A Very Rational Fear

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The document discusses several historical incidents that have caused Buddhists in Myanmar, particularly in Rakhine State, to fear Muslims.

In 1942, about 30,000 Rakhine Buddhists were killed and hundreds of villages were burned down by Bengali Muslims armed by the British in the Maungdaw Massacre.

In 1946, Muslims formed the Muslim Liberation Organization (later renamed the Mujahideen Party) and started a holy war (Jihad) to invade Arakan and attach it to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).




Some people - who don’t have knowledge about the situation, its history, and its troubling future
implications - have opinions, reach conclusions, and pass judgement, however, they don’t even
realize they are participating in the destruction of the deeply rooted, highly developed - BUT
endangered - Rakhine Buddhist culture of Arakan.

One of their erroneous statements is that the Rakhine Buddhists (and, as well, the Burmese
Buddhists) have an unwarranted, irrational, obsessive, fear or paranoia that they and their culture are
under threat of being overrun, taken over, and destroyed by Muslims.
Well, let’s look at WHY they might have concerns like that.

Following is a partial list of incidents that should make nearly anyone concerned.
If you don’t know of these incidents you have no basis for an honest opinion about it.
If you read and learn about these episodes you should understand much more about the conflict.

1942: The Largest Massacre in Contemporary Rakhine/Burmese

History - The Maungdaw Massacre
About 30,000 Rakhine Buddhists were killed in an absolute genocide, in Maungdaw and vicinity in
mid-May of 1942. Maungdaw is a large town in Arakan, close to Bangladesh. In addition, hundreds of
villages were burned down, and around 100,000 Rakhine Buddhists were ethnically cleansed from
their ancestral lands. In early 1942 (preceding the slaughter), as the Japanese were advancing
towards Arakan, the British formed a battalion of Muslims - called the Bengali V Force - and gave
them weapons. The British knew them as more willing to fight, and better fighters then the Arakanese.
As the British suddenly retreated - the Bengali Muslims quickly used the weapons - not against the
Japanese - but they used them to slaughter many thousands of Buddhists, and burned down all of the
Buddhist villages, pagodas, temples and monasteries in the Maungdaw and Buthidaung areas.

1945: British Return, Muslims Resist Letting

Buddhists Rebuild Their Burnt Villages
As World War II ended, the British took control again, but the Muslims
would not accept the British demand that the Buddhists be allowed back to
rebuild and live in their native villages that had been burnt and destroyed.
Instead, they planned to join the soon-to-be Islamic country of Pakistan.
The Muslims in Arakan - fanatically religious - wanted the lands of the
Rakhine Buddhists - and believed they had the divine right to anything of
the Buddhists, because the Buddhists were infidels (non-believers in Allah)
and ‘idol-worshippers’ (statues and images of Buddha, and other figures).
1946: British Prepare to Grant Independence,
Bengalis Form Mujahideen Army
As the British were preparing to give independence to Burma, the Muslim
leadership - represented by the Jami-atul Ulema-e Islam party - made
connections with the Muslim leaders of soon-to-be Pakistan and formed
an insurgency army - which was to invade Arakan and attach it to East
Pakistan (now known as Bangladesh). In 1946 they formed the Muslim
Liberation Organization (MLO) and started their holy war (Jihad). In 1948
they changed the name of the party to Mujahid Party, and the insurgency
then became known as the Mujahideen Insurgency.
(Jihad: holy war in the name of Islam, Mujahideen training
Mujahideen: Muslim fighters engaged in a Jihad).

1946: Emissaries Go To Talk and Make Peace - Killed In Cold Blood

After the Japanese were driven out, Bo Yan Aung, one of the
‘Thirty Comrades' was sent to Arakan to set up the administration
in Sitetway district, and to stop the violence. He sent his two
lieutenants, Bo Yan Naung and Bo Myo Nyunt, to Maungdaw to
negotiate with the radical Muslim leaders. Instead of talking to
them the Muslim leaders killed both of them - at the welcoming
The Muslims wanted this land to be their own and they wanted to
create a Dah-rul-Islam - an Islamic kingdom that will join with
others, as Muslims eliminated the non-Muslims everywhere - and
eventually the entire world would become Islamic - with no other
religion or faith tolerated.

1948: Burma Achieves Independence, Bengalis Demand Muslim State

Burma became independent on January 4, 1948, however, the Muslims had other plans.
On June 9, 1948 the Mujahid Party sent a letter to the new government of The Union of Burma.
It was a list of demands, including:

1) The areas between the Kaladan and Naaf rivers [the northern half of Arakan] must be recognized
as the National Home of the Muslims of Burma [and this is the land they had ethnically cleansed of
Buddhist in the last 6 years!]
2) The Mujahid Party must be granted legal status as a political organization in the new government
of Burma [despite the party preaching a holy war to eliminate the Buddhists who have lived there
for centuries!]

3) The Mujahideen fighters who had been captured and jailed [for slaughtering Buddhists; from
elderly to babies to monks, and burning and destroying villages, temples and monasteries] must
be unconditionally released.

.......and those were just three of the demands.

1948: Muslims Declare Jihad on Burma: Launches a Campaign of
Ethnic Cleansing, Slaughter, and Destruction
The new central government, still trying to recover from the assassination of Bogyoke Aung San -
Burma’s hero, father-figure, and hope for the new independent country - the government refused the
outrageous demands of the Mujahid, and quickly the Muslims in northern Arakan declared jihad
(holy war) on Burma.
The Mujahideen launched a vicious
campaign and destroyed all the
Buddhist villages in northern Maungdaw
Township (the southern parts had been
destroyed 6 years earlier). On July 19,
1948 they attacked Ngapruchaung, and
villages around it, and used a new tactic
- kidnapping Buddhist monks, and
holding them as hostages, and killing
them if they didn't get the money or
conditions that they demanded. 

By then, the Buddhists saw what was really happening -

that they were going to lose their lives,
their ancestral homeland, their culture, and their history,
if this kept going.

1950s and 1960s: Mujahideen Militant Groups Keep Attacking, Killing

At times the Mujahideen groups held great swathes of territory, and at times the Burmese Army
retook territory, but, neither side could ‘win’. For the Burmese army this was a very distant part of the
country, supply routes were horribly long and slow, and impossible during rainy seasons.

1977: Plot to Create Chaos in Burma and Seize Arakan,

With Help From Libya and Bangladesh
In 1977, Mujahid rebels and members of ARNO led by Sultan Mahmud, sent
select members to Libya and met with Libyan leader Colonel Qaddafi. (Qaddafi
thought of himself as the leader of the Arab Muslims and in his megalomania he
projected himself as the leader of Muslims around the world.) Sultan Mahmud’s
group explained their their intention was to transform Arakan into an Islamic State
- to be called Arkistan - and they asked for Colonel Qaddafi and Libya to help them and the other
resistance groups to wage a well-armed jihad against the Burmese central government. Shortly after
that visit to Libya, a serious plot to elicit a full-blown Muslim insurrection throughout Burma and
overthrow the government of Ne Win was discovered by the Burmese government. Bangladesh, and
Libya were covertly involved in the conspiracy. However, subversive attempts to spark their nefarious
plans failed as they were stopped by Burmese authorities. Many local Muslim conspirators were
arrested, and others then feared arrest or harm, and many fled back to Bangladesh.

1985: Ahmed Shah calls for Elimination of the Buddhists
Starting in 1985 Ahmed Shah the Chairman of RLO - Rohingya Liberation
Organization – freely distributed many copies of his recorded cassette tape
urging the Bengalis in the Maungdaw District to drive all non-Muslims out of
the District. He was basically calling for the genocide of Buddhists and all
other non-Muslims of Maungdaw District.

Armed Bengali Family in the field.

1988: Planned Massacre of Rakhine Buddhists,
Invasion of Maungdaw on Anniversary of 1942 Massacre
On May 13, 1988, the anniversary of the 1942 Bengali V-Force massacre of 30,000 native Rakhine
Buddhist, the Rohingya Liberation Organization (RLO) led 50,000 Bengali-Muslims to try to quickly
and violently take over the Maungdaw township. They first destroyed a big Buddhist Monastery and
then began to burn all the wards where Rakhine lived, and planned to kill ALL Rakhine people in this
area. But, their genocidal plan was stopped by the local army reinforced police force, and ever since
then some Burmese Army units have been permanently stationed there to prevent another genocidal
attack by the Muslims.

1992: Saudi Arabian Military Chief calls on Muslim Countries to Gather

an Army to Invade Burma and Rescue the ‘Rohingya’
Prince Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz, the commander of the Saudi Arabian forces during the first
Gulf War called on the UN [mainly directed at the 56 Muslim countries] to do for the ‘Rohingyas’ ‘what
it just did to liberate Kuwait’. Fortunately, as the U.S. and other countries heard that ’war-cry’ the
Prince was persuaded to abandon that plan. If a Muslim invasion of that sort ever happened it can be
assumed that the slaughter of Buddhists and the destruction of Buddhist statues, temples,
monuments, and monasteries would have been absolutely genocidal.
There were reports, around that time, that ‘Rohingya’ insurgent groups were being funded by Middle
East countries and organizations such as the OIC and the Muslim World League (Rabita al-`Alam al-
Islam) to buy arms from the Cambodia–Thailand and the
Media in the greater Afghanistan–Pakistan border areas, which were awash with
Muslim world can be fantastically weaponry, smugglers, and brokers.
fabricated, exaggerated, and
manipulative - to serve an agenda.
News, reports, and videos will very
often use images of bodies from
other incidents in other countries -
Tibetan earthquake victims, burnt
bodies of Nigerian Christians, car
crash casualties in China - and
label them as Muslim victims of
Burma’s Buddhist killers. Stories of
thousands of Muslims

1994: RSO Terrorists Sneak Into Maungdaw:
Burn Homes, Set Off Bombs

In 1994, around midnight of April 28, about 120 RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization) Mujahideen
militants entered the Maungdaw Township area from opposite directions - about 80 militants entered
from the south, while another group of 40 fighters entered from the north. Within hours
unprecedented and frightening explosions began to rock Maungdaw. Nine bombs - at various
locations in and around Maungdaw - had exploded. Another 3 bombs, found the next day, had failed
to detonate.
The southern terrorist group burned down 26 houses and injured and killed several people.
The militants coming in from the north burned and destroyed 13 houses, and planted landmines
which very seriously injured two civilians when they stepped on mines planted by those terrorists.

The Burmese military, members of the Border Enforcement, local

Police, and local residents - a combined force of 26,000 people -
encircled the entire area and blocked the escape routes and began to
hunt down the terrorists. Over a 20 day period there were 13
encounters with the terrorists - eventually 52 terrorists were killed. The
authorities also captured and arrested eight local terrorists involved in
helping the planting of the bombs in Maungdaw. Nearly 60 Mujahideen
terrorists escaped.

The authorities confiscated:

16 assorted guns
3,611 rounds of assorted ammunition
1,418 assorted mines
522 hand grenades
10 40-mm shells
five communication devices

The hand grenades, mines, guns, and explosives were provided by foreign terrorist organizations. 

against the

2012: Maungdaw Explodes With Prepared Violence
On June 8, 2012, violence exploded in the town of Maungdaw - the closest big town to the
Bangladesh border, and the town in Arakan with the greatest percentage of Muslims (now, about
96%). The area around Maungdaw is Maungdaw Township, which has changed from majority
Buddhist to 90% Muslim in just 60 years. But, disturbingly, that change is due to murder, intimidation
and ethnic cleansing by the Bengali Muslims against the indigenous Rakhine Buddhists.
On Friday, June 8th, Muslim men poured out of the
central mosque in unusually large numbers (around
1000), after Friday prayers ended, most of them
armed with long heavy sticks, metal rods, knives,
swords, rocks and gasoline bombs - which had,
apparently been stored in the mosque in preparation
for this day. They were several distinct large mobs,
and they were instructed to branch out in different
directions. Photos and film show this.

They were loudly yelling taunts and death messages to the

Buddhists - people had never heard such a loud, and terrifying,
collective sound. The Muslims surged in great numbers up the
roads, breaking the windows, and looting Buddhist owned shops,
and beating or killing Buddhists that they could catch. The Buddhist
population of several thousand fled in sheer panic. The Muslims
started torching buildings - especially the Buddhist temples and
monasteries. They did not consider the peaceful Buddhist monks to
be worthy of any respect or reverence, and monks were badly wounded, beaten, and sometimes
viciously killed. And, many Rakhine people - including elderly and children - were severely wounded,
killed, trapped in burning buildings, or were trying to hide or running for their lives. The Bengalis even
callously raided Maungdaw Hospital causing severe pandemonium.

By evening there were fires raging in every direction. Dozens of

villages were burning out of control, and thousands and thousands
of Buddhists (and also Hindu minority, Christians, and even
Muslims who were not Bengali) were fleeing, or becoming a victim
of the Muslims’ campaign to eliminate the Buddhist and other non-
Muslims, and
seize the land for
“In our village of Mawra Waddy we had a Police
their own pure
Post with 5 policemen. When the rio=ng Muslim
Islamic land.
mob appeared the police fired warning shots.
The next day, June 9, Maungdaw was under But the mob knew the police wouldn’t shoot at
curfew and troops started to enter to rescue them directly and so they kept on coming and
Arakanese people - in some quarters of the town - finally burnt the place down and killed the
who were trapped and extremely fearful. women and children who couldn’t run. The
policemen also ran,” said a villager from Mawra

2012: June - Sitetway: Burning, Rioting, Death and Destruction
As the rioting Bengali Muslims were burning and looting Maungdaw and the surrounding villages,
Sitetway, the capital of Rakhine State was tensely anticipating the violence to spread there, as the
news and situation was steadily becoming worse.

The first bad news, on June 9, was the arrest of two Bengali Muslim youths who
were each carrying a large can of petrol into the Sitetway Myoma Bazaar. It is
clear that they intended to burn down the Bazaar, but, alert Rakhine
neighborhood-watch group members caught them before they could do serious
damage and the two boys were delivered unharmed to the local police station.

The next bad news was that groups of armed Muslims were gathering, menacingly, near Nhazi
Village - a majority Bengali Muslim village near Sitetway (2700 households, 90% Muslim, 10%
Buddhist). The whole town of Sitetway was on red alert - as the situation was ominous and the
Bengali Muslims were becoming disturbingly agitated.

Then, in the late afternoon of June 9, about 1,000 Bengali Muslims -

from the Bengali villages of Tapaing, Bumai, and Thechaung Bengali,
near the Sitetway Airport - armed with knives, swords, heavy sticks, and
petrol bombs had begun to march towards the town. The mob withdrew
only after the Security Police fired warning shots over their heads.

But the Bengali mob didn’t disperse, and from their side of the
railway track they were throwing stones at the Security Police taking
position on the town side of the tracks. Those three Bengali Muslim
villages are on the coast, and men seemed to have snuck over from
Bangladesh to help stage an attack on the Buddhists in Sitetway
during the night.

2012: June - Buddhist Minority Flees Their Village

The Buddhist residents of Nhazi Village just outside Sitetway
started to abandon the village.
The large village had 5 Buddhist monasteries: Zeya Mingala,
Zedi Byin, Sanda Lawka, Dahma Wihara, and Gyit Chaung.
By the next morning three of the monasteries and most of the
Buddhist homes were burning.

The main water distribution

pipeline to Sitetway goes through Nhazi Village which meant that
the Bengalis in Nhazi could destroy it or try to poison the water
supply, as has happened before, elsewhere in Arakan. The
Sitetway town municipal authorities ordered the pipeline turned off.
2012: June-October - Simmering Tensions,
Muslim Media Demonizes Buddhists
Since the large-scale violence of June 2012 happened tensions remained high, conditions were often
dismal, and the prospects of peace were abysmal. Small-scale incidents continued to happen - some
homes burned, people ambushed and attacked, wounded, or killed.

Even in other countries related incidents happened. In the nearby Islamic country of Malaysia,
Muslims attacked Burmese (whom are usually Buddhists, sometimes Christian) owned restaurants,
ransacking and burning them, beating or killing owners, staff and/or
customers. Arab Muslim countries called for all Muslims to join in Jihad
(Holy war) against Burma, and the Arab Muslims demonized the Buddhist
people and Buddhism itself in the most
vulgar ways, and even branded Buddhist
monks as ‘Buddhist terrorists’ and ‘killer
monks’, and labeled photos of monks
chanting prayers as: ‘racist monks
praying for genocide’. This was spread by
the Muslim media, giving a green light to
attack Burmese, or actually any Buddhist,
anytime, anywhere.

The Burmese Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was attacked by a large Muslim mob, and fortunately
was prevented from breaking into the Embassy where they most certainly would have killed anyone

“If embassy officials refuse to talk with us, I demand all of you
break into the building and turn it upside down,” a leader shouted.

Others shouted, “Every drop of blood that is shed from a Muslim

must be paid back.
“Go to Myanmar and carry out jihad for your Muslim brothers.”

2012: October - Violence Erupts Again, With Fury

In late October 2012, violence erupted again in Arakan - with
fury. In the downtown of Minbya, a Buddhist man, U San Thein,
was shot with an arrow by a Muslim man whom was bothering U
San Thein’s wife. As he cried out for help many fellow Arakanese
rushed over to assist him. Crowds of both Buddhists and
Muslims gathered and began fighting with sticks, knives, swords,
and firebombs. In that incident 18 of 200 homes of Muslims in
the Muslim ward of Paik Thei were burned down. In the days
that followed there were more villages burned - both Buddhist Jingali - sharpened bicycle
and Muslim.
 spokes shot with slingshot

2012: Three Unarmed Military Road Building Engineers
Kidnapped and Beheaded
One of the more atrocious and recent terrorist operations by the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO)
was the killing of one unarmed Road Officer (Lan-bo) Kyaw Kyaw Wai and the abduction and kidnap of
three unarmed Burmese military engineers near the border on November 6, 2012. The attack was an
ambush on a 13-men unarmed construction team from the Burma Army General Engineering unit which
was (ironically) building the Burma-Bangladesh Friendship Road on the Burmese side of the borderline.
“The Bengali Muslim terrorists raided the construction site yesterday about 6 in the evening, and an officer
was killed and 3 unarmed engineering soldiers were captured. The rest of the 13-men crew managed to
escape. The three men are still missing and we think they were already killed,” said a local Buddhist from
nearby Aung-tha-byay village.
Usually, there were some armed troops guarding them, because of previous incidents with Bengali
Muslims. A local Buddhist monk, who heard the gunshots of the
nearby ambush, explained,
“The raid happened during the time that the army soldiers were
helping villagers celebrate an important Buddhist festival and its
ceremonies. The RSO terrorists knew that news, and took the
opportunity to raid the unprotected and unarmed engineering
troops by the border”.
In mid 2013, photos were discovered on a Turkish Islamist website
which showed the three engineers. We now know that after the
photos were taken they had their heads cut off!

2013: ‘Rohingya’ Leaders Seek Fighters, Weapons,

and Bomb Makers in Indonesia
“Concerning the incidents of the massacres of the Rohingyan Muslims, currently the Rohingyan
Mujahideen need the help of the Mujahideen from various muslim countries including Indonesia,
besides arms and financial assistance. We need the Mujahideen from Indonesia to train and supply
the Mujahideen in their training camp, especially in bomb making.”
Abu Shafiyah - commander of the extreme militant terrorist group Laskar Mujahideen

“There should be no diplomacy whatsoever, we Muslims must fight. We the Mujahideen of

Rohingya have hope in the Muslim brothers in Indonesia. If there are those who could help, then help
in the form of Mujahideen warriors, firearms, funds and medical teams.”
Abu Arif - Rohingya Ulama (high Islamic cleric and scholar), June 19, 2013, at a forum in Jakarta, where he
expressed that Muslims, around the world, should view the Rohingya cause as ‘Jihad fi sabilillah’ (mandatory
Holy War requested by and fought for Allah).

On July 10, 2013 the Ar Rahmah website founded by the extremist terrorist group - Jemaah Islamiah
(JI) - uploaded 28 photos of ‘Rohingyas' undergoing military training and called it a “Ramadan gift”
and stated that it should “encourage Muslims around the world to reignite jihad in Arakan”.

“The Mujahideen of the RSO are ready to wage jihad in Arakan to establish the religion of Allah.”
Ustadz Abu Arif - another terrorist leader

2014: Taliban-Trained Bengali-Muslim RSO Terrorists Captured
Three Bengali Muslim (‘Rohingya’) militants, trained by the notorious and violent terrorist group
‘Tehrik-e-Taliban’ (TTP) of Pakistan - in how to terrorize and kill Buddhists in Burma -were caught by
detectives of the Bangladeshi Police Anti-Terrorism Unit in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on January 19, 2014.
The three ‘Rohingya’ terrorists were on their way to Teknaf, and then sneak across the Burma-
Bangladesh border, to assist ‘Tehrik-e-Azadi Arakan' (TAA), their like-minded organization just over
the border in Rakhine State.

‘Tehrik-e-Taliban’, a notorious and violent terrorist group based in Pakistan, gained notoriety for a
powerful car-bomb attempt that failed in the United States at the always crowded iconic landmark of
New York City - Times Square - on May 1, 2010. They have established a branch in Arakan, known
as ‘Tehrik-e-Azadi Arakan’ (TAA).

Osman(23), Mehmud(26), and Fakhrul Hasan(50) are from Burma, but, had moved to Pakistan and
joined and participated in Taliban and al-Qaeda jihad training and actions.
At the time of arrest, on January 18, 2014, they had (among
other things) a laptop computer containing manuals on making
various types of bombs, explosives knowledge, and techniques
and usage of various weapons. Mehmud and Osman were
experts in making 12 types of bombs, including car bombs,
ambush bombs, suicide bombs, and secondary bombs set to go
off as rescuers assist the victims of an initial blast.

According to Bangladeshi police investigators, they were planning

to re-energize the militant terrorist groups, to teach their bomb-making and weapon tactics skills, to
participate in jihad against the Buddhist and Hindu minorities, and to plot and execute devastating
terrorist attacks in Burma - as well as to strike down Muslims that they perceived to be uncommitted
to the Taliban ideology.

Also captured from them were detailed plans, and a list of Bengali-Muslim contacts to operate with in
Maungdaw, Buthidaung, and Sittwe. The captured documents and crucial information from the
terrorists is giving Burma’s Counter-Terrorism Police, in both Yangon and Sittwe, very good leads to
track down and detain those local Bengali-Muslims who are collaborating with the Pakistani Taliban,
al-Qaeda, the RSO, and other Islamic terrorist groups.

2014: May 12 - Firefight after Bengali Militants Breach

Burmese Bangladesh Border
At around 7 pm on May 12, a Burmese Border Police patrol ran into a
group of about 10 Bengali militants trying to cross the border fence
between Bangladesh’s Barlu-khali Village and Burma’s Taung-byo-let-
wel Village.
The resulting fire-fight lasted only about 15 minutes as the Bengali
terrorists quickly withdrew back into the safety of Bangladesh that
night. However, the next morning they tried again.
2014: May 13 - Terrorists at the Border Again
Bengali terrorists tried to enter into Burma again, at 6 am, but were repelled by Burmese police
patrols after an hour-long firefight.
Burmese authorities did not announce the casualties from the two skirmishes of May 12 and 13, but
many locals said that the Bengalis left a couple of dead bodies hanging on the border fence. Later
Maungdaw District Police Chief Shwe Than confirmed that two Bengali militants - a Bangladesh
Army major, and a private in the RSO Bengali-Jihadi-Brigade - were killed in that short firefight.
(Note: one was official Bangladesh ARMY, the other was TERRORIST group - working together.)

The Bangladeshi government then declared, in Bangladeshi

newspapers, their displeasure at the
Burmese army’s use of heavy mortars, as a few 60 mm
mortar shells had landed on Bangladeshi soil. But, they still
refused to publicly declare the existence of RSO terrorist
camps and thousands of Bengali terrorists, who are training
and massing inside Bangladesh.
RSO terrorists, trained by unofficial elements of the
Bangladeshi Army and Pakistani terrorist groups in
Bangladesh, had been testing Burmese patience since a
few years ago, by regular incursions into northern Arakan,
with the help of local Bengali Muslim ‘Rohingya’ illegals.

A Bangladeshi army colonel giving a speech at

the RSO militant terrorist camp in Naikhongchari.

This shows the close collaboration and

kinship between the ‘professional’ army and
the eager fanatic jihadists

Bangladeshi politicians and Imams attending a

RSO graduating ceremony at Naikhongchari,
showing that the government, the Islamic
religious leaders, and the militant jihadists
all are working and colluding together.

2014: May 17 - Ambush of Burma Police Patrol by Bengali Militants

In the early morning of May 17, four members of a Burmese police patrol were killed, one policeman was
wounded, and two policemen were reported missing. That day, a heavily-armed group of RSO Bengali
Muslim militants crossed the border and were quietly hiding and waiting to ambush an 8-men lightly-armed
Burmese police unit which was conducting their daily routine patrol of the border fence. The patrol was then
attacked by surprise by at least 60 heavily-armed RSO terrorists.

As soon as the gunshots were heard, in the distance, Captain

Sit Min Thu - leading an army platoon nearby - rushed to the
ambush site and engaged the RSO militants. The firefight was
over in less than 30 minutes as the Bengalis fled across the
border-fence, back into their safe haven of Bangladesh.

At the ambush site Burmese soldiers found Police-Sub-

Inspector Nway Oo Maung badly wounded, as well as the
bodies of four dead policemen. Two policemen from the
ambushed patrol were missing, and presumed kidnapped.

Two of the dead policemen’s bodies were found to be booby-trapped with mines!

Captain Sit Min Thus’s platoon and more reinforcements then crossed the border and chased the Bengalis,
pursuing them deep into Bangladesh. Burmese army units then finally discovered a fortified RSO base-camp
at Bangladesh’s Trakul Muslim Village just a few miles from the borderline. Burmese army units then
attacked the camp between 1 and 3 pm, and again from 8 to 10 pm on the same day, May 17. Scores of
Bengali terrorists were killed by devastating Burmese frontal attacks on the fortified Trakul Camp.

Finally a 500-strong Bengali militant force - supported by heavily-armed Bangladesh Army infantry and
artillery approached the besieged Trakul Camp and Burmese army units withdrew back into the Burma side
of the border.

Inside Bangladesh, the RSO have three fortified camps:

1 - the RSO HQ and Jihadist Training Camp at Naikhongchari in Bandarban District - across from Maungdaw
Township of Burma’s north-Arakan,

2 - another base-camp somewhere nearby, and

3 - the front-line camp at Trakul - close to the border.

Previously, the Burmese army had normally not deployed army combat units right along the border fence,
instead, only lightly-armed and mostly inexperienced police units patrolled the Bangladesh-Burma border.

But, that policy is now being abandoned as RSO terrorists, and others, have been steadily accelerating
their devastating cross-border raids on Burma Police and Border Control units.

2014: May 28 - Burmese Forces Stop 2 RSO Terrorists - 1 Dead

At about 9:00 am on May 28, an army platoon, led by Lieutenant Zaw Moe Aung, observed two armed
RSO terrorists in their yellowish camouflage uniforms who had crossed the border and were advancing
inside Burmese territory. Once they reached about 80-yards inside Burma the army unit challenged them
to stop and surrender. But the two fired back, and during the short fire fight one RSO militant was killed
and the other one escaped back into Bangladesh.

The dead terrorist, about 30 years old, was dressed in the now well-known RSO camouflage uniform. He
was carrying an M-22 automatic rifle (cheap Chinese copy of AK-47), and more than 200 rounds of

2014: May 29 - Clash between Burma Army and RSO Terrorists One of
Many, and Increasing, Incidents at the Burma Bangladesh Border

May 29, at about 3:30 am, an Army Company led by Captain Htun Naung observed ten RSO terrorists
trying again to enter Burmese territory, by stealthily approaching the border fence, under the pre-dawn
Again, Burmese soldiers challenged them to surrender - but they refused - and a long firefight ensued in
which 3 RSO terrorists were killed and their three M-22 automatic assault rifles captured along with more
than 1,000 rounds of ammo.
According to local Buddhists from the Yakhine Pan Chaung Buddhist Village on the Bangladesh side of
the border, Border Guard troops forced them to collect the 3 bodies of the BGB who were killed. The
bodies had been left where they were shot, well inside Burma’s side of the border.

"BGB bastards, together with RSO militants, forced us native

Buddhists [of Bangladesh] to march ahead at gunpoint and
collect the bodies of their dead BGBs. But once we reached
near Post-52 Burmese soldiers started firing indiscriminately
at us. Bullets were flying all around and over us. I just ran up
the nearby hill away from shootings and I got knocked out.
When I came to I found I'd soiled my pants. So many BGBs
got shot too. I don't know how many. Definitely many dead
BGBs lying there right now," said one local Bangladesh
Buddhist later, after being forced to be a porter.

Indisputable evidence from the border zone clearly highlights the

undeniable fact that Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) is either
directing the RSO terrorists or that the notorious BGB itself -
famously well known for their drug and human smuggling operations
on the border line - is playing the dual role of border guards /
terrorists - as they share the same supremacy and contempt of
Buddhists and other infidels, and the same goal of making all lands
and all people Islamic - whether they want it or not.A2014: May 29 -
2016: October Multiple Surprise Attacks
In the early hours of October 9, 2016, a new violent militant group
launched multiple surprise attacks. About 400 insurgents, in three
groups, launched simultaneous surprise attacks on three Burmese
Border Guard Police (BGP) bases in Maungdaw and Rathedaung
townships, near the border with Bangladesh. One of the targets was a
BGP headquarters, a major installation in Kyee Kan Pyin (just north of
Maungdaw town) that was overrun in a carefully planned multi-phase
attack, and from where many weapons were looted. In another
indication of the preparation level, the group planted an improvised
explosive device (IED) and set an ambush on the approach road to the headquarters, delaying
reinforcements and damaging vehicles. The two other targets were a BGP sector headquarters at
Nga Khu Ya in north Maungdaw and a BGP outpost at Koe Dan Kauk in Rathedaung, just south of
Maungdaw township. The terrorist group is known by its Arabic name ‘Harakah al-Yaqin’ (translated
as: the Faith Movement, or the the Movement of Certainty) is a dangerous ‘Rohingya’ nationalistic
Islamic terrorist group which carried out a series of surprise deadly attacks in October andNovember
2016. Harakah al-Yaqin (HaY), is also known as ‘Aqa Mul Mujahadeen’ (translated from Arabic as,
‘Those who stand asMujahideen (Muslim warriors)’. Recently, on March 29, 2017, the group released
a press statement using the new name of ‘Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army’ (ARSA), perhaps a
savvy move to have an English name, and therefore minimize the Arab and Islamist connection, and
to use the term ‘Arakan’ to strengthen the propaganda that the Bengali ‘Rohingya’ Muslims are
indigenous to the land of Arakan - which is wildly inaccurate.

Leader Ata Ullah had instructed that after attacking

the bases, the attackers should murder the
members of the police, take their weapons and
equipment, and use those weapons in further
attacks on nearby army and police bases.

On the afternoon of October 10, heavily-armed

‘Rohingya’ Jihadis ambushed an army column on
the road between Kyee-gan-byin and Kyane-
gyaung and killing five soldiers.

The Muslims killed 9 officers, and carried away many weapons and large quantities of ammunition.
Over the next few days 5 more soldiers were killed in further attacks, ambushes, and firefights.

On October 10 and 11, Burmese army units entered Myo-thu-gyee, Yay-dwin-Byin, and U-Chint
Bengali ‘Rohingya’ Muslim villages in northern Maungdaw area and cleared the Bengali militants who
were armed with some of the stolen guns, as well as guns smuggled in from Bangladesh. Several
stolen weapons and quantities of ammunition were recovered.

On October 13, another operation was made in the Bengali village of War-bate. One stolen gun and
more than a thousand rounds of ammo were recovered from the village ruins after the Muslim
terrorists set the village on fire and fled towards the nearby border with Bangladesh.

Similar operations were made against several Bengali villages suspected of hiding local villagers who
had taken part in the October 9 attacks, and harboring jihadis who had snuck in from Bangladesh.
According to unofficial sources altogether 40 Muslim terrorists were killed and more than 200 were
captured and have been detained and interrogated in Sittwe Prison.

A captured Bengali ‘Rohingya’ named Mamud Eslam said, while being interrogated, “When we arrived
at the mosque the Imam persuaded us to join the militant group. We were told that we must conduct
violent attacks in collaboration with the men from Bangladesh.”

Another detainee, Saw Du Aarr Mane said, “Our group was armed with Clubs,
machetes, and slingshots. There was a plan to loot guns (in the surprise attacks on the
BGP bases) and then attack the Burmese army and police forces when they arrived.”

Another Bengali being interrogated told what he witnessed, “On October 13, we Muslims
set fire to villages. I saw about 100 houses burning.” Ei Ar Har admitted.

2016: August 25 - Full Jihad Launched with Multiple Surprise

Attacks Against Dozens of Targets, Slaughter of Buddhists,
Hindus, Tribal Ethnicities
This is a date which must be, and will be, never forgotten. It marks the imposition of Islamic conquest
and jihad upon people whom want to live peacefully with each other, and build a common better
future for themselves, and their future generations. But, there is a people, not indigenous, not
peaceful, and not able to live in harmony with any others, and they are the Bengali Muslims, infamous
for their intolerant, supremacist, and violent ideology - which they believe gives them divine right to
burn, slaughter, and drive away all on-Muslims. The Bengali Hindus are never a problem, the tribal
ethnicities are not a problem - but the Bengali Muslims have again and again attacked others, and
they will again again do the same if they are allowed to live there. Enough is enough, and the Bengali
Muslims have now forfeited their right to live in the land of Rakhine State - which will be totally
peaceful when it is without Bengalis. And, this is how the
world must deal with terrorism. Embarking on this kind of
bloody and wicked jihad will lead to consequences - of those

Bengalis and others coming to a recruitment center Young, dangerous Bengali (Rohingya) terrorists
somewhere in Bangladesh join the Mujahideen and who are so eager to kill, kill, kill
destroy and kill Buddhists

‘Rohingya’ Propaganda is Fooling Many Many

The military training of Bengali Muslim / ‘Rohingya’ terrorists has been going on for a long time, and has
recently intensified, as they are winning the propaganda war with their never-ending false and
manipulative media, which is influencing many people, organizations and countries.

According to Indian and Western counter-terrorism reports, Bengali Muslims / ‘Rohingya’ are being
trained in the use of weapons, weapon techniques, bomb-making skills, explosives knowledge, and
ambush and assassination skills at jungle-hidden camps, with the help of many Islamic militant
terrorist groups - including Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and now ISIS.

Meanwhile, the influential Rohingya Lobby in the West, manages to put out plenty of false and
manipulative media, which turns everything around and accuses, denigrates and demonizes the
indigenous Buddhists to the point of absurdity - and the naive and gullible Western activists believe it to
such an extent that they don't even consider hearing the voices of, and learning the reality of - the
Buddhists of Rakhine State. Groups such as MSF-Holland, Human Rights Watch, UNHCR and others
put out heavily slanted 'reports' which will contain not even a sentence saying anything good about the
Rakhine Buddhists, and instead be full of charges against the Buddhists and whitewashing the
'Rohingya' as pure, gentle victims of the warrantless wrath of the Buddhists.




If your town was experiencing the types of incidents noted in this report -
for all of your childhood and adult life -
you would most likely have some concerns.

Imagine if this was reversed -

Buddhists were streaming across a border

into a Muslim country, demanding their own Buddhist State,
and attacking Muslim villages and towns, burning, killing, destroying
- and doing it all for the sake and the praises of Lord Buddha.
Anyone would know that this scenario would be impossible,
and if it ever was attempted the consequences would be staggering.

Hoping for peace and harmony, in diversity, with metta (loving kindness)
Rick Heizman, Sept 13, 2017, San Francisco
PHOTOS AND VIDEOS HERE: arakan-reality.smugmug.com


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