much better than me, so he

6. Don down the stairs this morning and his leg.

7. Jim the ball to Sue, who it.

8. Ann a lot of money yesterday. She a dress which


Write the correct form of the
verbs in the following sentences
(Past simple / Past continuous
1. What exactly (you/do) when I arrived at your office?

2. Who (drive) the bus at the time of the accident?

3. While I (have) a bath somebody knocked at the door.

4. As she (wake up) she tried to remember what she had


5. Although it rained all the week, I didn't mind, since I

(enjoy) a lovely book by the fireplace.

6. Before she went to the concert she (wash) her hair.

7. While he (pack) her suitcase, he realized he had not

booked the hotel.


Complete the sentences.

Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative (Past simple).

1. It was warm, so I off my coat. (take)

2. The film wasn`t very good. I it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I her. (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I to bed early. (go)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I very well.


6. Sue wasn`t hungry, so she anything. (eat)

7. We went to Kate`s house but she at home. (be)

8. I was in a hurry, so I time to phone you. (have)


Put the verbs into the correct

form, past continuous or past
1. Jane (wait) for me when I (arrive).

2. “What (you/do) this time yesterday?” “I was


3. How fast (you/drive) when the accident


4. John (take) a photograph of me while I


5. We were in a very difficult position. We (not/know)

what to do.

6. I haven`t seen Alan for ages. When I last (see) him, he

(try) to find a job in London.

7. When I was young, I (want) to be a bus driver.


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Present perfect and adverbs:


We use the adverbs "already", "just", "still" and "yet" more often in the
present perfect.
"Already" refers to something that has happened earlier or sooner than
expected, generally going between the auxiliary verb and the verb.

"Just" is used for actions that have occurred recently, it goes before the verb or
between the auxiliary and the verb in the sentence.

“Yet” is used for something that we expected to happen, but hasn't happened
yet. We tend to use it in negative and interrogative sentences, and it is placed at
the end of the sentence.

Read the situations and write

sentences with just, already, or
1. After lunch go to see a friend at her house. She says “Would you like
something to eat?” You say: No thank you,
(Have lunch).

2. Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says “Can I
speak to Joe?” You say: I`m afraid, (go

3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and
starts to take your plate away. You say: wait a minute!

4. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been
successful. Ask her. You say:

5. Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks
“Is Ann still at the bank?” You say: No,
(come back).


Use when or while to complete

the following sentences
1. The students were doing an exercise the bell rang.

2. I saw an accident I was waiting at the bus stop.

3. she was writing an email, her computer turned off.

4. He fell down he was climbing a tree.

5. my mom came home, my sister was sleeping.

6. We found some old photographs we were tidying our room.

7. you called me last night, I was studying for the test.

8. I had a bad dream I was sleeping on the sofa.

9. the fire alarm went off, we were listening to music.

10. She started to cry she was watching a movie.


Underline the correct form of the

verbs using Past Simple or
Present Perfect.
1. In recent years, the rich became / have become richer.

2. At the same time, the poor grew / have grown poorer.

3. In 1945, the richer countries of the world started / have started the World
Bank to help the poorer parts of the world.

4. Since 1945, most developing countries borrowed / have borrowed from the
World Bank to pay for development programmes.

5. People in the Third World received / have received aid such as food from
western countries for many years.

6. Until the 1980s, the development and aid programmes were often / have
often been the wrong ones for developing countries; for example, free food aid
often hurt / has often hurt local farmers financially.

7. There is another problem even now — western businesses continued / have

continued to buy from the country with the lowest price.

8. In the last twenty years, organizations like Tradecraft finally began / have
finally begun to make a real difference to the way western and developing
countries trade.

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1. Have become
2. Have grown
3. Started
4. Have borrowed
5. Have received
6. Were often/ often hurt
7. Have continued
8. Have finally begun

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The environment problem

unit 2 environment problem.m4a (Ventana nueva)

Listen and complete. Listen to it

at most three times
Listen to a programme about the environment problem. Listen to it three times
and match extracts 1-5 to statements B-G is given as an example. There is one
statement that does not go with any of the extracts.


A. Example: Definition of environment

B. Overpopulation …………

C. We are running out of fresh water ……………….

D. Endangered animal species ………………

E. There will be more plastic than fish in oceans ………………..

F. Global warming is a fact ………………

G. Why do we need to protect the environment …………….

0. When we talk about the environment we mean everything in the world
around us including the air, food chains, the water cycle, plants, animals and
other humans.

1. The environment is very important; to survive, we get five essential things

from the environment: we breathe oxygen from the air, we get water from the
rain, we get food from plants and animals, we build our homes from the
materials we take out of the earth and from trees. We get warmth from the sun,
from fire and from different types energy.

2. Our planet is getting warmer. The ice in the Poles is melting very fast and on
high mountains there is more snow every year. Sea levels are going up and
experts believe that some of the world's most important cities like New York or
Amsterdam will be under water.

3. Many people in the world can't get enough water to drink. In Ethiopia one
person uses three litres of water a day but in the UK, it's fifty times more. And
the deserts are getting smaller.

4. We are destroying forests to have more space to build roads, businesses

and farms. In the last 20 years more than 200,000 sq kilometres of forest
disappeared...Many animals and plants are now in danger of extinction.

5. We are more than 6 billion people on the planet and this number will double
in less than 50 years. A huge population means many problems; the Earth
cannot sustain such a big number of people
Mostrar retroalimentación

A. Example: Definition of environment …0…
B. Overpopulation ……5……
C. We are running out of fresh water ………3……….
D. Endangered animal species ……4…………
E. There will be more plastic than fish in oceans ………no………..
F. Global warming is a fact ………2………
G. Why do we need to protect the environment ………1…….

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Talk about these questions

a. What are some materials that can be recycled?

b. Apart from recycling what is another way to help the environment?

c. What are the 5 major environmental problems?

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What can you do to protect the

Tell me everything you do in your day to day to protect the environment: recycle,
save (energy, water, paper…).


You can use: recycle, reduce, reuse, save, protect, renewable energy, solar
panels, solar power, hydroelectric dams, deforestation, plastic, organic


The use of modal verbs can help you when writing about what to do, advise,
obligation, etc. to protect the environment.



Type of auxiliary verbs used to express the speaker´s attitude towards the
action (mood).
General meaning: permission, obligation, advise, prediction, prohibition
and ability.


Permission: Can I go out?

Obligation: She must study.

Prohibition: They mustn’t throw rubbish here.

Ability: They couldn´t speak German.

Predictions: It will rain tomorrow.


CAN/ COULD = poder o saber

MUST = deber
HAVE TO = Tener que

NEED= necesitar


USED TO = solía


They are auxiliary verbs.

To form the negative, we add not.
They have the same form for all the persons.
They are followed by the infinitive without to.
Have to is a semi modal.

Modal verbs practice

Choose the right forms have to, don´t have to, can, can´t, should or
shouldn´t to complete the following sentences in English.

1. You ___________shout at the children. It frightens them.

2. I’m sorry but you __________ bring your dog in here. It’s forbidden.

3. You ___________ have a visa before travelling to the USA. It’s the law.

4. You ______________ stay in the library till eight o’clock. It’s open all

5. I think you ___________ think carefully before you sell the house.

6. You _____________ buy a new alarm clock. This one is broken.

7. You ______________ wear a uniform at my new school.

8. You ______________ leave your bag open on the bus.

9. We _____________ go now or we’ll be late.

10. She ________________ dance very well but she can’t sing.

11. You ____________ be at the airport by five o’clock.

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1. You shouldn’t shout at the children. It frightens them.

2. I’m sorry but you can’t bring your dog in here. It’s forbidden.
3. You should have a visa before travelling to the USA. It’s the law.
4. You can stay in the library till eight o’clock. It’s open all evening.
5. I think you should think carefully before you sell the house.
6. You should buy a new alarm clock. This one is broken.
7. You should wear a uniform at my new school.
8. You shouldn’t leave your bag open on the bus.
9. We should go now or we’ll be late.
10. She can dance very well but she can’t sing.
11. You should be at the airport by five o’clock.

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